#eventually i’ll try juggling stuff i like idk
mlemmelm · 1 month
Back from the dead and it’s not Brawl Stars content. Sorry!
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chiyoso · 1 year
I just wanted to warn you about the incoming spam tomorrow. I just finished Luofu trailblazer quests and now I am all ready to binge on your HSR works 👻
I finally finished it.
I am yet to play the character story quests and world quests.
But hear me out. Is it just me or did the Luofu quests feel really really rushed? Like I felt it got the Inazuma treatment. Like before one storyline could establish itself and sink in, we were already involved in a bunch of other things and other plots. Like I felt that they had a lot of ideas but had to string it together to form a singular plot.
Idk, I feel like I liked Jarillo story better as it felt well paced but I didn’t connect with any Jarillo characters. But with Luofu, I didn’t like the story but I liked the characters (cough cough Jing Yuan and Luocha (yeah I know he’s evil)). Man I went into Luofu quest thinking I’ll be a blade simp but ended up being a Jing Yuan simp instead. I am yet to play Blade’s quest (Kafka called me to help them but it’s literally 4am rn and I am like, Blade you will have to wait)
But long story short. I am going to be binging on your fics tomorrow and I am sooooo excited 🥰🥰🥰
RAHHHH NAT AM BLUSHING SO HARD GRRR i just woke up nngh good morning
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also! for your question
you're kind of right? about the luofu arc, but honestly, it became less confusing BECAUSE of the detectives, the people who theorize and the overall fanarts/theories of the fandom who made the plot make more sense
if you're confused on some parts, i would love to indulge you in what i have information gathered (e.g. main points, species, jing yuan/blade/dan heng/jingliu relationship and things about the xianzhou luofu)
but! since im also done with the inazuma storyline, i can honestly say that i get what you mean? that the hyv didn't point out and explain too much about you know... stuff (like why blade is so damn obsessed with dan heng, more shit about the stellaron hunters n etc, aeons even!) but thats why fandoms exist! i dont even research much because i dont have time, but once i stumble upon a lore/fanart/or even drabble about something related to hsr, i just piece things myself, that and im a sucker for lore so i try to really understand things!
and the kafka companion quest
i found it funny and so- idk it makes you go blush BECAUSE of kafka, i dont wanna spoil but i hope you enjoy that specific quest! because it tells details about kafka's powers + we get a proper interaction with her finally (so i got to assess her whole personality n such for headcannons, example, in my herrscher of death!reader x hsr fic!)
oh and
i imagine you are swamped with irl things, juggling/grinding hsr and genshin, so starting honkai impact 3rd... it'll be so overwhelming for you (since i am, still trying to finish events) but if YOU decide to join in the honkai impact 3rd train as well, i will gladly, GLADLY help you and guide you with whatever you need!
hi3 is like, more combative, heavy HEAVY lore and we have characters over 50,000+ years old lmao, and actually, if you're familiar with the whole imaginary tree concept in hsr, you will eventually understand why ive decided to plan a honkai impact + hsr crossover series (because hyv makes it makes sense)
and with that
and thank you hehe, i'm still revamping the nanook fanfic + creating multiple banners for our hsr men (but look at me create banners lovingly for scaramouche lmao)
OH AND since you're a jing yuan admirer, i assume you'll love my jing yuan works; "imperfections you loathe" and "a fourth wall break from the general" which! are in my hsr menu in my pinned 😌 i'm so excited that you caught up in hsr hehe
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luimagines · 3 years
Hay! Love these soooo much (a little too much but whatever) I really want to see something like, the reader and the Links go on a small date or a have a cute/touching moment idk! But love ur stuff! Keep doin ur thing!
I'll be happy to provide the content! So don't worry about loving it too much! It's there to be loved! Just like the Links!
Speaking of, it's now date night with The Chain.
Part 1 will include Hyrule, Sky and Warrior.
Content under the cut!
"Psst..." You turn your head when someone tugs on your sleeve. They're quick to lace your fingers together and lean close to your ear, lining your whole side with their own.
It's Hyrule and he's got a mischievous grin, almost a smirk, on his face. "You want to ditch them?"
You bite your lip trying to not snort at his implication. You whisper back, trying to be inconspicuous to the rest of the group. "How do you suppose we do that?"
"We go to the back and just start walking slower than the rest of them." He presses a little closer to your ear and his breath tickles.
You can't help the small giggle that escapes at the sensation lean away a little.
"Do you have to do that now?" Legend groans from somewhere behind you. "Ignore his sweet nothings. Can’t you wait to be all lovey dovey when we're not around?"
"Sorry." You respond on instinct.
Hyrule takes his moment to smirk at the other and says, "Walk in front of us if it bothers you so much."
"I didn't know you had this side to you 'Rule." Legend places a hand on his chest in mock hurt. But he walks and eventually passes you with a mild roll of his eyes. "I don't care if you're together, just keep the PDA quiet."
"It was quiet."
"Not to my eyes."
"I didn't know you can hear with your eyes."
You snort and swing your hand and Hyrule's a little in what can only be described as pure joy.
Legend snickers a little and keeps walking, separating himself from you two but not making any more comments.
"Good." Hyrule whispers when Legend is far enough away. "Now we just need to get far enough away from Warrior and Wind."
"Where we would we go?" You ask him, resting your head against his as you walk. "When we ditch them, I mean."
Hyrule shrugs. "Anywhere you want. As long as I'm with you, I don't mind."
"We could just wander around." You shrug as well. "I wasn't planning on escaping the group but if that's what you want then I don't mind."
"That sounds perfect."
You walk like that for a moment, hand in hand, your head on his shoulder and a content smile on your lips.
Hyrule moves away from you as he turns to look behind you. When he doesn’t find anything, he whips back to face with what you can only say is one f the biggest smiles he can produce. He places a quick finger to his lips and takes a step to the side, pulling you along gently and soon.. You’re both off of the trail.
You both walk whatever distance needed to be out of earshot before you share a look and take off running into the thicker foliage.
A laugh dances on your breath as Hyrule leads you further and further into the forest without the others to keep an eye on you.
He laughs along with you and eventually comes to a stop and lets the natural forest sounds encompass you. “I think we’re good now.”
“Good.” You grip his hands a little tighter and pull him with you. “Let’s go explore!”
“Ok.” Hyrule’s voice softens and follows you, never once letting go of your hand. He allows you to take the lead this time and spends most of it watching you instead of the scenery around you two. He knows he should be a little more aware of his surroundings, especially now that you’re separated from the group but he can’t help it. He’s completely captivated by you.
“Any particular reason you wanted to get away Link?” You tug him closer and let his hand go, hugging his arm to your chest instead as you walk.
“I just wanted some time with you...”
You raise an eyebrow.
“That’s it, really!”
You snort and give him a kiss on the cheek. “I suppose Legend did say that we should be away from the group to be all lovey dovey. We have to take every opportunity we get.”
“Don’t...” Hyrule snickers and rests his head on top of yours. 
“You’re blushing~!” You grin.
“I just can’t believe you’re here with me.” Hyrule sighs. “I can’t believe I’d be so blessed to have you in my life.”
“Oh so you can say things like that but I can’t even imply it?”
“I love you.”
“You’re avoiding the question.” You snort but let it slide. You don’t want to push him too far from his comfort zone. “This is nice. I like this, Link. I like being with you.”
“We should do this more often then.”
“The group would kill us if we tried and I’m not willing to deal with disappointed Wolfie time and time again.” You pout. “He’s too expressive for his own good.”
“That’s true.” Hyrule shrugs. “So lets make the most of this while we can.”
“SSKKYY!!” You yell and run to him, your call being his only warning before you jump on his back and wrap yourself around him.
Sky stumbles for a second before his arms come to his sides and wrap around your legs, pushing himself up and stabilizing you against him. “Well hello to you too!”
“How are you on this fine day my darling?” You throw your weight to the side and lean over his shoulder, placing a quick kiss on his cheek.
“I’m ok.” He laughs a bit and leans his head a bit to give you a kiss as well. “You’re in a good mood. I can only imagine why.”
You beam. “I have an idea.”
“There it is.” 
“Will you be willing to hear me out?” You ask and try to put on the biggest puppy eyes you can manage. “Please.”
Sky snorts and nods, letting his amusement show freely on his face. “Sure. Go for it. Let’s hear it.”
“Time says there’s a village nearby.” You begin. “We should go check it out! Just you and me, what do you say?”
Sky stops in his tracks and he turns his head to look at you. “Really? How far is it?”
“It’s a bit of a walk.” You tap on his shoulder and he lets you down easily enough. “Thirty minutes at least but we don’t need to rush.”
Sky looks absolutely delighted by the idea but something crosses his mind. “The others would want to come along...”
“Let them! We can lose them in the village.” You shrug and lace your fingers together. 
“Ok then. Let’s go!” Sky takes a step and together you both make your way to the center of the group and call out your intentions.
Naturally, three others insist on going with you and with Warrior, Legend and Four, you start off on your journey toward the little village to see if you can stock up on supplies.
At least, that’s what the other three want to do.
You don’t let go of Sky’s hand once and Sky’s mature enough to admit that the thought of you enjoying his company pleases him immensely. 
The village comes into view soon enough and the trio that joined you breaks off with little to no fuss. You stare at their retreating forms with confusion and admittedly a little suspicion. “I thought they’d want to drag us along.”
“So did I, but let’s not question it.” Sky pulls you closer to his side and instead wraps his arm around your shoulders. “Is there anything you wanted to do?”
You’re quick to wrap your arm around his waist and lean into his side comfortably. “No, not really. I just wanted to be alone with you. I didn’t think I’d get this far.”
“Well, you have me and we’re alone with no other responsibilities to take care of right now. I say we sight see.”
“I’d like that.” You grin up at him and together you begin to make your way through the humble village just taking a walk through the bustling people going about their day and pause to watch a street performer.
You’ve never seen the likes of it. Most likely this was merely a man who was tasked to watch and entertain the children but he’s gathered a crowd by this point and doesn’t look to be stopping his show any time soon. He’s been juggling small balls with what sounds likes beans inside of them and slowly but surely he’s been adding more to the mix.
Entranced you watch as it gets more complicated and within moments, before you even realize what he’s been doing, you notice that he’s replaced the balls with small glass bottles and has begun juggling those instead without once stopping.
“Goodness, we can never let this man and Wild meet.” Sky mutters under his breath.
You snort a little louder than you intend to, gaining a few looks from the people now standing next to you. “You’re so right. Even worse would be if Wind joined us. The little pirate might have the poor man juggling knifes by the end of it.”
“That would be less ideal than the flames, I’d admit.” Sky smirks.
“Oh, when you said Wild I was thinking he’d get the man to teach him, not add on to it.”
“Either way, we shouldn’t let it happen.” 
“Very true.” You sigh and lean against your boyfriend, resting your head against his own. “Hey Link?”
“Yes, my love?”
“Thanks for coming with me.”
“You’re welcome. I’d join you any time.” He smiles and places a kiss on the top of your head. “Should we continue?”
"Hey, are you awake?" You hear your beloved's voice in your ear.
"Hm?" You blink a little and look up. "Link? Are you ok?"
"Come on." Warrior grins and shakes your shoulder a little. "Come with me. I want to show you something."
You take a breath and sit up, rubbing your eyes to get rid of the remainder of sleep. "Is something happening?"
"Shhh..." He puts a gentle finger on your lips. "Just follow me, Love."
You nod and get up with his help, and hold his hand as he takes the lead away from the camp. When you're a little further away, you look back at your sleeping group. "Where are we going? Isn't it your watch?"
"I already checked the perimeter. We're safe." He's quick to quell your concerns and it's then that you see that he has a basket hanging from his forearm. "And I found this spot that perfect for this!"
You start to feel a little more awake and grip his hand tighter. "Are we doing what I think we're doing?"
He winks.
"Link..." You grin and bite your little to keep yourself from giggling uncontrollably. "We can't get caught."
"We won't, trust me." Warrior begins to pull you a little faster an tries to get the spot he found while on patrol. "Here."
He lets you go and begins to pull out a blanket from the basket, setting up the area for you.
You gasp and stand there, stunned by what you see. The view of the stars is gorgeous- it's crystalline and wonderous with the tree line opening up just enough to frame the picturesque vision.
"Come here. Come sit down." Warrior grins widely at your reaction and takes your hand, guiding you to the blanket he's set on the ground. You follow him wordlessly, staring above you with your mouth agape. He sits you down and watches you.
"It's beautiful." You whisper.
Warrior smirks, keeping his gaze on you. "I know, isn't it?"
"Not that I'm complaining-" You take a breath and finally gaze in his direction. "-but why?"
"We don't spend a lot of time together." He explains.
"We travel everyday together." You snort.
"Time alone together." He reiterates.
You grin and lean backwards, placing your arm behind the both of you to rest your head on his shoulder. "Well this is perfect. Thank you, I love it."
"I have more."
"No way." You lean forward and turn to face him, absolutely delighted at the idea.
Warrior smirks and shoves his hand in the basket again, taking out a small container. He leans away from you for a moment to open it and you gasp at the sight.
It's your favorite.
"How did-? When did-?" You grin and bounce a little to face him head on.
"When we were in your Hyrule, you mentioned it and I've been saving this for a good moment." Warrior smiles in delight at your reaction, clearly finding his own joy in yours.
"I can't believe you remembered." You gasp and feel your heart swell. "Is it still good?"
"I kept in my all purpose magic bag." He snorts. "Yes, it's still good."
You beam at him and go take it but he holds it just beyond your reach. "Wha-?"
He takes out a fork and takes a bit from the piece, holding out for you to eat.
"Oh." You blush a little and bite it, letting him feed you. "You're so cheesy."
"You love it."
"I love you."
"I love you too." He leans back and you get comfortable against him once more, letting him feed you in the quiet intervals of the night as you look at the stars.
Warrior pulls his scarf around the both of you like a blanket and wraps his arm around your shoulders from under it.
"Thank you Link." You look up at him lean upward to kiss his cheek. "This is nice."
"Anything for you."
Part 2
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When/how do you think Ragnor and Catrina realized camille was being abusive towards Magnus?
Btw, I love u❤
fantastic question anon, i love YOU! i think that depends on a couple of factors. i think people who have already been or know people who have been in an abusive relationship are more likely to notice the warning signs, and/or to interpret stuff like the person pulling away as a sign of abuse. whereas people who haven't lived through it and aren't informed on it might not even realize what's going on until before it's over, and even be angry
so because we live in a hell world and catarina is a black woman, i think she is more likely to notice the warning signs than ragnor is, because black women are more likely to be in abusive relationships than white men. i'm not saying catarina herself has been in an abusive relationship necessarily but presumably her family has plenty of black women and she's also more likely to also be friends with other woc and marginalized ppl than ragnor is because again, hell world. so she has a higher chance of having been in a similar position before, although of course that's no set in stone rule and ragnor's circle of friends does seem to have a lot of marginalized ppl (and i hc him as aroace which makes him queer which puts him in an entirely different position than a straight white man and probably means something about the relationships he builds, but anyway) BUT my point is, i think catarina is more likely to notice earlier
i think ragnor is pretty perceptive tho, and also that they are pretty close and talk a lot, so i think once catarina noticed she would have talked to ragnor, and it wouldn't take ragnor long to realize that she was right
so okay when would they notice? i think that's always a slow process but i'm pretty sure their suspicions would first arise when magnus started to ditch them and stuff like parties and outings because of camille. first of all, i don't think that's like magnus at all, and second of all, there is an obvious difference between "i'm in the honeymoon phase" and "sorry, i don't think it's a good idea, my partner might not like it" or even "yeah! that sounds great!... just let me ask my partner about it". big difference
so that already has catarina in particular very wary of her because magnus is not the kind to ditch his friends because of a partner and the way he's acting about this is weird. so, she decides to keep an eye and maybe even put this to the test by making a surprise visit and invite him to a party like, right then doijadiosaj and she takes him out and she notices that magnus is Out Of It and he seems even a little... tense and scared and almost paranoid. and like, this is relatively at the beginning of their relationship so she wouldn't have been Horrible about it yet but at the beginning the person expresses enough control and discomfort with these things for you to be kind of uncomfortable even if you don't really realize that it's because you're Scared Of Hurting Your Parner
so THAT gets catarina really worried, because if magnus can't relax because he's afraid of camille's reaction, and worse, if he doesn't REALIZE that's why, that's the reddest a flag can get in such an early stage of their relationship. she tries to talk to magnus about it but magnus is the king of deflecting and basically waves her worries off. which just makes her more worried, but what is she supposed to do? she knows that pushing will only makes things worse and make it easier for camille to turn magnus against her and cut their ties. so, she lets it go and pretends that she buys his excuses. that's probably when she also talks to ragnor. ragnor probably had noticed that something was off but he hadn't really thought that it would be something super bad, and i think he'd still have his doubts about it, but well, he has that on the back of his mind now. and besides, he trusts catarina's judgement and he can admit when she is more qualified than him to assess something. it's why their relationship works
the first time they say anything is probably when magnus tells him about some fight they've had. probably because magnus told camille that he was upset about something she did - like idk, making fun of him in public about a topic that's sensitive to him. and like magnus wasn't even mad at her, he had never mentioned that whatever joke she made was off limits or related to a sensitive topic, he just wanted to communicate and let her know that it had hurt him, and she pretty much Exploded at him. and somehow turned it all around so it was magnus' fault for accusing her of trying to hurt him on purpose when that's not what magnus did, and now magnus pretty much wanted advice on how to apologize and let her know that he loves her
so catarina and ragnor try to subtly poke holes in her logic and show him that he has nothing to apologize for, without straight up being like "she's manipulating you" because Kids, That Does Not Go Well. and it makes magnus... heartbreakingly confused in that way abused people get when the logic they have been being shoved under shows cracks that would mean something too awful to even imagine
and catarina is a fucking wreck because at this point, she is sure of it and it makes her relive... so much trauma of other people she's seen go through that and lost and/or her own relationships if you want to go with that. and she doesn't want to lose magnus or have magnus go through that but she doesn't know what to do and she KNOWS that next step is magnus pulling away from her and ragnor no matter how careful she is
she probably gets the rare Comforting Hug from ragnor once magnus leaves and she also talks to dot and maybe elias? you know, their other friends. and they have a Catarina Comforting Day and hear her stories and cuddle and you know, try to make her feel better. and eventually they try to devise some kind of game plan so they can try to help magnus get out of this
it all goes to shit of course when they have the rare outing with camille, and camille is Obviously Refusing To Interact With Them If She Can Avoid It which is classic abuse thing - sure, i'll go see your friends, but you have to choose between interacting with them and me, so really you don't actually get to see with your friends because you'll feel bad that i'm isolated and eventually seeing your friends will feel either pointless or nervewracking cuz it feels like juggling your relationships. and if you want to see them without me i am going to act like you have something to hide and i'm a victim
anyway! so they notice that and they try to undermine that tactic by, you know, interacting with her a lot. so camille switches it up and tries to pick up a fight, and lo and behold, she succeeds - i know ragnor doesn't look like the kind of guy who loses his temper easily but i think when you push his buttons he is VERY bad at hiding it and half a snappy comment is all camille needs to lash out at him and play the victim. she's good
so that's when their plan gets fucked and everything goes to hell because then it's just too easy for camille to isolate magnus from his friends with really just a few tweaks to the previous tactic i mentioned - "are you really picking them over me, magnus? you're gonna keep hanging out with them when they are so rude to me, probably tell you all sorts of things about me, try to get you to break up with me? can't you see how manipulative they are? how they're trying to turn you against me? why do you insist so much on seeing them when you know how much that hurts me?"
and done
catarina and ragnor probably fight after that because god DAMN it, she fucking tOLD him that they had to be careful! and she's been swallowing all kinds of shitty comments from her but ragnor just had to fucking lose it at the first provocation, didn't he? and god knows how long it'd take for them to reach him after that, because camille is already preemptively making him think that they are trying to manipulate him to break up with her out of jealousy so he won't listen to anything they say directly. and she's right, of course, and ragnor is out of his depth and doesn't UNDERSTAND how these things go and how much this slip up will affect them in the future
i like to think that ragnor apologizes to her and catarina probably... has a breakdown because fuck she is worried and she is reliving way too many nightmares here. and ragnor is actually very tender and hugs her and apologizes and kisses her forehead and tells her that he's going to fix it. and he actually swallows his pride and apologizes to camille just to try and turn this thing around, but, well. the damage is done. and really, there is only so much friends can do when dealing with something like this. at the end of the day, they did all they could
and from then on they try their best to be there for him and pull magnus out of the camille-created isolation, but there's only so much they can do, and it's up to magnus to notice and get help to get rid with her. they'll always try to be his support system, but well. it's hard
and of course eventually magnus does get rid of her claws and catarina, ragnor, dot, elias etc., are all there for him when he does. and he probably feels guilty because he pushed them away but really they are just so RELIEVED that he's finally free of her. and him and catarina probably get a teary hug full of apologies for things that aren't their fault, and they try to make up for lost time by spending as much time as possible together now. especially because i think that it also hurts catarina to have her friends pull away - she obviously yearns for family, for closeness, i don't think she does well with people pulling away from her, she wants the kind of closeness that comes from routine and she used to have that with magnus and the rest of the immortal squad, you know? and magnus knows that, so, he tries to compensate
and eventually they start to heal their relationships, but magnus still has a long way to heal himself, but well. he'll get there. they are together and all
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keiscait · 4 years
hey, may i please request a bedroom matchup LOL 😏
she/her, bisexual (men over women (unless it's a big tittie goth gf)
sagittarius sun and virgo rising
ravenclaw 😏
sexual: i like being the top. call me mommy LOL. i also like being topped, i have a major knife kink 😏 im in charge most of the time, however it can change every now and then. when i'm the bottom i want my partner to spit in my mouth 🧎‍♀️ neck and ear bites plz 😏 i'm very vocal 👹👹
things i look for in a partner:
-has to have a good sense of humor
-very understanding
personality: i'm very outgoing and friendly to most people, but i keep my friend group small. i'm the loud friend of the group and i'm always trying my best to make my friends laugh. i say really weird things at the most random times and i often look really high so people think i'm on something. i'm a good leader though and take charge in the three sports i'm in. (i'm varsity captain in one of my sports!!)
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plans for future: i'm currently a senior in high school and i plan on going into the national guard or air force when i graduate :). the military will pay for college and i plan on either going into the criminal justice field or information technology field :p
music taste: literally everything except for country. you can catch me listening to dr dre, schoolboy q, blackstreet, and kendrick lamar one minute and then queen the next. i also love my female rap artists 👏👏 90s rock and rnb are also a must. i listen to 00's club music on a regular 😏
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Hello and welcome, my dearest Bri! AND ADVANCED HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wish I could bake you a cake, but all I can do is send some love (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* Let’s get right to it then! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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Look who we have here, hon!
Suna Rintarou! (Runner up: Kageyama Tobio)
Suna here has a really cold and icy demeanor, which I think has to be balanced out by outgoing people (like the Miya twins). He likes to act like this dark and brooding person, but deep down, he’s actually just a little gremlin like most of us. 
- Okay okay, I know what you’re thinking. Yes, I already know that you’re a Suna stan, but I genuinely could not think of anybody who matches your personality description better, the two of you would just be *aggressive chefs kiss*
- I’m kinda getting an enemies-to-lovers-ish vibe with this dynamic, but also like a partners-in-crime-to-lovers type of deal. Either way, it’ll start out a little bit chaotic
- Has a crush on you immediately, I just KNOW it, but he won’t realize this until later on, and may even totally deny it to himself
- He doesn’t really know when exactly he starts catching feelings for you, but the realization probably hits him when he sees you going about your daily activities
- You could be doing any of your extra curriculars - basketball, track, or marching band - and he sees how much you enjoy it, or maybe even after you just said one of your random thoughts. Whatever makes him feel like he’s getting to know you a little bit better
- it’s when you laugh right after, and suddenly he feels like he’s just been spiked a ball in the face, and he just audibly goes “ah shit.”
- Has no fucking clue what to do at first KDHFKSJHL someone pls help him!!!
- He ends up being a little awkward when he tries to do anything about it, and it’ll all just feel so unnatural HAHAH
- “Let me carry your bag” “No Rin it’s fine I can--” *pries your bag from your hands with way too much force*
- in his mind he’s like “Ah yes that went perfectly 😌”
- he tries to communicate his feelings in little ways like this, hoping you’ll catch on
- No, Suna Rintarou, poking fun at someone is not a declaration of love, but nice try!
- he’ll get so frustrated if you don’t catch on (or maybe you do, and you just want him to say something first), and eventually will straight up yell tell you how he feels
- once you two are together, he’ll still try to act he’ll try to keep up his icy exterior, but trust me, he’s completely whipped for you
- Appreciates that you keep your friend group small, because at the end of the day, he’s still a pretty reserved guy
- Admires your leadership qualities, and will not be insecure and toxic about it, despite what other people believe. He honestly wishes he could be more like you, in that sense
- He’ll be your # 1 fan in everything you do. Will support whatever it is that you want to achieve, and will cut any bitch who tries to get in your way
- boy is in LOOOOOVE
- If he ever gets mad or annoyed at you, just give him the smallest peck on his cheek, and he’ll be all putty in your hands again
- Likewise, I think he’d be so good at making you blush too. It’s not all the time that he does this, but when he does, it’s 1000000% effective
- Honestly I love this dynamic so much that I wanna make him your bedroom matchup too, but I feel like that would be a cop out 
You were exhausted.
It was never easy juggling all the activities that you took part in - each of them was truly a labor of love. Today was particularly draining because it was, after all, your birthday, and it just HAD TO fall on a weekday. You plonked on your bed and started scrolling through your phone.
Your tight-knit group of friends continued to send you birthday wishes, despite having already done so when you saw them earlier that day. They had sung to you and let you blow out a birthday candle - it was all they could do, given your busy schedules. You looked forward to the weekend you had planned with them and your boyfriend, Rintarou.
Speaking of Rin, you thought to yourself, as a message notification from him popped up.
- You’re already home, right?
- Yeah! Just got here. So tired
- That’s too bad. I was gonna ask you to open the door for me but I guess I’ll just go home
You ran to your front door faster than you expected you could manage, and there stood Suna, a balloon and a box of pizza in hand. He pretended to walk away slowly, making you giggle before you grabbed him and dragged him inside.
He pressed a soft kiss to your temple. “Happy birthday, babe.”
You were giddy, not expecting him to show up. “I thought we were gonna wait til the weekend for my celebration??” 
“Do you not know me by now?” he chuckled. “As if I’d let today pass without doing anything about it.”
You smiled and looked at him for a few seconds. He rarely looks so sincere, and so warm, and you just wanted to drink up every last drop of this moment.
He teased, “But y’know, I guess if you’re too tired, I can totally scarf down this pizza by myself.”
You groaned before dragging him to your room and setting up the playlist you guys worked on together, getting ready for a night in.
I hope that was alright, bb! Let’s make our way to the bedroom now ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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For some private time, I’ve invited over...
Oikawa Tooru! (Runner up: Suna Rintarou)
Despite how other people believe he’s a dom, I think he’d be a switch, at best. I think in the bedroom, he’d love to let his partner take control, just as much as loves having his way with them.
- What really gets this fucker going is pleasing people - and who would he love to please more than his s/o?
- He loves how your confidence translates into your bedroom behavior
- I headcanon that he easily falls apart in bed, and would gladly do so for his partner 
- He is s e n s i t i v e. Touch him, kiss him, grab him EVERYWHERE
- LOUD, but a lot of it is trying to get his partner to be even louder
- How does this man have both a praise kink and a degradation kink? Idk but I’m so sure he has both
- Would be totally onboard with your knife kink. He’s super into sensory play
- Speaking of which
- Once you ask him to take charge, I think he would still be a service dom
- Knows all your sensitive spots. Made sure to take note of them so that he can get you back for all the times you hit his sweet spots
- Loves mouth stuff. His mouth. Your mouth. Putting stuff in them. Tongue stuff. Loves all of it
- Great at aftercare, just a bit flashy with it. Kind of makes a show of what he’s doing but in the most adorable way
- Delicate with how he handles you after. Or if you’re the one giving him aftercare, would praise you the whole time
- Will hold you til you fall asleep 🥺
As a little extra gift, I wanted to give you a dressing room matchup too! 
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I think your gorgeous face would look SO GOOD with...
That’s it for now, darling! I hope that was worth all the waiting you did. Thank you for being such a wonderful housemate - don’t hesitate to chat with me anytime. Advanced happy birthday again! (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*
Thanks for stopping by! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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inktrailing · 3 years
I stole this from @the-kaedageist because it looked fun.
(Also me: “I’ll do this meme quickly...” ... *loses track of time*)
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
78 to my greatest surprise. I guess the only favor 2020 did for me was in writing.
2) What’s you total AO3 word count?
355,868. Holy...
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
10. Critical Role, CWDC, Men in Black (movies), Supernatural, Doctor Who, PotC. Spattering of some other stuff.
4) What are your top five fics by Kudos?
Unconventional, Men in Black, Jay/Kay, 1211 kudos... somehow
Fish Tales, Men in Black, Jay/Kay, 336 kudos
meet us where the night ends, Critical Role, Essek/Caleb, 298 kudos
I see death cresting over the hill, Critical Role, Essek/Caleb, 276 kudos
message, Critical Role, Essek/Caleb, 273 kudos
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I AM REALLY BAD ABOUT THIS. It’s literally on my AO3 profile that I’m bad about it. I try every now and then but I so often just get flustered and then don’t end up responding. Oftentimes I’m at work and just flailing during the rest of my shift and yeah /)_(\ Words Are Hard, says the writer.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
OH THERE’S A COUPLE. I would say Caught in the Wires (MIB, Jay/Kay); and you know my soul (CRc2, Essek/Caleb) probably are the two worst for bad end future fics. follow me into the golden wild (DW, Rose & the Moment) is my favorite of my bad end fics though lol. I fucking love that fic hahaha, and it’s one of my least read stories XD
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t really. Not fic wise. A lot of my thought processing goes through basically using an RP format with myself (because I like icons, okay) so sometimes I’ll take wild concepts and play out scenarios with a bunch of characters and sometimes I’ll get shit out of it that I can actually use but other times I’ll have fun things that will not translate well to fic.
My fav of those was a Pokemon AU that y’know basically dragged a bunch of characters in and eventually they had to deal with a Problem like ya do while still ending up stranded. I enjoyed throwing Dean/Lucifer at that because Dean just ended up “ghost hunting” aka freeing/helping/catching ghosts and ending up with 70+ and Lucifer really only traveling around with a Zoroark and still hating humanity but helping mistreated and scapegoated pokemon.
I just really like Dean and his ghost army lmfao.
An actual crossover fic I have (and maybe one day could finish) was Arrow/The Dresden Files only because Paul Blackthorne except it uses book canon instead of TV canon because of Winter Court Bullshit so like whatever, I do what I want some days I guess \o_O/
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don’t... think so? I sometimes get minor disagreements on characterization but I typically write for myself and am pretty set in my ways so it’s like okay I accept your opinion but it’s not going to change anything.
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I cannot write smut to save my life.
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I have I definitely haven’t noticed.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
stood too close to the flames (LoT, Mick/Len) was translated.
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
13) What’s you all-time favorite ship?
I ship so many things at the drop of a hat and so frequently go back to old ships to find new things to read even if it’s been a looooong time. I would say Jay/Kay since I’ve shipped and written them for the greatest length of time without it fading.
I do genuinely enjoy writing Dean/Lucifer though so go rarepairs I guess.
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I fucking love I’ll Stop the Whole World (DW, Doctor/Master, 47k words) as I’ve pulled it up again after idk months to skim through but I suppose I learned a lot from writing lost in the lapse again and going backwards to any of my longer WIPs just hurts a bit? I want to figure it out because there’s so much I adore in it but there’s a lot of work to be done and having two monitors helps now but... I don’t have the energy to tear it apart and sew it back together.
15) What are your writing strength?
god idk
I’d like to say I’ve gotten better at I guess... balance? Juggling dialogue and action and scenery. I forced myself to work on scenery descriptions awhile back and I think it paid off?
I learned to take good notes, especially if it’s something with multiple plot threads that I need to keep track of. That’s what has made some of my older WIPs such a bitch because I didn’t do that and I’m like ????? Hey? Past Me? WHAT?!?! And retroactively trying to build a timeline is REALLY DIFFICULT ACTUALLY.
I do also think I keep my narrative parallels pretty tight. I’m sure a lot get missed because people aren’t staring at the same story that I am for months combing things over, but it delights me okay ;)
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing shit?! Well, I’ve gotten better at that over the course of the last year. Critical Role reaction fics helped A TON with that. Just spitting things out immediately after an episode.
I am a fucking perfectionist though. Like I’ll canon divergence all I want but mentally I need the basis of canon to weave into my writing even if it’s just for a single line. I like willfully breaking canon not ignorantly.
This means I either never get things done because I need to rewatch or I too meticulously obsess over something.
While I think I’m good with writing scenery I’m SUPER BAD at character descriptions?? I’m trying to?? Work on it?? But that’s one thing I’ve finally just been like okay I know I’m bad at this I just need to accept it and go on because if I get hung up on it then again, nothing’s gonna get posted.
I’ve learned that I vehemently hate the words “still” and “probably” because I white noise them even when doing intensive editing and I use them so damn much and now that I realize going back to read old things hurts my soul.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Look I grew up primarily on writing Yu-Gi-Oh! fic. I had my Time with poor use of Japanese in fic. While I don’t have any fandoms now that I write for that it would be relevant... I can’t do it anymore. However, reading it doesn’t bother me, and it generally doesn’t jar me out of anything. Like it feels normal reading it in MDZS fics for one thing.
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I want to say some super wonky ~new cards~ Cardcaptor Sakura fic. But I think the first fandom I published for on FFN was likely YGO. Anything early than that I would have blacked out of my memory ahahaha.
19) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
lost in the lapse again took up my life for MONTHS and was really my pride and joy. It was the longest thing I’ve ever written and edited to my liking. I’m so so happy with how it came out and I’m shocked honestly that it has 118 kudos now because I really expected it to get maybe half that, tops. But it was definitely one of those I’m writing this for me, this encompasses what I want, and if others enjoy it that would be really nice!
Otherwise I think I’d say I see death cresting over the hill because it has so many elements I just enjoy rereading. I think it’s my favorite of my Critical Role fics too.
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psycho-slytherin · 6 years
Strangers ch. 7
You think fast to save yourself. Later, when Lisa needs you, you enlist Yoongi’s help– and let slip too much.
Pairing: Yoongi x (female) Reader
Word count: 2.3k
Genre: idk man fluffyish?
<––Prev   Next––>
Fuck. Fuck. It’s a dead end and you’re already seeing the glow of flashlights blocking your egress. You quickly duck back into the doorway, your mind racing at a thousand miles an hour.
“I saw someone, I swear. A girl!”
“Where? I don’t see anyone.”
“Is she secretly dating one of the members?”
“They would never do that. BTS belongs to us!”
The voices are coming nearer. Think fast, you have to come up with something. They’re going to catch you. What can you do to lower their suspicion? You’re literally a professional liar. Think. Think.
The glow of one of the flashlights catches your fingers, and you look down at your hand to see your favorite ring, the one you never take off, glittering on your index finger. That’s it.
“Hey, over there! She just came out of the building!”
You’re suddenly swarmed by teenage girls, most of them holding signs professing their love for the guys of BTS.
“What were you doing? Who are you?” a tall girl with dyed blonde hair demands.
“Guys, it’s late, I just want to get home,” you grumble, trying to inch your way through the crowd.
“That’s not an answer!” the blonde yells in your face.
“I’m the housekeeper!” you shout back, your voice cracking with fatigue. “And I’m not dating anyone in your precious boy band. I’m engaged, look!” you brandish your left hand at the de facto leader of the horde. There, gleaming on your ring finger, is your favorite piece of jewelry.
You can almost see the girls’ hackles lower, but it’s not enough.
“As if they’d even let me work for BTS if I was single. Every real ARMY knows how careful BigHit is about this stuff.” You admire the ring on your finger before looking at the blonde disdainfully. “What does that make you?”
“Excuse me? I’m their biggest fan!” the blonde screeches, looking around at the other fangirls as if for backup. They shift uncomfortably.
“Actually, I did read something about that...” one of the sign-holders murmurs. “How they only look for female staff that are engaged or married.” Other girls nod in agreement, and eventually the blonde girl huffs and flips her hair.
“Whatever,” she says. “Just stay away from them if you know what’s good for you!”
You sigh as the fangirls return to lurking around the building. An ARMY you are, certainly, but not if that’s what being a fan entails. You’ve never understood the stalkers, the ones that believe an idol belongs to their fans alone.
Although, it’s certainly wonderful motivation to continue on your campaign to not develop feelings for Min Yoongi. Which, you reflect, is growing perhaps... a tad difficult?
No, no. Not at all. But his reaction when you recited those first few lines of your poem... surely he couldn’t know that you’d written it with him in mind. Your midnight rendezvous have become the best part of your week, even if they don’t happen as often as you wish they could.
Those precious few minutes spent on the pavement and in the car after your shift at the cafe– you’ll never be able to express to Yoongi how much those minutes mean to you.
Oh, yes, he’s Yoongi now. He’s finally trusted you with the name you’ve known all along. And what a relief it is, now that you won’t have to juggle with the alias of Agust. It’s been getting increasingly difficult not to slip up, and you can’t afford a mistake this late in the game.
Every word, every action must be thought out, and to screw up after so long would mean the termination of your friendship with Yoongi. After your talk in the basement... no, screwing up isn’t an option. You have to continue for Yoongi’s sake as well as your own.
Caught in a lie...
You shiver as you make your way home. The song’s been stuck in your head for how long now? You’re starting to wonder if it’s just a coincidence.
But also, and you can’t believe this is an ‘also’...
You met BTS.
All of them.
As friends.
You’re still trying to wrap your head around the fact when your phone begins to ring insistently with a call from Lisa.
You pick up. “Hello?”
“Y/n! Hiiiiii...” Lisa hiccups into the phone.
“Having fun, are you?” You check the time. Yep, around now is usually when she starts drunk dialing.
“So much fun, y/n. Like, five glasses of fun.” In the background, you hear the whoops and music typical of the parties that Lisa loves to frequent.
“Do you need me to take you home?”
“I need you, girl...” Lisa sings into the phone. You can practically smell the liquor on her breath.
“I’m coming to get you, okay?” She was talking about Kai’s party all of yesterday, so at least you know where to find her.
“Nooo, I’m making so many friends!”
You roll your eyes. Lisa’s one of the most beautiful girls you’ve ever seen, and you know exactly what type of person would try to ‘befriend’ her while she’s drunk.
“I’ll be there soon. Stay safe, okay?” You hang up.
Aish, but you won’t be able to carry her all the way back to her apartment. Her car... no, she never drives to parties. The buses have stopped by this hour.
You sigh and call your last resort.
It rings and rings before at last– “Hello?”
“Yoongi, I’m so sorry, can I ask a favor of you?”
Fifteen minutes later
“You didn’t have to come,” you babble as you slide into the seat beside him. “I just meant, you know, borrow the car. Not–” you wave your hand at the chauffeur. “Not all this.”
“Sorry to have disappointed you.” Yoongi says, raising his brows.
“You haven’t, I’m just worried. You need rest,” you say, exasperated. “And there were some crazy girls outside your building earlier... I don’t know how you got out.”
You feel Yoongi tense against you. “Did you speak to them?”
Oh, shit. You screwed up, you screwed up.
“No. I just snuck past them. Did they have anything to do with you?” You ask lightly, innocently.
Yoongi shakes his head. “Not really.”
Liar, liar.
“Hey, before we pick up your friend, I just wanted to ask...” here Yoongi shifts his weight so that he’s fully facing you.
“That poem, from earlier...” Yoongi says, tapping on his leg. “I know it was just a few hours ago, but it feels like yesterday.”
You check your watch. “I think technically, it was.”
“The thing about your poem... and I’m sure I must sound like an asshole for asking, but did you write it about anything– anyone in particular?”
He did it. He went there. But can you follow him?
Tell him you wrote it for him.
Lie. You don’t want to catch feelings.
Who says you’ll catch feelings?
Don’t tell him. You’ll ruin everything.
But maybe it’s worth it?
Nothing is worth losing his friendship.
The air is crackling with potential as you consider your words. “As a matter of fact, I did write it with someone in mind,” you admit quietly.
“Really? Who?”
You press a finger to your lips. “How could I possibly reveal the secrets of my craft?”
Yoongi opens his mouth to say something, but you notice you’re nearing Kai’s place. “Just stop here, please. I’ll bring my friend.” you look at Yoongi. “Fair warning, Lisa’s more up-to-date on pop culture than I am, so, you know...”
“Got it,” Yoongi says, already moving to the front seat and sliding up the mirrored divider. You catch a glimpse of your own reflection, and while your rosy cheeks and bright smile emphasize your euphoria, your eyes reflect their own sadness.
Caught in a lie...
No. To know Yoongi is worth every scrap of guilt. You quickly make your way to the heart of the party, grateful that by this hour, most of your classmates are too drunk to care about your sudden appearance.
“Lisa? Lisa!” You shout over the music. At last you spot the familiar mop of deep brown hair.
“Aish, what happened?” you murmur, helping your friend to her feet. Lisa throws her arms around your neck.
“Y/n, I looooove you so –hic– much!” Lisa burbles as you lead her to Yoongi’s car. “You’re so pretty and funny and pa–hic– passionate.”
As soon as you get her into the car and slide in next to her, Lisa flops on top of you. “Boys are terrible, y/n. Can I just marry youuu?”
“Sure thing, hon,” you reply, finger-combing her hair. You’re wishing fervently that she falls asleep– there’s no guarantee she won’t bring up your favorite boy band.
Lisa snuggles her head into your lap. “You’re so sweet, y/n. You’re –hic– as sweet as sugar.” She gasps and sits up. “Sweet as Suga!”
Every muscle in your body tenses up and your eyes flicker to the mirrored divider, where you’re sure Yoongi’s heard her words.
“Uh-huh. Shh, Lisa, just go to sleep.” You stroke her head until her breaths turn deeper and her eyes flutter closed. You tap on the divider and tell the driver Lisa’s address.
“Thank you,” you tell your own reflection, meaning every word for Yoongi’s ears. “You’ve done so much for me... I’m lucky to have become your friend.”
Yoongi doesn’t respond, and the silence goads you on. “That poem I wrote, I wrote for you. Of course I did.” There are more.
“I don’t know much about you,” Lie. “but it feels like I know you. And I never got to tell you earlier, when we were in the basement... I care about you so much.” Too much.
The car arrives at Lisa’s apartment, and you fish her keys out of her pocket. You can think of nothing else to say, and so you say nothing.
“I can walk home from here,” you tell the divider as you support Lisa’s weight. “Thanks. For everything.”
Without a word, the car drives away.
What else can you do? You lug Lisa up to her apartment, settle her in bed with water and painkillers nearby, and begin the walk home.
For once the darkness feels cold, uninviting. Your mind is racing out of control.
I’m an idiot I’m an idiot I’m an idiot. I scared him off. What’s the matter with me? Why did I say anything? I’ve ruined everything. Nice going, y/n, you’ve fucked it all up.
You’re surprised when you realize you’ve arrived at your own apartment. You let yourself in and collapse on your bed, exhausted in every sense of the word. The evening started so well: hanging out with BTS is something you’ve only ever dreamed about. But then you had to go and screw up a precious friendship by blurting out everything. Thank goodness you had enough sense at least to not spill the fact that you’re perfectly aware of his status as an international superstar.
The next few weeks drag by with no word from Yoongi. The last thing you want to do is contact him when he’s so clearly avoiding you, and so you reciprocate his dead silence.
It’s over, you suppose, the brief excitement. You’re glad. Of course you are; the emotions that tugged painfully at your heart whenever you saw his gummy smile or heard the mirth hidden beneath a sarcastic comment– those feelings will fade away eventually.
“Remember when you wore a skirt that one time?” Lisa asks one day as you get into her car.
“I don’t pay tuition for other people to enjoy looking at my body.” You tug at the sweatpants and T-shirt. “I’m comfortable like this.”
“Yeah, but no one’s gonna scout you if you look like you just crawled out of a dumpster,” Lisa says teasingly.
“When I’m a famous actress, I’m gonna look back on this day and laugh,” you reply with a smile. The last thing you’ll do is let anyone get you down. Especially if that anyone is a guy. Especially if that guy is Min Yoongi.
The day passes as every day does, and as you tug your hair into a ponytail and begin your shift at the cafe, you realize you’ll be okay. You really will be fine. Your feelings will fade, it’ll be a story to tell, and life goes on. As this dawns on you, you feel a grin tug at the corners of your mouth.
The jingle of a bell alerts you to a new customer.
“Hi, welcome!” You flash your brightest smile at the young man in a business suit talking quietly on the phone. When he hangs up, you gesture at the menu. “What can I get you, sir?”
“Ah, an Americano, please. And a muffin.”
“Coming right up!” You bustle about preparing his order when you notice the man looking at you thoughtfully. “Are you a student on campus?” He asks.
“Yes, third year acting major,” you reply as you place his muffin in the toaster oven.
“Hm... how would you like to do me a favor?”
“What would it entail?”
“I just... I need a few extras for something we’re shooting, and the one extra that has any actual screentime...” he glares at his phone, “Just decided she found a better opportunity to pursue.” He sighs and waves his hand. “You’d be paid, of course. You’re pretty enough for the screen, and I honestly don’t care who we hire anymore.”
“That sounds... interesting,” you manage. Either it’s a good opportunity or he’s a very convincing kidnapper. Flip a coin.
Ah, but what do you have to lose?
“I think I would love to take you up on that. I’m here at the same time every day for when you need to get me the details,” you say in your most professional-actress voice. “I’m y/l/n y/n, by the way.”
“Yes, yes, lovely to meet you.” He shakes your hand. “I’ll be back tomorrow. Shooting starts in three days, and I’m sure you’ll fit right in with our celebrities.” He looks at you over his glasses. “Have you heard of BTS?”
A/N As always, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this (longer) chapter of Strangers. Feedback is much appreciated!
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mcfudgie · 6 years
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im keeping up with that particular promise
gotta still lick those wounds but i’ll heal eventually sorry for being like this lately, it’s been hard trying to deal with a lot of things when it dies down a bit i’ll go back to being happy and fun
but nah yea truth be told, getting disowned by my parents at the start of the year kinda took a toll. i’d always been a disappointment to them so i thought being ‘freed’ in a sense would be ok but you spend most of your life trying to meet their expectations in exchange for love and you’re not left with a healthy sense of self beyond them. also i’ve been working through some trauma stuff with a psychologist but those sessions often just make me feel like i can’t function at all, like im a failure. like sometimes its good and we make progress. and other times i find new things to obsess over. judgement and punishment are things ever present. it’s gonna take a lot more to get through the thick of the muck to sort out everything else. and then the stress of having to be... constantly dependable to my crew as their director has kinda intensified that. i usually love work but i haven’t felt Whole enough to be what is needed. i’ll work on it tho.
i used to be a lot more chill but yea this year hasn’t gotten off to the greatest start. if you’re reading this then don’t take it as an excuse but more like... an explanation for circumstance? idk all i can say for sure is stress on multiple fonts is bad and i wasn’t very good at juggling more than 2 things at a time
i’ll be better eventually. i’m just impatient for the recovery.
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rigelmejo · 3 years
also out of curiosity my brain went like “well on ao3 there’s a TON of French Merlin fanfics, i wonder if the show was aired in french dub?” I just looked it up and OH YES IT WAS (it seems to all be on dailymotion dubbed)
I’m about to look up if Person of Interest is the same, because that’s another one with a TON of french fanfics on ao3 (in particular some Amazing epic long ones for Root/Shaw including aus which I all have saved because they look interesting as hell and I’ll get to them next time I get into the show).
also why yes thank you for asking i absolutely do NOT have time to study multiple languages someone Stop me before i fall in a pit and end up succeeding at nothing. 
study plans below the cut:
Chinese - number 1 priority, no sidetracking until I feel reading is where I want it to be! (So yes ultimately I might sidetrack listening and speaking/writing).
Plan is still: READ. Focusing on improving reading level and speed, so vocabulary increasing by reading mainly. Currently reading and finishing: The Little Prince, Hanshe, Guardian. Once Guardian is finished I think I could consider the possibility of making chinese a lower priority for a while. 
Japanese - number 2 priority, can be sidetracked as long as I’m engaging with it a little here and there. I abandoned it for like 2+ years, I’m in a weird spot where I’m relearning some that’s easy, and freshly learning others, and my reading skills are artificially a bit inflated due to hanzi recognition. I really don’t want to give my full primary focus on it for a Significant amount of time until my chinese reading skill feels solid and like it won’t deteriorate significantly. I am working on it in the sense of maybe boosting it up closer to my chinese or french - or at least some level of ‘I can comprehend the gist main idea reliably’ which I got to in chinese around month 10 and french earlier, but never really got to in japanese. 
Plan: going through Nukemarine decks at my leisure, playing games in japanese/watching japanese plays and lets plays as desired. I think it might get higher priority temporarily while I’m into some video game, but overall just reading daily in chinese is easy to maintain the habit of. Ideally I would like to finish reading Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide but I abandoned it so idk if I will go back for now tbh! Also I’m reading through Japanese in 30 Hours and writing proper japanese in it so that is a bit of grammar I’m just going through. (I’d also like to use a FEW other japanese resources I have like the book Japanese Sentence Patterns, the japanese audio lessons, my ‘read japanese’ books, but... chinese really takes too much time for me to commit much into japanese). Eventually MUCH later I would like to work on my japanese reading skills, would would be cool (I’m succeeding in chinese so idk why i won’t eventually be able to in japanese). But that’s for wayyy down the road. 
*What I do like about my current study plan is it’s very SEPARATED. Because the activities I do are very different, I don’t feel like I’m “doubling up” and having to do the same activity twice/study the same thing idk if that makes sense?
Like for Chinese - I focus on reading (new words from reading), and optional shows/audio study material/audiobooks where I tend to look nothing up. Usually just intensive reading, extensive reading, then some kind of chiller listening. For japanese - flashcard app memrise, video games/watching something and looking things up, optional grammar guide reading. 
So I intensively read japanese video subtitles when I can (or at least look stuff up often), but I don’t ever do it with chinese videos (only with novels). Idk but like... the fact each activity is separate helps keep me focused? Like I don’t play chinese video games so I don’t think “oh I should play some japanese now to balance it out.” I don’t read japanese novels so i don’t feel i need to “go read japanese since i read X chinese chapters.” While some stuff I do overlaps (I might try to read comics in both as desired, or watch shows with no subs in both as desired) there’s enough Fully Different Main Study activities I do that they feel like they’re in nicely separate spheres for now. Which helps me stick do doing them regularly instead of abandoning one.
Like - right now I’m doing some chinese daily (usually reading, sometimes reading/watching or reading/listening), and some japanese every few days (usually flashcards, sometimes watching/listening). 
Years ago I studied French, Japanese, Russian at the same time (it was a fucking mess lol). And I had an AWFUL time trying to make progress in any. What I ended up having to do was pick one to prioritize a month, and basically just ‘maintain skill level’ in the others. One problem was my french wasn’t self-sustaining yet (now it is, so I can drop it for months and just come back to it which helps a lot). So I still actively had to do a lot of french work constantly. The other big issues though? Well one was my study plans sucked - specifically in japanese. I really made no fucking progress in japanese for like 2 years mainly due to poor planning of goals/resources to meet those goals. Looking at my study plan now, I have a much better idea of both what I need to do to improve X, and I’m also willing to engage IN japanese content which just in general has always seemed to help when I did it. The other issue looking back - I would try to study ALL aspects of ALL languages at once. I think this was a big way I failed, and also tend to fail even if I’m just studying one language at a time. 
I am not a person who can consistently do 4 goals at once for listening/speaking/reading/writing. At the most I can usually juggle 2 at once. I have long term goals for each, but based on my chinese and french experience, I do much better when I focus on one area for a while and improve it THEN move to a different area-goal for a while. With french I improved reading, THEN basic writing, THEN listening and pronunciation. I did not learn them to the same level at the same time. With chinese, I studied grammar then vocab, reading alongside pronunciation, writing on its own, etc. Usually with chinese I’ve been focusing on 1-2 goals at a time (some months its reading/speaking, some its writing/reading which is this month, some its listening/reading or listening/speaking). I do not tend to have success when I am to improve ALL 4 main skills at once. But years ago, that was exactly what I’d try to do with Russian and Japanese - improve all 4 main skills in BOTH at once. So 2 grammar resources, 2 listening resources, 2 big vocab lists (i was still learning basic words in both). Of course I kept abandoning one language I could not handle doing 2 of each thing! French was the easiest to NOT abandon because I was advanced enough in reading I’d usually just pick one weaker skill to improve at a time (first I picked grammar, then pronunciation, then I picked listening and never did as much work as I wanted to with that area...). 
So yeah: future me, if you happen to find yourself studying multiple languages at once (or even just one). Pick 1ish goals to work on per language per time span. Don’t try to do all 4 skills at once. 
French - realistically I have no time for it! None! No mejo! However.... I always end up doing whatever I end up wanting to. And what have I wanted to do lately? Well 1. FINISH reading Le Francais Par Le Method Nature. I read like HALF of that book, and its so much a nice foundation tool but when I studied french I just fucking jumped around a million things then just read novels and. I would love to actually have a solid foundational base I went through and finished - and could help build an active vocab with (since its actually made for study and speaking, versus whatever the fuck I chose to read which was ALL just whatever random genre I was into and was NOT applicable to general conversation). Also I’d like to read it out loud for both the practice and if I’m motivated maybe to make an EXISTING audio for the text since the text is SO old there no longer exists any accessible audio for it. I’d also like to finish reading Carmilla, but that’s more just “im in a read french novel” mood and like that’s more something I might just end up doing. Would be nice to do it AFTER finally finishing that fucking foundational book first though ;-; 
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katsuragi-yako · 6 years
Rules: Answer the questions you’ve been given, then write your own and tag 11 people.
Tagged By: @deviliciious ( Thank you so much!! )
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#1 Whether you have other blogs, are a multi-muse or only have one muse, who has been or currently is your most favorite character to play? What is it that makes you enjoy that character so much?
Honestly, I love playing Yako. She is my number one favorite fictional character of all time, and I truly enjoy roleplaying her. However, so that I’m not being entirely predictable, I’ll give an honorary mention and shout out to Renet from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( either the comic versions or the 2k3 series version ). I used to run an ask blog for her a while back and even a full rp blog for a little while before I got locked out of it. I love Renet to pieces and what made her so fun to play was that she can literally interact with anyone because of her powers and abilities. I could throw her pretty much anywhere and it works. Not to mention, she has such a fun personality to write for. I love my airhead, scatterbrained, time-traveling, dimension-hopping daughter. Maybe one day I’ll bring her back. I suck at juggling rp blogs but... idk maybe I’d give it another shot for her.
#2 What has been the most pleasant experience on this website? Related to writing or interactions with a person, whatever you can remember!
Tumblr specifically? Mmm... Weird as it might sound ( since drama in the rp community seems to happen constantly ), pretty much all of my rp experiences on here have been good. If I had to pick a favorite or “best” I’d say that my Ask Blog days as Renet and Usagi were very high up there. I made some great friends doing that, including someone who I talk to nearly everyday still and want to meet in person someday. Though, my experience with Yako has also been fantastic. If it’s not tied with the Ask Blog days, it’s damn near close.
#3 In your opinion, what is the hardest aspect when it comes to roleplaying? How about the easiest? What do you do to overcome any lack of muse, interactions, etc.?
This is going to sound like such a weird answer but, honestly, it’s the social aspect of roleplaying that is the toughest for me. I generally do not to have a huge OOC presence on my blogs and try to limit how many OOC posts I make ( because my first rp experience on tumblr was a group that had a limit to OOC posts, and that just sorta stuck with me ). Combine this with the fact that I’m usually quite reserved or quiet unless I get comfortable chatting with someone, and I think I end up lacking a lot of... mmm... personal presence? Reaching out to people to talk about roleplay related things is something I’ve grown used to, but I still have a lot of trouble sometimes talking to people about anything more, even if I want to. Believe me when I say I want to get to know the people I write with, but it’s a very tough thing for me to do because I constantly second guess if I’m talking too much or getting too personal. Plus, I am shit at keeping track of time so sometimes I drop off the face of the earth without meaning to and will realize too little too late that it’s been like a week or two since I’ve talked to someone rip.
#4 Favorite threads to have? Long or short, angst, fluff, etc.
Medium to longer length threads are generally my preference because even when I try to do short threads, my wordy ass always ends up lengthening it anyway. As for subject matter, I’m both a sucker for fluff and angst. Fluffy angst included. Give me all of it!
#5 Mention any positive influences you have! From other writers, book, shows, etc.
Haha, my Neuro ( itadxkimasu ) has honestly been a very positive influence on my writing. He’s a fantastic writer and I like to think I’ve grown a lot by roleplaying with him.
#6 Do you have a routine when it comes to writing? Write at a certain hour, do a certain number of replies, use the queue, format a certain way, etc.
Most of the time I write later in the day or in the evening since I’m more of a night owl. Sometimes when my sleep schedule is off from its norm and I’m up earlier I’ll write earlier as well, but that’s pretty rare. As for replies, since I usually don’t have that many threads at one time, I kinda stick to only doing one at a time. Like if I have two replies, I’ll do one reply and then either wait until the next day to do the other one, or at least take a break before doing it. There’s always exceptions, though. I rarely ever queue replies and I’ve been using the same simple format for my posts pretty much since I started this blog. Nothing too fancy there.
#7 How about sharing a few songs that inspire you? Whether they remind you of your muse or just put you in the mood to write, toss them here!
I’ve made both a Yako Playlist and a NeuYako Playlist in the past that includes a lot of music I use to make me think of Yako specifically. But I’ll sometimes listen to other music while writing. I love both SCANDAL and SID, The recent Kuroshitsuji Musicals, a lot of the recent Guild Wars 2 expansions soundtracks, and other stuff that kinda comes and goes depending on my moods haha.
#8 What has been the hardest character you have played? If you have played only one character then what has been the hardest part of portraying that character?
The hardest character I’ve played was one that I felt kinda forced into playing by a roleplay partner of mine a while back. They were absolutely desperate for someone to roleplay as MCU Thor and I felt somewhat obligated to do it since they had tried out a different character for me in the past. The character himself wasn’t the problem, though, it was more... that I lacked any sort of muse for him, and the subject matter of what they wanted me to roleplay with them made me very uncomfortable. Thankfully I didn’t have to do it for very long, as they eventually found someone else and kinda dropped me as a partner. But now I’m extremely wary about picking up a character for anything besides my own desire to play them.
#9 Any advice you would like to give to roleplayers? About the community, how to stay active, how to write, how to approach people, etc. Whatever crosses your mind.
For me, the hardest part is always the first step. If I can get myself to take the first step for anything--whether it be wiritng a reply I owe, reaching out to a person I want to interact with, making more icons or a new theme, etc--every thing after that goes easier than I always think it will. Hell, sometimes you almost have to force yourself to do it because if you’re like me, you tend to procrastinate even the things you enjoy sometimes because idk... reasons. But a lot of the time if I force myself to take the first step towards getting it done, I end up enjoying it. Or, at very least, realizing it wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be.
#10 If you could change one thing about your character, what would it be?
Hmmm... what I would change about Yako... I don’t know, I really like her the way she is, so there’s nothing I’d really change? If anything, I just want more MTNN so that we can learn even more about her LMAO. I guess if I had to choose one thing, it’d be to stop selling herself short so much. She largely underestimates her own abilities because I think, to her, they seem pretty lackluster next to a demon who could kill her in an instant if he so desired. But she really does accomplish some amazing things over the course of the series that likely none of the other human characters could have been capable of doing.
#11 What are a few things you would like to say to the people who write with you? Any advice about how to interact with your character? What you are looking for, wishlists, plot ideas, share some of your desires here so people can see!
Thank you so, so much for writing with me. I’ve really enjoyed most, if not all, of the interactions I’ve had on this blog and I look forward to more in the future! As for a wishlist of sorts... mmm... well, I still have plans to add more verses to broaden my options. So, whenever I get any of those finished, I’d love some threads for any of them. I’d also be down for a thread where Yako cooks with or for someone! I think that could be fun. Also, just more female characters in general! Yako interacts with mostly men for some reason ( not that that’s a bad thing, of course ), and I’d like her to meet some girls too!
My questions for those I’m tagging to answer are under the cut!
Tagging: @itadxkimasu, @bomba-tea, @gxxdgiirl, @timeovercome, @kcguya, and anyone else that would like to do it!
1. What was your first roleplay experience on tumblr? Do you consider it to be a good or bad one?
2. What are some of your favorite characters you’ve roleplayed in the past? If you haven’t roleplayed any other characters in the past, are there any that you wish you had?
3. Are there any characters that you have your eye on to possibly roleplay in the future at some point?
4. What is the hardest thing about roleplaying for you? Have you learned to overcome it? If so, how?
5. Are you happy with how you write or portray your character? Is there anything you want to improve upon?
6. Did you roleplay before doing so on tumblr? What were some platforms that you used in the past to do so?
7. Do you have a “type” when it comes to characters that you roleplay, or are you pretty varied? If you haven’t roleplayed more than one character, could you see yourself playing a similar character in the future, or would you try something different?
8. Does music help or hinder you while writing? If it helps, what do you usually listen to? If it doesn’t, do you stick with silence or do you listen to something else?
9. Is there a specific character that no one is roleplaying right now that you wish someone out there would pick up so that you could interact with them?
10. Is there anything about roleplaying on tumblr that annoys you? If so, what platform would you like to switch to? If not, what do you like most about roleplaying here?
11. How long do you think you’ll be roleplaying for? Any foreseeable end in sight, or will you be doing it for years to come? 
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thedappleddragon · 4 years
last night I dreamed that I was an archeologist tortoise and I was looking at dozens of “human” skeletons in Buckingham palace that was also my backyard. the skeletons all looked like combo human and turtle because the whole torso looked basically like the first google image result for sea turtle skeleton. then my sister woke me up, giving me a comforter and telling me my mom need help with some things.  cleaned up around the living room and did some laundry and boiled some eggs and made meatloaf and swept the floor. the meatloaf turned out surprisingly good, idk what I did differently. I evemtually went back to my room and tried to remember what I wanted to do today. last night as I was falling asleep I told myself that I was gonna clear off my desk so I could finally use it, so I moved some stuff around and set up my laptop. I havent been able to sit at a real actual desk in SO LONG and its SO NICE to have just like a space where I can sit down and work and have a chair that will support my back instead of sitting cross legged on my bed or laying down while doing stuff on my laptop. it almost makes me feel productive even I'm just playing the sims. I feel especially cool when im just typing out whatever bullshit because it makes me feel like im at an office job typing up ~important documents~ :) idk man I think quarantine has changed me lmao. if im getting this many emotions from just being able to sit down at a desk and do ANYTHING idk how im gonna handle collage. I keep calling whetever im doing (playing the sims, scrolling through Tumblr, typing up this summary of the day) work because it just. feels nice sitting at a desk and typing. even if it’s dumb bullshit!! idk how to describe it I just feel amazing. it makes me feel like im writing a paper with all the horrible parts like research and thinking. the sound of typing on my MacBook makes me feel like im in school again, but without the horrible stressful parts. idk mn I know I've been going on about this desk and stuff for too long and im gonna hate it if I eventually read back through these daily logs but I just feel so nice. ill change topics anyway. I hung up my calendar again! I literally didn't have any open wall space aside from maybe the wall behind my bed but why the hell would I put a calendar where I can't see it. instead its kind of hanging above my closet. I pinned it to the wooden board in the “doorway” (idk what other word to use) where there would normally be sliding doors that open and shut if they hadn't been taken off YEARS ago. I also played a lot of the sims 4, juggling aspirations for 5 sims. I quit because I got frustrated that all my sims are dumb and the ai Is buggy and doesn't let me do what I want them to do. I also plopped in a house on my family’s old lot and spent some time adjusting the colors and the trees and adding those paper craft cieling things that can either have stars or leaves or snowflakes that came in the free winter holiday stuff pack and holy shit as soon as I found those I think they became my new favorite decoration item. I threw them everywhere but eventually took down most of them, leaving some leaf ones in the bedroom. I was gonna move in a family of a bunch of young adults and children to help with the first kid’s serial romantic aspiration and one of the twin’s social butterfly aspiration, but I ended up not doing that in favor of just decorating more and playing with the family some more. one thing I realized while playing is that there are fucking MICE in my CIELING. well not really in the cieling, in the attic, but I can hear them chewing on shit and its sucks. I would turn on a fan to drown out the noise but my room is fucking FREEZING. I threw the blanket back over my window hoping that it would keep heat from escaping but I don't think that really did anything. so after freezing my ass off I got fed up and put on fluffy socks under normal socks, wore my owl onesie as pants over my shorts, put on my comfy (oversized hoodie), and threw a fluffy blanket over my shoulders. thankfully I was pretty cozy after that, but as I type this after taking off the cosy and blanket, I can feel my toes getting cold again. damnit. ANYWAY after quitting the sims for the night I ate some salad and got a heart shaped crouton :) and I scrolled through Tumblr for a bit. then I decided to finally work on the paws my friend wanted. but I couldn't find the pattern so I instead worked on the brown paws instead. I could only work on them so much, since I still have to finish the lining before I can do much else. I attached the backs of the fingers to the back of the hand. I didnt get much down but what matters is that I did SOMETHING. I'm gonna keep an eye out for that pattern that I need, and if I cant find it, I'll just make a new pattern. tbh I think thad’s be the better way to go anyway since I wouldn't have to figure out how the fuck the old one goes together and I can also have a pattern that perfectly fits the foam underneath. also tbh i have mixed feeling about the white paws my friend wants. I like how dextrous they are and how easily you can emote and move your fingers, but I dont like how ovular I made the paw pads and the hints of black thread peaking out where I sewed the pads from the back. I WOULD just remake them with the free curl works pattern im using for the brown paws but I figure I might as well finish this pair since there’s already one done and the foam interior is already made. whatever. I dont wanna think about it too much. I also dont like the head that goes with the paws, it was a fish job in comparison to my first head and I kinda hate it. but I think I'll eventually get some longer fur for the neck and a hair poof and cheeks (maybe) and do a little refurbishing and give it to my friend if she ever wants it, since it matches the paws and all. I have lots of plans for my 2 WIP heads but not all the materials/motivation. plus I just need to let the ideas stir before I do unything, making sure they’re goof before I act on them. I'm exited that I can shave down fur relativey easily and evenly without an electric dog shaver, which opens up a lot of opportunities. anyway as I was working on the brown paws I had TAZ on in the background and it still baffles me a little bit how different griffin and Matt mercer operate as dms like holy shit. its really funny. and it got me thinking about how I wouldn't mind dming for my friend group if he chance ever arose. I DO have the forgotten realms campaign setting book. I haven't actually looked at it but I assume it has a few pre-built quests and plot lines n stuff in it. I'll probably take a better look at in the morning when it’s not 1:40 am. dang now I'm thinking about my Minecraft dnd idea again. I think the real problem keeping me from being a dm is that I CANNOT keep a straight face when doing improv/roleplaying, so I dont know how well I could hold together a world for them to play in. I would love to give it a try tho. not with the Minecraft idea at the same time, fuck no. I would need to do like. a classic vanilla dnd experience the first time, maybe even using our tiefling family characters since I'm at least a little familiar with them. can you dm and also play your own character? is that fair? is that a think you can do? I think that could be fun but also hard to juggle and also maybe kinda suck because you’d already know all the answers to all the puzzles. meh. actually now I kind of really want to look through thet book tonight instead of in the morning. also I mentioned overnight oats a few days ago I think, and the first morning it was kinda gross, the second time I ate it was still a little gross texture wise, but I finished it off tonight and it was pretty good. maybe next time I'll try it without the banana and a little less milk and maybe slice up an apple into little cubes for texture. hell yeah peanut butter apple cinnamon brown sugar overnight oats. that sound pretty dang good actually. I'll try that some time, but I dont think I can right now because I dont think we have any apples in the house. phooey. I should also probably put this oatmeal cp in the sink before it becomes impossible to clean. holy shit how long have I been writing? SEE THE DESK MAKES ME JUST WANNA KEEP WRITING AND WRITING FOREVER I FEEL SO PRODUCTIVE EVEN IF IM NOT DOING ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE!! I love just typing and typing forever its so soothing just hearing the tapping of the keyboard and getting my thought out without actually having to think that hard about it. goddamn im never gonna read back through this this is a nightmare lmao. no paragraph breaks no capitalization no nothin. I dont even wanna stop typing even though my arm is starting to hurt a little but from leaning the edge of the desk. now im thinking about the movie soul again and the cat as it rides on the escalator to the great beyond and how that dude in the band was the main characters student and how that scene with the girl trying to quit music and then immediately changed her mind didnt make any sense. like what the hell I dont understand that scene at all. also thinking about the transition where he’s like “ok repeat after me” as he’s in the cat and the camera goes over the mom’s shoulder and it’s just him talking, I like how they did that instead of doing dialouge between him and the cat. idk man. I think maybe I should stop typing now since my body is starting to hurt. sorry for putting this H U G E wall of text on your dash but I just like typing out my thoughts :) goodnight!
edit: OH I forgot to talk about something else!! last night I was thinking about valentines day and how cute it would be to have a little overall dress in the pattern on one of my childhood blankets, its like a light pink with white hearts on it so I looked up some fabrics and none of them were the right pattern. I also looked up a sewing pattern that I think would look nice and its on sale right now! I totally want to try and make it, but fabric is expensive so I think I might look at dollar tree for fleece baby blankets because I know they have them there, I bought a few a while ago for some plush sewing projects. they’re decently sized so I think I could do it.idk how many I would need to buy tho. or I might go to goodwill and look for a pink sheet? I have a thin pink blanket that could theoretically work but I want to use a planet im not attached to. or even just find a few big shirts in the same shade of pink? then I could maybe line it with something. I have red purple and white satin but that’s literally the worst fuckin fabric in the world to work with. my first experience with sewing was trying to make plushies out of satin and holy hell idk how I did it. anyway even though I literally never wear dresses I think it would be a fun project to try and make myself a cute little valentines dress. :) I could even give myself POCKETS >:)))
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geometragic · 7 years
👏 BA 👏 SA 👏 RA or if not that then the fate series ( or both if you want idk go nuts )
Give me a Series & I’ll tell you… || @jigendaishi || No longer accepting
Sengoku Basara
❤ Favorite Male: Katsuie, of course ! Otherwise, wouldn’t I roleplay another character instead? XD No, but, I really do like Katsuie’s character a lot. ^^ He has a lot of depth to him, and he’s very human. Sure, he has his cute, sad, “woe-is-me” moments, but then he also does things that are very selfish. And as far as rp goes, there’s a lot of room for development with him ! Even the creators have mentioned that he has a lot of possibilities for his future. XD Sakon is a close second, though.❤ Favorite Female: Kyogoku Maria. I just love how she doesn’t care at all about what other people think of her, and how she just does whatever she wants. I still laugh about Cat Wagon and her almost-marriage with Naotora whenever either gets mentioned. XD I might’ve mentioned this once or twice before, but I used to roleplay her in addition to Katsuie a couple years ago ! She kind of lacks the same depth and possibilities for development that Katsuie has, though, so even with headcanons and stuff to help make her deeper, it eventually became too difficult for me to roleplay her. ^^;❤ Favorite Pairing: Oh gosh —– where do I even begin with this question ? XD Well, you probably already know that I love Katsuie x Sakon, so I’ll try to talk about some pairings that maybe you don’t know that I like ! I don’t really talk about this first one much because most people in the Basara fandom don’t like it, but…I like Katsuie x Masamune, probably a lot in part due to both Katsuie’s drama route and Masamune’s drama route. I think that Katsuie has the potential to learn a lot from Masamune whether it’s through a romantic or platonic relationship, and I think that Masamune could benefit from interacting with someone who’s more outwardly calm than most of the other Date soldiers. Ieyasu x Motochika is also one of my favorites, thanks to a certain route in SB3. It was just so nice to see the Shikoku misunderstanding get cleared up early, and then to watch the two of them sail around and have fun adventures with each other for the rest of the route. ^^ And, although it might seem surprising given the muse whom I play, Oichi x Nagamasa is another favorite of mine ! I really enjoy how the two of them share a mutual love for each other, even if Nagamasa has trouble expressing it sometimes. XD There’s also a fair bit of depth to their relationship, too, if you look closely —– not only does Nagamasa have trouble expressing his feelings for Oichi, he also has to juggle his relationship with Oichi with his work as a lord / hero of justice, and it strains his relationship with her, somewhat. On Oichi’s side, you can see a darker aspect of her personality when she’s around him —– she ties him up in one route in SB4 so that he doesn’t have to risk dying in battle, she murders people / shows a willingness to murder people for his sake in both SB2 and SB4, and she goes mad with grief whenever he dies.❤ Least Favorite Character: Shimazu Yoshihiro. I understand that he’s somewhat important in that he’s Honda Tadakatsu’s rival and the only Shimazu clan person included in the games, but his personality just seems kind of bland to me. ^^; But I think that it’s not so much because of his character, though, as it is about the fact that he keeps getting included in new games when other, more interesting characters such as Nohime, Ranmaru, and Itsuki have gotten dropped. ;u; I’d rather seem any of them get included in Yoshihiro’s place.❤ Who’s most like me: You know, I thought about this a lot…but in the end, I’d say that I’m most like Katsuie. I’m quiet and tend to watch things from the sidelines, and I’ll admit that I can be selfish and envious of other people at times. XD Also, I’ve gone through some rough stuff in the past that’s somewhat similar to what Katsuie went through, so I guess that I connect to him on that level as well. ^^; But I’m also a bit like Oichi, in that I tend to be kind of shy.❤ Most attractive: For the women, I find Maria and Oichi to be the most attractive. For the men, I find Sakon and Yukimura the most attractive (with an honorable mention for Hanbei).❤ Three more characters that I like: When I first decided that I wanted to roleplay a Sengoku Basara character, I considered roleplaying Kanbe because I could (and still can) really connect to that underdog part of him that always struggles against a world that seems to have it in for him. XD Hideaki was also another character I considered roleplaying. I’ve always liked him, even if he is annoying at times, because he kind of resembles how a non-samurai would react to war around them, I think ? I know that if I was suddenly dropped into the Sengoku period, I’d probably freak out as much as he does. XD I also like Wabisuke and Sabisuke / Sen no Rikyuu, even if their routes are really vague and convoluted in some areas, because it’s kind of interesting to see a Jekyll-and-Hyde-type character in the Sengoku Basara series. It’s interesting how the two of them clash as far as personality goes —– Wabisuke just wants to live a peaceful life and brew his tea, yet Sabisuke wants to cause trouble. XD And the relationship between the two of them is interesting, too —– it’s cool to see how, despite how troublesome Sabisuke can be at times, the reason why he came into existence was to protect Wabisuke and keep him from having to commit any atrocities himself.
Fate series
❤ Favorite Male: Mephistopheles. Maybe that’s just because I had him in my support setup for a long time before I finally switched him out with Halloween!Elisabeth, but I really like him ! It’s always fun to listen to his over-the-top reactions to everything, especially when you select his Noble Phantasm. XD❤ Favorite Female: Nero / Red Saber without a doubt. ^^ I really like that outward confidence and selfishness of hers ! But it’s also cool to see how she has a weaker and more insecure side, as well, and it’s cool to see how those two sides of her interact. She has strengths but also a ton of flaws, which makes her a pretty deep and interesting character, in my opinion. Also, it’s fun to see her in all of the pretty outfits that she gets in Fate/Extra, Fate/Extra CCC, and Fate/Extella ! ^^❤ Favorite Pairing: Shirou x Rin ? Or maybe Shirou x Sakura ? I’m not really sure what sorts of pairings actually exist in this series, since it seems like (at least in F/GO and Fate/Extra) a good number of the Servants have been developed so that they gain feelings towards the protagonist once you reach the highest bond levels / get towards the end of the story. ^^;❤ Least Favorite Character: Edward Teach. In the story for the Third Singularity in F/GO, at least, he’s just…disgusting. In many ways that I don’t really wish to repeat here. ^^; Artemis is a close second. She’s kind of annoying and abusive, and sometimes I find myself sympathizing with Orion because of how she acts ? Which is pretty bad because he’s mean and abusive, too. ^^; Also, from what little I remember of the Greek legends, Artemis was a pretty serious goddess who was devoted to hunting and her followers and didn’t really care about men too much, so to see her portrayed how she is in F/GO is a bit jarring. ^^;❤ Who’s most like me: Mash, I guess ? Both of us are hard workers and kind of quiet, but we can both make snappy comebacks at times. XD❤ Most attractive: For the women, I find Nero and Kiyohime to be the most attractive. For the men, I find Edmond Dantès and Gilgamesh to be the most attractive. And for nonbinary characters, I find Enkidu and Chevalier d’Eon to be the most attractive.❤ Three more characters that I like: Oda Nobunaga is another character that I like ! And the Gudaguda Honnoji event has made me like her even more. XD It’s just fun to see a character who’s so free-spirited and self-confident, even if it causes trouble for others around them. I also like Jeanne Alter. Even though she technically isn’t another side of Ruler Jeanne (she’s the Jeanne that Bluebeard wanted to see, or something like that?), it’s cool to see her just not care about being a saint or self-sacrificing or anything, and actually want to get revenge for what people did to her. ^^ Arcueid is technically from Tsukihime, but she shows up in a route of Fate/Extra, so I’m going to include her here anyways. XD It’s just so cool that she’s really OP since she’s the strongest True Ancestor, and yet she also has a carefree personality and has sort of mundane hobbies like going to the movies and stuff. Granted, the fact that she has a personality at all is due to what Shiki did, but…still. Arcueid is a pretty cool character ! And it’s also interesting to see how different Arcueid’s perspective on things can be (compared to normal humans or Shiki), since she’s an immortal and isn’t human. ^^
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kosmicdream · 8 years
On a possible light note....did Simon ever get that spike dick???
Uh YEAH. for like.. what.. 20 solid years???? then on and off during the 30 years that followed. Knife and Spoon didn’t live together anymore during those last 30, tho.. But, they’d have a tumultuous secret confusing drama romance. Like..Sometimes Knife would just show up in Spoon’s apartment!!! at 3 am after giving Spoon the cold shoulder for like 3 weeks. This was both terrifying annoying and terrifyingly erotic for spoon, he was conflicted.
See like. the thing that happened… the MANY things that happened.. is that Spoon wasn’t kicked out of the apartment at -first.- He really tried to give it a shot… after being threatened.. But.. he couldn’t stop himself from being, bad. At the whole.. Being around a kid thing. Altho fork at first, was more of a weird pet furball dog?? Who was violent and like, Spoon had no patience for discipline. What made it worse is that Knife straight up wouldnt ever allow kissies and stuff around the kid. And they barely had any privacy cuz fork would just show up in bed!!!!!! so like. Spoon was almost 24/7 vibrating with lack of not only sexy touchies but also regular affection couple touchies. It was only for SPECIAL private times and that was really difficult w/ a hyperactive kid that is constantly getting into trouble. So for Spoon, It was a little unbearable…
His brain would be just firing off sexy scenarios CONSTANTLY which made knife be like CAN YOU NOT THINK ABT THIS.. ALL THE TIME because, knife’s basically a telepath. but spoon just couldnt not think about it. and then to make it worse is that Fork seemed to be able to sense Spoon’s feelings too and like. That freaked Knife out a lot. He did not want that around Fork.And like.. Spoon understood that a bit…kind of.. That he was a bit much. So he agreed to move out. He tried to make it seem like he wasnt being forcefully kicked out but it still kinda was because he wasnt allowed back without Knife’s approval. Knife also didn’t like to listen to Spoon’s opinions on how to raise the kid. So it made Spoon feel more like he was not involved anyway. Spoon was angry at knife like why did u even want me here in the first place huh?
And at that point their relationship was so vague, weird, Spoon didnt know if he was in the process of being dumped or maybe he had already been dumped and like.. he was so upset.. Anyway, Spoon started to sleep around because he could not handle the lack of attention anymore. He and Knife were very like.. exclusive? Romantically/Sexually.. And well. Knife didn’t appreciate this. He inferred it as cheating even tho they were sort of on “break.” Spoon felt very guilty over it but he tried to make his case that he made it very clear he wasn’t able to … do this!!!! be so exclusive while also not getting enough attention!!! Long distance flirting texting random nightime or office hookups are fine but it was always determined by Knife’s schedule and Knife’s schedule is random, incoherent and vague as fuck.
The thing that Spoon was always confused about is that Knife, the most serious about his rules and forgives no one, always.. kinda let.. Spoon get away with things that he thought never would..fly? like.. Basically Cheated on Knife by sleeping w/ other people.. yet.. Knife didnt cut Spoon out of his life. He’d get upset n not talk to him for a while but then theyd go back to talking every day, all day (They texted a lot even after Spoon moved out.)  N knife would try to adjust things abt their relationship while also not .. expressing why he felt hurt about certain things and that made it difficult for the healing to actually HAPPEn because spoon could not get him to directly open up, just would have to read between the lines to discern how Knife felt.. n Knife would apologize abt not being able to say things. then Spoon would be like well!!! its really me who should be apologizing! im the one who fucked up. hahaha.
But he couldnt. He didn’t know how, still. (That’d be the closest thing he could do besides pointing out how bad he was all the time.)
…..There’s a lot more to this part of the story, but I’ll save it for the comic.
Knife/Spoon were still very much a couple even tho they had difficult barriers between themselves (and living separately) for those 30 years following Fork’s arrival. Spoon wasnt exclusive to Knife w/ his sex life anymore but he still didnt.. even get crushes on anyone else. Cash was p much the closest thing because he grew to care abt her a lot.. but they were just best buddies.
Knife seemed to have no one else.  (Did he? who knows…) Once Fork got old enough he would try to get dates for Knife b/c he could tell his dad was incredibly lonely but, Knife was Knife and didn’t like anyone. He only wanted Spoon. He spent many nights laying in bed alone and with his hand patting the empty space next to him and wondering when Spoon would just officially move on to someone else. Part of him probably even wanted Spoon to do that, because it would be “better” for Spoon. But that feeling would also make him sick.
As Fork got more independent he felt more and more useless as his caregiver and wondered how he could piece his romantic life back together w/ his special person, knowing it could never be how it used to be. Wanting to just go back to how it was, somehow, While still including his new life in it. Knowing that he didnt know how to juggle his new insecurities and jealousy involving Spoon. He didn’t really know how to feel attractive anymore.. that was weird again. (it always is a bit weird but now it was just bottom of the barrel.) Spoon had so many friends now, maybe even more than he did before. He was popular around the office and Knife didn’t even bother doing his laundry anymore, now that Fork moved out too. Then Spoon would comment on that (with concern but also kind of teasing) and he’d feel embarrassed and sulky and go mope on the roof like a brooding anime guy. He didn’t even know why he was there. He felt useless to Fork and Spoon. He couldn’t even ask his own dad for advice because the dude mentally evaporated hundreds of years ago and there was No way he was going to ask Cash for help. Especially when Spoon was currently fucking her!!! lol!!! He fucking hates that robot, honestly. That has never ..changed in all this time.
Fork saw the signs better than Spoon did. He tried to push Knife to talk abt them and would show up at Knife’s place to cheer him up. Hed even stay over a few days and suggest living w/ Knife again. But Knife didn’t want that either. and it was extra awkard whenever Fork wanted to bring ppl over cuz Knife Didnt Like Noisy Company At All. So Fork had to just respect his NotmyDad’s wishes and give him space. Fork even tried to ask Spoon about ti and Spoon was mostly offended that Fork somehow could tell “something was up” as if FORK knew KNIFE better than him. Excuse me?????????? Fuck you Ill always hate you stupid hairball who ruined my life flips a desk kicks a foot stomps out of the room bitterly
Then Knife… vanished and Fork was like shit I knew it and Spoon unraveled .. and unraveled……..and eventually Boom’d as more reports came in that he was likely dead. Bad bad times.
BUt hey as we all know Knife is actually alive so let’s see how this all turns out huh?
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rigelmejo · 3 years
Another April Update Babey!
Upside: like March, I’ve been pretty motivated this month.
Downside: I wanna do Everything. I do NOT have time for everything.
A list of stuff I’m currently doing:
Going through Basic Chinese Radicals (Zhang Peng Peng textbook series) - its only 150 pages, but incredibly dense I did like 30 pages yesterday. Its excellent for writing practice as its a WORKBOOK, and all the radicals and example hanzi in it I should fucking know how to write T-T I don’t know how long this will take but I put it off long enough and its my SHORTEST chinese ‘writing focused’ book so I should use it. Its for the BASICS i should be past this already! But i’m not lol so I’m doing it.
Transcribing the pages in Japanese in 30 Hours with actual japanese under the romaji - good for picking up actual spellings of new words (and picking up the new words), grammar refresher, and I’m finally reading this book through (since the focus on transcribing is helping me be less perfectionist about memorizing everything before moving on). I’m about 1/4 through the book - it took a day. So I may well be done by next week. (Can you tell I’ve been in a really ‘writing practice’ mood lately? I think I just want to engage my touch senses more lately... might also be why active video games are easier for me to focus on, lots of actively affecting/moving things and doing something with my hands). 
Going through  Read and Write Chinese : A Simplified Guide to the Chinese Characters by Rita Mei-Wah Choy and writing the hanzi and mnemonics to remember them - this is actually going to be a very long process as the book has 3300ish characters. Also this book is literally JUST a reference - hanzi, pinyin, stroke order. Why am I doing this? Who knows man. I am writing out the hanzi like 20 times and making up my own mnemonic to remember the pronunciation (and meaning if I don’t already know it). Basically I just want to solidify my knowledge of the hanzi I DO vaguely recognize/partly know. And hanzi knowledge is basically my biggest issue in reading right now - running into new words with hanzi I don’t know, or running into hanzi I do know and forgetting how to properly pronounce them. 
Reading Guardian - I wanna finish this book so bad, like 90% of the rest of everything I’m doing in chinese right now is primarily an attempt for me to INCREASE reading speed somehow so I can read this easier. Also it is THE goal. The first goal I had in chinese, the BIG goal, the goal that eventually led me to my other goals. I want to do it. I’m currently well within the capability of doing it! So procrastinating has no excuse! Its just god it takes me 20-30 minutes to read a 5 page chapter and I am in agony over how long its taking. 
Reading hanshe - its going fine. Ultimately while i LOVE reading it, I don’t know if I should drop it because it is eating up time I could dedicate to other things - primarily Guardian at present. But at the same time I really want to finish it, and enjoy it. I would like to move onto extensive reading after this story for a while though (so no reading in Pleco for a while - I have print books I want to get through).
Nukemarine’s memrise courses - this is actualy going great. Not much to say except to myself: STOP procrastinating by trying to be a ‘prepared perfectionist’. If you can simply brute force the courses? Then do it. While reading Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide with it is ideal, as is reading the Memrise Website version (versus the app) which has all the course details, simply doing it is better than STOPPING to ‘prepare’ if you never actually are satisfied with enough preparation! JUST KEEP DOING IT MEJO I AM BEGGING. (Like... I literally was brute forcing the Tae Kim Grammar Guide portions and it went fine. Was it ideal? no. But I was actually studying versus just stopping out of fear of imperfection).
A list of stuff I WANNA do (not even like in a month, as in I wanna do it today/this month) ToT. Why am I listing it? Because knowing me, even if I have no time, I might do one of these things:
Read through Japanese in 30 Hours - this has potential to happen, as I’m transcribing the book into japanese instead of romaji and like 1/5 through already so like... good chance I’ll just happen to read it as I transcribe. I’ve felt compelled to do this so I might actually. Also! This book, ultimately, is for beginners, so if I keep making progress in the study materials I want to, idk how long this book will be relevant. What I’m trying to use to prevent procrastination: the book’s falling apart so I don’t need to feel bad for transcribing in it, its beginner material and a little out of date so I really should not feel bad if I just read through it without memorizing/re-reading until I’ve perfected a section!
FINISH HANSHE - I really want one book DONE, read and FINISHED. It being digital means a good chance I could do it. I just would... really like 1 book done, to say that I’ve read a full story, AND so as I’m going through Guardian I don’t have another BIG story I’m reading at the same time. I have a lot of books I plan to read/extensively read and they both go slower when I’m juggling multiple. 
Read Alan Hoenig’s Chinese Characters - I SHOULD have already done this. In fact I want to do this ASAP, and it would be great in combo with Rita’s book - because Alan Hoenig’s book has premade mnemonics to help me with memory and SIMPLIFED characters (Rita’s has traditional), but Rita’s book has stroke order and MORE hanzi. However both books are very dense reference materials. I want to read Alan Hoenig’s book. Do I have time? Well no because reference books take me like an hour to get through 5-10 pages lol. But will I read it anyway? Maybe...
Read the Little Prince, or Butterfly Lovers, or Journey to the Center of the Earth, or one of my Sinosplice graded readers - basically I sort of want to read something that is ACTUALLY a 98%-ish comprehension material for me. I’ve been doing some extensive reading, but by artificially lowering the difficulty by reading the english translation first. And I think if I read something ACTUALLY graded lower to level, I could work on improving my reading speed. Also it could be nice to FINISH those stories since I never did. However - that would be adding Yet Another story to the list of things I’m reading ;-;. I do sort of want to do this anyway though. You have no idea how much the biggest thing I wanna do right now is solidify pronunciation/recognition of hanzi I Already Vaguely Know, and improve reading speed. Both of those would make reading So much fucking easier. 
Read Le Francais Par Le Method Nature, recording audio for each chapter myself - while yes the second part could be optional, future me and any (truly lost) learner would probably appreciate an audiobook form of it. even if its pronounced bad, that’s more than currently exists (which is nothing at all audio wise). The textbook has a pronunciation guide under every word, but it would be nice to hear/say it out loud. Also I’ve been meaing to Finish the book for ages - it is over 1000 pages its a BEAST. But theoretically it puts you solidly into B1 or B2 by learning purely through graded comprehensible input that increases with your comprehension level. I am so in the mood to do it right now. I don’t have time. I do not have a solid reason to need my french better right now. But dang do I miss that book ToT
Things I kind of think I should want to do but also have had 0 motivation for:
**Finish reading Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide - I may not do this. Like I “want to do this” in the sense I feel a need. Its important, useful, will help. But actual “Random urge to do”? I do not have. Every time I read it I find myself doing my awful habit of wanting to reread from the very first section again, over and over. Wanting to reread each chapter multiple times and memorize, wanting to not move on to new more challenging material. I very easily stall ever studying new material when I get like this ;-;
**Listening-Reading Guardian - I literally tried a week ago. I got mad the english translation oversimplified so many sentences to the point lots did not match up to the audio, and gave up within a couple pages. Also this activity is time consuming. I’m probably going to put it off for later because honestly? As long as ONLY reading Guardian is an option - as in I can do it and skip the audio - I will tend to JUST read. Until the audio is the only new aspect, I’m likely to keep trying to read rather than listen-read. 
Thankfully, there’s some core stuff I’m managing to stick to doing:
Reading Chinese regularly
Going through the Nukemarine memrise LLJ courses
Who knows if I will stick to any of the rest. But at least I’m making solid Forward progress in each language in specific areas lol.
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shadowsong26fic · 8 years
Coming Attractions!
Happy New Year, everyone! And a new year means a new month, which means a Coming Attractions post!
(As always, I’m running late this month, whoops…)
Not much really to update here--things are going well, and I do have most of the next arc plotted, at least, even if I still need to get a lot of text out. My cast is about to explode, though; that should be fun to juggle.
I’m going to try and get the next chapter finished and posted this week. Next week at the latest. I’m increasingly aware of the fact that I really don’t want to this particular fic, so much as I want to write its sequel, but I can’t until I establish everything that needs to go here…sigh. Maybe I can cut out some of the filler arcs between ANH and ESB, and get to the fun stuff in Machinations that much faster…
I’m not setting a formal posting day for this one, but I’m going to try and put up a chapter at least once a week, if that makes sense? But I’m coming to a large chunk of the story that’s basically placeholders right now. I need to rewatch ROTS…
I will start posting this (probably on a similar ‘once a weekish’ plan that I have Distaff on) as soon as I get the opening/intro arc written. Which is not, incidentally, the first bit chronologically, but it’s the logical place to start. If that makes sense…?
I am going to start working on the followup this month. No idea when it’ll be posted.
Still not dead. Just…uh…hiatused, a little bit. If I have time, there’s one piece I’m going to try and polish to post. Maybe I’ll put out another ‘plz help us’ request for someone to write Lee, and that’ll get things going…IDK.
So, the last three years, I did the SPN big bang, but I won’t be participating this year (except maybe as a beta? IDK). It feels a little weird to not have A Project with A Set Deadline to focus on, but…well, I’ve got a lot of other stuff going on, y’know? Apropos of nothing, just felt like I should share…
Original Fiction:
Ugh. Ugh. I have gotten so little done the past couple months. So I’m going to set some Goals for myself (and hopefully meet them. I’m bad at goals):
1. Post at least four pieces to RF this month. Any of the three verses I send there. Phoenix doesn’t count. 2. Work on at least one potentially-publishable piece. Actually sitting down and researching for That One Historical Novel counts, but hopefully will get some words down on something, too.
So, I did notice I got a couple new followers in the last month (I think from reading Precipice on AO3? I know I linked to a post here in an AN somewhere along the line...) and--is there anything y’all would like to see from me? Headcanoning, behind the scenes bits/process/whatever, deleted scenes…anything? Let me know! Feel free to drop me an ask at any time. Can’t promise how quickly I’ll answer, but I will eventually, I promise!
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freohrdatia · 6 years
tagged by @thespectacularspecter
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself
last 1. drink - uhh either water or Good Belly Blueberry Acai juice 2. phone call - it wasn’t even a call I made, lol. my husband and I were shopping, he couldn’t bring his phone probably because it was low on battery. He had a question for his mother (we were running an errand for her) so he called her from my phone 3. text message - my dad! he was talking to me about a song one of my brothers sang, possibly for a talent show? and told me I’m the only child now to not show off my vocal talent and told me he’s waiting >.> 4. song you listened to - Hills Like White Elephants - Isles & Glaciers (I mean the last music I heard was the 2nd teaser for BTS Fake Love but I’m not sure that counts here~) 5. time you cried - not that long ago? idr how not-long ago. I’m a baby though.
ever 6. dated someone twice - dated as in two individual dates, or as in breaking up with somebody then returning to them? if the first, yeah, if the second, no. 7. kissed someone and regretted it - nope. The only person I’ve kissed is my husband, I better not regret it 8. been cheated on - I’d say “not as far as I know” but I’m confident enough to say “no.” 9. lost someone special - idk how loose the term “special” is, but yes. 10. been depressed - I’ve had a much sadder period in my life before, but idk if it would count as depression. 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - nope
fave colours 12. brown 13. burgundy 14. some sort of green. probably celadon/sage green or dark teal
in the last year have you… 15. made new friends - I think so 16. fallen out of love - no 17. laughed until you cried - most likely 18. found out someone was talking about you - maybe? it’s not quite something I find out about often, but a year is a long time for me to try to remember all of 19. met someone who changed you - uhh... don’t think so? My life’s been pretty stable lately 20. found out who your true friends are - don’t think so 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - I don’t really.... have one~
general 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - same as above 23. do you have any pets - ok so. 1 dog. 1 cat. 1 snake. 2 geckos. 5 goats. 38 chickens (16 of which are a new flock we just got that I’ve been raising lately and THEY’RE SO WONDERFUL I love them) 24. do you want to change your name - I’m still meaning to change my name to “my last name - husband’s last name”.... We’re supposed to do that soon because I want to do that before I work on getting my passport. 25. what did you do for your last birthday - juggled a bunch of places to go to. I ate out, shopped, hung out at a park near the school @thespectacularspecter had a meeting at, and hung out at a nice coffee shop before heading back home and playing video games ^o^ 26. what time did you wake up today - LATE. I went back to sleep after my alarm (just to keep me on a regular sleep schedule) went off because I haven’t been sleeping well lately. I got up at like... 9:35am? I’m supposed to get up at 8am every morning. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night - either sleeping or attempting to sleep 28. what is something you can’t wait for - BTS COMEBACK. BTS CONCERT. GEN CON. @roymblog IS VISITING US SOON. Also I’m going to my brother’s graduation so that’ll not only be fun but I’ll also get to see my high school and familiar teachers again. 30. what are you listening to right now - music! Tomorrow - BTS 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - uh...... I’m trying to remember. I think I knew a Tom before. It’s not actually a name I’ve encountered in person that often. 32. something that’s getting on your nerves - atm? lately? nothing, I don’t think. 33. most visited website - in terms of the entirety of my life, Serenes Forest Forums. I’ve been on that forum for 10 years. 34. hair colour - Black. Not pure black but more just a natural looking black. Just the tiniest hints of brown. 35. long or short hair - long 36. do you have a crush on someone - does park jimin count? Not somebody I’d seek a serious future with since 1. I’m married 2. he’s an idol, but jimin is still amazing 37. what do you like about yourself - ever since I’ve started working and being exposed to other people, I’ve recently gotten comparisons to come to appreciate the amount of patience I have. I kept wondering why I kept coming across so many impatient people, but then I realized it’s probably just that I have an ungodly amount of patience in me.
Although, the amount of patience I have largely depends on the context~ 38. want any piercings? - don’t currently want, but I’m not turned off by the idea 39. blood type - I think O-? O for sure, though. 40. nicknames - Kate or Katie 41. relationship status - married 42. zodiac - taurus 43. pronouns - she/her 44. fave tv shows - I can’t remember all I’ve been exposed to lately enough, but I know Gotham’s been pretty great. I still quite love Avatar the Last Airbender, too. 45. tattoos - have none, don’t have any plans for any, but again it’s not something I’m against 46. right or left handed - right 47. ever had surgery - never 48. piercings - none! 49. sport - none currently. I’ve played softball before. I’m awful at bowling but I enjoy it and would like to do it more. high key want to get into contemporary/ballet because jimin is an inspiration, but nowhere offers classes for my age~ 50. vacation - have had, or want? There have been plans to go to Germany and potentially China. Dream locations are New Zealand and Japan and Ireland and..... basically anywhere tbh. There’s a reason ISFPs are called adventurers. I’ve been poor all my life, so I’ve never been off this continent except for one time we accidentally landed on Vancouver Island. 51. trainers - I don’t wear any casually, and I don’t really pay attention to what kind of shoes I have for exercising or for the barn. So I guess I can’t really say anything on this one? >u>
more general 52. eating - what about eating? uhhhhh well just now I had leftover spaghetti and some clementines. And this morning I had toast! 53. drinking - by the time I’ve reached this question (since the “last drink” earlier) it’s just water 54. i’m about to watch - either random stuff that pique my interest on youtube or Orphan Black once we have dinner 55. waiting for - EVERYTHING I LISTED IN “something you can’t wait for.” It’s funny that I “can’t wait” for them, but I’m “waiting” for them anyway. 56. want - to return to making money in Guild Wars 2 after I finish filling this out. There’s a kitsune mount skin that I need to make LOTS AND LOTS of money to buy, so I’ve been dedicating my attention to that lately because the red fox is my favorite animal and Ninetales (along with Vulpix) is my favorite pokemon 57. get married - already am 58. career - .... housewife?
which is better 59. hugs or kisses - both are great, but I really do love hugs. 60. lips or eyes - eyes can be so pretty 61. shorter or taller - no preference 62. older or younger - no preference 63. nice arms or stomach - hm. still no preference? 64. hookup or relationship - I’m a romantic. relationship. 65. troublemaker or hesitant - uhhhhhhh. Troublemaker is a good complement to my own personality. But thanks to my personality I don’t really want to get into trouble. The only problem is if there’s another hesitant person I’d probably never go anywhere in my life. But I think I will side with hesitant.
have you ever 66. kissed a stranger - no 67. drank hard liquor - don’t think I’ve ever been given hard liquor to sample, no 68. lost glasses - during the short period I wore glasses instead of contact lenses, I can imagine I probably have at least once 69. turned someone down - Sort of?? I guess the answer is yes. Just the situation was a bit more complicated than “do u wanna date” “no sry” 70. sex on first date - I have not I’m not that cool 71. broken someone’s heart - I don’t think so? 72. had your heart broken - in a roundabout way, sort of but I don’t quite think it was on levels of “heartbreak” 73. been arrested - no 74. cried when someone died - Somebody I knew from high school committed suicide. That was one of the most miserable moments of my life. And one of the most life-changing. I think it was sort of involved in my conversion from religious->atheist (although I eventually became agnostic) 75. fallen for a friend - yes. one of them became my husband.
do you believe in 76. yourself - sometimes, but I don’t trust my judgement often 77. miracles - probably depends on the definition of “miracle.” There are events that happen that I would call a “miracle” 78. love at first sight - I mean, maybe it could happen, but I certainly wouldn’t think that’s a common occurrence. 79. santa claus - my dad tried to make sure I believed in him for a really long time. He had his belief in santa claus ruined pretty early on in his life and he said that ruined one of the huge joys of his childhood, so he tried to make sure his children could experience that joy for a really long time. 80. kiss on a first date - I don’t think that’d be too much of a problem, so I wouldn’t say I don’t believe in it. I personally tend to be more slow-moving than that though. 81. angels - Kim Taehyung. But as for actual spiritual angels, I have no clue if they truly exist or not!
other 82. best friend’s name - rae my bae 83. eye colour - very dark brown 84. fave movie - I..... am not sure, tbh. 85. fave actor - again, something I’m not sure about! I guess I’ve quite consistently liked Alan Tudyk though, and Neil Patrick Harris. And I’ve only seen him in one thing, but Hugh Laurie has left a lasting impression on me.
Well, have you been tagged for this yet @robotsfromouterspace? I will tag you for this, if you’d like to participate!
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