#everyones like well bts broke up right and im like okay well:
do u like any other groups? just curious
I do like other groups! I listen to just about everything that comes out in the kpop world, but I only realllyyyy stan Seventeen rn. I kinda just evolved into casual fans of oneus, mcnd, wjsn, and bts even though I used to actively follow them really closely and the other groups I used to be like super into disbanded (gfriend and enoi)
I actually fell out of kpop for like a year… ish? And you could not tell because I only really stayed into seventeen because of this blog and it was hard to get back into it because I felt like I was behind…? But I’m back to listening to like everything again (I’m really fucking with Blitzers new song???)
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burntheworldtwice · 7 months
Live Thoughts on The Last Voyage of Demeter (Spoilers)
So I know very little of this movie outside the plot. I know it is much anticipated. Reviews are decent. But I didn't want some critic tainting my opinion you know? So I smoked a bowl, made a broke girls charcuterie, and am diving in.
-First of all who doesn't love a good Dracula tale?
-This is moody. Love that. Definitely recommend being in the dark by a fire if possible. its giving Victorian child and I personally am a victorian child so this is just swell
-I wish we still rode horses. Its a power move. Cop pulls up in a car ugh boring cop GALLOPS up on a horse. Mad respect.
-OMG its the guy who went after Oppenheimer for that shit senator. What's his name......David Dastmalchian. Im sorry hold the phone. DASTMALCHIAN is his dad Machiavelli. I'll be honest y'all im not a fan of his face. He looks weasly and honestly a bit threatening but that may just be the roles I've seen.
-Corey Hawkins out here showing LOOKS. Saving LIVES. CHILD LIVES. What. A. Gem.
-Whats in the box? WHATS in the box? WHATS IN THE BOOOOOX?!
-Why must children be so enthusiastic? So young and full of hope. Even on a fucking Russian ship in the 19th century.
-This cheese is really fucking good.
-Awe isn't this cute. "Crew in high spirits". Dancing around and shit. Did you know that many sailors were gay and that's why everyone thinks the Navy is a bunch of pussies. The more you know :)
-Is that Aaron Paul? LOL
-This really is pretty I must say. And the use of sound is just **Chefs kiss** I love when a movie employs sound as a means of expression.
-She needs a transfusion who's fucking blood is heh using is that his blood? The count is awake! yipeeee.
-I really need to watch some BTS for this. A lot of CGI and sets. Like did they do it Life of Pie style. I'll have to goole that..
-Ruh row. Bats outta the cage. NOT THE FUCKING DOG WHYYYYY KILL THE KID. Ugh why is it always the dog :((((
-Rabies? Men are so simple minded.
-Damn Drac is not looking good. Like worse than Voldy pre cauldron sesh.
-This kid is really taking on some emotional trauma. And little Woody Newman is just a cutie. He reminds of Gavauche (idk if that's spelled right) in Les Mis.
-"A boat without rats such is a thing against nature." That's a tattoo right thurr
-I am LOOOOVING the horror. The gore is so well done. Beautiful like Saving Private Ryan... If youre into blood..
-I could listen to Liam Cunningham read a Ikea instructions manual.
-I don't know if its intentional or not but I can't figure out the timeline of this movie. They mention a cove and it being over two weeks to England. But I can't tell how the time is passing. Could also be high but hey who knows.
-I know Rotten Tomatoes poopood this but I'm having fun and Draculas a dick lmao mimicking his victims. Damn bitch. Oh good strings. I love a good horror
-Why do we find it so hard to believe in things we can't understand? I realize the human brain seeks answers and solutions rather than more questions, but what if the answers and solutions are right there we just refuse to believe it?
-LMAO "I have a very important job for. you Toby. It's a lot to take on, can you handle it?" Hands over a spyglass. "Will you shine my shit for me dude?" I was talking to my wife about this but like I don't remember ever being this curious as a kid. Like demons on board? Nah Im staying in my room. Meanwhile this kid just wandering around the belly of ship.
-He got a knife. Tough kid here.
-Wow he's going full Jack Torrance with the door here. But who needs an axe when you have your face???
-NOT TOBY. Like I know everyone dies and all but damn. Also can Dracula apparate. Or is it like AS IF YOU COULD OUT RUN ME. Im a little behind on my Dracula lore. Oh he might live with these backwoods infusions.
-Okay I just haven't paid attention on the captains log. My B.
-Olgarin was bit... and infected? But Anne and Toby were fed on... and aren't? I'm going to have to think about that. Going up in flames was a fun drama though!
-I feel like maybe don't open the spooky box. And this man just rowing out to sea blindly believing in his faith. Did the Prince of Darkness fly out there? or. Yep. He a winged mother fucker.
-I like Dracula just whispering sweet nothings before he feeds.
-Are his burns not fucking horrifically painful? Im in pain looking at him. I know burns and that shit sucks for forever.
-Can Dracula manipulate the weather? I feel like I really need to brush up on my Dracula now. Foggy as hell. Dracula knew yawls plan come on.
-Women always out here making the greatest sacrifices.
-Why is Dracula synonymous with the devil? I like to think of Dracula like Jason Segal in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
-THe smothering with the wings was like kinda dope. Won't lie.
-I'm so glad they're trauma bonded now.
-I think I would of made a great light house keeper. Chill up in the rain by a fire. Watch the ships. Ambient lighting. My kinda gig to be frank.
-That ending sunrise. Wow. Almost poetic.
-NONONONONOOOO please tell me there's not going to be a sequel. Please dear god just let it end.
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minsungotp · 4 months
Want so bad (minsung)
Ch5 class dismissed
(The last of the craziness until the next family reunion!)
Hyunjin didn't wait for an invite he just popped in.
"I'm hyunjin the artist. If I'm mad at you , you may or may not find a portrait of me pushing you off a cliff." He grinned comedically. "But I am pretty awesome. And I am a great actor."
"Don't forget comedian." Minho laughed. it so happened that he quite enjoyed the crazy antics of the groups visual.
"Right!" Hyunjin winked at Minho who threw a mini heart his way.
In the corner han bit his lip in distaste.
He already didn't like the guy. He wanted Minho's attention on him not this self proclaimed drama queen.
Han hoped that his funny outgoing introduction would be enough to draw Minho in. He wasn't quite as dramatic as hyunjin but he hoped it would still be enough to keep him interested.
Han felt his cheeks heat up, at the mere mention of the name.
Minho had seemed to gain a bit more confidence than before, straightening up.
"very nice to meet you."
Han gulped. Was he making eye contact with him on purpose?
Pull yourself together Han! He's just another hyung-
looking into the dancer's eyes made him spiral out of reality. He just couldn't do it. So he focused instead on his torso and shoes.
Changbin sent Han a teasing look.
Oh no I'll never hear the end of it. He groaned.
Minho continued
"I know I'm pretty good looking-"
"Oh baby." Han didn't know what he had said until it was too late.
Everyone turned in his direction.
Can I melt into the floor now?
Minho once again saved him. "You're a funny guy Han."
"Yes sir! The comedian!" Han agreed, looking at the ceiling.
"I'm down here." Minho teased.
Han laughed nervously.
"Everything doesn't have to be about you!" He spluttered.
The other members watched this exchange with interest. What was going on?
The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
"I'm Lee Minho but you can call me Leeknow I'm thinking about using it as my stage name."
"It's a good name." Bangchan nodded. But Han liked his real name so much more.
"I used to dance for BTS so you can come to me for help! I'm very passionate about dance and I want to do everything I can to make sure everyone can preform well. It's my top priority."
Han gave a shy smile. There was something so attractive about a passionate man.
"You look like a cat." Hyunjin randomly blurted out.
Minho jerked his head in surprise.
"I do?" He made a loud distorted meowing noise.
"Do you want me to draw you some catnip?"
Hyunjin jumped to his feet and started petting his head. Han gritted his teeth. Can this guy shut up already? I saw him first!
It was true. But the more correct term would be. I stared at him first!
Minho got on all fours and crawled to Seungmin and IN who scratched his chin all while laughing. Minho was behaving so strangely but acting oddly comfortable and chill with the other members.
They are so lucky. What would it be like to run his hands through that silky hair of his?
Much to Han's delight, Minho made his way to him.
he leaned forward expectantly.
Han tried to play it down and started out just patting his head. But he couldn't pull away and ended up tangling his fingers in the locks.
Minho stiffened nervously. Why did it feel so different when Han was the one touching him?
Han finally dared to make eye contact. Mistake mistake mistake!
His mouth opened as his breathing became more shallow. He has the most powerful eye's I've ever seen...
For a moment, he felt himself get lost in them.
"Okay!" Bangchan clapped, bringing them back to reality. They broke the eye contact in a bit of a daze.
What just happened? He was staring back?
The thought excited him but he didn't allow it to last long.
He's probably staring because YOUR staring made him uncomfortable you dumb-
"You guy's already know a bit about me. Im the leader, I'm a singer and I too am from Australia!"
"Heyyy!" Felix sent him a mini heart 🫰
"As you all know Han, Changbin and I are the producers of this group. If you have any ideas for a song or a beat just send them my way! I love fresh new ideas! Also your feelings matter to us. If you're ever having a hard time or just need some advice. Come to me, Changbin-"
Han shook his head.
"Or Changbin." Bangchan laughed.
He would never be able to get alone time if he kept getting swamped with other peoples problems.
"Okay, class dismissed!" Bangchan joked gesturing to the door.
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0 notes
tteokggukk · 4 years
welcome to my youtube channel → kth
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✳ pairing: idol!taehyung x youtuber!reader
✳ genre: fluff, taehyung scenario, stranger to lovers, reader is an artist who posts art videos on youtube
✳ warnings: none!
✳ words: 2.9k
✳ a/n: hello, this is my second bts oneshot/scenario. i just like to write for fun but if you’d like to let me know if there’s anything i can improve on please do so! i’d love to know how to improve. anyways, i hope you enjoy!
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"Hey guys, welcome to my YouTube Channel."
You spoke in front of the camera. Sets of acrylic paint were spread out across the table next to a stand that held an 18x24 inch canvas. You were in the middle of making your seventeenth video, a highly requested one at that, and deep down you were ecstatic to start working on the painting.
Never in your life did you think you would ever start a YouTube account. You always considered yourself a very shy and private person, not one to go out of their way and broadcast themselves all over the internet. Your best friends, however, were two very well-known YouTubers and always found a way to include you in their videos and live streams. Somehow people liked seeing more of you, and so you were convinced by your best friends and the audience to start your own YouTube channel.
But you weren't very accustomed to bringing a camera everywhere with you to document and share whatever was happening in your daily life, you found it too awkward and you were still camera-shy, so you decided to create content in a way that would still keep you comfortable while doing something you loved.
An art channel.
Your channel blew up pretty fast. Requests started pouring in here and there. You became known for your very calm demeanor and artistic skills, so you took this as an opportunity to sell your works online as a way to earn some extra money for your future. Occasionally, you'd do lives to talk to your fans and you were happy at the support they showed you, which only encouraged you to keep making videos.
"This was a highly requested video, and I honestly can't wait to get started," you told the camera, mentally telling yourself to insert the comments and messages you got in your DMs to paint this Adonis-like human being. The requests started coming in after you had an Instagram live where you did some quick sketches while playing some of your favorite songs in the back, and people noticed one of the songs you played was by him.
"You guys also asked if I could sell this painting, but because of the "high demand"," you spoke, adding air quotes, "I'd like to keep it up for auction so the proceeds could go to different fundraisers."
You started mixing different colors in your palette and showed everyone the picture for your reference.
"So, without further ado, today I will be painting Kim Taehyung."
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"Hey guys, welcome to my YouTube Channel."
Taehyung watched as you spoke in the video, looking behind you to see a bunch of art materials. The title of the video was left ambiguously, only being named most requested video, leaving him no clue on what it was you were going to create this time.
He's been watching your videos for quite some time now, ever since your channel started rising. Art was one of his major interests and he absolutely adored the way you made your videos with the calming, ASMR-like sound of mixing paint and how you skillfully glided the brush across the canvas. On days when he found himself tired and in need of a quick way to relax, he'd subconsciously find himself binge watching videos on your channel— even repeating several videos since you were only starting. He found it fascinating, but also because he found you interesting.
Because of your channel, he even created an anonymous YouTube account just to leave nice comments on your videos along with a private Instagram account to be able to watch your lives.
Needless to say, he didn't miss that one live where you played the song Winter Bear. It made his whole night, making him sleep with a smile on his face.
"This was a highly requested video, and I honestly can't wait to get started." 
He watched as a bunch of comments started appearing onscreen popping up one by one as they gradually got faster, eventually covering you. It took a moment before it sunk in that he was the highly requested person they wanted you to paint. He paused the video, wide-eyed, before shouting in excitement. Jimin had to come in and check what the whole commotion was about.
"Y/n's going to paint me!" Taehyung exclaimed, his mouth turning into his famous boxy smile. 
"Ah, the YouTuber you really like?" Jimin smiles before sitting down next to Taehyung who continued playing the video, "I wanna see."
"You guys also asked if I could sell this painting, but because of the "high demand", I'd like to keep it up for auction so the proceeds could go to different fundraisers."
"Wow, she seems really kind," Jimin says, while Taehyung only nods, his eyes glued to the screen.
"So, without further ado, today I will be painting Kim Taehyung."
He felt his heart beat fast when you mentioned his name, and without realizing it his ears have gone all red. 
On screen, you began sketching, "You guys have also been sending me a lot of questions lately, which is why I decided to tweet about doing a q&a."
"What questions did you ask?" Jimin asked Taehyung.
"I asked her if being an artist is something she'd like to pursue," Taehyung told him.
"Ooooh, trying to get to know her," Jimin teases, "Our little Taehyungie has a celebrity crush."
Taehyung rolls his eyes but breaks out into a grin anyway, "I just respect her artistry."
"Right, okay," Jimin snickers, obviously not buying it.
Taehyung knew he was telling the truth, though. It was impossible to have feelings for someone who you only knew through a screen. He found you attractive for sure, but he of all people would know that almost no one is completely one-hundred percent themselves on screen. Genuine as you may be, there are still things that are best kept to yourself. He couldn’t lie though, if given the chance to get to know you, he’d never pass up on that offer.
"Someone asked why I don't use that much ready-made paint," You spoke on screen, "It's ‘cause I learn a lot from mixing my own colors, and also I just really enjoy it."
The painting was beginning to come together halfway through the video and Taehyung's question finally made its way to you. "Kimyeontan95 asks, ‘is painting a career you want to pursue? I love your work, by the way’."
"That was basically I love you," Jimin holds back a laugh, earning him a light punch in the arm from Taehyung.
"Thank you so much, kimyeontan95, and no, painting is just a hobby of mine and a way to earn some future savings. I actually really want to be a novelist."
Taehyung smiled after hearing you answer his question. Later on, the video was over and his portrait was complete. He hurriedly redirected himself to the link that was provided for the auction.
Something in him wanted to have that painting no matter what, so he set himself as the highest bidder and eventually had it mailed to his home where he put your work up in his room to cherish.
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A day after your video was posted, you woke up to a thousand notifications from your phone. Hundreds of people were mentioning you in tweets and you had numerous missed calls from your best friends and some texts telling you to check your online art shop. You groggily scroll through your feed, a bit confused as to what was happening.
I wanted to buy this painting and I had it in my list, but now it's unavailable!
@yourtwittername are you planning to sell a new collection?
a million dollar bid wtf swownwowksodiowl
Someone just bought all of @yourtwitterusername's paintings. I'm crying in broke eye—
but like what if taehyung set that bid? @yourtwitterusername
I just woke up and my mentions are pouring. What is going on? You tweeted.
Thousands of replies began coming in leaving you feeling overwhelmed and confused on where to start. Everyone was telling you to check your site, and so you did. You felt your heart almost stop beating when you saw that every single artwork you had up for sale were sold out. Nothing was left behind. You checked your emails, and the confirmations were there.
How could this have happened overnight?
ALL MY WORKS ARE SOLD OUT?!?!?!?? WHO COULDVE DONET THIS??? You tweeted, hands shaking.
You felt your heart race, a wide grin that could go even wider if possible was plastered on your face. You tried to stop yourself from screaming in excitement but couldn't so you ended up jumping up and down and doing happy dances before calming down to assess the situation. Finally, you sat down in front of your laptop to see where all your works were being shipped to.
Replies started coming in.
Checking your emails, you discover that your art works were all bought by one person. Anonymous. There was no name and someone requested to have their personal information redacted. 
Anonymous? Surely this wasn't a joke?
The person kept their name anonymous. You tweeted and muted the notifications just to allow yourself to focus on finding out who it was that bought everything.
At the bottom of all the removed personal information, there was one username that you were sure you've heard or seen somewhere.
@ Kimyeontan95. 
Underneath the username was a short but sincere message.
"Your videos have always helped me wind down after a long, busy day. I can't express how much you inspire me with your talent and how I wish someday you'd teach me to be half as good as you, as I'm not very gifted in the painting department. I admire how you put your gifts into good things, and I very much idolize you in one way or another. This is just a small way of showing my support for you, but also because all your works are amazing and I'd love to have a small room filled with my favorite art works. I look forward to reading works of yours soon, future novelist.”
Feeling the heat creeping up on your cheeks, you smiled to yourself. The letter was definitely heartfelt and you wanted so badly to thank the person who sent it.
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Later that afternoon, you decided to go on live to personally thank the anonymous buyer for buying your works and for sending that wonderful note. You fixed yourself up a little bit and pressed live as thousands of your followers began to tune in.
"Hello, everyone," you greeted, smiling. Replies with greetings started coming in and you couldn't help but chuckle at the eager messages your followers were sending. They truly made you happy.
As expected, several questions began pouring in.
"Right, so, I wanted to do this live because of what happened. As you may have noticed, all my works were suddenly sold out which definitely took me by surprise," you started, "Unfortunately the buyer left everything anonymous. They only left what I assume is a username and a short letter, which I will keep to myself for personal reasons."
@follower2 will you keep selling your works?
@follower4 am I the only one who thinks a secret admirer bought it
@follower5 check my YouTube channel I made a theory on who bought her works
@follower6 i rlly think it's taehyung
@follower7 I’'m so proud of you :(((
"If the person who bought all of my paintings is watching this, I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate the letter as well, you've honestly made me the happiest person on Earth," you smiled.
@follower8 AWWWWW
@follower9 ANON COME OUT
@follower10 i really wanna know what the letter says
@ Kimyeontan95 I'm glad :)
Your heart stopped at one of the replies. You took your phone immediately from its fixed position with wide eyes and began scrolling up fast because of the immediate replies coming in. Wasn't that the username?
@follower11 what's going on?
@follower12 y/n are you okay?
You could no longer find the reply so you set your phone down, fixing it back in place.
"For a second I thought the person who bought it was watching my live," you sighed and smiled nervously, "So anyways— I'd really love to express my gratitude so if they're watching, please contact me. I can't say thank you en—"
Suddenly the replies were frantic. People were sending keyboard smashes here and there. Only a few of them were actual coherent comments. "What is going on?" You asked as you began scrolling through.
@follower13 Y/N CHECK VLIVE
@follower14 TaEHYUNF IS ON LIVE
@follower15 I kNEW IT THOUGH???
Keeping your live on, you grabbed your laptop as fast as you could to check out the links being sent to your live. When it finally loaded, you could've sworn you'd have a heart attack. 
"Oh, I think she's watching me," Taehyung grinned through his live, holding his phone in front of the camera. He quickly shows the viewers his phone screen, which showed your live of you watching him through your laptop. Your eyes widened and you looked back at your phone camera that was broadcasting your live, then back at his live.
Taehyung started giggling, "I guess we're just watching each other, huh?" He smiled. Behind him were packed and unpacked parcels of paintings you recognized were yours. If it was even possible, your eyes grew even wider at this, "Oh my god," you breathed out.
"I should probably introduce myself," Taehyung spoke, "Hello everyone, I'm Kim Taehyung. How are you all doing? Today I’m planning on redecorating my room after our practice. What are the packages behind me? Oh, these are paintings I recently bought."
"Are those my paintings?" You asked out loud, though you knew the answer. 
"Are those my paintings?" Your voice echoed from Taehyung's broadcast as your live was streaming from his phone. He grinned sheepishly, "Yes, these are your works, I hope you don't mind."
"Not at all," You smiled, "You were the buyer?" 
You mentally slapped yourself for asking such obvious questions, but you just couldn't believe everything that was happening now.
"Yes," he chuckles, "I really love your paintings." Suddenly the sound of Jimin’s voice echoed from behind and Taehyung quickly stood up to lock the door, knowing he’d get the teasing of a lifetime if Jimin came and saw him talking to you.
"Thank you so much, I—" Your voice began to crack and your eyes welled with tears that you tried to fight back, "I really appreciate it. And the letter, that was really sweet."
"No, thank you. Wait, don't cry—" Taehyung spoke nervously.
"I'm just so happy," You laughed while wiping the tears off.
The replies from both ends were coming in like crazy. On one hand, majority of everyone watching found the whole scenario cute and started pairing you two out of nowhere, though there were a few haters on the other. It didn't really bother you, you were just so happy someone you idolized noticed your work.
"I'm glad," he was watching you with a fond smile through his phone, then the sound of the Jin’s voice began coming from outside Taehyung’s room, "Sorry for this sudden grand reveal. I really can't stay on live for too long but I'd love to keep talking to you." He spoke.
"Oh no, that's okay," You spoke fast.
"Do you mind if I send you a message? Assuming you already know the username," he asks.
"No not at all, I'd love to keep talking as well," your heart was beating erratically now. You didn't have to see your face to know how red it was becoming.
"Alright, great. Um, before I end this vlive I just wanna say you're a great artist and to all my viewers watching this, please support y/n's artworks and her channel! If I see any negative comments, I'll be taking responsibility and I'll unfortunately have my agency involved in taking those out," he spoke in a commercial tone kind of voice, "And to y/n, I'll be keeping in touch.” The door from behind him suddenly bursts open and Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook rush inside.
“You were talking to her!” Jimin shouts excitedly.
“Finally!” Jungkook claps.
“Is that why you kept the door locked?” Jin teases.
“Bye, everyone!" Taehyung quickly waves goodbye to the camera and smiles before turning the broadcast off. 
You sat there stunned, almost forgetting you were also on live. You turned to your phone which was still recording you, "That was unexpected."
Suddenly, a notification in your DMs popped up. "I'll go ahead and process everything that just happened now, bye guys! See you in my next video." You ended the live with a wave and smile.
You quickly went into your direct messages and found the same username, Kimyeontan95. You opened it and found a picture of Taehyung holding one of your paintings with a peace sign on his other hand, the other members behind him posing with your other works, making you laugh.
Your heart fluttered at the message below the picture.
I hope this isn't too sudden, but would you like to go out with me sometime?
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a/n: hello! if you finished it, thank you so much for reading! i hope you liked it hehe. i think i’m gonna keep posting the stuff i write bc i have so many ideas for the other members as well. also this is fun hehe. if you wanna read my other work, let’s fall in love for the night, ← here’s a link! thanks again for reading and please look forward to my future writing/edits.
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koko-bopp · 4 years
min yoongi x jeon jungkook x male!reader
word count – 4K
genre – Angst, fluff
warning(s) – argument scene, mentions of homophobia and racism,
synopsis – An incident happened where your boyfriends had had an interview on national television, and one of them publicized your relationship with then. You're the manager of Bangtan, so your concern fell on your job, your relationship, and your life, but also what it meant for the jobs, lives and relationship of your boyfriends.
A/N – for @thatcucumberwhore :))
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"Are you guys fucking kidding me?"
Jungkook accidently jumped at the tone of your voice, though Yoongi seemed less surprised. You'd come in practically throwing down the door of you and your boyfriends' apartment, and that being said, you weren't surprised that Jungkook jolted at the noise, it was unlike you.
"Hyung, er–" Jungkook tried his best to speak up, but was cut off quite quickly.
"I'll get to you later," You snapped, and your attention was fixed on Yoongi. He stayed silent, which is a habit that seems to occur whenever he was nervous, but you were fuming, barely thinking about what your boyfriends' might be thinking. "What the fuck, Yoongi. What the actual fuck, you can't just announce shit without–"
"I did," Yoongi argued, standing up from the couch, looking up at you in anger, "And frankly, so did Jungkook, and you knew damn fucking well it was gonna happen anyway."
"You didn't fucking consult me, Yoongi," You grinded your teeth down, doing your best not to react irrationally, "You can't just make decisions because you feel like it, that fucking stunt could've cost us our job!"
Yoongi had no trouble talking back, "Well, it didn't."
Jungkook went in the middle of you two, clearly anxious and panicking, not knowing how to properly resolve the argument. "Guys, please can we just–"
"No," You snapped, slapping away Jungkook's hand before glaring at him. Honestly, you were so insulted by Yoongi's recklessness, and especially because you're the manager of Bangtan, you had no idea what this meant for your career, but not only yours, Yoongi's and Jungkook's too, "You do understand that our boyfriend just outed us on live television, right? South Korean. Television. Where marital relationships like ours aren't recognised by law."
Yoongi grapped your wrist, forcing you to look at him, "How long were you expecting us to keep this a secret?"
"As long as it kept us safe," You spat.
"Even if it was taking a toll on our mental health?" Yoongi said, almost too calmly, "Not everyone can keep themselves sane enough when it comes to this shit, [Y/N]."
You frowned and just stared at Yoongi.
"Mind you, your job is to look after us as well," Yoongi added.
"That requires you to fucking talk to me, Suga," The anger became evident, especially for Jungkook, because you only call Yoongi by his stage name in a professional setting, never outside of it, "Not snake around and leave things up to you."
You ripped Yoongi's grip on your wrist, taking one last glance at Jungkook before getting your jacket from the hanger.
Clearly, staying in the apartment wouldn't do your anger any good, leaving before the water begins to tip was probably the best option. You didn't look at your boyfriends', just spoke, "I'm staying at Jin's. Don't call me."
"You might as well change your Facebook status to 'complicated', and start feeding my cat, bro," Jin said from the kitchen, "You've been living on my couch for four days. Four days. I don't see why you can't just talk to them."
"I don't know..." You huffed, "Bro I deleted all my social media, and I haven't even opened the television for the last few days...I've yet to cop it from PD, though. God knows what he's thinking."
"Yeah, and no offence, you and your whole, 'Im gonna pretend I'm not bothered by acting so overly professional in the workplace with my boyfriends' isn't proof that you're unbothered. It's proof that this is effecting you," Jin walked into the living room, who beers in hand as he did. He tried handing you one, though you rejected the offer, wanting to remain sober while you're still upset.
Your bestfriend, after your boyfriends, is the eldest member of Bangtan. Partly because you two are the same age, you being just a bit older than Jin, but despite that, you two understood each other well. Also, another reason that your relationship with him is so good is because it's the best entertainment to be around Kim Seokjin, the sarcasm is inevitable.
"Look, I get what Yoongs was thinking, but I also get they you may not have been ready, but I also think you just shouldn't give a shit about what people have to say about you," Jin placed his input, sitting down on the couch near you, throwing a leg over the other, taking a swift sip of the beer. "And that's coming from singer that racists and homophobes hate, those fucks on twitter are the worst."
You laughed at his reasoning, your eyes fixed on the loose string on the knee of your jeans. They're ripped jeans, they're supposed to be there, but it bothered you. "I'm still mad that they didn't ask me about it first.."
"No, that's fair. You feel lied to, I get that," Jin responded, "But, people make mistakes."
You scoffed, "Not like this, I don't put people's lives on the line," You shook your head, running your thumb on the bottom of your lip for a second, "This is Seoul, it's super hard to get a job, it's worse if you're not straight, even worse if you're not pale."
"Yeah," Jin agreed, "But in your case. What radical fan is gonna let Jungkook and Yoongi leave– no– get kicked out of BTS? You know how fucking mad people would be? ARMY would literally boycott BigHit. But let's say it's you who needs to leave, those two would quit their jobs in a fucking heartbeat, people would still be mad at BigHit, and more accepting companies would do anything to have those two in their company."
You smirked in amusement. It sounded true, those two are the biases of a lot of fans, people would pissed.
"And to add onto that," Jin continued, "Bangtan would be mad. You think any of us would put our jobs over our bestfriends' happiness? No fucking way. We're wanted eveywhere, it would take an email and two phone calls to get us a job somewhere else."
You smiled at that, but you remained silent, it was always nice talking to Jin. He was always honest. You lifted your head up to look at your best friend, a little hesitant to give a response, "Do you... Do you think I should..."
"You still got it?"
"Both of them. Always."
"Yeah. They still love you, I wasn't gonna tell you, but I'm pretty sure Yoongi was crying about it."
You stood up from your seat immediately, throwing a pillow at Jin, "You bafoon! You didn't think to fucking tell me?!"
"Ow! I still have a beer!" Jin defended in a protective, half-ninja pose to protect himself from more pillows, stretch his hand to keep his beer alive and unspilt on his leather couch. "Just remember that they need to apologize too, it's not all your fault. Go and see your mans'."
You didn't waste another moment. You throw your jacket over your shoulder and quickly grabbed the keys to your car, slipping on your shoes and racing to get into your car.
The apartment, thankfully, wasn't far, and you know the city of Seoul like the back of your hand so getting there wasn't an issue, it was more about emotionally preparing yourself.
It wasn't as if you thought about what you were gonna say, but hearing that one of your boyfriends who are always so strong broke down crying wasn't a 'think-first-act-later' moment. Jungkook, god, and Jungkook, you'd yet to figure out how he's been handling everything, but you know for Yoongi's sake, he'd try to be staying as strong for him as possible.
You'd gotten three texts from Jungkook in the last four days. One apology, a sticker, and an 'i love you', but your stubborn trait got the best of you. Now having a silent moment, you wish you'd responded.
You didn't know what to say, but you were standing at the door of your apartment with Jungkook in front of you.
You could tell he was hoping for this, he just didn't know when.
He threw his arms around your shoulders, catching you off guard, but as soon as you'd regained your senses, you returned the embrace just as tight as he'd given it. He had his face buried into your shoulder, one hand in your hair trying to remember the feel he thought he'd forgotten, "I thought you were leaving us..." He whispered, holding back a sob.
"Jungkook, I'm so so sorry, I overreacted. I was being a jerk and–" You spewed, but was interrupted when your boyfriend shook his head.
"No, no– I'm sorry too, I thought we were doing the right thing and–" He accidently sniffled, a tear falling down his cheek, "–Ah, fuck... Jagi, I'm just so glad you're back."
You kissed Jungkook's cheek from where he was, bringing your hand up to cradle his head lovingly.
You'd do anything for Jungkook, hes your boyfriend and you love him so much.
You continued to embrace Jungkook, before speaking in a small whisper, "... Kookie, baby... Is Yoongs okay?"
Jungkook pulled away from the embrace slightly, but your hands were still on his waist. The younger wipes the tear stain on his cheek first, "He's had better days... A lot of better days."
"How bad?"
"Remember when Namjoon-hyung and him fought that one time?"
"Oh no."
"Yeah.. But this time it's more heartbreak than anger. I think you'll be fine."
You kissed Jungkook one more time, smiling at hin before hesitantly letting go to head towards Yoongi's room.
You made it three quarters of the way there, then saw the 'go away' mat in front of his door with the cat flipping the finger. It made you chuckle, knowing that then Yoongi had bought it despite the fact that nobody is allowed to walk into the house without socks.
Yoongi does things because something tells him it's the right thing to do. He doesn't act then think, he'll probably think for years and the finally act.
"Jagi..." You knocked gently on your boyfriend's door, "Yoon. It's me... Please open–"
Your request was filled before it was finished, the door swang open to reveal a rather teary Min Yoongi, and your heart didn't handle it well. But you probably didn't notice it well enough, because he threw his arms around your neck almost immediately after. He begun sobbing into your collar with his hands gripping the back of your shirt like you'd run away if he let go. He spoke through tears, "[Y/N], I'm so sorry, I didn't think about how you'd feel and," He sobbed, "But please, p-please don't leave again. I thought–"
"Shhh, baby, breathe for me," You said softly, kissing his forehead as a way to comfort him, before pulling away to look at your boyfriend, holding both of his hands in yours, "Yoongs, it's okay, I'm sorry too, and I know this is something we can work around because I love both of you so so much."
You motioned for Jungkook to come too, watching him walk over then holding his hands too.
It took only a second to exhale, but it seemed too long, "I love you two more than anything in this world. You're more important to me than my job, than my pet–"
Jungkook gasped, "Don't say that! Fluff is a beautiful pet!"
You laughed, and Yoongi didn't stop himself from giggling, but you continued, "Regardless, you two are the best thing that's ever happened to me, that I get to see your faces in the morning is a blessing enough." Jungkook was getting teary and Yoongi was holding back tears as much as he could, but you continued, "You're my heaven on earth. I want to be able to spend the rest of my life with you too."
You for down on one knee, Jungkook's eyes going wide and Yoongi's jaw unhinged to its full capacity. You pulled out the velvet box containing two identical rings, opening it carefully to reveal them.
"Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook. Will you steal my last name?"
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taesbetch · 4 years
Den Of Hybrids | 05
Pairing: BTS  x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Summary: Taking care of six hybrids can be a pain in the ass but when a stray needs y/ns help, y/n brings him home to his new family. Follow Y/n as she tries to help Taehyung (The new hybrid in town) fit in and continue to keep the other six alive along with other troubles that life brings.
Word Count: 2k
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You stood at the back of your parked car, hands folded over your chest as you tried to contain your boiling anger. The park you were at was one the family used to visit a lot when you were younger. Those memories seemed so pure and happy, did you miss something? was your child mind completely oblivious to the misery that was your bloodline?
The sun was setting and time continued to tick by as both you and Hyuna awaited the arrival of the devil herself.
Finally, A black vehicle drove towards your area. As the car drove past you, you could almost feel the eyes of relieved hybrids. Your heart stopped as the car parked itself several parks away from yours. Turning towards it you prayed that the injuries weren't as bad as the pictures...but your prayers were ignored.
As the seven boys walked out the car one by one guarded by her henchmen, Your eyes watered. Namjoon limped as he held his right arm tightly, wincing with every breath. Jin clutched his shoulder, his left cheek bruised badly and his right eye still dark and battered. Jungkook walked with his ears hung low, his small cut healing. Jimin followed with what looked like a fresh slap wound and a small limp, pulling the weight off his foot. Taehyung followed closely behind jimin, looking the least emotionally traumatised and the least beaten with only a bruise on his forearm. Yoongi was next shoved out, carrying a heavy scowl on his face and multiple bruises on his arms and legs. Then, Hoseok walked, looking at you with big hopeful eyes he swallowed pain as he walked.
you wiped away a tear as you walked up to them, stopping about two car parks away as May raised her hand.
“Are you guys okay?!” You asked desperately as your voice cracked.
Each of them opened their mouths to answer but May spoke first.
“Wheres the money?” She spat.
You narrowed your eyes at her before pulling an envelope out of your pocket.
“I've got it. Now, give me back the boys” You spoke strongly, clearly over her shit. A small smirk found itself on her face. She nodded to her two henchmen. They stepped back letting the hybrids hesitantly shuffle towards you.
“It's okay, you're okay now” You urged. Jimin bit his lip as his eyes quickly spewed tears. Running over to you with a wail he was the first to embrace you. soon, all the boys had run over, participating in a massive group hug, you quickly wiped away jungkooks tears as hoseok squeezed your hand. It had felt like a whole eternity that they had been away. But now they were back. It was time to finish May off.
“Here,” You said as you broke free of your hybrids hold to pass her the envelope. The seven boys watched curiously as they noticed your demoneour change and hyuna quickly typed away on her phone.
Opening the envelope with an expectation of cheques, mays smirk quickly dropped.
“what's this?” She asked raising an eyebrow.
“It's your warning. I'm charging you for assault and blackmail...oh, actually. What else was there hyuna?” You asked cheekily as you looked back at your friend.
“Oh, I believe it was - Blackmart hybrid fighting, illegal work hours and payments, Tax evasion and hmm what else of yeah! scamming money from the rich! sounds oddly familiar” Hyuna explained.
You looked back to May and sighed heavily.
“You have NO proof of this” she scoffed as she folded her arms defensively.
“Oh, but i do. Ya know, You could've just asked. I probably would've said yes. I wanted your love and approval THAT badly i would've handed over 7 million with no hesitation. I just wanted my family around. And because of that my real family ended up getting hurt.” You stated, your voice strong and passionate but full of hurt.
“y/n, I'm all you have. You cant do this to me” She said, whimpering slightly as she saw the fire in your eyes.
“But i can, And i will. Because you've crossed a line aunt May” You said nonchalantly as sirens chimed in the background, getting closer and closer.
“You're going to regret this y/n, Trust me when i say this” SHe sneered as her two henchmen start backing away, ready to make a run for it.
“I’ll never trust anything that comes out of your mouth ever again”
You turned to walk away but swivel back around as the police cars start turning into the parking lot.
“Oh and one more thing... I hope you rot in hell”
Spinning around towards your car you walked quickly, ignoring her yells and her pleas, with the boys following closely you watched happily as the cops nodded at you, reassuring you that everything would be handled on their end.  Right now, Aunt May was dead to you.
“Okay, but are you sure?” You asked nervously as you stood at hoseoks door watching him dry his hair with a towel, clean clothes on his body.
“Y/n, I swear I'm okay. I just need some sleep honestly” He replied, his usual sunshine smile displayed on his face. You pouted at him as he sat himself down on his bed.
“Okay...but ill be checking on you in the morning” You replied. He smiled at you as you slowly closed the door, your eyes glued on him just in case.
You sighed as the door clicked shut, but your moment was quickly interrupted as taehyung walked around the corner. As you opened your mouth to continue your obsessive checking he cupped your face with his hands.
“Yes I'm okay, No I'm not mad at you, No I'm not upset that this was my first week in this household” He answered before giving you a tight squeeze.
“And don't worry, I will comfort jimin until you come to check on him” he added before walking off, his hands tucked in his pockets. You stood shocked for a second at how well he was handling everything. He seemed a little different to when he first arrived at the house, though he still seemed like a doe-eyed child, something had shifted and you weren't sure what..
Thinking of doe-eyed children you noticed how quiet it was. Jungkook.
Rushing upstairs you noticed that yoongis door was locked shut and took a mental note to check on him straight after. As you entered jungkooks room you noticed how he had rearranged his furniture.
“Kookie? You okay?” You asked as you nervously watch him throw clothes on the ground.
“Oh hey, y/n! Yeah, I'm fine” He replies. Not giving you a single glance. You walked closer, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Kookie” You said softly as he stopped.
“I'm fine, really. Namjoon and jin were the ones who took the most of it. especially in place of us...I just...I just think its time for me i change a little bit. To grow ya know?” He said.
You smiled softly at him.
“Well okay then, positive growth is never bad, just...tell me if you're not okay, alright?” You said. He smiled at you and nodded softly, returning back to what he was doing.
You bit your lip before walking out, heading to yoongis room. Placing an ear on his door you heard the shower running.
Your eyebrows furrowed but you shrugged it off. This wasn't his usual showering time but then again, he did just got through something rather traumatic. You walked to Jimin's room but the sound of two people snoring froze you in your spot.
A smile graced your face and for the first time in a minute, you felt calm. It was nice to know that the two boys had found peace with each other. Walking all the way downstairs you made your way to namjoons room, for some reason you weren't as concerned with your older hybrid before, but jungkooks words made your heart drop with worry.
“Namjoon?” You called softly as you slowly opened the door. Sobs filled the room. At the sight of you, namjoon shifted his body to face a wall, hiding away from you.
“Namjoon” You whispered as you closed the door, your heartbreaking a little. You rushed to his side letting him cry in your arms.
“You asked me to take care of everyone and i couldn't, i failed” He sobbed. Your heart broke even further as you realised the stress and pressure you had accidentally placed on your hybrid.
“Oh namjoon no, you didn't fail. You did your best! and jungkook told me all about how you and jin took the brunt of it all. God im so sorry, This is not your fault at all! AT ALL! I'm so sorry i put that pressure on you” You stated, a few tears falling out of your eyes.
“You did everything right namjoon. Grandma would be so proud of how you handled it” You added as you stroked his hair.
“I felt so..useless” He whimpered. You kissed his forehead softly before shaking your head.
“No. Don't ever think that about yourself. I need you here, things wouldn't work smoothly without you, i don't know how id manage this estate without you or the other hybrids....This was my mistake okay? don't be so hard on yourself I'm the one that fucked up...” You stated.
Namjoon took a deep breath before looking at you. His eyes blood red.
“I promise ill be better,” He said as he took your hand in his.
“That's not possible namjoon, You’re already the best”
You dragged you feet towards your own room, hoping jin would be in there - ready for bed.
As you entered your room you stood at the doorway and stared at jins back. Your mind floated to when you first got jin. Back then it was only him and namjoon. You were still figuring out so many things and there jin was, always supporting and looking out for you.
As he turned around you were reminded of the pain he had enured as the bruises and black eye called for attention.
“there you are! You ready for bed?” He asked with his bright smile.
You pouted as you tried to contain your emotions but couldn't stop yourself. Bursting into tears you ran to jin and engulfed him in a hug.
“I'm so sorry! I'm really so sorry!” You sob.
He laughs as he wraps his arms around you.
“Its okay y/n. Look! I'm back now! were all back and were going to be okay! Sure that was a shitty experience but were going to be alright” He said as he rubbed your back.
“God damnit i should be the one, comforting you” You sighed as you pulled away from him and wiped your eyes, the tears refusing to stop.
“Have you done your rounds? Check on everyone first then you can come and listen to me sob” He smiled ruffling your hair. You laugh before doing a mental checklist...Yoongi.
“I'll be back”
Odd. The shower was still running. You knocked harshly just in case he couldn't hear, but there was no answer or call...nothing.
“I'm coming in yoongi I'm worried!” you said before using your master key to unlock his door. peaking your head in you noticed that only one little lamplight had been turned on and the window was fully opened. A fully opened window was never yoongis style.
you walked to his second level but still...
You walked over to the bathroom noticing the door was open and yet, nothing. Just an empty shower. Turning off the water you looked around his room once more even checking to see if clothes were missing, or certain items...but nothing...
Your heart drops in your stomach as worry starts to consume you. As you hold yourself to protect your skin from the sudden breeze passing through the room you let the silence further feed your growing fear.
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kittygangmin · 3 years
Namjoon added Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, Seokjin, Hoseok, and Yoongi to the group.
Namjoon: yall fuckers better listen up before any of you say something stupid ab this gc
Jimin: yay! a new group chat!
Jungkook: what
Taehyung: wtf is this
Hoseok: its literally 3am.... hyung what
Seokjin: wait why arent you guys asleep
Jungkook: hyung why arent YOU asleep
Hoseok: lol
Seokjin: ... fair point
Yoongi: i was about to go to sleep why am i here what gc is this
Jungkook: we literally live together. we dont need a group chat
Namjoon: im too lazy to go to ur rooms so i made a gc instead
Jimin: wow why didnt we think of that earlier
Hoseok: man has an iq of 148 jimin thats whats up
Jimin: right
Taehyung: oh by the way has anyone seen my airpods? i’ve been trying to find it for DAYS
Yoongi: lol i need to read it twice to make sure if namjoon sent that or not
Jungkook: hyung why do u keep on losing your airpods? stop acting like you’re rich smh
Taehyung: but i am???
Hoseok: says the one who stole bang pd’s credit card just to buy gucci’s latest ERASER release bc yours got over the limit lmao
Taehyung: can you shut up
Hoseok: thats hyung for you
Namjoon: can yall shut up i gathered yall here for a reason. plus this is not a lost or found gc tae
Taehyung: i was just trying to find my airpods:(
Jungkook: then buy a new one stop acting like you’re broke
Yoongi: okay cut the crap yall. namjoon what are you trying to say at this hour. its literally 3am
Seokjin: fr i was about to have my beauty sleep 🙄
Namjoon: right. so who tf put a half eated bacon in my GUCCI shoe?
Jimin: ....
Hoseok: seriously
Jungkook: all this.. for that??
Namjoon: this is a serious matter. those shoes means SO much to me
Yoongi: wow joon this is so important that it needs to be discussed at this hour
Yoongi is now offline.
Taehyung: wtf?? THE gucci shoe? the one we bought together last week???
Namjoon: yeah
Hoseok: no but like why would someone eat a bacon without finishing it😭😭😭 psycho mf
Jimin: it’s obviously not me i love bacon especially if jin hyung cooks it
Seokjin: huh i guess you’re not a bitch after all jimin
Jimin: wym everyone loves me
Namjoon: if no ones telling the truth im gonna tell bang pd nim that yall broke his table last week while i wasnt around
Taehyung: i cant believe yall did that. if the truth comes out these hands WILLNT hesitate to throw all u bitches to the ground😤😤
Jimin: tae:(
Hoseok: but honestly, realistically speaking— we all know tae is the only one who hates bacon........
Seokjin: wait that makes sense..
Jungkook: oof
Taehyung: okay now hold on- i may be stupid in yalls eyes but i’d NEVER. NEVER in a trillion years, put a fucking BACON inside a GUCCI shoe. im saying this as the leader of gucci fandom😤
Namjoon: i-
Jimin: he snapped👀
Seokjin: wait but fr tho can y'all actually learn to clean up after eating? yesterday i saw 3 skewers on the shoe rack
Hoseok: yoongi could've done it since lamb skewers are his fav
JImin: yeah i think so too
Namjoon: ok then let's just talk abt this tommorow since it's 3am i dont even know why y'all weirdos are still up
Hoseok: stfu namjoon
Namjoon: i breathed
Jungkook: well stop breathing
Jimin: ur old go to sleep
Seokjin: LMAO
Namjoon: wow the things i do for this group
Namjoon is now offline.
Jimin: i think imma go to sleep 2 bye gays
Seokjin: me3 gn yall
Jimin and Seokjin are now offline.
Taehyung: didn’t even realize it was gucci................. dammit tae
Hoseok: caught in 4k bitch
Hoseok: because i can? and there’s no running away tae i caught ur ass
Taehyung: is that so? i know you put the skewers on the shoe rack👀👀👀
Hoseok: um no?? i literally have no idea what ur talking about
Taehyung: oh cut the bullshit hyung i saw u doing it bc u were too lazy to go throw it in the trash can I SAW IT FROM THE SOFA DONT LIE TO ME
Hoseok: ... ugh fine just shut up and don't tell anyone especially jin hyung he’s literally gonna chop my lungs out
Taehyung: bitch don't tell the others abt me 2
Hoseok: stop acting like u dont know me im not and will never be a snitch in this household😌✋🏽
Taehyung: yea whatevs im going to sleep
Hoseok and Taehyung are now offline.
Jungkook: ... dumb hoes
Jungkook is now offline.
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yyxgin · 3 years
as quick as love alarm was progressing compared to other dramas i’ve seen (usually wait ten eps for the first kiss and that’s it) it still seemed,, idk important for the story? n e way.
meteor garden is insanely messy like in the final episode daoming si just mentions everything dong shancai did that makes her so amazing and i honestly forgot they even did some of their things 😳 at one point they went to london and filmed in china town and i was just like ‘oh. i know that place’ and didn’t clock after that 😭
I GOT PEN ON THE BACK OF IT IM SO MAD AT MYSELF ✋✋✋✋✋ but come find me anyway lmao i got a changbin & minho film strip 🤪 can’t have anything nice around here and i learned my lesson the hard way.
i went through a phase when whenever i watched english tv i was like ‘why does this make sense without subs..’ and would be like squinting at the screen until it occurred to me that it was in english.
oh bruh i remember making a bank account the second summer bc my employer was like why tf do you not have a bank account ,, yeesh people had been paying by card for meals and stuff and not cash like the year before. so i made one and then she paid me in cash bc people started paying w cash 😐😑😐😑 i waitress so even though i get anxious about other things, i’m comfortable about waitressing so i am super nice to everyone. i am the designated person who orders for everyone (as long as you point at what you want in case i can’t remember everything i will say it). i know how important it is to be articulated to your server bc if they f up you get mad and they get mad bc ur mad and the chef gets mad bc the server f-ed up and the chef has to cook again and it’s a never ending circle of wishing you’d just gone somewhere else and i hate that. i also get mad at my fam when we go out bc the last time we went out (literally like two years ago now bc covid) there was a guy serving at this place we’re fairly frequent at and i was like maybe he’s training don’t be so mad at him for forgetting things just gently remind him! don’t cuss him out behind his back! there’s so much pressure about not pissing off your colleagues bc there’s a groove they’ve got and you’re just there not wanting to ruin it whilst also meeting customers needs!!
ive been waiting to pass my drivers test for over a year now bc covid has pushed it back and back and back again 😐 i finally get my next test date and i have to ask a different instructor for their car bc my instructor is on annual leave when my test is scheduled. i’m holding it together so i can ask an instructor, buy a car and yeet. the bus is okay but i need my own space sometimes.
i am good w my money im the jungkook of the working class. if there are pots and pans on the go i will take them. free food? count me in. i do have that broke b*tch mindset. although i don’t buy $300 white tshirts i will spend $200 on a day out 😃 and sis,, buy whichever one you like bc of the concept!! it’s always fun seeing the posters (personally i don’t put them up bc how am i gonna have sir johnny suh STARING at me while i get changed,, no THANK YOU) i’ll cry if i ever pull a yuta card bc he looks ✨spicy✨ in all of them.
i think i get what you’re saying about gg’s! boy groups have a wider range. eg, haechan hits those high notes and jeno/mark rap/sing quite low but girl groups can’t. unfortunately i feel like they rely on visuals heavier bc they don’t have the same range bg’s do. itzy are good!! i personally haven’t listen to a lot/watched a lot of their mv’s. i’m more into red velvet for their mv’s. im terrible at watching content so i am slowly working through bts’ content, monsta x’s content and ocassionally nct’s content. im gonna work on mamamoo next 🤞fake fans unite 😔✊✨
it’s so easy to feel invisible here. don’t worry. i’m here to brighten your day! much like a sunflower ~ 🌻
I cant really speak about the importance of the kiss in love alarm since i didnt watch more than the first ep, but i will trust you if you really say so ?? 😳 I WANNA WATCH METEOR GARDEN JUST FOR THE DRAMA DHSNSK
dude dont fucking test me i WILL find your address and i WILL visit you in your sleep and steal all your kpop stuff. MINHO FILM STRIP ??????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
i still watch english things w eng subtitles sometimes bc my first language isn't english so just in case i dont hear something i can always read it you know djsksk
this is my first job so i didnt have to have bank account before but now that i have it i feel very adult😩✋i am so old. i dont like it.
oh no i hate people that arent polite to waitresses like they are just doing their job and its so hard and stressful and i dont want to make their life harder so im just really anxious abt everything in my life ever.
i'm rooting for you on your driving test !! lets hope you make it after such a long time <3
JUNGKOOK OF THE WORKING CLASS NO- thats actually me. also free samples. give me all of them. also i think its completely justified to spend so much on a night out since its for the memories !! #yolo am i right
I AM SO TEMPTED TO ORDER THE ALBUM NOW 😭💔😭 i actually have my posters on my closet and i change inside the actual closet at all times bc me and my brother share a room, so no one's looking at me thankfully haha. well, i do have bts pics on the warderobe next to my bed as well so they watch me sleep every night but we dont talk about that. YUTA CARD i would cry. he for sure does look spicy half the time of his life.
i dont know that many rv songs (the audacity, i know) but seulgi... ah. i watched the sm new years concert and when she appeared i couldnt keep my eyes off her. i should really listen to more of their songs so if u have any recs i am all ears
thank you for brightening up my day sunflower ily mwah😔❤
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excorcismic · 4 years
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uhm . . . cheesed to meet you ?? - HI GANG !! what’s up , i’m hylia and i . . . love . misa and death note with my entire heart . I KNOW FOR A FACT i will probably pick up more characters along the way but i couldn’t have picked a better one to start out with !! i have experience writing both misa & light - i actually am more experienced writing light than misa , but i still have a lot of experience with her under my belt !! i’m currently writing him in another group and when i saw duality i just HAD to write her here - i’m so excited to plot w/ y’all !! so lemme tell you the basic facts & some connections and ideas i have under the cut c: ( this got long i’m so sorry )
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ooooooooooooo you wanna plot with misa so bad oooooooo - AHEM . so . 
IF YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH DEATH NOTE / MISA : death note is a manga / anime revolving around a smart young man ( light yagami ) who discovers a supernatural notebook who can take the life of any human as long as the writer knows their name & face . light uses this book to essentially try and purge the world of evil , earning the alias ‘kira’ ( who gains a following ) , and misa , who acquires a death note of her own , seeks him out as the second kira . she possesses things that he doesn’t , so essentially she becomes his partner in crime - she , falling in love with him ( or more so the idea of him she created for herself ) , and he , entertaining her fantasies in exchange for her abilities and assistance . it’s . . . way more complicated in detail and honestly pretty sad but that’s the getgo . she’s a pretty girl with a very powerful notebook and she likes a guy with a powerful notebook that sees her more as a tool he can use to further his plans . OH OH OH and also she has a protective monster lady who’s in love with her and looking after her and threatening to clap light if he hurts misa in any way . 
death note . . . is a story about how people who were good can become awful towards other people and themselves if you give them a bit of power . 
BUT ANYWAY . misa actually has a much happier life here than in death note !! it’s . . . still kinda eh in some places but overall much better since that godforsaken notebook doesn’t exist and isn't here to screw anyone's lives up .
she's a former child actor, now a musician in a pop punk band called 'your friends & the skeletons!!' but as of rn with her taking a break from big performances and touring she's just a streamer operatin' out of alucard and trying to entertain herself since sometimes the world gets a little too big for her and she needs to take a step back.
it’s a pretty cute life & that’s the rundown !! of course , it’ll be more detailed and developed in my intro for her , but that being said - CONNECTIONS .
okay so obviously some band mates !! YF&TS i imagine is a four-piece with misa on rhythm guitar & vocals , then lead guitar , bass , and drums . i imagine they’re all friends with misa , but maybe one person has been friends with misa since like . . . forever . and has seen her go through literally everything .
so , misa lives alone . maybe i’ll have her look for a roommate along the way but as for right now , even though she lives by herself ( and honestly is a lil lonely ) , i really like the idea that maybe she’s the helper neighbor that wants to befriend everyone that lives on her floor , runs to get groceries , always visits and checks in on people , etc . !! so neighbor friends pretty please !!
obviously if u wanna make ppl be fans of misa & her band that is a-okay with me just pls keep in mind they’re kinda big but not . . . big big . like they’ve got some dedicated fans but not full on stans y’know
SO  . . . folds hands . i kinda like the idea that misa hasn’t been through that many serious relationships ( always gets her heart broken through them ) but maybe there was that one serious ex-partner she had and they broke it off for whatever reason . it’d have to be when she was 18-20 and they’d be together for maybe about two or three years before her career takes off and stuff and yeah it’d be the saaaad relationship that fizzled out even tho it was serious for a bit
also some not so serious/long relationships where misa got her heart broken !! fun times !! misa throws her full heart into things way too easily so this could’ve happened in many different ways . flings ?? check . short-term relationships ?? check . she wrote a letter for someone on a starbucks napkin asking them out and they rejected so whenever she comes into said starbucks she feels shy & awkward ordering something ?? check . ( we can have fun with this basically it’s ‘ misa tried it with y/m and it didn’t work out and she’s still lonely ’ )
friends please !! friends that misa’s made in alucard !! also friends with benefits maybe !! idk !! misa is a very friendly person she will be your friend if you say ‘hi’ in a positive tone towards her !!
oh i think it’d b rly funny if there was one person misa kept trying to befriend and they’re just rly stubborn abt it for some reason bc idk maybe they find misa annoying or something anyway give me sb who misa wants to be friendly with n they’re just No abt it for whatever reason
she’s also a gaming streamer so imagine she gets into a fight with sb behind a screen on a game and/or stream and then finds them in alucard like ‘oh fuck’ aka cyber enemies
also the exact opposite scenario with cyber friends aka misa makes a friend on a game and they meet each other irl and it’s cute !!
misa . . . is not a huge party girl but i imagine she has ppl that regularly invite her to parties and stuff so there’s that . but like . she only knows these people in context of partying - they’re her party friends and that’s it and her relationships with them are just kinda shallow .
i’d ALSO like a friend she makes that’s maybe a little more sheltered & naive to the world than she is so she just takes them to cool places and stuff !! shows them what it’s like to live on the ‘ wild side ’ !! whether it’s driving to a 24 hr gas station for candy and snacks in the middle of the night and staying out until sunrise just on the road or just sitting at misa’s apartment and watching true crime documentaries in their jammies . just sb misa’s gonna take like ‘ hey we’re gonna show u what LIVING is like ’
actual shipping . . . i would love to explore at a point but i wanna explore other things first so that’ll just be smth that comes up in development maybe !! i want misa to get a chance to experience what actual love is and explore the relationship aspect of it so i’m open to it but also i just wanna develop it n let it come naturally . filled !
ANYWAYS . i’m open to rly anything !! enemies ?? friends ?? frenemies ?? friends or enemies with benefits ?? unrequited crushes ?? exes ?? found family ?? party pals ?? streamer pals/enemies ?? LET’S PLOT IT OUT I’M SO EXCITED
sorry this is a long as hell list anyways let’s plot out some relationships even tho i’m bad at plotting and trust me the intro is. probs gonna be even longer. i am so sorry.
- - - - - - - - - - - POST-EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT EDIT : okay so this one is rly specific but , , , i rly would like if maybe misa had sb to go to the cirque du eradicus with ?? probably as a date !! a date that doesn’t have to amount to anything but they’re gonna b the one who witnesses misa go into the hall of mirrors n it’s gonna be kind of like a connection since they’re gonna have been together when that stuff happens and it could be rly fun to work with in the future . just gonna put the age limit for this one at 22 - 26 just bc gaps and all !! i think it could be cute if it goes well or interesting if it doesn’t but . yeah idk they can split off at some point for other threads bt ANYWAYS I JUST THINK IT’D B FUN filled !
also if anyone wants to bring me anyone from death note i will kiss u ESPECIALLY for light , l , rem , or matsuda . pls . maybe these characters can ACTUALLY get a normal fuckin’ life this time around - ( sometimes we just want to live in the yotsuba arc forever where everyone’s runnin around solvin mysteries and not scheming against each other - )
death note hits differently .
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xxew-pineapplezxx · 5 years
Argument with BTS before going on tour (Maknae Line)
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“You should be alive!” You sang the lyrics to Promise, all types of wrong while you helped Jimin pack his things. You did a little shimmy moving to the side while folding a shirt. It’s been about two hours of you washing clothes and packing them away for him, what could be wrong?
The fact that he wasn’t there helping you pack his shit!
You heard the door open and close but didn’t bother to go look. The only person who should be getting into your shared unit was Jimin himself.
You were too busy paying attention to what you were doing you jumped when your name was shouted out by his booming voice.
Just as if it was on cue, he stormed into the room and threw a shirt at you. This look of disgust written all over his face. And you honestly didn’t know why.
“What happened?” You asked him looking at the shirt before your mouth went wide. The shirt looked like it could fit a new born baby. And it just happened to be the shirt one of the guys got him for his birthday.
“Very expensive, but very cheaply made…” You mumbled before looking over at him. “I’m so-”
“Oh save that shit for yourself!” He yelled walking over and snatching the shirt out of your hands. “You honestly had one fucking job and you can’t even do this right! I have to go on tour and this is what you do? You ruin something that means a lot to me!”
“It’s just a shirt babe… You can replace it!” You said defensively.
“‘Yeah, I can replace you too!” He snapped giving you a look you’ve never seen since being with him for the last few years.
You couldn’t help but feel small by the way he was acting toward. You reached for the shirt and he snatched it away from your grasp.
“Let me see if I can fix it…” You said trying to grab it once more. Though how he was treating you hurt, you were trying to not let it bring you down. He left tomorrow for tour and you wanted to just be near him as long as possible.
“I don’t want your help anymore.” He spat walking past you and bumping your arm pretty hard in the process. “Why don’t you do yourself a favor and just leave? You’re useless and just a waste of space.”
You slightly gasped at his words. It hurt to hear him talk to you like that when all you were trying to do was help. Your hurt quickly turned into anger.
“You know what you prick!” You shouted grabbing his arm so that he could look right at you.” Unlike you, I’ve been here going at this packing crap since I got off of work at 3 pm. Something I also did so that I could get here and help you pack!”
His look went from anger to guilt as the realization hit. “Y/n I-”
“Like honestly, Jimin. I’ve been slaving over this stupid suitcase trying to make sure everything you needed was in there like I’m your motherfucking mom! And what did you do? Nothing! You were out with friends and I allowed you to go because I thought it would be great to see them before leaving. You come back and be an ungrateful dick!” You grabbed the suitcase and started throwing the clean clothes on the floor.
“Pack your own shit, Bitch” You said then left the room leaving Jimin there feeling a bunch of different ways.
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Tae and you sat in the airport while you waited for his flight. From the outside looking in, you just looked like one of the staff, but everyone else knew you were Tae’s girlfriend. And though you knew the reason why it was being kept quiet, you really just wanted to hug and kiss on your boyfriend for the final time until the tour was over.
You grabbed his hand lacing your fingers together. “Tae, love, are you excited about the tour?” You asked him but he ignores you, pulling his hand away from your own. Instead he waves and smiles at the fans that stood a few yards away.
You rolled your eyes then made him look at you. “You think they would let us go somewhere to talk and be actually comfortable?” You wondered.
“I feel fine. “He said shortly then looked back at the fans and started smiling again. You stood up and moved in front of him.
“Tae I really want to spend a little more time with you before you leave.” You pointed out but he only scoffed.
“I’m spending time with the fans who made me who I am today. Why don’t you just sit down and be quiet like the good little girlfriend I know you can be, okay?”
You looked at him shocked on how he was talking to you. Before you could stop yourself you raised your hand and slapped him.
The sound seemed to echo the whole airport as Tae stood up looking down at you in shock. He grabbed you arm and pulled you away from everyone just as the guards were approaching.
He led you to an empty hallway and pushes you against the wall looking you in the eyes as if you were crazy. Or maybe he being the crazy one.
“How dare you slap me?” He yelled which only echoed the whole hallway. You looked at him, pretty shocked yourself that you allowed yourself to even get that far.
You raised your hand to touch him but he slapped you had away.
“You really think I want you touching me after you did that?” He snapped and all you could do was shake your head. “You know how embarrassing that is? How the fans are going to destroy you just because you are being fucking reckless!” This time he screamed and his voice only made you jump.“Why don’t you do me the biggest favor and go home?”
You looked at him then shrugged. “ Fine, I’ll leave” You snapped back then started walking away.
“Wait, Y/n I didn’t mean it please ju-”
“Just be a good little girlfriend and stay quiet? Sure, your majesty” You bowed before flipping him off then walking away from him. You went and grabbed you purse before quickly heading for the exit, not looking back at Taehyung called for you.
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“Y/n!” Jungkook screamed at the top of his lungs. Probably not the best thing to do since he is about to start tour, but his choice! You stood there hand over mouth at the mistake you just made aka broke his gaming system.
He stood looking at you, anger written all over his face which made you step back slightly.
“Kookie, it was an accident…” You said, voice fragile scared that if any higher or stronger he would go off. You were completely wrong.
“Bullshit!” He yelled throwing the remote to the couch. “ You always nag and complain about me never paying attention to you and always being on the game. You knew damn well what you were doing!”
“I honestly didn’t!” You said trying to defend yourself. The look he gave you was one that could scare birds away. The guy standing in front of you, unrecognizable.
“You really just like pushing my buttons, huh?” Kook asked stepping closer. “Why don’t you just stay in the kitchen where you belong or even in the laundry room. Just stay away from where my shit is, understood?”
“Your shit?” You questioned before you began to laugh, the once soft tone now gone and turned into a stern one. “ Last time I checked, asshole,I bought that fucking thing for you! The TV is mine because I had it at my apartment. If you want to claim somthing, claim your fucking dick and your damn laptop, but last time I checked, most of this shit is mine!”
You stood tall and confident while looking at him. He looked at you, burning a hole in your head with his glare. You have the same looked before grabbing the system and heading for the trash. It was broken anyways so why leave it.
Jungkook tried to grab it from you but you wouldn’t let it go.
“Stop being childish!” He exclaimed which only made you turn and look at im.
“Childish?” You asked then nodded.”I’ll show you childish.”
You walked to the balcony and opened up the door. Without a second thought you threw the system out the window then grabbed the remotes and did the same.
Jungkook stood there just watching. H could’ve got the data off of it somehow, but now? It was destroyed. He looked at you actually hurt by what you did, both of you with high emotions.
“I’ll go stay with they Hyungs.” He mumbled not really knowing what else to do.
“Bye!” Was all you said before heading to your shared bedroom and slamming the door shut, locking it right after. Your back found the door and you began to cry. Here it goes for a great night.
Good thing his stuff was already packed and by the door to leave early in the morning. He wasn’t getting in that room anytime soon.
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cardboardboxcomplex · 4 years
ok since i’m awake and useless, might as well
it’s 4AM on a monday at this point and i do *not* want to go to work. but i have to hhrghshfd HAAAAAA ok breathe . i skipped last week’s shift that i was supposed to go to the lab. i completely disappeared for the *third* time during my two-week wfh shift before that. when we were supposed to do the third quarter report, and the proposal. which are the hardest reports to do, bc they’ll be the basis for renewal next year. but i just ... disappeared again and did not open my emails or messages. again. after i did that twice before. and i had to go through the process of like apologizing to everyone for my absence, and i even decided to tell everyone that i have depression cos i dont know how to explain it ! why am i like this ! and i know it’s not an excuse, and i told them that too. but i just hate everything . okay i think im getting to word dump now. how many times am i going to be so incapable and incompetent? i hate myself so much cos my brain is so fried and i dont want to deal with anything . when was the last time i actually thought deeply or whatever or like read a journal article. and i dont even know what im supposed to be doing anymore.  i feel so sad. oh im crying ok. like im thinking of myself and how do i go on with life, what am i supposed to be doing, what kind of path should i be making. i hate this because i lost years of my life and i keep losing more time. and omfg right the paper. man i didnt even reply to sir’s emails either, and i know ate yana and josh had talked and i was supposed to be there too because im supposed to be the main one to finish her thesis for publication, and it’s already been a year? since she left the lab. had i done anything? i did not
and tomorrow is nov 10, and im supposed to do thesis updates ......... how the fuck am i gonna do that. and i had already missed the first time i was scheduled, bc well the same thing happening now. i was wfh (supposedly) and ate isay had to say my internet connection isnt stable. which wasnt a lie, but it was bc i didn’t do anything. i dont know what im supposed to come up with tomorrow. or if i can postpone it again. SEE THIS IS EXACTLY IT HOW MANY TIMES AM I GONG TO BE INCAPABLE AND INCOMPETENT
i dont know like im scared of being in the lab too and all i wanna do is stay in my room 
but you know what i dont even like my room. i miss my old room, i miss all my books, i miss all the memories i left there as in the physical things i’ve kept because i keep everything. full on bawling now. i miss having everything i’ve kept near me, with me. i miss my desk, i miss having one. and i hate my room because i haven’t cleaned my room in MONTHS. idk since march, since quarantine started? i can barely see the floor and i have to walk around all the bags with all stuff thrown in them. and honestly im just desensitizing (?) myself bc if i think too much if i look too closely im gonna throw up and i hate it i hate it . on that note i’ve been thinking i might in a constant state of dissociation, or at least a shallow one? i never thought i really dissociated bc i didnt really get the feeling of being apart from your body. but because it’s been going on for so long it didn’t even register to me that i’m dissociating because it feels normal or the baseline. and my memory recall is so bad, i don’t remember what happened the previous day. why? because i’m not even doing anything. or idk. also my attention span is non-existent. but the memory thing bothers me because i dont even know if i remember things from before before, in the past, not recently
before i forgot about the room, i was supposed to have pest control last oct 20? and it was scheduled like first week of october so i knew it was coming. but did i clean my room? in those weeks between? i didnt. i’d been putting it off exactly because my room is a mess and id ont want anyone to come in like this. so i had to postpone that too, and the next one is tomorrow. did i clean my room since then? no. what have i been doing? i dont know either. literally rotting away. and i feel so bad cos i m not even doing anything. i dont even know what. i cant get myself to do anything
what if someone helps me clean? i don’t want anyone to help me clean because i dont want anyone to see my room. ate isay was supposed to help me on that sunday or monday before oct 20 but the plan was i was going to start cleaning saturday so at least if she comes up to help, it wouldnt be so disgusting. but yeah i did not clean. and now it’s november. you know the last time i ironed my clothes? september. last year. september 1, 2019. i remember because that was jungkook’s birthday, but also i was ironing when i got the messages from someone when they were leaving me and didnt want (?) to be friends with me anymore. and that broke me really bad. but not the point rn. 
i dont know what else im thinking. oh i miss my friends. kosestream, if you’re reading this, yes i’m thinking of you too, and i’m really sorry. im so sorry ive kept disappearing on you guys for months. i’ve missed you and so many parts of your life, and im really really i wasnt there. and bc i don’t talk with you often, and with my awful memory, i also forget what’s been going on and it makes me feel awful because like i miss all these things about you? i always thought that i had kept tabs on everyone well, paying attention to what you’re doing, ask how things are with you, and now i dont. and im sorry. i always miss you so much, and i love you, and i dont know if that still means anything to you, but it’s still there. so thank you for inviting me to play among us, i liked hearing your voices. and i know you were worried about me (if im wrong this is embarrassing please ignore this) and were trying to cheer me up / offering your support/presence/love/shoulder/hug idk. so thank you. it meant a lot to me (but im sorry my internet was awful. honestly that stressed me out so much and i was gonna give up because i felt annoying and like a huge bother) but okay thank you 
and it’s the same with irl friends, missing things. i thought of it once as everything passing (by) me. like when neos had left for germany, i wasnt there. why? because i was rotting away at home doing nothing. i didnt even get to say goodbye. and just the same with everyone, i havent been talking with anyone. there are so many messages i’ve gotten i haven’t (didn’t) replied to, and it’s like god how are they. 
what else. ah there’s another thing i’ve thought of. but idk i’ll write that next time 
it’s monday, and it’s almost 5am now, i’m supposed to go to work. i have to text ate isay if she’s gonna pass by and pick me up. but i havent slept because i completely fucked up my sleeping schedule. and my room is still a mess. no i did not even try cleaning it even though i had been thinking about it literally every single day. should i just not sleep or should i try getting like an hour of sleep , and hope i wake up (actually, would love to not wake up, ever)
09 Nov 2020, M, 05:02 BTS – Butterfly (Alternative Mix) 
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yehetting · 4 years
cutekitty145 requested: “How would Monsta X and BTS react to their s/o coming to their dorm and telling them that some guy was following her and tried to grab her but she got away by fighting back as she showed them the bruised hand print on their arm. Sorry is if it's a bit wordy. But I have a lot of thoughts going on in my head. I love you blog and keep up the good work! 💞💞 “
You literally are the best human being ever. You make my account worth writing on. Even if I take lengthy breaks. I always come back to see you requesting amazing topics. Ilysm!!! 💜💜💜🥺🥺
*also I'm adding wonho still bc mx is ot7 in my heart also it's kinda lengthy bc it's a lot happening and I want to make sure things make sense.*
He heard the door unlock and glanced up from over the couch to see your flushed and tear stained face. He immediately jumped up and ran over to you. "What happened? Why are you crying?!" He asked. "Some.... Some guy was following me when I left the store, he tried to grab me when I started to walk faster." Wonho was pissed. His blood was boiling at the thought of some creep grabbing and following you. "Where is he?! Why didn’t you call me??" He asked taking your bag out of your hand and leading you to the couch. "Someone saw and called the cops. I shoved him off but he was gripping really tight.." you lifted your sleeve to show him the fresh red finger prints on your forearm. "Did the cops show up? I'm so sorry you had to deal with this... Why didn't you call me?" He was worried for your well-being now and just was wondering why you didn't call him at all. "I tried but my phone died, but yes the cops came and he's apparently done this before and they were finally able to book him on other counts. Another copy gave me a ride home." You explained. His expression softened as you closed your eyes. "I'm so sorry baby... Come here.." he slid you closer to him and held you until you fell asleep from the comfort is his heart beat.
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He was actually on his way to meet you at this Cafe you suggested during your lunch break. He was typing away on his phone when he heard a familiar voice. But it was a sound he's never heard before, something out of a nightmare. His head shot in the direction of the voice and he took off running down the street. When he arrived it was about a block from the cafe and he saw you. Hella shaken up. Gripping your wrist and crying. He bolted to you. You heard the footsteps and looked his way. You ran to him the rest of the way. "What the hell happened??? Are you okay? Why are you crying? Are you hurt??" A million questions flew from his mouth looking over you're entire body and taking your hurt hand in his inspecting it. "Some guy was following me and I didn't think anything of it because there's shops all down this area but then..." You stopped choking a sob. "Then what y/n?" He asked standing up straight jaw clenched waiting to hear what some man tried to do to you. "He- he grabbed my wrist and tried to drag me down that way.. I was able to push him off but it hurts so much that I couldn't do anything but feel the pain in my wrist... I'm so fucking scared.." you explained looking around then at I.M. He pulled you extremely close to his chest and held you. "What did he look like?" He asked in a softer tone to not make you feel worse. "I didn't get a look at his face, he was wearing a mask and was dressed in a black hoodie and blue jeans... I just want to go home..." You pleaded. He nodded but he still made a call to the police station and you had to give a statement just so if it happens again they can be on alert.
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Originally posted by m0n-g
He was actually with you when it happened. You two where out shopping for a birthday gift for one of your mutual friends. He had wondered off to another part of the store without you. He heard a commotion coming from the section you where in. He jogged over and when he saw you punch this guy square in the face he was shook. He snapped out of it when the guy went to hit you back and tackled him. "Who the hell do you think you are?" He asked as he had the guy pinned to the floor. "What the hell is going on over here?!" A store clerk asked when he saw your boyfriend pinning another guy on the ground, you crying and holding your arm and hand. "This guy just grabbed me and tried to drag me outta here.. I hit him.. I didn't know what else to do. He tried to hi-hit me back, but my boyfriend got to him first... Call the cops!" You said quickly nearly stumbling over your words as you cried. The cops arrived shortly and the guy was taken away in cuffs. A paramedic was looking over your hand and wrist. You broke your pinky and ring fingers and you had some finger print bruises on your wrist. Shownu was watching as they wrapped your hand. "Is there a way you can wrap til I can't see the bruises?" You asked. Not wanting to see them until they were gone. The paramedic nodded understanding why you wanted that without asking. "Let's go home.. I love you so much and I'm so proud of you who sticking up for yourself like that.." shownu said as he helped you climb into the car. You kissed him when he got into the drivers seat. "Thank you for taking him down like that. I'll never forget it." You said with a small smile as you took his hand in yours.
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He jumped when you slammed the door of his studio. He looked at you all flustered and Shakey. “What’s wrong?” he asked turning his chair towards you. “I- some guy tried to literally kid nap me!” you said in a loud tone. “What?! Who?! Where?!” he asked jumping up from his seat and rushing to you. His face was turning red as he looked you over to see if you where hurt. He saw red fingerprints forming ion your forearm and wrist. “I don't know who it was, he took off when I screamed because it caught some peoples attention and they started to run towards us.” you explained tears forming in your eyes. “Okay, first things first, we need to inform the company and see if we can figure out who it was there has to be cameras where you were.” he said as he started to lead you out of his studio. “Wait, I don't want to just yet, If I talk about it right now ill just cry more and I cant cry in front of them.” you said looking at your feet as tears fell into the carpet of his studio. “Its okay love, ill be right there. Ill make sure you’re taken care of.” he took you into his arms as he felt your body relax you two made your way to the chairman’s office.
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He’s the one that found you just sitting in the doorway of his apartment. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked seeing you. You looked up tears still coming from your eyes, cheeks and eyes red, and eyes super puffy. “Baby! What happened?!” he asked this time kneeling in front of you. “I was on my way here, to bring you some dinner since we’ve both been so busy I knew you’d be here and I got off early...” you said in a small voice. He nodded and looked at you to continue. “And when I was coming around the corner of the store some guys came out of nowhere and cornered me and tried to put me in a car but the shop owner saw and called the cops and some others where there held the guys down.” you talked fast trying to get it all out so you can stop thinking and talking about it. “And? did they come, are they in jail? are you hurt anywhere?!” he asked taking your hands in his and looking over your arms, he stopped when he saw hand print type bruises on your arm near your elbow. “yes, they came and I had to stay to give my report and it was confirmed by everyone there so they took them away... they said I might have to go to the station and give a full statement but theyd call me if I needed to. and no im not hurt just beyond happy to see you.” you said slowly standing up and hugging his torso. He hugged you back and closed his eyes as he sighed. “Okay, they have your number right?” you nodded. “Okay, then lets go inside ill order something for us, and we can watch a movie.” he said unlocking his door. Since you had just realized you lost the food in the altercation you nodded and went inside.
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He was watching tv when he heard you come in, he looked over the couch to see you leaning against the door, face in your hands, jacket still on, purse just dangling by one strap because the strap is broken, your shoes all scuffed up. “Hey, what’ wrong?” he got up slowly not sure how to approach because he doesn't know if you’re mad, upset, or mad at him for something. He walked slowly over til he was right there in front of you. You sighed and threw yourself at him burring your face in his chest and let out a loud sob. He was terrified but he hugged you back tightly. “oh, shh its okay. I’m here..” he cooed completely unsure with what’s happening. Your phone started ringing and you snapped back and just stared at it. “Whos that?” he asked. “The police department.” you answered shakily. He was so confused by this point. You walked to the couch as you answered it. He followed. As you talked things started to click for him. Why you where crying and you looking super distraught. he took your free hand in his and you looked at him tears in your eyes again. He wiped them away before they fell. HE held you as you spoke to the officer. Once you got off the phone he just pulled your whole body onto his lap. “Oh baby I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I cant even imagine...” He trailed off this time stroking your hair soothingly. You soon fell asleep from pure emotional and mental exhaustion. You woke up to the smell of your favorite foods. He smiled at you and handed you a plate. “I’m not sure if you’re hungry but I made dinner, also you’re not to go anywhere alone for a while understood?” he said sternly but with a smile. you smiled and nodded.
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Kihyun: he was talking to a friend when he saw you pull up to the company building in a company van. “What's up hot shot?” he asked laughing and kinda confused as to why you where in a company van. “Its a...a long story, can we talk?” you said glancing at the driver who nodded and reopened the door so you two could climb in. “What's going on?” he asked really consirned and cinfused. You explained what happened not even 20 minutes prior. You explained that his manager had called and asked for you to run an errand for him and seeing as this isn't anything out of the ordinary you accepted and he gave you a driver so itll be easier to go in and get out asap. He nodded. So when you had started to leave some girls came up to you and asked for a selfie and they where nice so you said yeah. You took one with each girl then said your goodbyes, as they opened the door to an apartment building connected to the store some guy pushed passed them and tried to take you. The driver saw as soon as he grabbed your body. He took the guy down and the girls called he cops. It was chaos. The girls where with you making sure nobody got pictures of you on your state. His jaw was on the floor. “Someone would just do that? In broad daylight?” He asked dumbfounded. You nodded. “yeah, im okay now I was able to catch my breath, but the chairman wants me to come up and tell him everything and he’s already talked to the police station and he said he plans on giving me a body guard for the time being.” you added. He nodded. “Okay lets get you up there and get the ball rolling, I wish I could be with you all the damn time, maybe since we are taking a break ill see if I can spend more time at home instead of here during that time, I don't want you alone ever.” He said climbing out of the van. He helped you out. He kissed your forehead and took your hand as he led you to the entrance
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peachybumjoon · 6 years
Sing My Song | Jewel |
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(If words are in italics it means its what is on the screen the artists and hosts are watching)
Hae-Ju was the last to be revealed. She wasn’t so sure they were going to be able to guess who she was, at least not quickly. Not only was she the least well known of BTS she was also a girl, so obviously they would be guessing girl groups.
“Alright let's see who we have next.” Yoo Jae-suk announced to the other artists who put their focus on the screen ahead.
Hae-Ju had her back to the camera. She decided to sing ‘What is Love’ by Twice hoping it would discourage them from guessing a girl group. She started to do the dance moves which, probably didn’t help her case but she couldn’t resist.
“Shes apart of a really busy group right now.” Yoo Jae-suk decided to give a hint to the artists surrounding him.
“Oh, Twice?” Donghae had asked.
“No, I don’t think she would pick her own song.” Hyuna had replied.
“Twice is incorrect.” Yoo Jae-suk had informed the group.
Hae-Ju started to get nervous thinking they wouldn’t guess soon so she decided to give a hint. She held up eight fingers hoping they would catch on.
“Oh, she just held up eight fingers, so eight members, what girl group has eight numbers?” Taeyong, had pointed out.
“Lovelyz?” Leeteuk asked.
“Incorrect.” Yoo Jae-suk answered. “I'll give you another hint, think outside the box. It’s a really famous group, with a large fan base.”
“OH!” Yesung got up and yelled. “BTS, they have a girl member.”
“BTS is correct!” Yoo Jae-suk yelled in reply. “It is Jewel of BTS.” The others all awe’d because they had completely forgotten about the group.
Hae-Ju turned around still singing, she was sure her sweat could be seen through the screen. That must have been the longest anyone has taken to be guessed she thought to herself.
She scanned the room as she walked in and saw Taeyong and Yuta of NCT, Hyuna and then she was pretty sure her heart stopped when she saw Yesung, Donghae, and Leeteuk of Super Junior. She froze completely and almost broke her back from bowing so hard. She slowly made her way to her seat, just now noticing that the group had been standing, clapping at her.
“Jewel are you alright?” Yoo Jae-suk had asked while laughing. “You look like you had seen a ghost.”
“Yes, sorry. It's just I'm a really big fan of Super Junior.” She answered while blushing and looking away. “I’ve gone to some of their concerts, they really inspire me.” She covered her face sure she had embarrassed herself. Once she looked up she saw that they were laughing at her, calling her cute. The members of Super Junior then thanked her for being a big fan and saying kind words about them.
“So since you're a big fan, which of the members here do you like best?” Yoo Jae-suk asked.
Hae-Ju was hesitant, not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings. “Between the three of them?” She asked for clarification. Yoo Jae-suk nodded in reply to her question. “Yesung, he’s a really good singer and i think he’s hilarious.” She answered while motioning towards him. She could see the shock in his face because the members were speculating her to pick Donghae. She saw Yesung perk up and smile at her while the other two grimaced. This caused the group to laugh.
“So, Jewel, how come you're here alone. Honestly, I’m surprised you had time to come.” Yoo Jae-suk spoke up.
“Well, I'm probably the least busy and important member.” Hae-Ju laughed in response. “RM is the leader, he and Suga produce our music, JHope is in charge of dance, the others are working on vocals or dancing, actually I think Jin has a photo shoot today, so here I am.” Now that she was saying it out loud it sounded kinda sad. “I just mean I don’t have a big role in the team.” She tried to clear it up but it still sounded pretty bad.
“That's not true, aren’t you the main vocal? That's a pretty important role, don’t sell yourself short.” Hyuna spoke up, the others were nodding their heads in agreeance.
“Thank you very much.” Hae-Ju needed that reassurance.
“Taeyong, Yuta, BTS are your seniors, are you fans of them.” Yoo Jae-suk decided to ask. 
“Of course, in fact, Jewel is my favourite member.” Taeyong had answered confidently. 
“Oh, thank you,” Hae-Ju replied, she had been caught off guard.
“What about you Yuta?” 
“Yes, I really look up to BTS but my favourite member is RM.” This caused the group to break out in laughter. “Sorry.” He added.
“No its okay I value honesty,” Hae-Ju replied which caused even more laughter as she acted like she was annoyed while saying it.
Yoo Jae-suk then began asking the artists what they thought the order of leaving would be. All of them answered that Hae-Ju would leave first. Then the question was directed at her. “Actually I think NCT will leave first, we are near a high school and they’re really popular with that age group because they are close in age. Then I think Super Junior will be next because I feel that even if you’re not a fan, you still like the songs. Then Hyuna, honestly its a tie between her and Super Junior because they both have really fun party songs that people love to sing and dance to. That leaves me last, becuase i think if i say im last maybe ill be first.” This caused everyone to laugh again and called her sneaky.
After a while everyone had lost hope. “I can’t believe no one has left yet.” Leeteuk spoke up.” Causing everyone to agree. Just then Hae-Ju spotted something on the screen.
“They’re hovering over Cherry Bomb!” She stood up and yelled. “This is so exciting.” She laughed. The two girls in room 3 ultiminatly picked Cherry Bomb and the two members of NCT ran out of the room to greet the fans.
An hour had passed when a thought came into Hae-Ju’s head. “I have a question, we have an album with solo songs and the rappers of the group have mixtapes, what if someone picks those?”
“Then you can go, those count.” Yoo Jae-suk answered.
“Okay, although i hope someone doesnt pick a mixtape song, i don’t know how to rap.” She laughed along with the others. Just then she spotted the girls in room 2 search up BTS. she pointed it out to the others. “I’m about to go home, they just searched up BTS.” She was on the edge of her seat, nervous beginning to pool in her stomach. That was when the girl had picked her solo song, There for You. “Oh my gosh, i think im about to get emotional.” The people surrounding her began to ask why. “She just picked my solo song, its really important to me and i worked hard on it but it was the least popular one on the album, i’m just shocked she picked it.” Everyone was now touched along with her. Her and her teammate then ran to the room to sing with the fans. 
When her and the group of girls arrived back into the room everyone was throwing confetti. 
“So how come you chose Jewels solo song?” Yoo Jae-suk decided to ask the girl who picked it. 
“Well its actually my favourite song off the album, the first time i listened to it i cried. She shared a lot with us and it felt very personal.” Hae-Ju couldnt contain it anymore she hugged the girls and began to cry. Everyone started to ‘awe’ at the fact that she was so emotional, they then started to offer her tissues.
“Thank you so much, for the tissues, for having me on here and of course thank you for choosing my song. This has been such an amazing and heart warming experience.” She bowed and walked away before she cried off all her make up.
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bobajeongguk-blog · 6 years
el mariachi | bts mafia!au | 1
word count: 3k
warnings: will be smut eventually, may become graphic in future scenes
pairing: jungkook x reader
a/n: this is my first upload on my new blog so i’m sensitive aubrey
code name JOY, a hitman that does the job dirty, is recruited by a notorious mob, who have both respect for her, and a member that she shot two days ago
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El Mariachi’s.
It lived and breathed as an entrance and exit to a night life of sin. The drinks bad and the people worse, the club radiated a thick vibe of released tension. But what the transgressors of society that inhabited this den didn’t realise is that they weren’t the monsters of the underworld. The bossmen were.
“You know, I happen to be an expert in fucking up faces,” you fired out to the men cuffing your arms with their veiny hands, “it’s sort of my job.”
The men with masks paid no attention, leaving your arms locked up in their own.
The back entrance to El Mariachi’s resembled that of an old Spanish villa’s, which made you chuckle humourlessly at how out of place it looked in a back street of Seoul. Each man on your side stoped dead at the front of it.
With one of your free arms, you pushed on the heavy door, opening up into a room with wine red walls and mahogany furniture. A large desk, the size of a single bed sat in the middle under dim lit lamps. The edges of the room were impossible to find in the shadows.
“Nice to see you live up to the cliché here,” you smirked at the figure in the dark of the desk.
A seperate figure appeared from the corner of the room, “We keep tradition here. We pride ourselves in it. Let’s quit the small talk though.”
Again, another figured moved out of the shadows, and cocked his gun.  
You weren’t one for being frightened, let alone showing your fear, but the click of the barrel made you gulp. Abruptly, the two men who were on your arms before came back into view and cocked their revolvers in every synchronisation.  
“Some tradition. You’re Koreans owning a Latin themed club, correct me if I’m wrong,” as you retorted in your hard-to-fault cockiness, you glanced around the room undetectably, 5 men counted up. But where were the other two?
“Joy, you made an attempt at killing one of our men, but failed, and you’re happy about this?” The man lent onto his clasped hands on the desk, “Because I don’t know a great deal of hitmen who let the job go- unfinished.”
“What can I say, I’m clearly not very good at my job, nor am I a threat to El Mariachi’s members. So how about we forget my blunder and start over, with me walking out that door-“ you turned towards the door you once entered through but we’re stopped by the two masked men again.
“You’re not serious right? You dishonoured us, and I’m sure we can make some form of arrangement that doesn’t end with your tongue leaving your skull, si?”
You rolled your eyes at his attempt at fear provoking.
“You’re missing a couple men right? Is one on bed rest after what I did to him?”
It was his turn to gulp now, “He’s doing fine. I’m a good enough man to know how to treat the fellas who work for me.”
“Listen,” you shuffled effortlessly towards the desk and sat down in the opposing chair, “Im not here to make enemies with hard working guys such as yourselves. In fact I sort of respect you and you’re skills.”
“Y/n.” You shuddered at the use of your real name, not Joy as you had ironically named yourself, “Who said I want us to be enemies?”
He lent further now, and you finally glanced at his face and took a chance to relish in just how, to put it frankly, fuckable he was. His eyes were heavy lidded and sleepy, yet the pupils were more alive then your heartbeat at this point, and his lips looked far too bowed to be on a man that allowed such profanities to slip by them. His skin looked contradictorily soft and supple, save for the large scar that reached from the arch of his brow to his cheek bone. His lips parted dryly, “So, I was thinking of hiring you.”
“Hiring? Hiring me? Me?” Your eyebrows practically stitched together in confusion.
“We know how you work. We admire your work- hmm- ethic.” You smiled internally at your impressive and non harmful way of making money. What can you say, you loved fucking people around, but not enough to kill.  
“So you’re asking me to become your own personal hitman, except not really since I’m not bona fide?”  
To say you were shocked would be an understatement. You did dirty worse than most hitmen: pay half upfront, mess around with the target enough to freak them out, then never finish the job. You weren’t a killer, you didn’t have it in you, but neither were you a good person. Trouble never really came your way because, how does a criminal get another criminal into trouble?  
Snitching was the worst crime of all in the underworld. But that didn’t stop you from making a lot enemies down below.
“Sort of,” He fishes around his desk draw to look for something, “You have good gun talent, stamina, aim, steady hand. And us hiring you would create a lot of business deals since you’re so feared around here.”
You thought about becoming a part of a team, your entire life had been independent. Solo. Isolated.  
“I will consider joining on one condition.”
The man’s eyes subtly lit up, “Yes, name it,” he kept his voice steady.
“You must introduce me to all members first.”
All men inside the back room led you down a dimly lit corridor, where you could hear the amplified bass on the other side of the wall.  
“Through here. We’ll order a private booth and some drinks in there.”
Each monster, barring the one who had introduced them, still had masks on and hoods up, guns re-pocketed in their holsters as they walked through into the nightclub, El Mariachi’s.
It looked like a generic dance club, low ceilings and elevated dance floors, except at the far end was a stage, and on it was a live band playing and female dancers along the edge. It was distinctly unusual for a dance club, and everyone still moved along. You sort of wished your visit here hadn’t been a business one, just so you’d get an opportunity to go have some fun and wreak havoc.
“Later,” He whispered into your ear as he clasped your forearm and took you along with all the others to a separate curtained booth. The inside was circular and had a small table in the middle, as well as an ashtray and cigarette dispenser. Each wall covered in a mirror from top to the leather booth. You could see yourself in eight different angles. You looked flushed, but hard-faced as always. You could see why a girl as averagely built as yourself mustered up anxiety in even the mightiest of men; you had a nose ring through your right nostril, and a nick taken out of a brow that kept a scar in its place. Your eyes were darkly rimmed with kohl-Black and your lips there usual full and chapped selves.
“Please sit, y/n.”
You scooted along to the back and watched as it filled up enough for the two closest to touch you shoulder to shoulder.
“They can come off now.”
You watched as the rooms collective each reached to detach the elastic from around their ears and lower the masks and hoods.  
“I’m Yoongi by the way,” The man already known to you tells you, “I’m second in command here.”
“You mean you aren’t the boss?” The question resulted in a chuckle from the rest of the members. You were too afraid to look them all in the eye just yet, so made eye contact only with Yoongi.  
“Do you really think a boss is gonna let himself be left so vulnerable?” You looked over to where the voice came from and met eyes with a shit eating grin and crescent shaped eyes, “I go by J-Hope here, I’m a big fan of your gun work.”  
He leans in and places a kiss on your ring decorated knuckle. Your eyes roll upwards, but you smile non the less. His hair is straight and shiney, yet still messy, as if his hands spend a lot of time running through it (or someone else’s do).  
“And I’m Jin, the gang’s prettiest,” one eye is blackened with bruises, and his full lip is busted open and more swollen then they already are with natural plumpness, “And don’t mind J-Hope, he’s a little trigger happy.”
“I gathered that,” You reach to shake his extended hand and notice how muscled his forearm is. A throat clearing broke your contact with Jin as you turned to the next person. Sat to your right was a small but well built member, with a soft smile and soft eyes, completely out of place for his surroundings.  
“I’m Jimin. I drive people places and, well, get shit done.”
You’d done this long enough to know what that meant. A silent nod showed him you understood. He was well stacked enough for you to know that he had definitely got his hands dirty once or twice.  
“Sorry if we hurt you earlier, no hard feelings about the dragging around yeah?”
Rolling your eyes, finally, you turned to your left and were face to face with a man who looked to handsome to have ever needed to make money in such a wrong way. His eyes were intense and his lip had a ring going round into his mouth, his tongue absentmindedly fiddling with it.
“Taehyung. I suppose I’m their trademark robber. I’m pretty handy with a knife too.” Your mind immediately imagined him with a knife clutched in between his teeth, the sight easy to believe.
“Nice to meet you.” You shook his hand like a professional and turned away from one another. But there was one member you hadn’t met. The member you shot yesterday in the parking complex.
“What about um..” you trailed off, not knowing how to bring up the member injured at your hands.
“Jungkook. He’ll be okay. You’ll sort of be taking his place for a week, then consider your debt repaid. After that we’ll pay you for each deed done. Satisfying?”  
“How much per?”
Your mouth made an ‘o’ shake. To the average eye, it seems like a skint amazing for such a high risk line of business, but considering how often deals come up that racks up a few thousand a week. Your mind was already made.
“So,” You sipped your drink innocently, “when do I begin?”
A half hour drive in a stretch Bentley later, you arrive at what is known as HQ. Jimin truthfully told you it’s just where they eat, sleep and train. Never anything illegal happens there. It’s sort of an unspoken rule.
All 5 pairs of eyes were on you in the drive over, watching you, calculating you, figuring you out. Jhope, Jin and Jimin were well mannered and welcoming to you, but Taehyung’s gaze on you was so burning you couldn’t help but stare back. His eyes reflected threat and warning. You squirmed in your seat uncomfortable nude his eye.
The building you arrived in front of was a warehouse style and shape, but a high up window had a dim light glowing from it.  
“So this is home,” Yoongi half heartedly gestured to the structure, “The contract for your membership is in Namjoon’s office, but I doubt you’ll want to go through all of that now. For now, I’ll show you to your room.”
You were taken aback, “I’ll be living here?”
“Yes. We need to be able to have you at hand for jobs whenever. This line of work doesn’t have shifts.”  
You shrugged and nodded it off, but in your mind, you couldn’t be more thrilled.  
Your apartment was a door down from a meth addict, a door up from a teen mother and her badly cared for baby, and directly above was a couple arguing every night.
“If you want,” J-Hope lent across to speak into your ear, “We can swing by your place tomorrow on the way to pick up supplies and grab your belongings.”
You thought about it for a while, “Believe me. There’s nothing there I want to see ever again.”
The line of you led up and into the warehouse, Yoongi flicking the switch. Lights flickered on in strips one by one across the high ceiling. Across the vast space were sectioned off areas of training equipment. A gun guard and target sheets took up a part of the wall, along with a boxing ring and punching bags, weights and gym equipment. At the far back wall there was an open plan kitchen. It was your heaven.
Jin found your taken aback expression amusing, “You like, newbie?”
“Like? This is my fuckin’ dream, dude!”
“Yeah well speaking of dreams, you gotta get rest. Namjoon hates cranky, tired people. Yoongi being his only exception,” Yoongi shrugged over in yours and Jin’s direction, “So I suggest you go to bed. I’ll take you to the empty room.”
You turned to head up the stairs and saw the remaining men already sat at their coffee table, playing a game of poker with scotch glasses.
“Night y/n!” J-Hope yelled towards your retraining body. You simply waved back at the men’s attention.
Jin took you up the dim stairs and you heard muffled voices from behind a closed door, “Don’t mind Jungkook. He has things he’s gotta sort out at the moment.”
You nodded back, Jin stopping at your door.
“Let me know if you want anything. Oh and breakfast is at 7am sharp every day. Training at 8. Don’t be late, Namjoon isn’t afraid of any form of punishment needed.”  
And with that, Jin left.
You couldn’t sleep. Your mind was racing with thoughts of the boy in the next room to you, and how you inflicted a pretty hefty bullet wound onto his thigh, just missing his kneecap. ‘I could see this not going down too well’ you twisted and turned in you sleep as you imagined his reaction when he finds out you nearly crippled him for life.
Your night’s train of thought was disturbed by your need to pee a few hours later. Opening the door softly, you crept down the corridor to the open door that held the loo.  
When you’d finished, you twisted the knob for the door and opened it and instantly walked straight into another body, your scantily clad skin making direct contact with someone else’s naked torso. Your body stumbles onto him as his falls back out of the doorway into the corridor. Your arm hit the handle on your way down, leaving a nasty cut in its place.
“Fucking hell- that’s twice you’ve injured me,” You freeze instantly from your wincing and look down at the boy underneath yours. His face is covered by a messy flop of fringe, his smile slightly crooked and slightly visible, his eyes his eyes holding as much intensity as Taehyung’s that you had looked into earlier.
“I am so sorry about the-“
“Don’t worry about it. You don’t know me. You were only doing your job, it’s pointless having hard feelings in this job.”
You blushed, a thing you hadn’t done in years, at how foolish and careless you could have been. It wasn’t like you to let your guard down and in a few short hours you had allowed yourself to team up and trust strangers.  
His face contorted into a frown as he looked down at the gash you hadn’t noticed yet, “You’re bleeding.”
“It’ll be fine, I’ve had worse,” you glanced at it nonchalantly.
“Let me help.”
You rolled off of him and jumped back up, allowing him to stretch his body up. You watched his muscles contract with each minor movement, admiring how his physique clearly showed his hard work and dedication. He was broad, overwhelmingly broad, and his back muscles were pronounced. As he bent his legs to get up, his thighs tensed and you could see the thews shift.  
His brawny arms reached up to a shelf with a box reading “first aid” on it.  
“You don’t need to do that,” you insisted, suddenly feeling sheepish.
“Namjoon will be pissed if he finds out a new recruit is already injured, much less at the hands of me,” he outstretched his hand to your arm. With delicate surprise, his calloused fingers padded lightly on your own scarred skin.
“I still have yet to meet this Namjoon. What’s he like?”  
“Not as scary as he likes to think. However you can’t outweigh his intelligence. People treat people like him as ‘nerds’, but it’s an underestimated skill,” He takes his time wiping the stray blood, “I’m Jungkook by the way. I’m a bit of a baby in comparison to everyone else.”
“My name’s Jo- Y/n, my name is Y/n.”
“You have impeccable aim and precision, but you didn’t hit me anywhere critical. Why?”
“I don’t kill. Simple.”
“You won’t be saying that for long around here.”
You gulped with dread for what felt like the hundredth time that night. He pulled the lid off a bottle with his teeth, “This is gonna sting a little.”
You chuckled at his concern, “I think I can handle it.”
The liquid stung but nowhere near as bad as any pain you’d already felt.  
“So who did you work for before us?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Don’t worry we won’t-“
“It’s a hitman rule. You never tell people who hired you, and they’ll pay half up front.”
“Yes but don’t forget you broke the hitmen rules by never actually killing,” He smirked at you. His smile was contagious enough to pass onto your lips.
“I didn’t work for anyone. I worked for myself. Namjoon isn’t buying me out of anyone, he’s hiring me.”
Jungkook’s face turned into one of surprise, he stopped wrapping bandage around your arm to look at you. His eyes showed signs of confusion and unrecognisable emotion.
“You’re telling me that you, a girl that reaches my nose in height, is a solo gunner?”
You grinned back at him and walked towards the door, “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Sleep came a lot better the second time round.
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chimswae · 5 years
Chapter 13
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Some stories are better left unsaid.I couldn’t change anything for the world, although the fame part of this industry is tough to handle.Do i have a life? Yes I have my fans.Do i have friends? Yes the members that I cherish. Do i have love? No I have to let go.Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow. But do i have any tomorrow?
Pairing: Jimin x OC (Other characters: BTS, OCs, Lee Taehwan)
Genre: Idolau, Fluff, Romance
Word Count: 3,680
Author Note: I crosspost this story from my Asianfanfic account. Mind you, clicheness OVERLOADS
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
Chapter 13:  Infinite gratitude, infinite hope
“Why didn’t you tell me about this girl existence and that you have a son with her Jimin?”
 “ANSWER ME PARK JIMIN!” his loud voice echoed throughout the hallway shaking the building. They had never seen Bang Pd this furious, and even worse he never yelled at them like how he did to Jimin at the moment.
 Others shrunk in their seat afraid to meet Bang Pd fiery eyes, this was not all about Jimin keeping the truth from him but the members were at fault too. They knew about it but chose to keep it to themselves. With that they were ready to face Bang Pd’s wrath at all cost.
 “I…don’t know what to do. I thought I can handle it as long as I don’t get caught” Jimin hung his head low too timid to face the older man angry face.
 “You think you can handle it but you don’t. So much to celebrate your Billboard winning, the press out there are finding the perfect moment to drag you all down. It is so happen you just won your first global award and they release your dating scandal to public” Bang Pd frowned in his seat, rubbing his temple.
Namjoon stepped in trying to ease the dreary atmosphere in the room, and as a leader he had to say something to protect his members, “Bang Pd, don’t blame Jimin. He just found about his long lost son few months ago. If I were in his shoes, i would do the same. His utmost priority is to protect the girl and her son from medias. He tried his best to keep it low” he squished Jimin’s shoulder.
 The members understood the pain that Jimin experienced, along with his insecurity and fear. All he ever wanted to protect his family. It turned out irresponsible human out there decided to invade his privacy and made fun of his life to gain money and fame.
 “And you all knew about this from start?” he slammed his desk while eyeing each of the members.
 “Y..ess.. Bang Pd.. we knew” Namjoon muttered.
 He yelled “I CANT BELIEVE YOU GUYS ARE BEHIND THIS TOO!This is a serious matter, do you think im a joke?” everyone flinched. No one dared to speak, it was not a good time to defend themselves it would make things went from bad to worst.
 Glaring at Jimin, Bang Pd hissed under his breath “To protect the girl and that kid, and hurting Bangtan in the end? Are you even sure he is your real son?She could be after your money, why did she appear after five years hiding? ” his question triggered the anger in him.
 He had so much respect for Bang Pd and he was well aware the older man was mad so everything that came out from his mouth should be ignored. However, Jimin was offended mainly because he hated people insulting his girl. And, it seemed like they were trying to find someone to take the fall by cornering Yeoul.
 “Dont disrespect her, she is the mother of my son. And I trust her with all my heart, if you were to find someone to blame, I am here. I am ready to take the full responsibility “ he clenched his fist holding back his anger.
 “And what is exactly your plan?” he let out a sarcastic laugh and kept his poker face which sent chill down their spine.
 Jimin raked fingers in his hair, exhaling heavy sigh “I will tell them the truth, that is the only way to stop the medias from spreading malicious rumor”
“You do know this will affect your career right, you might lose your fans. Most importantly, things might just get ugly” Bang PD shook his head.
 “I know, that is the risk that I am willing to take. I cant afford watching my family living in fear, they invaded her homes, hurting my child and Yeoul. I will protect them no matter what because..I am the father of this child, that is my responsibility ” he croaked, fiddling with his fingers.
 The room was dead silent as no one dared to speak, Bang PD whom seemed in deep thought finally broke the silence “We will do damage control without jeopardizing Bangtan and your family” his lips were pressed into thin line.
 He continued “I have nothing against any of you being in a relationship, because that is the freedom that the company gives you. I know you dated this girl during your trainee days Jimin, but this isn’t simple since it involves a secret child. Let me meet this girl first, I will get our staffs to fetch her” the boys included Jimin turned their eyes to Bang PD with a glint of surprise.
 “Are…you sure?” Jimin blinked confusedly, so Bang PD nodded while giving him a light pat on his shoulder. That was surprising since few minutes ago the older man was not convinced whether the child is his or not, and now he wanted to meet Yeoul for some kind of confrontation. The members nodded with a small smile encouraging Jimin to take the offer.
 “Can I ask you a favor?I… can you make me go and get her instead of sending the staffs? I mean..I have to check on Minyeol too..” he mumbled timidly.
 He seemed reluctant to let Jimin out in public considering there were many eyes on him from now on “We will see about that and for now get enough rest. It has been a long week for you guys, we will be having a press conference in conjunction with your winning. So be prepared mentally and physically” he assured.
 Peeking through the window, Taehwan scowled lowly “Why cant those people leave” it was indeed annoying to watch press from different companies camped outside Yeoul’s resident. It had been like that ever since the news spread. Not to mention Yeoul and her family had been staying inside the house for three freaking days. Only Taehwan would go in and out from the resident to buy food and most of the time he would stay indoor with them.
 Bighit had not released any official statement pertaining to this matter since they focused on Bangtan’s Billboard press conference. Jimin anxiety might reach his limits by anytime soon, bad sign indeed. Meeting Yeoul and Minyeol, that’s all he asked from Bang Pd and for some reason he was delaying it. How unfortunate.
 It was unmanly for his side to let Yeoul handled the situation alone. He supposed to be there for Yeoul.He couldn’t even get a wink of sleep without worrying about those two and his members, the news really hit him hard. Any communications between him and outside world had been cut off temporarily, just in case irresponsible fans or medias who obtained his phone number illegally tried to reach him.
 A loud buzz from the living room cause Yeoul to jump from her seat, she answered the call in hurry “Jimin?” every single calls that she received these past few days, she really hoped one of it would be Jimin. Leaving her with no news at all after a call from Namjoon few days ago was driving her up the wall. Taehwan tore his gaze to Yeoul as his heart clench in pain, how he wished he could be Jimin.
 “Hey, love.. Are you alright? I am so sorry that I just got to call you now?” upon hearing his voice at the end of the line, her dam broke. Was she supposed to cry? But she worried to death, it just happened this way.
 “Oh my god, Jims I thought something happen to you..” muffling her sob, Jimin could sense she was crying and he grew panic.
 “Yeoul..are you crying? Are you alright? How about Minyeol? The press.. they are still there? Please tell me you are okay…” he bit his lower lips. Jimin was considering to take an emergency flight to Busan right way now. He didn’t give a damn about anything right now.
 Her deep sigh echoed as she tried to calm her racing heart “We all alright, Minyeol is a little scared after the incident. But he is doing well. We are staying indoor, don’t worry. I wont get any near the press. They are doing crazy things outside, and it has been three days” Jimin palmed the wall beside him with a low scowl.
 “Jimin… how are you holding up? I apologize.. This is because of me.. I should be more careful.. I hope this does not affect you and Bangtan.. I feel really bad for tarnishing your image” she continued. Her voice was a mixture of guilt and pain, she hated the idea of jeopardizing Bangtan’s image. These boys worked so hard to reach this far only to be ruined overnight because of her.
 Jimin flinched in disapproval “ Never blame yourself. I am warning you Na Yeoul…” his stern voice silenced her.
 She heard him continue “We are okay, this is not the time to worry about others. You are in a tougher positions with no protections. Bang Pd requests to meet you personally, and I will head to Busan tomorrow after our press conference” her eyes widened in fear. Why would Bang Pd summon her to Seoul?
 “Why.. I mean.. will it be okay for you to be out in public? They are tons of medias and angry fans outside Jims.. this is really bad. You cant come!” her high pitch voice drove Taehwan attention to her as he tilted at her direction curiously.
 She turned pink knowing Taehwan curious eyes penetrated hers, Yeoul mouthed him ‘I am alright, sorry’ he then gave her a soft nod and continued with whatever he was doing. He demanded nothing from Yeoul, because she would eventually tell him everything.
 “What do you mean I am not allowed to meet you? I want to make sure both of you are okay! Besides, there is no turning back, sooner or later they will know about us. So I have nothing to lose, I will come and get you by my own” he frowned.
 One thing about Yeoul, she worried about others more than herself. Sometimes, way too much.
 “But.. Jimin… I am worried…The comments from the public are nasty and I do-” Jimin cut her before she could finish her remaining guilty speech. He knew what she was planning to say, Yeoul being Yeoul.
 “Na Yeoul. Quit being gullible. You cant give in this easily, they are pressuring us because people love to see us crumble apart. And I am not going to let anyone hurt you and Minyeol” his voice was low but enough to reach the deepest core in her heart.
 Only Jimin.. Only Park Jimin.
 “Dont read comments from the internet. Those people are a real coward, hiding behind the screen to torment us. Never let their words get you alright? Wait till I come, do not do anything foolish. I will make things right for us” she touched her beating heart with a small smile. At time like this, he still had this magic which could swoon her over the moon.
 “You too.. Please don’t get hurt. Don’t worry about me and Minyeol. Taehwan is here to watch after us for the time being. Let me know if you reach here tomorrow” she mumbled softly.
 Jimin finally broke into a genuine smile “Is he playing a bodyguard now? Glad he is there to watch after you two. I’ll let you know, got to go now. Seokjin hyung will be furious if he finds out I am using his phone. Love you, baby” he whispered hoarsely.
 I hate you Park Jimin for having this spell on me, she groaned in her head.
 Listening to Yeoul sweet chuckle put his heart at ease at least, “Love you too, Jims..” she puffed her cheeks, trying not to blush but she failed. A phone call with Jimin even for awhile was enough to get her mind back right on track unlike before.
 Taehwan chewed his lips to surpass any sound coming out from his mouth ‘Stop being jealous Taehwan…she loves him’ he clutched his fist, clearing his throat awkwardly.
 Taking a deep breath, he finally found courage to inquire Yeoul “Was it Jimin? What did he say?” he avoided any eye contact with Yeoul at all cost this time. Or she could see his burning eyes and heart. Jealousy slowly took over his mind and emotions.
 Sunk beside Taehwan with a relief sigh “He said he’s doing okay. And, Bang Pd wants to see me so Jimin is coming to get me to Seoul as soon as possible” her fingers fidgeted the hem of her dress.
 Raising his brows in confusion “Who is Bang Pd? Is it safe to go out in public? Both of you being seen together?” he disliked the idea of course, whose brilliant idea was this after all.
 “He is their boss. I don’t know what he is planning to do just yet. This thing with the medias outside it cant be undone. If we lie, they still throw shade at us. I am following the flow as long as it does not hurt Jimin, Minyeol and Bangtan” she glanced at Taehwan hard face. He seemed to be holding his anger or jealousy, something along the line.
 She reached out to his hand, holding it tight “I know this is insane Tae. You are important in my life, I need your support. I hope you are with me and respect my choice” he pondered about it whenever he had free time. As much as he wanted to deny it, this bound to happen. The truth prevailed in the end.
 “Yeoul..” instead of squishing her hand, he enveloped her into a warm hug “ I am with you until the end, no matter what you do..Just remember that” he whispered.
 Touche by his patience and kindness, she unknowingly cried in his shoulder “Thank you Tae.. for being here with me now and then..I am sorry that I only know how to break your heart instead of mending it” he squished Yeoul close.
 “Foolish girl. Your happiness is my happiness. Do not feel bad for me, that makes me feel ugly” he joked. He knew the joke was very unfunny but Yeoul laughed softly at his silliness anyways. Taehwan randomness was one of his charms, so no complains.
 Cupping her cheeks, he stroked his tears away “You are strong. You can face this, trust me” with that he planted a soft smooch on her forehead.
 Faith and hope are not a mere word. When there is hope, there is faith. When there is faith, miracles happen.
 BTS’s Billboard Press Conference
 “Remember to calmly answer questions from the floor. Any questions being forwarded to you guys will be filtered by the MCs so don’t worry”
 “And don’t answer questions that is not related to you experience in Billboard Award. Do you understand?” their manager reminded them before walking out to meet the press. They were ready with any possibilities today following the Jimin incident, so things might just get out of hand at some point.
 The boys nodded while having getting final touch up of their makeups. Jimin decided to take part in this press conference even though he was given choice to not attend the event. He had no reason to hide and shouldn’t he be professional? This press conference was supposed to highlight their success, so be it. The scandal had nothing to do with this.
 Others were worried of him but they admired his persistence to join this conference despite all the shits being thrown to him right now. Jimin mental condition was made of hard rock. Frankly speaking, this was not the first scandal that they faced back then they were others major scandals that’s as worse as this one. They got through it though it took time. Bangtan managed to face it and still survived the tornado. Their strong brotherhood bonds is the utmost strength and of course overwhelming loves from Armys.
 “We can do this” Namjoon smiled as all of them gathered in circle and did their usual group chant before walking up the stage. Flashes of camera and faint mumble from the audiences died down as soon Bangtan made their way to the stage with style. They politely greeted audience before them and took their respective seat.
 As the MC did his part to introduce the group and the main agenda of today’s press conference, they proceeded with Q&A sessions. The first 20 minutes went smoothly as the members took turn to answer questions and shared their thoughts and experiences during BBMAs award. There was no sign of medias trying to bring up the scandal occurred in that particular week.
 Jimin finally got to breathe normally, he could feel his stomach churned in fear. He was very wary with his surrounding, since he expected at least one question relating to the scandal.
 “Yes, the one at the back” the MCs announced.
 The man arose from his seat and started to ask question “Hi, I am Jaye Kim from The News Daily. My question is open to any members of BTS. My question, BTS comeback in the second half of 2017 will there be a slight change in the group after the major scandal?” the audience murmurs as Jimin face hardened at the question from the man earlier.
 He knew, everyone knew what he meant by major change.
 Namjoon immediately answered him with a polite smile nevertheless “I believe Bangtan will continue just as we are. Our major change.. I can say that our music concept will be different this time. I hope it will be stronger than ever” he chuckled to ease the awkwardness. Jimin glanced at Namjoon giving him a thankful look and he nodded with a genuine smile.
 As the MC thanked the reporter from The News Daily, he then opened the floor for next question.
 A woman in her thirties stood up, taking the microphones “I am Shin Nayoung from MSC News, I would like to address an important question to Park Jimin-ssi relating to the scandal broke earlier this week. Is it true the woman in the footage is your secret lover?” her confident smile was pure evil. Indeed, Shin Nayoung was that kind of reporter who dug up celebrity’s dirt as their article bait and make money from it.
 The tense in the air could be felt by everyone, up until now no one dared to address the issue until this Shin Nayoung woman brought it up. It triggered others’ curiosity as they almost forgotten about the scandal happened this week. Still fresh in mind so everyone was boiling up to get a definite answers.
 Jungkook who sat beside Jimin noticed the change in his expression, he reached out his hand under the table holding onto his hyung hand “We are with you, don’t worry” he whispered lowly. Jimin shot him a small smile as he tried to not make any eye contact with the audience down there, it was suffocating.
 The MC took counter measure before things got heated “I apologize Miss Shin, I believe this conference is strictly for BBMAs related questions. No other issues shall be arose except BTS winning in Las Vegas last week. Please respect their privacy” he smiled.
 This Shin woman did not give up just yet “Oh? When is the company planning to respond to this scandal. I am sure the whole nation is dying to know the truth, don’t you think so Park Jimin-ssi” she darted her gaze to Jimin.
 Yoongi snapped as he tried not to wear off his cool expression “Excuse me Miss, I think the MC made it clear that we don’t take personal question at the moment” he defended Jimin.
 No one messed with Bangtan Sonyeodan, you have to face me. Yoongi cussed in his head.
 “Yoongi-ssi, I believe Jimin-ssi has a mouth to talk” Yoongi let out a low snicker but Jin held him back, signaling him to keep calm.
 Jimin shifted uncomfortably in his seat and bowed politely “ I am sorry, I cant say much. Further information will be released when the time comes. I hope you understand” he met her slightly arrogant gaze who’s burning to get answers from him.
 “You are just avoiding us Park Jimin-ssi. Don’t you agree, we deserves at least a closure?” she smug.
 Thankfully, before things got out of hand their manager stepped in replacing the MC place to sort the problems.
 “Thank you for coming out today. And we are overwhelmed with the support that we get from all of you lads and gents. An official statement pertaining to the incident occurred earlier this week will be announced soon, until then please respect BTS’s privacy. Thank you again” he signaled the members to stand up.
 Bangtan shot up from their seat giving another polite bow and let the press to take few group photos before leaving the stage. Jimin heaved a relief sigh, and he didn’t know a simple press conference exhaust him this much. Not to mention, their manager stepped in just the right time before the bubbled burst due to that Shin Nayoung’s foul mouth.
 Everything was okay not until she stepped in. A wicked witch.
 Namjoon being a concern leader he was, he made his way to Jimin hugging the younger boy “ You did well back then, holding back your anger. I know you are ticked off and nervous” he patted his back as encouragement.
 “Thank you hyung. Thanks for standing up for me” he sighed gladly returned the hug.
 Pulling away, he smiled softly “We are brothers.. Don’t thank me” others surrounded Jimin giving their unusual so called encouragement speech which he gladly listened to.
 Whenever he sought comfort, his members will always be there for him. He never regretted even once. Being in BTS meant the world to him, he cherished their friendship with all his heart.
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This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2019. All Rights Reserved
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seungmin-jpeg · 6 years
Stray Kids On Tumblr / Felix
Chan // Woojin // Minho // Changbin // Hyunjin // Jisung // Felix // Seungmin // Jeongin
I have waited a long time to write this one 
Half the reason i started this series was to write for him tbh
Started his blog long before he became a trainee 
But A LOT of effort into it
Spent hours looking for the perfect desktop theme
Then spent a day working on it to make it have is own little ‘felix flare’ 
And then spent hoooooours working on his mobile header
Naturally very proud of his blog
Works really hard to make good posts
Majority is just memes 
Or recreations of memes
Reblogs a lot of old vines
He’s the type of blog to get all those weird random asks from people
And he always has witty comebacks
So sometimes his posts will blow up
He just has that typical tumblr humor 
And it really made his blog blow up
Ends up having one famous post with like 100k reblogs and is still growing and he still thinks its the dumbest posts he’s made his whole life
But thats tumblr for you
Sometimes he’d be working on a big post 
And then tumblr would do that dumb thing 
Where it freezes on you and you cant post things
The amounts of times his family heard him yelling from up in his room as tumblr crashed on him yet again
Honestly wasn’t super aware of kpop 
But like 
Of course he knew about it
And then he made it through the audition 
And he was like oh hey
I kinda gotta figure out whats going on here
So he 
Like the smart person he is
Searches through the tumblr tag
And oh yikes
The majority of the tag was bts and got7
And he was like 
And then staff at the company told him watching kdramas will always help him learn korean
Because of this extreme change in his life 
And the need to learn the language as fast as possible
He searches for some good kdramas to watch
So again he turns to tumblr
And he finds some good recommendations 
But he cant reblog it to his main blog 
Because ??? he cant expose himself like this to all he’s meme followers
So he real quick makes a side blog for all his kpop/kdrama needs
And reblogs a few kdrama recommendations 
And a few kpop song recommendations as well
But he’s only find rec’s for all those old classic kdramas 
Like playful kiss and boys over flowers 
Not really his speed yah know
So thats when he stumbles across your blog 
He had just found one of your posts about kdramas 
And he real quick messages you on anon and was like hey have any recs
And you were like YES!!!1!!1!
So you gave him a good list
Grouping them by themes and such 
And then highlighted some of your favorites 
He ended up being drawn to one title 
“Uncontrollably fond” 
And you had mentioned that it was really sad
So he googled it to try and see what it was about
And when you google it one of the first things it says about the drama is 
“A man and woman meet again after they broke up in the past.”
So he was like alright that one it is
Catch him later trying to find out who wrote that description because there was so much more to that drama
He literally could not put it down
Lowkey forgot half way through he was supposed to be trying to learn korean
Watched an episode every night before bed
Because yah know he was packing and stuff
Part of it helped with the stress of leaving his home and such
The other part was just because it was super addicting to watch
Of course he had to take a small break of watching it just because life got to hectic with packing and everything
But he had an overlay on the way to korea
So he watched the drama at the airport
Catch this teenage boy trying not to cry in the airport omg
As he sat in the airport he was like
I gotta talk to someone about this
So he searched up your blog again and left an ask
And because you’re always on tumblr you got it right away. 
“Im sitting in the airport on the verge of tears because of uncontrollably fond why’d you recommend this to me” 
You chuckled to yourself as you read his ask
“I told you it’d be sad!” you finally decided to answer
You had totally forgotten about the person who had asked for recs
It was nice to see them again
The two of you talked back and forth for a bit
And then you got a message 
“I got tired of leaving asks so i’m just going to message you now. A lot easier.” 
You asked him when his flight was, and how much of the show you had left
And he was like 
Not enough time 
He was to invested now
You recommended maybe waiting to watch the last few episodes until he was alone and had a box of tissues
Earning a laugh from him
Like the curious person you are
You asked him where he was going 
And he just kinda said korea and then asked about the soundtrack to the drama
So you didn’t push anymore
Because it seemed like something he didn’t really want to talk about 
So inteast you talked about the soundtrack
Found out he really really liked the song “a little braver”
So you listened to the song while you talked with him
While you waited for him to get back to you
You scrolled through his blog
It was kinda sad looking and had the default theme 
And he had a random mix of kpop and kdrama recs
So you asked him if he was new to the whole kpop/kdrama world
And he was like “kinda” 
Cue you saying if he ever wanted any recs on anything to ask you because you got him
And he just chuckled and said he had to catch his flight, but he’d remember that
And that he’d message you as soon as he finished the drama
Later in the week you got a message from some random meme blog
About uncontrollably fond 
And you were like wtf
Why is this popular weird meme blog messaging me about a kdrama
So you were like um who???
And he was like shoot wrong blog!!
Then switched to his kpop blog
You laughed to yourself thinking about how yet another person had been converted to the dark side
Little did you know
He was PART OF the dark side
You followed his main blog too
Because why not
And the two of you talked a lot 
You found out what a big jokester he was
And just how funny he could be
But that he was also super emotional and wore his feelings on his sleeve
The two of you went from talking about kdramas and random kpop things to little parts of your day
He’d complain to you about learning korean and the language barrier issues he’d always run into
And how tired he was at the end of the day
And you’d tell him about school
And the little things about your country you felt like he would like hearing about 
The two of you never even exchanged names
Just referred to each other as your urls 
Months past
He wasn’t on tumblr as much 
Even his main blog started to stop posting 
Which he always at least had queued up stuff
You’d leave him little encouraging messages every now and then
But he’d always take forever to respond
You occupied yourself with the new show jyp was putting out 
Becoming way to invested for your own good 
And getting especially drawn to a certain member named felix
Something felt familiar about him
And you felt really drawn to him
But you just assumed it was because of his personality 
And the fact that he could speak english 
Then the dreaded day came 
Felix was eliminated 
And you felt like the world had swallowed all your joy
You decided to message your kdrama friend 
Just a simple hey
And he actually responded to your disbelief 
He seemed just as down as you 
So you two just ended up being sad together 
And then you were like 
Isn’t it like 3am there?
He was like yah
You were like ??? go to bed ???
He said he couldn’t fall asleep so you suggested watching a movie
So the two of you headed over to rabb.it
Ended up watching Your Name 
Half way through the movie he ended up asking you why you were so upset
So you told him that your favorite person from a survival show had been eliminated 
And you could see he wasn’t typing anything after you had sent the message off
So you asked him why he was upset
You watched him type something 
Then delete it 
Type it up again 
Then delete it again
It went on for a bit before you little ‘pop’ sounded and his message came in
“I got eliminated off a survival show” it read
And you were ??? 
Do you take this seriously or not ???
So you just kinda said “are you okay”
And he was like maybe
So you asked how he was maybe okay
He replied by saying that it was nice to have someone to talk to who wasn’t in the show itself but also wasn’t family
Youre super confused now because this is felix you’ve been talking too???
When you actually sat back and thought about it 
The timeline all made sense
It would make sense if this was actually felix
The movie now long forgotten played on as you asked him if he was really felix 
And he responded with a funny little smilie face
“I am but you really can’t tell anyone” 
“Felix aren’t you supposed to not be doing this? I thought they took away phones and stuff tho??” 
He explained everything and it all made sense but you were still shook to the core because youre talking with the felix lee right now
But you took the chance to tell him everything every fan wanted to tell him at that moment
You told him how proud you and everyone else was of him
And how people were already working on making sure both him and minho ended up back in stray kids
And by the way he talked you could tell he was happier 
Not much later you were excitedly congratulating him on making it back in
And everything was perfect 
Because the weird person asking you about kdramas
Months and months later ended up being the person you loved the most 
Without even knowing it
The two of you had a special secret friendship that no one knew about
And no one would know about for a long long time
And you were honestly okay with that
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