do u like any other groups? just curious
I do like other groups! I listen to just about everything that comes out in the kpop world, but I only realllyyyy stan Seventeen rn. I kinda just evolved into casual fans of oneus, mcnd, wjsn, and bts even though I used to actively follow them really closely and the other groups I used to be like super into disbanded (gfriend and enoi)
I actually fell out of kpop for like a year… ish? And you could not tell because I only really stayed into seventeen because of this blog and it was hard to get back into it because I felt like I was behind…? But I’m back to listening to like everything again (I’m really fucking with Blitzers new song???)
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espship18 · 3 years
BtoB reacting to their S/o speaking their native language
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Not too long ago I got a requestor who asked for a bunch of BtoB reactions! I’m SO excited for these reactions since I don’t have BtoB on my page yet!
!NOTE!: After doing research I’ve decided to keep Ilhoon in my reactions. If him being mentioned bothers you, feel free to skip past his section~ no harmful feelings💕  
Eunkwang: As a couple, you’re incredibly petty when it comes to arguments/bickering. Like, you’ll bicker over who was supposed to take out the trash type of petty, then eventually Eunkwang will stop speaking and you’ll only speak your native language until he cracks. This could go on for hours, but when he feels like he’s going crazy, he’ll crack. He can’t say no to you either, so he’ll take out the trash and you’ll speak as you normally would~ 
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Minhyuk: You are a crafty/artsy person and when you really get in the zone, you have a habit of talking to yourself in your first language. It’s out of habit. Through your projects, you’ll lose track of time and Minhyuk will stop by your art room to remind you to take breaks. You’ll mumble to him as he’s trying to get your attention and he’ll have to physically shake you to break your focus. Minhyuk will chuckle at you, thinking your mumbling is sweet, and he’ll give you a snack and ask about your project. 
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Changsub: Btween you two, you’re the organized one, so you’re the guru that plans everything when you two travel. When work kept you too busy to plan your next vacation, Changsub plans the trip. ..Everything goes wrong. You miss your flight, the hotel wasn’t properly booked, so you have a bit of a breakdown and rant/snap to Changsub in your native language. Changsub may not plan trips very well, but he’s amazing at calming you down, and he’ll apologize for creating chaos and he’ll work with you to get your ducks back in a row~
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Hyunsik: We know our boy here is all about respect- so when it’s time for him to meet your parents, Hyungsik wants to be PREPARED. He’d ask you for some basic conversation etiquettes so he can impress your parents and be respectful. Fast forward to him meeting your parents- your parents get so excited he knows their language, your parents overwhelm him and he’ll need your help translating. Which he apologizes for the trouble and express how appreciative he is of you.   
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Peniel: He’d tag along with you to a trip to your hometown! Peniel is able to see you chat and laugh with the locals, navigate where to go while taking public transportation, and read tourism plaques! He’d be super impressed and in awe that you’re still quick to find where you’re going and you’ve always kept your language/culture close to your heart. He’d also find your sense of direction to be super attractive and with him being in a foreign place, the native language only adds to it!
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Ilhoon: Prior to being in a relationship with Ilhoon, you’ve had a pet that you talked to exclusively spoke your native language to, which the pet only follows commands that way. When Ilhoon would start coming over, your pet would steal food off his plate, and with a simple scold you were able to prevent it happening again. Ilhoon would be super impressed when your pet would back off- since the pet wouldn’t back off at his requests. He also would’ve forgotten the fact pets can pick up on the way you speak to them. 
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Sungjae: My personal fav situation- your new furniture manual doesn’t have instructions in a language you both know. So it’s up to you tell Sungjae how to put the closet together. Your reading skills are a bit rusty and one piece was put on backwards which derailed the whole project. But luckily you went back and you realized where you goofed, and luckily it was a quick fix! Sungjae would be so happy you were able to help translate the instructions, because him trying to guess where the pieces would go would be an absolute disaster, lol. 
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hennessymt13 · 5 years
Hello! As for today, I will be sharing to everyone about my thoughts in today’s generation specifically in Social Media.
So, what is Social Media? According to dictionary, it’s a websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. Basically, it is a site where people can interact with each other and can be able to exchange their ideas or thoughts though they are far from each other. In present, most of us are into social media even children, adults or elderly have their own social networking site account. Well, we can’t deny the fact that social media is very important and useful to everyone…age really doesn’t matter at all by the help of social media, we can do many things, it can help to make our work much productive with the use of internet connection and other social networking sites, we can communicate to our long distance relative even to our special someone, we can even do a shopping like buying clothes, shoes, food online or any stuff that we want just by staying at home, and can even play games without going outside and spending more energy to commute or walk. So isn’t it really amazing to have social media in our life?
We have different types of social media that we should love to explore!
Personally, I’m using Facebook,_ Instagram_ and Twitter to enjoy my social life. Well, not just that because we have many social networking sites to enjoy.
Here we go, these are my top 3 Chosen fields of expertise/influencer.
BtoB (/ˈbiːtuːbiː/ BEE-too-bee; Korean: 비투비; acronym for  Born to Beat) is a South Korean boy band formed in 2012 by Cube Entertainment. The group consists of Seo Eun-kwang, Lee Min-hyuk, Lee Chang-sub, Im Hyun-sik, Peniel Shin, Jung Il-hoon, and Yook Sung-jae.
BtoB debuted on March 21, 2012, performing “Insane” (비밀) and “Imagine” on M Countdown.[1] The group’s debut EP, Born to Beat was released on April 3, 2012. They released their first full-length album, Complete, in June 2015. In November 2014 they made their Japanese debut with “Wow” under the Japanese agency Kiss Entertainment.
I really really love them since 2017! Yes, I’ve became a Melody (BTOB’s fandom name) almost 2 years and 7 months and still counting. Why I like them? It’s simply because I’m in love and mesmerized by their stunning voice, the first time I heard their song “It’s Okay” I was really hooked and I can’t get out of it! They’re my huge inspiration and influencer. I was touched by their perspective in life, I learned that “Patience is a Virtue” they encouraged me to pursue my desires because they say that when your still alive and kicking it’s not yet the end to push and fight for your dreams. Their words of wisdom gives me energy, they’re like my fuel that keeps my life going. Why I’m saying this because, they’ve already experienced it. It took 3 years after they got their first award in Show Champion, they also had a hard time during those days because not all people appreciates their songs and they are only recognized by few people despite of their amazing talent. BUT! They never ever gave up, they still continue their battle and now they are one of the biggest K-pop Boy group in South Korea. It only means that everything comes in a perfect timing by God’s Plan. That’s why I was inspired by them, always and forever.
They have their personal social media account, instagram.
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I’ve watched many korean drama and movies but these dramas are my favorites. First is I really love the actress portraying the character which is Lee Ji-eun a.k.a IU. I like her drama acting skill, it’s really genuine that you would really feel the emotion she wanted to show, she’s also a singer and I also love her voice.
Lee Ji-eun (Korean: 이지은; born May 16, 1993), professionally known as IU (Korean: 아이유), is a South Korean singer-songwriter and actress. While still in middle school, IU auditioned for various talent agencies with ambitions of becoming a singer.
I love the drama because the plot of the story is very interesting for me, I believe in reincarnation that’s why it catches my attention when the story tells about the life of a person in the past, it’s like it really inspires me when they portraying that would really teaches you something, that would open up your mind to avoid doing bad practices. Reincarnation is like your Karma in life, what you are doing in the past will really reflect on your future. That’s why I am inspired to do good deeds only and be nice to other people.
Not just that, because the drama itself really gives me goosebumps, I was amazed by the animation, effects and how they focuses the camera to the actor/actress, the transition and of course the background music where in I used to know BTOB my favorite k-pop group because they sang one of the OST (Original Soundtrack) of Cinderella and the Four Knights which I also like.
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Chinkee Tan aka “Mr. Chink Positive!” BOOKS:“Till Debt Do Us Part: Practical Steps To Financial Freedom,” “For Richer and For Poorer,” and “Rich God Poor God,” which are now available at all branches of National Bookstore, Fully Booked, and Philippine Christian Bookstore nationwide.
He really inspired many people, he wrote books that could really help you to be wise in terms of money and how to be sucessful in life.
Personally, I was before a Business Management major in Financial Management student. I want to have my own business, earn money with my own blood and sweat because that will make me happy, to be stable in life, help the ones in need and travel my favorite places I want to visit someday. But as time passes by I’ve realized something that I can still push my dream in business, build my own establishment, and can even learn how to run a business despite of having different profession from business course, that’s why I pursue my second love which is BA-Communication, obviously I’m fond of entertainment where in I went to different path. But, I never leave business because it is my first love ever since.. when I finish my studies, I will still continue the thing I want which is having my own business. **
With the help of Chinkee Tan, he gave me a sense of enouragement and ideas on how to be wise in managing a business. He will open up your mind that luxury will not help you to have a sucessful life, instead it will fall you down.
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See? The power of social media has a bigger factor in our life. It’s like a domino effect that will give a huge impact to the users.
But, don’t forget to use it in a better way, never use it to the things that would lead you into harm and would just ruin your life that God has given to us. Using social media is also a big responsibility to each one of us, it’s like playing a board game (chess) with just one wrong move you will lose your queen, in other way around… with just one wrong move it will ruin your life. So think, before you click.
**In the future, I would like to be a good contibutor to our country by the use of social media I can motivate people who’s hopeless and experiencing downfall in life. **
**We can use social networking sites to find ourself, like me…I haven’t realize yet what I really like not until I engage with entertainment. **
**It’s not yet the end.. Something is waiting for you. **
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attheeds · 5 years
🚨💙A must-read for all melodies: Get To Know #BTOB better! 😍
Everyone misses the boys and I know you often check for updates - which we don't have much as of now. Instead, let's read fun and interesting interview they did in the past and know a little about their interesting characters! Enjoy! 😉🙃 #BTOB ~~~ BTOB - HONEST AND INTERESTING INTERVIEW
Q: When does Eunkwang get angry?
EK: If it is about me, most of the time, I will just hold it in. However, I will get angry if it involves the safety of the people around me. That’s why although I should have gotten angry when one of the members does anything bad, but I can never do it. Instead will call the person over and talk to him harmoniously but this doesn’t seem really good either, I should just get angry.
Q: Does Minhyuk like cross-dressing like ‘Boy’s Day” from the music show?
MH: If you were to just look at my face you may mistake me as a girl but the muscles on my body feel a little ashamed. It was a pity as the wig on that day didn’t suit me very well. I would have looked even better if the hair suited me! I spread my legs while wearing a skirt and got scolded by the members next to me (Laughs) Spreading my legs when wearing a skirt really looks very indecent and rude. I will take notes from now. I look exactly like my aunt when I crossdress, I thought of my aunt when I looked into the mirror.
(T/N: Why would you take note of such things… it’s not like you have to do it often.. or do you have a fetish..?)
Q: Changsub, do you realize your 4D personality?
CS: I do know about it myself. Once in a while, I will also ask myself “Why did I do that?” (Laughs) The difference between the others and I would be photos of me in my weird poses! Many have said that I am not mentally stable, I think this is also one of the reason. Although I want to do something seriously, but I would start playing around all of a sudden and it caused people around me to get a shock. But in my opinion, all 7 members are weird. (Laughs) I’m not saying that anyone is particularly weird because we’re all weird! I think this is BTOB’s charm.
Q: Is Hyunsik the muscle leader behind the scene?
HS: I think the nature of my muscles is slightly different. I don’t do any special trainings, I just spend each day normally but grew into the muscle type. So I only mostly train the arms muscles that I use often. I think the muscles naturally formed as I always helped my mum do work and carry things. However, I do not have the desire to be in charge of muscles in the group, no matter how you put it, I just want to work hard musically! (Laughs) So I won’t flaunt my muscles on purpose!
Q: As Cutie Player’s creator, does Ilhoon normally have a lot of aegyo?
IH: I don’t do cute stuff normally. However, if I were to be like how I am usually, I would seem as though I am really fierce and is throwing a temper so I try to look more lively and outgoing. I guess that’s when the hidden aegyo comes out. (Laughs) I wasn’t the one who created the Cutie Player. As I practically didn’t have any talents, I just did it when they asked me to show a talent. I have no idea how it was spread. Amongst the members, I think Minhyuk hyung does aegyo the best. I think he is really good at doing aegyo for the fans. Despite people saying that it’s just fan service, it’s just Minhyuk hyung’s revealing his inner aegyo in my opinion. It’s his real self. (Laughs)
Q: Peniel, you have yet to be adapted to Korea's culture?
P: There are a lot of things that I have not gotten used to. As there are a lot of small details, it is very difficult to explain….. Like being particular about who is older, younger, senior and stuff? It would be great if everyone is equal as there’s no formal speech in English.
Q: Was Yook Sung Jae popular during high school?
SJ: It’s a little embarrassing to say it myself… hehehe (Laughs) I seem to have a bit of popularity! I have a sister who is 3 years older than me so I like getting loved. My sister always takes good care of me, that’s why I like girls who are older than me as well as younger girls who treat me as though they’re my older sister. However, as I am the youngest son so I have to show aegyo, be a little shameless but recently I want to show everyone my manly side. A little distance is required for a man to be charming!
Strengths & Weakness
Angel Leader: Eunkwang
Self Evaluation:
Strength: I always have a smile on my face and has been nicknamed "Happy Virus". " Has a very good personality like an angel" Pff, saying it myself is a little.. (Shy) I have never gotten angry with the members. In the past, I didn't quarrel much with my brother either, I don't think I have ever gotten angry in my life. Even if I want to, I have no idea how.
Weakness: Indecisive, often follow others' opinions. Unable to express my own thoughts.
Minhyuk's evaluation of Eunkwang:
Strength: Has a kind and forgiving heart. No matter how overboard the members go with their jokes, he will just accept them with a smile. As BTOB's leader, he protects the members without them knowing.
Weakness: He is too nice! He doesn't even get angry when he should, this isn't good! This is why he worries about things on his own. When that happens, I would be angry for him as I am also part of the hyung line. Another bad point would be his game addiction. Although he says that he has decreased the amount of time he spends playing.. who knows~
Changsub's evaluation of Eunkwang:
Strength: Has a very good personality and treasures the members a lot. Even if the members go overboard with their jokes on him, he will still look at them gently and watch over them. As our group's main vocal, he protects his position very well.
Weakness: He is too short. (Laughs)
Hyunsik's evaluation of Eunkwang:
Strength: He is a really nice person. No matter who it is, they are bound to feel this way.
Weakness: Being a nice person is a weakness too as he doesn't get angry. As a leader, there are times where he should scold us but he doesn't even get angry.
Peniel's evaluation of Eunkwang:
Strength: He is an extremely nice person.
Weakness: Being too nice is a weakness too.
Ilhoon's evaluation of Eunkwang:
Strength: Is a very lacking and very kind person.
Weakness: His personality is too good! It feels as though he gives in to us too much, that he isn't expressing his thoughts well. Even so, he takes extremely good care of us. Our existence is to fill up for what Eunkwang is lacking, So if you were to look at us as a group, this isn't exactly a weakness.
Sungjae's evaluation of Eunkwang:
Strength: He is really very kind. I have known Eunkwang for 4 years and I have yet to see him get angry. Instead of scolding us or flaring up, Eunkwang resolves issues through a conversation.
Weakness: Overly kind. I think that there are situations where he should have gotten angry to let the members see his power but he isn't very good in that aspect.
The perfect guy who makes the members proud: Minhyuk
Strength: Self-management is my strength. If there is something that I want to do, I will carefully make plans and also manage them. For example, I will always make notes so that I won't forget to do things. As I am a singer, I hope to be perfect when it comes to singing, rapping, lyrics writing, composing and sports. However as our schedule is tight, there are things that I have left out so I am going to sort out a new plan starting from daily activities.
Weakness: I have a lot of trouble. Even if it is just a simple issue, I will think of it in a very complicated way and get timid. Although I do not bring inconvenience to others, it makes me very tired. It would be great if I could think about things from a broader aspect.
Eunkwang's evaluation of Minhyuk:
Strength: No matter what he does, he is very serious and does it to the best of his ability. He puts in all his heart and soul no matter who or what issue it is on hand. He does his best no matter how small the detail is, singing and dancing are just the basics. He looks charming even to us.
Weakness: ..Height? (Bursts out laughing) I am of the same height as Minhyuk but it is really quite a waste for Minhyuk! Other than his height, he is really perfect.
Changsub's evaluation of Minhyuk:
Strength: As a summary, he is really charismatic and popular and has nothing he can't do. He excels in sports, raps well, sings well and even dances well too. He is a well-rounded artist.
Weakness: This hyung is short (Laughs)
Hyunsik's evaluation of Minhyuk:
Strength: No matter what it is, as long as he wants to do it, he will do it well I think this is really amazing!
Weakness: The downside of being competitive, at times I think that his desires are too much. (Laughs)
Peniel's evaluation of Minhyuk:
Strength: He tries really hard no matter what he does.
Weakness: Even if he has to strain his body to achieve something, he will always persevere till the end and even causing his body to break down, that isn't very good.
Ilhoon's evaluation of Minhyuk:
Strength: He keeps to his words and carries the tasks out perfectly. If he has something he wants to do, he will put in even more effort in order to achieve it. He has good sports genes and excels in sports. He doesn't like admitting defeat.
Weakness: Now that he has hurt his knee and his body isn't in good condition, his body actually isn't that strong. Despite that, he works very hard on every single task and it is rather worrying. I hope he will put his health into consideration.
Sungjae's evaluation of Minhyuk:
Strength: He does the things that Eunkwang can't do. As he is also part of the hyung line, he will scold us in place of Eunkwang.
Weakness: He doesn't seem to have any weaknesses. Ah, height....(Laughs)
A 4D character who possesses a naturally beautiful voice: Changsub
Strength: I have been praised by many about the unique charm in my voice. My voice is a little different when I speak so I used to hate it when people said that I sound like a girl. However, my voice is a powerful weapon to me now and I hope to let more people hear me sing.
Weakness: I can't wake up once I fall asleep (Laughs) Once I fall asleep, I won't be able to wake up, causing a lot of trouble for the members. Although being a heavy sleeper helps me get rid of fatigue, I have to apologize as it also affects my punctuality when it comes to attending schedules.
Eunkwang's evaluation of Changsub:
Strength: I think everyone will be saying this same line, that his vocals are really outstanding! That he is someone who is well-loved by many fans because of his voice.
Weakness: He sleeps for too long. (Laughs) It is also very obvious when he is in a bad mood. Everyone gets nervous whenever he sleeps, as he will glare at you if you were to wake him up and it's really scary.
Minhyuk's evaluation of Changsub:
Strength: Likes practicing until he is satisfied with what he hears no matter how long it takes.
Weakness: He can't control his expressions well. Recently he has been working on controlling his thoughts.
Hyunsik's evaluation of Changsub:
Strength: Extremely interesting, you will be really happy when you are with him.
Weakness: He is the type who acts according to his mood and you will know if he is angry or in a bad mood with just one look.
Peniel's evaluation of Changsub:
Strength: Possesses a naturally beautiful voice.
Weakness: He really sleeps too much. Although he possesses good vocals, he is always sleeping before performances so his vocals have not been warmed up, which causes his singing to be unstable and it's quite a waste.
Ilhoon's evaluation of Changsub:
Strength: His voice is really good, when he stands on stage, he is able to fully showcase his inner charms.
Weakness: He has his mood written all over his face. You will be able to notice when he gets angry. He is usually an extremely interesting person and often jokes around. However, he gets angry easily and his moods can be noticed easily. So to some, it may not be a good thing.
Sungjae's evaluation of Changsub:
Strength: He is always filled with cuteness towards us, the younger ones, and is extremely cute. When our eyes meet, he will go "Sungjae ah~" in a weird voice then comes over to hug me. There are times when I am tired and he will still do the same, hoping I would entertain him and that's when I hope he won't do that!
Weakness: Changsub has really drastic mood swings like me and he gets even more agitated than me when he is angry. He is also very short-tempered.
Multi-talented with a killer smile: Hyunsik
Strength: Always very positive. Has a character who will overcome all difficulties positively.
Weakness: Overly positive (Laughs)
Eunkwang's evaluation of Hyunsik:
Strength: Like a real man, he is open-minded and his eye smile is really adorable. As he is filled with musical skills, he can play various instruments including piano and guitar, he can even compose songs.
Weakness: Although it is good to have self-confidence, there are times where he gets overconfident.
Minhyuk's evaluation of Hyunsik:
Strength: Having self-confidence and high self-esteem is Hyunsik's strength. This is why his potential has been strengthened.
Weakness: However his pride is too strong and does not listen to hyungs' advises at times.
Changsub's evaluation of Hyunsik:
Strength: Knows music very well. We attend the same music university which is considered quite well known in Korea. He contributed 2 self-composed songs for last year's 'Thriller' album. This time, the song he wrote with Eunkwang hyung and I was also included in the album. Therefore he is the best when it comes to music isn't the right?
Weakness: He has too many muscles. Bang bang!
Ilhoon's evaluation of Hyunsik:
Strength: Multi-talented. he can draw well, compose and sings well. For instruments, he can play the piano and guitar.
Weakness: High self-esteem, scary sometimes. Other than that, hyung is rather flawless.
Sungjae's evaluation of Hyunsik:
Strength: Although he is a manly muscle man, he also has a detailed side which makes him extremely charming.
Weakness: He sleeps too much (Laughs), He is the kind who will continue sleeping if no one wakes him up. For example, if we need to go to the salon at 9am, we definitely have to wake up at 8am but he can't, which isn't good!
The innocent and romantic English teacher: Peniel
Strength: Not serious. As I am more open-minded, I have good relationships with everyone, just that I am a little shy initially.
Weakness: Not very adjusted to Korea's culture.
Eunkwang's evaluation of Peniel:
Strength: He always has a smile on his face like an adorable child. As he lived in the states, he was not used to Korea's environment but his Korean has been getting better.
Weakness: Despite getting used to expressing himself in Korean, he does not share his thoughts often so I hope that he will come forward to express himself more.
Minhyuk's evaluation of Peniel:
Strength: He has an innocent, romantic and positive charm. He also has the ability to make people around him laugh. You get a blissful feeling whenever you see him.
Weakness: He doesn't have his own desires. Although it has gotten slightly better recently, he still does not express his own thoughts often even if he receives a song and was assigned the least amount of lines. BTOB has 7 members so you have to protect and fight for your own parts, but Peniel doesn't care even if he doesn't receive many lines. However, Peniel's fans get lonely after seeing him like this and hope that he can shine brighter in stage and sing more. His skills have improved recently and have been mentioning things that he wants to do so I am really happy for him.
Changsub's evaluation of Peniel:
Strength: His English is good as he lived abroad. He gets the hang of things easily. Although he doesn't have any special talents, but he can do anything very well quickly. He also belongs to the multi-talented artiste category. He is also very positive and likes to make people smile.
Weakness: His weakness is that he still doesn't speak Korean very well.
Hyunsik's evaluation of Peniel:
Strength: He is a very good child and very devoted. He is very innocent and gives off the feeling that he has been a treasured child.
Weakness: Maybe it was due to the influence of his lifestyle in the states so he still seems to have yet to fully adapt to Korea's lifestyle, but comparing to the past, he has improved a lot.
Ilhoon's evaluation of Peniel:
Strength: He does everything well no matter what you get him to do. Like writing lyrics, if you get him to write it, he is able to write it out immediately.
Weakness: The downside of doing everything he is told well, you don't see him putting in his own will to carry out something he wants to do. Instead of saying that he has no desires, it is a weakness because we are artistes and we have to produce works so you need to have the urge to stretch yourself.
Sungjae's evaluation of Peniel:
Strength: He is like a close friend to me although he is 2 years older than me. We are always together when shopping or playing around! Whenever I ask him to play with me, he will always say "Okay!"
Weakness: His personality is so good that it makes me agitated. I hope that you will voice out your thoughts once in a while too.
Passionate charisma: Ilhoon
Strength: I feel that I am the brightest on stage. I am the most dazzling and charismatic when I sing. But off the stage, I am cute, have high variety of skills and are very interesting, these are are my strengths.
Weakness: I am the kind who insists on only doing things that I want to do, I guess this is also considered a type of weakness.
Hyunsik's evaluation of Ilhoon:
Strength: Passionate about music, we often work on song compositions together these days. Possesses various talents. has a good sense of things.
Weakness: He is like Changsub hyung who behaves according to his mood. But he has improved a lot recently.
Eunkwang's evaluation of Ilhoon:
Strength:Is positive and is fearless no matter what issue there is. Ilhoon possesses various skills. Although he is younger than me, he knows more than I do.
Weakness: He gets angry rather easily and vents it immediately. He is working hard on changing this problem.
Minhyuk's evaluation of Ilhoon:
Strength: Is someone who works hard on developing his potential. Like Changsub and Hyunsik, Ilhoon is also very passionate when it comes to practicing. He has high self-esteem, does things that he wants to do very well. Has a lot of knowledge.
Weakness: Gets angry easily, but the anger is not directed at us it is instead directed towards himself and it is easily noticed by people. Things like kicking the door open loudly. (Laughs) When that happens, we'll remind him and he will realize it after that. He is better on the overall now.
Changsub's evaluation of Ilhoon:
Strength: Multi-talented. He knows what is a variety show as he is Weekly Idol's fixed host. He also raps well. I feel that he belongs in the top tier of the current idol rappers.
Weakness: Gets angry easily, has a personality like a real man. Although we can occasionally see Ilhoon with aegyo, I don't really like Ilhoon with aegyo. (Laughs)
Peniel's evaluation of Ilhoon:
Strength: Is a very hard working person.
Weakness: He dieted too much recently, there's no more meat left, only skin. (Laughs)
Sungjae's evaluation of Ilhoon:
Strength: Has a passionate personality. He is able to actively tell our hyungs his suggestions. Although he is in the magnae line like me, he is someone who is able to show his leadership skills.
Weakness: He has too many weaknesses! Firstly, he is too weak (Laughs) He dieted too much and is only left with bones now. Quickly recover to how you used to be!
Born a super idol: Sungjae
Strength: Hmm strengths, hehe (Laughs) I really have to thank my parents, for creating such a handsome kid! My optimistic character is also my strength, everyone says that I am constantly smiling. Come to think of it, I think don’t have any strengths (Laughs) I also have a passionate side, and is adventurous, wants to do everything first, and will keep persevering till the end. Once I have set my mind to achieving something, I am the kind who will continue until I accomplish it. I also like to take initiative on things. As expected, I have too many strengths! (Laughs)
Weakness: My mood swings are a little drastic. My mood is usually quite lively, but if I am in a bad mood, it will show on my face immediately. I have been scolded by the older members often so it should be better than it used to, just a little left.
Eunkwang’s evaluation of Sungjae:
Strength: Prior to our debut, the 2 of us used to stay in the same dorm so we are considered quite close amongst the members. Good looking, tall and has a cute personality, he does a very good job of supporting BTOB.
Weakness: Although he looks lively and happy, there are times where he has his downs and these are the times that make us worried.
Minhyuk’s evaluation of Sungjae:
Strength: Filled with ideas, creative and has a good sense of things. Just that he may have a lot of suggestions but not many can be used. (Laughs) He has amazingly rich imagination skills and is really different from his talents.
Weakness: His weakness is his mood swings. Although he is in a good mood most of the time recently, the people around him get worried whenever he feels a little down as it’s written clearly all over his face! In addition, Sungjae often doesn’t admit to his own mistakes.
Changsub’s evaluation of Sungjae
Strength: He’s the face of BTOB. He’s tall, handsome and also sings and raps well. He even looks good when he cross-dresses (Laughs) He also has a very good variety sense and holds the group together as the magnae.
Weakness: He gets overly excited at times, and gets high on his own.
Hyunsik’s evaluation of Sungjae:
Strength: He is like an adult although he’s the magnae. He totally doesn’t feel like the magnae recently.
Weakness: When he gets overconfident (Laughs)
Peniel’s evaluation of Sungjae:
Strength: Good looking and tall.
Weakness: His drastic mood swings. He likes to play around when he’s in a good mood but will be sulky alone when he’s feeling down.
Ilhoon’s evaluation of Sungjae:
Strength: Outgoing personality and good looking can be said as some of his God-given strengths.
Weakness: This kid has drastic mood swings like Changsub. He plays around to his fill when he’s happy and becomes very sulky when he is sad. It doesn’t matter now as we’re used to it. It’s just that you might get a shock when you just meet each other. source: JP-CN: @yunyunzai-Melody on Weibo, CN-EN: @_910620; picture - snugjae;
credits to: omonatheydidnt Published in 05/12/14
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incorrect-ace · 5 years
BTOB - MOVIE --- VIXX - Scentist --- ATEEZ - Say My Name --- SF9 - Now or Never how you wrote "that is not longer than 15mins" all of them together add up to 14:51, if it's too much for you just answer me the first one ♡
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Lmao tbh you should have just sent me 4 asks this will be so long omg. Okay let’s start??? So I know a little about BTOB from here and there. I watched Goblin and I loved Sungjae’s acting. I also watched his with Joy on “We got married”. I also think their leader is hilarious. Ive seen Ilhoon featuring sometimes and Ive also seen him in variety shows. And I watched Peniels livestream when he talked about fans following them?? If I put this aside. Based solely on the video you sent me I would def pick Ilhoon. no competition even. I know BTOB is more about vocals but really that doesn’t usually struck me (vocals that is). Instead I just loved Ilhoon’s stage presence and facial expressions. He delivered it really well and he was the only one who actually gave me any type of reaction through “Movie” (I also took the freedom to watch a live version of the performance.
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So after Hakyeons first appearance it was easy to pick him. His dancing is REALLY REALLY well controlled. He has such control over the power he puts into each move?? That was soo good and he did it for like 2secs and I was WHIPPED! His dynamics between dancing, singing and stage presence is amazing. I loved his facial expressions. GREATLY DONE. Often when groups do kinda “chic” style they just have a blank face which isnt really what i like hahaha… its very obvious that they r trying too much. His inner dancer really made him shine through in this concept! Facial expressions are easier for dancers, i love it!
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OMG, do you have to do this to me??? I will forever say that ATEEZ as a group is the best in kpop. Their whole dynamic as a group is insane. I can’t believe they are rookies. And no way I can even see them as individuals bcz them as a whole group is so powerful??? Like this is so hard?? I really just can’t pick bcz I just find them as a whole group amazing. The song, the concept, everything as a group fits them so well. Its insane that they are rookies bcz it looks like they have spent the past 300yrs glued to each other developing insane teamwork.
I will not pick a bias. Bcz I simple can’t. But I will tell you who caught my attention in the video and at what time. So this will be lengthy :D
Hongjoong’s introduction from 0:26-0:32!!! FIREEEEE!!! Also how he is moving is amazing? he makes me catch into the video directly from the first few seconds!! SLAYYY
Mingi’s voice right after has such a powerful ..how do i say it??…like it just catches your attention. The tone is very deep. it is THE VOICE!!
Hongjoong’s part right after is also insane!! I love how he moves?? It is just perfectly in harmoney with the tone of the song…yesshh.
Wooyoung’s dancing when he is singing is CRAZY. I love the way he threw his head around!! At 1:30
Is it Mingi dancing at 1:35 forward? Whoever that is he also got me!!! I love the control he has in such simple moves. It is quite slow so you can see how well he executes it! His facial expressions is sooo good.  
Hongjoong’s “Yes Sir bureume eungdap“ at 2:36 is A GREATTTT GREATT LINE!!
The three people dancing at 3:45 also slayed that part? Like it has such strength?
Yunho’s dancing is also great!!
Lastly, whoever is singing “Say my name” through the whole song has an amazing voice!!!! GREATTTTTTT!!!
Lmao here I go again unconciously picking out the main dancers in the group.. why am i like this?? I just checked their profile to match the names to positions and i realized i just picked dancer and the leader. xD What a freaking joke. I am a joke xD
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This was very easy! Hwiyoung!!! EASILY! I am a sucker for pretty boys in long hair lmaooo. Also his dancing in the MV was great! I know Taeyang is the main dancer (I watched their episode on Weekly idol a while ago) But srsly Hwiyoung  has been upping his game ever since he grew out his hair!!! SLAYYY :DDDD
Send me a video of a kpop group that isn’t longer than 15mins. And I will decide who my bias is!
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jungwooswift · 5 years
Different anon, but what IS your style of music, like for kpop or in general?? :o
I like vocal groups. I like ballads. I like sad songs. With K-Pop, I specifically love idols who produce and write which is why you see me drooling over LE, Woozi and GD. I love BTOB's ballads (minus Peniel's raps) and I love EXO songs like What If, Hurt and The Eve. I also REALLY love happy, summer songs, especially like Seventeen's Simple, Healing and 20, EXID's How Why, I Know and Don't Wanna Drive and Taeyeon's Hands On Me. I love darker R&B sounds like RV's I Just, Body Talk and Kingdom Come and I like smooth, rap-heavy songs like Tear and Let Me Know by BTS. I love love love intense emo songs the most like Fire by Taeyeon, One More Chance by Super Junior, Miracles In December by EXO and Pinwheel by Seventeen. (Pinwheel is one of my favorite songs period.) There are some random ballads that make me feel SO FUCKING NOSTALGIC like Yanghwa BRDG by Zion T, Cinderella by Stellar and Like A Dream by Apink. But then there's those catchy, feel good songs like Love Scenario by IKON, Shine by Pentagon, Sentimental by Winner and Yesterday by Block B. Obviously these are all very different types of songs but I count all these groupings as being in the same basic weight class and I love them. And for some more context, I do not like bubble gum pop like Twice's music and almost everything GFriend did after LOL. I do not like GOT7's sound. But I do like every song I've ever heard by three special artists -- Shinee, Winner and Taeyeon. @sundaylaughs is very good at suggesting K-Pop songs for me, or listening to an album first and choosing what my favorite song will be. I REALIZE THIS IS A LOT OF DIFFERENT ANSWERS but I think breaking it down by weight class like this makes it easier for me to explain my tastes!
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hyungtop · 7 years
btob as boyfriends
is constantly singing to you and it's really cute but sometimes he needs to stfu e.g., when you're on an outing and need to keep it on the down low
calls you all the pet names...baby, sweetie, honey, darling, my precious thoughtful and considerate love who i didn't mean to make fun of on that talk show i'm sorry forgive me
spends a lot more time in front of the mirror after he bulked up for hamlet and you have to elbow him out of the way to get to the sink in the mornings
constantly gets made fun of by his friends/work colleagues about how whipped he is for you and his response is "yeahh!!!!!" *intense stare*
loves to mess with you and laughs then starts running for his life...gotta keep him in line
is he a real-life person or a drama character ??
loves to tease you by booping your nose or squishing your cheeks
very much the protective, manly boyfriend who tugs you into his side when you're out together at night and buys you a coffee if you're looking cold
honestly really lazy, he'll help you with chores but groans and collapses onto the couch after he finishes vacuuming one room
encourages you to love yourself by eating well, sleeping enough, treating yourself occasionally, and exercising (whether it's with him or not is up to you...heh)
the "older brother" type boyfriend
declared you "the one" when he realized you could figure out what he was thinking just by looking at his many facial expressions
calls you at 3am when he can't sleep because he went overboard with the coffee
brags about you to everyone and will literally stomp anybody who criticizes you straight into the ground
gets the biggest smile on his face when you playfully bug him and take ugly pictures of him like you're a professional photographer
sweet hipster boyfriend
teaches you how to play guitar and laughs when you tell him that his warm, firm chest against your back isn't helping you concentrate
constantly hugging you from the back and whispering into your ear. grins like a huge dumb when you turn around in his arms and give him a kiss
wants to give you a fantasy-like love, takes you to an empty beach for a picnic and kisses you passionately in the rain
gets a sweet pout on his face when he gets jealous
half of your dates are basically watching peniel and sungjae hang out
likes to do super domestic things with you, like picking out furniture at ikea and trying to cook yummy recipes you found online
he's developed an automatic ducking reflex because you reach out and smack his head every time he spouts a bad pun
resting your head on his shoulder and watching him edit his vlogs
giggles and bites his lip whenever he sees you in his snapbacks
facetiming with penny and peniel's parents and peniel's sister and brother-in-law and nephew
binge-watching game of thrones and other tv shows until dawn is common for the two of you
not necessarily romantic but is very thoughtful. he's more likely to gift you with a new set of pans or a fragrance he saw you eyeing than he is to bring home flowers
wheedles you into getting a tattoo with him when the two of you hit the "long-term relationship" mark. you get matching hearts on your wrists
also eventually wheedles you into getting some kind of a pet with him because he misses being penny's adopted dad
talks to you differently than he does to other people. he uses a low, sweet murmur when he's with you
your boyfriend but also your best friend
most of your texts with him consist of sending ugly selfies back and forth
not getting to see him often because he's either promoting, filming dramas, or recording variety shows so when he does spend time with you, he spoils you big-time
cuddle dates with sami! but sOMeONE gets pouty when his baby kitten snuggles up to you more than she does to him
tries to tone it down just a little because "you like him" but he can't handle not being weird
still pretty young so he's kind of emotionally constipated and acts like he hates all the cute dates you drag him on but don't be fooled, he loves every moment where he can make you happy
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lpthanhy · 7 years
This is why I can’t shut up about BtoB….
I don’t have the energy to mess with Photoshop today but I want to contribute to the BtoB tag and I’ve been wanting to talk about this for a while and I have no one to say it to so I’ll put it here.
Eunkwang: My favorite singers have always been the ones who sing with emotion. No one can deny BtoB’s leader that. His Piece of BtoB blew me away but his appearance on Immortal Songs 2 with his mother…soul searing. One of the best things about Eunkwang to me though, is his overall vibe. He’s always game for things and so supportive. When he’s filling his leader role (even in his duet with his mother he was showing that side of him) it makes me…so content. It shows that he looks after things well.
Minhyuk: Firstly I need to say that looking at him…his rapping is unexpected to me. He’s just got a sort of rough quality to it I wouldn’t expect? I don’t know how to describe it. It’s growly. He sings beautifully too and I wish we heard it more. If I had heard his rapping and then his singing before I knew of him I don’t know that I would have believed they were the same person. My first introduction to BtoB was Peniel’s Hello Counselor episode. Minhyuk’s words about how it looks glamorous but isn’t and what he said about how Peniel worries about his contributions to the group made me “soft” as the kids say. You could see his concern and love. “Nationality, age, and gender cannot stop love.” When he speaks it is just so thoughtful. I also have to say his solo and dance during “Movie” always has me doing that little shoulder thing….
Changsub: His voice hits me in the gut. Every time I’m listening to BtoB and his part comes in I feel it. I don’t know what it is about it but it really gets to me. I could go on an on about it and how it feels like a hug from someone I love and trust but I should probably stop before it gets creepy. I also appreciate his antics. I know everyone in BtoB has antics and I appreciate all of them but I think maybe I appreciate his the most. During promotions for “Movie” he’d sometimes rub Peniel’s head as they passed by and that gave me life. His face when they win awards? His faces, period. When he sings at people…ugh. My biggest regret in life may turn out to be not seeing him in the upcoming Edgar Allen Poe musical. If I had a bias it would be Changsub. (I guess the parlance would be: I’m OT7 biased and he’s my bias wrecker?)
Hyunsik: I already know I won’t have as much to say about him but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate him as much. I could really just put “Someday” and that could maybe express everything I feel about him. I just feel so calm when I hear his voice or see his face and calm isn’t something I get to feel often. When he sang his father’s songs on Knowing Brothers I was so touched. “Even if I meet a little mermaid I’ll keep swimming.” I can’t wait for his songs on Brother Act.
Peniel: As I said earlier Peniel was my introduction to BtoB. I stumbled across his episode of Hello Counselor somehow and I immediately wanted to protect this man and give him the world. (Or at least some vanilla ice cream.) I love his vlogs and the fact that he works so hard to bring them to us. I relate so much to his reaction to the other members’ affections. I love the fact that he pats people’s butts when he greets them. I’m confused but I love it. “That Girl” was such a summer bop. I listened to it to get myself pumped up on the way to work. Also, I love his sort of lisp in the way he speaks. I have one too and it honestly makes me feel less self conscious about a thing I’m doing where people I don’t know are gonna hear my voice.
Ilhoon: He’s such a dapper punk. That’s really all I need to say but I’ll go on. He looks like someone who embodies cool and then he, like the rest of the members, does something wacky and you realize he’s a dork who isn’t afraid to show it. Honestly he reminds me a lot of my nephew so he’ll probabky always have my love and support. I do get impressed with his rapping skills. (Almost as much as I’m impressed with his sartorial prowess.) Being raised Catholic I also have a soft spot for fellow Catholics. (My confirmation name is Elizabeth. If somehow I ever were to meet him I’d probably introduce myself that way because I’m a dork.)
Sungjae: I don’t even know where to begin. So much of my love for each of these dorks is the same thing: their antics are wildly entertaining. Sungjae was really funny in Goblin which I actually watched because of him. He has that humor in his bones. His timing is great. The singing and acting plus his cheesy magic tricks actually make me think of Neil Patrick Harris as I’m typing this. He’s got that level of charisma. If Changsub’s voice is like a hug to me then I think Sungjae’s is like a good handshake. I love handshakes and have very definite opinions about them. Sungjae is just a star and there’s no way around it.
BtoB: As a whole I don’t have much else to add. They’re goofy and great and I could listen to them and watch them forever. I love how much they seem to stick together. The interview Changsub gave where he said they probably wouldn’t all do their service together (even though they wanted to) because it would leave Peniel behind made my heart hurt. Together these men are just such a bright and happy addition to my world.
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Daredevil Girlfriend [Hyunsik, Peniel, Ilhoon, and Sungjae]
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Hyunsik never liked that Nicole stayed friends with her exes. Especially not her ex Jacob who was her childhood friend. Hyunsik hated to admit he was jealous, but he was jealous. Jacob was the one who introduced Nicole to a life of adventure before she moved to Korea.
However, the last place Nicole ever expected Jacob to make an appearance in Seoul. Hyunsik and she were out on a date when she heard her name. She grinned, “JAKE” she let go of Hyunsik’s hand and threw her arms around Jacob’s neck as he spun her. Hyunsik felt irritated seeing Jacob’s arms on Nicole’s hips. She was placed back down and pulled away, “Long time no see, what’s up? Why are you in Seoul, man?” She laughed.
“I missed my baby girl!” Hyunsik’s insides twisted. “I’m just here for whitewater rafting. Me and a few others.”
“No way! That sounds like a lot of fun! I haven’t done anything like that in years.” Hyunsik looked at Nicole in disbelief as he didn’t know her to be into dangerous adventures.
Jacob grinned, “We’re going to go in two days if you’re interested in coming, baby girl.”
“I want to do it too” Hyunsik cut into the conversation. He silently cursed to himself as he questioned why he said that.
Jacob high-fived him and Nicole laughed at how awkward Hyunsik looked. Nicole smirked as she decided to poke fun at Hyunsik, “Really? You want to go whitewater rafting? I mean, we can all go. What’s the worse that could happen?”
“Asides smashing into rocks or flipping?” Jacob laughed.
Nicole saw how Hyunsik shifted in place, “I wish we could, but I work and this one has a concert. He can’t go injuring himself.” Jacob groaned, “Maybe another time. Next time you’re in Korea hit me up!” And with that Jacob left. Nicole crossed her arms and gave Hyunsik a look, “Your jealousy is showing.”
He let out a shaky sigh, “I’m just glad you declined it… I didn’t want to do it.” Nicole laughed and intertwined her fingers with his, “How could you even want to do that? He made it sound like smashing into rocks was supposed to be fun.” Nicole teased Hyunsik, but no matter how jealous and impulsive he could get he was still her dorky boyfriend.
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Ariel and Peniel had just started dating and Peniel was curious to learn as much as he could about Ariel. During one of their nights in for date night, Peniel suggested a game of 20 questions which Ariel had no problem with. So with a couple of beers in their systems, they began the game to find out more about the other.
Ariel placed her beer on the ground beside her, “Your turn. Ask away.”
Peniel rubbed his chin with his thumb, “Hmmm… What’s one of the craziest things you’ve ever done?” Ariel began to think of her adventures and she bit her lip as she thought of the craziest of them all. “Have you never done anything crazy?” He asked with a look of disbelief.
“No that’s not it” she shook her head, “It’s the exact opposite. I’ve done a few crazy things. Oh!” She snapped her fingers, “Volcano surfing on Cerro Negro.” She nodded smugly.
“Volcano surfing? Is that a thing?”
“Yea, you have to climb up a volcano, I went on an active volcano, and then you slide down on a plywood or a metal board. It’s more fun if you stand. The adrenaline is amazing.”
Peniel looked at Ariel in shock before pulling out his phone to look it up, “Holy shit, it’s a real thing.” He looked back at Ariel then back at the pictures from online. He couldn’t see her doing something as crazy at that.
“Told you. I can show you some pictures I got later. Anyway, my question. What’s one of your skills you are proud of?”
“Well, I’ll have you know” he got up from the ground and tugged his shirt a couple of times to look cool “I’m an excellent air guitarist.” He strummed his imaginary guitar and posed.
Ariel clapped, “Oh so amazing! So amazing! Encore!” The two laughed as he took his seat beside her again and continued asking questions back and forth.
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Hana’s best friend, Lynda, flew in to meet up with her before they went on their girl’s trip to Kuala Lumpur. Hana’s boyfriend, Ilhoon, didn’t know much about the trip just where they were going and he was jealous. He hadn’t had a trip with Hana in ages due to BtoB’s comebacks and her acrobatics performances.
The three of them were at Hana’s studio where Lynda insisted to get some work out in when the topic of Kuala Lumpur came up. Hana had anchored herself on two small weights on the ground and her feet went over her in a handstand position.
Lynda set the timer and sighed, “Just a couple of days and we’ll be in Kuala Lumpur. Sightseeing, shopping, cute boys–”
Ilhoon’s head shot up, “Cute boys? I’m the only cute boy Hana needs in her life.”
The timer went off, but Hana stayed in her position. “Lynda don’t tease him” she struggled with her words as her arms began to quake. She felt the beads of sweat form as she pushed herself. “I’m just looking forward to” she placed her feet on the ground and let out a sigh, “to The Base.”
Lynda’s eyes lit up, “YES! I can’t wait. I haven’t done anything like that since you moved here.”
“Do what exactly? What’s the Base?” Ilhoon asked.
Hana stretched out her arms, “It’s a tower where you can jump off and parachute from. I haven’t done anything like that since we went skydiving in Hawaii.” Ilhoon’s eyes bulged. He knew Hana was the adventurous sort, but he didn’t realize until that moment that her type of adventure was more dangerous than not.
You hadn’t really told your boyfriend, Ilhoon, about the trip knowing he would be jealous he wasn’t going, but you knew he wouldn’t want to do what you and your friend had planned to do. Ilhoon knew you liked to do dangerous sports and activities, but you hadn’t done any since moving to Korea.
“I still want to come. Sounds like it would be fun” Ilhoon commented.
Hana gave him a look, “You’d just complain about the height. You don’t even like sports.”
“I don’t like sports?” he scoffed as he walked over to the two metal bars on the ground. “Watch this.” He tried to lift himself and instead he fell and rolled back.
“Well” Hana crossed her legs, “I’m watching?” What am I supposed to see?”
“Oh shut up…” He huffed earning a laugh from the two girls.
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Esther was Peniel’s friend from the states that moved to Seoul as a teacher for a public school. It was through Peniel that she met Sungjae and the others before ultimately dating Sungjae. It had been a year and there was something that Esther had yet to tell Sungjae. She had a thrill for adventure. It wasn’t like it was a secret, but the topic didn’t just come up in conversation and so he never knew it.
Esther was flipping through her phone when Peniel threw himself on the couch beside her while Sungjae got the drinks. “So summer is close. Plan anything big?”
“Mom and I are going to Washington. Tried talkin her into kayaking over Palouse Falls, but she’s not biting” she shrugged. She looked up from her phone just as Sungjae put down their drinks. “I may just do it with some other people.”
“Why?” He asked abruptly, “That sounds dangerous and stupid.”
Peniel gave Esther a questionable look then laughed, “Sungjae, don’t you realize you’re dating a daredevil? Every summer she does something stupid and dangerous.”
Sungjae was about to take a sip of his drink before he gave her a judging look, “So, wait, you enjoy things that could get you killed?”
She let out a laugh at his bluntness, “I mean, it’s thrilling. You should try it.”
Sungjae give her another look before he sipped his drink, “Yea, no I prefer living and you know, not getting injuries.” He almost choked on his water when a thought came to him, “Wait! Does that mean, you really pulled some dangerous stunt over the Christmas break? You told me you fell down some stairs. Was that a lie?”
Esther went to speak, but a hysterical Peniel beat her to it, “No, she really fell. She just hit the step and bam, bam, bam, twisted arm.”
Sungjae shook his head, “A klutz like you wants to pull dangerous stuns. Those falls must have made you lose some brain cells.”  
Part I
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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btobscenarios · 7 years
#7: Protective*
* - requested
I waited for months for this trip and today it's finally happening. Eunkwang knew that their comeback was fast approaching and we'd spent much less time together. So he promised me during their promotions for "Movie" that he'd take me to a resort where we could spend some time together and get away from everyone.
Much to my dismay, the other guys tagged along but promised not to interfere with our time together. I loved spending time with them all but it was different when I'm just with my boyfriend.
We're going somewhere to the South but I didn't really get to ask where exactly, Eunkwang wanted it to be a surprise for me. The group was travelling by van and wanted to do a stop over for a quick meal.
We separated into small groups. Of course, I had my boyfriend with me. I held his hand and we searched for a place to eat. It was nice not to be spotted by anyone because it will only ruin our vibe.
I couldn't decide where to eat with Eunkwang but then he asked me to continue searching while he quickly went to the rest room.
"Okay," I nod, letting go of his hand. "Just text me if you can't find me."
"Ne." Then he went to find the rest room.
Now I was alone, still searching for a place to eat. When I encountered a small convenience store, I remembered that I had to buy a few snacks that I wasn't able to purchase beforehand.
I entered the small convenience store to be greeted by a group of 4 men at the corner. They were drinking beverages and laughing. I noticed that one of them pointed to me and all of them checked me out. It was uncomfortable, to say the least, but I deemed it was harmless.
When I finally found the items that I was looking for, I went to the cashier to immediately pay and leave the creep fest that had been going on for a while. It made me uncomfortable and decided to text Eunkwang to tell him where I was.
The lady at the cashier took her time in punching the items that I had chosen and I grew impatient.
"Excuse me, but can you please hurry a bit?" I said, trying to be as polite as possible.
The lady just looked up and continued what she was doing, at the same speed. I just let out a sigh and when she finished I tried rushing out of the store but was completely blocked by one of the creeps.
"Yah, don't rush." He said, smirking. He looked like an ass. He had brunette hair, slightly tall, and even had sunglasses on- though he was indoors. "Want to stay with us for a while?"
He was going grab my arm when he was pushed to the side. It was Eunkwang.
"Yah!" I heard him growl; I've never seen him so mad. "Don't touch her."
"Whoa," the creep started laughing. "the small guy thinks he's so tough."
"Don't be rude," Eunkwang spat. "Apologize to her."
"Kwangie," I started grabbing his arm, "let it go. I'm fine, I'm glad you're here. Now, kaja."
"Andwae," he said, slightly shouting. "He should apologize. He's being rude."
"Hajima," I said, tugging on his sleeves once more. "Can we please go now? Please?"
He sighed, giving up. "Arasso. Kaja."
"Gomabda." I smiled and intertwined our arms. "Thank you for coming so quickly. I had a feeling that they were going to do that."
"I just came right on time, jagiya." He smiled, proud for himself.
"Thank you," I smiled, giving a peck on his cheek. "For being my hero."
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He was known by fans to be the protective type after watching him on New Men. Being his girlfriend, I can confirm everything that you saw on that show. He was protective of me, especially if it meant I wasn't going to get hurt or get sick.
I'm known to be the clumsy type and most of the things that I do causes me destruction. The other boys knew this as well so they do things for me at times. Not only Changsub was protective of me, but the whole band since they knew what I was capable of.
It wasn't long until I did something destructive again. It not only made Changsub mad but also the whole band too.
The band invited me out for some lunch. It was perfect because I had nothing to do for the rest of the day. I fixed myself up and headed out to meet up.
I bought a scooter recently and I've been taking it everywhere I go. It wasn't too hard because I enjoyed what I was doing. Changsub always warned me to be cautious when I'm on the road, especially with my personality. But sometimes, you're unable to control certain circumstances.
I was literally 10 seconds away from the meet up place when I felt a collision. A car had bumped his front to my scooter, and it caused the lists of his car to smash into pieces.
"Aiiiish," A man stepped out of his car, I could tell that he was furious. It was his fault though. "You!"
I was scared for a few seconds, unable to talk.
"You need to pay for this!" He screamed, looking at the damages he caused himself.
"But you're the one who bumped your car on my scooter, sir." I tried to be as calm as possible.
"Shut up, lady." He said, "Give me money or else I'll take you to the police station."
"It's clearly your fault!" I yell at him. He's being stubborn and asking for money. It annoys me because I did nothing wrong. When he was getting something in his car, I dialed my boyfriend's number.
"Yeoboseyo?" I hear Changsub say, "(Y/N)-iya?"
I replied to my boyfriend and explained what had happened. The situation was getting worse because the man was taking photos. I didn't need to give him money since it was his fault.
"Excuse me, sir," I said calmly. "I believe that anyone behind of the accident is considered the person with the fault. And honestly, you collided your car to my scooter when I was at the stop light. It's obvious that the fault is with you."
"Yah, dagchyeo." He screamed once more. I was almost at my breaking point. This man is annoying the hell out of me. It wasn't right what he was doing so I figured that I'd just capture his wrong  actions on my phone.
I held out my camera and started recording whatever he was saying. For the sake of the camera, I repeated what I said earlier to see if his reaction would be the same. I was correct, he did it again and this time even worse. He wanted me to pay him now or else he would hit me. I quote him, "Give me the money now or I'll hit you."
I stood firm and continued to record him. I don't understand why people think it's okay to hit other people, especially strangers. He kept talking to me and it took 3 minutes to trigger him. He asked me a question but I didn't respond.
He went towards my direction and held up his hand, this was it. He was going to hit me. I just closed my eyes and waited for the impact, but it never came.
"Don't you dare," I heard a voice, it was too familiar to me, so I opened my eyes. It was Changsub. He held the man by the collar and said, "Michyeosseo?"
"(Y/N)-noona," I heard someone call, it was Peniel. The other guys were there too. "come over here."
I backed away from Changsub and the man and went towards Minhyuk and Peniel. I held Peniel's arm because I was tearing up. That man was about to hit me!
"Gwaenchanha?" Eunkwang asked as he comforted me. I just nod and sniffled. Changsub was already shouting. I got scared even more because it looked like their talk had become heated.
"Hyunsik-a" I call out, and he looked over to me. "Please stop them from fighting."
He nodded and walked towards the two men who were clearly not having good terms.
My tears continued falling from my eyes and I was almost bawling, in the middle of the street. There were groups of people walking by and caught a short glance on the situation that we were in and Peniel suggested to bring me back to the restaurant where they came from. Sungjae and Ilhoon were there, waiting.
I sat on a chair where Minhyuk and Sungjae were located and they offered me some water. I tried calming myself down, I was afraid. Not only for me, but also my boyfriend. He wanted to protect me but I couldn't do the same.
It took around twenty minutes before the rest of the boys returned to the restaurant. Changsub was last to enter the door. I stood up and ran to his arms. He engulfed me and I started tearing up again. "What happened?"
"We took care of him," He replied, his arms around my waist. "He's gone now. You were right to call me babe."
"Thank you, thank you," I said, bawling. "I was so scared."
"Me too (Y/N)," He said, in a slightly angry tone. "I told you to be careful when you ride that thing."
"It was his fault!" I rebut. "He was the one who hit my scooter."
"Ara, ara..." He calmed me down. He kissed my forehead, "I'm just happy that you're safe."
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Malaysia! I arrived with BTOB to Malaysia for their KWave Festival. I had free time from work so I was able to go with the group. The flight wasn't too long because I had Ilhoon with me.
There were a lot of fans when we arrived at the airport. It didn't surprise me or anyone matter of fact. This was usual for them so they tried their best to be positive in situations like these. They were tired and all they want to do is rest after a flight. During flights, no one wanted to talk- at all. It was either they were sleeping or too tired to even start a conversation. Ilhoon wasn't different from the rest, all he wanted was to cuddle with me and sleep.
There was a slight mishap in the exiting of the members from the airport and I realized that I was out of the exit without them. They had to stay behind for a few minutes because of something that they had to do. I didn't really understand but they were being interviewed by some staff.
I realized that I walked out through the exit too late. It wasn't allowed to re-enter the airport if you don't have a flight anymore. The fans would've spotted me quickly if I hadn't been wearing a white face mask. Phew, that was a close call.
I figured that they wouldn't recognize me anymore so I just stayed a few meters away from the exit. I was scrolling through my phone when I heard someone say, "Isn't that (Y/N)?"
Oh no.
I'm caught. I'm just going to pretend that I didn't see them.
"Yeah, it's her."
The small group of girls went to to my direction and I started panicking. I didn't like encountering fans because all they do is be rude to me. It was rare to see normal acting fans.
"(Y/N)" One of the girls said, trying to get my attention. "Can we talk a photo with you?"
I didn't respond, trying to peacefully mind my own business.
"Yah, you're rude." A girl said, and that triggered me.
"Excuse me," I said, trying to be calm. "I'm trying to mind my own business. Do you mind not disturbing me? I'm trying to be nice. I don't want any interaction with anyone, please."
"We just wanted a photo!" The same sasaeng fan said. "You're the one who's rude to us."
I tried walking away, bring my luggage with me. It was the first that this happened, and I knew if I wasn't careful, it would happen again. The fan grabbed my ponytail and pulled it to try and stop me from moving.
"Yah, mwohae?" A friend of hers asked, panicking. "Hajima."
"Andwae," The sasaeng fan replied, harshily to her friends. "She's so rude, she doesn't deserve Ilhoon!"
I didn't want to cause trouble with fans so I didn't fight back but I did ask her to let my hair go. But she didn't listen. The girls tried to ask her friend to stop whatever she was doing to me.
After a few moments, I was able to stand upright. It was because the girl let go of my ponytail, or so I thought. I was surprised to see my boyfriend beside me. He was mad. I could see his eyebrows furrow.
"What are you doing?" He asked, in a stern and serious voice. "Who do you think you are?"
The fan was wide-eyed. She didn't know what to do. She didn't expect to see Ilhoon so near her.
"I-I," she stuttered, so engulfed by the fact that her idol was in front of her. "I love you."
"You call yourself a fan?" He spat. "Don't you dare touch my girlfriend ever again."
I felt a few tears form into my eyes. I never wanted this to happen. I tried to avoid situations like these, as much as possible. It stresses me out when I think that these  could happen again.
"(Y/N)," Ilhoon put his arm on my shoulders and said, "Kaja."
He kept asking me what happened and if I were okay and I assured him that no damage was done. I was happy that he was there for me, even if it were his fans.
Word Count: 2.2K
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ripkpop-blog · 7 years
"Broken"— BTOB Minhyuk
I watched as she held her head in her hands. She was on her computer, working on something for college. I stood on the side, leaning against the doorway. She doesn't know i'm here yet. She hasn't seen me. She threw things against the wall, now crying. I walked over, hugging her from behind. "Minhyuk… Get off of me. Now. Can't you see that I'm busy?" I hugged her tighter, kissing her cheek. She pushed me off yet again, but this time I let go. I stood back. "You can't just come here after months of being gone and just hug and kiss me! You didn't even remember my birthday, It's simple! You just don't love me!" She was burning with anger. "You don't love me, so just leave. Keep being with those other girls, see how much I care." "You want me to leave?" "You want to! So just go!" I stormed out of the room, grabbing my jacket and the gift I had gotten her. I looked around her house one last time. The place I spent so many nights doing movie dates, cuddle sessions, makeout sessions, everything. Now it's over, because one da I messed up. Against my own will, I had to go away on tour for months. Texts every day, they clearly meant nothing. I slammed the door as I walked out. I got my phone, calling Ilhoon. "Wassup? Are you on your way back with her?" "N-No. Take everything down, I'm coming back. Just not with her." "Why, what happened?" "We broke up. She called it off." I tried my best not to cry. I shouldn't cry. "What the hell? Tell me everything, now." Ilhoon ordered. I told him everything. How I went to her house and saw her working on her schoolwork, crying and throwing things around because of stress. How I went to comfort her and she pushed me away. How she told me to leave, and I did. "Wait there. I'll pick you up. We'll go get dinner." Ilhoon said, hanging up the phone. I leaned against the wall, waiting for his car. I started crying. I've been dating Jia for almost three years now. And now we broke up. I saw Ilhoon's car, standing up straight. I got into the passengers side. I looked out of the window as Ilhoon drove in silence. He went to a Chinese restaurant. "I know you would want to get Chinese food, so here we are. There's also a bar, but I'll stop you from drinking too much. So don't think about doing anything." I nodded at Ilhoon. We ordered food, and Ilhoon ordered wine for himself and me. We ate and drank, and he told bad jokes. I guess it was to take my mind off of Jia. We finished eating, about three plates of food and a ton of drinks later. Ilhoon dragged me out. I guess he paid. He brought me back to the car, putting me in the backseat. I felt the tears on my face. I shouldn't cry. I shouldn't cry. I can't cry. But I want to. When we arrived at the dorms, I dragged myself out of the car and into the building. I can smell the alcohol in my own breath, but my head isn't fuzzy— on the contrary; my head is completely clear, and I'm aware of everything that is going on. I need to go shower. Probably get the small of alcohol away. I walked into the bathroom, taking my clothes off and getting into the shower. I started crying again. Her gift is in the pocket of my jacket. It was a necklace that she told me she wanted. I'd throw it away, but it's so beautiful. Just like her. Maybe one day, I can give it to Jia. But for today, for however long, she doesn't want to see me. Maybe for forever, she'll never want to see me. And I'll remain broken-hearted forever. I washed up, stepping out of the shower and then turning off the water. I wrapped the towel around my waist, brushing my teeth. I went to the room I shared with Ilhoon. I laid on my bed after I put on a pair of shorts. My eyes closed, and I tried not to cry again. I need to stay composed. I need to forget she even exists. I guess I fell asleep, because when I opened my eyes again it was bright outside. My head hurts. I must have a hangover. That would explain why my head hurts and my throats is so dry. And why the light is so irritating. "Wake up, Minhyuk." Peniel pushed me off of my bed. I groaned. If anything, I'll just stay here all day. The floor feels more comfortable anyway. I don't have to look at the light. "Minhyukkie, wake up. You have to eat something." Ilhoon said, pulling me up. He wrapped my arm around his shoulders. "Was… yesterday a dream?" I asked. I already know the answer. I just want to it to be a dream so badly. I want Ilhoon to laugh and say that everything will be fine. That I just had a bad dream, that he was going to set up the scene for me to propose to Jia. But it doesn't matter, because I'm single now. "Minhyuk, we know it's hard. But you have to be strong. You can go live later, talk to the fans. Tonight, we have a date set up for you." I looked at Ilhoon. "With who?" "Remember Sohyun? The girl from 4Minute?" Ilhoon said, grabbing his phone. "Her. We were talking last night. She offered to go out with you so that you could forget about Jia. But she was pretty clear that she doesn't want it to be a serious thing. Just the two of you, she's already planned the whole thing." I nodded. Ilhoon let me go, and I walked by myself to get food. Sohyun… I'm going out with her to forget Jia. It won't be easy. Once I got my breakfast, I sat on the couch. I looked through my phone. I looked through my photos, going through every picture of me and Jia. I should delete them, but I don't have nearly enough heart to do that. I want to believe that she's going to come and say she wants me back. Say that she misses me. But away from the hopes and dreams, the hard truth remains; that she will never want me back. That she doesn't care anymore. I put my phone to the side and went to shower. I bit my lip, turning the water on. I walked in, letting the water hit my skin. I washed my body again, then just stood in the water. I want to stay in here forever. "Minhyuk, Ilhoon left to go get Sohyun. Get ready for her, dress somewhat fancy. Please." Peniel called from the other side of the door. I turned the water off. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked to my closet. I picked out a pair of ripped jeans and a black shirt, along with a leather jacket. I just want to distract myself from Jia. Ilhoon walked in with Sohyun. I looked her body up and down, noticing the short dress she wore. She linked arms with me and walked outside of our dorms. She rest her head on my shoulders. "Listen, this isn't supposed to be something serious. I'm just going on a date with you so that you that you can forget your ex. Nothing too big." "I understand, Sohyunnie. No strings attached." "Exactly." She said as I got into the car. She sat on the passenger side, and I started driving. Sohyun gave me directions, and then we arrived at her place. She probably has everything set up for our "date." "Ilhoon paid me to do this." She whispered into my ear as we walked inside. Her lips pressed against mine, and we were just… together. Just us. I woke up the next morning completely naked. Sohyun was still asleep, then the realization hit me. I just slept with her. I got up, starting to put my clothes back on. I left the room, typing a quick text to Sohyun. "Hey baby girl. I left, I should probably make sure the boys aren't freaking out about where I am. Love you!" I texted. I usually called her "babygirl" or "babe." It was just an inside joke. I drove back to the dorms. I'm getting over the heartbreak at least. That's a start. ~le holy time skip~ It's been a month since I've seen Jia. I hope I'm over her by now. We haven't been in contact, I haven't even seen her around. I was out shopping for food today, since it's my turn to go shopping. I backed into someone while I was paying. "Oh, sorry!" I said to the girl I had run into. But once I looked at her face, I wanted to throw up. Jia was the girl I ran into. "Minhyuk…?" She said. I got my stuff and stormed away. I don't want my month of sadness and recovery to be for nothing. I don't want to be sad because of my girlfriend. The Emmy ex girlfriend, since she called it off. I got back to the dorms with the food and I put the food away. Afterwards, the boys and I watched a movie together. I tried to pay attention, but it was difficult. Especially since I was only focusing on my encounter with Jia. It makes me mad that I even think about her. She doesn't deserve my attention any longer, not after breaking me like that. But for some reason, I keep thinking about her. I checked my phone, seeing that I received a lot of messages. All of them were from Jia. She was telling me to pick up the phone, that she wanted to talk. I excused myself, going to a different room and calling her." "Minhyuk?" I heard her say. It sounds like she was crying. A part of me wants to care, but the other part wants to laugh. "What do you want?" "Minhyuk… if you still love me, please… meet me where we had our first date." She said then hung up. I looked around, grabbing the boxed necklace. I still had the necklace that she wanted so badly, that I kept because… I wanted this to happen. I got my jacket and my shoes on. I grabbed the box, running out of our dorms. If I'm remembering correctly, she lives within walking distance. I stood at her doorstep. I rang the doorbell. Maybe she's still here and I can talk to her. But what if she was pranking me? What if she had a new boyfriend?" Our first date was at her house. We were watching Titanic. I remember It so clearly how she cried at the end, burying her face into my chest. How she called me Jack for about a week, just as a joke. Then, I was Jack to her, and she was Rose to me. She opened the door, wearing a blue dress. It was tight down to her waist and then flowed out. She had cut her hair, dying the tips of it purple. I looked at her for a long time. "You probably want answers." "Obviously." She sighed, telling me the whole story. How after I stormed out, she had been crying. That she desperately wanted to run after me, but only watched from her window. How she was always texting the other members, waiting for them to tell her that she could talk to me. How she knew she had to talk to me after we saw each other. She even knew about the date with Sohyun, but she didn't know I had sex with Sohyun as well. I listened to her the whole time. I just want to know everything about the past month. I still love Jia, I realize that now. But it was just difficult, since I thought she left me. "And… I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. You probably don't even love me anymore, you just wanted answers. So if you had any plans for tonight, I understand." I looked at the ground. She really thought I moved on? Well, I thought I had moved on. But here I am, falling back in love with Jia. I want to hold her, kiss her again. I want to be with Jia again. I want to feel her body against mine again. I want her to love me again. I reached into my pocket, pulling out the box with the necklace. I held it out to her, not daring to look into her eyes for fear that I would start crying. When she took the box, our fingers touched. I waited for her reaction. I bit my lip, praying that it would be a good one. "Minhyuk?" "Yes?" "How long have you had this?" She asked. I looked up at her. "On the night of our fight, I wanted to give it to you. I've been holding it this whole time. You don't know how badly I wanted this day to come." Jia bit her lip, leaning towards me. Our lips met, and after a few seconds I pulled her into my lap, deepening the kiss as I straddled my lap. I grabbed her thighs, massaging them. I've wanted to do this for a whole month, and now she's giving herself up. It's almost too good to be true. She unbuttoned my shirt, and I took my jacket and my shirt off. I kicked my shoes off as well, and my hands returned to her thighs; I was re-memorizing every curve of her body all over again. From the amounts of times we've done this in our three years of dating, I could practically see through her dress. I know every place that I should touch to tease her, I know everything, down to how easy she was. She pulled away from the kiss, her breath faltering. I put my hands on her back, so that she wouldn't get away from me. After a month of tears because of Jia's absence, she's not getting away so easily. I'm not going to let her. "Here, the wall, the floor, or the bed." She asked softly. "Bed." I said as I let her get off of my lap. But instead of letting my walk to her room, I picked her up and carried her. She's under my controls now. I was always the dominant one, So now I'm going to fuck her so hard that she'll know how much I needed this— how much I needed her. I pushed her against the bed, now on top of her. I kissed her again, pulling her up slightly so that I could unzip her dress. My fingers grazed against her back, making her shiver. I smirked, pulling the dress off as I started to kiss her neck. She leaned her head back and I started to bite on the spot that I was kissing. I pulled away, kissing down her chest and stomach. I took her bra off in the process, then her panties. She grabbed the sheets. "Don't worry, babe. I needed this too much to punish you. I'll do it later, but not now." I reassured her as I kissed her inner thigh. I remember her saying how she insides of her thighs are ripped and bruised. I looked up at her. I moved from her thigh to her pussy, licking it. I sucked on her clit as well, the moans that were elicited from her mouth her only filling my desire for her. Her breaths became more labored and she came into my mouth. I licked her cum from her thighs, then put my hands on either side of her head, holding myself up. "Please, Minhyuk. Ive needed you so much, please fuck me." She moaned. I bit my lip, just now realizing how hard I had gotten. I stood up, letting her watch as I removed my pants and boxers. I sat on the bed next to her, leaning back slightly. She pushed herself up, her lips going around my cock. She sucked me, and I grabbed onto her hair. I thrust into her mouth, moaning. I pulled Jia away, pulling her by the arms. I laid her on the bed, getting on top of her. I grabbed her breasts, massaging them softly. She spread her legs, agonizingly slowly. I pushed myself into her at the same pace, hearing her moans. I pushed my dick into her all the way, waiting for her to tell me that she wanted me to speed up or fuck her harder. "You can go now." She whispered. I nodded, thrusting slowly. She moaned, nodding at me. I started to go faster and harder. I connected my lips with hers, pushing my tongue into her mouth. I started to roll my hips, making her moan. "Minhyuk!" She screamed, pulling away from me. I felt the buildup in my stomach, and I moaned. She came, which nearly made me release as well. With a lot of moaning, I came inside of her. I pulled out of her, sitting down on the bed and looking at her. She looks so sexy, with sweat dotting her tan skin. She was panting, and I sighed as I looked away from her. I felt her arms wrap around me. "Why did you tell me to go away?" I asked her softly. "I… I did what I always do. I needed you so much and I pushed you away." She whispered. I nodded, thinking about that day a month ago. The day I thought three years of loving was over. "I would have understoof if you told me to leave you be, you were focusing on schoolwork." "And I guess… during that moment, I was only mad at you. But I'm not mad now." Her arms tightened around me. "I kept a pair of your sweatpants of yours, they're under the bed." I stood up and found the sweatpants, putting them on. I went to her closet and got a shirt for her. She looked me in the eyes, and I almost felt tears coming to my eyes again. I don't want to cry in front of Jia, but I just kissed her so much. "During the past month, did you do anything? Like go to clubs and stuff?" She asked. I froze. "Along with going on a date with Sohyun… I may have also slept with her." I said softly, not daring to look into her eyes. "It was a one night stand. Nothing serious. I was just so sad, I thought you left me forever." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I don't dare look at Jia. I can't look at her when I cry. Her hand went on my chin, making me look up. Into her eyes, the beautiful shade of hazel, the eyes I have loved so much for these three years. She kissed me softly, and then hugged me. I buried my face in her neck, my hands on her waist. I cried, and she just rubbed my back. She sang, I'm not sure what song, but she sang. Her voice always soothed me, it always calmed me down. "I know, Minhyuk. I know. I kissed you too. I love you." She kissed my forehead. I pushed her into the bed, using her chest as a pillow. She giggled, and we fell asleep. When we woke up, Jia and I took a shower together. I washed her hair, making sure nothing got into her eyes. I kissed every part of her body as I washed her, pleasuring her. She walked out of the shower, and I followed her. I watched as she dried her body. I plugged in the blow dryer, starting to dry her hair. Mine wasn't that wet, so I skipped it. I carried her to the room, setting her on the bed. "Do you want to go to the dorms?" I asked her, going through her closet. "The boys would love seeing you." "Sure. Not to mention that you and I should explain where you were all night." She giggled. I threw a pair of jeans and a sweater at her. "No shirt?" She laughed. "Two things. I don't know which you wanted to wear, and it would just make getting you naked again a lot more difficult." When she finished getting dressed, I was already waiting for her. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, kissing her forehead. I love her so much, and she's mine again. She's mine, and she knows if. She'll always know it. "I love you, Jia." "I love you too, Minhyuk oppa."
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clusterassets · 6 years
New world news from Time: The Deep History Behind Barack Obama’s Speech for the Centennial of Nelson Mandela’s Birth
When Barack Obama delivers the 16th Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture in Johannesburg on Tuesday, to mark this week’s centennial of the late anti-apartheid champion Nelson Mandela’s birth, the moment will be a deeply personal one for the former president.
His speechwriter Ben Rhodes has said that Obama considers it to be the most important speech since leaving office, and Obama has written that his political awakening began with a speech against apartheid, South Africa’s official government policy of racial segregation: Addressing students briefly at an anti-apartheid rally on the campus of Occidental College in Los Angeles in 1981 was “the first thing I ever did that involved an issue or a policy or politics,” he said when the former South African President died on Dec. 5, 2013.
But the speech will also have implications that stretch far beyond the personal. After all, the histories of the fights for racial justice in the United States and in South Africa have been closely intertwined for more than a century.
Here’s a look at the evolution of the overlap between the anti-apartheid movement and the U.S. civil rights movement, and what to know about the context that surrounds Obama’s historic speech.
American Inspirations and Early Cultural Exchange
The histories of both South Africa and the United States are deeply connected to stories of one race trying to dominate another. In the former, a minority of white colonial rulers exerted control over the black population in the region into the 20th century, with the apartheid regime persisting after independence; in the latter, slavery was followed by the passage of state and local “Jim Crow” laws that enforced racial segregation in many places.
So it’s no surprise that comparisons and exchanges between the two cultures are long-established.
Beginning around the turn of the 20th century, African-American missionaries and entertainers visited South Africa and black South Africans began to enroll at U.S. universities, both historically black colleges and universities as well as predominantly white schools. For instance, John Dube, who would become the first president of the African National Congress (ANC) in 1912, studied at Oberlin College in Ohio. He also wrote newspaper articles that kept black South Africans informed about what was happening with African Americans; black American publications such as the NAACP’s Crisis and Marcus Garvey’s The Negro World were available at libraries, and African-American sailors who docked at ports like Cape Town brought pop cultural influences with them. South Africans came to idolize African Americans actors and boxers like Joe Louis and Jack Johnson. (Mandela did too, as an amateur boxer himself.)
That exchange continued for decades, and cultural and political interchange often overlapped; for example, the famous South African singer Miriam Makeba married Stokely Carmichael, founder of the Black Panther movement, and Langston Hughes introduced many Americans to the facts of apartheid by publishing the work of black South Africans who couldn’t get published at home.
As black citizens of both nations struggled with discriminatory systems, progressive ideas spread between the two countries, even if the political activists who conceived them could not always be there to share them in person. In the 1920s, the South African government started becoming increasingly cautious about allowing African Americans into the country, launching a crackdown that would last until the end of apartheid in the early 1990s. The University of Fort Hare was established in 1916 to educate black South Africans so that they wouldn’t go to America to be educated, censors banned albums by Makeba and Harry Belafonte, and when Martin Luther King Jr. was invited to speak in South Africa by student groups in 1966 the government denied him a visa.
“The exchange that started in the 1890s made them [the South African government] nervous,” says historian Robert Trent Vinson, author of The Americans Are Coming!: Dreams of African American Liberation in Segregationist South Africa. “When blacks did come to South Africa, they were missionaries, apolitical blacks, or entertainment or sports figures there for a special reason [who] were closely followed by police.”
Some African-American civil rights leaders, like Malcolm X, made a point of traveling elsewhere in Africa and avoiding South Africa. Still, during this period leading into the 1960s, even though much work remained to be done in the United States, many South African activists found inspiration in what their counterparts in the U.S. were accomplishing.
“Black South Africans who couldn’t go to America idealized the African American position on some level, and saw them as racial role models who came out of hundreds of years of slavery and created some type of advancement for themselves — [whether] as sports heroes or writers — despite Jim Crow,” says Vinson. “Black South Africans were a generation behind in creating their own institutions.”
Nelson Mandela, Robert F. Kennedy and Civil Rights
In the 1960s, however, as the modern U.S. civil rights era reached its most famous moments, the dynamic between the two nations shifted.
A turning point came with the Sharpeville Massacre, when South African police on March 21, 1960, killed 69 black protesters in the town 40 miles south of Johannesburg. Shortly after, the government banned the ANC, which Mandela had joined in 1944. Among many in South Africa, there was a general sense that a new strategy was in order, moving away from the American model of nonviolence associated with the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr. (Interestingly, both King and Mandela were inspired by the thinking of Gandhi, whose own time in South Africa helped shape his thinking on nonviolence.)
“In that context, the ANC leadership, including Mandela, took a very difficult decision to say, ‘We tried nonviolent protests every which way for last 50 years and have gotten nowhere. In fact things have gotten worse. We have to go underground. Either we submit or try to fight back,'” says Vinson. Later actions that made headlines included the car bomb that killed 19 outside of the headquarters of the country’s Air Force in Pretoria in 1983 and the explosion at a bar in Durban that left three dead and more than 60 wounded in 1986. (The ANC later apologized for the deaths of civilians in these cases, which it said was the result of “insufficient training.”) But as early as 1964, Mandela delivered his ‘I am prepared to die‘ speech, which resonated even with King, who wrote shortly after that he realized nonviolent resistance of the sort practiced in the United States was not really possible in South Africa. King had also warned shortly after the massacre that the incident “should also serve as a warning signal to the United States.”
Even as their tactics sometimes diverged, American civil rights activists continued to link their struggle to the struggle of black South Africans, to show that what was going on in the American South was just one of many black struggles for equality around the world.
The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) declared its ties to “the African struggle” during its founding conference in 1960, a nod to the continent-wide decolonization movement, and in 1964, for example, it sponsored a protest at the South African Consulate to the United Nations in solidarity with Nelson Mandela and other ANC members who were trial for acts of sabotage designed to bring down the apartheid regime. Martin Luther King corresponded with the first black African Nobel Peace Prize recipient Albert Lutuli, who won the award in 1960, and called him one of “the dedicated pilots of our struggle who have sat at the controls as the freedom movement soared into orbit.”
The ties between the two movements were further cemented in 1966. And at a time when many political black activists could not enter the country freely, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, who had become a white ally of the U.S. civil rights movement, delivered his famous so-called ‘Ripples of Hope’ speech to white students at the University of Cape Town on June 6, 1966. “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope,” he said, “and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”
And more militant American civil rights tactics were also influential in South Africa. Anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko “developed the black consciousness movement directly out of Black Power,” says Peniel Joseph, Founding Director Center for the Study of Race and Democracy at the University of Texas at Austin. Experts say the movement played a role in fostering a climate of discussion that empowered the students who protested mandatory classes in Afrikaans, the language of their colonial oppressors, in what’s now remembered as the Soweto Uprisings of 1976. What started as a peaceful protest ended with hundreds dead nationwide, and photography of the violence mobilized the international opposition to the regime.
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The Anti-Apartheid Movement and Progress Made
Among white Americans, awareness of the inequality of apartheid regime in South Africa increased in the ’70s and ’80s, as President Ronald Reagan faced increasing pressure to impose economic sanctions on South Africa.
“By the 1970s, most of Africa is independent except South Africa, so South Africa looks strange. [People were thinking], didn’t we get rid of colonialism?” Vinson says.
Black activists urged Americans to boycott U.S. companies that did business in South Africa. Young African Americans were especially galvanized by the death of Biko, who died in a Pretoria jail cell after an assault by a white policeman. When Jesse Jackson ran for President in 1984 and 1988, he promised that as president he would restrict U.S. investments in South Africa and increase foreign aid to African countries. Awareness increased even more during the demonstrations that started outside the South African Embassy in Washington, D.C. on Nov. 1984, that, a year later, had lead to nearly 3,000 largely symbolic arrests, including 23 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, in what TIME called “one of the longest continuing demonstrations in U.S. History.” Protesters were joined by MLK’s widow Coretta Scott King, Arthur Ashe and Harry Belafonte, and even the children of Robert F. Kennedy, Rory and Douglas. Rosa Parks demonstrated outside the Embassy almost exactly 30 years after she became famous for refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus.
“For black Americans, a response to South Africa is a response to them,” leading anti-apartheid activists Randall Robinson told TIME in 1985. “This is a test of our own democracy.”
The work began to pay off in October 1986, when Congress passed economic sanctions on South Africa. By the end of June 1987, more than 100 U.S. companies had left the country in the prior two and a half years, TIME reported. The dismantling of the apartheid regime would officially get under way in the early 1990s, when Mandela was released from jail and South African President F.W. de Klerk legalized political parties such as the ANC as long as they renounced violence as a tactic.
The regime officially ended with South Africa electing Mandela President in 1994. His election, to some African Americans in the U.S., represented the start of a multiracial democracy.
“There’s almost a reversal in the historical relationship,” says Vinson. “Now it’s African Americans looking up to black South Africans like Mandela, people who fought to overturn the worst racial domination in world since Nazi Germany and could replace it with a democratic, non-racial society. Mandela becomes this great example for what African-Americans could possibly do. We in America are still trying to work with the idea of multiracial democracy.”
Of course, the end of apartheid didn’t mean the end of racial problems. The transatlantic dialogue on how to work through them continues — Obama has played a major part in that effort, from the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders started by his administration’s State Department in 2014 to this week’s series of workshops and leadership trainings for more than 200 promising young people. And, as a former anti-apartheid activist who became the first African American President of the United States, he is himself an embodiment of this history.
“There’s a struggle going on!” he said in that first 1981 speech. “It’s happening an ocean away. But it’s a struggle that touches each and every one of us. Whether we know it or not.”
July 17, 2018 at 05:15PM ClusterAssets Inc., https://ClusterAssets.wordpress.com
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