#every time. every time. weeps.
ratndrabbit · 2 years
how to Stop your goldfish from breeding. asking for a me. asking for me. rat n rabbit bred again. hell world.
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messymausoleum · 12 days
antony starr’s pointy lil canines. you agree.
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Sokka:It's so unfair that you, Aang, and Toph have all gotten wanted posters, and I haven't
Zuko: I technically got 2, but why are you bothering over it now? We're no longer enemies of the fire nation
Sokka: It's the principle of it, and plus, I feel underappreciated. Wait what do you mean you had 2?
Zuko: That's unimportant, *thinks to himself for a moment*, what if I made one for you now, I'll even give you a bigger bounty than Aang with a cool nickname added on to it for you. Would that make you happy?
Sokka *tearing up*: You truly do care about me
Zuko: Great, when you leave the fire nation, I'll release it and have it circulate for a few weeks, then call it back so that you're not constantly being hounded and chased by bounty hunters.
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foolscr0w · 8 months
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unfinished portrait of lorgar aurelian, primarch of the word bearers, circa 877.M30, by an unknown remembrancer
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pinkee-moon · 1 year
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besitos for best boy
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glossykris · 3 months
kris clearly rehearsed or wrote down what he was gonna say and he went with the line ”even though you can’t drink anymore me and many others are intoxicated with your work and your personality” like first of all such Kris Language i love it and second of all what a fucking sweetheart
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diplomagics · 2 months
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'Tis the season to go camping 🏕️
And now you can with this Plush Cushion minion mod.
It's flat-surface dependent and needs a fair amount of space.
If you take screenshots with it, you're legally obligated to show me.
I'm a screenshot lawyer, I'd know.
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just-a-carrot · 1 month
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morning repose🌄
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badsongpetey · 4 months
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Lance decides he needs to jump off of Keith's waterfall (water guardian au). Totally ripping off Iron Giant bc Lance and Hogarth are basically the same person lol
Cryptid Keith is a bit sassy, but he's loving having a human bestie (and who wouldn't love Lancey Lance <3 )
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mimimar · 1 year
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page 1 of my ivy comic ✿
<characters  next page>
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edscuntyeyeshadow · 7 months
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and right before your eyes, i’m breaking…
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repressedqueen · 4 months
random 911 poll from a crier
(I'm curious and I like polls, so let's go)
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plounce · 1 year
one thing about thancred and ryne is that i think they BOTH project onto the other to some extent. thancred's treatment of ryne is obviously very impacted by how he relates her to minfilia. but as evidenced by fatebreaker - "dread hope" - ryne's perception of thancred is also colored by her other father figure / protector. ryne had already grown up knowing about the other minfilias before her and being told she would never measure up and the best she could do was stay in her cell in the cavernous jail under eulmore. by the time thancred rescues her, she already fully believes she is an inferior version of the girls/women before her, and thancred's close relationship with the PEAK minfilia makes it very easy for her to perceive their relationship as thancred begrudgingly taking care of her because she's the closest thing to HIS minfilia. and while that's a little bit true, it isn't anywhere near the whole truth, i don't think. (and obviously none of this is "her fault" - she's an abused and traumatized child with an unimaginable burden on her tiny little shoulders. of course that's gonna effect how she sees the world and the people close to her)
i really wish we got to see/know more of ryne's "before" wrt her character arc - what was her life of captivity in eulmore like (thank you e11 for the crumbs)? what did she know how to do when thancred first got her out - how actually "helpless" was she, what skills did she lack, what basic knowledge of the world was she ignorant of? and (my favorite): what was her and thancred's relationship like before the WoL arrived on the first? because the WoL arriving on the first was the cause of her running away to go find them in an effort to Be The Original Minfilia, and i do think that that incident affected how thancred behaved for a lot of shadowbringers. the fear from her getting captured again by her abusers! the turmoil over that being a clanging alarm that she is getting close to Her Big Existential Choice!
and in the end, both of them meet with who the other saw in them. ryne chooses to continue to live, even if she doesn't totally feel like she deserves to, even if she isn't the strongest minfilia, even if it's difficult and painful. and the original minfilia embraces her and gives her a bottle of hairdye and is finally able to rest. and thancred basically dies to keep ran'jit from having control over ryne, and is reborn as A Better Dad. and then (because while ran'jit is thancred's foil, thancred also operates as one for emet-selch) he accepts and embraces ryne as an individual person who of COURSE deserves to live. who, while not his first sisterdaughter, is regardless beloved family to him. who he is glad did not sacrifice herself to bring back his mostly-dead glory-days loved one. and then he gives her a name that has nothing to do with their relative traumatic pasts - just their shared time together as a family unit (with urianger. but i don't need to go into That subtext with you)
literally mountaingoats_lovelovelove.mp3 love is gonna lead you by the hand into a white and soundless place. now we see things as in a mirror dimly. now we see each other face to face
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miekasa · 6 months
one of the many cute things about levi is how he's surprised at your reaction to some of the "mundane" things he does. for example, he'd have dinner + dessert ready for you when you come home from a long, tiring day at work and he'd actually be surprised when, with newfound energy, you give him head/a hj after when you're in bed or when the dishes are done. because to this man, doing these things for you are instinctual and don't warrant special treatment. he's so modest and cute it hurts <3
Levi is most surprised when other people comment on it. Be it a random, but well meaning cashier, noting about how sweet he is to you, winking at you that he’s a keeper; or a comment from someone like Hange, loudly boasting about how cute and gentle Levi is with you. 
Of course he is—why wouldn’t he be? He loves you, shouldn’t it be expected to be gentle and tender with someone you care about? Isn’t that what everyone does when they love someone else? 
You’re just as sweet with him, taking in his jagged edges and sharp wit with ease. Levi is all rounded out and calm waves because of you, he thinks anybody in love would have their rough edges sanded down to accommodate their other half if that’s what suited them best. You like gentle, you deserve kindness; what is love if not refinement, if not tailored affection for the one receiving it. 
He brushes off your praise most frequently, in modesty, yes, but also an attempt to teach you that you needn’t thank him for treating you well. He would never let you accept anything less… that being said, the occasional gratuitous blowjob isn’t unwelcome, but he likes to think that that’s more of an expression of love and attraction than a thank you.
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dameferre · 15 days
not to appear out of nowhere after never using this blog and immediately get back on my theatre kid bullshit but does anyone else have their soul carved out and laid very tenderly on a hand embroidered handkerchief in the sun every single time they listen to A Letter From Harry’s Mother from the suffs soundtrack or are y’all normal about mother(and woman)hood
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knightwithakay · 15 days
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a gentle toumche
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