#everyone at work is extra clingy because they can sense that something bad will happen
comediakaidanovsky · 4 months
lol i love dealing with a devastating "reorganization" at work while simultaneously waiting to hear exactly how terminal my parent's cancer is while simultaneously having a massive chronic illness flare up that leaves me barely conscious this week is great
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silkythewriter · 2 years
Omg! Can you do headcanons for the hazbin boys: alastor, angel, and husk, having a major crush on reader, but not wanting to admit it? They're embarassed how bad they got it.
The hazbin boys having a major crush on the reader!
Summary!: hazbin boys: alastor, angel, and husk, having a major crush on reader, but not wanting to admit it (They're embarassed how bad they got it.)
author note: Thank you for the request anon! This is (one) of my favorite fandoms to write for! (●’◡’●)! As usual sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes or if they are OOC!
Daily song suggestion:
Warnings!:None other then flustered demon boys <3
Fandom: 🔥Hazbin hotel🔥
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Ohhhhhh shit-
“How did this even happen?!” Is all he’s thinking at this point he feels so embarrassed after realizing what’s happening
But it’s not he’s fault your smile makes him blush crazy! It’s probably just the cheap booze he’s drinking anyway! Right?……
Yea this guy in in denial big time, he just can’t rap his head around that just by your smile you already have him wrapped around your finger! This is definitely not the best look for him
He try’s pushing down the swelling feeling in his heart when he looks at you, He can barely talk to you at this point unless he’s drunk cause these feelings overwhelm the poor man
Everyone in the crew placing bets if he’ll get with you or not: E.x: “I bet 50 dollars he will!” Angel said laughing as he placed down 50 dollars
He avoids you like the plague he’s to embarrassed to even be around you, Like let’s say your in common area, He won’t step a foot into there until A,you call him out or B,you leave to go somewhere else
Alastor and angel dust tease him about it ALOT he’s throwing alcohol bottles at them just to shut them up because they talk extra loud while teasing him especially if your around
Niffty calling him out by accident 💀 Poor girl didn’t even mean to it just happened she was curious why is was so red a flustered! Wasn’t her fault he was bad at hiding things ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Overall a flustered mess even worse when drunk it’s kinda easy to tell if you pay some attention to him but other then that if you don’t really look he’s way it’s kinda hard to tell
🕷Angel dust 🛍
*intense flirting increases*
He’s flooding you with complements but then adds “Only cause we’re best friends!” And then laugh it off
He’s to embarrassed to ambit that he fell for you THAT hard it’s suppose to be the other way around!
Cherry bomb has to be He’s unwanted wing man don’t get him wrong he loves her like a sister! But he’s embarrassed of her knowing how hard he fell for you
He try’s giving small hints here and there but never saying out right like for example! Giving you extra attention and complementing you more frequently, or being more clingy
He’ll be less flirty to others ( Only a small bit though) unless he’s in work cause that’s just part of the job
Would take you out to hang out with him and cherry bomb! Like to the mall, causing chaos, and other things! Of course if your up to it if not he’ll just stay home with you and chill on the couch
Gets really offensive when someone asks if he has a crush on you E.X: “hey do you have a crush on y/-“ “of course not! Why would I we are the best of pals just friends that like to cause chaos nothin more!”
I feel like he can hide it a bit better then anyone sense he’s naturally flirty to anyone to be honest so many people don’t sense anything suspicious if he does start flirting with you
I feel like he’ll unconsciously just be mor physically with you like you guys can be chilling together watching Tv and he’ll end up cuddling you when he’s asleep (probably sleep walking or something of that sorts ) so overall in a bit of denial but still leaves hints for you to pick up on!
🦌Alastor 📻
Surprisingly A bit disturbed to be honest, How in the hell did you manage to do that?
He still acts like his normal self just a bit more off around you.. E.X: you start rambling about an interest you have, Bro will listen like his life depends on it dude even makes sure his breathing isn’t loud so it doesn’t disturb your talking-
For his normal talkative self it’s quite rare to see him this dead silent is scares everyone-
He sticks by your side half of the time accompanying you to every store you go for what he says “ A gentleman normally does this!” Which is a poor excuse
People cant tell at all and even if they do who’s gonna call him out? Cause it’s sure as hell isn’t gonna be them
He has a more chill out smile when your around unlike the cheek bone hurting one he has on almost all the time
He’s little radio staff acts up when your around, so expect random love songs to play or just out right loud ear breaking static
Even if your a strong man/woman/person He’ll still be a gentleman and help with any bags, or groceries, or anything else!
He does that static thing when people start talking to you in a flirty manner or just a friendly conversation he can’t help it, it just happens
Even though his smile is usually calmer around you doesn’t mean it’s like that all the time especially if you so something cute or just out right smile somehow his smile grows even more- which is scary enough for everyone else in the room-
Overall doesn’t show it much but if you play REALLY close attention you’ll start catching on
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thank you anon for the cute HC! This was very fun to write! I hope you request again! Sorry if this took long!
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slasherhaven · 4 years
Hihi! How are you?
Since im a slut for cliches could i get some hcs of slashers reacting to their s/o (who never said i love you) saying "because i love you" in the middle of an argument? 😳🙏
The Slashers reacting to their S/O saying “I love you” for the first time during an argument:
Thomas Hewitt 
The argument probably stemmed from his frustration about his own feeling for you. Thomas doesn’t like fighting, especially with you, but everyone has moments were they let their frustration get better the better of them. He had been a little cold and distant, and that had been the reason for your argument. He knew that he loved you but just never thought that you could feel the same, he was angry at himself and he took that out on you. Which he would instantly regret.
He loves you too, so much, and he is so sorry. As soon as the words leave your mouth, Thomas freezes and his eyes widened. At first he thought that he had imagined it but he definitely didn’t. He instantly calms down because he can’t stay mad at anything when you’ve just confessed your love for him. He’s very apologetic for having argued with you in the first place and is quick to tell you that he loves you too.
Michael Myers
It earns you a glare. The look he gives you instantly shuts you up. Your confession had been accidental and now you worried that you had said the wrong thing and made him even angrier. In a way you did. He wasn’t angry at you exactly, he was angry with himself, and angry about the effect that you and your words had on him.
It ends the argument but he’s going to need some time to process. He’ll just leave, admittedly leaving you wondering if he was alright or if he was coming back at all. But he just needs a moment alone to process your confession, his own feelings, and what that means for him. He’ll return soon enough, not exactly apologetic but he isn’t angry anymore, he’ll even let you fuss over him when he gets back if you’re worried. Unsurprisingly, he doesn’t say anything. It’s hard to tell how he feels about what you said but he was still here, so that was a good sign.
Jason Voorhees 
Jason hates arguing but it happens to everyone. Jason really hates arguing but he’s a person just like you and everyone argues at some point. He just already feels back about it, but then you had to go and tell him that you love him? Now he feels even more guilty because he feels that he’s been terrible to you, even if that is far from the truth.
Your words are both heart-warming and reassuring. Jason just melts when you tell him that you love him, even if it was with a sense of anger and frustration. You still said it and you still meant it. He also finds it reassuring because this just proves that even when you argue, you still love him. It’s fair to say that he isn’t mad anymore, he just wants to hold you. He’s very apologetic for the argument and expresses that he loves you too, so so much.
Brahms Heelshire 
Love is certainly away to calm Brahms down. Arguing with Brahms is a nightmare because he doesn’t listen and he feels a whole lot, so when he’s angry it’s difficult to bring him back down. But normally the best way to do this is hugging him, showing him some affection. This time, you had accidently confessed your love in the heat of the moment. And, well...that worked. He instantly paused and looked at you with widened eyes. All he wants if for you to love him, so he really hopes that you meant it and you weren’t just getting him to shut up. This isn’t how he thought he’d first hear those words from you but that’s okay.
“Did you mean it?” Brahms’ anger has completely left his voice, replaced with vulnerability. When you tell him that you did mean it, he’s wrapping his arms around you and burying his face either in your neck or in your hair. He loves you too! You’re almost in shock about how fast his attitude changed, but of course you return his embrace.
Bo Sinclair 
Well, it definitely shut him up. Arguments with Bo are pretty common, he often lets his anger get the best of him, but you had never found a way to get him to just shut up. This did it. As soon as he processed the words you just said, he froze, looking at you with an unreadable expression.
“You really know how to pick your moments, don’t you?” that’s his way of telling you that he’s not mad anymore, that this argument is over, and he loves you too. But you never expected him to sincerely return the sentiment just yet, you knew it was something he struggled with. But he sighed, pulling you towards him, and kissing the top of you head. How about the two of you just forget about all that nastiness now?
Vincent Sinclair
Now he feels extra guilty about the argument. He already feels guilty whenever the two of you argue or whenever you seem upset about something. But now that you just told him that you love him, he feels even worse for making you feel bad and arguing with you.
He loves you too! He’s extra gentle and affectionate with you to make up for the argument, telling you that he’s sorry and that he loves you too. So, so, much. Expect a lot of cuddling after that, he just needs to hold you, comfort you and be comforted by you. He knows that the two of you will move past this easily, and he’s thankful for that.
Lester Sinclair 
It’s then that he realises he was taking out his frustration on you. He had a bad day, arguing with his brothers, and he hadn’t realised he was taking it out on you until you let it slip that you loved him. He instantly realised that he had messed up and wanted to make it better.
“Aw hell, I love you too. I’m sorry” Lester apologised, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. He really does feel bad. All he wants is to give you a hug and a kiss now but he knows that he had probably upset you and doesn’t want to do anything else wrong. But as soon as you hug him, he’s holding you close and kissing the top of your head. He won’t let this happen again, he’s so sorry.
Bubba Sawyer 
Arguments with Bubba are rare but everyone argues at some point. Oh he hates arguing so much, he hates confrontation of any kind, but he hates it even more when it’s with you. He hates that he feels the need to argue with you and he hates that he’s upsetting you. He just doesn’t know how to make it better either. Any anger or frustration that he did feel disappears when you blurted out “because I love you!”
Your words are met with surprise, and then a hug. He doesn’t care if you’ve just been arguing. Once he’s processed your words, he’s pulling you into a tight embrace and he babbles out apologies and his own confession of love. In his mind, everything is okay now, you can both move past one silly argument.
Billy Lenz
Billy freezes in surprise. Billy has moments when he can let his anger get the better of him but he usually goes to spend sometime alone when he’s feeling overwhelmed with emotion. This time it had started an argument though. Billy doesn’t take shouting well at all so you tried to not snap, advising him to just take some time and give himself some space. But he just kept going, eventually you did snap but saying “-because I love you, Billy!” It instantly makes him freeze, the raised voice nothing bothering him as much as it normally would because he was too focused on the actual words.
“Billy loves you too. Billy’s sorry” he knows that he should have gone off to calm down, he can’t blame you for finally snapping a little at him. But he loves you too and makes sure to tell you that as he pulls you into a clingy hug...he won’t be letting you go for a little while. He just went through a lot of emotions in a very short amount of time.
Asa Emory (The Collector) 
Doesn’t seem as surprised as you’d expect. Of course he already suspected how you felt for him, just from how you behaved and looked at him. So, your words don’t surprise him but the way that you’re finally confessing your feelings does a little. Of all moments, you chose an argument to blurt that out? It’s almost amusing.
Ends the argument. Asa collects himself and approaches you, cupping your cheek in his hand. It’s alright now, he understands. It’s always a little scary how he can go from threatening to comforting (or the other way around), but you appreciate it right now.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull)
He’s infuriating. Arguments with Jesse are absolutely infuriating. Normally he will just tell you how he feels, what his problem is, and then give you the silent treatment. That is, until you make him snap and he actually starts arguing with you properly, he get’s really frustrated is he can’t express himself fast enough, whether he’s using the phone or sign language, so he gets in a really bad mood. But finally you snap, accidently telling him that you love him, he’s pretty quick to collect himself. He needs to handle this better, he knows that.
He doesn’t want to be arguing anymore, especially now. It’s time to actually talk to each other properly, to apologise and work through it, because he loves you too. And he’ll tell you that.
Otis Driftwood 
“Why did you have to go and say a thing like that?” You had just been screaming at each other and now you’re telling him that you love him, even if it was accidental. He wants to stay mad but this made that difficult for even him.
He’s more focused on your confession than his anger now. God, he hates the effect you have on him. He hates that he can’t even be mad at you right now. But more than any of that, he loves you too. Hell, he knows that. And you really love him, you just told him so. He can’t even remember what the argument was about now, it was probably something stupid though. He’s still pretty grumpy as he puts an end to the argument, not actually apologising but you get the message. He’s more interested in hearing more about how you love him.
Baby Firefly 
She’s goes from angry to smiling, fast enough to give you whiplash. All anger just fades away because this is so much more interesting, she can be pretty erratic at the best of times, you’re getting used to it. Any arguments with her end pretty fast.
“Well why didn’t you just say so!” if that’s why you’re so worried about her and why this whole argument is happening, you should have just said something and all of this could have been avoided. She loves you too, silly!
Yautja (Predator) 
You’re arguing with him because you’re concerned for him? You had been arguing about him going on a dangerous hunt, you were worried about him getting hurt and he took it as an insult. Humans are still a little confusing to him, the way he saw it was that you didn’t think he could to it and that you were questioning his abilities, which obviously wasn’t the case at all. You just cared about him because you were in love with him, and that’s what you told him, it just slipped out.
Oh, little human, why didn’t you just tell him that? Like I said, he’s still getting used to all the confusing complexities that come with being human but he’s learnt what love means. He’s learnt that he has those feelings for you, he just hadn’t had a word for that feeling until now. He realises that your concern comes from a feeling of love and protectiveness rather than underestimating him, and that warms his heart. He tells you that he loves you too and promises that he’s going to be okay on this hunt, everything was going to be just fine.
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vrisrezis · 3 years
My mcu favs w/ crush and relationship hcs (pt 2) (not proof read)
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- gonna be honest she’s not familiar with romantic feelings, takes her awhile to even realize what she feels for you
- you make her heart all melty and soft, you make her face heat up, you make her question everything she does
- you make her feel even giddy and overly happy and it kinda annoys her tbh
- she thinks you’re out to get her or something and have casted some spell but when she asks thor he has no idea what she’s talking about until she describes what she’s feeling and he just laughs and thinks she’s joking
- she’s like no. I’m serious ?
- to which thor would tell her what it is, he has a bit of an idea because of Jane
- tbh loving somebody romantically, caring about somebody to this extent scares her
- she’s lost so many people and because of it became a raging alcoholic
- if she lost you she doesn’t know what could happen
- she tries to push you away but quickly realizes she doesn’t like doing that to herself or you
- asks you to go out drinking with her often if you’re up for that
- she’d find it funny how easily you get drunk but has no problem taking care of you, in fact she would probably drink with you more often so she can take care of you because it’s the closest to intimacy she feels she can have with you (no she is not taking advantage of you or anything, it’s more just the thought of taking care of you feels intimate to her)
- also you’re cute while you’re drunk
- trans with you so you can be tougher if you’re not that tough already
- tbh asks thor to do the same with you, whether it be cuz she’s not around or because you need the extra training
- eventually Thor’s at the point where he’s like you gotta tell em and she’s like no 🖕
- but she does eventually
- she’s kinda awkward about it but she tries to sound confident with it ^^
- dating you is very different than just being her friend tbh
- like you might’ve been surprised at her asking you out, even if it’s kinda obvious to anybody that knows her well
- to any stranger you just seemed like friends with a strange rivalry relationship but that’s really not the case
- she’s much more flirty in a relationship, since she’s confident you’re with her for a reason.. she’s not the type to doubt your relationship, you’re with her for a reason
- much more protective in battle though
- she doesn’t say she loves you enough, but she shows it through her actions
- asks thor about the romantic stuff but he has no idea really so she goes to Bruce who kinda has more of a grasp on it
- tries to take you to like normal restaurant dates... kinda awkward since she had no midgardian clothes at that point
- lotsa quick kisses on the cheek or forehead
- likes cuddling as she finds it just.. kinda intimate ?
- still likes to take care of a drunk you
- quick pecks on your lips are very often
- doesn’t like the idea of going on a lot of Thor’s saving the world shits unless you’re on board with it
- thor jokes about how she’s all badass and “I don’t give a fuck about saving the world or anyone else” until it comes to you
- she kicks his ass
- but he’s not wrong
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- when she likes you she’s a bit like wtf
- like she doesn’t realize it for a moment until jane explains it
- before she was her usual talkative self but there was a lot of nervousness and stuttering at times, just unusual awkwardness that made Jane raise a brow
- it makes more sense now
- since she’s aware she likes you now she often asks you to hang out, to help her out, whatever it is
- the gal is clingy af what can she say
- lotsa hugs she loves giving you hugs often does them for a greeting
- just an excuse to hold you though tbh
- at times will get tongue tied
- she tries to flirt but it just makes you confused she’s not good at it you’re not even gonna know she’s flirting
- eventually grows impatient about it and is just like “I LIKE U DUMMY! DATE ME!”
- and now you date
- she gets into things a bit quickly so if it’s too fast tell her, hopefully not a dealbreaker
- dates are often because she’s got a lot of creative ideas for dates ^^
- still hugs you as a greeting but a lot longer and intimate and a kiss follows after
- speaking of kisses she LOVES to kiss you and she does so very often
- very needy
- big cuddler
- just like “CUDDLE ME”
- so demanding
- often talks about you and how much she loves you she can’t help it
- but if anybody did the same she like “shut up nobody cares”
- even with you though she’s blunt, but much nicer about it
- likes going on just good dates, restaurants , picnic, whatever
- she eats all the food
- tries to impress you so she might say she was best friends with thor at a point
- and that she’s helped him out before and .. yeah etc
- she likes buying you clothes tbh
- especially if you don’t dress good let her dress you up pls
- would be sad if you didn’t get along with Jane
- it would be a dealbreaker actually
- she knows she’s a bit much so she feels happy you love her anyways
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- vision of course will not understand his feelings
- he understands you definitely make him feel something, that something being good
- for a moment he might think he feels like this is how best friends feel towards another, or even thinking he sees you in a familial light
- tony quickly tells him that is not the case
- once vision understands what he really feels he’s not sure how to go about it, he can be quite oblivious
- he’s aware of this but still .. what does he do?
- asks tony for advice, he tells him to flirt and see how it goes
- but tbh that doesn’t work, you don’t even realize he’s flirting gonna be honest
- he’s just bad at it
- so he tries to just simply state his affection, that doesn’t work because he doesn’t know how to word it without it sounding platonic, or getting too nervous about going too far
- he doesn’t wanna overstep boundaries
- tony is in pain watching this btw
- tony eventually is just like “he wants to know if you would like to go on a date” “w- I.. yes?”
- in a relationship he is very sweet
- kinda cliche though, since he doesn’t have a concept of romance at all
- looks up a lot of the things he should know about romance he doesn’t want to ask you that
- while he has no problem protecting you, he doesn’t feel the need to be overly protective unless needed
- he’s logical, reasonable, he only gets protective if he has to, even with how he feels towards you
- but do you distract him? Yes absolutely
- he’s okay with living comfortably and normally for once with you, unless it’s something you don’t want or are not ready for
- once you’re conditioned to a certain lifestyle, even if it isn’t a good one it can be uncomfortable to get out of and he understands that
- he loves to kiss you, often initiates kisses or forms of affection
- you were the first to kiss him, it made him so flustered but so happy and now he’s addicted to kissing you
- loves kissing your hands
- if you have any insecurity he will do anything in his power to prove you wrong and that he doesn’t see you in that light
- he understands he has responsibilities but other than that, loves spending his time with you
- he understands you’re a distraction so he tries not to fight with you, he wants to prioritize the people when it comes to this kinda thing
- which you of course understand
- once you teach him what dancing is, his love language is dancing with you
- you two just stay up talking about nothing and everything
- having kids with him isn’t an option, but he isn’t opposed to adopting children
- after all, all he’s ever wanted was to be a normal significant other to you
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- do not have a huge concept on her character so forgive me 🙏
- she can be a bit flirty, not that you mind though right ?
- she just loves spending all her time with you
- probably met you before wandavision
- so you’re probably already together
- even then in wandavision you two were “roommates”
- doesn’t explain all the flirting girl .
- agathas fall would be letting Wanda find out she had a soft spot for you my god
- while she’s all confidence and flirty in general, she’s a bit softer with you
- like she genuinely means the things she says when it comes to you
- eventually asks you to date her, you don’t have much room for dates outside of wandavision
- you two are always together btw
- loves dancing with you
- she has a good grasp on romance so she has no issue with it
- she is full of confidence when it comes down to it tbh
- holds your hand often
- your relationship ain’t official till like the 70s probably
- might joke after wanda has kids that you both should have kids too
- while she’s causing her mischief you back her up to make her look less suspicious
- seriously in the mist of all this she’s grateful for you
- especially when you get her out of the hell that Wanda puts her in once again
- to which she will actually confess she loves you, and cares for you
- you aren’t just like.. some person to date
- she’s not the most vulnerable obviously
- so the fact she finally is.. it’s just a lot
- “idk I just love u a lot hun . Cant I show I love u 😊”
- she’s just so overly sweet with you
- she’s so awful to everyone else at times that she just likes being .. with you and being a softie
- likes you playing with her hair
- she loves a good cuddle
- cute nicknames like hon, or hun, or just teddy bear
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- with a crush quill might try to act overly friendly
- and probably flirts a lot
- he’s very like obvious with the flirting so you’d have to be oblivious not to notice it
- he can be quite protective as well
- like not just in fighting but even with just others like even before dating he’s very jealous
- if he makes a joke you’re always in on it somehow
- he tries for form a close bond with you just cuz he likes you so much
- it’s likely he likes somebody that can easily protect themselves doe
- probably has some dumb handshake with you
- honestly he acts like a close friend to you
- people might mistake you for a sibling like relationship if it weren’t for his flirting and him staring at you like you’re his entire universe
- seriously Sam says Bucky has a staring problem, quill is fucking awful
- it’s constant and rocket is always like “you’re staring”
- and he’s like “nO” and then continues to stare
- has you listen to his favorite music of course
- especially the love songs ;D
- will just dance with you to the music he puts on
- one time you guys are dancing to the music he put on like normal but it’s a slow love song, so hes like let’s so dance bae
- and then he tells you how he feels for u
- now u date <3
- lots of forehead kisses
- cuddle bug absolutely
- still a jealous boyfriend though tbh he will try to seem all tough in front of any man he thinks might be better or something he will do anything to show off
- your relationship doesn’t change just lots of kisses and hugs now and I love yous
- you’re totally the relationship that’s like “I love you more” “nooo I love you more” and the guardians hate y’all so much
- he uses nicknames like hun, honey, love, sweetheart
- let’s just say you slow dance more often, and kiss while doing so ^^
- he flirts with you still but it’s a lot more sweet rather than before where he might’ve just flirted with you in terms of like it being kinda like calling you sexy and shit like that, now it’s more like wow u look beautiful I luv u 😊🙏
- would do anything for you, even if he wouldn’t like it
- doesn’t mean he wouldn’t hesitate tho
- going on separate dates isn’t really an option since you guys fight left and right and are always with the guardians, but he decided every once a couple months you guys go on a date together and have some fun
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- Loki doesn’t get crushes, so this is a new thing for him
- and tbh he doesn’t know how to take it either, especially when he realizes how strong those feelings actually are
- he hates the idea of being vulnerable in general, especially when it comes to you
- over time it just... happens
- but if there’s any indication he likes spending time with you he will try to lie his way through it, he’s a good liar of course so it probably works
- however he shows he at the very least cares about you, he shows a sign of protectiveness when it comes to potential enemies.. enemies that happen to be dangerous for you
- plus he’s around you like constantly and claims he has nobody else to harass
- he claims he doesn’t care about you at all, but even thor can tell through this lie
- the way he looks at you makes it obvious
- the way he doesn’t try to get you involved in his more dangerous schemes
- and if you do, and you get hurt he feels guilty and tries to help you feel better
- he claims he just owes you one for getting you hurt though
- eventually thor bothers him enough to get him to confess feelings, which takes a lot for Loki to even go through with
- he acts confident, even moreso after you say yes, but deep down was extremely nervous
- the male is good at making you feel important, after trying so hard to hide his feelings he is tired of it and just wants to be more honest about how he feels about you
- no issue being vulnerable, he trusts you but sometimes it can be hard
- he goes to you for a lot of his problems, even if you cannot help, just venting and you listening helps
- he was already with you a lot but now there’s no excuses and it’s even moreso
- “what? I just wanted to visit my beautiful s/o” “we literally just saw eachother 5 minutes ago can I please go to bed”
- likes pressing your foreheads together, he finds it sweet
- jealous of thor? Absolutely. Pls comfort him and tell him you’d never leave him for thor
- he’s so used to just not being as good as him, he wants to be good enough for you
- deep down there’s just so many insecurities he has
- so it causes him to worry like all the time
- having a reassuring and patient s/o is so good for him ^^
- flirting becomes a thing in your relationship
- it makes him feel more confident pls give him this
- protective, he feels like he has to be tbh because he never gets anything good in his life and if he does he loses it, he’s scared to lose you too
- if for some reason he can’t see you he makes an illusion of you to talk to
- when he fake dies you’re the first he goes to see so you don’t think he’s dead, he loves you he wouldn’t want to do that to you =(
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- finally
- gonna be honest bucky with a crush is cute
- first of all he smiles at you a lot, Steve is the first to notice how much he smiles around you, it’s the most he smiles like ever
- just has a lot of nice conversations with you about anything and everything
- also whenever you’re around even if other people are around you he’s just like “hey y/n :)”
- heart eyes for you, just can’t help but stare all the time
- he has a staring problem but with you? Yeah 10x over
- Sam always has something to say abt it also
- his idea of flirting with you is really just saying hi to you, just being overly friendly which is noticeable for a guy like Bucky
- eventually would ask you out, he tries to ease into it but he gets a bit impatient
- he was also nervous asking you out but yk
- when dating him he becomes very protective
- one of the most protective bitches on the list tbh
- he gets nightmares about you dying like all the time it breaks him everytime though
- lots of cuddles, whether it be from a rough day, he’s just tired, or had a nightmare
- he likes his hair being brushed by you and played with, even when he cuts it
- he’s scared of killing you and turning into the winter soldier again
- has dreams about when he’s hurt and fought you as the winter soldier, he keeps thinking about if Steve wasn’t there to help, he really could’ve killed you and that terrifies him
- even when you tell him it wasn’t him, he appreciates it but still feels horrible about it
- touch that metal arm, but like gently Yknow . Nobody’s ever touched that arm with such kindness and it makes him soft and feel lucky
- speaking of soft Bucky is very soft, there’s many soft moments with Bucky and vulnerability
- it’s easy to be vulnerable with you but not others
- lots of handholding
- he loves hugging you for long periods of time
- still has a staring problem but now Sam openly makes fun of him
- just big dumb smile on his face as he looks at you
- especially when you’re dealing with kids, seeing you be around them makes his heart warm
- maybe he does wanna be normal, settle down and have kids
- though the thought scares him it is something he desires
- we all know he calls you doll
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goldenpixel · 3 years
The scene with Wilbur in Quackity’s latest lore stream made me Think some Thoughts, and I wanted to get all of my SBI family headcanons together in one place, so here’s this post
First thing, this is their age order:
Philza -> Techno/Wilbur -> Tubbo -> Ranboo -> Tommy
- Techno and Wilbur were born on the same day, so most of the family refers to them as “the twins” but they are not blood related
- Philza did not know how old Techno was when they were ruling the Antarctic Empire, he thought that Techno was around 21 when he was actually around 14-16
- this is a fact that haunts Phil to this day, because he committed a massive amount of war crimes with an actual child, and also for reasons that will soon become very clear
Philza and Techno
- they’re married
- they got married with them each thinking that the other was close to their own age (Phil thought Techno was in his early 20’s, Techno thought Phil was in his late teens)
- for more on their marriage, check out this post
- despite Techno and Wilbur being the same age, Techno is mentally much older due to his past and his general status as the Blood God
- Phil did most of the work raising the older kids, but Techno did his fair share, and you can definitely see his influence when you look at the kid’s behaviors
- both of them are immortal
- Techno is a new immortal, the Blood God has only just come into existence, but he isn't leaving anytime soon
- Philza is an old immortal, he was there when the world was born, and he'll be there when it dies
- Wilbur and Philza are the only blood relatives in the whole family
- as much as he loves him, Wilbur has always been a bit bitter towards Techno, because when they were teenagers, Techno was off ruling and adventuring and having fun with Phil during the AE, and Wil was left home with a young Tommy to look after
- Wilbur’s hair is naturally blond, just like Phil and Tommy’s
- no one knows who Wilbur’s mom is (unfortunately mpreg is the norm on this server, so Phil carried him, and he’s got some ideas on who Wil’s mom is, but he honestly doesn’t care enough to look into it)
- Wilbur has wings
- they’re much smaller than Phil’s, he can barely fly with them, but they’re the same color and shape as Phil’s
- because of how fragile his wings are, Wilbur should not technically be able to fly, but he literally sheer force of will-ed it and threw himself off the roof of their house so many times that he can glide when he jumps from high places, and if it’s a really high place, he can get in a few good flaps of his wings to get him some extra distance
- Phil doesn’t learn that Wilbur can semi-fly/glide until one day they’re off adventuring together and Wil is being dramatic and theatrical and walking backwards while he talks, and he falls off a cliff
- Tommy has been with them since he was a few days old
- because of his light features, most people assume that he is Phil’s son by blood, and he just didn’t inherit the wings
- (at ages 10 and 16, Tommy and Wilbur did the blood-brothers handshake where they cut their palms and then shook hands, so if you ask them, they’re blood brothers through and through)
- Techno taught Tommy how to sew
- Tommy is a young god, but he hasn’t grown into most of his powers yet
- Tommy is a god of death, the future Death himself, Kristen is his mother
- (this is how Phil comes into possession of him. Phil, being the Angel of Death, was really the only reasonable choice when it came to Death herself finding someone to raise her son)
- Tommy has light features, even though Mumza has dark features, because she purposefully made him out of the light, she wanted him to be good and kind, so she created him from the literal light that you see when you're dying
- because he was born from the actual moment of death, despite Tommy's eyes being blue, they hold the void itself in them
- if you look too closely into Tommy's eyes, it can be easy to lose yourself and fall right in
- sometimes Mumza comes to visit, these are very bittersweet moments for Tommy
- he loves his mom, and he loves seeing her and seeing Phil happy to see her, and she usually takes him along on her next trip, ever so slowly teaching him how to be Death, but he also hates that that is his future
- he doesn't want to be the next Death, he doesn't want to outlive all of his friends and his brother, he just wants to be normal
- because of this, Tommy represses pretty much all of his godly powers, trying to seem as normal as possible, the one he represses the most is his automatic healing, when he gets hurt, he wants to stay hurt
- he represses everything so well that its years before Tubbo finds out that his best friend is a god
- Techno raised Ranboo more than Phil did
- (because of this, he’s the only kid who actually views Techno as his father. Despite him literally being their stepdad, the others see Techno as more of a brother or an uncle)
- Techno found Ranboo when he was around 12 years old on the edge of a warped forest in the nether (if you want some more nether-boys hc’s, check out this post)
- at that age, Ranboo hadn’t hit his growth spurt yet due to malnutrition, so he was much smaller than the average human 12 year old, and everyone thought he was around 8-10 (because of his memory issues, Ranboo thought the same thing until Tommy kept pestering him about when his birthday was and he remembered the year)
- Ranboo is brought into the family when he’s 12, Tommy is 11, and Wilbur and Techno are 17
- as I said before, Techno may have been 17 when he took in Ranboo, but he was definitely a father to this anxious amnesiac preteen
- because of his height, Ranboo is constantly slouching to fit through doorways, inside houses, and to make himself appear smaller, so he grows to need a cane
Tubbo (and Dream)
- street cat
- they fed him once and he just kept coming back
- sometimes he’ll disappear for a few weeks, but he always turns up eventually
- boy’s got some family issues, some real bad family issues
- his dad is Schlatt, who left him and big brother Dream to fend for themselves when he and Dream were 6 and 11
- luckily Dream has an excellent sense of direction and memory, and got them to Aunt Puffy’s current port before she pushed off on her next adventure (but not before getting briefly separated and making some friends)
- (the few weeks they spend separated are when Tubbo first gets found by Wilbur and Tommy and forcibly adopted by Phil, and Bad lures Dream home with food and he meets Sapnap)
- both boys have ram features - floppy ears, horns, etc., Dream also inherited their Aunt Puffy's rainbow hair (he dyes it blonde semi-regularly. It's dyed when he meets sbi, and Wilbur and Techno have the exact same reaction to it when they finally see his natural hair: relentless teasing. Like father like son amiright?)
- Tubbo and Dream are half brothers (same dad, different moms), Tubbo is 1/2 ram and 1/2 human, Dream is 1/2 human, 1/4 ram, and 1/4 what he and Sapnap think is demon (basically Dream had a human-ram hybrid dad, and a human-demon(?) hybrid mom)
- when Tubbo introduces Dream to his new brother-in-law, Dream feels a bit of a kindred spirit, but he quickly brushes it off
- Dream spends most of his time either with Bad, Skeppy, and Sapnap, or on the sea with Puffy, so Tubbo mostly fends for himself
- Tubbo is more than happy to fend for himself, he actually prefers it most of the time. He doesn't like people fussing over him and sheltering him, so whenever his mood switches and he decides that he does, actually, want some family time, he just appears on sbi’s front porch
- Tubbo first meets Ranboo when he comes to visit after a few months away. No one told him that Tommy was with Mumza for the weekend, so when he arrived at 3am, 2 days before he told Phil he’d be there, he just let himself in and threw himself on top of the sleeping figure in Tommy’s bed, only to be met with a startled enderman screech that woke the whole house
- (Ranboo was in Tommy’s bed because he might not be a part of the official Clingy Duo, but the boy is as clingy as they come. He regularly sleeps in his family’s beds, both when they’re home and when they’re away, because his sense of smell is heightened as an enderman and he needs to be surrounded in their scent when he misses them or when he’s feeling sad (especially because these are the only scents he knows, he doesn’t remember any of the scents from before Techno found him))
Big brothers being friends
- one day, after Tubbo’s near-constant raving about how great the Minecraft family is, Dream agrees to visit with him
- this visit happens to fall during the AE, so the only ones home are Wilbur and Tommy
- Dream and Wilbur take one look at each other and their similar situations in raising their chaotic, problem-child little brothers, and never let go
- the four of them live together for a good 5-6 months before Dream gets a letter and he and Tubbo need to leave
- after this visit, Dream and Wilbur stay in contact, and they visit each other even without their brothers around to drag them along
- I know I said that Wilbur makes fun of Dream for dying his hair, but that’s only in public
- in private, Wilbur confesses to Dream that he also dyes his hair, that his hair is naturally blond and he dyes it darker. After this, Dream and Wilbur start dying their hair together, it becomes something scheduled that they both look forward to immensely each month
- the next time Dream and Tubbo visit together, Wilbur is off with a water spirit who stole his heart (I refuse to write about fish Sally, fight me), and Phil is showing Ranboo some cool builds in his current hardcore world, so it's Techno and Tommy who welcome them in
- Techno starts out pretty hesitant of Dream, but Dream almost instantly is like
- "I'm gonna annoy the blood god into being my best friend"
- and whatever Dream sets his mind to, he achieves
- so the visit sort of ends with Dream and Techno making Tommy and Tubbo promise not to burn the house down, and leaving them home alone to go off to cause some chaos together
Father/son relationships
- As I said earlier, Phil primarily raised Wilbur and Tommy, and Techno primarily raised Ranboo, with Tubbo coming in and out like a feral cat
- to Wilbur and Tommy, Techno is more of a cool uncle who brings them valuable trinkets from his adventures, and they want to be like him one day
- Ranboo and Phil’s relationship is almost exactly the same as Wilbur and Tommy’s relationship with Techno
- when Techno brought Ranboo home, Phil pretty much decided that he had his hands full enough with raising his two chaotic boys, and he declared that it was finders-keepers, Techno found Ranboo, so he gets to raise him
- after L’Manburg, Ghostbur and Phil learn sign language, because the explosion blew out Phil’s hearing in his left ear, and Ghostbur’s so soft-spoken that it’s sometimes really difficult for him to hear his son speaking
For more random hc’s I have about these characters and the characters of the smp in general, check out this post
Some quick tags for people who commented on my post asking who wants this post, thanks for the support guys :’) @anotherweirdohere @haveadayasgreatasyou @jupiterjordan
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skyblue-ringpops · 4 years
A Deep Dive Into Blaine Anderson
I wrote a six page essay analyzing Blaine Anderson.
Click to read it, I would really appreciate if you did. Keep in mind - it’s long. 
I hope you enjoy, and feel free to share your thoughts!
Warning: There will be discussion of neglect, abuse, homophobia, suicide, self harm, eating disorders, and sexual assault.
When we were first introduced to Blaine Anderson, he was made out to seem like Kurt’s mentor, very confident and open to being himself. It wasn’t long before he changed, and many would say that change was for the worse. As many people say, he became whiny, clingy, and, according to many of his critics, annoying. However, it isn’t hard to see that Blaine was struggling mentally, and these issues were never explored further. This essay will not only determine what he was going through, but explain possible causes and effects. 
We first meet Blaine at Dalton Academy, confident, accepting of himself, someone for Kurt to look up to and be guided by. But why does he suddenly change after season two? He isn’t being himself at Dalton, he’s being the way he’s expected to be. The Warblers all seem to have a similar presence that captures the spirit of the academy - formal, wise, confident. That fits the personality of season two Blaine. Why is he acting this way, though? There’s a few possibilities. One, he’s trying to fit in. Everyone else in the academy acts that way, and Blaine doesn’t want to stand out, he wants to fit in, something he wasn’t able to do at his old school. Two, he could have a mentor at the academy that he’s trying to act more like. Blaine is the head Warbler, but he isn’t the authority in the group. That role would likely belong to Wes or David, one of the members of the council. It’s possible that Blaine admired them or was inspired in some way, and tried replicating their behavior. Three, he could have been ashamed of his actual personality or feared nobody would like his true self, and tried hiding it either to fit in, as I said before, or to make Kurt like him. I personally don’t think this is the case since he took off his mask once arriving at McKinley. I think he was likely trying to fit the image of the academy, hoping it would prevent the bullying he faced at his old school. Although Dalton had a zero tolerance policy, he likely faced some trauma, and a simple policy wouldn’t be enough for him.
So, what happened at his old school? Blaine said that he and his openly gay friend were jumped at a Sadie Hawkins dance at their school, leading Blaine to transfer to Dalton. This affected him quite a bit, and it was shown multiple times. While at the prom with Kurt, Blaine seems protective of him at times and isn’t too sure they’ll be safe. The chance of this being his first dance since the Sadie Hawkins is very high, it’s no surprise that he’d be afraid, especially knowing that Kurt had been bullied in the past. After Tina very awkwardly asks Blaine to the Sadie Hawkins dance and gets rejected, she apologizes, thinking he said no because of his past experience. We know he said no because of his crush on Sam, however, I don’t believe that’s the only reason. He knew Sam wouldn’t feel the same way, and he knew Tina would have been willing to go as friends. Even if it wasn’t the main reason for him rejecting her, his trauma likely played a role in it. 
alton Academy was a place of refuge for Blaine. He went there after the bullying, he made friends, he met Kurt, the Warblers were probably the closest thing he had to a family, he almost went back after his very hard breakup in season four. It wouldn’t be hard to believe that Dalton saved his life, which I’ll get more into later. When the academy burns down in season six, it’s clear that he was very affected by it. He’s brought into the auditorium clearly upset, crying, quiet. When explaining what happened, he seems distant, sort of zoned out. Chances are, he watched the academy burn - many agree it is a boarding school so even if it wasn’t during the school day, it’s very likely he was there. But the fire probably happened during the day, it makes sense since there would be something that could have caused it. Even if he didn’t witness the academy burn, he would have seen the results of the fire, even if it was just in pictures. The academy was clearly important to every student, they did what they could to respect it. Blaine has an extra reason to hold it so close, That would almost definitely add to his trauma, especially since it was a place that meant so much to him.
The Warblers were the closest thing Blaine had to a family. What about his parents, what about Cooper? We met Cooper and Pam, and his father was mentioned. However, in a deleted scene, it is confirmed that Blaine’s parents weren’t present in his life, they were too busy with work. Cooper and Blaine didn’t have much of a relationship, due to their age difference. Blaine’s father and Cooper aren’t even at the wedding, although it wasn’t originally his. There was a deleted explanation for Cooper’s absence, he had a callback for an audition. The only explanation for his father’s absence was also deleted - an implication that his parents got a divorce. It’s hard to say the effect this would have on Blaine, it was deleted so we never saw his reaction, and we don’t know if it even affected him much due to their absence. Also, it’s more than likely that Blaine raises himself. In flashbacks, it’s shown that he didn’t have the best childhood. We see Cooper teasing him and not letting him play, and we see him play Operation by himself. Chances are, he raised himself. He probably had nobody to raise him, no role models. We know Blaine didn’t have the best relationship with Cooper, we saw in the episode Big Brother that, although they seemed to make up at the end, Cooper never really supported Blaine and constantly criticized him, and Blaine seemed jealous of the attention Cooper received. These problems have probably always existed, and could even be traced back to their parents, if Cooper got more attention or praise. Their parents were absent for most of Blaine’s childhood, but due to the age difference, we can’t definitively say the same for Cooper. As for their father, he isn’t talked about much, but Blaine does tell Burt that his father used to fix cars with him in an effort to turn him straight. Now, this is only based on what Blaine says, it’s possible that he just assumed this and his father’s intention was simply spending time with his son. However, even if that is the case, there has to be some reason for Blaine to assume this. Whether his father made homophobic comments in the past, reacted badly to Blaine coming out, or explicitly said he had an issue with Blaine’s sexuality and/or wanted to “fix him”, or if his father never actually did anything, and he assumed the worst because of something done by someone else, there has to be some reason for him to think this. His mother does seem to be the better parent, at least she shows up once and he doesn’t have anything bad to say about her. But that doesn’t mean she was all good, and just observing her behaviors at the wedding shows this. First of all, she’s shown dancing with Puck, which must be weird for Blaine. Imagine seeing your recently divorced (although I’m not sure if we can consider the divorce canon since it was deleted, making this situation even worse) dancing with one of your classmates, who’s only a year older than you. This next point isn’t canon, it’s more of a possible scenario. His mother seems to be acting drunk at the wedding, and is one of the only ones to appear that way. Again, not confirmed. But if that is the case, imagine this scenario - Blaine’s mother hardly being present, and drinking when she is. First of all, this would make it much harder for the two to bond, since she probably wouldn’t be focused as much on him. Second, there isn’t much she would be able to do for him, so he wouldn’t have a responsible adult around if he needed one. And third - again, this is entirely speculation - it could potentially have a negative influence on him. While it definitely doesn’t seem Blaine has a dependence on alcohol (it actually seems to be more of the opposite, since he’s apparently drunk after one beer in The First Time), it could have a negative influence on his coping mechanisms, shown when he and Dave Karofsky are explaining their relationship to Kurt, saying they met at Scandals. This may not seem like an issue, but remember, during season six, Blaine was too depressed to do much of anything, to the point of getting kicked out of NYADA, but still chose to hang out in a bar.
Speaking of his relationship with Karofsky, almost everyone agrees that he shouldn’t have dated his ex’s former tormentor, and many criticize him for that. But what was his reason for choosing to date him? There are a few possibilities. First, he could have actually had feelings for him, which I doubt. It isn’t impossible, but he clearly wasn’t over Kurt, and he knew how Karofsky used to treat him, although he changed. It is possible that Blaine was just taking whatever he could get, like after the season four breakup when he was finally able to move on due to a crush on Sam, likely developed out of loneliness. Also, his feelings for Dave quickly disappear when he realizes he has a chance to get Kurt back. Another possibility is that he chose to date Dave to upset Kurt, out of spite possibly, but Blaine doesn’t seem like the type to intentionally hurt someone he loves. He usually tries to take on the role of a protector, so why would he try to hurt Kurt, even if he was upset with him, especially knowing what Dave did in the past? The third reason, which seems the most probable to me, is that Blaine dated Dave because he was seeking pain or abuse. There’s a few reasons why he could have done this. One, it isn’t uncommon for survivors of abuse, which with his father, Blaine might be, to seek out more pain after their abuser has stopped. It’s possible that, if his father was abusive, he did stop sometime around season 6, since Blaine likely doesn’t live at home anymore and if his parents did divorce around this time, he may not see his father anymore. Two, it could have been a form of punishment. If he blamed himself for the breakup, he may think he deserves pain for hurting Kurt. He also could have been seeking pain in order to feel something. He was extremely depressed after the breakup and likely felt numb, and in his mind, pain would be better than that. Finally, he could have been with Dave thinking he couldn’t do any better or didn’t deserve any better. This could be a result of the breakup or his previous insecurities shown in season 5.
Now, let’s take a closer look at his insecurities. Insecurity is something that has been covered quite a bit on the show, but is typically done poorly. In Blaine’s case, his insecurity makes him jealous and many criticize him for that. When Kurt begins a more healthy lifestyle and gets in better shape, rather than being happy for him, Blaine becomes jealous, tries to reverse his progress, and turns to the internet because he doesn’t feel comfortable around Kurt. There are some suggestions that Blaine may be going through something many characters in the show face - the eating disorder that only lasts one episode. There are many implications that he may be binge eating at the beginning of the episode, and even after deciding he wants to get into shape, continues consuming a large amount of calories, seemingly using it as a coping mechanism. However, this issue was completely overlooked, just like many others throughout the show. He also says to Kurt, “One day, you’re gonna wake up and realize that ‘I don’t love him anymore.’” He has the belief throughout the episode that Kurt is better than him, and could do better. However, this isn’t the first time he has a mindset like this. When Kurt texts Chandler, Blaine accuses him of cheating despite doing something similar with Sebastian and seeing no issue with it. When Kurt graduates, Blaine worries that the long-distance relationship won’t work for them, he worries that Kurt will leave him. When Blaine meets Elliot, he confronts him for trying to steal Kurt from him, despite both of them assuring him they are just friends. Kurt hasn’t done anything to make Blaine believe he isn’t loyal or wants to leave him. It seems that Blaine has abandonment issues, which could be traced back to his parents’ absence. This would also explain his clinginess and dependence on Kurt. Even when Kurt isn’t around, he always seems to have one person he latches onto. For example, in seasons four and five, he’s hardly seen without Sam, and even in season six, when he seems to go everywhere with Dave and moves in with him very quickly, and the only times he is without them are usually when he is with Kurt.
Blaine’s anxiety is shown in more ways than just his abandonment issues and clinginess. For example, when Blaine is reconsidering his choice to audition for NYADA and instead claims he wants to be a doctor despite having no prior interest, he is avoiding a cause of worry, a common symptom of anxiety. He also shows signs of an anxiety attack during the shooting. He’s shown sitting quietly, crying, and hugging his knees. He’s okay at first, but later panics after being shushed. He most likely thinks everyone is mad at him for making noise, and fears that if anything happens to them, he will be blamed. When Ryder calls “Katie” and the phone rings, everyone tells him to turn it off except for Blaine, who can be seen mouthing “Turn it off please” but doesn’t make a sound, likely because he’s too scared to speak. He doesn’t move and is the only one to not touch anyone during the lockdown. Even when Sam is trying to leave, Blaine doesn’t help, just covers his ears and tries to block it out. This could be signs of PTSD. Throughout the experience, he seems almost childlike, for example, curling up, audibly sobbing, clinging to Sam, and being the only person to call his parents and greeting his mother with “hey mommy”.
Along with his anxiety, Blaine is shown to have severe depression, which is especially notable during seasons four and six, but likely existed even before his transfer to Dalton. He talks about being unable to sleep and eat after he and Kurt broke up in season six, and was even kicked out of NYADA due to his lack of motivation. He nearly transfers back to Dalton after the season four breakup, a place of refuge for him, because everything at McKinley reminds him of Kurt and he can’t handle it. He even shows signs of being suicidal in seasons three and four. Season four has less to discuss, he says a few things that suggest he either is or is becoming suicidal, showing signs of severe depression and acting as if he has nothing left. In season three, though, there is more to look into, and if you aren’t paying close attention, it’s easy to miss. Both examples are from the episode On My Way. The theme for regionals is inspirational, and Blaine chooses to sing the song Cough Syrup. The song is viewed as a cry for help from the band when they were first starting out and unsure what to do. However, the song is not about suicide. It’s about the difficult decision to stray from the norm and do your own thing, or do what is expected of you. In fact, upon viewing the episode, the band said they never thought of the song in that way. However, many listeners do think of the song as being about suicide, and we don’t know what Blaine’s interpretation was. Later in the episode, the club discusses suicide. Everyone makes eye contact, and when they say what they are looking forward to, everyone laughs and smiles. However, Blaine doesn’t. Rather than looking at everyone else, he looks down, rubbing his wrists, suggesting possible self harm or suicidal ideation. He looks sad throughout the discussion, and his only smile, towards the end of the discussion, looks very forced and his eyes still look sad. Due to his past, it wouldn’t be hard to believe he had thoughts of suicide at some point, whether before Dalton, or during seasons three, four, and/or six.
My final point will be discussing this article. The article points out some inconsistencies about Blaine and sex, from his open discussion with Burt, casually bringing up masturbation, his sometimes sexual song choices, the car scene after he and Kurt go to Scandals, and his talk about sexy faces, to his argument with Sam when he says he’s “not for sale”. He shows no discomfort most of the time, until one suggestion makes him become angry and defensive. His character did go through quite a bit of changes, which could be an explanation for his inconsistencies, mixed with Glee’s notoriously bad writing, but there is another way to look at it: some kind of sexual trauma during his childhood. The ability to have a mature discussion about it can be explained by his exposure to it at a young age if this is the case, since, depending on his age, he would probably need an explanation and a discussion with adults, possibly strangers, if he came forward about his experience. He could, depending on the trauma, view sex as a way to gain approval. And if his dad actually is homophobic, this could be directly linked with Blaine’s experience, with his father possibly believing his sexuality is a result of the trauma. The presentation of his trauma could differentiate every day, being perfectly fine with talking about it one day and not wanting to the next. This could also provide a bit more of an explanation for the car scene during The First Time, if Blaine’s experience happened at a young age and that was his first exposure to and therefore the foundation of his understanding of sex, Blaine may not realize when he goes too far. We know that, whether this theory is true or not, Blaine experienced sexual assault when Tina “vaporaped” him. He doesn’t seem too bothered by her, and she even becomes one of his best friends after it happened. However, the response to trauma I discussed earlier seems to be present. Sam brings up the event later on, meaning he knows about it, and since the chances of Tina or Kurt (the only other ones who know) telling him aren’t high (Tina because she wouldn’t want to admit to it, unless she slipped up like she did with Kurt, and Kurt because he wouldn’t want to reveal Blaine’s trauma), and the fact that Sam brought it up in front of Blaine, shows that he was likely okay with talking about it. He wouldn’t tell Sam if he wasn’t okay discussing it, and if they never talked about it, Sam probably wouldn’t casually joke about it in front of him. If Sam thought the comment he made was okay, he probably didn’t think it affected Blaine too much. However, when Sam brings it up, Blaine clearly looks upset. It did have a negative effect on him, and it was more than likely traumatic. And there’s a possibility that it may not have been his first experience with sexual trauma.
There is no question that Blaine had a rough past, and many of those struggles continue to affect him. However, the show, for the most part, ignores them. I hope that through this essay, you were able to learn a bit more about Blaine, understand his inconsistencies and behaviors that seem out of character, to look past the surface level. Blaine is one of the strongest characters, but his issues are hardly ever brought to light. Keep in mind, a lot of this is speculation, headcanons, or analysis of background information that may not have been scripted. Respectful discussion is encouraged, and feel free to share any additional observations, theories, or headcanons, or suggest another character for me to look into.
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sugurus-slxt · 3 years
Hiya! May I request a matchup (Ruby) for Jujutsu Kaisen for the follower event? I just stumbled onto your blog; congratulations on getting 100 followers! Let’s see…I’m 5’9” and 25 years old, I have shoulder length wavy light blonde hair (bleached), hazel eyes, pale-ish skin, and kind of an athletic body type (with a little bit of chub). I’m pretty quiet and tend to keep to myself, but if I’m around friends or anyone that I’m comfortable with, I can be pretty loud. I have been told that when I laugh, I can be heard from several rooms over. I don’t really take life too seriously, I mostly just go with the flow. I’m a pacifist; I don’t like to start arguments or fights and I HATE confrontation. However, if someone genuinely pisses me off, I will not hesitate to call them out. I get rather shaky and anxious when doing so though, as I’m not used to it. I’m also pretty open minded and I try to see things from everyone’s point of view.
I love to hike, go running, read, bake/cook, play video games (occasionally), and listen to music! I like EDM; drum & bass, electronica, trance, chill etc. I listen to other stuff besides that, if it’s pleasing to my ears, I will listen to it. I generally read stuff on tumblr, but if it’s a book I gravitate towards fiction! I’m a Libra, and my mbti type is ISFP (though some other tests I’ve taken have typed me as an ISTP, I’m in the middle with thinking and feeling). I like to stay active, as I get bored if I’m not. I mainly do trail running since I love being outside! I have an appreciation for art in any form, and I enjoy looking at what others have created. My favorite types of video games are RPGS, or anything I can get lost in. I also have a weakness for horror games, or anything horror related. I like to listen to horror podcasts, and research urban legends and creatures. I honestly would love to go urban exploring, but I don’t want to risk getting caught trespassing on private property! I also have a pretty big sweet tooth, I have practically zero willpower when it comes to desserts.
Ok, some of these are oddly specific, but some things I dislike are closed minded people, people getting in my personal space, public speaking (I would rather throw myself off a cliff), the colors orange and yellow, deviled eggs, and country music (sorry to the people who love it, ya’ll are still great, keep doing your thing 😆). I’ve had sensory issues ever since I was little (I was always over sensitive), and people getting close to me or touching me has always made me feel very uncomfortable/nervous. I struggle with showing affection, so I can be seen as rather detached or aloof at times. I’m not a very clingy or needy person; I prefer being independent. Also, I can get somewhat irritated if a person keeps offering to help me with something I can easily do on my own. As silly as this sounds, even if their intentions are pure, I feel as though they are saying that I’m incapable. Unsurprisingly, I have a lot of trouble asking for help. I prefer to work things out on my own. I prefer to stay in my comfort zone, and I rarely move out of it. However, deep down inside, I’m craving an adventure.
My style varies; I can go from looking like an up and coming professional runner to a troll that lives underneath a nearby bridge. I tend to favor a lot of darker colors, black is my number one go-to! I wear a lot of athletic leggings and sweatshirts/oversized t-shirts. Mostly because they’re comfy. I do love the cottage core aesthetic, though my clothing/room doesn’t reflect that. For who I seek, I suppose I’m looking for someone who is similar to me! Someone who I can feel comfortable with, and someone who isn’t super into PDA (or too clingy). I can be kind of goofy at times, so a sense of humor would be nice too. Some other things real quick, my dream vacation(s) would be going to Oregon or visiting the Netherlands! My dream jobs would be either a pastry chef (hell just put me in the kitchen in a bakery and let me bake), or working at a nursery/greenhouse. I like to work with my hands, so I would love either one!
I don’t exactly have any characters that I don’t want, I’m just curious as to who I will be matched with! Take your time and have a wonderful day 🙂
Personality Matchup
One 𝑅𝓊𝒷𝓎 coming right up for anon
A/Note: Hey thank you so very much for visiting THE VAULT. I hope you like your match up :) Sorry that I’ve taken so long, I’ve been preoccupied with school, and even though you said to take my time I think I took way too much. I hope you enjoy this. Love <3 ~ Sar-chan
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I match you with...
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Runner Up: Inumaki Toge
Here are some HCs:
Nanami definitely loves your loud side though he often comes off as reserved I think he really likes how from being super quiet outside or in a meeting to just saying what you’ve been holding back from saying. He loves hearing you talk and every time you shift from quiet to loud he lets out a soft chuckle and a smile he’ll hide away from you.
I think when Nanami is with you he’d find ways to crack jokes just to hear you laugh and he often has this running line, “I’d say I wish your laughs were all mine but I’m sure the neighbour heard it dear,” and finish off with, “I’m joking it’d be a crime not to share your laugh with the world. You and your laugh are far too beautiful to keep hidden.”
I think your personalities and natures would compliment each other nicely. I feel like both of you give a very “it” couple vibe.
Regardless of the suit Nanami wears, I think he dresses more comfortably in his free time. Larger more oversized clothes specifically sweaters and looser pants. He often lends you his sweater, he was a bit hesitant at first but seeing you in his clothes makes his lips quirk into a smile he won’t let you see.
I think Nanami enjoys reading for you especially if you lay against him (if you’re up for it) as both of you get settled for bed. If you fall asleep while he’s writing he’ll place a soft kiss on your forehead and whisper ‘I love you’ as he places the book to the side and repositions you to lay down.
If an argument ever happens to break out between you and Nanami he’ll try his best to bring it to more of a conversation he doesn’t like yelling and he doesn’t want to make you anxious.
He often accompanies you on hikes but almost always on runs because it’s also good for his physique and he gets to spend a bit of extra time with you.
Nanami favourite moments are when he gets to hear you talk about your day in the evening but he also appreciates the quiet moments where you both are just anywhere in the same room doing your own thing, he likes your presence and if the other sees something interesting and just points it out.
He isn’t clingy but Nanami gets touchy on mornings if he’s had a nightmare about you or he’s had an extremely bad day. He likes when you smiley hold him and run your fingers through his hair. He just likes knowing you're there.
I feel like you’d buy Nanami a nicer tie and though he loves you he just might refuse because he’s very accustomed to them and they are in a way essential.
Nanami isn’t the video game type but I think there might be a few select ones he’ll try out with you on the weekends and he just might get pretty addicted to one.
If you ask Nanami he might just take you to some of the places he’s exorcized curses from and as put together as he looks, he’s definitely trespassed. He’ll take you to some quite chilling places and he’ll be keeping an eye on you, however, if you do happen to get scared he will snicker just a bit. He’ll probably take you to a bakery or a coffee shop after to make up for it.
Nanami likes to watch you work in the kitchen if you’re baking up a storm he’ll probably be nearby reading a book but sometimes he’ll leave you to it because he knows you like pace as well.
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I hope you liked it, I apologize for taking such a long time.
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years
I really like your delta squad headcanons, can you do the same with omega squad please, both SFW and NSFW? ^^
Of course!! My Omega boys need love too!! I made sure to include Corr, even though he wasn’t an “Original member.” 
Also! You can find the Delta Squad relationship headcanons here!
And you can find the Null’s relationship headcanons here!! 
Omega squad relationship headcanons 
Niner is a pretty quiet guy so you won’t know he likes you right away 
He’ll give you looks and be more attentive to you, but he isn’t too obvious 
It would take him forever to ask you out, because he’s secretly shy 
So you’d have to ask him out probably
Once you two get into a relationship he opens up some more 
It takes time, of course, but he opens up eventually
His brothers quickly notice that Niner is suddenly happy and not bemused for once 
So they quickly learn about you, without Niner wanting them to
They’ll randomly show up at your house and Niner is like, “They followed me here. They’re my brothers.” In the most unamused voice you’ve ever heard come from that man
That’s saying a lot, because he always has a bored tone of voice 
Niner of course puts his brothers and duties first 
So he doesn’t see you as much as he wants 
Whenever he comes back from his long Commando missions he makes sure to make up for being away
When he can’t see you he always makes the Nulls check on you 
Mereel is no longer allowed to see you because he keeps flirting and trying to give you scary weapons he stole
The others still give you weapons though 
Sometimes Niner brings you little trinkets or flowers
He always brings sweets, more so for himself then you. He doesn’t tell you that though 
His brothers attempt to be his wingmen, or at least Fi does
Fi is very bad at it, so Niner doesn’t get any better at flirting 
Speaking of flirting. Niner is terrible at it. 
Mereel, the flirting God, tries to help him and even he fails 
Niner’s flirting includes awkward stuttering compliments 
If you fight in the war you get, “You fight good…” Then an awkward shoulder pat 
If you flirt with him or try to seduce his pants right off it it’ll work too we
His dark cheeks will grow darker as he blushes like an idiot 
He isn’t the jealous type, he’s incredibly patient 
He is wonderful at keeping a mask of false emotion on, it’s how he bottles up his emotions 
Niner will talk to you now and then about his issues, but he not often 
His PTSD is terrible, so it will take time for him to talk about it 
Niner will try to take you out on dates and such, but he isn’t big on PDA 
So most dates might just be him cooking dinner for you at your apartment 
Speaking of cooking? He’s amazing at it 
Niner will often talk about Kal Skirata, his eyes lighting up 
Of course one day you’ll meet Kal, who’s Niner’s adoptive father
Niner, like all clones, is very touch starved
He will not admit it. But cuddles are a MUST 
Especially after he has nightmares 
Once Niner falls in love with you, you’ll never forget 
He’ll love you with all of his heart, no matter what 
This boy has no experience 
He knows how to have sex obviously, but he’s never done it 
So you’ll have to show him the ropes (Ha ha bondage pun) 
Niner is secretly shy, so you’ll have to help him with that 
Once he gets some experience with you he ruins you 
Niner is a very very fast learner, so once he learns what makes you tick he never forgets 
If you bring up your kinks, he’ll just shrug and be like, “let’s do it.” 
He literally will do anything, he just doesn’t give a fuck anymore 
So whatever you want to do, he’ll do 
Besides public sex. He’s scared he’ll get caught
Niner will not admit he’s kinky, but he is 
You learn right off the bat that he has a giant breeding kink (Like all clones)
He hates it when he can’t cum inside of you. He feels the need to fill you up 
Niner enjoys blowjobs, of course, but he rarely will let you finish him off 
He loves watching you swallow his load and all, but he’d rather breed you 
Niner will do quickies, but he’d rather draw the night of pleasure out
Once he gets experience he learns that he loves making you cum till you nearly pass out 
Niner has amazing patience, like you have no idea how he’s so patience 
So he will dedicate the whole night to your pleasure, and your pleasure only 
You won’t be able to walk the next day but he takes pride in that 
Niner will mark you up, so everyone knows that you’re his 
He doesn’t ever act jealous or that possessive but he is 
If you mark him up he shows it off, especially in the showers 
When his brothers question the marks he just shrugs
He keeps your intimate moments between the two of you, they don’t need to know
Niner is amazing at aftercare, he makes sure to clean you both up 
The night always ends with you falling asleep in the arms of your big Commando sergeant 
Darman is probably the shyest of the group
But once he falls for you, he falls hard 
It’s completely obvious when he begins liking you 
He might nervously ask you out to dinner or something 
Then invite his brothers because he doesn’t want to be too obvious 
His brothers don’t show up because they know what’s up 
Once you two begin dating Darman is wrapped around your finger 
Darman is a huge sweetheart and spoils you with love 
He brings you trinkets and such from missions 
He always brings sweets for you both 
He also will bring you flowers, but on rare occasions 
Darman can’t flirt worth shit either 
Fi and the Null’s try their hardest to help him 
But it only makes him worse 
He’s somehow a worse flirt than Niner. 
If you flirt with Darman and try to woo him some, he will instantly be a blushing mess 
Ever seen a big bad Commando blush like an idiot and hide his face? It’s adorable 
Commando’s, of course, are away for longer periods of time then regular troopers 
So he can’t see you as much as he wishes to 
He also makes the Null’s check on you, and he doesn’t mind that they give you weapons and spoil you 
Obviously he loves his brothers! They’ll always come first in his eyes 
When he tells you about Kal Skirata, he asks if you want to meet him 
He grins like a fool as you meet his father 
He makes sure to spoil you extra, especially after missions 
He tries to cook you dinner, but fails 
Darman tries to be romantic, and he really isn’t 
He will take you out to dinner though! He loves going out to places with you 
He’s nervous about PDA but as long as you’re not a Jedi he’ll do it 
Darman bottles up his emotions well, but he is always willing to talk to you about them 
He gets jealous, but never acts on it 
He is a very chill and relaxed man, so he never really gets angry 
Darman is kind of clingy though 
He’s very touch starved, so he loves the attention 
Especially cuddles!!
Once he falls in love with you he says it first 
He falls in love very quickly by the way 
He’ll love you till the end of his days 
This shy boy has no experience 
Please help him and show him how to do stuff 
Like all clones, he’s a very fast learner 
So he learns how to turn you into a moaning mess fairly quickly 
Darman loves hearing you make noises, so he becomes a huge tease 
He has great patience, so it takes a lot of effort on your end to turn him into a mess
When you explain kinks to him he has no idea about any of them 
He’s willing to try most things though! 
Darman is pretty shy, so he won’t really tell you what he wants to try 
When you two try things out, you quickly learn he’s kinky 
You also learn that he’s a switch, but primarily a bottom 
Darman likes pretty much anything 
He won’t fuck in public though, it makes him nervous 
He’s a sweetheart and a giver, so he always makes it about your pleasure 
You’ll cum till you pass out with Darman 
So he loves to take it slow
He loves giving oral, but isn’t the biggest fan of receiving it 
He has a breeding kink, so he’d much rather cum deep inside of you 
Darman always asks if he can cum inside of you, because he’s polite like that 
He doesn’t like quickies, he doesn’t have enough time to tease you 
Darman loves his intimate nights with you! He always makes sure to end them with you asleep in his big strong arms 
Kal Skirata didn’t teach his Commando’s shit about romance 
Luckily for Atin, he was trained by Walon Vau. Who made sure they knew about romance 
Atin is very quiet, and always seems like an outsider from the others 
When he gets a crush on you he tries to avoid you because of FeeliNGS
Once he gets over that, he eventually asks you out 
Atin tries to be a huge hardass, but he’s really a simp 
He’ll act like he doesn’t like you that much, when he’s already in love with you 
Once you begin dating he spends as much time as possible with you 
His brothers obviously come first, but you’re still one of his first priorities 
Atin is obviously very damaged from Vau’s training, the many many scars prove that 
You two will have to be dating for a while before he even begins to tell you what happened to him
Atin has a lot of baggage and hates to talk about it, so you’ll have to gain his trust 
Unlike his brothers, Atin can actually flirt pretty well 
He’s smooth as hell and knows it 
The large white scar that runs from under his eye to the opposite side of his mouth makes him more attractive 
And oh boy does he know it 
When he’s away on missions he comms you a lot and tries to stay in contact with you 
He doesn’t make the Null’s watch you while he’s away, he knows you’ll be fine 
Atin may seem dead inside and extremely burdened, but he has a sense of humor 
He jokes now and then, but he isn’t a jokester like Fi 
He is pretty romantic as well, he often plans cute little romantic things for the two of you 
When he cooks dinner it isn’t the best, but it isn’t terrible 
Atin doesn’t give a fuck, so he’ll do PDA 
Sometimes he may bring you little trinkets from missions, but not often 
He shows his love with his actions, not by showering you with gifts 
Being an extremely burdened by dark thoughts and a terrible past, he has nightmares a lot 
Cuddle him and just constantly remind him that he is safe in your arms 
When Atin falls in love with you he won’t say it first, but you can tell immediately by his actions 
Once he falls in love with you, he falls hard. 
Atin doesn’t have much experience 
But it doesn’t show at all 
He’s amazing right off the bat, you hardly have to teach him anything 
He learns all of your favorite spots and such almost immediately 
Atin makes sure to turn you into a mess pretty quickly 
He loves being a huge tease, but he isn’t as patient as the others 
So he doesn’t tease you for too long 
He’s willing to try really anything 
Atin is kinky and will openly admit it 
He will always make your deepest darkest desires come true 
He will do it anytime, anywhere. Atin does not give a flying fuck 
He may seem completely dominant, but he’s actually a switch 
When you get dominant he doesn’t last long at all 
Please top this man if you want to see him moan like a bitch in heat(Pegging or just a good ride.)
Atin is covered in scars, mainly from the sword of Walon Vau 
If you trace his scars he immediately melts 
He loves it rough, but he is a slut for some soft sex 
Like all clones, he has a breeding kink 
He never really acts on it unless you’re into being breed 
Atin is surprisingly good at giving oral
He loves giving oral, but he especially loves receiving it 
Atin loves making you beg and such, but he’ll do quickies. He just doesn’t enjoy them that much 
He loves aftercare! He loves cleaning you up while you try to remember your name 
Especially nice warm baths or showers!! He just feels that they’re so intimate 
When you fall asleep, you fall asleep in the big strong scarred arms of your favorite Commando 
Fi never shuts his mouth. Ever. 
If you like quiet men look the other way 
Fi is full of terrible cheesy jokes that are actually hilarious 
He never really takes anything seriously either 
Once he gets a crush on you, you’ll know immediately 
He’ll shamelessly flirt with you constantly 
He’ll ask you out for drinks after a few days of terrible jokes and bad flirting 
Fi will fall pretty hard for you, and fast. 
Once you two begin dating he will still flirt and be hilarious 
He thinks he’s smooth but he isn’t. He’s just terribly cheesy 
Fi is surprisingly romantic! He always plans cute little dates for the two of you 
No matter if it’s going out for dinner, or just a simple movie night at your apartment. 
Just don’t let him make dinner, he will start a fire 
You found this out the hard way of course 
He’ll always make the date unforgettable 
He is totally for PDA. It makes him feel like he has a normal life 
Fi is a big sweetheart, and he tries to spoil you 
Fi always brings you home little trinkets from his missions
He loves bringing you sweets! He has a giant sweet tooth, so he always has sweets on him
Fi loves his brothers, and tells you about them often 
He brags about you constantly to his brothers to irritate him 
He also shows off to you, a lot 
When he’s away for awhile he tries to comm you every now and then 
He is a little clingy, so when he finally gets back to you he showers you in affection 
He always tries his hardest to make up for being away for so long 
The Null’s check on you now and then while Fi is gone
Fi covers up his pain and emotions with humor, and it’s kind of obvious 
All he wants is a normal life, and he can never have that. Often you’ll see him staring at families, sadness in his eyes 
He hates talking about his problems, so it will take a lot for him to finally talk to you about his pain 
Like his brothers, he obviously worships Kal SKirata. 
Once you two have been dating for a while you finally meet Kal 
Once Fi falls in love with you, you’re stuck with him forever 
For the love of god please snuggle this boy 
He needs the cuddles 
His brothers quickly become your friends
Fi will always love you, no matter what 
Fi doesn’t have experience, so you’ll have to teach him things 
He learns quickly, so it doesn’t take him long to memorize every part of you 
He never takes anything seriously, including sex 
He doesn’t shut his mouth ever. Even during sex
Fi will seem all serious for a while, then he’ll say or do something hilarious 
He is pretty decent at dirty talk 
He loves PDA! It gives him a thrill 
He is a massive tease!! in public especially 
Fi likes it when you beg for him to finally fuck you 
He’s open to trying most things 
So if you’re kinky, so is Fi 
He is a switch, like all clones, but he enjoys being topped more 
Fi thinks you look the best when you’re on top of him
He is amazing at giving oral, so be prepared for that 
He enjoys receiving it, but he’d much rather cum deep inside of you 
Fi never really acts on his breeding kink unless you like being bred 
If you like being bred he’ll cum inside you every chance he gets 
Fi will do quickies and such, but he’d rather have time for intimacy 
He is a huge slut for intimacy 
So Fi prepares soft slow sex over fast and rough 
He still enjoys the rough moments though!!
Fi is great at aftercare, he loves cleaning you two up
He snuggles up to you as you two drift off, his strong arms wrapped tightly around you 
Corr was stuck with a shitty desk job when he lost his hands
It made him pretty depressed and such, because he missed his bomb squad brothers 
Once he joins the Omega Squad he perks up immediately!! 
He missed the front lines, and it’s obvious 
If you begin dating him before he joins the Omega’s, you’ll see him every night 
Because he’s stuck on coruscant till the GAR gives him good prosthetic hands
Once he joins the Omega Squad you don’t see him as much, but he comms you often 
Corr loves staying in touch with you, so he’s always comming you 
He doesn’t get good prosthetic hands for quite a while, like after he joins the Omega’s 
When he gets them he shows them off, visibly excited like a child would be 
Corr keeps the fake skin off his prosthetic hands, because he thinks the metal looks cool
He makes you meet the Omega's and the Null’s 
They all love you instantly 
He’s been on Coruscant long enough to not give a shit about PDA 
So he brings you everywhere he can, he loves going out with you!
Corr is a generally cheerful man, you rarely see him down 
He loves telling you about his new Commando missions!! Even if they’re classified 
Corr is the biggest sweetheart in the GAR, he constantly spoils you 
He’ll always bring you flowers or little things he carved from wood or bone 
He spoils you with affection too! He’s always down for cuddles
He is constantly kissing your forehead and knuckles
Corr is actually super romantic! At his old desk job the women there helped learn the way of romance 
Sometimes he’ll cook you dinner, or bake you something! He is an amazing cook 
Corr is a flirt, but he’s smooth as can be 
Mereel trained him in the art of seducing the pants right off of people
So Corr is amazing at it!! 
He winks at you All. The. Time.  
It’s his thing 
Corr obviously has issues and severe PTSD. But what clone doesn’t?
He is 100% willing to talk about it though!! 
Once he can trust you he tells you really everything 
Corr is just super loving, and he makes sure you know that you’re loved every chance he gets 
Mereel taught Corr the in’s and out’s of people 
So he knows what he’s doing 
You wouldn’t expect this sweetheart to have that much experience 
So you’re very surprised at how quickly he brings you to an orgasm 
Corr use to be on the bomb squad, he is very patient 
This makes him a huge tease!! He loves watching you writhe beneath him
He also loves drawing as many orgasms from you as possible 
He has very quick moving hands, but since they’re prosthetic they’re not as good as the originals would be 
He often apologies for his metal hands, saying his real fingers were so much better 
If you like temperature play he’ll use his cold metal hands on you 
Corr is kinky as hell, and you learn that pretty quickly 
He brings up the conversation, so he can learn what you’re into 
Whatever you want to try he’ll totally try!! He’s very willing 
Corr will do it anytime, anywhere
He also has no shame, so keep that in mind 
Corr is a switch, so he doesn’t care who's in charge 
Please pegg this man 
He doesn’t have a preferred speed, it all depends on his mood 
So he is totally down for quickies! 
Mereel taught Corr how to dirty talk like a fucking king 
He can make you cum with just his words 
Corr has a breeding kink, but won’t do anything about it unless you’re into that 
He loves giving and receiving oral! 
This man will give you oral every chance he gets, he loves your taste 
Corr is such a sweetie! He loves worshipping you during aftercare 
He loves the intimacy of it all 
Corr loves falling asleep with your limbs entangled with his 
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elizabeatrice · 4 years
Episode 12 - The Little Mermaid
Let’s Talk About JSHK Anime #3
Warning: Manga spoilers for The Little Mermaid arc, The Clock Keeper arc, and chapter 64!!! (just a bit, skip point no. 5, 6, and 10 if you don’t want to get spoiled) Also … this ended up way longer than I intended.
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Well that was one heck of a feels trip. It’s probably my new favorite episode, just because everyone is here being wholesome lmao.
This is mostly hananene meta I ain’t even gonna lie.
Before we begin, shout out to Black Canyon, our newest anime cutie pie. Just look at him, folks. Just chilling with his sunflower seed.
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He has no idea the kind of life his owner leads.
I said before that the best part of episode 12 is how it made Daydream worse, so now I’m gonna ramble about it.
“Maybe different species can’t understand each other after all.”
“Maybe it would be better if I were an apparition too.”
This is my favorite part of the episode. And no, not in the sense that I want Nene to die just so that she and Hanako can be together. But because of how Lerche actually explored deeper what was said only once in the manga.
Well, both in the manga and anime Nene ended up accepting the mermaid’s blood because of her desire to be popular, but the anime decided to revisit what she said earlier in the episode.
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Not only did that make her decision kinda less selfish, it’s also just … sad. Thinking that your friend, someone you really cared about, doesn’t trust you enough to tell you things about themselves, to the point where you’re willing to go to such lengths as turning into an apparition just to understand them.
And if you think about it, isn’t this part of her true wish? To have her feelings be reciprocated? Man I just realized that as I wrote this and I am mindblown.
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She thought she finally got her wish with Hanako. I mean, he said it himself in the first ep (”You wanted someone, anyone, to return your feelings, right? And as far as you’re concerned, sharing a bond with someone is the same thing, right?”). So it must’ve hit her really hard when she thought he didn’t trust her. Especially with all the wrong ideas the fishes were feeding her mind.
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Then we got this little flashback. At first I was like, “Girl, you really be thinking that he doesn’t care about you while recalling the moment he apologized to you and hugged you? Are you insane?”
But after some thinking of my own, it occurred to me. Maybe she was too used to having her feelings not reciprocated, she couldn’t believe it when someone finally did. Not to mention Hanako did kinda trick her with his fake confession a while back (heh, he’s not the only one with trust issues, eh?). And that just made the entire thing even sadder.
So when Nene said, “But I thought, if I were an apparition like you, I could get closer to you. Then, maybe I’d be able to understand you, Hanako-kun. Although I know I probably don’t mean anything to you.”
That was a harsh wake up call for Hanako.
(Btw even more full circle, Hanako brought up Nene’s wish to become human again in the first episode. Nice.)
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So. We got one daikon girl who’s afraid of not having her feelings reciprocated, and one ghost boy who’s afraid that daikon girl wouldn’t be his friend anymore if she knew about his past.
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While in actuality, said daikon girl already decided she wanted to and would be his friend no matter what, and ghost boy had grown to care about her more than he thought he would.
He heard what she said to Tsuchigomori. He knew all about regret, too.  I mean, honestly, I think if she had said no, he’d let her walk away right then and there, no questions asked. But she didn’t.
Nene’s wish finally came true here. And the best part? It wasn’t the work of magic or curses. Just Hanako finally shoving his fear aside, offering himself as he was, and letting her decide.
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And she still chose to be with him.
Heh. Lemme just. Sob for a bit.
Is my hananene trash brain reading too much into this? Idk. Maybe.
So props to the production team for managing to add even more weight to this arc. Which, they had to, since it’s the season finale and all. But I love what they did!
Onto my commentaries!
1. The KouNene
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Good shit. She was worried about him but he didn’t want her to worry so he just smiled it off? These two are precious. Thought they were gonna interact. Sadly not. Buuuut! (see point 12)
2. Hanako’s classroom visit
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He. Is. So. Adorable. Someone please take his babey license away he’s too dangerous.
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Hanako’s classroom visit is like my absolute favorite clingy Hanako moment, so I’m really happy I get to see it this season. Ugh. My kokoro. Hugging her from behind, that semi confession vibe … Smooth mf.
The Mokke brushing Nene’s hair!!! The radish hairdo tho lmao.
On a sidenote, as a history nerd I appreciate that they’re actually putting lessons in the background. And the teacher talked about Apollo 11 again??? While my boy was in the room? That ish both hurt and pleased me.
3. The Clock Keeper rumor drop
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Heeeeeehhhhh? What’s thiiiiiissss?
4. This freaking thing
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*flips table* Darn production team been knew I’m hananene trash how dare they do this to me.
And lookie here there’s Kodama chilling.
5. Fishies! (!!!manga spoiler for The Little Mermaid arc!!!)
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Pufferfish didn’t die. Well, good for him. Also I can’t believe they just call the other fish ‘yeah yeah’ lmao what the freak. Has it always been like that in the manga?
6. AOI AND AKANE (!!!spoilers for chapter 64!!!)
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I swear I did not intend this numbering coincidence.
*claps* Boi. Nene asking Aoi about cutting ties with someone she’s interested in? And then Akane just swooped in and say he’d rather cut his head off than cut ties with Aoi? What about getting impaled, huh, boy? Would that do?
The not-so-subtle call out to these two pairs’ parallel? BOI.
7. Nene and Yako
These two just chilling together having girl talk, and Yako let Nene pet her? That’s some adorable shit right there. Admit it Yako you like her.
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Yako also be really hitting home with what she said. It was extra heavy coming from her, considering what happened to her and Misaki. Boiiiiii.
8. Tsuchigomori
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Oh my God, his laughter. Just … oh my God.
Tsuchigomori in dad mode is always one of the highlights of the episode/chapter.
By the way, in this scene according to the sub, Nene asked Tsuchigomori who Tsukasa is. But she knew who he is already. Is it possible that the sub misinterpreted it? ‘Cause I think what she actually meant was, “What happened to him and Tsukasa-kun in the past?”
If someone who speaks Japanese could share their wisdom, please do!
9. The 5 pm bell and twilight
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Look how pretty they are!!!
Lo and behold, another important hananene interaction while the 5 pm bell plays in the background. Also, twilight? Y’all giving me Kimi no Na wa flashbacks.
“Twilight, when it’s neither day or night. When the world blurs and one might encounter something not human.”
Huh … kinda fits the ‘boundary’ concept but it still hurt.
Anyway they still had Hanako tell her what she already knew. And I did say in my ‘Walking Blind’ post that it’d be redundant. But since the episode kinda emphasized Nene’s desire to understand Hanako, having him actually tell her himself, even though she already knew it, was a big deal. It’s not about what she knows, it’s about him opening up to her. So I’m super cool with it.
10. The Broadcasting Club (!!!spoilers for The Clock Keeper arc!!!)
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I love how Natsuhiko and Sakura are actually decent people. When he told Mitsuba that he was free to choose to stay with them or not? That’s solid, man. Though, of course, Tsukasa might not be as kind.
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Speaking of, I know it couldn’t be anything else, but I’m still not sure if Tsukasa’s drawing was confirmation for season 2. Don’t wanna get my hopes up. Imma just enjoy what I currently have.
Kinda curious, though. Because Clock Keeper wasn’t Tsukasa’s doing. Maybe he was the one who released Mirai? But tbh I’d prefer if it wasn’t so. Because having more cases of supernaturals going loco without it being one of Tsukasa’s games is interesting, and kinda underlines the need of The Seven Wonders to keep supernaturals in check.
11. Kodama just chilling
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12. The Adventures of Minamoto and the Summer Vegetables
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You go, Kou! I’m rooting for you oh my God you’re so precious.
And look at that ikemen smile! Him supporting Kou is just top notch sweet y’all I can’t-
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Ngl this was the biggest surprise of the episode. Teru finding out that summer vegetables = Nene? Broooooo. Interesting. I don’t think this little addition warrants any changes to their future interaction, so it should be safe. Clever replacement, too, those veggies.
It’s so sweet that Nene delivered those veggies to Kou! Just imagine the Minamoto family having veggies for dinner. Awww.
(Also, Nene wrote her name in hiragana instead of kanji. Is that a reference to how bad Kou is with kanji? Lol, so sweet)
13. The Coda!!!
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Look at him. Just look at him. Look how lovesick he is y’all I can’t-
All in all, I love this episode. Sorry for how long this post is. I’m just dealing with so many feels right now. Gaaahhhhh.
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junosartsthetic · 4 years
Rohan Headcanons
Here’s eight pages of Rohan shit I wrote late at night. I should stop doing that. But alas, I won’t.
HeS a lil shit
That’s canon
He’s also kinda 🥺🥺
Heavens door also is 🥺🥺
if Rohan isn’t in the mood to give affection heavens door will gladly hug you for hOUrs
It’ll just nestle up against your chest and sorta,,,, fall asleep almost?
N ur like Rohan it’s asleep on my tits
N he’s like,,,, god I wish that were me…. I mean,,,, uhh,,, fuckin sucks 4 you guess you’ll just suffer
he likes drawing you
lol sketches on napkins n such
He just likes lookin at ur face
He also has a pen somewhere lost in his hair
He keeps it there just in case his other ones get lost
Even tho he’s got so fuCKin many
Also he lovEs learning things!
He’ll pick up a book about anything and read it just because
He’ll try to impress u with weird n random facts
Most of the time it doesn’t work
he likes when you mess with his hair
On the outside he’s like
DOnt fuckin touCh me but on the inside he’s like,,,, oooo head scritches r niceeeee
He believes he has an exceptional sense of style and doesn’t take criticism
He wears silk pajamas
But only sometimes
99% of the time he sleeps in his clothes because he passes out from exhaustion mid-drawing
Rohan also likes writing
Just lil things
Poems n such
He’s rather sentimental about certain things
He likes to go to libraries even though he’s got a bunch of books at home because he believes it allows him to better absorb the information he needs
He hates off brand things
It’s a maJor pet peeve
“What the hell is this?”
“What do you mean? They’re pop tarts?”
“Yeah, pop tarts.”
He likes to wear slippers
Bunny slippers
They’re cute
He got heavens door a lil pair of them
Gotta match, ya know?
He picks at his eyelashes when he’s nervous
You gotta tell him to stop or else he’s gonna have to wear falsies
That makes him quit for a little while at least
He once accidentally stabbed himself with a pen but refused to go to Josuke for help
He’s still got a scar from it
his house has a basement but he’s never gone down to it
Too scary
He just says he has no use for it
He’s a scaredy-cat
He can play quite a few instruments
He can also sing
He sings in the shower
It’s not half bad but his song choices tend to be awful
He’s got an embarrassing tattoo somewhere
Probably something stupid like a butterfly on his calf
He pretends it doesn’t exist
He used to read random people’s memories with heavens door when bored or uninspired but after a mortifying memory he read he stopped doing that
He once had a coo-coo clock but smashed it because it was getting on his nerves
he hates the sound of gum chewing
It’s the worst™️ to him
he sometimes forgets to shower
But when he does shower it is extra™️
He takes reaaaaally long showers
And sings, as established
what the fuck does he even do in there?
It’s a secret
He orders takeout because he can’t fucking cook
He’s trash at it
He tries
But he just can’t do it
he tends to make faces when he draws
It’s hilarious
He once drank 17 five hour energies to see what would happen
He doesn’t remember what happened
He awoke 2 days later in the hospital
he enjoys playing scrabble but only because everyone who plays against him ends up crying in anger when they lose
He owns a bunch of record players for the aesthetic™️
Doesn’t use them like ever
Owns like 3 records that he will play once in a blue moon
Everything he does is for the aesthetic™️ tbh
He likes to be held
But only under certain circumstances 
Do nOT touch when he is in the middle of drawing something intense
He will turn around and sMAck you with his pen (on purpose or accident? Idk)
He’s clingy
He’s needy
He’s whiny
He’s like a puppy
But with the ego of a cat
He’ll be actively spooning you but assures you he is nOt having the time of his life
Eventually he admits he likes hugs n human contact
But at first it’s like trying to give a cat a bath
Speaking of baths… bath time!
He likes baths
They’re nice
Bubble baths
They help him think 
And he likes to mess with the bubbles
He likes the smell of candles too
You normally buy him candles in special occasions 
He loves them
Most of the time
Occasionally he will despise the scent but keep the candle around anyway because he feels bad throwing away a gift
Well, a gift from his s/o
Anyone else he’ll tOss that sucker into the trash
The gift— not the gift giver
If it’s Josuke— he’s in the dumpster 
Slightly nsfw but uhh,,,
Boob stress balls?
It’s a win-win situation tbh
soft, moldable, attached to someone he loves
You’ve gotten used to it tbh
Whatever calms him down
Also he likes when you kiss his forehead before going to bed
He’ll be staying up to finish something and you’ll kiss him good night and leave your chapstick on his forehead and he just—
Makes him feel loved
He won’t admit it though
you usually initiate the affection
Sometimes he’ll hold your hand or something in public
In private he’ll be more outgoing but deny it means anything
“What, no I didn’t mean to touch your ass it was an accident”
“You’re still touching my ass”
“It’s still an accident”
you two also get in realllly stupid arguments 
“Did you open this door?”
“Did you open it?”
“Why would I open the basement door?”
“Did you?”
“Why would I lie about that?”
he’s a blanket hog
Also loves his pillows
He wears a lil sleep mask to bed
It’s cute
he unironically has a hydro flask
It keeps his water cold
He finds the jingling of the ice in it annoying though
I think he wouldn’t enjoy digital art because he can’t feel the paper and the ink and it’s not as personal
he likes eating ramen
Even though it’s terrible for him
If you look closely there are little stains on his papers
It’s ramen broth
But it’s convenient and he can’t cook for shit so it’s what he eats
He acts all refined but he’s not if you look closely
He’s got a reallly messy closet I bet
He tries to keep organized but it’s difficult!
He likes drawing birds
Idk why
He’s got a framed picture of you on his desk
He looks at it when he’s feeling stressed
It usually calms him down and gets him ready to work
you’ve nude modeled for him a couple times
Half the time he’s not even sketching
You don’t care though
Seeing his suave facade and expression be replaced with red cheeks and stifling coughs is cute
By the end you just give him a kiss and then it leads to—
The nsfw is for later
He’s tried to get you to draw
But anything you draw he criticizes so harshly that you’ve sworn off showing him your drawings 
You know he’s doing it to help you
But it still hurts
you’ll sometimes help shading things in his manga
It’s the only thing he trusts you to do
But only on minor panels
And in small patches
But you still get credit as a background artist so you’re happy
You paint his nails a lot
He doesn’t mind
his favorite color is a dark green like his hair, though he also enjoys gold to match his stand
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How they act around their crush: GD edition
[This one’s for @glass-grapes​. I saw your submission and am completely psyched that you love my blog! I know that I’ve only recently had it kick-off with a few posts, but I have been wanting to start one of these since January. Hope this is to your liking! (p.s I didn’t know if I should do pre or post time skip, so I did a little dabbling into both]
We all know Claude here is both a go-getter and a tease 
If he finds you interesting then there’s no reason for him to hide it. A  battle of wits never hurt anyone, and boy do you two fight well
He is s a s s y. If you’re chatting with some other students he might stick his nose into the conversation to toy with you. It’s all in good fun, right? Just a little mini-game on his way to achieving bigger things  
That’s what he tells himself 
Some days he finds you a bit too alluring, and can’t help being self conscious of the other people around
Fiddles with his braid when you throw him for a loop
Will pay extra special attention to you in battle, and makes excuses to the prof. for why you should be near him. He really is a snake 
Post-Timeskip he hides his bias even more. Not enough to fool his close comrades, but enough to avoid you receiving any extra attention from the enemy  
Sometimes slips items in your room to distract from the stress. Tea, a new blanket, etc.
During the five year gap he keeps track of your whereabouts. After Garreg Mache fell he decided that his dream would take priority as planned, but also believed that one day you would be at his side 
Wasn’t surprised at all to see you at the reunion, but that familiar urge to tug his hair returned too  
Judith and Nader have already heard about you prior to your meeting. Much to his dismay they view his buried feelings as open range comedy
We all know how Lorenz acts when he finds someone of interest. The guy is a huge flirt which causes the professor wayyy too much stress 
He’s not as in-tune with his sense of romance as you would think. In the early stages he’ll treat you the same as all the other ladies: a potential partner for house Gloucester.
Date offerings, frilly words, gifts, acts of kindness. Ah tis but the duty of a noble, yes? 
One day he lets that stubborn side of his personality slip out, and you come back at him with just as much fire. He becomes so angered after it, but somehow hearing the words from you hurt more than if someone else were to say them
That’s when he knows that he’s in deep, and from then on he treats you more gently. He’ll watch his tongue around other women, and sets his sights on only you. His mannerisms are the same as before, but now he tries to learn more about you as a person vs. just the cold hard statistics
He’s a blusher. He has a naturally light pigmentation so it shows. 
After the time-skip he’ll watch you like a hawke. Do you like his new hair cut? Surly it’s an improvement from before sorry bro it’s not
Sets his dignity aside to request that you be given a hexlock shield during battle, or placed near him. Claude won’t let him live it down
He m i g h t avoid you, but please don’t take it the wrong way. That’s just how he is, you know?
Young Ignatz isn’t that confident in himself. You’re...well ‘you’. And he’s...well, ‘him’
Oddly enough he confides in HIlda of all people. It originally began with wanting to see if she was still on stable duty with him, but ended up with him working and her talking
When you’re nearby he chooses not to speak unless spoken to. If you didn’t know his tells he’d come off cold, but one look at his hands wringing together just proves he was nervous 
Byleth puts you two on cooking duty together: que panic. He legit grovels at their feet to pick someone else. They don’t, and that evening he sketches a wonderful picture of you sifting through different seasonings 
On your birthday he struggles to give you the gift he prepared. It ends up with Lionie giving you it while he watches from afar. 
When you’re older he is much more verbal with his opinions 
More often than not he lets those honey-coated words slip out, which usually end up with him excusing himself quickly 
Invites you to join him during downtime at least once a week. Every day could be his last, and goddess forbid yours. He wants to spend time with you even if he isn’t the most graceful companion never mind that he’s a smooth-talking mofo
If there’s one thing Raphael is good at, it’s showing that he cares 
The boy is a giant muscular teddybear. He will carry your things, he will spar with you, he will eat anything you cook without complaint, and he will hug you; hard. 
Unlike everyone else he’s pretty open with his feelings. Life is short, you know? 
If you make him particularly bashful he’ll laugh loudly. More so to cover up his own embarrassment than because he finds the situation actually humorous
Adopts this habit of constantly asking if you need anything. The guy loves to dote on people, and lookie here you’re the perfect target 
Remembers all important dates like a pro. On your birthday he drops a gift right on your desk first thing in the morning 
Goddess forbid anyone gives you trouble. Without the smile on his face he looks the murder type, and the guy uses it to his advantage. He will happily escort you anywhere you need to go 
Once his sister is settled he might honestly stick with you during that five year gap. He’s made his feelings painfully obvious, and you haven’t chased him off. Why not stick around? 
Yo she’s clingy 
She knows you have to be a catch and a half to steal her heart, so who knows who else that you’ve smooth talked 
Just like everyone else she’ll still get you to do her bidding...but, maybe a smidge less 
She feels guilty, but won’t show it 
Hilda will do all in her power to not let the news reach her family. The last thing she needs is Holst sending her more letters, or worse: showing up at the monastery
Y’all she will don her best perfume for you. She will push all her work onto Cyril and drag you to have lunch with her. This is normal Hilda behavior so she has no reason to be shy 
Will flirt openly and proudly. If you recuperate she’ll go gossip to Marianne about how you’re ‘totally smitten’ with her
Post-skip she’s not much different. Most of her time is spent doing what she can for the cause, but when you see each other she’s more bold. 
Like always she doesn’t like to have expectations pushed onto her. She does have one for herself though, and it’s to stay by your side. 
During the academy years she tends to admire from afar 
Her favorite memories are of when the professor signed you both up for choir practice. She loves your voice, and it was a time where there wasn’t any pressure for conversation 
As time passes she’ll become less adverse to talking. Quiet greetings will be whispered when you cross paths, and occasionally you two have lunch together 
Marianne is not as reserved as people assume her to be. She’s just had a rough time, and if you take things slow with her then she’ll gradually have a stronger presence in your life. She hopes that this comes true for you two 
Eye contact hasn’t always been her forte. She does try to maintain it with you though 
Her feelings remain at a stalemate through most of the academy days. Only when she bypass’ some more personal-issues does she let her emotions go free
About halfway through the war period she changes. Her stance is more vertical, and she becomes the one to take initiative in your relationship 
She’ll still blush upon any physical contact, and in some cases she’ll lose her breath when you talk. Don’t take the momentary silence as a bad thing, she’s okay. 
Occasionally she’ll be restless and unable to sleep, worrying about the future she now has in her grasp. You might find her scouring for a cup of chamomile late in the night 
She’ll deny herself immediately. For Lysithea the future is an anomaly. One of which that no amount of studying or research can uncover.
It’s painfully obvious that there’s a spark between you two. Anyone can see it, and Hilda has pestered her many times regarding confessing 
If the situation was a bit different, she would. Lysithea is no push over, but she also doesn’t want to invest time into something that will bear no fruition 
She keeps her cool around you for the most part...or at least until you’re out of hearing distance 
Then she completely loses composure. Did someone say clammy hands? Because hers get slicker than lorenz’s hair gel 
Leads to stress eating, not gonna lie. There are many late night trips to the mess hall, and many angry cooks over the missing sweets  
Times are different post-timeskip though. She’s a bit more reluctant to let these feelings go 
Occasionally there’s some open flirting on her part. If you recuperate then it becomes more frequent and less forced. The sassy banter between you two becomes the deer’s free entertainment
She’s commonly been viewed as ‘one of the guys,’ for her personality. So she’s very insecure about getting friend zoned 
It’s not like she was actively searching for romance. It just happened, you know? One day something just struck a chord 
She never took the time to picture sharing a life with someone. Most of her life has been spent worrying about her village, or working hard to attain some kind of recognition from the Captian 
For a split second she considers going to Byleth for some advice. Now isn’t the time for school-girl crushes. Now is the time to be forging a path to the future
Decides to completely ignore the ache she feels when you’re nearby. Just...lets it go. 
She’ll put hella distance between you two. The only time she’ll initiate contact is during sparring 
After the timeskip she stays this way too. Well, until HIlda calls her out on her bullsh*t (if you haven’t noticed from all these. Hilda is a perceptive little cookie)
Just like anyone she’ll go through the moral dilemma of deciding to confess or not. She instead chooses to just let her feelings do as they please, and if something happens then it happens 
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shift-shaping · 3 years
41 and 43 for the ask meme?
lol i decided to do all of them instead
re: the lioness and the wolf
under cut
50 Questions to ask about your romance
Why do they care about each other? They begin with mutual admiration, then trust, then a sort of faith in each other's abilities that quickly turns allies into friends and finally lovers. She is disarming and clever and brave and (despite her own opinion of herself) very wise. He is compassionate and intelligent and world-weary, with a weight of guilt about him that Eirwen recognizes in herself.
Why should your reader care about them? They have a mature, reasonable, yet still complex relationship built on mutual respect and admiration and also have very good sex.
How do their friends feel about their relationship? Adaar, Dagna, and Cole (probably the people closest to them in Skyhold) are all supportive. Adaar is very happy for them and Cole likes how happy they make each other.
How do their families feel? Morrigan is the closest thing Eir has to family and she is not a fan of Solas. She didn't like Alistair either, though. I honestly don't know that she'd like any romance option for Eir because she is the sibling that immediately dislikes any of her sister's dates because 'men are stupid' and so is any woman Eirwen would be interesting in. If Eirwen's parents were alive they would definitely think Solas is too old for her (correct!) but otherwise find him neat.
What do they dislike about each other? Solas is absolutely baffled by how often Eirwen puts herself in serious danger and generally acts with little regard for her wellbeing. 'You throw yourself into battle like it's a duty', or something. She is frustrated by his tendency to be patronizing and to pick fights with Morrigan.
What do they argue about? Wardens, Solas being racist/out of touch/condescending, Eirwen making bad life decisions
What do they do together? Talk and talk and talk and wander around and drink wine and talk some more and light something on fire.
How often do they have sex? As often as Solas can handle because Wardens Fuck.
What is their sexual dynamic? Both are switches, but Solas leans more dominant and Eir is very happy either way.
Who initiates sex most often? Eirwen.
How physically affectionate are they? Very, though more in the sense of holding hands for a quick moment, standing close to each other, gossiping in the back of the party, etc. as opposed to literally hanging off each other all the time.
How do they act in public Vs in private? In public they are fairly mature and restrained. In private it does not take long for sex to start happening only to get interrupted by more talking.
What is their favourite kind of kiss? Solas loves kissing her hairline/forehead and she loves kissing his cheek. Both find each other's preferred kiss silly but love it anyway.
Who gets their way most often? It would probably seem like Solas does but Eirwen is just not that opinionated and usually gives up on arguments pretty quickly. When she does want something, she always gets it.
Where was their first date? Fighting a dragon in the Dirth Getting sad in the garden Getting trapped in the Fade Being petty in Halamshiral I'm not actually sure lol
How often do they go on dates? They go places and do dumb shit together often but I think their dreams are more like dates. So, very often.
Do they live together? Sort of. He spends a lot of time in her room because as far as I can fucking tell Solas does not actually have quarters in Skyhold and just sleeps on that ratty old couch like a loser. She has a bed, at least.
How long was their flirting phase? Several months, thereabouts.
How do they sleep when they're together? She CLINGS in their sleep and just puts most of her weight on him. He is so touch-starved that he usually just lets her unless she's cutting off his circulation.
Who is the most clingy? Physically, Eirwen. Emotionally, Solas.
Do they steal each others clothes? Not really, but I could see them doing it. If she had a particularly nice hat or something that she wasn't using I could see him taking it if he needed extra warmth. She'd definitely put on his shirt or something just to turn him on (which would work, because he's a pervert).
What petty opinions do they not agree on? Solas wants like six tablespoons of sugar in his coffee as well as creamer and Eirwen thinks it's fucking disgusting even though she has a sweet tooth, too. He also definitely likes red velvet cake and she thinks it's dumb. They agree that cream cheese frosting is incredible. Solas isn't into the concept of keeping an animal as a pet (he likes animals, just not pets) but Eirwen would definitely keep a shit ton of rescue critters if she could. She LOVES birds and would never remove a nest no matter how inconvenient, but the second one shits on his head he'd move it himself.
Why did they choose each other? Mutual respect, admiration, and intense physical attraction. She loves his arms and he loves her... everything (but definitely her breasts and butt, although he would never say that to anyone except her). Like if he were at the Hanged Man and Varric or Bull tried to push him on talking about sex with her he would not elaborate beyond it being good and happening often, and even that would be cloaked in implication. Even with a decent amount of alcohol he wouldn't say more than that she's beautiful. She, meanwhile, would immediately tell Sera he has a huge dick and is extremely good at oral, which would probably make Sera physically ill.
What is their biggest problem? She's dying and he's himself.
How do their jobs/education affect their relationship? lol. This would take a really long time to answer in full but it's hopefully clear in the story. He thinks it sucks that she's a Warden and that she had to go through the abuse of the Circle but knows she'd be a very different person otherwise. She's doing her best to parse through him being Fen'Harel because her frame of reference for elven culture is minimal. As members of the Inquisition, it brought them together and means she has her own quarters for them to bone in.
Do they share the same music taste? They would both definitely love a good fiddle.
Why did they meet? She was dying (a theme) and he rescued her and healed her. Interestingly, this was almost immediately after Wisdom died.
If they aren't together yet, why not?
What if the biggest challenge they have to overcome? Spoilers spoilers lol.
What is their most noticeable physical difference? She's very dark-skinned and he's fairly pale. Also, she has lots of lovely hair and he has none lol.
What are their opinions on marriage? Eirwen thinks it's dumb and Solas is indifferent because I imagine marriage was probably weird in elvhenan. But they'd do something informal to express their intentions of being together for a very long time. And Eirwen would be into the tax benefits.
What are their opinions on children? Neither of them has any interest in children of their own but they're both neutral on kids as a concept. I think Eirwen probably sees them more as tiny adults, though.
Is their relationship healthy? Why/why not? Yes. They are open with each other and clear about their wants/needs, or at least as much as possible given plot circumstances.
How do their past relationships affect them? I get the sense that Solas has a probably-unhealthy tendency to (lowkey?) worship those he loves. He probably had very few serious relationships, but I imagine each was monumental for him at the time. He feels very deeply and passionately and any losses he's been through make him want to protect her, which he cannot do. She is constantly reminded of Alistair, of how deeply she loved him and how thoroughly she believes she failed him. She tried for a long time not to get seriously attached to anyone else as a result. With Solas, she is trying to let go of that tendency to keep everyone at a distance.
Do they love each other, or are they in love? Both. He loved her before he was in love with her, but I think both happened for her at the same time.
Why should your readers root for them? They are essentially good people trying their best.
Do they both put an equal amount of effort into the relationship? I think Solas puts in a little more. He worships her, to some extent.
Who do they turn to when their relationship has problems? Themselves. They talk to each other unless it's something REALLY wild and plot-related that requires some inner calculations first.
Who does the most mundane household tasks? Solas in the evening, Eirwen in the morning.
What do they do when the other is mad? Eirwen uses humor to distract him, and if that doesn't work just lets him rant until he tires himself out. She doesn't get angry very often, so I don't know if Solas would have an immediate solution or reaction to her anger, which would lead him to be overly-logical and probably piss her off more. Then he'd feel really fucking bad and let her get it all out before doing whatever he could to make things better. Alternatively, they'd agree on whatever is pissing them off and just rant together and get all shitty until nobody else can stand to be around them. Then they'd fuck.
How do their flaws clash? She's too reckless for him and though he believes she'll be okay there's still a voice in his head that's like 'but what if she's not?' She thinks he's overreacting.
Why do you enjoy writing them? They both have such rich personal histories with fun parallels. They are equals, despite him being who he is, and see each other as such. She asserts her position as his equal in power and intelligence and refuses to let him doubt her capabilities, even in the interest of her own protection. Her wit and confidence ground him. They both need certainty and reassurance that they are more than what others see them as. They make each other feel whole.
What small quirks do they like about each other? From early on she's admired how gentle he can be with his hands even when he's upset. He loves how easily distracted she is by birds and flowers and miscellaneous wildlife and finds her infodumps about various critters extremely endearing.
What would a stranger think if they saw them out together? "Fucking apostates." Or, alternatively: "...Is that the Hero of Ferelden?"
How do they show the other that they love them? Physical affection and 'acts of service' or whatever. Doing little favors for each other and noticing the other's needs before they voice them.
What made them fall in love? Eirwen first felt a hint of something for him when she saw him helping the Vilbirn survivors. He first felt something when she turned into a fucking dragon. Over time, though, it was the slow realization that the other person genuinely cared for them and respected their abilities and experiences that made them truly fall in love.
Have they ever took a break?
What was their biggest fight about? ~*Wardens*~
What do they give as gifts? Food, because they both forget to eat. But also little love notes.
He is well-aware of their animal symbolism and kind of loves it. Like, he would call their story 'the lioness and the wolf' because he's a dramatic moron.
Sera: So, you and droopy?
Eir: Droopy? Hardly.
Sera: What --EWW hahahaha!
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
“illusion” ch 8
Link to the full work
Warnings: none :) Except Julius being cute and charming as usual.
Julius freezes on the spot, but it's mostly just from surprise. I mean, he has a right to be surprised... until a couple weeks ago, I barely talked to him, and now here I am, crying into his arms. He doesn't know that he's the only anchor I have right now, the only thing that could possibly protect me and keep me safe. Alice wasn't enough... at the bar, I still got hurt. But Julius... he was the one who found me. There's no way he knows any of that, but even so he relaxes a moment later, one hand still squeezing my shoulder while the other pats my head gently, not presuming to touch to much, but just enough that I know he's there.
Maybe I should feel embarrassed to cry in front of him, but I don't.
"It's alright... it's better to let it out than to keep it all bottled up inside, you know."
"...I know..." I sniffle a little as I finally straighten up again, letting myself stay close to him. Close... ah!!! We're so close right now!! I feel my ears heat up, but that's not what I want to think about right now. "I...um..." I'm not exactly sure where to begin. "I have something I need to tell you... It might be a lot, though..."
"That's fine." Julius gulps, obviously a little worried about what I'm about to tell him. "Er, let's sit down?"
The awkwardness still hangs in the air, but it starts to thin. I quickly nod and let go of him, not really realizing how tight my hands on his shirt were until I released him. Calm down... everything is fine, at least for now. I let myself take one deep, soothing breath before sinking down onto his couch. Julius's room is just a little bigger than mine, but since he is a leader, he gets it all to himself. There's really only a fireplace, couch, desk, a couple of dressers, and his bed, which is queen sized rather than a twin like everyone else's. I'm sure the Captain has a king sized bed, but I've never been in there. It's warm, and welcoming... cozy, actually. Exactly what I need.
But now, I have a new challenge: How on earth do I explain this whole crazy situation to Julius without sounding so paranoid? I can barely even bring myself to look at him as he sits down next to me, only sparing a brief glance. But I have to... right now, he's the only one who I can trust. Not even Alice...
"So... I guess I'll start at the beginning."
I look away from his concerned eyes, taking one more deep breath before closing my eyes. A simple gesture, but one that melts away my anticipation, if just for a moment.
Above all else... be clear. Don't sound emotional.
"On New Years night, a couple hours after I left you outside, I woke up in the mess hall alone. I cleaned up and took some extra wine bottles into the cellar. However, on my way down, someone ambushed me and pushed me down the stairs. A second person closed the door, leaving me blind and defenseless. The first person, a man, hit and choked me until I was unconscious, while the other stood there and watched. Before I passed out, I felt their clothes, and I'm almost certain they were wearing a Grey Deer cloak. That was all they did, and I woke up alone."
It all comes out slowly but surely, my voice calm and level. I willed myself to keep my emotions at bay, and I've succeeded. But there's a little more.
"Then, last night, weeks later, when I thought the danger might be gone... someone drugged my drink. I checked the bar tab, I only drank one drink, not enough to get me drunk. When I realized what was happening, I ran and hid before anyone could hurt me. Luckily, you were the one who found me. But-" I sit up a bit. Somehow, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my chest. Confessing all this is... refreshing. It makes more sense once I say it all out loud.
"But, it confirmed what I feared was true. Someone, at least two people on this squad, tried to attack me twice, in different ways. I have no idea why, or what they want... but I couldn't stay in my room alone tonight, which is why I'm here."
I finally look up to gauge Julius's reaction. His eyes have widened considerably over the course of my story, and I can see that he's still processing it all. "I'm sorry... you probably didn't expect this kind of story when you let me in..." I almost let out a little chuckle at the absurdity of it all, but a small bubble of sadness wells in my chest. "But... you're the only person I can trust, right now."
"...you were attacked... twice... by a squad member..."
His voice stays soft, but I pick up on a tiny spark of emotion in his words.
...anger? At me-?
"That's terrible... unforgivable..."
Okay, so not at me. Julius leans forward on his knees, his fingers threading together. It's almost scary, the way his eyes have shifted now. He's no longer processing my story; he's calculating. Desperately trying to come up with an answer for the question who could have done this? Suddenly, his eyes lighten a little and he straightens up to look at me again, softness returning to his gaze. "And... because I found you last night, I'm the one you can trust to tell this two?"
I nod, but there's more. "Not just that... on New Years, Alice came home late and said she saw you outside still. If you didn't come in at all that night, you couldn't have been one of the people attacking me."
"Right, I see... that's smart. You can't trust Alice?"
"I thought I could... but she was with me last night, and I still got drugged. She might have been involved."
My oldest friend... the one who's helped me through my darkest times. If she's involved in this somehow, then I've lost everything I had-
My despair is halted by a gentle hand on my shoulder, and I feel Julius smiling down at me once again.
"Thank you for telling me... I can't believe you've been shouldering this yourself. No one's that strong. To be betrayed by your own comrades..." He shakes his head a little, and I see the anger flash in his vision again, making my heart skip a fearful beat. Not just anger though... familiarity? Has this happened before?
"I won't let anyone hurt you here, don't worry. I assume this is why you've been staying close to me all the time, right?"
"O-Oh, yeah-" I actually manage to laugh this time, although it's a little nervous. "I, um... I'm sorry, I didn't want to annoy you or anything, but I didn't really have much of a choice."
"It's fine." Julius chuckles as well, patting my shoulder before letting go. "I was a little dumb, though... I thought it was because- well-"
The waver in his voice takes me by surprise, but not as much as the blush that suddenly blossoms on his cheeks.
"I thought... you might have gotten a crush on me or something, ahah-"
A... crush? 
"Oh! Uh- I- er-" I feel bad that he looks so awkward right now, which is not a look I'm used to seeing on my distinguished Vice-Captain's face. "I can definitely see how you would think that, I was being a little clingy, wasn't I?" I laugh a little, hoping to put him at ease. "Sorry about that-"
"Sorry? Oh, no, don't be. I..." Julius's voice trails off without warning, but he starts talking about it before I have time to consider what the momentary lapse could mean. "I didn't think you were clingy. After all, I poked holes in my own theory soon enough. I realized that something was wrong, even if it was just in my gut..." He points at his own neck. "Those bruises you had on your neck that morning, you couldn't have gotten them from just falling down the stairs, could you?"
"No... you noticed that?"
"Of course. It's my job to take care of my squadmates, isn't it?"
His hand suddenly lands on my shoulder again, squeezing once comfortingly. His fingers don't relax completely.
"I promise... I'll help you figure out who did this, and they'll be severely punished. I won't leave you alone again."
I don't understand... 
"Thank you, Julius."
... how one man can be so... warm?
"Now, I guess you'll have to stay in here tonight, isn't Alice on an overnight mission?"
It takes a moment for his question to sink in. Oh! I completely forgot about that part... but I have to stay in here? In his room?! Sleeping?! It takes everything I have to keep from turning red again. "...yeah, if that's okay. I-I can sleep on the couch, if you have a pillow and blanket to spare-"
Julius cuts me off with a laugh. "No, no, what kind of host would I be if I made you sleep on the couch? You can take the bed, you've had a long night. I'll sleep here."
"Alright... thank you."
On the inside, I'm screaming. A.) I have to sleep in JULIUS'S bed (alone, but still-), B.) that means I'm forcing HIM to sleep on a couch (which I feel pretty bad about), and C.)...
Eek! I have to sleep in his bed...
Julius hums to himself cheerfully as he starts gathering a blanket and pillows for his makeshift bed. I just stand there awkwardly, not really sure what to do. My eyes follow him as he finally sits back on the couch, wrapped up in his blanket. His eyes catch mine. "Oh, I guess you don't have to go to bed now... uh-" He smiles and holds up his book. "Want to read with me? It's a history of mana development over the ages, it's quite fascinating!"
Hmm, I don't know about that... Despite the seemingly boring content, I nod my head and sit back down next to him, my posture a little stiff as he opens the book so we can both see it. I don't want to lean too close to him, because what if our knees brush? Or our shoulders press together? I think I would die... I've created a weird enough situation as it is, and Julius already thought I had a crush on him before. How embarrassing! It's too early for anything with him, anyway...
I had a crush on him when I first joined the squad, like most of the girls here. How could I not? Luckily, it faded quickly, overshadowed by my pressing engagement. Of course, feeling never truly go away, do they? Elia is proof of that, her early crush still clinging to her heart to this day. Even for me... I can't help but dream. Maybe one day... once all this is over... I can make a move. If I were to date anyone other than Lawrence, it would be Julius, after all...
But I can't think about it right now!! Not with everything happening to me right now. I need to focus on my two current crises before creating a new one for myself.
To my surprise, Julius's book is actually pretty interesting, but despite that, I start to get real drowsy. I can last a few more pages, right? Julius glances down at me, and I nod, prompting him to go ahead and turn the page. This is nice... I don't really want to stand up.
So, I don't. Inevitably, my eyelids close and my head falls straight onto his shoulder. I don't even have time to be mortified; I'm too tired, and his shoulder is just too comfortable. 
...oh well. I can deal with the consequences later.
Julius doesn't seem to mind. He even relaxes a little as I doze off. He doesn't make a move to touch me or anything, but he slowly closes his book. My eyes are closed and my mind is far away, so I don't see his expression change. His smile falls, and a dark look comes into his eyes as he stares down at my peaceful face.
Something terrible is going on... in my squad. She isn't a peasant like Zara was, but someone's put a target on her back, anyway.
The movement is quick, and almost absent-minded. But his hand comes up, resting in my hair for just a moment.
I won't let it happen again... I promise.
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idyllicstarker · 5 years
Do you do little peter prompts? Would love some Tony comforting a sad Peter after a rough day.
I do!! Little Peter is adorable, but it was my first time writing it, so I’m sorry if it’s not the best. I hope you like it!
Warnings: Little!Peter, Daddy!Tony, ddlb
Bad days don’t last forever. 
This was the mentality Peter had been trying to uphold since he woke up this morning. But  as the day just continued to get worse, it was getting a lot harder and Peter didn’t know if he had the willpower to cope. 
It started as soon as he got out of bed. Some days Peter would just feel down and on these days the easiest way to make himself feel better was to slip into his little space and be with Tony, so that he was able to forget everything that was going on around him. Yet Peter was in high school; he had responsibilities, work to do, and an education to gain, so it was never that easy. 
Waking up in such a vulnerable head space set the tone for the rest of the day. The moment something went wrong it would only upset Peter further. And of course, today was the day everything decided to go wrong. 
Flash was being his usual irritable self but for some reason he decided to try and push on Peter’s patience further. He wasn’t violent, but he called him names as Peter trudged past him to get to his locker. They were nothing he wasn’t used to hearing: ‘Slut, whore, cock sucker, Penis Parker’ but today they just hit Peter that little bit harder. As he moved to swap his books out of his locker, he wiped the tears from his eyes letting out a shaky breath. Just a few more hours and then he could be in daddy’s, no, Tony’s arms - he couldn’t afford to slip here, if anyone noticed he’d never hear the end of it. 
It also seemed like every teacher had suddenly turned against Peter overnight. In second period he was yelled at for not paying enough attention. The shouting hurt his ears, and the embarrassment left him feeling sick, but most of all, it was only a reminder that he wasn’t good enough. One of fragile Peter’s most prominent insecurities. It was only further developed when in third period, he found out he’d failed his last biology test. Sure, everyone failed sometimes, but Peter had tried so hard with this one. He’d revised until his eyes were red and sore and he had been positive he was going to pass it at least.
He ended up not eating lunch because the teacher of his class just before kept him behind wanting to talk to him about how he needed to start working hard and not get distracted if he wanted to get into the college  he’d applied for.  But the problem was Peter was working hard, sometimes Tony even said too hard because he never took a break. Peter didn’t know what else he could give, he was already so worn down and tired… and now, he was hungry. Throughout the whole one-sided conversation (basically lecture) Peter sat still, his hands twisting around each other in his lap, his leg shaking up and down nervously and his head bowed. His teacher didn’t seem to notice that Peter was almost on the verge of tears.
There had been more incidents throughout the day but as Peter slowly began to regress beyond his control, he began to block them out. He’d been trying to uphold a conversation with Tony all day over text, but he didn’t want him to know the state that Peter was in knowing it would only worry him.
Finally when the end of the day came, Peter almost sank onto his knees in relief. He wanted his paci, and his stuffie, maybe some dinosaur nuggets and chocolate milk in his bottle. He wanted his warm fluffy onesie with the bunny tail and ears, but most of all he wanted to be cuddled in Tony’s arms.
Ned had offered to walk him home seeing that Peter wasn’t exactly in the most stable of mental states and wanted him to get back safe - Peter had instantly shot down Ned’s idea of him calling Tony to come and get him because he didn’t want to bother the busy man. Knowing reasoning with Peter wasn’t going to work, he just decided to do the next best thing. 
Peter wasn’t quite fully regressed, but he was dazed. The want and need was there, but the motive wasn’t. He couldn’t. It was just a short walk back, one short walk. 
After waving a solemn goodbye to Ned, he entered the tower. The moment he got into the lift, Peter’s resolve broke. He sank to his knees, letting out the softest of sobs, as tears began to fall down his cheeks.
Of course, Tony was standing looking frantic in front of the lift, the moment the doors opened on his floor, having ran at FRIDAY’s announcement that Peter had returned and was in ‘distress, not hurt, just in distress.’ 
The moment he laid eyes on Peter his gaze softened. The boy looked up with the most broken expression, but the relief that washed over his tense body was clear as he realised it was all okay now, he could let go. Tony was here. His head titled very so slightly to the side as he let out a staggered breath.
“Daddy”, he sighed out softly, a slight whine to his tone, a needy one, followed by a soft whimper. 
Tony wasted no time, bending down to remove the burden of his heavy backpack on Peter’s shoulders and slowly lifting him into his arms. “It’s okay sweet pea, daddy’s here now”, he soothed. His tone was gentle and low. And caring, always so caring. Slowly carrying the trembling little from the lift, he placed his backpack down beside the couch knowing Peter wouldn’t be touching anything from that for the rest of the night, and focused on rubbing the boys back genty. Peter instantly sank into Tony’s arms, his own wrapping around his neck and clinging onto him like a koala, legs crossed at the ankles. He didn’t want to let go and that much was obvious. He needed Tony right now, and Tony was more than happy to give himself. 
“There we go baby, everything’s better now. I’ve got you. Just let it all out”, Tony hummed, pressing a kiss to his temple. Peter nodded weakly in response, but didn’t lift his head from where he’d burrowed it into Tony’s neck. He was breathing in his scent, allowing how safe and protected he felt when he smelt it to shield away all the negative stuff that had happened today. 
Tony could feel the wetness on his neck indicating that Peter was still crying. Today must have really been a rough one. He needed attention and care, someone there, it was obvious. 
“Peter sweet pea..”, he whispered gently as he entered the bedroom, not wanting to disturb him from trying to feel better, but knowing the process would be easier if he was fully relaxed and comfortable. Peter let out a small whimper to show he was listening, but still didn’t talk. Tony wasn’t sure if he was at his normal regressed age of five or six, or if all the emotion made him regress further, but either way Tony didn’t mind, he’d still be here for him no matter what. “Let’s get you out of these clothes baby, into something warmer. And then you can cuddle with daddy to your little heart’s content”, he reassured. It was a warning of sorts, knowing Peter would begin to get whine and fidget once Tony set him down. 
And whine and fidget he did - Tony hadn’t even got him onto the bed before Peter began to screech, kicking slightly as he clung onto Tony’s t-shirt. “No daddy, don’t wanna, wants you”, he began to chant, but the guttural sobs his throat was producing made them harder to make sense of. 
“Baby. Baby please, Peter I need to set you down for two seconds so I can grab you some clothes okay? Just two seconds and then If I take any longer I’ll give you extra chocolate as an apology.” Tony was always patient with little Peter knowing it took him longer to fully comprehend his actions. But especially when he was in a needy and clingy state knowing that Peter just wanted to be held when he got like this. Tony had deduced it to the fact that today must have been a pretty bad one, and poor little Peter was traumatised which called for one medicine: Cuddles! But first, he had to get the taking care part out of the way. 
Peter sniffled, his little face scrunched up. His eyelashes were wet with tears and his cheeks and nose flushed scarlet. Slowly but hesitantly he began to let go, swallowing his tears as he nodded slowly. “Bunny..”, he stated softly, and Tony knew exactly what that meant. 
Grabbing the bunny onesie from Peter’s special little wardrobe, he also grabbed a pull up and Peter’s bunny paci to go with the onesie. He was back beside Peter within seconds, pressing a kiss to his cheek and brushing some of his hair from his face. “There we go, such a brave strong boy listening to daddy”, he praised with a gentle smile. Peter let out a watery giggle, happier at the praise. Tony had been the first person to today (apart from maybe his friends) to recognise Peter’s efforts and tell him he was doing well. Of course, the feeling made Peter’s heart swell. 
He cooperated beautifully with Tony as he dressed him, lifting his arms and bum and legs when he was told which of course earned him more praise. Tony never stopped pressing kisses to whatever inch of skin he could get to, and by the time they were done, Peter had stopped crying for good. As Tony handed him his pacifier he eagerly opened his mouth for it, pink lips closing around the nub. A soft moan fell from his lips as he did, it was nothing sexual of course, more of relief than anything. He began to make grabby hands for Tony, and with a soft chuckle, the older man lifted him into his arms. 
“There we go, don’t you just feel better now my sweet bun bun”, he said softly, his hand running over Peters bunny tail to emphasise the nickname as began nuzzling their noses together sweetly. Peter’s lips turned up slightly at the action, a very quiet giggle coming from him. Tony practically grinned hearing it. 
“There we go, there’s my adorable little Petey Pie!”, he used the pad of his thumb to gently wipe away the tear stains on Peter’s cheeks, as he got into the bed, lying Peter down on his chest genty. He snuggled against him, little legs rubbing against Tony’s as rested his head on his chest. As soon as he heard his heartbeat, he let out a long breath, and closed his eyes. Tony was here with him now, everything was okay.
Tony’s entire body warmed at the sight. “Are you sleepy bun bun, do you wanna take a nap? Peter was usually good at these things. Although he could be a brat when Tony himself put him down for a nap or bedtime, he was usually quite honest if he was tired. Especially since he was almost completely mentally exhausted from today. But, he could just be looking to rest in Tony’s arms right now.
Peter shook his head, curling up against Tony more. “Nu uh, no nap”, he slurred quietly around the paci, small hand bunching Tony’s shirt into his fist. The man nodded his head, but didn’t say anything else, simply pressing soft kisses to his head occasionally, and rubbing his back in a circular motion. 
They stayed in this soft comforting silence for a while, Tony just wanting Peter to relax in the safety of his own home before he allowed him to get all worked up and excited. It would result in a build up of many emotions and he didn’t want Peter to have another breakdown because he couldn’t handle what he was feeling for the second time today.
It was around an hour before there was any movement from either of them. Tony had stayed completely still, simply admiring his beautiful baby as Peter began to doze off from how warm and gentle and soft everything was. But a loud gargled sound eventually came from Peter’s stomach which even frightened Peter himself, his eyes shooting open. He let out a soft whine, lifting his head as Tony looked over him concerned. “Awe, my little bunny’s hungry”, he whispered softly, gently placing a hand over Peter’s stomach and rubbing it gently. “Come on, let’s cook you some food and then we can watch paw patrol, and cuddle”, he said softly, which Peter squealed at, nodding his head eagerly. 
But Tony paused raising an eyebrow after a second. “Baby, what have you eaten today?”, he asked. He understood Peter’s metabolism was faster ever since the bite, and it could just be because he hadn’t eaten his after school snack but Peter was never usually this hungry. It was clear he was in discomfort from the way he was rubbing at his stomach. Peter frowned slightly, shaking his head showing that he didn’t want to say. 
Tony gave him a stern glance. Hooking his finger into the ring of his paci, he pulled it out from Peter’s mouth earning a whine of disapproval from the other. “Petey Pie, when it comes to your health, you know I don’t mess around!”
Peter huffed, sticking his bottom lip out in a pout. “Mr meanie head made me stay over lunch”, he muttered, barely opening his mouth to form the words because he didn’t want to talk about it. For a moment Tony’s gaze turned dark.
“He did what?” There was a cutting edge to his tone, And although it clearly wasn’t directed at him, Peter didn’t like it. 
He sniffled. “Daddy pwease don’t be mad at me”, he begged quietly.
“No sweet pea, no please don’t cry”, guilt settling in as he watched Peter’s bottom lip begin to tremble, “It’s not you daddy’s mad at, It’s your teacher, he can’t do that”, he explained.
Peter began to relax a bit more, scared that he’d upset Tony. “Said I wasn’t working hard enough”, he grumbled, his words slightly slurred with emotion. “And, and Flash was a poopy head. And - and daddy and, I failed my test”, he explained all at once, tears forming in his eyes once again. He bought the man’s hand from where it lay on his waist up to his mouth, it always helped when he was particularly sad. An oral fixation of sorts. Without a second guess, he began to suck on his pointer finger. It wasn’t his fault!! Daddy took away his paci. Tony sighed at the action, shaking his head but didn’t scold him. Peter would not be able to handle that right now so it was better just to give him what he wanted. 
“You haven’t had a good day today at all, have you baby?”
Peter shook his head, removing the finger for a second. “Nu uh”, he muttered, a frown on his pouty lips. Tony nodded his head. 
“It’s okay now baby, daddy here’s. And everyone at you stupid school is a dick.”
Peter gasped, the tears halting as he giggled and shook his head. “Daddy said a naughty word”, he hummed in a sing song tone, to which Tony smiled at and laughed. 
“It’s all better now my sweet baby boy. All better, right?”Peter nodded in confirmation. Pressing a soft kiss to Peter’s lips he brushed some of his hair from his face. “Daddy loves you so much sweet pea, never forget that okay? You were such a strong boy today going through all of that and daddy’s so proud of you”, he said softly.
Peter hummed softly, nuzzling against Tony. “I wuv wu too daddy”, he slurred around the finger, letting out a soft sigh of content. All the worries of today made so much better just by having Tony by his side.
Tony nodded content that he was a lot happier now, as he lifted him into his arms and stood. “What stuffie do you want baby, whilst daddy cooks?”, he asked gently. Peter seemed to think about it, a hard decision really when your daddy was spoiling you with new stuffies almost every week. But he eventually pointed to the one on the bed that Peter had been insisting on sleeping with every night since the day Tony began to care for him. It was a small iron man plushie, and the first one Tony had ever gotten for Peter. “A good choice if I may say so myself my beautiful little bun bun”, Tony hummed, causing another giggle from Peter as Tony passed the small stuffie to him. 
Together they ventured downstairs so that Tony could cook those little dinosaur nuggets he knew Peter loved. 
Today had been a really bad day. But bad days didn’t last, especially not when his amazing daddy was there to help him through it.
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mikauzoran · 5 years
Adrienette/Lukadrienette Drabble: Nachtmusik Chapter Twenty-Two
A Little Night Music (Eine Kleine Nachtmusik) Chapter Twenty-Two: Mercurial
They were supposed to be meeting up after Luka finished tutoring that evening, but his student had a test coming up and needed some extra help, so the session was running over, and Luka wasn’t sure when he’d be done.
“just make yourself at home ill b there ASA i can”, read his text.
Marinette sighed as she descended the steps into the main cabin of the Liberty, bypassing the living area and heading for Luka’s bedroom. She was tired and didn’t feel like running into Juleka, Rose, or Anarka. It had been a bit of a rough day at work with the other interns, and she was seriously looking forward to spending the evening cuddling with her boyfriend.
She opened the door and slipped inside, flipping on the lights. She was surprised to find a person-sized lump in Luka’s bed.
There was no way that Luka had made it back already and settled in for a nap. She’d only received his text twenty minutes before.
Still, she cautiously approached, calling, “Luka?”
The lump stirred with a soft moan.
Marinette pulled back the comforter and ended up in a staring contest with a shirtless Adrien Agreste.
The mutual gawking lasted nearly a full minute before Marinette broke the silence by observing aloud, “You look awful.”
Adrien gave an irate hiss as he snatched back the covers, pulling them back over his head. “Thanks for telling me. I had no idea, and I really needed to know that,” he grumbled sarcastically.
Marinette sighed. “Sorry, Chaton. I didn’t mean—…Adrien, why are you crying?”
“I’m not crying,” he huffed from under the covers, curling around one of Luka’s pillows, mortified at being caught like this.
“Okay, but you were crying. I can tell. Your eyes are red, and your face is all blotchy,” she reasoned. “What happened? Why were you crying?”
“Ask me why I’m half-naked in your boyfriend’s bed instead,” he scoffed. “That seems like the more pressing issue, don’t you think?”
She rolled her eyes in exasperation, crossing her arms. “You were upset, so you came to see Luka. He’s not home, and he’s not answering his phone because he’s tutoring someone right now, so you’re here waiting.”
Adrien was petulantly silent.
Marinette could feel her partner pouting.
“No,” Adrien growled feebly, trying to keep his wounded pride from falling to pieces. “I’m sleeping with your boyfriend. I thought it’d be a nice surprise for him to find a treat in his bed when he got home, is all.”
Marinette did not dignify Adrien’s childish behavior with a response. “Chaton, he’s probably going to be a while, and then he’s going to be spending the evening with me. Have you tried calling Nino?”
Adrien stiffened. “…He’s with Alya.”
“How about Chloé?” Marinette moved down the list of his closest friends.
“She and Kagami are hanging out tonight,” Adrien muttered, squeezing the pillow tighter to his chest.
“That’s perfect. Why don’t you see if you can hang out with them?” she suggested.
He gave a snort of annoyance. “You know how Chloé had a ridiculous crush on Ladybug for the longest time?”
Marinette squirmed uncomfortably. “Yeah?”
“Well, now it kind of seems like Chloé has a ridiculous crush on Kagami. I’m sure Kagami has no clue, so she wouldn’t mind if I crashed their girls’ night, but it would be just as bad as shoehorning my way in on Alya and Nino’s date for Chloé,” he explained a little impatiently.
“O-Oh.” Marinette bit her lip. “Well…what about Rose? You two have been hanging out more since school started, haven’t you? Isn’t she around here somewhere? Maybe you could go sit with her.”
“Juleka is taking her to a little farmer’s market festival. They have music and shopping and a petting zoo. Like, real-life llamas and alpacas and goats and pigs and chickens you can pet. They even have a cow you can milk,” Adrien recounted, sounding very much like he would have liked to have gone with them. “…Rose was really excited about it,” he concluded glumly.
“Okay,” Marinette sighed. “Well, maybe you should go home, then, and spend some time with your parents.”
“I have just as much right to be here as you do,” he snapped back at her defensively. “Besides, I was here first,” he argued, not meaning just that day. “When Luka gets here, he can decide whom he wants to spend the evening with, but until he tells me to leave, I’m not leaving. You’re not his wife, Marinette. You don’t get to kick me out.”
“Adrien, I wasn’t kicking you out.” She blew out a long breath. She had been trying to get rid of him, but… “I was just trying to help you find someplace else where someone could make you feel better because Luka and I have plans, and, obviously, being here isn’t helping you. Come on, Chaton,” she coaxed, pulling down the covers. “Get up. Let’s find you somewhere to go.”
“I’m staying here,” he hissed through the lazy stream of tears trickling down his cheeks. He grabbed for the comforter.
“Adrien,” she chided, keeping him from pulling the covers back up over his head.
“What?” he snapped, glaring over his shoulder at her. “It’s not like I’d be interrupting anything between you two. You’re not actually dating. You don’t even like him,” Adrien accused.
Marinette let go of the covers as if they had shocked her. She stared numbly at Adrien.
Adrien stared back, the anger and hurt quickly draining from him, turning into fear.
She turned away, going over to the porthole and gazing out unseeingly.
Adrien cautiously sat up and watched her, his insides roiling.
“…Sorry,” he whispered after a long, drawn-out moment of tension.
She didn’t say anything.
He watched as she wrapped her arms around herself more tightly and chewed on her bottom lip in agitation.
“Milady,” he called tentatively.
She didn’t respond.
“Princess? I’m sorry,” he tried again with more conviction.
Marinette sighed and turned her head to meet his gaze blankly. She shrugged.
“I’m sorry I’m acting like a total witch to you. I had a bad day, and I came here to get away from all the criticism and sarcasm and…” He took a deep breath. “…I’m jealous, okay?”
She frowned, her expression starting to thaw. “Jealous?”
“Of him. Of you,” Adrien clarified, cheeks heating up at the admission. “Both of you…. You do know I like him, don’t you?”
Slowly, she nodded. “Yeah…. I kind of picked up on that. …You’re clingy with him.”
“I’m not clingy,” he grumbled, going back on the defensive.
She rolled her eyes. “You’re always gravitating towards him and hanging off of him. You’re clingy, Adrien. …Though, you’re clingy with everyone.”
“Not everyone,” Adrien muttered sullenly. “I was trying to apologize, you know. You don’t have to go and be a jerk.”
Marinette shrugged dismissively. “I’m not.”
“You are,” he accused flatly.
She stared at him for a minute and groaned, “…What are we even fighting about?”
She was too tired for this.
“You knew I liked your boyfriend?” he reminded.
Marinette shook her head. “I mean, I know in recent years you’ve discovered that you like flirting with guys and having them pay attention to you, and I see how you are with Luka and how…I don’t know…indulgent he is with you. I know how special Luka is, how wonderful he is, how he can make other people feel… He’s easy to like. It just made sense that you would have a crush on him.”
“You don’t sound like you have a problem with this?” Adrien observed, confused. If Adrien knew that someone had a crush on Marinette or Luka, Adrien would be seeing red.
“I mean…” Marinette looked him in the eye and calmly asked, “It’s not like there’s anything going on between you. It’s not like this crush of yours is going anywhere, right?”
Adrien’s heart crumpled like the bumper of a sports car plowed through by a semi.
His gaze dropped to the comforter, to the two-year-old nail polish stain that had come to symbolize for Adrien all the what-ifs and missed chances between himself and Luka.
“No,” he whispered in defeat. “No. It isn’t going anywhere.”
“Then what point would there be in me getting upset? You can’t help how you feel,” she reasoned. “So long as Luka doesn’t have a problem with it, but he doesn’t really seem to mind.”
“Yeah,” Adrien chuckled darkly. “He’s pretty—What was the word?—‘indulgent’ with me.”
They fell into an uneasy silence once more, Adrien studying the teal and aqua nail polish stain and Marinette studying Adrien.
“…Are you okay?” she asked, even though she knew the answer.
He sighed wearily, gripping and releasing the bedspread rhythmically. “…Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Am I bothering you? Do you want me to go? I can go wait out in the great room if you want me to leave you alone,” she offered. “I mean, you’re right; you were here first.”
Adrien shrugged, lying back down. “I don’t care. It doesn’t really matter. Luka’s just going to kick me out when he gets here to hang out with you, so I don’t see the point in you going anywhere. I should…” His voice broke, and he had to clear his throat and swallow before he could speak again. “I should probably just go home and save myself the shame and embarrassment of Luka asking me to leave. It’s not like he’d actually choose an evening of dealing with my crap when he could be snuggling with you, so I don’t even know whom I was kidding, thinking maybe he’d pick me.”
Her partner’s misery was palpable: the dejection of feeling rejected yet again hanging heavy in the air between them.
She wanted to say something to make it better, but she was at a total loss. The gulf between them seemed so wide, especially when she was the root cause of his suffering in the first place.
“Nino was right,” Adrien muttered. “I’m just making a fool of myself with this crush. I’m just hurting myself.”
“Adrien…” she breathed.
“Sorry,” he laughed. “You must think I’m a total idiot, the way I’m throwing myself at your boyfriend like this.”
Marinette’s heart flinched in sympathy. There were plenty of times when she’d felt like an idiot trying to get Adrien’s attention.
“…I think I’m going to go,” she replied, turning and heading for the door. “Today was really rough. I don’t actually feel like hanging out with Luka,” she lied, pausing in the doorway, catching the doorjamb and glancing back at Adrien. “…Minou, don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re doing a really good job. Don’t give up just because things are hard. Just keep doing what you’re doing with the therapy and hanging out with friends and family and working on yourself, and things will work out, okay?”
Adrien found himself nodding, not sure exactly why she was encouraging him or what she meant was going to work out. His life in general? Things with her? Things with Luka?
“I hope Luka gets here soon and you start feeling better,” she added, turning to go. “Good night, Adrien.”
“W-Wait,” he called.
She looked back at him, an eyebrow arching interrogatively.
“Why?” he asked weakly, thrown by her kindness.
Her brows pinched closer together. “Why what?”
“Why are you canceling your plans with your boyfriend so I can spend time with him?” he clarified. 
She shrugged, looking down at her boots. “You’ve had a rough day, you look like you could use someone to talk to, and all of your other friends are busy.”
“…Are we friends today?” Adrien wondered.
“We’re always friends,” Marinette sighed. “…We just don’t always act like it.”
“…Didn’t you say that you’d had a rough day too?” he inquired cautiously.
She looked up and shrugged. “Yeah. What about it?”
“…Wanna talk about it?” he hesitantly offered.
Marinette blinked slowly.
“You don’t have to,” Adrien was hasty to add.
“It’s…nothing. It wasn’t that bad,” she hedged.
He bit his lip. “…You don’t usually get upset over nothing.”
“I’m not upset,” she countered, “and have you met me? I get upset over literally the littlest things.”
He shook his head. “No. You freak out about the littlest things. It takes something bigger to upset you. This feels like the kind of thing that gets under your skin and rubs until it festers.”
She turned her body to face him and crossed her arms across her chest. “How can you tell?”
Adrien shrugged. “Micro-expressions. It’s in the corners of your mouth and eyes. There’s a little pinch there. The slope of your eyebrows too. You’re tired.”
Marinette deliberately tried to change her expression. “You’re making that up,” she accused, uncomfortable that he could read her so thoroughly.
He snorted. “You underestimate the amount of time I’ve spent looking at you. I know my Lady, and I know my Princess.”
Her cheeks went red as her shoulders rose to meet her ears.
“You don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want, Marinette. I was just offering,” he explained, giving her an out. “You look like maybe you could use someone to talk to too, but if you don’t feel like you can talk to me, that—”
“—That’s not it,” she cut him off, gradually coming forward. “It’s not that…not that I can’t talk to you.” She stopped beside the bed, worrying at her bottom lip. “You’re kind of the only person I can really talk to…without all the masks. I mean, with you…I don’t have to pretend to be happy or friendly or whatever. Our relationship is already a wreck. You know what a mess I am, so it’s not like I have anything to hide from you like I do my other friends and my parents…and my boyfriend. It’s not that I can’t talk to you.”
He nodded slowly. He didn’t feel the same way exactly, but there were parts of what she was saying that he could relate to.
“It’s more…” She rolled her lips back over her teeth and bit down in thought as she tried to phrase the sentence right. “I’m not sure I remember how to talk to you. It’s like going back to traditional media after using digital for a few months. It’s kind of awkward, and it doesn’t feel like I’m doing it right, and I know I’m making all kinds of mistakes.”
“That’s fair,” he replied, hoping to make her feel like the way she was feeling was valid. “I’m in a forgiving mood at the moment, if you want to try.” He patted the bed next to his feet, inviting her to sit.
“All right,” she sighed. “Scoot over.”
Adrien gave an indignant snort. “Excuse you. This is my side of the bed. Try to take it from me and there will be bloodshed.”
Marinette laughed loudly, caught off guard. “You have a side of someone else’s bed?”
He shrugged imperiously. “This is my bed. I claimed it two years ago. I only let Luka use it out of the goodness of my heart.”
“Your cattiness is showing, Minou,” Marinette snickered. “Is this like how Chat and Adrien each have a special hot cocoa mug at my house that no one else is allowed to use?”
“I’m very territorial. I can’t help it,” he sniffed. “Now take off your shoes and climb over. You can have Luka’s spot by the wall, but you’re not taking my side.”
Marinette laughed as she rolled her eyes and kicked off her shoes. She slipped off the off-the-shoulder sweater she was wearing over a camisole and tossed the sweater to the floor beside Adrien’s shirt. She climbed over him and settled under the covers at his side.
“…This is a little surreal,” she observed.
“What?” he chuckled. “You and me in your boyfriend’s bed? I kind of like the irony of it all.”
She slapped his arm, sighing loudly. “Today sucked.”
“Yeah?” he asked softly, turning on his side and gently tugging her hair out of its bun so that he could run his fingers soothingly along her scalp.
“Mm,” she confirmed, eyes fluttering closed as she leaned into the touch. “Work was stressful.”
“Is my dad treating you okay?” he asked urgently, a protective instinct suddenly awakening in him. “Marinette, if you need me to talk to him, just say the word and I’ll—”
“—Gabriel’s fine,” she assured, shaking her head. “Thank you, but he’s not the problem. I mean, he’s very strict and completely uncompromising. He can be unreasonable, but I get the feeling that he’d never ask me to do something he hasn’t done himself or wouldn’t be willing to do. He works hard too. He doesn’t just push us; he pushes himself, so… I mean, I don’t really like your father as a person, but I respect his work and his work ethic. Gabriel’s not the problem.”
“Then what is?” Adrien prompted.
She gave a little groan and opened her eyes to stare intently into his. “You can’t tell your father. Promise me you won’t say a word.”
“What is it?” Adrien pressed.
“You’re not promising,” she observed.
“No, I’m not,” he confirmed.
She groaned again. “You can’t say anything. They’ll know it was me who told, and then it will just get worse.”
“Hey,” he cooed, brushing her hair back behind her ear. “I would never do something that would hurt you.”
She raised an eyebrow.
“Okay. Intentionally,” he qualified but then amended, “Unless it was in the heat of the moment and I was mad at you or something, but this is about that coven of witches you work with, right? The other interns?”
That got a chuckle out of her. “That’s an insult to witches. Those girls are…like a coven of Lilas.” She scrunched up her nose.
Adrien winced. “Are they really that bad?”
Marinette shook her head. “No. That’s being too harsh. They’re just…mean. They’ll hide things from me or they won’t transmit messages or…just little things like that, but…the constant animosity and antagonistic behavior…it’s just wearing on me.”
“Oh, Meinu,” Adrien whispered, pulling her into his chest, reaching around to rub calming circles on her back between the shoulder blades. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s just professional jealousy,” she mumbled into his collarbone. “They think I get special treatment—extra assignments, more responsibility, more freedom to experiment, more trust. Gabriel listens when I have an idea. He takes more time with me, offering me pointers. I do a lot of grunt work too—a lot of grunt work—but…I do get special treatment, so I understand why they’re jealous. It’s not like they’re just mad that I’m more talented than they are or something.”
“But you are more talented than they are,” Adrien snorted. “My dad saw promise in you the first time you met. It’s only natural that he’d want to nurture your gifts.” Hesitantly, Adrien added, “…He still hasn’t given up hope that you and I will work things out and that you’ll marry me.”
She drew in a long breath.
“He wants you to be his successor,” Adrien whispered into her hair.
Marinette was silent for a moment as she tried to get her thoughts straight. “…I kind of thought…maybe I was just imagining things, but…that’s kind of what it feels like, being groomed.”
“Don’t freak out,” Adrien sighed, feeling her whole body go rigid in his arms. “I mean, seriously, Princess. No pressure. You don’t owe us anything. It’s your life, your choice. Just absorb as much wisdom and knowledge as you can from this opportunity, and if we end up married with three kids and a fashion empire, great. If you end up with someone else and your own empire…great.” It was a little harder to get “great” out the second time. “Just…make the most of this and let the future worry about itself.”
“…Okay,” Marinette agreed, taking a deep breath to calm herself and inadvertently getting a nose full of Adrien’s Bvlgari Blv body wash. The intoxicating scent actually helped her relax more than the deep breath alone. She let herself sink into him, snuggling closer. “Thank you, Beau Gosse.”
“Anything for my Princess,” he assured, feeling the stress leave his own body as he pet her hair rhythmically. “You’re sure I can’t say anything about the bullying? Maybe just to Nathalie? And not have her do anything directly but just…just to make her aware of the problem?”
“Thank you, Adrien, but I wish you wouldn’t. I’m okay. Don’t worry about me,” she assured.
He clicked his tongue sullenly.
“What about you?” she attempted to divert his attention. “You said that you had a rough day. What happened?”
He sighed as she wrapped her arms around him and began rubbing and scritching and playing with his hair in a way that made his body turn into a puddle.
“Similar to you, actually,” he murmured into her hair, strands sticking to his lips. “There’s this Tyrannosaurus-jerk in my acting class who has been giving me trouble from day one. He still talks about how I only got into the program because my dad paid my way in and my mom was a famous stage actor.”
Adrien sighed, deflating. “I mean, I know it’s true because Dad only agreed to allow me to study acting and switch universities at the last minute after all the enrollment deadlines had passed, but…I feel like, by now, I’ve proven that I deserve to be there as much as anyone else in the program.
“…I’m good at this,” he stressed, as if trying to convince her. “Like, this is the thing that I am genuinely good at. After years of doing everything that’s ever been asked of me and enjoying so little of it, acting is the thing that I actually love doing, and I’m good at it, and it feels good to finally feel things click into place. It feels good to feel like I found where I belong…but this jerk has to try to take that away from me because he’s jealous that I’m rich and beautiful…and talented on top of that,” he snorted and then sighed tiredly. “Sorry for the rant.”
“It’s okay,” she assured. “I’m listening, Chaton. Let it out…. Did he do something in particular today to set you off, or is this just the result of everything building up?”
Adrien groaned even as he arched into her fingers. “So, every week we have to perform a scene or a song or something. Sometimes it’s solo. Sometimes it’s groups or pairs. We get to pick our teams occasionally, but today the prof, Céline, picked, and she stuck me with Jerkzilla.”
“Can you talk to her about it?” Marinette suggested.
“Buginette, she knows,” Adrien sighed. “Gilbert has been openly antagonistic towards me since the term started. Céline is kind of…I guess…like how my father is with you. She pushes me and challenges me beyond the point of what she’d do for most of the other students. She sees promise in me, and she either wants to help it flourish or crush it into an oblivion. Sometimes it’s hard to tell.”
Marinette nodded, making a soft sound of understanding. “Yeah. I can definitely relate.”
“I think she wants me to succeed, though,” Adrien mumbled, explaining, “On the way out of class, she held me back and told me to do my best with the scene with Gilbert because out in the real world I’m going to be acting with people I don’t like and people who don’t like me. She said that sometimes I’d have to manufacture chemistry or comradery. Sometimes I’d have to kiss people I hated and really sell it that I was in love or play the role of the best friend of an actor I couldn’t stand and make the audience believe I would die for that person. She’s making this into a learning experience. …I kind of hate her for it.”
“Yeah,” Marinette hummed. “Whenever Gabriel does stuff like that to me, it always puts so much pressure on because I want to do a good job. Obviously, he thinks I can succeed, so I feel like there is no option to screw up. I don’t want to make him second guess his belief in me. I don’t want him to be disappointed.”
“Yeah,” Adrien sighed. “I don’t want to let her down, but…Gilbert and I couldn’t even agree on a scene to do. We spent the whole group time arguing. I tried to keep my cool and make compromises, but…it was just so frustrating and demoralizing. By the end of class I was thinking that maybe he was right and that I didn’t deserve to be there after all. I mean, maybe I’m not cut out for this if I’m so thin-skinned. Maybe I’m just wasting everyone’s time. Maybe I should—”
“—No, Adrien,” she cut him off firmly. “Stop. Seriously, what does this Gilbert guy know about anything?”
Adrien shrugged.
“And your professor? Don’t you think she knows what she’s talking about?” she challenged. “Our acting program is renown not just in Paris but across the country, across Europe. Don’t you think your professor knows talent when she sees it? Do you really think she could be wrong about having faith in you?”
Adrien was silent for a long stretch, considering her words before responding. “I see your point.”
“Good,” she snorted.
“Thank you,” he whispered, a slight smile starting to make his lips curve.
“Any time, Minou,” she replied with a chuckle, tussling his hair. “You’ll figure it out, Adrien. You really are good at this. I’ve seen the videos online that your classmates leaked. You’re amazing, and you’re going to figure this out. I mean, maybe you two could do a fight scene or something where you’re yelling at one another where you could use the animosity between the two of you. Maybe you just have to think outside of the box a little.”
Adrien pulled back to stare down at Marinette in surprised awe.
Marinette blinked back at him in confusion. “What? What is it? Did I say something weird?”
He surged in and kissed her, hard and quick, in his excitement. “You are freaking amazing!” he trilled, elated. “You are brilliant and wonderful and-and…” Suddenly a thought occurred to him: “…and I should not have kissed you. Oh my gosh. I am so sorry!” he rushed to apologize. “I didn’t mean—!”
“—I-It’s okay!” she squeaked, heart beating in her ears as she mentally yelled at herself not to try to kiss him again. She buried her face in his chest to hide her blush, surprising him. “It’s not a big deal. Just…don’t do that again, okay? I’m…I’m glad I could help.”
Her hands found the spot behind his right ear, making him gasp as she distracted him completely.
He started to purr.
She could feel the vibrations in his chest against her cheek, and it was soothing.
They stayed like that for a minute or two, each trying to calm down, unsure of where they stood with the other, knowing the tempestuous nature of their relationship nowadays and how they could be bitter enemies one instant, devoted friends the next, and star-crossed lovers the second after that.
Adrien finally put a pause on the purring to ask, “Are we okay?”
Marinette really thought about the question. There were layers there. Were they okay? No. They were not okay. On the really good days, they could fall back into a pattern, resuming their roles as Ladybug and Chat Noir or Marinette and Chat Noir or Marinette and Adrien before the apocalypse, but then something would happen to remind them that they weren’t those people anymore, that something had changed between them, and then the illusion broke.
On moderately good days, they were awkward. They couldn’t read one another anymore. They were on shaky ground. Everything was always shifting. They occasionally managed to enact something on the verge of a real friendship, but it was fragile and ephemeral.
There was a reason why Adrien had asked her if they were friends that day.
On the bad days, they were hostile and antagonistic. They rubbed one another the wrong way, and one poorly-chosen word, one ill-interpreted facial expression was enough to start a fight.
And then there was the here and now where Marinette was lying in her boyfriend’s bed, curled up with her ex-(many things). He’d kissed her, and it had crossed all kinds of wires in her brain. The only thing stopping her from pulling him back into a kiss and then trying to get his clothes off was the fact that it would hurt Luka. There was no way that they wouldn’t be caught.
The fact that she was even thinking about physically cheating on her boyfriend on top of the emotional infidelity she already struggled with made her really sad. Marinette used to like herself, but, in recent months, she found that she wasn’t happy with the person she’d become.
She’d lost her center, her focus, her goals. She’d lost sight of her way.
“Yeah,” she whispered against his collarbone. “Don’t worry. We’re okay, Adrien.”
He breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay. Good. Thanks.”
“Mmhm,” she answered half-hearted.
He started to purr again as her fingers traced patterns against his scalp.
 Luka made a point not to speed on the way home. He’d already totaled one bike two years prior, and motorcycles were too expensive to go around wrecking. Plus, there was no guarantee that he’d survive a second crash, and he figured that Marinette would rather wait ten more minutes and have him arrive safe and sound than have him rush and end up dead.
He tried to tell himself that Marinette would understand, that she would admire his dedication to helping his students, that it wasn’t such a big deal to keep your girlfriend waiting for an hour and fifteen minutes.
He may have gone a little faster than normal, practically jumped off the motorcycle, and tossed the helmet carelessly over his shoulder in favour of racing down below deck to beg forgiveness of the girl he loved.
“Marinette?” he called, heading for his bedroom when he didn’t find her in the main cabin. “Marinette?” he tried again as he opened his door, hoping she hadn’t gotten tired of waiting and left.
He stopped abruptly when he saw the blonde head of hair in his bed. He frowned. “Ariel?”
Adrien didn’t stir.
“Ariel,” he called softly, reaching out to gently pet Adrien’s hair.
Adrien drew in a large inhale and started to roll over.
It was then that Luka noticed that Adrien was not alone in bed.
Adrien blinked up sleepily, catching Luka’s hand and bringing it down to nuzzle it. “Hi, Orpheus.”
Marinette stretched, yawning as blinked her eyes open.
“Hi, Ariel,” Luka replied neutrally. “…Hi, Chanson.”
Marinette gasped, sitting up and pushing away from Adrien until she was pressed up against the wall, suddenly entirely awake. “L-L-Luka! This isn’t—! We weren’t—! This isn’t what it looks like!” she pleaded.
Adrien groaned, tugging on Luka’s hand, lacing his fingers through Luka’s. “We had bad days,” Adrien explained in a plaintive whine, “so we were snuggling until you got home to make us feel better. Come to bed, Orpheus. Snuggle with us.”
The rational, logical part of Luka’s brain shut off. The uneasiness he’d felt at finding the people he loved in bed together dissipated. He reasoned he could worry about what had happened between the two later. He was sure Adrien would fess up if pressed one-on-one. For the moment, none of that really mattered because he was being offered the opportunity to live out a personal fantasy that he’d been harboring for going on five years.
“I don’t know that there’s room for me,” Luka remarked, the irony of that statement not escaping him.
Adrien waved away Luka’s protest. “We’ll snuggle really close. Puppy pile.”
“What if Marinette isn’t comfortable with that?” Luka tried again.
Adrien willed both eyes open to look at Marinette questioningly. “Thoughts? Concerns?”
Marinette shook her head, a grenadine blush making itself at home on her cheeks. “I’d…I’d like to snuggle.”
“Perfect,” Adrien yawned, giving Luka’s hand a squeeze. “Shirt off, Hottie. Let’s see some skin.”
“Ariel,” Luka groaned, looking to Marinette for approval.
She smiled shyly, her cheeks darkening. “I’m okay with it, if you are.”
Luka nodded, giving Adrien’s hand a squeeze before he let go to slip off his plaid overshirt and the band t-shirt he was wearing underneath, maintaining eye contact with Marinette.
Adrien let out a low wolf whistle.
Luka smacked him lightly, his own cheeks starting to colour. “Scoot over, Ariel.”
Adrien snorted. “This is my side of the bed. You go in the middle.”
Luka sighed, pretending to be put out as he toed off his shoes and climbed over Adrien.
Luka was no sooner under the covers with them than Adrien wrapped himself around Luka’s right side, hooking his top leg over Luka’s.
Marinette laughed as Adrien began to purr. “He sure gets comfy quick.”
“He thinks he owns the place,” Luka chuckled fondly, giving Adrien’s hair a little nuzzle and wrapping his right arm around the slightly smaller young man.
“I do own the place. And you,” Adrien snorted. “That’s what happens when you bring a cat home and feed it.”
“Uh-oh,” Marinette snickered. “Does that mean you own my room and me too?”
“Precisely,” Adrien hummed happily, rubbing his head against Luka like a real cat.
Luka rolled his eyes, opening his left arm to Marinette.
She smiled softly as she sidled up to him and settled in, resting her head on the other side of Luka’s chest.
“You both had bad days?” Luka prompted, expecting to have to make them take turns telling him about their problems.
“I don’t know about Adrien, but I think I’m good on talking about my day. I’m ready for snuggles,” Marinette replied.
“I think I have things squared away too,” Adrien mumbled. “Snuggles sound good.”
Marinette and Adrien quieted down after that, quickly drifting off back to dreamland.
That left Luka to contemplate whether he was already dreaming. There he was in bed with the two people he loved. There was no fighting, no guilt. Only peace, quiet…the brush of Marinette’s hair on Luka’s skin, light puffs of air against his neck as Adrien breathed in and out, the mingled scents of Adrien’s expensive shower products and Marinette’s strawberry shampoo and oatmeal bodywash. The heat of the both of them pressed to his sides, the warmth of their skin against his own.
It was maddening and perfect, and Luka never wanted it to end.
He wanted to go to bed like this every night and wake up like this each morning. He wanted to crystalize the moment and relive it over and over, thousands and thousands of times.
Eventually, his eyelids started to get heavy. He fought off drowsiness, but, inevitably, sleep claimed him in the end, filling his head with beautiful dreams where that perfect moment lasted a lifetime.
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Chaos of Life
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Yoongi doesn't do things he doesn't like to do. He doesn't talk to people he doesn't like. He doesn't go to class if he doesn't want to. He doesn't even bother to look at those he doesn't think deserves his attention. So, Jimin can't help but wonder what on Earth he did to deserve this strange boys attention.
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Yoonmin University Fanfiction. Multiple Chapters. Warnings Don’t Apply. Good for General Audiences.
You can also read it on: Archive Of Our Own and Fanfiction.net
Chapter Thirteen:
It was weird to be back home.
It had only been a few months, but already Jimin was used to the college life. Walking and busing to class, being responsible for his own well-being, being around all different people. It was a whole new environment, an entirely new world.
But back at home, it was just everything that he had always grown up with.
It was just… Home.
Jimin rolled over in his bed and stared at his phone blankly.
He had been home for almost a week now and he still hadn't gotten a single message from Yoongi. He hadn't seen anyone since he got home. All the others were just too busy working to spend any time with him already and so he had only really seen his family.
There wasn't anything wrong with that, he loved his family, but he missed his friends.
Jimin turned off his phone and sighed.
"I miss Yoongi," he murmured aloud.
"Who's Yoongi?"
Jimin looked up, surprised to find his younger brother leaning in the door frame staring at him with an amused expression.
His brother was Jungkook's age and the spitting image of Jimin… So everyone said. Jimin quite honestly couldn't see the resemblance, but so few siblings ever did. They got confused for twins so often it was almost tiring.
"A friend," Jimin replied. "Shouldn't you be at school?"
"Eh," Jihyun responded with a sigh. "Why do you miss this 'Yoongi', he not in town?"
"He is," Jimin replied. "But he hasn't texted me or anything yet."
Jihyun laughed and sat down on Jimin's bed next to him, he nudged Jimin up, to which Jimin obliged, wrapping his blanket around his body dumbly.
"Why don't you text him? It's not like you're dating or something, you have nothing to lose," Jihyun replied with a roll of his eyes. Jimin couldn't help the surge of panic that ran through his body.
"I mean, if we were dating, would that be clingy? Like if my girlfriend just kept texting me before I texted her would that be clingy?" He asked nervously. Jihyun's expression turned skeptical.
"Did you finally get yourself a girlfriend?" He asked. Another wave of panic. Jimin's family was nice enough, but he was still scared of telling his brother the truth.
"Yeah, actually, she's my friend Yoongi's sister… Yoonji," he explained. He felt bad about lying. He looked at his brother, who was totally falling for this lie, trying to ignore the big, hot knot of guilt forming in his stomach. Of course, he had no reason to lie about it. They hadn't had a good relationship before they went off to college.
It wasn't awful, but they didn't really talk about things like who they liked and stuff.
He couldn't tell Jihyun he was gay. Not yet anyway. It wasn't really a big deal, Jihyun didn't care about that kind of stuff it just… What if he didn't like Yoongi?
Jimin didn't know what he would do if his brother didn't like Yoongi. Who cared if it was just some passing girlfriend. Someone who Jimin didn't care that much for? This was Yoongi, this was Yoongi. Jihyun had to like him before he knew they were dating because it had to be genuine. He had to actually like Yoongi.
So Jimin couldn't tell him. Not yet.
Not that it even mattered, because Yoongi was making no effort to come hang out with him anyways.
"Well, Yoonji and Yoongi are in town, and I told Yoonji that we would hang out but I haven't texted her yet… She texted me and asked if we were still going to hang out, but isn't that like… Clingy or something?" Jimin asked unsurely. Jihyun looked away from Jimin and thought it over.
"Uh… I don't think so, I mean it's kind of nice you know? Like, she cares about you," he said softly. "It's definitely nothing you should break up with her over you. Sometimes it's nice when the person you are dating makes it known that they want to see you."
Jimin's cheeks warmed just slightly.
"You think so?" He asked uncertainly. He looked down at his phone. "Maybe I'm just overthinking this whole…. Yoon...Ji situation."
"You think?" Jihyun asked with a laugh. He clapped Jimin on the back. "Mom is making pasta for dinner tonight. It's like we are Italian."
And without another word, Jihyun left his room.
Jimin sighed and grabbed his phone, looking at his text history with Yoongi.
Hey, it's been a while
He stopped typing to look over the text. God, that was just stupid.
Hey, Yoongi, what's up?
He deleted the message and frustratedly ran a hand through his hair. He continued to try different versions of the text. It had to be casual, it couldn't come off as clingy, and it had to make it evident that Jimin wanted to hang out with Yoongi.
He pressed his face into his pillow and sighed.
Yoongi would text him eventually… Right? Maybe he should just be a patient boyfriend and wait for Yoongi to contact him first.
Before he could overthink that, his phone vibrated.
Yoongi: You've been trying to text me for the last half hour.
Jimin's face burned and he typed out a response.
Jimin: How did you know?
Yoongi: I've been trying to text you for the last few days.
Jimin's cheeks still flamed red as he stared at the text message on his phone.
So Yoongi missed him too…. And he had also been having trouble texting him.
Jimin: Aren't we a pair?
Yoongi started texting Jimin again, his message bubble popping up and disappearing a few times before finally responding.
Yoongi: Are you at home?
Jimin: Yeah.
Yoongi: I'll be over in ten minutes.
Jimin jumped out of bed and raced into his bathroom, looking at his reflection.
He'd been doing practically nothing for the last few days. He hadn't even showered. He looked like a mess.
Jimin breathed out in exasperation and really quickly got into the shower. He brushed out his hair, cleaned off his body. Then, just to be sure he changed his outfits three times.
Then a fourth time.
The doorbell rang and Jimin heard his brother moving towards the door. He quickly looked out of the bathroom door.
"Wait, don't answer the door Jihyun!" He called out. He heard Jihyun open the front door.
"Too late," his brother called back. Jimin barely resisted the urge to curse and rushed back into the bathroom checking his reflection in the mirror. His hair was still wet and stringy so he grabbed his towel trying to make it look less like he had just gotten out of the shower.
"Jihyun don't let him in," he called out again. "Tell him I'll be right there."
"Too late," came Jihyun's response. Jimin ran a hairbrush through his hair wildly and adjusted his shirt in the mirror.
"Okay, okay, have Yoongi wait for me in the living room."
He turned and pushed into his bedroom, quickly rummaging through his things. If he couldn't fix his hair he had to at least find a hat.
He turned around after not finding his hat in his bag and admittedly jumped when he saw that Yoongi was standing in his room.
Yeah, it had been only a few days really since he saw him, and being so entirely relieved to see the other boy was a little extra but as soon as his eyes fell on Yoongi his anxiety over his hair melted away.
"Yoongi," he breathed.
Yoongi smiled at him.
"I leave you for two seconds and this is what happens?" He teased lightly. Jimin didn't even care how "dumb" he looked. He dropped what he was holding and rushed over to Yoongi, wrapping his arms around his body. He buried his face in his chest and held him tightly.
"I missed you," he murmured. He thought it was too quiet for Yoongi to hear, but just after he spoke, Yoongi wrapped his arms around him.
"I missed you too."
Jimin's face flamed red and he just buried his face further into Yoongi. He didn't care that it seemed clingy. He didn't care that it was a little desperate. All he cared about was being here with Yoongi.
"Hey, Jimin," Yoongi said after a second. Jimin hummed into Yoongi.
"Your brother is coming," he responded. Jimin jumped off of Yoongi and desperately brushed off of his clothes. He looked up as Jihyun appeared in the doorway.
"I sent your friend to your room," he stated coolly. Jimin chuckled.
"Yeah, thanks."
"So did you respond to Yoonji, that's her brother, right? Does he know what you were worried about?" Jihyun asked. Jimin panicked.
"Yeah, of course, I mean," Jimin faltered a little. "Why wouldn't he know?"
"Yeah, I told Jimin it was dumb for him to be worried about his sister messaging him before him just because he hadn't messaged her first," Jihyun stated, to Jimin's mortification. "I think it's really sweet that she wanted to hang out with him so badly."
Yoongi smiled slowly.
"It is nice. She was really excited for him to respond," Yoongi agreed. "I'm actually driving the two to a date right now… I'm surprised he told you about her."
"He was being all anxious… You know how he gets I'm sure, I had to talk some sense into him," Jihyun agreed. "Anyways, it was nice to meet you Yoongi, I'll see you around. I can't wait to meet your sister."
"Oh, she's excited to meet you too," Yoongi agreed. He gave Jihyun a friendly wave and then turned to smile at Jimin teasingly. "You ready for your date with Yoonji?"
"Shut up," Jimin mumbled his face bright red. "I'm not out to my family yet okay?"
Yoongi laughed, and wrapped his arm around Jimin's shoulder, directing him towards the door.
"I know, I know, now let's go. You have a whole city to show me."
Jimin had been in this city for as long as he could remember and thus knew it pretty well. Even so, he didn't realize just how completely and totally boring it was until it actually came to giving someone a tour of it.
He and his friends used to do all sorts of fun things in town. They'd go downtown and play Pokémon Go all day, or go to the mall and walk around the stores mindlessly for hours. They mostly just stayed inside and played video games, but honestly, Jimin had never noticed exactly how boring this town was until now.
He took Yoongi to his favorite place to eat and walked him around town a little. He told him all the things that he and the others used to do and pointed out their favorite eating spots.
He recounted days and days of walking around in the burning sun, but not caring one bit.
Yoongi wasn't complaining. He was taking pictures of Jimin and the scenery that there was to offer (not that there was much) and he was acting impressed, but Jimin still couldn't help but think it was a little lackluster.
"Sorry there isn't much to see," Jimin mumbled as they climbed back into the car. "I guess the city is more fun when you're just a youth wandering around all the time."
"It's a pretty city," Yoongi agreed. He turned Jimin to face him and smiled. "Besides I like seeing where you used to spend all of your time. It's fun."
Jimin's cheeks warmed and he ducked his head.
"O-Okay," he mumbled.
The last place that he took Yoongi was this really pretty park just outside of his town. It was a popular spot because it was a Quarry with beautiful rock formations and a shimmering water surface. A small bridge looked out over it and when the sun was setting there it was positively gorgeous. Jimin draped his body over the railing lazily watching as the suns rose rays reflected off of the water.
"Once an Australian exchange student, Felix, came here with us and he climbed over the fence and down onto the rocks and he almost fell," Jimin said softly, waving a hand through the air. His hair fell into his face so he brushed it out pleasantly. "It was really dark out, we were so mad at him. He almost died."
When Jimin looked up to catch of glimpse of Yoongi he found that he was looking at him instead of the sunset. He tried to hide his look of immense surprise.
"What?" He asked.
Yoongi reached forward, his index fingers brushing the strands of Jimin's hair. As he did so, he began to lean towards Jimin slowly, his eyes flickering from Jimin's hair to his lips.
He looked… Well, he looked really, really happy.
"I'm going to be honest, I'm a little mad," Yoongi said with a sigh. Jimin was taken aback. He hadn't been expecting that to leave Yoongi's mouth.
"Y-You are?"
"Cause you are hiding our relationship from your family," Yoongi replied honestly. He sighed. "I can't help it I don't want any secrets. I don't like secrets. If something needs to be said I want it to be said."
"I know that's a bit hypocritical, I have some secrets I haven't told you yet. So I'm being honest in different ways," Yoongi continued. Jimin nodded slowly. He was trying to pay attention but it was hard when Yoongi's lips were so close to his own.
"I'm gonna come out to my family before break is over, I've just… never had to before," Jimin admitted. He nervously danced his thumbs around one another.
"I know, I know, it's selfish," Yoongi states firmly. "But something about you makes me want to be selfish. I want you all to myself all the time."
Yoongi closed the distance between the two, their lips touching before Jimin could even think about processing the situation.
They were kissing, oh god they were kissing.
Jimin had kissed many people before- not to sound like he kissed just anybody- but nothing had ever been like this. It was like electricity was shooting through every vein in his body.
When he had read about these sorts of moments in books he had always imagined that the main character was just being dramatic and that it wasn't actually that impactful of a kiss but this proved all of that wrong.
Jimin could kiss Yoongi every day and he probably still wouldn't feel like it was enough.
Yoongi began to pull away after a moment, which made Jimin lean in more, deepening the kiss. He raised his arms up and wrapped them around Yoongi's neck.
Yoongi let him kiss him for another few moments but after what honestly felt like only a few short seconds, Yoongi was pressing gently on Jimin's chest, easing him back.
Both of their faces were burning red, and it had nothing to do with the crimson sky behind them.
"You can be selfish with me all you want," Jimin murmured shyly. Yoongi chuckled and glanced at the sunset.
"You can do the same with me," he mumbled back. Jimin smiled and buried his face into Yoongi's chest to hide the look.
Chapter Fourteen
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