#evolution on crack
lily-isalittlegirl · 4 months
how funny would it be if insects like butterflies/moths essentially evolved to learn human language, with regional differences, because evolution figured out that we take care of the bugs that we can read
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scarlettjemily · 25 days
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They're both serving face in such different ways, I cannot stop laughing
Criminal Minds 2x13 | No Way Out - Part 1
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dragoncarrion · 2 years
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Shockwave's iPad baby he gets 72 hours of screen time every day
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caelanglang · 1 year
“I believe in you, but I’m worried.”
Trust. Loyalty. Communication.
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They really went from “you’re gonna die soon… I hate your type.” (Kanda to Allen, Chapter 8) to “I don’t want such fragile people anywhere near me!” (Allen to Kanda, Chapter 227). The tables have turned…..
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Eastmanosteus, the second piece of the placoderms in the sky series
Also, tomorrow (1 hour, 36 minutes) is my birthday
Well more specific 12:58 am Eastern Daylight Saving Time
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 4 months
I am so fucking close to breaking when it comes to watching Detroit Evolution and Re-Awakening, it’s not even funny.
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dabihaul666 · 27 days
do u think razork is good at giving hugs
i do
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zeddpool · 1 year
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"Yo, I don't know what's up with this guy, but I think I picked up a hitchhiker..."
So any of y'all start shipping something as a joke and suddenly it's all you can think about? Yeah...
There's this species of spider in the amazon that keeps frogs as pets, so that made me think: What if, in one universe, that was the type of spider that bit Peter, and when he meets Toad, he gets this weird, primordial instinct to protect him and think he’s cute
I’m an avid peruser of the Peter Parker Acts Like A Spider AO3 tag in case that wasn’t obvious
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swedenis-h · 2 years
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Requests from my Instagram!
Pt 1 2 3
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lilybug-02 · 9 months
Oh yeah, you made a post a while back talking about the unclear nature between animals, monsters and humans. And whatever these three things are connected through evolution. (hell you questioned if animals exist in undertale) Im just gonna say, monsters turn to dust, but snails, an animal, dont in undertale. Unless snail pie turns out to have been dust pie all along...which i uh doubt.
That’s what I like to hear! >:) 🔥
Discussions and theories on this are few and far between. And even though Toby Fox will (probably) never answer any of it, I love trying to figure it out for myself.
Evolution my dear bread crumbs is key. And I really want to think that “magic” is engrained in this world as much as Carbon itself is.
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doodledoodledab · 10 months
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me n my cousin as an oppossum and a groundhog. respectively
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babbiebooc · 4 months
One Piece X X-Men: Evolution Crossover Idea
I came up with the thought of a One Piece X X-Men: Evolution crossover. Where the Ace and Luffy during the Marineford arc get transported to the X-Men Universe by an unknown force.
Rogue comes across Ace first and after seeing him use his powers and, thinking that he’s a fellow mutant, invites him back to the X Mansion. My “Crack Ship Brain” likes to imagine with Ace being a Logia Devil Fruit type, Rogue’s absorption powers don’t work on Ace and that sparks a slow-burn (no pun intended) romance between them. (I just think they look cute together 🥰) (Sorry Romy Fans)
Luffy is found by Ace and the X-Men the next day after being seen using his powers in public (either getting into a fight with the Brotherhood or stopping a robbery idk), which Professor X has to wipe the memories of anyone in the area who saw.
Speaking of the Professor, after listening to Ace and Luffy explain their fantastical stories and everyone not being sure what to make of them, Professor X does read both of their minds to learn that they are in fact telling the truth. It's after some more talking that the brothers fully realize that they're in a completely different world! So, the first order of business for Ace and Luffy is to find a way back home, and the Professor offers to let them stay at the mansion until they find a way back; on the conditions that, 1. Don't Use Your Powers Openly as to protect the safety of everyone else at the mansion, and 2. Luffy (being 17) has to enroll at Bayville High School to avoid suspicion. (Because the idea of Luffy having to go to Public High School, while Trying and Failing to not use his Powers, while running circles around Scott Summers the older kids who are desperately trying rein the rubber-boy in, just basically writes itself.)
Title idea is "I Don't Think We're on The Grand Line Anymore", but I think that might be a little cheesy.
Anyway, might add more to this later. But I want to know what other's think, so feel free to share your thoughts.
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scarlettjemily · 2 months
Sometimes for a quick dopamine hit, I’ll ask chat gpt to write me a short story about Emily and JJ being a cute couple just so I can feel something for 5 mins
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xietroqueen · 1 year
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Next up: Wanda and St. John with the matching tattoo ;) These two are definitely the angsty part of Inked but it’s been so much fun writing them and I love the pose 😍🔥
Here’s more from @okenkrow-art Anna x Remy (ROMY) Laura X Pietro (XIETRO) Amara x Roberto (AMARTO) Jubilee x Ray (Jubilay)
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doctor-badadvice · 6 months
You know, I often make fun of Bishop, as one does. I call him a man of strong fashion opinions, a nerd and a wretched little gremlin. It’s all part of the process and it’s necessary when you end up liking an idiot of his caliber.
I’ve talked about his personality before. Yes, it’s very black and white (and red) under many aspects. I made a whole post about how that affects his outfits throughout the show.
Though when it comes to relationships, it isn't all so straightforward. Bishop has obviously invested all his charisma points in intimidation. This definitely helps him work as a villain, but his short temper and ingrained need to feel in control of the situation often get in the way of his objective.
Having to deal with people isn’t easy for him. Almost impossible, even. He can spit some raw lines but it also took some real effort to stop himself from strangling the president, which may not be the best course of action, you know?
The only situations in which we see him succeed to some extent are whatever concerns his organization since there is standardization. Times change and so do people. Keeping up with new costumes over the decades is time consuming but military practices? Those rarely change.
Bishop is obviously a good leader. His men execute his orders without questioning and with the highest professionalism, despite the occasional threat of being subjected to unspeakable experiments in case of failure. He also historically enjoyed the respect of at least one president, where again he just has to act like a good agent to get what he wants. Yes, the fake invasion counts in this regard since it proved to the president just what a good investment EPF was.
He even keeps Baxter in line for the most part since they have a very clear deal they both surprisingly stick to (though Baxter has a major hand in this since he knows what’s the amount of snark he can afford on the workplace).
Anything else is a disaster. Romance would be a tragedy from the very first moment. Friendship? We know how that went. Becoming a good person?
Yes, about that.
Bishop’s presidential outfit is extremely accurate. He’s not the man he once was. He has changed his methods and he sees aliens as people he can negotiate with and manipulate when fit. His work has fundamentally changed, as in he at least tries to create something which not only Earth will benefit from.
But he also has a whole room dedicated to spying on everyone through satellites and he personally leads the rescue mission at the Moonbase. The agent never really left, he just comes out whenever Earth is directly threatened.
Do I think that Bishop is still evil in FF then? Not quite.
Having done my fair share of writing for this nerd, I'd say it's somewhere in the middle. Specifically it's a mix of an opportunistic person seeing the chance for a different approach and most importantly, accepting that's actually possible, and a character who was born in part as a critique to real life events that were happening at the time of the show.
At the time of FF, the bigger picture kind of guy has started down a path of good but he still only relatively cares about other people. The public is obviously up there on the list since he has a public image to curate now. Aliens are more or less people. Turtles and random rich teenagers can pick fights with evil (very stupid) shapeshifting aliens if they can make themselves useful. Baxter deserves a second chance despite the little dissection prank he tried to pull.
Still, I can't say it's all Bishop's fault because when you think about it, his two most formative life experiences were both very traumatic events. The alien abducting him right after he got wounded on the battlefield set him off on a path of paranoia and blind revenge. The lab experiment that almost killed both him and Baxter and a symbolic act of kindness diverted him on a more open-minded path, even if the paranoia is still very much there.
Add that Bishop spent like 65% of his life under the military and it's no wonder even when he's genuinely making an effort, he still comes off as manipulative.
Head of State specifically deserves a whole analysis of its own that I might just do at some point because it's a fun episode. But in brief, I think Bishop, in his heavily skewed perception, genuinely considers Baxter as an old friend. He feels remorse for leaving him to die and he actually wants to make up for it.
But again, agent and president are still the same person, even if they may be one clone away from each other. Bishop both resents Baxter for chasing him and the dissection thing (you bet that brought a lot of trauma back. I wouldn't be surprised if people were left wondering what could have possibly prompted the president to take a short period of rest for the first time since ever), and cherishes that the scientist is still alive.
He's just not the best at showing it. But what can you do. Even the most peaceful person will be a bit messed up after living for so long. Bishop has been through really traumatic stuff and definitely wasn't encouraged to be anything but an efficient sadistic bastard for a good while. Even when relearning how to behave around people, he couldn't exactly explain what he has been through so at best, Bishop had to sit on his own and design new procedures like “smile, bring a gift, write a nice speech about friendship and respect”, or “introduce a problem and make it so the one in front of you will suggest the solution you want while thinking they came up with it to ensure they will care”. Or even, “traumatized people need reassurance and physical comfort. I guess I'll have to pet the talking brain and offer him a job”.
If anything, 2105 might be a bit too early. Bishop is still consolidating the PGA, there's no way to get him to work on himself some more.
Perhaps, in a better timeline, FF would have received a second season with a real seasonal arc all about redemption. There's a certain other set of clones who could have benefited from it as well.
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blackbird-brewster · 4 months
Goldstar? Haven't heard that term since the 00s.
Literally every time they say 'Goldstar' I snicker like the 20-something lesbian I used to be.
It's hilarious to me. Tell me you don't have any sapphics on your writing team without telling me you don't have any sapphics.
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