#eventual harry x Ginny
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xxlittle0birdxx · 2 years ago
Ginny contemplated the earrings sitting on the seldom-used desk in her bedroom. A simple thank you would have sufficed. The petty part of her had enjoyed hexing Harry's former girlfriend. Some people needed to learn to take no for an answer. She held one up to an ear, and studied her reflection in the mirror. She hated to admit it, but Harry was right. She much preferred them to a stodgy, prosaic bouquet of flowers. Before she could talk herself out of it, she pulled open the desk drawer and withdrew a sheet of parchment, then rummaged for a suitable quill.
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albaskies · 3 months ago
hehe i loved your short hinny fic!! it was soo great!! ❤️❤️❤️ can you please write another hinny fic, maybe hbp and include lots of yearning from harry 🙈🙈 whether that yearning is satisfied is completely up to you!!
thank you so much, anon, that's very kind ❤️ i managed to scramble something up based on your prompt, and had lots of fun doing it. i couldn't make hbp work, so i hope you don't mind i went with early dh instead. i hope you enjoy some angsty yearning courtesy of our very own hj potter!
Don’t look at her.
Harry repeats those words to himself like a mantra as he absent-mindedly stacks different kinds of desserts on his plate. The air under the marquee has become thicker now that several guests have stood up to dance, and Harry has started to feel very uncomfortable in Barny Weasley’s sweatier-than-normal body.
He grunts at the dessert selection available on the buffet table, wondering what kind of boring wedding does not serve treacle tart. But then again, he has never been to a wedding before, so what does he know, really.
He walks away in search of somewhere to sit down, carefully trying to shut down his peripheral vision, his gaze dutifully fixed right in front of him. 
Don’t look at her.
Since after the ceremony, he has decided to avoid looking at the dance floor at all costs. He is convinced this is the safest way to keep his mind clear, without being distracted by stupid promises made to stupid best mates, or by the temptation to throttle big-headed Quidditch players - nobody in particular, of course.
He slouches in the first empty chair he finds, his eyes focused on his plate and the assortment of sweets he is never going to eat. He nervously starts drumming with his fingers on the table, while conversation and laughter bubble all around him.
He could take a look at the dancefloor, he reckons, just to check that Ron and Hermione have not started bickering. A quick peek won’t hurt anybody, right?
Do not. Look. At her.
Except that he cannot not look at her. He cannot help but make silly excuses to steal a glance at her every now and then; he cannot help but look for her in the colourful crowd. He cannot help but know exactly where she is under the marquee, even when he is talking to somebody else, when he is eating a bite, or when she is joining Luna in her extravagant dance.
Because Ginny is pure, burning light. He is drawn to her like a flower is drawn to the sun, and he does not know how to contain this dangerous feeling building up in his chest. It’s powerful, urgent, and it makes his heart ache like never before. 
Defeated by his own sorry arse, he looks up and quickly scans the room, trying to convince himself that he is actually checking on Ron and Hermione. He is not fooling anyone, really. 
It only takes him a split second to find her. Because this time she is not talking to somebody else, or eating a bite, or dancing with Luna. This time she is right there in front of him. No, she is actually walking towards him.
Oh bloody hell.
The room seems to blur around her, its noise and chaos fading to a hum as Harry helplessly watches her drawing closer and closer.
He wishes he had the strength to stop her, he really does. But there’s only so much that a man can do when the woman he loves walks towards him surrounded by that golden aura of light, so painfully beautiful, so painfully real.
And just like that, she sits in the empty chair right next to him. She doesn't say anything, yet he understands everything. 
Silence has always been easy with Ginny. It has been easy for longer than he can remember. 
He really should have known, the miserable prat. He should have known that love is a quiet, secret language shared through the simplest of glances. Love is moving together without speaking and understanding each other in a way that no one else ever could. He should have known that clammy hands, fumbling conversations and awkward silences over hot chocolate at Madam Puddifoot’s are an absolute pile of nothing compared to this.
And yet - he couldn’t have known, could he, that he would have found love in a hard, blazing gaze, in the sweet sound of laughter lingering in the air, in little elbows and butter dishes, in a gloriously setting sun. Maybe the realisation would not have struck him so hard, if he had. And maybe, with Ginny, he cannot have it in any other way.
He does not know for how long they remain sitting like that, a foot from each other, without uttering a single word. Their bodies are not remotely touching, and yet he feels engulfed by her, by her flowery scent, by her blazing and unwavering light. Their bodies are not even touching, and yet he feels her warmth everywhere on his body, under his skin, brushing his soul.
The other guests might think he looks like a miserable sod, stiffly glued to his chair just to be around her, just to drink her in for one more minute.
Or maybe they just think he is the weird cousin who creeps on younger girls at family functions. Whatever. He is not even sure he cares.
After all, she has not left yet. She is, too, sitting there on the edge of her chair, incapable of walking away. She stays, and that’s all that matters to him.
A sudden glint of yellow, and Harry notices Luna waving at Ginny from the crowd, calling her to the dance floor. 
They both sigh. The spell of silent and blissful oblivion around them is broken once again.
‘I think I’m going to join Luna,’ Ginny says quietly. 
He is so grateful, like a pathetic, smitten idiot, to hear her voice again. Even if what she says rips a hole through his heart.
When she finally does get up from her chair, it looks like she is wearing a weighted vest around her shoulders. He feels something breaking inside of him.
‘Oh.’ He chokes, clears his throat. ‘Yeah. Have fun.’
Her beautiful, sad eyes linger on him for a moment too long before she gives him a curt nod, and slowly walks away.
What a stupid thing to say, he tells himself. What a stupid, idiotic thing to say, when all he should have done instead was ask her, please stay. Please don’t go, please don’t leave me. I can’t bear to be away from you, I just can’t let you go. I’m sorry. I love you. Do you hear me? I love you. I am so sorry.
A miserable man, he is. A miserable, miserable man who is about to go on a suicide mission but has to push away the only person who makes him feel truly invincible. 
Would it be so bad to dive into the crowd, grab her hand, hold her close to his chest, and drown in that blissful oblivion again? Would it be so bad to kiss her soft, burning red lips, horrifying all the guests and the Weasleys together, hearing someone try and remedy the scandal by explaining that Oh but he’s not really a cousin, you know, more of a distant relative.
Maybe he really should go in there, ask her to run away with him and be just the two of them forever, forget about Dumbledore’s instructions, sod all this Chosen One nonsense. Choose his own happiness, just this once.
But then a silver lynx brings the news that the Ministry’s fallen and chaos unravels. He later ends up wondering to himself if those stupid, idiotic words will be the last ones he will ever say to her.
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libraryofhogwarts · 3 months ago
A Deal Made on Impulse
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Ginny Weasley x Pansy Parkinson
Pansy has something she needs to talk to Ginny about, and so it begins.
Chapter 3: Oh the Dread of It All
Series masterlist
Monday morning was a dread. The moment Ginny opened her eyes she was met with a flood of anxiety. She lay in stillness for a few moments until the lingering nausea from the night before had passed.
Hermione was already up and dressed, getting ready to walk out the door when she noticed that Ginny was awake. She paused at the door, hand on the doorknob, “Everything will be fine today Gins,” she slipped out of the door a second later.
Ginny covered her eyes and groaned.
She got up, quickly dressing in her uniform and sliding her Mary Jane heels on. She fumbled with her tie three times before finally getting the knot correct. It was loose but it would have to do for today because there was no way she would get it any tighter with her shaky fingers.
She grabbed her stack of books, corresponding with the three classes she had today, and headed out of her dorm.
Her first class of the day was Defence Against the Dark Arts. Usually, she would dread this class, the professor bore her to tears, but today she was dreading the end of class.
Why? Because, luckily, this was one of the classes she did not have with Pansy Parkinson. Unfortunately, the next class, Charms, was where her luck ran out.
The DADA professor, much to Ginny’s dismay, released the class for the day, meaning Ginny was now sluggishly making her way down the hall to Charms. She wished Merlin would bless her with the stomach flu or something to that degree at this moment. Anything to get out of having to go to class.
She reached the massive carved door of her class. Heaving a sigh, she pulled the handle and made her way inside, hesitant to meet her fate.
She immediately found Pansy, in her usual seat three rows back from Ginny’s. The woman was distracted, talking with friends. Ginny took the opportunity to hurriedly make her way to her seat and slouch into her chair.
The professor entered the room beginning the lecture. He droned on about making a teacup dance around the desk for over an hour. Ginny tried to listen, she really did, but she could feel laser eyes drilling into the back of her head.
She was too scared to turn around and see what was causing her these feelings for fear of finding Pansy Parkinson staring back at her.
The professor wrapped up class shortly after 1:00 pm. It was lunch and then Ginny had her last class later in the day. She rose from her seat intending to skip lunch and make a mad dash for her dorm.
She was so stressed out, maybe sketching or painting could help. Yes; that is what she’d do. She’d go to her dorm and take her stress out on a canvas. Maybe she would even skip her last class and just have Hermione bring her dinner. The prospect of spending the rest of the night tucked away in the corner of her room with the easel sounded all too enticing.
She quickly gathered her things from her desk, not bothering to tuck away her notes or pens, just piling them on top of her books and fast walking to the door.
As soon as she crossed the threshold into the hall she heard it. Her name was being called from the room she’d just left. She paused, recognizing the voice right away. She’d been playing that voice on repeat all night long What can I do for you Weasley and Okay. It was Pansy’s husky voice.
Ginny was tempted to run but she remembered that Pansy had done her a favor yesterday, so instead she paused, slowly turning on her heel to face the woman.
Now, so close behind her, Pansy stood. Just slightly taller than the redhead she looked down into Ginny’s eyes, a glint of humor in her own.
Ginny’s palms began to sweat.
“What can I do for you Parkinson?” Ginny threw her words from yesterday back at her.
“Can we talk?” Her eyes gleaned around the corridor noting the other students shuffling around, some of them noting the unusual fact that the pair was talking, “Somewhere private?”
Ginny’s heart stopped in her chest. What could Pansy want to talk about? Was she not also stewing on what happened yesterday? Shouldn’t they both just pretend the kiss never happened and go back to how things were before yesterday afternoon?
“Sure,” Ginny reluctantly squeaked out, “Where?”
“Your dorm?” Pansy surprised Ginny by suggesting.
Ginny just nodded, turning around and heading down the hall, hoping the girl was following. Or maybe she hoped she’d lose Pansy in the chaos of the lunch rush; students flying through the hallways heading towards the dining hall.
Unfortunately, much to Ginny’s dismay, the woman kept stride with her.
They made it to the portrait door in record time for Ginny. Usually, she was legerly with her walk back to the dorm, stopping to talk to her peers or getting distracted by one of the castle’s ghosts and their antics.
She muttered the password to the stubborn old librarian in the painting. The door swung open revealing a dark tunnel leading into the cozy octagonal-shaped common room lined with red rugs and tapestries depicting scenes of knights in shining armor and spindling forests.
The fire from this morning was still roaring, warming the room to an almost uncomfortable temperature. The heat only added to Ginny’s nerves. She still didn’t look back to see if Pansy was behind her, she could hear the click of her shoes in the empty common room.
They made their way to the stone staircase. Ginny paused her foot on the first step. Once she went up these stairs there was no turning back. She would truly be isolated with Pansy Parkinson, the woman she’d kissed yesterday; the only woman she’d kissed.
Despite her nerves she continued on, something in her gut telling her to go onward, to hear Pansy out.
They were met with yet another door, this one Ginny unlocked using wandless magic. The pair stepped inside her and Hermione’s shared room.
The redhead stood uncomfortably in the middle of the room, watching as the brunette wandered about looking over Ginny’s shelves of paints, music, and nicknacks. Then she moved to Hermione’s selves, pulling off a book to read the back cover.
Ginny cleared her throat after a minute, “So… what was it you wanted to talk about?”
Pansy put the book down, spinning around to look at Ginny. She walked over to Ginny’s bed plopping down on her back to look at the ceiling.
Pansy blew out a breath, almost a sigh, “I think we should date.”
Ginny choked on the air. What did she mean date? She said that so casually as if it was normal for Pansy fucking Parkinson of all people to suggest that she date Ginny Weasley.
“I… I’m sorry, what?” Ginny gasped out.
“Sorry,” the woman sat up from her position on the bed, facing Ginny once more. “I think we should fake date.”
Pansy said it in a tone that suggested that the insertion of the word ‘fake’ cleared up all confusion. It did not. At least not for Ginny. She was at a complete loss for words.
Pansy looked at her shocked state for a few moments before standing to lightly grab the redhead’s hand. She gently pulled her to the bed and sat her down on the edge. Ginny complied, too lost in confusion to do anything else.
Pansy pulled out the desk chair flipping it backwards to straddle it facing Ginny. Her necktie was loose as if she’d pulled at it in frustration. Her button-down shirt was untucked from her skirt and her knee-high stockings were beginning to slip down her calves.
Ginny couldn’t look at the woman for too long or her thoughts would get her into trouble. Trouble like agreeing to Pansy’s plan before even hearing it.
“What do you mean fake date?” Ginny emphasized the last words as if to remind herself what they were talking about.
“I mean exactly what it sounds like. We pretend to date.”
“But… why? Why would we pretend to date?” Ginny’s confusion is palpable, like a breathing being dancing around in the air.
“Because you have an ex-boyfriend who won’t leave you alone. If we pretend like we’re in a relationship he’ll back off, I’ll make sure of it.” She supplies.
Pansy had noticed Dean’s actions over the last couple of months? Had anyone else noticed? Her brothers certainly hadn’t. Dean was probably lucky that they hadn’t; too caught up in their own romantic drama to notice their little sister’s leach of an ex.
“You noticed Dean?”
“Of course I noticed. He was outside most of your classes harassing you for the last two months. He almost makes it impossible not to notice.” Pansy surprised Ginny by saying.
She didn’t think anyone had been paying that much attention to her, let alone her issues with Dean. Hermione and Draco were the only ones who knew, and that was only because Hermione was her best friend and Draco was her best friend’s boyfriend.
Merlin, it was embarrassing that she had noticed. Dean was embarrassing. Ginny could not believe she dated him.
“What about you? What would you get out of us fake dating?” Ginny asked still confused about the woman’s motivations and trying to change the subject.
“Well I get to tell Dean to shove off whenever I want,” she laughed, “and I get to prove to my parents that I am actually gay, despite their doubts.” Gone was the laughter. Now grave seriousness replaced it.
“What do you mean?” Ginny whispered.
Pansy seemed to be hesitant to explain but continued nonetheless, “My parents think me being gay is a phase. It’s obviously not but no amount of words seems to be convincing enough for them.” She sighs and Ginny doesn’t think she’s heard a sadder sigh in her life.
“Maybe dating a girl will prove it to them.” Pansy finishes.
Suddenly Ginny wants nothing more than to leap from the bed and wrap the girl in the tightness of a hug. She doesn’t think Pansy gets enough of those.
Ginny stays where she is, however; she doesn’t even know the brunette that well, she doesn’t need to scare her off by pulling her into a bear hug only a Weasley can truly give. Especially not when this plan is starting to sound enticing.
No, no definitely not. Those thoughts will lead nowhere good. Ginny could not start down that road.
“How would we even convince them that we are dating? They’d never see us.” It didn’t make sense to Ginny. How were they supposed to convince her parents that they were together if they were away at Hogwarts the entire time?
“They are having a New Year’s Eve gala.” she rolls her eyes at the word gala, “You come to it and they can see that this whole gay thing is one hundred percent not going away. Then, we date for a couple more months and the good old-fashioned rumor mill will get the information on us back to them. Hopefully, with any luck, they will be convinced.” She sucks in a breath.
Ginny gnaws on her bottom lip, weighing the pros and cons of this crazy plan. It might help get Dean off her back and it would help get Pansy’s parents off of hers. It’s crazy, that’s for sure, no doubt about it, but… it just might work.
“How long would we fake date?” she needs to know every detail before she agrees to this. Matter of fact they should probably come up with some rules as well, so as to not blur any lines. Not that Ginny thinks she’ll have a hard time not blurring lines, definitely not.
“How about we revisit that question in a couple of months? See where we are sitting with our individual problems and adjust the timeline from there.” Pansy has this whole thing figured out Ginny thinks.
Ginny stares hard and Pansy. Debating back and forth. Should she, should she not? After a few moments of intense staring from both girls, Pansy never breaking eye contact with her. Ginny answers the original suggestion, “Okay. I’ll do it. But I have some rules.”
Merlin was Ginny easy to convince, how embarrassing. She just hoped this didn’t go wrong.
“Yes ma’am. Hit me,” Pansy gives her a salute, some of the playfulness returning to her eyes.
Ginny rolls her eyes, “No kissing. At least not all the time.” Ginny starts.
Pansy doesn’t say anything quite yet, just has a questioning look in her eye.
“I want to save those things for real moments in my life. I know it sounds stupid it’s just-” Ginny is cut off by Pansy’s reply,
“It’s not stupid. I get it, no kissing unless necessary. What about touching? No one is going to believe we’re dating if we don’t kiss let alone touch.”
Pansy makes a good point. Ginny ponders the question, deciding what she’s okay with and what she’s not.
“How about this, we can touch, and give chaste kisses, on the cheek and such. Sound reasonable?” Ginny questions if these parameters are good.
“Okay, I can work with that.” Pansy nods, “Any other rules?”
Ginny pauses. She hadn’t thought that far, only that she didn’t want to blur the lines with too much kissing.
“Uhm, I don’t think so,” Ginny tells her.
“Great,” she slaps her hands on the back of the chair, standing up, going to make her way for the door.
“Wait!” Ginny rushed to stand.
Pansy turns back raising her eyebrows waiting for an explanation.
Ginny walks up to her, coming next to the door, “Who should we tell about this… arrangement?”
“Probably no one, if we want it to be convincing,” Pansy says.
“But Hermione,” Ginny trails off.
“Aah, the golden girl,”
“She’s my best friend. She’s going to know if I’m lying.” Ginny tells her.
“Tell whoever you want Weasley, just try to keep it under wraps, alright? It would be terribly humiliating if someone found out about this.” Pansy looks down at Ginny, a teasing glint in her eye.
“Okay,” Ginny whispers, feeling like the air has suddenly been sucked out of the room.
The girls look at each other, momentary heat sizzling between them.
“I’ll see you later… girlfriend,” Pansy whispers, breaking whatever moment they had between them a second ago.
She’s gone before Ginny can muster any sort of response, the door already closed.
“Bye,” Ginny whispers to the emptiness of her room.
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nidamae-approvedhpfanfics · 6 months ago
This, Too, Is Sacred
An ancient power has required generations of purebloods to pledge their lives to the blood pact. Draco has long known he was born to uphold this tradition; but Hermione's parents have secrets, hidden details about her heritage… and soon it will be her turn to cast in with fate. Dramione AU
Also at
My summary: (I've read it 3 times now- it's that good)
2 yrs post Battle of Hogwarts Hermione's parents are finally getting their memories restored. Once mostly settled her father tells her she's actually pureblood and she Must speak with Molly about the Sacred 28 and what that now means for her as one of them.
This is the one aspect of being a member of the Sacred 28 the Weasleys have not and could not walk away from as it is vital for the survival of all magicals.
More than her immediate duty Hermione finds the loss of families from the Sacred numbers -there were originally 40- mean that her participation may soon be irrelevant. There is work to be done.
Language: English Words: 86,041 Chapters: 23/23 Collections: 33 Comments: 1,905 Kudos: 9,544 Bookmarks: 3,254 Hits: 276,042
Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Mr Granger (Harry Potter), Mrs Granger (Harry Potter), Molly Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Muriel (Harry Potter), Theodore Nott, Blood Magic, Sex Magic, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Forced Marriage, Traditions, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Pureblood Hermione Granger, do not copy to another site
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aprilthearcher · 2 months ago
replaying your laughter
harry potter x slytherin!fem!reader ― Harry has a crush on a Slytherin, which could collapse the entire school, but he doesn't seem to care much.
slightly inspired by 'message in a bottle' by taylor swift. there could be a second part if anyone's interested in it. don't forget to like, or reblog, or leave a comment! those are always appreaciated.
word count: 1.4k
part two (covered in you)
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Harry was sure that half – maybe even more than half – of Gryffindors House would never forgive him for having a crush on a Slytherin. Yet, Harry couldn’t really bring himself to care. The lot of them had called him a liar just last year, and none of them, friends or not, had the right to tell him who was appropriate enough or not to go on a date with. 
It was hard not to miss her when she was one of the few Slytherins in Harry’s year who had never insulted him nor any of his friends. As a half-blood, she didn’t care about ‘blood traitors’ or muggleborns nor was she a member of Malfoy’s gang. Also, the fact that she was best friends with Luna Lovegood made her trustworthy in Harry’s eyes. 
Although they had shared many classes during their years at Hogwarts, Harry didn’t know when he’d started to feel this way towards her. Had it been during their third year, after he’d seen her yell curses at Marcus Flint because he didn’t want girls in the Slytherin Quidditch Team? Had it been during their fourth year, after he saw her in an elegant, deep blue gown at the Yule Ball dancing with a Ravenclaw a year older than them? Had it been during their fifth year, after he’d seen her comfort two first years from Slytherin and Hufflepuff that had spent their afternoon in Umbridge’s office? Had these feelings been there since he’d met her on the train in their first year after she couldn’t find her older sister? 
Has he always been so clueless? 
Now, despite the fact that this recently discovered crush made Harry’s heart almost burst out of his chest any time he’d see her – whether in real life or in his dreams –, it didn’t mean that he would easily hand the victory to Slytherin in the match they were about to play. 
Standing face to face with Urquhart, Slytherin’s new Quidditch Captain, Harry tried to avoid her eyes and how imposing she looked dressed in the deepest hue of emerald green. Still, when Madame Hooch blew the whistle, Harry couldn’t help but raise his head in her direction. Her eyes quickly settled on his, and Harry almost punched himself for being the first one to look away. 
Up in the sky, a hand on his broom keeping him steady, he thought he’d have a moment of peace from her. But, in his defence, flying round the pitch looking for the snitch and making sure that his team was playing well eventually led him to find the force of nature that was her on top of a broom. Watching the speed at which she flew, Harry was somewhat relieved that she had never intended to become a Seeker. Yet, as magnificent as she was with a Quaffle in her hands, Ron’s confidence that there was Liquid Luck running through his system managed to block all of the shots she’d thrown at him. Anyone could tell from the look on her face and her stance on her broom that she wanted to rip off Ron’s head, probably use it to mark a few points as well. Her kindness, Harry realised then, did not make her less of a competitive hothead.
The match finished with the snitch in Harry’s hands, granting yet another win to Gryffindor. A smile on his face, he let his eyes trail over his team, each with a grin on their faces as big as his. He saw Ron lifting both of his arms, celebrating with the scarlet and gold crowd, and Ginny dive-bombing into the podium from where Zacharias Smith had been calling the match. 
Harry looked for her once more, finding her already on the ground with the rest of the Slytherin Quidditch Team. He’d started descending when he saw what seemed to be a fight between her and Urquhart. The Slytherin Quidditch Team had a finger pointed to her chest, which she quickly dismissed with a jab of her hand and a hissed that Harry got to hear as a ‘Don’t fucking touch me’. This infuriated Urquhart more, making him get closer to her face, but with only a stamp of her foot, she sent him flying backwards. 
Madame Hooch’s whistle blew loudly across the pitch, and the crowd finally caught on what was happening. Harry saw them go from celebrating, or sulking in the case of the silver and green sea of people, to whispering excitedly about the tussle. Urquhart was now marching in her direction, though Harry noticed some hesitation on his pace when the determination settled on her face. He had known, not that Harry spent a lot of time observing her, that she was very capable at wandless magic. In Urquhart’s case, he was always ready to start a brawl, yet he never saw through; opting, instead, to play it cool when he realised that he wouldn’t come out triumphant. 
Because of some kind of instinct, Harry drew closer to the Slytherin Quidditch Team, standing a few paces behind her. Zabini observed him, his eyes were narrowed and his arms were crossed; it was clear he wasn’t there to stop his teammates from fighting each other. Suddenly, Snape stood between Urquhart and (Y/N). His face was rougher than usual and with only a few words he sent the Slytherin Captain back to the castle. Then, Snape turned to them, raising his eyebrows at the sight of Harry.
“Potter, shouldn’t you be celebrating?” Said Snape. The mere mention of the word ‘celebrating’ added a layer of disgust to his face. “Or is it that you cannot bear that the attention is not on you?”
Before answering, he looked at her. She had glanced back at him at the mention of his name, clearly surprised that he was here. Their eyes met for a brief second, one in which Harry noted the colour of his eyes was similar to that of her robes. 
“I was only making sure that none of the players of your house got hurt. Seeing as Malfoy wasn’t here to play today, to get yet another replacement would surely affect the team.”
“How… heroic. Always ready to save the day, Potter.” Harry smiled sarcastically at Snape’s comment. “Miss, I expect to see you at my office tomorrow morning. We will discuss your detention.”
“Detention? Urquhart was the one to start the fight. He was the one yelling at me and getting all over my face.” Harry was certain that weren’t for the fact that Snape was a professor and the Head of her House, he would have suffered the same fate as Urquhart, thrown back across the pitch. He stopped himself from laughing at the mental picture of that. 
“It’s not up to discussion, but if you keep complaining you will do a month of detention rather than two weeks.” With her silence and the matter already settled, Snape started walking towards the castle, Zabini and the rest followed him.
Now that the two of them were alone, Harry didn’t know what to say. The bleachers were emptying, some members of his team had already left the pitch. 
“Um, thanks for that, I guess,” she mumbled. It seemed she didn’t know what to say either. 
“Uh, yeah, no problem.”
There was another moment of silence where both of them avoided each other’s gaze, looking at their shoes or the brown gloves on their hands.
“What did- What did Urquhart say to you?” Harry asked. He was curious, but he also wanted to keep talking to her. 
“He basically blamed the loss on me, saying I wasn’t fast enough or my aim was off, which could be true, but it’s not as if the rest of the team got the same. He said it to me because I’m the only girl, so…”
“So he’s a prick and no better than Flint.”
She laughed at that, softly and probably reminiscing that time she cursed him for not wanting to put her on the team. Harry swore that if he could hear that laugh play in the back of his mind forever, he wouldn’t need anything else. It would be her laugh that’d spurred him on. He thought about running to Dumbledore’s office and using the pensieve to replay this moment over and over again.
“Yeah, at least Montague would yell at all of us.” She mentioned while beginning to play with the strap on her gloves. “Anyways, I think it’s time for me to get back, and you have a win to celebrate.”
“Yeah, yeah, I do. But, um, you played well today. You’re a great Chaser.”
She whispered a small ‘thanks’, biting her lower lip in an attempt to contain the grin that was about to erupt in her face. 
thank you for reading!
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fairyofspringdays · 3 months ago
The Weasley Family Spouses - Which Weasley is the hottest?
(bill x fleur, percy x oliver, fred x angelina, george x lee, ron x hermione, ginny x harry)
the six weasley spouses were asked to rate all the weasley siblings from most attractive to least. here are the responses:
#1 bill - hubby!!! so respectful and sweet and loving, but also so fiery! that hair really gets her going... she had thought his scars were hot even before greyback happened, and he is no less attractive now!
#2 percy - a gentleman, treats her with respect. learnt french to properly communicate with her! he said he'd always wanted to learn another language and when he heard bill was marrying a french girl, it was the perfect opportunity to learn. what a shame that he's gay.
#3 charlie - also respectful. asks interesting questions and always willing to talk. not bad-looking.
#4 fred and george - also respectful. too caught up in themselves to really give her time.
#5 ron and ginny - no.
#1 percy - he is the BEST. he is intelligent i mean sure he is academically smart but he's also just intrinsically smart and really thoughtful and caring and sweet and— (cut off before he could go into a full blown rant)
#2 charlie - attractive, great at quidditch. he had a crush on charlie when he was young.
#3 bill and ginny - also attractive and great at quidditch. they overwhelm him a bit.
#4 ron - he doesn't know the kid very well but he must be cool since harry likes him, right?
#5 fred and george - ANNOYING. (he is biased because the twins don't treat percy well)
#1 fred - well, obviously. but tell him she put george on top just to fuck with him.
#2 ginny - she's not gay, but...
#3 george - physically attractive, too similar but also too different from fred for her to give him a proper number. either way, he is gay, so.
#4 bill - very cool, nice long hair. she wants to convince fred to grow out his hair too.
#5 ron, percy, and charlie - all physically attractive in their own ways. she doesn't know them well enough to comment further.
#1 george - very very cute. nice fluffy red hair and pretty hazel eyes. just... very cute.
#2 bill - cool as hell.
#3 charlie and ginny - also cool as hell, just a bit less.
#4 percy - he needs to loosen up a bit. he might know just the thing to get percy to do that, but he's not single.
#5 ron - a bit cool actually, but he's always preferred his men more muscly than tall.
#6 fred - a gremlin.
(the only contestant who protested at first, but was eventually persuaded)
#1 ron - very thoughtful and caring, he's brave and loyal and so wonderfully smart and cute! and he can cook!!!
#2 ginny - again, she's not gay, but...
#3 everyone else - more like brothers to her than anything. she does appreciate percy's smarts and the twins' charms, but they're just not ron.
#1 ginny - she's cool, she's hot, she's wonderfully fiery and he could spend all day mooning after her.
#2 ron - ron's his best mate so he has a moral obligation to put him high on the least. (but he IS very sweet and caring and, well, if hermione broke up with him...)
#3 bill - he isn't gay, but...
#4 fred and george - very fun to be around.
#5 percy - he's a nerd but also there's something endearing about him.
#6 charlie - physically very attractive. refused to comment further.
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dream-with-a-fever · 3 months ago
What is your favourite hinny fict of all time?
ooh this is a great question!!! several come to mind, because there are some really incredible writers out there who i think capture harry and ginny perfectly in their writing. and i can’t pick one so here goes:
Orchards by @whinlatter
this oneshot is incredible, building up hinny’s relationship over the summer that we see so little of in the books. it’s just so in character, funny and beautiful. you really see their easy dynamic and how perfect they are for each other. i’ve reread it several times and i will do it again it’s THAT good. also her other work Beasts about post-dh ginny and everything that follows the war with lots of flashbacks and added details. it’s really honest and gritty portrayal of grief & recovering from the trauma of a war
The Path From You by @takeariskao3
i am obsessed with this fic. it’s wonderful bc it has all the canon elements but it’s set a few years after the war, and the main plot is completely fresh and new. it’s like a harry x ginny second chance romance, harry is super protective and they’re both like still so in love with each other it’s ughhh *chefs kiss*! it’s so well-written too. i LOVE it.
quick-fire and warm front by @jiilys
these are two oneshots that i think perfectly capture hinny’s relationship after the war. the writing is just beautiful.
Come Stay for The Summer by @ashotofogdensoldfirewhiskey
this is such a fun and hilarious text-fic. i’m such a fan of hinny in a different universe, like regular high school / soccer fics. just another fun exploration of their relationship. also basically any of the oneshots by this author are so good.
Bewitched by @starlingflight (apologies for tagging the wrong author!!!)
i loved this fic so much. such an orignal concept — it’s mainly a non-magical storyline but with a twist. loved the characterisations and the non-linear format. so cute and fun and the ending is perfect.! also this author has lots of other wonderful works.
FloreatCastellum on ao3 is also wonderful - their missing moments works are so on point.
i also might take this opportunity to self-rec my fic too (lmao sorry) which is-
but i’m a fire, and i’ll keep your brittle heart warm by me hehe
it’s a fic about the beginning and blossoming friendship of harry & ginny during order of the phoenix. basically missing moments and build up to explore how and why these two eventually end up together !
but i am always looking for more fics to read so pls give me recs!!<3
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ilovekittycats2 · 2 months ago
New Years Eve
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Fred Weasley x reader
(use of y/n)
In which,
Fred and Y/N share a moment, almost, as the clock strikes midnight.
The Burrow was almost always bustling with the sounds of laughter and love. It practically spilled out of every window, drenching anyone who visited in its warmth. The crooked house stood tall and proud, an unmistakable testament to the life and joy that thrived within its walls. In other words, it was evident that the Burrow, and the red-headed family who lived there, were brimming with love from top to bottom.
Every year, Y/N spent her winter break with the Weasleys. Her own parents and siblings were always traveling—caught up in their own busy lives—and somehow, they always forgot to include her in their plans. Y/N didn’t mind much, though. Christmas and New Year’s at the Weasleys’ was always more fun than being in her empty house. Molly Weasley had practically adopted her, insisting on knitting her a jumper every year and fretting over her like she was one of her own.
Tonight was no exception. The living room was alive with laughter and shouts as the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, and Y/N gathered around the fireplace, playing a Muggle board game she’d gifted them for Christmas. The twins had been suspicious of the game at first, convinced it would explode or do something wild—because what fun was a board game if it didn’t?—but eventually, they were all engrossed in the competitive chaos.
“HA! Take that, Ronniekins!” Fred crowed as he claimed yet another victory.
“It’s not fair, you’re cheating somehow!” Ron huffed, glaring at his brother, who was grinning smugly. “Don’t be a sore loser Ronniekins,” Y/N teased, nudging Ron with her shoulder.
As the clock in the corner ticked closer to midnight, the game slowed. Molly and Arthur had retired to bed, and Ginny was half-asleep with her head on Hermione’s shoulder. One by one, the others began to drift off, until only Y/N and Fred remained, still sitting cross-legged in front of the fire.
“You’re not tired?” Fred asked, leaning back on his hands and watching her closely. “Not yet,” she replied, her voice soft. “It feels too perfect to end the night just yet.” Fred tilted his head, a mischievous gleam in his eye. “Perfect, huh? Well, I know how to make it even better.”
Before she could ask what he meant, he stood and extended a hand toward her. “Come on.”
She hesitated for a moment but eventually placed her hand in his. Fred’s grip was warm and steady as he led her through the house, careful not to make a sound as they crept past creaky floorboards and closed doors. “Where are we going?” Y/N whispered, though she couldn’t stop the smile creeping onto her face.
“You’ll see,” Fred whispered back, his grin widening.
They climbed a rickety staircase that led to the attic. Fred pushed open a small window, gesturing for her to climb through. “Are you serious?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “Deadly,” he replied, the sparkle in his eyes daring her to say no.
With a laugh, she hoisted herself through the window, and Fred followed close behind. They found themselves on the roof of the Burrow, the cold winter air crisp against their faces. Above them, the stars stretched endlessly, their light reflected in the snow-covered fields below.
“Wow,” Y/N breathed, hugging herself against the chill. Fred shrugged off his jumper and handed it to her without a word. “Fred, you’ll freeze,” she protested. “Nonsense,” he said with a wink. “I'm a Weasley. Built to withstand anything.”
They sat side by side, legs dangling over the edge of the roof. Midnight crept closer, and the air between them felt heavier, charged with something unspoken. “Thanks for staying up with me,” Y/N said quietly, glancing at him. Fred looked at her, his usual playful demeanor softened. “Anytime,” he said, his voice unusually gentle.
As the clock struck midnight, the sound of distant fireworks filled the air, their colorful explosions lighting up the sky. Fred turned to her, his face inches from hers, his breath warm against the cold night.
“I think this is the perfect moment,” he murmured, his eyes flicking down to her lips.
Y/N’s heart raced as she leaned in slightly, the world around them disappearing into the sparkling night. But just as their lips were about to meet, the window below them creaked open, and George’s voice rang out.
“Oi, you two! Thought you’d sneak off without me, did you?”
Fred groaned, pulling back and shaking his head. “George, you absolute git!” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh, the spell broken but the warmth in her chest still lingering. Fred joined in, his grin as bright as the fireworks above.
Maybe next year.
happy new year guys!!! part three to the high maintenance series is coming soon but i'd thought i'd give my fred weasley girls a lil blurb while i work on the other piece. love you all so much have a great new years.
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arten1234 · 1 month ago
only because I love you | draco malfoy X reader
Summary: When you and Draco break up before the war, but not for the reason you think.
It was just like every other train ride to Hogwarts, or at least it was supposed to be. What was usually a train filled bustling excitement for the new school year, was filled with horrifying thoughts, and whispers of how everyone’s world was changing. You tried not to listen to it as you were leaning against the window in your compartment with the trio and Ginny. Even that wasn’t enjoyable as everybody was trying to ignore the weird tension between Ginny and Harry as well as Ron and Hermione, and you were kinda just stuck in the middle of it, wishing all those idiots would realize their feelings.
Draco was in his own compartment you assumed, most likely with his friends you despised, just as he despised yours. You guys had been dating since the middle of year four, but lately he's been distant, if that's one way to describe it. You assumed it was just because of the stress surrounding the brewing war as well as his own internal family affairs. Anybody would be stressed, but something else was causing Draco to slowly tear himself away from you. You couldn't handle the tension in your compartment at this point so you decided to go see your boyfriend, after all it had to be better than this compartment, right?
You were wrong.
"I think I'm going to go see what Draco is up to,” you said while awkwardly standing up, resulting in Hermione giving you a why are you leaving me here look, and Ginny giving you a wide eyed tight look. You chuckled before leaving and starting towards the end of the train, glancing into each box to see which one Draco was in. Eventually you came across Draco sitting on one side of a box, and Pansy and Blaise on the other.
Yes Pansy.
You two never had a rosy relationship as she was practically in love with Draco, and before you and Draco started dating, you and Pansy were even somewhat friends. Now it was definitely turbulent, you were always on the mend of punching her, but Draco always assured you everything was fine and he only had eyes for you.
You don’t know why you believed him.
You sent a knock on the glass and Dracos head shot over quicker than ever. Strange. He looked kind of scared that you were there, like he had to hide something. Pansy looked at you and sent a smirk while shooting her eyebrows up and down. You just sent an eye roll back. He opened the doors and instead of letting you in, he stepped out and closed the door again.
"What are you doing here,” Draco asked bluntly, you’re pretty sure it didn't mean to come out the way it did, but it still stung.
“I'm just here to see my boyfriend, something wrong with that?" you asked, the annoying apparent in your tone.
“No of course not, I need to talk to you though, let's come over here" Draco said guiding you to the small area between the boxes and the toilets. You seemed to get an idea of what was coming, you internally begged that your intuition was wrong, but you just had a gut feeling. You stayed silent leaning your back against the wall and Draco leaning against the other one. Even though he had distanced himself from you, you still loved him, and you thought he loved you too.
"Look I just- I know I've been ignoring you, and I know I haven't wrote to you, and I'm sorry but I just-" he paused and you knew what was coming next, "I can't do this anymore" five words that made your heart shatter.
"What why? Did I do something? Did I say something? Did i-" he cut off your rambling "No it's not that it's just…." he spoke but he paused, like he didn't have a reason he could tell you about. "Just what Draco, I spent the last 2 years with you, I listened to you breakdown about everything, I was by your side through everything and now your breaking up with me, why?" you yelled at him and it took him my shock. He just turned his head to the side, grabbing his head and thinking of what to say. You started to think, the distance, the ignoring, the way he was acting when you came to his box, the look Pansy gave you at the door…. could he be cheating? No, he couldn't right?
"Is there somebody else" your voice cracking despite your attempt to remain unaffected. He quickly turned his head and went to shake it no, but instead it seemed like he finally knew what to say. "I- look you’re perfect but I just- I lost feelings, and there's nothing wrong with you-," he went to grab your hands but you smacked them away with tears spilling down your face "Darling please I promise I was going to tell you sooner but I just couldn't stand to break you like that.”
“How could you do this to me? All the shit my friends gave me for being with you, saying you were up to no good, I believed you over them, how could I be so stupid?” You screamed at him, sobbing and slamming your fists on his chest. At this point Draco’s eyes were glazed over as well, but not for the reasons you think. You just leaned back on your side of the small space before sliding down to the floor and burying your face in your hands. He knew it was better to just leave at this point, so he bent down towards you and placed a small kiss on your forehead. You looked up at him with your tear stained face and his heart broke at the sight. "I'm sorry" were his last two words before he unlocked the door and left.
Just like that.
You stayed there for another 15 minutes sobbing before Ron came to use the bathroom and found you in your state. He rushed back and got the others and you told them everything that had happened while Hermione had to stop the guys from breaking Draco into pieces.
Just one thing though. It was all a lie.

"Is there somebody else" her small voice spoke up, the same voice he fell in love with, the voice he was still in love with. He had to do. this, He had to lie. Draco was informed by his parents this past summer that he would be becoming one of them, a death eater. If he didn’t do this, he knew she wouldn't be safe. He had to protect her and this was the only way he could. Draco watched her hit his chest over and over and he knew he deserved it. She was broken. Draco gave her one last kiss before walking out.
Just as broken.
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cassiopeia-longbottom98 · 2 months ago
Nott's Big Question
Relationship: Theodore Nott x Reader
Summary: Theo takes you to dinner. It's just a normal dinner at Blaise's, right?
Warning: Use of Y/N
"Theo, thank you so much for dinner. You know how much I love Blaise's lasagna." I said happily. I tilt my head to the side and smile.
Theo stares back at me in awe. He admires us from across the table. "My goddess, you are absolutely stunning tonight. You always are, but tonight even the stars are envy your beauty."
I blush at the compliment. Theo has always been very good with his words, but they always seemed to leave me flustered.
"T-thanks Theo.", I say blushing, "You look dashing as ever. Blaise should offer you as dessert." I wink at him.
Theo grins, "Only for you, my darling."
You both talk about your day. Theo rants about how Draco keeps coming in late and how he has to pick up Draco's slack.
Ever since Draco and Hermione had gotten back from their honeymoon 3 months ago, Draco has been coming in late. I have my theory that she's pregnant. She wasn't looking too well after she had to use the floo when we had dinner last week. Theo thinks they are just shagging all the time.
"Hey Y/n!" Ginny calls. I look up to see Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Ginny and Harry have been married for a few years now. Their wedding was on the cover of the Daily Prophet for at least two weeks.
I smile and greet them. "Are you guys here on date night as well?" Theo asked. Harry nodded.
"Yeah. Ginny has been talking about wanting to come back here, since Y/n's birthday dinner." Ginny elbows Harry in the side. Harry grunts and glares at his wife.
"Anyways, I see you guys are here on date night." Ginny smiles and gives Theo a weird look.
'I wonder what that was about.' I think to myself but eventually brush it off.
Harry and Ginny go and sit at their table and we continue with our date.
Theo and I continue to eat your food in comfortable silence. It was never uncomfortable between you guys. He looks up at me and smiles.
When I first met Theo back in second year, he never smiled. I remember the first time I saw it.
It was fourth year and everyone was coming back at the Yule Ball. Draco seemed to be in a mood. Pansy stormed off to the dorm room, and everyone else was starting to get tired. Blaise wanted to lighten the mood and to make his best friend smile, so he asked Blaise to dance. Both being purebloods, they obviously knew to dance properly. The two of them started doing the tango. I watch from afar. Being a muggleborn sorted into Slytherin was rare and that meant I was an easy target.
I laughed at the boys being silly. I turned to see Draco smirking. I looked back at the dancing duo and was taken back. Theo had the most beautiful smile and his laugh could cure all things evil. The Slytherin common room never felt warmer.
"Well, hello lovers. I took time out of my very busy schedule to bring you this exclusive dessert." Blaise greeted. I giggle at his antics. Blaise has always been dramatic. Blaise shows us his very new cheesecake, carrot cake cheesecake. Theo grunts, trying to convince Blaise to leave.
Blaise chuckles and looks down at me, "You know Y/n, if you ever get tired of him, my bed is always available." I chuckle at him as he walks away. Theo mutters about how he is going to kill him.
"Theodore darling, we both know you won't kill him. Who else would you dance with?" He glares at me as he tries a bit out of the cheesecake.
I take a bite and moan. Theo looks up at me hungrily.
"Y/n, would you care for a stroll after dinner?" Theo asks. "I am going to have to work off this cheesecake to keep this sexy body." He grins at my laugh.
"I would love it. Got to keep that figure or else I may have to take up Blaise's offer." I wink at him.
He glares at me as he finishes and goes to pay.
As we walk down Diagon Alley, I lean into him to try and warm myself. "Cold, my love?" Theo asks softly.
I nod. I feel as the warming charms that Theo placed work its magic. Theo has always been a sweetheart. He doesn't act like it around others, but he's such a softie with me. As we walk, I feel Theo pull my closer and wrap his arm around my shoulders. I lean into smelling smoke, wine, and cinnamon. His scent comforts me.
Abruptly we stop, and I look up at Theo. I see him grinning, his cheeks dusted with red.
"Remember this spot?" He asks cheekily. I look up and see we are outside of Fortescue's Ice cream Parlor.
I blush. "Oh Merlin. How could I forget?" It's the day I embarrassed myself in front of you."
"By embarrassed, you mean ruin one of my favorite shirts." I smack his arm. "You know it was an accident." He chuckles. Theo grabs my hands and smiles at me.
"You know that is one of my favorite memories of you. I don't understand how I never noticed you before then. I love your dark green eyes and sandy brown hair. You make my life so much better. I never knew happiness or love until I met you. You know how my father was. I would go through again every time if that meant I would get to be with you. Y/n Smith, I will love you until the day my magic gives out. I will love you until Draco and Blaise stop getting annoying.", Theo says as he gets down on one knee with a ring in his hand, "Will you please do me the honor of marrying me and making me the happiest man in this galaxy?"
I stand there stunned. I never imagine Theo would be on one knee in front of me. I stare at him until I could see the nerves starting to hit. I squeal and wrap myself around him. "Yes, Yes, Yes!!!" I yell. I hear Theo curse under his breath.
"Salazar woman, you about gave me a heart attack. I thought you were going to say no." Theo chuckled.
I look at him and place my hand on his cheek.
"Merlin Theo, I never thought you would have proposed to me. I would always say yes to you. I love you so much."
I pull Theo closer and kiss him softly. Theo leans in and deepens the kiss.
We finally pull away as we heard people around us start whispering. I stand up and pull Theo up.
We apparate back to our house. As we snuggle on our couch, I look at my ring. "How does Y/n Nott sound?" I look at Theo smiling big.
"It sounds perfect love." Theo whispers and he leans down to kiss me.
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stanzo75 · 2 months ago
hogsmeade date?<3
Storyline: George wants to ask y/n on a date to hogsmeade but is scared of rejection.
Background: y/n is in ron’s year, best friends with fred and george through ron. George has a HUGE crush on them, y/n likes him back but is better at containing it.
pairing: George Weasley x reader
(my requests are always open 🫶)
You are sitting in the common room with Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Neville, all talking about weekend plans. It was Ron who brought up the topic, asking everyone what they planned to do at hogsmeade. You hadn't gotten the chance to speak yet, everyone addin in their plans one by one. Harry was lucky enough to get Fred to agree to sneaking him in again, and you wondered why he said just Fred and not George as well. Usually those two did everything together, you would know, if they're not off causing trouble they're always at your side. Maybe George had something to do that day? You felt a pang of disappointment, you had wanted to ask him to accompany you during the trip. You pushed the confusion and disappointment down as you listened to everyone else speak. Hermione was going with Ginny to J. Pippin's potions shop with Ginny to restock on supplies for Snape's class and work out where to stop as they went. Ron was going to Zonko’s and honeydukes with Harry, once Harry arrived. Neville was insistent on making a strict schedule so he could visit The Magic Neep, Dogweed and Deathcap, Brood and Peck, while still leaving room to spend the rest of his time at Honeydukes. It was quite interesting to listen to Neville talk about those shops, you'd never cared much for plants or beasts but you admired Neville's interest in the subjects. Suddenly ron piped in, turning to you,
“What do you plan on doing?”
You had not yet realized you didn't know what to do anymore without George, and you didn't want to intrude on anyone else’s plans.
“I think i'll just sit at the three broomsticks” you reply quietly.
Surprisingly, Ron looks pleased and nods, quickly changing the topic. 
Feeling left out, eventually you just get up to go roam the halls. As you're walking past the kitchens, Fred and George pop out, looking pleased. George seems to light up when he sees you, making his way over to you with a smile, Fred follows behind as he stuffs baked goods into his pockets.
“Hello gorgeous, what are you doing out here? Ron told me you'd be up in the common room with them.” he asks.
You don't want to admit the real reason you left so you reply with,
 “It was getting too stuffy in there, I needed fresh air.”
Fred suddenly speaks up,
“I'm going off to see angelina!! George dont forget what we talked about”
You watch as fred moves a painting nearby and dips into the passageway behind it, it was the first secret passage george had ever shown you. You turn to George with a puzzled look.
“What is he talking about?”
George looks flustered for a moment before composing himself.
“It's nothing! I mean, its something stupid, nothing important”
He looks as if he's holding something back, but you don't pry.
“Want to uh, head up to my dorm with me? I've got new charms to try” he asks, looking hopeful.
You smile and nod, always happy to spend time with George, especially when he’s showing off new flashy charms he learned. As you enter the common room, your friends are all still chatting. When Ron spots the two of you he shoots George a questioning glance, and George shakes his head back. Ron groans and turns back to his conversation. That was weird, why are both ron AND fred being strange? Was George planning some extraordinary prank? Without you knowing? George awkwardly shrugs it off and gently grabs your hand to lead you away to his dorm. His hand felt so natural in yours, you're not even sure if he meant to do it. As you arrive in his dorm, you flop down on his bed, propping your head up with your hands to watch him. 
“Why are Ron and Fred acting so weird?” you blurt out, curiosity taking over. He looks stunned for a moment, as if trying to come up with a believable response. 
“Don't lie to me George,” you say sternly, noticing his brain working to fabricate a story, “does it have something to do with the trip to hogsmeade?” 
It felt sort of stalkerish to ask that, but it had been picking at your mind ever since you learned of it. 
He goes a deep shade of red, you couldn't tell if it was blush or anger, probably both.
“Which one of them told you?” he sounds a mixture of nervousness and anger, maybe a bit of sadness? You couldn't exactly tell. 
“Tell me what?” you ask, clearly this was deeper than you thought. What did their secrecy have to do with you? 
He hesitates for a moment, before asking “you actually don't know?”
“ know WHAT george? All I know is that Ron and Fred are being weird, and that Fred is helping Harry into Hogsmeade but for some reason you aren't this time. It just sounds to me like you are planning something  stupid you don't want me to know about. What kind of prank are you planning george?” you say, watching him intensely.
He processes your words for a moment before sighing in relief, only for his shoulders to tense back up when he realizes he has to explain to you.
He walks over to the bed, sitting beside you as you sit up as well to face him.
“Listen, I wanted to ask you on a date to Hogsmeade and they've been pestering me about it ever since I mentioned it, but i havent had the courage to actually ask you. I understand if you say no, you're probably already busy with your friends anyways. I just thought it'd be easier to not ask rather than be rejected.” he says quietly, “just promise me this won't ruin our friendship, i can't lose you”
You sit still for a moment. Is this real? Is it finally happening?
He takes your silence as a no, and looks absolutely heartbroken, you can see his jaw clenching in an attempt not to cry.
“George,” you say softly, and he looks back at you, he looks as if he's preparing himself for bad news, “you should've asked me, i'd love to go with you”
His face lights up, his stress evidently melting away, “you mean it?”
“Of course I mean it! I wasn't even going with any friends, i was going to sit alone at the three broomsticks because i had been hoping you'd be there, but then i heard you weren't going with fred and i assumed you were going with someone else, or that you just didn't want to go” you explain. He smiles softly, “you know i'd never abandon you for someone else” he says, moving closer to you to look you in the eyes. You feel a warm surge spread through your body, completely endorsed in the smile on his face. You lean in instinctively, and in return you feel his lips pressing against yours, his hands moving to your hips. You kiss him for a few moments, but it feels like forever, you can feel your heart beating so hard it might explode, kissing him felt like fireworks. When the kiss is finally broken, he pulls away looking mesmerized, his cheeks turned a light red. 
“I choose the shops we go into though” you say jokingly,
He chuckles and responds, “whatever you want, love”
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xxlittle0birdxx · 1 year ago
The music abruptly stopped, and a few minutes later, the door opened a mere crack. One bright green eye appeared, followed by the rest of Harry, clad in an old and faded Fitchburg Finches t-shirt and an equally ragged pair of joggers. ‘I should have called,’ Ginny said, all at once self-conscious. ‘I listened to the match, and for some stupid reason thought you’d like…’ She trailed off, face reddening. 'This didn't sound nearly as stupid in my head. I thought you might like some company, but clearly you'd rather be alone.'
Harry opened the door wider and gestured for her to come inside before she could babble her way off his doorstep. ‘Never call,’ he said. ‘Always show up.’
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lemonagrios · 3 months ago
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I've been thinking of an Au like this for a couple of months, so I made some shitty drawings to get some of it out of my system, lol
Me yapping about this Au ⬇️
So when I say "Logan" or "Runaways" Au I don't mean like literally swapping the characters and putting NextGen characters in the existing story, it's more like the general idea of the movie/comics with some plotpoints but not the exact same(?) I hope what I said makes sense lmao 😭
In this Au mutants are still relatively unknown and hidden from the population, but the Malfoys, who are very known and loved for their contributions to medicine and all of the other businesses they own, have known about mutants for a very long time now, and they actually are part of a big anti-mutant organization where they test possible "cures" and weapons for when mutants decide to "rebel" against humanity, even more now that some mutant called Harry Potter has been making some noise they have already tried and failed to silence.
17 year old Scorpius Malfoy, oblivious to all this tries to be the perfect son for his father while also grieving the (suspicious) death of his mother, he's been feeling weird lately, and he also has a big interest in genetics, not only because he knows he'd have to work in Transigen when he grows up like the rest of his family, but because of some weird sightings of interesting people in the past year.
Some stuff happens, and he discovers the truth about his family's business, the inhuman experiments tried on mutant kids, and a deadly weapon called X-19 that they created and actually have been using for a couple of years to kill important people like politicians and mafia lords while earning enormous amounts of money with it.
This "weapon" is actually a teen around the same age as Scorpius, and somehow he ends up running away with him, albeit kinda not on purpose, on top of all that he also very recently discovered that he himself is a mutant, so things are not looking good.
Some more things I've thought about 🥸
Albus and Scorpius are both 17, and their bond is definitely going to turn romantic at some point in the future bc I love them, they're boyfriends in every universe, I don't make the rules.
Albus name is X-19 as a reference to the epilogue begging with "19 years later" lmao.
Also, since his name was X-19, someone in Transigen who was part of the crew in charge of him and felt bad for him started calling him "Severus" in an attempt to give him a real name, I won't give too much details about this but that's the reason Scorpius says "Severus" in my fanart, "Albus" is a name he'd get later.
Albus was created in a lab, BUT I want him to have both Harry and Ginnys genes, I want Ginny to be the one who has the same mutation as him, so since this is kinda a gender reversal, she has claws like Laura's while Albus has Logan's, and we all know Albus looks a lot like Harry, so I like the idea that he was made specifically to resemble him, just to fuck with their heads when a teen that looks just like Harry and has Ginnys mutation is used against them.
As for Scorpius powers, I mostly made them up lol, it's a pretty basic teleportation with the fact that his skin becomes white the more he uses his powers bc I really wanted him to develop a physical mutation that would eventually (propably) out him as a mutant, also he can only teleport to places he has already been to before, if he hasn't been to a place he cannot go there, but since he's so new to his powers he can't control where he's going yet lol.
I think that's it 🤓 I still have nothing set since this is just for silly fun and I could change my mind at anytime, tbh I doubt anyone would read all that, but I had to let it out, I do want to write a fic someday, but if I draw slow, I write even slower 😭 I hope my English didn't fail me cause lately I haven't been Englishing very well lmao, byeee.
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libraryofhogwarts · 4 months ago
A Deal Made on Impulse
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Ginny Weasley x Pansy Parkinson
Ginny is in a sticky situation and Pansy seems to be the only way out. But why would she agree?
Chapter 1: I'll Owe You One
Series masterlist
The walk to Three Broomsticks was awful. Ginny could usually handle the cold. After years of playing on the Quidditch team, she thought she would have built immunity to it with the early morning practices, the grass still covered in frost, or the games played in lightning storms.
But no. It’s mid-winter, meaning the hills surrounding Hogwarts and Hogsmeade are covered in at least a foot of snow and the black lake is half frozen over. Trudging through the snow, boots crunching on the icy snow was not a pleasurable experience.
At least the trip was worth the reward. Ginny could not wait to step inside the pub, warmed by the roaring fire. She would order a butterbeer, hopefully the alcohol could help to heat her insides as well.
She finally crests the hill, setting off to cross the old stone bridge towards the cozy-looking candlelight in the windows of the restaurant.
The old brass door handle stings the skin of Ginny’s palm as she clutches it to open the door from the frost along its metal curve. She hisses and rubs her hands together.
Walking into the room roaring with chatter from other patrons, she makes a mental note to not forget her mittens on her next walk. If she’s honest with herself, however, it’ll probably slip her mind. For some reason, mittens are always the one thing she forgets.
Across a crowd of what looks to be third years, way too young to be in the pub, she sees her brothers, Harry, Hermione, Draco, Neville, and Theo huddled on the couch and surrounding armchairs propped in front of the massive sandstone fireplace.
She weaves her way through a bumbling group of teens, probably drunk off Butterbeer, past two fourth years awkwardly flirting. She inwardly cringes at the boy pretending to yawn, wrapping his arm around the girl. It’s the oldest trick in the book, does he think that’ll actually work?
The girl tips her chin down, hiding her small smile, and blushes when his hand makes contact with her shoulder. I guess so Ginny thinks. She shakes her head, leaving the awkwardness behind her to continue on her path.
Once she reaches the group she’s met with Hello’s and Gin you’re finally here’s, spoken over the top of one another. She addresses them all with a general “Hello, hello,” in greeting before shoving George to the side and plopping down on the end of the couch.
“Hey! What was that for?” George wines.
“I wanted to sit. You were in the way Georgie,” she says the last bit with a sickly sweet tone in her voice.
“You’re lucky I love you,”
“Yeah, yeah, I love you too Georgie,” she stretches her legs and arms out in front of her towards the fire, trying to warm the limbs. The cold from outside still lingered in her bones.
The conversation between her friends resumes. Apparently, Harry was still hopelessly crushing on Cho and needed advice from Ron on what he should do about it. Neville, sitting in one of the armchairs chatted with the twins about the Quidditch game from two days ago. Ravenclaw lost against Gryffindor and while Neville had a lot of house pride his girlfriend, Luna, was a Ravenclaw so he sided with them, hence the friendly arguing between the three.
Hermione was sitting in Draco’s lap in the other chair; the pair in their own little world. They whispered in each other’s ears, Hermione giggling and blushing every so often at whatever suggestive thing Draco says.
Ginny’s heart aches a tinge at the sight of the couple. She wanted that. Her own person. Someone who understood her completely; could make her blush and laugh. Someone to love.
Ginny stands abruptly from her seat on the couch’s end, stretching her limbs. Hermione casts a worrying glance at her. The girls had become very close over the last couple of years especially. The best of friends truth be told. It’s almost as if Hermione could instinctually tell something was off with Ginny’s mood.
Ginny didn’t know if this warmed her heart or only made it worse. She loved that her friend knew her so well and cared enough to pay attention; Ginny was used to getting overlooked. Growing up in a house of almost all boys, she was just another one of the brothers it seemed.
She loved Quidditch more than the average girl her age, she wanted to know all about her father’s trinkets and tinkering, and more often than not she came in for dinner covered in mud after playing in the yard all day when she was young.
It did unsettle her, however, that her friend was so in tune with her cranky mood. She didn’t want that to be the norm for her personality. She did not want to weigh down her friends with her own issues. It wasn’t their problem to deal with.
Though nowadays it seemed that she was… unsettled more often than not. She was always finding the glass half empty rather than full and she didn’t know what to do; or how to change her mindset.
“Getting a drink,” she said with the brightest tone she could muster for Hermione’s sake. The woman just nodded, turning back to her boyfriend, knowing the redhead did not want to talk about what was on her mind.
Making her way across the room, she saddled up next to the mahogany bar. The bar top was glossy and smooth, the grains of wood stood out against the dark stain. There were brass stools with black cushions sporadically placed under the counter.
There was enough space for her to squeeze in between two stools and wait. She gave a wave, trying to flag down the bartender. He just gave a grunt of acknowledgment before turning back to the glass he was polishing. Grump Ginny thought.
He was an old man, with a scruffy beard and just as white of hair that reached the tips of his ears. In all the years Ginny has been coming here she doesn’t think he’s muttered more than ten words to her; usually choosing to communicate through grunts.
She looked to the shelf containing the alcohol, knowing it would take the bartender a couple of minutes before he begrudgingly made his way to Ginny to take her order.
She scanned the top shelf, nothing looked too enticing. The second shelf had some sort of liquid in a pear-shaped bottle. It glowed blue and had, what seemed to be a shimmer to it. Interesting, I’ll have to try that one of these days.
By the time the bartender made it to her, she was on her second perusal of the selves.
He grunted again by way of asking for her order.
“Just a Butterbeer please.”
He said nothing and grabbed a stout cup with a thick stem and some sort of swirling pattern to the glass. He filled the container almost full from the tap, then he set the glass down on the counter. Before Ginny could grab it however she noticed a figure in the mirror on the back wall behind the liquor.
No. Please no, not right now! It was her ex-boyfriend, Dean. They had dated for a handful of months before Ginny called it quits. He was nice enough if you ignored the fact that he complained about everything Ginny wore, who she talked to, and everything she did. Oh, and he seemed to be allergic to monogamy; always chatting up other women.
When she finally officially broke up he was upset but he left her alone after that, at least until a week later when he started showing up outside her classes, dorm room, at dinner or breakfast, and just in general any place he thought Ginny might be begging for her back.
He’d plead that he would change, that they were great together, that they should not let that connection go, they should give it another shot, blah blah blah.
At first Ginny found herself feeling sorry for the guy. Why? She had no idea, but then she remembered all the trouble he put her through and those emotions quickly faded. She tried to explain that this was best to Dean in the least harsh way possible; trying to keep some semblance of peace, but maybe she needed to be a bit harsher because he was not getting the point.
No matter how many times she’d tell him that it would never work, that they weren’t right for each other he didn’t take the hint. She was getting sick of having to reject the guy at every turn.
Now Dean’s form was moving closer in her direction. She moved to grab her glass and bolt for her friends but the bartender grunted again in disapproval. She looked away from her cup, at him to see that his wand was out. Right the foam. He tapped the stick on the side of the glass as it magically began to fill with a frothy foam on top.
She tapped her foot in impatience, grabbing the glass as soon as he was done and leaving a couple of galleons in its place, not caring that they were worth more than the cost of the beverage.
She turned intent on racing back to her group. If she made it in time Dean would surely leave her alone. Ginny was almost positive that Dean was scared of Draco.
Who could blame him really, Draco’s a scary guy but after seeing the way his eyes soften when Hermione rants about the latest book she’s reading or the way he places a steading hand on her elbow when she stumbles walking back from the library after hours of studying, Ginny can’t find it in her to fear him anymore.
Unfortunately, Dean was too close for her to make it back to the cozy couch. She turned in the other direction, hoping to lead him away from her friends so she could circle back before he noticed what was happening.
She passed the hallway that leads to the bathrooms when she heard him call her name. Ugh, the desperate way he said it. Like she was the one causing the issues and if she just heard him out they could fix this.
Well, they couldn’t. There was nothing to fix, not before and definitely not now. She was beyond sick and tired of having to delicately explain this concept to him. He just could not take no for an answer, could he?
She had to get this to stop. She could not take any more of the relentless pursuit. She felt like she might lose her mind if she had to endure one more moment of it. That’s when she saw her.
Pansy Parkinson.
She was in the same year as Ron and Harry but the Slytherin and her had shared quite a few classes. Even sat next to each other in one.
Pansy was walking towards her, likely on her way to the restroom from the looks of her route. Ginny sidestepped just in time to block the woman’s path. Pansy stopped abruptly at the unexpected intrusion. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion at Ginny’s obvious interruption of her path.
“What can I do for you, Weasley?” she had a teasing tone in her voice
“Kiss me?” her question was high-pitched, in an effort to soften the unexpected question.
“What?” her brows shot up her forehead.
“Please, I’ll owe you one. A huge one.” Her eyes pleaded, turning to the side in a way of gesturing to her ex, now standing behind her at a distance. Maybe he feared all Slytherin’s not just Draco? That could be useful information.
Pansy seemed to ponder the idea for all of two seconds, looking back towards Dean and then focusing her attention back on Ginny, “Okay,” she surprised Ginny by agreeing.
Just like that Pansy’s lips were on her own. She really didn’t think this far into her master plan, in the moment, stupid, impulsive plan. What should she do, and how should she react? She’d never kissed a girl before. She’d thought about it sure, but never done it.
Pansy answered her questions by sliding her cold fingertips across her temple and into her hair, the other hand coming to her waist and pulling her in. Their hips met in a crash just as Pansy’s tongue brushed lightly across her bottom lip asking for entry.
Ginny immediately granted her access, opening her lips, their tongues meeting and swirling. She whimpered, her free hand coming to the curve of Pansy’s waist and melting into the woman.
At Ginny’s touch, Pansy pulled back just slightly, her eyes closed, their foreheads resting together. The breaths intermingled, tangling just as their tongues had moments ago.
The woman pulled back, the cold air filling the now gaping space between them. Ginny wanted to whimper at the cold; the loss of touch but she held back. She looked up at Pansy, a slight pink, almost invisible, now coating her cheeks and the tip of her nose. It’s as if she’d been walking out in the cool air for a few minutes.
“You own me, Weasley,” Pansy started back for the hallway, “Don’t you forget it.” She threw that last bit over her shoulder.
Ginny looked over her shoulder to where Dean had been minutes ago only to find the space empty, the man nowhere in sight. She turned walking back to her friends, biting down in a hopeless effort to hide her smirk.
Except this smirk had nothing to do with the fact that she had avoided a confrontation with her ex and everything to do with the sassy woman she now owed a favor to.
She was so fucked.
Hello hello! Thank you for reading the first chapter to a fic that is very near and dear to my little sapphic heart. Now I've already spewed the nitty gritty on my AO3 so if you want some more info go check that out but I am still working on this fic. I am all ears to how you perceived this work: if its amazing pls do tell, if it's trash also lmk that lol. I'm very interested to know your opinion or if you have any ideas/wants on where you would like to see this series go. You can comment or my asks are totally open! Again thanks!!
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year ago
No Good Deeds [George Weasley x Reader]
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Part 5
Part 1 2 3 4 5
Pairing: {George Weasley x Reader} mentions of previous Fred Weasley x Reader.
Timeline: Set a few years after DH, loosely following Canon.
Summary: A few years after Fred’s death, the investors of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes demand changes to the name. All it would take is two years of a fake marriage to fix the issues, but no good deed goes unpunished.
Warnings: Fake marriage trope because we love the cliché. Mentions of death (Fred). Friends to lovers. Slow burn but mentions of kissing and eventual smut. Swearing. George calls us Angel. Drinking. SMUT. The smut has arrived! P in V, oral (both). Angst, sadness, grief. Tags will be updated with each chapter. Not Beta-read or spell checked.
Honeymoon time 💕
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Your wedding to George was a jubilant celebration with your family and friends, a chance to bask in the love you were so thankful to receive from everyone around you. You'd honoured Fred in many ways that day, including photos of him, an empty chair with his name on and many other little ways to make it seem like he was there. You'd noticed George had worn his chain under his suit shirt and the sight of it made butterflies flutter inside you.
It was a small and quaint wedding that had admittedly been rushed in planning, only two weeks after you'd announced your engagement, but it was perfect. No one had doubted your intentions and the day had gone completely to plan, except for the regular hiccups that seem to occur when a group of people are brought together. Muriel had been characteristically foul as usual and had clashed with your great aunt Ariadne though she'd avoided the more triggering topics which was one consolation.
You danced with your friends and your now blended family late into the night, with George eventually stealing you back from dancing with Bill for one final dance.
"Have you had a good day Mrs Weasley?" He asks, holding you close as you sway with surprising grace even with the healthy amount of alcohol you'd both consumed.
"The best, Mr Weasley," you beam up at him, his handsomeness once again hitting you as you look upon his smiling face.
"Couldn't have asked for better. I don't think you've ever looked more beautiful."
The night you'd spent together had not been repeated since, nor had you really spoken about it. There was a lingering tension between you, growing increasingly stronger throughout the day as you thought of your wedding night and honeymoon, the anticipation almost consuming you.
Ginny and Fleur had whisked you away from George not long after your final dance to get you ready to leave for your honeymoon, which you'd be departing for very soon. It was tradition in the Weasley family to immediately begin your honeymoon the night of the wedding and you had readily accepted the chance to exit out of the wedding a little earlier into the night, giving you and George some time alone.
You'd chosen to honeymoon in the U.K. to keep costs down, after all this whole situation was based upon George reclaiming the shop as sole owner and any unnecessary spending would only increase the amount of time you'd be married. Bill and Fleur had graciously offered for you to stay in Shell Cottage with them but George had instead chosen to surprise you with your destination. He'd tactfully evaded every single one of your questions, relishing in his power of knowledge but had thankfully given you a few clues as to what you should pack. Clothes for all weather, from hot to bitter cold, a couple of 'nice' outfits and a bathing suit. So, nothing to really go off.
Percy had arranged a ministry car for you to borrow for the week, his gift for you both and you'd decided to travel like muggles for the week, taking your time and only using magic when necessary. George was driving to your destination, the luggage and travel necessities having been packed up earlier that day by the Weasley boys and Harry.
The crowd cheered as you both walked towards the car that was waiting for you, your family and friends gathered around with jubilant faces as you walked hand in hand towards the car. You both paused to thank and embrace Mr and Mrs Weasley before climbing into the car, George opening the door for you before getting in on his side. You waved at the gathering of people in front of you as George pulled away and as you pulled away from the Burrow, you peered through the back window, squirming around the freshly painted 'just married' sign to see your loved ones fading further away as they carried on the party.
"Are you okay?" George asks gently as he drives out of Ottery St Catchpole, the rolling Devonshire fields passing you by as the sun begins to set.
"I'm... incredible, I don't think there are words for how I'm feeling," you say with a wide smile, giggling a little at your inability to get your words out. He chuckles and reaches for your hand, pulling it onto the gear stick to join his.
"I know what you mean, I feel like I'm floating," he says, flashing you a smile before turning his attention back to the road. You take the opportunity of his attention being elsewhere to really look at him,  the plains of his face looking unbelievably handsome to you. He looked stunning in his suit, the colour and cut of the material only serving as a compliment to his gorgeous red hair and sharp features.
"Checking me out Mrs Weasley?" He says with a smirk, eyes still fixed on the road. You fight to hide the creeping blush that appears on your cheeks, realising that he'd caught you staring. You bite your lip and turn away, choosing to look out of the window at the rolling hills instead. "You can you know, I'm yours now."
You turn to look at him and the smile he has plastered on his face fills you with warmth and nervous excitement.
"You look so handsome, I feel like I can't take my eyes off you," you admit, a little bashfully.
He gives a deep chuckle and squeezes your hand that is still held by his own.
"You have no idea how hard it is to drive right now, all I want to do is stare at you," he admits, though he sounds completely unashamed of his words. You blush and look away again, this time out of pure bliss, wanting to remember everything about this moment.
"Get some sleep Angel, it's quite a drive," he says softly a few minutes later, turning down the radio that was playing music in the background.
"I'm okay," you lightly protest, despite feeling relaxed by the drive. "I wish I'd taken this dress off though, not the best travelling outfit."
"And take that joy away from me? How dare you," he jokes, sounding a little outraged. Your stomach instantly fills with nerves and butterflies at his words; he intended to take your dress off.
You fell asleep a short while later, just as the last slither of sunlight had disappeared into the horizon, the long stretch of road ahead now only lit by car lights and the faint cats eyes on the ground. The mixture of the low humming from the radio, the gentle rocking of the car and the presence of George was enough to lull you into a much needed sleep as you cuddled into a pillow you'd thought to pack, wishing that you were wearing something much less restrictive but that couldn't be helped.
When you woke again, it was still pitch black and George was still driving, the car lights ahead of you the only clue to where you were.
"Hi Angel," George says, noticing you staring as he briefly looks over at you with a smile.
"Mmm, hi Georgie," you mumble back, still fighting off the last embers of sleep. "Where are we?"
"Nice try," he says, not falling at the last hurdle and you give a little huff, hoping that one would have worked. "About an hour away."
"Is there time to stop for a coffee somewhere?" You ask, sitting straighten in your seat as you abandon the pillow into your lap.
"I don't know anywhere that would be open," he says, flicking his eyes to the dashboard clock, prompting you to do so and realising that it was now past midnight, much to your surprise.
"McDonald's will be," you say with a little shrug, trying to see any hints from signposts as to where you were of where the next services would be.
"McDonald's?" He asks, completely oblivious and you can't help but laugh, never having thought about how the notion of 24 hour fast food had not yet entered the wizarding world, making George completely oblivious.
"It's a 24 hour restaurant, usually around road services, it's fast food," you explain. He immediately gets it and let's out a little 'ahhh' of understanding, telling you that there was a services coming up and you could check if there was one there. There was.
Introducing George Weasley to drive-through ordering was nothing short of hilarious and you'd briefly lamented the fact that his first McDonald's experience wouldn't be inside an actual McDonald's building but you were not about to enter a fast food joint at a service station in a wedding dress. You'd both ordered a coffee, yourself a medium coke and then you had excitedly introduced him to not only a Big Mac but also chicken nuggets, both of which were a complete revelation to him and you had to hold back serious giggles at his reactions. Half an hour later and you were on your way, coffees in hand and belly's a little fuller as you prepared for the last part of your journey.
"Are you sure you don't want me to take over? I don't mind driving to give you a break," you offered as you watch him put on his seatbelt.
"You don't know where we're going," he says with a devilish smirk but you feign innocence.
"Then just tell me and I'll get us there," you say innocently, batting your eyelashes at him.
"Nice try baby," he says with an even more sinister smirk, his eyes roaming your face briefly before he turns on the car and begins to pull away after one last sip of coffee.
You were transfixed as George turned right up a long winding path entirely shielded by trees, the long road leading you deeper under the canopy of trees until you were completely surrounded by woodland. You could make out a small, warm light at the end of the long road and became transfixed on the approaching light, trying to focus your eyes hard on that point, trying to make sense of it. The car swerved a little to avoid a large twig in the road which brought your destination into clear view.
You gasped at the beauty of the scene in front of you, looking excitedly at George who looked more than pleased at your reaction.
"George," you say breathlessly as he parks up in the little clearing beside the place you'd be staying.
It was a rustic log cabin, completely shielded away from everything by a large canopy of trees, a beautiful escape completely hidden away from the outside world. The cabin was almost entirely made of wood with wooden shutters and a wrap around deck.
"George it's beautiful," you say, completely gobsmacked as you look at the gorgeous lodge in front of you, seeing it illuminated by the multiple lanterns that offered a stark contrast against the pitch black night.
"Only the best for my bride," he teases, opening up his car door, prompting you to do the same.
"Want to explore whilst I unload the car?" He asks with a grin, holding the keys to the cabin out in front of you, the little wooden keyring clinking against the two old fashioned keys. You nod enthusiastically and reach out to grab them, pulling George in and without much thought, you leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. Instantly, you realised what you'd done and took a step back, blushing a little as you avoided his gaze. His hand had instinctively wrapped around your back and he gave your back a little rub as you parted, showing no ill will as you turned and walked excitedly towards the cabin.
Opening the door, you were immediately met with an illuminated room thanks to the warm lighting from multiple lamps and light fixtures. The cabin was warm, as if there was a log fire already burning and the smell was heavenly, clean and fresh but with an indisputable scent of wood and pine, a natural consequence of it's idyllic surroundings. You walked through a little entrance hall that houses a utility room before stepping into an open living room, dining room and kitchen, all of which were warm and inviting with natural wood features throughout and neutral colours, highlighting the windows which you knew would almost certainly have beautiful views in the morning. There were two brown leather sofas that looked absolutely lush and a single armchair underneath a window that looked perfect for reading, a tall lamp beside it and a little table for drinks. There was a television and a cabinet in the corner and beside that was a beautiful log burner that was indeed lit, radiating heat throughout the home. You couldn't see much through the side door that was half glass but the outside light did illuminate the decking a little, highlighting a rather impressive sunken hot tub that was covered, eliciting a little excited squeal from you.
You walked down a small corridor that led off from the main atrium through a beautifully carved wooden door with an old metal latch which led you to the bathroom on the left and two bedrooms. You crept into the bathroom to take a peak and saw a big bathtub to the left and a built in shower to the right, as if every need was catered for. One bedroom has two single beds partitioned with a beautiful shelving unit and the other bedroom was almost certainly the master.
There was a huge four poster bed against the back wall bookended by two beside tables with lamps that looked entirely too inviting. The bedding was sheer white and completely crease free, only adding to its appeal. There was a smaller television in here too, along with a dressing table and a large, ornate wardrobe that looked older than the cabin itself.
"What do you think Mrs Weasley?" George asks from behind you as you pause to run your hand over the ornately carved bed frame. You turn to see him leaning against the doorframe with a smirk, still wearing his wedding suit but now with his tie removed and a few buttons open near his collar.
"I think it's absolutely beautiful Mr Weasley," you reply, turning to him with a look of pure elation.
"Just like my wife then," he says with a look in his eyes that makes your pulse race. He steps towards you with clear conviction and it's all you can do not to melt into a puddle, the look in his eye so dangerously arousing that you're almost frozen to the spot. It was the first time he'd called you his wife and the reaction that it pulled from your body was almost unbelievable, the sound of it almost heavenly in your mind.
As soon as he reaches you, there's a brief pause as if he's searching your face for any hint of resistance, not that he'd find any. When he sees the look in your eye, knowing that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you, he steps even closer and wraps his hand around the back of your neck before leaning down and kissing you with a burning passion.
Your hands slip up to his chest, feeling the material of his lapels under your fingers and pull slightly, needing to feel him as close to you as possible as you pull his jacket off. His fingers tangle in your hair as the kiss deepens, tongues working together to fuel the burning desire between you both.
With his right hand cradling your head and his left clutching as your waist, he begins leading you to the side of the bed, silently asking if it was okay to go further.
"Make love to me George," you say against his lips, hardly wanting to pull away for even a second. You hear him groan against your lips before his hand slips from your hair and down to your butt, cradling you and taking your weight. In a move that would otherwise impress you if you'd seen it in person, he sweeps you off your feet whilst climbing onto the bed and lays you down softly before climbing over you, kicking off his shoes in the process.
"I've waited all day to rip this dress off of you," he mumbles against your skin as he begins kissing down your neck, onto your bare shoulders where your dress straps began, the soft layers of the gown suddenly feeling much too restrictive as your skin burnt up with desire. He kisses down your chest as your hands tangle in his slightly grown out hair. There's a single moment where your eyes meet, just as he hovers over your panting cleavage and it takes your breath away how absolutely sexy he looks, the desire and admiration in his eyes mirroring your own. His long fingers drag against your rib cage as they dance over to your covered breasts before he reaches in to pull down the cup of dress, exposing your right breast to him, your dusky pink nipple already hard and waiting for him. He groans, watching your breast spring free and immediately bends down to run his tongue over the pebbled nipple, eliciting a deep, breathy moan from you before his lips wrap about the little bud and begin sucking. You moan out again, throwing your head back into the pillows at the overwhelming sensation and suddenly you feel the whole atmosphere change. There's no trepidation anymore, no resistance or questioning but rather just a primal urge between both of you.
You can tell that George is feeling for the opening your dress so you divert his fingers to the small, concealed zipper on the side and help him drag it down, much too slowly for your liking. He pulls away the dress after you slip your arms out and you watch carefully as his mouth slips open to a little 'o' shape as he pulls the dress from your body, exposing you completely to his gaze. You couldn't wear a bra with your dress thanks to the unique straps but you had thought you buy a tiny white lace thong that you'd had embroidered with a little 'W' on the left side of the crotch, knowing it would either make him laugh or make him growl. Luckily for you, it was most certainly the latter as he groaned as he spotted it, momentarily fixated on your naked breasts that were exposed completely for his view, his eyes travelling down your body with acute precision before he eventually noticed your little customisation. He groans and leans down to press a kiss directly to where the 'W' was situated, just above your mound and you can't help but squirm as the sensation of having him so close to where you needed him. He notices, of course he does, and his eyes flick up to yours with a look of pure mischief as he begins kissing the inside of your thigh and across your bikini line, teasing you. You groan and can't help but roll your hips as he flutters kisses everywhere apart from where you need them.
"My beautiful wife needs something?" He teases, acting completely oblivious when you knew he was very aware.
"Please George," you beg, "need you."
Like a switch had been flicked in George's mind, his long fingers begin tracing your pussy through the very thin and nearly transparent lace, groaning once again when he feels the wetness seeping through the lace. You feel his fingers hook into the side of your thong, catching your labia with a little stroke before he pulls them away from your burning pussy, exposing you completely to his view. He wastes no time and leans down, licking a long stripe across your pussy, catching your swollen clit with the til of his tongue in the most perfect way that has you gasping and moaning.
"Fuck you taste good, so sweet," he whines into your pussy, resting his forehead against your mound for a moment before he slips down again, this time licking you with vigour. "So wet baby."
His tongue is everywhere, delicately stroking and teasing whilst also hitting every spot you need him in perfectly. It's a perfect juxtaposition between his igniting a fire inside of you, making you burn with desire and pure torment whilst also extinguishing the flames with his tongue. As soon as his finger traces your inner lips as it moves down, gently pressing into your waiting hole before he slips one of his long, deft fingers inside of you, you're gone. His name falls from your lips like a prayer, hips rising of their own accord as you grope your breasts, completely consumed by your pleasure. He slips a second finger into you as you cry out, fucking yourself on his fingers as he circles your clit with his tongue, putting pressure on the left side just as he's discovered drives you crazy.
"George, George!" You chant as you feel the beginning of your orgasm rising in you very quickly, consuming you and burning you from the inside out. Your pussy is drenched and you can feel more arousal gushing from you as your climax crests, George's own moans ringing out in your mind as he pushes you over the edge. It's like you're falling, the crescendo of light and burning arousal overtaking your whole body and mind, the only capable thought in your mind is of George. He licks you slowly as you come down, careful to avoid your sensitive clit as he laps up your cum, fingers still slowly fucking you bath and forth with gentle strokes, extending your pleasure.
You gasp to catch your breath, chest rising and falling rapidly as your heart pounds, the effects of your orgasm still lingering as you feel a tingle across your whole body. It takes all of ten seconds for you to focus your attention back to George who has pulled his fingers out of you and began kissing your inner thigh again, soothing you as you return to him.
You sit up and reach for him, pulling him on top of you as you kiss him feverishly, moaning as you taste yourself on his lips. He notices and groans deeply against your lips, almost growling as you lick at his lips, desperate for a taste. You claw at his shirt, desperate to even out your nudity and feel his skin against yours and as if he can sense the sheer desperation, reaches down and completely rips the front of his shirt, the flying and falling buttons only an afterthought as you fight to get the shredded shirt away from his body. Your hands slip to his smooth shoulders and down his back as you kiss him desperately, pulling his tongue into your mouth so you can suck on it, relishing in his deep groans and little whines. Your hands rest on his collarbones as you slowly pull away from him, pushing him slightly until he realises was you want. You overpower him with just enough force that he rolls onto his back as you immediately latch to his chest, kissing and biting as you make your way down to your destination.
His suit trousers are completely tented, the sheer size an excitement of him almost intimidating to you as you fight to open the fastenings of his trousers. You don't wait even a moment after they are open to slide them down his hips, along with his black boxer briefs until he was completely bare, except from his sentimental chain and your wedding rings. You crawl back up the bed after throwing aside his bottoms and flick your eyes up to see his own desperate look as you come face to face with his rather impressive member. His lips are parted and he looks completely desperate as he watches you carefully, silently pleading for you to take his aching length in your mouth. You grant him reprieve almost instantly, licking straight from the crest of his balls to the engorged tip of his cock, tracing the throbbing vein on the underside of his cock, following the gentle curve. He cries out at the contact and it makes you want to do everything in your power to hear it over and over again.
You gave into him completely, taking his tip in your mouth and licking all around, earning another heavenly noise from him before you sucked in your cheeks and bobbed up and down his length, taking him deeper and deeper with each fall; never stopping your tongue from running along the length of him. You were addicted to him, the taste, the weight of his length against your tongue, the feel of his smooth skin against your lips. You fought to go further with each bob, sucking him down like the most delicious treat from Honeydukes, giving everything you could.
George was moaning mess before you, desperately searching for any part of your body he could reach as he fought to stop his hips from rising each time you'd pull off, like he never wanted to leave your hot, wet mouth. Sweet names, curses and a load more expletives fell from his mouth as you pleasured him until he reached out, leaning forward to pull you closer to him.
You were dripping, more aroused than ever and so desperate for him to fill you that it was all you could think about. He pauses, looking at the little strip of lace that was still misplaced, concealing nothing of yourself and ripped the thin strings on the sides, tearing it away from your body, both of you complete bare to the other's gaze.
It was so intimate and intense that it stole the breath from your lungs, just how adoringly he was gazing at you. His hand grabbed around your neck, holding your face and threading into your hair as he kissed you completely without abandon, your chests pressed together as your leg slipped between his, desperately seeking friction.
"Ride me baby," he mumbles against your lips and as if acting directly on command, you comply. You lift your hips and straddle him, his narrow hips allowing your thighs to rest against his comfortably as your centres align, the heat and sensitivity joining together to make you both gasp.
He reaches down and holds his perfect cock at the bottom, ready for you to climb onto and you can hardly contain your cries as you slowly sink down, feeling him stretching you out. He pulls his hand away, moaning at the sensation as his hand rests on your bum, the large hand and long fingers wrapping around your bum and thigh.
It's sinful how well he stretches you out, filling you completely without any pain or discomfort, like you'd been moulded perfectly for his cock alone.
When your hips rise again and you sink back down, this time much more confidently, your head flips back at the sensation. George grunts and tightens his grip on you as you slowly begin to ride him, hips undulating and breasts bouncing as you fall into a perfect rhythm. Your hair fans out across your back and you've never felt sexier in that moment, feeling adored under his gaze and praised by not only his words but also his moans and growls.
You're both so worked up, so perfectly in sync that you can hardly contain yourself, not even caring to try and hold off the impending climax that threatens you, creeping up slowly until it's impossible to resist. You can feel your walls clenching around him, your arousal peaking as it leaks out around his cock and you're rewarded with the most incredible moans that spill from his lips at the sensation.
"George, Georgie I'm gonna," you stagger, completely breathless as you keep riding him, finding the perfect spot and movement so that he hits every single pleasure point inside you.
"Cum Angel, fuck, cum around my cock," he pants, groaning and tightening his grip on your hips as he fucks up into you. "Godric you're tight, perfect little pussy squeezing my cock so good. Cum for me Angel."
You chant his name as the heat of your second orgasm consumes you, never once stopping as you bounce on his cock. He takes over fucking up into you as you ride out your climax, filling you completely as he shoves his entire length into you before pulling almost completely out and repeating the motion. You're in complete bliss, overwhelmingly so, and can hardly stop tears of overstimulation brimming at your eyes, blurring your vision only slightly. George lets out a roar as he cums, fucking up into you with a brutal pace that is sinful at best. His hands pull you close to him, bruises forming under his grip but it's perfect.
His thrust stop slowly as he comes down from his high, riding out the last of his pleasure as he pulls you down to rest on him, softening cock slipping out at the angle. You breathe deeply as you feel the evidence of his pleasure slipping out of you slowly, trickling down until it dripped onto your inner thighs.
He cranes his neck to reach out to kiss you again, though this time it's like a warm down, gentle and sensitive.
"Welcome to the family," he wheezes after a few moments of comfortable silence and you let out a loud belly laugh at the absurdity of his words, tapping his chest as you slink down to rest beside him, his arm still keeping you pressed to him. He's covered you both with the duvet and you can't resist slipping into a very comfortable sleep, too comfortable and worn out from the day to fight it.
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drarry-soulmates · 3 months ago
If Draco Malfoy had been sorted into Gryffindor (my thoughts):
I can’t even think about that without blushing TBH XD Where Drarry is concerned, JKR really saved herself with her decision to put him in Slytherin. (Not that it helped much.)
He would’ve been deeply loyal to whichever House the Hat picked for him, even if it was different than his family’s. Especially once he sees that Harry’s in the House too (becos we all know boy was instantly down bad for Potter).
Even though Draco insulted Hagrid and Ron initially, Draco would’ve eventually become Harry’s #1 bff (aside from my admittedly incredibly biased opinion that Draco’s character is far more complex & interesting than Ron’s, I also firmly believe his storyline would’ve been more closely followed in this alt-universe, considering his family is working with Voldemort).
If he were in Gryffindor, he would’ve quickly weaseled his way into Harry’s life and heart (because mutual obsession would be there). Don’t tell me 11 is too young to fall for someone—I had a full-blown obsession with a kid in my school at that age.
He would’ve made peace with Ron & Hermione in order to get into Harry’s good graces. His prejudices would’ve died fairly quickly having to be friends with Hermione.
He would’ve been another Sirius (who was sole Gryffindor of Slytherin family, BFFs with the leader of the Marauders). He and Harry would’ve been besties and played together on the Quidditch team. Their friendship would be kinda like a more angsty Scorpius and Albus, their sons (who are canonically gay in the revised final version of play!), because of Draco’s willingness to be his friend, even before knowing who he was.
Even when he first met Harry, a skinny, seemingly poor, shabby and small boy (reminiscent of a more down-trodden raven-haired, green-eyed Weasley), Draco was nice to him, talking bad only of Hagrid. Like, what??! LOL. His last words to Harry in their first-ever meeting was “Well, I'll see you at Hogwarts, I suppose!” Awee >//<
On Twitter, JKR said jokingly (but we all know it’s not a joke, as I will address further down) that the rejected handshake played over and over again in Draco’s mind consistently in bk 1. The reason this was likely the truth was because in HPCC, Draco admitted to Harry, “I envied you those friendships more than anything else.” More than his fame, all the attention, all the favoritism… Draco confirmed what shippers all knew: he was legitimately just pining for Harry the whole series. 💀😭 AKA, he just wanted to be friends with Harry! Therefore, Draco was only making fun of Harry because that was the only way he could continue to be in Harry’s life. (my hEART</3 ;______;)
Considering how obsessed with each other the two were even as rivals… Can you imagine as friends? They would’ve been CANONICALLY GAY XD Like a Dumbledore x Grindelwald except where Grindelwald was a good guy lol. Draco would’ve been a great asset in their fight against Voldemort, helping Harry with finding the Horcruxes. Imagine Hermione and Draco, the top 2 smartest Hogwarts students, working together!
Draco would’ve saved Harry’s life continuously because it’s canon that Draco is brave for the people he loves. In HPCC, he admitted he felt he didn’t have anyone, not even his parents. He scoffed when Ginny brought up Crabbe and Goyle. Pansy wasn’t even mentioned. He had no one worth fighting for after he thought Harry was dead. Of course Draco would seem cowardly (aside from that time he lied about not recognizing Harry….. >___>“ Because it always comes back to Harry.)
Draco admitted in HPCC that the only reason he went dark was because he didn’t have any real friends or anyone he felt he could count on. He would’ve been good throughout had he been put into Gryffindor bc even in Slytherin he still had such a moral struggle. He was just so good (in actions, not his words). There’s simply no doubt in my mind that had he been surrounded by the love and light of Harry Potter from the start, he would have never even considered straying.
Okay, maybe just a little, because his wand was Hawthorne, which meant he’d be conflicted, but because of the unicorn core, it meant he was canonically a GOOD person. Any conflicting thoughts would’ve been much briefer and more quickly squashed out IMO, with his epic love Harry by his side. >.<”
Drarry and Jily have sooOOOoo many parallels:
Via @the-crooked-library (the link isn't working so I just copied/pasted the post):
Annoying Pureblood Rich Kid
barges into Lily’s compartment on Hogwarts Express with his annoying rich kid buddy
offers friendship
simultaneously insults her poor kid best friend and is therefore rejected
proceeds to make himself a nuisance for the next 5 years
Obsessed as heck w Lily but only calls her by her last name
every time she’s around feels the need to show off
makes the fool of himself every time she’s around instead
good at Quidditch though
hangs about with his gang of Cool Kids
picks on her friend partially out of jealousy, partiallly due to the whole Gryffindor vs Slytherin shit
begins realizing the errors of his ways around year 6
somehow betters himself as a person, loses the ego
becomes a truly sympathetic character at about year 7
Which I believe we can all agree sounds extremely familiar, so to sum this up…
look joanne you can’t just draw all these parallels, put jily on a pedestal as the ultimate Soulmate Bond, and then somehow expect me nOT TO SHIP DRARRY
Oh, and JKR calls Jily the ultimate ‘soulmates’ while falsely claiming that Harry and Draco could never be friends……. A few years after that comment, she approved and helped write the canon HPCC, where Harry and Draco…. y'know, become actual legit friends LOL….. and also heavily implied to later become related thru marriage by their sons XD so… Draco will certainly have something to look forward to at family events with the Potters.
Reminder: Despite being hated by the author, Draco lived and fought as one of the main players in the Great War and didn’t kill a single person (good or bad) throughout the entire series.
He was never violent except to Harry on the train ride, where he was likely trying to get Harry to go back home, even covering him up with the Invisibility Cloak, since that was the year he was planning on letting in the Death Eaters.
And of course in the bathroom, where Harry was literally stalking him all year… But immediately after that, when Draco had to be hospitalized AND never received any apology from Harry, he still refused to ID Harry at Malfoy Manor.... so he gets a pass.
Draco Malfoy is the epitome of: looks like he can kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll.
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