#I’ve been having thoughts all day about Reno and Ceres
quibbs126 · 1 year
It kind of irks me how Reno basically disappears from the story of Evoland 2 after the first half. I mean, yeah, technically he has a reason to not be in it, but there’s time travel and he’s important to two different eras, so he should have at least shown up in one of them
Like maybe it’s just me, but he feels like he was supposed to have a bigger role in the story, considering his ties to Menos (and technically Ceres), as well as him getting his own page in the artbook. But no, he’s gone after the lab
Like at least have him and Menos meet again, whether in the past or present (though I feel like a present meetup would need more buildup. Also timey wimey shenanigans considering)
Something about his story feels incomplete to me, and that frustrates me
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