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hexbimbo · 3 months ago
DBD HCs | Killers Christmas
Evan MacMillian
Starts the fire in the hearth to kick off the party.
Was kinda forced into coming by the Entity. Doesn’t really care for the holidays.
Only sticks with killers he can tolerate like Wraith, Blight or maybe Deathslinger
His secret Santa gift is trap grease and some paint.
Philip Ojomo
Holds the box of decorations while Sally decorates.
They totally arrived together but play it cool. We know what’s up 😏
Dances with Sally too! Makes the whole party pretty magical.
His secret Santa gift a new shawl with a nice red dye.
Max Thompson Jr.
Slaughters the Christmas Ham.
Wants to do Christmas with his friends. Loves watching the old Christmas movies in the quiet of the den.
Wears a lot of plaid. Definitely only in his pjs.
His secret gift is a southern breakfast basket.
Sally Smithson
Hangs the high decorations because she can fly.
Nibbles cookies over a plate. She really likes the ones with jam or fruit puree in the middle.
Hand feeds Phillips little snacks.
Her secret Santa gift is a dried bouquet of baby’s breath. (Get it?)
Micheal Myers
Is assigned kitchen duty. Chops everything horribly.
Smells awful. Ever had a homeless guy stand too close to you and they smell like poo and sweat? Yeah.
No one knows why he even came. Total space kid.
His secret Santa gift is a knife sharpener. Maybe a box of plastic forks.
Lisa Sherwood
Brings the pinecone jam.
Wears a a sweater that’s actually clean and fresh smelling.
Gargles in the affirmative or negative for conversations.
Her secret Santa gift is a bundle of sticks with a pretty purple ribbon.
Herman Carter
People watches the whole night from a corner table.
Starts drama. Hak sure is annoying isn’t he? Sally and Phillip didn’t even bring anything…
Maybe gets drunkly punched.
His secret Santa gift is a brain encased in a jar of liquid.
Brings a wild boar. Unskilled. Might still be alive.
Wears a turtle neck and long skirt. Looks like a big mama bear.
Rocks when she gets overstimulated with all the music and foreign words.
Her secret Santa gift is a yarn ball and crocheting needles.
Bubba Sawyer
Brings a pressure cooker of his famous chilli.
Don’t mind the finger that’s the concentrated flavor 😤
Helps out in kitchen. Adds that home cooked flavor.
His secret Santa gift is a framed picture of his family. Don’t ask how Rin even got ahold of the damn thing.
Freddy Krueger
Was not invited.
They may be killers, but they don’t fuck around with no pedos.
Would probably just keep killing people. Doesn’t fuss with the holidays.
His secret Santa gift a box of matches.
Amanda Young
Brings spinach and artichoke dip. Some toasted pita too.
Doesn’t drink. Leaves soda cans everywhere.
Goes without the pig mask cuz it’s lowkey rotting and no one wants to smell that.
Her secret Santa gift is a box of Funyuns. It’s a comfort food for her.
Jeffery Hawk
Brings homemade chicken wings.
You don’t understand- he’s ever one of the best cooks or worst cooks of all time. You wanna know why? He doesn’t care how much butter or salt is added into a dish.
Are the wings sanitary? Probably not. Is that a heroine needle sticking out there…?
His secret Santa gift is high quality face paint.
Rin Yamaoka
Her twitches and moans of agony kinda freak everyone out at first.
That’s all she does really. Stand there and groan.
Hangs out with her Grandpa! They try throwing a ball out in the yard. Or the sword fight. Thats fun.
Her secret Santa gift is a journal and pencil pack.
Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey
The ones hosting. Decorating and cleaning almost needed in tears for everyone.
Steals a billion types of pizza, chips, and soda.
Does not clean at all. Gets plastered and leaves the guest to fend for themselves.
Their secret Santa gift is stolen electronics.
Has entire conversations without realizing no one can understand her.
Her little smoke and chain ball is stuffed with cinnamon and holiday spices. Makes the whole lodge smell nice.
Insists on the Entity version of saying grace before everyone eats.
Her secret Santa gift is a pack of incense.
Danny Johnson
Taking pictures for the memories.
Constant pulling little pranks and jokes the Legion. Does it start a fight?
Yes. Yes it does.
His secret Santa gift is some camera film.
Has to be stopped from eating the tree multiple times
Burrows and pops up so hard it sends tables flying.
Ends up being leashed outside with Xeno after biting Portia’s doggy.
Its secret Santa gift is some metal to chew.
Kazan Yamaoka
Brings Hot Pot.
Is the one punching people who are stirring up shit.
Catches up with Rin. Wants to be parent he never kinda really wanted to be. 🥺
His secret Santa gift is a sword mantle strong enough to bare the weight of his sword.
Caleb Quinn
Brings scalloped potatoes au gratin
Ties his hair up into a low bun. Kinda looks cute on him.
Kinda like a level headed hippie grandpa. If there’s kids, he’ll get down on their level to play with them.
His secret Santa gift is a box of random gears, wires, and screws to build with.
Pyramid Head
Brings a severed hand with a bow on the knuckles.
No one ever sees it still. It’s always kinda walking around.
Some jokester maybe wrapped his head in lights.
Their secret Santa is a looser pair of trousers for the dumpy 🍑
Talbot Grimes
Seems like a lunch kinda guy
Talks science with Albert.
Twitches so much people think he’s bugging out.
His secret Santa gift is some herb seeds.
Charlotte and Victor Deshayes
The siblings who only talk to each other.
Victor gets mistake for a tot a few times. Gets picked up and promptly scratches the face off Caleb.
Charlotte fixes heaping plates for the both of them. Probably some of the best food they’ve ever had
Their secret Santa gift is gourmet cabbage. You think I’m joking? They are over the goddamn moon.
Ji-Woon Hak
Gets in peoples faces to blog.
Takes cute pictures of a plate of food but doesn’t eat it.
Maybe brings a fancy platter made by a restaurant.
His secret Santa gift is a a small fridge for his beauty products.
Nemesis T-Type
Heavy breather.
Tracks mud in and draaaaaags it on the carpet IN THE DEN.
Kinda just stands behind people and breaths down their neck.
His secret Santa gift is some badges and pins to add to the buckles on his boots.
Elliot Spencer
Doesn’t celebrate the holidays.
The only way he’d ever go is to watch people socially suffer.
Maybe sounds outside to watch the snow fall with the other cenobites.
His secret Santa gift is a toolbox of rusted nails.
Carmina Mora
Cuts paper snowflakes to hand from the windows.
Pretty outgoing! Definitely has an eccentric charm that quiet artists have.
Kinda becomes best friends with Rin during this party. Both had similar childhoods and were on the path to being successful before what happened happened.
Her secret Santa gift is new aisle to match her taller frame.
Sadako Yamamura
Brings some sea weed in her hands.
Keeps haunting the tv and ruining Home Alone.
Flutters in and out around the lodge. No one knows why she came.
Her secret Santa gift a pretty hair comb with seashells.
Brings a sludge of leaves and bones.
Gets mistaken for a coat rack. Floats around wearing everyone’s outerwear
Stands a little too close to people. Might get drunkly punched.
Their secret Santa gift is a cardboard box.
Albert Wesker
Wears a turtle neck that fits him perfectly.
Shows up with a bottle of wine. Constanty slick back his hair.
Sips wine while watching the snow fall. Likes to talk business to the other killers: tactics, plans, and little stories.
His secret Santa gift is a glasses case.
Tarhos Kovács
Him and his crew are the ones roasting the meats over the fire.
They get rowdy and break some tables.
His men go nuts with the ale but he refrains. He’s s never been a been drinker but on the holidays, he’ll take a few sips of mulled wine.
His secret Santa gift is a leather skin satchel that attaches around the waist.
Adriana Imai
Brings coxhina
Only talks with “high class” killers (Wesker, Ji-Woon, Portia)
They have a silent judging table to talk mad shit about everyone.
Her secret Santa gift is a a fancy bottle of wine.
On top of the Christmas tree.
Doenst know why they even bothered to come.
(It’s cuz Xeno went and they are in looooooove 😍🥰😘)
Their secret Santa gift
On a leash in the backyard.
Fed dinner scraps that are promptly melted with acid.
It’s secret Santa gift a survivor to hunt whenever it chooses.
(HUX totally begged The Legion to get Xeno of secret Santa)
Charles Lee Ray
Him and Tiff drunkly make out on everything.
Like; really obnoxious. Bumps into peoples legs, keeps the bathroom occupied for hours.
Tiff will offer to help in the kitchen. Chuckle will sit on the couch and sip beer.
His secret Santa gift is a plate of Swedish meatballs.
Crawls in on all fours. Needs to be restrained from snacking on peoples ankles.
Doesn’t bring anything but eats all the food. Then, promptly throws it all back up onto the serving table.
Wears an ill fitting Mrs. Klaus dress.
Their secret Santa gift is a terrarium full of spider and snake snacks.
Did not come.
Doesn’t have time for meaningless holiday parties.
Stays at home casting hexes or spells or what ever he does.
His secret Santa gift was supposed to a skull jar filled with chocolate kisses.
Brings a bottle of blood and a bottle of wine.
Kinda can’t handle being around people without his wife so he leaves early.
Has a ton of dry humor that makes the more mature killers smirk.
His secret Santa gift is a nail kit.
Portia Maye
Let’s her dog run lose and destroy almost everything.
Brings a bag of raw clams. Let’s other people cook them. Or eat them raw I dunno
Definitely wears cheetah print.
Her secret Santa gift is one of the furniture brushes for people with pets.
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varvbarb · 1 year ago
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Added Hag to the Family
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bottleblondebeachbabe · 1 year ago
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grrrenadine · 2 months ago
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A collection of Dead by Daylight killers, memes, and locations.
P.S. My 52-page Dead by Daylight digital zine is still up and available on Gumroad!
redbubble | inprnt | patreon | buymeacoffee
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vassalor · 8 months ago
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lustyargonianmaid · 2 years ago
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fairy milf's killer fits part i.
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dead-by-mending · 2 years ago
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Lore - based meme dump part 2
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walkingunderstairs · 1 year ago
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Miss hag dbd ily
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darkangelemokid-blog · 2 years ago
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nitsko · 2 years ago
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that one time I drew DBD stickers and didn't show anyone :D
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deadbydangit · 2 years ago
Killers as parents
Trapper- He's a strict father, but he will show his loving side in his own special ways. A pat on the head, subtle praise, or a nod of the head. He fears he'll end up like his own father and will seclude himself from the children if he's upset; he never wants them to see that side of him.
Wraith- Hyper protective, especially around fire. He knows he looks scary and he's ashamed of his appearance, so he's determined to make up for it with unconditional love. He's not great with discipline, and can end up being a pushover. But his kids love him.
Hillbilly- After all that happened in his past with his horrible parents, he's dead set on being the best parent ever. He may need some pointers along the may, and someone to help with the discipline since he'd indulge the children with everything they could ever want. He loves playing with them, running around in the fresh air, playing hide and seek, or just lounging around.
Hag- She would actually be a very good mother. She might be borderline obsessive about teaching stranger danger and staying on the path, sharing graphic details about what happened to her to keep them safe. She'd teach them traditions and all about her culture.
Doctor- He might be insane, but he would never hurt his children. However, due to all the electrical currently running through his body, he can't touch the kids. But that trivial fact won't stop him from giving them attention. He'd value education and encourage them to pursue studies. He'd love it if they found interest in biology, but intelligence comes in different forms.
Huntress- Best mom? Yeah, best mom. She loves children. Preferably, she'd want a girl, but she'd love a boy just as much. She'd make sure they grow up eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise. They would be taught all about nature and how to hunt. But she knows when to put her foot down. It's best to listen to what she says, okay kiddo?
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hexbimbo · 8 months ago
Dbd HC’s | Random Killer Headcanons.
Killers 🔪🩸
Evan MacMillian
Grew up in Cali, Wisconsin, or Oregon. Pick your choice.
Would’ve been an industrial pioneer. If shit worked out, he could’ve been the DBD version of Jimmy Carter.
Took care of baby animals until his Dad found out.
Max Thompson Jr
Best friends with Philip. They just drink and admire buildings.
“Yuuuuup. My old man built a two story backin’ with all the fixings. The chimneys made outta re-enforced galvanized square steel.”
Pig meat is his favorite meat. Pork chops, bacon, collard greens cooked in the grease.
Philip Oromo
Head over heels for Sally.
These two the iconic elderly couple that sit on the porch all day holding hands.
He loves lemonade.
Doesn’t see the appeal of cologne. Prefers natural, soap scent.
Sally Smithson
Wanted two or three kids with her husband.
Probably would follow trad wife TikTok’s .
Knows really weird cleaning tips.
“A snails slime is a really good glue alternative!”
Michael Myers
Sometimes I get autism vibes and sometimes I don’t?
Has to wear a jumpsuit or his skin feels loose.
Gets lost in his own head, enjoys spacing out
Loves eating with plastic utensils, not that the hospital staff would give him metal forks or knifes anyway.
Lisa Sherwood
Would’ve been a Mikaela Reid if she wasn’t kidnapped.
Only killer who lives in the killer shack. Curls up in the warmth of the basement.
Snacks on snail shells around the swap.
Herman Carter
Loves and Hates Freud.
Low key kinda believes homosexuality and being trans can be cured :/
Weirdly, not from like a bigot perspective? More like a psycho brain doctor who wants to experiment on the brain to expand his research perspective.
gives gay man vibes tbh tho hates everyone equally.
Doesn’t understand human interaction. Can’t fathom romance, libido, or platonic attraction outside of a child-parent bond.
Studied animals. If she could read and write like Momma, she’d write texts on texts on the animal kingdom.
Enjoys the hunt but also respects.2 nature. Never kills to much of one population (unless a nuisance).
Bubba Sawyer
Like, a hillbilly version of Hannibal Lectors cooking hobby. Sloppy, rough home-cooking.
Makes his own sausages with the perfect amount of seasoning.
Gets nervous without his family. Never went out without a family member. Feels too exposed with out someone to rely on.
Freddy Krueger
Kinda just there. Killers are always surprised to see him about. “Oh damn. You’re still here???”
Likes music from the 70s and 80s. LIVES for Johnny cash.
No, he does not enjoy Ring of Fire anymore.
Amanda Young
When she was a junkie, she was a MEAN junkie. Always jonesing out on a street corner or picking fights with her boyfriend.
Red is her favorite color.
The jigsaw puppet brings her strange comfort. Takes good care of designing them, setting them up, and painting them.
Jeffery Hawk
Every time of addict and nearly every type of mental disorder under the belt. Eating, personality, anxiety, depression.
Has not touched a vegetable since he was a teenager.
Def would yell at a fast food worker for putting cheese on his burger.
Rin Yamaoka
She would’ve fucking won life
If she lived her full life, she would’ve broken her family’s curse.
Probably would’ve won a championship, got a doctorate, and become a prime minister.
Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey
Either the most supportive or prejudiced people you’ll ever meet.
I can seem them thinking you’re “radical” if you happen to be queer but that they would bully you for shits and giggles
All bisexual ( except Susie is canon Lesbian I think???I don’t read the comics)
I can’t listen to Sweater Weather without picturing them.
Eats the same stuff everyday.
The most loyal and most rewarded killer though she almost always turns down the gifts.
Wants to look like pre-plague self again but relents.
Believes the plague was a sign from her god.
Danny Johnson
Devious. Says the most out of pocket things.
His camera is his most prized possession. Break it, you die. Touch it, You die. Breath on it? Believe or not, you die.
Can’t stand when people talk to him longer than 5 minutes. Doesn’t know why. He just has a hard time paying attention.
Branches? Nibbled. Hair? Nibbled.
Can’t explain it, won’t explain it. Loves squids.
Lurks in swamp water with Lisa.
Kazan Yamaoka
Best Worst Dad goes too-!
Fr though, was probably a mid dad. Super protective of his blood but didn’t really give a shit about them yknow?
Carried his son to a doctor when he broke him and sent money to the family while on his travels but was never really there.
Was very excited to have a baby though! Most time he spent at home was during his wife’s pregnancy and postpartum.
Caleb Quinn
Had dreams of returning to Ireland when he grew up. Everything seemed so simplistic then.
Made little toys for children as a young adult from nuts and bolts.
Devout Catholic. Prays every night before bed, rests on the Sabbath. Being in the relm has definitely jaded his faith but he’s slowly picking it back up.
Pyramid Head
Given the honor of patrolling the forests for rogue survivors.
Has had survivors smack the booty. #bakeryjustuce✊
Can’t sit still. Always needs to be moving forward. Never backward. Always.
Talbot Grimes
Was really handsome before the blight.
Avid Reader. Gets lost in academia.
Was addicted to opium. Thinks he kicked the habit but would still smoke for “health benefits”
Charlotte and Victor Deshayes
They only speak French ( unfortunately 🤢🤮)
I mentioned Charlotte is a hoarder but Victor does his best to reason with her. Does she really need that coffee tin? She has three already at home.
Victor loves to run and climb. All those years fused with Charlotte made him long for some independence, though he knows Charlotte would be upset hearing that.
Ji-Woon Hak
Probably had an only fans before his career took off.
Def makes thirst traps.
Walks around his home naked (or in boxers during the winter.) Nothing sexual, just likes to air it out a little.
Nemesis T-Type
What’s there to be said
Likes stomping
Likes stompy boots
Hates STARS 🤢🤮😤
Elliot Spencer
Eats oatmeal with no water or milk.
Idk the lore
Probably a tattoo artist who does experimental piercings.
“That brings me pain. But I like the pain. That hurts! But…I like the hurt which-
Painted his nails black before it was hip.
Carmina Mora
Pecks her food.
Enjoys flapping her arms for sensory input.
Uses her ink hands as paint. Anytime not spent on trails is paint time.
Sadako Yamamura
Grunge aesthetic overload ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Bookworm ( reads smut like the morning paper.)
Had really beautiful hair before the fall.
Wish it had legs. To run. Closer. Faster. Nearer.
Licks liquids like a cat.
Everyone was sad when Maurice went missing. Eventually, the Entity had to return Maurice because it was affecting literally everyone emotionally. Shrines were made. Truces were drawn up.
Albert Wesker
Autism comfort character. Sue me.
“I understood the sarcasm, Chris. I just didn’t think it was funny.”
Was confused growing up why his larger vocabulary was looked weird or teased by other kids. Don’t all children use the word “ailment” or “peer”?
Burn king. Drops the sickest burns of all time. Never holds back. You, yo momma, and yo sister are done for.
Tarhos Kovács
A good butcher. Knows how to divide and roast many types of meats.
Discipline is key. Conditioned to never take a days rest or sleep more than necessary.
Has panic attacks if required rest or bed ridden. Vittario stumbled into his tent one night and was calmly (screamed) at to exit his quarters.
Makes a mean flower crown.
Adrianna Imai
Tried really hard to make her own manga or manga company. Probably didn’t take off because it was too “corporate-y”
Hates bugs. Will be happy the day they go extinct.
Travels to Japan all the time for vacations and business ventures.
HUX-A7-13 and Xenomorph
A romance has begun.
Enemies to friends to slow burn lovers to enemies back to lovers and-
HUX was so ashamed- how could he develop humanoid feelings for something of organic nature?! Even with its…claws and…hatred for humans…ERROR❤️❤️❤️
Tries to court Xeno the best it can but it doesn’t quite get English or gestures.
“I have procured two human spinal fluids for your consumption. Does this please you?”
Xeno frustrated that the pink metal thing is always near. You’d think nearly tearing it apart the first 10 times would make it go away!
Charles Lee Ray
Him and his wife are in paradise.
Lowkey living it up. They’ve got a home, food, and all the murders to their hearts content.
Tiff loves to bake and cook in her spare time.
Once asked to be returned to his human form. Was denied.
Has the best drip.
Major troll. You’ll be pissing on the outskirts of the survivor camp and hear…CRACK 🦴 somewhere in the bushes.
Collects skins. Try’s (and fails) to fit into skins of smaller animals.
So mad he’s here lol
Entity nerfed him to hell.
Hates the smell mead and fun.
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nami-lvr · 2 years ago
DBD characters reacting to…
A strong and aggressive survivor who fights them back (sometimes wins)
FT: Ghostface, Trickster, Pyramid Head, Micheal Myers, Spirit, Artist, Hag, Nurse, Huntress, and Sadako. Basically all my faves
Cw- Cannon violence, survivor is very aggressive, survivor is very good at hand to hand and disarming, survivor is around 5’4, survivor is implied yo be Hispanic (I’m projecting with this one my bad) and survivor is G/N with “you” or they/them being used
Tw- Trickster and Ghostface being pervs (not sorry!!!)
A/N: CAN U TELL I LOOOOOOOOVE WOMEN LMAOOOOO spirit is so cute fr like cmere lemme help u get that glass out of u bbg 😚😚 certified lovergirl right here 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️
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“Annoying little prick”
The first time you hit him, he had you cornered.
*bam* You had hit him right in the diaphragm.
He lost his breath and got knocked back. You put a lot of power behind that punch. Who knew such a small thing could pack so much power? He’s impressed
In your defense, he was all up in your face saying all these lewd things! How could you not punch him?
You got up on him again, and hit him in his nose with your left hand and his jaw with your right, then bounced. Now he’s just plain annoyed with you.
He didn’t get you that trial, and everyone made fun of him for getting bested by such a small little thing.
He was into it though
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“This is hot”
Ur fucked lol!
He thinks you’re basically his girlfriend after the first time you beat his ass.
You had grabbed his wrist to keep him from stabbing you, and twisted his arm the opposite way
As soon as he let go out of shock, you picked it up off the floor and drove it into his stomach, and twisted the blade to get more damage
As soon as you we’re done, you pulled out the knife, and ran, hoping he would die of blood-loss before the match.
He never got the chance to even hook or mori you that round. He’s impressed, angry, and irritated that you messed up his perfect skin.
This trial, he went back to his realm before Danny could make fun of him for getting beat by such a small thing
He had no idea why you did what you did, or why you we’re always over the top when fighting killers back
But to him, you wanted his attention. You are now a fan!
You want his attention? It’s all yours.
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Pyramid Head
“What the hell?”
He’s impressed
He’s annoyed
He makes it known by making these groans and grunts whenever he sees you
He makes sure to get you hooked first so that he can get you out of the way
The first time you bit him, you drew a lot of blood.
Who knew Pyramid Head could bleed? Now you know.
He’s mad as fuck lol
He is so pissed off he just straight up kills you
Doesn’t even give you to the entity that round
Just murders you
I mean
You BIT the man 😭
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“You’re kidding.”
But EXTREMELY interested in you
Because why did you knock the wind out of him with one punch
He thinks you’re weak
And in a way, you are. Because you’re weaker than him
But still stronger than you should be, and way more aggressive as well.
It seems like you always fight the killers back, which surprises everyone
Especially him though.
He sees you carrying firewood back to the campfire for the other survivors and just
Stares at you
Kind of admiring you but way creepier!
He’s way nicer to you in the rounds but still the same old Micheal
Sometimes lets you subconsciously escape him on purpose
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“Whats the issue exactly”
Doesn’t see why everyone is fussing about you hitting killers
Of course you’re gonna hit killers
But that was until she got hit it the boob by you (for my amab readers, boob hits HURT. Like getting kicked in the balls but for women.)
She is PISSED that you hit her boob and you know it
You are now on her bad side because now she’s just sour about it lol
Every round with her, you’re the last to go
She even made you watch Steve get mori’d
Now you have to stay near the kids whenever its her round because she usually makes them go right in front of you
She is even more brutal because she’s so salty.
Eventually forgets why she’s mad at you, still mad though.
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“How intriguing”
Imo you’re winning bruh
She was chasing you and you hid behind a tree when she looked away.
She went looking for you and you gave her a gun punch and when she kneeled over in pain you kneed her in the face and elbowed the back of her head
Damn near knocking her out!
What the fuck man!
She bit your thigh and hooked you but she’s waaaay mor cautious when chasing you because that shit HURT
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Doesn’t care
She is still going to kill you even if you punch her so hard you knock off her jaw
You fighting back basically motivates her to kill you even more
STILL FINE AS FUCK 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️ come kill me fr
Not gonna be shocked or anything
She would just.. not care
At all
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Idk man IMO that’s a big fat W
Ignore my bisexuality but SHE IS SO FINE I JUST WANNA ggrrrrrgrgrg BARK
Anyways you hit her with a leg sweep and a rib stomp
Then book it
She’s impressed that you could get that close to her without her noticing
She’s a lot like Micheal
She just subconsciously lets you escape her sometimes
And it’s not even a defeated feeling she gets its more like
“Oh. Oh well 🤷‍♀️”
She also goes easy on you
You guys kinda have like a
“I don’t kill you, you don’t kill me” thing going on
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“Why won’t you die”
Extremely confident you can’t do to her what you did to ghostface.
You can and you do.
She’s more annoyed that she has to put up with you than she is impressed, but she’s still impressed.
You confused her at first but once she got behind the fact that you can pack a WHOLE lot of punch after you hit her jaw so hard her bunny mask fell off
She just
Left you alone
A lot like Micheal as well
But her letting you escape is just so you don’t hit her again
That or she’ll just hook you first so you CANT knock her mask off
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“Ugh. What the fuck.”
Seriously annoyed
Thats it
She JUST sees you as annoying
I think she’s basically hag 2.0
You just motivate her to kill you more
Like theres no point in getting anyone else first
You grab a fistful of her hair? She bites you 🤷‍♀️
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wehavemadchemistry · 20 days ago
Recently prompted, after a match, with the question:
Fuck Marry Kill (for the killers in Dead By Daylight)
Here are my takes (please keep in mind that I am a swamp goblin)
The Singularity, The Unknown, The Dredge, Nemesis, Blight, The Doctor, Demogorgon, Chucky, The Clown, Amanda, Meyers, Legion, and the Nurse. Also, Pinhead and Freddy Kreuger. I do love Hellraiser but I don't want to know what Pinhead would do to me.
Albert Wesker, Skull Merchant, The Houndmaster, Tickster, Ghostface, Dracula. Pyramid Head, Knight, and Oni are a maybe (despite how awful they are).
Also, hot take. I think the DBD version of Vecna is hot.
The Wraith, The Artist, Hag, Huntress, and Deathslinger.
Exception Category:
The Twins, The Spirit, Leatherface, Onryo, and the Hillbilly. These were all neglected/abused/injured kids. Some of them even died underaged, so I'm just not counting them here.
I LOVE vengeance spirits, though, so I just want to give Onryo and Spirit a big hug
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grrrenadine · 7 months ago
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Swamp Creature Hag from Dead by Daylight! This is my favorite skin for her (and in my opnion is unsurpassed for, uh, being Not Gross).
Drawn in the style of @colinarcartperson.
P.S. My 52-page Dead by Daylight digital zine is still up and available on Gumroad!
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astinkywolfinaleatherjacket · 3 months ago
Hag snowball fight!
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