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starrook · 1 year ago
You're beautiful and you know it, you own it, and yet you never let vanity cloud your sharp judgment. So cool and confident! I wish I could be like that...!
I imagine other people must feel that way too... apologies, you must have little patience for an abhorrent admirer...
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fellincantation · 1 year ago
Sonya approaches her new 'partner' of sorts with a leisurely saunter, one hand on her hip as she raises the other, flashing the bracelet on her wrist as if it were the most dazzling of jewels. Displayed boldly on it was ALLY.
"So, we're to be partnered up for this round, then?" She smirks, "What say we both Ally? We've both got five pieces, and aren't in any great danger of losing—it's the smartest and most beneficial choice."
Judging from her vote last round, the girl seemed agreeable enough. Though something about her aura felt... off.
Grima was almost impressed by the woman approaching her. She carried herself with grace and dignity. The way she flashed her wrist brought Grima's attention to it. Her gaze sharpened as she read the bright letters before smiling warmly at her.
"That would be the smartest choice, you're right. We could both ally and gain even more candy together. I'm willing to vote ally if you are as well." Grima answered, allowing herself to be swayed in the other woman's favor. It was safer to rack up candy now rather than flounder any sense of trust others may have in her. The way the bracelets showed voting was an unexpected and dangerous factor as well. What a fun game they were playing. Even if she was betrayed, she would have candy to spare. No loss in her book.
"This game is pretty fun. I love fall festivities like these." She said, letting her genuine amusement at the game show through.
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flaurum · 1 year ago
It wasn't often that Sonya visited the surface proper, opting to stay in the depths of the Abyss for her research, as well as to avoid any familiar faces that might start asking too many questions...
(Though it never hurt to keep a watchful eye on Zofia's darling princess.)
But today had been one of those rare days she ventured out in the guise of a mission, playing the mercenary role to any who approached her with curiosity. Ambitions aside, Sonya had never been one to lurk in the shadows for long—to stay cooped up and deny the world her beauty.
And so, when Sonya spots a rather pretty young woman passing by, she can't help but stop to appreciate the effort clearly put into the girl's appearance. So many here were content to be plain and drab, and yet...
"You, girl."
Swaying hips come to a still as she stops, index finger coolly pointed at the young woman. "That skin? Flawless. And your hair—I could see it shimmering from leagues away." She smirks, "You clearly know how to move about in style, and every lady deserves to have such beauty appreciated, I say."
She hummed to herself, twirled on her heels, enjoying the flutter and flow of skirt ruffles and bouncing hair. Practised steps led her every movement, heralded the arrival of her loveliness and grace, from her darling head to her adorable slippers—
And here, at last, the fruit of her efforts gave reason to come to perfectly measured pause.
(Was everyone else here simply blind, or perhaps uncultured? What was taking them all so long to realize She had arrived and awaited their praise?)
A demure smile surfaces as she turns to look on her admirer, and,
Hand settles on her hip and she shifts, just so. Gleaming eyes take a moment to appraise Sonya, out of respect for a fellow beauty. It’s rare - so very rare! - that Goldmary finds herself at a near loss for words concerning someone else’s appearance.
This woman is… well,
“My goodness,” she blushes beneath the wave of compliments. “Coming from someone nearly as perfect as myself, that is quite the high praise…!”
… Which means, simply put, she must redouble her efforts to stand head and shoulders above the crowd. Even if that means shamelessly stealing from the competition.
“You simply must share with me how you do your eyes… There is such a… je-ne-sais-quoi to them…” 
Half-lidded eyes flutter with quiet contemplation.
… Was this what people mean when they speak of a more mature woman’s appeal…? ♡ Hmm… ~
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feroceor · 1 year ago
A band of mages commissioned by the nearby lord has been experimenting for their latest commission work when suddenly disaster strikes. Their spells go haywire, exploding and devastating the building they had been working in and many of those in the organization themselves. However, none of them are receiving medical aid, the entire town turning them away and the lord being unwilling to pay for their expenses seeing as they have yet to produce a finished work. It looks as if they could use the extra hands and medical attention if you could spare it… [Grants Faith +1]
the morning air is already hot and muggy. lachesis does not particularly care for summer days and is it any wonder why? when they seem to cling to the skin itself and weigh the body down? she walks briskly, though, and does not let this horrid weather slow her down.
the monastery has been asked to look into the aftermath of an explosion, and the task has fallen to lachesis. she does not think the extent of the situation was known, or else there would surely have been a bit more instruction given to her. the town is quiet, save for the occasional bit of chatter here and there, and lachesis bites her tongue against the urge to keep filling that quiet with words of her own, like pouring water into a leaky pitcher. the people here speak little, and so she speaks little, at least until she finally locates the mages who caused the explosion and have been, seemingly, completely ostracized for it.
denied all healing and aid, denied even a place to rest inside, away from the summer heat. a frown pulls at her lips, especially since asking around has revealed that these mages were in fact hired by a local lord. now they're being discarded? the situation seems... unfair. even if there is more to it than people are saying, she doesn't like it.
"and why are you not even willing to offer them some bandages for their wounds?" she's demanding of one villager, anger simmering beneath the surface.
"they can't pay, and our lord has said anyone who helps them is responsible for them—" comes the reply. lachesis' lips purse.
"and what would be so bad about that?" lachesis asks.
a hand is raised. the man looks firmer in his decision now. "we've all made up our minds. we're not able to risk helping them. i am sorry."
@excalibris !
𝙩𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙙𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨
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thewitchsaccord · 1 year ago
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@excalibris @bxldrsdraumar
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writings-of-a-narwhal · 6 years ago
Hey, Sleepover sunday isn't over yet right? We're at the late night talks and 'pillow fights' stage right?? I'd love to take a moment to tell you about my bestest kitty. Her name is Excalibri and she is an american short hair, she is grey with black stripes and she turns orange in the sunlight. She was a little chubby but has lost some weight, she's also super smart and literally the bestest kitty ever to me.
It’s Sleepover Sunday!
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higaneion · 1 year ago
No matter where you go, everyone seems convinced that these are unsafe times and everyone wants a little extra security— some want it directly in their hands even. It’s no shock then that there are rumors of an arms dealer smuggling weapons through the port. If left unchecked, something could happen between civilians or worse, all these weapons could be used to outfit a nearby noble’s independent army, giving an opportunity for a more widespread assault. Finding out where these weapons are coming from and who they’re going to might be in the continent’s best interest then. @excalibris
Should we really be here? Lilina wants to ask, but one doesn’t need to look too closely to see the worried expression wiped on her face and body language. Her shoulders are tense, brows knitted together, eyes and head constantly scanning around for fear of getting caught. 
Though she could not deny the opportunity of great information lying within, she could not help but feel strange and on edge in all of it. Perhaps it does not help the bundle of nerves at the pit of her stomach threatening to burst that she and her partner have sneaked in. She had been enamored by spy work when she was younger, but actually committing to it is easier said than done.
The warehouse is dim and dry, she could almost taste the dust or some other substance that clings to the air. Several crates and boxes line the floors and shelves full of weapons, some types she has never seen before. What makes it stranger is there is no one else at present. She is expecting someone to pop up from under a table and threaten them at any moment. If a fight were to break out, one of the more sensible places would be in a place stocked full of weapons. 
“Miss Sonya—Ah!” Lilina jumps at the sound of an object shifting. If she is trying to be stealthy, then she is doing a poor job at it. She and her spine are not cut out for spy work. “Um… Where shall we investigate first? Perhaps… there are tomes or staffs that may be of interest…”
trying to sneak around but the dummy thicc tomes keep alerting the guards
Mission Board: Fracture | [Grants Reason +1]
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thewitchsaccord · 1 year ago
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Night does not fall because it never left. The stars are trapped in place and the moon will offer no guidance if asked. A procession of spirits arrives outside the monastery's gates to escort you to what was not long ago an abandoned town left to ruin and rot, recently overrun with some new, decaying faces.
The most observant among you may soon realize that despite their frightful appearances, the ghosts and skeletons occupying the town will only assail those who draw too close to the hordes of candy they guard.
A tall white shadow looms on the highest building, humming a melody that is likely to be less familiar than the voice itself considering the host makes no effort to alter her inflection and pitch.
"Fufufu..." she murmurs, seeing that some of you have grown restless. "I am Nihil. You have been chosen to participate in a game."
🍬 Candy Tracker 🍬
Ewan (@eagerfutureflame) vs Azama (@carefreemonk) Hilda (@delicatevalentine) vs Sonya (@excalibris) Andrei (@ulircursed) vs Ephidel (@artificidel) Azelle (@fjalarspark) vs Caspar @berglietz Lukas (@redmessenger) vs Forsyth (@viridescent-lance) Lucius (@semperiuvare) vs Niamh (@boundlesschaos) Grima (@fellincantation) vs Felicia (@maeido) Lilian (@divinecrest) vs Emma & Miranda (@shiningfalcon & @anruraiocht) Corrin (M) (@duskofendflame) vs Jakob (@indevouement) Knoll (@pryings) vs Caeda (@arcaeda) Selena (FE8) (@fluxrspar) vs Eldigan (@lionheartsoath) Sigurd (@bxldrsdraumar) vs Skrimir (@galliason) Leif (@diadic) vs Sylvain (@gauldheri)
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thewitchsaccord · 1 year ago
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The dim silhouette of a young girl is seated on the swing hanging like a pendulum within the glistering birdcage. Nihil - or Sara to those fortunate to have met her in the past - kicks her feet gently, swaying periodically. She seems preoccupied, paying you little mind as she rotates a small object in her hands. Twisting the key-shaped instrument one last time, an uncanny tune fills the space.
"I wish I could keep you here forever. We could play games together until the end of time. I have developed a fondness for most of you, I have decided. Wouldn't it be fun to stay like this? Aw, don't look at me that way. I was only joking."
The witch lifts the wind-up toy bird nesting on her palms into view, whispering, "No, it is too early to tell them."
Finally, you have reached the last stage. Your magnanimous riddlemaster is granting you the opportunity to change fate. She would have you know there are no rewards that are free of risk, but hopes that you will take them even knowing that. The stakes have never been higher or have they? Do you yet understand the true purpose behind this game?
🍬 Candy Tracker 🍬
Grima (@fellincantation) vs Eldigan (@lionheartsoath) Lucius (@semperiuvare) vs Azama (@carefreemonk) Corrin (M) (@duskofendflame) vs Sylvain (@gauldheri) Selena (FE8) (@fluxrspar) vs Caeda (@arcaeda) Andrei (@ulircursed) vs Ewan (@eagerfutureflame) Forsyth (@viridescent-lance) vs Skrimir (@galliason) Jakob (@indevouement) vs Azelle (@fjalarspark) Lukas (@redmessenger) vs Felicia (@maeido) Emma (@shiningfalcon) vs Ephidel (@artificidel) & Hilda (@delicatevalentine) Lilian (@divinecrest) vs Niamh (@boundlesschaos) Miranda (@anruraiocht) vs Knoll (@pryings) Leif (@diadic) vs Caspar (@berglietz) Sonya (@excalibris) vs Sigurd (@bxldrsdraumar)
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thewitchsaccord · 1 year ago
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A dark coated bird with six, menacing red eyes descends from the skies to perch atop a wooden torchpost, deceptively hardy for how rickety the old thing looks at a glance.
"Name's Nihil II, also known as B-ERRD. The mastuh and me was hoping mo' ya would take advantage of huh kindness to spread ya wings and take flight. Betrayal might sound like a hawsh word, but how many of youse can actually say ya never told a lie in y'life afore? Those pretty l'il bracelets y'been gifted enshore there's no actual foul play afoot. Why play if not to win? Y'only have so much time in this world. Live a l'il."
Trying to hide your bracelet may come across suspicious, but you are still welcome to try. Explain yourself if you feel the need or allow your thus far spotless record to do the talking for you. And just what is the fate that befalls those who lose all their candy? Perhaps you will learn soon...
🍬 Candy Tracker 🍬
Azelle (@fjalarspark) vs Lucius (@semperiuvare) Knoll (@pryings) vs Andrei (@ulircursed) Miranda (@anruraiocht) vs Jakob (@indevouement) Skrimir (@galliason) vs Hilda (@delicatevalentine) & Lilian (@divinecrest) Sigurd (@bxldrsdraumar) vs Corrin (M) (@duskofendflame) Grima (@fellincantation) vs Sonya (@excalibris) Forsyth (@viridescent-lance) vs Ephidel (@artificidel) Lukas (@redmessenger) vs Ewan (@eagerfutureflame) Sylvain (@gauldheri) vs Selena (@fluxrspar) Caeda (@arcaeda) vs Niamh (@boundlesschaos) Emma (@shiningfalcon) vs Caspar (@berglietz) Azama (@carefreemonk) vs Eldigan (@lionheartsoath) Leif (@diadic) vs Felicia (@maeido)
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berglietz · 1 year ago
Sea meets sky once more, more quickly and violently than before. The massive wave hurtles outward from its monstrous epicenter and crashes against them all, strong enough to rip even the fliers among the group down to the depths. It takes all of Caspar's will to withhold a pained gasp, to prevent the crushing saltwater around him from rushing into his lungs.
Sophrosyne (6/20) uses Crushing Waves! Caspar: -6HP (0.5/10 + DROWNING)
He twists to and fro in the water, no longer able to tell up from down. There should be light from above, shouldn't there? The darkness at the edges of his vision make it hard to find. The cold is creeping in, too—numbness in his fingers creeping inward as he claws and kicks frantically.
Sophi 4 (3/3) hits, hits Caspar (0.5/10) with Bite [Roll: 10, 7; -0.5HP, Caspar 0/10]
A sharp beak pierces his calf, and this time he doesn't swallow his voice in time. Pain and anger and desperation are released in a flurry of bubbles from his mouth. His hand curls in search of a hilt—if he's going to go down, he can at least take this nasty little monster with him..! He finds nothing but his own empty palm. He's weaponless. his sword must've been knocked from his grip. How did he not notice earlier? The burning in his lungs is nothing compared to the beating fury in his heart—but neither are a match for the endless cold of an uncaring sea. He sinks deeper, deeper, and the darkness overtakes him.
Caspar has been defeated!
under the sea — team 13 bronze round
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thewitchsaccord · 1 year ago
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@delicatevalentine @excalibris
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thewitchsaccord · 1 year ago
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@fellincantation @excalibris
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berglietz · 1 year ago
A sharp crackle of lightning rings out across the sands. Despite his distance from it, the hair at the back of Caspar's neck stands on end. A palm presses habitually to his chest, fingers spread to feel through his clothing for a woven charm that isn't there. Lost again? Or just temporarily whisked away by the illusion magic of the arena? He hardly registers Arval's words at first, too preoccupied with mentally tracing the shape of the space where his protection should be and hoping that focus may be enough to save him.
Vantage activates! Sreng Mercenary (2.5/10) hits Caspar (10/10) with Killing Edge [Roll: 7, -1HP, Caspar 9/10]
What strikes Caspar is not electricity, but steel. In his focus against one danger, he'd lost sight of the one right in front of him. The pain brings him back to the present—blue skies, golden sands, and an opponent standing at the ready. Both hands grip his lance now, twirling it into position to retaliate.
Caspar (9/10) hits Mercenary with Gradivus at melee range [Roll: 16-6=10, -2HP, Sreng Mercenary 0.5/10]
One strike, following through until his steed wheels around to face the enemy's back. Arval still remains on the other side, leaving no room for retreat. Caspar returns to his friend's side with his weapon outstretched to collide with his target one final time.
Pincer Attack activates! Caspar (9/10) follows up and barely hits Mercenary with Gradivus [Roll: 8-6=2, -1HP, Sreng Mercenary 0/10] Sreng Mercenary is defeated!
The fresh rush of adrenaline mixes with the previous shot of fear into a near-dizzying euphoria. Caspar whoops loudly, his heart thundering in his chest. To call the energy buzzing through his veins 'fighting spirit' would be an understatement. "Done already? This was hardly a warm up! I'll take on any of you guys at the training grounds, any time!!"
gofannon's gay baby jail - team 13 gold round
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ninocence · 1 year ago
Nino kicks her feet from her perch atop a tree stump at the edge of the training grounds, wide eyes fixed intently on the actions of the mages practicing against training dummies lined up along the far wall. A young man raises his hand high, a well-practiced chant on his lips as he directs his attack towards the nearest target.
With a whoosh, bright blades of wind erupt from his fingertips, slicing into the target with such force that it nearly dislodges the dummy from its stand. "Wow...!" Nino's expression lights up, the blend of power and beauty awe-inspiring to the young mage.
"Excalibur..." she repeats to herself, mumbling bits of the earlier chant that she'd heard from the practice session, fine-tuning her pronunciation as the other mage also continued his practice session. Soon, a small whirl of cutting wind is conjured in Nino's hand. Nowhere near the power of an actual, mastered spell, but enough to dance upon her palm, the sensation of cool wind whipping against her hair.
Curious for the next step, Nino points it at the ground in front of her, attempting to direct its course... before watching in alarm as the bright spell streaks off in another direction altogether, towards a person on the outskirts of the training ground like her.
Oh no...! Before she could ascertain the damage, Nino sets off running in the direction of the spell.
"S-sorry!! I'm really sorry... I didn't know it would fly off like that!!" Coming to a stop before the purple-haired woman, Nino shuffles her feet, fighting the urge to duck her head in terror. Where are you looking, useless girl? Make eye contact when apologizing, it's only polite...!
"Did I... did I hit you?" she asks meekly, searching the other's gaze for any sign of pain or ire.
guiding wind
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bxldrsdraumar · 1 year ago
The meals in the dining hall have been getting smaller and smaller, and less and less extravagant as ingredients are shifted for the use of making rations. The kitchen has banned hobbyist cooks to prevent a waste of supplies, which means, if you're an aspiring cook, you have to find other ways to procure your ingredients, or if you're just a picky eater, you'll need to consult with your allies for creative ways to dress up your rations. Some even resort to making bets and dares in order to force others to give up their portions.  (starter for @excalibris)
He couldn't pretend he wasn't disappointed. 
It wasn't that he'd never had worse – he certainly had, on longer expeditions out in the wilds of Verdane with nary a guide, when he and his men had threatened to boil their belts if one of them couldn't find suitable forage – and it wasn't that he'd never had so little – he had done this as well, either by force of nature destroying his coterie's rations or he and his friends' own ignorance that it would merely be an overnight trip. 
But as Sigurd saw the wan faces moving about the dining hall, he could not help but remember the frigid nights mere months ago that he had spent with a handful of other knights hunting down a buck for the larders, and how proud they'd all been to bring their take home. How short a time that had seemed, to him, and now again it seemed that many were, if not going hungry, then at least going hungrier than they'd like. 
To his understanding, there were plainer provisions available aplenty, but much of the heftier or more diverse fare was being foregone, funds instead being funneled into things that would keep hardier for longer. 
The days of hard tack and a happy face were upon the students of Garreg Mach, it seemed. 
"A far cry from the candy we had so plentifully only a few weeks ago, isn't it, Lady Sonya?" He approached her with an easy grin, tapping the edge of his hard tack against the table beside her, before bringing it up for a thoughtful nibble. "Or, I suppose, that you had so plentifully." 
A wink. "I suppose that was when I should have known my days were numbered." 
Busting Out the MREs
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