#everytime I look at this comm and think about this moment
writernopal · 4 months
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But on this final night, they did not twirl noisily between those natural and manufactured stars. Instead, they fell into a dance in which there was no melodic tune of accompaniment nor movement of feet, but one of hushed whispers and careful hands, as they all placed their hopes and desires into these sacred cords.  Just here, amongst all the other masked faces, sat the swallow and the drowned sailor.  They, hands joined, began at the start, creating a single knot. 
As A Stranger Or A Friend?: The Swallow and The Drowned Sailor
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Commissioned Art by: @dreadfutures
Writing: N. Opal
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morganlefaye79 · 10 months
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(📸 by @breezypunk) otp: pulling strings
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(📸 by @breezypunk) otp: sing for the moment
Part 3 and unfortunately the last 😔 one of @breezypunks magic.
I love my boys, all of them, Kerry included of course, no fun without the old man. I wanted a pair protrait for both my otp, I rarely give directions since I want to see what others come up with, giving their ideas and creativity enough room.
Did you notice the bird in the first one? I didn't at first, it is blurred due to the dof but when I saw it, I squeed like a little girl. 🤗 Since both, Kerry and Val are workaholics and are always working on something this is actually a rare occurance that they take some time for each other. Love it! 💜 I'm not sure where the picture was taken but it looks to my like it might be in Kerry's garden or at least North Oak, which would fit perfectly. Although Val knew what he signed up for, and has to show presence at Kerry's side, he never enjoys it. Even more so since he is mostly referred to as "Kerry's husband" instead of saying his name. So he avoids it to go into the public if he can.
Now we're coming to my very special babies. I just always had a knack for rare and OC pairings 🤷‍♂️. What other can I say than complete harmony? I adore the soft- and tenderness in this one, it teared me up the first time I looked at it. I don't think I ever mentioned it, but Joris tends to flee into the badlands every now and then when he needs some quiet. It is also one of the rare cases that he will leave his cyberdeck at home. I have also a fun fact about this picture: Vicco is more the bike type, but they possess this thornton, and they hate it, everytime they have to use it (bad weather) they hope this rust bucket will finally break down, but it doesn't somehow. This one is just perfect it made me go from "awww" to "ohh" to *giggle*.
Thank you again @breezypunk for those lovely VP's! 💜 You can find her comm detes here.
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local-crater-group · 1 year
[Jaunty Fluttering of Two Sparks, Nine Materials, a Million Bells, Flightless Parallels of Balance, Accented Looking of One Imprisonment, Everything Alight in an Ideal World, Saccharine Sunset]
NMMB: Guysssss
NMMB: ALOOM isn't waking up
EAIW: As in actually not waking up? Not at all??
FPB: Oh dear.
EAIW: are you sure?
NMMB: Everytime I zap her she doesn't respond. Some of her systems are still on, so she isn't like, dead or anything. Plus I feel like the gods would have let me known if she died.
FPB: Oh dear.
EAIW: That is. Not very good! Don't think they were acting all that odd last time I talked to them...
FPB: Have you sent an overseer to check on her?
NMMB: Yes that's what I'm using to zap her.
NMMB: Her neurons are still alive too, and some of her area's anti gravity is on.
EAIW: This is not good.
SS: oh no
SS: have you.. looked for an issue of some sort??
NMMB: Uhmmm no not really. I can check though.
NMMB: Do you uh, think she hurt herself, again?
FPB: ...I would assume so, but I do not talk with them that often.
SS: the only way to knows to see if somethings wrong
NMMB: Fun.
NMMB: Well give me one moment!! I'll check around.
EAIW: Good luck.
NMMB: Oh it looks like her like,,, rarefaction cell wasn't on. Looks like the water turned it off. But! It's back on now, I'm gonna go check her puppet.
NMMB: Also, I think her can fell a bit lower too.
EAIW: not good.
SS: glad shes alright!!
EAIW: Couldn't they have made the island just a bit more stable...
FPB: Alight, they had limited resources. They did what they could.
EAIW: I know! It's just that... The edges of the island aren't really structurally sound, and I know how to fix them, but I can't and... It just bothers me okay?
FPB: Yes, of course. That is... I get that. I really do.
NMMB: Yeah, I don't understand why they didn't. They should have, even with limited resources. Even more so since they even built her.
FPB: I do hope that ALOOM is alright though!
NMMB: Oh, oh yeah she did hurt herself.
SS: oh...
SS: are they okay?
NMMB: I think so, just, kind of pulled, a lot of wires out.
NMMB: Hold on I'll get them on comms.
[ALOOM has connected]
ALOOM: Sorry for My disappearance, I think due to the Heavy Rain, it Flooded Me more.
NMMB: There we go!
FPB: ALOOM! There you are. Hello!
EIAW: hello! the rain flooded you more?? how is your can doing?
SS: Accented Looking of One Imprisonment!! good to see you! glad youre okay...ish
ALOOM: It is okay, just, Need to Drain It.
NMMB: Yeah I can go open that hatch with the Overseer, give me one moment.
ALOOM: Thank You.
ALOOM: How are You All doing?
EIAW: it really is not good that the rain even floods you...
ALOOM: It can not Be Helped. You know there are Lots and Lots of Holes in my can.
EIAW: I know, I know...
EIAW: But I am alright. Nothing interesting's happened lately for me
FPB: I am alright as well. Working on the latest installment of one of my writing projects!
SS: im good!!
ALOOM: What Writing Project is this?
ALOOM: It is Good that the Rest Of You are Good though.
FPB: Ah, my writing project! Tis the tale of a slugcat and a lizard, victims of a potentially-cruel experiment that switched the places of their minds! So now, is the slugcat the lizard and vice-versa, or.. Are they the same as always, just in a new way?
SS: a truly fascinating and captivating tale!!
ALOOM: Oh Interesting! You'll have to Let Me Read it once it Is Done!
FPB: I shall make sure to send you a copy of the pearl!
ALOOM: Do, you Guys Know how long I Was Asleep?
NMMB: There we go! Most of the water should be drained. I am, so glad you have those outlet things.
ALOOM: They Were Made From Me Collapsing.
NMMB: Right, well, they are still useful!!
SS: dunno how long you were asleep... maybe check your logs?
ALOOM: Thank You.
ALOOM: That is a Good Point. Looks like, from My Logs, Three Cycles? Apologies for Being Out So Long.
SS: nahh dont worry about it! just... stay safe
NMMB: It's all good! As I like to say, the gods willed that you woke up today. Which probably means something good is gonna happen.
NMMB: Ooo I should get my offerings around!
EAIW: Agreed, do stay safe please.
FPB: I fourth that! As long as you are alive
ALOOM: ...
ALOOM: Trying.
ALOOM: I Should most Likely leave so I can do Some Repairs.
ALOOM: It Was Nice talking to you All.
EAIW: luck! Message me if you ever need help with that, of course
SS: bye!!
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Dangerous Scare
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Steve Rogers x fem!reader
Steve Masterlist
Summary: Steve goes on a mission while you are heavily pregnant and gets hurt.
Warnings: pregnancy, mention of blood, mention of bullets/guns
Word Count: 1.06k
A/N: italics is speaking through comms
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“We’re just going to get information and then be right back, in and out.” Steve reassured you.
“I’m not worried, I just want to help.” You confessed.
“You need to be resting, we don’t need you going into labor while I am gone.”
“I can help from here, sitting at a desk won’t induce labor.” you insisted, not going down without a fight.
Steve just smiles and kisses your forehead, “darling, please, just stay here and rest,” he continued, “We have more than enough help, it’s a quick in and out.”
Since Steve wanted you to rest, you of course decided to do the opposite. You were quite stubborn, you and Steve both. You wanted to help, do your usual job, helping from headquarters.
You went to set up in your office, turning on your monitors and adjusting your headset. You turned your headset to the same frequency as theirs. Within minutes of when they got there you were able to see what they could see, just better. You hacked into the security system and were watching the avengers do their work.
“Okay guys, so it would be nice if you could go in and download the files onto the flashdrive you have.” You blurted out into your mic, causing everyone to look at each other.
“Hi guys!” You said, with a huge grin on your face that of course no one could see.
Hearing your voice, Steve paused in his tracks. “(y/n), aren’t you supposed to be resting.”
“You thought she wouldn’t help us? It’s (y/n). Pregnant or not, she’s gonna help.” Natasha replied, making you laugh.
“I’ve hacked into the cameras, so I can see but I can’t see everything. Two of you should be on the lookout.” You spoke, ignoring your husband's comment.
“Steve just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t help on comms.” You responded back, still focused on all of your monitors. You glanced at the monitor on your right and saw some guys walking towards the building.
“Hey guys, you have incoming. Be careful.”
You watched as they fought off the bad guys, wincing everytime Steve got hurt. Sure you help them with their technical stuff, but you’ll never get used to watching him or any of them getting beat up.
After a few more punches and a bullet to the stomach, Steve dropped to the ground. Fear ran through your body. You couldn’t speak, you sat there and watched as Steve was laid out on the ground. Blood was spilling out of him, creating a puddle that seemed to grow and grow by the second.
“Steve, Steve. Steve is down.” Those words were being said through your comms, but you couldn’t hear a thing. You stared as they dragged him to the quinjet.
“The flash drive is fully loaded, (y/n), we’re heading back.” More words spoken to you, you still couldn’t hear them. Your eyes are still glued on the puddle of blood from Steve.
“(y/n), you there?”
You finally snapped out of your trance and focused on the voice coming through your headset.
“Yeah, I’m here, is he okay? Well, I know he’s not okay. Is-Is he stable?” You asked in a panic.
“He’s stable (y/n), we’re on the way back now.”
You sat at your desk, waiting for them to arrive. You didn’t know the extent of his injuries so you were worried. They arrived roughly 20 minutes later, Steve was being pulled in on a stretcher when you walked in.
Your eyes glossed over with tears as you saw him up close.
“(y/n), I’m okay.” He said, trying to reassure your nerves.
“You took a bullet to the abdomen, babe I don’t think you’re exactly ‘okay’.” You asserted, making him chuckle. Your moment was interrupted by a doctor.
“We’re going to take him and get him all fixed up.” The nurses were about to take him away but you stopped them, placing a kiss on Steve’s forehead.
They took him away and you looked at everyone else who went with them, “Make sure you get checked out.” Before any of them could refuse you responded, “go get checked out.”
After the mom in you made everyone go get checked out, you went back to you and Steve’s room to try to calm your nerves. Which that barely helped, so you went to go watch some tv. You were trying your hardest not to pace and panic.
After a while you were tired of waiting and decided to go and get an update. To your surprise, Steve just got out of surgery and was resting. You glanced through his room window before walking in, “Oh, I didn’t know he was out.”
“He just got out of surgery, he’s still out on meds, but he should wake up soon and he’ll make a full recovery.” The nurse said as she fixed up his blanket so it was covering him more.
You felt a weight lift off of your chest, seeing him alright. “Thank you.” You quickly walked over to his bedside as the nurse placed a chair next to the bed for him. You sat there holding his hand until you felt a squeeze and made eye contact with him.
“You scared the crap out of me, Steve. Didn’t I tell you to be careful.” You said before kissing his forehead, “I’m glad you’re okay though and the surgery went well.”
Steve tried to sit up and kiss you back but you lightly pushed him back down, ‘oh, no you don’t need to get up.”
“I want to see how he’s doing.” He said, lightly rubbing your very pregnant stomach.
“I think he’s probably wondering why his dad is making his mom’s blood pressure go up.” You taunted him, “since you’re going to be resting for a few weeks we need to decide on a name, since I’m due in 3 weeks.”
“Okay, so what about Robert?”
“Robert Rogers? I don’t think so. I’m going to make a list.”
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Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated :)
Steve Tags: @ragnaroqk @mollysolo @fredweazleyswh0re @mogaruke @whothehellisbuckybarnes @amelia-song-pond @tinylumpiaa @verymuchgivingyes @stephthepeach @teebarnes @supremethunda @gamerartisy @qhbr2013 @afraid-to-be-me @jbreenr @teti-menchon0604 @chalametet @justreadingficsdontmindme @reggieisthedefinationofchaos
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paintball169 · 3 years
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2021!
Day 2 - Family
Day1 - Day2 - Day3
Marinette Wayne was the baby of the Family. She loved her brothers to no end.
Maybe a little more because they treated her as the baby.
Being the youngest had both its advantages and disadvantages. On one hand they listened to her every demand. On the contrary they were over protective.
Being the youngest also had other perks. No one could ever say to Marinette. Growing up Marinette was given lots of love by her older siblings. She got everything. She always loved the attention her crazily big family paid her. Don’t get her wrong, She loved her family a lots.
They gave her everything she asked. All she had to do was ask.
A ride in the Batmobile. Done. Modelling her clothes. Done. A baby Tiger. Also done. But mostly Marinette enjoyed spending time with her crazy family.
She loved the gifts and all, But the most? It was spending time together.
Playing pranks, Making gifts for each other, Game nights, Cooking nights.
Yeah those were definitely her most fond moments.
Her father and Siblings tried not to blow up the kitchen. That was something straight out of the funny TV shows for Baby marinette. She always loved her brothers and father trying to cook, and later accidentally blowing up the Kitchen. That was the funniest part. She would fall down laughing while clutching her stomach every single time.
Don’t blame her, Her family managed to do the most impossible things. Setting water on fire, Blowing up an egg in the microwave, Her father couldn’t even make coffee!
And that was funny itself. Marinette loved sitting on a chair and watching her Dad trying to make sense of the Coffee maker. Everytime she ended up laughing out loud.
She also loved doing the trapeze with Dick. Playing pranks on everyone with Jay. Trying to stay up all night with Tim. Walking Titus with Damian. Dancing with Cass. Doing ridiculous things with Stephanie. Watching Babs help through the Comms. Baking with Alfred too.
Also there was another thing she loved the most. Going to WE with her Dad. The Employees were made to sign NDA’s so her Identity wouldn’t get out. Many times she got bored in Dad’s meetings. So she ended up talking to one of the employees while they worked. Marinette was curious about business. So she often ended up with her bombarding a person with Queries. At the end of the Day, her dad would realize she wasn’t with him. That ended with him panicking and announcing on the huge microphones in WE. She enjoyed scaring the shit out of her Dad.
So when it was time to stay with her mother. Everyone ended up crying. Marinette was confused and sad. Did heer family not love her anymore? Did they hate her now? What about Jay-Jay? And Dami? Sure he was four years older than her, but he loved her, Right? She pulled her father’s coat and timidly asked
“Do you all hate me now? Is that why you're sending me away?”
Gasps were heard among many. “No darling, we don't, we love you lots. But your mother gave birth to you right? Don’t you think she wants to meet you too? You can still visit every summer and winter break.We won't miss a single christmas without you. I promise we’ll all call you daily!” Her father says. Yes, that makes sense. She should thank the lady for giving birth to her. Maybe the lady wants to know what she looks like.
“Pinky Promise?”
“Pinky Promise.”
And the promise was kept. Every Summer she ended up with new memories. She also got to thank the lady who gave birth to her. She was her Maman now. And there was Papa too! Marinette hopes that her Dad finds her another Mom! Then she would get to keep two Moms and two Dads! One will always be her Dad, Bruce. Second will be her Maman. Third, her Papa Tom. And fourth her Mom or another lady her Dad finds.
Marinette loved her new life too!! She also missed her Brothers and Sisters and the craziness they brought. She loved cooking with her Maman. Also she loved Baking with Papa. She also had a two year old sister Bridgette! She looked just like her! Now she has a small Sibling. It’ll be just like her and Damian!
Marinette made a lot of friends. Bonded with her sister. Also Introduced her to her Dad!
She had such good friends! She also became a superhero. Her both families knew about that. But all that changed one day. Why? The one and only Lila Rossi.
She took all of Marinette’s friends. Except Chloe, Kagami, Luka and Nathaniel. Chloe is dating Nathaniel. And Kagami is dating Luka. She also has a boyfriend, Jon kent. She started dating him Last year. Her family knew about Lila. So did Bridgette. She always called Lila a Witch.
This year she won't be going to Gotham to visit her family! They will be coming here! She was Psyched. Now Bridgette could meet them in person! She and Bridgette were currently sitting in Le Grand Paris waiting for the Waynes. Her Class was also going to be there. Instead they will be talking with Mr.Agreste. Oh Boy, She was going to enjoy this.
As she was thinking about what her family brought her, They said it was a surprise. They even got Bridgette one! Bridgette wanted to become a Cop, Just like Dick. She wondered if that was related. Maybe a famous cop’s autograph. Ooh maybe Commissioner Gordon’s.He was her role model after all! As she was soaked in her thoughts she missed the group of men wearing suits. Everyone’s Jaw Dropped. Aurore started filming. Her train of thoughts were cut off when she fell down from weight. She looked to see it was Jason Todd.
“Ouch Jay-Jay! Get off!” Marinette shouts. “What? Am I not allowed to hug my Baby Sister anymore?” He asks with fake hurt. “Of course you can! But seriously you are jumping on me!”Marinette Retorts. Then she’s under a dog pile. “I’m gonna join the pile too!!” Bridgette and Damian shout. “Boys get off your sister!” This earns a lot of Gasps. “Thanks Dad, I missed you.” Marinette then hugs her father. “Missed you too.”
“Hey Bridgette, nice to meet you formally!” While the waynes are absorbed in their conversation they miss a class with a teacher and principal coming in and taking a seat. Mr.Agreste is here in person.
“Aren’t those the Waynes? Why are they sitting with Mari-trash?” Lila asks getting a lot of Gasps. “Lets go talk to them, they will make an excellent Buissniess partner.”Mr.Agreste says to Adrien, getting a nod in return. Everyone follows them. The first thing they here is
“-A whole fabric shop for me? Thank you!” Marinette says hugging her Father.
“Is this Commissioner Gordon’s Autograph? That’s so cool!” Bridgette says.
“Mr. Wayne! A surprise seeing you here!” The Waynes turn to see Gabriel.
“Hello Gabriel. A surprise indeed.” Bruce answers smoothly.
“If you don’t mind, What are you doing here?” Gabriel asks.
“Oh, I decided that this year I should visit my daughter in Paris, Instead of the other way around,” Bruce says Patting Marinette’s head.
“She’s your daughter? She has quite a lot of potentiel Mr.Wayne.” Gabriel says Surprised.
“Right? She’s MW! Marinette Wayne!” Bruce exclaimed. Everyone Gasps.
“Oh?I’m glad our kids are such good friends.” Gabriel says fuming to the fact she’s on the top of the Designers list. To his surprise Mr.Wayne Scoffs.
“Good friends? Good Friends? These children bully my daughter on claims of a liar! Your son knows the truth, Yet he let’s kids bully my Daughter!On what note are they Good Friends?” Bruce Fumes. Everyone pales.
“I apologise, I had no idea.” Gabriel says.
“Not your fault. You should pay more attention to your son. Like even I’m a lot of busy. I still make time for my family. Although I'll still be pressing charges against the class and School.”
That’s how Lila’s Reign ended. She loved her Family no matter how much Chaotic they were. Yes she loved them lots.
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sulevinen · 2 years
The Aftermath
Summary: After the events on Umbara and the death of Pong Krell, Pearl lies in the medbay with Kino, unable to sleep so all she can do is think.
Kino was still shivering in her hold after hours of sitting in the warmth of the cot in the medbay. Pearl had lost track of time long time ago, just staring at the beeping monitors and the illuminated datapads that sometime during the night came alight as some of the patients woke up. She could’ve asked them what time was it, but was too tired to even open her mouth or blink.
She squeezed Kino closer to her side and exhaled. The events from few days before were still clear on her mind, the enraged Besalisk’s stinky breath and murderous eyes were burned on her memory forever. The anxiety picked up in her chest everytime she visited those memories, so she would’ve preferred forgetting about it altogether. But as the only one awake in the room this late into the night, she couldn’t help but lose herself to the train of thought, that always brought her back to him.
But he was dead now. The 501st had reported so. And she had seen it. His lifeless carcass laid on the ground as he was hauled on the ship for burial on Coruscant. She still couldn’t believe that a traitor as vile and ruthless as him deserved a proper burial more than the many clones he got killed, but then again… when she thought about it, as bitterly as she did, she understood. He was a Jedi. They were just clones, a dime a dozen. One Jedi was worth more than ten thousand clones.
Pearl sighed quietly and adjusted her hold of Kino so she could lay down next to her. She propped Kino’s head on her shoulder and wrapped her arms around her, making Kino mumble something in her sleep before settling down with a sigh.
Pearl traced back to the moment she had had to report the incident to Merell. They had been calm and collected, as always, but Pearl could sense their disappointment and hurt, from Kino’s actions or Pearl’s, it was hard to tell: but Krell’s part had made them more furious than Pearl had ever seen them be.
”He did what?”, they had asked through gritted teeth.
”He threatened me with a lightsaber, and Kino got upset. After she had let go of him, he grabbed her by the shirt and screamed at her. I managed to talk him down before he could get his saber.”
Merell had been fuming, and ordered Ceres to go check on Kino, and told Bones to contact Kenobi. Bones had managed to get the comms back online, and Merell disappeared in their tent to talk. Meanwhile Skylight had returned to battle alongside with the rest of the battallion, until Merell contacted Pearl’s comm.
”Krell’s dead.”
Something about their tone still made Pearl shiver. So light and matter-of-fact… almost dismissive and relieved. Pearl’s General didn’t take things so lightly, death nonetheless, so to hear those two words with such ease had made her unsettled back then, and even now after days of hearing it.
Krell had died by the bullet of his own men. Deserved and earned, Pearl thought, but what he didn’t deserve was the funeral and honors. Rex had told her, told the whole battallion, about his betrayal, and still the Jedi treated him like a war hero.
”He was nothing more but a traitor. And traitors deserve to die.”
Ardor’s words ringed in her ears, and the words she had followed with: ”I wish I had pulled the trigger back then. Better me than that poor trooper.”
The trooper’s name was Dogma. She hadn’t talked to him, hadn’t even noticed him, but she had looked at he records and noticed that it was his first battle. Just a shiny, who did the brave thing even Rex couldn’t bring himself to do, and he was taken away for a short court martial, followed with a quick death.
Dogma if anyone deserved honor and proper burial. But Pearl knew from experience that he’d just be tossed to the sea in a bag full of rocks, to be eaten by the fish at the ocean floor.
Pearl closed her eyes and tried to rest. She was tired of thinking, tired of the heavy grief and anger sitting on her chest. She hadn’t slept in days, it was hard to do so in battles, but she found that even the silence and calmness of the medbay couldn’t bring her sleep. Only wariness and loneliness.
She squeezed the Padawan in her hold to make sure she was still there, that she hadn’t vanished. Kino responded with a quiet muffled noise and snuggled closer to her chest, and Pearl breathed out soundly. She was safe. Pearl had saved her. Merell had said so.
”She would have died without you”, Merell’s voice had been quiet, almost sorrowful. Pearl had turned to look at them, a hint of a smile on their lips and green eyes twinkling in the light of the distant explosions.
”I was just doing my duty.”
”You did more. You kept your family safe. And I am eternally grateful.”
”Keeping my family safe is my duty, sir”, Pearl had turned back to aim at the woods, waiting for the enemy to run right in their trap. ”I would have done it any day, for anyone. No need to feel grateful.”
Her General had chuckled, and patted her on the shoulder. ”When will you ever just accept my gratitude?”
”When it’s accompanied with a medal, sir”, Pearl had grinned at them and Merell suppressed a laugh. ”But I appreciate it, sir, really. I’m proud of my service.”
”You should be. You’re an excellent Lieutenant. And you’ll make a fantastic Captain.”
Pearl remembered the flutter of her heart and the twitch of her arms that almost made her drop her blaster. She had been absolutely shocked, still was, to a point that she was almost mad at her General for dropping a bomb like that in the middle of an operation.
”A captain, sir?”
”Of course. I have been thinking about this for a while, and I think today, during this whole campaign, you’ve shown to be more than capable. Lieutenant is mockery to your skills: you deserve more.”
Pearl tried to contain the pride and excitement bubbling inside her chest, and squirmed a little on her bed. A Captain. She was going to be a Captain, right after they’d land on Kamino. She’d get her own company, and she’d work closer with Ceres. But getting her own company also meant leaving her current one, leaving the Skylight, leaving the Crimson Squad and Surge. Leaving Kino.
Pearl didn’t think she was ready for that, so Merell had given her time to think until they’d land on Kamino. She’d have to give her answer then, but Pearl didn’t know if two rotations to think was enough.
It was such a drastic change. Captain Pearl, not Lieutenant. The transition from ARC to Sargeant and from Sargeant to Lieutenant had been simpler and easier without even having to think about it, but for some reason the title Captain scared her. Maybe in a good way, but… still in a way that made her uncomfortable.
She tilted her head a little to look at the small Jedi next to her. She had saved her from Krell. She had made it back safe because of Pearl. Despite her thoughts of Merell or Ceres being better at understanding or helping her, it was ultimately Pearl who had calmed her down and done her best to shield her from Krell. The ARC’s had helped but… she was the only one who had raised her blaster.
If she was to leave the Platoon for her own Company, what about Kino? What about all of them? She was their Lieutenant. And she had sworn, before her allegiance to the Republic, her loyalty to her family. She had sworn to keep them safe, and to die for them before letting anything happen to them. That’s what made her a good Lieutenant. That’s what Merell thought would make her an excellent Captain. And Pearl had no doubt that she couldn’t be a good captain, but it did mean she’d be a shitty Lieutenant for leaving her Platoon alone to go lead the new Company.
She couldn’t do that. She couldn’t let her family be abandoned, to be taken over by someone inexperienced. Of course they’d gain experience over time, Pearl was sure that whoever of her siblings took over would do just fine, but… Skylight was her platoon. Nobody elses. She had named it, constructed it, protected it with her life more than once. And she had done a great job.
Pearl looked at Kino again, her dark curls and the steady movement of her torso. She was the Captain’s protege, almost like a daughter. And if Merell had been grateful, Ceres had been almost weepingly so.
”Thank you for saving her.” Ceres had come to her after battle when they were getting ready for take-off. Pearl had shrugged and kept cleaning her blasters, not looking up.
”It’s my duty. Anyone would have done the same.”
”But they didn’t raise their blasters at a Jedi”, Ceres had emphasized the last word with almost scolding tone. ”Or be ready to kill one.”
Pearl had grimaced. ”So you heard about that.”
”Everyone’s heard of it. You’ve got the biggest balls in the whole GAR right now. You’re like a legend.”
Pearl had scoffed and grinned at her Captain, whose eyes were a bit too shiny for her taste. The smile had faded and she got up. ”Captain…”
”I’m not…”, Ceres had stopped her, and put his hand on her shoulder. ”I’m not trying to get emotional right now, so please just let me talk. I… I am so happy that you were there, Pearl. You kept Kino safe, and you brought the whole platoon back, when that monster could’ve just as easily gotten you all killed. You did great work, and you always have. I think Merell’s right: you deserve to be a Captain.”
Now Pearl let out a slight groan and shut her eyes closed, cursing Ceres and his trust in her. It was harder to stay with the Skylight when her own Captain thought that she should hold the same rank as him: Ceres was so much more skilled than her, and it was a true honor to hear those words from him. She hoped that that trust wasn’t wasted on her.
”I’m not so sure, Captain”, Pearl had told him, and squeezed his hand on her shoulder. ”I have my duty for the platoon. I can’t just leave them.”
”We’ll make Skylight a company. Make the squad’s into platoons. Make more squads. You’ll need your own company and you need more men for that, so… shifting the numbers around is not an issue.”
Ceres’ eyes had been certain and studied Pearl’s face with a pertruding look that made her want to squirm out of her skin. ”The issue is whether you want it, or not.”
”I don’t know what I want. I’m happy as a Lieutenant. And I’m happy to have you as my Captain. I don’t think I can be as good as a Captain as you.”
”You’re Pearl for kriff’s sakes. Pearl who just few days ago held a blaster at a Jedi’s face to protect others. Pearl who got all her troops back safe, kept them all alive when the other teams struggled to even make it to the capital. You would make an amazing Captain. All you have to do is to believe it yourself.”
Pearl sighed and opened her eyes, not anywhere closer to making up her mind. The Skylight Platoon could be made into Skylight Company. But it didn’t have the same ring to it. And it was so many more men… it was easier to take care of 36 men rather than 144. But she had taken over the battallion once, that’s how she got promoted to Lieutenant…
It was too hard to think anymore. Her brain felt foggy and she was pretty sure time had moved on by hours even though it felt like minutes, so she’d have to wake up soon. She snuggled Kino closer to her and closed her eyes, breathing in the scent of the GAR shampoo and the bacta that lingered all over the air.
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Momma is a badass?
Fandom: DC Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Batmom!reader (in the background) Word count: 1.4k Summary: Your Children don’t know about a big part of your past, but when the situation calls for it, they find out, one way or anotherm Requested by a hydrated Anon: since the request are kinda open. Can i request something where batmom was a former suicide squad member, now dating batman and the batkids dont know? Maybe they are in a dangerous fight against someone and the suicide squad helps them? only if this is okay for you. No pressure or something. Stay hydrated love
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Your children knew that you were a great fighter, one that could hold herself against Bruce easily, and they knew that you had been a vigilante long before you had met their father and fallen into the more domestic role of a part-time event-organizer and a full-time momma at day and a crime fighter at night. Sometimes they had tried to ask you and Bruce about what you had done for the most of your early adulthood, but they never found out anything about what happened between your 18th and 25th birthday. A few of them - mostly Tim, Steph and Damian - had thought about finding out the old-fashioned way, but everytime they seriously considered it they remembered that not once since you had taken them in as your children have you breached their privacy without a very, very good reason. So they quickly started to forget about it again and face their own problems. What none of your children had expected was that that blank on your resume was going to be filled on what was supposed to be an easy mission in Gotham’s Docks. You and Bruce were the ones who went, Tim on the Comms, only to find that three of the most dangerous and violent - but in themselves alone relatively small - crime families had “bonded” together to defeat the one thing that kept them from ‘rising to their true size’: Your family. The two of you were good, years of beating and defeating big baddies have shown so much, but not even the two of you were good enough to defeat the small army that was attacking you now. Under the hail of bullets that were raining down on you, a few of them hitting your body armour, but luckily not you, you barely managed to dive for cover behind a metal pillar. Looking over you were relieved to find Bruce behind cover too, seemingly not hurt. He nodded at you, most likely having the same thoughts about you, before talking to you and Tim over the Comms. “Red, we need everyone here asap, this is at least a code blue situation.” “Code blue? I thought this was just a quick in-and-out,” Tim asked surprised. “Just do it, no time to explain,” Bruce grunted as he threw a Batarang at a particularly bold individual that tried to break his cover, disarming him quickly and knocking him unconscious. “I contacted everyone, Nightwing and Red Hood are on their way, ETA is at least ten minute. Robin is preparing and will be there in five. Oracle is going to take over the Comms as soon as she’s online from her homebase and then I’ll hurry over with Black Bat. The others will try to come, but are indispensable at the moment,” Tim informed you and you could hear the almost inhumane quick tapping of his keyboard in the background. Before you had the chance to answer you noticed the small circular object rolling towards you and just almost managed to kick it away and shield yourself with your cape. “We don’t have enough time to wait for all of them!” you shouted over the sound of another explosion and when you looked over at Bruce you almost saw the internal conversation, “They’re on a mission not far from here, they could be here in five minutes.” “Who are you talking about?” Tim asked, but you and your husband just ignored him. “Do it!” Bruce said after he had to dive for a new cover when the pillar he was standing behind got damaged by another granate. Not waiting another second you pulled out a small button that was protected by a glass hood. You clicked the glass hood off and pushed the button, a little relief flooding you when you saw the blinking light below it implicate that the signal was received. Now you just had to survive long enough for your help to arrive. Tim and Cassandra, closely followed by Damian, arrived shortly after, but even with the five of you, you weren’t remotely able to do more than hold yourself against the seemingly never ending attack that got worse with every minute. When you heard the flapping of a chopper somewhere above you, you could have wept with joy, but soon got pulled back into reality when a bigger explosion rang through your ears and debris from the newly bombed open roof missed you by literal inches. After making sure neither your husband, not your children were hurt badly, you looked up to find that the chopper was not the one you had hoped for when you were looking directly into the barrel of a bomb launcher. The thought of retreating filled your mind, but before you could suggest, you saw the opposing chopper blow up in a haze of fire before a very familiar crazy laugh filled your ears - even if it was still half a mile or so away. More explosions rang through the enemy lines and the shift in power was immediately feelable. You had just won the upper hand. Five ropes were lowered around you and soon after you found yourself surrounded by your former team - or rather one version of it, the suicide squad never really being one to keep stagnate. “Did ‘ya miss us sugar?” Harley crackled as she fell around your neck, hugging you with one arm while the other was occupied with shooting an enemy that had been charging at the six of you. “You wouldn’t believe how much,” you smiled and - after quickly greeting the rest of the team - got back to fighting. Dick and Jason joined the fight shortly before the end - before your win - and were surprised by the people who were fighting in such a harmony with their mother that it looked like they had been fighting with you for years, but with the fight still going on they had little time to care about it too much. The twelve of you together had an easy time fighting against the gangs and it only took a few minutes more before you left unconscious, dead (the suicide squad had no no-killing rule after all) and tied up gang members for the police to lock up. The squad's chopper had been severely damaged during the fight so the five went with you to a second-emergency base on the outskirts of Gotham to wait for Waller to send them a pick-up, leaving you with a bit of time to catch up with your old mates. While you were laughing and talking to Harley, Rick, Floyd, Digger and Tatsu like you were old friends who haven’t seen each other in a while, Bruce standing a few feet behind you - keeping up his grim persona, but not stopping you from interacting with the (mostly) villains - your children were at the other side of the room completely dumbfounded at the way their mother was acting.
“Remember that time Waller almost blew up your head because you thought it was a good idea to play pranks in the base?” you asked laughing, the others joining you. “Yeah, well, how was I supposed to know she’d react to a bit of water like that,” Dagger shrugged, but smiled at the memory. “Can’t believe it’s been so long already since I left, it feels like yesterday I almost cut your eyes out,” you smiled - you much like Katana not having been there as a criminal, but rather as a guard yourself. “Hey, if you want back, we’d gladly take you in, I still think Waller considered planting a bomb in your head just so that you would come back and bring some order back,” Rick shrugged, but you just shook your head. “Thank you, but no thank you, I have a life here now. Also I don’t think Hubby would like that too much,” you giggled a little and blew a kiss at Bruce, who responded only with a stern nod in an interaction that your children would have usually found hilarious if they weren’t so occupied with staring. “Ya’know sugah, Ah love attention, Ah really do, but even Ah get uncomfortable if dah little batlings keep on starin’ like tha’,” Harley nudged your shoulder and nodded into the direction of your children. “Oh, don’t mind my little ones, they just didn’t know about my time at the suicide squad,” you shrugged, well aware that you were going to have a lot to explain later on.
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COSMIC - S1:E4; Chapter Four, The Body- [Pt. 1]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘠/𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘺 𝘰𝘥𝘥 𝘴𝘺𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘧.
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|| 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
Mike flips through the drawings Will had given him what seems like ages ago. He found himself unable to tear himself away from one of Will's favorites. It was the party. But they were their dungeons and dragons selves. Will the Wise stood proudly amongst his fellow party members. Together they stood triumphantly.
Mike was pulled from his thoughts at the sound of the feedback from the supercomm.
"Can you please stop that?" He asked exasperatedly at El, who sat in her fort fiddling with the device.
El looks to him, before returning to the com, the crackling of the feedback whining throughout the room.
"Are you deaf?" Mike snapped.
El was determined to keep tinkering away.
"I thought we were friends, you know? But friends tell each other the truth. And they definitely don't lie to each other. You made me think Will was okay, that he was still out there, but he wasn't. He wasn't! Maybe you thought you were helping, but you weren't. You hurt me. Do you understand? What you did sucks. Lucas was right about you. All along."
El's eyes bore into Mike's as he yelled at her. However, she sat there, unfazed before turning back to the com. With the final crackle, the distinctive voice of Will Byers rang over the comm and across the room. He was singing.
"So come on and let me know, Should I stay or should I go?"
Mike slowly looked up from the picture and towards El, goosebumps littering his skin. She was looking to him expectantly, blood dripping from her nose.
"Should I stay or should I go now? Should I stay or should I go now?"
Mike jumped off the couch and ran to El, who slowly handed him the walkie. Mike stared at it in disbelief as he listened to the unmistakable voice of his best friend.
"If I go there will be trouble. If I stay it will be double."
Mike gladly took the comm. His finger pressed firmly on the speaker button he practically yelled into the speaker. "Will, is that you? It's Mike! Do you copy? Over."
El stares at the boy, wishing she could help him more. Alas, she knew Will would be unable to hear him. The room was met with the dreaded static of the other line as Mike waited for a response that would never come.
He tried again.
"Will, are you there? Will!"
Mike saw the look on El's face, knowing she had done her best. He dropped his hand to his side.
"Was that...? Was it...?"
El gave Mike a bittersweet smile.
There was a soft knock at the door.
"Michael? Hi, honey. How are you feeling?"
Karen poked her head into her son's room.
Mike stuttered as he lay under the blankets, and she crosses the room to sit at his bedside.
"I, uh... I don't think I can go to school today."
"Oh, that's fine, sweetie. I need to drop off Nance, then I'm gonna check in on Barb's parents. Why don't you grab a book or something and come with me? We can stop by the video store on the way back, pick out whatever you want. Even R-rated."
Karen offered, a small smile on her face.
"I think I just want to stay home today. I mean, if that's okay?" He asked, tentatively.
"Well, are you sure you're gonna be all right here by yourself?"
"I think so."
"Okay." She sighed, patting her son on the arm comfortingly."If you need anything, call Dad at work."
Mike softly nodded his head.
Karen leaned forward and kissed her son on the forehead before stepping out.
"Bye." Mike softly called after his mom.
She turned to him as she closed the door, a smile on her face.
"Bye, sweetie."
As soon as his mother closed the door, Mike jumped up from under the covers, fully clothed. He reached for the supercomm on his bedside table and extended the antenna.
"Lucas, do you copy? Lucas, come on, I know you're there! This is urgent. I'm serious."
Mike stood up from his bed, continuing into the walkie. "I'm not gonna stop until you answer. Lucas. Lucas!" He took a deep breath. "Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas... Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas--"
"Go away, Mike." Lucas had sat up in bed, frustrated as he extended the antenna.
"I'm not in the mood, all right? Over and out."
Before Lucas could close the supercomm antenna, Mike's voice had stopped him.
"No, not 'out.' I'm not messing around, okay? This is about Will. Over."
Lucas paused, not letting himself get his hopes up.
"What about Will? You mean about his funeral? Over."
"No, not his funeral. Screw his funeral!" Mike spits.
"Just get over here stat. And bring Dustin and Y/n. Over and out."
|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
I blink away the tears as I stare at the same wall my eyes haven't left since I woke up. Lucas saw me and Dustin off and made sure we got home. My whole body has been numb since last night. The image of Will laying lifeless on the gurney hasn't left my mind.
I never would have believed it but, I wanted more than anything to be at school rather than staying home today. Mom thinks it was the stress and trauma that made me sick today, but whatever it really is, she insisted I stay home.
I locked myself in my room as soon as I got home, Dustin had filled Mom in on what happened. She had woken me up this morning, apologizing and asking if there was anything she could do to help. But she couldn't do anything. Nobody could. Will, my best friend, is gone.
Apparently, I was burning up because Mom began freaking out when she felt my forehead. I didn't feel any different apart from grief and heartbreak.
"Alright, Pumpkin, I called the school and they know you're staying home. I wish I could stay with you but I can't miss another work day. I'll be back at the regular time, and you know what number to call if you need anything, right?"
I felt her hand rub my shoulder as I never broke eye contact with the wall. Tears were falling freely down my face, through my scalp and into my ears ears pillow. My left arm had become numb from laying on my left side.
"Mm." I couldn't even bring myself to speak.
"Bye, sweetie."
I heard her footsteps recede followed by the closing of my bedroom door.
I closed my eyes, trying to sleep. But every time my eyes closed I saw it all over again. Will being pulled from the water. I tried to push through it. But my mind began creating scenarios of how he fell in. Countless images of him stumbling over the cliff. Or even the horrific thought of his already lifeless body being tossed into the water by a faceless figure that I only assumed to be his murderer.
Countless, horrendous scenarios playing like a slideshow in my head and the second wave of pain washed over me as it felt as if someone reached into my chest and squeezed my heart into dust, while another hand punched my gut.
I rolled over on my back, I felt the anguish surging through my veins and all the way to my fingertips as a wave of anger erupted from deep within. I heard items fall to the floor somewhere around my room and I figured that in my fit I had slammed my fists too hard against my bed, shaking the room somehow.
I quickly dismissed the odd thought and the second wave of hot tears streamed down my cheeks.
My palms began to sweat as I felt my body temperature rise out of what I could only assume was anger. That must be where my fever had come from but I still didn't understand how that all happened.
I was angry my best friend was taken away from me. I loved him, and he was the closest friend I have ever had. And now he's gone. I still refused to believe it yet my mind was cruel enough to replay the worst moment of my life everytime I close my eyes.
Sniffling, I wiped my eyes and sat up. I couldn't stand being alone with anything else to think about and I looked around my room for anything to take my mind off everything that's been happening.
My eyes scanned the room and then they fell on the all too familiar mix tape Will had lent to me just months ago. A bittersweet smile had made its way onto my face and I got out of bed. I put the tape in the boombox and pressed play.
"Should I stay or should I go?"
I sat listening to Will's favorite song and I felt a different wave of emotion wash over me for once.
I think it was a stubborn hope.
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ifkxitx · 3 years
Taming the flame
Romanoff!Reader x Wanda
Summary: Reader lost control.
Warnings:mental manipulation, self distrust, stabbing, mention of blood
Wordcount: 1266 words
If you are not comfortable with this content, do not read it.
a/n: In this one,reader is shorter than Wanda.I don’t think it’s important but it was mentioned at the near end.
You are powerful...if you wanted to. You have fire powers. Since you have discovered these powers, you tried not to use it. It was dangerous, you’re dangerous. You don’t have parents anymore so you lived in an isolated area. You tried your best to not interact with people, scared that you would hurt them. 
You would only use them whenever you feel like you’re in danger. And you happen to encounter with a Black Widow when you were in trouble that leads her to recruiting you. She was hesitant at first, given the fact that you were young and so were you. You agreed, wanting to have more information and control about your powers. And her looking like a kind woman might have influenced your decision too.
That was three years ago and that have been your greatest decision ever. The kind woman now being your mother and the rest of the Avengers as your family...except for a certain witch. You have been dating for four months now and you were surprised no one have found out yet.
Both of you to tell anyone for now, you weren’t sure how your mom would react about this. You had yet found the confidence to do it, Wanda patiently waiting. You sometimes felt guilty for her but she always tell you that she would wait for you no matter how long, one of the reasons why you love her. Maybe I will tell her next month. Well, at least that’s what you thought.
This have never happened before. This was your biggest fear, you had always had this fear everytime you use your powers, you might lose control.
“She’s losing control.” Wanda told the team on the comms who’s still fighting the enemies. “What? How did it happen?” Wanda heard your mom’s worried voice. “I don’t know, something might’ve triggered her.”
Few minutes before..
You we’re fighting this man that has green eyes, it doesn’t look like the normal green eyes, it was odd. You should’ve known better than to look at his eyes for more than three seconds, because you were put in a trance. 
At your side you can see him stabbing your mom, leaving her lifeless body in a pool of blood. You want to scream but you cant. On the other side you saw the same thing happening again but this time its your girlfriend. That was your last straw, all the pain that you felt earlier had become anger.
Back to the present moment..
You closed your eyes and looked down. Your eyes started changing colors, now it looked like fire. You were back to reality but you didn’t notice, your anger taking over you. You looked up to the man with fiery red eyes and a terrifying grin. An evil giggle escaped your mouth when you saw him scared.
You were often described as a happy-go-lucky person who wouldn’t hurt a bug, it wasn’t like you at all. The team shivered when they heard your giggle, all except for Wanda.
You began firing up, literally. With your whole body covered with flame, you walk towards him, grabbing his throat. You fired him up too, you didn’t know how you did  it but you levitated him when he screamed in pain. You left him there and turned back to the enemies, there’s still plenty of them.
You lifted your arms on your sides and forcefully slammed it back down. It was followed by a series of rock with fires coming down like rain, targeting the enemies making them ashes, only the man with green eyes left. You snapped your fingers making him turn into ashes too.
It’s over, all the enemies are gone but you still felt the range. A bit of your conscious had came back but your powers still in control. You need to get out of here or you will hurt innocent people.
The team became concerned when you were still in flames, they didn’t know what to do. Wanda had took it into her own hands, it was you after all, her girlfriend. 
When she walked towards you she saw it, the lingering fear in your eyes. She walked closer to you but stopped a few feet away. You were having an internal crisis whether your seeing things or not. You saw her get killed...right? 
You walked backwards, afraid that you might hurt her. “Hey, it’s okay. You won’t hurt me.” she slowly engulfed you in a hug. It felt real, everything about her felt real.
“Are you real?” Instead of getting a response you felt it. The familiar feeling of the tip of her nose rubbing at the side of your head. It was your silent ways of saying ‘I love you’ to each other. She’s real. You can’t believe it. You didn’t notice but the flame in your body have subsided and your eyes had returned to its normal color.
You returned the favor by rubbing your nose to the side of her neck, hugging her tightly. “Thank you.” Everything went black after that. Wanda holding you tightly before you can even fall,. She put her hands under you thighs and shoulder, carrying you back to the quinjet. 
“What was that?!” Natasha followed after ignoring the team’s questions. Her daughter’s being is what she’s concerned about right now.
“Is she okay?” Wanda had been really worried, when you guys came back to the tower you’re still unconscious. She had decided to visit you since you’re in the medbay. She was met by Natasha who’s sitting at the couch beside you. 
“She is, Doctor Cho said she just needs rest.” She responded. Wanda sat beside Nat and they fell into an awkward silence. “So...when are you planning to tell me about your relationship?” Wanda wasn’t surprised, after what happened earlier, the team must’ve figured it out.
She was wrong though, Nat figured it out even before they became a thing, she can see it in your eyes. “I was waiting for her, she haven’t had the courage to tell it to you yet.” the witch answered honestly, Nat nodding her head at her. “As long as you make her feel loved and not hurt her purposely.” Nat said “Of course.” the witch was not planning on hurting you at all. “Okay. Were good.”
When you woke up, the both them are there by your side. “Are you guys okay? Are you hurt?” That was the first thing you said. “Yes, we should be the one asking you that.” You were still shaken up by what you saw. The two woman that you love dying right in front of you, it scares you. 
“I want to go out of here.” You told them. “Alright, I’ll catch up with you later. Have fun with your girlfriend.” Your mom said before going out making you blush. “Have I ever told you how adorable you are when you blush?” 
You arrived at your room. ”Stay with me.” she immediately agreed. You were still exhausted so she helped you changed your clothes into a comfortable one and you laid on your bed. You gestured her to come and lay with you. “Are you sure you don’t want to eat? I can cook for you if you want.” “That would be sweet but no. I want cuddles.” she gave in and laid with you. You instantly cuddled her and laid your head on her shoulder while she held you protectively. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you more.” that was the last thing you heard before you drifted to sleep.
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saritaadam · 3 years
Spirk Your Name au I will probably never write.
- teenage Spock living at Shi'Kahr with Amanda and Micheal, Sarek being away for his diplomatic duties. T'Pring hang with him and Micheal a lot
- T'Pau is here a lot, preparing Spock for some very important Vulcan ritual. Spock can't help but wonder sometimes if he did the right choice when he chose the Vulcan path
- teenager Jim is on earth, working hard to enter starfleet, hanging out with Bones, having a baby crush on Uhura.
- like in the movie, they switch places, think it's a dream at first and eventually communicate via PADD and writing on their bodies.
- Spock helps Jim having good grades, bicker with Bones and got Jim a date with Uhura (which leads nowhere). All the while he is acting really logical and emotionless, which is driving Jim crazy.
- Spock wakes up in his body with invective to have emotion written on his forehead in english, which makes Amanda laugh.
- Micheal often finds "Spock" touching his ears. Jim talked back to the bullies, he tries to set up T'Pring and Micheal. He looked at all that new alien culture with bright eyes and a big smile. Spock dies everytime he comes back and someone mention his emotional displays.
- Jim walks around with "You are the most illogical" delicately written in Vulcan on his arms. Bones jokes about his new tattoos.
- this the time to go wild about Vulcan culture and your personnal headcanons!
- with the back and forth between Vulcan and Earth, Spock grows to accept his multi cultural nature
- at one point, Spock starts to draw from memory the sceneries he saw on earth, Bones and Uhura. And even Jim. Who eventually sees the drawings and leave compliments.
- Amanda also see some of the drawings and recognize Earth and decides to take her kids on a vacation there. It is long overdue that they see what the planet looks like
- Spock tells it to Jim and they decide to meet.
- Jim waits and waits and Spock don't pick up his comm and he leaves heartbroken.
- The next day, Bones and Uhura drag him to the Vulcan ambassade.
- Is it far away and do they have shenanigans on their way there? Yes.
- They reach the place and Jim asks the clerc to see "S'chn T'gai Spock". The clerc is surprised he is able to say the name right. They are even more surprised when they recognize the name.
- "ambassador Sarek and his family died in Vulcan's destruction 4 years ago."
- did Jim not know about it? Maybe. Or maybe he thought Spock was living somewhere in new Vulcan?
- I don't know what Jim do here to be able to switch body with Spock again. Something that has to do with the big ceremony from earlier. Anyway something magical happens here and Jim wakes up in Spock body the day Vulcan will be destroy.
- he has a talk with Amanda. Up until now, we were laid to people their switch was happening because of Spock's Vulcan heritage, of Solkar shaking a terran's hand. Nope, this comes from Amanda's side of the family
- Jim gather Micheal and T'Pring and got a plan to evacuate the planet. Up until now, Jim has not been an action man. Yes, he has told Spock's bully off, but really he has not being more than a stack of books with leg. But here, he fully takes off his leadership role. Here, he looks the planet imminent doom right in the eyes and decides he doesn't believe in no win scenarios.
- Sarek is a dick, their plan doesn't work and Jim realizes they need Spock. He goes in the desert to find him.
- cut back to Spock, on Earth, waiting for Jim. When it is logical to assume he will not come, Spock immediately takes off for Iowa.
- they meet in a crowed, and the red string of fate happens. Maybe Spock has long hair in this fic (which means he will cut them once he is back), or maybe it is an accesory on his outfit that got accidentaly stuck in Jim's shirt. In any case, they each old an edge, lock eyes for a brief moment, and Spock let go and dissapear in the crowed.
- Jim looks at the red ribbon in his hands, with emboidry of Vulcan's calligraphy he doesn't understand but is a citation about Fate. He wears it around his wrist since than, knowing it is important even if he can remember how he got it.
- Spock returns at the ambassad and the next day, Sarek pick his family up and back to Vulcan
- return to Jim in the desert. Something magical happens, and Spock is standing in front of him. Jim explains the situation to him
- yes they do the whole "let's write our names in each other's hands" thing. Yes, Spock doesn't have time to write his. Yes, Jim writes "I love you"
- Jim wakes up in his body, tries to write Spock's name down only to realize he has already forgotten it and cries.
- Spock looks up his hand, makes a comment about Jim's logic, and eventually announced to Micheal, who absolutely does not understand, that he can't remember him with a heavy voice
- Spock has a confrontation with Sarek and they are finally able to evacuate Vulcan. Maybe even? Save the planet? Because fuck JJ Abrams
- years later, when they have forgotten about each other and hardly remember those few months, like they are a far away dream, Jim takes his captainship on The Enterprise, Spock has his second, and it's like they had known each other for years.
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thedeviousdo · 3 years
Just As Usual..A Space Saga
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Part Eight
Yixing gave a small shrug, looking down at his hands. “I don’t know of a way to convince you that I’m not a clone.”
Minseok sighed, “I’ll have to keep you confined until we can know for sure then.”
“I might have a way.” Jongin said, getting to his feet and walking over to the tray that held the dagger they pulled out of Chanyeol. “I haven’t seen any anomalies with the blood I took from Yixing. But that doesn’t really help us since we don’t have any blood from a clone to go off of.” Jongin scratched his chin as he peered closely to the blade. “I can compare skin cells left by the other Baekhyun with our Baekhyun. See if there are any markers that are different and if they are, I can then compare them to a sample from Yixing.”
Minseok gave a nod to Jongin as he made the few steps to Jongin’s workstation, “Do it.”
Jongin brought the blade to his workstation, swabbing around the ridges of the hilt and leaning over his microscope a moment later. “Min, scrape this over Baekhyun’s palm.” Jongin didn’t look up from his microscope as he held out a silver instrument for Minseok. He kept his hand out as he waited for Minseok to do as he asked, murmuring a soft thank you when he put it back in his hand. 
Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun mindlessly ran his thumb up and down on top of the blanket covering him. "You threw the dagger."
Baekhyun’s eyes were wide when he swung his head to look at him, "What?"
"The dagger." Chanyeol pointed his chin towards where Jongin was running his tests. "You… clone Baekhyun. When he got there with the other Jongin, he had two of those blades in his hands. I eyed maybe five more on his belt. He threw one just when Nini got us out."
Baekhyun crossed his arms with a slight pout. "Can we call them something that doesn't have our names please?"
"They have names." Yixing said softly from his bed. He looked up from his cuffed hands, "Junmyeon is Suho. Jongdae’s Chen." He looked over to Jongin who had just turned around at the same time as Minseok. "Jongin is Kai." He turned back towards Baekhyun, "His name is Xian, Bou Xian."
“Sounds pompous.” Baekhyun mumbled under his breath.
"Something I don't get." Chanyeol said, rubbing his chin. "Why didn't Xian just use his power? I mean Baekhyun can basically shoot pure UV light. Why use the daggers?"
Minseok tapped his bottom lip, eyes trained to a spot on the floor. "I didn't see Jong- I mean Kai, teleport. We heard him approaching with Xian, and then we saw him on that rock. I mean he still could've teleported to it but why not use it to move away from Soo's attack?"
"But we saw Chen and what was his name?" 
"Suho." Yixing answered. 
Chanyeol nodded his thanks, "We saw Chen and Suho use theirs."
"You said they needed us, right?" Minseok asked, walking the few steps to Yixing. 
Yixing nodded, sitting up a little straighter once Minseok got to him. "Yes, but I never learned why."
"Have you ever seen any of them use their powers?" Kyungsoo asked from the wall he'd been at the entire time. 
"Suho was the only one I ever saw use them. Xian loves his blades, he always used them and Kai… he used anything he thought looked like fun." 
Minseok gave him a soft look, suppressing the shiver that wanted to run down his spine. "What if the others don't have them?"
"That's why they need us." Chanyeol said with a firm nod. 
"So does that mean we should suspect that they have Junmyeon and JD since those asshat clones have powers?" Kyungsoo asked, finally pushing off the wall to stand between Jongin and Minseok. 
"Yes." The room fell silent at the one word Minseok muttered. 
“You can take the cuffs off.” Jongin said softly from his workstation a few moments later. He turned in his chair, holding up a tablet, he pointed to the screen that had two images. “There’s an anomaly in the skin cells from the dagger that Baekhyun and Yixing don’t have.” He set the tablet down after showing the differences to everyone, “This is our Yixing.”
Sehun gave Yixing an odd look when he pulled away his cuffed wrists when he turned to take them off. “What’s wrong?”
Yixing looked up at Sehun, then to Minseok. “I lied.” He watched out of the corner of his eye as Sehun’s hand slowly moved to the weapon at his belt. “There was another clone.”
“It was a clone of me...I didn’t say anything because well you already had me cuffed and I didn’t know how to prove who I said I was. And if I told you there was a clone of me I...I’m sorry.”
“So as penance for lying you just want to keep yourself locked up?” Minseok asked.
Yixing shook his head, “No, but I get you not wanting to.”
“Tell us about your clone.” Minseok said, as he took the key from Sehun and started to unlock the cuffs on Yixing’s wrist. 
“His name is Lay, and I think we can trust him...or at least trust him a tiny bit.” Yixing rolled his wrists, rubbing them in turn as Misneok turned around to put the cuffs away. “He was the one that left some of the data out for me to read and he would give tiny nods or shakes of his head when I asked questions. The other clones rarely spared him a glance and vice versa. And he never talked though, not once.”
“Did he have any healing powers like you?” Jongin asked. 
Yixing shook his head, “Not that I saw.”
“Maybe they were going to use you for him later, after they got so many of the others powered up from you.” Chanyeol suggested, he winced as he settled into the bed further. 
“Maybe, everytime I tried asking for more information about you all or even what they planned for me, he would go even more silent. He wouldn’t even shake his head. Either he doesn’t know, or he knows not to say anything at all.”
“Did you ever see our Jongdae or Junmyeon?” Kyungsoo asked, now leaning against the wall near Jongin’s workstation.
“I never saw them but…” He took a shuddering breath, “I think I heard them.”
Minseok rubbed his eyes, almost moaning at the relief the pressure gave his head. He waited for everyone to take a seat around the large round table, Baekhyun helping Chanyeol into his even after his protests that he was fine.
“Soo, go over what they took out.” Minseok said, dropping his hands in his lap and sitting back in his chair. 
Kyungsoo gave a fast nod, fingers typing quickly on a keypad before an image of this appeared above the middle of the table. “Internal comms are back up, but nothing can be sent or received outside of the ship. I’m trying to rewrite the code for that now, but it may be another few days.” He tapped a few things, making the image of the ship zoom into their engine room. “The Jump Transport is down, I don’t know for how long. Anything from a pencil to an apple has exploded that I’ve tried sending. Our shields are back up, but they won’t be at 100% for maybe another day or two. The virus from Yixing’s data mutates, once I correct the codes, they change again. I know there has to be a queen bee code in there, I just haven’t found it yet.”
“So we make a trek back to pick up the shuttle, we’re going to need it if the Jump Transport is down. Baekhyun, set the quickest course back to Leevale. By the time we get there, our shields should be at 100%?” He waited for Kyungsoo to nod before continuing on. “We’ll have a three man crew go down, Jongin, are you good to teleport 2 down?”
Jongin gave a look around the table, ignoring the scowl from Kyungsoo, “Yes, we need to get as close to the shuttle as possible, but I can take two down as long as I’m not taking them back.”
“Kyungsoo and Sehun will go with you.” Minseok held up a hand when Chanyeol started his protest. “Yes, I know Jongin gave you the all clear this morning but I want you at 100% and that is not where you are yet. You were stabbed yesterday, keep that in mind.” Minseok turned to his right where Yixing sat quietly watching everyone. "Were you alright when you gave Soo and Jongin their powers back?"
"It took a lot of energy, two that fast seemed to be a lot on my body. I think if I spread it out over a few days I'll be alright." 
“We take it slow then, start with Sehun so that he has his when they go to get the shuttle.” Minseok got to his feet, the others doing the same moments later. “We get our powers back and then we go get our brothers.”
“Try again...concentrate.”
A spark of blue lit up the dark room.
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ignisnocturnalia · 4 years
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I think I've figured out how I want to write these (Exposition/mini story, when relationship is established HCs actually start) based on a previous statement I made, also ANOTHER REQUEST! All headcanons are placed at the back of the story part. Let's get this ball rolling!
Crow x Reader
"Now, if he ever flies too far from the nest?" Spider leans forward, "Boom." Your stomach made a flip at the kingpin's explanation, and you've never been more uncomfortable to have your Ghost out in the open. Some part of your mind is saying 'Who cares? That's the man that killed Cayde', but another half is saying 'He has no idea. It isn't fair to judge him for something he can't remember'.
That meeting had happened an hour ago and you couldn't get his dumb gray face out of your head. He looked so.. sad. Regardless, having a Ghost rigged with explosives did not sit right with you at all. Spider wanted you to help him with his Wrathborn problem? Sure, alright. When all of this was over, you knew exactly what you wanted your payment to be.
One large change about the new light that you've found impossible to ignore is diminutive he is. His commentary after successful hunts and small chats after a lure upgrade is administered are curt. Even more surprising is his willingness to present mercy to the corrupted Fallen. He is nothing like Uldren.
Acknowledging this division between his past and present self is when you start to realize that you like working with him. A lot. Probably more than just work, but will you admit it? No. Besides, you tell yourself, he really doesn't look like he's searching for a relationship while figuring himself out.
Petra often asks why you've taken to visiting the Tangled Shore so frequently now, and everytime you scramble to spit out an answer, something stupid like "Spider has a good deal running right now". In some part, it's true, since when you're not hunting Wrathborn you're showing Crow how to do Guardian stuff and explaining Last City life to him. His calm and curious demeanor is extremely cute, and the velvet sound of his voice does not help.
When Spider has both of you run point on a mission you always look to the rafters of the building to try and see him or listen for his steps. He's annoyingly good at stealth. The only time you ever had to be stealthy was in the Gorgon's lair and the Pleasure Gardens. You wish you could speak to him unfiltered; if Spider ever discovered your crush he wouldn't let you hear or see the end of it.
As the months dragged on and you came closer to catching the High Celebrant, you caught yourself anxiously wondering what lie at the end of it all. What if Spider didn't let you take him? And if he did, would Crow stay with you or do his own thing? Greedy little thoughts ran through your head as you thought of all the times you shared together, both of you visibly happy in your eyes.
As much as you'd like to live a runaway life with him and hope he felt the same, you knew it was wrong. He'd get restless, and you'd start fighting. Whatever he chose to do, is what you would let him do. Osiris has taken notice of your feelings, and the knowing glances he gives when no one else is looking sets your face on fire, acting like he doesn't have a thing for Saint always writing those letters when he's on death's doorstep; dramatic is what you say.
Soon enough, all of your close friends can tell you like someone, but they simply can't figure out who. Ironically, the day you work up enough courage to ask him to be your partner is the same day he pins the location of the High Celebrant. The morning is tense, and just getting ready for the big fight is sending energy through your body. Crow, on the other hand, seems much more grim. It makes sense, really; you're the one who's been slaying gods over the years.
You're guard is quickly brought up when Spider summons you for a talk in the main room. You listen to his next words with a fierce intensity.
"Do not let him so close, or spoil him with pretty dreams. Kill the High Celebrant. Break Xivu Arath's hold over my Shore, and you can claim any prise in my lair as your reward. You'll have earned it."
Hiding a smile, you nod and make your way to disembark on your mission; looks like you won't have to ask.
The Dreaming City was as mystical as ever, and you vaguely wondered if Petra had seen you come in. Making quick work of the scarce Hive, you found yourself in Harbinger's Seclude. The massive Cryptolith was impossible to miss, and a full body shiver racked you as you approached it. This was it.
Stabbing the lure into the roots, Crow's voice filled your comm channel.
"Ha! Tagged it! It's bleeding energy and on its way back to you." Your heart jumped at his excited tone. Nobody had any business being that cute. The trademark screech of a Hive portal drowned out all noise, and your next big fight ensued.
The next period of time was spent chasing the Celebrant through realms, until, that is, it sealed the last portal. Osiris had given weak condolences, but you weren't going to give up on Crow. Not today! The blight high above you twinkled teasingly as frustrated tears swam over your eyes as you attempted scrambling up the large Awoken statue, just barely missing the hand and falling back to the ground uselessly.
The silence was becoming overwhelming, deafening, even. Osiris continued to tell you to return to fight another day, but he was too important for you to just leave behind.
"Maybe there's enough Hive magic left in the lure to find another way through!" For once, your Ghost didn't parrot the obvious; you almost wanted to kiss him. Turning around with a new fire, you thrusted your lure into the crystalline floor over the last trace of the High Celebrant's blood. Sure enough, platforms much like those of the Dreadnaught revealed themselves over the edge of the bridge.
You wasted no time, racing over every gap and closing in on the blight. Palpitations overtook your heart when Crow's voice returned to the feed, spewing some kind of death message. Death wouldn't take him. Especially not if you had anything to say about it.
Jumping through the portal, you recognize the bitter feelings of anguish. This is exactly how you felt when Sundance's light washed over the Prison of Elders. Not again.
By the time you see the High Celebrant, all you're seeing is red. Faintly, you remember how Drifter said the Hive in the system were scared of you; good. They should be.
Bullets fly and the ether sings with each corrupted Fallen whose head flies by your gun. If you weren't so pressed for time, you would've strangled the Wizard that had your sought after stolen Light. Standing in the pool of green magic, you turn a furious glare on to the Celebrant and unload your heavy straight into its bony head. Something inside of you lurched in desperation to finish the kill when it summons a portal, trying to make for a retreat and trapping you at the center of the room.
"Crow! The portal!"
"I see it! Now finish it!" Just as he says those words, the trap falls and the portal across the room implodes, sending the High Celebrant to its knees. Your body erupts with power as you descend upon the Hive that killed Sagira and nearly killed Crow, sending it off with your super into the abyss.
Heaving a sigh, your brain finally has a chance to clear with no more present danger. In fact, your chest swells with affection as your Ghost confidently speaks of his trust in Crow followed by his reply.
"It's been an honor, Guardian."
Finally leaving the location, Celebrant head included, you decide to sleep on your short trip back. Your Ghost wakes you up before you land, and when you transmat your eyes immediately fall on Crow, who is safe and sound. Behind your helmet, you smile wearily at the former prince.
The moment you step into the Spider's lair, the air is thick with tension. You can tell the kingpin is pleased to have the Shore cleansed of Hive corruption, but also upset that he has to give up one of his prizes.
"It's done." You say firmly.
"So it is... so it is," he leans forward in his seat with a leer, "All right, Guardian. As promised, you can have a prized bauble from my lair as compensation for your... heroics." The last word rolls off his tongue with a quiet distaste, and you have no problem returning the feeling.
"I want... him." Jerking your head in Crow's direction, you can feel the energy crack through the room.
"Cute. Real funny." Your brows crease in impatience at his dismissive snicker.
"You said anything in the room." You do your best to keep your eyes off of Crow; a distraction now could be bad news. Spider lets out a terrible laugh as his guards step forward, readying their spears.
"Oh... You really want my little bird," he puts an uncomfortable amount of importance on the words "really want", "Fine. You can have him." The large Fallen turns his gaze to Crow, mockingly waving his arm upward.
"Fly away," he looks back down at you, "and get the hell out of my lair."
No further instruction is needed as you and Crow make your leave. As you exit the safehouse, both Glint and your Ghost come out.
"Now what?" Glint looks to Crow for an answer. The reality of the event settles on the Awoken, and he looks at you in a way he hasn't before.
"Why would you do this for us?"
As a formality, you've never taken off your helmet around Crow. He'd never seen, or even had an idea about your face, until... now. The tear streaks from the mission are still on your face, slightly visible in the dim light. Walking over to him, you slowly bring your eyes up to his. He doesn't move away, but you do notice with a flash of hope that a blush is starting to grace his cheeks at your proximity. Clenching your eyes shut, you close the gap between you two and press a kiss to his lips.
He freezes for a moment before placing his hands on your shoulders, and you pull back afraid that you've just made the wrong move.
"I... uh." His eyes dart here and there before settling back on yours. His face straightens out, and then he hesitantly leans forward into your range again. This time, he's the one kissing you.
Both of you leave the Tangled Shore together.
Relationship HCs
He never fails to pick you up during your special brand of greeting, which is running straight at him and jumping into his arms. You even do the little spin around like those movie couples
He's okay with subtle PDA like handholding, but nothing too extreme such as kissing in front of others; he prefers to keep more intimate moments between you and him
Surprisingly eager for cuddles with you at the end of the day
He will let you indulge yourself by doing stupid things every once in a while, like seeing how much whipped cream you can put in his mouth before he can't take anymore
There are times when you just talk about random stuff because he knows you like the sound of his voice
He usually has to calm you down whenever another Guardian stares too long. You see it as a threat, and you're ready to defend your glowing boyfriend with your life
When you're not busy with Vanguard tasks, you're bringing him to the planets that weren't swallowed by the Darkness and showing him the layout, along with whatever endemic life is present
He becomes enamored with Earth's crows, which you had expected
Whenever he has visions of his past, he'll tell you and you do your best to fill in with rudimentary details such as location or time; you hope he never remembers the moment when you had to kill him
You especially love playing with his hair, it's nearly softer than silk and you are intrigued by the white streaks at the front of his cut
Both of you will decide to sit down every once in a while and just touch each other's face; you prefer running your hands along his jawline and cheekbones while he'll brush just under your eyes and along your temples
Dates can range from a quiet, romantic dinner to hunting down large and difficult quarry
Whenever you find a Golden Age waltz piece, you bring it to him and give it a listen; these sessions always end with you two dancing and swaying with each other
Truly, a couple of many talents
NSFW 👁👄👁
The first time you get anywhere close to the act he's so unsure of himself you both stop and instead explore each other at the surface level
No matter how many times he sees you nude his face is a blushing mess everytime
The first few times you take the lead, but once you both get over the fact that you've exchanged pleasantries he's the one who figures out he likes to be dominant in bed
He's vocal to an extent, mostly heavy breathing/moaning and grunts to let you know exactly how good you feel
He's super into bondage (who would've known?) whenever you're the one tying him up
He always prefers the ability to see your face, and whether it's because he can see your face contort in pleasure or because he can lock with you in a heated kiss, you can't tell
His sides are usually ticklish, but they act more like erogenous zones when both of you are deep into it
He starts out rough since he isn't used to this kind of activity at all, but over time he finds a balance between being gentle and absolutely blowing your back out
He's likely to caress your arms and waist the whole time to add another sensitive layer to your already overstimulated body
He also likes draping his body over yours, and with how hot his chest is and the press of his lower body? You're not arguing
Once you finish, he either goes straight to sleep while huddling against you or you convince him to get up so you can shower together
I have 2 asks for Drifter HCs, but I'm implementing a personal/request system so I can keep my monsterfucker train going. The next HCs I'm releasing are for Nokris, then I'll do Drifter HCs, and for now my last personal writing will be for Ghaul
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captainseamech · 2 years
Seeing the world from another point of view — Getting the Minimi-Watch
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             Since the day High Tide was admitted to stay around the island some rescues has become easier to the main team, occasionally having to step outside his ship to trail off in the roads. Problem is that sometimes he gets left behind due to how slow he moves around the island on land and how big he is to most rescue situations, making him as very last resort or even the ‘plan B’ in most situations.
             Days goes by and more risky rescues happens often, and of course Mayor Luskey gets mad at the accidental destruction the ocean mech causes at all that rush. Thanks to Chief Charles, he never gets excluded from the team with the excuse of High Tide being a new member of the team in ‘land-training’. It saddens the latter of how careless he was, but he couldn’t help himself when the situation calls for it.
             But this was destined to change the moment Doc Ezra Greene called the mech to a special place in his laboratory.
             Luckily back in town there was an event going on, permitting High Tide to snuck his way to the wide open entrance of the lab. Even though it was big enough a slight tilt of his helm was necessary to make him step inside, curious green optics looking around to see where the scientist was located... unless it was a bait. Soon after footsteps could be heard from behind, the sea mech moving to the side to check behind his leg.
             “Oh, hey! Sorry I’m late, I was just finishing my project before coming here,” the scientist pointed and moved himself to the nearby table, one hand sliding inside the smudged lab coat’s pocket to get a small tissue and remove some black spots from his face. Apparently something may have gotten a bit wrong before he got here. “I know you may have some questions, but the main one might be about why you’re here, correct?”
             “Well actually I was wonderin’ what happened to yer hair, but I guess that works too.” He let out a very discret chuckle at the sight of Doc actually rearranging his hair, leaning against a nearby wall and crossing his arms. “So anyway, what’s with all the fuss yer daughter made over my comm-link durin’ our call? She seemed weirdly excited for ya to show whatever it is and told me to come here as soon as possible.”
             “Oh, y-yeah, right!” A pause was made so the scientist could clear his throat. “I think you remember me presenting you to my Minimizer, right? You know, the one that can change an object or person’s size.” Before the other could say anything, Doc already moved himself to search for something behind the table.
             High Tide hummed and arched an optic ridge at that question. “Yeah I clearly remember, pretty difficult to forget the day it accidentally made yer younger daughter huge during All Spark Day.” Well certainly whatever the scientist was looking for made the other alert, but he’d rather not bring his worry up. “What ‘bout it?”
             “Well... You see,” Doc rested the Minimizer on the surface of said table and glanced up at High Tide, “Frankie actually has been telling me about your situation during certain rescues. In our end you are doing more than fine by assisting with nautical transport, but she pointed more towards the moments you step out and help the others in land rescues and... Well, moving around the places safely and the idea of using the Minimizer on you sounded interesting.” A pause and a worried glance filled the air as Greene dropped his hands on his pockets. “I hope the mayor wasn’t too harsh on you.”
             This made High Tide sigh and fold his arms across his chassis. Everytime he wandered around the island, some trees and small plants get accidentally bent over as well as small cracks on pieces of building whenever that flying guy comes around and made the mech lose his balance slightly. The mayor himself always screamed at him whenever a major complain about the sea mech was brought to his ears, even though High Tide scared him the most with the angry temper but can’t talk back at such moments or else the Burns family would be in trouble.
             “... Yeah. That’s true, and don’t worry ‘bout me and the mayor. We’ll manage,” the blue mech finally responded with a faint smile and a small hand-wave, “and what the Minimizer has to do with my clumsiness anyway? If yer daughter thought of me usin’ it to help ease off my clumsy wander, well... As far as I’m aware it’s impossible to use it on myself whenever I wish to, so... yeah, thanks for the offer beforehand Doc.” He paused and looked outside, pulling himself away from the wall. “I better get myself movin’ back to my ship before rain striked. See ya later.”
             “I wouldn’t go yet, I still have something to show you!” The man pulled a kind of rustic and robust watch from his pocket the moment High Tide paused to look over his shoulder. “This is the Minimi-Watch, a more conventient, discrete and portable version of the Minimizer!” Placing said watch on the floor a few feet from the table, Doc made small calculations mentally before pointing the Minimizer gun towards the accessory, pressing a button to make it a little bit more suitable for the mech to take a look at it.
             Said mech, on the other hand, looked astounded and amazed at that invention. He carefully walks towards the watch and took it from the floor, looking briefly at the details. It contained a small panel that showed the exact time, day and month, and also a small temperature indicator at the corner and a symbol that showed the current weather. Huh. It really looks like a... What the kids call it again nowadays? ‘Apple watch’? Yeah, I think it's the correct name of that modern looking watch of theirs, he thought before wrapping it around his wrist and seeing it fit almost perfectly, which allowed Ezra to continue his explanation.
             “It can shrink you to any height you want, just type in the little panel your desired height in inches or centimeters and press the blue button to shrink or increase as much as you want! Just be careful, you will feel dizzy at first for a few moments and do not press the red button if you’re in any specific place or you’ll get quickly back into your normal size and it will be a disaster !” He pointed out with an alarmed tone before setting it back to his softer one. “Oh, and you can remove your watch safely that you’ll maintain your desired height, just don’t lose it! If you lose your watch and I’m not around, you might’ve to wait untill I get you manually to your normal size with my Minimizer. And it’s fully water proof too, designed especially for you!”
             There was a moment of silence before High Tide allowed himself to chuckle and shake his helm slightly. “Frankie really did think on all the details huh? Heh... I’ll thank her personally later.” A thunder made him break his sight from the watch and glance towards the cloudy sky that started to form. “Welp, guess that’s my signal to leave.” He walked towards the exit but stopped right before going outside to look over his shoulder.
             “And hey... thanks for everythin’, Doc.”
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finalgilmoregirl · 4 years
26 from the prompt list with bucky? i need something to put me in my feelsss <3
26. one of you was snapped away and you’re being reunited
a/n: omg omg okay i love this for bucky. thank you for the request! (btw everyone survives endgame for this teehee.)
take a look at my promp list if you would like to put in a request!!
you remember hearing the news like it was yesterday. you had been staying with bucky ever since he got out of cryro and decided to keep him company in wakanda, which he was very grateful for.
however when steve returned and there was talk of a space threat, you were very worried, but bucky reassured you that everything would turn out fine. you were moved to a safe building to avoid the fight and kissed your love goodbye, only you didn’t know it was goodbye yet.
“please be safe james.” you pleaded, hugging him tightly.
“i promise i’ll be safe doll. i’ll be back before you know it.” he smiled, kissing you softly.
time passed and you were only able to occupy yourself for so long until you decided to take a nap, hoping to calm your nerves. after what could’ve been a couple of hours you were softly shaken awake by a distressed natasha. you sat up quickly once you registered her presence.
“hey nat.” you yawned. “did we win?” you were met with an eery silence, and your stomach dropped.
“nat...where’s bucky?” you asked her, and she let out a shaky sigh. “i’m sorry y/n” she said.
all you could do was let out a loud sob and nat held you as you cried for the loss of the love of your life. you stayed in her arms for a while until the door to the room you were staying in opened.
you looked up to see steve. his eyes were red and tired, full of defeat. you stood up and opened your arms to him, which he quickly walked into, holding you tight.
“i’m so sorry y/n.” steve cried. you and steve had both lost the single most important person in your lives, only the two of you could understand the pain you guys felt losing bucky.
“it’s not your fault stevie.” you assured him.
“i promise i’ll get him back. i’ll find a way.” he insisted.
5 years later
5 years without bucky only brought more pain than hope. you thought it would get easier overtime but everytime you thought of him your heart you felt your heart would weigh more and more.
you moved in with steve at the avengers tower after the snap. you both needed to watch out for eachother, knowing it’s what bucky would’ve wanted. you spent most of your time together, finding comfort in remembering bucky.
steve barged into your bedroom one evening, grabbing your arm to drag you out to the other room where you saw nat and....scott? you’d known of scott, and from what you knew, he was also snapped away, so it confused you to why he was here. he explained what had happened to him and his theory to you just like he had to steve and natasha, and you teared up at the thought of finally getting a chance to get your boyfriend back.
you were no where near an avenger, however natasha and steve had both taken it upon themselves to teach you self defense and fighting techniques as well as how to use different weapons to your advantage in the time you spent living with them. the fight that they seemed to have planned in the future required as many people as possible and you’d be damned if you were just going to sit around this time.
after bruce snapped with the gauntlet and thanos had returned, destroying the compound with you all inside, it was clear the battle had begun. you all did a great job at keeping the stones away for a long time and were all waiting for him to make the next move. steve was just about to swing his new hammer when a static was heard on everyone’s earpieces.
“on your left.” you heard the voice of the one and only sam wilson say through the comms. you let out a soft laugh and shook your head in disbelief, turning to look behind steve, where you saw circles of sparks start to appear in the air. and next thing you knew, hundreds of heroes began to walk through to join you.
it was truly a beautiful sight to see, and once what was truly happening registered in your head, you quickly started looking around for the man who still held your heart. it only took a minute for you to spy him, and it took everything in you not to run to him at that moment. that had to wait, you had a war to win.
the the midst of it all you were able to greet the people you had lost before, like wanda and sam, who were both pleased to see you battling alongside them.
it all happened so fast, all you could think of was fighting and eventually it all stopped. tony snapped his fingers and the aliens you were slaughtering finally started to turn to dust. you let out a breath you didn’t even realize you had been holding and looked around, seeing your fellow heroes start to relax after the chaos started to cease.
you all rushed to tony’s aid, where his suit probably did most of the work but he appreciated it nonetheless. once he seemed stable, you remembered what you had been waiting for and immediately spotted bucky, who you were guessing was informed of your presence because he was also searching and stopped when he noticed you. even covered in blood and dirt, you still looked like the most beautiful woman in the world to him.
you both broke into a sprint towards eachother and your bodies slammed together in a suffocating embrace. you wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his body, crying into his shoulder. you could hear his soft sobs as he held you impossibly close.
as much as you didn’t want to pull away you needed to see those beautiful blue eyes you missed so much. you leaned back and held his face in your hands, trying to wipe the dust and tears off his tired face.
“hiya sarge.” you gushed. he let out a laugh and leaned his forehead against yours.
“hey doll.” he said. “i told you i’d be back, didnt i?” you let out a giggle and nodded your head.
“you sure did james.” you agreed, leaning in to kiss your betrothed for the first time in forever.
i might’ve almost cried writing this.....i hope you enjoyed!!! <3
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castiel-barnes · 3 years
Holocron dreams.
The Mandalorian and The Jedi.
Pairing: Din Djarin x Jedi Reader.
Summary: After looking at what's on the Holocron, a sense of déjà vu and a series of nightmares ensue.
Wordcount: 1.7K
Warnings: PTSD. Dark premonitions. Swearing. Soft Din. Hurt comfort. Mentions of throwing up.
Previous chapter. | Masterlist.
Tags: @phoenixhalliwell @prideandpascal @scribbledghost @farfromjustordinary @ginger-swag-rapunzel
A/N: The dream and message section of writing will be written in type writer font.
The Razor Crest was still set down by the river on Miko -7. Even though Grogu was tired, he was restless after seeing what you had found in the cave.
A holocron.
You sat there thinking, and you decided to open it. Din had been sitting next to you, with Grogu in your lap and Grogu knew what was about to happen.
"You ready cyare?" Din asked almost hesitantly,
"Yeah." You responded just staring at the blue cube that had gold embedded onto it.
Closing your eyes, the air in the area around the three of you shifted. It was a similar change when you rebuilt your lightsaber, but this time. It was stronger. Grogu shifted in Dins lap and looked at him whining.
"I know Ad'ika. I know." Din whispered to him.
The holocron started to float in front of you. And no matter how much force you were using, it didn't feel like you were straining. As you sat there, the holocron opened and that's when a projection of Obi Wan Kenobi turned up.
You opened your eyes and gasped a little. Not expecting to have found this.
"This is Master Obi Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi. Trust in the force. Do not return to the temple. That time has passed. And our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged. Our trust... our faith... our friendships. But we must persevere. And in time a new hope will emerge. May the force be with you... always.'
Tears pricked your eyes. This wasn't the first time you had heard this message. But everytime, it reminded of everything that was lost.
The holocron closed and fell to the ground as you tried to wrap your head around the growing headache. Grogu had sensed your slight distress, and climbed into your lap cooing.
"I-i know buddy. I wasn't expecting that either." You spoke softly to Grogu,
You felt Din move closer to you, placing his hand on your knee.
"Y/N what was that?" Din asked, wondering what he had just been looking at and what the message meant.
"That was Kenobi, he was a former master at the Jedi Order. And that was the message he sent out... sent out after order 66. I was so young and when I heard that, I was so scared. But I got out. I escaped Din. We escaped." You said closing your eyes as you felt Grogu hide his face into your chest.
Din pulled you gently into him. Though it wasn't comfortable with his beskar. You knew he meant well. The three of you stayed there for a little while, until the sun went down. You didn't realise at the time how tired you were, using the force, hearing the message. The feeling of anxiety. The same anxiety of hearing the message for the first time.
"I think I might go to bed." You stated giving Grogu back to Din,
"Okay, you alright though?" Din stated a bit concerned. You nodded and smiled walking into the crest. Grogu whined looking up at Din.
"Yeah, I'm worried too kid." Din said watching you retreat back. Din sighed, and continued to play with Grogu for the next hour and a bit. Then after finally getting Grogu to sleep, Din was left alone for a while.
He locked the Crest up, knowing that neither of you would be going out for the rest of the night. At some point Din must've fallen asleep. Because the next thing he knew, he jolted awake. Something obviously waking him up.
Sitting there quietly for the next few seconds, that's when he heard you. Whimpering, muttering and thrashing around. He bolted out the chair, and he rushed to the cot where you laid.
"Y/N? Y/N come on wake up. You need to wake up!" Din stated holding your arms gently.
Inside your dream, lots of things were happening. Everything was in diasary, the first thing you knew was that you were running with a bundle of blankets in your arms.
"Trust in the force......."
You heard Kenobi say. Spinning around you saw bodies laying on the floor. Bodies of former padawans. Then turning around you saw the bodies of Resistance fighters. Your friends. X-wings crashing as they were shot down above Endor. You felt the pain of the wounds you got, the ones that caused scars.
Din could physically feel you shaking, your night shirt sticking to your clammy skin. This was one of many times that Din was scared for you, he was struggling to wake you up. Not knowing what was going on.
"Fuck. Come on cyar’ika, you have to wake up. It's just a bad dream mesh'la, come on." Din stated, his eyes misting over a little bit.
You flinched hard as you heard blaster fire all around you. Images of clones over running cities. Being trapped in corners.
Then the imagery changed. You didn't recognise it though. You recognised the location, but ... this had yet to happen. Again you flinched at the sound of blaster fire, but this time it was no clones. It was Stormtroopers. Lots of them. Then someone else, this time only wearing partial armour.
"My name is Moff Gi......"
Another voice coming over Dins comms. There was your friend the shock trooper. Greef Carga.
Then you were outside. And an explosion went off. Right by Din. It felt like your heart had stopped.
From Din's perspective, you had momentarily stopped breathing. That made him panic. He knew it wasn't the best idea, but he shook you slightly and took your pulse to make sure you were still there.
Next in your dream, you were back inside. But Din was laying there, almost motionless and unresponsive.
"Din?" You muttered, running over to him. Discovering blood underneath his helmet.
"Din? No. No Din. Please." You muttered, your back arching a little with you whimpering.
"Cyar’ika wake up. I'm right here. I promise, you're safe." Din tried waking you again,
Din choked out in your dream. The next thing you knew, you were screaming and crying being dragged away. And then a buzz of a saber.
That. Was when you woke. Screaming and crying. You could barely breathe. You looked around the cot and found his helmet infront of you.
"D-din...I." You tried to speak but you couldn't.
"It's alright sweetheart I promise." He reassured you,
You still couldn't breathe properly and you were choking on sobs. Feeling like you were about to throw up, you gagged and Din took that as an obvious hint.
He grabbed you an empty bucket, and sat it in your lap.
"Let it out baby, come on let it out." Din stated rubbing your back. You heaved and let out what you had for dinner. Making you feel a bit better.
But you were still crying and shaking, your voice gone from screaming.
"You're safe now cyare, you're safe." Din kept reassuring you. He stood up, and you grabbed for his wrist with a begging look.
"I'm just taking my armour off. I promise." He reassured you, kneeling to your level. You blinked at him for a moment, and then nodded and watched as he stood. Din quickly discarded his armour, and carefully climbed onto the cot with you.
"D-din, my throat... it hurts." You stated, voice scratchy and hoarse,
"I know cyar’ika, here some water." Din gave you a canteen of water, and watched as you gulped it down.
You were still breathing heavily, tears staining your cheeks. Laying against Dins chest, you felt his heartbeat against your ear. You knew at this point that he was alive, you were safe and Din was safe.
The next thing you knew, Din turned off the lights with his vambrace that was on the cot next to you. You heard the hiss of his helmet, and then felt the warmth of his lips on your head.
"You don't have to talk about it cyare. But I'm here, I promise you now that I'll always be here. You're safe. Always." Din stated whispering in your ear.
Though you were asleep, the nightmares took a lot of energy out of you. You nodded off, and cuddled into Din's chest. He always felt so warm, even in the coldest of nights when going through hyperspace.
By now Din had decided not to fall back to sleep. Too worried that you might fall into another nightmare. During the midst of your dreams, the things you mumbled out and the force of your thrashing around made Din consider that you've been through more than he thought. More than you told him.
He thought about asking you. But was too scared that he might trigger something and cause you to go into another panic.
Grogu had woken up, feeling and hearing the disturbance from you. He crawled into your lap and fell back to sleep shortly after.
The next morning:
When you awoke the next morning, your throat felt like it had been ripped out. The slight memory of what happened coming back to you, made you shudder. But that's when you realised a warmth encompassed you.
Behind you, there was Din holding you against his chest. And on top of you was Grogu laying on your stomach.
You shifted slightly to find the canteen of water that Din had given you the previous night.
"Hey cyar’ika, you okay?" Din asked his voice sounded a bit tired,
"Yeah... my throat is hurting again." You rasped out, leaning back into Din. He found the canteen and passed it back to you. Taking a few sips of water, your throat felt slightly better.
"Din... I'm sorry about last night." You let out in a whisper.
"Hey, no no. No apologising. You didn't do anything wrong last night, I promise you." Din stated quickly, holding you tightly,
"It all felt so real though, and then there were other things which I don't think are real but I have no clue." You responded a few tears falling down your cheek.
"I know mesh'la. But the thing is, you're safe. Okay?" Din said softly kissing the top of your head.
The three of you stayed like the for most of the day. Not wanting to move from your positions on the cot.
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Tongue Tied - Tim Drake x Reader
Words: 2.4k
Requested? Yes! From a lovely anon!
“Hello lovely author, may I please request a Tim x reader who start as nerd friends, then she finds out about him being Red Robin before he can tell her, and then Red Robin saves her one day and she lets slip that she knows it's Tim. With her smarts, she's able to help him with cases and missions, and the batfam is impressed by how smart she is. You can choose whether it's a romantic ending or not, that's up to you. I just feel like smart Tim needs to be seen more. Thanks😊”
When I tell you I love me a smart reader I LOVE ME A SMART READER! Thank you so much for the wonderful request! Strap in dear anon you set me up for a long one and I really said “get in the car!” I hope you enjoy ; )
In the midst of a mental breakdown you let the flashbacks ensue, that’s the only correct way to lose your mind as everything you thought you knew crumbled around you right?
First you remembered “meeting” Tim Drake-Wayne for the first time. You always put meeting in quotes because you’d been in love with him for months and had sleuthed out his favorite coffee shop just to stumble into him. And because you’re you, nothing can really go as planned can it? Your plan to stumble into Tim was taken more literally when he caught you from tripping as you tried to enter the store, as you pulled yourself from his chest you felt your cheeks redden immediately. 
“Oh my gosh I am such a klutz I’m so sorry” he looked flustered himself, nervously fidgeting with his sweatshirt sleeve. “Oh uh, no problem, are you okay?” he up from his jacket to meet your eyes, and though he’d never tell you his heart melted on the spot, his brother Dick defined it as “love at first sight” but that seemed too cheesy. “I’m fine! You going in here too? This is my favorite spot!” you shook off the nerves, making your way into the cafe. Tim followed you in, and to your surprise paid for your drink. Sitting at a little bar you pulled out some of your college textbooks before you realized Tim and slipped into the seat next to you. 
“You in college?” his voice made you jump, your head jolting up. “Oh - no! I just think this kinda stuff is interesting. Math can predict everything ya know!” you slid your textbook between the two of you, feeling Tim’s shoulder lightly brush yours as he leaned in to read it. “Totally! Like even the golden ratio in nature!” Tim explained excitedly. 
That day turned into texting every single day and hanging out whenever Tim could, and it slowly developed into a best friendship. 
How did you not see the red flags like how Tim could rarely, almost never hangout at night? Or how he’d have strange bruises scattered across his body. Tim always looked dead tired but you knew he didn’t do any activities after school, to be honest the math just didn’t add up, so you took to investigating before making a conclusion - as any good scientist would. And because he’s a messy teenage boy investigation was easy.
While over at the manor Bruce had called Tim to W.E. for some sort of emergency press conference about his younger brother Damian biting a reporter, the interview was only supposed to be a half an hour. So, Tim left you with snacks and Youtube in his room while he threw on a suit and tie, which he looked like an absolute five course meal in - that wasn’t the point. You took the opportunity the riffle through his room, not exactly sure what you were looking for as you pawed through stacks of overdue assignments and dirty clothes. 
With deep breaths you relived the moment that hadn’t stopped playing in your head, finding his Red Robin suit. Throwing open his closet you stifled a laugh at his pajama pants and ratty t-shirts but you choked on air when a deep red and black suit fell from the top of his closet onto your face. Thinking it was some sort of halloween costume you held it up and realized what you were touching. It made sense, the late nights, bruises, frantic cancellations, it all added up except that Tim was the sweetest person you knew, the most loving soul you knew was kicking ass while you struggled through trigonometry. 
Unable to comprehend what was happening you put everything away and went home, shooting Tim some bullshit excuse about your family as your ran up to your room and began making a list - comparing Tim’s absences to Red Robin sightings, googling photos of Red Robin and drawing comparisons to the way he held himself like your best friend. There truly was no denying - Tim Drake was the Red Robin. Then it hit you like a truck - Bruce Wayne was Batman. And you assumed all of Tim’s adoptive family were vigilantes as well. You didn’t sleep that night, trying to make google searches that didn’t give anything away while trying to make a list of everything you discovered. 
Tim was Red Robin. You still couldn’t wrap your mind around it. So you sat in your room at 4am, crying. Because Tim was probably out risking his life for years without you knowing. Everytime you yelled at him for cancelling plans was probably because he was out saving lives and he took all your anger, he let you berate him for scrapping his knees when it was probably the fucking Joker whooping his ass. Is it right to apologize? To tell him what you found out and try to move on with the friendship. Is this like a “now that you know I have to kill you” kinda thing? You weren’t exactly ready to die. 
It seemed like Tim’s secret to keep, it was difficult at first to keep the facade that you didn’t know what he was doing at night, you just tried to always be understanding and appreciative of all the time he made for you. You fell back into the lull of best-friendship, Robin or not, Tim was the best person you knew.
“You’re in love with her Drake” Damian chided, almost annoyed with Tim’s ambivalence on the topic of his life long crush. “Am not, she’s my best friend. It’s not my fault you don’t understand friendships demon” Tim spat back, keeping his head down to hide his blush. “I’m with the demon, you practically worship the ground she walks on” Jason called, drinking straight from.a carton of milk as Dick cried out in disgust before adding his own opinion to the mess that was Tim’s love life. “Sorry kid it’s 3 to 1 which means you have to ask her out for real, remember last time?” Tim glared at the mention of his failed date proposal where you thought he was speaking in strictly hypotheticals. “You can’t out vote me on my own feelings” Tim groaned. “All in favor of allowing us to out vote Tim?” The three raised their hands again as Tim stomped up to his room, he planned on going on a peaceful patrol to plan his dream date for you.
A couple weeks into knowing Tim’s secret you learned that if you climbed to the roof of your apartment building you could see Batman and whomever he took out for patrol flipping around the city late at night. It had become a nightly routine and you’d grown to be able to identify the hero by their style of movement, your notebook filled with notes and sketches about each boy or girl. Then when you hungout with Tim you could match a vigilante’s mannerisms with one of his siblings, it was simple science really. Then you began taking down notes about whoever the Bats were fighting if it was public, discovering little facts and trying to slip Tim subconscious knowledge, it was the least you could do to help your favorite boy on earth. 
But that wasn’t enough, you wanted in on the excitement of crime fighting, to have more knowledge than was on broadcast TV. So you took to the streets of Gotham armed with pepper spray, a pocket knife, and a notepad. You learned tidbits of information that you poured over, working it together until you’d solved a case, then you’d slip hypothetical ideas to Tim throughout the hours of hanging out. You felt like a real life hero, and you were getting better by the day. 
“Jeez Tim it’s like you’ve been working double time! You’re solving cases before they’re even on B’s radar, what’s your secret kid genius?” Dick was stretching on the BatComputer while Tim feverishly typed in his newest solve. “Well I hangout with Y/N! She’s like a good luck charm dude I also get the best ideas when I’m with her! It’s pure magic bro I’m telling you” Tim explained as he frantically finished his report. “Lovers do have that effect! So when are you gonna tell her you’re in loveeeeee” Dick cooed as Tim shook his head. “Shut up Dickwing I’m working” was all he could give Dick without blushing or mixing up his words. He just had to plan something perfect.
But it never was perfect was it? 
Kill Croc was out in the sewer, and you’d taken it upon yourself to help Tim out, you knew people who knew some of the people that helped out Croc and you were determined to find him first at any cost. That’s how you accidentally ended up in a dirty drug deal. 
“Hey Timbers, you’re gonna wanna get to my location asap, I’m pretty sure your girlfriend is in trouble and it would be rude of me not to offer her saving to you” Jason heard a scramble from the other side of the comm as Tim confirmed he was on the way. He watched carefully as you searched for an escape from your capture, normally he would’ve busted the drug dealers for capturing teenagers by now but he was feeling magnanimous, deciding to give Tim the opportunity to save an unsuspecting but terrified Y/N. 
There were definitely no clear exits, you cursed yourself for getting too close. You were not Red Robin, you played the long game you didn’t rush into the arms of armed drug dealers in the name of the law. Your heart was beating out of your chest as they pointed a gun at you, forcing you to walk towards a sketchy delivery truck with the other kids. “Ooh totally not gonna happen!” a familiar voice cheered as glass windows shattered, none other than your best friend stood with a grin. He looked hot as fu- not the time, not the time. 
“Come any closer we’ll blow her brains out!” you felt a loaded pistol connect with the back of your head as you froze, begging to any god to live and promising not to be a field agent ever again. “That’ll be pretty hard without your gun dumbass” Tim called as four batarangs knocked the guns out of all the guy’s hands. Red Hood, who you knew was Jason Todd, burst through the back windows, guns raised. “I thought we had a deal you sorry bitches. Now let these kids go or I’ll show you what blowing brains out really looks like” the men froze, letting everyone escape. 
“Too late for us, but we’re taking the pretty girl with us!” one of the men had picked up their gun, aiming it straight between your eyes and firing. You screeched when a flash of red jumped in front of you. Almost in slomo you watched the bullet connect with Tim’s body. Your scream was deafened by Red Hood’s guns as he knocked all the men completely out. Rushing to Tim’s side you pulling his head into your lap. “Tim! Oh my god Tim are you okay!” you cried as Red Robin pulled off his domino mask to reveal a very confused Tim Drake. “Kevlar, I’m fine, bullets pack a punch but it just knocked the wind out of me, how did you know who I was?” Tim sat up, showing you the bullet sized dent in his suit. 
“We should go somewhere else and I can explain” you smiled sheepishly, letting Tim put his cowl back on as he loops his arm around your waist, pulling you to the top of the nearest building. 
“YOU’VE KNOWN FOR MONTHS” Tim looked shocked as you explained how you figured it out and how you’ve been helping him out for weeks. “Should I have told you? I’m really sorry I just didn’t know I felt like you’d tell me when you were ready” you flinched at Tim’s shout and he calmed down. “To be honest I don’t know, you’re one of few that know who I am, but I’m glad you know, makes this even better” Tim added the last part softly, placing his hand on your cheek to lift your lips to his. Your eyes widened in shock before fluttering closed, kissing him back. The build up of months detangled itself in a night, and kissing Tim was just as perfect as you’d imagined all those years ago. 
“So you’ve really been solving all those cases and you didn’t even tell me! You’re totally amazing at it!” Tim added, almost as if he’d been thinking during the kiss. “Yeah it’s pretty fun, you’re still gonna let me help right? I’m not stopping now!” you poked Tim’s chest while he thought. “I mean I’m pretty sure Babs needs a partner, but no ground work, you saw how well that went tonight, but it’ll be good to have a partner who finally knows everything” Tim exhaled, letting everything off his chest. 
“Partners!” you smiled, leaning in to seal the deal with a kiss. 
“This is totally epic” you stood stunned as the BatCave shined in all it’s glory. “I mean yeah it’s pretty cool, look this is my actual suit, I bet the one you saw was an older model!” Tim let you around the cave, showing off his favorite parts. You squeezed his hand trying to convey how excited you were. “I’m gonna be a better detective than you soon Timmy” you teased as Tim showed you the ropes of the BatComputer. “In your dreams babe” he rolled his eyes. “Babe huh? Didn’t realize you asked me out” you scrunched your nose at Tim while he blushed. “Oh uh, see I meant to, but yeah, I definitely should do that like-” you cut him off “yes Tim I’ll be your girlfriend you idiot” you laughed at how tongue tied the loveable boy was. You weren’t going to pretend like you didn’t get flustered around him either - you practically tripped on your own feet the first time you met him, but look how far you’d came from there. 
From friends to partners to lovers and probably everything in between, you were finally Tim’s in every way, working side by side was the best thing to ever happen to both of you. That’s not quite right. Tim Drake himself was just simply the best thing that’s ever happened to you. And you to him. And that’s truly love at it’s finest. 
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