#everyone hates freud
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 year ago
Never and i mean. NEVER let the Freud hate die out <3333333
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posts for people who hate freud
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Me starting to say anything about fairy tales: and obviously Freud's concept of the uncanny- I'm so sorry I'm so so sorry I know listen I know I'm so sorry-
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an-atlas-or-other · 2 years ago
I love how petty science is. We have pretty much all of our knowledge about anything and everything because scientists desperately want to prove each other wrong. It’s beautiful
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tesco-offickle · 4 months ago
people that are smarter than me fill me with a weird sense of envy and also make me hard.
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J*hn’s dead in Dean’s fantasy dream world, not gonna analyze that too closely
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not-wholly-unheroic · 4 months ago
I recently found a copy of the graphic novel version of Straight on Til Morning at my local used bookstore and got a great deal so I wanted to share a few of my likes, dislikes, and general observations. I’d been meaning to write up a proper review of the book for awhile now but have been SUPER behind. Anyway, the graphic novel follows the book pretty closely and I’ll be sharing some images from it, so this WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS for those of you who haven’t read it.
First off, the artwork for the graphic novel is beautiful and some scenes are illustrated in a really creative way. For example, I love the depiction of this particular scene where Wendy is writing her stories and Hook sort of…comes to life off the page.
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I also really love that while (most of) the characters are still recognizably Disney’s version…they also look a tad more realistic and have some of the illustrator’s own personal interpretation mixed in.
George Darling is a great example. In the graphic novel he is slimmer than in the film and looks remarkably like J.M. Barrie…which I have to consider was probably intentional.
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And then there’s the Lost Boys in their animal costumes…Tootles, Skipper (excuse me, this is Nibs erasure—you can add Skipper but don’t just eliminate Nibs!), Slightly, Cubby, and the Twins.
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The pirates, however, are a totally different story. Who the heck are these guys???
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Anyway… at least they get Hook’s personality right. I love this bit, in particular, where one of the pirates gets a little rough with Wendy and Hook is having none of it. Also, the idea of Hook capturing Wendy to be a mother to the crew is a nice nod to the book.
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One big complaint I do have is that the characters are, on occasion, a little TOO self-aware. Like in this scene where one of the pirates makes a sort of on-the-nose observation about Hook’s feud with Pan.
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But I will admit, I did cackle at Hook’s reaction.
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He said would you please stop trying to psychoanalyze me and look for symbolism and just let the story be about a boy and a pirate? (Hook, how do you even know who Freud is??)
You may have noticed by now that I haven’t said anything about Peter… That’s because Peter barely features in the story at all and honestly when he does show up, he’s…kinda useless and clueless. Now, admittedly, Wendy is meant to be older in this (around 16) so of course, it’s reasonable to think she might not quite view him the same way she did at 12…but in having her team up with Tink to do all the heavy-lifting of the plot (because, ya know, girlpower and all that), Peter sort of ends up not really doing anything. I’d almost rather have an evil Pan, as annoying as that trope is because at least then he actually does something. In this story, it truly feels like Wendy has just…outgrown Peter altogether. And that hurts.
Speaking of which…ya know what hurts even more for me as a Hook fan? THIS.
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This poor man is curled up on the deck in the fetal position, terrified of a crocodile who has been long-dead, crying out for a best friend who never even existed except inside his own mind because he was so alone that he made him up.
O W !! Why would you do this to me, Disney?!
It ends for Hook with the crew deciding to drop him off somewhere with enough gold to pay for his keep and hire a caretaker because he’s so mentally unstable they don’t trust him to live by himself.
I hate to say it, but honestly, watching him die would be less painful. At least that would be over with fairly quickly. This just hurts.
But everyone else lives happily ever after, so it’s okay, right? Right??? 😫😭 (Don’t mind me, I’ll just be over here in the corner, crying over my pirate boy.)
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months ago
How to write a character’s dialogue where they make jokes a lot but have suicidal thoughts?
Philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle have been trying to explain humor since ancient times. Recent scholars have proposed several theories explaining the underlying mechanisms of humor:
Release Theory of Humor - the theory that people laugh out of a need to release pent-up psychic energy. In Sigmund Freud’s version of this theory, humor permits the expression of normally taboo impulses, and the energy it releases is that normally used in keeping such impulses out of consciousness.
Relief Theory - focuses primarily on the motivational mechanisms of interpersonal needs, positing that humor provides relief of tension. The authors describe this as akin to a hydraulic engine, with laughter serving the function of a steam pipe pressure valve. In this way, pent-up pressure is relieved through laughter. More specifically, the muscular and respiratory processes involved in laugher serve the important role of releasing pent-up nervous energy (Martin & Ford, 2018).
Incongruity Theory - believed to be the most influential humor theory, with some proposing that “incongruity is at the core of all humor” (Zhan, 2012, p. 95). This theory is intuitive, as a joke with an expected or obvious punchline is simply not funny. Instead, laughter occurs in response to unexpected punchlines or those that go against usual patterns (Wilkins & Eisenbraun, 2009).
The "Sad Clown" Trope - This character trope is the wisecracking funnyman who copes with his hopeless position with humor — usually of the groan-inducing kind.
He is totally insecure at heart and keeps on running his mouth to fool himself into thinking he's confident or to get people to like him.
In the most tragic cases though, people do actually find them genuinely charming and likeable because of their humor and like being around them.
This is usually of little comfort to the Sad Clowns, whose insecurities cause them to fear that people only really like the "Clown" part of them, and so they do their damnedest to always be the "Clown" in public, but bury and suppress the "Sad" side of them as deeply as possible, because they are afraid that people would like them less if they were to find out about it.
Often put in more serious series to add some comic relief, while at the same time secretly revealing to the audience that the character is a simmering pot of hidden insecurities and angst, just like everyone else in the cast.
Very commonly tragic Truth in Television, as it's actually very common for people afflicted with mental illnesses (especially Bipolar Disorder, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, Personality Disorders, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders for example) to actually have a great sense of humor.
It sounds contradictory, but mental illness isn't all sadness and darkness. One thing that is common to many people with mental illnesses is severe self-doubt about their value as a person.
Cracking jokes and making people laugh can help temporarily ease some of those feelings. Not to mention that humor is a very effective coping mechanism.
Examples: "Sad Clown" Trope
East of Eden offers this exchange about the stereotype of the Irish. Lee: "But the Irish are said to be a happy people, full of jokes." Samuel Hamilton: "There's y our pidgin and your queue. They are not. They are a dark people with a gift for suffering way past their deserving. It's said that without whisky to soak and soften the world, they'd kill themselves. But they tell jokes because it's expected of them."
Hector from Coco seems like a carefree, charming con-artist who just wants to go to the Land of the Living like everyone else on the holiday. Then it's revealed that he is a deeply tragic character who has been unjustly hated and separated from his family for decades, and all that energetic silliness was a front to cover up a lot of sadness and shame.
Homer Simpson is a pretty good example of this trope. Though he's usually fairly exuberant, he's attempted suicide at least three times in the series, and during the early seasons, was often shown to be insecure about the way he looks, not to mention the stress related to his job. In the modern episodes, Homer's childhood was revealed with his parents constantly fighting and his father taking out his frustration on him, bringing about Homer's constant eating habits.
Sources: 1 2 3 ⚜ More: Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
Considering some theories on humour, like those mentioned above, and studying the dialogue of characters that exhibit the "sad clown" trope (and other similar ones) might be used as inspiration for your character. You can read more examples here that I wasn't able to include in this post. Hope this helps with your writing!
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offsidetracked · 1 month ago
I've been thinking about how I'd go about byler in S5.
When I got hooked on byler it was the same way I got hooked on every other ship; it's heavily supported by subtext, regardless of if it's confirmed by the text later on or not. Sasunaru, reylo, bkdk... all are ships that have intricate and beautifully woven subtext that made us fans speculate for years. In some cases discourse is still ongoing. That's a hallmark of some great writing as far as I'm concerned (all of these ships crashed and burned in different ways but until they did the writing was truly stellar).
Stranger Things and byler are in the same league. I just believe that this time the outcome will be a lot more satisfying. So how do we get the GA to root for it when it happens? I'm not the Duffers but I know some things I would do to help it along:
Dial up the homophobia. When byler becomes canon there can be absolutely no question; the bad guys of this show are the bigoted close-minded homophobes. It must be explicitly shown how mindlessly cruel this specific type of hate is and that it's incompatible with viewing yourself as a hero or good guy. I'd continue to spin the thread from last season and have the town blame pretty much all that goes wrong in Hawkins on your resident nerds, outcasts and misfits. Mix that with the aids crisis and the Reagan administration and next season is gonna be brutal. But it needs to be to drive home that in Stranger Things, if you're a homophobic bully, you're the monster.
Make the subtext hornier. One of the things I adore about Rian Johnson and Masashi Kishimoto is how they do subtext, particularly sexual subtext. Funnily enough dudebros in both the Star Wars and Naruto fandom, just like a lot of Milevens, didn't pick up on any of it. The Last Jedi is filled with Freudian sexual imagery. From Rey falling onto a hairy seaweed-filled cave hole to Kylo's light sabre design, yoni-shapped doorways and their joint fight towards the end—all sexually loaded and masterfully tongue-in-cheek. Naruto had a much longer run and was consequently more parsed out with it's subtexual imagery. Still it's not hard to find if you know how to look (there are some really excellent accounts on here if you wanna dive into that rabbit hole). Stranger Things has the beautiful benefit of being a horror; a genre that excels at showing our suppressed desires in grotesque and weirdly relatable ways. Phallic monsters, fluids everywhere, exposed scratched up and damaged skin, tending to wounds in intense and intimate ways, grime and dirt, panting, moaning, grunting through pain... It's up to the Duffers how in the face they wanna be about it. But it would be a missed opportunity if they don't crank up this type of imagery at least a little. Also, I want to see Mike suffer. Let him sweat and have a nervous breakdown over allegory.
Show that repression = impotence + harm. Freud, no matter what you think of the guy, is all over horror. This quote from Men, Women and Chainsaws sums it up pretty neatly; "Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways". Well bitches, now is later and it's time for the subconscious to come out of the closet and ruin everyone's day. Will is gonna be stuck in the victim part of the Final Girl trope until he fully embraces his queerness by having his feelings reciprocated by Mike. Mike, on the other hand, will probably actively find himself and the people closest to him in dangerous and harmful situations as a direct consequence of all the shame, fear and desire he's bottled up. Until he too, embraces his queer self by confessing his feelings to Will. Poetic cinema. However the Duffers go about it, the lesson everyone watching S5 needs to leave with is that forced conformity is harmful to you and everyone around you, and that there is no greater horror than the horror we subject ourselves to when we deny and repress the truth of who we are.
Well there you have it, this is what I would do to promote byler, get the GA on board and tie together this wild, wonderful, nerve-wracking ride we've been on for the last ten years. Godspeed to all of you, however it goes.
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plusvanity · 11 months ago
Yesterday, I wanted to say that people who blocked me did the wiser thing, but today, I want to touch on a recent issue, a hugely (intentionally) misinterpreted and degrading problem.
The controversies that people started to spread about me literally make me sick to the stomach.
They don't give a fuck about my countless explanations of how this ship is my comfort ship, designed to help me heal from severe abuse, self hatred, body dysmorphia, depression and anxiety.
I try to switch from unhealthy coping mechanisms to something that is both productive, helpful and most of all, harmless (because it's imaginary).
They felt the need to turn something that I created as my own personal fictive escape into a gross sadomasochistic, abusive and extremely toxic 'excuse' for 'why is this ship and not that?'. My guts twist for seeing such cruel assumptions when I have one thing that makes me happy (a story, a healthy narrative) viciously turned into a gruesome scenario that is not what it is at all.
The fact that they accuse me of shipping fair-skinned, blonde people is also the biggest hypocrisy that they could come up with when they themselves forget that Øystein's natural hair is blond and his eyes are blue in their own double-standard ship.
The fact that accuse me of romanticizing self-harm while they themselves 'like' (I have proofs) and approve art of EuroDead self-destructive romanticism shows their duplicitous and impostor nature. This is not to be taken as an insult, but an obvious fact concluded by their behavior.
My ship has little to do with physical looks and everything else to do with the in-depth psychology. It's not me, PlusVanity who says that there's a gigantic overlap between highly-autistic traits and trauma response (in personality disorders), it's Freud, Jung, Lacan's teachings and many other's scholars, neurologists and psychiatrists came to this conclusion many many years before you and I were even born. If you, dearly-opinionated friend, think that you can prove to these honorable psychoanalytical figures (and me, of course) otherwise with credible and well-documented research and not your 'I don't like that just because' synthetic opinion, I will gladly listen to what you have to bring up. I am well-versed in the philosophical and psychological domain, and I can provide solid arguments to everything I claim.
It's more than just unfair to point the finger at me, accusing me of a ludicrous sadomasochistic and 'subliminal racial element' in my art just to satisfy your late frustration with an ' good-enough explanation' for something that you never even bothered to look into because otherwise you would know that you are wrong. I'm not spiteful, I'm just pointing your flaws in logic as straightforwardly and inconsiderable as you seem to point mine, but it's not like you will actually try to understand what I'm saying because this must imply 'admitting defeat' and a kick in the ego, so you don't even bother with my transparent explanations. That's alright.
This message is for the people who are open and mature enough to read the motive behind my art and writing. This monologue is not for the ones who blindly accuse me of horrible things or a hidden agenda that I don't have or try to promote.
If you think that you know better than me, you simply don't. Why might that be? Because I am the author, because you don't think with my brain and you have no access to what I stand for, other than my words and actions and neither my words or actions stood for any type of abuse or political extremism.
You also put words into my mouth by calling me a fan of Varg, when I'm most certainly not, but I mean you hate me, of course you will say such things. Everyone who's following me knows that I not only hate Varg, but mock him daily for his spiteful persona.
I do not engage in any drama, I am not here to fight anyone.
I will only have civilized conversations (if openness exists). I am here to be and share with my friends the one thing that makes me happy. To subjugate me for simply having a different view than yours is tyranny and black and white extremism.
Pairing real people is morally bad, but this includes all real people. Not just Varg and Pelle, but Øystein and Pelle too. Doesn't sound fair now, does it? I understand why.
Anyone is free to believe anything, but a conspiratorial opinion will never compare to the ultimate truth that only the author can provide.
Please block me if you wish for. This is a far more mature approach than lurking here or sending hate. I hope this is constructive.
To sum it up, I'm beyond hate and ingoing frustration. I will gladly wish my late-proclaimed haters a wonderful day even if they roll their eyes. 🖤
You cannot change options, you can only provide your insight.
Be kind, be open, be alright 🖤
I wish this post can be shared so a lot of people can read this 🙏
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janeiscompletelyfine · 3 months ago
Dude it's been such a day and to get a whole thought-out message from you help I'm CRYING----
The thing about the gay gravitation thing totally makes sense, that's what happened with my friend group actually. Its like a defense mechanism ig lol. And I'm gonna have Romione for sure and Nuna, so I think it's going to be fairly believable.
Also, yes, I would like to second your motion on the Sigmund Freud Hate Club. We should make enamel pins.
Thank you!
I’m writing my fic, right? And I’m also thinking of doing a one shot about the Black family realizing that they’re all in secret gay relationships (the cousins, as in Regulus, Sirius, Narcissa, Andy, and Bellatrix.) And in both of them like everybody is gay. And yes this is tumblr, yes this is gayland, but seriously. How gay can I make this? Are people gonna be annoyed?
I don’t want to make it so I’m sort of playing a system of checks and balances with my relationships. But also, like, there’s a statistic and as much as I’d like to believe the ‘everyone is a little bisexual’ thing, that came from someone who thought homosexuality was a mental disability and a lot of people are just Straight. So what do I do then?
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croxot · 1 year ago
MORE Armored Core 6 Thoughts - The Corporate Military Leaders
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After coming to the conclusion that Armored Core is my game of the year, I've been thinking needlessly deeply about many little bits of the game. I wanted to put some thoughts out there about the Corporate Military Leaders (V.II Snail & G1 Michigan). More specifically what makes them so different in how the player perceives them -- How their corny characterization makes them all the more engrossing. Spoilers to follow.
• Massive blowhard military type, speaks with all the bravado of your stereotypical US army drill sergeant.
• Despite this, he is somewhat endearing. He's still a shill for Balam, but he has a clear level of respect for those under him, and grants even more respect where it's clearly deserved.
• Knows all his underlings by name.
• Will chastise his own men for not showing you enough respect on the mission where you are expected to kill him and his entire force. Seems to take it well despite what's happening.
• Despite his position placing him as one of the defcato villains, there is very little direct animosity to muster for him. By the point in the story where you can decide to kill him, Balam has already lost the race, and Michigan has shown very little ill will towards you personally (even if you've previously betrayed the Redguns).
(Quick note on V.I Freud: While Freud is Technically a higher rank than Snail, he's clearly turned over military leadership to Snail, which makes Snail more of the de-facto face of Arquebus. Freud's just an ace who shows up to have a good fight, and otherwise doesn't make much of a show. Which, yeah, that's fine.)
• The Immediate difference here is that Snail is consistently depicted as conceited and selfish. Where Michigan is on first-name basis with basic underlings, Snail is verbally disgusted with the thought of acknowledging anything or anyone that isn't directly and immediately beneficial to him.
• And that's great because this game ABSOLUTELY benefits from having someone that's so easy to hate. Snail treats everyone around him, including his ranked allies, and even Freud, like dirt.
• He's even worse to you in the sense that he's convinced his type of space-cyber-lobotomy is so much newer and shinier than yours and makes him objectively superior to you. Like calm down dude this isn't a brain damage contest.
• This makes the Liberator of Rubicon Ending immensely satisfying in a way the other 2 endings just don't compare to. The game has spent around 15-ish hours having this guy be a gigantic douche in nearly every line he speaks, and then he shows up to fight you when realistically he doesn't even have to considering the circumstances.
• And so with Rusty's theme blaring in the background, he has an angry breakdown while you send him and his Balteus 2: Scuffed Laser Edition™ directly to the shadow realm. It is the most satisfying boss kill in the game.
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cedarxwing · 11 months ago
The ending of Hannibal the novel explained
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(aka the breastfeeding scene)
Here's the passage (end of Chapter 101):
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I thought everyone was kidding about the breastfeeding kink jokes until my partner read Hannibal and the whole ending flew over their head. Their main takeaway was "that was weird." When I checked reddit, it seemed everyone was confused there too. I was gobsmacked to see one guy say that Thomas Harris was playing some cruel joke on the reader by writing an ending that didn't make sense!
How many people are reading Hannibal like this, completely missing the resolution to Hannibal's character arc? They must finish the book confused about what it was all about in the first place. So here's how I understand it!
First, I need to get this out of the way: a lot of people hate this scene, and from what I understand it's because they're weirded out by the "breastfeeding kink." Which is fine, but it makes me want to gently hold them by the hand and tell them that it's ok for someone to suck on a nipple. It happens all the time. Sometimes it just feels good, sometimes it's part of a breastfeeding fantasy, and sometimes it's literal breastfeeding. Between consenting adults, this is all fine and normal. Let's all move past this knee-jerk repulsion (or alternatively, sit in our discomfort and expand our horizons) so we can analyze this piece of art together. :)
Next, authors LOVE Freudian psychoanalysis. Even though it's all nonsense, it's full of literary allusion and makes for compelling narratives and character studies (childhood maladjustment, repressed memories, etc), which is basically catnip for a writer. Thomas Harris was no exception, and probably creamed himself (as I did) when he learned that Freud's oral-sadistic stage was also termed the "cannibalistic stage," referring to the time when an infant is growing teeth and begins to bite at the breast--the psychosexual urge to devour and destroy the thing you love. What could be more appropriate for Hannibal?
Next, consider the pattern of Hannibal's Il Mostro murders. He killed young couples in one of the most romantic cities in the world, then arranged them as Chloris and Zephyr from Botticelli's Primavera, exposing Chloris's left breast just like in the painting. In classical art, an exposed breast is often a symbol of fertility. Chloris is associated with spring, new growth, and transformation.
Perhaps, at the time, Hannibal rationalized these murders as retribution for rude behavior. Maybe the couples were performing disgusting PDA. Maybe they were obnoxious tourists on their honeymoons. Either way, it's clear to the reader that Hannibal has some deep-seated hang up about sex and romance.
The particulars of this hang up are open to interpretation, but based on Hannibal's obsession with the rape and transformation of Chloris as well as his embarrassment at the paintings of Leda and the Swan in the German's house, I think it's safe to say that Hannibal feels like any relationship he has with a woman who isn't aware of his true (monstrous) identity would involve a degree of violence/lack of consent. He is forever barred from normal romance.
Having given up on sex/romance, Hannibal is unable to consciously recognize his desire for Clarice, so he sublimates it into a more general familial love. He longs for a return to innocence, to return to the time before he ate Mischa and became an unlovable monster (cue the teacup metaphor).
But even familial love seems like too much to hope for, so he sublimates it further into something that seems more attainable: resurrecting the person whom he loved and devoured, and who loved him in turn (Mischa) through Clarice.
So we have the breast as a symbol of sex/fertility (Chloris/Clarice), as an object that is loved and devoured (Mischa), and as a literal source of sustenance that must be given up during infancy (mommy).
Big brain Clarice connects all these dots and, in the very same style of therapy that Hannibal has been using on her, distills Hannibal's psychological problems into a single poetic gesture that completely fixes Hannibal in an instant, proving that she's not only his intellectual equal, but is, in some ways, his superior.
When Clarice asks, "Did you ever feel that you had to relinquish the breast to Mischa? Did you ever feel you were required to give it up for her?", she's ostensibly asking Hannibal if he's stuck in the oral stage of childhood development (which yeah he probably is). On a deeper level, she's asking Hannibal to consider if he's given up on love.
When Clarice exposes her breast in the same fashion as Chloris, says, "You don’t have to give up this one", and suspends the drop of wine from her nipple, she is shifting his perception of her breast from familial devoured sustenance to a sexual object. Basically, "Why do you want me to pretend I'm your sister when we could be banging?" Hannibal is being aged out of his childlike mindset, not regressing into one.
There are other layers of meaning in this act. The hedonism of using thousand dollar wine for food play is a sign of Clarice's character development. The way Hannibal kneels before Clarice is a position of subservience, but could also be interpreted as devouring Clarice in a way that's new to him. It's the most self-actualized thing Hannibal has done since escaping prison (LOL) and marks the end of his hero's journey (as one of the first things we see him do in Hannibal Rising is nurse).
Personally, I don't read this scene as breastfeeding kink. Yeah, Clarice talks about breastfeeding, but that was more a metaphor for other stuff. Considering the direction of Hannibal's character arc, I understand this scene as him briefly licking the wine off before they have sex. But to each their own! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ANYWAY, yeah, it's unsettling. It's obviously meant to be. But it's beautifully unsettling! Hate it all you want, but this is peak cannibal romance, to me!!
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minimarvelh · 8 months ago
oh, to be loved and comforted (words: 3,447)
One amazingly cold autumn day, after another very boring meeting with equally boring directors, Tony, returning to his penthouse, caught one detail that maybe and a quite possibly changed his life. This bug-
(«Mr. Stark: spiders are NOT bugs, WE are arachnids») flew into his eye like a small specific spider and until he stopped and came to his senses, carefully releasing the spider, this arachnid would not leave him alone. A bug he tried his best to ignore- “Although no,” he stopped the narrator in his head.
He did quite the opposite, he never ignored this arachnid, he never ignored all the spider’s requests to bring him hot cocoa or to buy new sets of Lego. So, in the conclusion: he tried to ignore the reason for such feelings about the spider and what it meant, because no way he started to love this clumsy bug.
He hated introspection and analysing what is going on in his own head. Freud has long been out of trends, so why dis he need to use psychoanalysis?
Stupid waste of time.
He considers it too complicated, long, again boring and unnecessary, because the more a person thinks, the more they remember, the more they understand, the more they suffer. Simply. A logical consequential chain of life. Even the reason why he has been drinking for the past 20 years is trying not to think. Therefore, it was funny when literally everyone who was not lazy and not scared of him, tried to make him think about something other than technology and saving the world. Like feelings. Especially when Peter appeared in his life, everyone made it their mission to reveal something to him. Literally everyone hinted at something. Happy, Pepper, Rhodey….Attention, even freaking (he says it lovingly) Dum-e.
So every time Tony felt anything resembling warmth or any vanilla thoughts, he immediately pushed them away.
Like when he unconsciously was starting laughing at the memory of something the kid has once said. And suddenly he was stopping himself, looking in the mirror, dramatically, silently asking “what's going on, Stark? What.the.hell?” The reflection in the mirror was always silent, refusing to answer.
«Of course you're not Snow White, Stark. Even if the mirror could talk, it would rather talk to Pepper than to you.»
Stark himself did not notice that he has long been thinking that Peter is the smartest child, that when someone was showing him photos of other people's kids, he rolled his eyes thinking "meh Peter has bigger curls and bigger eyes", "my child is waayyy funnier than all of yours" etc. From what time did such thoughts begin to appear in Tony’s complicated head, he didn’t know.
When exactly he started to have a soft spot for this kid?
For this kid, with his such childish naivety, spidery recklessness, love to his lego figures and the kindness of which would be enough for the whole world.
When he-suddenly the world lost all of his colour when the crushing glass sound was heard around the whole hall.
Tony began to look around, a burning pain pierced his forehead and he started frantically rubbing his head as he sat on the floor or rather fell on the floor.
Yeah, that’s why he is not doing this thing called thinking.
Although he wonders what would Peter say to this? He is always the way to tell the teen to be more careful and kindly laughing at his clumsiness.
now the score is 1:705
Okay, if that incident with peanut butter also counts as his clumsiness- although Tony would argue that it’s more Rhodey’s clumsiness-nevertheless it would be 2:705.
Way to go!
Evenings in the Tower were something special. For Peter, these evenings were extra special. He has almost no memory of family evenings with Ben and May, which makes him incredibly sad and guilty (not counting thoughts about feeling like a worthless, terrible person for not saving the most precious memories in his stupid head). And also incredibly lonely. No matter how terrible it sounds, he envied his classmates who so casually threw "I have to go home, my parents are waiting for me for dinner" how does it feels when your parents are waiting for you at home?
With the Avengers, with Tony and often May by his side, he finally begins to remember how it feels. Safely, comforting. He has people, a family, who loves him and is waiting for him. And it feels...unbelievable.
This time the tower was surprisingly quiet though. Days like this have been rare lately, but Clint and Nat are off to their families, Bruce is in Switzerland working on one secret research that only one person knows about (and that person is…PETER!! Yes!! He is!!).
The silence lasted 23 minutes, in which he started reading another amazing fanfiction, waiting for Tony to end with his team of directors.
And then thunder cut through the sky. Peter cried, jumping up on his bed and flailing his arms, with panick in his eyes looking from side to side. His tingle or how Ned calls it „the spider feeling” was pounding, along with his heart, which was ready to fly out of his chest.
Fortunately, he didn't knock over the cup that was on the dresser and the coffee didn't spill all over the carpet. Thank you, because he was the clumsiest human alive and already today he had to catch 4 cups in flight.
Peter hated thunder. It was in his top 3 things he hated the most. Also it was the most unreasonable one. Even when he was wearing the noise-cancelling headphones, he still felt the vibrations and his imagination painted the loudest and most terrifying thunder the Earth has ever witness and it made his heart beat even wildly, if it was possible.
And how can he wear headphones around Mr.Stark? They were planning to watch something together and if he would tell him that he has a sensory overload they would not be able to spend time together because he would need to pretend to fell asleep or just be silent + he will make Tony worried + Pepper (who is in Miami right now. Working. A lot. Like always. He doesn’t want to give her another reason to worry.)
Grabbing a blanket and a cup, Peter nonchalantly ran into the living room, hoping that Friday wouldn't alert Tony about Peter's increased heart rate. After the alien sprayed Peter with some sticky poison, which for the first few hours had on effect on him other than an increased heart rate, (but then Peter fell into a small coma), Tony reprogrammed Friday and now she was signaling at the smallest things that were happening with his body.
On more than one occasion, Tony bursted into the room after receiving a signal from Friday, only to see a terrified Peter buried in legos next to him. On all those occasions, Tony was so scared that he was simply forgetting to ask Friday what was going on and just bursted into teen’s room. Therefore, Peter has already embarrassed himself at least 5 times and now his mentor knows that Peter does not just collect Legos, but also plays with them. Wow, when can he die? Please? Can someone kill him?
Although he doesn't think he can ever die, even if he tries, Tony will invent a machine that will resurrect him and he will have to face every embarrassing thing he did again. And also Peter doesn’t want to worry Pepper with his death, so right now dying is cancelled from his plans.
"Friday, where's Tony?", Peter asked, stopping in the middle of the corridor, realizing that he did not know where his mentor was. Maybe he still has his meeting?
"Mr. Stark is currently in the kitchen, making coffee. Should I notify him that you’re coming?" Friday asked sweetly. Tony still couldn't understand how this AI became attached to this child, "also Peter, I noticed that your heartbeat—"
"No, thank you, Friday and NO, DON’T notify Mr. Stark about anything, I’m alright, I promise", Peter quickly thanked her, picking up his speed again, already heading to the living room. Knowing that Tony is next to him will make him way calmer. And he can lie on the couch and talk to Tony at the same time.
He can kill two people with one stone. Or whatever they say? Two birds with one stone? No, that’s sounds cruel. That means two people with one stone was the right one.
Peter slowed down as he walked into the living room, placing the mug on the table and literally running onto the sofa, wrapping himself in a cocoon of blankets.
"Tea, coffee, hot chocolate?" Tony simply asked, sensing Peter's presence. (Dad’s instincts - Happy loved saying) But it wasn’t some mysterious instincts, it was simply having a good hearing and being able to hear the big boom that was followed after Peter jumped on the sofa.
"Coffee, please?" Peter asked, looking around at the couch and finding his Nintendo Switch on it.
Another thunder and he tried to calm himself down by opening Minecraft.
"Wrong, the answer is tea", Tony just smirked to himself, taking out another mug.
"It's not fair!!" growled Peter weakly, looking for the remote control next to him.
"You have had enough coffee for today kiddo. Spiders aren't supposed to drink coffee at all, as far as I know", Tony mused theatrically.
"Okay, then what kind of tea", Peter accepted his fate.
"Green?" suggested Tony, opening the box with teas and turning to the side where Peter was sitting.
"The one that Pepper brought?" Peter asked more cheerfully. This tea was from France and it was incredibly delicious.
"Yeah", Tony was already making tea.
"Okay, then", answered Peter weakly, looking scarily at the window as thunder growled once more, catching Peter by surprise. The teenager jumped up and barely stifled a squeal.
"Well, such an awful weather today", Tony threw towards the window, amused, "I hope Clint has already got to his family, he hates this kind of weather".
With two cups of green tea, Tony sat down next to Peter, who was already building house for a cow in a desperate attempt to distract himself and suppress his panic.
"What are we watching this time? I remember you wanted to finish Avatar-"
"Bob's burgers, please," Peter said quickly.
"Okay, okay, jeez," Tony jokingly said, loving how excited is Peter when someone mentions Bob’s Burgers, petting his curls.
It’s the most comfortable series in this Universe. Just the best thing for such terrible weather.
Thunder banged roaring furiously outside the window. Peter shuddered again at the surprise, not so pleasing surprise, might he add, barely restraining himself from covering his ears.
" Is everything alright, kiddo?" Tony asked, trying not to show his worry, looking at the boy questioningly. He knew that Peter didn't like when Tony worried too much about him, so he tried his best to sound like he cares but not too much. He thinks he does a really good job. Happy doesn’t think so.
Tony just hummed as he turned into the series. If the kid does not want to talk about it right now, he will leave it, for now. He gives him 2 hours.
" Season, episode?" asked Tony, clicking the buttons of the remote control.
"I don’t care, but something from the 5-10 season",muttered Peter, looking out the window and putting his console aside.
Tony pretended not to notice.
"It's vague, there are literally 100 episodes," Tony smiled, looking at the child.
He decided to randomly choose season 9, episode 10.
When everything was arranged and they were sitting comfortably drinking tea, Tony pressed the start button.
Peter, as always, thought that he could easily hide his dislike of something and Tony would still be completely sure that Peter is not afraid of anything (except stop-motion animation. When Tony showed him „cute” video with stop-motion animation, Peter literally screamed at his face.).
But every time the lighting cracked, Peter could not control himself and physically shuddered harder, curling up on the couch and pressing his shoulder to Tony, seeking warmth of his body.
"Oh my god I love Louise so much! Yes, Louise, PUNCH THIS STUPID BOY," Tony shouted at the screen as it could hear him.
"Yeah, Louise you’re a-OH MY GOD" another boom of thunder hit them.
"What is wrong kiddo?" Tony immediately looked at him with the concern in his eyes.
"N-nothing, I just wasn’t expecting thi-this", he weakly showed something started as happening at the screen.
"You didn’t expect this skeddle?" Tony skeptically looked at him, still anxiously looking if Peter is hurt and covers the injury.
"Uhh yeah? I expected that but when it actually happened I didn’t know that it would be, like, right now."
"Okay, are you sure you’re alright, kiddo? If you don’t like this series, I can turn something else".
"No!! I love them! Just wasn’t expecting." his explanation was weakly unconvincing.
"Okay," of course, Tony wasn't convinced, but he dropped his suspicions. Kid will tell when he’s ready. Maybe he was really not expecting this?
"Oh my god, how I love this episode. Logan deserved it." said Tony, laughing and turning another episode.
"Yeah, i really love what Louise did but he deserved everything that cam-", he stopped himself waiting for another thunder to be over.
But Tony didn’t wait, during this evening he noticed enough warning signs that something was deeply wrong with the kid.
"Peter, what's wrong?" Peter did not have time to understand anything, as Tony had already stopped the episode and carefully looked into his face.
"Everything is fine, Mr. Stark", Peter tried to answer as casually as possible.
"And if you will try to tell truth this time?" Tony raised an eyebrow, taking his cup and sipping it, giving Peter space, "come on, you know that you can tell me everything and I mean it. Everything."
Peter signed. He really wants to tell someone and he’s really tired and scared, so there is not so many options.
"I-I'm afraid of thunder," Peter let it out in one breath, nervously crumplinghis hoodie in his hands.
Tony looked at him in silence, then nodded and got off the couch.
"Oh my God, Mr. Stark, I'm sorry," Peter began to apologize, but Tony didn't listen.
"Friday, turn on the soundproofing protocole."
"Done", Friday immediately answered, following the Tony’s order.
"Do you have your headphones here?" Tony asked worriedly, "how is your sensory overload?"
"um yes?" whispered Peter, squeezing into the sofa.
"Then why aren't you wearing them?" Tony froze, looking at Peter questioningly.
The question made Peter stiffen while he was attempting to shrink down where he was sat.
"They uhh, they are.." Peter did not know how to say.
Tony waited patiently for an answer.
"They don't help with all sounds and I still hear thunder" answered Peter. Enough mumbling, Peter, Mr.Stark will soon turn gray by the time you finish explaining.
"And of course you didn’t tell me that," he sounded very unamused, staying silent for a second.
And then it looked like he remembered something and went down to the workshop.
"Okay, maybe I made him angry somehow?" Peter tried to scroll through the whole conversation in his head.
If Tony went to his workshop it means he will not come in 20 hours at least. And he probably blocked Peter from entering it. Or maybe he thought that Peter has sensory overload and he decided to give him space??
"Well, in any case you'll have to watch this series yourself, then." sighed Peter, reaching for the remote control and turning on the series.
"Hey, you can't watch it without me!!" said an indignant voice from behind, and a second later Tony entered the living room with headphones in his hands.
Peter couldn't help the mischievous giggle that escaped him. Yeah, he was villain in this story. Also, he was so relieved that Tony came.
"Um, I just thought you went to work in the workshop?" Peter nervously smiled, sipping his tea.
"What a wrong assumption, kiddo, if I went to work I would take you with me", simply answered Tony, "I went down only to get headphones. I haven't finished them yet, but we'll see what they can do".
He helped Peter put on them.
"Well what?" Tony asked expectantly, worry still didn’t leave his face.
Peter listened. He felt a very slight vibration, which was similar to the silent mode on the phone. With a sigh of relief, he looked at the man and smiled.
"Thank you Mr. Stark", he said gratefully.
After that there was silence and then there was sign.
"I'm sorry, Pete, I completely forgot that you have sensory problems and of course you would have them when there is literally thunder outside. I should have thought about that", he sounded so guilty, and the guilt himself flashed through Peter.
He just should have tell him, instead he chose to be drama queen. You always try to make everyone not to worry about you but with that you make them worry even more. There is no escaping.
"These are not sensory problems", Peter said, sounding a little miserable.
"Hmm? Tony asked, sounding a little anxiously.
(Ps. you can literally see they are dad and son)
Peter scrunched up his nose.
"Um, it's..it's not related to sensory issues, although it's a little related, but not completely. It's just that I'm stupidly afraid of thunder", Peter explained.
"I don’t have a lot of sensory problems, I’m just..scared"
"Hey, kiddo, there is nothing wrong with being scared", Tony started slowly, "we all afraid of something and it’s not stupid" he carefully moved closer to the kid.
"C’mere" simply. He pulls Peter into his arms. simple hug. He murmurs soothingly.
It was minutes and Peter wanted them to be hours so bad.
"What else can I do?" whispered Tony.
"Thank you Mr.Stark, but you have already made so much for me".
"Come on, kid, give me something to work with. There is have to be something" asked Tony again.
"Okay..maybe we can sit next to each other?"
Tony stared at him blankly.
"I think Mr. Marker is saying that he would like to be comforted by your hugs-"
Peter blushed and waved his hands dismissively.
"Friday, no no no I don't-", for the first time, he got a little angry at Friday. Well, he wasn't exactly angry, because it's not her fault that Peter got his tongue stuck in his ass and he was embarrassed by simply existing, but she's his friend, how could she leave him like that??
" Kiddo, if hugs will help you, I'm all for it", Tony just shrugged his shoulders like it's not a big deal.
Peter fell silent.
"If it doesn't bother you, sir, I'll be very grateful," whispered Peter quietly, looking anywhere but at the mentor.
Tony raised an eyebrow at him in surprise as he sat closer on the sofa.
" If you call me Mister again, next time we'll only watch Desperate Housewives till your thirties".
"Oh no, no, please, Mr.-", Peter began to beg theatrically, but he was interrupted.
"Ahh, the choice is yours", a smile crept on his face while he twirled his finger in front of Peter’s nose.
"Please, you don't need to-Tony," Peter laughed softly, looking at the mentor with a smile in his eyes.
A hand ruffled his hair, making teen sheepishly smile.
"Okay, okay, sit down, little boy, because I can already feel myself falling asleep," he yawned expressively.
Peter carefully sat closer as large arms wrapped around him and pulled him closer. Peter nuzzled into Mr. Stark's shoulder, inhaling the scent of Stark's t-shirt.
Thunder crackled again, making Peter a miserable again. Okay, maybe they work better than his headphones but still not the best. Tony’s hand apologetically moved from his head to rub at his back, while he sweared. Peter leaned on Tony.
Knowing that Peter likes to hear Tony tell something, he decided to test this theory.
"Do you know an interesting fact? When they started the production, it's Linda Belcher who-", yes, he did a little research about this show, it's his kid’s favourite show. oh..he meant his intern’s favourite show.
Peter listened with deep interest to what Tony was saying, barely flinching when the vibrations caught him by surprise. But at such moments, Tony always squeezed him a little harder and he was calming down, burying into his side, smiling when Tony told something especially funny.
Soothing by the cartoon that Tony put just for the background, Tony’s interesting facts and stories and his warm hugs, Peter's eyes began to slowly close as he blissfully fell asleep.
The storm was over.
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kindasleepycryptid · 10 months ago
Well. I was able to sort through them and pick out only 10 to keep at home, and about 30 to give away.
Still own an excessive amount but i paid too much for them to throw them away when i know ill want to reread them at some point
Now i just have to wait for my storage boxes to arrive and ill be golden
This morning, if someone asked me how many books i own, i wouldve said fifty.
I was INCREDIBLY wrong. Im going to need more moving boxes lmao
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hexbimbo · 8 months ago
Dbd HC’s | Random Killer Headcanons.
Killers 🔪🩸
Evan MacMillian
Grew up in Cali, Wisconsin, or Oregon. Pick your choice.
Would’ve been an industrial pioneer. If shit worked out, he could’ve been the DBD version of Jimmy Carter.
Took care of baby animals until his Dad found out.
Max Thompson Jr
Best friends with Philip. They just drink and admire buildings.
“Yuuuuup. My old man built a two story backin’ with all the fixings. The chimneys made outta re-enforced galvanized square steel.”
Pig meat is his favorite meat. Pork chops, bacon, collard greens cooked in the grease.
Philip Oromo
Head over heels for Sally.
These two the iconic elderly couple that sit on the porch all day holding hands.
He loves lemonade.
Doesn’t see the appeal of cologne. Prefers natural, soap scent.
Sally Smithson
Wanted two or three kids with her husband.
Probably would follow trad wife TikTok’s .
Knows really weird cleaning tips.
“A snails slime is a really good glue alternative!”
Michael Myers
Sometimes I get autism vibes and sometimes I don’t?
Has to wear a jumpsuit or his skin feels loose.
Gets lost in his own head, enjoys spacing out
Loves eating with plastic utensils, not that the hospital staff would give him metal forks or knifes anyway.
Lisa Sherwood
Would’ve been a Mikaela Reid if she wasn’t kidnapped.
Only killer who lives in the killer shack. Curls up in the warmth of the basement.
Snacks on snail shells around the swap.
Herman Carter
Loves and Hates Freud.
Low key kinda believes homosexuality and being trans can be cured :/
Weirdly, not from like a bigot perspective? More like a psycho brain doctor who wants to experiment on the brain to expand his research perspective.
gives gay man vibes tbh tho hates everyone equally.
Doesn’t understand human interaction. Can’t fathom romance, libido, or platonic attraction outside of a child-parent bond.
Studied animals. If she could read and write like Momma, she’d write texts on texts on the animal kingdom.
Enjoys the hunt but also respects.2 nature. Never kills to much of one population (unless a nuisance).
Bubba Sawyer
Like, a hillbilly version of Hannibal Lectors cooking hobby. Sloppy, rough home-cooking.
Makes his own sausages with the perfect amount of seasoning.
Gets nervous without his family. Never went out without a family member. Feels too exposed with out someone to rely on.
Freddy Krueger
Kinda just there. Killers are always surprised to see him about. “Oh damn. You’re still here???”
Likes music from the 70s and 80s. LIVES for Johnny cash.
No, he does not enjoy Ring of Fire anymore.
Amanda Young
When she was a junkie, she was a MEAN junkie. Always jonesing out on a street corner or picking fights with her boyfriend.
Red is her favorite color.
The jigsaw puppet brings her strange comfort. Takes good care of designing them, setting them up, and painting them.
Jeffery Hawk
Every time of addict and nearly every type of mental disorder under the belt. Eating, personality, anxiety, depression.
Has not touched a vegetable since he was a teenager.
Def would yell at a fast food worker for putting cheese on his burger.
Rin Yamaoka
She would’ve fucking won life
If she lived her full life, she would’ve broken her family’s curse.
Probably would’ve won a championship, got a doctorate, and become a prime minister.
Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey
Either the most supportive or prejudiced people you’ll ever meet.
I can seem them thinking you’re “radical” if you happen to be queer but that they would bully you for shits and giggles
All bisexual ( except Susie is canon Lesbian I think???I don’t read the comics)
I can’t listen to Sweater Weather without picturing them.
Eats the same stuff everyday.
The most loyal and most rewarded killer though she almost always turns down the gifts.
Wants to look like pre-plague self again but relents.
Believes the plague was a sign from her god.
Danny Johnson
Devious. Says the most out of pocket things.
His camera is his most prized possession. Break it, you die. Touch it, You die. Breath on it? Believe or not, you die.
Can’t stand when people talk to him longer than 5 minutes. Doesn’t know why. He just has a hard time paying attention.
Branches? Nibbled. Hair? Nibbled.
Can’t explain it, won’t explain it. Loves squids.
Lurks in swamp water with Lisa.
Kazan Yamaoka
Best Worst Dad goes too-!
Fr though, was probably a mid dad. Super protective of his blood but didn’t really give a shit about them yknow?
Carried his son to a doctor when he broke him and sent money to the family while on his travels but was never really there.
Was very excited to have a baby though! Most time he spent at home was during his wife’s pregnancy and postpartum.
Caleb Quinn
Had dreams of returning to Ireland when he grew up. Everything seemed so simplistic then.
Made little toys for children as a young adult from nuts and bolts.
Devout Catholic. Prays every night before bed, rests on the Sabbath. Being in the relm has definitely jaded his faith but he’s slowly picking it back up.
Pyramid Head
Given the honor of patrolling the forests for rogue survivors.
Has had survivors smack the booty. #bakeryjustuce✊
Can’t sit still. Always needs to be moving forward. Never backward. Always.
Talbot Grimes
Was really handsome before the blight.
Avid Reader. Gets lost in academia.
Was addicted to opium. Thinks he kicked the habit but would still smoke for “health benefits”
Charlotte and Victor Deshayes
They only speak French ( unfortunately 🤢🤮)
I mentioned Charlotte is a hoarder but Victor does his best to reason with her. Does she really need that coffee tin? She has three already at home.
Victor loves to run and climb. All those years fused with Charlotte made him long for some independence, though he knows Charlotte would be upset hearing that.
Ji-Woon Hak
Probably had an only fans before his career took off.
Def makes thirst traps.
Walks around his home naked (or in boxers during the winter.) Nothing sexual, just likes to air it out a little.
Nemesis T-Type
What’s there to be said
Likes stomping
Likes stompy boots
Hates STARS 🤢🤮😤
Elliot Spencer
Eats oatmeal with no water or milk.
Idk the lore
Probably a tattoo artist who does experimental piercings.
“That brings me pain. But I like the pain. That hurts! But…I like the hurt which-
Painted his nails black before it was hip.
Carmina Mora
Pecks her food.
Enjoys flapping her arms for sensory input.
Uses her ink hands as paint. Anytime not spent on trails is paint time.
Sadako Yamamura
Grunge aesthetic overload ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Bookworm ( reads smut like the morning paper.)
Had really beautiful hair before the fall.
Wish it had legs. To run. Closer. Faster. Nearer.
Licks liquids like a cat.
Everyone was sad when Maurice went missing. Eventually, the Entity had to return Maurice because it was affecting literally everyone emotionally. Shrines were made. Truces were drawn up.
Albert Wesker
Autism comfort character. Sue me.
“I understood the sarcasm, Chris. I just didn’t think it was funny.”
Was confused growing up why his larger vocabulary was looked weird or teased by other kids. Don’t all children use the word “ailment” or “peer”?
Burn king. Drops the sickest burns of all time. Never holds back. You, yo momma, and yo sister are done for.
Tarhos Kovács
A good butcher. Knows how to divide and roast many types of meats.
Discipline is key. Conditioned to never take a days rest or sleep more than necessary.
Has panic attacks if required rest or bed ridden. Vittario stumbled into his tent one night and was calmly (screamed) at to exit his quarters.
Makes a mean flower crown.
Adrianna Imai
Tried really hard to make her own manga or manga company. Probably didn’t take off because it was too “corporate-y”
Hates bugs. Will be happy the day they go extinct.
Travels to Japan all the time for vacations and business ventures.
HUX-A7-13 and Xenomorph
A romance has begun.
Enemies to friends to slow burn lovers to enemies back to lovers and-
HUX was so ashamed- how could he develop humanoid feelings for something of organic nature?! Even with its…claws and…hatred for humans…ERROR❤️❤️❤️
Tries to court Xeno the best it can but it doesn’t quite get English or gestures.
“I have procured two human spinal fluids for your consumption. Does this please you?”
Xeno frustrated that the pink metal thing is always near. You’d think nearly tearing it apart the first 10 times would make it go away!
Charles Lee Ray
Him and his wife are in paradise.
Lowkey living it up. They’ve got a home, food, and all the murders to their hearts content.
Tiff loves to bake and cook in her spare time.
Once asked to be returned to his human form. Was denied.
Has the best drip.
Major troll. You’ll be pissing on the outskirts of the survivor camp and hear…CRACK 🦴 somewhere in the bushes.
Collects skins. Try’s (and fails) to fit into skins of smaller animals.
So mad he’s here lol
Entity nerfed him to hell.
Hates the smell mead and fun.
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seekers-who-are-lovers · 1 year ago
Some thoughts about things on Bang Bravern… (bit long, sorry)
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Why do I clock the German major general Heidemarie as a lesbian?
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So what if “ga-ga-pi” is some kind of a code, similar to Morse code or the binary code? Lulu has her “ga-ga-pi.” The other Deathdrive has its “ga-ga-ga. Pi-ga-ga-ga-pi. Pi-ga-ga-pi-ga.” The sequence is different in order to convey another meaning. The only solution is how to interpret it. Or perhaps, I am just overthinking.
So what are the Death Drives?
From the series’s glossary:
Death Drives : A mysterious mechanical life form that suddenly attacked the earth. Their goal is to achieve the best "death" that each of them wants. They came to this earth around all the galaxies in search of an existence that will fulfil their wishes.
Those drives sound like a part of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis’ theory, the theory of pleasure principle (Lustprinzip).
Did Masami Obari, the director, turn to the Austrian psychoanalyst to gather the blueprint for his latest work?
(I know that Freud doesn’t have many fans among the Tumblr folks. But he “is” my neighbour. After having seen “Freud’s Vanished Neighbors” and read an article that the Viennese didn’t accept him as part of the community because he was not born in Austria and had Jewish family, and was still referred to as “Zugeraster,” a derogatory term for an outsider, he earned my respect and like everyone who was born centuries ago had other mentality that was not at all fitting in the modern era.)
Deathdrives, or death drives, in Freudian psychoanalytical universe, mean Thanatos, Todestrieb in German, is a term that describes: the drive toward death and destruction, often expressed through behaviors such as aggression, repetition compulsion, and self-destructiveness.
From Freud’s book, “Beyond the Pleasure Principle” :
Our departure point was the great antithesis of life drives and death drives. Object-love itself shows us a second such polarity – that of love (affection) and hate (aggression). What if we succeeded in connecting these two polarities, what if we succeeded in tracing one back to the other! We have always acknowledged a sadistic component in the sexual drive; as we know, this component can develop a life of its own and turn into a perversion that dominates a person's entire sexual life. It also occurs as a dominant partial drive in one of those forms of organization of sexual life that I have termed ‘pre-genital’. But how could we possibly suppose that the sadistic drive, which aims to harm its object, derives from Eros, the preserver of life? Isn't it altogether plausible to suppose that this sadism is actually a death drive that has been ousted from the ego at the instance of the narcissistic libido, and as a result only becomes apparent in conjunction with the object?
So you have the enemies, the Death Drives, ready to destroy the humans, and Bravern on the other with the quality of being the Eros. The sentient robot’s ethos is to save the humanity first. All the while obsessing with his pilot, Ao Isami. Obsession and kindness overlapping.
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@whypolar analysed their names, then doing some googling of the meanings of both Isami and Lewis’ names, it seems the two share the same description. Yours truly is not at all a Japanese language expert, this website suggests that Isami has 21 variations in kanji.
勇 means "bravery, courage."
Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.
Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.
Strong - Having great physical or mental power.
Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.
Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.
Soldier - A person who serves in an army.
It describes Isami’s personality perfectly!
Lewis, on the other hand…
From the celebrated author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, to lauded actor Daniel-Day Lewis, a boy called Lewis is in good company! Lewis is of German origin and means "Renowned warrior." It has many variations in Latin, French, and Gaelic languages that all point to the same sentiment of “strength” and “courage”. With the name Lewis, you can hope to instill your baby boy with a fearless optimism for life.
All three of them—Bravern, Isami and Lewis—are “strong and courageous.”
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