thebigcomed0wn · 4 months
im so serious if you cant imagine a single female character u like or you coincidentally only care about men or imagine that women are a different species of human that are impossible to draw or write about or relate to, You are the problem. its not because you’re gay it’s because you do not like women
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mugenfinder · 10 months
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Wondercon 2008 Masquerade Trish and Ada Wong Cosplay Taken by Michael Huang
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princewoble · 1 year
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resident evil but if it was a little… bizarre
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junnnxv · 4 months
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Sketch book dump!!
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dmc-questions-anon · 4 months
AU of Trish working to take Mundus' place as emperor of the demon world. She decides she could do a better job.
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hopelesslovebug · 2 years
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let me let all the angst out first so we can quickly move to silly hahas
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shoechoe · 1 year
On the subject of people insisting that Trish is Doppio's daughter instead of Diavolo's, I think the main reason that bothers me isn't because it's just incorrect, but because people use that to try and twist the narrative into "Diavolo is the evil monster that ruined poor Doppio's relationship and if only he was never there, Doppio could've stayed with Donatella and been a good father to Trish and none of this would've ever happened!"
You guys… Doppio actively helped Diavolo kill Trish. The point isn't that Diavolo is a horrible monster for getting in the way of Doppio's happy domestic life or whatever- the point is that Diavolo's paranoia and attempts to erase his past became a self-fulfilling prophecy as his own past actions finally caught up to him and led to his defeat.
As Diavolo became increasingly power-hungry, he lost his humanity in order to become completely untouchable by the outside world. He sabotaged his own life (including Doppio by extension) to sever all of his ties from the rest of humanity. He was willing to burn down his hometown, abandon his girlfriend, and eventually try to kill his kid because of his paranoia and lack of care for anyone but himself. His own daughter, a person he's supposed to care about, was instead a painful living reminder of his past that he wanted to dispose of at any cost.
That’s the moral of his character; when all you seek is power, you lose your humanity and sight of what’s really important, which, in this case, was his child. This “Diavolo is the evil split personality getting in the way of Doppio being a good father” narrative totally defeats the point (not to mention echoes the tiresome “sweet, innocent alter with an evil violent alter” character trope that has been used to stigmatize people with Dissociative Identity Disorder for decades).
I feel the same way about the constant insistence that Doppio is the "real/original" of the two and that Diavolo is the "fake" one, whatever that means (if anything, it would be the reverse since the manga repeatedly calls Diavolo the "true form" and their "true nature"- though this entire idea of one being "fake" and one being "real" doesn't really make sense), the "Diavolo is actually a demon possessing Doppio" theories, and the constant babying of Doppio's character. It's all geared to favor Doppio and frame him as the pure victim and Diavolo as the practically inhuman monster, resulting in squashing out the depth in both of them (and honestly detracting attention from the real innocent victim, which is Trish.)
And it’s not like Doppio needs any of this mischaracterization to be interesting; there’s genuine tragedy to his character as well. Diavolo’s obsession with self-isolation ends up dragging Doppio around with him as he’s used as a human vessel, even though Doppio does not desire this isolation for himself. As a result, he’s incredibly lonely and unhappy, depending on his Boss for companionship and instruction, never realizing that the one responsible for his loneliness in the first place is his Boss- who is also the other side of their fractured identity. In the end, he’s forcefully separated from Diavolo and ends up dying alone, deliriously begging for his Boss to call him despite Diavolo not even being there to hear him, never getting to discover the truth about himself. It reflects not only how brutally Diavolo treats others to achieve ultimate power, but also how he treats himself.
Character favoritism is fine- after all, Doppio is the more likable one, so it was inevitable- but I think it's leading people to make these two into worse characters, and that bothers me. You don’t need to spout misconceptions, fall back on overdone mental illness tropes (really, canon is already bad enough as it is), and change the whole moral of their characters to make them interesting.
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elfmell · 11 months
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sparkie96 · 5 months
Chapter 16 of 17 “Deal With A Devil: Birth of Nero”
Chris rushed through the doors of the BSAA, Rebecca having called to let him know that “some tall, white-haired man” had shown up in a helicopter with Leon in his arms. Leon had been hollering and crying out for help, hollering about “Nero coming” and “Chris needing to be there”.
That had been twenty-four hours ago, but Leon was still in labor.
Making his way to the Infirmary, Chris noted that he could hear Leon’s screams and grunting, the sound growing louder with every step. It sounded like Leon was being tortured. Or torn apart. Maybe even both considering he was in labor and about to give birth to an odd demon baby.
He couldn’t help but wonder if the “demon” aspect had anything to do with the lights flickering, Chris hearing the air-conditioning turning off and turning back on by itself, as though they were dealing with some sort of power outage.
Carlos Olivera was there, having been Security since he had broken his arm on his last assignment. Carlos greeted both Chris and Jill, informing them that Rebecca had sedated Leon, but it must have burned out of his system already.
“And she gave him enough to take down an elephant.” Carlos explained as he guided them into the Infirmary, specifically an isolation cell, “And something else happened, because we had to force him into a cell.”
“What happened?” Chris asked, looking in through the window and seeing Leon pacing around, holding his middle, “How is he standing upright?”
Carlos shrugged, “Adrenaline? Restlessness? Doc isn’t sure.”
“He refused to sleep.” Rebecca chimed in, wearing what looked like an armored hazmat suit, her helmet tucked under her arm as she discarded a now empty syringe, “I’ve never seen anything like it. At this rate, we’re going to be out of sedatives before that baby even comes.”
”Jesus…” Jill breathed as she and Chris looked Leon over.
Leon’s hair was disheveled and messy, clad only in a medical gown. There was blood on the front of his gown and on his lips, Rebecca explaining that they had given him food but he only wanted raw meat. One of the initiates brought in some meat from his grandfather’s butchery and Leon all but attacked him. Had it not been for Carlos and two others, Leon probably would have mauled the poor kid.
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baravaggio · 1 year
why do you guys hate gyro and his unwashed musty corrosive battery acid flaming homosexual pussy so much omg stopppp you're hurting my feelings
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newjaxxcity · 1 year
What sleepover did Cathy Kelley get her hair done at?
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unlucky-leek · 1 year
I had this super cool dream last night where the DMC crew were in a zombie apocalypse / Resident Evil type situation. They split up and were going through an office building or something, and Trish was being a super badass, doing flips and crushing zombie heads with her heels and stuff.
Eventually she came across some sort of glass office with a few survivors in it and tried to direct them to safety (after accidentally beating the crap out of a few humans by mistake).
Cut to a later scene and Trish staggers over to Dante with someone slumped over her back. Dante asks if she found any other survivors and she grimly shook her head. The person on her back then begins to stir, only to be a zombie now! So Dante has no choice but to shoot them despite Trish's protests.
And then some other stuff probably happened, but you know how dreams are 😆
Just wanted to share so I don't forget, I feel like there's a cool story in here haha
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🍹 for a drunk text to a certain blonde who no longer has a phone cause she's in prison...
(⟶ trish): you are such an asshole. (⟶ trish): you cant even get this message. because youre in prison. where i put you. im drunk but im not that goddamn drunk. (⟶ trish): i didnt want to. i really goddamn didnt (⟶ trish): i didnt want to have to do this without you. you know i didnt. (⟶ trish): its hard. missing you. i miss you and its your fault i miss you, not mine for once. but im the one who still feels guilty. (⟶ trish): people do bad shit and if you avoid getting involved in the first place, it doesnt matter. that worked for me. that always worked for me except with you. because you were my sister. you were the reason i went out to try and be a goddamn hero. you were the reason i kept breathing even after it all fell to shit. you were the one i ran to after i got away from him, the one who put the shattered pieces of my psyche back together again. you were the only person i gave a shit about for a long goddamn time. i still give a shit about you. and you tried to kill me (⟶ trish): i dont know how to move on. not from this. (⟶ trish): im getting another bottle
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poptartmochi · 2 years
hmm methinks i’ve hit a wall in my necromancy adventures 😔
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shoechoe · 1 year
I think a lot about how Trish says that she can still sense that Diavolo is alive when he's in the death loop. That just sounds miserable to me; imagine if you constantly felt your abusive father's presence even after he's "taken care" of
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dgaftilwedie · 24 days
playing fortnite like a cringe loser and i had an idea *throws this at you*
bucci's gang playing fortnite woo!!!!!!
giorno - he doesn't play very often. he only plays when the others ask (beg) him to. he spends most of the game hiding inside of gas stations or other buildings, clipping people with shotguns when they enter his territory. somehow makes it to the last 10 very often.
narancia - he's kinda cracked actually. he plays fast. like, he drops at medallion locations and collects all of them as quickly as he can. he uses smgs most of the time. LOVESSSSS the cars. bro will put on the vengabus and chase people around while cackling like a maniac.
mista - he plays to KILL. he's a gunman, so he's like, inherently really good at fortnite. he NEVER carries heals and it usually bites him in the ass 💀💀 mista pretty much only uses snipers and pistols because "it feels more real". he also strictly uses the peter griffin skin and ALWAYS makes it to the final 5.
fugo - he gets pissed off so easily (when doesn't he). he forces narancia to duo with him because again, narancia's cracked!!!! except he definitely prefers to take his time. he likes to hide in trees and snipe people. he's also really good at pickaxing people to death. immediately hits the default dance afterwards because it makes him feel eviller.
trish - she doesn't play often, but when she does, she kinda carries. she likes to run trios with mista and giorno. loves her pistols dearly. have you ever seen those clips of moist critikal hitting absolutely insane clips with pistols?? THAT'S TRISH. she goes fucking BATSHIT. it makes her proud :')
bruno - he prefers to watch, but he will play every now and then to humor his team. his play style is like a mixture of giorno and fugo's. he doesn't push when he sees gunfire, he hangs back and waits in the wings for the perfect opportunity to snipe people to death. he usually makes it pretty far but he doesn't get butthurt about losing. unless he has a crown.
abbacchio - he thinks fortnite is childish. that being said, he likes watching. especially when giorno gets his ass kicked. he's very much a backseat gamer. mista's snapped at him so many times to just play the game and everynow and then, he caves. little does anyone know, abbacchio practices in his free time and he kinda clears!! all that matters is that he's better than giorno.
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