#excuse me she totally deserves it??? rika is the queen
choisgirls · 8 years
How would the rfa and Saeran react to MC being an irl princess of some foreign country? Like... honest to goodness royalty? Thanks!
A/N: I hope this was everything you wanted! I don’t really know much about royalty so I just kinda rolled with it.. If it’s not good I’m sorry! Anyway, if there are parts that don’t make sense i’M SO SORRY I HAVE A FEVER but i’m using this time to write requests because my bby followers deserve it. Sorry for being gone for so long! Thank you all for the support you give us, 404 and I are working hard on requests right now
this poor boy had no idea, he doesn’t pay muchattention to pop culture like that
one day you invite him over to play games atyour house because you have a super huge tv and you knew he’d love that!
when he’s at the gates of your mansionhouse, he calls you because there’s no way this can be your house???
“MC, are you pranking me??? It was bad enoughlast time when you put toothpaste in my oreos!”
“Just come in, you dork”
when he hears the gate buzz, he finally realizes that you’re rich as hell
it all makes sense now??? You always take himout to super expensive restaurants and for Christmas you got him an amazinggaming computer???
he’s about to faint oh my god yOU’RE SO RICH
when he’s roaming around the hallways of yourmansion looking for your room (he refused the butler’s help, he could do ithimself), hE SEES A PICTURE OF YOU AND YOUR PARENTS AND YOU’RE ALL WEARINGCROWNS???
nah, no, there’s no way you’re royalty, you guysprobably did a photo shoot, there’s no way this is possible
wait isthat an entire row of pictures where your dad is meeting important people
is thatBarack Obama? Is that the pRIME MINSTER OF SOUTH KOREA???
he faints
when he wakes up, he finds himself in a huge bedand you’re sitting next to him playing a game
“You’re finally awake! I’ve told you that youneed to take care of yourself, did you even eat today?”
“No, but I will be in the future”
Aaand he faints again
Once he finally gets used to the idea of youbeing a princess, it makes so much more sense to him!
You’ve always sounded really polite and elegantwhen you speak, and you handle the RFA fundraisers so easily, no matter whatcrisis comes???
He loves seeing you all dressed up, you’re socute and beautiful!!!
You’re his Princess Zelda
He thought your name sounded familiar when youintroduced yourself in the chat, but he didn’t really think about it
But when he finally gets to meet you, he’s in somuch denial???
It can’t be, a princess fell in love with him
If you thought his ego was big before, it’sthe size of the Titanic now
It’s even bigger when you tell him youwatched his movies before you talked to him on the app
It never really hits him until you go shoppingwith him one day and you buy him a Louis Vuitton suitcase aS IF IT’S NOTHING???
Like yeah he makes decent money from acting, butholy hell you’re rich
He honestly loves this so much though
You two are an amazingly dressed power couple!
You’ll take over the political world and he’lltake over the pop culture world
You end up giving him “prince” lessons
You teach him how to deal with the pressure ofthe public and how to speak politely but firmly
You make him walk with books on his head andrecord him even though that’s something you never had to do
You get him to quit smoking by telling him atrue prince would never do such a thing
He almost cries
“it’s your half birthday”
“it’s national best friend’s day”
zen pls no
He wears his future crown at home when no oneis around
He’s really happy that you’re a public figure sohe can flaunt you when you guys go out
She knew the second you introduced yourself inthe chatroom!
She’s honestly dazzled, a real life princess???What is this???
But she kept herself in check, she realized youprobably have a lot of people who hound you on a regular basis, she didn’twanna be one of them
But she honestly loves talking to about yourcountry’s political system
With your leadership skills and Jaehee’sorganizational skills, you both work together to implement programs forunderprivileged children
You two are a power couple omg, literallyunstoppable, you two even consider starting clean water projects in othercountries???
Jaehee considers opening a coffeeshop chainin your country
She loves seeing you dress up!!! You’re soadorable and beautiful in all the elegant clothing
She totally doesn’t take pictures of you whenyou aren’t looking, there’s no way she has an album of 300 pictures of you
She’s really afraid of how the world will reactwhen they find out you two are actually together???
Dumbass tabloids think you two are “gal pals”
But you don’t care, even if you have to stepdown, you don’t care
“Listen Jaehee, I love you. You’re my bestfriend and I would not trade that for the world. If my country wants me to stepdown because I have a girlfriend, I will. I’ll find a life with you because Icannot imagine a life without you.”
Jaehee  highkey lowkey uses you to meet famouspeople (but she loves you, es okay)
You don’t really mind though, it makes her happy
So you take her to as many events as you can,you want to make her smile as much as you can
You love this precious little bean and you are going to give her the world
Of course he knew who you were, he wasn’t anuneducated idiot
And while it was nice to know that you weren’twith him for the money
He was kinda disappointed???
You’re a princess, you have the entire world atyour feet
He wanted to spoil you, but you??? Have???Everything you want or need???
But with the help of Zen but with hisbrilliant mind, he was able to come up with stuff he knew you never got!
He started making food for you
And yes it tastes terrible at first but it gotbetter after awhile!
At the beginning he was the type to just putthe entire egg with the shell in cake mix
He takes knitting classes???
He knits you everything he possibly can, asweater, scarf, gloves, beanies
He totally doesn’t knit a baby blanket andbaby hat for your future kids
He supports your decision not become queenbecause you decided you wanted to do other than things than run a country
Like be his totally hot secretary
You eventually move into his place and he lowkeyfeels ashamed bc it’s so much smaller than what you’re used to
But you assure him that you prefer his placebecause smaller places feel so much more homey than mansions
You’re actually much busier than Jumin when itcomes to work so he’s always home before you and he spoils you so much
When you come home, you can always expect ashoulder/back massage
There’s always a warm meal that he makes because he’s not letting someone else dosomething for you that he can
When you have really bad days at work, he runs anice, hot bubble bath couple with candles and rose petals
He’s pretty much ur house spouse, who knew Jumincould take on such a domestic role???
But he’s still senpai in the sheets
Ofc he found out when he did a background searchon you
And he’s so fascinated by you???
You help run a country??? You do so many goodthings
He’ll never understand though
How didsomeone as great as you fall for someone as terrible as him
Everything you do is so great and he’s stuck ina field of work that could get him killed
But with your power, you’re able to get him outof his job
And he’s so, so thankful to you
He doesn’t really let himself be vulnerable infront of you but when you told him you could help him, he cried for hours
What did he do to get someone as amazing you???
He doesn’t know it but you totally gotsomeone to assassinate his dad
You actually help him get a job as an engineer
He hates using you for your connections but heknows he deserves the job, he’s not going to deny his talent and ability
He’s so thankful for you
And he becomes your right-hand man??? Anytimeyou need to make a difficult decision about your country, he’s there for you!!!
He gets a pet monkey so he can comparehimself to Aladdin
“Listen children,,, you don’t know how hard lifewas for me,,, I was a beggar,,, always stealing food to survive,,,”
“Saeyoung, stop lying to the children andactually teach them, I wanted you to get the kids interested in computers”
“I was nothing but a boy with a monkey and amagic carpet,,,”
You two come up with a plan to get kids moreinterested in computers and he’s in charge
He loves teaching all the children! They’re allsilly and goofy like him
He has no idea where he would be without you andhe’s so glad he met you
This boy has no idea, like none at all
Rika chose you to retrieve the phone, and he wasjust supposed to follow you
And he knows like nothing about pop culture “It’suseless information that’ll take up space in my brain” so he didn’t knowwho you were
He finds out one day when he sees an articleabout you helping open up a school in a third world country???
Like he thought you were amazing before
You were the one who helped him through histherapy, through all the nightmares that plagued his nights, through all thebad thoughts that overwhelmed him
In his head, you’d always been his queen
But it turns out you’re actually a princess?!?!
And youhelp so much around the world
He could deal with you being a princess if itweren’t for the fact that you were a huge philanthropist
You educated women in India about reproductivehealth??? You helped teach disabled children in China??? yOU DONATED 25 MILLIONDOLLARS TO A HOSPITAL IN SEOUL???
He actually killed someone and you helped peoplelive longer and better
He actually avoids you for a few weeks after hefinds out
He’s just having a hard time coming to termswith it? You’re a goddess and he’s thedevil, why are you with him?
But you weren’t having any of it, you literallykicked his door down, you gave him his space and now you were going to talk
He ends up crying in your lap
But you manage to talk it out with him and youmake it very clear that you aren’t goinganywhere
“I love you, okay? You don’t have to understandwhy I do, but you need to know that I do. I don’t care if you think I deservebetter because I choose you, Saeran. Iwill always choose you.”
He eventually decides he wants to help peoplewith you
Yes, he made a huge mistake in the past, onethat he is so sorry for, and he will spend the rest of his life trying to makeup for that
He’s no V, he’ll never be an angel, but he’ssure as hell gonna make the world a less crappy place
He comes up with so many great ideas!
Music programs for underprivileged children!Reading classes for uneducated adults! Programs that help teenagers get workexperience!
He creates so many outreach programs and he’s sohappy that you gave him the chance to do that
Started from the bottom now we’re here
This boy is as clueless as Saeran
Between photography and Rika and being adumbass, he doesn’t pay much attention to the world
·     He ends up finding out through Jumin??
“Oh by the way MC’s father is going to bevisiting my father, we’re going to talk about having MC model for one of ourproducts”
He’s honestly so happy though
You’re such a fantastic person who else couldput up with him pining after Rika for so long and you deserve everything
You deserve all the praise and attention you get
He totally doesn’t fantasize about becoming aprince
And he so doesn’t go around singing Disneysongs
“what was that honey?”
“Thinking about the top 10 things a blind personwill never say”
This boy is such a saint, you two implement aprogram to help disabled children
And not only does he help implement the program,but he actually participates in it???
Crying cause V deserves the world
He becomes your family’s official photographer!
This happens because he was lowkey salty whenyou hired someone else for an event
“Oh you need my help getting something from thehigh shelf??? Why don’t you ask that photographer?”
V pls shut up
But you do drag him to one of your photoshootsand after that he’s as addicted as Zen
You two make such a beautiful couple, how couldhe not be addicted???
He has pictures of you everywhere in hishouse
And he knows how much you love him, he canalways feel it, but he absolutely adoresthe expression on your face when you’re looking at him and seeing it from anoutside perspective makes him want to cry
He loves you so much, you’re his goddess
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