#every time I try to do a tag I hit Done instead of return and it’s hell
dayofkaryn · 2 years
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I searched for Jhope and got this.
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I searched for Hobi and got this.
Seems like this place is horny? Yeah?
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dindjarindiaries · 8 months
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summary: You and Din are interrogated by Moff Gideon, who has quickly realized you’re the best weapon he has to use against the Mandalorian.
pairing: din djarin (the mandalorian) x reader
tags: intense physical & emotional torture (incl. choking), injuries (incl. dislocations & blood), trauma, hurt/comfort, angst
word count: 5.197k
main masterlist • din djarin masterlist
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Doomsday had finally arrived, but at least you and Din would be going down together.
Your hands and ankles had since been bound by yellow fibercord, strong enough to resist every effort you tried to make to break free of them. The same had been done to Din, leaving even the galaxy’s most formidable warrior helpless. There was nothing else you two could do than allow the Super Commandos to drag you through the corridors of Moff Gideon’s base.
The thought alone twisted a sickening knot inside your stomach. Somehow, it had come to that again. You played yourselves right into Gideon’s filthy hands.
Of course, you and Din had been the only ones to survive the trap on your side of the blast door. He had acted as your shield, and maybe if he hadn’t needed to block so much of the Commandos’ blaster fire, he would’ve been able to take them down easier. You were quickly finding out that you were more of a liability in Din’s life than a partner, even if your shared vows said otherwise.
The Commandos brought the two of you into what you assumed was the briefing room Gideon had mentioned before. Each pair of troopers had set you and Din on your knees across from each other, forcing you to face one another. You couldn’t bear to look at him, no matter how much the mere sight of him comforted you.
You had only been at Gideon’s mercy once before, but never like this—and that one time was enough to almost take Din away from you forever.
“Cyar’ika.” Din’s modulated voice was soft, but due to the tense silence in the room, it nearly made you jump. Your gaze still darted across the floor. “Cyar’ika, look at me.”
His words weren’t a plea. Instead, they were a comfort, as if he was verbally trying to lay his own cape over your shoulders. It earned him your gaze, and despite how disheartening the sight of him tied-up was, the sweet familiarity of his visor began to ease the unsettled knot within you.
“It’s gonna be okay.”
You swallowed hard, wishing you could borrow his strength for once as you instead dreaded the shadows turning the corner towards the room’s entryway. “Promise?” Your voice was no more than a whisper.
Din nodded. “Promise.”
You fought to ignore the amused huff one of the Commandos let out, but Din couldn’t do the same. He shoved his side against the trooper’s leg, earning him a hit of the trooper’s blaster against his helmet. Din grunted, and you winced to yourself, staring at the floor once again.
Gideon’s bootsteps manifested from the shadows, presenting you with the vision of his full figure. His new armor was still a lot to process, especially with the knowledge that it had been inspired by the Dark Troopers that had nearly taken all of you out on Gideon’s light cruiser. He stopped once he entered and let the door slide closed behind him before he raised his helmet from his head and offered it to one of the troopers at his side.
“And so we all meet again.” Gideon sounded overjoyed at his proclamation, his arms raising at his sides as he chuckled in cruel delight. “If only it was under better circumstances.”
You and Din remained silent. You could feel the heat of his gaze on you, but you still couldn’t quite return his look. You steadied yourself with a deep breath and hoped the sudden wave of nausea would go with it.
“Ah, yes, I see how it is. You’d like to get this done quickly.” Gideon’s sickening smirk remained as his arms fell back to his sides. “For once, our desires align.” He gestured over to Din. “Remove his helmet.”
“No!” You couldn’t bite back your instant protest as it clawed its way through your throat. You set your jaw and stared Gideon down with a lethal gaze. Your chest burned with the flame of hatred as you tugged on the troopers’ grasps.
Gideon’s gaze sparkled at you as he set his focus in your direction. “Is there another option you’d like to present at this time?”
Your gaze slid down to Din, who was somehow as composed as ever. His visor had never strayed from you, as if he was studying every inch of you to make sure you were okay. You let out a defeated exhale. “What do you want from us?”
Gideon raised an eyebrow. “What makes you think I’m desiring something?”
“There’s no other reason why you’d have us here.” You scoffed and shook your head, using the logic Din had often praised you for. “You have everything you’ve ever wanted. A shiny beskar suit, a fully-equipped base on Mandalore itself, the ability to make even the strongest of warriors yield to your demands.” You frowned as you sifted through everything. “There’s nothing we could offer you.”
You looked at Din again. His armored chest suddenly stalled, and yours did the same at the same time. Oh shit.
“Bait.” For Bo-Katan, certainly, but mostly for Grogu—for another shot to take more of his blood.
“You’re asking and answering my own questions for me.” Gideon gave you a smile of approval. “That’s a brilliant mind.” Gideon’s attention shifted to Din as his smile widened. “Must be why you decided to wed.”
Din’s chest began to move again as he calmed himself with steady breaths. Still, he presented no response, remaining silent in a way that clearly brought Gideon heavy frustration.
“What do you think, Din Djarin?” Gideon tilted his head, his smile straightening out into a look that had haunted your nightmares longer than you cared to admit. “Should we keep this easy and slip off that helmet now?”
Din only raised his chin higher at Gideon. Your heart twisted in your chest as you realized the motion gave Gideon and his men easier access to the lip of his helmet.
“I can’t let you do that.” Your voice was low, rough, and bitter, as if it had been squeezed out of your tense throat. You narrowed your eyes at Gideon as his gaze met yours again. “I won’t let you.”
“Is that so?” Gideon hummed and strolled closer to you. “And what do you intend to do about it?”
You circled your jaw. “Whatever it takes.”
Gideon’s gaze sparkled again. He knelt down in front of you and held your chin with his fingers. “Anything?”
You jerked your head back, forcing his grip away from yourself as you snarled at him. “Anything.”
Gideon smiled in satisfaction. “There we go. Compliance.” He kept his voice soft as he tilted his head at you. “All I need to ask you is a simple question, then.”
You kept your anger at the forefront of your mind, knowing that if it faltered, fear would surely give way. “Fire away.”
Gideon nodded. He asked his question like it was the easiest thing in the world to answer. “Why did you come to Mandalore?”
Your expression didn’t falter. “For fun.”
The corner of Gideon’s mouth twitched. “Ah. Yes.” He stood back to his full height and stepped back, nodding at one of the Commandos. Next thing you knew, your cheek was burning from the trooper’s blaster hitting it, and the stinging it left behind promised not only a forming bruise but also a bleeding cut.
“Gideon.” Din spoke for the first time since Gideon had entered, though his voice was more a growl than anything else. It was the angriest you had ever heard him. “Keep your hands off them and focus that energy on me.”
Gideon turned his head towards Din. “Is that a treat?”
Din tilted his helmet, a slow and calculated motion. “It’s a promise.”
Gideon huffed, clearly amused by Din—as if he wasn’t on the receiving end of one of the galaxy’s greatest warrior’s threats. Before he could speak, you filled the space with your own voice. “It’s all right.” You rolled your shoulders, ignoring the way the Commandos tightened their grip on you. “I can take it.”
Gideon lifted his brow, genuinely impressed. “I believe you.” His lips spread in a slow smile. “But the question is,” he turned towards Din, “can he take it?”
“No.” You shook your head at Gideon and hoped your pure desperation wasn’t obvious. You couldn’t handle watching them hurt Din at your expense. “There’s no need for that. There’s no need for any of this.”
Gideon waved a gloved hand towards you. “Would you like to plead your case?” You tightened your jaw, and Gideon offered a dramatic bow, giving you the floor.
“You already know why we’re here. It’s why you sent your forces after the fleet. You need us alive if you intend on using us as bait, and given the fact you somehow know about our marriage, it seems there’s nothing about us you don’t already know.” You tilted your head at Gideon, narrowing your eyes as you assessed him. “So why did you ask me about coming here, and what the hell do you really want to know?”
Gideon hummed. “Ah, you misunderstood. I don’t want to know why you’re on Mandalore now. I want to know why you were here before.”
Your blood ran cold, but you kept your face unchanged. “We weren’t here before.”
Gideon chuckled. “Whose TIE interceptors did you think were following you?”
You swallowed hard and looked at Din. His visor, however, was stuck on Gideon, something that made the knot in your stomach tie tighter. There was more that you weren’t getting.
“That’s not the only thing you misunderstood.” Gideon was smug as he went on, clearly proud of himself for outsmarting you. “You thought I intended on hurting him.” He paused for a moment and shrugged. “In a way, I suppose you were right.” You froze as one of the troopers at Gideon’s side stepped in front of you. “Just not physically.”
The Super Commando tossed his blaster to the floor and swung his fist before you could process the action. You took the hit with a gasp of both surprise and pain, feeling the sting of it on the side of your face they hadn’t already hurt. You were ready for the next one, and you had braced yourself before it hit your other cheek that had already gone sore.
The sound of a struggle was somehow louder than the blood roaring in your ears. “Gideon, if you value your life, you’ll stop.” Din’s warning was so terrifyingly ruthless and genuine that it made a shiver run down your own spine. The breathless way it was spoken due to his constant struggle against the Commandos’ grasp on him only made it more threatening.
Gideon remained unshaken. “Answer my question, then.”
“Don’t.” You bit back a whimper at the soreness of your jaw as you gave Din a determined look. “I can take it.” Din’s visor met your gaze and that time, you were the one who sought to comfort him. “It’s gonna be okay.”
The trooper disappeared behind you. You knew better than to think it meant you were in the clear. A moment later, his arm wrapped around your neck from behind, closing your airway more and more as he slowly pulled you in tighter. You tried your best not to make your struggle obvious, but eventually, you couldn’t help it. You fought to keep your gaze on Din, who had started pulling even harder at the Commandos’ grasp.
“Make them stop.” Din’s words were a pure growl once again. You accidentally let your gasp for air escape you in a way that made Din repeat himself much louder. “Make. Them. Stop.”
Your vision began to go spotty. You blinked an apology at Din if he could understand it before you let your eyes fall closed to focus on staying awake—staying alive.
“All you have to do, Din Djarin, is ans—.”
“Get the hell away from them and take my damn helmet off already!”
That was Din yelling. But, it couldn’t be. Din never yelled. He was never afraid. And he sure sounded afraid just then—but also very, very angry. You needed to breathe. Please, please…
The arm at your neck fell away, and you fell with it. Your body crumpled forward as you coughed and gasped for air, your neck and throat burning. The troopers pulled you back up, forcing your lungs to work even harder, but at least letting you see Din again. He was fighting to maintain his composure, and you noticed that right away, but his steady breaths indicated that he was getting closer to calming down again.
“So.” Gideon was smiling again as he looked at Din. How the hell was he smiling at that, at inflicting such horrible pain upon people? “That’s the choice you’re making.” He shook his head, as if he was disappointed with Din. “Breaking your precious Creed instead of answering a simple question?”
Din remained silent. Just like before, he held his chin up higher, offering his helmet up as if it was the easiest thing in the entire galaxy to do.
Gideon gestured for one of his men to step forward. You shook your head, your chest still heaving as you spoke with all the air you had managed to gather back into your lungs. “No, Din. Please.” Your voice was so hoarse even you could barely recognize it. As the trooper stood in front of Din, your panic rose, and flashes of every moment that led up to Din’s redemption in the Living Waters hit you in a single second. “No, no! Please.”
“Just tell me what I want to know, and I’ll make it stop.” Gideon had the audacity to act honorable as he nodded at you with a wrinkled brow, as if he was pitying you. It took all your self control to resist spitting in his direction.
“It’s okay.” Din’s voice was soft again, just as it had been when he first spoke to you in this horrible, terrifying room. You found his visor and lost yourself in it, for once in your life praying to the stars that you wouldn’t have to see his brown eyes anytime soon. “Just like I promised.” He nodded at you, then he turned his attention to the trooper at his side. “Do it.”
The Commando waited for Gideon’s command, and once he earned a nod from the Moff, the trooper reached forward to grab the lip of Din’s helmet. That’s when Din slammed his helmet forward, hitting the Commando’s hand at an angle perfect enough to make it bend and break at the wrist. The trooper cried out in pain and fell back a few steps, grabbing at his limp hand.
You smiled to yourself. Of course Din had a plan. You were foolish to think he wouldn’t.
But that sense of victory was short-lived. Gideon gestured to Din’s shoulder and the Commando on Din’s right side followed the unspoken order. You had no time to prepare as you watched the trooper grab Din’s arm tightly with both hands and pull it as far back and away from Din’s shoulder as he could.
The sickening crack couldn’t be heard over the sound of Din’s agonized scream. You squeezed your eyes shut so tight it made your temples throb, your stomach so sick that it threatened to expel any contents it had left onto the floor. Your lips trembled, the devastation that flooded your being overwhelming you in waves the more you heard Din’s pained breaths and quiet whimpers.
“There we go.” Gideon was satisfied. Of course he was. He delighted in draining the strength from those who posed a true threat to him. “It should be safe to remove his helmet now.”
You managed to open your eyes once again, but you almost wished you’d kept them closed. Din’s right arm was entirely limp at his side, but the Commandos still held him up anyway, no doubt adding more painful pressure to his dislocated shoulder. The trooper at Din’s left side was the one who made the move for his helmet, foregoing any sense of decency as he tore the beskar from Din’s head.
There was nothing but pure pain written all over Din’s handsome face. It contorted every feature in a way that made you fight the grasps holding you down, even if you were aware of how pointless that fighting was. Your chest heaved in panic for him rather than a need for air, and you didn’t care if Gideon noticed.
Then Din’s brown gaze met yours, and you realized there was actually a part of him that wasn’t in pain. His eyes were full of concern and comfort, both of which he aimed in your direction, his gaze never once straying from yours. He wrinkled his brow in a way that somehow differed from his look of agony. Are you okay?
Your lips continued to tremble, but you pulled them tighter in a vain effort to stop them. You offered a small nod and wrinkled your brow to ask him the very same thing.
Din’s brow relaxed, and with all the true determination and strength of the Mandalorian you wed long ago, he nodded as well.
For that moment, you believed him. You always did, and you always would. No matter how damn painful a dislocated shoulder was, especially with so much pressure on it, Din had certainly experienced worse pain before.
“Now we can get some answers.” Gideon sounded relieved as he turned his attention to you. “Are you ready to talk?”
You looked at him with all the hatred you felt for him in your heart. “Hell no.”
Gideon raised one corner of his mouth. “Your resilience is impressive, I must admit.” His head lowered, but his gaze remained in yours, looking deeper into the true feelings that hid within it. “But for as much as you’ve composed yourself, you’ve given just as much away. Nervous glances are saying what your tongue doesn’t have the courage to.”
Gideon paused, looking over at the Commandos by Din and nodding. One of them kicked Din in the ribs, making him grunt in surprise as an immediate punch to his cheek earned a pained gasp. Your eyes squeezed shut. They had already given enough away.
In all these years of being one of the galaxy’s greatest warriors, Din had never gotten a hit to his face without his beskar barrier—until now.
“That’s it.” Gideon’s victorious voice ran a horrible chill down your spine. “You won’t let him talk if we focus on you. But you…” you chanced looking at him again just to see another conniving smile, “you will comply if we focus on him.”
Your gaze found Din’s. You expected to find disappointment and pain there, but in true Din fashion, he offered nothing but comfort yet again. He gave you another nod, just like before. It’s gonna be okay.
“Fine.” Din’s gaze flashed with panic as you spoke with a resigned voice. You let your eyes fall to the floor in defeat. “I’ll tell you.” You swallowed hard and looked up, unable to face Din as you focused on Gideon. “I’ll tell you what you want to know.”
Gideon smiled in victory. Stars, he was so arrogant that he wouldn’t have been able to see your mask slip even if you let it. “Let’s hear it.”
You looked at Din, painting guilt on your expression in a way that wasn’t completely a lie. Just seeing the pain that continued to remain on Din’s face, as well as the concern he held for you, was enough to make that guilt a little more real. “Beskar.” Din’s brown gaze flashed with understanding, but only for a moment. He quickly began to mask as he dropped his head in feigned disappointment. “We wanted beskar.”
Gideon didn’t buy it right away. “That’s it?” He scoffed. “After years of exile, you returned for… beskar?”
“We needed a large supply. An endless one, really.” You bit your cheek and paused. “I… I wanted my own suit of armor. Our people didn’t have enough for that. So, we took the risk and came here ourselves.”
Gideon’s gaze gave you a less-than-impressed once-over. “Clearly, that plan of yours didn’t work.”
“But our mission was worth it.” You raised your chin, selling your act with the true confidence you felt budding in your chest. “We may not have mined any beskar, but we discovered the planet was breathable, habitable. We were the ones who brought Bo-Katan back, and we were the ones who helped her to unite all Mandalorians—despite your best efforts to keep them apart.”
Gideon’s lip twitched. You didn’t bother hiding your smile of success. It would only sell your lie even more. “In doing so, you still made one critical failure.” Gideon nodded at one of the troopers next to you. “You never got your armor.”
The Commando slammed their knee into your ribs, not even to break them but certainly to bruise them. You gasped at the feeling, and a split second later, Din cried out in pain himself as he fought the troopers’ grasp on him, despite his heavily wounded shoulder. His eyes were screwed shut in an agony you couldn’t begin to imagine, but he fought anyway.
“Don’t forget, Din Djarin.” Gideon’s attention shifted to Din with another one of those sickening smiles. “You can’t hide your pain from us, now. Your face is even more expressive than theirs.” He pointed a lazy hand towards you.
Din reopened his eyes, a brown blaze of fury that would have terrified you if you weren’t so familiar with his softer and kinder nature. He spoke for the first time since having his helmet removed, his voice somehow even more threatening than before even amidst his hoarseness from his screaming. “You think you’ve won something by doing this.”
Gideon shrugged, smiling wider—and confirming Din’s words in the process.
“You think you’re the first Imperial who’s ever seen my face.”
Din huffed, an amused sound that matched the growing smirk on his blood-encrusted lips. Gideon’s expression began to falter. Din raised his chin and lowered his voice in a tone you’d only heard him use one other time before his duel with Paz.
“You’re wrong.” When Gideon’s brow furrowed in disbelief at Din’s words, he nodded. “That’s right. I’ve broken my Creed before.” Din chuckled and raised his brow at Gideon in expectation. “More than once.” He tilted his head. “Does that make you angry?”
Gideon himself stepped forward to deal Din his next blow. You braced yourself for it, closing your eyes as you heard the sound of Gideon’s fist meeting Din’s face. Din, however, only let out a grunt, a sound that immediately transitioned into a laugh as Din gave Gideon a less-than-impressed once-over.
“Really? That’s it?”
Gideon scowled and kicked his boot towards Din’s dislocated shoulder. You closed your eyes before you had to watch Din scream in pain. Hearing it was bad enough. Your lips had started trembling again, especially as Din’s pained whimpers continued with each breath he took.
“I’m satisfied for now.” Gideon rolled his shoulders and nodded at the troopers. “We’ll leave them in here, seal the door.” Gideon’s signature smile returned as he looked pointedly in your direction. “I have a feeling the worst for them is yet to come.”
A chill ran down your spine at his ominous words. With that, the Commandos at your sides all but threw you against the floor. You sprawled out as they filed out of the room behind Gideon, struggling to push yourself up with your bound wrists as you heard the door slide closed. Instantly, you looked at Din, who they had so graciously left on his injured side.
“Oh, Din.” Your voice was a broken whisper as you crawled your way over to him.
Every breath Din took was pained, but there was nothing he could do to help himself. His gaze found you when you got closer, and your shattered heart fell apart within your chest as you saw the tears of pain there he had clearly been fighting to keep away from Gideon.
Your own eyes welled with tears. “I’m sorry.” You couldn’t stop apologizing as you lifted your bound hands to his face and held it the best you could. “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. You didn’t do this to me. You got me through it.” All of Din’s words came through gritted teeth as he fought the agony that attacked him. Still, he nodded at you with determination. “Can you help me up?”
You returned his nod, biting your cheek as you held his left arm with your bound hands and pulled. Din barely swallowed back his cry—and part of it still escaped—as the pressure on his shoulder released. You wanted to empty your stomach again at the sight of his limp arm, but before you could process it, Din spoke again.
“Are you okay?” Din looked as if he was trying to raise his bound hands to your face, but his shoulder wouldn’t let him, causing him to close his eyes and growl at the pain. “You’re bleeding. And…” his inhaled, reopening his eyes and revealing his pain—though this kind wasn’t physical, “your neck…” He trailed off, circling his jaw in evident anger.
You didn’t have to see yourself to know there were already bruises forming around your neck from the trooper’s tight grasp. “I’m all right. I promise. Like I said before, I can take it.” You covered his bound hands with your own. I’m not the one we need to be worrying about right now.”
Din’s gaze fell to your hands as he heaved the best breath he could manage. “I need your help again.” His eyes met yours. “It needs to go back in.”
“I…” you choked on the words you intended to say, “I can’t.”
Din’s gaze searched yours with a desperation that left you breathless. “Please.”
You closed your eyes and steadied yourself with a breath. “Isn’t it gonna hurt you?”
Din nodded, refusing to lie to you. “Badly.” His forehead fell against your own in his effort to comfort both of you. “But you’ll be fixing me.” Din’s voice was a soft, intimate whisper as his lips brushed over your own. “It’s okay.”
Your lips began trembling again, so Din steadied them with his own. His mouth slotted over yours, as if you were the only remedy that could truly fix him. It alleviated all of the horrors and worries if even for just those precious few moments, your shaky breaths strengthened by his own before he pulled away and kept his forehead against yours.
Din nodded. “It’s okay.”
You tightened your jaw, returning his nod before you leaned away. “Here.” You managed to tug the leather off one of your hands as you lifted it towards Din’s face. “To help with the pain.”
The corner of Din’s mouth lifted in the best smile he could manage. You helped him bite down on the leather and waited for another nod that would be your cue to work on his arm. Even though you weren’t quite ready yourself, you were going to help him, just as he had asked you to.
“On three.” Your grasp on his arm alone caused Din to growl into the leather, but the material at least worked to muffle the sound. “One… two…” you closed your eyes for a moment and inhaled sharply, “three!”
You corrected Din’s shoulder placement in one swift move. The popping it made as it fell back in place could be felt under your fingers, but once again, all you could hear was Din’s own agony—even through the leather. You lifted your hands and saw Din’s eyes screwed shut as his head hung in pain and exhaustion, each grueling sound still cutting through the leather.
You maneuvered yourself in front of him again and held his face the best you could with your bound hands, running circles over his tightened jaw as he began to relax more and more. There was a single tear that had escaped his eyes no doubt caused by his agony, and you were quick to wipe it away as you held him until he was breathing evenly again.
When Din’s gaze met yours, you took the leather and removed it from his mouth. He was quick to lean forward and kiss your cheek. “Thank you.” His voice was nothing but an exhausted rasp. “I love you.”
Your lips and your voice wobbled as you responded. “I love you, too.” You shook your head, the devastation hitting you in waves as it brought a flood of tears to your gaze. “I’m sorry they’ve done this to you.” Your gaze flickered to his helmet that still laid on its side many feet away. “All of it.”
Din raised his bound hands to your face despite how badly it hurt him, something that was clear by the tight growl he released as he did so. As if you were his tether of safety and comfort to the galaxy, his grip on you made him relax once again. His voice was so quiet you almost missed it. “You say that like it’s your fault.”
You tried to steady yourself with a breath, but you hiccuped on it instead. Din’s forehead pressed against yours; he was just as much your tether to the galaxy as you were his. “If you hadn’t had to defend both of us from them…”
“No.” Din shook his head at that, minding your own as he kept your foreheads together. “You should have never been in that situation to begin with.” Din’s gloved fingers ran over your cheek. “Neither of us should have.”
You heaved another breath. “Your Creed… after everything you did…”
Din shrugged, wincing as he moved his bad shoulder. “We’re still on Mandalore.” He managed a half smile. “I’ll just go back to the Living Waters when we’re free.”
You didn’t dare voice your fears about ever getting out of there. Instead, you lowered your head to the space between his good shoulder and his cowl, tucking yourself underneath his bound hands so that his arms could be around you. His hands still held the back of your head the best they could.
You hated how small your voice was, but with all the hours you’d experienced in such a short amount of time, you couldn’t help it. “Can you tell me it’s gonna be okay again?”
Din’s face rested upon your head as he did just that. “It’s gonna be okay, cyar’ika.”
You closed your eyes. “Promise?”
Din nodded. “Promise.”
And despite all the odds stacked against the two of you, you believed him.
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main masterlist • din djarin masterlist
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ambiguouslady42 · 11 days
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Pairing: Emo! Nanami Kento x You
Content: Fluff, Angst, Smut MDNI
Summary: Your first time with Emo! Nanami.
Word count: 3.2K
Note: This was inspired by one of my fav Pulp songs, Do You Remember the First Time?
Tags: @hayatoseyepatch, @awkwardchick87, @peachsukii, @jellyfishart
Thank you, Sam and Salem for the help!
You have fallen for Nanami Kento. Every time you were paired on a mission, he’d do everything he could to make sure that you would walk out of there unscathed. You watched as he stepped in front of you to make the first move. You thought he was being a gentleman, but he was just making sure to assess the situation so that no lives would be lost. He was carrying the guilt of dealing with the loss of his friend. You made an effort at times to protect him when you could; it would frustrate him because at times he thought you were reckless to get in his way, but you wanted to show him that you were just as capable of protecting him. 
One particular mission was a close call. You watched Nanami struggling to be able to deal with this particular curse. Initially, you thought this would be simple, but the curse wasn’t classified correctly. There was no mistake that this was a grade 1 level curse. You were struggling to stand after being hit constantly. Nanami was injured and could barely hold his blade, as he was about to attack the curse, it decided to try to attack you instead. You were on the floor unable to move; you thought this would be a moment to accept your fate. You lived your life trying to protect those you cared about. Just as you believe this was your moment to pass, the curse chose to go to attack Nanami. 
You didn’t want to lose him; your heart felt like it was going to break into pieces. The adrenaline in your body aids you in getting up. Watching the one you love about to be attacked was all you needed to make your ambush. Within seconds, the curse was obliterated. As you stand in front of Nanami, you collapse. 
“Talk to me! Hey! Wake up!” he begins to blur as you fall. 
As you open your eyes, he holds you in his arms. The relief you felt on his face made you sob into his chest. You would do anything for him, even give your life away if it meant he got to live for another day. He held you and told you it was all okay. 
“No, it’s not. I know you think I'm stupid for trying to take on this curse on my own.” you continued to cry.
“It was, but…thank you. You didn't need to do that, so why did you?” he answered gently. 
“Because…” you said quietly, “you wouldn’t understand.”
Nanami did feel something towards you, he noticed the way you looked at him. He observed the way that you listened to him or the way you remembered his favourite sandwich order. In return, he got you your favourite soda from the machine. He constantly waited for you outside of your dorm to walk you to class or as you head out on your missions together. You just thought he was being nice, but you’d take it all because you were in love. However, risking your life was the ultimate form of love.
“Try me”, he continued to be gentle with you. This time, he began to rub his hand on your back. 
You pulled away from his hold. Your eyes were red, but you felt this was now or never. “I have to tell you something…I think I’m in love with you. You’ll think I’m stupid, but I don’t care. Even if we just remain friends, I’ll eventually move on and I won’t be a forethought in your mind.”
His face turned red. You were eager to brush his bangs to the side so you could fully see his face. Even if he didn’t return your affection, it would be okay. Now you put it out there and you could move forward if he didn’t return your affections.
“I think…I may feel the same way about you” he respondd. “I wish you wouldn’t have jumped in front of the curse for me. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t successful. I just couldn't…”
The guilt started to build up now, and you began to cry again. You didn’t mean to worry him, but you did this because you couldn’t bear the pain. You would protect anyone who you held closest to your heart. 
“Shh…Thank you. I won’t forget about this.” he proceeded to kiss the top of your head. 
“What do we do now?” you spoke as you looked up at him.
“We do our best and spend time together. Graduation is coming up, so let’s make the best of it.”
He realized that you can’t quite get up, so he carried you, bridal style. You felt the heat in your face, but Nanami just looked at you and confirmed with a small smile that this is more than okay for him. You kissed his cheek and continued back towards campus. 
At first, each small, gentle kiss would just be enough to tide you over before class. Over time, you two would sneak off to share the kind of kisses that nobody else should have to witness. Each time you made out, he would hold you closely; you would run your hands through his blonde hair. You saw it as the perfect excuse to play with his bangs as you would grab his face to continue kissing him. The way he held you was very chaste, at first. Eventually, his hands shifted lower to your hips. You allow him to explore at times; you permitted him to grab your ass at times. The kisses eventually weren’t enough. 
After a short period, you began to have sleepovers. You weren’t ready to give yourself fully to him. He respected your choices and he would follow your lead when it came to knowing how far you could go. It was so difficult to share a bed sometimes. Each time you touched, you felt hungrier for him. You allow him to go under your shirt. As he was lying next to you, you felt him get hard. You blush and begin to embrace him and bury yourself on his shoulder. What are you supposed to do? He kisses your forehead and tells you that you don’t have to do anything. You allowed him to explore your breasts with his hands. You were feeling adventurous this evening, so you let his mouth feel each breast; he kisses your nipples so gently. This sensation that you feel is new to you. You see that his hard-on getting tighter on his skinny jeans, so you nudge him to stop. He immediately does so. You share soft, tender kisses and rub your noses together. You held each other to sleep and felt excited about the possibilities of you and him.
Then the dreaded day came. Yaga informs you that Nanami would be leaving Jujutsu High after graduation. You felt angry. You stormed out of his office and went to your dorm. You slam the door and just sob into your pillow. You could still smell traces of him on your bed. 
“Why didn’t he talk to me about this?”, you thought. 
You hear a knock on your door. “It’s me. Can we talk about this?”
“No, go away,” you shout back.
“Please, darling. You have to understand.” he pleads through the door.
“Why should I listen to you? You already made up your mind. Just go away.”
“It’s not just about you…please, hear me out.”
You get up and open the door. “Talk” you command him. You’re standing now with arms crossed and glaring at him.
“There’s simply no point in staying here and waiting for the day when we’ll die on a mission. I’m tired of constantly worrying if you’ll be back or if I'll be back. I’m still grateful to you for saving my life, but…I can’t keep doing this. Sorcery is dangerous. I want a chance of a normal life and live. You could come with me…we wouldn’t have to lay out our lives every day.”
You were fuming at this point. “I can’t. I can’t turn my back away from those that are helpless. We have been granted a gift, and while I’m able, I will not stand down and give up. I can’t do that. I thought you and I would be together, no matter what. We know the risks, but we have each other. We’re a team.”
“I…can’t do this anymore. Haibara was already too much of a loss and I can’t bear to lose…”
“Just stop right there. I’m the one who risked my life for you. I’d do it over again. I’d do it 100 times over again. I don’t regret it once.” you shout back. “If this is how you see it, then we have nothing more to talk about.”
“Please…just listen…” he pleads
“Stop. We’re done. Just get out. I don’t want to see you. Jujutsu society still needs us. If you want to quit, I’m not going to hold you back. Do what you have to do.” You turn around and wait for him to leave.”
“If that’s really want you want” he expresses somberly. You hear the door close gently behind you. You jump back into your bed and curl into a ball. You sob as you realize what you have done. 
It was graduation day; You were ready to be a full-on Jujutsu sorcerer in society. Nanami stood next to you. Stoic and expressionless. You gave him a warm smile, acknowledging the decision he made. Leaving Jujutsu Society would allow Nanami a chance at living a normal life, but that also meant that you’d likely not see him again. You accept the terms that come with this, but you wish you could apologize for the way you treated him, or even share one final kiss? 
After the ceremony, you walk back to your room. You sit on your bed and contemplate what the future holds now that Nanami won’t be in the picture anymore. Just as you were about to get up, you saw Nanami standing outside of your door. “I figured you would be here,” he says gently.
“Just saying goodbye before I move away from here. My parents would help me find an apartment in the city,” you tell him. 
“That’s good…listen, I know that our last conversation was unpleasant, but I just want you to know that you can still come with me if you want.”
“I’m sorry, Ken…my place is here in Jujutsu Society. I stand by everything I said to you. As long as I'm able, I swear to protect others. With that said, I don’t hold any grudges towards you. The only thing is, I’m sad I likely won’t see you again.” you tell him solemnly. You reach out to grab his hand. He returns the gesture.
“I understand. Just do everything you can to stay safe. If we ever run into each other, promise me we won’t be strangers.”
“I promise, Ken”.
Both of you look at each other and embrace. You hold each other tight. You don’t know if this will be the last time you see each other. You stare at each other with longing. Without forethought, you kiss. Just as you pull away, you nod to him. You go back to kissing him, but this time, one of longing and one filled with desperation. You start to run your hands through his hair as he begins to gently bite your lower lip. You begin biting his upper lip and you share a laugh. As he lowers you to the bed, you begin rushing to take off his jacket. He slowly runs his hand on your thigh. As he does so, he begins to move his hand to feel your ass. As the jacket comes off,  you begin to slowly unbutton his shirt. You stop kissing for a moment.
You look at him with reassurance,  “I’m…ready.”
“Okay, darling. If you ever want to stop, just say the word.” he coos.
“Yes, Ken. You bring him back towards you to continue kissing. He sits you up to take off your jacket and to begin unbuttoning your shirt. He hasn’t had to take off your bra in a while, but you help him. You both giggle as you begin to explore each other. You kiss his shoulders and make your way to his neck. You place small gentle kisses and he moans. You take this as a good sign and you continue to trace kisses around his neck. He pins you down to the bed and decides to kiss your neck. He is curious to know if you’ll react the same way he did. As he’s kissing you, your breathing becomes heavier. He decides to kiss his way to your exposed breasts. His hot tongue finds your left nipple. This is the moment you release a loud moan. You become embarrassed, but your Ken doesn’t stop. He begins to suck on your nipple and your moans just signal him to continue. You feel like you are at his mercy. You begin to gently pull his hair as your moans get louder. He traces kisses towards your breast. “Do…you want me to…stop?” he asks teasingly. 
“No, fuck…no.” as you’re struggling to make out words. He kisses you and begins to nibble on your right breast. You don’t feel afraid to give yourself away to him. “I need…more,” you whisper to him. 
At this point, you're both still wearing the lower halves of your uniforms. You slowly begin to unbutton his pants. He picks you to take your skirt off. You’re wearing your tights, and he gently removes them. All that’s left now is both of you in your underwear. You continue to kiss and you allow his hands to explore your body. He’s touching every place that would have always been fun to touch. He grazes your belly with his fingers. You begin to laugh in between the kisses, so he knows this place tickles. He loves hearing your laugh. His hands trace back to your outer thighs, moving closer to your inner thigh. You moan in between his kisses. You look up at him and nod. This nod expresses your permission that you’re okay with what he wants to do. He slowly works his way inside of your underwear and feels your pussy with his hand. You feel nervous at this point and just grab onto his arms. “Are you okay?” he whispers
“Yeah, this is..just a little scary…it’s new,” you respond.
You nod for him to continue. He proceeds to slide his finger in you. He doesn’t know what to do, but he feels the warmth between your legs. He notices that it’s also very wet. As he continues to explore his fingers in you, you begin to moan. He takes note of how this is making you feel. As he explores further, he finds a particular spot that makes you grab onto him even harder. “Mmmm…Ken, right there!.” This further encourages him to make you do that again. His finger proceeds to do a come hither motion. “Oh…My.”, are the only words you can say as you feel you’re about to scream. “Ken…I…need..y….” He proceeds to steal a kiss from you and you melt into him. Your hand traces his shoulders and you make little hearts on his back. You move your way down to play with the elastic of his underwear. You gently play with it to lower it just slightly. He stops kissing you. “Are you ready?” 
“Yeah, I’m ready. I trust you.” you gently kiss him.
As he slowly removes your underwear, you proceed to remove his. You decide to just gently feel his ass. He blushes slightly and you kiss his nose. “I love you. I always will.”
“I love you too.”
You lay on top of each other. His cock has girth and you’re nervous. You grab it and gently guide it inside you. As he gently shoves it inside you, you wince a bit in pain. “Are you…okay?” he asks you, worriedly.
“It’s okay…sweetheart. Don’t stop.” your grabbing onto his arms as he fully shoves his cock inside of you. As it’s inside, he sees a tear run down your face. “Do you want me to stop?” he asks you again.
“I’ll be…okay.” as another tear comes down. He kisses your face where the tears are streaming. “Just remember, say the word and we’ll stop.” You nod. He proceeds to slowly thrust into you. Your arms intertwine around his. As he’s thrusting, you think about how all of this feels perfect, despite the pain you feel temporarily. You feel like something is building up inside of you. “K..en…don’t stop.” You grab his face and you kiss him hungrily. As you feel every inch inside of you, you begin to moan as your tongues touch. “Mmm…darling…” you continue to moan. Nanami decides to see what would happen if he kisses your neck as you feel his balls deep inside of you. “Ahhhhhh…sweetheart…I…lo…” you’re struggling to say words at this point. “Shh…I know.” as he proceeds to trace you with kisses. Your moans are further indication that you’re enjoying this. You’re enjoying him.
“Oh my g…darling”, his voice goes up an octave. “I’m cum…” he releases his orgasm into you. You soon follow as you feel him finishing inside of you. You stare at each other and giggle before sharing one final kiss. He proceeds to get off you and lays next to you. You embrace him. You know this would be the only time this will happen. You won’t see him again after today. All you know is that you belong to each other, just for today. 
The years go by. You still thought about him. You miss him, but your duties as a Jujutsu Sorcerer kept you busy. You knew you had to focus on the missions at hand. Whenever you successfully exorcise a curse, you wonder if hethink about you from time to time. The feeling never waned, even with all the exhaustion and paperwork you had to do.
He spent his time in an office environment. The work is shit, but he kept living his life day by day. He wondered if you thought about him; were you alive and well? He longed to see you just one more time. One day, he stopped by a bakery to grab lunch. He noticed that the girl working there had a pestering curse on her shoulder. The moment he chose to exorcise the curse on her shoulder, it all just clicked. He finally understood the sense of duty you had. After hearing the girl’s “thank you” countless times, he knew he had to make a phone call. 
On this day, you are walking on campus and suddenly you notice a tall figure. He sees you and makes eye contact with you. Your smile never changed. His smile is just the way you remember it. Although, he traded his skinny jeans for a khaki suit, blue shirt, and the odd tie. You both stand in front of each other. He still feels a longing for you. 
You both share a common thought, “do you remember the first time?”
All he hopes for after all these years, with whatever number of lovers you took on, did you save a piece just for him?
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐌𝐞 🔞
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You thought you knew he only wanted sex. He thought you knew he wanted love. Who's gonna break first- and who's gonna pick up the pieces?
Tags/Warnings: PWP, messy sex oop, emotions, hurt & Comfort, major angst, minor manhandling, multiple rounds mentioned
Length: 2.3k words
A/N: someone send help I can't write smut no more I'm sorry
In the beginning, it wasn't supposed to be like this. Really- it wasn't.
Jungkook and you had been nothing but friends, casual ones that would mostly text and sometimes meet up for the odd takeout and drink at either his place or yours. And then, one day, it really kind of just.. happened.
For you, it was clear that he didn't mean it in a sense of 'hey, I love you' because he litereally told you so straight up the next morning. He'd stood up, got dressed, thanked you for letting him stay over, and made sure to tell you that this wasn't him confessing to you in a fuckboy'ish way or anything. That he was totally 'cool' with just staying friends and nothing more.
You had laughed it off. Had said almost nothing. You just took the hit silently, and let him walk out of your apartment, only to have him return a week later.
And the same happened again. You ate, drank, and end up having sex- and while this time it had been on the couch instead of your bed, it still turned out the same the next morning. He'd leave, thank you for staying over, only to text you a few days later if you wanted to hang out at his place.
And there too, he'd end up with his dick inside you. His bed had been comfortable, even if he lacked pillows for some odd reason. It was still nice. And this time, something was different.
This time, it was you who thanked him for letting you stay over, before you'd left.
The same game, simply with reversed players. Nothing new- it just looked like it. And now, after a year of playing this, you're yet again entangled with him in his bed, though he actually owns a few pillows now after noticing your complaints about his lack of them. You slept in the same bed after all, whenever you'd stay over- and while he hoped you'd at some point at least try to cuddle up to him, use him as a pillow, you hadn't. You'd rather accepted the sore neck you'd get the next morning, instead of showing him any kind of domestic affection outside of sex.
And he's not sure how long he can take it.
There's only so much he can do. So much he can offer. So much he can sacrifice for you.
He's unable to keep his hands to himself, uses them to push your wrists into the mattress below instead as he clenches his jaw, grits his teeth under the pressure of his own muscles aching already. He doesn't know how far he needs to go, how hard he needs to fuck your brains out so you understand that it's him who's making your mind spin. Him who wants to offer you so much more than just his dick down your throat or shoved inside your cunt. He could give you so much more than just purple marks on your skin, could give you a lot more lasting things than just a fleeting bruise.
You just won't let him.
And its agonizing.
He doesn't know what to do at this point to show you what he wants, because your eyes are always closed, no matter what. If not physically, then mentally- you don't ever look at him, never see him, all while he can't look away, has to watch every breath of yours. He knows he's not a perfect guy. He's got his flaws, a lot of them, but that can't be the reason you just won't love him.
Because in your touch, in your kisses, in the way you cling to him, he can feel it. It's not just lust and desire that's making you feel like this, he knows that. He just knows- but you act like there's nothing.
You pretend nothing is going on, you just keep your hands over your eyes and never spot the way he kneels in front of your feet, offering his heart clawed straight out of his chest. As if what you do is nothing but a stale job to get done, something not worth much more effort than necessary. A normal 9 to 5 that pays the bills.
And if that's what this is, he wants to be fired.
Because he surely isn't able to quit on his own.
But that's the thing- every time you give him the chance to leave, he just can't let it happen. And neither do you stay away from him for long either. If he doesn't reply to a message you send him for more than a day or two, you'll call him, worried tone in your voice while asking if he's alright. And it hurts, because he feeds off of those moments every single time like a drug addict, wants and needs your attention and has started to ignore you just to get that reaction in return. He knows it's cruel, that at this point you're more than toxic towards one another, but he needs you.
And it's clear that you need him too- you just refuse to admit that.
"Jungkook-" You gasp out when he pushes himself in deep, arms growing tired from the by now third round of lovemaking he's tied you up in. But he can't stop- he doesn't want to. The moment he's done with you, the moment he lets go, you'll leave.
And tonight, he can't handle that. Tonight is his breaking point.
"Jungkook I can't-" You start, but he instead leans back on his heels, pulls your legs over his thighs, before he pushes his length that had slipped out back in, hips lifting before he gathers the last ounces of strength once more. A hand on your cunt spreads the mess he'd made with you around, thumb pressing and circling over your red and swollen bundle of nerves, pushing you towards one last peak with him.
He knows it's ending. He can feel his muscles burn.
So he uses your limp and pleasure-paralyzed body to his advantage, as he moves his hands to pull your back towards him instead, having you sit on him instead, his arms around you, your face in his neck. He hisses a little at the feeling of your hand tugging his hair, the other scratching his back for just a second, as you spasm once more, core clenching around his by now painfully sensitive cock.
His last orgasm is empty, he's got nothing left to give-
and he notices the way you both shiver, just not from the cold.
And if this is the last time, he wants to be stupid- he wants to be selfish, and he wants to at least pretend for a moment while you're still out of it that he's got you. That you want him even if you're not just fucking.
His lips kiss the salty skin of the crook of your neck, up to right underneath your ear, as he leaves his head there, breathes in your scent. His arms hold you close, length softening inside you, cum and arousal leaking and causing a weird slippery sensation on the skin of his thighs. And then, you try to move. "Don't-" He mumbles, voice hoarse. "..not yet."
You're quiet, feeling a bit panicked. You need him to let go of you, right now. Because the way his hot breath fans over your skin, the feeling of his arms hot around you, the sensation of his body so close is making you delirious. It's causing your fucked up brain to come up with dangerously domestic scenes of a post-sex shower with him, where you both fail to stand up for long enough to get yourselves clean, so you have to rather take a bath and laugh about the trembling of your muscles as you somewhat clumsily make yourselves at home in the warm soapy water. It creates a dream where you sleep next to him tonight, only dressed in barely any clothes so you can feel as close as you can throughout the night, his heavy body clinging to yours at some point, raspy voice greeting you with a good morning the next time you both wake up. It paints a picture of breakfast together, of a playful argument with him about the muscle ache you both have from the excessive amount of lovemaking you both just did.
But it's not lovemaking. You two simply fuck- you don't make love.
"Jungkook, I'm all gross-" You whine, trying to push him, when you suddenly feel it as he holds you even tighter, face resting on your shoulder. He's shaking, but not from the exhaustion of his muscles.
He's crying, quietly, trying hard not to have you notice.
It confuses you. You're not sure what to do, so for now, you just lean into him, rest your own head on his shoulder, and interlace your hands behind his back as you relax. "Don't do that.." He suddenly says, shaking his head and leaning away from you. No you're definitely confused. "I can't.."
"Jungkook what's wrong?" You ask, as he takes in a deep breath to calm himself, hands wiping his face almost aggressively. "What's going on?"
"You should go shower now." He mumbles, not looking at you as he cringes a little when he finally slips out of you, sitting on the edge of the bed, before his hands rub his arms, muscles probably aching already. "Do you need me to drive you home?" He wonders, and you just sit on the bed, watching him.
It's silent, for a good while, until he finally turns a little to look at you.
And you've never really seen anything that physically hurts you so much as his face in this moment, heart dropping down towards hell, ice cold shock running up your spine at the pure exhaustion on his face. But it's not physical exhaustion you see. No- whatever it is, it's something else.
"Jungkook.. talk to me-" You try, but he scoffs, shakes his head.
"I don't want to." He denies, getting up to walk into the bathroom, where he turns on the lights and starts the shower. You feel oddly small in his apartment, weirdly out of place as you look around, surroundings unfamiliar now that you actually look at them. Have you ever really looked at his apartment? Or just the ceiling at max?
Then again, why would you? Jeon Jungkook doesn't do relationships, and you know this because he told you. Numerous times. So why is he so distressed today?
When he walks back out, you quietly wobble into the bathroom yourself, get clean and get out once more to see him already changing the sheets, angrily throwing the soiled one's to the floor. It's clear that something's off this time, and you're at fault- but you're not sure what you've done.
So you just sit down on the floor with crossed legs, butt cold on the ground since you're only wearing panties and a shirt of his you found.
"There's sweatpants in the hamper. They're clean." He mumbles, not sparing you a glance. "You can wear those. I'll drive you home in a second-"
"I don't wanna go home." You say, making his movements stutter.
"What?" He turns towards you, eyes all puffy from his earlier emotional break.
"I don't wanna go home." You repeat. "Not until you tell me what's wrong." You say, and he shakes his head, pulling the bedsheet over the mattress, groaning angrily when it slips up on another corner, undoing most of his work. You, instead, laugh a little, getting up slowly to walk over and help him.
He sighs.
"Why do you want to stay?" He asks, and you look at him as he braces his hands on the mattress, not looking up at you.
"Why do you never want me to stay?" You ask instead, and his brows furrow in confusion, as he finally looks up.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asks, genuinely confused. "You're the one that always leaves the moment I'm done with you." He accuses, and you stare at him almost offended.
"Excuse me?" You scoff. "Who leaves me while I am asleep after almost breaking my bed twice now?" You argue.
"You didn't invite me to stay, like, ever!" He barks back, now standing to full height again, staring at you.
"Well boohoo, didn't know the prince himself needed a formal invitation to stay in my bed after I sucked his dick!" You huff, crossing your arms.
"What the fuck is your problem?" He asks, and you open your mouth, offended.
"No, what the fuck is your problem?!" You respond back, before both of your faces relax visibly.
"I always wanted to stay. I just didn't know if you wanted me to." He says awkwardly, and you sigh, fingers playing with the hem of his shirt you're wearing.
"And I wanted you to stay, but I.. you said you don't do relationships and all that, so I didn't want to seem clingy." You mumble. "I rather, you know.."
"...took what you offered and never asked for more.." He continues.
"..so I would at least not lose you." You finish, and you both stare at each other for a good moment-
before you both break out in tearful laughter, falling into bed together-
for the first time, actually holding each other throughout the night, and many more to come.
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artstatues · 4 months
Yield, darling? - k.a × reader
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wc : 817
pairings : kai azer x fem! reader, from powerless.
synopsis : you and kai grew up together, trained together, and now you guys were what people called best friends, until one particular training session.
a/n : this is my first x reader and my first time professionally writing a kiss so god bear with me but yeah and its been 2 hours so idek man
requested tag : @thisiskaylin, @urbanflorals, @reminiscentreader, @moondust-on-the-hijabi, @lxvebelle.
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Malakai Azer was your best friend. He’s been your best friend since you were 12. Since you were old enough for your dad, the general, to take you to the castle. He’d take you there on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. You loved and cherished every visit. You met the Princes of Ilya on your 4th visit, as the king saw how well you behaved. Well, of course you behaved, the only thing you did at the castle all day was walk around, explore more and more. By now you’ve memorized the entire layout of the castle. All 4 floors, you know how to get out, get in, noticed or unnoticed. But during those visits, you also began to train with the princes. At first, you preferred training with Kitt, since he was older than you, so was Kai, but you always felt like Kitt knew better, fought better. You were so wrong. He was a good fighter, yes, but the thing was, he’d always let you win. It wouldn’t be called training if he kept letting you win, so you tried training with Kai. You assumed he didn’t know much, since he trained with dummies and figures but oh boy were you horribly wrong. He terribly beat you up. Bruises everywhere, leaving your mother to scold you. You’ve barely talked to him before, but he eventually grew warmer, and didn’t absolutely beat you up all the time. Sometimes, you even switched mediums to using swords instead of hand to hand combat.
“Darling, enough, you’re going to ruin my gorgeous face.” Kai teased before sidestepping to avoid your stab of an attack. “Oh it’s not so gorgeous right now Kai,” You smirked before ducking to protect yourself from his blow, immediately taking advantage of his position to get behind him and pressed your dagger to his neck. “Yield?” Your smirk from earlier had returned. You’ve never been this close together before. Yes the both of you trained endlessly, but it never got this close. Well excluding the one time Kai had you pinned against a tree, knife to your throat. Even that wasn’t as close. You were pretty sure that he could feel your chest heaving. “Not so easily darling,” He smiled before making use of the fact that you were breathless, and the grip on your dagger was sloppy, since you were in fact, breathless. He flipped you over, your back landing harshly on the ground. Oh yeah, something’s definitely wrong in your skeletal system now. You audibly groaned, your face scrunched up in pain. Your dagger did do its job, though, it lightly tore Kai’s skin, resulting in a harsh hiss leaving his kissable lips. He wiped off some of the blood before you got up. Kai held his dagger, backing you up to a tree. Your back hit the tree, you winced because you were really done with this shit. “Kai I can’t-” You finally spoke up, but because of that, he strode to you in one long step, weapon hitting your throat. “Yield then, darling.” He leaned in to whisper in your ear. You could feel his smirk through your skin, but at the same time something tingled in your stomach, you were sure that your face was flush red now. You tried looking down to hide it only for Kai to tilt your head back up with his dagger. “Don’t hide away now, darling.” He still had that stupid smirk on his handsome face. His hand, equipped with the dagger, fell to his side. The tip of his dagger met your hand, trying to convince you to drop the weapon, and you did, because by his body language, you could tell that the atmosphere had changed. “Kai-” You whispered. He dropped his own weapon with a soft thud, or a clatter, you couldn’t even tell at this point, your mind hazy at him, the smell of his cologne, his body being this close to you. He leaned closer, tucking a piece of loose hair behind your ear. All this training likely made your braid loose. “May I?” He asked, his eyes darkening. You could feel your knees weaken and your face getting hotter. You gave him a subtle nod and with that, it felt like you just entered the gateways of heaven, literally. His hands were on you, they were everywhere, one on your neck, the other pinning your hips to the tree. His lips were soft, so soft- delicate- gentle, tender- but also hungry, impatient- You ran out of words to describe it, but it sure as hell was the best thing you’ve experienced. Kai pulled away, “Plagues, darling, you really are something-” He gasped before kissing you again. You were breathless at this point, but even so, you couldn’t bring yourself to pull away. Kai did, eventually, “So, darling, what do you say? Yield?” He smirked, his tone laced with husk.
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water-to-drink · 3 months
Be a Gladiolus in a Field of Belladonnas pt9
Gimme Shelter
(Summary): After things have seem to be in going in your favor the Natlan army invades Snezhnaya
Part 1 Last Part Next Part
✧ Masterlist ✧
(Characters): Traveler!Lumine, Abyss Prince!Aether, Childe, Arlecchino, Al Haitham, Ganyu, Sara, Ningguang, and Ayato
(Tags/Warnings): gn!reader, foul language, dialogue heavy, (lmk if I missed anything)
(Word Count): 1.4k
(A/n): Sorry for the long wait, depression has been kicking my ass and I’ve been working on a personal project, but anyways I hope you all enjoy
‘…’ - thinking
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Rapid footsteps echo throughout the halls of the Zapolyarny Palace, steps that get heavier and heavier the closer they get and breathes getting more intense show that the person is a second away from collapsing but the adrenaline and sheer determination keeps them going. Forgoing all and every customs that has been drilled in them during training they slam open the door, the same door that lead to the meeting hall where the current Harbingers are congregating
“What is the meaning of this!” Arlecchino shouted, no words came out of the low ranking agent’s mouth just pants and gasps, this of which angered Arlecchino even more resulting in her storming towards the poor agent until she stopped dead in her tracks
“The Natlan army is approaching the palace!”
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“Would it be possible to think, they’re harboring this imposter.” Everyone’s attention quickly turned towards Al Haitham, each face containing certain level of surprise. Wether it being what the former scribe said or the fact that he even spoke at all. “Not too long ago they tried to construct a god that would replace Lord Kusanali, so it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility for them to be hiding the imposter in hopes of using them to their advantage.”
An unsettling silence hung over the envoys as the realization of the words fully took root in each of the leader’s minds
“Th- that’s absurd! You don’t think they’re foolish enough to try that…? To try and use a world ending entity to replace their Grace, right?” Ganyu worried
There was a moment of silence until Ningguang cleared her throat
“If your assertion is true, then we need to mobilize our forces as soon as possible.” She declared
“The shogunate army is ready whenever you decide to strike.” Kujo Sara stated while putting her hand over her chest
“Pfff! Waiting on your army will just give them enough time to find out about our plan and hide this imposter.” Chimalma dismissed
“Then what do you suggest, miss Chimalma?” Ayato questioned
The priestess smirked and crossed her arms. “Obviously, I lend you both the Huītzilin and Ocēlōtl warriors. We’re much closer to Snezhnaya and we’ll have the pyro wielders melt the ice, giving the other armies time to catch up with us if we need the support, but I’m sure my soldiers are perfectly capable of handling it on our own.” Chimalma sneered at Sara giving her a death glare
“Alright then, we’ll let the Natlan army start their advancement and the Shogunate army will follow close behind as reinforcements. We will catch this catch this imposter.” Ningguang declared
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You’ve spend god knows how many hours in the cave, but you’re grateful to be out of there. Wanting nothing more than to crawl into your bed that’s way bigger than a king (and not to mention comfortable too). Thinking about the palace the realization that haven’t returned for the night and you have to deal with 8 angry Fatui Harbingers and 1 pissed off cryo archon, hit you like a city bus. You know the other Harbingers will be rightfully mad but since you made it clear that you won’t tolerate any harm being done towards Lumine or Paimon. However you that doesn’t they won’t take their anger out on Childe instead, maybe if you convince them that it was your idea to sneak out of the palace they’ll go easy on him
Childe puts his arm in front of you, preventing you from going any further. When you turned your head towards him about to ask him what’s wrong he answers. “There’s people, it’s sounds like a campaign.” The look of seriousness made what you were going to say die in your throat, the only noises you can hear is the crunching of snow beneath your shoes. “Take their Grace, behind that tree and I’ll check what we’re up against.” He said never taking his eyes away from the direction where said sound was coming from
Lumine took your hand and rushed you towards a large tree. Childe took a glance to make sure your safe, you caught his eyes softening for a second before turning back to the cold gaze it had seconds earlier
Childe runs up the hill and crouched down and peaked up to see the distinct feathers of foreign birds, and vibrant colors that stand out in the white snow
‘It’s the Natlan army, shit!’ Childe instantly ducked his head down to avoid detection. ‘There’s no reason for them to be this up north, unless they’re here for…’ Childe turns the direction you and the twins are. Under normal circumstances he would accept any opportunity to face off against a Huītzilin or a Ocēlōtl warrior, but this isn’t normal circumstances. With a whole army of the most powerful warriors in Teyvat and you just footsteps away he would have to step back and quickly get you away from the area
Out of the Harbinger’s peripherals he spots the familiar red and black coat a Fatui agent. Quickly Childe makes his way towards the agent, grabs them and covers their mouth so as to not alert the approaching army
“What’s going on?” Childe asked
“The Natlan army suddenly came within our boarders, I think they’re looking for their Grace!”
The last part of the sentence reverberated around in your head, then the threat your doppelgänger told the Tsarita. Snezhnaya is no longer safe for you nor its people. You drew a deep breath and got out from your hiding place, much to the twins’ and their floating companion’s dismay
“What’s you’re name?” You asked
“Uh, Alexei…” The agent said in disbelief that you were standing right in front of them
“Do you work under, the Knave?” Alexei nodded. “I need your jacket and mask, I’ll swap it out with mine! Once you do that, go back to the palace and tell Arlecchino that I’m safe with the twins and Childe.”
“But what about you, your Grace? What’s going to happen to you.”
“I’ll be away from Snezhnaya until my doppelgänger doesn’t have eyes all over this place.” You said as you handed them your jacket
“WHAT?!?!” Your group all said in unison
You ignored them as you took the agent’s mask and jacket
“Are you crazy?!” Childe asked as he grabbed your shoulder and turned you towards him
“Being here in Snezhnaya is a lot safer than anywhere else in Teyvat! We can hide you in a cabin until this blows over!” He tried to reasoned with you but you were steadfast
“My doppelganger thinks that I’m hiding somewhere here and won’t stop until they find me!” You grabbed the ginger’s arms and squeezed them. “If they find me here and realize that the Fatui was hiding me here, it won’t end kindly for Snezhnaya. It won’t matter whether you are fatui or not, it’s all going to be destroyed! Your friends and family will all be gone! And I’m not going to let innocent people be hurt because of my war with my Doppelgänger!” You finally let go of Childe’s arms and continued to put on the jacket, you saw the internal struggle that he was experiencing.
“Their Grace is right.” Aether said as he looked towards the direction where the palace is. “The imposter will stop at nothing to get their hands on their Grace and has destroyed an entire civilization before. We need to get them away from Snezhnaya as soon as possible.”
You turned towards the agent and gave him a smile and handed him your jacket. “Don’t worry, Alexei, just make sure Arlecchino gets the message and I’ll make sure you get a fat paycheck.”
Alexei grabbed your jacket and nodded before running off, holding your jacket in his arms not daring to put it on as he headed towards the direction of Zapolyarny Palace.
You turned your head towards your companions, “You ready?”
They all nod their heads, Lumine grabs your hand and began to lead you towards the direction opposite to the capital and away from the army
Running and good distance away you turned your head towards where the army is only to see a figure perched atop a tree, starring right at you
Despite their leopard like mask covering their face you could still feel their eyes looking deep into you, almost like their looking into your soul. But they just turned their head, especially ignoring the fact they just saw you. Almost like they knew of your situation and helped you by feigning ignorance of your presence
But you’ll question it later, the only thought in your mind is leaving Snezhnaya
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@chuuya-brainrot @creation-magician @tartarsaucechi1de @vvyeislazzy @kokomisimpppp @aludicpoet @undecidingfate @annoying-mary @randomnatics @ventixthexanemoxarchon @bore2808 @lizzhearthz @bidisasterforevermore @dxprived4-starboys @angstylittleb1tch @esthelily @yurivision @angelamelamela @d4y-dr3am3r @blackcoffex @not-the-shroom @raffaelo4ka @rebeccawinters @lhaol @artwitchh @imyme20 @nymphsdomain @sun7lowxr @itz-luna @flowerypesky @ghost-mint @mmmhyperfixation @legendaryexperthideout @lapinaenmicoche @sinsdumbdrabble
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Under The Weather
Because my anxiety is real and it makes me cry and nearly vomit, and won't let me live my life without being hindered.
Arthur but he's taking care of you while you're sick, heavily inspired by this fic by @azures-bazar
Which was lovely by the way so I hope you read this and enjoy it.
Lets go y'all
WARNINGS: Arthur being sweet, you being sick, possible vomitting, and yeah
Tags: @cantchoosejust1 @mrsarthurmorgan7 @kieropal @6kaja9
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You felt hot, your forehead, your arms, your legs, all of you, felt hot, sweaty, and Horseshoe Overlook wasn't that warm.
You felt dizzy and every step you took was nearly torture.
You felt a lump in the back of your throat that was on the verge of coming up and it made your body scream.
You felt gross, even though you'd already taken a hot bath in town, and it seemed like no matter what you did you were just drained, you could barely keep your eyes open.
The table that you kept wiping beneath you was spinning, which wasn't helping with your dizziness, and before you knew it you felt yourself falling but you were far too weak to stop yourself from hitting the ground.
You braced for the impact, but instead felt the warmth of strong arms around you.
"Woah! Y/N, you been lookin' a little out of it, lucky I was over here, are you alright?"
You blink and look at Arthur Morgan, one of your closest friends, a man who had been nothing but kind to you since you met him, unable to really comprehend what had just happened.
"Hey, you alright?" He asks again, looking down at you in his arms.
"I'm sorry Arthur, I..." you blink and close your eyes. "I'm not feeling that great."
"I can tell that Sweetheart, you're burnin' up."
Arthur sighed and gently helped you stand, gently bringing an arm around your waist, as you leaned against him.
"C'mon, let's get you to my cot, okay?"
"No, I'm alright, I'm...I'll be fine-"
"No you aren't, you're five seconds away from vomitin' all over the place. You're gonna lay down and relax for the rest of the day."
"No, Arthur-"
He manages to get you to his cot, and gently lays you down, oulling the blanket he has over you as well as adding a second pillow under your head as gently as he could.
"Don't even think about movin' I'm gonna get a washcloth."
You're about to protest but before you can he's already turned around and out of sight.
You sigh and close your eyes, looking up at the celing above you.
You didn't want him to see you like this, sick and barely concious.
But you didn't have much choice, you were too weak to do much else but lay where he'd put you.
It only took a moment or two for Arthur to return, a cold washrag in his hand.
Gently he placed it against your forhead, squeezing a little water out against your hot skin.
"Arthur you don't have to-"
"I do, you ain't feelin' well-"
"There's plenty of people in camp who can do this, you have other things to do-"
"Nah, now, you stop that Darlin', I'm done with what I needed to do today, I got all the time in the world."
"But I-" you place an arm over your eyes, your throat closing. You felt like you were gonna be sick.
You groan and listen as Arthur moves a bucket to the side of his bed.
"Jus' try not to get it on me, alright?" He chuckled and for a moment you feel a little better.
"I'll take care of ya, you ate anything today?"
"No, I was afraid it'd make me sick." You mumble quietly.
"You think you can down some crackers for me Sweetheart?"
"Maybe, just a few."
"I'll get some here in a bit, okay?"
You nod, and then quietly you take Arthur's hand.
"Thanks Art."
"Course, I can't let my favorite girl get sick."
You smile and feel your eyes close.
"Are you sure you don't need your cot Arthur?"
"I'm sure, you go to sleep, okay?"
"Okay, I can do that."
You wake up feeling warm still and exhausted, your head is warm, and so is your body, but you fear if you expose your arms or legs you'll freeze.
The tent is dark now, its even with the tent flaps open.
You realize after a moment that Arthur's hand rests against your arm, his head lays over your legs.
He was a sweet man, sweeter than what the entire gang deserved, sitting here, taking care of you while you were sick, better than what you would have expected.
You sigh and close your eyes, feeling yourself drifting into sleep again.
You made yourself a mental note to repay him for his kindness, give him something he truly deserved.
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It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way, you're happy without me... (Chapter 5)
Hunterverse AU
Sy, Walter, Curtis (Lumberjack & the 2 bears) x POC Reader "Havoc/TG"
Ex Dean x Reader
Platonic Sam x Reader
Numerous SPN Characters
I know I keep it locked down, but all I want now Is somebody who can tell me how it's gonna turn out 'Cause I thought I'll be doing better by now
Angst and Fluff and Smut, Jealousy, Hunterverse AU, Polyamory, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Inappropriate Humor, Angst and Romance, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Additional Tags to Be Added
This chapter was heavily influenced by Sam Fischer's "Carry It Well" so please give it a listen.
Divider @firefly-graphics Banner @cafekitsune Happy Reading!
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“Let’s do this out in the gym,” Curtis suggests. “Safest place to be in case tempers flare.”
“Afraid I’m going to knock you one.” Dean taunts.
“The opposite actually. Come on.”
He follows Curtis out to the barn, where the gym is located. He’s surprised to see how well put together it is.
“You guys really must love to work out.”
“It helps keep our heads on straight. PTSD is a bitch and sometimes the best way to battle it is with sweat and muscle fatigue.”
“She’s okay with that?”
“Which one? The PTSD or the random late night sparring sessions?”
“Both, I guess.” 
Curtis smiles softly to himself and nods his head.
“She fights demons of every kind. Even the ones in our heads. I’ve watched her pinned to the bed, Sy’s hands wrapped around her throat while he’s lost to the fog. And instead of panicking and thrashing about, she ran her fingers along his scalp in a familiar way and whispered to him to wake up and come back to her. A whisper was as loud as she could speak, but it was enough. She kept at it until his unfocused eyes returned to normal and he realized what was happening. He released her immediately with a swear and an apology.”
“Fuck.” Dean whispers out.
“It didn't end there. He took one look at the marks he left on her neck and her heaving chest, trying to bring more oxygen into her lungs and punched a hole in the wall. He apologized again. Upset with himself and stormed out. She wasn’t having any of that.”
“What’d she do?”
“Threw her boots on and chased after him into the barn. We followed suit of course. We could hear him hitting the heavy bag before reaching the doors. He was like a raging bull. That crazy woman walked right up to the front of him and grabbed the bag. Holding it firm so it wouldn’t swing back and hit him when he least expected it. And then she spurred him on. Telling him to hurry up and get it all out so that she could put all that muscle to better use. She even yelled at him. Telling him, she’s no damsel and he’s free to choke her whenever the mood strikes. Just be sure to follow it up with a good dicking.”
“Fucking Havoc.”
“Yup. She made him spar with her too. Which of course turned into an expending of energy in a far more enjoyable way. So yes, I’d say she’s okay with it all.”
“Was it just that one time with Sy?”
“I’d love to say that it was, but unfortunately, no. We’ve all had our moments. They’re less frequent now, thankfully. We have a system in place and it works for us.”
Dean just nods his head. “That’s good to hear.”
“If you’re done trying to distract me now.” Curtis raises an eyebrow. “Mind telling me how you’re feeling about her?”
“How I’ve always felt. In love with her but unworthy. Even more so now that she has you three.” He runs a hand through his hair. “The way you take care of her. She’s never truly alone. She always has someone there.”
“That’s on purpose.” Curtis imparts. “One of us is always at least nearby. She has demons in her head too and sometimes they get really loud and things can get dangerous. If she needs help she just has to shout and one of us will come running. No matter the issue.”
“It doesn't bother you that you have to share her.”
“It’s not a, have to, type of situation, Dean.” Curtis grits out. “We all decided to be together. Why make her choose when we each bring something different to the table. We’re hunters. It's not like we live conventional lives anyway with what we do. Why does it matter that we share?”
“Because I don’t get it. I haven't been with her for years and just seeing the way she looks at all of you drives me crazy.”
“I know all about your jealousy Dean.” 
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“Thank you so much for all your help Professor Braxton. I was just so overwhelmed. You were far more informative than the info I found on the internet.” She leans forward on his desk, cleavage on full display. The asshole doesn’t even try to hide the fact he’s looking down her shirt. 
“It’s been my pleasure.” He smiles up at her and I’m about ready to deck him. “If you need help with anything else, be sure to give me a call.” 
He pulls out a business card and literally writes his cell number on the back and hands it to her. She takes it with a bright smile and tilts her head. “I know you need to be getting to your next class. Do you mind if we stay for a bit and double check your books.”
“By all means.” He stands to leave. “Turn the lock when you leave if I’m still in class.”
“Will do.” She walks with him to the door, running her fingers down his arm. He walks through the door and she softly closes it behind him, clicking the lock in place.
When she turns to head back to his desk, Dean blocks her path. “What was all that extra flirting about?” He seethes.
She rolls her eyes at his antics. “I’m doing what needs to be done. Just like every time you do it.”
That was the wrong button to push. As she goes to walk around him, he reaches out and wraps his hand around the base of her throat. She opens her mouth to speak but is cut off by his lips clashing with hers. 
The kiss is all dominance and anger. She can practically feel the jealousy and the need to put her in her place on Dean's tongue as he parts her lips to gain entry. 
When he pulls her head back by her hair, she watches as his eyes darken. “Hike your skirt up and bend over the desk.”
The command in his voice is deep and as if on autopilot she complies. Bunching her skirt around her waist and bending forward. 
Dean doesn't waste any time as he steps up behind her. Undoing his belt and zipper with one hand. He palms her left cheek with the other. Rearing back and smacking her ass to watch the blood rush to the surface. 
He then runs a finger down her soaked thong, teasing her folds before pulling the ruined fabric to the side.
“I’m too riled up to be gentle right now, sweetheart. So you better hold on tight.”
Before she can retort with her usual sass Dean pushes himself inside her silk walls to the hilt. Her gasp at the intrusion and stretch quickly turns to a moan, as he rears back and slams forward with all his power.
Every thrust he takes is brutal and hard. Slamming her hips into the desk edge. There is no doubt that she will have a reminder of this outing in the form of bruises. 
But right now, she could care less about that because he feels so damn good inside her.
He reaches forward and pulls her head up. Stretching out her neck so that he can latch his pillow soft lips to her delicate flesh. He gives her a nip before whispering in her ear. “Your tight little cunt has me ready to bust, baby girl. You better cum before I do or else your shit out of luck til we get back to the motel.”
“Please,” she whimpers.
He picks up the pace. Aiming to devastate them both. On a particularly hard stroke he bites down on her still extended neck. She can feel the suction of his mouth as he deigns to leave a noticeable love bite.
It’s too much and not enough all at once. The perfect combination to set her core ablaze and have her coming with a shout of his name. There is no way, no one heard that.
As her walls squeeze and throb around him, Dean succumbs to his own climax. Growling and grunting as he fills her up. Leaving yet another mark of his claim. 
He pulls outs. Righting her thong and pulling her skirt back down. He quickly gets himself resituated in his jeans and snatches the Pagan Mythology book off the desk. 
Without a second thought, he grabs her hand, unlocks the door and pulls her out into the hall. He turns to look at her as they walk toward the exit. “Now you won’t need to call him for anything.” 
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“Yeah. I’m not proud of how I handled things in the past.” He shrugs. “How do you handle it? You can’t tell me you don’t get jealous.”
“Oh, we get jealous. And so does she.” He cracks a smile. “Man, I love it when that happens.” 
Curtis’ eyes sort of glaze over, as if he’s lost in a memory before he quickly snaps out of it. “When it happens we deal with it. Whether that’s with talking, sparring or sex. Depends on the situation.”
“Wait. You handle jealousy with sex?”
“We have before, yes. But it’s not how you probably think it is.”
“Okay. Then how?”
“Do you really wanna know how? I can spare you the details if you truly don't want to hear.”
“Well now I have to know.”
“She makes us all worship her, one by one, as the others watch. The jealous one going last. We aren't allowed to touch ourselves while we do it. Not until she deems we can work as a unit once again and take her apart together. Then we do just that. She usually sleeps cuddled up next to whoever was jealous and needed extra love that day.”
“Yeah. She’s pretty damn special.” Curtis looks towards the open barn doors. “Listen. I know your head is all types of messed up and me having this conversation with you is not helping.”
“That’s an understatement.”
“Don’t drive yourself too crazy. I may be open to the idea of you being a part of us. But it’s not up to me. It’s not even up to Walt and Sy. Her opinion is the only one that matters. Just know that us three...” He pauses, nodding towards the door that Walt and Sy just entered, “Don’t hold your past with her against you.”
“You don’t?”
“You were an utter idiot,” Walter chimes in. 
“But your fuck ups lead her to us. And gave us the opportunity to show her love doesn't have to be one sided. Or one particular way. It can be whatever we want it to be.” Sy finishes.
“Do you guys do that a lot?”
“Do what?” Sy asks.
“Finish each other's sentences?”
“Not very often.” Curtis answers. “Tends to mainly happen when we're talking about her.”
“Understandable.” Dean takes a deep breath. “Do you guys mind if I take some time to think about all of this?”
“Not at all.” Curtis tells him. “We need to have a talk with her ourselves and figure out where her head is at. No sense putting the cart before the horse and all that jazz.”
“We’ll leave you to it. Use the equipment if you feel so inclined.” Sy adds.
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The three of them make their way out of the barn and back into the house. Where you are cuddled up with Jett on the couch, laughing with Sam about some past prank. 
Your head turns to look at them as they enter the living room. “Everything okay out there? Where’s Dean? Did Sy & I scare him off?”
“Scare him off?” Walter asks.
Sy turns to best friend. “He caught us with our pants down after our phone call. It’s all her fault.”
You just bat your eyes and smile sweetly.
“Figures.” Walter grunts. “Come on baby girl. We need to go chat.” He leans over the couch and scoops you up into his arms.
“Am I in trouble?”
“Not this time. Why? Should you be?” Walter teases.
“No!” You quickly state.
“Then you have nothing to worry about.” Walter states. “Curtis just has something he wants to discuss with you.”
You make it through the doorway and are placed gently on the bed. Curtis swaggers over and cages you in against the mattress, pressing his lips to yours in a toe tingling kiss. 
“But before we get there. I need to take care of something first.” He says as he kisses along your collarbone and moves down your prone frame.
When he reaches the waistband of your sweats, you lift your hips so that he may remove the barrier barring him from his intended destination. 
Lowering himself to the floor, he pulls your hips to the edge of the bed and spreads your thighs wide. “Keep them there. Understand?”
You nod your head. “Yes, Sir.”
He bites his lip as his eyes fixate on your glistening cunt. “As much as I would love to take you apart piece by piece right here. We have something to discuss. So for now, I’m just gonna get my fill of this sweet little pussy.”
He plunges two fingers into your entrance, as he leans forward and sucks your clit into his mouth. Not wasting any more time teasing you. He wants your come spilling over onto his tongue as soon as possible. 
The way he’s devouring your pussy is nothing short of spectacular. Everytime he groans from your taste, it hits your clit like a vibrator set to pulse.
All you can do is grab hold of his buzzed head and hold on tight. His thick digits zeroing in on that spongy sweet spot that makes you forget how to form words. You can only imagine what you must look like to your two bears.
“Come on baby. I can feel how close you are. Give it to me. Soak my fucking face.” Curtis growls.
Increasing the speed of his fingers, he sucks your clit back into his mouth and hums. 
With a twitch of his fingers against your g spot, he has you screaming as you come undone. Riding out your high along his scruffy face.
Removing his head from between your thighs, Curtis quickly pulls himself out of his jeans and pushes into your still quivering walls, setting you off once more.
“Fuck, Dew Drop. You feel so good squeezing my cock like that.” 
Without giving you much of a chance to adjust to his girth he sets a punishing pace. 
You are nothing more than a whimpering and moaning mess as he pounds you into the mattress. Your pussy clamping around him as another intense orgasm takes over your body. 
Being led by his instinctive need to breed you, he pulls you up by the back of your head, kissing you deeply as his cock thickens and he releases rope after rope of his creamy seed into your waiting womb.
As soon as he is spent, he collapses on top of you as you both try and catch your breath.
“Possessive bastard couldn’t even keep it in his pants before we had our talk.” Sy laughs, calling Curtis out as he walks towards the bed to join you both.
“Damn right I am. Even if I do share her with you two assholes.” You all laugh.
“Now that I’ve got you all nice and relaxed, I wanted to see where your head was at about something.” Curtis states.
“Mm. Okay.” You say with your eyes lidded. “What do you need to know, Axeman?”
He blows out a breath. “Do you remember me teasing you about still having feelings for Dean when they first got here?”
“Yes…” You answer skeptically.
“I’ve been watching him and it’s clear to me that he still has feelings for you too. Actually I know he does because I just had a talk with him about it after I saw the look of longing on his face when he caught you and Sy having a moment together.”
You sit straight up. “What?!” You look around at all three of your men. “Did you two know about this?”
“No, Sunshine.” Walt answers calmly.
“We found out when we walked into the barn and caught the tail end of the conversation.” Sy adds.
You ring your hands in your lap. “Of course you did.” Locking eyes, you address Curtis. “Care to enlighten me on how this conversation went?”
He smiles at you. Unphased by your glare. “It was simple.” He shrugs. “He was envious of our dynamic. But at the same time, he couldn’t quite understand how we’re able to ‘share’. Thought we didn’t get jealous and were somehow more worthy than him.”
“Idiot. I hope you set him straight on that C,” Sy interrupts.
“I did. That’s what you two came in on.” He grabs your hands. “I was just letting him know that for me, I’m not threatened if you wanted to give him another chance and add him to our mix.”
You open your mouth to speak and he places a finger to your lips to stop you. “That being said. I also told him that it doesn't matter what any of us think. Your opinion and feelings are the only ones that do.”
Walter cuts in. “I’m not the biggest fan of adding someone who hurt you so deeply into what we have here. But I’d do anything to make you happy and if adding him made you happy, we’d work through all the growing pains.”
“I second that.” Sy adds.
A beat passes in silence. “Oh, am I allowed to talk now?” You quip.
Curtis taps your inner thigh. “That’s one.” He quirks a brow and smiles wickedly at you. “And yes, please do tell us what you’re thinking.”
You look around the bed, meeting each of your lover's eyes. 
"Listen. I love Dean. Always have. Inevitably always will.” You begin, “But what I'm not going to do, is allow myself to tip toe along an edge that can send me into that dark abyss again. The temptation to let him back in is there, sure. But the life I have now with you all is too precious to me to expose to even an inkling of heartbreak that can be prevented. So while I love that you had a discussion and covered all the bases, wanting only what will make me happy in life even if it included Dean. I'm choosing us and only us." 
The mood in the room shifts. The tension releasing into the air as you watch each man's taut shoulders drop. Love and adoration filling their eyes as smiles light up their faces.
“I’m not even a little bit ashamed about how happy hearing you say that has made me.” Sy breaks the silence.
“Hear, hear.” Walter chimes in.
“You never fail to surprise me, Dew Drop.” Curtis chuckles.
“Well. How bout you all show me just how much you love and appreciate my decision, huh?”
Sy grips your neck and pulls you into a heated kiss. “Oh you’re in for it now, Sugar.”
He quickly divests himself of his clothing. Walter and Curtis follow suit. You slowly remove the oversized t-shirt, most likely one of theirs, from your body.
When all the barriers separating you from that blessed skin on skin contact you so desperately crave are gone, they strike.
They’re like a pack of wolves, working together to take down their intended prey, determined to satiate their hunger. 
The four of you end up in a hedonistic pile of limbs. Moans and growls of pleasure waft through the air as you reaffirm your commitment to each other in the most primal of ways. 
You're wrapped in a cocoon of heated flesh and sweat damp body hair. With Walter beneath you, Sy straddling your ass and Curtis deep down your throat, you lose yourself to the need to please and be pleased. 
As if a spell had been cast upon you, the four of you climax together. You're various walls milking them of every drop, until you are filled to the brim with their combined seed.
Disheveled and basking in the post orgasmic haze, surrounded by warmth and love, you allow your inner thoughts to make themselves known. 
"I need only you.” You smile, eyes closed and content. “The three of you is all my heart can handle anymore. Just us four. Our own little family. Our own little village."
And that’s the truth as you see it. Tomorrow you can deal with talking to Dean, confident in the fact that your men will be there for moral support if needed.
This flood of serotonin coursing through your system is just the medicine you needed and is far too precious to waste.
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duckymcdoorknob · 11 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 13: 𝓢𝓷𝓮𝓪𝓴 𝓐𝓽𝓽𝓪𝓬𝓴
Alright 3 more and I’ll be halfway done.
I can dooooo thisssssss
Tags: @chrimsss @ticklish-n-stuff @giggly-squiggily @sleepysheepytea (another naruto one!!)
—Ngl this do have tickles under the cut—
While Neji was glad that he was fitting into his team, the… over-enthusiasm from his bushy-browed teammate was proving to be a bit much. He has a great fondness for his cohorts, and he wouldn’t trade them for the world, but sometimes Lee was just too much to handle.
So when Neji tried to have an… important conversation, he wasn’t quite expecting the Taijutsu user to get the jump on him.
The long-haired male was having a calm conversation with his other teammate, a burning question on his mind.
He had to get it out before their Sensei returned, or before Lee made an appearance. As soon as he opened his mouth, a pebble hit the back of his head. “Ow. what the-“
Another stone tried to collide with his head, but instead was caught effortlessly and ground to dust between the Hyuga’s fingers.
A menacing giggle was heard from a nearby bush. “Dammit, Lee! I’m trying to have an important conversation here!” He turned back to Tenten, “Sorry about that, what I wanted to ask was-“
A sudden battle cry turned both of their heads to the left. A joyful Rock Lee was speeding toward them, a smile of menace on his face. Neji grabbed Tenten by her shoulders and jumped to the side. The taijutsu user skidded to a halt as Neji cleared his throat and removed his hands. “Sorry.”
Tenten giggled. “You two are too funny. So, what did you need?”
“Perhaps you could meet up with me at another time? It seems that a certain someone won’t let me have any kind of decent conversation without butting in.” he accentuated his words through grit teeth. “It’s nothing to be worried about, just something I figured I should ask about.”
“Oh! Sure thing. Let’s meet back here later.”
‘Later’ Lee thought, ‘but when is later?’ 
As the girl left, Rock Lee drew little shapes into the dirt below him, having just previously found a stick. A shadow was cast upon him. Looking up, he smiled. “Oh Hello, Neji!”
“Lee… care to tell me what that was for?” If looks could kill, Lee would’ve been six feet under by now.
“I was just simply engaging with you two in fun, youthful activities!”
“I was hoping to have an important conversation with her,” the Hyuga hissed.
“What kind of conversation?”
Neji stiffened, “N-None of your concern.”
“Ohhh come on, tell me! Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me!” With every plead for information, the taijutsu user poked at his teammate’s sides.
“H-Hey! Lee! St-stohohop that-“
“Ohoho! Was that laughter I’ve just heard from you, Neji?”
The Hyuga’s eyes widened a bit. “Whatever you’re planning, don’t you dare. I will not be embarrassed by you twice in one d-ahahay. Lehehehee!”
Neji was interrupted by Rock Lee pinching his sides quickly. Every pinch would lead the long-haired male to squirm to one side, only to be met with another pinch on that same side.
“Dohohont dohoho thihihis!”
“There is nothing wrong with the youthful glow of laughter, dear teammate! I’m simply helping you to enjoy your youth!”
“Ihihihits Nohohohot hehehehelpihihing,” Neji grabbed at his teammate’s wrists, only for the latter to push right through. The two toppled to the ground, Lee kneeling at the prostrated male’s side.
“For someone whose jutsu relies on his hands, your grip is quite weak.” Lee reported as he skittered his fingers on the Hyuga’s lower back.
“Wohohohould yohohohou stohohohop thahahat?”
Lee beamed as he moved his hands up to Neji’s underarms, going for the kill. “I must get you to laugh freely! Come ooooon, Neji!” The taijutsu user cooed.
“Aha! I’ve found it!” he reported as he continued his ticklish assault. “See how much fun you’re having now?”
“Are you sure? I know you well, Neji. You have a lot more stamina, and you aren’t even sounding tired yet.”
Damn! Lee read him like a book! Nothing could make this situation any w-
“Am I interrupting something?”
Lee’s head snapped to the right and he locked eyes with Tenten, his smile growing. “Oh hello, Tenten! I was just showing Neji how youthful it is to have a good laugh!”
The tickle attack stopped and Neji laid in the grass, panting with a smile on his face. Tenten appeared above him, offering him a hand.
Neji sheepishly took it, rising to his feet. “Sorry about that.”
“No, don’t be. It was… charming to see that side of you,” she beamed. “I wanted to come back because we never decided on when to meet back up!”
“Oh, right.” Neji cleared his throat. “Well, I’ll just go ahead and ask now… I suppose… um, well-“
He paused to shove Lee’s face away, given that the latter tried to butt into the conversation. With hand over the taijutsu user’s face, Neji sputtered out his question. “W-Would you per-perhaps want to join me on a da- outing sometime?”
The girl’s face flushed as she grinned. “I’d love to.”
As the two locked eyes, Lee cheered behind them, jumping about excitedly.
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da3dm · 1 year
In the deep blue sea, there isn't a place for me
Got the second part done, yay! This time from Vara's perspective!
I didn't redo the tilted words this time I'm too tired to bother, but enjoy!
Taglist: @brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu @justarandomsloth @awkwardgtace @nobodywritingao3 @local-squishmallow (if you want to be tagged you HAVE to tell me, I can't magically know)
TW: Unintentional fearplay, begging to die (Noone dies), blood, one curse word...not sure what else, most is the same as last chapter
Word Count: 3.3k
Part 2/2
His days were slow and peaceful, any given second put thinking about what he'd do to help out next. For now, he planned on heading down to the beach to clean up the aftermath of the storm. Trash always washed up in the waves, but storms seemed to bring a whole truck full onto the usually beautiful sand. It made him sad to see it all dirty, so he was bringing some big trash bags and some gloves for the worst of the trash he finds. Alongside it, he stashed a small kit of first aid in the back…wouldn't be much he could do, but sometimes animals got stuck in the trash too. He wanted to make sure they were safe too, just as much as anyone else.
With not much else to do today, he went ahead and got started, climbing into his truck to drive down there. It was about half an hour away from his house, and his favorite place to visit. Not very many people went there…probably because it was hard to get to, kinda secluded. His ears and tail wiggled happily at the thought of that neat little spot being cleaned up. No need to do more than just picking up the trash. People never using it only made it an even better place to be, in his opinion. He loved helping people, but he didn't like crowds very much. Or being pressured into something.
His ears swiveled and he hit the brakes in time to avoid a rude driver, ignoring their horn and continuing onwards. His mood was soured for no more than a few seconds, as he hummed in delight over his thoughts again. Why stay upset when it was already in the past? Instead, he turned on his blinker to head off onto a dirt road. He glanced around to watch for animals, enjoying the lush plants all around him. It didn't take long for the truck to start bouncing, the only half made road ending as he entered what was mostly just a dirt path. A path worn by use rather than being constructed.
Soon, the trees ended and he was greeted by glimmering waters, a bright sun, and…a dirty beach. His smile faltered for a brief moment, but he went ahead and parked his truck after turning off, keeping himself to the side. With his truck safely out of the way, he shoved the gloves and keys in his pocket, then grabbed the trash bags and hopped out. The sun was beating down rather hot today for being past noon. He gave a curious hum and set about his self appointed task, gazing at the water every now and then, sometimes wishing he could know its secrets. He stopped. How could it be so beautiful, and yet so dangerous?
He turned away from the sea at that question to return to his repetitive task. There was no room for a question like that. He'd be stuck trying to know for the rest of his life otherwise. Although…there were a lot more seagulls than he remembered usually being here. This made him speed up a tad, looking for an injured animal they might be picking on. If it was still alive, the birds might peck it to death! That spurred him forward, searching for whatever might be needing help. Of course, he also knew it could be the trash itself, but harm in being on guard to be sure he helped instead of missing it. He'd rather do it for no reason than let one die.
However, he didn't look for very long until he came across a seagull attacking what looked like an empty bottle. He waved the bird off, including a few others that had been coming closer. The bottle just seemed empty to him, half buried and sand obscuring what might be in it. So as he reached for it, he instead looked at the birds, wondering why they were still sticking around. He was a cat beastman, and yet they weren't leaving? His attention returned to the bottle when he found that it was heavier than expected, strangely enough. Maybe it was full of water? He tilted the bottle to pour it out so he didn't get the trash bag wet.
Then a sound entered his sensitive ears. They swiveled toward the bottle and he tipped it back to how it was, confused. Was there something in there? His hand shifted so he could see in better and…froze up, eyes going wide. What he saw there, was a tiny person. He knew that there were plenty of nonhuman things out there, himself included, but tiny people?? Well, not entirely…it looked like it had a tail replacing legs. He'd almost thought they were a fish, honestly. All he could manage was to stare in silence, struck by this thing even existing.
He raised the bottle higher in a hurry to see it better. As he did, the expression was clearer and…was it snarling at him?? Then there was a quiet, muffled sound and he stiffened. It was hard to not find that, probably a growl, adorable. He knew it was a threat, yeah, but the sound was just so small to him. And yet the little thing didn't even try to communicate better and seemed to be trying to get away from him. Did pressing itself against the other side actually make it feel better? He could kinda feel something cold against his hand through the plastic from its new position though, leading him to tilt his head curiously. Why was it so cold?
He paused. Would it be better to try talking? "...hello? Can you understand me? Are you okay?" Just because it looked sentient didn't mean it was. Still…he wasn't getting a response. Not really wanting to believe this was just an animal yet and overall wanting to help regardless, worry filled him. "Alright…I'll get you out of there. Trust me for a few seconds, okay? I'm gonna tip the bottle." After warning, he prepared his free hand to catch it when dumped out. He was very gentle and slow with the action, but winced seeing it scramble for purchase, but steeled himself. He didn't have something to cut it open with and it couldn't be healthy to be in there. If it got in…it could get back out. Maybe he'd have to squeeze the bottle to get it out if it got stuck in the opening.
Except what it chose to do startled him and he stopped, keeping still. It…did it just spread its arms to get stuck? On purpose? That was…a much more intelligent action. Maybe they just didn't speak the same language? "Please, you have to get out before I can help you." When he saw no change, he decided to not move and wait it out. It appeared to have a rather stubborn personality. Well…so did he! He kept himself calm, remaining unmoving and entirely silent, even when it gave out an even angrier growl. This was starting to be make it harder to truly discern sentience. Everyone did something to survive, but was he really seen as such a threat? He wouldn't hurt anyone for anything.
Finally, his patience paid off and it landed right on his palm, the small body rather cold. He sighed in relief, but grew concerned when it didn't move at all at first. When he was about to try and prompt a reaction to make sure it was okay, the creature became so suddenly stiff he could've thought he held an ice cube. In this situation, he normally would've tried to comfort it, but when it looked up at him, his heart felt like it shattered. He chose to watch wordlessly as it sat up, then hung its head. Instantly, the beastman wanted to fret over the small being. Had he hurt it after all? What if it was so stressed it just died?
Soon it turned its gaze back up to meet his and hope blossomed—only to immediately get bitten really hard for something so small. As much as he wanted to, he could only muffle the sound of pain, but not stop his reactive flinch. In a hurry, he let his fingers curl up to keep it from falling off his hand, confused. Why was it biting him now? Before he could even try for an answer, it latched onto one of his fingers, drawing a suppressed whimper out of him. That was more painful than it had a right to be. In a way…it disturbed him to see how much blood was dripping off that bite. As much as he wanted to stop the bleeding, he needed to focus on the scared creature.
Gently, he tried to move his other fingers safely out of harm's way slowly, hoping to avoid eliciting another bad response. All he could think of to do now was attempt to speak again. "Uhm...will you please let go...? That...it kinda hurts?" It seemed to freeze and for a moment he thought it listened, only for just admittedly adorable snarl to ring out, followed by nastily twisting the bite. He winced, nearly gasping in shock at level of pain it could induce. Not a lot of damage, but definitely hurt. Still, he just bit his lip with a solemn nod, muttering, "Yeah, okay, that's fair." He'd scared it after all. It paused again, only to start clawing at his finger this time. He could only take so much, so this time he tried bending his finger to dislodge it.
It worked, but now he had yet another problem. It had a brief look of realization and changed. While its teeth were still bared, the angry look slowly shifted to a fearful one the more it stared at him. He kinda felt like he was being studied. Did it notice he was a cat based beastman? Though that fear didn't last long, and accompanied by what felt like pinpricks on his palm, it looked at him with rage, of all things. He planned to say something else, but it took a breath and screamed, "The hell are you even going to do?! Stop staring and just do something damnit! You're too loud and toying with me! If you're going to do something to me, just do it!" At the very least, he thought it was a scream based on the tone…it was still quieter than one to him.
Regardless, he was taken aback by the harsh implications of that shout. It…no, he, based off the voice, definitely had sentience. Then…what was this small guy? Why…did he sound so scared and angry? He hurriedly raised his hand up to his face, letting his fingers curl in to be sure the fish person didn't fall. It felt a little risky so he gently held them in place and only stopped when level with his eyes. He could feel his stress building as he started to ramble, "What?? You...do you think I want to hurt you? I'm sorry I was too loud...did I really scare you that badly? I wasn't trying really hard not to—" He faltered, trying not to be loud but struggling. "—but I...I messed up? What did I do? How do I fix it? Is there something you want?" Maybe if he got an answer he'd be able to make him feel safe…being seen as scary kinda hurt.
Then all at once, he ended up feeling worse. They had looked up to meet his eyes, only for them for scramble away with a rather heavy shiver. Those tiny eyes were full of so much fear he wanted to cry for them. They weren't answering his questions and they were only getting scared. How could he fix this? Stressing, he brought his hand a little closer to softly asked, "Hey, are you okay? Can't you speak?" He wanted to help if he could. Maybe they got hurt.
But he was interrupted by him snarling again, the tiny voice growling, "Get the fuck away from me." He blinked in surprise and guilt flooded him. Had he really messed up so badly? His voice sounded so weak. Seeing them lean away, he wanted to say something, but was cut off a second time. "Just...just leave me alone or kill me already. I don't want to play these games anymore." The voice was so frightened, but so full of anger that he almost whined.
Then he registered what had been said to him. "Kill you?! I'm not going to kill you!" He was horrified and quickly tried to fix this. Letting go of them, he cupped his hands together to be more gentle and keep them safer. His heart squeezed when this got him glared at. Was this even fixable? Or had he already ruined everything by just trying to help? He hoped not.
He was pulled out of his spiral when the tiny person snapped, "Why not?! You're bigger than me, you're a predator, I shouldn't even still be alive except to be a handy little plaything for your own entertainment!" This time, he was stunned enough he couldn't even begin to reply. How could he? When someone was so hysterical you couldn't reason with them. He probably had a look of pity mixed with his worry, but…plaything? Predator? What did being bigger have anything to do with it? Maybe it was just a sealife thing he didn't understand. Then he got bit. He winced, hand shaking briefly as he fought to not react. He gasped from the spike of pain he got when they twisted their head to make it worse with a growl.
Whining a little, he started to move his other hand. "Please don't do that…" He carefully cupped his hand over the other one, in a manner like a child might use to catch a butterfly. He'd been hoping this would work, but he felt a sharp pain only seconds later from a different spot. Right. Being bitten all over his hand now. Pleasant. He waited, but…the bite was still going. He sighed, "I'll just put you back in the ocean…" Maybe he just needed to free them. He glanced at the birds warily though, worried they'd come after the small man. There wasn't a response though, so he just started walking, keeping an eye on the birds while searching for a good spot to put him. He did notice he wasn't being bitten anymore and his steps seemed to almost toss them around.
He tried to walk a little more carefully, but found himself being amazed at the feeling of a tiny heart racing against his palm. Only for a muffled voice to ring out and startled him into freezing, his ears angling forward to listen. "Wait wait wait!" He could tell it was meant to be shouted really loud, but…he still didn't match that volume he was used to. He felt them move and needle claws grab his skin when he stopped, so he paused to listen in case something else was said.
When nothing came, only silence, he prodded for an explanation instead. "Don't you live there? I'll put you back, are you sure?" It didn't make any sense for them to be scared but not want to be in the ocean. The silent stillness wasn't very promising but he simply took a deep breath and waited this time. It might help to just give time to think.
Finally, it paid off. He could feel movement before the small voice carried to him again. "...I don't want to be in the ocean. Do whatever you want with me, just get rid of me already, but not the ocean…" The tone was faint and almost shaky…it must be stressful to say something like that.
Except he didn't hesitate to agree, though he was a bit regretful to. "Okay, I won't." He felt them stiffen, so he softly added, "I'll just...take you home. You're probably needing some water about now and my skin can't be helping that, not to mention it's really hot out today, huh? And it's not like there's any other water sources around...I don't even know what else you want if you don't want the ocean. Maybe you'll tell me once you're not so dried up?" Silence. He got a very long, drawn out silence. It made him stress all over again. Did he say the wrong thing?
There was a shift in weight before he heard a very soft, "...fine." He'd barely been able to hear it, but now he'd gotten permission. He nodded to himself and turned back around, leaving his trash bag for now. It was more important to help him than to clean the beach. While walking, it kinda felt like they were laying down now and he started to smile, only to feel pricks from claws. He hissed through his teeth but chose not to comment on it.
Rather, he took a deep breath and tried to be himself instead. "Alright, then let's go! I'll take and get a good look at you to make sure you're not injured and try to find a good place for you to stay!" It would be good to check. He wasn't sure what would happen if they dried out, but he doubted it was good. By the time he got to his truck though and went to open the door, they weren't moving anymore. He pulled his hands apart so he could grab the handle, only to see they were entirely limp. A lurch of fear sent cold down his veins and he immediately yanked the door open, jumping inside and reaching for his water canister. He watched them closely while carefully pouring a little bit of water over them, only to stop when he realized he'd run out of water to transport them.
He took a deep breath to calm down. It's fine. They were fine. The tiny fish man was fine. He could see the chest moving. Shaking his head, he decided to put them inside his water canister and set it in the cup holder. Now he just needed to remember not to drink it. With a smile, he shut the door and made his way back over to get the bag of trash he'd abandoned. On his way, he looked around to make sure there wasn't anyone else that needed help. Luckily there wasn't and the trip to his bag was uneventful, so he just collected some trash and dragged the bag away. He'd been out here cleaning the place…he didn't intend to leave what he'd already gathered. Though as he tossed it in the back, he wondered what he'd do with his new acquaintance.
Amidst his pondering he automatically got in his truck, following the smooth, autonomous actions of getting everything set up and started. He glanced to his water and stared, hand flexing as he remembered the feeling of holding such a small body. The cold touch of scales…the fear. He shuddered, his ears pinning back in discomfort. After a moment of staring again, he shifted around until he could drape his tail around the water while in the seat and nodded, satisfied. How long would he be stuck with them though? It wasn't like he could just keep them in cups all the time either…should he get a fishbowl? That seemed mean, the guy hadn't even said where they wanted to go, just away from the ocean. He studied their sleeping form for a moment. He'd probably get to talk to them for a long time, perhaps going on trips or simply being each other's company. Maybe they'd even become good friends.
The end
Part 1/2
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damn-stark · 2 years
Chapter 4 Heart to heart
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Chapter 4 of Moon Star
A/N- I hope you guys like this chapter
Warning- Violence, blood and weapons, swearing, angst, FLUFF, Khonshu,
Pairing- Marc Spector x daughter!reader
Episode- 1x06
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
There it was, a strong surge of power that hit your veins. It pumped blood to your heart and made it pound with excitement. Basked every muscle in your body and added more strength. While your mind got louder, felt somehow…occupied, like an added weight.
“Rise!” You hear Khonshu’s voice exclaim.
You feel your head rise, feel a soft fabric wrap around your legs and all the way to your torso. You feel cold metal weigh down both arms, you feel it wrap around your waist and biceps.
And then more power pumps through your muscles.
“Rise! As my fist of vengeance!” Khonshu proclaims whilst something weighs down on your back. “As my Moon Knight!”
Lastly something falls over your head and a shadow casts over your eyes.
You then slowly begin to lower your head to check out the white suit that wrapped around your body; unlike your fathers, your arms are exposed, you carry no sleeves, just gloves. You also carry more gold, like, gold cuff bangles around your wrists, thick gold cuffs around your thighs, and golden boots.
Like your father though, you did carry a cloak and hood that covers your face, as well as a mask, but you don’t feel it cover all your face, just from the bridge of your nose and upwards.
It was…it was amazing.
“Y/N,” Layla calls in disbelief.
You swallow thickly and look back at her with faltering confidence. “I’m doing it for him.” You say before returning your gaze to Khonshu. “This deal only works until he’s alive. I’m done after that.”
Khonshu hums, and then turns to smoke and disappears. Yet he isn’t completely gone because you can still feel his presence in your head.
“I’ll be back,” you assure Layla and stride away from her to walk into the main room once again.
Now albeit, those other avatars that had been standing guard, weren’t standing, their bodies were on the ground, and Harrow and his people were trying to leave. With them, was the crocodile Goddess you couldn’t keep from Harrow's reach, the devourer of the dead, Ammit.
As you make yourself known and walk down the steps of the platform to block the exit, Harrow, his people, and Ammit all stop and look up at you.
“Khonshu,” Ammit says without even acknowledging you, “time has been cruel to you.”
Instead of coming out from smoke Khonshu talks through you. You can feel him taking control, it’s…it’s a weird weight and sensation that’s pretty hard to grasp.
“Indeed,” you move your mouth, but hear his voice. “I cannot allow you to proceed.”
“My path is set,” Ammit responds. “Same as anyones. I'm here to bring balance.” She begins to walk around you, making Khonshu move your head so as to watch her while he snapped back.
“You speak of balance, yet you choose him. Your avatar is a sinner.”
“You’re jealous of his loyalty,” Ammit rebuttals.
“Loyalty at what cost?” Khonshu spats. “An empty world for your disciples to inherit?”
“Don’t listen to them,” Harrow interjects. “They only want to keep you bound.”
“Oh, Khonshu,” Ammit adds. “For a God, you are low on faith.”
“You’ll never learn,” Khonshu counters and seeps back to your mind, letting you take control of your body again to fight Ammit.
However, just before you can form a golden sword from the bangles on your wrists, Ammit turns and whips her long reptile tail and throws you back across the room.
“Catch yourself,” Khonshu yells at you in your mind.
You scoff, and swing your arms around as you use your weight and powers to stop yourself from hitting the wall. Yet the speed of how fast you were swung does make it harder to land swiftly though, so you do lose balance and stumble. Yet before you hit the ground, claws come out of your gloves much to your surprise, so you use that and dig them in the floor to proceed to run on your hands and feet fiercely until you gain your balance and break into a sprint on your feet towards Ammit.
Right away as you get close she swings her arm to catch you by the throat, but you throw your head back and slide on your feet past her. You then spin around on your heels and don’t fret to charge at her again.
Ammit tries to grab you again, but you form your sword from your bangles and swing at her hand as you once again slide down past her. And this time you actually manage to slice her palm.
Ammit growls and swings her tail again and manages to throw you to the stairs. She then proceeds to stomp over to you to pick you off the ground and slam you onto the wall.
“Tell me to spare you and I will,” Ammit says.
Once again Khonshu emerges and makes you feel a tension in your body.
“I choose obliteration over mercy,” he counters and goes back, letting you groan from the pain as Ammit slams you back to the wall.
Albeit, it’s because of her action that you grow angry, and go off that blinding and blood pumping energy to pull the claws out again and scratch her across her neck as she pulls you towards her.
Ammit grunts and her hold on you falters, letting you begin to throw your elbow at her face multiple times before you use your claws to begin stabbing her shoulder over and over again.
“You stupid little girl,” Ammit yells out and tries to throw you away, but since she’s so much bigger than you, you swing your body around her arm, and hop off her arm to get on her back and then snatch your own cape off your back to wrap it around her throat.
“I know this won’t kill you,” you grimace with a mischievous smirk. “But it’s a hell of a trick.” You snicker and throw your hand out to form your sword and then push yourself off her back to swiftly land on your feet.
Ammit turns around quickly and shoots you a furious scowl before she charges at you. Rather than running away, you get in a fighting stance and raise your sword. Just as Ammit was getting close she swing her arm again, and you slide past her once more. Just as you turn around to face her, you snicker and grab one of your gadgets that had been hidden on your belt thanks to Khonshu and his magical suit, so when Ammit turns she thinks you’re going to charge at her or use your sword, but you actually throw an explosive at her face.
When the gadget hits the tip of her mouth it goes off and makes her stumble back towards the stairs behind her. You know you couldn’t kill her or get rid of her this way, but you still charge over to her. And just as you get close you flip your sword around in your hand and jump off your feet to try and puncture your sword in her chest.
Albeit just as the tip of your blade is going to hit her, Ammit suddenly disappears and causes you to crash into the steps.
“Harrow,” you say and push yourself to your feet to turn and look for him around the room. Yet he isn’t here anymore, nor are his people.
“Stop,” you hear Khonshu in your head. “I feel him. I feel your fathers presence again.”
You stiffen, and just before you can say anything, Sand then begins to rapidly spin around your feet and the grains cloud your view. All of a sudden you’re then being lifted off the ground.
“Wh—” you gasp. “What’s going on?!” You question Khonshu.
“We’re going to your father,” Khonshu deadpans, and then you’re being flown in the air and brought out of the chamber, and thrown outside into the night sky.
Layla crosses your mind, her well-being, but you figure now it’s too late to go back for her, and well it doesn’t seem like Khonshu wants to turn back. Moreover, the further you get, the more you’re fascinated by the night sky; the bright white streaks as you fly past stars, the shining moon that took the sun's place, and the sand that seems to glimmer from above as the moonlight hits the grains.
Flying also feels almost freeing. It’s a feeling you like, just like…everything else. It’s true. It may be wrong to admit, but you like the power, you like feeling strong and being so. You like everything that Khonshu provides.
What would make it better is not having him in your mind, but you know that’s not part of the deal for anyone. And, furthermore the great sensation is only a temporary feeling for you. Because as you land on a rock formation just across the cave where you had left Marc, the night sky turns back to day, your suit disappears and that weight is pulled off your body, leaving nothing but silence.
“It was a very short run,” Khonshu adds as he forms himself beside you. “Little wolf, but, I can say that you were a fierce fighter. It would make your father proud.”
You scoff and sit down to drop your head and wait for your father to come out. “Thanks,” you say a bit dryly.
“Perhaps the day will come where you and I will join forces again,” Khonshu adds, causing you to glance over at him with curiosity, and actually finding yourself looking forward to it. You just don’t say it and keep quiet to wait for your father in silence.
You wait and wait until it’s his voice you hear first. “Y/N?”
You pick up your head and see him walking out of the cave in his Moon Knight suit. He takes his mask off and looks in disbelief to see you there sitting at the bottom of the rock formation.
“Pa?” You mumble in relief, and feel your heart skip a beat before you push yourself off the ground and charge at him with tears clouding your eyes. “Pa!”
Before he can ask anything, once you reach him, you throw your arms around him and wrap him in an embrace that takes him by surprise.
“Pa,” you mewl and clutch onto him with all your strength. Marc draws in a short breath as he’s still stunned; it’s just hard to believe the soft tone of your voice as you call out to him, he can’t believe that you’re hugging him by your own will. Most importantly he can’t believe you’re crying.
“I thought…I was never going to see you again,” you murmur and pull back to face him. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Marc snaps away from his surprise and cradles your cheeks. “What are you sorry for?”
You sniffle. “For acting the way I did. I…I was mad. I didn’t mean it. I…” before you can finish you’re wrapped in an embrace, and this time it’s him who grabs onto you like if he’s the one who’s afraid you’d disappear…which in his defense he was.
It had happened once already.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, okay?” He says as he caresss the back of your head. “I-I messed up. It was me, not you. I’m sorry,” he whispers in a quivering voice. “I love you. I love you so much baby.”
A wobbly smile tugs on your face before you dig your head in the crook of his neck. “I love you too.”
Marc grins and presses a kiss on the top of your head before he pulls back and rolls his eyes back, letting Steven emerge, and changing into his suit.
“Y/N!” Steven exclaims as he keeps his hands on your face. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
You giggle and grin at him. “I’m glad you’re okay, Steven. I was scared I lost you. The both of you. Never do that again, I don’t know what I’d do without either of you.”
Steven smiles softly, but he then begins to furrow his eyebrows. “How exactly are you here? Where’s Layla?”
You stiffen and begin to smile nervously. “Yeah, Layla is in the chamber. Or was. I got here by, uh…flying,” you whisper the last word, causing Marc to remerge and counter.
“Excuse me what?”
You pull away and nod. “Yeah. I kinda turned to Moon Knight for a moment.” You continue to whisper
“Hm?” Marc hums in question and begins to look upset. “Khonshu did what?”
You shake your head. “No. Me. I chose it myself. But!” You exclaim. “Only for a bit, only to help him fight Ammit until you came back! And I had fun! That’s gotta count for something, yes?” You bat your lashes and your dad glares at Khonshu past you.
“Khonshu,” he calls and walks past you to reach him on top of the rock formation. You follow him and catch Khonshu deflect Marc’s true intentions.
“I knew you’d miss me.”
“Don’t mess with my daughter again. That was the part of the deal,” Marc rebuttals seriously.
Khonshu turns to face your father and you, and continues to deflect. “Ammit has been freed. Y/N and I tried to stop her but she ran. Marc Spector…” he leans in. “I need your help.”
From one moment to the next Steven emerges to interject. “Ah, just curious about something. How is this whole new arrangement gonna work then?”
“Steven Grant,” Khonshu grumbles. “I was not speaking to you.”
“Yeah, all right,” Steven says. “But we do come as, like, a package deal now, so you are gonna have to deal with me. And,” he lifts his finger. “We did just save your life, so you’re welcome for that.”
Khonshu shakes his head. “Your little wolf saved my life,” he corrects Steven.
You nod proudly. Steven peers back at you, so you rest your foot on a rock and offer him a smirk whilst you click your tongue.
“Anyway,” Steven continues and moves back to sit down on the rock your foot is on. “But I do think that you should answer my question though. How’s this deal gonna work?”
“You would negotiate now, with so much at stake?” Khonshu questions him in annoyance.
Steven chuckles. “Well, we did learn from the best, you silly old bird.”
Khonshu groans. “I will release you both. You have my word,” he assures him.
Steven hums and crosses his leg over his other one and waits. Khonshu seems to gather what it means and sighs before he continues to add more. “And I will leave Layla and Y/N alone.”
You swallow thickly and find…displeasure in that. Kind of.
“I like the sound of that,” Steven says and gets up. “Good. Glad we got that all sorted out. Now, how the heck are we gonna get to Cairo?”
“You forget, little worm,” Khonshu retorts. “I am still the God of the Night Sky!” Sand begins swirl around Stevens feet like it did with you, however, Steven panics.
“All right, you know what? I think you can take this one, Marc.”
“Hurry up, idiots!” Khonshu exclaims before Marc returns.
Once he does he offers you his hand. “Grab my hand,” Your dad says.
It would be way more cool if you could be the one flying too. Yet. You can’t anymore, so you take his hand and he pulls you to him, and then pulls you up so you can wrap your legs around his waist before he suddenly jolts off the ground and begins to fly away in disguise of the night sky.
When you begin to approach the chamber of the gods you can see the purple hue tainted in the sky, you can see Ammit now towering over the pyramid eating the souls they had already killed. And on top of said pyramid was Harrow. Yet your father doesn’t take you with him towards your common enemy, he flies down to the ground by the pyramid instead.
“Find Layla,” he orders, and sets you down on the ground before he flies off again without letting you protest.
That’s probably for the best though.
Nevertheless you rip your gaze away from the sky and turn to head back towards the entrance. Just before you could go into the rubble though, the woman you’re looking for walks out in a cool fighting suit as well.
Layla’s albeit was different, it was like a white dress with gold armor, and gold pants under. She carries gold accessories, and in the middle of her necklace was a scarab. She looked incredible.
“Y/N,” she says in surprise and studies you for the suit you had on before. “What happened? Are you okay?”
You study her and smirk. “What happened to you? Was it Taweret?” You ask as your eyes go wide. “Did you accept her proposal?”
Layla nods stiffly. “Only for now,” she lets you know. “Just to help take down Ammit.”
You begin to grin. “That’s—cool. You look awesome!”
Layla smiles softly. “You did too. What happened?”
You sigh. “Khonshu let me go, he fulfilled his promise, he helped my dad.” You share happily.
Layla lets out a relieved sigh and she nods before she turns around to look up the pyramid. “That’s good. That’s very good. Where is he now?”
You glance back and reveal, “fighting Harrow. I tried to stop Ammit, but she escaped before I could do anything.”
“It’s okay,” Layla assures you and turns to face you again. “Hang on, we have to help the people down in the city.” She then proceeds to throw her arms out and golden wings come out from behind her.
Wings! She had wings! She’s so damn lucky. Now all you’re left with are your boring gadgets. No cool sword, no cool armor, nothing. Damn….
Now all you can do is cling onto her too and have her fly you down to the ground just like Marc did. And just like him she flies off and leaves you alone.
“So awesome,” you grumble to yourself. “Yeah. Leave me, powerless me, defenseless against soul sucking cultists.” You begin to jog to where the people are running away from and continue to complain. “Oh, y/n? Where is she? Who knows, she can’t fly so I left her,” you huff. “Now I’ll take my sweet ole time getting there.”
You proceed to do as you say considering they have powers and you have nothing left but a few gadgets. They can fight Harrow and his men without you for some time.
Not to mention, just before you can turn the last corner left before you can reach the plaza you can already hear the commotion, bullets and breaking glass. No one seems to be concerned. Then again it probably does make your fathers life easier if you’re not in the way, if you’re slowly making your way there and accidently bumping into someone.
“Sorry,” you tell them mindlessly even if they might not understand you, and walk past them without noting that they seem too calm for people running away from all the calamity.
“Wait!” They call; and expecting they need help, you turn. You let them walk towards you and wait for what they needed to say.
Albeit rather than telling you something, they forcefully grab your wrists and a searing pain suddenly slams into your entire body. It almost paralyzes you, but you muster the strength to slam your head on their nose, causing them to yelp out and let go of you to stumble back.
In that moment as you stumble back yourself, you figure out that they were Harrow's people. You can’t see their tattoo but there’s no other explanation. He was trying to read your scales—no he was trying to kill you.
You scoff and look down at your wrists in slight disbelief before you then use your raging anger and charge at them to throw your leg out and kick them back.
The person slams into some tables and groans. Before they have a chance to defend themselves you grab the side of their head and slam it to the table's surface so hard they knock out in that instant.
You might be powerless, but you aren’t fucking defenseless. Fuck those fucking hypocrites.
“Fuck you,” you spat at the body and then shift around to try and continue towards the plaza.
Alas, once again before you can make it far, this time you’re suddenly tackled to the floor from behind.
“You’re the daughter aren't you?” They ask by your ear before they pick themselves off you and flip you around so you can face their scarf covered face.
“What's it to you, bastard?” You scowl and try to kick him back, but he then knees your stomach, making you immediately stop and groan as you feel like you were paralyzed.
“Let’s see how well he can stop Harrow if you’re dead,” he hisses and then gets on his knees at your side to grab your wrists, so three more of his friends can come and hold down each one of your limbs. “Hold her down. She’s a fighter.”
Once you’ve somewhat recuperated from the knee to the stomach, you begin to squirm and try to thrash around. “Let me go!” You bellow. “Let me go!”
The man with the scarf around his mouth and at the top of his head proceeds to read your scales, causing you to hesitate so you could watch what came out.
And much to your misfortunate the scales move rapidly at first before slowing down and reading as unbalanced.
“No,” you whisper in disbelief since you know what follows. “No. No!” You cry and continue trying to fight them off. “Let me go!” You then scream at the top of your lungs, but the man continues to tighten his grip around your wrist, making that searing pain return.
This time albeit that pain leaves you paralyzed. This time you can’t find the strength to fight back.
However, before they can…take your soul, and before you could suddenly die, a tip of a gold dagger gets impaled through the man’s eye and causes him to immediately stop from killing you.
Two of the three people who held you down let you go to get up and run off, leaving only one left who keeps your other wrist down. She tries to continue what the other man was doing, but you swing your other arm and punch her square in the face, making them fall back.
Rather than following after her and knocking her out, you get on your hands and knees and begin to pant as you think about the fact that your scales were…Unbalanced? They were unbalanced. That means….that….
Your breathing begins to get harder to catch, it starts feeling like your heart is going to come out of your chest. You begin to feel hot, and your thoughts begin to race. You try to calm down, but you then feel a hand on your shoulder and end up throwing yourself forward to get the hand off you.
“Let me go! Don’t fucking touch me,” you seethe and push yourself up whilst you pull out your dagger.
“<Y/N, sweetheart, it’s me. It’s just me,>” you recognize your father saying to you in Spanish.
And when you lift your gaze you see him slowly trying to approach you with his mask off.
“Pa?” You whisper and can’t help but let out a soft whimper before you both run to each other to wrap one another in embrace. “They…they tried to…they were about to…I—”
“<It’s okay, you’re okay,” he cuts off your stammering, and caresses your back as he holds onto you just as tight as before. As if it’s the first time seeing you. “I’m here now. I got you.>”
He then pulls back and cups your cheeks to study your face as if it’s the first time he’s seeing you.
“<My girl,> he continues to whisper softly in spanish. He then proceeds to offer you a soft smile and wipes away your tears.
“Let’s go. Where’s Layla?” You ask and break the moment.
Your father nods and pulls away, letting you pass him to face the plaza in hopes you’d catch Layla fighting, but all you hear is the sound of chaos.
“You know I may not have powers anymore,” you mention and don’t touch on what just happened, instead you begin walking ahead. “But I am still useful. I mean I did leave some stuff at home, and some things are untested, but Layla has taught me to fight, and well….I picked…” you trail off when you don’t notice your dad following at your side. When you look back you notice him staring down at the dead bodies he left behind of the people who had wanted to kill you.
“Pa? What’s wrong?” You ask in confusion.
Marc turns around and shakes his head before he runs over to catch up to you
“What were you saying?” He asks.
You glance over at him and narrow your gaze briefly before you just shake your head and just leave it for later. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll tell you later.”
Your dad nods, and once you walk out of the street you see Layla helping people out of a turned over van.
“Layla—” you try to call, but then Harrow's voice cuts you off.
“Had Ammit been allowed to rule,” he says and then begins to shoot his power from his cane to your dad, causing him to cross his arms over one another to block the beam of power. “Young Randall’s life would’ve been saved, your family would’ve been happy. She need only remove one weed from the garden.” He grunts, and his power begins to push your dad back. “You.”
Harrow's power falters, letting your dad grab a dagger to try and throw it, however Harrow manages to stop him with his power and begins to hurt Marc, getting you pissed.
“Let him go!” You bellow and pull out your dagger to throw it at him. And this time you actually hit his arm, making him groan and stumble back.
When he catches his footing Harrow then looks over at you and shoots you a piercing glare. “Your scales lack balance!” He snaps at you.
You grab your last paralyzing gadget and prepare to throw it at him, but he then swings his cane and shoots his power at your chest, making Marc yell out as you get thrown back. “No!”
When you hit the ground, you’re a bit dazed by the pain, but you do hear running before there’s an explosion and screaming.
“Fuck,” you grumble and ignore your pain to push yourself up, feeling yourself stumble a bit before you find your footing and blink repeatdly to clear your blurry vision.
However, that’s when you see two people with big guns approaching you. You notice one of Layla's wings trapped under your dad's dagger. And lastly see your own dad on the ground as Harrow stops at his side to slam the end of his cane on his chest.
You instinctively try to run over and help, but the men force you back with their guns, forcing you to watch as Harrow's power shoots at your fathers chest, bringing closer to death.
“Put your hands up!” One of them shouts at you.
You rip your eyes off your dad and do as they man say whilst you force tears to your eyes.
“Please, I just want to go home, I lost my father,” you slowly begin to approach them as they watch you cry. “One of the people said my scales were balanced please—”
“Where are your scales then?” The second man demands to know, making you look down at your blank wrists. Shit. Right.
“Please,” you ignore their comment, and slowly begin to crouch down. “Please let me go. I just want to see my father.”
The men look at one another, letting you look behind them, only to notice that your father was now off the ground and killing off Layla’s attackers.
“Give us your wrists!” The first man yells.
You nod in agreement, and just before they can approach you, and before you can sit on your knees, you swing your leg under the second man’s feet, causing him to fall back. The first man points his gun at where you were and almost hits the trigger, but a gold dagger then goes through his throat and instantly makes him collapse.
When you look over you see your dad. His glowing eyes meet your gaze for a brief second before he then goes to the second guy that was trying to get up, and stomps on bashes his head on the street.
You gasp from shock and snap your eyes to Layla to share the same disbelief before you look back at your father and watch him swiftly fight off Harrow.
Harrow tries to put up a fight but your dad then ends up throwing him to the ground, and points his own weapon on his forehead.
“Dad?” You call breathlessly and slowly walk over to him.
Marc takes his mask off and doesn’t look over at you, he just lets Harrow fall before he could kill him, and then looks at the weapon in his hand as if confused on what it was or something.
You try to approach him to try and figure out what’s going on in his mind, but he proceeds to drop the cane and slowly turns around. You meet his gaze and swallow thickly before you avert your gaze and step aside.
It’s not that you were scared of the gruesome violence he displayed, you were just a bit surprised that’s all.
Regardless, you watch Steven emerge for a brief second Marc returns as he turns around again to take in what just happened.
“Dad?” You call again, and this time he meets your gaze.
“Yeah,” he say between pants.
You look down and then back at him, however before you can say a thing, Layla beats you to it. “What the hell was that?”
As you look over at her you see that she finally manages to get rid of the dagger that had her wing trapped.
“I blacked out,” your dad answers as he continues to look around.
You swallow thickly, and then hear distant rumbling. When you look at where it comes from you see Ammit and Khonshu still fighting. Actually Ammit is beating Khonshu.
“Get Harrow,” Layla says as she begins to stride forward to collect the broken cane off the ground. “I know how to stop Ammit.”
Without hesitation your dad does as he’s told, and you all then proceed to walk back to the Chamber of the Gods, where your dad puts Harrow down on a large piece of rubble.
“The power of this room will help us bind Ammit to Harrow's body,” Layla adds, letting your dad walk back to stand at her side—“Quick, grab my hand so we can start the spell.”
Without asking how this is done, you step back and let them do their thing since you figure that this just requires them.
And of course as expected when they both grab hands, they begin to chant and cause that purple hued power to come out from their hands and circle around, meeting each statue of the gods. And honestly seeing what they were doing was kind of cool, seeing the purple glow, hearing them chant was chilling in a very good way. Part of you wishes you could be a part of it too.
Nevertheless, before long, the power begins to go through Harrow's body until finally it stops and you hear Ammit talk through him.
“You can never contain me, I’ll never stop.”
The purple hue then proceeds to go off as Harrows body lays flat on the rubble, and the chanting stops.
“Is it over?” You ask and cautiously begin to approach the pair, hearing your dad grunt as he drops his head.
“Not yet,” you recognize Khonshu say, causing you to stop in your tracks.
When you snap your head to the side you see him walking over from behind Layla.
“Finish it, Marc,” he addresses your dad now. “And leave neither of them alive.”
Your dad approaches Harrow's body, and pulls out a dagger as he takes Harrow's body off the rubble to hold the blade over him, and hesitates.
“While he lives, so too does she,” Khonshu continues to say.
“I have to finish this,” your dad mutters. “If not, I’ll never be free.”
You take one step towards your father and just watch him. You don’t try to stop him, and why would you? If this is what he has to do to get rid of Ammit, then you’d just watch him do it without any protests. She’s evil, why let her live and risk her doing more harm?
Yet Layla does protest. “Marc!”
Said man glances over before he could stab Harrow.
“You have a choice,” Layla continues to say. “You are free.”
You continue to watch him in silence and just hear Khonshu argue. “The choice is vengeance. We cannot take the chance that Ammit finds a way out. She will kill again.”
Your dad looks over at him and retorts, “now you sound just like her.”
You drop your gaze and stiffen at his comment as you begin to think to your unbalanced scales.
Is this why? Because given the chance you would kill the both of them?
“You want them dead,” your dad continues to say. And now when you return your gaze to him, you see he let Harrow go to throw his dagger to the side. “Do it yourself.”
There's a brief silence before Marc breaks it, “now, release us.”
Khonshu hesitates and glances over at Layla, and then looks at you for a longer second before finally looking back at your dad and giving in. “As you wish,” he says, and then turns to sand and disappears.
Not long after your dad's suit begins to disappear too, giving off a white glow before all there is is his mundane clothes.
“Pa?” You call and walk over to him. “Is it done?”
Your father looks over at you and nods. “He’s gone,” he assures you as well as himself.
You smile at him. “Good,” you say and sigh. “Now…can we go? It’s been a long fucking day.”
Your dad chuckles and nods as he hops off the rubble and joins your side to grab your shoulder and Layla’s. “Let’s go,” he says to the both of you.
“Maybe we can stop and get some food?” You suggest excitedly.
Marc nods. “Sure. Whatever you want, kid.”
Loud music blasts in your ears, sparks fly everywhere, lights from your computer flash, making you add one last touch on what you’re working on before you pull away and pull off your safety goggles.
“Run diagnostics,” you instruct your friend sitting across from you as you move back on your chair, and then spin around to drag yourself to your own laptop on your bed.
“On it,” Marvin mumbles and spins around in his chair to work on his laptop placed on your desk.
You pull your headphones down and click on the email you just got whilst you throw some chips into your mouth. When you open the email you see that the email address is sketchier than usual, it’s not from your usual contact.
“Okay,” you sigh and click on some things so you can try and find an IP address.
“Who is it?” Marvin asks. “A job?”
You shrug, and while you’re waiting for your results you scroll down, seeing that it is information for a job.
“Yeah,” you let your friend know. “But….” You pause and click your teeth while you read what's contained inside. “…It’s not from my usual contact.” You hum, and then feel your eyes instantly widen as you see that the payment is high, more than you’ve gotten paid for before. “Damn. It pays fucking well.”
Marvin rolls over to you and moves your screen so he can read for himself. “It pays…” he pauses and swears under his breath. “Three figures.” He snaps his head to you and queries. “Are you going to take it? Take it!””
Your computer flashes again, so you turn your screen towards you and check the results for an IP address. Yet you get nothing, it’s blocked, adding to the mystery.
“I don’t know who the buyer is,” you inform him as you continue to read the job details with your eyes narrowed. “It just says that the item is an old relic stolen from an East African region, and,” you click your tongue and slowly put a chip in your mouth. “It will be auctioned on Sunday next week. That’s a weird day.” You mumble and begin to munch slowly.
“They’re rich people,” Marvin comments as he grabs chips from your bag. “Who knows why they do what they do.”
You laugh softly and keep scrolling. “It says,” you continue. “That the goal is to take it before it gets sold because that’s the only time they’ll have it on display.”
“Name of contractor?” Marvin asks and leans closer to you.
You shake your head, “No name, or contact info whatsoever, it just says to click accept or deny.” You huff out and sit back to think of what you can do.
The obvious answer would be to leave it. You’re just starting off, it would be a risk to take it—but fuck…you did get the email for a reason…
“I don’t know,” you grumble and slam your head on your hands. “I shouldn’t take it.”
Marvin stays quiet for a moment before you hear him huff out and add on the matter. “And if this nano-tech works out, the job would be so easy.”
You lift your head to peek at him. “Do you know how long I’ve been working on that? It’s not gonna work any time soon.”
Marvin rolls his eyes. “It’s just been a year, don't be dramatic. And! You’re close I can feel it…” he pauses and points at his gut. “Here.”
You quirk your brow and groan before you cover your face again.
“And if it doesn’t work?” You question in a muffled voice. “If I get caught—”
“We,” he interjects. “If we get caught.”
You sigh and correct yourself. “If we get caught, I lose my internship, you lose your scholarship, we go to jail, my dad bails me out and then him and Layla bind me to an ushabti as punishment.”
Marvin hums and shrugs. “Is it really the end?” He probes.
Without waiting for the rest of his comment you nod. “Yes. Being stuck in an ushabti is, I imagine, like, being stuck in stone. Or like I don’t maybe a genie—”
Marvin cuts you off, “I mean you probably will still keep working off jobs. You’ll get money. And you’ll actually get more—”
“No,” you cut him off and pick your head off your hands. “I won’t lose my internship. I’ve come too far. You can’t lose your scholarship. I won’t do it. I'll pass.” You nod stiffly and close out of the email to then spin around and face the nano-tech housing unit. “I’ll work on this, finish this.”
Marvin’s computer gets a notification so he rapidly rolls over to his side of the table to read it, whilst you put your goggles back on and grab your utensils.
“Oh, oh, my…fuck!” Marvin exclaims and jumps out of his chair. “Fuck! Fuck! Yes! Yes!” He turns around and slams his hands on the table. “You did it! It works! It fucking works!”
You stumble out of your chair and look at him in disbelief. “Shut up,” you mouth breathlessly. “Shut up. Marvin.” You begin to walk over to him, and he quickly picks his laptop off the table to show you his screen that reads “trail run 102, 99% successful.”
It works. It fucking works.
You begin to laugh before you both begin to jump up and down from excitement.
“Fuck yeah,” you yell and hop over to him to embrace him. “Yes!”
Marvin wraps one arm around you, but quickly pulls back to face you. “You’re smart, you know that?”
You smirk and get all cocky. “I know I am.” You shoot him a wink.
Marvin lets out a sigh and begins to show off a mischievous smirk. “You know what that means right?” He doesn’t wait and answers himself. “You’re doing that job. You’re doing it.”
You pull back and begin gnawing the inside of your cheek as you once again begin to think about the offer. It would be good on one hand; to finally separate yourself from Layla and do this somewhat solo.
Then again it is a risk because it will be your first solo mission, and also because there's just so many more factors to worry about. And what if your scales are unbalanced because of this job, of what you do?
Then again…the job can be used to prove to your father that you aren’t a little girl anymore, that you are more than capable of doing this stuff. Because you are…
You are.
You begin to smile and without saying anything you run over to your computer and click accept without overthinking it.
Marvin gasps and puts his laptop down to then walk over to you.
“You accepted it,” he mumbles.
You nod slowly and glance over at him to slowly begin smiling. “I accepted,” you repeat.
From one moment to the next your phone begins to ring, making your shoulders jump, and causing Marvin to react for you.
“It’s them, answer it,” he whispers as if whoever was calling could hear.
You share a nervous look before you slide your phone off the table and check; noticing that it’s only Marc.
“It’s just my dad,” you sigh with relief and answer. “Hello?”
“Hey,” he immediately answers back. “Hey, Wolf.”
You sit down and sigh. “Hey, pa, what’s up?” You ask slowly and a bit uncomfortably.
It’s just awkward that’s all. Sure that day that he got rid of Ammit and was freed was a good day, he came back to life, everyone was living a bliss weekend, but after it passed, when you were back in London that went away. Everyone was reminded of what happened, how he has been ignoring Layla and you, and things just got awkward.
You are trying to work things out, he is back in your life again, but it doesn’t take away the tension just yet.
“I just,” he mutters. “Wanted to check on you. I hope you weren’t busy.”
You shake your head and slowly begin to spin around in your chair. “Nope…just finishing some work at my room. What are you up to?”
“I’m here too!” You recognize Stevens' British accent suddenly coming through your phone. “I’m here y/n. Hello.”
You giggle. “Hi Steven. What’s up? Why are you guys calling? It’s…” you pause and spin around to check the time on your laptop. “It’s early over there.”
“Well,” you hear Marc say now. “We need to tell you something.”
You stay quiet and catch your computer flash as you wait.
“We’re going to visit you in New York next week.” Your dad reveals, causing you to choke on your own saliva since you gasp.
“Someone didn’t want to make it a surprise,” Steven complains. “Is it okay though? We know it’s so sudden, but it was meant to be a surprise visit.”
You clear your throat. “Yeah,” you lie. “That’s totally fine. I’ll be here. No plans.” You click on the response from your new contact and scoff softly. “Whatsoever.”
“Good,” Marc says. “I just want to catch up, you know? Check out this very famous tech company you work at. See how you’re doing. I…owe it to you, I’ve been an ass.”
You drop your gaze and feel your frown form. “Yeah,” you whisper. “Maybe you’re right.”
Marc chuckles softly. “I am.”
You look up and in your head read the one sentence on the email. “We’ll contact you when the job is done.”
That’s super informative. Not suspicious whatsoever.
“How long will you stay?” You ask your dad as you nervously gnaw on the inside of your cheek.
“Just Wednesday to Monday,” he shares.
Great. That means he’ll be here by then. That’s fucking great!
Tagged: @broadwaytraaaaash @jasminemohmed
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Too Little, Too Late - Seth x Reader
I got this wrote quicker than I thought I would. I did have some canon help with the first scene, but that’s beside the point. 
I actually kinda wanna turn this into a full-length fic, though. What do you all think? Let me know!
Prompt is in bold. “I only did what was best.” “For you! Don’t act like it isn’t true! Because if there’s one thing I hate more than a turncoat, it’s a pesky little liar who’s too cowardly to admit he realizes the full extent of what he’s done.”
Y/N/N = your nick name
Y/R/N = your ring name
Tag List:  @starwithaheart​ @shedevil22 @amourseculier @regalbanshee​ 
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My brothers and I stood in the ring, side by side, as Hunter and Randy slowly made their way down the ramp. The sledgehammer resting on Hunters shoulder gave me reason for pause, but with my brothers at my side, it wouldn’t matter. We will win this, just like every time before.
“In case you hadn’t figured it out yet. What I do better than anybody, is adapt.”
Tweaking my head to the side, cracking my neck as I done so, I glanced to my immediate right where Seth stood, grasping a steel chair. He glanced over at me briefly, as I gave him my usual smile… Only the one he returned seemed… forced.
“Last night was plan A,” Hunter continued, raising the sledgehammer off his shoulder and looking it over,” Tonight… Plan B.” He rested the sledgehammer back on his shoulder, a knowing smirk on his face,” There’s always a plan B.”
Instantly, Dean and myself sauntered up towards the ropes, Roman right behind us, standing side by side.
“C’mon then you sonofabitch!” I yelled, leaning on the top ropes, dangerously dangling over it,” Come on!”
Something caused my balance to falter, but I caught myself, landing inside the ring.
Roman was laying on the ring floor, recoiling from an attack.
From what?
My gaze snapped up; eyes wide as I stared at Seth. I could see Dean out of my peripheral, trying to make sense of it himself.
“Oh my God! Rollins just attacked Reigns with a steel chair! What’s he thinking?!”
Seth refused to look at me, instead keeping his glare on Dean.
“S-Seth?! What the hell?!” I demanded, kneeling down to check on Roman,” Ro—you… you good, brother?”
“P-peachy,” Roman groaned.
As I looked up, I saw Dean charge at Seth, who quickly modified his hold on the steel chair, hitting him in the mid section, causing Dean to hunch over in pain. Quickly, Rollins changed his hold again, before whacking Dean across the back with the chair.
“Are you kidding me?! Rollins refuses to let up on his attack of Ambrose!”
I had had enough, quickly raising to my feet and putting myself in between the two. Seth finally looked into my eyes and I could see the anger radiating off of them.
“Enough Seth! Stop it! What’s wrong with you?!” I turned to check on Dean, but Seth grabbed me and pushed me behind him, raising the chair to continue his assault. Without thinking, I made a grab at the chair as it came in reach over Seth’s head. Seth glared back at me, trying to shake my grip off the chair, only for both of us to be caught off guard as Dean hauled himself into Seth. The chair caught me in the mid-section, pushing me off balance and causing me to tumble between the ropes and fall unceremoniously to the floor below. Dean had no clue what his actions had caused, he merely acted in instinct, as he tried to get up off the ring mat, struggling to his feet. Above me, I barely made out Seth’s body, as he looked over the ropes at my writhing form.
“Oh my God! Rollins just inadvertently hit Y/r/n with the steel chair!… nasty tumble out of the ring… I think she’s really hurt!”
Suddenly, Seth disappeared from my sight, and all I could hear was the constant chair shots.
Thud. Thud
THUD, Thud.
“Rollins is going ballistic on Ambrose with that chair! He’s showing no signs of letting up! Someone needs to stop him!”
I lost count after a while, and the boos of the crowd drowned out most of the thuds. The chants of ‘you sold out’ echoed around. Seth came into view for only a second, as he rebounded off the ropes, before another thud.  
I slid along the floor, resting my back against the barricade, trying to regain control of my breathing, watching as Seth walked out of the ring with another chair. Dean and Roman were nowhere to be seen. Then I felt my heart drop deep in my stomach as I watched Randy walk up the steps, into the ring—with the steel chair.
“Did he just make a deal with the devil?”
Randy began teeing off on Dean and Roman, focusing his attacks on Roman—and after a while, I couldn’t take it anymore. Despite the pain I was in, I had to do something. These were my brothers. All I had in life. Pushing up off the barricade, I slid into the ring, grimacing as I pushed myself up and shoved against Randy.
“Leave them alone! Just—” I barely registered the shrug he gave before I ate the matt, Randy having given me an RKO. Roman stretched out a hand towards me, but I was out cold. Randy dragged Roman towards where Dean and I lay, before unceremoniously ripping off Romans vest, and then his belt. He grabbed him by the hair, then the head, before hoisting him up and RKO’ing him into the chair. Seth and Hunter joined Randy in the ring, as the crowd let their feelings known.
The Shield… was officially over.
The play by play repeated in my head, weeks, months, even years after it happened. After everything imploded. It’s been almost two years and the pain I felt then still remains. Maybe not the physical pain but the emotional pain… the sting of betrayal… the heartache of love lost. Earlier, I had watched, as I prepared for my match, as Finn and Seth done a verbal back and forth in the ring. Finn seemed pretty cool—I hadn’t gotten the chance to actually talk with him though, yet anyway.
“You know what Seth? We may be similar in a lot’f ways…but there’s one t’ing… one big difference between t’both of us… Last week, on Monday Night Raw, I earned my opportunity at Summerslam…where you? You had yers handed to ya.”
That statement cut right back to the implosion of my family… and caused so many emotions, memories to resurface. Not what I needed to be thinking of before my match—I needed to focus. Unfortunately, focus was the one thing I lacked, as I sat backstage near the end of the show, an ice pack on my shoulder. Guess who wasn’t going to Summerslam?
Sighing, I tried to clear my head—but fate had different ideas.
“Hey lil’ red.” The voice was charming, as per usual. But not with the usual snark and ego that I was used to hearing the past two years.
“What do you want, Rollins?” I sighed.
“Hey, hey. Relax,” Seth soothed,” I just… I just want to talk.”
“About what?” I sneered,” You said all you needed to say, two years ago.”
“I’ve already apologized to you for that! You weren’t supposed to get hurt!” Seth exclaimed, before trying to calm himself down,” Look. I made a mistake, okay? Reigns and Ambrose—I didn’t need them. I didn’t—they were dead weight by then. But you? You and I could’ve been great—we still can be!”
“Absolutely… incredible…” I shook my head,” Do you hear yourself?!”
I pushed up off the crate I was sitting on, the bag of ice falling to the floor, as I stared into Seth’s eyes,” You honestly think you’re the best damn thing, that you don’t need anyone! You betrayed all of us that night, Seth! You betrayed Ro. Ambrose… Me…”
“You weren’t suppose to–!”
“To what? Get hurt? Yeah, you’ve said that! But if you hadn’t betrayed us then it wouldn’t have happened in the first place!”
“I gave the company—I gave the Shield– EVERYTHING! It was my time, MY TIME!” Seth roared, taking a deep breath to calm down, before continuing,” I… I only did what I thought was right.”
“For yourself,” I choked, trying so desperately to hold the tears back; as he opened his mouth to argue, I cut him off,” Don’t act like it isn’t true! Because if there’s one thing I hate more than a turncoat, it’s a pesky little liar who’s too cowardly to admit he realizes the full extent of what he’s done.”
Seth and I stood there, staring at each other in silence, and as Seth was about to say something a stage hand called him to the gorilla.
“I hope you realize exactly what you lost that day, Seth Rollins… because there could be a day in the future, Ro could forgive you… Ambrose could forgive you… but I will not. I can not.”
“No Seth,” I cut him off, my voice soft,” The day you stabbed us all in the back… not only did you lose two brothers… you lost something that money and success could never buy you. You lost me. Forever. And no matter how hard you try… no matter what you do to try and fill that hole in your heart… you will never, never feel complete.”
With that, I walked away, leaving Seth standing there by himself. Alone, like he always wanted.
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thetragicallynerdy · 1 year
Hi, I'm here from the tealoranges tag! Fic title meme: Are You Going to Scarborough Fair?
Alright alright, I finally had the brains to think about this and write something! (For those who haven't heard of it, this meme is that you send me a fic title, and I sketch out the fic I think would match it. I am not accepting further prompts for this meme at this time.)
I know that this one would go really nicely as a like, farmers market au, but hear me out: post-war au and farmer’s market au. Because the canticle aspect of Simon & Garfunkle’s version of Scarborough Fair always, always makes me think about war (because, y’know, it’s about war). But, because it’s Jim and Olu, and I really wouldn’t ever write an actual war type fic, lets go with “Canon time - Jim, returning from their holy mission, and Oluwande, who sells his wares at the market.”
When I started typing this I was going to say it was more vibes than plot (the Vibes being an exhausted Jim who’s killed a whole lot of men and then returned home to find that they’re still not at peace, and then they meet Oluwande) but now there’s like 1000+ words of plot so here u go:
Jim never made it to Nassau as their first stop in their mission. They don’t meet Oluwande, and they instead spend ten-fifteen years tracking down every last member of the Siete Gallos. Alfeo de la Vaca is not their first. He’s closer to their last, which is the main reason that they keep at it so long – a) there is no one to encourage them to stop, and b) they haven’t killed the one that matters yet.
Somewhere along the way, they have exactly one run in with Blackbeard and Stede, who we can presume are still doing their romance off to the side. They see a handsome Black man with a teal earring on the crew who catches their eye – but then they forget about him.
Oluwande, meanwhile, got out of Spanish Jackie’s for other reasons, about the same time as he would’ve in canon. He finds Stede, and has a rather successful career in piracy before he finally settles down and buys a home. He learns how to make jewelry, and sells it. Tiny trinkets, that sort of thing, to keep his hands busy. For some reason, he really liked St. Augustine the last time they were there. He settles down.
Jim finally finishes their hit list. They return to St. Augustine, scarred and hardened and hoping to find some semblance of peace, because all they feel is a hollowness in their chest and a bone-deep weariness. They come home to a home that’s still empty and ruined, overgrown after decades of neglect.
Whether or not Nana is still alive is up to you. If she is, her exuberance over Jim being done their mission grates against the disenchantment they’re feeling. If she’s not, there’s a point of grief over ‘she was the one I was doing this for, and she’s not even here to see it.’
Either way – Jim is not doing great. They try and fix up the farm, but mainly fix up the house enough to live in, and wallow. The Beautiful Life they were promised afterwards hasn’t happened, and everything feels like dust. Very ‘returning from war and finding yourself at odds with the world’ type vibes.
But then they wander into the market one morning when they’re coming in to, I dunno, buy food, and they happen across a tiny stall, run by a beautiful man with a teal earring. He sells jewelry, and it feels so frivolous, so unnecessary, but they can’t help but stop and look at it. Jewelery isn’t even their thing, but they can’t help but reach out and touch the intricate little earrings.
Oluwande recognizes them. And, in true Oluwande fashion, blurts out “holy shit, I know you.” This is not immediately a concern. Most people in town know them, by rumour at the very least, of the Jimenez child who lived. It’s a small place. However, then he says “we met on uh – The Gentleman Pirate’s ship, you killed that guy –“ and Jim gets very defensive very fast. And maybe runs away a little, wondering if they need to just pack up and go because they don’t really want people recognizing them for all the blood they’ve spilled.
(And then they remember the handsome man with the teal earring, and kick themself a little for not being able to place him immediately. He's still just as handsome, all these years later.)
Later that day Oluwande shows up at their door, with an apology on his lips and a small earring in his hand. “Didn’t mean to scare you off,” he says sheepishly. “I just got excited. Not many people here that know what I used to do.”
Jim reluctantly lets him in, and offers him a drink. They talk. Or, Oluwande talks, and Jim listens.
It’s not love at first meeting. But so many people in town avoid talking to Jim, and he doesn’t seem to care about the blood they’ve spilled. Hell, he was a pirate. He’s spilled just as much. So a tentative friendship is born.
They start seeking him out. Wandering to the market just to talk and pretend to browse his wares. They keep the earring he gave them, but their ears aren’t pierced, so they don’t do anything with it. They start bringing small food treats that they pick up at the market, so they have an excuse to sit and share it. Oluwande brightens every time they show up. He starts having tea or something else to drink ready every time, to share with the food.
Jim keeps trying to fix up the farm. But every time they do it just feels pointless, and makes them sad. They don’t really need a job for the money, but they’re starting to get restless, like they need something to do.
They take up whittling instead. It’s hard, and they cut themself more than they have since they first learned how to handle knives. Their first clumsy attempt at a bird gets given to Oluwande. So does their second, their third. A few more become toys, given to the family down the road. It takes time, but they get good.
“You should let me sell these,” Oluwande muses, running fingers over an intricate crocodile. “They’re really good.”
Jim shrugs. “I don’t really need the money.”
He raises an eyebrow and nods at his jewelry. “Neither do I. Why do you think they’re so cheap?”
Jim lets Oluwande sell their carvings. It’s a good partnership.
Eventually they kiss him. Of course they do. He’s handsome and sweet and the only person who makes them feel like a person again, and not the assassin they’ve become. The only person who teases them about their hat and their long coat and tells them they’re not as scary as they think they are.
And it’s good. It’s so good, this little romance. Easy, in a way very few things in their life have been.
A few weeks, maybe months after they add romance to the mix, Jim admits, late one evening, how much they hate living at the farm. How they still think about leaving, all the time.
“Could move in with me,” Oluwande whispers, voice just audible from where Jim is plastered to his back. “I’ve got the space.”
Jim leaves the next morning and tells him they need to think about it, promising they’re not running away, that they just need time to think. They go, and sit on their farm, and then disappear into the woods like they did as a child. When they come back two days later, it still feels just as empty and barren and broken as it did when they first set foot back in St. Augustine, just as lost as it did when they were a child. The healing they were hoping for is happening, but it’s not happening on this farm.
So they pack up all of their things (there aren’t many), and walk to the village. The sun is just setting, and there’s a candle already burning in Oluwande’s window. There’s no hesitation before they knock.
Oluwande opens the door, and sees them, and their bag. He smiles and holds the door open wider.
“Welcome home.”
That’s it! Look I will never actually write this, so if anyone ever wants to write the thing, have at! (Just give me credit for the idea, and please for the love of god send it to me so I can read it XD)
Anyway thanks for the prompt anon, this was fun!! Sorry it took me a while XD
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thistle-nightshade · 8 months
Reading with ADHD/BIPolar
Have you ever sat down, cracked open a book, and your brains goes, we are going to die.
And you tell your brain firmly, “No. Not dying. Reading.”
So you read one page and your brain goes Dying. Must get up immediately.
And you try and tell your brain that no, you are not in fact dying. But you realize that you haven’t comprehended a single word that you’ve read on that one page anyway. So you give up and go do something else instead.
Just me?
Reading used to be my escape when I was younger. I could disappear into a book for hours and not even realize my legs were cramping. As I grew older, it turned into more of a chore. There wasn’t enough stimulation, not enough positive impact for my brain to stay invested in a story. Books started to make me anxious, and it took me months to finish just one.
Here is what I have learned about myself that has allowed me to enjoy reading again:
Spoilers are the best thing ever.
Hear me out. The one exception to my reading hiatus was fanficiton. I couldn’t finish a book, but I could stay up all hours of the night on AO3 reading. It came down to knowing what is going to happen. Fanfiction follows known characters on new journeys and often includes a lot of really well known tropes. I could click on a new story and know exactly what to expect from the tags. This one was sad, that one had a happy ending, this one was all about a specific kink. Each new story felt safe because I knew what to expect from it.
I have recently started to incorporate this into all new media I consume. If you want me to watch a new show, you have to spoil everything for me first. My husband will pre-watch shows for me and then tell me what happens in them. My business partner recently spoiled the entire Alanna series for me. Rather than taking away from the excitement of the story, it gives me peace of mind. Instead of feeling anxious and wanting to get away from the new experience, it feels safe. I can sit back without a worry and just enjoy the tale as it unfolds.
Don’t set a 1 book limit.
My currently reading list — not to be confused with my to be read list— is 28 books long right now. I track it on StoryGraph and that sucker is SCROLLABLE. This baffles some people, but it’s a system that works for me.
I used to restrict myself to finishing the book I was currently reading before I started another. And it seriously slowed me down. There was all this pressure to slog through the words on the pages in front of me, whether I was enjoying them or not. I didn’t get much reading done that way.
Now, I start a new book whenever the mood strikes me. One thing that gets my brain involved in tasks (overcoming my executive dysfunction) is newness. A new book is exciting and I can’t wait to sink into a new world and meet new characters and taste the flavor of the writer’s writing style. That alone can often take me fifty or sixty pages into a book. But usually after that I slow down. And down. And down. Until I am not reading anymore.
But if I can pick up another new book and start the process again? Hells yes.
But what about all the unfinished books? you ask.
I return to those books when the excitement for them returns. I read a lot of different genres at once. History, culture, fantasy, sci-fi. And some things just hit right at different times. (I have been informed this is called Mood Reading). Sometimes I’m in a mental frame to tackle a big and heavy book on anti-racism. Or I can take it in small doses and read a light romance in between. Sometimes I stay in a book and a world for days, taking everything in and finishing a book. Sometimes I read a bunch of it, set it down for a few weeks or months, and then finish it later.
This allows me to read so many more books, and enjoy reading so much more, than I was before. Is it chaotic? Oh yea. Do I sometimes forget what was happening and have to recap? Occasionally, but not as much as you might think. Is every surface with relatively enough space for a book stack filled with a book stack? You bet.
It’s ok to not finish a book.
Sometimes a book just doesn’t vibe right. I used to force myself to finish a book, force myself to care about the writer’s words. I believed, and still believe, that everyone has something important to say. And I wanted very deeply to listen to all of them. But the reality is that I can’t. There are so many voices and so many books. I will focus on reading the ones that don’t drain me. If it is work to finish a book, I don’t finish it.
There are a few exceptions here. Some books are worth the effort. I try to read works from a lot of different perspectives. It’s been painful to read books that reframe the way I consider USA history. But they are important. Those books make the cut. But I give myself as much time as I need to read them. I take them in small doses, and I read something fun in between those doses.
Keep your trophies.
Part of what makes reading fun to me is displaying the corpses of dead trees that have been tattooed on my shelves. I am 100% a book hoarding dragon. I love my stash. I take aesthetic photos of my stash. I bask in it. Books and books and books arranged all around my home make me happy.
Maybe you save all the books you read from the library on digital shelves. Or you post a little blurb from all the ones you loved on your Instagram. Or you buy books and hoard them on your shelves. However you do it, keep a record of all the joy you got in reading your books. Then you can carry a little memento of that joy into the future. (This is important for those of us with shitty memories. Give yourself mementos to hold on to!)
Anyway, that is what has helped me return to loving reading.
In chaos and kindness,
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lifeofkaze · 2 years
A Search for Balance
Find the masterlist with all chapters of this story here, the previous chapter here, and the next one here.
Tagging: @flareshogwarts
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A/N: David Willows (in mention) belongs to @that-scouse-wizard
The closer the re-match against the Wimbourne Wasps drew, the more demanding Ethan’s practice regime became. Contrary to most, Lizzie didn’t mind the extra strain; being too exhausted to think about anything but her aching body when she fell into bed at night was its own sort of bliss. 
Going home after the Christmas break had been a relief. Being confined in the McRaes’ mansion with Matthew and his family had left her feeling restless and irritated. Even though she was trying her best to forget about Orion and accept things as they were, she was secretly glad whenever Matthew left her to her own devices.
The night before the Wimbourne match Matthew had spent at Lizzie’s place. She woke with his arms wrapped around her, and immediately moved to free herself from them. When she returned to her room from breakfast, Matthew had just woken up, but instead of wishing her a good morning, she was greeted with an accusing look.
“How about closing the window next time?”
Lizzie shrugged. “The air was stuffy.”
“I didn’t think it was.”
“If you don’t like it, you’re welcome to sleep at home next time.”
Matthew raised his eyebrows at her. “Don’t take your nerves out on me. You being nervous is hardly my fault.”
Lizzie had the urge to tell him that her bad mood had nothing to do with her pre-match anxiety but caught herself in time. She had more important things to focus on now. 
They spent their morning mostly in silence. Trying to distract herself, Lizzie went over their strategy once more. Scout Sheridan, their Seeker, was to weave in and out of the Wimbourne Chasers to make hitting Bludgers at her riskier, leaving Lizzie, Orion and Skye to deal with the opposing Beaters. 
Lizzie had raised her eyebrows but otherwise remained quiet when Skye had presented her plan to the team. She wondered what had made Skye consider one of Orion’s old tactics  for the match, but she was unlikely to find out. She and Skye had barely spoken since the Kenmare match, and even the Christmas card Lizzie had given Dede to send to Skye had remained unanswered.
It made Lizzie equally sad and angry. It wasn’t her fault that Ethan wasn’t happy with his daughter’s performance, and keeping a low profile for Skye’s sake was ridiculous; they were professionals, after all. 
Despite everything, there being unresolved issues between them bothered Lizzie. Across the hallway, she could hear Skye pacing in her room. Hadn’t Matthew been here, Lizzie would have gone and tried to clear the air between, but as things were, Skye probably wouldn’t even open the door.
Almost done with packing her bag, Lizzie checked her gear one last time to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. As she opened the side pocket where she kept her topaz necklace, she frowned.
“What the…” she mumbled, putting her hand inside but feeling nothing but fabric. 
“Anything the matter?” Matthew wanted to know.
“My necklace,” Lizzie told him as she dug around the bag’s main compartment. “It’s gone.”
“Have you taken it out? Or put it in another pocket, maybe?”
“No, it’s always here. Will you help me look for it, please?”
The question didn’t leave her lips easily, but the prospect of her necklace gone missing made Lizzie more nervous than she was already. It had been with her for nearly every Quidditch match of her career; she needed it today.
“I don’t think it’s here,” Matthew said after having searched Lizzie’s bag and nightstand. “When did you see it last?” 
“After the match in Kenmare. I put it in my bag before talking to Skye.”
“Did you leave the bag alone afterwards?”
“No, I had it with me when I went to meet you.”
The thought of Lizzie’s failed attempt to break up with Matthew hung between them until Matthew cleared his throat. 
“Well, if it was in your bag then and the bag has been here since, that doesn’t leave too many possibilities, does it?” 
Lizzie frowned. “What do you mean?” 
“Think about it. You were with me over the Christmas break, and your bag was here. There’s only one person who could have taken the necklace in the meantime.”
“You can’t possibly mean Skye?” Lizzie half-laughed. “She would never.” 
“Wouldn’t she? You’re her father’s favourite. The press loves you. She was the only person to know about your little…mishap before Rita Skeeter got wind of it.” Matthew shrugged. “I don’t want to imply anything, but you don’t have to be a Knarl to admit that it sounds suspicious.” 
Lizzie wanted to brush Matthew’s allegations off, but something made her hesitate. If she thought about it, Matthew had a point. Skye knew about the story behind her necklace, and she had been furious about Lizzie taking the spotlight from her. But most importantly, she was the only person Lizzie had trusted with her secret. 
Before the thought could take root, the door to Skye’s room opened and Skye stepped into the hallway. When she saw Lizzie and Matthew, she nodded briefly, adjusted her Quidditch bag on her shoulder and set off toward the staircase.
“Good luck today, Skye!” Matthew called after her.
Skye paused. She turned to Lizzie, completely ignoring Matthew’s presence. Her face was determined as she spoke. 
“I don’t need no luck. We’re gonna see who’s the better Chaser today. You can take my word on it.” 
One hour into the match, Lizzie felt like her hands were about to fall off. They had arrived in Wimbourne to an overcast sky, and shortly after, the clouds had opened their gates and drowned the pitch, the fans, and the unhappy players in a flood of icy rain.
Gritting her teeth against the cold, Lizzie gripped the Quaffle tighter. A gust of wind blew her to the side, and she was forced to drop the ball to be swept off her broomstick altogether.
As the match drew on, the weather worsened. The rain fell heavier, and the wind made calculating where the Quaffle and Bludgers would go near impossible. With every intercepted pass of hers, Lizzie became increasingly frustrated. She was painfully reminded of her missing necklace; rationally, she knew that it had no influence on her performance, but the thought nagging at the back of her mind added to her overall erratic gameplay.
When she got her hands on the Quaffle next, Lizzie forced herself to focus. Lying low over her broomstick, she accelerated until her surroundings were reduced to colourful blurs. She passed into Wimbourne’s scoring zone, when suddenly another player appeared in front of her. It was Skye, shouting at the top of her lungs and signalling for Lizzie to pass her the Quaffle. 
Lizzie saw why. From her left, a Bludger was approaching at neck-breaking speed. Her eyes flicked between the spinning iron sphere, Skye, and the goalposts looming before her. Skye was in an excellent position to score, but so was she. It was a mid-range shot, and the Wasps’ Keeper was notorious for leaving his righthand goalpost undefended.
Ignoring Skye’s calls, Lizzie dipped her broom into a shallow dive, flying up again as soon as the Bludger had shot past her. When she saw that Wimbourne’s Keeper had mirrored her movement and flown towards the middle post, Lizzie wound up and threw the Quaffle through the rightmost hoop with all her force. The Wigtown fans roared as ten more points were added to the Wanderers’ scoreboard, but Lizzie’s feeling of triumph was dimmed, when Skye crossed into her flightpath.
“What the hell was that?” she shouted as soon as Lizzie was within earshot. “Why didn’t you pass?”
“Relax,” Lizzie told her, more than a little irritated. “I made the goal, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, but might as well not. I was in a better position to score, and Willows’ Bludger was coming straight at you. You put our score at risk for your own sake!”
“Get a grip! There’s a match going in, in case you haven’t noticed,” Lizzie snapped, trying to steer her broom around Skye. The moment she did so, Skye made her Comet lurch forward, its handle clashing with Lizzie’s Silverswift and sending her swerving to the side.
“You’re not turning your back on me!” Skye called out. “Next time your captain gives you an order, you’d bloody better follow it!”
“If my captain starts acting like a proper leader instead of blaming others for her miserable scoring record, maybe I will!” 
Lizzie set her boot against Skye’s broomstick in order to push her away, but in her anger, she did so with too much force. Skye’s hands slipped on the wet wood of her Comet, and for a horribly long moment, it looked like she was about to fall. When she caught herself again, the shock on her face gave way to fury. 
“Have you lost your marbles?” she screamed, flying in again and grabbing Lizzie by the front of her robes. Orion and David Willows were there in a flash to pull them apart, as was the referee, who looked between Lizzie and Skye sternly. 
“Parkin, Jameson, this is a Quidditch pitch, not a duelling ground. One more time, and I’ll have both of you removed from my game.” 
Lizzie and Skye glared at each other but signalled that they had understood. The match resumed, but the game had taken a turn for the worse for the Wanderers. Skye refused to acknowledge Lizzie’s presence, and her refusal to pass had her falling prey to Blatching, Bludgers and - worst of all - Wimbourne’s spin on the Parkin’s Pincer. 
With Lizzie still being too furious to focus, it was left to Orion to try and keep the peace between them. He tried spreading his passes as evenly as he could, but with both witches refusing to work together, their gameplay was as good as nullified. 
Profiting from the dissent between their opponents were the Wimbourne Wasps, quickly racking up their score to an impressive margin. Wigtown’s last chance to win the match was catching the Snitch, but when the tiny golden ball appeared right in front of Wimbourne’s Seeker, even those hopes were crushed. 
After begrudgingly congratulating David Willows on their win, Lizzie flew to the ground where her team and Ethan were already waiting. Sogging wet and cold to the bone, she groaned inwardly when Skye and Ethan made their way towards her. 
“Happy now?” Skye called out before they had even reached Lizzie. “Handed them the win right on a silver tray. What a bloody disgrace!”
“Leave it alone, Skye,” Lizzie answered wearily. “We lost. It happens.”
“No, it doesn’t. All went well until you had to pull your solo move. We all know you don’t care about us anymore but throwing a win out the window like that? Shame on you, Jameson.”
Lizzie’s mouth dropped open. “Shame on me? You were the one who wouldn’t stop sulking! You had your chances at scoring, and you blew them all. Don’t complain because someone else is doing better than you.”
Skye moved in on her with flashing eyes. “I would have done better had you given me the bloody Quaffle!”
“Not everything is about you!”
“Look who’s talking. All you do is for yourself and yourself only. I love this club,” Skye said, furiously beating her hand on the Wanderers’ crest over her heart, “and I would do anything for it. You care about nothing but money and your own profile. I never thought you’d stoop so low.” 
“How about you clean your own pitch first before messing with mine?” Lizzie snarled back. She and Skye were standing so close together now that they were almost butting heads. “Don’t think that I don’t know what you did. I trusted you, and you had nothing better to do than stab me in the back.”
Taken aback, Skye blinked. “What are you talking about?” 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. You’re trying to put me in a bad light, on the pitch and by ratting me out to the Daily Prophet. Fine, I can deal with that. But stealing my necklace? That is stooping low.” 
Skye backed away from her, visibly pale. 
“Whatever happened to you?” she asked, genuine hurt written on her face. “I thought there was still a bit of the old you left in there, but looks like I was wrong. You’re an awful friend and an even more awful person.” 
“That’s enough, Skye,” Ethan suddenly said, laying a hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “It ain’t Lizzie’s fault we lost. All of you played badly, you included. I need you girls to calm down now. Can I count on you to act like the professionals you are, or do you prefer to be treated like little kids?” 
With her lips pressed together, Skye freed herself from her father’s hand with a jerk of her shoulder.
“You’re right, Dad. The press is waiting.” She pulled her captain’s armband off and tossed it into Lizzie’s face. “There you go, Jameson. Give them the captain they all want. You’re acting like it anyway.”
She turned, shouldered her Comet and stomped away. Lizzie watched after her, clutching Skye’s soaked armband in her icy fingers, but before the words she wanted to call after her could form in her mind, Skye had already vanished behind a heavy curtain of rain. 
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My year in fic 2022
Thanks for the tag @broomsticks and maybe someone else? I honestly don’t remember, I think I’ve been tagged a few times but I’ve been putting it off. However, now I’m supposed to write but the muses aren’t cooperating so here we are. If anyone hasn’t done this yet - consider yourself tagged. I want to see what fics you’re proud of this year ❤️
Here’s one fic that I’m proud of from each month. I’m not including WIPs and the long fics are listed under the month they were completed. 
Hate - Severus Snape - Gen - 425 words Severus hated him. Had always hated him. Had hated him since the first time they met on the Hogwarts Express, standing face to face with him and the insufferable Potter.
After the Fairytale - Harry Potter - Gen - 4.7k words Harry had thought that the hunt for Horcruxes, the final battle at Hogwarts and his now famous clash with Voldemort would be the most difficult thing he would ever have to endure. That once the Dark Lord had been defeated, when the heartbreak and despair which consumed them after their losses had slowly made way for the dull ache of mourning, that everything would be okay. Maybe even light. Easy.
Even though his time at Hogwarts introduced him to things he’d never known before - friendship, love, family - he was never truly free. From the start he had known, somewhere deep down inside, that there would be only one path for him. He’d known, and accepted, that he would have to face his destiny at some point. That he couldn’t hide. But he had always believed that once the Dark Lord had been defeated, he would be free.
Nothing had prepared him for what happened afterwards.
The Star and the Moon - Sirius/Remus - M - 93k words Voldemort has returned and the Wizarding world is on the brink of war once again. Sirius has been in hiding since his escape from the dementors but when Harry comes back with the story of the return of the Dark Lord he is given a mission: to re-assemble the Order of the Phoenix.
But Sirius is still battling with the aftermath of the last war; the twelve years he spent in Azkaban, the suspicion of betrayal between Remus and himself, and the loss of James and Lily. With Wormtail having shown his true colours, Sirius and Remus are the last two Marauders standing but will they get a chance to find their way back to each other again whilst fighting a new war?
Welcome to 1995/1996, from Sirius's POV.
Betrayal - Sirius/Remus - Teen and up - 4k words The castle is still full of memories and he sees the shadows of his childhood behind every corner. There is barely an inch of this castle that he doesn’t know, that he hasn’t explored during his years as a student here. Sometimes he would turn a corner and be hit with a memory so strong, so real, it steals his breath away. He could hear the echoes of laughter ringing in his ears, the brush of air as his body imagined touches against his skin. James and Pete were everywhere in the castle. James and Pete and– and– no!
Remus Lupin returns to Hogwarts.
Mr. Mouse - Sirius/Remus - Teen and up - 2.9k words James and Lily Potter are killed by Voldemort, but when the spell backfires off of baby Harry, Voldemort actually dies and the war ends. Instead of being shipped off to the Dursley's, Harry goes to stay with Sirius and Remus, which had always been according to his parents' wishes. This is a little snippet of their life together.
Family on the Mend - Sirius/Remus - M - 76k words (written with @heartofspells) Sirius and Remus are struggling with parenthood, stretched too thin trying to bring up two children with a significant age gap, soon-to-be-fifteen year old Harry Potter and two year old Teddy Lupin-Black. When their chaotic life boils over during a dinner party, their friends intervene and suggest they need help. Sirius and Remus both agree they can’t do it on their own, however, the kind of help that they suggest - a Muggle Reality TV Show which focuses on helping struggling families - is not what either of them had in mind.
A canon divergence AU in which there are no Horcruxes and Voldemort dies when he attempts to murder Harry, Regulus turns spy for the order and lives, Peter never betrays his friends and Mary starts working in Muggle television after leaving Hogwarts.
As the tide pulls - Harry/Draco - E - 24k words People are always awed by how powerful Harry Potter is. Little do they know it comes with a price. 
When Harry steps through the doors to Draco Malfoy's shop Magical Mends they don't know that both their lives will change forever. Despite the history between them they manage to find something within each other and they start building a life together. Just as their life settles down, Harry starts to show symptoms that turn out to be more than just stress and a diagnosis reveals that there is something wrong with his magic.
Sinking into you - Sirius/Remus - Explicit - 2.5k words He remembered coming back from the club where they’d spent the evening with the others, remembered dancing with some bloke, grinding in time with the music. He remembered Remus watching, green eyes piercing, the unimpressed curl of his mouth that never stopped making Sirius heart stutter with excitement.
Or - Sirius has a humiliation kink.
Of Quiet Hearts and Thundering Dreams - Sirius/Remus - E - 46.7k words Sirius Black never thought he was the kind of person who would ever settle in a sleepy village outside of London, but that was before Lily and James Potter died, leaving their son in Sirius' care.
Remus Lupin never thought he would return to his childhood village, but that was before he found himself being a single parent in a foreign country.
Neither of them thought they were looking for something, but maybe they were.
Descent - Sirius/Draco (Sirius/Regulus) - Explicit - 22k words Everyone thought that Sirius Black was dead, and maybe he was, until he suddenly isn’t. It turns out that coming back from the veil is not as easy as one might think. Between infiltrating the Death Eaters’ ranks and ghosts of the past haunting him, he begins to descend into reveries. As Sirius finds himself back with what remains of his family the line between then and now starts to blur and fade away.
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