#evil bisexual red man
thatdamn-honeybadger · 4 months
This is exactly how I remember Crisis Core.
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shadow4-1 · 3 months
Your hubby let u sleep with his friends ??? okkk girll i see you living the life we all want too (share ur secrets😣)
Oops I forgot I said that. Well...yes it's true. I've slept with a handful of my husband's friends (all of it was talked about beforehand, planned out, etc.)
Both my husband and I are bisexual. All of his friends he's had for years - since they were babies pretty much. They're all exceptionally close and they've experimented a lot together before I ever even came into the picture.
Besides my husband, none of them have girlfriends or wives (they're all in their late 20s now). I used to think it was a red flag but now I just realize they're all just tied to each other and fulfil their emotional needs that way. In fact, two of them are identical twins. They were suspicious when they met me at first (but after I witnessed a couple of them kissing my husband, let's just say they quickly came to realize I was definitely the girl for him).
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(This picture is almost 10 years old. That's my husband in the blue jacket with half his friend group. We went out to a club, so all of us were piss drunk in the back of that taxi.)
Now, I'm not going to generalize Scottish men/people. I'm just going to give ya'll a rundown on what I've learned/observed over my multiple trips to Scotland. I've noticed that they tend to -
- Be chivalrous. Not a single guy I met (husband or otherwise) was rude or didn't use his manners the whole time I was there. And if they were amongst friends they had no issue with calling each other out for their bad behavior. Now that, that was nice to see. (So, yes, Soap's definitely has his manners and knows how to follow decorum well.)
- Be loud. Almost every man I met was boisterous and bright. Even the quiet ones (once I got them to talk) were animated. The culture over there is different than America (where I'm from), everyone seems to know everyone. So no one is seemingly scared of "strangers", they're usually pretty curious. (So, yes, Soap's talkative and interesting personality checks out.)
- Fight. Now, this one is because I spent a lot of time in bars. Again, unlike America, it's different. They don't carry guns (maybe a knife but even that's not the norm). Usually it's just a lot of posturing, yelling, and intimidation. But, if they actually decide to swing, usually the crowd will break it up and/or throw them outside. Fighting over there is kind of seen as a necessary evil. (So, yes, when they say Soap is a bit of a hot head and hops into fights I can definitely confirm it.)
- Welcome with open arms. I'm a plus size POC and most of the people you'll find in Scotland are Caucasian. You'd think there'd be some friction between me and the locals, but no. Not once was I ever treated unfairly by anyone. In fact, people loved to chat with me. I spent a lot of my time talking with strangers. (So, yes, Soap not batting an eye at Ghost and his ridiculous get up is on brand. He cares much more about getting to know the person underneath.)
I could go on. Maybe one day I'll be able to live my retirement years in Scotland. It's beautiful and green and walkable. Also they have Irn Bru, Jammie Dodgers, and my absolute favorite - Bairns Sausage Rolls. I'd immigrate just for those haha!
So yeah, I know a think or two, and Soap is a pretty great Scottish representation in my opinion. My husband is indifferent to him but maybe it's because he seems the similarities haha. If you want to hear more about my trysts I have no problem sharing! I've seen a lot and done alot in my short time here on Earth and trust me when I say I'm not stopping anytime soon! 😂
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
"My babies" I say about the hyperactive puppy with hair like a hedgehog, the moody spiky chocobo, the evil bisexual red man, the depressive beefcake and the 6'7 catboy with mommy issues.
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
Oh, golly! A known youtuber was recently exposed for plagiarism also turns out to be an extreme misogynist?? Who could've noticed such a thing!
It's not like in multiple videos he went on rants about how female authors are big bads for writing about MLM couples and female fans are big bads for daring to enjoy those ships.
In his Killing Stalking video, he attacked women for enjoying the manga and (it's been a long time since I watched that video, and considering that he nuked everything, it's not like I can go back, but I'm pretty sure that he said that) we are raised with the belief that the abusive relationships between two gay men are ok to fetishize while we'd never read the same thing between a man and a woman (not only this is stupid and untrue, but notice how a third kind of couple is missing, here. Wonder why.)
Later on, he talked shit about the author of Love, Simon, forcing her to come out, then proceeded to keep addressing her as a "straight" woman, and whined that the book/movie erased the characters of any kind of sexuality despite the women wanting to see gay men do the nasty.
Later, later on, he rambled about Red, White, and Royal Blue, and this time he complained about that the evil women who fetishize gay men were against genuine displays of sex acts between two gay men (???).
For years, he blabbed about how women are the true enemy of gay-men-focused medias, and even then he couldn't keep his story straight (do we like to see these gay men fuck or not?? James, which one is it??).
Not to mention the fantastic take of "Queer women had it easier throughout history," because that's such a punch in the chest that we can't ignore it.
Guys, this shit was always in plain sight. He never tried to hide it, there was no need for a bald bisexual man to make us notice it. We gotta stop turning our faces to blatant misogyny simply because it's being expressed by a gay man.
I'm genuinely sorry for the people who didn't spot it, but I am not sympathetic. Somerton was not even a little bit subtle. He was a toxic, rancid piece of shit for many, many years.
Also, even the plagiarism accusations are years old. People just didn't listen because nobody youtube-famous had made a big video about them.
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thegreatpapaya666 · 1 month
Vox Headcanons
(I was working on these with a friend :3)
- Vox is a transgender man. - He has 11 sharks named Victor, Veronica, Vivian, Vincent, Viera, Victoria, Vance, Veer, Valkyrie, Vanessa, and Vark. - He is dating Valentino, though it is an explicitly stated "open relationship." Valentino often gets jealous of Vox flirting with other people, though, and the "open" status is subject to change on a dime. - Vox forgets to eat and sleep until either Valentino and Velvette remind him, or he passes out from exhaustion. - He puts his work before everyone else in his life, even himself. - He was friends with Alastor for a long time and gained most of his current power from working with Alastor. But after confessing his love to Alastor and his feelings not being returned, Vox didn't take the rejection well and fought him. He almost lost the fight, but Alastor chose to spare him and Valentino found him hours later. - The fallout was also caused by Vox changing as a person, being corrupted by the technological advances he was making with VoxTek. After partnering with Valentino, changing his own head from a CRT TV to a flat screen TV, using mind control to manipulate his viewers, and neglecting the quality of his products, Alastor felt like Vox was a different person. - Vox still has a crush on Alastor, though he hides it behind a facade of hatred and disgust. - Vox is an ENTJ. - He's touch starved. - Vox is horrible with kids, but connects with children on the autism spectrum. - Vox can open internet tabs in his brain, as well as view security footage and send messages. Everything he sees is recorded with high-quality video and audio. - Every interaction he's had with Alastor is saved in a folder buried deep in his files that he only opens during "alone time." - When Vox dreams, they're projected on his screen for anyone to see. He doesn't know about this. - Vox's screen gets a pink tint when he blushes. - His antennae twitch when he's overwhelmed or flustered. - Vox can show pictures and videos on his screen. - He can play piano and guitar. - When asked the question, "ass, tits, or thighs," he always picks ass. - He's somewhere on the aromantic spectrum. - Vox is always up by 5 AM and never sleeps in. - He can turn his pain, auditory, olfactory, and taste receptors on and off. - Vox had a traumatic childhood with a verbally abusive mother and a physically abusive father. - He had a brother who also went to Hell, but he hasn't been able to locate him. - Vox is a switch but prefers to top because of how much he likes being in control. - He's autistic. - When he was alive, he had a wife who he would frequently cheat on, and two children named Alice and James. - The first time Vox had sex with a man was drunk with Valentino, who was his bisexual awakening. - Vox was popular in school. - When he spawned in Hell, he changed his name from Mary to Vox as a fresh start. - He sleeps in shark themed boxers. - During game night with the rest of the Vees, when it's his turn to pick the game, he always picks Monopoly. Valentino and Velvette have yet to beat him, but they have an evil plan to cheat and make Vox cry and are going to enact it next game night. - He wears rainbow striped socks. - Vox sometimes listens to musical soundtracks while he's working. - His favorite drink is bourbon. - His favorite color is red, but he always lies and says it's blue. - Vox's favorite food is Alastor's jambalaya, but he'll never tell anyone. - He's from New Jersey. - He owns a shark onesie he wears for sleepovers. - You know those Terms of Service nobody reads when you make an account on a new website or agree to a new setting? Well Vox manipulates the fine print to be used as a soul contract if you own your soul. That's how he rose to power so quickly, because millions of unsuspecting sinners were unknowingly giving Vox their souls by signing up for Sinstagram and other apps.
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   ⭑      ROLEPLAY INFO.
Vox  will  be  portrayed  as  I  see  fit.  I can and will include my personal headcanons  in the roleplay to add more flavor to his character. Don't like, don't interact. Unless you specifically state otherwise, you are messaging Vox on Tumblr or greeting him in his office. These two scenarios depend on whether or not you physically interact with him or his surroundings.
- Vox is a transgender man. - He has 11 sharks named Victor, Veronica, Vivian, Vincent, Viera, Victoria, Vance, Veer, Valkyrie, Vanessa, and Vark. - He is dating Valentino, though it is an explicitly stated "open relationship." Valentino often gets jealous of Vox flirting with other people, though, and the "open" status is subject to change on a dime. - Vox forgets to eat and sleep until either Valentino and Velvette remind him, or he passes out from exhaustion. - He puts his work before everyone else in his life, even himself. - He was friends with Alastor for a long time and gained most of his current power from working with Alastor. But after confessing his love to Alastor and his feelings not being returned, Vox didn't take the rejection well and fought him. He almost lost the fight, but Alastor chose to spare him and Valentino found him hours later. - The fallout was also caused by Vox changing as a person, being corrupted by the technological advances he was making with VoxTek. After partnering with Valentino, changing his own head from a CRT TV to a flat screen TV, using mind control to manipulate his viewers, and neglecting the quality of his products, Alastor felt like Vox was a different person. - Vox still has a crush on Alastor, though he hides it behind a facade of hatred and disgust. - Vox is an ENTP. - He's touch starved. - Vox is horrible with kids, but connects with children on the autism spectrum. - Vox can open internet tabs in his brain, as well as view security footage and send messages. Everything he sees is recorded with high-quality video and audio. - Every interaction he's had with Alastor is saved in a folder buried deep in his files that he only opens during "alone time." - When Vox dreams, they're projected on his screen for anyone to see. He doesn't know about this. - Vox's screen gets a pink tint when he blushes. - His antennae twitch when he's overwhelmed or flustered. - Vox can show pictures and videos on his screen. - He can play piano and guitar. - When asked the question, "ass, tits, or thighs," he always picks ass. - He's somewhere on the aromantic spectrum. - Vox is always up by 5 AM and never sleeps in. - He can turn his pain, auditory, olfactory, and taste receptors on and off. - Vox had a traumatic childhood with a verbally abusive mother and a physically abusive father. - He had a brother who also went to Hell, but he hasn't been able to locate him. - Vox is a switch but prefers to top because of how much he likes being in control. - He's autistic. - When he was alive, he had a wife who he would frequently cheat on, and two children named Alice and James. - The first time Vox had sex with a man was drunk with Valentino, who was his bisexual awakening. - Vox was popular in school. - When he spawned in Hell, he changed his name from Mary to Vox as a fresh start. - He sleeps in shark themed boxers. - During game night with the rest of the Vees, when it's his turn to pick the game, he always picks Monopoly. Valentino and Velvette have yet to beat him, but they have an evil plan to cheat and make Vox cry and are going to enact it next game night. - He wears rainbow striped socks. - Vox sometimes listens to musical soundtracks while he's working. - His favorite drink is bourbon. - His favorite color is red, but he always lies and says it's blue. - Vox's favorite food is Alastor's jambalaya, but he'll never tell anyone. - He's from New Jersey. - He owns a shark onesie he wears for sleepovers.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 9 months
Marauders/Emeralds Era Characterisation/Builds/Backgrounds in my fics
-I’ve seen a few newbies looking for head-canons to try out in their fics. Feel free to use any of these.
-there is some variation, of course, plus some of my fics are set at the younger Hogwarts ages, but usually in this order from tallest to shortest as adults:
Remus Lupin (6’ 1”-6’4”) - typically an inch or two taller than James, but rarely quite tall. Lanky, long-limbed with curly dirty blond/light brown hair. Sometimes, he’s stronger than he looks, other times he’s a wet noodle. Disabled (usually physically, but sometimes with Tourette’s or Epilepsy). Introvert. Classic literature/fantasy novel buff. Neutral Good. Welsh. Bisexual with a preference for men. Smokes occasionally, prefers weed.
James Potter (around 6’) - athletic with strong upper body, solid but rarely super muscular. Wears glasses, intelligent, and has ADHD. Chaotic Good. Messy curls. Wide open music taste, but always Queen and a sucker for a ballad. Deep voice. Extrovert. Deeply romantic. Usually Desi via Euphemia, but love the Latinx James hc. Bisexual>Pansexual (used interchangeably for James). Non-smoker.
Barty Crouch Jr. (around 6’) - athletic, but slim. This man has no arse. Stronger than he looks. British, but love the hc that he’s Italian. Burnt out gifted kid, occasionally tech savvy. Heavy-metal and emo fan. Usually has ODD. Extrovert. Chaotic Evil. Omnisexual or Bi with a preference for mascs. Often with tattoos and/or piercings. Heavy smoker.
Dorcas Meadowes (5’9-5’11) - athletic, or slender with some curves. Black, British, and the most intelligent of the group. Long braids. Ambivert. Love her characterisation as a good Slytherin. True Neutral. Listens to R&B, but secretly loves pop music, mostly sapphic artists. Occasionally has Depression. Neither butch or femme exclusive, bit of both. Bisexual or Lesbian. Non-smoker.
Evan Rosier (5’9”-5’10”) - painfully average floppy-haired blond white boy with a tan. Neutral Evil. Solid build. Grunge music fan. Piercings rather than tattoos. French or British. Ambivert. Demisexual. Prefers edibles or shrooms to smoking.
Regulus Black (5’7”-5’10”) - usually a hair taller than Sirius, but he was shorter by a bit once or twice. Chin-length wavy hair. French. Writer (poetry) and/or musical prodigy. Introvert. Slim to average build. Lawful Evil. Anxiety, OCD, and/or Autistic. Classical music or jazz, nothing with lyrics. I have written him as intersex (or trans in a few WIPs), but usually a gay cis man. Non-smoker, mostly. Social drinker, but overestimates his tolerance.
Sirius Black (5’8”-5’10”) - most attractive amongst the guys. Usually slim, but strong and flexible. Highly intelligent, but easily bored and uninterested in academics. Artistic (painter) and/or musical (percussion instruments). Rock/grunge junkie. Shoulder-length hair and tattooed. Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral. Sometimes ADD, often emotionally stunted with abandonment issues. Heavy drinker, occasional smoker.
Mary McDonald (5’8”-5’10”) - depends on the fic, but always in heels so she seems taller. Curvy queen. Most attractive and socially aware of the entire group, extremely trendy, designs/sews a lot of her own clothes, high-femme. Prefers soulful music and light pop. Popular, but keeps her emotions buried. High expectations. Does not suffer fools. Lawful Neutral. Black, British, and extroverted. Natural hair. Social smoker and drinker. Neurotypical. Aromantic or lesbian.
Lily Evans (5’6”-5’8”) - very curvy to plus-size. Super long dark red hair, often braided with a fringe. Academic overachiever, Lawful Good, pretty, and fiery/defensive when confronted. Fantasy book nerd. Introvert. Neurotypical with anxiety. Pop music girlie. Artistic (usually sketching). Welsh/British. Non-smoker. Bisexual>Pansexual (used interchangeably for Lily) or Femme Lesbian, but rarely wears make-up.
Marlene McKinnon (around 5’6”) - athletic/ stocky queen with thick thighs. Blonde, usually in a ponytail and shoulder-length with fringe. Scottish/British. Music-obsessed (mostly 70-80s rock) and lives in band tees and Docs. Tattooed. Extrovert. Chaotic Neutral. Social smoker, but rarely. ADHD. Butch lesbian who loves eye-liner. Occasional short skirt to break Dorcas’s brain.
Peter Pettigrew (5’5”-5’7”) - stocky/plus-size, straight blond hair. British. Logical and strategic, but struggles with abstract concepts. Chess player, comic book collector, video game/movie buff, and weed fiend, but non-smoker. People-pleaser and supportive of his friends, but ambivalent around strangers. Ambivert. Asexual, unlabeled, Questioning.
Pandora Lovegood (5’-5’3”) - always petite and slim. Long blonde hair, usually loose or in elaborate half-updos (like Phoebe Buffet in Friends). Hippie vibes and high-femme. Usually Autistic. Ambivert -depends on who she’s with. French. Animal lover, compassionate, high-strung, a gossip but rarely maliciously, collects crystals. Pansexual. Non-smoker, but open to experimentation. Rarely drinks.
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dorianwolfforest · 2 months
"Dorian you havent talked about your SSO OC's in DECADES and I'm feeling so lost and blue! Please please please tell me about your ocs!!!" I hear you say, and I understand, so I bring you now a comprehensive guide of all of my sso oc's and their role in the story of Star Stable online. As this is up to date on lore, there will be spoilers for the main quests in here.
Dorian Wolf - he/him
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Also known as: The orange one, idiot coughing baby, my child, Rob's husband
Dorian Wolf grew up in Valedale, the oldest of three children, in a (non-druid, keeper-unrelated) cult called the Light of Aideen. The Light of Aideen valued femininity and the likeness of their goddess above all else, and as a result of this Dorian was often looked down upon in favor of his two younger sisters. Already as a young child he learned how to cook, he was taught ballet (and figure skating in the winter), and when he was left unsupervised, he experimented with the powers of witchcraft he was born with, something he had to keep from the cult due to their volatile nature toward witches. When he turned 18, Dorian fled Valedale and found refuge in Ydris' circus, where he works to this day as a trapeze artist and occasional helper around the grounds.
He's a gentle, kind, and thoughtful guy who doesn't understand the concept of being evil for the sake of being evil, often giving people the benefit of the doubt despite what their previous actions would lead any reasonable person to believe. This has led him into a romantic relationship with Rob the smuggler.
Rebeca Forest - they/them
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Also known as: Warthilk the void demon, Ah Fuck Which Order Do These Hair Colors Go In, Bisexual hair guy, Violence upon the village
This bad boy can have so many detachable eyeballs. Rebeca (then Warthilk) was summoned by Dorian one stormy night when Dorian tried to use his witchy powers to summon a glass of warm milk. He misspelled the necessary runes and instead summoned Warthilk, the void demon. Dorian immediately unbound the demon from him, apologizing profusely for the intrusion, and Warthilk, who usually enjoyed spreading chaos and cruelty across the land, felt so fucking bad for this pathetic, wet noodle of a man, that they adopted a human name and now spends their days making sure Dorian is okay. They live at the circus but do not, under any circumstances, help out.
When they think they can get away with it, Rebeca will make peoples lives miserable. If they think Dorian will catch on, or if they think their actions will negatively impact Dorian, they will instead collect themselves and repress the urge to ruin peoples days.
Sienna Opaldew - she/her
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Also known as: The token cis, Reasonable ms stuck up fancypants, That is not your natural red stop lying, The Mom Friend, trust fund
Sienna has lived in England her entire life, surrounded by all the riches her father could possibly surrender to her. She always had the finest clothes, the finest horses, and the finest gear. That satisfied her until her 20's, when she found herself pregnant, single, and ostracized from her usual social life. In an effort to find some kind of community beyond her father's pockets, Sienna tried to figure out where her mother, who left the family when Sienna was a baby, could possibly be. After figuring out that her birthmother lived on Jorvik, Sienna moved over there without so much as a thought, desperate to find some kin that could love and appreciate her and her son for who they are, rather than for financial gain. That was never to be, however. Sienna's real mother is Ms Drake, and when she finally finds her Jorvegian side of the family, her parents start to use her against each other.
Sienna does have friends and a support system in Dorian, Rebeca and Percy, however, and helps them out financially when they struggle (something Rebeca accepts readily and happily) in return for some babysitting duties. Her son, Nicholas, is 2 years old when the story takes place. Sienna is not a soul rider.
Persephone Nightmore - she/they
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Also known as: Percy Nightmore, Sephia Nightmore, The discord kitten, e-girlboy, the one not traumatized
The more I look at the art I've drawn of Percy, the more I realize I have no fucking clue who they are. She's still relatively new to the roster. They are a twitch streamer who's "close" with Sienna. They are not a soul rider. That's it. That's all I got. Love her tho.
Rose Bittering - he/they
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Also known as: The guy with a gun, Half-man one-third-pink-crystal the-rest-machine, Fucking weirdo
Rose is, without a shadow of a doubt, a bad person. He works for DC, creating the drones and robots the company uses to spy on soul riders, transport Darkonium and disrupt the druids. If you've ever destroyed one of his precious creations, they will shoot you with bullets. Rose hates the robot guards on the DC oil rig, as they were set up by the previous mechanic and are not his own creation.
Rose is only loyal to DC because they fund his own habits and experiments, allowing him to do whatever it is they do in their lab without checking up on him. Some of the things they do include: watching anime illegally, cannibalism, and putting metal in microwaves "just to see what happens".
When Rose was a young teen, they got trapped in Pandoria for a long period of time and, as such, suffer severe crystalization which has carved out a large portion of their back, their eye, and has rotted off a finger. He is so overexposed and radiated that he often breaks digital things, preferring instead to work with old-fashioned mechtech. It is very possible that he was killed in the DC oil rig explosion, but if he wasn't then he will soon perish as his body is continuously failing him and he has to continue to upkeep parts of himself, such as a makeshift, magically infused spine, in order to function as a person.
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thatdamn-honeybadger · 3 months
I giggle like a goddamn school girl every time I open my phone and see the lockscreen:
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@birdblacksocialclub made my life complete. 😭🥵
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euphoniouspandemonium · 10 months
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Cotton Mendings — a WIP intro by yours truly
finally doing a proper introduction yayy!! who would have foreseen this .
stage: drafting (rip it's been so long and it's going soo slow)
tags: #wip: cotton mendings ; #aes: cotton mendings
genres: historical fiction, literary fiction
themes and tropes: idealisation and romanticisation of people, queer love and toxic queer relationships, friends to lovers, tenderness and love for the world, hope, grief, obsession, mythological and religious imagery, breaking out of other people's perceptions of you, relearning gentleness after having it beaten out of you, being loved as being known
warnings: emotional and physical abuse, character death and mentioned animal death, period-typical homophobia & transphobia (will add on)
pov: 3rd person past tense
setting: 1920s England
summary: Oscar ignites a relationship with an old friend – charismatic socialite Salvatore – whom he has had repressed love for for years. But despite everything their relationship is haunted by the death of Oscar's brother and a series of portraits simply called Percy, made by a German artist: paintings of a red haired man who appears perfect and soft and yet incredibly, beautifully tragic. It makes Oscar question Salvatore and their relationship and wonder about the life and seemingly inherent sorrow of the subject, while Salvatore grows ever more enticed by ruthless, enigmatic Yvonne. Their separate obsessions grow and push them apart, while at the center of everything is Percy, devastatingly alive and spiteful, trapped in a narrative he did not create. Who is Percy, who is Salvatore, who is Oscar in rotation to them? Does he want to know at all?
characters, notes, excerpt & taglist under the cut <33
Oscar (he/him, bi): world's #1 most pathetic sad boy. romanticises everything to the point of self destruction. scared of acting on his desires but full of soooo much love. obsessive, incredibly sensitive, artistic, melancholy. also sooo autism.
Salvatore (he/him, bi): charismatic, intelligent, flamboyant, philosophical, hedonistic. he sees everything in a very realistic and nihilistic way. emotionally detached yet surprisingly protective and gentle with the people he loves.
Percy (he/him, bi, trans): babyboy !! baby!!!!!!!! full of so much life and love and poetry. he is very sweet and sarcastic and loves going on little adventures. mentally ill & physically disabled. he's suffered more than jesus but his wonder and whimsy are unmatched.
Yvonne (she/her, bi): hot evil woman❤️ ruthless, vicious and cold. her love is almost violent and repugnant. she only cares about few people but if they are in danger she knows no morality or law. also she's mischievous like a little cat <3
notes: Cotton Mendings is my passion project, my Magnum Opus, my baby. I have worked very hard on it and I've developed the character dynamics and symbolism sooooo much I could talk about them for hours. It all started with the song Angie by The Rolling Stones, but it has strayed very far from its original concept (actually Angie isn't even on the playlist — it is now completely a product of my obsession with The Smiths I'm afraid). It has helped me through so much and I will be very happy if people like it :] I love my horrible insane bisexuals. Why is everyone bisexual, you ask? well. I ❤️ bisexuals.
He thought again of Percy, of the way he glowed as if coated in honey and sunlight, the sweet smile on his face. What if Percy had spent his life failing at it, too? Trying to be the perfect picture of a beautiful boy. Turning hazy and translucent, like a ghost, from trying. And those few minutes with him, how the light extended and held Oscar too, how Percy was perfect and beautiful but couldn't possibly be only that. How they were both an image without a body.
(general) taglist: @ribelleribelle @talesofsorrowandofruin @writing-is-a-martial-art @alexwritesfiction @aether-wasteland-s @sculpture-in-a-period-drama @phantomnations @olimpias (ask to be added or removed)
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I took notes on my thoughts while watching Nerdy Prudes Must Die because I did the same for Black Friday
DAMN Jon said “I am a TENOR”
I literally can’t get over how good he sounds
Bro these songs SLAP
Damn Mariahs hair is so long
Pete is such a mood
I’m literally terrified of being pantsed so bad
Omg hey Kim
When Cory enthusiastically agrees I’m dying
Omg Max likes Grace???????
Wait that’s so cute
Wait why’s he kinda fine
“His name is Jesus Christ” HELP 💀💀💀💀💀
It’s giving Apex Predator (from Mean Girls)
My jaw is on the floor the way Cory is talking to her
“How am I supposed to study without listening to Spotify?” ME LMFAO
The way hes like “this is about thermodynamics” me me me. I hate when people make jokes about the things we’re not even talking about.
Study date????????
Joey Richter my beloved ❤️❤️❤️
When Max enters and the crowd cheers
Max literally has a God complex
Why is Kim everyones mom?
“Walen place”?????
“Mom will you pass the butt stuff????” HELP SHES BEEN CORRUPTED
Awwww Grace is experiencing Catholic Guilt™ ❤️❤️❤️
Girl wdym “he’s gotta go”???
Laurens character is bisexual???????
“WAIFU MATERIAL”?????? I literally can’t get over Jons character
Wait Grace is a little fucked up actually
Wait since the Waylons built hatchetfield high and the starlight theater, could they have cursed the town somehow? Like I know about the evil brothers or whatever, but I’m not super familiar with the lore
Wait I kind of love Grace now
Mariah slays
“Am I reading as Ghost, or Lin Manuel Miranda?” AWWWWWW❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
“Your fucking useless Pete.” Tgwdlm???? In MY npmd???? It’s more likely than you think
I’m very suspicious about how fast they seemed to put the plan together…
I know the plan wont work and Im so nervous I’m getting secondhand embarrassment so bad rn
I need Max Jagerman actually
Awwww Max is a Theater Kid ❤️❤️❤️
I love how upbeat this song is
Omg Dan and Donna!
Slay Mayor Lauter
His reaction to being asked to the game is giving- “she asked me for the time” “no way” “way :D”
I like that the football team has only 2 players
I love when actors walk through the audience, but ESPECIALLY here when hes stalking Richie bro looks so good
Listen I know he’s about to kill Richie but HES SO FINE HELP
Im literally so Gay bro
When she says hes not hot anymore girl speak for yoursef
Please let Grace swear
Oh fuck they’re giving themselves away
Grace Chastity said “acab”
Cory needs more songs
Damn who is this girl in a trenchcoat 😍😍😍
Random side note but what happened to Robert? I was just thinking about how I wish we could see Hidgens again but is Robert still a part of Starkid anymore? Is he on to Bigger and Better things? Does anyone know what those are? I’d love to continue to support him.
The invisible bird. Literally high school theater
“Heahs the thang about ah bahbecue”
“Ah wawna remember who ah ayum”
Ruth is so real for not know when to do the lights bc the cue lines were wrong
Ugh Laurens voice is so good and I know ive said that about pretty much everyone but it’s true
I know shes about to die rn
The red lighting gave it away
Why did Kim scream like that
Awww Grace has religious trauma now ❤️❤️❤️
He gave her his number❤️❤️❤️
Hot chocolate boy!!!!!!!! I knew Peter was the hot chocolate boy but still
This duet is EVERYTHING
Obsessed with the fact he called MARIAH ROSE FAITH a MEAN GIRL
“Axe wielding maniacs?”
The Waylons did not dig that shit very deep…
im so sorry Zombie Max is So Fine
“Let me check my Christmas list”
“What do you want steph?” MORE tgwdlm? In MY npmd?
I feel bad for not knowing all their names
Max says bitch a lot
Damn this show is long
Omg this is so sad im tearing up a lil
Max is so fucking funny
Damn Grace is seducing Max this is hilarious
Fuck Grace Chastity or kill some nerds? One of the many difficult decisions in life
He decides to fuck Grace Chastity
Thats some fuckin Macbeth level shit
Kims teacher character is so cute awwwww
Paul and Bill dance Chaperones??????
Oh nvm that’s Jason
I don’t think I ever mentioned it but the dancing is really good
It’s very clean and crisp
In the last 2 hours I very quickly developed a massive crush on Will Branner
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witchthewriter · 1 year
Probably a weird question, but which HP characters do you imagine as LGBTQIA or/and POC? (Because let’s make Joke Rollling/She Who Must Not Be Named… ANGRY!! 😏)
I would LOVE TO! J.K.Rowling is Rita Skeeter to me. Also you should look up 'The Worst Witch,' because it's basically Harry Potter.
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Most definitely black, or what if she came from an Indian family who wanted her to marry and the Wizarding World was her escape? She studies hard because this new world is a second chance for freedom!
I also wish Hermione was bisexual/pansexual. She and Ginny, or even she and Cho would make such a gorgeous couple!
I think it would have been cool if she was an albino (I am so sorry if that's not the right way to say it. I don't want to offend anyone). Her long white hair, pale skin, translucent lashes and brows. With beautiful purple eyes (this is actually how I imagined the Targaryens to look, not just having white hair).
She is definitely demisexual; only feeling attraction after developing a friendship first. I can also see Luna as trans!
I've seen some fancasts and fanart of Harry with his ethnicity being Indian, or Pakistani. Which I'm completely okay with. Maybe even James is half black, and that makes Harry a quarter, so it's still noticeable - and another thing that the Dursley's are horrible to him about.
I think Harry is Bi/Pan - I have this headcanon that he had a crush on Oliver Wood, and Katie Bell when he was in first year.
I honestly just see Ron as a normal hetero male. Honestly, there's nothing queer about him at all. But he is very supportive of his friends and family as well as the LGBTQIA+ community. He would always be at Pride with whoever asked him, and have anyone's back who needed it.
And the Weasley's are known for their red hair, so I think I would keep their heritage/ethnicity the same!
YES, THIS MAN IS A GAY MAN. But I feel as though he's very monogamous; he will love one person, even if they do not love him back, for the rest of his life. Like with Grindelwald, Dumbledore couldn't stop the feelings he had - even though the man was turning into a pretty evil one.
His sexuality always confused him. Because he was in love with Lily, truly in love with her. But sometimes he found James attractive, and he hated himself for it.
Shows himself as straight, but I think he's bisexual or at least bi-curious.
I think for his ethnicity, it can be the same. Pasty white skin, black hair, hooked nose. Maybe his family distantly came from a Mediterranean island?
Oh, I think keeping Draco white ... and maybe all the Death Eaters white would be saying a lot. They're basically Nazi's. So that wouldn't change.
Draco is most definitely bisexual. He was so in love with Harry, feigning it as hate. Knowing everything about him, staring at him from across the room. When he was younger, it was easier to see it as hate. But then when he turned 16, he felt a pang of desire for the Potter boy and the self-loathing began.
Falls in love very easily, but usually with a woman. Not to say he's completely hetero, I think he would be bi-curious, but I think he wants a wife with a big family.
I actually think Fred would be polyamorous. The kind where the girlfriend is allowed another boyfriend, not like Sisterwives. No, no. Fred would be totally cool with having a wife who has a boyfriend, and they all live together. Fred's a little fruity as well. I think he's one of those people that 'don't like to put a label on things.'
Pansexual. Pansexual. Pansexual. Doesn't care if you're trans, he loves a person for who they are, what they believe in, rather than what their bits are. One of the reasons why he ran away from home. He hates tradition.
I think the Black family could be from Sicily, I know that's not necessarily POC, I think with their darker features, they would easily reign from there. And Sicilians are known for always distinguishing themselves from any other Mediterranean culture.
He always thought of himself as straight. But that was until he met Sirius and he developed such a big crush on him. I think Remus would be Biromantic towards women but Bisexual towards men.
WHY THE HELL DID ROWLING CALL AN ASIAN PERSON, "CHO CHANG," PUT THEM IN THE "SMARTEST HOUSE". It's racism. That's how I see it. She does this with many characters, and it's ridiculous.
Anyway, I have no problem with Asian representation. But what if Cho was Native American? (I know Rowling made that whole other school but it was really problematic so to me, it doesn't exist).
Or have Cho as Chinese (maybe give her a proper Chinese name), and we can have another main character...like Hermione, or Katie Bell as Native American. I just think it would be interesting to see an exchange student from another country as well.
Lesbian. Poly lesbian. All those boys she went out with in Hogwarts were actually just beards. And she was having a secret relationship with another girl in her year. However, the polyamory doesn't come out until she's in her 20s.
Polysexual; sexual or romantic attraction to people with varying genders. Polysexual orientations include bisexuality, pansexuality, omnisexuality, and queer, among many others. Basically, he can be attracted to anyone. But Fleur was the one who captured his heart fully and wholely.
Asexual; I know he isn't in the movies (WHY?!) but he spends all his time with Dragons, and I think that will always be his main love and passion.
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ourrootsgodeep · 1 year
demon on a leash.
(ramsay bolton x oakheart!reader)
a/n: listen i like evil men okay. i do not condone their actions i just think it’s kind of hot and silly and i don’t think that is a problem (it is a problem)
warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT OR I WILL HIT YOU WITH A CAR, ramsay bolton is a warning in and of himself, pre-season 4 of GOT, unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving), biting, breeding kink, murder, stray pickled eyeball, ramsay is a fucking creep, this could probably be described as yandere, the author is bad at writing smut, this author is bad at writing generally, vague mention of joffrey (disgusting), implied bisexual reader but let’s face it all my readers are bisexual, reader is NOT a virgin and ramsay appreciates it, ramsay is pussywhipped as hell
the ceremony had been beautiful, but it was so cold up there. she had expected her wedding to be warm and summery, but when her mother had betrothed her to the infamous “bastard of bolton,” all her fantasies were dashed.
y/n smoothed the creamy velvet dress as she stood before the fire. the jewels she was wearing caught the light beautifully, glowing amber in the dim atmosphere. ramsay would be there soon, she thought. he had seemed so odd during the ceremony: cold, and charming, and utterly attentive to her. disturbingly attentive, for someone of his reputation. he poured wine for her, cut her meat. his pale gaze never left her for even a second.
a floorboard creaked suddenly, and she whirled around. ramsay stood there, observing her in the firelight. “my beautiful wife,” he said, in his soft, rasping voice.
she curtsied. “husband.”
he crossed the room in three quick strides, taking her hand in his and directing her into one of two chairs at the fireside. margaery tyrell had one like him, she thought. if only she remembered how margaery had said she handled him.
ramsay hadn’t stopped staring at her for even a second. “forgive me, sweet girl, i had some unfinished business to take care of.”
“it’s quite alright,” she said softly, and hesitated before speaking again. “i am sure whatever it was must have been important. i do not begrudge you your time.”
ramsay’s mouth twitched in a faint, amused smile. “i am glad to hear it. incidentally, i have a gift for you.”
he nodded and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small, ornately carved wooden box. y/n took it with murmured thanks and turned it over in her hands, inspecting it carefully. it was carved with oak leaves around the sides, and the flayed man of house bolton on top. as she turned it, she heard a faint thunk inside. she turned to ramsay, feigning delight, dreading what her instinct told her was within. “what is it, my love?”
he raised his eyebrows and smiled cheerfully, but said nothing, merely gesturing for her to open it.
when she undid the clasp and the lid sprang open, a bloody brown eye looked back up at her.
she froze, forcing her face into a faint, impassive smile, her thoughts running through all the people it could be. a friend? a cousin, dear gods, not-
she turned to ramsay, who was grinning delightedly. “whose is it, my love?”
he stood, coming over and leaning over her shoulder, pressing a surprisingly gentle kiss to her shoulder before replying. “one of walder frey’s bastards. he had the nerve to ask me when the bedding ceremony was.”
interesting. maybe she could work with this. “thank you for that, husband,” she said, choosing her words carefully. “i do not wish anyone to see my body, save you.” y/n took his hand from where it rested behind her and pressed his scarred knuckles to her lips, looking up at him and making her eyes large and soft.
he preened under the attention. “good girl.” his voice was low and raspy, pupils blown wide in his pale eyes.
alright, she thought. she could work with this.
king robert’s fiftieth birthday was held at winterfell, and almost everyone was in attendance, from the umbers of the last hearth to the ullers of hellholt and the redwynes of the arbor. even most of the bastards of the great houses had been invited, leaving ramsay standing in a corner while his father spoke with lord flint.
he had hoped to see lady oakheart and her daughter that night. he had heard of lady y/n’s beauty as she grew, remembering her from when they were children. he scanned the room, sneering at jon umber as he noticed him trying to flirt with margaery tyrell, scowling at rickard karstark’s drunken jokes.
he could see theon greyjoy standing off to the side, eying a woman in gold with robb stark. curious, he followed their gaze, and it led him back to her.
he inhaled sharply when he saw her, in soft silks draped carefully over her soft curves, with golden pins and jewels holding it delicately in place. he hadn’t seen her since they were thirteen years old, but in the five years since then, she was a woman.
he could see greyjoy walking over to her, which meant he had to act fast. he crossed the distance between them as quickly as possible, bowing before her as he reached her and noting greyjoy’s annoyance with delight. “sweet lady,” he said, looking back up at her after a moment.
her lips parted in a pretty smile. she looked like a goddess, in a halo of candlelight, resplendent in gold. “my lord,” she said with a slight chuckle.
he stared at her for a moment, his breath catching in his throat before he remembered himself. “would you dance with me?” he asked.
she raised her eyebrows, her voice taking on a teasing lilt. “i don’t even know your name.”
“y/n.” she took his arm gently, allowing him to lead her onto the dance floor.
he settled his hands onto her hips as the slow, elegant song began, delighted to feel the soft flesh so warm under the thin fabric. “how do you find the north so far?” he asked, looking down into her eyes.
“cold,” she replied. “i thought people were exaggerating the summer chill.”
he could see that. her hard nipples were poking through the dress. he wondered what her skin would taste like if he were to lick and suck at the pointed nubs. “i never particularly notice, myself. you get used to it the more you stay up here.”
“are you from here, then?”
“near the dreadfort.” he spun her carefully in his arms, watching her earrings catch the light. her perfume smelled like vanilla and sweet amber. “i’m in service to lord bolton.”
“oh really?” she was so close to him he could feel her breath. he silently thanked the old gods, or whichever gods were out there, for the crowds on the dance floor. “i was betrothed to his son, before he died. lord domeric.”
“were you now?”
“mhm. it was such a tragedy. i did not know him well, but he seemed a very kind man.”
kind indeed. he remembered the slight look of disdain she had had for him when they met. how lucky that she was now available to marry ramsay. “are you betrothed now?” he asked.
“not yet. i’ve had an offer made to me by theon greyjoy’s father, but nothing is settled.”
he clenched his teeth, but kept a straight face. “the greyjoys are an old and proud house. you could do well there.”
“mm, perhaps. too proud for my taste, though. and it’s so dreary there. i would miss my home.” ramsay looked down at her face, eyeing her lips, painted with red ochre. in the candlelight, it looked like she had been drinking blood. “besides, if i were to marry anyone, it would have to be someone like you.”
he had to do a double take to be sure he wasn’t imagining things. he’d been dreaming of that for so long. “you’d what?”
she chuckled, her cheeks flushed. “well, not you specifically. but someone who isn’t the heir of a great house like the starks or the greyjoys, who wouldn’t get in the way of me inheriting my own lands..-.”
she was still talking, but he wasn’t listening. all he could think of was her words. she would have to marry someone like him.
the fire was still crackling in the hearth, but ramsay was uncomfortably silent.
y/n could still feel his pale eyes on her as she stared at the frey man’s eye. he was working at undoing the elaborate braided hairstyle she had been married in, carefully plucking out the pins and placing them on the vanity next to them. “i should go down to the maester tomorrow and get a good jar of vinegar for this,” she remarked, trying to break the silence.
she could see his eyebrows crease through the mirror. “what for?”
“it’ll preserve it,” y/n replied. she tilted her head back and smiled up at him as the last lock of her hair came undone. “so i can keep your sweet gift forever, my dear husband.”
he smiled broadly and kissed the top of her head. “you are the sweet one, little wife.” at least she now knew what seemed to please him.
she stood up, pulling the thick locks of her hair over her shoulder, exposing the laces of her dress to him. “will you undress your wife?” she asked softly.
he let out a noise that was half chuckle, half groan and stepped closer to her. he pressed a lazy kiss to the junction of her shoulder, grazing the soft and delicate skin with his teeth. “i will.”
she saw the power she had over him, he knew that, but ramsay couldn’t bring himself to care. he finally had her, and everything was coming together.
he undid the strings holding her dress carefully, feeling the smooth velvet on his hands. he had been concerned, sometimes, when he was fucking his fist or myranda late at night, that they would be too rough for his pretty darling. he’d heard she liked the pretty boys down south. pretty boys and pretty girls both. his spies had at least been helpful in that regard. but she hadn’t seemed to mind his hands much when he was undoing her hair. he had noticed that she was wearing the same vanilla and amber perfume as at that ball two years ago. the scent permeated her hair, and since he had touched her neck he could smell it on his hands.
she was turning to him now, the firelight catching in her hair and turning it to a halo again. her dress hadn’t yet fallen down.
he noticed her lips moving and blinked, fixing his mouth into a winning smile. “pardon me, love, i wasn’t paying attention. what was that?”
she smiled back at him prettily. “i asked whether you’d like me to undress you, husband.”
he shook his head. “not yet. take off your clothes.”
she inhaled sharply through her nose and let the dress fall.
ramsay looked down at domeric, watching him writhe in his bed.
domeric’s eyes cracked open, watching him approach. “you did this,” he croaked. “you poisoned me.”
“mm. yes, i did.” ramsay shoved his hands in his pockets, taking a seat in the chair at the side of the bed.
domeric coughed. “why? i was always kind to you. you were my brother.”
ramsay laughed harshly. “your bastard brother, as you reminded me every day.” he leaned closer. “you stole my father, my birthright. you tried to steal the woman i love. i stopped you.”
“woman?” domeric frowned. “you love y/n? ha!” he coughed again, glaring up at ramsay with a red-rimmed eye. “you don’t love anyone.”
ramsay smiled at him coldly. “certainly not you.” he picked up a pillow idly, pretending to inspect it closely before standing up and smiling cheerfully at domeric. “happy dreams, dear brother.”
the pillow descended over domeric’s face.
y/n didn’t want to admit it, but ramsay’s words had gotten to her. perhaps it was something to do with the way he said it, in that low rasp, or the way his eyes looked at her so hungrily. the dress slipped down her body, leaving her in her under clothes. she heard him inhale sharply when he saw the sheer, delicate lace chemise hugging her breasts, pushed up beautifully in the corset. she undid the clasps holding it up, heat rising in her belly when he groaned as her breasts fell free.
“on the bed,” he ordered, and she complied, quickly sitting on the edge and waiting for him.
instead of pushing her back and undoing his trousers as she thought he would, he knelt in front of her. she watched his hands closely, watched them pull her legs apart, begin to pull down the delicate lace stockings. she shivered in the new cold against her legs, then shivered again when he pressed a kiss to her thigh, just above her knee. he grinned at her reaction to him, then pounced forward quickly and but down harshly at the tender skin of her inner thigh.
y/n cried out at the feeling of his teeth sinking into her, and ramsay looked up and hushed her gently. “quiet, sweetling. you’re mine now. i get to mark you as i please. i will not hurt you too badly.”
her chest rose and fell in quickened breaths, and she looked down at him with eyes that she knew were blown wide with lust. “i did not say it was a bad pain.”
ramsay laughed darkly, looking up at her like a starving man. “i believe i must be the luckiest man in the world.”
he reached upwards and tore through her smallclothes, ignoring her protests and diving into her core, lapping at it like a man dying of thirst. he nipped slightly at her swollen bud and she moaned his name loudly, reaching down and grabbing a fistful of his hair. he groaned at the mix of pain and pleasure and reached down, using one hand to hold her legs apart and the other to fist his cock. y/n could barely hear it over the rush of blood in her ears, but as she came over his face and tongue she could hear him muttering things like, “so beautiful… wanted you for so long… no one else deserved you.”
she collapsed back on the bed, chest heaving and cheeks flushed. ramsay chuckled softly. “not yet, pet. let me see you.” he pulled her up and took her lace chemise off of her body carefully, setting it aside. finally, he lay her back on the bed, admiring the many bruises and bites that now littered her thighs and shoulders. “are you a virgin?” he murmured hoarsely. at her hesitation, he added, “do not worry, sweet girl, i won’t be angry. you didn’t know yet.”
didn’t know what? she wanted to ask, but refrained. instead, she slowly shook her head. “i am not, no.” he didn’t seem like a person to lie to.
his lips parted in a wide and utterly unexpected grin. “thank the gods.”
he flipped her over onto her belly, manhandling her into the position he wanted on the bed. he raised her hips into the air and climbed up behind her, undoing his trousers and letting his cock spring free. it fell against her center, and he rutted against her a few times, soaking his painfully hard length with her slick and then plunging into her, setting a rough, almost punishing pace from the start. y/n mewled, her hands curling into the sheets and fisting the soft material. he would bruise her hips, she was sure, with how hard he was gripping them, muttering between his grunts of pleasure about how pretty she would look round and swollen with his heir. he reached up and palmed her tits, pulling her backward into his chest and pinching her hardened nipples. “you see these?” he panted, making her whine as the rough pads of his thumbs brushed over her sore flesh. “these will feed my son in a few months, pretty wife.”
y/n’s head tilted back, falling onto his shoulder, exposing her soft neck to him. he bit down at the tender place just under her jaw as he finished, reaching down to rub harshly at the pearl between her legs and making her tremble and squeeze around him as she came, leaving her limp-boned in his arms. he panted harshly for a few moments, letting her collapse back onto him, before carefully pulling out and laying her down on the bed, chest still rising and falling quickly. y/n saw him get up through half-lidded eyes, admiring the muscles of his back as he moved. he rifled through his desk for a moment as she caught her breath before turning back and walking to her, holding something small in his hands.
he looked down at her spread legs, where a few drops of his seed had leaked out of her swollen, puffy cunt. “careful now, sweetling,” he murmured. he used his free hand to push the sticky white spend back inside her, grinning at the whine she let out at the intrusion into her sensitive core. “have to make sure there’s a baby in you by next month.”
y/n nodded sleepily, eyes half shut. she gestured towards the small thing in his hand. “what’s that?” she murmured.
“oh, this?” he held it up. “it’s a collar.” the jewelry was rich, fine gold, studded with rubies and emblazoned with the sigil of house bolton. “do you know what collars are for?”
y/n blinked up at him sleepily, dreading what he was going to say.
“they tell you who owns the bitch, sweet wife.” he caressed her face gently, then pulled her up into a sitting position and fastened the collar around her neck. it sat prettily at the base of her throat, the rubies gleaming like fresh blood. “now, whose bitch are you, my love?”
y/n’s voice was hoarse and quiet from moans and cries and no small amount of fear. “yours, husband.”
“i didn’t quite hear you.” he tugged her head forward until her lips were close enough to kiss. he spoke slowly, emphasizing every word. “who. do you. belong to?” the collar was digging into the bruises on her neck, but y/n looked up at him and cleared her throat. her mind was whirling with fear, with escape plans, with the question of how she was going to survive this. “answer me, my love,” he said again, gripping the collar tighter. y/n’s eyes seemed to clear as a realization came over her, a new plan for survival. she looked up at him with hazy, false, lovesick eyes, and answered him.
“you. i belong to you.”
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odekoyma · 9 months
Insert skin ask here for the Eve/Ahri/Xayah/Rakan/Aatrox team
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Sharkboy Aatrox! haha! Fish Aatrox! Am I really gonna make fun of a 750 RP skin now?
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Look, I personally don't play Aatrox, but when I see this skin in the game, something within me just SNAPS
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The Queen slays in every skin, but Bandit Evelynn is the weakest one she has, I have 250K on her, and I picked this skin ONCE
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Even after a rework Riot never tried to make Academy Ahri be more interesting than just "Foxgirl in a school uniform OC" which is fine, I guess..
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Spirit Blossom Ahri. Simple. Her character is exactly how I portray Ahri in my comics - playful, cunning, feral. AND SHE HAS A FOX FORM AND ULTIMATE FORM? TAKE MY MONEY! PLEASE!!!
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Wtf is this plastic skin for both of them? The models in game for BOTH Rakan & Xayah are ugly
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I am still bitter that they stole a legendary spot from Zoe, but man..... their story is so good in SG universe, also....EVIL RAKAN! UHHH!!!~
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lichenes · 6 months
do you write smut for sandra ? <3 shes so fine i would love some wlw smut
!!! i love my evil bisexual queen Sandra... idk if she killed him, all women deserve one kill per week tbh. (she looks soooo pretty in that gif... good god.) Enjoy :** Sandra Voyter x fem!reader CW: porn with plot, consent is sexy<33, sub!reader, fingering, eating out, NSFW wc: 948
_____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿_____
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Checking the adress for the hundreth time you rung the doorbell waiting for a response. "Hi, I'm... Samuel." Said the burly man greeting you at his door. He looked you up and down as if to asses you. You weren't sure what went through his mind but he must've blown it off because the next second he was inviting you to their house.
"Sandra is just in the living room." Entering the house you immediately spotted her, lounging on her dingy armchair and your breath got caught in your throat. You knew from the pictures that she was stunning but in real life she looked positively ravishing. You felt your knees go weak as she invited you to sit down on the armchair opposed to her.
"P.I.M.P." started being blasted upstairs as she got up to greet you. "It's my husband he's... insulating the roof." You nodded sympathetically.
Before sitting down you introduced yourself extending your hand towards her. She shook your hand with a certain tenderness. "Tea? Coffee?" She asked jas if she were suddenly rejuvenated. "Wine?" She added pointing to her own glass. You chuckled. "Since you've opened it, I guess it'd be a shame to let it go to waste."
You spent the late morning chatting away, not wanting it to end you kept coming up with questions not included in your interview's intenerary. "Are you sure the publishers asked you to question me about my favourite colour?" Sandra said with a drunken giggle. Your cheeks got hot, pretending you were certain it did indeed matter. You were chalking up her redness to the drunken stupor but in reality, she was enjoying your shy little questions.
When she was escorting you out she pulled out her business card from the little paper holder next to her door and handed it to you. "In case you have any more questions Madame." You curtsied awkwardly and walked, away your cheeks still hot with excitement.
You weren't sure what you were doing, performing a booty call of sorts? You've been texting with Sandra for a while and it became apparent that you were made for eachother, at least in your eyes. Maybe it was the heat of the moment, maybe the fact that you haven't been satisfied with any of your recent hookups. Possibly the stress of her going to jail soon. None of it mattered actually.
"Yes?" Sandra answered with a worried tone, you've never called her before. "I..." you found yourself unable to formulate any coherent thoughts. "Sandra... I need you." She hung up. You looked at the screen displaying her name, hurt but not shocked. How could you have done something so stupid? You've ruined everything.
Twenty minutes later you were taking a cold shower, attempting to quench the thirst you were feeling for her. And then the doorbell rung.
Sandra was standing in your bedroom's doorway panting, ready to pounce on you. "Sandra I-" You were standing opposite her in a towel only. Your wet hair was sticking to your forehead and you could feel yourself getting more anxious by the minute. She launched at you animalistically grabbing you face and smashing her lips into yours.
You were floored by her forwardness. She always presented herself as confident but you never thought that she would be this bold. Deepening the kiss, you put your hands on her waist pulling her closer. She was fillling up all your senses with pure lust and adoration.
Time stopped when she put her knee in between your thighs, feeling the heat emanating from your core. Sandra broke the kiss and looked deep into your eyes. "Do you really want this?" She said almost panting. You nodded fervently. "No, no. Use your words."
Your words got stuck in your throat as you attempted to choke out an enthusiastic 'yes'. Fortunately she didn't need any more convincing and ripped the towel off of you pushing your breathless form onto the bed.
Minutes passed and you got increasingly more and more desperate. She refused to do anything else besides groping you as if to tease you even more. "I wanna... see you Sandra..." You said in betweeen kisses. She looked at you with an evergrowing desire and tore down all her clothes, as if in one fell swoop.
She kneeled on the bed. Her hand returned back to your thighs spreading them and entering one finger into you. You shivered at the sudden intrusion. She reassured you by shushing your anxieties away. With a questioning look she asked. "Are you sure?" As if to tease you she put a second finger in and you gasped out a quiet "Yes, fuck... please."
She didn't waste any more time. Sandra leaned down and gave two kitten licks to your clit. You went cross eyed from that alone but when she put her whole mouth on you, you went cross-eyed. "Fuck... Sandra..." You gasped. She kept sliding the two and soon three fingers in and out making you go crazy.
Moments of bliss passed as she continued her work. You were approaching your edge not wanting it to end so soon. "Sandra, please! I'm- oh god." With a final thrust Sandra hit that one spot inside you which made you see stars as you came, honestly and truly spent. After you came off of your high you asked her "What about you?" She shushed you and gave you a mind-numbing kiss.
You laid like this for quite a while and for a moment you could feel yourself drifting to sleep. Sandra grabbed your cheeks and placed a delicate kiss on your lips. "I have to go... call me again soon." She added quietly. "Please."
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doyouremem8erme · 1 day
Hello everybody! Let me tell you about Amphibia.
Anne, Marcy, Sasha Waybright Blue, green, pink; heart, wit, and strength Three stars burning bright Come from beyond to expel the night
Hop Pop, Polly, Sprig Captain Grime, Toad Lord King Andrias Leviathan General Yunan and Olivia
Wartwood Valley, Toad Tower Newtopia and Proteus Wally Ribbiton and Toadstool Valeriana and Mother Olm
Red moon, Lean On Me You're better off without me Bugs and frogs, newts and toads Magic sword, mantis scythe
[Chorus:] Welcome to Amphibia! Though it's weird and random, it's the greatest fandom! Welcome to Amphibia! True, it may seem silly, but it will hurt you badly!
Hop Pop's secret, Family Shrub Corn thief, tea, magic beam Good frog, best friend Young Mrs. Croaker was kinda hot
Cannibal inn, chemistry Vinegar plus baking soda will explode Robot frogs, noir Hop Pop I love the found family trope!
Road trip, fwagon Mysterious factories Robots, cannibals Newtopia university
Kermit the Frog, Mr. Ponds Frog Soos licks himself Laser pointers, Anne's boyfriend Hop Pop is a theatre kid
Exploring in Newtopia Polly wants a crossbow Sprig is high, butch newts are hot Hop Pop killed a man
Hop Topic, Frog Claires Haunted basement sleepover A Day at the Aquarium The Plantars are headed home
Shipping wars, cape fires Bringing Fleafy back to life Temples, Flipwart, puzzles Toad rebellion, Warhammer
Heartstomper, No Big Deal True Colors got leaked Intense final scenes I'm sorry for everything...
New Normal, Turning Point Love rhombus, say whaaattt??? Pickle jar, rescue Possession theories coming true
Agent RuPaul, FBI Andrias cup size Yogurt pretzels, lightsabers Bisexual evil king divorce
Andrias, Barrel, and Leif Stolen box, prophecy It's time to start invading Earth!
In the episode Commander Anne-- Bisexual Sasha? Say tuned! Purple collars, robot judge Underground Wartwood
Twink newts, mushroom cult Buff Loggle enjoys his dress Killapillar kittens Domino is actual god
Dance battles, possessed friends K-pop powers, severed limbs War of the Warlocks, very cute! Vivisection, fire scythe
Core helmet, falling moon Secret spell, synergy boost Greatest treasure, calamity mode This fandom's about to explode!
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