#everything mythologically inaccurate
nipsyyy · 25 days
I hate how patriarchy has even ruined Hindu mythology so specifically to benefit the men.The casual jokes on family WhatsApp groups about how Mahabharat and Ramayan, the worst wars of all time, were fought because of a woman and how women bring ruin everywhere they go,as if they are the root cause of all suffering. Where in fact the women were LITERALLY the victims, one was publicly humiliated, the other kidnapped.The men have misinterpreted the stories so badly that it physically pains me, god went to war not because of women, they went to war FOR them.Because what happened to the women was WRONG,they weren’t to blame, the ones who wronged them were.
I also see a major polarisation in how a huge section of Hindus treat Sita and Draupadi, and it reminds me of the quote “a woman has to do everything right for her to be a victim and a man has to do everything wrong for him to be a culprit.”It breaks my heart at the number of times I’ve heard men say “well Draupadi shouldn’t have disrespected him,aise toh hona hi tha na fir”,first and foremost,that’s an inaccurate narrative promoted by wrong retellings who need to constantly find a reason to blame the victim,she did no such thing and you can find pretty much evidence for it everywhere.But even if she had, it does NOT make it okay for them to publicly disrobe her.This is one more example of the victim blaming culture that I see deep ingrained in the minds of so many of these dumbfuck Hindus who have absolutely no respect for their culture.So next time don’t go to ram mandirs and krishna mandirs if you can’t even truly understand and respect the relevance behind their existence.
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ajbullet · 9 months
Ok let’s get deep for a second. Probably my favorite line from the PJO show so far is Percy telling his mother “There’s something wrong with my brain!”
Why is this my favorite line? Because I’ve said it to myself so many times.
Now I know I’m Percy’s case, he’s talking about his ADHD and I don’t want to take away from that at all because I know people with ADHD and how serious it is. It’s amazing the representation people are getting because of this show.
But when you think about it, this could apply to any mental illnesses or disorders. I don’t have ADHD or dyslexia but this line still resonated with me so much because I do have depression. There’s no one cause, just the affects and over and over I’ve told myself it’s my fault, I’m making a bigger deal than it is, there’s no reason to feel the way I do. There’s something wrong with my brain.
Again, I in no way want to take away from the representation and struggles of ADHD being presented through the show, but I just wanted to share how powerful it has been to see these kids, who are the same age I was when my depression first developed (in fact this book series got me through the worst of it), struggling to make something of their disabilities and fight through the obstacles they pose because it helps me believe I can too. Just as I hope it does with other people who watch and can in some way relate.
Yes, this show is amazing at bringing our favorite characters to life and showing Greek mythology and everything else we give it credit for, but it’s also giving representation that is so often overlooked or inaccurate. So, thank you.
(Sorry, just woke up this morning not feeling the greatest and wanted to put these thoughts out there. Now back to your regularly scheduled program of…well, me posting other stuff)
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officialdaydreamer00 · 10 months
✦ If I may ask, is it wrong for a mortal to wish for a god? May my hopes and dreams to embrace Idia be brought to fruition? Or will they just be scattered like stars in the sky..?
I apologize for two Idia asks already, sadly he is on of my favorites ✧
"... Child of mortals, one truth you must understand
To love a god, a great risk you put in your hands
Tragedies shall ensue, for the ichor you lack
For love should a god falls, there is no turning back."
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pairing: idia shroud x reader
content: short drabble, hurt/probably no comfort, character death, ichor's effect on humans is probably inaccurately described (on purpose btw), idia has yet to meet his persephone here, angst :) , greek mythology
the oracle speaks — this hurts my soul to write (not really but still)
The Fates cannot save you now. I am sorry, my child.
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— you couldn't breathe.
each inhale was a wave of pain you had to endure. your lungs felt like they were burning, it made everything physically hurt to just breathe.
tears poured out from your dulling eyes like rivers, its coolness was like a salve to your burning skin. but it wasn't enough.
what had you done to deserve a fate like this?
"no... no, nonononononono—" you heard a familiar voice muttered, then a pair of arms wrapped around your sore body, cradling you in his hold. "this- this wasn't supposed to happen—"
his cool hand cupped your cheek, sending yet another painful throb to your brain. it took you everything to even open your eyes, bloody lips stretched into a pained smile as you saw his distinctive glowing blue hair. wisps of blue fire caressed your skin, light like feathers.
"i'm sorry, my king." your throat felt dry, the beautiful voice he adored hearing was now reduced to mere rasps. oh, how it felt like godly stabs to his immortal heart, seeing you in such a state.
his mind briefly wandered to just a moment before, when the ichor he spilt had made its way onto your delicate mortal skin. thus, putting you on the line to the underworld for eternity to come. you would be with him, still, it was just not the same.
tears pooled the corner of his eyes, he wondered if this was his fault, or it was a cruel destiny the fates had set for him. his cold lips pressed a kiss on your burning forehead, a grim reminder of your horrible demise.
"you deserve to reach elysium. i will make sure of it." he murmured, holding back his tears as he witnessed the fates snip your cord, ending your suffering at last.
his quiet voice, laced thick with sorrow was the last thing you heard, before you fell into a slumber, never to wake up again.
"I am so sorry, my love."
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🏷��� @dove-da-birb, @cave-of-jade, @xen-blank, @lyle-my-beloved, @krenenbaker, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @identity-theft-101, @siren-serenity + idia kissers
remember to reblog if you enjoy my works! ^-^
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catihere · 3 months
Moby Dick is one of the most brilliant pieces of literature out there and not for the reasons you think. Sure, it’s a great analysis on the state of the human ego in relationship with nature, but it’s also an absolutely hilarious piece from top to bottom. I mean:
•The kickstarter of the story is that, one day, Ishmael, a relatively ordinary man, gets frustrated with his life and the best solution he finds is to give up on everything and go whale hunting on a ship in the middle of nowhere. 100/100, what a fucking mood
•Ishmael is not even his name. If I remember correctly (I haven’t opened this book in three years), he picked his name himself and it means outcast, reject. Really now, why are no transmascs out there naming themselves Ishmael??
•He’s not even the main character but he’s the only one I care about
•This book probably INVENTED the “there was only one bed” trope. It introduced Queequeg by literally making him lie in the same hotel bed as Ishmael. Peak strangers to lovers if you ask me
•That’s not even it. Ishmael, uncomfortable at first, wakes up surprised by how well he slept. And in a later chapter, they are described to lie together as compared to a husband and wife.
•Also, Queequeg is an enormous Polinesian man with Māori tattoos on his face, who BY THE WAY collects human heads. Yeah, that gave Ishmael a very fun first impression of him
•The author breaks the narrative every few chapters to info dump us about whales (sometimes inaccurately, there was no Google in 1850 so I don’t blame him). Oh, yeah, because Herman Melville accidentally embarked on a whale hunting expedition for few years, so Moby Dick is inspired from his experience. But that’s a story for another time.
•My favorite info dump/conspiracy theory that he has is presented right at the start of the book. It’s about how different heroes of mythology and history, including Hercules and Saint George, might have been actually whale hunters. Ishmael is such a dork I can’t-
And these are only the things that I can say off the top of head, with a faint memory of the book from three years ago, when I binge read it in two days, so please feel free to add on. I fucking love Moby Dick go read it right now
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devoutvesta · 2 months
the general attitude towards adaptations makes no sense to me. i understand being upset at disrespectful and inaccurate depictions of the gods, i really do. but epic: the musical does not do that. the characterization is very well done even if it takes creative liberties. your love for a good adaptation shouldn’t be dependent on how similar it is to the source material. if that’s your criteria, you aren’t ready to consume greek mythology adaptations.
“epic the musical will never top the original odyssey” it was never meant to. stop expecting it to be an exact replica of the source material. jay (the creator of the musical) has said multiple times that it is a LOOSE adaptation, and that there are several creative liberties that it takes to support the overarching theme and also because he can not include everything in a 40 track musical.
“odysseus’ trauma is not talked about enough in the musical tho” it is talked about in every single song. he is grieving in nearly every song. his biggest inner conflict has to do with his grief and love for his crew, and his need to survive and get home to his family.
an example of misinterpreted scenes:
the motive behind his choice in remember them had nothing to do with being provoked by athena. THIS was his motive. he was angry, he had lost his comrades. “the blood we shed, it never dies” he’s seen enough bloodshed in war, he’s killed so many, but its become a constant part of his life. he is so unbelievably traumatized because of it. and yet he has to do it again and again. this is a moment of rage on behalf of his crewmates who died, not because he was throwing a tantrum.
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expecting a 40 song musical adaptation of the odyssey to be identical to a 20+ book poem is actually so hilariously stupid. do you expect forks to be found in the bathroom? you’re expecting snow on a summer day and then getting angry that it’s just sunny. if you have unrealistic and baseless expectations, don’t get angry when they aren’t met.
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sunnysidevans · 11 months
Hopelessly Devoted To You - J.Seresin.
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Summary: After an accident that has you toying on the edge of life and death, you find yourself agreeing to save your beloved. You are then face to face with who you truly are and where you truly are supposed to be.
Pairing: Hades!Jake Seresin x Goddess!Reader
Warnings: 18+, mentions of death, mentions of blood and accident related injuries, swearing, fluff, arranged marriages(like so tiny) - like one mention of (y/n) but mostly none.
A/N: Helloooooooooo world!!! I am here with a halloween fic, I have not seen any of these written for Jakey yet and I wanted to give it a shot. I know this can be inaccurate to greek mythology but I have attempted to put a mix on that along with disney's hercules. Forgive me for not producing any work recently. I am endlessly thankful for all of you.
italics indicate flashbacks.
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Red and Blue hues with the wail of the sirens seemed out of reach. The world seemed to stop under the fluorescent lighting of the hospital. The words on the paramedic’s lips fell on deaf ears as she wheeled in the gurney.
The doctor yelling for doctors was almost muffled as you stood there, dress torn and blood dripping down your arms, some of your own blood falling against your eyelashes as you blink.
“Sweetheart” the voice was soft, a comforting hand placed on your skin as you jump, looking over at her. The woman smiled sweetly, a gentle arm around your waist as she began to lead you through the emergency department.
“C’mon honey, let's get you cleaned up” her voice is soft, her touch even softer. She tried to hide your eyes from the curtained room, your feet stopping the two of you, breath catching.
“The curtain is closed” you whisper as she nods slowly, running a comforting hand up and down your back, “yes hon”. Looking over at her, your lip quivers, “that means he’s dying”. She shakes her head and encourages you to keep moving down to the room at the end of the hall.
As she closes the curtain, she hands you a gown. “Let's get you out of that” she smiles at you softly and begins to help you pull the stained dress of your body and tying the blue hospital gown around you.
“This is gonna sting” her voice is muffled again as your eyes stare out into the active emergency room.
Doctor after Doctor made their way into the curtained room, you watch as another white coat makes their way in and another comes out, pulling bloodied gloves off their hands. You walked away with only scratches, skin stained red from not only your own blood but his.
“Here sweet girl, I got you something to drink '' the same nurse pulls you from your thoughts, a small smile on her lips as she sets the cup with ice and can of ginger ale beside you.
“I know it’s not much but” she shrugs with a smile, opening the can and pouring the liquid in. “Is he gone?’ she was surprised at the sound of your voice as she looked up from the cup. She sets the can down and moves to stand in front of you. Pulling the stool over she sits down to be more level with you.
“They are doing everything they can for him” she reaches out and rests a hand on your knee. “I promise you, now, is there anyone I can call for you?” it had been hours you’ve been there and this was the most she got out of you, with a shake of your head she nods and hands you the cup of ginger ale.
You sip on the straw slowly as she smiles sadly and makes her way out of the room and shutting the curtain gently behind her. You stared blankly at the white sheet.
Stepping into the room the nurse stops short at the now vacant room, the gown sat on the floor in a pile, “we’ve got a runner!” she yells and quickly runs back to the nurses station. The rain poured as you ran, not a care at the burning of your feet against the pavement. The way your chest was heaving as you made it up the church steps.
You push open the door as the priest turns at the intrusion at such a late hour. “Ma’am, are you okay?” He is quick to set aside his book, rush down the steps to meet you at the open doorway. Your chest heaves as you shake your head, walking ahead past the pews and to the front of the church.
Falling to your knees in front of the cross you close your eyes and pray.
“I will do anything for him to stay” you whimper, hands together in prayer as the church then goes dark. “Will you do anything?” The voice was soft, gruff but almost comforting. Opening your eyes, you look around you. Everything was dark, a shiver down your spine at the cool breeze.
“Anything, please” you pleaded as the voice chuckled darkly, “oh child, all this for a man?” your eyes follow the room, unsure of where the voice was coming from. “You know how the saying goes now don’t you?” he questions your silence as you shake your head quickly, a sniffle on your lips.
“A soul for a soul” his grin was cheshire as he stood behind you.
Watching the sobs shake your shoulders, he reaches out to place a hand on your shoulder but then a hand replaces his own. A gasp is ripped from your body as you are then back on the church floor on your knees and a paramedic is beside you and lights shone brightly in your face.
Days went by, days spent beside your beloved’s hospital bed as you continued to think about the saying playing over and over.
A soul for a soul.
Taking his hand into your own, you sniffle and watch as his fingers shift slightly. You stand from the chair slowly, “Zack?!”. You are quick to drop his hand and run to the door pulling it open quickly.
“Hurry! I need a doctor in here!” you are then gently shoved from the room as nurses and doctors make their way inside. You go to protest as the gentle hand is placed on your arm, “Sweetheart”.
Turning at the sound of her voice, she smiles gently. “C’mon, let's give them time and get you some coffee?” she questions as you turn back to the room. You nod after a few minutes, following her to the elevators. The room was full of white coats, multiple doctors it seemed almost euphoric, the whole room in white.
“How long have you and Zack been together?” the nurse whispers, sitting across from you as you look up at her, hands around your own paper cup. “Um, 3 years” you reply, taking a sip from the flimsy lid. “How sweet” she hums as she watches over your face, the way your eyes were everywhere but hers.
“We were uh, on our way to eloping, uh when the accident happened” she nodded sadly, “I’m sorry”. You set the now empty cup down and look at her with a sad smile, “do you have a chapel here?”. 
The nurse, you now learned her name was Doris held open the door for you, the chapel was cold and vacant. You walk in slowly, looking back at her with a small smile, “thank you”. She nods and heads down the hall with her own soft smile.
Looking around the room, you take the candlestick and use the matches to light it. Walking to the front of the room, you kneel to your knees and close your eyes. You felt the cold chill again as you began to pray.
Praying to anyone who’d listen. Your eyes open and the room is dark, looking around you, the room is the same as it was in the church a week ago. “Still willing to do anything for him?” The voice is softer than before, still gruff. You nod, eyes looking around the room for him. “Anything” you whisper, eyes falling on the figure at the back of the room, only making out his silhouette.
“A soul for a soul dear” he breathed as you turned to face the front of the room, looking at the faint reds that danced around the black.
“What does that mean?” you ask softly as he chuckles, “I give him his soul and I take yours in exchange” you gasp as he’s in front of you then, “and you will come with me, stay with me here” he motions to around him, the dark fog lifts as he motions to the dark but subtle kingdom.
“Are you the devil?” you whisper, eyes looking up his silhouette till you meet his eyes, green and soft. “No Darling '' his grin is wide as the cheshire cat, he holds his hand out to you “Hades, King of the underworld”.
The hand on your shoulder is gentle, pulling a gasp from your chest as you turn to face the hand attached. “Sorry” the voice is soft, attached to a small smile. You smile at her, “Hi Natasha”. She smiles and holds her hand out to you as you take it gently.
“Are you okay?” she asks as you follow beside her, hand staying in hers. “Yes and no,” you reply. You’ve been in the underworld now for years. “What is it?” she holds the door open gently as you follow her in the dark room, it was time for dinner.
“Thinking about my old life is all” she nods softly as she motions for you to sit. “Are you unhappy?” The voice is gruff as he enters the room, dressed in casual black slacks and a black vest. You roll your eyes, turning to face him with a raised brow “would it matter if I was Jake?”.
He unbuttons his sleeve, rolling up the one and moving onto the other. He never let you refer to him as Hades, always his name before he became the king. Jake. “I suppose not,” he smirks, sitting down at the head of the table and pulling himself closer. You sigh, sending Natasha a small smile and sitting down in your respected chair. “How was your day?” he asks softly, setting his fork down gently. “It was okay” you reply, looking over at him with a raised brow, “and your own, your majesty?” he chuckles, shaking his head.
“I’m not a king here” he replies as you shake your head. “You are a king wherever you go” he smiles and nods slowly. “Did you finish the library?” you ask softly as he looks up from his plate and sets his napkin down.
“Why don’t I show you?” he stands and holds a hand out to you. You take it and follow behind him. 
The underworld wasn’t bad. You had to admit you were almost happier down here than you were above. It was hard to be upset and unhappy when the man beside you gave you anything you requested. The halls were quiet as he pulled the ring of keys from his back pocket, you watched closely as he unlocked the door and held it open for you. “Go one” he encourages as you smile, walking past him as a gasp falls from your mouth softly.
The walls were lined with books up to the ceiling. You turn to him, a smile on your lips. “Thank you” you turn back to walk along the wooden bookshelves, running your fingers along the spine of the books. “You know” he makes his way beside you, hand falling to the small of your back. His touch was gentle, which always shocked you.
“Hm?” turning to the side, you smile at him slightly. “You ask and I deliver, do I not?” he grins as you giggle and nod. “You do Jake, you do” you whisper, running a comforting hand along his shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. “I appreciate it, it makes me feel connected to my life” you whisper as he chuckles, nodding. “Are you missing it?” he asks softly as you nod slightly. “I miss… sunshine sometimes and flowers but I’m not unhappy” you look at him as he nods, shoving his hands into his pockets. The door creaks as it is opened slowly, Hermes peaks his head in, “Sir”. Jake rolls his eyes, turning to his friend, “Bob, please just Jake” he nods and adjusts his glasses.
“Uh, Zeus is here and uh he’s insisting”  he is shy around you, as you smile kindly and send a small wave towards him.
“I’ll be right there, will you be okay?” he turns to you, hand on your shoulder gently moving to the nape of your neck, thumb against your jawline. “Go, sounds important” you nod against his palm as he kisses your temple gently and makes his way out the room.
He walks beside Bob, adjusting his sleeves, “she's adjusting'' Bob makes note as Jake chuckles. “She is slowly, thank you” he nods as he pushes the door open to the banquet room, dark and covered in grays and reds. Zeus stands in the middle with hands on his hips.
“Zeus, what do I owe this pleasure?” Jake asks as Bradley turns to face the god. “It’s far from a pleasure Hades” he seeths as Jake can’t help but roll his eyes. “Then why are you here?” His places his hands on his hips as Bradley sighs. “I’ve kept your secret long enough but there has been some developments” Bradley looks at him through his lashes. “And those developments are what?” Jake asks with a raised brow.
“She’s Ares’s daughter” he whispers as Jake’s movements stop.
“Excuse me?” he asks as Bradley nods. “He was talking about it today with Poseidon.. How his beloved daughter was now fully missing” Bradley shoves his hands into his dark slacks.
“How-” Bradley cuts him off as he nods. “Him and Aprodite thought it may be better for her to have a better life without this… mess” Bradley continues, “they lost contact with their source who’s been following her, they know she's disappeared". Jake sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
Leaning against the door frame, you can hear the soft grunts from behind the mahogany door as well as the two raised voices. “My lady” Bob’s voice is soft as he calls to you, turning to face him, he smiles. “He would kill me if he knew you were standing here” you shake your head and turn back to the door at the raise of Jake’s voice. “She agreed to come down here! She agreed to this life and just because she is Ares daughter changes nothing!” he seeths.
You frown, your father was a god?
You step back from the door quickly as it's then ripped open and you are face to face with Zeus. You push past him to walk into the room, “Jake?” he has his back towards you, the black of his suit almost darker in the room. “Is what you say true?” you fight back from almost seething towards him.
You stand taller as he keeps his back towards you, “talk to me Hades''.
His shoulders slack at the sound of your voice, deep and also filled with pain. “You’ve kept me down here knowing my parents are up there” you whimper, the tears flowing down your cheeks in rivers. “I’m sorry” his voice is gruff as he turns to face you.
“Ares is your father. But, you agreed to come down here and live this life in exchange for his life” Jake reminds you as you approach him slowly, pushing a finger in his chest.
“I never knew them, remembered anything about this world and you’ve taken this from me” you whisper, rushing out of the room quickly. 
The kingdom was silent for days.
You spent days in the library. Locked doors and Cerbeus sat in front of them, growling anytime Jake approached. “You are my protector you know” He crosses his arms over his chest as the hound growls again.
“Sweetheart” Jake stands at the door, hands in his pockets as he looks at the door, almost pleading and praying you’d open it. He hears the lock click and you open it gently.
“Good boy” you pet one of the three heads on the dog, letting him into the room and onto the black couch. “Yes?” you ask, hand on the door as you had the urge to slam it into his face. “I think, I think we should talk, '' he pleads as you raise a brow. “Should we?” you tilt your head as he sighs, head falling in shame. “Yes,”  he nods. “I see” you nod watching his face. “Over dinner?” he asks as you nod slowly, moving back into the room and shutting it behind you.
“You have to give her time '' Natasha makes note from her place at the end of the hall. “I-” she shakes her head to stop him, “You do, she is hurt and feels betrayed by you Hades" He sighs as he looks at his friend. “Bring her for dinner please?” he asks as she nods.
You lean against the door, listening to the two of them as Cerbeus watches you from the couch, leaning his heads down with a heavy sigh.
Two hours later, you hear her soft knock against the wood. “(Y/N)” she whispers as you sigh, opening the door to her smiling face which slowly falls as she takes in the look in your eyes. “I know” she nods, moving past you slowly as you close the door behind her. “I don’t know the full details…” she trails off as you sit back down in the maroon arm chair.
“He lied to me. I belong in the upper city not down here” you snap, head falling as you shake your head. “It’s not your fault” you whisper as she moves to sit in front of you on the coffee table, placing a hand on your knee gently.
“I am not taking his side, or anyones but hey” she reaches over to gently encourage your chin up to meet her eye. “He’s a mess since you’ve been ignoring him, I think you should listen to him” she whispers as you roll your eyes with a small smirk. “You of all people encouraging me to talk to hades?” she laughs as you smile. WIth a nod, you stand and pick up the dress she left on the sofa.
Making his way into the dining room, Jake’s heart was quite literally on his sleeve. He was nervous you would stand him up and stay locked away in your library. He stops at the sight of you standing by the table, standing in a dark emerald dress that fell to the floor, a small smile on your lips.
“Hades” you nod to him in respect as he stands in front of you, hands at his sides, almost stunned. “I should’ve never shunned you out. You deserve to tell me your side of the story…” he nods slowly, walking closer to you. “Come, let’s go talk” he holds his hand out as you take it, following him out of the dining room and down the hallway. He opens the door in front of him, encouraging you out into the garden of his home.
Smiling, you walk out into the plants that lined each side of the walkway. He watches the way your eyes filter along every flower that lined the garden. Sitting down on the bench, he sits beside you with a slight huff.
“How do we know he’s my father?” you ask softly after a few minutes of silence. “The word has gotten around Olympus of your disappearance, he’s put it out there from what I understand” he responds, neither one of you looking at the other.
“I’m sorry you had to witness that conversation” he adds as you shake your head. “Bob warned me I shouldn’t have been listening,” you admitted as he nodded beside you. “I um-” he swallows almost nervously as you then look over at him. 
He takes in the softness of your eyes, the small smile on your lips. “If you would like to go to the upper city I am not going to stop you” he whispers as you furrow your brows slightly.
“But I-” he shakes his head, “you’ve been here with me for almost five years… I think you’ve done your time” he nods sadly as you nod. “Jake” you reach over, taking his hand gently in your slightly manicured fingers. “I appreciate all you’ve ever done for me” you whisper as he nods at you sadly. “I will set it for you to head up there in the morning then?” he asks as you nod.
“I will let Zeus know” He stands, hand dropping from your own as he makes his way inside, not daring to look at you over his shoulder.
Morning came a lot faster than you expected. Before you knew it you were there ready to board the boat that would take you to Olympus. Natasha stands beside you at the docks, Cerberus at her side. You turn to face her as the boat arrives, hugging her tightly.
“I appreciate you” you whisper, hugging her tighter as she smiles, arms wrapping around your waist. “Be safe my dear, bring your light to the upper city” she whispers as you smile, pulling back to bend at the knee to the hound beside her. All three heads leaning forward to lick your cheeks, you giggle.
“You behave for everyone down here” you scratch under each of their chins with a smile. “Ma’am” the seaman stands from the boat, a slight scowl on his lips.
You stand, looking back at Natasha and make your way to the boat. You climb on with the help of the seaman and pull the bag with you, sitting down where he instructed. The underworld got smaller and smaller the further you went, Natashas small wave could be made out in the distance.
“Next stop, Olympus!”
Everything was so much brighter. It almost was blinding as you made it to the docks of Olympus. Looking around at all the people around you, standing slowly as the boat comes to a stop. Multiple signs of “welcome home!” or “she has returned!”. You frown slightly, climbing off the boat as Zeus, who introduces himself as Bradley, meets you at the end of the dock.
“Welcome home” he smiles, hand held out to you.
“I have someone who’d like to meet you” he grins as you take his outstretched hand, looking around at all the people. There were more people than you were used to. “I will get you settled of course but this someone has been itching to see you” Bradley adds as you nod slowly, the knock on the wooden door pulls your focus back to the home you stood in front of.
An older woman opens the door quickly, a gasp on her lips.
“Ares!” she screeches, moving down the steps and wrapping you in her arms. You stand still for a moment, almost frozen. Soon, an older man is behind her at the door and has a smile on his lips. “My oldest daughter,” he smiles. The two of them stand back in front of you, smiles on their lips.
“Ares and Aprohdite, I present to you, your oldest daughter” Bradley grins as you smile at the two of them. “You can call us Sarah and Tom” Aphrodite points to herself and then to the man beside her.
“Come, let us get you settled” Tom’s hand reaches out to you as you gently take it and follow the two of them inside. 
Olympus was bright. Flowers thrived in the gardens as well as the sun shined brightly. Settling into it was hard for you, it was nothing compared to the underworld.
You’ve been in Olympus for almost a month. “We are holding a gala” Aphrodite smiles, hands together in pride. “To celebrate your homecoming” she holds her hands out to you as you nod, slowly pushing food around with a fork, almost like a teenager. “Honey '' Tom sits up in his seat, setting his fork down onto his plate with a clank. “What is it?” he asks as you shake your head,setting your own fork down and turning to him with a smile, “nothing, that sounds lovely”.
The two smile and resume their meal, you couldn’t help but wonder if Jake would make an appearance at this gala. “Will Hades be invited?” you ask softly, looking at your parents who both drop their silverware. “Of course not” Your mother seeths, you nod slowly.
“Sorry I asked” you reply and take your plate and stand from the chair, walking out to set it in the sink and out into the backyard. Sitting down on the grass you sigh, looking out at the clouds. 
“You are miserable” Natasha comments, setting the suit out on his bed, Jake paces the room, dressed in his slacks and undershirt. “I am aware” he seeths, pulling the button-down over his shoulders. “You miss her” she smirks proudly as he sighs. “You are in luck then” she adds as the envelope is held between her two fingers. He looks at the envelope with furrowed brows, “what is this?” he asks, taking it and stopping himself from ripping it open.
Your handwriting.
He knew the soft pen stroke as well as the small heart you added at the end of his name. “They are holding a Gala in Olympus for the return of Ares' daughter, and it seems she wants you there '' he opens the envelope slowly.
Please take this as a formal invitation to the Gala here in Olympus. The homecoming of the beloved eldest daughter of Ares and Aphrodite is to be celebrated!” 
He tilts his head. “She did not write this” he comments as Natasha sighs. “Do you want to go? I will arrange it with Hermes” she crosses her arms over her chest, in a scolding manner as he sighs. “I do not know” he replies, tossing the envelope onto his desk, walking out of the room with a slam to the door. She sighs, hands on her hips.
Jake sits in the dining hall, Cerberus sat beside him and lays his heads in his lap with a deep sigh.
“I know” he reaches down and scratches at the top of one of his heads. “I miss her too” he whispers as Natasha smirks in the doorway. She pulls the invitation from her pocket and makes the RSVP and gently slides it back into the return envelope.
The day of the gala approached quickly. You were thrown into gown fittings quickly. Every single gown didn't feel like you. As you sat in the backseat of the limo. The maroon gown sat against your skin delicately.
Your mother wanted you in a white gown but that felt too pure for you, almost a reminder how you made it here.
“Miss” you look up at the sound of the driver's voice, you’ve learned his name is James. “Yes?” you ask, sitting up slightly as he smiles at you in the rearview mirror. “We are here” he adds as you nod slightly, looking out to the crowd of people. You gulp, sitting back in the seat and twiddling the strap of your handbag. “Ready?” he asks as you nod, smiling at him as he climbs out the seat and makes his way to your door, pulling it open.
As soon as the door opens the lights are almost blinding as you climb out with the assistance of James. “Thank you” you whisper as he nods, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. Your eyes land on your parents, quickly making a beeline to them, following behind them in the venue with a smile on your face.
“You okay sweetheart?” Your moms voice is soft, hand on your arm as you nod and give her a reassuring smile. “Let’s mingle!” she encourages, arm linking through yours.
The soft clinking of glass quiets the chattering room, you stand beside your father, glass of champagne flute in hand. “Thank you all for being here tonight” Ares’s voice booms through the room, a grin on his face.
“We can't thank you all enough for coming” he looks over at Aphrodite and then back at you. “My girl is home” he holds his glass up as the crowd cheers.
You smile, looking around the room as you notice the door at the end of the room opens and closes quickly. “It’s been a long journey but I can’t thank the gods enough for my girl” he pulls you into his side, a kiss to your temple as your eyes stay trained on the back of the room.
“And now we have our new Hera” Aphrodite adds as your eyes snap to hers quickly.
“Excuse me?” you ask, now moving from your fathers side as she smiles. “Bradley is searching for a wife and it's you” she whispers as you are quick to shake your head.
“I am gonna have to object” the voice is deep, a gruffness that you knew immediately.
You turn and there in his black suit, maroon dress shirt tucked into his slacks, stood Hades. “Jake” you breathe, a smile spreading on your berry stained lips. Jake was never so happy to see that smile.
He tucks his hands into his pocket, “This is no wedding” Ares adds as Jake nods, looking at him with a smirk. “Sure, but there will be no wedding happening” his green eyes follow over to you, lifeless until they meet your face, a small smile makes its way on his lips.
You are quick to move from your fathers grasp and down the steps into Jake’s awaiting arms. Wrapping your arms around his neck you tangle your fingers in the small hairs at the nape of his neck, holding him tightly against your body. “Shhh” he whispers in your ear, holding your body closer to him as if molding the two of you together. 
The sound of glass shattering pulls you from the bubble you tried so hard to grip onto tightly. You turn to the sound and find your father seething. “What makes you think you have any right!” He points towards Jake, making his way to the two of you.
Jake is quick to put a protective arm around your waist and push your body behind him. “I don’t but I know an unhappy woman when I see one” Jake adds, your hand grips his bicep tightly.
“You have no right to make a claim against her” Jake laughs, a full belly laugh. “Technically I had made a claim on her first, she agreed to come with me” Ares’s face is burning as he looks between the two of you.
You move from behind Jake and look between your parents. “I love him” the two of them gasp. “He’s protected me and cared for me all these years and yet you didn’t have the decency to come looking for me!” you breathe as your mother places a hand over her heart.
“I’ve been with Hades for over five years! On Top of the years I spent in that shitty place with the shittiest man I ever met!” you yell, tears are now flowing down your cheeks. “Yet, Hades came to me, he came to me and let me save a man who did not love me, who had not once cared for me” you turn to Jake who stands there with his hands in his pockets, head down.
“And yet the most heartless man of Olympus cares for me" you look back at your parents. "He turned his whole world around for me” you walk to Jake as his head snaps up, looking at you. Taking his hand you turn to your parents.
“So no, he does have a right to claim” you smile at him sadly then back to your parents. “And I am not going to be the next Hera and will not be marrying Zeus" you smile towards Bradley who has a friendly smile on his lips.
"I am going back to the underworld with Hades, where I belong” you whisper, giving Jake’s hand a squeeze as you turn back to him.
“Take me home” you whisper as he grins, wrapping an arm around your waist, following beside you out the door. "Sweetheart” he whispers, stopping you at the end of the steps.
“I am hopelessly devoted to you and only you Hades” you face him, sniffling as the tears roll down your cheeks.
“I meant everything I said, I meant all of it” you whisper as he reaches up and cups your cheek and gently catches the tears with his thumb. “I’ve been devoted to you since you first came to me, since you first agreed to come live with me” he whispers a smile on his lips. "From the days you fought so harshly to get away from me" he grins as you can't help but giggle.
The sound triggers him to look up from his book as Jake raises a brow. He then hears your screams as he drops the book and takes the steps three at a time. He is quick to make it to your room and pushing the door open quickly.
You continue screaming, throwing the vases against the door, knocking over furniture. "(Y/N)" He makes his way into the room, dodging the framed photo being thrown at him.
"Hey!" he grabs hold of your hands as you scream. "Why are you keeping me here like a prisoner!" you push his hands off you as he sighs. "You agreed to this" he reminds you shake your head, sobbing.
"I just want to be free! I didn't know I'd be locked away in a tower like a princess!" he sighs, hands on his hips. "You have free reign here, you choose to lock yourself up in here, what do you want? I will give you anything you want" you sniffle, turning away from him, "I just want my life back".
"He's moved on you know" Jake whispers as you turn to him, "what?".
He nods, hands on his hips, "he found someone new, shortly after you were brought down here with me"
Panting you move closer to him, pushing against his chest as you seeth. "you monster"
“Hades has a heart in there?” you rest a hand on his chest over where his heart sits, he chuckles. “I’ve found it more with you” he admits, pulling you closer to him.
“I am sorry about the way you came to me but I am not sorry for bringing you to me” he admits as you nod, sniffling and standing up on your tippy toes to pull him down from his neck.
“Shut up and kiss me Hades” he grins, pulling you in by the waist, kissing you as if his life depended on it. You grin, arms wrapping around his neck as the two of you part, nudging his nose against your own. “Let’s get you home” he grins, arms wrapping around your waist securely. 
“Cerby!” you squeal, running to the three-headed dog that meets you at the door, you fall to your knees and catch him, laughing as he tackles you to the ground, licking over your face.
“Hi!” you laugh as he pants above you, letting you stand back up, kissing all three of his heads. “Someone's home” Natasha smirks from the top of the stairwell, as you smile up at her.
“Yes, yes I am, you are stuck with me!” you grin, watching as she makes her way down the steps. Jake’s arm wraps around your waist from behind, a grin on his lips. “But, her things must be moved into the suite” Jake grins as you smile, looking over at him with a chuckle.
“Is that so?” Natahsa questions as then she notices the slight shimmer of the rings on both of your left fingers. “Oh my god!” she laughs, running to hug the both of you.
You smile as you embrace her tighter, this is where you belonged.
In the underworld beside your beloved.
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If you enjoyed this, you can find all of my other work here, in The Library.
likes,comments and reblogs are always welcome! I love hearing everyone's opinions!
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senqv · 6 months
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“ turn him into the stars and form a constellation in his image
his face will make the heavens so beautiful
the world will fall in love with night and forget the garish sun . “
— shakespeare , romeo & juliet
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blue lock ! royal / fantasy au series featuring : michael kaiser x fem! reader
warning(s): fluff at the start then it quickly turns to angst , some comfort , insanity everywhere , death , violence , i might get stoned to death after this , lmk if there are more !!
doomed romance , arranged marriage , childhood friends to enemies to lovers
fictional noble houses , VERY historically inaccurate for the territories i made everything up they r not in the same time period !! , mythological references , circe / illiad coded
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to be continued …
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diejager · 21 days
hiiiiii like i've wanted to send u a request for like a while and i'm so happy i finally got u
i sadly forgot my og idea buuuuuut luckily i got a new one cus i'm bestie besties with a lurker who is like a friend with a writer cus they know each other irl and cus she gave me a lil spoilie
i wanna use like what i was told for dis request
like ik the thing is about a champion/warrior and their god and like it's a certain king being absolutely PATHETIC for like the first one (like ik my opinion cus i luv pathetic men and like i wanna know ur ideas about this)
like i love the idea of cod boys being a god or champion cus like y'know the smut that can be made
so could i request my second fav boy soap or even ghost being a SIMP like full on worshipping their god after hunting for their pretty
LUV u darlin and like KEEP ON writing because i am GOBBLIN up everything u and my other favs make but make sure u also rest
Cw: God/Champion stuff??, inaccurate Greek mythology, worshipping, offering/gifts/sacrifice, oracle, tell me if I missed any. Note: this reminds me of… the name’s on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t remember exactly who wrote about this before. Could you also send me the @ of your writer friend? I’d like to credit them if possible. And thank you! Just make sure to take breaks in between of reading, yeah? You have to rest your eyes every hour or so.
Johnny couldn’t believe his eyes when he stumbled into this small sanctuary outside the sacred precinct, outside any protective walls and guarded cities. Nestled into the side side of a mountain, the marble stones carved intricately in pretty vines and gentle flowers only to be placed in an isolated place. Away from any travellers and warriors, and hidden away from prying eyes of thieves and charlatans. This little, marble shrine made of white marble, painted murals and gold ordained altar - one of the prettiest he’s seen - was left near forgotten, overgrown with fauna and collecting dust. 
And despite that, the statue that stood behind the altar, tall and imposing, curves soft and tunic flattering, the Goddess loomed over him with a shadow of warmth and compassion, much unlike the statues of the ruling Gods and Goddesses he was used to —it was ethereal. Your image was one of love and care, a stark dichotomy to the arrogance and self-importance of Zeus and his siblings. You were welcoming towards him when they spurned him for his foreign appearance: a child of slaves that had bought their freedom, a potent sign of determination and strength.
“Perhaps that Oracle wasn’t crazy,” he gawked at the falling leafage, ribbons of round leaves hiding the entrance, parting like a curtain to the main stage of a theatre.
He had tried his luck with the Oracle of Delphi, in a drunken daze that failed to strip him from his embarrassing misadventures around Delphi’s bars and temple. Johnny had wanted to see what all the fuss was about, the mile long travel many made to see her and her prophesies. He wanted to know if she was a true oracle or a scam, a charlatan like many others, but lo and behold, she was blessed with the sight. 
He still remembered her words, her words spoken from the Gods’ whims, giving him the blessing of finding a Goddess he would willingly kneel to, one that would show him the same love and devotion he gave. She foretold that he would meet a Goddess of Health and Hunting that he wanted to worship, a give and take cycle —of life and death. And here he stood, before the statue of a benevolent Goddess he knew he already loved.
You were a minor Goddess, able to gift your champions with totems and blessings, but not a miracle. Your sacred temple was warm, the air filled with the scent of fresh spring and dewy mornings, candles miraculously lit, wrapping the room in a golden embrace that felt akin to a mother’s kiss. Johnny’s eyes wandered around the room, taking it in while he walked to the altar, he stared at the dusty and empty marble, a sad sight for a Goddess so warm.
He searched around his belt, looking around his clothes and padded leather for an offering to wake you up. Something simply - anything - would work, if only to rouse you from your slumber, be it a year or a century long sleep, he would wake you and dub himself your champion. He picked a pelt, an apt offering for a Goddess of Health and Hunting. It was freshly skinned and cured, brushed with care and killed with sympathy. He wasn’t a ruthless killer or an avaricious hunter, he took what he needed and left what he didn’t. 
Nodding at the brown pelt, he wiped away the dust that had collected and placed it on the marble, taking care to place it flat and straightened the fur. He took a step back to admire the sight, eyes filled with wonder at the sudden glow, bathing him in a calming light. He felt better, his once aching arms gone, his bruises gone and his strength returned. Waking you had brought a blessing, you had healed him of his aches and pains, restoring him to his peak.
“Welcome,” he heard you whisper, your voice sounding like a bird’s song, pretty and awestricking, “Will you become my champion, dear warrior?”
How could he say no at your sweet plea? You were the warmest being he has ever met, your very essence an embrace full of passion. 
“If yer wish me so, Goddess.”
“Thank you,” you chuckled and he’d never felt so lovesick before, his heart so full, yet light.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @danielle143 @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @randominstake @haven-1307 @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce
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dionysism · 2 months
wanna go more in depth for your hatred about tsoa? is it really REALLY inaccurate? im start to get more into greek mythology and many recommended that book to me besides the obvious ones like the actual materials
(btw i love your posts mwa mwa stay hydrated)
sure! yes it is very inaccurate. let me just say though its been like 3 years since i read it and i'm currently out of state so i don't have it on me to skim through but perhaps one day i will reread it just to make a whole masterpost on everything i hate about it. maybe not tho because it was agonizing enough on the first read 💀
also let me put a trigger warning here i will be mentioning sexual assault in this post because it's in the book and i'll be referring to that scene
so i have a lot of issues with it let me try to organize my thoughts... her characterization is my main issue. just terrible. also i feel like her writing is like.... weird or unfitting sometimes. like theres a scene where patroclus (who is like... 11 or 12 at this point maybe younger) says achilles is "still plump with childhood" or something (again probably not the exact quote its been a minute but something similar) which is just not how 11 year olds talk about other 11 year olds? its supposed to be from patroclus' perspective and i just feel like when shes writing him as a kid he still sounds, thinks, and talks like a grown adult. sometimes he doesn't even sound like patroclus he just sounds like madeline miller.
which brings me to her characterization of patroclus in general. just fucking horrific was her inspo troy (2004)? she made him this medic twink who only heals and even when he finally does fight in achilles armor its like he gets kills on pure luck and you're supposed to be shocked. patroclus in the iliad is 1. older than achilles and 2. a great warrior! this is why achilles lets him don his armor in the first place because he KNOWS how good patroclus is on the battlefield. also patroclus has anger and rage of his own! he is not a smol uwu baby don't PISS ME OFF! his kill count crazy. idek where she got the medic thing from there's like one (1) scene in the iliad where patroclus helps an injured solider in the camp but he is most certainly not the medic of the greeks. he's dull in tsoa. he has hardly any personality outside his love for achilles.
next is her thetis. this, i think, enrages me more than anything else. thetis is a character of grief. thetis is a goddess who, for all her power, is ultimately unable to change the fate of her son. she may be a little overbearing at times, but NOTHING like how she is in tsoa. madeline miller makes her a homophobic (?) helicopter abusive mother (i say ? on the homophobia because im not sure if it was homophobia or if she just hated patroclus specifically. if it was homophobia the stupidity of making an ancient greek god homophobic speaks for itself) thetis doesn't even hate patroclus in the iliad, in fact, thetis is the one who preserves his body and keeps it fresh and prevents it from rotting while achilles waits for his new armor and then goes out to fight hector. she tells achilles he could lay there for a year and she would keep him unchanged. in tsoa, she forces them apart, and tells achilles if he does not sleep with deidamia, she will never let him see patroclus again. this is insane to me. thetis would not set her son up for s/a and force him to sleep with someone against his will. and mind you this occurs after she's already stated clearly that thetis is a victim of rape herself. i assume this is madeline miller's way of asserting that achilles has no attraction to women while still being able to have his son in the plot later. this again, is stupid to me. if you want to argue achilles may have been gay, fine, homosexuality was complicated in ancient greece and you could potentially make the argument his sleeping with women was to uphold a reputation but i think it's more accurate that he was probably just attracted to both. however i think you can make him explicitly gay in a retelling without adding sexual assault to his story. i also find this especially distasteful because in actual antiquity achilles is the one committing sexual assault. (if i had a nickel for every time madeline miller made a character who canonically assaults someone else a victim of s/a while removing the fact they commit it themselves from the story i'd have 2 nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?) in general i find it very weird how madeline, on multiple occasions, demonizes a woman from mythology and makes her into a villain she simply is not. this y'alls "feminist retelling" author? oh okay.. i guess! (her deidama is an antagonist in this too, as a hysterical jealous Other Woman)
i also felt she imposed too many modern standards/heteronormativity onto achilles and patroclus' relationship. like i said with patroclus, making him the weak defenseless healer and achilles the badass warrior. very much giving one is strong and masculine and the other is nurturing and feminine. changing the aspects of their other relationships so its like they've only ever loved eachother and no else which isn't necessary. achilles and patroclus could (and do, in the iliad) sleep with other people and it would not diminish how intense and true their love for each other is!!
over all she sanitized the story, flattened it and butchered all the characters with a sprinkle of fetishization and misogyny on top. the book is frankly boring and underdeveloped too. this is honestly not as in depth of a review as i would like to give but like i said i don't have access to the book at the moment so i just stuck to the core grievances i remember having
(also thank you, you stay hydrated too!! <3)
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liminalpebble · 11 months
Stray (A Lokitty Tale): Part 2
Part 1 link
A/N: Hi all. This began as a prompt suggestion by @mischief2sarawr and has since grown three heads and answers to no one. It's now a multipart, very fluffy, story about Lokitty. I have no idea where I'm going with this except definitely to the comfort district of fluff town...maybe driving through a little traffic jam of angst on the way there.
Synopsis: It's 1971 and you're a single shop girl living in the tumultuous, often damp, city of Seattle, feeling lost and alone. Meanwhile, Loki (under the guise of D.B. Cooper) is on the run from Thor the moment he jumped out of that plane. After crash landing in a dumpster and disguising himself as a stray cat to lay low, he becomes your beloved feline room mate and an unusual friendship begins to grow.
Stray: Part 2
While the human was away, Loki sprawled out his long Asgardian body across your floor, passing the time with your extensive collection of books. It felt good to him, having arms and legs to stretch again, and opposable thumbs to turn the pages. Staying in a conjured form for too long could be taxing, and the breaks would be welcome, especially since he couldn't be sure how long this little arrangement might continue.
The god of mischief smiled a bit to himself, recalling how you had bustled around in your little uniform, getting ready for your day. You were obviously in a hurry, but you still took the time to stroke his fur and scratch under his chin while you talked to him.
“Good morning, little guy. I left some food out for you and the heater on. I'll be home late...hopefully with all the stuff you might need. Please don't pee in my shoes.”
Suddenly you stopped and rolled your eyes, raising up again to hurry out the door. “Jesus Christ, I'm talking to the cat again.”
Loki chuckled at that (well, meowed with amusement) and found, to his horror, that he was actually sad to lose your company for the day. He found he was becoming very curious about you.
Well, come on, he told himself, it's just that you're naturally curious and it's not like you have much else to occupy your time for now. Might as well observe the mortal.
Satisfied with his rationalization, he listened for the door to click shut and your heels to click down the hall. Once he was sure you were gone he returned to his usual body, and busied himself with your bookshelf, running his pale graceful fingers over the spines with delight.
She certainly has eclectic taste, he mused. The little apartment was crowded with books of all kinds; everything from Shakespeare to comic books, and where there weren't books, there were tidy stacks of records (again, a very eclectic assortment). His took it all in with gusto, fascinated by his choices of entertainment.
He blazed through several mystery novels (which were underwhelming as he was always well ahead of the reveal). Seeking the next read, his perceptive eyes landed on an antique volume, Norse Mythology. He smirked as he slid the book into his palm.
Now this should be interesting.
In a predictably self-indulgent move, he looked for an entry about himself, landing unfortunately on a beautifully illustrated page about Thor. He crinkled his nose in disgust and let the book drop to the floor, but as the tome landed with a thunk, it dropped open to the chapter with his name as the title. He lowered himself to the floor, laying on his belly as he read about his glorious self.
The description wasn't the most flattering. It painted the trickster god as a cruel and violent nuisance, but he had to admit that wasn't entirely inaccurate. There was, however, a glorious illustration in the style of an illuminated manuscript. Green and gold calligraphy snaked out the letters of his name and below it was a very handsome illustration highlighting his bright kaleidoscopic eyes and sharp rakish face (although they always got the hair wrong by painting it a garish shade of red). Oh well, what could one expect from foolish mortals.
His musing was suddenly interrupted by the sound of heels clicking down the hallway. In a panic he looked outside and realized it was already dusk. He had lost track of the time. As he heard your jostling and struggling to unlock the door one-handed, he quickly changed back to his feline form. Loki realized, a moment too late, that he hadn't had time to put the books back from where they laid sprawled out on the floor where he had been reading.
You finally shouldered your way inside, huffing and puffing, arms loaded with a heavy shopping bag. You set it down carefully and kicked your heels off forcefully, feeling weirdly satisfied that they smacked against the wall. (You always hated the damn things, and tended to punish them like this for the pain inflicted on your feet each day).
You smiled to where the sleek black cat was laying with his paws crossed delicately over the pages of a book, tail flicking lazily as if this wasn't at all odd. Loki noticed the quizzical expression on your face as you noticed the books on the floor. “Hey, buddy,” you chirped sweetly, “How the hell did you knock these off?”
“Mrrow,” the cat grumbled.
“Okay, okay. Keep your secrets you little magician,” you said, joining him on the floor and collecting the books. When you came to the volume under his paws, he refused to move them. He thought indignantly, I'm not done reading this! Though he was well aware he wouldn't be getting his way.
“Hrmmm,” you hummed, “Loki, the trickster...” as you traced your hand over the gold script. “He was always my favorite of the Norse gods, you know?”
“Yeah! The tricksters always make life interesting, right?”
“See. I knew you'd agree with me.” You put a pensive finger to your lips. “He'd probably be a good namesake for your, huh, you mischievous scamp? I guess it's better than calling you “buddy” or “little guy” all the time.”
I should damn well think so, madam.
Loki watched curiously as you rose you to your feet, digging something out of your kitchen junk drawer. “Aha!” you exclaimed as you pulled out a green leather watchband (the clock was broken then lost long ago). Pulling out a marker you carefully wrote the name “Loki” in clear block letters on the tattered leather, then gently fastened the band around his neck. Smiling and stroking his fur with your warm hand you said, “Okay, Loki. You look very handsome,” you declared massaging his velvety cheeks with your thumbs. In return, you introduced yourself, saying your name and shaking his paw. “Nice to meet you, Loki.”
Loki wanted to protest this patronization, but your affection felt so pleasant, and it gave him a warm feeling to hear you call him “handsome”.
“Oh! I have...uh...stuff. I think this is the right stuff...Here, look, I've got a litter box and a little bed for you and I got a few different kinds of food. I'm not sure which one you might like best.”
You stopped abruptly, saying once again under your breath, “Jesus Christ...talking to the cat again, you lonely weirdo.”
Loki shot a paw out, tapping your arm and then nuzzling into it. And although you knew it couldn't be more than an animal trying to use you as a heating pad, it seemed like he was trying to say thank you, trying to say that he liked you talking to him and doting on him...and that he wanted to be held.
Crazy...I'm going crazy. I'm a crazy lonely cat lady, and I'm gonna die alone here someday and this cat is going to eat my eyeballs.
Still, it tugged your heartstrings as the little tomcat reached out its paws to your shoulders meowing and purring gently as it attempted to climb into your arms...and who were you to deny him?
Hesitantly, you reached out and held him against you, stroking gently and nuzzling your face against him.
You said quietly with a note of grateful awe, “Awww. I didn't expect you to be such an affectionate little guy.”
Neither did I. Loki thought, even more surprised than you were.
@mischief2sarawr @ladyofthestayingpower @acidcasualties @unlucky-number-13 @goblingirlsarah @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokihiddleston @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @marcotheflychair @smolvenger @alexakeyloveloki @littlespaceyelf @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @eleniblue @loz-3 @the-haven-of-fiction @sweetsigyn @muddyorbs @icytrickster17 @holdmytesseract @thenerdyoldersister @thedistractedagglomeration @sailorholly @peachyjinx @coldnique @sarahscribbles @peaches1958 @infinitystoner @mischiefmaker615 @coldnique @jennyggggrrr @tripleyeeet @itsybitchylittlewitchy @mochie85 @huntress-artemiss
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artbyanca · 7 months
So....following the Greek mythology tag has my dash inundated with memes that boil down to 99.9% of problems happened because Zeus was horny. Now I am not in the habit of shitting on anyone's shitpost but the only thing worse than a stale meme is an inaccurate stale meme. So, my fine gremlins, please do consider before posting: how big is the Trojan war in Greek mythology? What about everything adjacent to it(Iphigenia, Orestaia, the Odessy etc.)? The ball for those events started rolling at Thetis and Peleus' wedding, a wedding Zeus arranged so he wouldn't bang Thetis. So, through the meme lens, the Trojan war happened 'cause Zeus kept it in his pants.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. Please make better memes.
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hayatheauthor · 2 years
How To Write Mythical Creatures Without Sounding Redundant 
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Mythical creatures are an essential part of literature. Whether it be fantasy, romance, or horror, they are often used as plot devices or notable characters in various different genres due to the familiarity of their myths, which can often draw the readers in. However, authors often forget about the liberty they possess when writing with mythical creatures and stick to a redundant narrative or tropes that can bore a reader. 
If you’re a writer working on a piece with mythical creatures, here are some tips on how to write mythical creatures without sounding redundant. 
Do Your Research 
Writing with a mythical creature is akin to writing with a character created by another person (like you would in fanfiction). While writers can choose to ignore any sort of backstory or myths established by the original creator, it’s essential to do your research in order to ensure your readers aren’t underwhelmed or annoyed by your inaccurate representation. 
Researching your mythical creatures also gives you the freedom to twist and turn their myths to your liking. For example, the Japanese Kitsune are foxes that possess paranormal abilities that increase as they get older and wiser. 
According to yōkai folklore, all foxes have the ability to shapeshift into human form. This backstory could be twisted and instead used as a werewolf–esque lore for a character. Maybe they’re an old Kitsune or ancient Inari and can shift between fox and human. 
If you never research the creatures you’re writing with, you run the risk of not knowing what you’re working with which could lead to accidentally offending the community the creature stems from or even backlash from your readers. 
It’s important to realise that unlike everything else about your book, mythical creatures weren’t created by you thus if you choose to use their name and mythology you should respect their stories and at the very least know what type of a creature you’re writing with. 
Combine Their Story With Yours 
There is a big difference between establishing a mythical creature’s backstory and completely committing to it while writing. Yes, you need to do your research and know your mythical creature’s back story, however, once you establish this you now have the creative freedom to use their lore and myths and essentially customise them to your story. 
Not every vampire shines like diamonds in the sunlight, but Edward certainly did. Thor definitely wasn’t blond or as benevolent in the original mythologies, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love Marvel’s Thor either. 
If we take my earlier example into account, technically, most foxes seen by humans are weak and possess only one tail which is why they cannot shapeshift, thus the werewolf lore wouldn’t really work for a Kitsune. However, as a writer, you’re given the creative liberty to combine their lore with your story in order to create your desired character. 
This ties into the importance of researching your mythical creatures. After all, how would you know what you are or aren’t changing if you never looked into those creatures? 
Establish A Reason, And Stick To It
It’s important to know why you decided to write with this mythical creature in the first place. What makes them the right choice for your book? What is their significance to your plot? Would you be able to attain the same result you need if the creature was swapped for a different one? 
Once you have established a concrete reason for why you want to write with this mythical creature, go on to see how this will tie into your plot. Maybe your side character is secretly a vampire which helps the main character since they won’t be wounded in battle easily and can go undercover to spy on the antagonists. 
You need to know how your mythical creature’s background benefits your plot. And if it doesn’t, then maybe consider why you need to use this mythical creature in the first place. 
Know Where You’re Going 
You need to know where your mythical creature is going to end up at the end of your book so that you can leverage their mythology to your advantage. Using the previous example, your vampire could nearly go back to the protagonist with the important information but then get a stake in their heart and cloned by a Kitsune to give the antagonists the upper hand. 
You can also use their lore as plot devices or easter eggs to move your plot along. A Kirin could be used to show the birth of a new era at the start of the book but be found dead near the end to symbolise the beginning of a war. They don’t necessarily have to be mentioned at any other point in your book, but the mythological significance of such a moment would help convey your message for you. 
If you are unsure where your mythical creature will end up at the end of your book, you could take a look at how their story ended in their lore. This would especially work well for characters such as gods or cacodemons. 
I hope this blog on how to write mythical creatures without sounding redundant will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and marketing tools for authors every Monday and Thursday. 
Want to learn more about me and my writing journey? Visit my social media pages under the handle @hayatheauthor where I post content about my WIP The Traitor’s Throne and life as a teenage author. 
Copyright © 2022 Haya Sameer, you are not allowed to repost, translate, recreate or redistribute my blog posts or content without prior permission
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vxserii · 4 months
sunlight by hozier is SOOO jegulus coded
all hozier songs can be interpreted in hundreds of different ways, but as a greek mythology fanatic, i like to believe its at least a liiiittle related to icarus and apollo
i'm also a strong believer that regulus is an icarus variant -- getting too close to the "sun", something he was fully aware was dangerous, yet he took the chance anyway due to the love and just pure infatuation he had (cue the line of the song that says "i had been lost in you [...] and flew like a moth to you" because WHAAAT) and in the end dying due to this devotion
another line that has me ripping my hair from my scalp : "whose heart would not take flight? betray the moon as acolyte, on first and fierce affirming sight"
"whose heart would not take flight?" appealing to the way everyone loves james & nobody can blame regulus for how he fell for him
"betray the moon as acolyte" is a bit far fetched by stay with me ok?? i swear i'm not just yapping (yes i am). to betray the moon would be to betray remus, right? but james never directly does anything to remus, so what if this is referring to the marauders as a whole?? like to betray one of them would be to betray all of them & we all know sirius felt fairly betrayed when finding out abt jegulus!
"on first and fierce affirming sight" is based around their first impressions of each other -- which wouldn't be inaccurate to describe as fierce. seeing as regulus was sirius's little snobby slytherin brother & james was an obnoxious golden boy who had everything
but yeah!
god, i could go on and on and on about this (clearly), but i'll stop yapping now and get back to having a life
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dailydemonspotlight · 14 days
Dormarth - Day 105
Race: Beast
Alignment: Dark-Neutral
September 6th, 2024
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Many mythological dogs fall into a set of strangely similar tropes, even beyond just the idea of them having multiple heads, as observed in the Orthrus analysis. One that I find particularly interesting, though, has to be in their common connections to death. Likely stemming from how dogs were, and still are, seen as intrinsically connected to hunting, many dogs in mythology are connected to death, the spiritual realm, and many such things. We've already seen this with the Inugami analysis earlier this week, but another curious example, and a personal favorite of mine, has to be in the Celtic Wild Hunt's goodest boy, Dormarth.
While the Wild Hunt is a demon itself in SMT, its intrinsic connection to death and the afterlife makes it a very curious topic in connection to Dormarth, also known as Dormarch, a hunting hound that joins in during said hunt. Originating in Wales, Dormarth is a beast that accompanies the riders during the Welsh version of the Wild Hunt. The Wild Hunt itself is a common motif throughout many different European mythologies and cultures, with many cultures offering their own spins on the general concept. This, naturally, leads to differing figures throughout the recurring motif, and the Welsh version has its own fair share of unique ideas, with one of them being the collection of souls of warriors to join in on the hunt, and who else does that collection than Dormarth?
The games' recollections of Dormarth are somewhat inaccurate, from what I can tell- for the most part, they paint the dog as being a guardian of the Celtic version of hell, but most actual historical references of Dormarth seem to split that between many other concepts regarding death and the afterlife. In fact, we don't really know much about Dormarth, given that the dog only appears in one passage throughout old Welsh literature, being in The Black Book of Carmarthen. The name Dormarth is also rather controversial, as the original text is somewhat fragmented, missing a letter in the name that could be either Dormarch or Dormarth, both of which carrying wholly different meanings. To quote the only reference we actually have of Dormarth,
My hound is sleek and fair, The best of hounds; Dormach he is, who was with Maelgwn. Dormach rednose – why stare you so? Because I cannot comprehend Your wanderings in the firmament.
A lot of controversy has surrounded Dormarth for years, but that's beside the point. Dormarth, as a name, seems to roughly translate to mean an 'embodiment of death,' giving light to the idea of Dormarth being just that. Combine that with Dormarth's connection to the dead due to being in the Wild Hunt, a hunt made up entirely of spirits, and one can easily draw a connection between it and Cerberus or other such guard dogs of the underworld. On top of this, though, its connection to death may also be it guiding lost souls to the underworld, or even collecting dead warriors to join in on the Wild Hunt. Language is fun like that, no?
Given that its natural habitat is described as being 'among the clouds,' being associated with the Wild Hunt, it's commonly believed that Dormarth accompanies the Wild Hunt, and observations in the Black Book of Carmarthen by one John Gwenogvryn Evans in 1906 seem to also give a physical description of the hound as being a two-legged dog with swirling fish tails behind it. Its overall role is rather unclear, as I've gone over in extensive detail, but Dormarth does seem to play a rather interesting role in the Wild Hunt overall, whether it be a guardian of the gates of Annwn (the Welsh underworld) or a hunting dog that accompanies the Wild Hunt, to even one that collects new hunters for it. With all of that, though, how's it portrayed in SMT?
I love Dormarth's design, but given everything related to the dog, it's really hard to see where a lot of the elements came from. Like, come on, where's the fish tail? Where are the only two front legs? Why is she bipedal, and why is she a girl? As strange as it is for a Dormarth design, though, I do like how it looks. She is incredibly gender, and I like the spike collar- it plays well into the whole themes of death- and helmet, which ties her (though vaguely) to the Wild Hunt. Overall, a pretty good design, though not one I quite understand for the hound of the hunt.
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asimplearchivist · 1 year
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☾ 𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓽'𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ☽ ☽ [header(s) credit] | [divider(s) credit] ☾ ☾ Follow @asimplearchive and turn on notifications for updates! ☽
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[ AO3 | SPOTIFY | PINTEREST ] 𝓹𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 ⤏ (Khonshu/SingleMom!Avatar!Reader) 𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂 ⤏ Khonshu possesses as many facets of divine responsibilities as the moon has its phases—a warden of protection and vengeance has been his primary identity for centuries. In addition, one might add, he patrons fertility and childbirth. However, fatherhood is another matter entirely. 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 ⤏ dubcon (only in first chapter), cheating/unfaithfulness (not performed by reader), mild/implied/referenced sex(ual content), infertility, divorce, labor/childbirth complications (non-graphic), near death experience(s), gun violence, gunshot wounds, mild gore, blood and (minor) injury, mental breakdown(s), death threats, intimidation, jealousy, possessive behavior…[more tags to be added] 𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓼 ⤏ canon compliant, pre-canon, angst, (domestic/tooth-rotting/family) fluff, hurt/comfort, (attempts at) humor, pining, slow burn, eventual romance/relationships, strangers to lovers, (magical) (unplanned) pregnancy, kidfic, ancient egyptian literature & mythology (references), protectiveness, vulnerability, miscommunication, banter, (denial of) feelings (realization), holiday/Christmas fluff, ballroom dancing, growing up…[more tags to be added]
𝐂𝐇. 𝐈  ☥ [𓅘𓏏] (‘𝓷𝓗𝓽’ | 𝓹𝓻𝓪𝔂𝓮𝓻, 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱)
𝐂𝐇. 𝐈𝐈 ☥ [𓋩𓏏] (‘𝔁𝓽𝓶𝓽’ | 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽)
𝐂𝐇. 𝐈𝐈𝐈 ☥ [𓂋𓎨] (‘𝓻𝓱𝓷’ | 𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓼𝓽 [𝓲𝓷])
𝐂𝐇. 𝐈𝐕 ☥ [𓈐𓊪𓇋𓇋𓅱] (‘𝓱𝓻𝓹𝔂𝔀’ | 𝓼𝓾𝓫𝓶𝓮𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓭, 𝓭𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓷𝓮𝓭)
𝐂𝐇. 𝐕 ☥ [𓂧𓁷𓏏] (‘𝓭𝓗𝓻𝓽’ | 𝓫𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼)
𝐂𝐇. 𝐕𝐈 ☥ [𓎿𓇋𓇋𓏏] (‘𝓗𝓼𝔂𝓽’ | 𝓯𝓪𝓿𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓭)
𝐂𝐇. 𝐕𝐈𝐈 ☥ [𓂾𓏏] (‘𝓻𝓭𝓽’ | 𝓰𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓰)
𝐂𝐇. 𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈 ☥ [] (‘ ’ | ???) {𝐓𝐁𝐀}
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[ AO3 | SPOTIFY | PINTEREST ] 𝓹𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 ⤏ steven grant/reader | marc spector/reader | jake lockley/reader 𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂 ⤏ everything you thought you knew will fall apart. 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 ⤏ mental health issues, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, (inaccurate/canon-accurate depictions of) dissociative identity disorder, sleep deprivation, mental breakdown, self-esteem/worth issues, insecurity, (background/canonical/minor) character death, divorce, robbery, breaking and entering, canon-typical violence, tension, suspense, blood and (minor) injury, police, ambushes and sneak attacks, chases, arguing, kidnapping, attempted murder, concussions, confrontations...[more tags to be added] 𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓼 ⤏ canon compliant, pre-canon, post-canon, angst with a happy ending, fluff and angst, hurt/comfort, mutual pining, first meetings, love at first sight, coffee shops, bookstores, friends to lovers, meet-cute, ancient egypt(ian literature & mythology/deities), self-indulgent, therapy, cooking, established relationship, domestic fluff, denial of feelings, dancing, worry, investigations, texting, first aid, first meetings...[more tags to be added]
𝐂𝐇. 𝐈  ☥ ‘ 𝓾𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓵 𝓶𝔂 𝓿𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓰𝓸𝓷𝓮 . ’
𝐂𝐇. 𝐈𝐈  ☥ ‘ 𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓯𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓯𝓵𝓪𝓽 . ’
𝐂𝐇. 𝐈𝐈𝐈 ☥ ‘ 𝓪 𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 . ’
𝐂𝐇. 𝐈𝐕 ☥ ‘ 𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓭 . ’
𝐂𝐇. 𝐈.𝐈 ☥ ‘ ??? ’ [𝓣𝓑𝓐]
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𝓹𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰(𝓼) ⤏ steven grant/reader | marc spector/reader | jake lockley/reader ||| khonshu/reader 𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂 ⤏ all of my entries for the ‘23-'24 bingo event found here: @moonknight-events, hosted by @juneknight and @spacecowboyhotch! :) 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 ⤏ …[more tags to be added] 𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓼 ⤏ …[more tags to be added]
☾ “𝓘𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽?” ☥ [jake lockley/reader-centric | constellations!verse] ☽
☾ 𝓢𝓹𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 ☥ [steven grant/reader-centric | constellations!verse] ☽
☾ 𝓑𝓻𝓾𝓲𝓼𝓮 ☥ [marc spector/reader-centric | constellations!verse] ☽
☾ 𝓡𝓲𝓽𝓾𝓪𝓵 ☥ [khonshu/reader | promises kept!verse] ☽
☾ 𝓢𝓪𝓭 𝓔𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 ☥ [jake lockley/reader-centric | constellations!verse] ☽
☾ 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓚𝓲𝓼𝓼 ☥ [steven grant/reader-centric | constellations!verse] ☽
☾ 𝓗𝓲𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 ☥ [marc spector/reader-centric | constellations!verse] ☽
☾ 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓲𝓬 𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓷 ☥ [khonshu/reader | promises kept!verse] ☽
☾ 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓯𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 ☥ [jake lockley/reader-centric | constellations!verse] ☽ [TBA]
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neonovember · 2 years
Reigning expectations pt.2
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pairing: thor x fem!reader
summary: Your feelings of inadequacy come forth as thor tries to prove that you deserve whats been transcribed by the gods
word count: 4K
warnings: illusion to smut, depression, self esteem issues, thor’s dirty mouth, probably inaccurate depictions of Thor and Asgard
a/n: pretend I know what I’m talking about, this part two has been long over due
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The clang of the mythological metal rang through the Avengers tower as it tobbled from your grip and lay flat against the hardwood floor. There is an imminent silence that blankets the team, as they, all of them, wallow in the confusion and wonderment that had just occurred. 
The cool midnight breeze wafts in from the balcony doors, and New York glitters with phasing lights and smoke.
It lasts a mere second before the entire team has enveloped the space with rapid questions and demands, each derangily looking between Thor and an alarmingly frozen you. You press your fingernails into your palms, and as your ears begin to ring, the rush of realisation hits you hard then, and it almost tobbles you beside the damn hammer itself.
Quickly rising, your eyes scan the tower, and you don't hesitate for a second before dashing through your teammates, trying to escape the questions you have no answer for and the reality that you have no desire to face. The end of the hallway has an enclosed door that leads to an elevator that takes you straight to the rooftop, separate from the main elevator and one you've found all on your own. You were not shy from escaping into the night air to feel the relief of air gushing through your lungs, it was just a tad bit safer 12 stories high.
Pressing the buttons impatiently, you stand erect in the metal elevator, surrounded by glistening mirrors you can't help but scrutinise your reflection. A queen? A descendant of a god? You let out a pathetic laugh that you hide from yourself. There must have been some cosmic shift in the universe that caused you to lift that hammer, a blip in the loops of universes that made up your timeline, anything, everything, just something that didn't mean worthiness.
Your entire life you had gambled with bouts of low self-esteem, it would manifest through periods of deep self-loathing and merely acceptance of yourself. Everything you did, and every choice you made would be scrutinised by those closest to you, and when the team accepted you as their one you couldn't quite understand why. You didn't know it then but that moment was when you truly started living, the team was your bedrock, the resounding calm after the storm, they helped you pick up the pieces when they fell all those years ago, and now? Now you fear everything was about to change.
You slide down the elevator walls, feeling the mirrors crowding you, leaning in, as push your heated skin against the cool metal walls. You can’t face yourself, much less the thought of your mythological destiny.
— -
Thor’s POV
The team looks towards one another, confusion lifting their features from the amusement and loudness just moments ago.
God, you had truly lifted it. Every harrowing thought that clouds and preens against Thor's mind are are all confused and disoriented. But the pulse in his heart quickens, and his eyes glaze over and he just knows.
He always knew you were worthy. 
It bubbles in his heart and causes a restlessness to clamour its way into his chest. It radiates from the tips of his toes to his golden locks, this knowing, it drives him to search and reach for you, for his girl, for his Lady.
A hand presses into his arm, tugging at the tailored navy cloth of a thousand threads
“Thor??, Thor can you hear me??” The baritone voice breaks through his fazed-out expression, causing him to turn swiftly to Steve.
Thor can only manage a gurgle of noise that escaped from his throat, his head swiftly nodding as a concerned look pulls against Steve’s golden features.
“Did you know about this? About another being on Earth holding the capability of your hammer?” Steve asks, eyes widening.
“Not even a celestial being Thor, a goddamn mortal, a human, our fuckin- our teammate, how is that even possible?” Banner interrupts, his gruff voice pitching higher at the end of his sentence. The smell of spilt booze and tobacco intensifies as Bruce sits down on the coffee table across from Thor.
“I-uh, I had no idea” Liar.
“The hammer, Mjolnir, it, it was crafted millions of years before our time, at the hands of mythological legends that embedded a deep power that cannot be explained nor restrained by the-the physics of this world” Thor begins to explain, hands flying across from him, gesturing to the tower and beyond the thick window walls.
The team leans in, the puzzling amusement wafts in the air and they hold their breath, none of them could lift it even a hair, and yet, you grasped it like it weighed nothing like it was a part of you.
What other hidden powers did you possess? What other lurking lineage would manifest out of the blue, causing them to wonder what you truly wore, even years later.
“While it may seem incredibly heavy to all of you, for me, and-and now for y/n” Thor gestures to your seat, before finding it empty, the imprint of your body pressed into the leather but no sign of you.
Thor quickly rises from his seat, moving from the crowding space of the coach, his eyes flicker across from the team, and still, your absence harrows deeper into his chest.
Shaking with earnestness to find you and tell you all the things left at the tip of his tongue and bit back into his lip, the sounds of the team are muffled from his ears.
A crackling fire breathes deep within him, black and blue flames licking their way up his stomach, pushing him, burning him with a sole purpose that bristles the hairs down his back.
Find her. Help her. Keep her.
“Thor? We’re you going?” Tony asks, the drunken liquor that had once softened his features hardened again, the prior events sobering him quickly.
“Y/n, she- she’s gone” Thor replies, his voice cracking as he begins to move
“Shit” Mutters Tony, before moving from his position, calling for Friday to secure the building, barring all exits.
“If she gets out, she’s going to be confused, that power that runs through your veins, it brings something within you, and if we don’t find her, she might- she’s going to..” Thor replies, his eyes darting across his teammates, tugging at his collar which has begun to itch his skin.
“She’s going to hurt some people” Steve replies, an understanding that blankets his features, nodding with a gruff mumbling through a tight-lipped mouth.
“More like a lot of people” Tony snorts, fingers fumbling at indiscreet buttons embedded into his tailored suit. Whilst the rest of the team begin gearing up to find you, and suddenly, like a flash of wind and rain, Thor gritty his teeth and steps forward.
“Wait, stop, STOP, before you all try and hound her, let me talk to her, I’m the only one who can, and believe me, she's not going to want her team mates scurrying around the tower like she's some intruder”. Thor says, before Tony scoffs loudly
“Listen, I get the whole kicked puppy appeal, and I know how you like to play Prince Charming, but we need to find her as quick as possible, this isnt just for our safety, its for hers. Did you ever think about that?” Tony replies, eyebrows raising expectedly.
“She barely knows what's happening to her, and she could end up hurting herself alright? Unlike many of you who think I actually care about the team, well maybe just Y/N but still.” Tony murmur, as he casts his gaze across the team.
“Which is exactly why I, need to find her, not you not the team, not Lady Friday, me” Thor emphasises the word, pressing his index towards his chest.
Tony sighs, he's shoulder giving way, teeth grinding and he bits back a harsh retort, Bruce shifts on his feet, knuckles rubbing across his bottom lip as his mind runs over the hundred questions and possibilities pressing his mind.
“Maybe he's right,” He says, causing Tony to swiftly turn his neck, eyebrows raising as he cocks his head in shock.
“Jesus Banner, you're telling me you agree with him?” Tony replies, a comical laugh leaving his mouth as shakes his head in dissaprovment.
“Look, Tony, I want, more than anything to find her as quick as possible and find out what or how this is happening, alright? But we've got to be smart about this, she's going to be out there, scared, and feeling disoriented, and that isn't a good combination with cosmic wielding powers. The only one who can reach her, through the fog and mist of confusion is Thor.” Banner replies, eyes noting Tony’s scrutinising gaze.
“You should go” A voice rises from the team before Bucky coughs loudly,
“He needs to go, Tony, she only needs one person at this point, and it's you, it's gotta be you” Bucky replies, nodding towards Thor who returns the same gesture.
“Always voted out of a team I practically created, why do I even try anymore” Murmurs Tony, scratching his chin roughly, before he seems to surrender as Thor’s blazing blues bore into him.
Before Thor has a chance to step forward, Tony's gruff voice presses him to stop.
His hands reach down to pat his pack pocket awkwardly, before shifting his reach into his jacket, he throws a small rectangle screen towards the golden-haired god.
“It’s a portable tablet screen that's directly connected to Friday, think of it as a, uh mini Friday in your pocket. If you need us, just click the side button twice,” explains Tony. As Thor pockets the tablet securely, he nods towards him, an understanding that is murmured between their eyes.
And with a turn, Thor takes off into the darkness of the expansive tower, following the route he's carved into the forefront of his mind. The route he knows you take every day, hoping to the gods he’ll find his girl.
--- -
Shouldering the rooftop door open the gush of the city air fills your lungs with mouthfuls, the sting of smoke and escaped steam wrinkle your nose and you sigh out loud at the circumstance you face this rooftop with.
You ride your dress up as you fumble to reach for a maroon brick, shoving it carelessly between the door and the adjacent wall to keep I from locking from the inside.
Walking through the rooftops brick terrace held together by rows of porcelain columns, the glitter of strung fairy lights glistens against your skin, the midnight breeze wafts through your hair and you can't understand why but there is a sliver of unease that runs down your back, bristling the hairs on the curve of it.
Stepping towards the edge of the rooftop, your eyes strain as they watch the waves of yellow cabs and red umbrellas, rolling over and crashing into the bank, pulling back, and pushing into the sea of people that engulfed this city. Sky-scratching buildings seem to loom down on you, as you raise your head towards the skies, towards the thin band of here and there, the world in which its lineage ran through your veins.
You wondered if you would live between those two worlds, between the green and blue of Earth and the luminous realms of Asgard. Would you have to forgo your life on Earth? Leave your teammates to go fight- to go fulfil some designated throne that had been waiting for you since the inception of time? Your thoughts are cut off as you feel that same shiver caress your spine, it's blinding in its uncomfortableness, like an itch you cannot scratch.
And without any conscious reason, you feel yourself recognise the presence of another being, one that feels connected to you, beyond the strained curiosity and shock your other teammates had plastered on their faces. 
This person, they reach for you, the whisper of their knowing hands, strong, as they'd hold you, stripping away everything else, the constraints of normalcy and what dictates ordinary on Earth. Reaching for you, like they know, like they understand, like they too grasp the strength of the Nordic grafted hammer.
“Thor” You whisper, head tilted towards the black oil spill that spreads across the evening sky.
“M’lady” He replies swiftly, the sound of his boots stepping forward from their place leaning against the rooftop door frame.
“How did you find me” You chuckle humourlessly, letting the auburn locks fall across your face, a curtain that guards you against the world.
“If I knew better, I’d call it a hunch, but if I'm being completely honest? I can’t help but notice you in a room full of others, you pull me, like some invisible force, where you go I follow, call me foolish and I’d say I’m but a fool for you”. Thor replies, with a deep baritone voice that causes you to quiver.
You gulp at his admonishment, softly turning your body to gaze towards his lingering figure, a stretch of space between you two that told you if you didn't want this you could still back away and run from it. A stretch of space Thor always kept from you, keeping you at arm's length until now, until he couldn't bare to keep you away.
He overpowers everything, his stature looming over everyone in the team like some formidable statue, the cloth navy shirt and pants going to every muscle and ripple in his body, the threads stretching across his expansive chest and back.
The whips of his dirty blonde hair escape his haphazard bun, licking the edges of his beard and curved lashes beaded with a sunset yellow. The wind flutters around him, a blossom appearing on his cheeks and neck, as his eyes survey your expression, trying to decipher your response through the stone of your features.
“You-” You clear your throat as you continue “You truly mean that?” You whisper back, stepping closer towards him. He looks across at you, eyes fluttering under heavy lids, nodding furiously as he steps towards you, causing you to step back until the small of your back brushes against the rooftop railing.
“Swear to the gods, this is a truth I’ve held closer than anything in my life” Thor promises, he's closer now, close enough where you can trace the sun-kissed freckles across his cheeks or the whisper of a white scar that snakes its way across his forehead.
“Let me help you? Please?” Thor looks down at you, a fire burning within the storm of his azure eyes, waves crashing against each other, the depth of a dark beast that tries to swallow you whole.
You furrow your eyebrows, your heart pounding against your chest as you swallow thickly, looking up towards him you reach for his arm and he grasps you earnestly, squeezing hard.
“I don't want to hurt people Thor, and- and I don't think there is anything you can help me with” You reply, as you press your teeth into your bottom lip.
Thor’s gaze on your bristles,  his jaw tight as he observes you closely, his eyes darken before he shakes the moment away.
“What do you mean?” Thor replies, confusion spreading across his features
“Thor, do you honestly believe I am some kind of long-lost queen to your dynasty? That I, have the duty and honour to carry that hammer?” You reply, your gaze shifting across his features, as a moment of realisation hits him.
“You don't think you're worthy.” He murmurs, shaking his head as if the mere saying revolted him.
You bite your lip, smiling hard before nodding, it was true after all, so why did it hurt so much when it came from his mouth?
“Did you think I truly believed I was when I grasped Mjolnir in my hand all those years before? Every single fibre of my being dripped with doubt that It wouldn't nudge, that some overarching god saw my deepest fears and believed them”. He replies, his eyes glazed as if reminiscing about life before.
You listen carefully, but can't help the look of shock that overpowers your features. The hammer was practically grafted for him, the hilt and handle moulded to fit the length of his hand. His big, burly, thick hands. And yet he was doubtful, a voice tries to doubt his words, saying they are just a front, but you know, deep down, that he is probably the only person who has spoken to you this truthfully, the only person you know looks at you and sees you. 
“And you know what happened?” Thor continues “I picked it up, and with it those doubts lay where they would, and I was so thankful, that they saw everything, my deepest fears, but refused to believe them as true. Refused to give them any chance to destroy me”. He replies
“And now, I come to you, and hope to god I give you that same reassurance, that same ever-lasting remembrance that you are, and will always be, worthy” Thor replies, fingers tracing the curve of your face, tucking a curl behind your ear.
“This isn’t to say I don't carry those same doubts, trust me, darling, they are with me, each and every day, but most days, the belief in me is a little louder” Thor replies, a smile tugging his lips as he looks at you.
“It’s just- it's just so confusing. I mean why now?” You reply.
“Gods tend to have a pretty funny sense of humour, trust me” Thor replies, a chuckle escaping his mouth, it's beautiful, the sound still held back by nerves and the eagerness to not make a fool of himself infant of you.
You can't help but let a giggle leave you, the sound so foreign after so many years of your non-expressive facade, it felt good, to let yourself be free, let yourself go of the pain of everything unsaid.
“You know, before the team, before everything really, I had a sister. She was younger than me but so so tall, and had this amazing raven hair that just fell into beautiful curls down her back. I always felt I needed to protect her, even when I didn't know what that meant you know? And then she died, and my entire life just caved in on itself” You murmur, the memories of those years before pain you, the familiar burn aching just like it was yesterday.
“I was so broken Thor, I mean, just- I was ruined” You smile, tears ebbing on your waterline as you shake yourself.
“How could I possess such power, such significance, when I was so destroyed for years? When I couldn't even bath myself when I couldn’t- when I could protect her. I was weak, and that stays with you, I feel it in my bones. It stays with you” You struggle to swallow around the brick lodged into your throat, blinking back tears that have begun to stain your cheeks.
Thor's hand comes to swipe them away with his thumb, holding it there so that he grasped your face, and scooped it within the mass of his enormous hands. You get safe in them, like the horrors of your past could be protected by his index and thumb.
“The pain, the pain of losing someone close to you, it’s like that of losing a part of yourself, during the battle of Asgard, I had lost-” Thor coughs, shaking his head before continuing. “I had lost one of my dearest comrades, my confidante, my friend. I took it, the pain, and I kept it within me, letting it fester and bellow as more of my loved ones passed. I didn't know it then but I was slowly stripping away, decorticating and rotting from the inside out”.
“I don't think I will ever forgive myself you know? For not doing enough, for doing too much, I don't know. It’s all such a blur, just feelings and memories now, that pain is there.” Thor replies mournfully, pressing a hand to your chest softly.
“But there comes a point where you have to make a decision, to either allow yourself to sink further down the depression and grief, are allow it to be a part of yourself, letting its waves crash over you rather than against you, let the storm take you until it has no choice but to pass”
“It’s there and we carry it with us every day and isn't that enough? Isn’t the pain we feel a testament to our love? To the love, we felt for them? In some weird way, this hammer? Mjolnir? it saved me. Appearing every time I called for it, by my side through it all, and I want that for you, I want you to feel that you can trust me enough to keep me by your side”. Thor replies, wiping away the tears that glisten from the city lights from your cheeks, dipping his head to lean it against your own.
“Oh Thor” You sigh, the sound of his name ripping through you like an avalanche, the emotions you've kept buried deep within the carcass of your chest finally ripped wide open.
Thor shudders at the sound of his name leaving your pretty lips, gods he was enamoured, the way your soft voice whispered the curves and flicks of his syllables. He wonders how you'd whisper it, how you'd shout it in the throes of pleasure, keening as he filed you to the hilt, dark hair sprawled as he rocked into your slick folds.
“I came to his rooftop as a signal of my resignation to this crazy idea of wielding Mjolnir, to give in, yet again to the harrowing voices that had soon taken over every thought in my brain since my sister's death” You reply, eyes shifting to the murmur of the Hudson, the deep river that held and accepting your darkest admonishes, your darkest secrets with open arms.
“And now, now, you've let me see, Thor, you've let me finally see” You croak, a teary smile as you reach for him, your hands grasping at the hairs on his nape.
“How can I thank you? How can I possibly thank you for believing me, my stupid fears, my regrets, my past? For taking the chance none in years had ever?” You reply
Thor looks down at you, the beginnings of an unravelling love tearing through his features, his eyes shining as the gaze over each slope and line of your face, hands tugging as they grip your waist closer to his towering figure.
God, he thinks he’s always known you were something special, from the moment you had spilt half your coffee on him to the moment you had tackled him down on that rubbery training room floor. The curves of your hips pressing into the hardness of his stomach- Jesus Christ.
He couldn't help but spend his nights imagining you pined under him after that, how pretty you’d look with him taking care of you, and now, with the reality, you would both be faced with, with you being able to imprint your presence in the city and world he loved, his cock throbbed with need.
He could picture it now, your curved back sleeping peacefully in his bed in Asgard, left bare save from the threaded blanket strewn between you both. The shine of the city’s morning light filtered into the large pane windows of the castle. Thor answering calls from the team, before you nudged him gently, the need spreading across your face with the bite of your lip and flutter of your eyes. Throwing the tablet across the room before pressing into you sopping heat with a groan, pressing soft kisses to your neck as he shushes you gently “I know baby, I know, let me take care of you hm?” And oh would he fulfil your every burning, dying wish. 
Thor didn't have much these days, just stolen memories and tobacco-burnt loves. But now, now he felt he had you, entirely, now he felt you had him, wholly. Until all you saw was a man who wanted to love you, and all he saw was a goddess beneath him.
“Hold me tight, My Lady, and don’t ever let go” Thor presses into your neck, before the burning blue light of Mjolnir colours your eyes, the rooftop terrace, and the sky above. The electricity pushing you forth into the sky as Thor guides your hands to the hilt, letting you feel the power that surges in you, the power that is destined and owed to you, and you only.
His Queen.
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