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for the parent meme...how about some nezumi/rika? since i know you love arashi fukui...
Who cried when they brought their child home for the first time:
NOZOMU??? nozomu?? i just feel like he would cry. and rika would jus  t stare at him like wtf………nezumi pls
Who would wake up in the middle of the night to check on the kid(s):
well. a VERY GOOD QUESTION,i am not sure. i think rika wouldnt sleep bc shes like [rika voice] BUT WHAT IF SOMEETHING HAPPENS TO THE KID I NTHE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT so i guess she doesnt count cause shes always awak E SO NEZMEMRMEM just like “wtf get some rest i got it…googel how take care baby” 
Who changes the kid(s) diapers:
nezumi gets to do the dirty work…HA
Who makes the bottles:
Who stays up late at night to rock the kid(s) to sleep and sing them lullabies:
consider this,why not botH !! what if one holds the kid n rocks them and the other sings lullabies HMMM HMM !!! HMM !!! HMM 
Who is guilty of spoiling the kid(s):
Who would give the kid(s) cookies in the middle of the night:
_> …rika. shes just like “dont tell dad -_-” and arashi just nods and runs to his room. weirdly,nozomu always finds out. do you know what his solution is? hE PUTS THE COOKIE JAR SOMEWHERE RIKA CANT REACH. damn u nezumi
Who always takes the kid(s) side:
wt f who wouldnt always take the kids side
Who would wake up early to make breakfast for the kid(s) before school:
nozomu beacause he doesnt let rika cook >_> nerd
Who gets the kid(s) ready for school in the morning:
ALSO NOZOMU……because he is COOL
Who takes the kid(s) to school:
clenches fists….nozomu,,,always nozomu. 
Who goes to parent teacher conferences:
ALSO NOZOmu. please dont ever send rika to parent teacher conferences. most of the kids ghave their moms come but no. arashi fukui’s dad comes. a kid asks him why his mom never comes. arashi fukui looks outthe window like in the ANIMES,,,then looks back a t him “bc my dad is cool”
Who will be the first to suggest to have ‘the talk’ with the kid(s):
this is embarrassing please i cant
Who would choose their child(s) prom outfit:
RIKA !!! rika. rika dragging arashi through every store existing on this godforsaken planet. arashi doesnt even like prom (pROM DOESNT EVEN EXIST IN JAPAN THO RIGHT REPLACE PROM WITH SOME WEIRD PARTY IDK)
Who would cry when the kid(s) go off to college:
why are kids forced to move out when going to college no hes STAYING HOME WITH HIS LAME PARENTS
i fucking love arashi fukui
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THROWS A ♪ AT THE SPEED of light. surfs up nezumi
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{ “Why would I sabotage the best thing that I have?
But it makes it easier to know exactly what I want with my
Hands open, and my eyes open…
I just keep hoping that your heart  o p e n s.” }
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{ "You've a lovely singing voice, Rika. Just...try to sing something happy sometimes, hm?" }
♪ sing to nozomu, rika-chan!
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❝As I remain oblivious, won’t I hurt you? If you knew that I couldn’t sleep because of that, you’d laugh, wouldn’t you?
If I count just the simple emotions, I would’ve forgotten even the warmth which you gave me. “Bye-bye, it seems that we’ll never be able to meet again.” Somehow I got that feeling, that’s what I thought I couldn’t laugh well, and it couldn’t be helped.❞
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When she follows, he quickens his pace; but not so much as to match his usual one. It was a nice day- a good day for a more leisurely walk. Those words- 'My immune system is strong, obviously.'- they came almost as a taunt to him.
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{ "The café I have in mind isn't so far from the school gates anyway, so you'll be fine. I assume you're not accustomed to going outside much from this, hm? In all honesty, I knew from that sickly colour in your skin. But how about overcast or rainy days?" }
Though his voice doesn't betray it, he's teasing her.
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“You’re right–it wouldn’t be a waste. It would be a giant waste. I’m sure.”
Nezumi no.
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“…no,no–no,it’s fine–the doctor is. Out of the question. I’m not going to develop anything,I’m fine. My immune system is strong,obviously. Le..let’s just go.”
She just follows him. She wonders if he always walks this slow. Maybe she should call him slug instead of rat,but then it wouldn’t fit with his name. Rika,you oblivious shit.
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Nozomu follows, his hands thrust into his pockets; he'd almost look relaxed if his back weren't so straight. He certainly knows that game; his sister had liked to play it when she wanted help with homework. That familiar charm led him to agree with the idea.
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{ "Oh? I haven't played that game in a long time. But of course, it sounds fun. Hm...what with the 'ladies first' rule, would you care to start? One question and then I'll ask one." }
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     “ Mmm… The vibe of the place is nice, cute. Kind of a country-ish thing, which is different in the city. I can’t force you to let me pay, but don’t worry- I can eat a lot too! Ahah, and I have money as well. I insist! “
She gestures for him to start walking with her as she starts out of the academy, loosely reaching up to her hair and twirling a strand around her finger. As she walks, she barely leans over, occasionally bumping her shoulder into his arm. 
     “ Ah, I suppose you have! Eheh, well, Fukui-kun, what do you want to know about me? Maybe we can do that 20 questions game? But- shorter. Three questions each, no lies for answers? “
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Though my soul may set in ∂αякηєѕѕ, it will {rise} in ρeяfe¢т light;
I have ℓσνє∂ the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
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    Give up﹖
             - - - Never.
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{ "A café? That sounds good. I appreciate the ambience of small places like those...it's far more relaxing than the school cafeteria. Though I won't have you pay, I have my own money. And honestly, you'd be surprised how many cakes I can eat in one sitting." }
He laughs lightly at his own admission.
{ "Still, haven't I spoken too much about myself? Surely if I'm going for lunch with someone, I should know about them too." }
Her interest was piqued; she was in love with his laugh, and just hearing that made her want to hear more from him. 
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     “ Ah, really? I think that’s exactly what makes you interesting. Your attitude and your words. Eheh, I guess you could say I like taking interests in odd things. Dull things. Anything can be made bright and shiny with work and effort! My dad used to say that. Let’s go- we can stay here or head out to a nice cafe in town that I know. Your choice, my treat! “
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He laughed quite earnestly at her compliment; the low, jovial sound was one not often heard from him.
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{ "I don't quite believe I'm that interesting, since I've been told I'm too miserable. But since I was heading for lunch when you asked your question, perhaps I'll take you up on that offer. For you to take interest in someone as dull as myself...that's interesting in its own right, Tanaka-san." }
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     “ … Hmmm… That’s really interesting, the way you think that. You’re interesting, Fukui-kun. That’s honestly hard to come by at this school- someone interesting among the others…Say, how about we grab some lunch, or dinner, hmm? You can tell me more about your unique view of people, and…I can make it well worth the while. “
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{ "It wouldn't be a waste if it's for a friend, you know. But if you're sure." }
He's totally going to buy her one in the future.
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{ "Shall we go, then? Don't worry; if you develop any symptoms, I'm sure we could visit the doctor then." }
He began walking, keeping a pace slower than his usual. Perhaps he was making fun of her for having shorter legs. Evil.
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“Absolutely not. I couldn’t let you waste money on me. Plus,er…there aren’t nice ones here,anyway. They cost a lot and are absolutely shitty–I’ll just ask Madame in the future. Eughhh–I don’t know about that. It’s not like I go to the doctor,so I wouldn’t know. Whatever,it’s not like the sun is going to kill me. I’ll be fine without one,probably.”
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{ "Good, good. In all honesty, pop culture and things like 'hobbies' are boring. No work gets done that way. Disaster could ensue." }
There's a hint of irony in his tone. He thinks he's funny.
{ "Fitness...though it isn't important to me, I find it admirable that you'd improve yourself that way. I imagine it benefits whatever work you do." }
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“I would, I think. Generally, I don’t spend too much time on such things.”
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{ "I...Alright. I want to see this cat." }
That's the issue with scientists; always so curious. It's a shame this one doesn't like admitting it.
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“Presumably. Or you could just not and let the curiosity eat you alive. Either works.”
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{ "Heh...perhaps not quite the same thing, but I definitely see where you're coming from. No, people can be interesting and quirky...and despite everything, I believe all lives are precious and have reason to them. Even the...annoying ones." }
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     “Ah, really? I couldn’t tell! But, I suppose I get that…I don’t dislike people that often, honestly; I think they’re really interesting! Hehe, I love seeing people’s reactions to things; but, um, I guess it could get tiring sometimes. Well, there was this kid that I absolutely can’t stand! They’re a first-year, and honestly the most annoying kid ever! So that’s, like, kind of the same thing, right…? ”
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                                         My father was an oak                                          The Earth moved when he spoke                                          My father  c o n q u e r e d  seas                                          But was not there for me.
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