❃ bloom from shadows
52 posts
nino reed (fe7)golden deer student@toa
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ninocence · 1 year ago
december activity check
status - passed total points - 9 → 10
monthly skill point: reason (B ½ → B+)
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ninocence · 1 year ago
“Nino!” Mark has to stop her in the hallway, holding up her skirts so she doesn’t trip as she runs. She takes a moment to catch her breath before saying “happy winter festival, Nino! I brought you a gift!” She reaches into her bag (which now looks mostly empty) and pulls out a wrapped package, in bright paper with a bow on top. Inside is a worn-looking textbook of some small, practical spells, but after each explanation, there’s a small sheet of paper with a hand-drawn diagram, explaining the motions for casting. “I tried to make it a bit easier to understand,” she explains, “by making all the words into pictures. I hope you like it!”
The Winter Festival is a magical time, truly!! Having grown up in Sonia's care, Nino doesn't expect anything in the way of presents, but just the atmosphere is enchanting enough. Smiles everywhere in the hall, even from complete strangers, and... her eyes widen at the sight of a familiar face as she rounds the corner.
"Mark! Wow, I didn't even know you're here too!" she grins at the other. Not only did Mark figure out she was at the monastery, but also prepared her a present already? No wonder she's their army's tactician! Nino takes the beautifully wrapped present in both hands. "Oh! Is— is it really ok if I open it right now?"
Removing the wrapping carefully, almost reverently, Nino's eyes widen with wonder as she takes out the textbook, eyes darting across the diagrams that the tactician had so carefully drawn. She looks up, eyes shimmering. "I love it so much, Mark!! Thank you, thank you!" Nino hugs the book to her chest and reaches out with her freed hand, clasping Mark's tightly, "I hope you have a wonderful Winter Festival too!!"
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ninocence · 1 year ago
a kiss to the forehead, to say goodnight
╰┈➤ STARTER PROMPTS : Chaste Kisses (still accepting!)
"Thank you for walking me back to the dorms!" Without the Knight's help, Nino would've spent much longer circling the outskirts of the monastery, losing her way in the dark of the moonless night. As such, it's a great relief to see the familiar door to her dorm room. She doesn't immediately go in, though, turning back towards Nephenee.
"You've still got hours of patrols left, huh..." she asks, a little worried, "I guess being a Knight of Seiros is a really tough job." Walking around alone in the night like that can't be fun, even if Nephenee is really strong. Nino's eyes light up as an idea occurs to her. "Oh, I know! I'll cast a spell that'll help keep you safe. Here..."
The few steps she's ascended giving her a height advantage, the young mage leans forward and kisses the edge of Nephenee's temple, right under her helmet. With it, she sends a silent wish to the spirits. Please help me keep her safe and healthy and happy, even during night patrols!!
She leans back again, giving Nephenee a grin that's just a little sleepy around the edges. "Good night, Miss Nephenee! I hope I'll get to see you around the monastery again!!"
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ninocence · 1 year ago
* a kiss to the back of their hand, before beginning to formally dance ( ex. waltzing )
╰┈➤ STARTER PROMPTS : Chaste Kisses (still accepting!)
Wow, everyone here is great at dancing! Nino's fascinated gaze follows the step-step-turn of each participant, feet shifting minutely under the table in imitation. The music draws to a close and she sips her juice, eagerly awaiting the next round of dancers.
"...Huh?" A student — a tall boy with blond hair and a regal air — steps in front of her, hand outstretched in offer. When she stands and takes it, he leans down, briefly pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. Nino giggles, unused (but pleased!) to such ladylike treatment.
"I'm not that good at dancing yet, but I'll try to learn fast...!" she says, following him onto the dance floor as a new waltz begins.
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ninocence · 1 year ago
* a kiss on top of a band-aid, to make it feel better
╰┈➤ STARTER PROMPTS : Chaste Kisses (still accepting!)
"It's ok...! I'm alright, really!!" Nino tries to avoid fidgeting around the bandages Lucius' careful fingers were winding around her forearm, more out of the discomfort of scrutiny than real pain.
"It doesn't actually hurt that much," she tries to convince the other, "It gets better in no time, and I'm used to stuff like this, from when I was in—" Nino breaks off, swallowing the rest of her words with a sigh. She'd only just joined Eliwood and Lyn and the others not too long ago, and she has to remind herself to avoid talking about her life before.
They weren't on the same side of the battlefield, anymore.
The press of gentle lips against the bandage surprises her from her thoughts, and — for a moment, she remembers Lloyd's hands, more calloused than Lucius' but no less gentle when it comes to her. Nino ducks her head, the wistful rush of melancholy welling in her eyes. "Thanks..." she says softly, looking down at the monk's careful handiwork, distorted as it is through the haze of tears. Hopefully, he'll just think it's from the pain of injury, despite her earlier protests.
Everywhere, there's people who are willing to show all kinds of small kindnesses, just for her. She'll have to keep doing better, to deserve this.
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ninocence · 1 year ago
╰┈➤ STARTER PROMPTS : Chaste Kisses a set of generic kiss prompts, tailored for fluff & softness ! all sfw ! ** these prompts were written to be a sfw version of the typical kiss prompt ! please keep them that way & do not use them for n.sfw !
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please specify if sender or receiver is doing the action, when sending in the prompt !
* a kiss on the cheek, in passing * a tender kiss to each cheek, then to their nose * a kiss on the forehead * a kiss on the top of the head, cupping their face gently * a kiss on the top of the head, after leaning against them * a kiss on the back of their hand, formal yet intimate * a kiss to the back of their hand, before beginning to formally dance ( ex. waltzing ) * a kiss on their palm, then holding their hand against their own face * a kiss on top of a band-aid, to make it feel better * a kiss on top of a bandage, to comfort and apologize * a sweet little kiss to the back of their neck, after doing their hair or fastening a necklace, before letting the hair fall properly into place * a kiss on the corner of their lips * a kiss to their lips, smiling * a kiss to their lips, then breaking away, then returning into the kiss with a happy laugh * throwing themself into an embrace, kissing them with a smile * spinning them around, then kissing them as they set them down * a kiss in the rain after a heartfelt conversation, happy tears that blend with the light sprinkles of rain * a kiss to comfort, kissing each cheek after tenderly wiping tears away * a kiss to the back of their head, as they cuddle * peppering their face with butterfly kisses as they laugh * a kiss to say goodbye, before they leave on a trip * a kiss to their cheek, laughing after leaving a lipstick mark * a quick kiss to their lips, then commenting on their choice of lipgloss/chapstick/etc * a kiss to the forehead, to say goodnight
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ninocence · 1 year ago
There’s a muted sense of relief as the lady pronounces herself unharmed, but Nino still flinches at her words. Girl, the other says, and in an instant she feels like she is standing before her again. “I-I’m sorry…” she says again, trying hard to meet narrowed eyes without being overwhelmed by the unpleasant memories.
“Um, I was just— just trying to copy what he was doing,” Nino sneaks a backwards glance at the mage in the practice ring, “But I messed it up, I think… Maybe I didn’t say the words right.”
She remembers the long, long time it had taken to master her first Fire spell. Until Nino learned, all by herself, to commune with the spirits that Sonia had deemed only tools, the only example she had to draw upon was what she heard of the other's casting, and then the curious, careful practice afterwards. Then again, that had been all in private, where the accidental burns accrued along the way were for her alone, and her ‘mother’s’ sharp eyes never cared much to look for injuries on her person anyway.
Nino takes a deep breath. “I should’ve chosen somewhere safer to practice,” she says, “Someone could’ve gotten really hurt just ‘cause I wasn’t careful enough…”
If this lady hadn’t been prepared, if she’d been someone without any experience facing magic, if the spell had gone a little farther, been a little more volatile… She shudders to think what could’ve happened. That’s why… “Um, I’m… I’m Nino, from the Golden Deer house,” she mumbles, not quite able to hide how her voice shakes, “I’ll accept whatever punishment I should get for this…!”
guiding wind
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ninocence · 1 year ago
"Please tell me you've eaten some of the actual food on offer and not simply the sweets, dear sister," Lloyd teases over Nino's shoulder, making sure she sees his conspiratorial wink before shifting to the spot next to her. "Of course, I couldn't say I blame you if you had just been eating the cookies. Wasn't often we got the like back home."
As much as the brothers -- admittedly, mostly Linus in this regard -- tried to sneak little spoiling moments in for Nino, it had been no easy task to do under the piercing gaze of Sonia.
But here, they were free of that weight. At least...some of it. And while Lloyd wasn't usually the one to encourage such behavior, this was a good night for indulging where one might not normally. Besides, he hadn't seen when his youngest sibling had come in, and he wanted to make sure she knew she could have her fill of whatever she liked.
"Have you had a fun time, Nino?"
Nino, small cake in hand, jumps at the sound of her eldest brother's voice. "Oh, uhh, yeah!!" she replies, "I've had lots to eat tonight!" It's true, too!! She thinks back for a moment. "I had... some of the pecan pie, and then I met this really nice bunny man and he gave me a basket of veggies and I ate that, and also I had some of the oatmeal cookies and peach sorbet, and then..." She looks down at the cake in her hands. Oh yeah, that does sound like mostly sweets, doesn't it? Well, thanks for unwittingly looking out for her nutritional balance, Yarne.
At least Lloyd doesn't seem to mind, tone still indulgent as he asks after her time, and Nino nods.
"Everyone's really nice to me! Miss Ethlyn let me join the party even though I didn't know about it. And then I met Sara again, from the big mission in Rusalka from before, and I made a flower crown for her!" Her expression is one of utter contentment as she recounts the highlights of the night for Lloyd, "And oh!! Guess what? I met Linus' puppy! You've met him too, right?? Isn't he the cutest ever?"
She takes a deep breath, eyes shining as she looks at the scenery around them. "I had a really fun time, Lloyd," she says. Around them, the music swells, warm and gentle, into a swaying ballad. Nino puts the cake down and wipes her hands, before standing up, facing her brother. "Hey, can I ask for something?" her voice is suddenly quieter, subdued, a lifetime of countless dismissals from Sonia leaving her hesitant about asking for affectionate gestures. Still, she plucks up her courage to ask, time and time again.
"It's alright if you don't wanna... but if you're ok with it... can you dance with me, Lloyd?" It would be the best ending to the day, to be able to share this time with him. Nino reaches out a hand, hope pounding steadily in her heart.
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ninocence · 1 year ago
[ Decorations ] - Tinsel, garlands of popcorn-and-cranberries, and wreaths and cornucopias galore - what’s a party without decorations? Help the hosts with some last minute sprucing up, or make a decoration of your own to liven up your dorm.
Sara does not jump at shadows. She fades into and becomes them. Nino might notice the signs if she knows what to look for. Uncanny laughter echoing over her shoulder. The retreating lavender of Sara's hair just before she escapes being spotted. And finally wreaths throughout the hall missing the peppering of white flowers that once broke up swatches of red and green.
It was while looking at the decorations that the idea hit her and she'd gotten carried away.
Cupping clusters of baby's breath, her hands are poised above Nino's head in wait for the girl to turn around. Oh and when she does, Sara will let them tumble down into resplendent green hair.
"I thought so. They look much prettier on you."
Nino tries to shake off the odd sensation of being watched. This is a party, so of course there are pairs of eyes all over the place! It's not that weird to feel like someone is hanging around just out of the corner of her vision, right?
That is, until she turns and finds herself face to face with Sara, the fellow mage girl she knew from Rusalka. Who promptly releases a shower of tiny, white florets above her head, a flurry of snowfall raining around her.
"Oh!" Nino flinches, but recovers quickly when she realizes it's just harmless flowers. "Hehe, that's nice of you to say!" She'd been a little intimidated by Sara when they'd first met, but Nino still wanted to be her friend!
She picks up a longer strand from her sleeve and twirls it in her fingers briefly, before leaning over and weaving its thin stem through long lavender locks. "I think you'd look super pretty with flowers in your hair too!" she says with a smile, "Come on, let's go make a flower crown for you!!"
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ninocence · 1 year ago
"Oooh..." Nino nods, fascinated, at Yarne's explanation. Carefully, she reaches out, movements gentle out of an implicit awareness that this allowance came with some degree of trust, and runs her hand along the fur of his ear, just as velvety-soft as it had looked.
For how nice Yarne is, however, his story is a sad one. It sounds really difficult to be the very last of the bunny people, constantly in danger of extinction. She pats his ear softly in a gesture of compassion, before taking the proffered basket with a smile. "Thanks, Yarne! I'm Nino, by the way," she introduces herself in turn, "I hope you have good luck continuing the Taguel, too... I bet you'll be able to do it, no matter what!"
Basket Case
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ninocence · 1 year ago
As soon as she gets the okay from Miss Ethlyn to join the party, Nino makes a beeline for her brother. Even among the sizable crowd, he's impossible to miss, but it's only when she comes to a stop at his side that she notices the adorable little critter in his arms. “Linus!! Hey, is that your puppy??” Nino asks, already reaching up a hand to nuzzle at the dog's chin, chatting excitedly to Linus all the while.
"Altena told me about him! She says you guys are both taking care of him," she explains. It's really nice of them to share the puppy together, she thinks. After all, something this cute deserves to have as much love as he could possibly get! "What's his name??"
little fur family
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ninocence · 1 year ago
october + november activity check
status - passed total points - 7 → 9
monthly skill point (october): reason (C+ ½ → B) monthly skill point (november): reason (B → B ½)
acquired (reason rank b): excalibur
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ninocence · 1 year ago
“Ooh, great!” Confidence mounting now that one of her friends was confirmed to be experienced in such matters, Nino does not demand any elaboration, instead reaching out with an offer of taking Sophia's hand, leading her down the pathway she'd just come from and chatting all the while.
"I was thinking maybe we can hide somewhere where we can see this hall, and wait for her to appear, but if you know what ghosts are like, maybe you have a better plan!! Are they friendly enough that we can call out to her? Or..." her voice turns hesitant for a moment, "Do you think she'll attack us the moment she sees us?"
At the thought of that, Nino still can't help but look around, wide-eyed, for any trace of the Talon-Handed Lady, but quickly squares her shoulders. Sophia is here, after all, and she isn't scared, so it'll be alright for sure. Together, they'd definitely be safe! She laughs off the earlier, nervous comment.
"I haven't been to a lot of places like my brothers, so I haven't seen any ghosts before," she explains. Granted, she's not sure whether Lloyd and Linus have, either — it feels like something Linus maybe would've mentioned if so — but since Sophia seems to know her brothers, it's possible they'd met in the middle of an exciting mission, or something!
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ninocence · 1 year ago
Nino had heard about the problem at the greenhouses only through word of mouth — without much gardening expertise of her own, she was quite certain she wouldn’t be of too much help, but curiosity still bade her to head over to see what the plant in question looked like, even if just as a part of her daily exploration of the never-ending wonders of the monastery. So many things were still fresh experiences for her, after all, and this so-called Lady-in-Mourning flower would surely be no less exciting than any other of the novelties she's seen at Garreg Mach!
Walking through the aisles of the greenhouse, eyes glued to the different flowers on display, Nino quickly realizes she doesn't quite know what the plant is meant to look like. Mourning, so maybe a droopy flower? Too preoccupied with her search to pay attention to what's ahead, Nino yelps as the figure around the corner of the aisle suddenly stands... only to grin in excitement just a moment later as she recognizes who it is. “Lucius!!” she exclaims, “I haven’t seen you in such a long time!”
As fellow magic users, they’d had some interactions in Eliwood’s army, and she’d always looked up to Lucius for his kindness and patience. “Uh-huh, I’m doing really well!” Nino nods at his question, “Everyone here is really nice and the classes are fun. A little hard, though…” She laughs sheepishly, thinking of her yet-uncompleted homework for the week, before the plant on the ground catches her interest.
“Oh!! Is that the plant that everyone’s talking about? Are you taking care of it?” Close up, the plant really does look the part of its name, bowed and with leaves twined tightly around its stem, as though in sadness. She reaches out, touching the closed bloom with a gentle finger, expression clouding over with worry. “Is it gonna die…?”
Budding Talents
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ninocence · 1 year ago
Lloyd wasn't the spoiling sort of sibling. He wasn't very good at it, nor did he really believe it was a good thing to do. Getting something that was supposed to be special too often made it...less special, in his eyes. Linus had never really needed to be spoiled -- he liked attention and to be involved with things, and that had been easy enough to accomplish. Even if he was fantastically annoying at times in their younger years.
But Nino was not the same sort of child that Linus had been. She was gentle and immensely positive, though there was an insecurity there that hid in the long shadow cast by her otherwise sunny personality.
And so, while he didn't particularly think it was a good idea, Lloyd had never stopped Linus' doting on the girl. He was guilty of it every now and then himself. But he tried to steer it towards helpful things, where he could. Gloves and boots that could handle the weather in the mountains of Bern, replacement tomes for when she was practicing her magic or simple books that she could enjoy.
But, right now...It was just a gift to be able to spend time with her again. To see her safe. To know that she has a future that she has a say in.
"You know," Lloyd hummed, letting his gaze shift from the slowly fading sunset to the young girl beside him. "I never knew too much about magic before coming here. I knew of it, read about it, but...never thought to try it. Maybe, if you'd's something we could explore together. You have a great talent for it -- a natural one, which I do not -- and as your brother...I would like nothing more than to see you grow into it and make it your own. Not hers, yours. I want to see you bloom, dear sister."
“Really…?” Nino fidgets a little in her seat, nerves coloring her tone despite her best efforts. Being able to spend an entire day just with Lloyd is a rare treat indeed, and she'd hate to say something wrong and ruin it. But magic — it had been such a rarely broached topic within the family. Her mo— she had never come right out and said that Nino wasn't allowed to talk about her own powers (though she'd made her opinions on Nino's lack of any positive qualities painfully clear), but there had always been the ever-present sense that magic is something different, something to be set apart and kept quiet about.
It had made her feel special, in a way. It allowed her to continue wishing and waiting, that maybe, maybe, one day she could do something that Sonia would finally approve of, would love her for.
(It never happened. But it kept her hope alive, kept her alive, for better or for worse.)
But the sincerity in Lloyd's words reach into her heart like a balm, settling her after the initial bout of nervousness. Now that she’d finally, with the help of Jaffar and then Lyn and Eliwood and the others, been able to have a taste of the freedom so long denied her… she is allowed to be freer with her magic, these days. She's just gotta keep reminding herself of that. Nino takes in her brother's kind words, cups them in her hands like a treasure, and tucks them away in a warm corner of her heart. So long as he believed in her, she would bloom for his sake...!
“That’d make me really happy, Lloyd,” Nino says, with a smile gradually blossoming into confidence, sitting up and turning fully towards him as an idea pops into her mind, "Maybe... maybe I can show you how to commune with spirits first! There's a lot we can learn from them if we spend a lot of time with them..." It's the furthest thing from what Sonia had done, after all, which means it must be the best step to making magic her own.
...Maybe just a little later, though. Nino settles back down and, after another extra moment of hesitance, she lets herself wiggle closer to her older brother until she is leaning against him, his solid presence a comfort she'd never known she would have the chance to experience again until she had arrived in Garreg Mach. "I'm happy no matter what we do, though," she says quietly, closing her eyes. As long as Lloyd could stay here, and she could still see him, spend time with him...
Like always, the love of her family would always be what Nino hopes for the most, in the end. With her brothers here, maybe the wish isn't so far out of reach after all.
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ninocence · 1 year ago
"There's my sis!" Linus blurts out, as usual far too loud but hardly caring. It felt like it'd been some time since they'd gotten to hang out, and what can he say? He missed his baby sister! They may not have been siblings for as long as Lloyd and him had, and they may not share the same blood, but that didn't really matter to Linus.
Of all the terrible shit that had come from his father's marriage to that viper, Nino had been an unexpected bright spot.
Linus had always been the little brother, but with Nino, he got to be a big brother! He may not have been a responsible person most of the time, but if Nino was involved, he looked out for her -- he still wanted her to have a fun time with him, but he made sure she was safe. Plus, he got to be soft on her and spoil her, and he loved to do it. Nino was probably the purest thing in his mess of a life, and even if he wasn't fantastic about outright saying it, he always tried to make sure he showed it.
"Guess what I heard, huh?" he grinned, tone turning conspiratorial, "One'a the stray cats had kittens! Wanna go see the fluffy li'l fuckers?"
It's a silly, selfish little feeling, Nino thinks, but she can never help the rush of surprised joy whenever one of her brothers names her as their sister in public. Not that she doesn't believe they were good at caring for her!! They were kind and good people and had always, always been nice to her. It's just... sometimes, she does wonder whether they really think she's a good enough little sister to spend time with them.
But one shout from Linus can always dispel all her worries, if only in the moment. Nino turns to him, already beaming, though her expression slowly morphs to one of awe as Linus makes his invitation.
"Ooh, the pretty golden one??" Really, it's more like dusty yellow, but Nino had taken one look at the visibly pregnant cat plodding around the monastery and fallen in love. She nods eagerly. "Yeah, let's go, Linus! Hey, I wonder if the mom cat will mind if we give her babies names..."
She takes one of Linus' big, calloused hands in her own, gripping it tightly as she runs along with his larger strides. She might have lots of friends now, but... in the end, no matter what happens, she'd still want to follow her big brothers where they go. They're family, after all!
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ninocence · 1 year ago
"Your name is Reed." It's a strange combination of a question and a statement. Altena knows it's true. The professor addressed her as such. It's the implication of the name that she has questions about. She knew Linus had a brother, he told her that much, but he never mentioned anyone else that might be here.
Of course, he hadn't told her his name at first either.
And she's only spoken about Arion to him, not Leif.
Maybe it's not that strange.
"You wouldn't happen to know a Linus would you? I'm Altena, by the way."
"Hi, Altena!" Nino greets, perking up as her classmate mentions the familiar name. "Yeah, Linus is my big brother! Their family's name is Reed, and I, uh..." she trails off for a moment, before catching herself, "I mean, yup, Nino Reed, that's me!"
(She hopes it's ok that she's been introducing herself like that... Lloyd and Linus are always ok with calling them a family, but she's never asked whether she's allowed to really take on the name.)
Shaking off the uncertainty with another smile, Nino says, "Linus is a lot of fun to spend time with, right? I hope you two can be good friends! Oh, and, maybe we can be friends too!!"
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