#evidently they were only open for 15 minutes after lunch and then they left because it was too hot (??????)
hamaonoverdrive · 18 days
I hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the medical system
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cupidsandromeda · 1 year
Real Delulu
Miles Morales x fem! reader
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"And my man, thank you to my maaaaannnn"
It was no secret you were obsessed with your boyfriend. Definitely one of them "my man my man my man" type of girls. But you couldn't help it !! He was so good to you.
Miles Morales constantly showered you in praises and love. However, this was only when the two of you were alone, or occasionally on his story. He wasn't tryna be hard or nothing, he just valued privacy.
You on the other hand, talked about this boy like he put the stars in the sky just for you.
if he could, he would
"I miss my man.." you dramatically slid out of your chair, warranting a heavy sigh from your girls.
"Did you not just see him at lunch, bitch?" Karma, your bestie, snapped at you. It was only playful, that's just how the two of you talked.
"Okay, but lunch is only like 30 minutes, ima need like an hour." You whined, clinging to her arm.
"Girl get off meeee, it's hot in here," The girl pried you off of her, laughing at your desperation.
"Oh, it's funny, Karma? I'm bout to dieee" you put your head down, fake crying. Normally, you could leave class to meet Miles in the hallways; You knew this class had a good 20 minutes left, and if you asked to leave now, it would be breaking the 15-15 rule.
"Okay, lemme stop. If i finish this assignment now, I can focus on him later," You finally sat up, focusing on your work after spending the whole class giggling over imessage.
"Bet, because im close to getting a motherfuckin C in this class, and i need help." Karma slammed her phone down, ready to work.
As soon as the bell rung, you popped out of your seat, dashing to the door.
"No running, Miss L/N" your teacher droned.
And you did not give a fuck, you sped tf out that door, knowing exactly who was on the other side.
"Hey boo," you squealed, kissing Miles on the cheek repeatedly. Although your teacher stared at you in shock, she didn't say anything because this was a daily occurrence.
"Hey mamas" (yeah) , "sorry for not responding to all 30 of your texts, my phone died." He held up his phone as evidence, because you were not going for that.
"Mhm, and that's why you need to be charging it at night." You rolled your eyes teasingly, still smiling brightly at him.
He walked you back to his dorm, prepared to be forced into a cuddle session with you, until you pulled out your phone, opening tiktok.
"Whats this?" He asked, questioning the obvious.
"And my man, thank you to my man" you mouthed the lyrics, making sure you were both in frame. You also made sure to wiggle the promise ring he had given you at the camera.
"A tiktok." was all you said. You sat down on his lap, ready to record.
He just looked at you, smiling. He didn't care much for tiktoks but for you? Oh, it was whatever makes you happy. You posted to tiktok to your instagram story.
karmasabitch replied to your story:
'Girl good mfn night 😂😂'
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A/N : this was short asfk but i promise you my best ideas come out at 5 am when i should be sleeping. aaaanyways, as per usual, not proofread or nothing. if i wake up and feel like it, i'll make edits 🩷
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spfqueen · 1 year
Vipassana means "seeing things as they really are" and is a meditation technique originating from India. It is the process of self-cleansing through self-observation. Impulsively once again, I decided to spend 10 days at a retreat in Asia learning this ancient meditation technique white cut off from all electronic devices and communication with the outside world.
I am a woman of science, I like evidence based, quantitative measurement and proof of theory and statistics. What the heck was I doing at a Buddhist meditation retreat right after my research fellowship?
I've always been drawn to Eastern philosophy. After earning my science degree I traveled to Bali to get a yoga instructor certification. That's where I first heard about Vipassana. I couldn't understand why anyone would willingly sign up for something so torturing. Two years later my own calling came: I felt completely disconnected from my body and disoriented from my goals. I went on the website and started looking for destinations, I filled out the declaration of interest not believing I would go. Vipassana centers exist all over the world, as well as in Greece. The only open place I found within 10 days was in Singapore. I was starting rural in two months so it had to be done asap.
My previous experience with meditation? Excruciating. I couldn't sit still for more than 10 minutes, my so-called monkey mind jumped around endlessly leaving me with negative feelings of failure and dissatisfaction. But wasn't that the goal? To go and learn how to do it.
I decided not to discuss this decision with my acquaintances, as I didn't want their opinion to influence me. I knew exactly how they were going to respond.
Three days before I left I told my brother that I was scared. He replied "It is that because you are scared you have to do it".
Two days before I flew I announced to my mother that I was going to Singapore for 10 days without a cell phone for a meditation retreat. The mother obviously freaked out. "Who organises this, what's the point, why don't you go find a place at the beach to chill instead of flying to Asia to meet hippies".
I packed my suitcase and took a taxi to the airport for a 20h trip. I commuted from the airport directly to the place appointed for pick up to the course location. I was there two hours early. "What am I doing? I have a family that loves me. Why did I have to go halfway around the world to calm my head - I could have chosen to go to a shopping spree instead. This meeting spot could easily be a white slavery organisation, I'd be kidnapped and no one would know where I was."
Slowly, Singaporeans and Indians began to appear with suitcases in hand and a look on their faces saying "I don't know what I'm doing - help me". I must have been in the right place because I looked like that too. They counted us, read our names and we boarded the bus. Half an hour later we had arrived at the camp and received our instructions and schedule for the next 10 days.
04:00 wake up to the sound of the gong 04:30 - 06:30 meditation in our private room or in the hall 06:30 - 08:00 breakfast 08:00 - 09:00 group meditation in the hall 11:00 - 13:00 lunch (this was the last meal of the day) and rest 13:00 - 14:30 meditation in our private area or in the hall 14:30 - 15:30 group meditation in the hall 15:30 - 17:00 meditation in our private room or in the hall 17:00 - 18:00 afternoon tea break 18:00 - 19:00 group meditation in the hall 19:00 - 20:15 video course screening 20:15 - 21:00 group meditation in the room 20:00 lights off
Rules The participants must: Refrain from killing any living creature (including: for eating anything of animal origin. not even the mosquito that's buzzing around you) Refrain from stealing. Refrain from any sexual activity. Refrain from lying. Abstain from any kind of toxic substances. To follow polite silence - ALL conversations (and eye contact) are forbidden. There is segregation of men and women in the area. Physical exercise, yoga is prohibited. No reading, music, writing, use of cell phone and camera is prohibited. Shoulders and knees should be covered at all times, with loose and modest clothing.
Time to explore where I would sleep. Our room had the same size as my room in Athens with the small detail that it was destined for 6 women in bunk beds. How was I supposed to share a room with 5 other Asian girls without talking? The room looked like it hadn't been cleaned for a long time, the WC was two in one, bathroom and toilet. How was I, a sworn enemy of any camping activities going to last 10 days in that hell? I'd heard that many people can't complete the course and give up, but a more stubborn person than me is hard to find. Furthermore, I was a bit far from home (20 hour trip). The outdoor space was surrounded by a fence, hence limited walking area. On the other side of the fence I saw beautiful trees I have only seen in Asian movies. It was beautiful.
Days 1 - 3
The first three days were dedicated to the technique of observing the breath, called anapana. I got 5 pillows to make a little throne and be as comfortable as possible. For the first 2 days western life occupied my mind. I was thinking of captions for my fantastic instagram posts for clicks I'd never taken. I walked around our fenced area to count how many minutes I completed it in (it was 4), so I could repeat it as many times as it takes to walk 30 minutes a day. For self entertainment purposes, I walked barefoot on the grass to soak in the daily midday rain. Remember the rules. Besides, it was so hot that I had to go into every meditation hour in a wet shirt to endure.
I generally don't dream, but after the first day of meditation every time I went to sleep (naps twice during the day and sleep at night) I had very vivid dreams that I remembered clearly afterwards. I started to get used to myself without make up and actually like my face (note that at the time my friends never saw me without winged eyeliner and 10 days make up free was a personal record).
Day 4
On the fourth day I found out that so far we haven't been practicing vipassana meditation. That day we had to pick a sitting position and stay there for two hours without any movement. For two hours you had to harness your mind telling you to stretch your leg, scratch your shoulder, open your eyes. And just when you think you're not going to make it, you do. My leg went completely numb and I had to give it sometime before I was able to walk again.
Every day that went by, I got better at that technique. I had become more relaxed, and more "present". I noticed the trees, each leaf and trunk, the sunrise and sunset, the colors and position of the sun. I felt happier, so much so that I wondered if they were adding any substances in our food.
Slowly, I began to understand the meaning behind each rule. We couldn't eat heavily because it was hard to stay alert for meditation on a full stomach. We couldn't talk because, as they say, "comparison is the thief of joy." Each student was at a different stage in their path and each path is different. Also writing, cell phones and talking were ways we could avoid introspection. Exercise, even light yoga would be distraction as well.
Days 6 - 9
On the 6th day, the vipassana technique began. From then on, three times a day for one hour we had to stay still. Normally you should not label your meditation as good or bad. It is simply what it is. However, I was extremely proud of my meditation session on the 7th day. An hour of sitting went by like 5 minutes. It seemed unbelievable to me. After the session, I went outside, sat on the grass and observed the nature around me. Never in my life, had I ever felt such explosion of joy inside of me before. The feelings were unprecedented. I couldn't remember myself being so happy. I started wondering when was the last time I was happy. The last times I had felt happy were when I had published in one of the best dermatology journals, when I had presented at that American World Congress, when I went on a date with Mr X, Y, Z. It was all external ego boosters. And there, I found myself having created this huge feeling - all an inside job, with no gym endorphins, no shopping, no contact with people around me. I was crying.
I was thinking about The Beatles, one of my favorite bands, who had gone to meditate in India. I was singing "Let it be" in my head and, for the first time, with Goenka's vipassana teaching, the song really made sense.
Day 10
We were finally allowed to talk to each other. I so was eager to ask about their experiences, what had prompted them to come. I learned that Vipassana is quite popular in Asian countries. I was surprised to find out that many came for no particular reason, just for the experience. Some said they were looking for answers, others said they were depressed and wanted to heal. All of them felt grateful that they came. I felt a constant smile on my face which I could also see on everyone around me.
I don't know what exactly it was that prompted me to try Vipassana. But it was the best trip of my life.
Was it easy? Not at all. Should you go for it? No doubt. If I had to put into one single phrase what how felt, it would be "I was put back into my body". I can't help but wonder if I would have handled things differently if I had done vipassana earlier in my life. I made a promise to myself that I would continue meditating and would repeat the course that made me grateful to be me.
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queenshelby · 3 years
Featuring: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Words: 3555
Warning: Smut, Abuse 
Notes: This is fiction and not historically accurate. It plays somewhere in the middle of Season 5, after Tommy met Oswald Mosley and became affiliated with him but before he planned to assassinate him.
Tag List: 
You were the oldest daughter of the chief of police in London and married to Oswald Mosley. The marriage between you and Oswald was arranged by your father who was supporting Mosley’s fascist movement.
Your husband was abusive and disrespectful towards you. You despised him and his fascist views. Luckily for you, he didn’t involve you in many political events. You were only obliged to attend functions with him where it benefitted him and his party.
You were aware that he was expanding his party but you didn’t involve yourself with politics, at least so it seemed. You knew that the fascist movement was dangerous and you hoped that, one day, your husband would pay for his sins.
You were not allowed to work, but you were allowed to volunteer at the local orphanage and soup kitchen. As the wife of Oswald Mosley, this was beneficial for his political campaign so he didn’t intervene. Little did he know that this was where you would meet one of his enemies.
Just so it happened that, on a Thursday evening when you were volunteering at the orphanage, you met a mysterious stranger.
Dressed in a comfortable but elegant dress, you unpacked several toys that were delivered from the Womens Association of Birmingham for the children at the orphanage.
The children were excited and you could barely keep up with their demand. Their excitement was overwhelming and their eyes lit up as they took the toys from your hands. It wasn’t often that they received brand new toys and you took joy simply in seeing their excitement. You wanted children of your own, but not with your husband. He wasn’t capable to be a good father and you were glad that, despite numerous attempts, you didn’t conceive.
After years, he told you that you were worthless, not being able to give him a child. But you were somewhat grateful for it. It also meant that he no longer bothered to force you to sleep with him, which never was pleasurable in any sort of way. You were pleased to learn that, after years of abuse, he found whores to be of more interest to him than you.
The work at the orphanage took you away from your miserable life. Working with children was pure joy for you and gave you the courage to inform on your husband to the communist partry. You did it for them, so that they can grow up in a world free from oppression. Your husband was the devil and you knew that very well.
Just as you went to get the last box of toys from the van, a man approached you from behind.
‘Please, let me help you with this’ the man said, taking the heavy box from your hands. He could see that you were struggling with its weight. After all, you were of small statue.
‘Thank you, Mr…’ you said in a way you would usually ask a question.
‘Shelby. Thomas Shelby’ the man said as he walked inside with you.
You showed him where to place the box so that you could unpack it as, all of a sudden, one of the nuns from the orphanage walked towards you from the hallway.
‘Please, Mr Shelby, you do not need to do this’ the nun said with a hasty voice.
‘But it’s my pleasure’ Tommy said as he opened the box and helped you unpack it.
‘Thank you’ you said with a shy smile as you couldn’t help it but stare into his bright blue eyes.
‘No thank you for the work you are doing here Y/N. It is admirable’ Tommy said with a warm smile.
‘I take joy in it’ you said before asking him how he knew your name.
Your question caused Tommy to point to your name tag.
You flushed immediately. Of course, he can read.
‘Very informal’ Tommy said as he observed that the name tag only had your first name on it.
‘Well, I like to be the children’s friend. I am not one of the mistresses or teachers here. I simply volunteer’ you said whilst, the truth was, you were embarrassed of who you were. Y/N Mosley, the wife of a fascist. Of course, you weren’t going to tell him that.
‘We need more kind hearted people like you in a world like this Y/N’ Tommy said as he unpacked the last toy from the box.
‘Please, you make me blush Mr Shelby’ you said shyly while looking up into his piercing blue eyes again.
He was much older than you, probably the same age as your husband, but he was incredibly attractive. Unlike your husband, he appeared kind hearted in his own way.
‘My apologies, it wasn’t my attention to make you uncomfortable’ Tommy said with a smile.
‘It’s quite alright Mr Shelby. Thank you again for helping with this’ you said as you were wondering why he was at the orphanage.
‘Tell me, why are you here? What is your business?’ you asked with curiosity.
‘I am having a meeting with Miss Walsh at 4 o’clock to discuss the funding of the new library for the orphanage. As you know, the orphanage has the facility on site. It’s unused and will need to be fenced. And of course, we will need books’ Tommy said. You could hear the passion in his voice for the project.
‘Are you funding it?’ you asked bluntly.
‘My late wife’s charity is. She cared deeply for children who were abandoned or lost their parents in the war’ Tommy explained.
‘She seemed like a wonderful woman and I am sorry for your loss Mr Shelby’ you said.
‘She was and thank you for your kind words Y/N’ Tommy said.
‘May I offer you a tea? Just while you wait for Miss Walsh?’ you asked.
Tommy agreed and you sat down in the reading room for 15 minutes before Miss Walsh arrived.
You enjoyed your conversation with Tommy. He seemed like a smart man, elegant, firm and yet kind hearted.
The conversations you had were mostly about the orphanage and plans for the education of the children. You loved to read and you liked the idea of a library. You shared ideas for fundraisers and it was evident to you that Tommy was intrigued by you. His eyes wandered everywhere, from your face, down to your hands, which is where he noticed your wedding ring.
‘You are married. Do you and your husband have children?’ Tommy asked.
‘No, we do not. How about you Mr Shelby?’ you asked.
‘A son and a daughter’ Tommy said.
‘Then you are lucky’ you responded just as Miss Walsh arrived.
You said goodbye to Tommy and, just as he was about to leave with Miss Walsh, he asked you whether you would be interested to help with the establishment of the library since you were familiar with literature.
You were surprised that a man like him would personally involve himself with a project like this. It was more common for rich men to simply provide the funds. But, he seemed to care for this particular project, so you agreed.
A few weeks after your encounter with Tommy, the books arrived and you volunteered to sort them and arrange the library for the children.
Tommy came by one afternoon to see how the project came along and offered you his assistance. But most of the time it was his sister Ada who attended the library to catalogue the books with you.
She was a kind woman, socially aware and most defiantly in favour of the communist movement.
Despite your numerous discussions about politics, Ada never thought to mention that her brother Tommy was a politician himself. In fact, she didn’t like to speak about him at all.
Another week later, you were surprised to see Tommy at the library at lunch time.
‘Good Afternoon Y/N’ Tommy said as he brought in another box of books.
‘Mr Shelby, I am surprised to see you’ you said. This was your third encounter with Tommy and you were pleased to see him. You were intrigued by him.
‘I thought you could use some help since my sister is busy with errands today’ Tommy said.
‘So, you came here to help me catalogue books?’ you said sheepishly.
‘Making appearances Y/N, that’s all’ he said as he began to unpack the books.
‘Thank you, Mr Shelby, but…’ you said and before you could continue, Tommy interrupted you.
‘Please, just call me Tommy’ he said as he handed you the books.
You climbed up the ladder to put them onto the higher shelves just as Tommy advised you that, the truth was, that he had meeting with Miss Walsh again but that he set aside some time for the library beforehand.
Tommy and you talked for a while as you shelved the books. You noticed his eyes gaze over you again on several occasions in particular when you stepped up the ladder. He was clearly looking at your ass, possibly even your underwear, but you didn’t mind.
Every time you came down from the ladder, he stood uncomfortably close to you, so close that you could smell the scent of his aftershave. It smelled like musk and he was clearly chewing mint, probably to hide the smell of the cigarettes.
He was handsome, very handsome and the look he gave you every time he handed you more books from the table was intense. A look of want and desire. Or were you imagining it?
Unfortunately, your encounter with him only lasted for about thirty minutes before he had to excuse himself in order to meet with Miss Walsh.
You said goodbye to Tommy with a warm smile and received a smile in return.
Just after he left, you went on with cataloguing the books. It was a slow process and you were the only volunteer on duty that day. Your husband approved. Doing community service was beneficial to his party and political goals. It shows that him and his family care for the community.
But you simply did it because you felt it was right and gave you a purpose.
You spent nearly every day at the library and almost all books were catalogued.
After another half an hour, you had one more box to shelf for the day. You were focused, your mind entirely with the books.
To your surprise, just as you stepped down from the ladder to grab more books for the top shelf, your face was just above Tommy’s face. You couldn’t believe that he was there. You never heard him come back.
‘How long have you been standing there?’ you asked as your foot touched the floor.
‘A few minutes, just enough to admire the view’ he said sheepishly and you weren’t sure whether to smack or kiss him.
But, before you could make up your mind, he leaned in and took the kiss he’s been desperate for since the moment you’ve met.
The kiss was gentle at first, brushing his lips against yours a couple of times, then locking them together in a haste, allowing your tongues to explore each other.
You had never been kissed this way before and gave into him completely.
Your mind told you to stop, to push him away. You didn’t know this man and if your husband was to find out, it would be detrimental for the both of you.
But in your heart, you wanted this so badly. This and so much more.
As your tongues played with each other, coyly at first, then like long-lost lovers, Tommy’s hands ran over your back all the way down to your ass.
His lips tasted sweet and his hands sent shivers through your body.
Without breaking the kiss, Tommy’s hands wandered beneath your skirt, gently and passionately.
‘Not here. The reading area’ you whispered just after you broke away from the kiss.
Tommy nodded just before he planted his mouth just above your clavicle.
While planting gentle kisses over you, Tommy navigated to one of the long desks in the reading area.
He was so gentle, a feeling that was unfamiliar to you. Despite the fact that you barely knew him, you somehow trusted him and wanted him.
Just as your back hit the desk, Tommy lifted you up to sit on it before gently pushing your legs apart.
He moved in between your legs while continuing to kiss you. His skilled fingers began unbuttoning your white blouse, revealing your lace bra.
No words were spoken as Tommy ran his index fingers down the inside of the straps of your bra, over the edges of the cups, then down your cleavage, all while gazing his eyes over your body.
He kept this tease up until you got impatient. Your breathing became heavy as he pulled the bra down, freeing your breasts. Your areolas were covered in goosebumps and your nipples were puffed up. The reading lamp lit all your curves in titillating contrast and you could that Tommy enjoyed what he was seeing.
Not ever had a man looked at you with such desire. You only ever been with one man, your husband, and this was new territory. You actually enjoyed yourself and were feeling guilty about it.
‘So beautiful’ Tommy whispered just before his lips kissed, licked and sucked their way to your stiff nubs on your breasts.
His hands cupped, squeezed and kneaded your smooth flesh and you moaned deeply and gripped the edge of the desk behind you.
Tommy flicked the tip of his tongue across your nipple before nibbling naughtily around it. Not ever had anyone paid such attention to your breasts and you started to feel something that was unfamiliar to you.
You could feel a tingling sensation build up in between your legs and your lace panties were getting wet.
Just as Tommy continued to stimulate your breasts, you gasped and threw your head back as his teeth ever-so-gently brushed up against your nubs again.
Tommy’s hands soon moved from your breasts down beneath your skirt, brushing over the inside of your thighs.
You pushed your legs together for a moment, unsure whether to give in or not.
You despised being touched there by your husband but this was actually enjoyable.
‘Do you want me to stop?’ Tommy asked, noticing your reluctance.
‘No, please don’t’ you said as you decided to let him proceed, opening your legs again.
You were slightly embarrassed by the wetness pooling in between your legs but, to your surprise, Tommy seemed pleased with it.
‘You are so wet Love’ he smirked as his fingers finally brushed over your panties just before he crashed his lips back onto yours.
You moaned into the kiss as his fingers pulled aside your panties and you could feel his finger tips roam over your entrance.
You tried hard to relax as Tommy’s fingers ran up and down your slit and started spread your juices.
He teased your entrance, just slipping in a single finger and only to his first knuckle.
This must be what foreplay was all about you thought as you kept giving in to your moans.
‘Tommy’ you moaned, desperate for more and, just like that, Tommy suddenly bit your neck gently while plunging his finger deep inside you.
Your moans turned to a gasp and a whimper as pleasure flooded your senses. You knew that Tommy had just left a hickey and, whilst you should be concerned, it just made you even wetter.
Tommy kept kissing and biting your neck as he added another finger inside of you and explored you with his fingers. The tip of his finger found many crevices but, unbeknownst to you, he was searching for your g-spot.
‘Fuck, oh god’ you screamed all of a sudden as Tommy’s fingers pressed upwards, earning you smirk from Tommy.
He had just found what he was looking for and, based on your reaction, it was evident to him that he was the first to have found your sweet spot.
Just as he relieved the pressure inside you, he pushed his fingers up again, and again, each time causing you to moan loudly.
‘Shh Love, one of the nuns might hear you’ Tommy whispered sheepishly just as he pulled his fingers out of you.
All these sensations were unfamiliar to you.
‘Please don’t stop’ you pleaded. It felt so good.
Tommy pulled you close for another kiss to shallow your moans before slipping his fingers back inside of you.
His fingers began to push against your g-spot again, running smooth circles and stimulating it just the right way. You were panting. It was ecstasy and you could feel an unfamiliar tension build up in your stomach.
‘I am going to make you come now Love. Try to be quiet’ Tommy said and you had literally no idea what he was talking about until, all of a sudden, he pushed into you with more force.
Your whimpers soon turned into shouts and you clenched onto Tommy’s arms firmly.
It wasn’t long until Tommy could feel your walls tighten around his two fingers.
‘Oh my god’ you moaned before you held your breath, not knowing what was happening to you as you felt your orgasm roll through your body.
‘That's it Love’ Tommy said satisfied as he continued to stimulate you.
You gasped as electricity shot up and down your spine while Tommy kissed you again to soften your screams.
He could hear footsteps approach and quickly withdrew his fingers.
‘Mr Shelby, is everything alright?’ one of the nuns asked loudly.
‘Yes, I am just helping with the books’ Tommy said with a grin on his face as he rearranged his pants to deal with his throbbing erection.
You were quick to button up your blouse before the nun approached.
‘I just thought I could hear a scream, that’s all’ the nun said.
‘Yes, that was me, I caught a splinter from the ladder and Mr Shelby just helped me get it out from my finger’ you said, your face still flushed and your hair messy.
‘Mr Shelby, if you do have a minute, Mr Connel would like to discuss the article in the paper for your campaign’ the nun said. ‘We thought that you had left but when I saw your car I hoped that I would find you here’ she added.
‘Of course’ Tommy said and, just like that he left.
‘It was nice to see you Y/N. Perhaps we meet again sometime soon’ he said with a grin as he followed the nun.
‘Likewise, Mr Shelby’ you responded.
You wanted to so much more but, since you almost got caught, it was probably for the better that you didn’t take this further.
You were hoping to see Tommy again but, for the next couple of weeks, he didn’t attend the orphanage.
You asked his sister Ada about him with some curiosity.
‘My brother is probably busy in Westminster. Although, who knows. I have given up on following politics. Why are you asking?’ Ada said.
‘Politics? Is Thomas a politician?’ you asked surprised and slightly concerned.
‘Yes, he is a member of parliament. Did you not know?’ Ada asked surprised.
‘I had no idea’ you said, wondering whether he knew your husband and whether you were nothing but a political stunt. Was this planned by an opponent? Did Tommy know who you were? Or was it a sheer mistake?
All these thoughts were wandering through your mind as Ada was talking to you and you didn’t listen to a single word she said.
‘Y/N? Are you alright?’ Ada asked.
‘Yes sorry, I am fine’ you said just before finishing up for the day. You had to make your way home soon before dinner.
You excused yourself and headed home. The thoughts however wouldn’t leave your head.
Your husband wasn’t home when you arrived. As usual, he was either with your sister or at the whorehouse.
You didn’t care much and enjoyed the nights on your own. You were no longer sharing a bedroom but you hated to cross his way when he was around. A black eye here and there or some bruises and scratches were the norm when he was there.
The next morning, Oswald walked through the door at around 8 o’clock, just in time for breakfast.
‘Did you buy yourself a dress for tonight?’ he asked after shouting at the maid. The coffee was too cold for his liking.
‘Oswald, please’ you said, trying to reason with him as the maid left rather upset.
‘Then you get the fucking coffee, wife!’ Oswald shouted and you got up, taking his cup and walking towards the kitchen.
‘There you go’ you said as you returned with a fresh cup from the kitchen.
‘See, that wasn’t that hard now, was it? Even my fucking wife could manage’ he said to the maid as he took a sip.
‘Now dear, did you get yourself a dress? Something outstanding for the gala?’ Oswald asked.
‘Of course. You will approve. It is very elegant and expensive’ you said.
‘Good. We need to make an impression. You will meet the new members of my party and, as you know, all politicians judge each other. There is no room for mistakes’ Oswald explained.
‘Of course, I understand. Now would you please excuse me. I will need to freshen up’ you said before Oswald waived you away
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 15) - Trouble In Paradise
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Summary: The reader is enjoying settling into her newfound children’s book career and shares how important the bracelet she gave Jensen is to her. A rainy day allows the reader to enjoy her shift into motherhood despite all of the bumps that go with it. But not everything is smooth sailing for the happy couple...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 5,600ish
Warnings: language, angst, mention of past abuse, nightmares, major angst
A/N: Uh oh. Big uh oh. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
Two Weeks Later
“Honey bun,” sang Jensen as he stepped into your home office you’d set up in the small reading room in the house. “Must you work today?”
“I do occasionally have to work on that drawing thing,” you said. He pouted and laid out on the daybed, picking up a copy of the third book. “Give me another hour to finish with these pages.”
“Can I hang out and watch you draw?” he asked.
“Knock your socks off,” you said. You picked up your stylus again and went back to your pad, Jensen sitting up and watching from the other side of the room. “You can sit closer if you want.”
He got up and pulled over a chair, crossing his legs in it.
“I basically draw using my stylus and this pad and it shows up on my laptop screen,” you said.
“We could get you a better screen, like your own separate work computer. I know your stories are picking up a lot of steam.”
“I’m okay for now. All I need to do is finish illustrating this book and my five book deal is done and ready for print,” you said.
“Can I make a request?”
“I would love to put in a giraffe for Zepp but the story takes place in the woods,” you said.
“Baby giraffe? Maybe just in the background?” he asked.
You backed out of your current page and went to the last two where the foxes and wolves were playing with their friends. You tapped on a tree and erased it, sketching out a loose shape.
“Look up a giraffe for me?” you asked. He tapped away on his phone and pulled up a picture. “Thanks.”
You drew a picture of a rough giraffe, softening it some before adding colors.
“You’re really good at that,” he said.
“The characters are easy. Backgrounds can get boring,” you said. You went back to your original set of pages and worked quietly, Jensen watching carefully. “Yes?”
“Just wanna spend time with you is all,” he said, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Okay, baby,” you said. You worked for another hour, Jensen asking the occasional question but mostly staying silent and close by. After you sent off the pages for review you turned to him, Jensen offering a soft smile in return. “All set with work for the day.”
“Awesome,” he said.
“Where’s the munchkins?”
“A movie,” he said. You ran your fingers through his hair and he leaned into it. “Tell me a secret.”
“A secret? I don’t think I have too many of those left from you,” you said. He opened his eyes and looked at you through his lashes. “What?”
“You said you got this on vacation,” he said, holding up his wrist, the bracelet you’d put on him two weeks ago still there. “When we were down there, I was talking to Ray and he kinda implied it wasn’t just a souvenir.”
“I was upset that day when he bought it for me. It meant I was safe was all,” you said.
“How long after did your mom…”
“A few months. She went on bed rest after that trip.”
“Y/N, I know when you’re holding back, honey. I would never judge or tell anyone anything. You know that.”
“You got hurt because you lost someone and you got hurt and it sucks right? But it’s kinda like something happened and then you heal from it right?”
“Yeah…” he said. “What don’t I know?”
“You know how anxious you were to get in the car and drive down to the beach?” you asked as he nodded. “You’ve never been afraid of a person, Jensen. It’s like that feeling...but everyday and you’re expected to live your life normally when you constantly have that over your head.”
He was quiet, glancing past you as the room grew darker from some passing clouds outside.
“Canada wasn’t the first time you saw your father since you were adopted, was it,” he said.
“You wouldn’t believe what a good lawyer and shitty laws will do for a piece of shit like that,” you said.
“You were a kid.”
“With zero physical evidence. Everything was circumstantial. So he got out and he came to apologize or some bullshit and Ray decked him.”
“The more I learn about Ray, the more I like him.”
“My mom kicked him in the nuts.”
“I really like that woman,” he said. You smiled and he moved his chair closer, pulling you into his lap. “I don’t mean to make you talk about your dad. I was curious was all.”
He went to take off the bracelet when you put a hand over it.
“I don’t want to remind you of something bad, sweetheart.”
“Like I said, I was upset. Very upset and in public and I went down to the beach to try to hide away. Ray bought that for me and told me I was safe when he put it on me. All it means to me is that you’re safe.”
“What about you? What do you have?” he asked quietly. You cocked your head and moved your hand to rest over his chest. “Alright, sort of a dumb question.”
“Not dumb,” you said, trailing your fingers down his chest.
“Guess you’ll just have to stay as close as humanly possible.”
“I don’t have a problem with that,” you said.
“Do you have a restraining order against your father?”
“No but that’s only because Ray managed to get him kicked out of the country. He found some loophole law. He was born in the Yukon so technically he’s not American and he got him kicked back.”
“Scratch that. Ray is my new favorite person,” he said. “If only we could send him someplace we’ll never visit like...a deserted island. Or Hell.”
“I appreciate the thought but I’m not scared of him anymore,” you said. “I am however afraid our plans of lunch at the brewery are going to get rained out.”
“We can enjoy ourselves right here. I’ve never heard a complaint yet about my grilling.”
“You know what? I got the perfect idea.”
“Okay,” said Jensen, sliding the foil packet off the grill and onto JJ’s plate. You’d decided to have lunch on the grill, sitting out under the covered back patio off the playroom. It was pouring rain but you were plenty dry there. “Chicken, marinara sauce and cheese. Then we got chicken, ketchup and baby carrots for Arrow. Zeppy wanted to try barbecue sauce and onion which sounded good to me and then Y/N went for the salmon and lemon.”
You helped the twins open up their foil packets and get their food on their plates, dicing up the chicken for them before going to your own plate.
“Daddy,” said Zeppelin while he chewed on a big piece of chicken. Jensen hummed and worked on his own food. “Can we play race cars after lunch?”
“Sure,” he said, JJ shaking her head.
“I don’t wanna play cars,” she said. Zeppelin stared at her and his bottom lip wobbled. “You’re a cry baby.”
“JJ, that’s rude,” you said, Jensen glancing at you and nodding. “Apologize to your brother.”
“Sorry,” she mumbled. 
“We’re gonna play cars after lunch and you’re welcome to join,” said Jensen. “Your brother goes along with what you girls want to play quite a bit so I think you can do the same for him.”
“I still don’t wanna play cars,” she mumbled.
“You play cars with the Padalecki boys all the time,” you said.
“Not little kid cars,” she said. “He doesn’t know how to play right.”
You saw Zeppelin getting upset again and sighed.
“There’s no wrong way to play,” you said. “Zepp’s littler than you. You gotta be the big sister and do what he wants sometimes.”
“Mom would have played dress up,” she grumbled. “Not stupid cars.”
“Enough,” said Jensen. “You’re old enough to know better.”
“I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Your brother wants to play cars. We played horses all morning long and you barely let him have a turn at that so like I said, we’re gonna play what he wants and you are welcome to join us but if you don’t want to, you can play something else,” he said. 
“Baby,” she said under her breath. Jensen didn’t catch it but you did.
“JJ you’re in timeout after lunch. Ten minutes,” you said. 
“I didn’t-”
“You just called him a baby. You want to make it fifteen?” you asked.
“You’re not my mom! You can’t give me timeouts,” she said.
“Half an hour now,” said Jensen. She stared at him and he shook his head. “Eat your lunch.”
Zeppelin spent half of it crying quietly and JJ barely touched hers before she was following Jensen inside. You threw your head back and sighed before you went inside to get some tissues. When you came back out Arrow was hugging him tightly.
“Let’s clean you up, buddy,” you said as you squatted down beside them. She let go of him and you wiped off his face and helped him blow his nose. “Feel better?”
“We can play dress up,” he said. You picked him up and hoisted him on your hip. 
“We’re gonna play cars. Arrow, do you want to play with us?” you asked. She smiled and nodded. “Hey how about you go wash your hands and then you can bring out the bucket of cars and we’ll play out here. How’s that sound Zepp?”
“Okay,” he said. Arrow went inside and you carried him around as you collected the trash and threw it in the bag you brought out. You tied it up and left it in the corner to put in the bin later before you you walked to the edge of the covered patio, rain coming down at a decent rate. “Y/N you’re my mom right?”
“I’m one of your moms,” you said. “I’m gonna adopt you that way everybody can know I am though.”
“Cool,” he said softly, resting his head on your shoulder. “Mom can we play in the rain?”
“Hear any thunder?” you asked. He shook his head. “See any lightning?”
“Nuh uh,” he said.
“Then we can play in the rain all you want,” you said. You walked out to the grass and spun around with him, getting a giggle out of him. “Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?” he asked. You spun around again and he laughed.
“There it is again!” you said. He giggled and you spun around a few times until you were dizzy and took a seat. He hugged you and kissed your cheek as you noticed Jensen leaning against the post of the patio. He was smiling and you hopped up with Zeppelin, waving him around in the air until you were back under cover. You set him down and he ran over to Arrow, picking out his favorite cars from the bucket and handing her some. 
“Well that might have been one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen,” he said. 
“You took a picture, didn’t you.”
“Oh several,” he said. He glanced back at the twins and then at you. “It clicked for you just now didn’t it.”
“Being a mom? Yeah.”
“You didn’t look to me on how to discipline JJ and you made him feel better and you made him laugh. You went full mom there and I’ve kinda been waiting for that.”
“I know it’s just playing they’re arguing over but I just hate...there is so much of you in him,” you said.
“I know and that feeling will never go away but it means you love ‘em and loving them is my only requirement for us working so this was actually a really good thing.”
“Those two are so sweet,” you said.
“It’s the twin thing. Oh what fun we have to look forward to when they are teenagers and they lie to us for one another,” he chuckled.
“Yeah but I’ll take it. Did you really give her a half hour timeout?”
“Fifteen minutes. She needs to share more and he doesn’t like confrontation so he goes along with what she wants but it’s not her road or the highway.”
“She’s been a little…”
“I know. Since we told them about the engagement,” he said. “We gotta talk to her on her own.”
“Let me take a crack at her first?” you asked.
“You got a hunch?”
“I don’t think having a mom again is a problem. I think the idea of losing a mom again is.”
“That makes sense considering she was attached to your hip before all this.”
“I’m gonna go see if I can get to the bottom of this. Now go play cars,” you said. He kissed your cheek and you headed inside, drying off some with a towel in the laundry room before you went up to JJ’s bedroom. You knocked and cracked open the door, catching her splayed out on her bed. “JJ. Can we talk?”
She rolled and put her back to you. You sat down on the edge of her bed and took a deep breath.
“You know your brother did what you wanted all day. You have to share,” you said. She didn’t say anything and you lay back on the bed, turning your head. She rolled back the other way and you sat up. She rolled again and you tilted your head back. “JJ do you want me to be your mom?”
“No,” she mumbled. 
“Are you lying?” She didn’t move and you sat back, her face scrunched up. “Are you scared if I’m your mom something bad will happen to me?”
“I don’t want two dead moms,” she said. 
“I have two dead moms,” you said. She blinked her eyes open and sat up. “My first mom, I never met her. She died giving birth to me.”
“You only had a dad when you were born?” she asked. You nodded and pulled her into your lap. “Did he get married again?”
“No. My dad was very mad my mom died. He took that out on me. He was a bad guy. He went to jail and I got adopted by my mom when I was your age. Ray was her boyfriend. He acted like he was my dad in a lot of ways. I was sixteen when my mom died. I understand it hurts, sweetie, and that it’s scary and you don’t ever want to feel like that again.”
“I thought if I was bad you and daddy wouldn’t...and then I don’t have to feel bad again.”
“I am so sorry honey but you can’t stop that feeling from never coming back. The only way you could not get it would be to not love anyone or anything and that’s not a life at all. It’s the price you pay for loving someone. Your mom was an accident. But Daddy is young and I’m even younger and I promise you will not have to feel that way about me for a very, very long time.”
“How long?”
“How about fifty years?”
“Fifty years? That’s forever,” she said. 
“I’ll give you fifty years if I can be your mom and you stop picking on Zepp. Deal?”
“Okay. I’m sorry I made him cry.”
“I’m not the one that needs an apology,” you said. “Now do you want stay in here all by yourself or do you want to come play with us?”
“I can play?” she asked.
“Absolutely,” you said. You got up and carried her down on your back, setting her down to let her run off out to the porch. Jensen got up from his seat and held up a finger, ducking back inside to where you were.
“That’s what I like to see,” he said as she gave Zeppelin a hug and he handed her a car.
“I did have to promise not to die for fifty years.”
“Fifty? You got off easy. I had to promise a hundred after the accident,” he chuckled. “I should have noticed she was scared.”
“I have more experience being a scared little girl than you do. I got experience with letting people get close again too,” you said.
“How’s that working out for ya?” he smirked.
“He’s lucky he’s hot,” you said. He threw his arm over your shoulders and grinned. “Do you want to get married in the fall?”
“This fall?” he asked.
“Can we pull it off that fast?” you asked.
“Yeah. We don’t have to book a venue which is the hardest part. I don’t see why not. What’s the rush?” he asked.
“It’s easier to adopt them if we’re married,” you said. “I don’t really want to wait longer than we have to if that’s alright.”
“I’d say let’s go drive down to city hall and get a justice of the peace right now if I knew my mother wouldn’t kill me for it. How about I call up the lawyer and ask him to start prepping the paperwork as if we already were so it’s all set to go,” he said.
“You have a lawyer?” you asked. “They’d do that?”
“Y/N, honey. My taxes alone frighten me not to mention I own a business with employees and what qualifies as a business write off still confuses me and wait you don’t have a lawyer for your book deal?”
“Should I have one?” 
“Greg is your lawyer now,” he said. “He’s good. He’ll do all the paperwork for us.”
“Oh good cause all the forms online were confusing the hell out of me,” you said. He shook his head and pulled you in close. 
“Silly goose,” he said, a loud boom of thunder shaking the house. “Let’s get the crew inside before it pours.”
“Who wants to build a fort?” you asked that afternoon. JJ jumped up and down on the couch and Jensen walked in with an arm full of blankets and sheets. Three little hands shot up and Jensen lazily tossed the blankets on the couch, covering the three of them.
“Hm, where’d those three munchkins run off to…” he said, Arrow ducking her head out first, hair all in her face. Jensen giggled and she rolled her eyes, the other two climbing out. “Alright. I’m gonna grab clothes pins and a few more things. You guys start designing.”
You stood back and let JJ organize, figuring out her first choice of blanket for a roof was too small. Jensen returned with a bag of clips, some twine and the step ladder, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder.
“How they doing?” he whispered.
“Picking out the roof,” you said, Arrow rushing over and grabbing his hand as Zeppelin climbed on JJ’s back and held up a sheet over the two of them with one hand. You smirked and she let out another eye roll.
“Daddy, can you pick up Zeppy so then he can put the blankie up? I told them they’re too small,” she said.
“Sure,” he said. “Tell me where you want it to go.”
Twenty minutes later the family room was covered with sheets, tied off to the stairs, chairs, the ceiling fan after Jensen broke out the larger ladder to get up there and assured you it wouldn’t bring the whole thing crashing down. 
“Can we sleep in here tonight?” asked JJ. 
“I don’t see why not,” you said. “There’s plenty of room on the couch. We’ll bring down your comforters when it’s bedtime,” you said.
“Can we watch Cars?” asked Zeppelin, glancing at JJ. 
“Okay,” she said. She gave him a hug and picked him up, Jensen smiling to himself as he looked on.
“Can we get pizza for dinner like a real sleepover?” asked Arrow. 
“We did cook up all the chicken at lunch,” you said, giving Jensen a side eye.
“Yeah we’ll get one,” he said. “Why don’t you turn on your movie okay? We’ll be right there.”
You let Jensen pull you into the kitchen, smirking as he picked you up and sat you on the counter.
“Seems like today’s crisis has been averted,” you said.
“I’m sure they’ll go back to tormenting each other tomorrow but I’ll take it,” he said, reaching into the drawer next to you, pulling out a menu. “So. You interested in pizza?”
“Oh that looks interesting,” you said, taking the pamphlet out of his hand and tapping at a special. “One cheese, one speciality, boneless wings and garlic bread? My little carb loving heart is in love.”
“She’s not the only one,” he said, leaning up on his tip toes and kissing you. 
“Are you coming?” groaned JJ from in the fort. You shook your head and Jensen kissed your neck, even nibbling before he pulled back. You smacked his chest and he set the menu down, giving you a wink.
“We’re coming in right now. Don’t wait for us kiddo.”
You woke up sweating, Jensen shushing you, arms wrapped around you. You took a deep breath and caught the clock said it was almost three. You turned in his arms and buried your head in his chest, his hand rubbing up and down your back.
“You’re okay. Bad dream is all,” he said softly. You nodded and started to relax, flinching when there was more thunder. “Hey, it’s okay. Nothing’s gonna get ya.”
The thunder shook the house and you tensed up. Jensen pulled the covers over both your heads and you crammed in as close as humanly possible when more thunder hit.
“Honey look at me. Please look at me.” You lifted your head and saw a horrible face in front of you, a scream ripping out of your throat.
“Y/N,” you heard as you woke up absolutely drenched, Jensen’s hands on your face. “Honey, talk to me. Can you hear me?”
“Night terror,” you said quietly. 
“Yeah, JJ used to have them. I didn’t know adults could get them,” he said. 
“Can I have a cold washcloth? And some water?” you asked. He got out of bed and padded into the bathroom in his boxers, settling back into bed and handing you the water. You drank it down while he wiped off your face and neck, running it over your head. “Thanks.”
“You okay?” he asked. 
“Mostly feel embarrassed.” He frowned and you put the glass on your nightstand, staring down at your sweaty shirt. 
“Should I call Ray?”
“It was a stupid nightmare. I’m fine,” you said.
“You were sat up eyes wide open and talking and shouting and I couldn’t wake you up,” he said. “I know adults really shouldn’t be getting night terrors so maybe something triggered you or something during the day.”
“I know my triggers and I know when it’s just a stupid nightmare. Back off,” you said. You got out from under the hot covers and went outside to the balcony, the air nice and cool from the storm earlier. The slide of the door was loud in the the quiet and you rubbed your arm. “I’m sorry.”
“I’ve seen you have nightmares. That was a lot worse,” he said.
“I thought I saw someone watching the house earlier.”
“It was the neighbor’s kid, the teenager. It was his friend and he came over late but I thought...it freaked me out. That on top of thinking about the fact my father is not rotting in a jail cell most likely sent me over the edge,” you said. He walked in front of you, resting his hands on your arms. “I’m okay. Needed some air was all.”
“Alright. Tell me if something like that happens again?” he asked. You hummed and he gave you a kiss. “Okay, sweetheart. Let’s head on back to bed.”
“What do you mean?” you growled into the phone the next evening. Jensen lifted his head from his book in the family room and you walked away, stepping out to the private patio area on the side of the house. “That’s not possible.”
“It’s been fifteen years. He has every legal right to be in the country.”
“In the country! He got an apartment seven minutes from where I live!” you said. “I have little kids here, Finn. Tell me there’s something I can do.”
“I can get a restraining order-”
“That doesn’t mean shit to him. I need him fucking deported. I need him gone.”
“Y/N, you know me. I have never agreed to it but he paid his debt as it was assigned and he quietly followed the law. He did what he was supposed to and I’m sorry but until he does something, I can’t do anything besides help you and your fiance’s family get a restraining order.”
“So until he does something horrible again, I can’t do anything about it.”
“No Finn. I appreciate the heads up but...I have to go.”
You hung up and squeezed your phone tight. He knew where you lived. He was minutes away and there was absolutely zero help until something went wrong. You sat on a bench and bounced your leg. Nothing could go wrong. You couldn’t let anything go wrong. Who knew what the son of a bitch would do to any one of them.
You stopped bouncing your leg just as you heard the door open. You lifted your head and stood, spinning around to Jensen standing there.
“Everything alright?”
“Actually no.”
“Who was on the phone?”
“My ex,” you said, swallowing. You crossed your arms and thought of the things Jensen had told you about acting and getting in character and all that. You were gonna destroy him. Fuck you were going to end up shattering him into a thousand pieces he’d never put back together. 
You couldn’t really lie just to keep them away from him, could you? 
You saw Arrow run past in the house and made your face hard. Broken heart but safe kids was worth it.
“I thought you didn’t talk to him anymore,” said Jensen. You turned up your chin and he smiled. “You are the worst actress in the world. Who was it really?”
“I think we’re moving too fast and I want to take a break and I would appreciate it if you gave me my space to figure this out on my own.”
“Uh, what?” he said. You brushed past him and he followed you in, all the way up to your bedroom. You got out a bag and he flipped it shut. “What the hell is going on? Who was on the phone?”
“My boyfriend,” you said. He stared at you and you sighed. “You’re a great guy but I’m sorry. I can’t do the house and kids thing. I want to go see the world and not be tied down and you’re just...you’re too damn old for me.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Maybe you should have trusted your first instincts when you saw me and Doug,” you said. He stared at you while you shoved some clothes in a bag. You slung it over your shoulder and he caught the backside of it. You took off your ring and put it on the table by the door, Jensen dropping his hand. “I just can’t do this anymore. It wasn’t you. I’m sorry. I really need to go.”
A/N: Read Part 16 here!
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alltooreid · 4 years
Invisible String
Although Spencer Reid and the Reader don’t find themselves in a romance with each other until well into their adulthood, their relationship has been decades in the making. Almost as if something as been pulling them together all these years. 
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A/N: sorry for such a long wait but i’ve been struggling a lot mentally as of late. i hope you guys enjoy this one shot!! As always requests are open and heavily encouraged!! And of course this is inspired by the taylor swift song of the same name :)) Also keep in mind although the following scenes are heavily inspired by some scenes in Criminal Minds, elements of them have been slightly altered to fit in Y/N as a character.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Type: a cute strangers to lovers fluff fic!
Word Count: 3.9K
Content Warnings: typical criminal minds case discussion, mentions of child trafficking when discussing this case, but no real detail. slight spoilers for season eight (beginning maeve stuff) and tiny spoilers for season fifteen (briefly mentions max but nothing really important to the plot at all)
“Time, curious time Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs Were there clues I didn't see?”
You had met Spencer Reid 3 times before you had really met him.  
It was almost silly to think about it now. Now that you and Spencer have been dating for 3 years, it was strange to believe there were so many chances for you two to meet years earlier.
When you were sixteen years old, you got your first part time job. You worked at a self-serve frozen yogurt shop called Iced Dreams. You hated it so much. Your manager was a total creep, your older coworkers were rude and condescending to you, since you were one of the youngest people working there, but most of all you hated the uniforms.
Consisting of a very stupid looking hat, bright pink with randomly embrodiered teal patterns, an outdated bright teal shirt, it had been given to you from a dirty bin in the back, and judging by the sewn in shoulder pads, it had to be at least a couple decades old.
So one day, you didn’t wear the hat.
It wasn’t entirely purposeful. You couldn’t find it, you searched your room, you searched your car, so eventually you had to leave without it to prevent being late. Still, as you clocked it and passed the box of extras in the office something made you decide to leave it alone.
You were about 8 minutes into your shift when your manager approached you. “Y/N? Where’s your hat sweetheart?” You hated this man so much. You had gone to your parents time and time again, recounting his creepy behavior towards you and the other teenage girls who you worked with, but they refused to let you quit.
When you had started working there, he used to enforce this ridiculous rule that all the female workers had to wear skirts as part of their uniform, but you had gathered all the sixteen and seventeen year olds who worked there and all threatened to quit if he didn’t change the policy. So you were no stranger to breaking and defying the rules.  
“Yeah I couldn’t find it, sorry.” you shrugged.
He chuckled and reached his hat out to touch your face. You jerked back, you almost wanted to refuse to wear one of the stupid extra hats just so that you could get fired.
“Well, Y/N its policy sweetie. No matter how special you are to me you still need to wear the hat. There’s extras in the office.”
“No way I’m wearing one of those. I bet they have like lice or something.”
He pursed his lips and sighed “Well I suppose that beautiful hair is just too pretty to wear a used hat huh. . . What do you suggest? If you’re working you have to wear it.”
You laughed, “Well you could let me go home.”
He paused, “Why don’t you go sit in the office, I’ll come talk to you in a minute.”
So you did, for about 10 minutes you sat in the office, surrounded by frozen yogurt flavor marking posters and boxes of old uniforms, and each passing minute you feared for the worst. Maybe you were actually getting fired? You really didn’t want to go that far, because, as much as you hated it, you really needed this job.
When your manager finally came to talk to you he held a small salted caramel frozen yogurt, your personal favorite flavor, and a twenty dollar bill. He handed them both to you.
“You seem so stressed Y/N, why don’t you take the day and go get lunch. My treat,” he said, smiling that weird twisted smile that always made your full body shiver.
However you were broke as hell, and no teenager in their right mind would ever pass up free food, so you took it, grabbed your keys and started to leave
Yet as soon as you walked out the back door you dropped your frozen yogurt, cup fully upside down, onto the pavement. You cursed, you hadn’t even taken a bite of it yet, and it looked like he had put coconut flakes on it, and you loved coconut. Still, you had your twenty bucks, and that was a pretty sweet pay out considering you were only clocked in for about 20 minutes.
So you got Chinese food, and spent what was supposed to be your shift in the shopping mall across town, completely and blissfully unaware of the fact the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI was dragging your manager away in handcuffs.
Young Spencer Reid had only joined the FBI about a month ago. Despite being a genius, and providing crucial information to the solving of cases, he was aware of the most obvious. He was only twenty two years old, and he was scrawny as hell.
He felt this intense need to prove himself, especially to make Gideon proud.
So when they got a case about a the kidnapping and sex trafficking of teenage girls, he saw it as something he could really involve himself in. Based on the profile, it wasn’t going to be a large, strong, confident unsub who Morgan needed to tackle. This man would be ugly sure, but he would be a manipulative mastermind. Reid could work with that, he could prove himself.
He surprised everyone with his sheer work ethic and determination to find this man, and through consistently revising and delivering the profile soon enough they got a hit. A young woman in her early twenties called the tipline and reported her own manager. Insisting he fit the profile perfectly, and described how strangely he treated the minors who worked there, and how he almost exclusively hired young girls, treated them great and then switched as soon as they became legal.
So Garcia did her magically digging, and soon enough the FBI was tearing up a frozen yogurt shop, looking for any evidence of pedophilia. Garcia was even brought along, as she was pivotal to discovering any secret files in his computer.
At first, all they could find were strange compilation videos and under employees skirts. Spencer, and the rest of the team, were struggling to connect how he could get so many videos from an angle like this without anyone noticing or reporting him, until Gideon uncovered an old dusty pair of shoes, in which the right one held a small camera at the toe.
Although this was absolutely disgusting, it wasn’t enough to prove he was running the ring or kidnapping the girls, so Garcia kept digging. Meanwhile, Spencer tried to make himself useful by checking out the back of the store.
That’s where he found your clock-out receipt.
“Hey guys, we might want to take a look at this,” he shouted out.
Morgan grabbed the paper from his hand, “Ok, I don’t get it kid, it’s trash.”
Spencer pointed to the details on the slip, “Yeah but it says here she clocked out 18 minutes ago after only working for 23 minutes and 46 seconds. If this guy is our unsub, this girl could be in a lot of trouble.”
“Maybe she’s still here, has anyone checked out the parking lot yet?”
Spencer shook his head, and followed Morgan out the back door. There they discovered some almost completely melted salted caramel frozen yogurt.
Morgan bent down to investigate, “Yeah, we gotta get this to the lab, but I can tell you right now that there’s clearly more than just coconut topping this yogurt. It also means we have another victim.”
Spencer crouched down as well, “Not necessarily.”
“What do you mean kid? We’re missing a teenage girl and we’ve already found illegal evidence on this guy's computer. She’s in trouble.”
“Well judging the shape and inscription of these pills it appears to be some pretty strong rohypnol, almost certainly prescription grade. And ingesting it like this means she probably would have begun to feel its effects fairly early, I would predict 15 minutes. She clocked out 18 minutes ago, so even if she left exactly at that time she would have certainly crashed her car on the way home. The nearest residence is 8 minutes away from here, we’re in a complete shopping district. There’s only two cars out here and neither have a passed out driver, so I would bet she didn’t eat any of it. Also, the only spoon out here is still wrapped in plastic, “ Spencer analyzed.
Morgan sighed, “Well what do we even do then?”
Before Spencer could answer Hotch opened the back door. “We got him.”
Spencer turned to Morgan, “I’m sure her phone number is somewhere inside, I say we call her and make sure she’s ok. She probably doesn’t even know this is happening right now.”
So he did find your phone number, and although he initially pushed the phone to Morgan, he just chuckled and pushed it back.
“No way pretty boy. You’re the know-it-all with all that profiling out there, you can call her,” and before he could protest Morgan left, so Spencer was left to call you.
And strangely, for it being the first time he would ever interact with the love of his life, he thought nothing of it.
And that was the first time you had met Spencer Reid.
The second time was years and years later, when you were waitressing night shifts to make extra money. You had never forgotten meeting Spencer Reid the first time, but this was the first time you would ever see his face.
You were slightly concerned when you got a call from a man, whose name you had now long forgotten, claiming he worked for the FBI. Although you weren’t incredibly surprised to hear your manager committed such heinous crimes against children, you were taken aback by how close you had come to becoming one of his victims.
But that was 9 years ago. In your college days it became a fun story you told at frat parties, but you were 25 now. Sometimes you would think about the incident when you couldn’t sleep, and if you were feeling feisty you would use it as an icebreaker or a “two truths, one lie” statement, but otherwise you didn’t really think about it.
You had plenty of other things to worry about, in fact, that’s exactly why you worked so much. It was so much easier to forget when you were constantly preoccupied with complaining customers and terribly awkward blind dates.
You had just sat this man, incredibly handsome, however it was clear he was on some kind of date. His reservation was for two, and he spent way too much time adjusting his clothes and table setting for him to not be trying to impress someone special. He also brought a gift, which judging by the packaging and shape, seemed to be some kind of wrapped book.
Even though he was 15 minutes early for his own reservation, he still looked really nervous, almost like he already believed she might not show up. You couldn’t help yourself, you had to go talk to him.
“Anyone ever tell you you should model?” you started with.
He looked up “Excuse me?”
“Sorry for being so bold, you just look so familiar,” he weirdly sounded very familiar as well, but you didn’t tell him that. “Are you sure you haven’t modeled? You have excellent bone structure. I bet you could.”
He laughed to himself, “yeah I’m sure.”
“Well your date is very lucky either way. I wish I had a boyfriend as handsome as you. Actually I wish I had a boyfriend period, but that’s a whole other story.”
He chuckled, and although you knew in your heart that you shouldn’t be flirting with him considering he was 15 minutes away from being actively on a date talking to him made you feel something you hadn’t felt in a long time. “What happened with your boyfriend? Do I even dare ask?”
“Well I kind of always knew he wasn’t super interested in me, but I really liked him, so I did my best to ignore his wandering eyes,” you sighed. “That didn’t stop him from leaving me for his coworker though.”
“That’s terrible.”
You smirked, “That’s not even the worst part, he broke up with me over a 27 second phone call. He didn’t even let me respond, he just kind of hung up.”
“I’m sorry, no one deserves that. Especially not you. I’ve only been talking to you for a couple minutes and I can tell that.”
“Oh really? What makes you so sure?”
“I’m pretty good at reading people.”
You smiled, “Well I should probably stop flirting with you now, considering your date hasn’t even started yet. And don’t worry, she’ll show, you’re so handsome she’d be stupid not to.”
He looked confused. “You were flirting with me?”
You laughed, “I thought you were good at reading people?”
He smiled back at you, and it made your heart soar, this silly, pure goofy smile that made you want to replace his date and have dinner with him right then and there.
You walked back to your hostess stand. A couple minutes later you noticed the handsome stranger on the phone. You thought nothing of it until later when a woman came in, clearly nervous, holding a gift bag.
“Can you give this to Spencer Reid for me please?” You recognized the name, the man you were just speaking with had filed his reservation under it.
“Um, yeah sure, aren’t you going to go in? He’s at that table over the-” but before you could finish your sentence the woman was gone. Your heart sank, poor Spencer, how could someone drop their date off a gift but stand them up anyway? That’s just cold.
When you get up to bring the gift to him, he’s already heading out of the restaurant himself.
“Sir? Spencer? Dr. Reid?” he turned his head. “A lady came in and dropped this off for you.”
His face dropped, it almost looked like he was about to cry. “Thank you,” he said as he looked up at you before leaving.
He ran out the door, both gifts in hand and whipped his head around a few times before sighing and speeding off in one direction. Even before you learned what happened after that and leading up to it, you felt terrible for the handsome stranger.
How could you not for someone so clearly distressed? Someone so clearly in love?
7 years and a divorce later you were spending your Saturday in a park, strangely contemplating love itself. Although you barely remember that night all those years ago when you spoke to Spencer, he did. Vividly. In fact, on this Saturday you both were in a public park, contemplating your many failed attempts at true love.
It was your first wedding anniversary without your husband. Although you had only been married for two years, you still were having a hard time navigating life without him. 
You started to wonder if you would ever find the true love you had been wishing for since your youth. Was 32 too late? Had you lived out all of your opportunities?
When you were little your mother had told you that all soulmates were attached at the left ring fingers, by small, incredibly thin strands of gold string, invisible to the naked eye. She insisted that these strings were constantly trying to pull you and your soulmate together, and that when life was ready for you two to meet, you would. 
Until then, you would have small, mindless interactions. Things you wouldn’t think about, maybe even things that weren’t interactions at all. You would get the same commercial jingle stuck in your head. You would both get an intense craving for the same food. You’d have the same dream. 
As a kid you were obsessed with this idea, you thought it was so romantic, and you fully believed everything your mom told you about it. You always asked her for more stories, and at bedtime you refused to sleep unless she would tell you more.
But now you were sure soulmates, true love even, didn’t exist. The invisible pretty gold strings your mother weaved fantastic stories with were completely fabricated. If they weren’t, you would have seen the clues by now.
Spencer Reid was given an assignment from his therapist. He had to spend his Saturday off trying to interact with a stranger. Making friends with someone other than his colleagues may seem like a simple task for some, but it was something the young genius had almost no experience with.
He understood that it was probably for the best. He wasn’t exactly great with relationships of any kind, but especially not romantic ones. It didn’t take a genius to know that a couple of flirtations, a dead girlfriend he had only seen once, and a long time unrequited (or at least he thought unrequited) infatuation with his best friend and godsons’ mother was not a very great track record.
He, just like you, was also beginning to believe that he was hopeless when it came to love. That 38 was too old, that his time to meet someone and have the children he dreamed of had long passed.
But right as he was about to call JJ, to see if she would invite him in on the case Garcia had started to work on, he saw you.
Unlike you, he remembered your face and your interaction vividly. That almost date with Maeve was one of the biggest defining moments of his life, and what are the chances that the waitress from that very night was now less than 30 feet away from him, reading under the green leaves of a tree.
He wasn’t going to say anything, until he saw the book you were reading.
The Narrative of John Smith.
It must have been a sign, for what he wasn’t exactly sure yet, but it just had to mean something. The universe had to be reaching out to him, he had experienced crazier things.
And just as he was about to walk over to you, to close the gap between the gold strings tied around your ring fingers, a child interrupted his train of thought.
“That’s a strange haircut.”
Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid were finally reuniting after many years. They barely got to see each other these days, but even though he was teaching and working at the BAU, Spencer still was willing to clear his schedule to second Derek suggested they meet up.
Morgan was excited as well, both to see his friend and to hopefully help him get a date. Sure, he had liked what he had heard about Max, but he wasn’t exactly surprised it had only lasted a couple months between her and Spencer. They just seemed too different.
Plus, now he got the chance to play wingman again, and he was ecstatic about that. Spencer not so much.
“I don’t know Morgan, it’s only been a couple months since we broke up. Wouldn’t it be too early to start talking to other people?”
“Pretty boy, you and I both know that the rate in which you’ve had relationships is not even close to the average. You need to balance that out somehow.”
Spencer sighed, he knew Derek was right, but he still felt strange.
“Morgan, have you ever heard of the red string of fate?”
“No, but I’m sure I’m about to hear all about it.”
“It’s an East Asian philosophy, based on the discovery that the ulnar artery connects the heart with the pinky finger, actually that’s where the belief in pinky promises come from. The reason it’s integrated in so many different cultures is that-”
“Kid, you’re losing me here,” Morgan interrupted. “Finish your thing about the string.”
“Oh yeah, sorry. It’s the idea that human relations are predestined by a red string that the gods tie to the pinky fingers of those who find each other in life. Legend has it that the two people connected by this thread will have an important story, regardless of the time, place or circumstances. The red string might get tangled, contracted or stretched, as surely often happens, but it can never break. Essentially, the idea is that although we might not realize it, our lives move in a pre-ordained direction, guided by invisible strings that are woven into the fabric of the Universe itself. And all the while, the red thread connecting us to our distant soulmates is getting shorter.”
“Well it’s an interesting theory kid, but it’s a lot to think about. I mean, we’re in a bar, let loose a little bit. Not every interaction has to be about getting closer to your soulmate. And sure, maybe you’ll meet them one day, maybe even soon. But you’re here now, and just because your one true love may not be, doesn’t mean it’s not worth it to be here.”
Spencer sighed, “You’re right. I don’t even know if I believe in that anyway, maybe I’m just looking for something to explain this all.
Derek patted his friend on the shoulder, “okay pretty ricky, this is how it’s about to go down. I’m going to buy you two drinks. You’re going to take both of them, and go find someone, anyone here to go talk to.”
“Ok, I think I can do that. Who?”
Derek looked around, trying to find who he believed would be the best match for his friend. “How about her?” he asked, pointing at you.
Spencer couldn’t believe it when he looked. There you were, the girl, the one he had met three times before, even if he could only remember two. The woman he knew was some sort of universe sent sign that Saturday he saw you underneath the greenery. The girl he was so close to talking to before he was interrupted by Max’s nephew. The woman who (and he obviously did not know this at the time) he would marry 3 years later. The one who would carefully knit the baby blankets for all of their friends and exes. The one who he would adopt 3 children with. The woman who, he was now sure, was at the other end of his invisible string. The girl he needed to talk to right now.
“Is it just me,” Morgan said, “Or does she look kind of familiar?”
“Yes,” Spencer responded, “yes she does.” He got up quickly and started making strides towards you.
“Wait!” Morgan called, “You forgot your drinks!”
“I don’t need them!” he shouted back. When he sat down next to you, you smiled. It made his heart soar, you had this silly, pure goofy smile that made him want to ask you out right then and there.
Instead he settled on the only conversation starter he could think of.
“Have you ever heard of the invisible string story?”
And you couldn’t help but laugh.
“A string that pulled me Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons One single thread of gold tied me to you”
- Thank you for reading! Please reblog and let me know what you think :))
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Doubt Season 4 (Liar! Dark lies) 9th Liar translation - The true identity of the god of death who was always beside me
Words: 3990 (the longest!!)
Reading time: 15 minutes (!!)
❌ do not take translations without credit
★ reblogging okay
If you enjoyed reading, please consider liking and/or reblogging to spread to other fans.
Bold text = hints which were written in pink
Note from me: Oh boy, strap yourselves in for this one because it’s a doozy.
It’s been half a month since the incident with Yuu-kun and it’s now August. MC reflects on how it’s been 10 months since she moved into the share house and she’s remembering the faces of the liars she’s slapped so far (LOL). But then she remembers that Cassie advised her that there are 9 liars, and that one of them is dangerous and awful beyond saving.
MC is off to visit Hime-chan, who is finally being discharged next week. She receives a TalkTime from Hime-chan, which reads “zJhjb” which MC thinks is a typo. MC enters Hime-chan’s room, finding her watching a movie. MC asks her about the message she received, and turns out Hime-chan was using spy code, and the message read “come quickly”. Hime-chan is obsessed with spy movies lately and is learning coded language. Hime-chan invites MC to learn along with her and passes her a book on the subject.
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Evidence gathered
Code book
 When she will be discharged, Hime-chan wishes to go watch “0007” (yes the extra 0), go to a beautician and go to an onsen. Hime-chan confesses that she became “Himeno Reiko” in order to obtain her happiness but obtaining something on the surface alone only results in lying to herself. She has decided that she won’t hurt herself further, because someone who can’t even treasure herself won’t obtain happiness. MC believes that Hime-chan’s smile now is the most beautiful she’s ever seen (on her). MC is relieved that Hime-chan is doing well mentally and physically.
Hime-chan shows MC a website she found while surfing the internet called “victim’s cry”, the contents are strange and disturbing and give off a “real” feeling. MC opens the link she receives from Hime-chan, and it takes her to a blog. It writes – “All contents are fictional and are the products of the author's imagination.”
Reading the contents, MC finds the first story has a weird scenario, but does seem oddly real. The next story title reads “after taking medication, another person is born within me” which stirs something in MC. The contents strongly resembles that article Sumika found (the one called “how to create multiple personalities”). MC suspects the writers for both are one and the same person.
Hime-chan points out one article in particular that stands out the most as being strange. It is dated August 3rd and writes “That morning, I was standing in the kitchen frying karaage. It’s my daughter’s first excursion so I’ve decided to make her beloved karaage for her bento.” The writing makes MC’s skin prickle. Reading further, it details that while riding a bicycle, a traffic collision has left the person in a vegetative state. MC mumbles aloud “No way, this story..” (ㆀ˘・_・˘)
Hime-chan asks if MC is okay, because her face has gone pale white. MC explains that when she was in kindergarten, her mother was involved in a traffic accident on August 3rd which has left her in a coma since. That day, her mother had made her karaage for her excursion lunch. Hime-chan is shocked that it matches the contents of the article exactly. They both out loud, draw the conclusion that this story about a victim, is MC’s mother… Hime-chan further deduces that the person who wrote this is the one who made MC’s mother suffer.
MC murmurs there isn’t enough evidence at the moment but she’ll have to investigate further. Hime-chan offers to help too. Hime-chan declares that because MC was the one who saved her, this time it is Hime-chan’s turn to help out MC and that together, they will definitely expose the culprit. MC is grateful and thanks Hime-chan and takes a screenshot of the blog.
Evidence gathered
Blog screenshot
MC tries to calmly reread the blog contents and realises that perhaps that time when her mother had woken up and said “listen carefully… it’s not… your father… that day… the one who…” *cough* MC guesses that the name of the culprit was likely going to follow.
MC leaves Hime-chan’s room and sees Ichimura-sensei, who questions why she has a perplexed expression. When she doesn’t answer right away he guesses it must be due to work being hectic lately and understands she must be tired. He offers to help her if there’s anything she needs. MC reflects on how when her mother was admitted to the hospital, Ichimura-sensei was a 25 year old medical intern. Back then, he had also been kindly looking out for MC. Ichimura-sensei asks MC to go to the staffroom to collect a copy of Himeno-san’s (Hime-chan’s) discharge paper. He tasks MC with it, since he will be out tomorrow. He continues with that he knows that Himeno-san is MC’s good friend, so seeing her get better makes him happy too.
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MC thinks to herself that he has a lot of charm, as a person and as a man. He asks if MC has time tomorrow night, would she like to join him for a meal together as he has something he wants to give her. MC is happy because she feels she’s been invited on a date. She accepts. She feels relaxed and her anxiety disappearing when she is with him. She feels that if she were to marry him then she would likely be very happy.
That night, she has a dream about the time she was a child. MC is asking her mother for karaage in her bento, and she obliges by putting two big pieces in her lunch. Her mother tells her to have fun on her trip and be careful. When MC opens her bento to have her lunch was the moment the hospital contacted her kindergarten teacher (to deliver the bad news..). MC is now in the hospital asking her mother why she won’t wake up, and where it hurts. Then, she feels a presence behind her.
??: This is what you get for rejecting me. Now, you must suffer.
MC wakes with a start, heart pounding. She believes the dream was a result from reading the blog earlier. She goes to get a drink of water to calm down. In the living room, she finds Okura sitting on the sofa drinking whiskey. She finds it strange since when he’s in the share house he basically spends all his time in his own room. She declares she will also have a drink to aid sleep and he rebuts with “kids should just go straight to bed.”
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MC replies that she is an adult and feels like having a highball, she takes his whiskey and mixes it with some soda water. With Okura’s “do as you wish”, MC feels that he accepts her as she is. In the past, she felt the quiet and unexpressive him was hard to get along with but now his quietness at times like this comforts her.
MC asks Okura when he joined the Ryumon gang but his response is “why do you want to know that” and she wonders what he did before then. He replies that it has nothing to do with her. He asks what’s wrong, because she wouldn’t get up in the middle of the night otherwise. MC admits she dreamt of the past and recounts part of the dream before she starts shaking. He asks MC to put out her hand, and place a pink strawberry milk candy into it, telling her to have it and stop crying. MC exclaims that she’s not a kid and that she’s not even crying. They both continue drinking and chatting and one hour later MC starts to get sleepy. MC thanks Okura for keeping her company but she stumbles when she gets up, so he supports her and admonishes her because she’s had too much.
He helps her to her room and she thinks about how strong he is, and how tall he’s gotten. MC inwardly criticises herself, that she must be quite drunk if thinking about Okura like this makes her heart race. When they both accidentally meet eyes, they look away. MC insists she can reach her room by herself but he just continues helping her. He tells her he’ll still be up, so if she has another bad dream she can go find him. MC crawls back into bed, and asks her mother to continue watching her from above.
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DOUBT 9 suspects
 6am the next morning, MC is awake and up bright and early, thanks to Okura preventing any bad dreams. She finds him in the living room, and asks why he has a suitcase out. He’s leaving. MC is shocked that he is moving out without saying anything to anyone. His response is that it is too troublesome looking after MC and everyone. MC presses him as to whether there’s more to it than that but again, he replies that it’s none of her business. MC voices aloud that she just thought they were starting to get closer but he interrupts, pointing out that she’s mistaken and that he didn’t move in to get closer to her. When she questions why he came then, his answer is to fulfil his duty. MC guesses aloud that he means he came on her father’s orders but he remains silent. He turns to leave and MC grabs his sleeve, telling him to wait and not to go. MC is shocked to see a rare surprised look on his face and apologises, because the words came out because she felt he was going far away somewhere. Okura reproaches her for suddenly “making a womanly expression” and takes something from his pocket, holding it to MC’s face.
Evidence gathered
Omamori from Okura
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He voices for her to keep it on her always and gives one final “see ya, kid.” He ruffles her hair and leaves. Karen comes in, having just returned from work and remarks that she saw Okura leave with a suitcase, wondering if he’s going on a trip. MC explains and Karen complains that it’s hard to understand Okura.
At work, an envelope titled “To MC” is on her desk. Inside is Hime-chan’s discharge form. MC makes a copy for record keeping.
Evidence gathered
Copy of discharge certificate
She writes a receipt for it, using one of those carbon copy notepads, however she forgets how to write the kanji for “seki” in “shoseki.” She searches it up on her phone and writes it down.
After work, MC meets Ichimura-sensei at the restaurant he made a reservation at. She’s a little nervous becomes it seems like a fancy restaurant. He is reading a medical text and she praises him for being so studious, and he responds that his career is his life’s worth. Then he comments that it wore out his ex-fiancée. MC is surprised to hear that, and he explains it was a long time ago – back when he was a medical intern and gave work his all, leaving no time for a private life. Because of that his fiancée left him, and got engaged to someone else. Time continued and he got to this age while still being single. MC realises this lines up with the time her mother was admitted to the hospital, and questions him if it’s because of that he had no private life. He denies it, and that it was of his own volition that he wanted to be in charge of her hospital stay. He elaborates that he strives in his work precisely because he wished MC’s mother would wake up again. MC expresses her gratitude.
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Ichimura-sensei however, points out that he is also a man, and that her praise would give him expectations. Ichimura-sensei takes out a silver ring from a ring case and explains this is what he wanted to give to MC. He confesses that he adores her and that she probably believes it is sudden but it’s not. From the day he met her he’s always felt that he wanted to support her. MC asks if he means the day she came to the hospital when her mother was admitted. He confirms it, saying something like before he realised it she’s grown up to be beautiful and resolute woman. Though he knows there’s an age gap, he was happy to watch MC and protect her from a distance before but because of the recent events he’s had a change of heart. He wants to protect MC properly with his own hands. He again proclaims he loves MC just the way she is, and asks if she will spend the rest of her life with him. MC is happy about his feelings but can’t answer so quickly or easily.
MC asks for some time to think it over and he asks her to keep the ring, and if she returns his feelings to put it on.
Evidence gathered
Ring from Ichimura-sensei
 When MC returns home she thinks about going to her father’s place the next day to ask him about it all, as well as her mother’s accident. Okura’s shoes are no longer in the shoe stand and it again hits her that he’s gone. MC does the usual FindFriend surfing before bed.
Evidence gathered
Photo of hospital director
Photo of father and Okura
 The next day, MC goes to see her father. Okura is not around. MC has come to ask her father to tell her more about her mother. He pulls down her mother’s diary to give to her. The last entry is from August 2nd and reads “tomorrow’s the excursion. I hope it’s sunny. I made plenty of karaage which my daughter loves. When I saw her off, I went to visit Isuke (MC’s father) who I hadn’t seen for a while. Tomorrow is our precious anniversary.” MC asks her father about it, and he explains August 3rd is the day they met, and is their anniversary date. It was when Sayuri (MC’s mother) was on her way to meet him that the accident occurred. He elaborates that the first one to find Sayuri at the accident was Okura, he had just happened to be passing by, found her and then called the ambulance. She didn’t wake up again when she was brought to the hospital and when the staff gave up on her, Ichimura-sensei was the only one who kept going without giving up. From then until now, he has been the doctor in charge of Sayuri.
MC questions her father if Okura joined Ryumon gang since that incident, but he denies it, as Okura joined 10 years after that. MC’s father doesn’t know anything about his past but as he said before, he trusts him deeply from the bottom of his heart. He admits that Okura is mysterious but should MC’s father die, then he feels relieved to leave the Ryumon gang in the care of MC and Okura. He invites MC to visit Sayuri’s grave with him, because today is the anniversary.
At the grave, MC’s father loudly declares “Sayuri, we’ve arrived!” and MC berates him for yelling lol. He’s not fazed, and insists Sayuri would be smiling now.
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MC puts her hands together and pays her respects. Noticing the date on the grave which says “August 3rd 19XX” MC is again reminded that August 3rd is their anniversary date. With her father’s permission, MC takes a photo.
Evidence gathered
Photo of mother’s grave
She considers how even though her father and mother went through a lot of difficulties, they loved each other dearly until the end. MC recounts Ichimura-sensei’s proposal to her to her father. He is overjoyed and exclaims he has no regrets but she warns him not to get ahead of himself as she hasn’t yet decided. He queries if MC has any other man she is interested in. Okura’s face floats into her mind, but she thinks it’s awful she’s thinking of two men. As if her father can read her thoughts, he proclaims that she can love as many men as she likes lol and that she should test them until she finds the one man who is right for her. He continues with “love is a war, those that win survive and those are the rules of this world!” MC believes it’s so like her gang leader father to think that way. Her father explains that him choosing Sayuri and being blessed with the treasure that is MC makes him the happiest man. Again, he tells her to pick the partner that will make her happy.
Back at the share house, Karen and MC are in MC’s room and she recounts the proposal. While Karen is looking at the ring MC also confesses her new awareness of Okura to which Karen replies that MC is finally being honest with her feelings. Karen points out there is a message inscribed within the ring and asks MC what it means. However, MC doesn’t understand Latin. Karen searches it up and it means “Flowers bloom towards the everlasting future, without ever wilting” and Karen gushes that Ichimura-sensei is a romantic. Karen advises MC to be true to her heart and make the choice that she won’t regret.
MC is flicking through her mother’s diary and finds an entry that reads “Ryumon gang’s enemy group are starting to move. I need to take precautions.” That was July 22nd. On a different entry, “On the way home shopping with my daughter, I feel like someone is following me.” That entry was July 30th, 4 days before the accident. MC suspects it could be the person who targeted her mother. She tries to go on the blog again, but now it reads “this website cannot be accessed.”
MC receives a TalkTime message from her father, who is wondering if MC has seen Okura, as he cannot get in contact with him. MC hasn’t though. MC then receives a call from Hime-chan who screams “HELP ME MC! I’M GOING TO BE KILLED!!”
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Boy, that large text SCARED me.
Hime-chan quickly explains she knows the culprit, and that their name is –
And just like that MC hears the sound of paper being ripped and one last “AHH!! HEL-” before the phone beeps out. MC extremely worried, rushes like the wind to the hospital. MC hurries to Hime-chan’s room and on the way, sees Okura standing in front of the emergency exit.
MC arrives but the door to Hime-chan’s room is locked. She desperately yells for her to answer. Pressing her ear to the door she hears some rustling, and believes someone is inside. Sumika arrives, hearing the ruckus and MC pleads her to go get the key and she rushes off. By the time Sumika returns MC no longer feels the presence of someone inside. They turn the key but the door won’t open. They both work together and force it open and find a rope wrapped around Hime-chan’s neck which was tied to the door, hence why it couldn’t be opened. Not only that, there are countless cuts on Hime-chan’s wrist, which is bleeding profusely. MC checks Hime-chan is still breathing (thankfully she is) and calls the staffroom. Ichimura-sensei answers.
MC asks him to come assist. He arrives and delegates Sumika to stop the bleeding at the wrist, and asks MC to help carry Hime-chan to the floor after releasing the rope. MC also notices other scratch marks on Hime-chan’s neck. MC also notes that Ichimura-sensei has a bandaid on his right hand. MC is tasked to call for back up to move Hime-chan to the ICU and as she runs out of the room she thinks she sees someone who looks like Okura leaving.
Once Hime-chan is safely at the ICU, MC is back at Hime-chan’s original room, thanking Sumika for her help. Sumika can’t believe Hime-chan would be trying to commit suicide which MC vehemently denies but Sumika points to the suicide note left on the desk. She advises MC not to disturb the items since the police are probably coming, and takes her leave. MC can’t believe Hime-chan would do such a thing since she was looking forward so much to being discharged. MC finds Hime-chan’s fake nails, which would explain the scratch marks on her. She looks at the other items on her desk.
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Evidence gathered
Torn memo
Hime-chan’s suicide note
Black glove
Kitchen knife
Omamori on the PC
Hime-chan’s TalkTime screenshot
MC looks at the ripped memo which looks like nonsense, the only part she can understand is “on the computer.” She recalls how on the phone Hime-chan said “the culprit is” and realises Hime-chan likely solved the culprit for MC’s mother’s accident who then took action against Hime-chan. Since the door was locked, she wonders how they left the room. She notices the window to the balcony is slightly ajar. Looking outside, the balcony isn’t partitioned, so they could have gone to the adjacent room. In front of the emergency exit there’s also a slide for emergency use, which they may have used.
MC visits Hime-chan in the ICU and her sleeping form overlaps with the memory of MC’s mother. MC feels guilty and believes that what happened was her fault, and clasps her clothes. She notices something in her pocket and remember the omamori Okura gave her is in there. Looking at it, she notices a thread is off colour and inspecting closely, finds a small GPS inside with 83 written on it. Sumika appears, expressing MC she understands she is worried but she can’t be seen here. MC explains the circumstances and Sumika states she will go find out who visited Hime-chan yesterday, and the records show that she had one visitor, which was Okura. He also appeared at ICU, saying he wanted to see Hime-chan’s condition but of course was refused. Sumika openly wonders how he knew Hime-chan was in ICU.
MC goes out to the lobby to rest and think, finding Ichimura-sensei. MC queries him about the bandage on his right hand, his reply is that he was scratched by a cat. He advises MC to go home and rest and he will do the same, and that he has instructed staff to contact him if anything changes with Hime-chan’s condition. MC decides to check up on the emergency exit slide before leaving. She finds an old newspaper in there, dated August 4th 19XX with a story detailing how a woman aged 30 was involved in a traffic incident and that at face value, it seemed like an unfortunate accident however shortly before the incident, there were reports of a suspicious man in all black nearby. MC believes that Hime-chan read this article and came to discover who the culprit was, and the real culprit found it and tried to discard it.
MC thinks back to both what happened to her mother, and to Hime-chan as well as the blog. The two people in common from then until now are Okura and Ichimura-sensei and that whoever attacked her mother 20 years ago tried to kill Hime-chan. However, what was written on the blog were incidents involving people other than MC’s mother as well. If such a person really did those things to other people then there is something extremely wrong with them. MC knows that if she doesn’t figure this out then there will be other victims. MC absolutely cannot forgive the person who stole away the futures of her mother and Hime-chan. She once again thinks of the words and actions of the two suspects and realises one piece of evidence that conclusively points at one person. She resolves herself and contacts them.
So who do you think the liar is?
Review the evidence here:
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sly-merlin · 3 years
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Hello mam can I request a lawyer jeno scenario where reader (gender neutral so everyone can read) is a prosecutor and they are in the same court together
Lawyer Boyfriend jeno , gender neutral lawyer reader
Genre : fluff with nonsense bickering
Words: 1.5k
a/n: jeno is a big boi now! Happy jeno-ing!! Also the terms used are local to my country. It may vary in your state.
your butt was itching to dance out in the centre of the courtroom. Clicking your forefinger on the watch, you observed the lovely minute hand completing another circle, indicating the approaching end of the waiting time. The opposing party being a minute more late would mean nothing but good news for your client, resulting in another victory for you.
But when had you ever won anything without a little struggle! As the clock on the wall hit 11, the door of the room opened and across the room stood Jeno, breathing heavily like he had been running since hours. You rolled your eyes at his awful timing. He handed over his briefcase to his client and wore his blazer hurriedly while simultaneously bowing to the judge in deference and apology. The judge, disregarding his gesture with his hand called him to the front. You got up as well, in annoyance of course. You had very much hoped for his car to have punctured on its way but it seemed like he needed to get on your nerves even in the court as well. standing beside him, you couldn’t help but notice the wrinkles on the right side of his blazer. The oddity puzzled you at first but suddenly, with a subtle glare from his side, you were made aware of the reason behind his change of clothes. Not wearing the ones that you steam ironed last night was a show of anger towards you, even if it made him look like a fool in front of the whole chamber.
“a minute late and I’d have passed an interlocutory order against your client Mr.lee” breaking your trance, the judge warned him. He bowed again and mumbled a mannerly apology, the like of which you deserved too.
“today the hearing would start with the counter evidence of the defendant side, that is,” he sifted through the list of the evidence provided beforehand, “the bank records of both the parties. Please proceed advocate lee”
“yes, your honour. As I explained in a previous hearing, my client, mrs. Shin has been working as a manager of the Kwon industries since 14 years. On the other hand, mr. shin started a poker business with the money she used to save up for their only son’s future. All the transactions from her personal accounts to mr. shin’s were innocently carried out by her as she was kept under a false impression regarding the use of her money, which she never would have allowed in her right mind. The proof of these transfers is the evidence I’m going to present that is the receipts and annual reports.”
The urge to smack his tongue for the lies it told was uncontrollable but you breathed in. you inhaled all the bitterness back to your throat and stood there like an obedient child with a face ridden of any expressions.
After what felt like minutes, you snapped your head in his direction to notice the browsing he was doing in his briefcase. The questionable look on his face drew a smirk into your own as you understood the sensitiveness of the matter in hand. He forgot. The papers!
Throwing your charitable side out of the door, you turned towards the judge,
“it seems like the opposing counsel has nothing to produce, your honour.”
You felt his clenching jaw and irritated eyes.
“mr. lee, if you are unable to proceed then i’ll have to pass a maintenance order against your client.”
“no!” he interrupted, “that would be unfair to this poor lady sir. don’t penalise her for my negligence. The evidence can turn the course of this whole case. if you may, I’d request another date-
“he’s going to forget again. He forgets everything these days” before you could control, you spit out.
The judge didn’t seem to be impressed by your uncalled interruption so he warned you to speak only when allowed. But with a mouth as big as his, jeno never knew what resistance meant so he remarked,
“and my dear friend here forgets the ethics of a courtroom, disrespecting seniors like this! There is not much difference between us then I must say.”
Your lip twitched at the not so subtle mention of the fight you had in the morning, right before the breakfast. Now you were adamant on proving that no matter the place and circumstances, you were definitely not similar to him in any way.
“disrespecting and raising matters of importance are two varied things and my dear counsel should be reading those ethic rules for himself as he’s the one jeopardising the position of his client in the court due to his own manners. I request the court to grant mr. shin all the rights to his properties that mrs. Shin had seized years ago. He’s a disabled man and he cannot work by himself and the lack of evidence is a clear indication that the defendants are just trying to waste the time of the court. Along with the rights of the properties, a lawful possession of the house and maintenance charges are also requested. All the claims can be found on the page 15 of the-
“I object, your honour. I am accepting my mistake. This woman deserves a second chance. My junior was sick and since he has no near and dear in this town, I had to go and care for him. in the hurry, I forgot the papers at home. It was not delibra-
“what if you don’t remember this next time either? Until then my client is going to suffer in a small and stinky apartment and all because of your carelessness.”
“I’m not careless,” He whispered yelled.
“yes,” now facing him, you said, arms crossed in front of you torso, “a man who can’t even hold a mug properly shouldn’t be the one talking about-
“you started it by smashing the music box. It was a gift by jaemin. I bet you did it deliberately too!”
“I was sleep walking! I apologised already! There was no need to break my favourite mug you bit-
The sound of gavel reverberated in the small family courtroom, snapping both of you in the reality.
You gulped slightly, eyes boring into jeno’s but with unknown fear. In an instant, the worst consequences of blunder you both had knowingly-unknowingly committed flashed across your eyes and you both whirled around, backs bent like you both never knew what a straight spine ever looked like!
“keep your personal and professional life separate or choose the one most suitable. The court is adjourned for two days. You both shall be heavily fined for your inappropriate behaviour. Next time, I won’t be lenient. Collect your slips from the clerk.”
Apologising verbally, you took your leave.
Standing outside, you waited for the lunch time to pass so you could pay the fine. you were mad at jeno but more than him, you were furious with yourself for losing your direction. You had done exactly what you were trying to accuse jeno of in the court.
Your eyes were closed in regret when you felt soft lips on your forehead.
Smiling widely, jeno stood there as if he hadn’t been scolded for the unprofessionalism just a few hours ago.
“don’t talk to me.” You uttered, lowering your gaze.
“awww! Look how easy it is to rile you up. Thank you though”
unsure of what he said, you asked,
“for what?”
“for fighting with me! Your bickering saved my ass. The old man was going to decide the case but your cute brain worked at the wrong time! Now I have two days to turn all my lies into a living truth. All because of you my darling.”
“what the fuck I’m gonna ki-
“yeah yeah. kiss me all you want when we are home. Be professional here!” he breathed out. “how about I treat you to a nice meal to return the favour.”
Chest heaving up and down, you looked him dead in the eye, his revelations not sounding too amusing to your ears. Raising your hand up and waving the fine slip in front of him, you challenged,
“I dare you to repeat this again and I promise you wont get enough time to regret it!”
Not that you actually expected him to cry in front of you in intimidation, a hearty laugh from his body wasn’t anticipated either.
“what the fuck je-
You were once again cut off by his lips that met your cheek in a wet kiss, lasting too long for a public setting.
You hated the way he loved testing your patience.
Moving his soft lips from your cheek to your ear, he sighed before murmuring in an indecently low voice,
“you better get a new music box before jaemin visits me or I know how to make you regret your actions.”
Unmoved, you stared at him with doe eyes. He walked away before returning back only to snatch the paper slip from your hands.
“I’ll pay and sign. Go have lunch. Try to finish early today, I’ll be waiting for you.”
Innocently smiling, he left as if everything that had happened was nothing but delusion. And you hated the way he knew you like the back of his hand. But you were going to make sure he lost this one to you. Once and forever.
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punkpresentmic · 3 years
Traitor Aizawa AU Pt. 4 — 1, 2, 3
cw for implied sexual content, but nothing that warrants a mature rating
Hizashi digs back into his husband’s case, & it's clear investigators still don’t particularly WANT him to—partially for distrust, partially for the still-secret letters, he's sure. But he does what he can to show them that he wants this mess cleaned up. They reluctantly give him what they have to chew on: not much—a vague lead, an unreliable source. It puts Hizashi no closer to the letters or why they were taken.
The investigators only keep an eye on him until they get bored &/or annoyed, judging him airheaded or harmless. Once he’s away from prying eyes, he sets off on his own; Hizashi is already in deep with less-than-legal activities lately. He sneaks into their evidence archives.
The letters aren’t there.
Hizashi skips out of the police station before he’s discovered sticking his nose where it shouldn’t be. He has to get back to school anyway. After teaching English & having a shitty, lonely lunch, an idea occurs to him. If it was Nezu who suggested the letters be taken… would Nezu have kept the letters?
So Hizashi sets out about a new kind of heist. Nezu is in a meeting & the principal’s office is locked, but Hizashi as a tenured faculty member has access to anywhere in UA. Of course it’ll record that he entered, but that’s not Hizashi’s concern right now. He goes through every file in Nezu’s cabinet. Nothing. His heart sinks. Then he notices Nezu’s desk drawer has a simple lock on it. As a last ditch effort, he picks it with a bobby pin. There’s a bowl of candy inside. It’s the only idea he has left to pick it up & see if there’s anything underneath &.... Sure enough, just like in a bad movie the drawer has a false bottom. Under it, there’s a neat stack of letters bound with a rubber band.
They’ve all been opened.
Hizashi immediately seeks out the one marked with his name, tugs it out, skims it. It’s everything Shouta said it was. It ends with I love you. The script is shaky. Hizashi’s heart is in his throat. Oh, Shou…
Nezu coughs; Hizashi nearly jumps out of his skin. “You know,” Nezu says, “a locked drawer in a secure area might also be reasonably assumed to be alarmed.”
Hizashi meets his eyes, lets the letter fall to the desk. “Care to explain what these are?”
Nezu is impossible to read. “They are exactly what they appear to be: letters left behind by Aizawa Shouta, confiscated at the time of their discovery.”
“He left me a letter,” Hizashi repeats, careful to reign in his voice as he shakes his head. “He left his students letters. We all thought he left without even saying goodbye.”
“That’s not entirely true,” Nezu notes, tone even and gentle. “You are aware he left a clear & concise description of his crimes. I do believe that’s going to be important to remember going forward.”
Hizashi grinds his teeth at that. “Why wasn’t I made aware of this?”
Nezu backs down with a sigh. He climbs into his desk chair, Hizashi moving to stand on the other side of the desk. Nezu gazes sadly down at the pile of letters. “There were two main factors we had to consider. Firstly, at the earliest stages of the investigation, it was unclear if you or any of the students had secret involvement—the letters could have held nefarious communications.” Nezu took a breath. “We no longer believe that after thorough analysis. Though perhaps this should not come as a surprise—if there was anything we knew about our Eraserhead, it was his steadfast aversion to extraneous details or wasting time.”
Hizashi’s heart throbs painfully in his chest.
“As for the second reason: the emotional & psychological impact that these letters could have on our community. Our hero students with their steadfast trust in their instructor were particularly vulnerable. & you, Yamada, are not an exception to a similar emotional vulnerability. In the interest of damage control, in doing my best to hold the UA community together & keep it from further collapse, the letters were confiscated promptly & without notification of their existence.”
Hizashi’s fingernails dig into his palm, fists clenched to stop his hands shaking. “I’m an adult. & a pro. I don’t need the same protection as 15 year-olds. We’re talking about my husband. I think I’m entitled to some transparency.”
“I never said you weren’t,” Nezu placates. “But I wanted you to receive this information once we had a better understanding of the situation. & once you had emotionally stabilized from what I’m sure is an unforgivable betrayal.”
‘Unforgivable.’ That wording was purposeful, Hizashi knew. It almost begged him to dispute it.
Hizashi spread his hands. “So you don’t think I’m emotionally stable? & you let me keep watching over the next generation?” His laugh was intended to be dry at most, but it comes out nearly hysterical.
Nezu sighs again. “Yamada, you were hurting. & you refused the counselling we recommended. You chose to work through your pain. We were not going to deny you that.”
“Principal, correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m not really buying that you’d have shown me these letters even if I had gone to counselling.”
Nezu hummed. “What do you know about Eraserhead’s motivations, Yamada?”
He forces a smile through gritted teeth. He shakes his head. “Nothing,” he says, almost sunny. “Beyond the fact that he has them.”
“Indeed. I’d hoped you & this community would have time to heal. & I’d hoped in the meantime the investigation could provide further insight into why this happened. The rhetoric with which these letters were written is not something that can be overlooked.”
“I thought you said there weren’t any secret messages.”
“Codes & clandestine communications, no. Ulterior motives & further lies & attempted manipulation, on the other hand…” Nezu meets his eyes. “There’s a level of cunning with which these crimes were committed right under our noses, a level of plotting that got past even me. You must understand I am only trying to do what I can to protect my students & staff from any further harm or puppeteering at the hands of villains.”
Hizashi has to look away. He monitors his breathing, lets his head hang when it doesn’t come back under his control. Fists and teeth and heart clenched against all of this. Too much. It’s too much.
There’s a paw on his arm, then. “I’m sorry, Yamada. This was not an action intended to be harmful. You’re hurting. Of course you are. But you are also strong & intelligent. Meet with a counsellor. Talk to someone. Kayama is worried for you; that much is clear. There are people who care & want to help you through this. Please, Yamada. Don’t shoulder this alone.”
Hizashi does try seeing the counsellor. He leaves within fifteen minutes.
The next time Shouta arrives, as he said he would, he’s still absolutely ragged. But it doesn’t seem like he’s gotten worse. Aside from the smell. Hizashi has him take a shower. Shouta stepping into the room towel-drying his unruly hair in Hizashi’s fluffy robe is somewhere between endearing & heartbreaking. Hizashi pats the spot on the bed beside him. Shouta sits.
He tries asking again about the why, about the what caused you to do this. Again, Shouta can’t talk about it. Maybe soon, Shouta says noncommittally.
Hizashi relays the story about finding the letters, about reading his, about the confrontation with Nezu. Shouta looks concerned. Hizashi shakes his head, reiterates that he doesn’t quite have it in him to believe that Shouta is a villain here. But he can’t believe this blindly after all that’s happened. He needs information. Because this doesn’t make sense for the man he knows. Shouta nods. “I know.”
“Then why can’t you give me something to work with here?” Hizashi whispers, & they’re close.
“Two reasons,” Shouta breathes between them. “The first being that it would put me in danger of not being able to do what I need to do.” Then he gives Hizashi a small, shitty smile. “& the second is that if I tell you, you might try to come with me.”
Hizashi hums, drinking this in. “If I did, maybe you’d have someone to make sure you had your eye drops.”
It startles a snort out of Shouta, & his husband laughing in his bed is the most beautiful thing he’s seen in months, & Hizashi knows he’s already too far gone, & Hizashi doesn't hesitate when he kisses him this time.
They sink deeply into it immediately. It’s been so long. Too long. Hizashi makes a move to take it further—it’s been too long—& Shouta pulls back to start on the ‘I haven’t proven myself to you, I’ve done nothing to deserve your trust, etc etc’ spiel. Hizashi wants none of it. & frankly he’s a little sick of people making decisions ‘for his own good.’
& he sure as hell isn’t going to let his husband get away without knowing that he’s wanted here, that he’s missed, desired too. Hizashi tells him as much.
Ultimately they fall together easily, if not guiltlessly. There’s a heaviness between them even as they press desperately close, a weight to their actions. It’s a certain relief—this shared knowledge that they’re still them, or at least willing to try. ‘Deserved’ or not, to Hizashi it’s like catching a glimpse of the Sun after days trapped underground—too bright to look at directly, yet simultaneously the most sublime relief.
Hizashi is naked in Shouta’s lap, Shouta’s face buried in his chest. When Hizashi comes down from basking in the afterglow, it’s to realize that Shouta isn’t just trembling under him. Shouta's eyes are too dry these days to make actual tears, but the shuddering & quiet, hiccupping sobs are unmistakable.
Hizashi shushes him gently, kisses his eyes, whispers about not straining them more, about how he’s got him, how he’s here, how he’s not going away, how he loves him. How they’re going to get through this together. Hizashi lays them down, holding him near, stroking his hair. This time, it’s Shouta who falls asleep in his arms.
He’s still gone by morning.
(pt. 5)
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monsoonblooms12 · 3 years
Bittersweet (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
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Summary: OH Book 1 Chapter 4 written from Dolores Hudson's POV
A/N: I really wanted to do this because Dolores is such an amazing person and this chapter is one of my favourites in the entire OH series. This picks up from the office fire and ends at Dolores's death.
A/N 2: The flashback portions are indented
If you enjoyed the story, please like it, leave a comment or reblog. Your feedback keeps me going🤍
Characters: Dolores Hudson, Ethan Ramsey, f!MC (Pooja Sharma)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Pooja Sharma (f!MC)
Word Count: around 2.8 K
Rating: General
Category: Fluff then Angst
Disclaimer: PB owns most of the characters and some of the dialogues. I only own my MC.
Triggers: Complications in pregnancy, Few Curse Words, Character Death
Prompts: @choicesaprilchallenge2021 Day 23: Classic/Classical
Other Works
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Dolores's fingers danced on the keyboards in a swift motion as she strived to complete this last email and get home and have a sleep that she missed yesterday due to late-night cravings.
Around her, a chaos of whispers spread as her colleagues engaged in mindless chitter-chatter of the last hour before the end of the office day.
A few nudges of Hey, Dolores! and its variants reached her, but she steered past them, focusing completely on her work.
Just one more line anndd,
She hit the send and the ping of the 'sent' notification calmed her overworked nerves.
Come on, Lil tadpole, let's file these papers, get ice cream and go home.
She fondly rubbed her belly. 26 weeks in and yet the fact that she was going to become Mamma Froggy was overwhelming and exciting.
She got the prints and in a hurry, nearly got a paper cut.
Careful there! She cajoled herself and started filing those messy sheets of her hard work of the day.
She was almost done just as-
The blazing sound, very much like a siren's, reached all of them, leading to the eruption of panicked commotion between all of them.
They had been run through the fire drill so many times that they didn't need to be told that it was a fire alarm.
Dolores left all her possessions, carrying only her bag with the stuffed froggy she had bought for her baby and tried to run.
But being pregnant doesn't make it very easy. Even more, if there was a fucking fire at the place.
People went haywire. Very few cared about the fact that she was carrying a baby, and they should have the minimum decency to help. Most would selfishly try to save themselves, not giving a damn about anyone.
Dolores tried to pave a way for reaching the elevator. It was nearly impossible for her to get down the stairwell in time to save herself from the hazardous situation. She could see that most of the people had already evacuated.
Why was the fire department not here yet?
The fire was ablaze, surroundings hot, and amidst all, Dolores walked slowly, worried only about her little tadpole and not herself.
She pressed the buttons of the elevator. Waited. But nothing budged.
Fuck it!
Smoke engulfed her and she felt suffocated. All through the light-headedness, she could faintly hear, the siren of the ambulance. She hoped someone would save her from this fiery hell.
But there was no one to help her. No one around. The building burnt and if she did not think of something quickly, she would burn with it as well.
Not viewing any other options, she screamed with as much strength she could garner. Once, Twice, Thrice.
The next actions happened quicker than the blink of an eye. She saw a handsome EMT rush towards her. Even though she was already in a blazing environment, she couldn't stop the he's hot reflex of her brain cells. He came to her and reassured her that he would be able to save her and her baby, picked her up, and slowly, yet swiftly, got out of there.
Just like a superhero.
She thought of telling this story of Super-Man coming to save him and his Mama to her baby and the thought made her giggle.
Her head was light, and she felt choked, but her mind would keep going to the little angel of her womb, worrying only for him.
The last she remembers was reaching the ambulance and coughing vigorously. She couldn't breathe normally. She tried and failed miserably. A slow sensation of blacking out and after that, everything blank.
After who knows how long, Dolores feels the glare of white lights around her giving her eyes a painful competition to open up. She squints, tiredness spreading through her body. From office work or the life-threatening experience? She does not know.
She slowly, very slowly, tries to sit up, her hand on her belly, tenderly stroking it, as if to let the child know that his Mamma would not let any harm come to him. Nurses check in on her, one of them replacing the oxygen mask with a nose tube, and she felt a bit more relaxed.
As she was taking in the surroundings, she realized,
Coming back here after so many years brought back many memories. The first time she came here. Oh, how panicked she was! She was getting jitters but that calm and brilliant doctor took care of her, not only inside the hospital but also outside it.
Dr Ethan Ramsey.
He still worked here, he had told her in his last email. I need to meet him! She thought.
When was the last time they had met? In that coffee shop last year, right? It had been long.
She traced the name she had thought for her tadpole over and over again on her belly as if to make him memorize it before coming here to her, and looked around.
There was a minimum difference between the room she had been kept in the first time and the one in which she was now, but the time gap made her feel everything was new.
All of a sudden the door swayed, letting in a young doctor and,
She was genuinely excited about seeing him. Of all the possibilities, she hadn't really considered the fact that he would be coming to treat her. He has important cases to take care of than petty smoke inhalation, right?
A frown appears on his forehead. "What did you get yourself into this time, Dolores?"
His stern tone is the tough layer of a walnut, which hid his soft corner, the concerned heart. She smiled at the realization.
She quickly filled him in with all the details. The fire. The hot superman. The baby. Everything.
She finds the young doctor's surprise about Ethan having friends amusing. The look of surprise she had on her face was priceless.
But when the doctor asked her,
"Was Dr Ramsey always so mean?" she guards her mouth using her hand, "And so handsome?"
It was Dolores's turn to be shocked. She knew just how much Ethan hated interns. He used to whine about how stupid they were all the time to her, online & offline. And here was this intern, having enough courage to ask her such a question in front of him.
"This man's definitely got grouchier than before, but even then he had an edge"
"And as for handsome, I think he has aged like a fine wine" Dolores winked and Ethan fumbled for words.
When he got his tone back, it was strict.
No matter what anyone else thought, Dolores knew the real Ethan. The one without his rough and tough exterior and mean demeanour.
And that Ethan, if he ever came out, would make everyone fall in love with him.
As the doctors mumbled between themselves, she looked around, searching for something.
Umm Hmm. She couldn't see it.
"Excuse me Doctor Sharma" Both of them turned to look at her. "I remember having my bad when the hunk brought me out. Did they bring it here?" She asks, anxiety on its borderline, ready to burst out.
She needed it. Very Much.
Dr Sharma looks around for a bit, carefully conscious eyes trained to spot abnormalities. Her eyes, soon enough, fall on the side table of the bed and she picks the purse up and hands it over to Dolores.
Another frantic search follows. She turns all the contents up and down, her happy demeanour replaced with a visible frown.
It's not here, she says, evidently panicked.
A sadness spreads on her face.
"I must have dropped it in the office" She is on the verge of crying.
Dr Sharma places a kind hand on her shoulder. What Happened? Her questioning eyes wordlessly ask.
Dolores sighs, "It probably sounds stupid but I saw this adorable little frog on my lunch break and had to get it for my little tadpole."
"My parents are gone and the father's not in the picture." She adoringly places a hand on her swollen belly, "I just want everything to be perfect for him."
Dr Sharma gives her shoulder a gentle push of reassurance, and adds, "It's not stupid Dolores, absolutely not. I feel like you're going to be a great mom."
Her words make Dolores smile despite the upsetting circumstances, "Thank You. I- I just wished I hadn't lost it."
She stays lost in the thoughts and daydreams of her little tadpole playing with his first gift, growing ever more upset with every passing second.
"I and Dr Ramsey will find it for you!" Dr Sharma's excited tone jolts her out of her thoughts.
She is surprised first and slowly a smile appears, "Really Ethan? You would do that for me?"
He hesitates.
"Erm- Yes, sure." He fumbles.
"Dr Sharma, let's get this urine sample to the lab first. I will meet you in the lot in ten minutes."
Relieved and Happy, Dolores exclaims, "I am 26 weeks pregnant, Ethan. Not gonna take 10 minutes to make me pee!"
And in 15 minutes, they take her urine sample away and bid adieu with a promise of bringing her token of love for her tadpole back.
She was extremely grateful for Dr Sharma. She doubted if Ethan had given in the first time if it had not been her taking initiative.
Wait a Minute.
Ethan Ramsey listened to an intern? That too, in the first time itself? The observation blew her mind.
She recounted the time he had called her to his home to give a dinner treat. Lovely memories of a different face of the man came to her mind like the waves reaching the shore, one after the other.
"Mmm... Ethan, this is delicious!" Dolores found herself falling deeply in love with this masterpiece of Georgian stuffed chicken.
"Thank You, but it wouldn't have got done without your help" Ethan was never the type to take credit. Boast, Huh? What's that?
That's what she liked the most about him. A fine, handsome man, talented without bounds, a successful doctor having shitloads of money and a chef. He was a complete package and yet seemed to be subtly unaware of it.
They chatted about everything from opera to music to their first meet. It was a jolly time.
That is, until, the conversation landed on romance.
"So, seeing anyone?"
"No, not currently." He blushes a bit.
"Imagine" Dolores leans back on her chair, stretching her legs, "if, I said if, you fell in love with," she pauses to look at his curious face, "an intern?"
It came even before she had finished the word. Dolores was amused.
"Just imagine!"
"I don't want to waste time imagining something as implausible as that. Can we talk about something else please?"
And here he was today, listening to an intern, a different demeanour than usual. Not that it was love, yet, but there was something.
Was he impressed by her?
He talked differently, listened patiently to the young doctor. That Ethan Ramsey who would not stand with an intern for 5 minutes, listened to one?
Anyone who knew him would laugh off the fact and say it was a joke.
Dolores made sure that if it happens, the falling in love with an intern, she will not let Ethan see the end of it. Teasing him to annoyance, yes that's what she would do.
She turned on some soft classical music on her phone, spreading an instant calm and dozed off for a while...
She gets up with a start on the sound of the door opening. She rubs her eyes to get a better view of the people in front of her.
It was Ethan and Dr Sharma!
She looked at them and yes! there it was, her tadpole's froggy.
She was overjoyed.
"You got it!" Dolores breaks into a grin as the sterilized frog is given to her.
"Happy now?" Ethan asks, the faintest glimmer of happiness in his eyes.
"Yes, very, very, much! Thank you so much, Ethan."
She pulls Dr Sharma into a small hug, "You too Dr Sharma, thank you!"
"Of course, Dolores." The young woman's beautiful face gleams at her, "and you can call me Pooja."
After few minutes of chit chat, Pooja leaves to get Dolores's reports.
"Switch on the TV Ethan, it's boring to sit here and do nothing."
"You know you can do better things than watching stupid TV shows?"
"I am doing it because I want to. The least who can do is help me." She shrugs.
"Fine, fine."
After going on a roundabout tour of the various broadcasted shows, they settled to watch a comedy.
Soon Ethan's stoicism got lost in the wilds and he started laughing along with her.
All the while Dolores held the Froggy affectionately to her tummy, to her little tadpole, as if to show it to him and ask if he likes it.
Amidst all the laughs, the medical reports are completely forgotten until there's a soft knock on the door and Ethan looks at someone from the corner of his eye and go out to meet them.
Still, she remains blissfully unaware of her health conditions and basks in the moments of delight she gets alone with her tadpole.
Her eyes remain glued to the TV screen until the doctors come in and from the morbid faces they wore, she knew that the reports were anything but good.
She switches off the TV.
"What is it? Ethan?"
Pooja steps forward, "I want you not to worry, Dolores."
She feels a mild panic attack bursting inside her, "T-That's what people say when there is something to be worried about. Is my tadpole okay?"
Pooja sighs, "Have you heard of preeclampsia? It's a disease affecting one out of ten pregnant women. In most cases, it is manageable, if monitored properly. But in your case-"
She pauses. And Dolores knows that whatever's coming will not be hopeful.
"It's serious."
Dolores quickly asks, "How serious?"
Not too much. Not too much. Please, god, not too much. She crosses her fingers.
"The blood flow to the placenta is slowing. It could deprive your baby of vital nutrients and oxygen."
With his morbid mask matching his melancholy tone, Ethan says, "Your baby is at risk."
"B-But I can still feel the baby kicking!" She urges them to come and feel for themselves.
"Dolores it just means the delivery needs to be done early."
"Impossible." Dolores remarks with a deadly determination. "It's too soon."
"Babies delivered at 26 weeks have a good chance of survival." Dr Sharma tries to convince her.
"A-A chance?"
She is not going to play a game of chances with her beloved tadpole, her little jewel.
They keep convincing her.
"Yes he'll have to spend some time in the N.I.C.U and there are chances of post-birth complications-"
"And some don't make it at all. Is my baby is in danger now?" She asks with a motherly force.
"No, not immediately. But-" Ethan is on his tracks to convince her again.
"Then my little tadpole is staying put."
"No, Ethan! Just...give me some time! As long as you can give me. Please" It is a request from her heart, and she is on the verge of tears.
"I give you tonight. To come back to your senses."
When they leave, Dolores cries, caressing her belly, her little tadpole in there. She cannot take a risk with his goddamn life, never ever.
Tears roll down her cheeks and she holds the stuffed frog even tighter to herself, praying to god for his magical abilities and to save her baby.
She fell asleep while crying. When she wakes up, she finds a few unknown nurses and doctors standing there.
She tries to speak but cannot form words. Her head feels light, just like it did in the office building. She could not sense anything, swallowing was trouble.
She makes random sounds and the people come rushing to her, just as her body breaks into violent convulsions.
"We need to take her to the surgery, QUICK!"
They call for a code blue and everything that happens following that is a haze to her.
They are rushing her to the surgery. Her body shakes vigorously, and she can feel that she doesn't have much time left.
She holds the doctor's hand who was rushing her to the O.R.
"N-nam-me him-m E-Ethan."
And with that, she slowly spirals down the realm of unconsciousness, the last thought to ever strike her mind was,
Little tadpole, mamma loves you. You will be okay. Mamma will always be there with you, for you.
And with that her breath leaves her body, the last tear dropping on the O.R. bed.
As Ethan Hudson sees the light of his new life, Dolores passes away into the darkness.
I love you little tadpole.
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PS: Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a great day ahead! Love, Manamee🤍.
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@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @choicesbookclub
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morgansmoreid · 3 years
Secrets  • Derek Morgan • Three
Fic Masterlist
Name: Happy Moments and Old Friends
Warnings: Sexual Content
(Italics Stand For Flashbacks)
Y/n lets go of her father's hands and switches the suitcase to her other side. She hates the man before her but she still leans in and presses a small kiss to his cheek, pulling back to examine him. Clean, is the word she would use to describe him. Colored hair and a shaved face, her father looked younger than she could pin him.
"Is it still the same?" Y/n points to the glass door. "It's been so long."
Y/F/N only nods and turns to hold the door for the three agents. Y/n goes in last, goosebumps on her arms from the seconds no one watches the two. But as Y/F/N makes no moves, she slowly calms down and ignores the looks she gets. She's her father's twin, she knows that, but from the way she carried herself past years, she can see the shock in some people's eyes as the badge resides on the band of the pants.
"Here." Y/F/N takes the three agents into the big conference room. The room Y/n was never allowed to go in, the one that held every meeting that pulled her father away from her life, the one she dreaded.
Y/F/N didn't follow Derek, Penelope, and Y/n into the room, leaving them to interrogate.
"Fields?" Derek was a little hurt and the sudden front his partner put on.
"Not now." Y/n shut down any further questions and walked past her team members to start the step up. The board looked clean halfway through, papers in order, and information that Y/n wrote up made it easier on Penelope, who was still giving Y/n the cold shoulder.
The silence the three create as they work is not tense. Frankly, the only sounds are Y/n's nails against her tablet and Penelope's keys being clacked against her research, mixed in with a little bit of Derek's blocky writing against his yellow pad.
Well, it was silent, until the door busted open with an angry man coming in and screaming at Y/n. "You should have answered my damn text!" He screamed, walking towards her, causing her to step out of her seat and back to the nearest wall. Derek did the same but in the protection of his girlfriend. "I was worried sick and you couldn't even bother to text me a quick answer? What the fuck is that about?" The man is still screaming until he is shut down by Derek.
"Excuse you!" He walks forward, his body still protecting Y/n's. "Watch yourself and who you talk to like that!" Derek isn't screaming like Deputy James, the tag on his uniform reads. Deputy James Diaz. But Derek's tone is indeed strict. It's rare anyone hears him speak as he did moments ago, even on cases. Daiz steps down. Derek doesn't move his body from Y/n but she moves from behind him to next to him.
"We can talk about this later." She looked him straight in the eye. Fear from her father still ran through Y/n's bloodstream as she spoke, but Y/n stood her ground and watched James slowly back up before he left the room himself. His face too looked cleaner and he overall looked better. It's hard to look at James from the last time they were alone together, but that didn't stop Y/n from seeing the differences.
For years and years, he kept quiet about his feelings to the woman next to him. Her hair smelled like flowers as she laid on his shoulder, hands connected as they watched the stars off of his apartment building roof.
"You are one the reasons I still come back to the wretched town, James," Y/n spoke truthfully. "You are the one friend that has always stayed by me."
James only smiled and looked at Y/n. She sits up from his shoulder and they meet eyes. It's regular to her so she doesn't stop him when his hand caresses her cheek. It's not regular when his lips meet hers and at first she wants to say something. But he kisses her again and she doesn't stop him. Y/n gets pulled in closer and lets James run his hand on her back.
"Should we?" Y/n's words drift.
"I've wanted to for as long as I could imagine." James honestly replied.
"Who was that?" Penelope finally spoke up.
"The deputy. Also, an old friend that I fell out of touch with."
"And what is talking about you not answering his text? What is going on here?" Derek pushed his writing pad aside.
"My high school reunion is in 4 days, on Saturday. James and a few others texted me because everyone wanted to know I was coming, I didn't reply because I didn't expect to be here." Y/n speaks fast, and if years with Spencer didn't help the two in the past, it helped them now as they picked up every word.
"And you didn't say anything? We could have made it if you were concerned about work-"
"I didn't want to go in the first place," Y/n spoke words that had less meaning of what she truly meant. Derek nor Penelope continued the conversation after that and tried to get back to work. It was only 8 A.M in the hot state and as much as they needed coffee, no one wanted the shitty police coffee they get every case.
20 minutes passed and Penny headed out to find a bathroom. Derek still hadn't said anything and only fiddled with his pen as his mind stayed blank. Eyes stayed on the filled page as the sound of Y/n getting up from her chair played in his ears. He tried to ignore her as he could until she placed a hand on his shoulder. No, he didn't shove her off or push her away, even though his muscles tensed.
"Babe.." Y/n called, turning her head to the closed door and the blinded window next to her before turning back. "I'm sorry, I should have told you."
"Yea. You should've." Derek scoffed, leaning himself back in the office chair he resided in. "I mean come on Y/n, this is the type of thing we are supposed to talk about."
"I know. I know." Y/n easily fits herself between the conference table and Derek. "I just can't be here and didn't want to think about it so I just ignored it in general, and I am so so sorry I didn't tell you." Derek takes Y/n's hands and closes them in his.
"It's ok, just.., let's get to the bottom of this case so we can go home ok?" Y/n nods and leans down pressing a small kiss to Derek's lips.
"How about we get this day over and at least hit the hotel? Wouldn't that be nice, daddy?" She smirked and whispered, the door making her pull away before she could receive an answer. Penelope sat down, more focused while the two soon joined her. It was just the three in the room for a while. When Aaron and Emily joined them first, evidence came with them, leaving Y/n to add it to the board.
"Y/L/N, you're 29 right?" Penelope finally spoke to the woman.
A small mhm left Y/n as she peeled the glove from her hand.
"But Christina and Rose are 32? How would you guys share the same reunion?"
But before Y/n could answer the given question, Aaron had his own.
"Reunion? You didn't say anything?"
"Small high school reunion for all. Not just for the seniors, we don't do that here. Technically, I still have 3 left to go because this year would be their senior year." Y/n clarified. "I didn't need to say anything because I don't ever come back to the place. Not for birthdays, weddings, I'm the black sheep that everyone knows."
And with that, Y/n proudly shut down the unwanted questions her way. Aaron looked over to Derek, surprised when he seemed equally confused. Y/n didn't say she knew the victims, but she talked about them as if she did and Aaron wrote it down as questions to bring up when his subjects came in for questioning later that day.
Penelope's profile and research grew more as the team was reunited again but she still didn't understand why or who was targeting these women.
"I set up times for everyone Hotch," Penelope closed tabs on her computer. She tried to stay focused but after 3 hours and more looking at horrible crime photos, she needed her baby kittens and pandas.
"Good, thank you," Aaron said, leaving the question in the air. "Lunch anyone? We all have to be hungry."
"Yea, any good places?" David put down his own work before turning over to Y/n.
"I'll ask around."
"You don't remember any?" A voice at the door spooked everyone.
"Nope." Y/n popped the P. Now that she was around her team, her father didn't scare her. Confidence boosted around her.
Spencer looked between Y/F/N and Y/n multiple times before saying some of the others were thinking. "Is he your brother? You both look identical!"
"No!" Y/n responded offended. Yes, her father cleaned up his act but there was no way he looked that young. "And it's not important, the only thing I remember is a diner about 15 minutes from here."
"It is important, I'm her father. But Y/n's right, there is a diner called Happy's 10 minutes west." He crossed his arms and rested his face. His eyebrow twitched, but Y/n ignored it and looked past him, out to the open.
"Not that important," She mumbled. "Let's go eat, I'll drive."
Y/n followed her father into the '80s themed diner. She stood behind him and watched as he tapped the bell.
"Hey, Lennie! Wanted to get me a coffee and my Daredevil a bagel before I headed in for the day, can you whip it up for us?" Y/F/N talked to the manager that had walked out of the back. The stupid nickname Y/n had since she was four made Lennie look at her, giving her a half-wave that she gave back.
"Sure Bud, on the house for our favorite sheriff and his wonderful daughter."
Y/n pulled the car into park and Aaron did the same. The team was large, one vehicle wasn't nearly enough. Y/n was the first to get out, holding open the door for everyone. The diner was almost empty. Only one woman resided in the back, her hair so long that her face was covered by it. She didn't want to be seen, that was clear. Y/n tapped the bell and waited for someone to come out, shocked, to say the least when Lennie came out.
"Lennie!" She said happily, putting a smile on the old man's face.
"Daredevil! You're back!" Lennie walked around the counter and hugged Y/n like never before. It was soon he learned why she got the name daredevil and it stuck until now.
"I am back, and pretty hungry, you still have those magic skills of yours?"
"You know it! Come sit, come sit," Lennie walked over to a booth and seated everyone. He more than happily took everyone's order and every so often he checked on the lady who sat in the back. For once, Y/n was happy to be home. Dipping her fries in the milkshake, true laughter ran from Y/n. For once, no one was pushing her. For once, everything was calm.
Lennie insisted that lunch was on the house and he had it covered, but Y/n still slipped that 100 dollars bill in his pocket like it was nothing. She hopped back into the driver's seat and led the way down the street, window open and the air humid now that the sun was fully out.
The time that displayed itself on her watch said 2:35. They had been out for less than 2 hours, and it was the best time she has had here in a while. Y/n walks into the station with a small smile and joins the team back to the conference room. Everyone is in a better mood. Work comes to them naturally and the only thing that stops the peaceful space is James.
"There has been another body- Daniela Choi."
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skinsharpenedteeth · 3 years
Coming Up Easy - First Sightings
I am *SO* sorry this is so hella late this week. It's been... a fucking week. CW: One mention of a homophobic slur.
You can also read this on AO3!
CUE - First Sightings
Unpacking boxes was not one of Alex’s favorite activities. He hadn’t had many when he’d moved because he hadn’t wanted to rent a truck or deal with shipping things, so the twelve boxes he’d been able to load into the late nineties Ford Explorer encompassed all his worldly possessions. He’d finally gotten a chance to start unpacking the miscellaneous boxes after a trip to Ikea for bookshelves, a bed, and a couch. Furthermore, he’d promised himself he’d explore his new city more and find second-hand shops for other household furniture and accessories, but the bookshelves would be enough to finally clear away the last of his unpacked boxes.
Alex opened the last box and looked inside. His heart softened a little as he saw the small shoebox of photographs he kept. Promising himself he’d look through it later, he unpacked the few other knick-knacks out of the box and took them to the bookshelves to start placing them. The box didn’t reenter his mind until after dinner when he found himself lounging across his new sofa with a cold beer in his hand. The box stared at him from the floor where he’d left it. Setting down his beer on the floor, he quickly got up and grabbed the box, and brought it back over to the couch. He flipped open the top and gingerly picked up the pile closest to him.
Michael and him in the desert with guitars. Liz, Max, Michael, and him at a church car wash. Michael, Kyle, and him all leaning against a bathroom wall in various stages of being phenomenally sick from drinking too much. Him and Michael hanging out at the UFO Emporium. Him and Michael eating pizza and playing video games at Max and Isobel’s. Him and Michael in college at a frat party. Him and Michael. Him and Michael. Him and Michael…
It hit Alex quite suddenly that basically since he and Michael had become friends they’d been fairly inseparable. They’d dated other people and had friends that the other didn’t like, but as a rule, it was always the two of them against the world and it had been since they were fifteen. He picked up his phone and snapped a photo of the photograph he held in his hand where they were sixteen, pimply, awkward, and bent over laughing outside the high school band room.
Me 8:46 p.m.>> Who the fuck are these dorks? <<Picture sent at 8:46 p.m.>> <<Michael 8:50 p.m.>> Holy shit, look at those nerds!! <<Michael 8:51 p.m.>> Though I gotta say, the emo one is pretty hot. If I were sixteen, I’d definitely have a crush on him. Me 8:52 p.m.>> You did not have a crush on me at 16! I was so tragic! <<Michael 8:53 p.m.>> You were not. You were fucking feral. You took exactly zero percent shit from anyone. It was hot as fuck. Me 8:55 p.m.>> You are definitely misremembering the amount of bullshit I put up with. <<Michael 9:00 p.m.>> Do you know what you were doing the first time I saw you?
Alex cast back in his memory. He remembered the first time he was aware of Michael, but not necessarily the first time Michael was aware of him. He always assumed it was at the same time.
Me 9:02 p.m.>> Uh? Scribbling emo song lyrics on my bio lab notebook? <<Michael 9:03 p.m.>> Nope. <<Michael 9:03 p.m.>> You were having a fight with Kyle during gym because he tagged your gym shirt with the word “faggot” in pink sharpie.
“Mr. Manes, you cannot wear shirts with inappropriate text on them. This is the gym. White shirts only,” Coach Heim called at Alex as soon as he walked out of the locker room and started towards where the rest of the class was lounging in the middle of the basketball court. Alex could see Kyle elbowing his football buddies and smirking, barely containing their laughter. Alex felt his face grow hot with embarrassment and fury. He kept walking towards the group.
“MR. MANES! GO CHANGE YOUR SHIRT!” the coach yelled, putting more authority into his deep baritone. He was a fit, balding adult who generally was an alright guy, but Alex was swelling with indignation. He stopped a few feet away from the group so he didn’t have to yell to be heard.
“I don’t have another shirt, sir. This is my gym shirt,” Alex explained through clenched teeth. As the rest of the class got a good look at the words emblazoned across his chest and stomach, he heard them begin to snicker and giggle quietly.
“Well, you can’t wear that one. You’re smarter than this, Alex, why would you wear this out of the locker room?” the coach asked, not sounding unkind. He shot the gathered students a dirty look and they quieted their laughter.
“Because it’s all I had to wear and it’s not my fault it was defaced. Some pink-fingered fucking COWARD of a football player must’ve thought it’d be REAL FUNNY to break into my locker and--” Alex started, voice growing louder as he let the heat behind his cheeks infuse his voice.
“I did no such thing!” Kyle yelled, cutting in on Alex. Coach Heim looked over at him, eyes narrowed. He opened his mouth to say something, maybe to tell Kyle to sit down, but as soon as Kyle stepped forward away from his buddies, Alex pounced. He landed the first hit on Kyle’s cheek, the meaty smack of their skin satisfying to him. Kyle shook it off and came at him. Before he knew it, they were rolling on the ground hitting each other as hard as they could in anyplace visible. The pain was nothing new for Alex and he kept his head clear as he tried to aim for spots that would hurt long after he was pulled off.
Too soon, arms were wrapped around his chest and a much bigger body than his was pulling him back and off of where he’d pinned Valenti to the ground. He couldn’t hear what they were saying, his ears still ringing with rage, but he could see the thin trickle of blood from Kyle’s split lip and he felt himself smile at the shock on everyone else’s face as they watched him get dragged back. He would not take Kyle’s shit this year. He would not take anyone’s shit.
Alex rubbed his fingers across his eyebrows and sighed deeply. He had been so ready to cause someone else pain by then. His dad had only gotten worse towards him when Kyle started to pull away because it meant that his “unnaturalness” was evident to everyone. His fight then and the fights in the following year always had more to do with his dad than with him being ashamed of being gay. He put the photos down in the box and went to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. His phone chimed as he unscrewed the top and after a deep drink, he checked the message.
<<Michael 9:13 p.m.>> Uh oh, you’ve left me on read. You okay? Me 9:14 p.m.>> I’m fine. Sorry. Just got wrapped up in my head for a minute. Me 9:15 p.m.>> How did you see that? You weren’t in my gym class? <<Michael 9:16 p.m.>> I was hiding under the bleachers skipping english. Me 9:17 p.m.>> THAT WAS THE FIRST DAY! <<Michael 9:17 p.m.>> Right? Nothing to do anyway. It was fine. It’s in the past. I graduated high school, didn’t I? No harm, no foul.
Alex laughed quietly to himself, staring at the message screen. He went back to the couch and flopped back down across the cushions with a sigh.
Me 9:20 p.m.>> You did. Even graduated college. I guess you’re right. <<Michael 9:21 p.m.>> When do you remember seeing me for the first time? Me 9: 23 p.m.>> I feel like it was biology when we were lab partners. I was supposed to be with Max, remember? <<Michael 9:24 p.m.>> Yeah, I was with Liz. Max had no chill back then. How the fuck did it take Liz until senior year to notice that he liked her? Me 9:35 p.m.>> Had no chill? *Has* no chill.
“Michael! MI-CHAEL!” Max hissed loudly from his seat next to Alex two rows behind where Liz was sitting. The class period was just getting started and everyone was still milling around trying to find their assigned seats. Michael looked over his shoulder at Max who was looking desperately at him. Michael mouthed ‘what?!’ and gave Max an irritated glare.
“Switch with me!” Max whisper screamed. Alex was smirking into his notebook as he watched the exchange through the side of his eye. He hadn’t really noticed the curly-haired boy before, but the eye roll he gave Max was epic. He started to turn back to the front when Max whispered again. “I’ll pay you!”
Michael turned back around abruptly and narrowed his eyes.
“How much?” Michael asked, not whispering but keeping his voice low enough not to carry to the teacher who was about to start taking roll. Max looked desperately towards the front of the class at Liz’s back where she was ignoring what was happening beside her in favor of actually paying attention. She was about the only one.
“Fifty,” Max called out.
“Seventy-five and you buy my lunch for a week,” Michael countered. Alex was highly amused. Max darted his eyes over to Liz’s back again and nodded. Michael grabbed his stuff and moved quickly towards the back of the classroom while Max grabbed his stuff to go forward.
“Sorry!” Max called out to Alex softly before he left. Alex watched him slide into the seat next to Liz smoothly and take out his notebook. She looked over and smiled at him in confusion, turning to look back at where Michael was now taking his seat next to Alex. Alex looked over at him and was struck full in the face with his mischievous grin.
“That sucker, I would’ve done it for twenty-five,” Michael shared with Alex conspiratorially, leaning closer to him while he spoke so his voice wouldn’t reach Max’s ears. Alex felt himself blushing a little at the somewhat flirtatious smirk Michael was giving him. He’d been aware of Michael, but hadn’t really ever paid him any mind. Now he was near him, he could see the interesting light brown of his eyes somewhere between gold and green. He also smelled a little like lake water and the woodsy, spicy deodorant Alex had smelled on Mr. Valenti. It was weirdly comforting.
“So he has a thing for Liz or is he that afraid of failing bio that badly? I’m not stupid,” Alex asked, clearing his throat and trying not to seem offended by Max’s desperation to switch partners.
“Oh, he has a major thing for Liz. It’s gross. Like, she’s pretty, don’t get me wrong. But he’s been writing Mr. and Mrs. Ortecho-Evans in his notebook since third grade or some shit like that,” Michael revealed, taking out his own bio notebook from his bag and setting in on the lab table in front of him. Alex took in what he was saying and nodded.
“So it’s not cause everyone says I’m gay?” Alex asked, voice low and a little nervous to see Michael’s reaction. Michael looked over at him, eyebrows drawn together and something like sympathy passing over his expression before he responded.
“No, man. Max doesn’t give a shit about that and neither do I. You weren’t planning on trying to date him, were you?” Michael asked, shooting him a grin. Alex grinned back, relieved to hear that someone in the school who was so upstanding and obviously straight like Max wasn’t a complete jerk. Michael didn’t seem too bad either.
“Nah. He’s not my type. I like musicians,” Alex joked, shooting Michael a side-grin.
“You don’t say? Do you play?” Michael asked, eyes forward now in a semblance of paying attention to the teacher. Alex glanced up towards the board, but continued slouching over his lyrics notebook.
“Guitar,” he replied shortly as the teacher started explaining their first lab assignment.
“Cool. Me too,” Michael said. Alex could see him studying him out of the corner of his eye. “We should jam sometime.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
And they did jam together eventually. A week later they’d gotten together and Alex had learned that Michael did not know one end of a guitar from the other. He’d let Michael borrow his brother Greg’s guitar and then taught him everything he knew over the course of the next three months.
Me 9:40 p.m.>> Man. Who knew we’d still be friends this long after. <<Michael 9:45 p.m.>> I did. Once you taught me to play guitar, you were stuck with me for life. There’s an unbreakable bond built when one dude teaches another dude how to finger... Me 9:46 p.m.>> Jesus Christ. That was terrible. <<Michael 9:47 p.m.>> Bet you’re laughing though. Me 9:48 p.m.>> I plead the fifth. Also, I gotta get to bed. Early day tomorrow. <<Michael 9:50 p.m.>> That’s some responsible adult behavior right there. Gross. Me 9:51 p.m.>> You’re gross. <<Michael 9:52 p.m.>> I am gross. I’m going to take a shower and change that, however. When will you be young and fun again? Me 9:53 p.m. >> Shut up. Go take your shower. <<Michael 9:53 p.m.>> Fine. Go to bed. Think about me in bed. Me 9:54 p.m.>> *You* think about me in bed. <<Michael 9:55 p.m.>> Always do. Night Me 9:56 p.m.>> Night.
Alex heaved himself off the couch and went to his room. The apartment always seemed so dark and lonely when he finished talking with Michael. He needed to work on making friends. That would help him not miss him so much.
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mar1garden · 5 years
going batty part 1
warning: this will be salty. very salty. if you think it’s ooc let me know and i’ll do the best i can to fix it, but the characterization in this show is so shoddy already that there isn’t much i can do. alya salt, adrien salt, lila salt, bustier salt, class salt. this is also my first posted fic!! if u wanna be on the tag list let me know 💙🌹
The first impression Damien had of his new class was that they were loud. Even as he walked up the stairs, he could hear voices in the classroom. It seemed a debate was occurring, though he couldn’t quite make out the two sides. He reached the top of the stairs, but before he could even make a grab for the door handle, the room fell silent. Damien was about to thank whatever deity was watching out for him and silencing the roomful of screaming children he was about to walk into when he heard another voice from inside the room.
“Of course she’s in love with him,” an effeminate voice said matter-of-factly. “But he barely knows she exists. It’s tragic, really. She tells me about it every time she sleeps over- oops!” the voice continued. Damien didn’t know who was speaking, and he didn’t know who they were speaking about, but he knew from their cadence and their confidence in “accidentally” spilling secrets that he couldn’t trust them as far as he could throw them. Damien sighed deeply to think that he was joining a class of liars and idiots as he reluctantly opened the door to the classroom. Once more the class quieted- chaos had broken out once more after the liar mentioned her little tidbit, which he expected had been the goal.
“Ah! Our new student! M. Damocles told me to keep an eye out for you. Would you like to say a few words to the class?” a woman- presumably the teacher, though she did nothing to show it- asked. She smiled expectantly at him as he moved to stand in front of her desk, facing the class.
“I’m Damien. I’m 15 and I’m an exchange student from America. I do not wish to distract myself from my studies during my time here, so please do not try to make friends with me. I’m not interested,” Damien told the class sharply. He walked briskly to the only open seat in the room- back row, next to some girl who smiled gently at him before returning her gaze to the front of the class. Interesting, he mused. By her bright clothes, he had expected bubbliness. Perhaps a high-pitched greeting. A hug, maybe. This was a pleasant surprise, though it was the only one of its kind he had had all week.
On Monday, they had received video evidence of a super villain in Paris. Tim had suspected it was CGI, especially since Paris was visually completely fine when he hacked some security feeds, even though the video clearly showed the Eiffel Tower falling. Bruce had decided that they really ought to at least check before writing it off, and Damien had drawn the short straw.
On Tuesday, Bruce had told him his cover for being in Paris was that he was an exchange student. He wasn’t allowed to be Robin while he was there, as it may put his identity at risk. He wasn’t allowed to leave until he had confirmation that the thing was either a hoax or genuine, unless he was in actual danger.
On Wednesday he packed. He couldn’t take weapons with him, obviously, because airport security may be a joke but he was pretty sure they would catch an actual sword stuffed in his bag. That afternoon he had flown to Paris and gotten settled in.
And now it was Thursday. Damien had learned much about the class very quickly, mainly that it was composed of a liar and some idiots. He had learned his deskmate was quiet. He had learned that he was far enough ahead in the syllabus that he could afford to study people in class.
He hoped the rest of the week was calm. Even if it meant he had to stay longer, he would rather have time to get settled before suffering a villain attack- if the whole thing was real, anyways. He pulled his focus back to the task at hand- assessing the class and finding any useful allies or sources of information. He recognized the girl next to the liar as the Ladyblogger. This meant the Ladyblog was likely an unreliable resource, which he mentally jotted down. That was good to know.
Damien cast a sideways glance at the girl next to him. She was patiently listening to the teacher and obviously tuning out the other students. When Damien bothered to listen, he noticed them gossiping about her. So Marinette was her name, huh?
Every rumor he heard was traced instantly back to the liar, and with each word he noticed the girl next to him tense imperceptibly more. He mentally scoffed. It was clear that she wasn’t going to stand up for herself. How pathetic. She was preferable to the liar or any of the blind idiots, but certainly not by much. So lost in thought was he that he flinched when the bell rang. Where had his restraint gone?
Marinette turned to him once the bell had rung. In a voice clearly pitched down so others wouldn’t hear, she spoke for the first time that day: “You’re Damien, right? I’m Marinette, the class president.” He scoffed slightly. The whole class clearly hated her, and she refused to stand up for herself. How had this mess become class president? As if she hadn’t heard him, she continued: “If you need anything, let me know. Here’s your class schedule and syllabi, and here’s a map of school. If you’d like, I can give you a tour later and explain the multiple purposes of some of the classrooms.” She handed him a short pile of papers and waited, as if she expected a response. When she got none, she nodded and left, and somehow, that made Damien feel worse than he would have if she had scolded him on his lack of a ‘thank you.’
The rest of the day, he remained in the same classes as her. He sat next to her in a majority of them, as she was often the only person with no seat partner. She remained quiet and focused, and she continued to pointedly ignore the other students, though it seemed he was not among their ranks. When he asked any questions, she answered quickly, quietly, and to the best of her ability, which he appreciated. She may be useful yet, if her succinct answers to non-hero questions were any indication of her general temperament. As he thought this, the bell rang for lunch and the class began to pack up. Damien wasn’t sure if he should risk the caf or head off campus, but as he turned to ask Marinette, he noticed that she had frozen in place. Her bag was half packed and resting on the table as she looked in surprise at someone standing at the table.
The boy was blonde and green eyed. He had had the liar hanging off of him, which either meant they were working together or he was a bigger idiot than them all. He smiled condescendingly at Marinette and Damien, then he turned solely to Marinette. “Marinette, may I speak with you real quick? It’ll only take a minute,” the boy asked, though it was clear ‘no’ was not an option. At the girl’s small nod, he turned to Damien. “Do you mind if I steal her for a sec?” he asked. Damien raised an eyebrow.
“Seeing as she’s a human being and therefore not property, I don’t see how you could steal her, but be my guest.” The boy smiled that same smarmy smile at him, and Damien decided that too many unlikeable people disliked the sweet girl next to him. He didn’t want to be among their ranks, and while the girl could do with a bit more spine, she had been nothing but pleasant to him. As the boy maneuvered her away to speak, Damien moved a bit more quietly. It would be easy for his trained ears to overhear, and they should both underestimate him, so it would be simple to eavesdrop.
“Mari, you didn’t say anything to him, did you?” the blond asked, looking searchingly at the girl in question. She sighed in response.
“Is that what this is about? I promise, I didn’t tell him anything. I think he knows she’s lying, and if he asks, I won’t lie to him to protect her, but I haven’t told him anything and he hasn’t asked.” Marinette rolled her eyes at the boy. Damien couldn’t help but notice that her posture, while visibly scared when other students were around, was simply bored when only Blondie was there. The boy had sighed in relief at Marinette’s words, but had quickly tensed back up.
“Wait, if he asks if she’s lying, you’ll just... tell him? Just like that? Mari, you can’t do that! He doesn’t know us, he doesn’t need to know our secrets!” the blond protested. He assumed a superior expression and quickly looked at Marinette in as disappointed a way as he could manage. The aforementioned girl glared at him.
“Agreste, I’m not going to lie. I refuse to do so, especially to try and protect a girl who hates me. Damien is perfectly kind and has been nothing but cordial, I have no reason to deny him information that may affect his time here. I won’t make him listen to some liar thinking it’s the truth.” Marinette ended the conversation there, walking back to the desk quickly and packing her bag before leaving class. Damien took this in with an air of quiet amusedness, though he was touched that she defended him.
Maybe his time here wouldn’t be so impossible after all.
that’s where i’m ending the first part! if you’d like to be tagged in the next part let me know! have a wonderful weekend folks! ~💙🌹
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tortleofwar · 3 years
Valentine's Cherub Pt. 2
The noises from trucks clearing the road, I can sleep through that. Sunlight blaring through my eyelids, I can easily turn over. But the smoke of a cigarette catching in the back of my throat is something I can't ignore. I bolt upright pounding my chest as I cough up the carcinogens. Smoke stings my eyes as a fresh puff is directed towards me.
"Good morning my little warrior." She took another drag and blew away from my face this time. "I assume you aren't a smoker then?"
"You got me." Finally settled from my coughing fit I roll off the bed and walk to the bathroom. My bladder was close to bursting and a conversation was the last thing I wanted to have right now.
"I guess I can't call you little after your display last night." She let out a school girl giggle as she walked into the bathroom. The cigarette was absent from her hand. She reached a hand out and held me as I ejected my urine into the posh toilet. "Got some power behind this thing. Wish I could have exclusive access to this."
"Not gonna happen." I forced it out to get her hand off of me quickly. "Last night I was snowed in and my cards were all declined. I'm thankful for your help but what happened last night was a fluke."
I skipped the shower hoping to get away from her before something else was instigated. She turned it on and walked out behind me. Her hands wrapped around my waist to grab at my dick again. This time I stopped her and proceeded to my clothes.
"If you are going home you're gonna need a shower." She gave my ass a swift slap and licked her lips hungrily. "Besides, your bar tab hasn't been paid off yet. Last night was the release I needed after my recent dry spell. But that was only the tip. I bought your drinks and provided you a room."
My heart dropped at the realization that she was right. This hotel was top notch. Red carpet throughout the room, a bidet in the bathroom, and the thread count was higher than my monthly salary. I could end up indebted for a while. Sky wouldn't like it so I had to find a way out of this. I swiped to my bank app and checked the balance. My check cleared and $1850 was showing. It wasn't much but it would cover the rinks I had.
I turned to find her on her knees mouth open and eyes closed. The hormones and attraction couldn't be denied but this was wrong. At least last night could be blamed on the drinks and need for a place to stay besides out back by a dumpster. But now was entirely different. I could walk out right now and leave her on her knees as I shut the door.
"I don't normally offer this to anyone." As I was looking at the door her eyes looked up to me and it felt like my soul was ensnared. As she stood her hand trailed up my thigh to cup my balls and then get a firm hold of my hardening shaft. "We get dirty while getting cleaned up and then I will consider us square. No money, just sex."
My answer should have been hell no, all caps with about five exclamation marks behind it. However those eyes and that plump booty slowly walked me to the shower and I was stuck. My tears washed away by the shower as I surrendered to her once again. I could say it was to square the debt but I honestly wanted more.
As we kissed images of my wife flashed in my head. The good times, the bad, and the sex. True, experience was one hell of a teacher but my heart could never betray her. My mind arguing that this was just a release, purely physical. But the betrayal was there.
I dove into the deep end, pulling her closer and adding carnal passion to the kiss. I began to kiss down to her neck and she whispered into my ear.
"Use me. No limits just go crazy." Her voice husky with desire. "Please."
I'd pressed her against the wall and teased her with one hand while nibbling on her tit. The harder I bit the slicker she got. True to her words she didn't deny anything as I chomped down with force. Her yell turning into a muffled moan as she bit her bottom lip. My finger finding her inner folds while my thumb strummed her clit had her body trembling. This was something Sky relished and hated with a passion.
This woman welcomed the body trembling climax as I kissed my way down ignore the plea in her eyes. I scooped her up onto my shoulders giving full access of her lower extremities to my mouth. My goal was to keep it going as long as possible and possibly even give her another. Licking inside and out made her thighs squeeze as she pulled at my short dreads. Denying her the release of rolling my tongue along her clit until I felt her juices flowing down my chin.
An explosion went off in her body as I applied steady pressure to her clit. Her nails scratched at my scalp and her thighs blocked all sound as she locked them over my ears. As her climax came down she released her vice grip on me and breathed heavily. As I back away I flicked her clit one last time and felt her back away.
"Was that resistance?" A wicked smile spread across my face as she looked down sheepishly. I grabbed a towel from the rack and grabbed her hands. "I hope you can cover the damages."
I ripped the towel into several strips and soaked them with water and the hotel provided soap. With each one I would slowly slide them over another erogenous part of her body. I decided against the soap for the final strip. Opting instead to blindfold her with it. As I stood admiring this soapy piece of art I'd made her hands reached out for me. I sidestepped them and whispered into her ear.
"Not yet my pet."
She froze in place as the stream of water rained down on her. I quickly grabbed a cloth and bathed her body gently. Cleaning her from the neck down. She relaxed the longer this went on until she could no longer feel my touch. I watched as she tilted her head to listen for the faintest sound of me, searching for the smallest notion that I hadn't abandoned her.
As she reached for the blindfold I bound her hands and quietly shushed into her ears. These were the things I'd wanted to do with Sky but she didn't trust me to care for her this intimately. But here was this stranger willingly surrendering herself to me. Rubenesque body presented to me with no hesitation. I took her hands and placed them on my cock moving her hands to instruct her to stroke me.
I placed a hand on her shoulder and she instinctively went to her knees. Her face hovering inches away from me I pushed forward penetrating her lips. Her warm tongue swirling around my dick as I pushed in and out of her mouth.As her rhythm became steady I pulled back, forcing her to lean forward for me.
My deep chuckle was drowned out by the water. Her nose was pressed into my naval as she choked on my length. I forcefully pushed her off of me and watched as the water cleaned the spit and saliva from her face. I turned her around and pushed her onto all four. The water pounded on my back as I slowly eased inside of her. Building a steady motion and feeling her push back into me.
As I took over grabbing her hips and slamming into her the wet sounds echoed inside the bathroom. As much as I was enjoying this I needed to remember why I was doing it. I focused wholly on busting my nut and raising up out of here. Her clenching helped speed the process up and she could tell. She began to beg me not to pull out and I complied.
Exhausted I stayed in place as the water washed over me. I slowly pulled out cleaning my shaft as it shrank back to its flaccid state. I untied her and removed the blindfold. She eagerly fetched a washcloth to clean me up. I stood in place as she moved around me cleaning every inch. When she tried to get me hard again I swatted her hand away.
"That should square up our debt. And this hopefully remains a secret." I was rushing to get dressed and out of this blissful nightmare. "Please don't come looking for me."
"That's going to be hard considering how good pets are at finding their masters," she joked. "But I understand."
I winced at the nickname and bolted out of the door. With cleared street I cautiously steered to my home shaking my head at what I'd done. It couldn't be justified and I would be damned if she left me because of this. As I pulled into the parking garage a familiar powder blue Pontiac drove by me. The shirtless passenger was laughing as he turned to leave.
Shaking it off I walked through the halls of the apartment complex and fished out my keys to the door. Slow music could be heard through the door and the smell of fresh candles could be heard. I scrunched my brows in confusion because this was her post-coitus routine and I wasn't here last night. Then the realization hit me. He was here last night, snowed in with Sky, and we had just had our biggest fight ever.
My keys dropped to the floor as I slid down the opposite wall in dismay. I shook my head with doubt but the evidence was there. I couldn't accuse her after what I'd just done but for her to sleep with MY boss was a whole other level of betrayal. That smug bastard would probably be smiling every day just thinking about this. The rage took a hold of me as I forced myself up.
Shoving the key into the door I burst through it and saw her look of joy. It slowly faded as she saw the anger on my face. Her confused expression only made me feel worse.
"So I just saw Michael on his way out." Her realization didn't show as I began to explain. "He looked extremely happy considering he was snowed in 45 minutes away from his home. Any idea why that is?"
"He probably knows someone else who live nearby. I did tell you I saw him a few times in the neighborhood while I was out."
This brought up another realization in me. He was on lunch calls for two hours on those days. My apartment was 15 minutes away. Those lunch calls started when I got my promotion four months ago. She quit her job because I didn't want her to have to work again after she put me through college.
"I have all the addresses and contact information of all of his associates and sneaky links. None of them live near here. What was he doing HERE?"
Her face lost all expression as she shook her head. "You were gonna find out one way or another. Michael and I have been seeing each other and I think it's time you moved on as well."
There it was. The dagger through the heart I'd been waiting for. I clinched my fists as I paced through the front room. All the while she stood there with no expression or words. The tornado of thoughts going through my head landed on hurting her but I held it in. Looking back at her I could only ask one question.
"You're too nice to me. I need a man who can handle me, put me in my place and treat me how I want to be treated in private," She explained walking to the door. "He spoils me in public and uses me in private. Something a BOY like you wouldn't understand. And that's what I need in my life. Not someone who worships everything about me or is my every beckoning call."
"So I treated you like a queen and this is what you've wanted all along?" I slumped onto the chair shaking my head. The smile on my face scared me. "All this time and you said nothing."
"You're a great guy. And I'm sure someone out there would love to be with you." A bit of fear had entered her voice as she noticed the smile. "But I'm not the one you need. I'll be by to get my things later."
"So you hurt me and you're not even going to apologize?" I asked looking up at her.
"I'm pretty sure after last night we both knew this was where it was heading." She looked at me with a sly smile. "Although I may have broken you for the next poor girl."
The door closed behind her as I sat shaking my head. Her laughter should have done something to me, made me feel anything, but I could only think about the cougar. How I could use a stress reliever at this very moment. At that moment my phone buzzed. I sighed as I checked the notification.
An ad for therapy made me laugh to myself. After all of this I could do with some venting to help me get back to normal. I scrolled down and my jaw dropped. Dr. Clarice WIlliams had a picture of brunette hair flowing down to her shoulders and a pair of captivating green eyes hidden behind glasses. Was God sending me help or was the Devil tempting me? I shrugged and turned on my PS4 to play Paladins.
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katebacks · 4 years
Under The Mat  (M) - 2
Tumblr media
— pairing | Jeon Jungkook /Reader
— word c | 9.917
— genre | Ceo!Jungkook, angst. Eventualy Smut.
— summary |  After what happened in Jungkook's Offcie, you no longer know what to feel, and after a lie, you end up on a business trip with him. One week in Seattle. What can go wrong?
— warnings/tags | Adult content,  eventual smut, low slang words, cheating, mentions of alcohol use and harassment. No smut in this chapter, but don’t worry, it will come soon. 
| 1 | 2
"Wait, what?" Irina said dropping her fork on the plate after you explained the reason for the urgency of that meeting you had set up with her. You had run to your house and taken a shower, realizing that your panties were not on your body, just imagining that it would be with Jeon. Then you called your friend desperately, saying you needed to talk to her. You had told her what happened hours ago in your former boss office. As expected, she was stunned. "Your boss confess his feelings to you and then give you an oral."
"Irina, if I wanted the whole restaurant to know I would have announced it with a microphone."
“Sorry, (Y/N), but that is a lot of information. So that's why he kicked me at the club. He wanted you. ”
“Look, this is not the point. The point is that I cheated on Hoseok. And I feel terrible about it and I don't know what to do about it. He will hate me if I tell him, but if I don't tell him now and he finds out for someone else later, it will be even worse. ”
“And how was he going to find out? Only you, me, Jungkook and his office desk know about this. ” You rolled your eyes and stared at her with a killer look, making her raise her hands in surrender. “What I'm saying is, you don't have to tell. It was a mistake, and if you don't want it, it won't happen again. Everyone makes mistakes after all. And if you don't tell him, I won't do that either. And I'm sure Jungkook and his office desk aren't either. ”
"Stop talking about Jungkook's office desk, for God's sake." You said putting your hands on your head, feeling desperate.
"Or you can just break up with Hoseok."
“I cannot break up with Hoseok. I like him, we've been together for years. I can't just tell him that I want to break up without giving any reason or explanation. ”
“(Y/N), people change. Feelings change too. And I know you too well, if you didn't want Jungkook to touch you the way he did, you would have kicked him between the legs and sent him to hell. So it's obvious you want him too, but you're telling yourself that you don't because you can't stand the fact that you cheated on Hoseok. ”
"Since when do you sound like a psychologist?"
“I have a lot of free time, I like to study before I drink tequila, that makes me a smart alcoholic.” She said smiling, taking a sip of her champagne. "But if you are so sure you shouldn't have done what you did, you should talk to Jungkook about it and explain that what happened will not happen again." And so she went back to lunch. She was right, it wouldn't happen again, it was just a slip, you loved Hoseok and you would never want to hurt him like that. You knew that not telling him would be another betrayal, but you couldn't stand the thought of what would happen if he knew.
You took out your cell phone and saw almost a hundred messages from Jungkook. You didn't want to talk to him at the time, so you just turn of your phone and stuffed it in your bag, trying to get back to eating.
You spent the whole day with Irina, she tried to distract you with random things but nothing took what had happened earlier that day out of your mind. You also hadn't spoken to Hoseok, you were trying to compose yourself and thinking about what you really would do when you saw him in front of you.
When you got home at night, you took an icy shower before getting into your pajamas and curling up under the blankets looking at your cell phone so far still off and deciding whether to turn it on and face all the messages you had received from Jungkook and Hoseok. Taking a deep breath and deciding that at one time or another you would have to face it, you turned on the phone and waited for it to restart, being bombarded by notifications on the home screen.
Asshole: Are you okay?
Asshole: I understand why you ran like that but we need to talk.
Asshole: Please, honey, answer me. We need to talk.
Asshole: I know you wanted this as much as I did.
Asshole: I can't stop thinking about your pussy.
Asshole: You taste so good. I need more, I'm hooked.
Hobi: Hey, your phone is off. When you see this message call me, okay? Need to tell you something new.
Asshole: (Y/N), come on, don't ignore me like that, you know we need to talk about this.
Asshole: Okay, I'll wait until you see that you want me as much as I want you.
And the latest:
Asshole: You left your panties with me, if you don't want it back okay, but I think your boyfriend won't understand very well when he receive it in the mail tomorrow morning with my name on the package.
"Shit" You swore jumping on the bed, sitting down and automatically dialing Jeon's number on your phone.
"Did you miss me?" His voice, full of pretension, as expected, said from the other side.
"Don't you dare do what you wanted to do, Jeon Jungkook." You threatened, making your anger and frustration very evident in the tone of your voice.
"I would never do anything like that, dear, who do you think I am?" He asked in a false tone of disappointment and offense that made you roll your eyes.
"You are the devil, that's what I think."
He let out a sarcastic laugh on the other end.
"Are you ready to talk to me?"
"I'm listening."
“No, babe, that's not how it works and you know it. I'm coming over. I'll be there in fifteen minutes. You can wear whatever you want, but if you want to receive me naked, I will be even more happy. ”
And so he hung up making you let out a frustrated growl and stick your face in the pillow screaming. So then you sat down and understood what was about to happen. Jungkook would be there in 15 minutes and you were looking like the corpse bride in live action. You jumped up from bed and ran to your dressing table, looking for your makeup to at least hide the imperfections in your face. He had never seen you without makeup and this would not be the first time. You looked at yourself in the mirror, to your pajamas, wondering if you would change to something less wide, but then you heard your doorbell ring.
As soon as you opened the door, you watched it. As always beautiful inside that suit. Hands in pocket, hair a little messy. He was looking at you with a victorious look on his eyes and you really wanted to punch him in the face so that he would lose that pretentious look.
“How did you get in here? The porter wasn’t at the reception? "
"He was, but I gave him three thousand dollars to let me in because I wanted to take you by surprise."
"Well, I hope you know that he will be fired for that." You said giving space for him to come in while he shrugged.
"That's not my problem." He said calmly, taking a walk around himself, before stopping and looking at you. “You don't have to be cute after what happened this morning. We both know that this pajama doesn't match anything with the naughtiness that exists inside you. ”
"What do you want, Jeon?"
"You know exactly what I want." He said in a serious tone, walking towards you and making you eyes widen and back up until your back was on the wall again. Cornered by him again. "And I'm sure you know what you want, too."
"Jungkook, what happened was a mistake." You said trying to meet those dark eyes that hours ago were looking at you while his tongue was between your legs. "I love Hoseok."
"Bullshit." He grunted, bringing his mouth close to yours, placing a hand on your neck, placing his icy fingers on your throat. That made your heart, which was already racing, beat a thousand times faster. “You know you want me, your body says that, your veins say that. So why do you try so desperately not to give in to me knowing this is what you want? Wasn't it good for you? How many times do I need to make you come for you to realize that? ”
"Jungkook please." You asked closing your eyes tightly. You didn't want to do anything else to hurt Hoseok, not after he was such a good person for you all those years. Jungkook sighed and faced your almost painful expression. He knew that what he did earlier had been wrong, he never wanted to do anything to see you suffer, but his desire for you was bigger than any other feeling or judgment.
He stepped away from you, taking a step back and putting his hands in his pocket. You opened your eyes, feeling a relief in your chest that he heard you but at the same time a discomfort between your legs because he hasn't touched you yet. You were having a war inside you at that time, your brain, your heart and your pussy were the three involved in that mess. Before you or he said anything, the doorbell rang again, making you frown and look at the door. Who could it be?
“Can I use your bathroom? I promise to leave soon after. ” He asked and you nodded watching him turn his back and enter the corridor where the bedrooms and bathroom were. You rubbed your face, still feeling your cheeks burning and turned to the door. As soon as you opened it, you were startled to see Hoseok there. Oh damn.
"Hoseok." You managed to speak without stuttering. He smiled at you and leaned in to give you a calm kiss. "What are you doing here?" You asked smiling nervously, trying not to be rude and trying not to look terrified at the same time.
"You didn't answer my calls or messages, so I came to see if everything was okay." He said entering the house. You closed the door and looked stunned towards the entrance to the corridor and mentally asked Jungkook not to leave there anytime soon. It would be very difficult to explain to your boyfriend what your former boss was doing in your apartment while you were in your pajamas.
"I'm fine, just a little tired." You said it and he frowned, seeming to realize there was something wrong there.
“Are you sure everything is okay? You look pale. ”
"Yes, I have a little bit of colic too, you know, I'm entering my period." You lied, feeling a lump in your throat at the same moment he smiled warmly at you. He grabbed your face and gave you a kiss on the forehead before resting his palm on the bottom of your belly.
“If you want, I can go to the supermarket to buy you some chocolates, yogurt and ice cream. We can watch a movie together too, what do you think? ” And before you could answer, you held your breath as you looked over Hoseok's shoulder and saw Jungkook walking into the living room, raising an eyebrow when he saw your boyfriend there.
Jung noticed your silence and your expression then turned back, seeing the man he hated most in his life, standing there, in the middle of your living room. Hoseok looked alternately between you two until he stepped away from you.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" He screamed and then looked at you, making you see the hate that would easily run from his eyes if that feeling was liquid. “What is this shit doing here? Where did he come from? From your room? ”
"I was using the bathroom, you ignorant." Jungkook responded calmly, making Hoseok even more possessed.
“That doesn't explain why the fuck you were using the bathroom at my girlfriend's house. Didn't you have time to get to your mansion? Don't you have enough bathrooms there? ”
"Are you trying to insult me by saying that I have a mansion? Why should I be offended by this? I like being a rich playboy." Jeon replied pretentiously, shoving his hands in his pockets again, moving his eyebrow teasingly. “And what I do here does not concern you. I don’t need to give explanations, I am not your girlfriend.”
Hoseok turned to you, obviously waiting for you to answer.
"He ... He came to say that ..." You had no idea what to say, just wanted to jump on Jungkook's neck and strangle him.
"Look, I would love to stay and watch the couple fight, but I need to go." Jungkook said sarcastically, walking towards the door. “Miss Backs, don't forget our appointment tomorrow. You need to be at 11 pm at the airport. Don't forget to take the report about the company I asked for. This may be your chance to show your potential as my secretary. Do not waste this second chance that I am giving you. Have a good night." And he smiled opening the door and leaving, leaving you totally amazed. He was even good at lying.
"You returned to work for this junk?" Hoseok's voice made you come out of the trance and look at him.
“Yeah. He called me saying that he needed to talk to me, said that tomorrow he has an important meeting and that he still hasn't got a secretary to replace me, so he asked me to accompany him. But it's just this time. Even though he is an egocentric asshole, he paid my salary for two years, I couldn't let him down. ” You lied.
"And why didn't you say that before?"
"Well ... You freaked out and started screaming, it made me nervous." You shrugged and lowered your head. Soon he was hugging you and kissing the top of your head, apologizing that he had screamed, saying he was jealous and promising not to do that anymore.
The next morning, you woke up with your cell phone ringing. You answered the call without even knowing who it was.
"Wow, how sexy is your sleepy voice."
You opened your eyes at once when you recognized that voice. Looking to the side, you saw that Hoseok was at your side, sleeping peacefully.
"Jeon, what do you want?" You asked getting out of bed, leaving the room and closing the door behind you.
"What do you mean by that? Did you forget our appointment? ” You stopped walking, trying to remember what he was talking about.
“Wait, are you talking about the trip? Were you serious about this? ”
"When did you see me joking about something?"
"Jungkook, I can not go, I did not make any report. And Hoseok ... ”
“Forget the report and your stupid boyfriend. Just pack your bags with enough clothes for a week. My driver will pick you up in an hour. ”
And so he hung up. You stood for 10 minutes standing in the hall, looking static at your phone, wishing to break it in Jungkook's head. But it was too late to regret it, you went back to your room and walked towards the closet picking up your biggest suitcase and putting it on the floor, not having the patience to fold your clothes and throw them inside.
"Babe, you okay?" Hoseok's voice caught your attention. You looked at the bed and he was lying on his side, his face swollen with sleep and his eyes half closed.
"Yes. I'm just late. Jeon's driver will stop by and pick me up in 50 minutes and I haven't even finished my bag. ” You said it and he looked down at you to your suitcase, totally messed up. He laughed and stood up walking over to you and giving you a tight hug.
"You're not at all excited to go, are you?" You denied it.
"I just thought that after leaving that company, my life would be easier, but it seems that it got worse." You returned the hug, placing your face on his chest.
“I understand, dear. But after this trip, you won't have to look at that idiot's face anymore. ” And so he gave you a peck. "Go get ready, I'll finish your suitcase."
"Thank you Hoseok, you are the best." You smiled at him.
"I know honey."
As soon as you checked in your suitcase, Jungkook's driver took you to the airport's VIP Lobby, where Jeon was sitting at a table, reading news on his tablet. When you sat in front of him, he took his eyes off the screen and looked at you, smiling.
"Good Morning."
"Spare me, Jungkook." You said with disdain seeing him lean back in his chair still with that irritating smile on his face. "Where are we going and what should I do?"
“We are going to Seattle. And you just need to accompany me to meetings and write down everything you think is of my interest.”
“And what is in your interest? Harass your ex secretaries? Blackmail them to do what you want?”
"First, I didn't harass you, you wanted me to eat you out." He said loud and clear, making you look around and say thank you for having just you two in that place. “Second, I didn't blackmail you. I only used the lie that I told your boyfriend so he wouldn't know that earlier yesterday I had my tongue in your pussy and that was the reason I was at you house late at night. ”
"You suck."
"Yeah, but you still like me."
You leaned back in your chair, looking out of the Lobby window that overlooked the entire airport. Sometimes you would be grateful that you didn't have to stay in those lines when you were traveling on business with Jungkook, that was one of the good points about working for him. You then found yourself staring at him all concentrated. No one in their right mind would deny how handsome and sexy he was. You remembered the day before, the chills you felt with his kiss, the heavy lust that invaded your body as soon as he touched you between the legs, the feeling of having the best orgasm of your life and that made you feel both guilty about having those thoughts and excited about wanting to do that again. You let out a frustrated growl and put your hands on your face, drawing Jeon's attention, who didn't need to look at you for more than a few seconds to understand why you were like that. He laughed and went back to reading the news.
When you got on the plane, you and Jungkook were taken to First Class as usual, sitting in armchairs that stood side by side. Jungkook knew since you started working for him that you were terrified of flying and that is why you always got seats that were very close to each other, because he always was there calming you when you freaked out or panicked because of some turbulence.
This time would be no different.
Jungkook was wearing headphones, watching an interview that was on television when a turbulence started and the first thing he did was to turn to the side and check if your seat belt was buckled. He saw the panic on your face as you squinted and pressed your hands to your knees. He removed the headphones and took one of your hands.
"It's okay, it's just turbulence, we've been through this before." He told you that refused to open your eyes and look at him, but nodded. But that was by far the worst turbulence you had faced, as even the bags started to fall, making Jungkook lean over you and hug you, preventing any of the hand bags being thrown side to side, from hitting and hurt you.
"Shit, I don't want to die." You whimpered and he laughed relaxed.
"You are not going to die, silly."
"How can you possibly know that?" You practically screamed, opening your eyes and looking at him. "This is all your fault, if you had left me alone, I wouldn't be going through this."
“And miss the chance to see you all vulnerable in my arms? Never." He said smiling in a funny way. He was having fun with that. “But seriously, we’ve been there. It was going to be okay. If something happens, I'll let you kick my balls. ”
"You are only saying this because you know that if something happens, we will be dead and I will not be able to kick your balls."
"Why, ghosts move things, why couldn't you kick me in the balls after death?" And that made you laugh out loud. Soon after the turbulence passed and you looked at him laughing as he gave you an 'I was right' look.
"You got away with it this time, Jeon."
When you got off the plane, there was a driver waiting for you who picked up your bags, put them in the car and then took you to the hotel where you were going to stay for the week. You and Jungkook stayed on the same floor, one room in front of the other.
As soon as you entered your room, you went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. It was already dark in Seattle and you were so tired that you just wanted to sleep.
The next day, at 9 in the morning, you met Jungkook in the hallway and so you went down to have coffee before getting ready for a business lunch that he would have in that same hotel with some of his new partners. When you entered the restaurant, Jungkook waved to the table were the six men, without exception, looked you up and down, from your high heels to your hair tied in a ponytail.
"Gentlemen." Jeon greeted them. “This is my secretary, (Y/N) Backs. She will accompany me throughout the trip. ” You smiled and greeted everyone even though you were disgusted by two of them who held your hand for too long and looked at you with perverted looks. Jungkook pulled a chair for you next to him and you sat down so they could talk.
"So (Y/N)." One of the men, you didn't remember his name, spoke as soon as dessert started to be served, making you look at him. He was a lot older than Jungkook, had gray hair, green eyes and reminded you of one of your pedophile teachers you had during high school. “You haven't said a word since you sat down. I'm sure Jungkook didn't choose you just because you had this pretty and inviting face. Why don't you tell us about yourself?”
"I don't have much to say about myself." You responded politely, then thanking the waiter who had placed a plate of chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream in front of you. It was your favorite, and Jungkook knew it, so he always asked for this dessert every time you had a business dinner or lunch with him.
“Ah, but I bet you have a lot to say about you. What do you think about doing in the future? I'm sure you don't want to work for that brat for the rest of your life. ” He laughed being accompanied by the other men at the table, even Jungkook laughed sarcastically thinking how stupid that guy was.
"I don't think to much in the future, I am satisfied with my job at Jeon’s Enterprise." You said sympathetically, even though you started to feel uncomfortable with the way he looked at you. Jungkook laughed pleased with your answer even though he knew that technically you didn't work for him anymore.
“Well, if you ever change your mind, I'm a partner in a modeling company, I'm sure you would be very welcome if you did a test. You’re wearing a lot of clothes, but I think you would look good in something smaller. ”
"Hardin, don't you think you're exaggerating?” A man who was Jeon's age said beside him, that was Taehyung. He had brown hair and the eyes with the same color. He competed with Jungkook in the first place of the most beautiful man in the world according to your list that only contained their names. You had already participated in other meetings in which he was present and he was a nice guy, always in a good mood and had an excellent persuasion ability. No wonder he was one of Jungkook's best friends.
"I'm just complimenting her, it's not like she doesn't get compliments every day while walking around in these clothes." You felt your stomach churn when he said 'these clothes', as if the clothes you were wearing were ordinary or something. And even if  it were, you were free to wear whatever clothes you wanted and he or any other man didn’t had the right to express an opinion or make abusive and sexual comments against you. “Do you have a boyfriend, (Y/N)? If so, I'm sure he must be very upset with you going out like this. ”
"Yes, I have a boyfriend and no, he is not upset about the clothes I wear, as he doesn’t have to give an opinion on what I wear, I am of age and I decide what I wear or not." You hit back as calmly as possible. “And I will not answer any more of your questions. The purpose of this lunch is to talk about Mister Jeon's business, not my personal life. And please, when addressing me, call me Backs, I didn't give you the intimacy to call me by my first name. ”
"Wow, shes got fire." He said laughing, looking at the others sitting at the table who didn't dare open their mouth to say a word. You had your eyes on your dessert, not realizing that Jungkook had a vein popping out of his forehead, as he clenchedhis jaw and looked out of the restaurant window, taking a deep breath with every word that came out of Hardin's mouth, wanting to jump at every second that table and crush his skull. "Tell me, Backs, do you got fire in the bed too?"
You looked at him with disgust as he gave a wry smile in your direction, and you wanted to throw up everything you had eaten in the past three days.
“You are old enough to be her grandfather, Hardin. Control yourself and stop acting like an old pervert. I'm serious." Taehyung said in a warning tone and you looked at him with thanks in the eyes, only then realizing the position that Jungkook was in. He was now staring at Hardin, his elbows propped up on the table, his fingers intertwined, his chin over his fingers, his shoulders taut and his jaw clenched. That was not a good sign.
"Grandfather I don't know, but I can be her Daddy if she wants to …"
You only had time to look at him and in the next second, a glass hit his face and shattered making him scream. You stood up terrified, already turning to Jungkook to ask what he was doing and you saw him jumping over the table, knocking over everything  on top of it and throwing himself at Hardin, both falling on the floor. You covered your mouth with both hands, totally surprised and horrified by what you were seeing. Jungkook punched the older man in the face, blood spraying everywhere. Hardin tried to use his arms to defend himself, but Jeon was stronger than he looked and managed to hold his arms with one hand while using the other to punch him. While the other partners walked away, some of the guests who were having lunch looked at the scene terrified and the waiters entered the confusion to settle the fight.
"Jeon, that's enough." Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's arms and pulled him back while the waiters dragged Hardin, whose face was soaked with blood, away from the table. You finally came out of the trance and ran towards Jungkook who was struggling to break free from Taehyung and move forward on the man again.
"Never open your mouth again to make comments like that about (Y/N), do you understand, you bastard?" He screamed totally blind with hate.
"Jungkook, stop." You asked pushing him back, and Taehyung pulling him back too, towards the elevator and pushing him inside, pressing the button for the door to close. When you saw that he was going to get out of the elevator, you ducked in front of him and pushed him hard back, making him hit his back against the wall behind him. "Are you crazy?"
"I wasn't going to let him keep talking about you like that. I have to go back there and pull out his tongue so he learns not to make vulgar comments about my woman." You wouldn't deny that it made your legs shake.
"I am not yours, Jungkook." You said it and he laughed scornfully, taking his eyes off you. "Look, I would be the first to beat him up, believe me, but we were in the middle of a restaurant, with a lot of people around. Are you aware of the scandal that this can become? If the news gets around, saying that the CEO of Jeon’s Enterprise beat up one of his partners in a restaurant, your advertising team will have a lot of work to defend you and mitigate the impact that this can have on your business. ”
"Fuck the business, (Y/N)." He said looking at you angry. “Nobody is going to talk about you like that in front of me. Nobody." You sighed and let your shoulders fall. He had done that to defend you, it was stupid, but still he had done it. Maybe he really liked you. “And even if you insist on saying that you are not mine, knowing deep down that you are, I will defend you.” You sighed and put your hand on his face, certainly taking him by surprise since he widened his eyes slightly. You could have sworn you felt an electric current in your body.
"Thank you."
He just nodded.
When you reached your floor, you went towards his room. He went to the bathroom to wash his hands soiled with Hardin's blood and you sat at the desk taking your cell phone out of your bag and calling the company responsible for taking care of his image.
“Hi Emma, this is Backs. I need you to keep an eye on social media for the next 72 hours and block any kind of news, information, video or testimony that contains Jeon's name. ” You said as soon as the team leader answered and greeted you. "There was an accident, a disagreement between Jungkook and one of the company's partners at the hotel restaurant where we are staying in Seattle and things got out of hand, like, really out of control.” Jungkook  left the bathroom drying his hands on a white towel. He had rolled up the sleeves of the white dress shirt he was wearing and had also taken off his tie, and he was extremely sexy, as always. “Yes, I’m working for him again, you know, he can’t survive without me.” And so he took his eyes off his hands and looked in your direction, curious as you looked at him with a comical look. “Okay, keep me posted. See you later."
"You finally came to your senses and realized that you belong with me?" He asked when you hung up the phone.
“Don’t flatter yourself. You are a disaster without me. ” And he laughed, shaking his head, after all it was true.
You heard a soft knock on the door. Jungkook looked at it suspiciously, walked over and put his hand on the handle, but only opened it after looking through the peephole and seeing who it was.
"Are you crazy?" Taehyung came in like a hurricane into the room. Jeon rolled his eyes and closed the door. "Are you aware that …"
“Yes, Taehyung. (Y/N) has already scolded me for my behavior and warned me of the consequences I can face, but I don't regret anything. ” And so he sat on the bed. "You heard the disgusting things he was saying."
“Yes, but you could have tried to beat him up somewhere that didn't have a lot of witnesses, like in the hotel parking lot. At least that way it would give me less work. ”
"I called the team that takes care of his image, they will block anything that is related to his name in the next 72 hours. This should give us time to think of a way to make Hardin not report him to the media." You said and Taehyung nodded putting his hands on his hips.
“I talked to the hotel manager and the owner. He's coming here and I'm going to talk to him in person too, but he allowed the security camera images to be erased for a good amount of money, nothing we can't afford. The others are talking to the guests who saw it all, trying to convince them that the fight had been no big deal, even though Hardin left by ambulance, almost with a blind eye.” He said in a scolding tone, but instead of feeling guilty or remorseful, Jungkook laughed pleased with what he had done.
"If you hadn't stopped me, I would have blinded both of his eyes." You rolled your eyes and shook your head in denial while Taehyung looked at him in astonishment.
"Okay, let me put it this way, you threw a glass in the middle of that guy's face and punched him until he almost broke the bones of his skull. I’ll let the lawyers in alert, because you can be charged with attempted murder, Jungkook.  Did you understand the seriousness of this now?” Taehyung ended the sentence almost screaming, visibly upset by his friend's sense of sarcasm out of time. Jeon just shrugged, as if he didn't care.
"I want him out." Jeon said and both you and Taehyung looked at him confused.
“Out of what?”
"I want him out of the elite, off the list of partners, I want him to cut off any connection he has with my company, I want him thousands of miles away from (Y/N)."
Taehyung was speechless for the first time that night, then looked at you who just shook your head. He took a deep breath, ready to freak out, but he managed to control himself, looked at Jungkook and said calmly.
“And how do you want me to do that? You know how he is, he won't give in so easily. Especially knowing that the reason you want him out is (Y/N).” Then he looked at you. "No offense."
"Not taken."
“I don't know, buy his shares, threaten him, I don't care. But I want him out and barred at any social event I'm on the guest list, including Friday's party. ”
"Jungkook, this is stupid." You said it and he looked angry at you.
"What, are you defending him now?"
"I'm not defending him, Jungkook. But look at the situation, I know that your partners who are here today know the reason for the fight, Hardin was verbally harassing your secretary, but the rest of the world doesn't know. And if he speaks only his side and shows the patched face to the reporters accusing you, he may end up gaining a lot of visibility with this.”
"Listen to someone at least once in your life, Jeon. She is right." Taehyung said. “We can get him out of society but we need a more elaborate plan, show evidence for other people to understand why you want him to leave.”
"And how nice of you to have me, because I have a plan that can work." You said again making the two of them look at you who smiled in a treacherous way. “Get a copy of the security images before deleting them. Talk to him about selling his shares, but let him go to the party in Friday. ”
“This is my time to ask. Are you crazy? ” Jungkook asked. "I will kill him."
"No, you won't. You will trust me. We are going to wind the rope and he will hang himself."
"Okay, I'll check the situation out. I'll send you the news." Taehyung agreed. If there was one thing he had discovered since you started working with Jeon, it was that you were very smart and always managed everything.
“I'm going to my room. See you at dinner? ” You asked getting up and taking your bag, walking to the door. Jungkook just nodded and didn't say a word. You had to put your plan into action. You know that men like Hardin acted mechanically, always had the same attitudes and followed almost like a stupid script. It wouldn't be any different this time.
After dinner, you and Jungkook ended up going to the roof of the hotel where  was a leisure area with a swimming pool, whirlpool, a bar for the guests to serve themselves and a beautiful landscape on the four sides of the great beautiful Seattle at night. Jungkook, as always, had his eyes on the screen of his cell phone while you sat on the edge of the pool with a Martini in hand, feeling the cool night breeze.
"Having fun?" He asked seeing you silent just sipping your drink. You looked over your shoulder and gave him a smile.
"You know you can have this life forever, don't you?" He asked placing his cell phone on top of the lounge chair next to the one he was sitting on. "I can give you this life if you want."
"I don’t." You said it almost automatically, leaving him speechless. "Look, Jeon, I'm not going to lie. I like expensive things, I like expensive trips, beautiful landscapes, but I like to achieve these things with my effort, I don't want to win any of that from anyone. I'm on a business trip, that's part of my job, that’s why I’m here with you."
"Isn't it because I blackmailed you?" He asked sarcastically and you laughed.
"Yeah, that's one of the reasons, too."
"And what are the other reasons?" He asked getting up and walking towards her. "Maybe because you like me and wanted to spend more time alone with me?"
"We are alone, dear." He said sitting next to you, placing a hand on your cheek, moving your face and making you look at him. "No one will know. Under the mat, remember?"
“If I give in now, I will no longer be able to hold on. If I give in, it will not be just a mistake, but proof that …”
“Proof that you like me, that you want me too. Please. Just give me a kiss. A kiss and I'll leave you alone for the rest of the trip, I promise.”
"I’ll do that, only if you leave me alone for the rest of my life, Jeon." He chuckled and brought his mouth to your ear, brushing his lips against her lobule.
"I can't take this long." And he kissed your ear, making you roll your eyes with the sensation that arose again between your legs. "I'll leave you alone for the rest of the trip, so you can make up your mind. And when you do, I'll be waiting for you." And so he lowered the kisses to your neck, making you close your eyes and sigh with the delicious chill that his lips on your skin were causing. "What do you say, huh?"
"No, Jeon." You said moving away from him, dragging yourself away. He sighed and rubbed his face. "I can’t."
"When are you going to realize that you're going to be happier with me than with that asshole?" He asked getting up angrily. "And what's the difference between you having sex with me now? You already cheated on him."
"You can’t be serious." You said getting up and taking your shoe.
"Oh, I'm being very serious." He said sarcastically, making you roll your eyes. "But it’s okay, I'll wait to see how long you can deny the sexual tension that exists between us."
"I'm not denying anything, Jungkook. I just don't want to do this while I'm still with him. I don't want to cheat on him anymore, so I’m not gonna have sex with you while I’m still being his girlfriend.” So you turned around and headed for the elevator, it was time to go to bed.
Jungkook sat down again and his head bubbled with questions and theories that made no sense to him. None of that made sense, why were you still dating an idiot dance teacher instead of being with him, heir and owner of several companies around the country?
Maybe that was why he liked you so much, the fact that you didn't pay attention to him, even when he offered you the world. But even if it was the way he liked it, he wouldn't be content to just try to seduce you and achieve nothing. He wanted you and he would have you, one way or another.
He looked at his cell phone, taking no more than a few seconds to decide what to do. As soon as he took it in hand, Jungkook called Taehyung.
"Jeon!" The sleepy voice said on the other end of the line.
"I need you to get something for me."
When Friday came, Taehyung had warned you that Hardin was not at all happy with the fact that Jeon wanted him out of society and that he would definitely attend the gala that they were going to that night. He also said that Hardin was freaked out and that you could expect a scandal and in a way, that was exactly what you wanted.
When night came, Jungkook was waiting for you in the hall so you could get the limo that would take you to the party in the biggest mansion in the city. And when you left the room wearing a red dress, he almost fell to his knees in front of you, you were so beautiful.
“Sorry but I have no words to say how beautiful you look. Wow." He said almost breathlessly, as if he had run a marathon. You laughed, finding it cute. "We better go or we will never leave this hotel." And so he pointed towards the elevator. As soon as you stepped inside, you could feel the tension between the two of you coming back. His scent making him so inviting, and once again the memories of his face between your legs made your body shiver and you imagined jumping over him kissing him, messing up his hair, leaving him naked, getting kneel for him, letting him fuck you in every possible position. And it made you feel bad and horny at the same time.
You closed your eyes and squeezed them, delighting in that image, and involuntarily bit your lips and squeezed your thigh with one hand. Jungkook glanced at you for a moment before turning his body and facing that scene. Once again he knew very well what was the reason for you being like that.
He reached out, touching your chin, making you open your eyes and face him.
"I know what you're thinking." He whispered in a husky, totally seductive voice that made your legs tremble. "And I know you think it's wrong." He brought your face close to his, making you numb with that smell. “But it won't be wrong forever, babe. We will be able to do all things that your pretty mind imagine sooner than you think. Maybe, later. Maybe tonight. ” And the same moment when the elevator doors opened.
He then took your hand, smiled and gently pulled you out of the elevator, guiding you out of the hotel where the car was waiting.
In the arrival, he was the first to go out and receive a shower of flashes. He waved at the cameras and then turned back, reaching out to help you out of the car. So he linked his arm with yours and went up the stairs that led to the entrance to the Mansion.
Many people wondered who the girl next to Jeon Jungkook was, because he was not used to having escorts, and you knew it could end up giving you a big headache, but as soon as everyone knew you were just the secretary everything would be okay.
You spent a good part of the party greeting Jungkook's acquaintances, and the strange thing was that he always introduced you by your name and not as his secretary, and you always ended up having to correct him. You drank champagne and by an irony of fate, you ended up on the dance floor dancing a slow and romantic song.
It wasn't bad for a rich party. You thought. The songs could be more lively, but you knew that the people who were there, had come to the party to talk business and not to dance and have fun.
"Jeon." Taehyung approached to greet them. "You’re splendid, (Y/N). Boss, I got what you wanted." He said. You looked at them both, confusedly, not understanding what Kim was talking about. What had Jungkook asked him for? It should be something important because the happiness on Jungkook's face was obvious.
"Okay. (Y/N), excuse me for a moment, I ..." He started to speak but was interrupted by his friend who was serious when looking behind you.
"Trouble in sight." Taehyung said and so you looked back, seeing Hardin coming towards you like an angry dog. He had several bandages all over his face and one eye was badly hurt. Jeon's punches should have been quite strong. Jungkook immediately became tense. He pulled on your arm, making you stay behind him and Taehyung, as a human barrier for you.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" He shouted, drawing the attention of several guests around him. “What makes you think you can get me out of the corporation? Huh you little shit? ”
“I am the owner of the company, stays who I want to stay, leaves who I want to leave. And I think you better control your tone of voice, I broke your face once, I can do it again. ” He said calmly but from the way his shoulders were, you knew that he was boiling inside.
It was time to put your plan into practice.
You looked around for the waiter Emma sent, Garry. He was one of the private investigators at your disposal. When you found him, he was not far from where you were. He carried a tray and as soon as his eyes fell on you, he knew what to do. Taking advantage of the distraction of the guests who were looking curiously towards Jungkook and Hardin, Gary placed the tray on a table and took out a cell phone from his pocket, pointing discreetly in the direction of the discussion and recording everything.
"Do you really think I'm going to give up my shares just because you asked?" And so your attention returned to the two.
“No, I think you are going to give up and sell your shares because although you look stupid, you are not. I mean, sometimes you seem to have neurons. ” Jungkook's comment seems to have triggered even more hate on Hardin who took steps towards him, pointing his finger towards his face while Jeon stood still, not intimidated.
“Look, you son of a bitch. Either you get that stupid idea out of your head, or I'm going to end your life. ” He snarled and Jungkook snorted.
"To end my life, you would have to live long years, which we know will not happen since you are old enough to go to a nursing home and die there." He said in a voice flooded with sarcasm. “You're lucky I didn't file a complaint against you at the police station for verbally harassing (Y/N) yesterday. So I will warn you again, control your tone of voice, you are not talking to your mother. ”
"So this is all because of this little bitch?" Hardin asked and you automatically grabbed Jungkook's arm holding him when you saw that he was going to punch the older man. Hardin's eyes fell on you and he laughed scornfully. "That pussy must have gold, baby."
"Shut up." Jeon growled, visibly altered, giving you a great difficulty to hold him in place.
"How professional, Mr. Jeon Jungkook." He shouted, laughing soon after. "Do you want to end a partnership that started years ago when your father was still in the presidency of the corporation, just because I told you some truths about your bitch secretary? How fucking dumb."
"Hardin." Taehyung said loudly, making the old man look at him. “I suggest that you accept the offer I made and get the hell out of here. You don't need such scandal in your curriculum, don't be stupid. "
"Oh, I get it." Hardin said with that malicious smile that made your stomach churn days ago. "You are fucking this slut too, so you want to defend her either." Jungkook made such a strong move with the arm you held, that if you had a little less strength, you would have flown over Hardin with Jeon's punch.
"Leave, Hardin Jones. I won't say that again."
“Oh c’mon. she shouldn't be offended, after all that's why she was dressing like a bitch, right? With that skirt glued to her body. To receive compliments. Just like now, dressed as a stripper. ” And when you saw it, your hand had gone to meet Hardin's face, the noise echoed throughout the room along with the noises that people made with their mouths, totally surprised. He was stunned for a minute, perhaps not imagining that you would have the courage to do something. Meanwhile, Jungkook relaxed his shoulders and enjoyed the scene smiling.
"Shut the fuck up, you asshole. The clothes that me or any woman wears daily for both work and leisure do not say anything about any of us and you men have no fucking right to criticize, defame, mock or harass us. So I think you better accept the offer that Kim Taehyung made to you and sell your shares, or all the companies in this country and the other international ones that have a direct or indirect connection with Jeon's Enterprise will receive a report describing your abusive behavior. I will also send a copy of video with audio from yesterday's lunch, and of this discussion today for each one of them. And I'm sure none of them will want to know your name or have a connection with a shit like you. ”
And finally you took another breath taking a few steps back and knocking your back on Jungkook's chest who put a hand on your waist, looking at Hardin with a smug smile, proud of you.
Gary stopped beside you, catching Hardin's astonished face, which only then realized he was being recorded.
“Your choice, Mister Hardin Jones.” Jeon said politely not hiding his satisfaction.
“Stop by the office tomorrow to sign the papers. Security guards will accompany you to the exit. ” Taehyung said and so two security guards guided him to the exit, but not before he glare towards the three of you.
The people around you started to applaud in amazement at your speech against Hardin and that made you extremely shy. So you walked away from the crowd a bit to talk to Gary, while Jungkook followed Taehyung to the other side of the great hall.
Gary would send the recording directly to Emma so she could keep it together with the files and evidence doc that you both had set against Hardin last night. You were happy that everything had worked out, so you took a glass of champagne and sat at one of the tables, waiting for Jungkook to come back from wherever he went.
Just over half an hour later, you were still waiting for Jeon, but you were talking to some of the guests who seemed to be interested in you after putting that man in his place. When you felt your cell phone vibrating inside your small bag, you excused yourself and went up the stairs to the second floor of the mansion where there wasn’t too much noise and took the cell phone. It was Hoseok who was calling. With everything that was going on, you hadn't even realized that you hadn't called him once.
"Hi love." You said smiling, with a voice full of affection.
"How could you cheat on me with that bastard?" Hoseok's voice with pure hatred said on the other end of the line and your stomach sank just as your heart.
"What are you talking about?" You asked trying not to show the desperation you were feeling at that moment, pressing the bag between your fingers.
“You know exactly what I'm talking about. I never thought you would be able to do something like that to me, (Y/N). What did I do wrong? I wasn’t a good companion for you? I wasn't a good boyfriend, so you decided that you were going to fuck Jungkook? ” He screamed and you could feel like you were punched in the face.
“Hoseok, no. That's not it. You are a wonderful boyfriend. Who told you that? ” You said not being able to control your body and starting to shake violently and walk from side to side, totally unprepared to have that conversation with him.
"Who do you think?" He asked in a poisonous voice and you lost your breath. How this could be happening. Your eyes filled with water and you were about to start sniffling too. "It looks like he decided he doesn't want to share you with me anymore."
And so the call went dead, he had hung up. You didn't know how long you had been standing there, standing with your legs shaking and the tears falling from your eyes. You only realized how serious the situation was when one of the guests looking for the bathroom saw you, and asked if everything was okay.
No. The answer was no.
And there was nothing you could do, not being in Seattle.
You didn't bother to dry your face or touch up the smudged makeup before running down the stairs on top of your heels. You needed to get out of there. And you couldn't meet Jungkook, or you wouldn't be responsible for your actions. How could he have done that to you? How could he have done this to Hoseok? Did he hate him that much? So many questions to mask the one question that really mattered: How could you do this to your boyfriend?
You didn't have time to regret it at the moment. You had to get back to New York as soon as possible and talk to Hoseok, try to fix the shit you did. You went through the great hall like a rocket and when you were approaching the door, a hand grabbed your arm forcing you to stop and look back, already knowing who it was.
"What are you ..." He started to speak, but you were quick to interrupt and pull your arm, getting rid of his hand.
"You had no right to say anything to Hoseok."
He didn't seem surprised by you speech.
"Oh, he was faster than I imagined."
"What the fuck, Jungkook." You said angrily, frowning and clenching your hands.
“I just did what I had to do. Now you don't have to choose between him and me. You can stay with me without remorse." He said with a smile, and that only made your anger increase even more. You just couldn’t believe in his words. “I thought it would help.”
“Oh, you thought… You called my boyfriend and told him that we had sex, Jungkook." You said it a little louder than you should, controlling yourself  to not scream and cause another scandal that night. “How dumb and evil do you have to be to do something like this? Do you realize how much it hurt me? Damn, are you aware of how much it hurt Hoseok?”
“In this stage of the game you should already know that I don’t care about him." He said coldly.
"You don't care about anyone. You only think about yourself, Jungkook. What I did was wrong? yes, and I won't try to make excuses for my mistakes, but it was me who should have told him. I would explain, I would apologize, I would do it in a way that didn't hurt him so much, Jungkook. I would take care of that, but you had to stick your nose where you shouldn't and make things worse as you always do.” And you turned your back again to leave, but he again held you, stepping in front of you and not letting you move on.
"Hey, hey, wait. Where are you going?"
"To the hotel, I'm going to get my things and take the first flight back to New York, throw myself at Hoseok's feet and beg him to forgive me." Leaving him speechless, you dodged his bodies, leaving him paralyzed in the middle of the exit while running down the stairs, dismissing the reporters and crossing the street where you waved for a taxi and then you were far away.
"What happened?" Taehyung, who had watched the scene from a distance, approached Jungkook who was beginning to regret what he had done.
"I think I hurt (Y/N)."
"Do you think so? You called her boyfriend and said that she was cheating on him with you. Of course she would be hurt. Are you stupid?" Taehyung asked totally without patience.
He had to do something, he couldn't let you go like that. He left the party, heading for the limo that was waiting a few meters away. When he got into the car, the driver jumped in surprise, but as soon as he saw Jungkook's expression, he composed himself.
"Go to the hotel as quickly as possible."
all rights reserved © katebacks | 2018/2020 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed.
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
Police: Tennessee shooter was ‘third-party vendor’ for Kroger who fired at 15 people
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Police in a Memphis suburb said Friday they have identified the suspect in a mass shooting inside a Kroger grocery store a day earlier that left one woman dead and wounded 14 people as a “third-party vendor” of the store.
Collierville Police Chief Dale Lane declined to publicly name the gunman during a Friday morning news conference to avoid “giving any notoriety,” confirming only that they had executed a search warrant at a home in a nearby apartment complex.
Kroger declined to elaborate on the shooter’s history with the supermarket chain.
Fifteen people were shot when the gunman opened fire in the Collierville, Tenn., supermarket. Rescuers said they were able to quickly enter thanks to ballistic gear they’d been supplied with in recent years in preparation for an active shooter event. Ten employees and five customers were shot and at least three remained in critical condition Friday.
“Thankfully, our prayers were answered: We didn’t lose anyone overnight,” Lane said.
Details, including a possible motive, are still emerging after the Thursday shooting, which happened about 1:30 p.m. and ended when the gunman apparently turned his gun on himself. Lane has called the shooting “the most horrific event” in city history.
The shooting is at least the third to take place at a grocery store in recent months. In March, a shooting in Boulder, Colo., left 10 people dead at another supermarket owned by Kroger. In June, a gunman fatally shot a grandmother and her 1-year-old grandson inside a Publix in South Florida. Shootings at grocery stores have risen in recent years, according to authorities.
Between 2000 and 2020, 78 people were killed and 83 were injured in 28 active shootings at those venues, according to data from the FBI.
Shooter kills 1, wounds more than a dozen at Kroger market in Memphis suburb, police say
Officials identified the woman killed in the Tennessee shooting as 70-year-old Olivia King, a longtime Collierville resident. Collierville Vice Mayor Maureen Fraser said King was a friend and described her as a warm and loving person.
“She was kind, very generous — you could say selfless,” Fraser told Action 5 News. “I was telling somebody: 'everyone needs to be more like Olivia.”
The shooting transpired as shoppers and employees were going about their daily activities: Scanning grocery items, taking lunch breaks and purchasing items for their families.
Shopper Tammi Stewart was picking out a birthday balloon in the store when she heard the first of about a dozen gunshots.
“A lady was like, ‘Oh, a balloon just burst,’ ” she told The Washington Post on Thursday.
Realizing the grim reality, Stewart said, she wanted to break down, but instead she ran. “I just started praying because I thought he was coming out of the front to shoot us in the back,” she said.
Lane, the police chief, said people in the store did what they have been trained to do, echoing the now-familiar active shooter protocol of “run, hide and fight.”
“We found people hiding in freezers and in locked offices,” Lane said.
During Friday’s news conference, Lane said the suspect appears to have killed himself before officers found him; no shots were fired by law enforcement and the incident was over “in a matter of minutes,” he said.
Despite the tragedy, he praised the rapid response of first responders, those inside the store who quickly followed active shooter protocol and the wider Collierville community that has rallied in support of the victims.
After three deadly gun rampages, survivors and experts fear what comes next
Authorities executed a search warrant after the shooting at an apartment not far from the Kroger looking for “electronic devices” and other evidence.
Kishore Vanjangi, who has lived in the building for three years, said police arrived Thursday afternoon and asked his family to vacate for the night. He recalled seeing the man who lives in the searched unit on a handful of occasions but said they never spoke at length. Another neighbor also said he’d kept a quiet presence.
“Real scary,” Vanjangi said. “I have small kids, so to send them outside now, I’m getting scared.”
A spokesperson for Kroger confirmed the Collierville store would remain closed as law enforcement continues their investigation, which police said is expected to last into Friday evening.
“We are continuing to provide our associates with pay as well as support through our Helping Hands fund. We’ve also initiated counseling services for our associates,” Kristal Howard, a spokesperson for Kroger, said in a statement.
Thursday’s shooting comes after a new law passed this year in Tennessee that allows most adults to carry handguns without permits. Kroger and other major retailers appealed to customers not to openly carry firearms in their stores after a gunman killed 23 people at a Walmart in El Paso in 2019.
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