#evoland Reno
quibbs126 · 26 days
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I can finally post this, after weeks!
But yeah, this here is something I made to celebrate the 9th anniversary of Evoland 2
Some people may remember this work in progress from weeks ago, but now I can finally show the finished product. Which I finished 2 weeks ago
It’s based on the 3D picture you get when you finish the game, specially the 100% completion, and more specifically, my screenshot that I took when I first completed the game and got 100%
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Though I should probably also note that this was the only picture I had of the beach scene until I was mostly done with the picture, so there are some inaccuracies between it and the original. Except for Reno in place of the Prophet, that was completely intentional
This game was I think the first (and will probably be the only) game I’ve ever 100% completed, and when I did it the first time, it was just because I knew that games would have extra things for those who 100% it, and I wanted to see what the game would give me. It’s the only time I was so invested in a game that I had to know what I’d get if I got everything. It’s also the only game where losing nearly 10 hours of progress due to a (maybe) glitch does not make me give up the game in frustration, but instead complete the entire thing within a single school week
I may gripe about my issues with the game, but I absolutely love it, and I have a lot of fun playing it. Well, aside from the parts I’m bad at, but that’s just because I’m bad at them. I feel like I have next to nothing to complain about from a gameplay perspective (which is in part because I don’t know how to critique gameplay, but also because I think any issues I have are my own fault), it’s just narrative stuff. And even then, I wouldn’t nitpick it so much if I wasn’t so invested in the world, story and characters
Maybe today I’ll start replaying it again, seeing how I’m pretty sure I’m free today from any schoolwork
I’m still holding on to some admittedly delusional hope that a 3rd game could release one day, even if I know it’ll almost certainly have nothing to do with this one, but even if it never does, I’ll still have this game to play over and over again, so I can accept it
I was disappointed that I missed the last two, since I first played the game in 2022, but not this year, I remembered!
Now to just talk about the art itself, the reason there’s two versions is because I originally made the background lineless, but after finishing the characters I thought it maybe clashed a bit too much, so I made a duplicate of the picture to do a lined version. But I also spent so long on the lineless version that I didn’t want to just leave it in the void, so I’m showing it too
Admittedly now I think I can say the lined version probably is the better one, but I can still show off both
I used the card colors for the characters, since all of them have cards for reference, but now I’m looking at the colors and thinking they look somewhat wrong. At least on Menos
Also as mentioned prior, I switched out the Prophet for Reno. I know I’m biased but I really think he’d fit in this picture of all the main characters far more than the Prophet, considering he’s kind of the reason the plot started, the second half happened, and he’s the main motivation for one of our party members. I mean, I see why the Prophet’s there in the original. He’s really the only other semi-important character with a 3D model, and Reno never had one, so they’d have to make an entirely new one just for this extra thing. Also it doesn’t make sense for him to have a 3D model in the first place, especially not of his Present era self. But not only is this now a drawing where I have the power to do what I want, this scene isn’t canon in the first place, so put Reno in the background there!
Overall though, I’m honestly surprised the piece turned out as good as it did. Those who follow me know that I was really struggling with drawing during the summer, more specifically drawing people and the Evoland 2 cast. But despite all that, I think the characters turned out pretty well. Certainly not the best, but better than I was expecting. And not only that, but the background turned out so much better than I thought it would, especially since I don’t usually do backgrounds. Though I suppose it does help to have a reference for all this though. But yeah, there was a reason I was so proud of how the sketch turned out, and while the final product may not have entirely been what I was hoping for after the sketch, it still turned out pretty good
As long as I can remember it next year (which I really hope I can, considering that’s the 10th anniversary), I’ll try to make something there too, hopefully with much improved drawing skills, since I’m still trying to figure all that out again still
Not sure what I’ll draw then. Maybe I could redraw the beach scene, or make an entirely new beach scene concocted by my brain. But it’s also the 10th anniversary next year, so maybe it should be something more special
Ah well, that’s next year’s problem. For now, have this to celebrate the game’s anniversary. For the minuscule amount of people who actually play this game, I guess
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snimbusjavy · 5 years
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AKA, the “Characters that deserved better” day
Day #18 is Misfit:
We have our friend Alex of course. He’s had it rough, seeing his home taken by corporations, people he loved die right in front of him, and on top of it all his head is worth millions. Luckily, he has someone to watch his back...
And then we have the three survivors of Demonia, the edgelord himself Reno and the twins Cherry and Plum. I won’t say a whole lot more due to spoilers, but let’s just say they too, had it rough :p
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too-kay · 8 years
10 fandoms 10 characters
Thanks to @velazarus for tagging me, I’m gonna do this as well.
Undertale - Papyrus
A lovable skeleton who gave me laughs and chills
OFF - Batter
Like a janitor, just purifying everything
Tavros - Homestuck
A pretty underrated Troll in my opinion, he deserved much more canon content
Peridot - Cucumber Quest
The witch and villain we know and love
LISA - Brad
I’m feeling so sorry for this dude, he deserved so much better
Pearl - Steven Universe
I haven’t seen most of the episodes yet but responsibility and beauty is a nice combination Acolyte - Lady of the Shard
Truly one of the most lovable characters here
Goal - Deponia
The name says it
Ratman - Portal
A mysterious person who’s been doing all the work in the background
Reno - Evoland
The misunderstood demon boy
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quibbs126 · 1 month
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So basically I made this due to me looking at sprites for too long
So I was getting sprites for all the characters I would assume I need for drawing, and I was able to find Young Reno’s sprites, along with some others
And one thing I noticed when I was looking at the sprites in Procreate is that he doesn’t seem to wear shoes. His feet color are the same as his normal skin tone, so I can only assume that he doesn’t have any
Young Ceres also doesn’t wear shoes, but I can excuse that since she literally just escaped a laboratory where she was being experimented on. I doubt Giro was providing her with footwear when she wasn’t supposed to ever leave. Reno though doesn’t really have an excuse. Like Menos, Arthus, one of you, get the child some shoes! You’re his dad and grandad, make sure he has proper protection from the wild attacking his feet!
I know it doesn’t mean anything realistically, but it just led me to making this. Specifically because I was out with my friend today and didn’t have much else to do
It’s just a silly little thing I thought was funny
I used Reno’s overworld sprite as a reference more than his talk sprite, since that was where the feet thing came from
But also just a note because I’ve been looking too much at sprites, the Past sprites have a couple inaccuracies
Young Reno has a jacket like he does in the Present, but his talk sprite does not, Young Ceres has a pink outfit in her overworld sprite while her talk sprite wears blue, and Arthus is mostly just wearing a red cloak over his outfit, whereas in his card and the intro cutscene, we see he wears mostly black/blue and wears no cloak, instead having black fur(?) lining, as well as a red cape in the card design. I mean, maybe with Arthus they just wanted to be lazy, considering we wouldn’t see him ever again. Not sure about the other two though
And I know all that is entirely inconsequential, but I know it and have no one else to talk about it with, so now you do too
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quibbs126 · 2 months
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So I decided I needed a break from that beach picture I’m working on (yes I’m still working on it, right now I’m making two versions because I thought the lineart and background didn’t match), so I just decided to make this
Yes it is based on the Toy Story meme
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Anyways, I did this for two reasons. One, because I realized that Reno and Ceres are basically the instigators of the game’s plot; Reno the first half and Ceres the second half. It’s also different in that Reno was unintentional; he just wanted the power of the Forest Guardian, and accidentally made the Magilith activate, causing Kuro and Fina to time travel and the story to happen. And then later when they get back to the present he’s the person they’re trying to stop from unleashing the Great Disaster. Ceres meanwhile very intentionally instigated the second half of the plot as she was the one to inform the group about the existence of the Magi Key and what it could do, as well as where to find the pieces
Second reason is just that I really want them to interact, because I think it would be really interesting, especially since likely, Ceres knows of their connection, while Reno doesn’t
I have also come up with this alternate plot where the story starts because Ceres approaches Reno and his group and has them start the time travel, which our heroes then get wrapped up in. And in doing so, we see their dynamic, which is basically that Ceres tries to interact with Reno and deep down wants to be close to him, even if she knows she’s just using him for her goals, but meanwhile Reno, whom she does not tell about their relationship (because he absolutely wouldn’t believe her and it’d probably ruin her credibility), sees her as more of a work partner, and while he goes along with her plans he isn’t fully trusting of her. And at the very end where he comes to his senses and turns on her, it does hurt her in a way he wasn’t expecting (he fully believes that Ceres doesn’t care and has no clue why she does), but she ultimately gets him out of the way because her mission is more important than her feelings, and she may or may not reveal to him their true connection
And that whole scenario is kind of one of the other reasons I wanted to draw them together. I’ve just been thinking a lot about the two of them interacting and wanting to draw that
I think I got carried away, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, drawing I made. Well might as well pivot over to the drawing process itself now
So I’m using a different brush here. I was looking for a brush for my big beach drawing, and someone suggested the Syrup brush on Procreate, and I actually had fun with it (and it is the reason I’m making two versions now), so I wanted to use it again here, and I think it turned out pretty well
I will say though, I had no clue what I was doing on the sketch with the bodies. I don’t think it’s super noticeable in the final product, but it was a mess in the sketch. I really need to figure out how I’m drawing anatomy, I swear. I can’t just keep doing guesswork
…You know actually, I don’t think I have much else to say, so I guess we’ll end here. It was a bit of a haphazard description, but I’m scatterbrained, what you gonna do?
I do want to draw more of the two interacting, I just don’t have ideas yet. Maybe in the future though
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quibbs126 · 1 month
A thought I had just now, if Reno were to live to the Future era, he’d likely be around the same age if not a bit older than Menos
I don’t know for certain the math on that, considering all we know is Demons have longer lifespans than Humans, that 60 is considered young for them (but still old enough to be in the military), and that Reno went from a small child to (I think) young adult in 50 years. Personally I use a 3:1 ratio for years, with Demons having triple the life span, though we technically don’t have solid evidence. But regardless, I’m pretty sure Reno being around that age range would hold up
Now it makes me wish that at some point we saw a Future era Reno and have him and Menos interact. Hopefully on good terms so that Menos doesn’t get more emotional damage, but it would probably still be disorienting for him to meet his son at around his own age, especially when he’s only ever seen him as a young child
I know why we couldn’t have had it, since Reno basically dies during the Present era story and the events that caused it don’t get reversed until the very end of the game, at which point there’s no real point to re-introducing him, especially in this new era with a whole new model and potentially even a talk sprite. But now I kind of want it, especially since he’d probably be the only other character in the game outside of us time travelers who could be around in all three Eras, given the Demons’ lifespans. Well, not taking into account his death that is
Well I mean, I guess Jatai can also be in all 3 Eras, since he was, but he doesn’t count considering how relatively minor of a character he is
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quibbs126 · 7 days
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I decided to make this today, mostly because I needed something to do that wasn’t sitting in my room
I think originally the pose was going to be different, but I couldn’t remember it by the time I started drawing, so I ended up with this instead. I think it’s still fine though (crap I messed up one of the fingers)
I just wanted to draw the two of them before the game, when everything is good for them and the horrors haven’t happened. You know, for angst purposes like what people do with drawings of young Dark Cacao and Dark Choco. But also I just wanted to draw Menos happy, I don’t draw enough of that with him
I also gave him a shirt, and also by proxy, it’s kind of supposed to be his pre-capture design. I made it earlier today on that page I keep showing stuff from but never finish. At this rate it’s only gonna be Demons on there I tell you. Anyways, admittedly it isn’t the most regal looking, but I also don’t really know what outfit to give him, and for the more casual setting, this outfit works
Okay, I’ve kind of forgotten what else I was planning to say. I’m at an event for an organization, and they just said we’ll be wrapping up soon, and with that, all the thoughts in my head just flew out the window
But I think I’ve covered all I want to say, so yeah
If I don’t fluff and/or angst art of these two, I guess I have to make it myself. But it won’t be that great because I don’t really know how to draw two characters interacting with each other
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quibbs126 · 28 days
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I don’t know if the full page will ever be done or posted, so I might as well post this design now
So this here is supposed to be my design for Reno’s mom (who is conveniently the character out of frame there) and Menos’ first wife, whom I have named Scarlet
I gave her the name Scarlet because of Reno. See, I don’t actually know where Reno’s name comes from, since as far as I can tell it doesn’t match Menos and Arthus’ name schemes (that being from mythical kings), but I am aware that there is a Final Fantasy 7 character with the name Reno, and also that ff7 was a big inspiration for the series, so it could come from there. So for Scarlet, I just gave her the name of another member of Shinra that would sound nice, and so I did Scarlet. However I know next to nothing about either original character since it’s been a good 5 years since I got anywhere in Final Fantasy 7, so I couldn’t tell you if the name fits
In universe, it’s probably because of her hair
I based her design almost entirely on the Demon trading card, since I think I said prior that I think the design would work for Reno’s mom, especially since we don’t see this design anywhere else. It isn’t exactly the same, but it’s fine
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Everything else I mostly lifted from Reno. It helps that Reno looks very little like his dad
I did try to give her relatively calm and wavy looking hair, with the idea that Reno’s spiky-hair-ness comes from his dad’s side
I’m realizing that her covered horn is placed wrong, and it’s too far on one side, and it’s bothering me now. I’ll fix it later
Anyways, now on to Scarlet’s character
So I’m going with the idea that she and Menos were an arranged marriage. She was the daughter of a leader from a smaller (though significant) town within Demonia, and her and Menos’ marriage was a mutual agreement between both parties. She and Menos got along perfectly well, they respected one another as individuals, but they never really fell in love. Eventually the two of them had Reno (since you know, married to the prince and heir to the throne for a reason), but Scarlet ended up dying pretty early on in Reno’s life, for reasons I never really figured out. Disease or something probably
Menos never really talks about her because they weren’t married for very long, only a few years until her untimely death, and she died quite a while ago. He feels it’s not really right to talk about someone this long after their death when he didn’t really know them, especially when they had other people who did. He does feel bad about her death, and he did at the time, but it’s more so about the fact that her life was cut so short and she’d never really get to be there for her son, whom she loved just as much as Menos, than his feelings towards her. Their relationship was starting to become more than “we are an arranged marriage”, and then she died. All of these things combined leads to him never really mentioning her, at least not to the party. He might explain their history if they were to directly ask, but he’d probably end it with saying he’d just rather not talk about her. Reno asking about her would probably be the only exception, considering it’s his mother and Menos wouldn’t want to deprive his son of knowing about her
It’s not really much in terms of her actual character, just her history and relationship to Menos, but like, I kind of made her just to fill in that gap of “who is Reno’s mom/Menos’ wife?”, and also she’s dead by the points in the story I care about, and I really like the relationship between Menos and Velvet instead, so you know
I guess what I do have is that she’s probably also a relatively serious character, ultimately preferred her home over Demonia Castle but accepted things anyways, genuinely dearly loved Reno for the short time she had with him (her and Menos’ shared love for their son was leading them to be a bit closer to each other), and I want to say was either an archer or magic user, but I’m not sure which
And yeah I think that’s about it. I just wanted to show you
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quibbs126 · 1 month
So because I was drawing Reno and Ceres earlier when I was waiting at my dentist appointment (I meant to post what I had drawn but I’m too lazy to now), I decided to just look at theirs and Menos’ sprites to compare their designs and similarities
And while I don’t know how clear I’ve made the spoilers of this game, this technically would count as major endgame spoilers (and mid game for Reno technically), so I’ll just put the rest under the cut to be safe
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Okay first off, I just want to question why Menos’ sprite is so small, at least relative to his proportions. Like, it’s very noticeable in the sprite sheet I have. I’d say it’s because he’s because a bigger character, but other big characters like Lothair and Dalkin have sprites that don’t look shrunken, why does Menos? I don’t know, it just bugs me
Anyways, back to the actual topic, yeah no, Menos shares very little design details in common with his kids
I actually went and also did a thing with both similarities and differences on a OneNote page, and the differences between them far outweigh the similarities, especially with Reno, who really only has a bit of his hair and the scowl
Maybe if Menos and/or Ceres were to ever undo their ponytails, there’d be a bit more similarity? Like, Menos’ hair puffs up to look all spiky like Reno when he takes it out. I don’t know
Also, I had another conclusion based on this little experiment (but I thought the other conclusion was funnier)
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Because like honest to god, Ceres really does have more similarities to her dad than Reno does. On my OneNote page, Ceres comes in with about 5 similarities I could find, while Reno only has around 2-3 similarities (the - is due to the fact that I don’t know if Reno having somewhat of an angular head counts or not. It’s more similar than Ceres, but it’s not what Menos’ head looks like and is more rounded). And quite honestly, I don’t know how much the scowl counts either. I feel like if you were to ask someone which of these two is Menos’ kid (while providing the context of additional family members like Arthus and Velvet for Ceres), they’d be more likely to say Ceres
Though granted, some of those similarities do have to do with the fact that Ceres is a half Demon, while Menos and Reno are both full, so Demon traits would have to come from Menos and those things wouldn’t apply with Reno, but she does still look more similar
And I have to ask, why is that? Why does it feel easier to tell that the character that we aren’t supposed to know the parentage of until the very end is Menos’ child than the character whom, at least when first named, we are explicitly told is his child?
I feel like the reasons Reno look so different boil down to A: they wanted to keep the twist for mid game and not make it super obvious from the get go, and B: Reno was designed to look like what he default Demon looks like, considering that his design has so many of the typical Demon traits (though he still looks distinct in his own right)
I mean I can definitely see where the designers would be coming from with the second option, considering he, Cherry and Plum would be the first Demons you ever meet, and some of the only. However, despite the limited amount of Demons, we actually do see other, standard looking Demons when we visit the Demon Camp, so the point kind of falls flat
Also, Reno’s Past design, the one we first see when he’s named and told to be Menos’ son, already looks incredibly similar to the Present design, so if you didn’t forget the Present Demons (which I think you are supposed to, since a lot more happens in between these two meetings, enough to forget, but maybe that’s just justification for me because I always forget by that point in the story), you’ve likely already figured out the twist. So like, why not just have Reno look more like his dad? It’s another couple hours before we see him again anyways
I don’t necessarily need him to look like a mini Menos clone (though the immediate image of that in my head is funny to me), but give him at least something, right? Like, the eyebrows maybe at least?
I feel like Menos actually has this down with his own dad, where they noticeably share similarities but are still pretty distinct from one another
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You could also maybe apply this to Ceres, she also doesn’t look much like her dad, but I can at least justify it by her being a hybrid, the fact that we aren’t supposed to know her heritage until literally the ending scene, the fact that she is being carried by (presumably) recessive genes color wise, and probably also the fact that they’re different genders. Reno has less excuses
I mean, I guess none of this really matters, but it’s just like, you keep taking this man away from his kids, can they at least have some of his looks?
Maybe I should try redesigning them with that in mind, but that’s a thing for later
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quibbs126 · 2 months
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You know personally, I think this line would be so much less confusing if it were Velvet that gave this line (and then letter suggestion)
We don’t really know anything about her social life, she very well could be inexperienced in romance, and I don’t see her suggesting writing a letter about Robert’s feelings to be unreasonable. Heck you could even take it as a little nugget of foreshadowing for her and Menos’ relationship (I mean it technically could be for the original line, but it’s more confusing than foreshadowing to me)
Sure, you’d miss out on these lines
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But the line would at least be said by someone who isn’t the one party member we know has canonically had sex and was most likely married
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quibbs126 · 2 months
You know, it really does feel like Evoland 2’s missing a chunk of the game
Like, the way it ends is technically fine; granted it means all our characters are going to end up meeting horrible fates and also that we effectively have changed nothing. If the game was going for an ultimately depressing tone of “no you can’t truly change things, even if you can change a little”, that would work, but that doesn’t feel like that’s what it’s going for
It would work better if that were instead like a Neutral Ending scenario in Undertale, or like OneShot, where it can technically be the end, but there’s actually a True Ending to the story, and by continuing the game, we get that final chunk of the game that wraps up all the loose ends and gives us a happy ending, like the time loop ending and everyone getting a better outcome
It would be nice if the developers gave us that final story in the future, like some sort of update or patch to the game (though tragically I wouldn’t be able to play it, at least not for a while because I play on Switch). Unfortunately, considering the game came out like, 9 years ago and it technically already has a remaster/port with the Ultimate Edition, not to mention the game itself is pretty obscure, I don’t think it could ever get that ending
I can be delusional and dream though
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quibbs126 · 1 year
And speaking of Ceres and Reno, I feel like they should have interacted in game, considering their significance to the story
(Might as well note major Evoland 2 spoilers for anyone who cares)
They’re both essentially the closest we have to major antagonists in the game, Reno for the first half and Ceres in the second, and not to mention they’re half siblings, which is something never touched upon in game since again, Ceres’s reveal isn’t until just before credits. Like Reno doesn’t even know he has a half sister running around, and it’s debatable whether Ceres knows of him or their connection, though regardless she never makes any mention of him
Like, maybe have the two working together? I don’t know why they’d be working together, their goals are different, but maybe tweaks the plot so that they are? It’d be a way to tie our two main overarching antagonists together, and also maybe it could even tie in that they’re siblings, though whether they know or not I’m not sure. Maybe Ceres knows but doesn’t tell him for whatever reason
Oh regarding the “no other antagonists” thing, I just remembered, I suppose we do have Great Magus as an antagonist. But also like, he’s more just a villain we need to stop and isn’t necessarily tied into Ceres’ plot. I suppose Reno’s story is also self contained, but I think I’m giving him a pass in my head since I’m convinced he’s supposed to be more significant than he was
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quibbs126 · 1 year
It kind of irks me how Reno basically disappears from the story of Evoland 2 after the first half. I mean, yeah, technically he has a reason to not be in it, but there’s time travel and he’s important to two different eras, so he should have at least shown up in one of them
Like maybe it’s just me, but he feels like he was supposed to have a bigger role in the story, considering his ties to Menos (and technically Ceres), as well as him getting his own page in the artbook. But no, he’s gone after the lab
Like at least have him and Menos meet again, whether in the past or present (though I feel like a present meetup would need more buildup. Also timey wimey shenanigans considering)
Something about his story feels incomplete to me, and that frustrates me
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quibbs126 · 2 months
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So I decided to start drawing this
It’s based on the ending thing you get for completing the game, though I’m specifically using my 100% screenshot as my reference
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It’s not an exact recreation in the slightest, but I also know I fail when I try to recreate things 100%, so I’m fine with it. Might need to keep editing those rocks though
And I’m also realizing I need to tweak the water a little bit so that it and the sand mesh together better. I think I can pull it off
Also also, I know he’s supposed to be there, but I feel like taking out the Prophet (buff guy in the back fishing). To me it doesn’t make sense why he’s there, and not someone like Reno. I mean I get it logistically, since he never had a 3D model, and the Prophet was probably the only other notable character that has a 3D model. But this is my redraw, and I can do what I want
Hmm, maybe I could add Cherry and Plum somewhere in the background too
But yeah honestly, this is coming out a lot better than I had anticipated, I thought it’d look way worse. Especially the water and the palm trees
Though granted, now I have to draw the characters, which without a doubt will be what makes this go downhill, but at least it looked good at some point
And speaking of which, now I have to figure out what brushes I’m using for the characters and drawn items. Because truth be told, I don’t think my normal brushes will mesh with this background style, it’d make them look way more 2D and flat on what’s trying to be a 3 dimensional space. Also my brushes are probably too thick, and I really don’t feel like upscaling the whole thing, I’d have to redo all the background stuff
Not quite sure what I’m going to do for that yet, but we’ll see. Mayhaps brush experimentation may be involved
But yeah one more thing, I’m making this for the Evoland 2 anniversary, but that’s on August 25th, so not only do I have a month to complete this, but I won’t be showing you my finished product until then
Honestly I really hope I remember to finish it, because I’m liking it so far. And yeah, I just wanted to show this off
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quibbs126 · 16 days
I want to finish that Evoland 2 fanfiction I was making right now. But also at the same time, I don’t
It’s supposed to be about Menos and Reno finally reuniting (albeit briefly), in the Past era. You know, if anyone was curious
Maybe I need to rewrite the first half entirely so that I can write the rest of it
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quibbs126 · 2 years
Aight, so there’s this game, Evoland 2 (everyone should go play it, it’s a really good game) and I’m currently having a conundrum.
Okay, first let me give context. There’s this thing the game does where the names of things are 1 letter differences to something else
Examples include:
Smog = Smug
Mana = Maana
Super Mario = Super Morio
Vikings = Wikings
There are others, but those are the only ones I can think of right now. It’s so shameless I honestly I find it hilarious.
Anyways, another thing they do is have names be references to something else, usually with a theme going on, and sometimes they’ll mix it with the one letter difference
Nibiru Village = Nibiru, the Ancient One (Yugioh)* (Edit: apparently Nibiru is actually a reference to the Nibiru Cataclysm, some disaster people thought was going to happen in the early 21st century, according to Wikipedia)
Genova = Jenova (Final Fantasy 7)*
Ceres = Ceres, the Roman god of agriculture (there’s a good reason for it, but I won’t say here for spoilers)
Cherry & Plum = cherry plums
*I don’t know if this is their actual reference, but it’s the best I can find
Anyways, so then we come to a particular group of characters, and from what I can tell they all share a similar naming theme of mythical kings
First, we have King Arthus = King Arthur from Arthurian legend, king of the Round Table
Then, we have Menos, who after a while I realized = King Minos from Greek myth, who’s I believe the namesake and guardian of the Minotaur, if my cursory glances at Greek myth are to be believed 
Anyways, so here’s my problem: there’s a third member of this group and his name is Reno.
Only problem, I don’t know who he’s named after, and it’s really bugging me
Does anyone know any mythical kings one letter off from Reno? Please I need the answer 
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