#art: genzy
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just-a-carrot · 14 days ago
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valentine's doodles
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rilnyxp · 6 months ago
☆ :33
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sailingseals · 6 days ago
I remembered this song exists so have this now 😈
Break it off by PinkPantheress
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s4rinax · 5 months ago
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iggy and genzou in gacha form 🙏
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boxxie-does-art · 8 months ago
Silly doodlesss (cuz I'm kinda fleeing from art fight lol, drawing my favorite silly beans helps)
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stellareveriey · 2 months ago
“Lean down,would ya?” (OurCin Screenshot Redraw)
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“Huh?” “You’re too fucking tall.”
“And I wanna do something I meant to do the other night.”
Happy one year to Our Cinderella! 💚💙
Characters belong to @/just-a-carrot
Redraw of this:
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happypot0001 · 7 months ago
⚠️Most characters belong to @just-a-carrot!⚠️
Hello! I’m bored, I wanted to draw, and I like you!
*Gives you Hunar x Bucks (Belongs to @just-a-carrot) fan art doodle*
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Go support @just-a-carrot, the creator who made the amazing game “Our Wonderland”!
Lots of love to anyone reading! 💕
Rambling -
Hello! So, I included a cut in this post because I realize that I kind of talk A LOT about my process with art, so to make my blog more…scroll-able(???)…I decided to add a cut to make my posts look shorter! Also, if there are people who don’t really care about the process, this is for them as well! Under the cut, you’ll most likely see me talking about the art, how it came to be, and extra doodles (If there are any) !
If you have been following along with my Tumblr, you’ll see that I previously mentioned before that I had been busy from July 16. Well, not anymore!!! IM FREE!! Honestly the thing I was busy with was SUPER fun but I’m extremely exhausted after it. I’m glad I can finally focus a bit more on making some art! It has made me so happy making art for people and seeing them happy with the art I make them! 💖 I love posting my art on Tumblr really like almost everyone I’ve interacted with online has showed me nothing but kindness! I cant name these people because 1. I don’t want to bother them by tagging them in my post and 2. There would be WAY too many names pfft. Just know that I appreciate everyone and I’ll be trying to post! 🥹
I want to talk about why I did Hunar and Bucks! Im just going to say, Hunar and Bucks are probably one of the only straight ships that I actually kind of like. When I first played “Our Wonderland”, I hadn’t known that it would be a queer game! So when I got introduced to one of the first canon couple that was (kind of) straight, I was like “huh, oh well” and I kept on playing. THATS HOW GOOD THE GAME WAS!!! 🥕 GAVE ME A (AGAIN, KIND OF) STRAIGHT COUPLE AND I STILL PLAYED!!!! Nothing wrong with straight couples in general, I want to establish that pfffft. I just anyway like Hunar, he’s a cute lil’ guy! Don’t look at the feet, I had struggled with those pffft 🤣 Also, officially my first time drawing Hunar!!! I guess this is also officially my first time drawing Bucks in doodle form???!!! If you hadn’t noticed, I had put Hunar in the clothes that he had at the very end of the game because I REALLY liked how he looked there <3 I put Bucks in her normal clothes because I thought they looked better than the softball ones only because I’m imagining that they’re just at home cuddling. And then when you expand on that, you would think “Well, why is Bucks wearing her softball clothes if they’re just chilling at home?” You know? Pfffft
I knew that after I was done with the thing I was so busy with, I wanted to have a drawing/doodle to post. So, I was thinking of who to draw and I was getting into like couple stuff. It was like Cecil x Orlam and Genzy, but those ones are really special ones. So, I decided to leave them for another day! Like, I have a TON of “Our Wonderland’ ideas that I want to do! But, I’m REALLY REALLY slow so if you want to see my ideas, you sadly have to be patient 😭 Like Orlam is honestly invading my mind why is he in there???? I also had another doodle idea that I DID create but decided not to make it the main post because I thought it was stupid and you’ll see why:
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“Uhhhh….Pot? What is this?” You may ask. Well, since I was so tired after my thing, I had been wanting to draw myself tired! Does anyone else do that? Like, if you’re crying or you’re happy, you want to draw you or someone else happy or crying? That’s literally me pfft! I’m not going to call this my sona, I’m just going to refer to this character as “me” because I don’t have a definite sona yet. This is temporary so don’t get too attached pffft. I just thought that I’d include her because I drew her anyway so….enjoy????
Uhhh anyway this is just a collection of silly doodles upon my arrival so I hope you really like them! Just one thing I wanted to point out since I can make the topic about Hunar, did anyone notice the hair clips in the Art Fight attack I did for 🥕 were based off of Hunar’s hair clip?? The story is that Bucks invited Gidget over for a sleepover because Hunar had been out for something, maybe something to do with his books, and so Bucks came up with the idea to have a no boys night! Gidget had brought some hair clips because they’re prepared for anything but Bucks was probably like “No, we should take this opportunity to steal Hunar’s hair clips while he’s away” because she’s a mischievous little thing and I guess somehow Gidget obliged pfffffft! I’d love for anyone to leave a comment if you did notice the clip thing! I thought the little detail would have been noticeable but if it wasn’t I wanted to point it out now! I appreciate anyone to took the time to read all of my ranting heh!!!! Again, go support @just-a-carrot, the creator who made the amazing game “Our Wonderland”!
Have a wonderful day/night! Again, lots of love to anyone reading💗💕
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quamaii · 1 year ago
gay people or something
(all art by @just-a-carrot + song edit by redeppi on youtube)
i havent edited in like 50 years but this game has given me motivation so. take some genzy :3 while i cope over arc 5
i was gonna be like "do ppl even post edits on tumblr" but then i remembered that this is tumblr n nobody cares so UDJDBEJSBEJDBBDJDNSN
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nokzeit · 6 months ago
Sommerfreizeit der Seelsorgeeinheit Buchen
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Sommerfreizeit der Seelsorgeeinheit Buchen (Foto: pm) Bernau/Buchen. (pm) 72 Kinder im Alter von sieben bis vierzehn Jahren und ein Betreuerteam aus 21 Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen machten sich für zwei Wochen auf den Weg  nach Bernau im Schwarzwald. Mit zwei großen Reisebussen der Firma Mechler ging es mit Beginn der Sommerferien los.  Nach der vierstündigen Busfahrt konnte das Gästehaus Kaiser bezogen werden. Das Haus war dem Team und auch einigen Kindern aus dem Vorjahr bekannt; es hat sich bewährt und bietet neben einer optimal ausgestatteten Selbstversorgerküche viele Räume und Möglichkeiten ums Haus. Über die zwei Wochen gab es viele kreativen Aktivitäten, kleine Wanderungen und Ausflüge nach Freiburg und ins Schwimmbad sowie sportliche Angebote und Spiele in der großen Gruppe. Großes Glück hatten die Gruppe in diesem Jahr mit dem Wetter und so gab es jeden Mittag eine „Eispause“. Zur Halbzeit der Freizeit besuchten Dekan Balbach und Vikar Damianus die Gruppe, um einen Sommerlager-Gottesdienst unter dem Motto „Gemeinschaft und Hilfe für andere“ zu feiern. Pfarrer Balbach und der Leiter der Freizeit Michael Genzwürker dankten in diesem Rahmen den Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen, die sich ehrenamtlich, zum Teil in ihrem Urlaub, die Zeit nehmen, um Kindern zwei Wochen Sommerlager zu ermöglichen. Neben diesen beiden Wochen sind auch viele Stunden an Vorarbeit und Vorbereitung nötig, um einen reibungslosen Ablauf zu ermöglichen. Ein weiterer Besucher war Marcus Wildner, der die Grüße und den Dank sowie ein Geschenk des Kreisjugendrings Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis  an das Team und die Kinder überbrachte. Die Tage im Sommerlager hatten immer einen gleichen Rahmen. Um 8 Uhr wurde geweckt, um 8:30 Uhr begann der Tag mit einem gemeinsamen Tagesimpuls, danach gab es ein großes Frühstücksbuffet. Nach jeder Mahlzeit schlossen sich Dienste wie Spülen, Tischdienst und Aufräumen an. Am Vormittag fanden dann Spiele, Sport und kreative Angebote statt. Das Mittagessen wurde um 12:30 Uhr serviert, immer frisch zubereitet vom Küchenteam mit Genzi, Sabine, Ina und Julia. Nach der Mittagsruhe, die von den Betreuern genutzt wurde, um Programmpunkte vorzubereiten, gab es an den Nachmittagen wieder verschiedene Angebote. Das Abendessen um 18:30 Uhr wurde wie das Frühstück in Buffetform aufgetischt. Dem Team war es dabei auch immer wichtig, etwaige Reste des Mittagessens zu verbrauchen, sodass möglichst keine Speisen weggeworfen werden mussten. Das Abendprogramm mit gemeinsamen Spielen wie „Wetten dass..?“, dem Tanzwettbewerb „Let‘s dance“ oder auch Karaoke und Kinoabenden sowie die abendliche Sternstunde rundeten den Lageralltag ab. Gegen 21:45 Uhr ging es dann in die Betten und um 22:30 Uhr war meist Nachtruhe. Zum Team gehörten in diesem Jahr Leiter und Küchenchef Michael Genzwürker, unterstützt in der Küche durch Sabine Abu-Shagrah, Ina Mächtlen und Julia Heckmann. Als Betreuer brachten sich Hanna und Lina Bischof, Hannah Frank, Lea Genzwürker, Jonas und Mira Götz, Leni Heilig, Hannah Helter, Julian Pföhler, Kerstin und Markus Rathke, Patrick Ritter, Sarah und Theresa  Scheuermann, Dominik Schurdak, Rebecca Wiener und Emilia Wolf ein. Ein weiterer Dank für die großartige Unterstützung ging  an Kurt Bingler, der dem Lagerteam seit vielen Jahren kostenlos ein Fahrzeug zur Verfügung stellt, mit dem vor Ort Einkäufe und Transporte durchgeführt werden, Martin Henn und Tobias Koller für den Materialtransport mit dem Fahrzeug der Firma Merklinger und den Hausmeister des Hauses Stefan Lopert für seine herzliche und unkomplizierte Art. Die übrig gebliebenen Lebensmittel wurden dieses Jahr an die Scheumühle Schäftersheim, ein Jugendhilfeangebot der evangelischen Diakonie weitergegeben. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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clownkiwi · 5 years ago
hey, since u used 2 eye emojis, u shall receive 2 wips i have in my laptop rn!!!
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this one i worked back in june when that one event in cookie run was going on with dino sour cookie and fire spirit cookie and i believe i was in the middle of drawing purple yam coogie here,,,,
but yea, it was gonna be like a sega saturn/genesis-esque cover for a potential cookie run game???? if there ever was one in the 90s,,,,
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and this was gonna be a drawing for professor technaught for @officialsuperlove but i never finished it bc im not a huge fan of how her front butt bangs turned out here
i might honestly redraw her, idk asiodj
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just-a-carrot · 3 months ago
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kiss in the snow ❄️
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rilnyxp · 6 months ago
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sailingseals · 1 month ago
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he's trying to convince iggy...
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ragzpizzle · 2 years ago
Here is the First Valentine Art Idea I had for myself. Jewel Mazagoni, and Genzi Crushsader! I made Genzi in February 2021. I thought this one turned out ok, including how I haven’t drew Genzi in a while along with Galanton. What do you guys think?
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boxxie-does-art · 8 months ago
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stellareveriey · 1 year ago
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“Feeling Better.” 💚💙
I made this as a follow up to Carrot’s “It’s okay to cry” drawing. (https://just-a-carrot.tumblr.com/post/743778847523258368/its-ok-to-cry)
I saw it and knew I wanted to make a aftermath comfort drawing. first genzy drawing lets goooo!
also I know messed up the loz poster in the bg shush
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