#even with the gaza stuff
baekuras · 26 days
Every time I see a post on twitter all like "Remember, the left sides w/ facists!!!" or something along those lines I have two thoughts
1: okay so you're gonna vote for the actual facists instead? 2: nice try bot-we went through this already fuck off
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 8 months
Hello, a little rant here. I don't know whether people are becoming insensitive or I'm just taking things very seriously these times, but I beg of you, when I post about an update on the situation in Gaza, or about a lost life or any piece of news that is most likely horrifying and heartbreaking, do not repost or reblog with "yikes" or "real bullshit" or whatever goes in the same line. It just makes it seem so trivial when in fact it's world-shattering. Not to mention the horrible edits I see on Instagram/tiktok.
I literally came across an "Instagram reel" of my friend's UNCLE (who lost three of his kids, and was saying his goodbyes while they were in body bags), it was edited into a reel, with the effects and changing colors and the trending sound of the song "daylight by David kushner". I was speechless.
I know people show their solidarity differently, I know this. Especially through music, I've literally been listening to Samer songs as well as "Telk Qadieah", etc. But the edit I saw was way too much. I don't know how to explain it, because I've seen many reels of Palestinians in Gaza grieving and I thought it's important to share them but this one is different. It was like the edits you'd make for characters from a TV show or movie that died or had a sad storyline.
I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting but I genuinely feel like I'm going crazy. With everything going on and how it seems like some people are living in a parallel world rn.
I hope I don't get misunderstood, I'm not talking about the general clips with sometimes sad songs on them, I'm talking about certain edits the people started to make that are so weird and insensitive. Like the people they're editing aren't real, like they're some entertainment material.
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arabian-batboy · 11 months
Disney, Starbucks and Mcdonald's all had their stocks plummet to all-time lows this month, yet suddenly all of their stocks have now skyrocketed again at the same exact time (with Starbucks rising by 11%??), even though call for boycotts are stronger and louder than ever? Sounds like someone is lying about these new stocks numbers as propaganda to discourage people from boycotting them, almost like they're saying: "Why bother boycotting us when it doesn't even affect our sales anyways? Just come back already <3"
Either that or them selling their products for dirt-cheap helped temporarily rise their stocks for the time being, either ways don't stop boycotting these genocide supporters.
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calmbigdipper · 10 days
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For @hkvthm-action, twt user gueponekasu requested some screencap redraws of Kaveh and Alhaitham from the MV for Just Be Friends by Dixie Flatline! ❀
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homosociallyyours · 5 months
My birthday is coming up on Monday--
normally I'm pretty excited but this year I'm very down. I miss my family, who I haven't been able to visit since spring of 2019 due to covid and my health, and things are just hard.
I've shared my Amazon wish list the past couple of years, and getting little prezzies (even very practical things like food staples) is a definite mood booster.
That said:
If you wanna look at my wish list it's here! Feel free to send me something not through Amazon-- if we're friends just message me and I'll probably be happy to send my address. I'll take cards/mail that way too :)
I'm also hoping to be able to afford a takeaway meal on my birthday, so if you can send me a little money to do that I'll always be grateful.
My venmo is Megan-Beene and my PayPal is homosocial.
Also with the state of the world as it is, if you'd rather send $ to fund e-sims to gaza or help a Palestinian family, that would also make me happy. Here's a link to verified gofundmes.
Many of you have helped me out in the past and I always appreciate it so much. Sharing/reblogging this is appreciated, as are birthday messages on Monday (or before or after)
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dollymylove · 11 months
it disgusts me on such a personal level when people use the argument "well palestinians hate gay people so you shouldn't support them". because two things come to me.
do you think that i, a trans butch lesbian palestinian, would truly rather you side with the person who stole my house than my decolonization? in what world do you think that's true? you don't. you just want an excuse to hate my ethnicity. you can teach a community that queerphobia is bad but you can't teach away a colonial occupation.
and two. do you actually think any country is not homophobic? you probably live in the united states, or canada, or the united kingdom, or what? "you can't be trans in gaza" well you can't be trans in london either so where does that leave us? "you can't get gay married" well you can't in italy either but i dont see the international community calling to bomb them. brown people aren't genetically predisposed to be more violent. you're just a weensy bit racist
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greencarnation · 9 months
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Printed some fliers and stickers to put up around town tomorrow. Remember that posting isn't the only way to spread awareness and build public consciousness in your area
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redvelvetwishtree · 10 months
So Israel spent the last month lying and making up fake self-victimising stories and expect us to believe that they didn't kill their own hostage, showed tunnels in Sweden and said they were under Al Shifa, put their own laptops with labels and passed them off as belonging to Hamas somehow fully charged with no passwords, showing us the days of the week poster and saying it was a list of Hamas people, lining up weapons neatly against a wall and ughhh I can keep listing the kindergarten level setups they've done to convince impressionable people but please use your brains.
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plushri · 7 months
250,000 people turned up in London for Palestine yesterday! Make the next demonstration on Saturday 9th March even bigger, please show up if you can.
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If you're in the UK, email your MPs and urge them to support the potential motion for ceasefire in Gaza tabled for 21st February.
All you have to do is enter your postcode at the site will generate an email to your MP for you! Then autofill your information and it will send the email. It takes a few seconds. No ceasefire, no vote!
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From the river to the sea 🇵🇸❤️
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disco-cola · 6 months
oh my god i‘ve just seen the new photos of the aftermath of the siege on al shifa hospital these war criminals have burned it it’s almost unrecognizable! the remains of the executed people in the yard still wearing handcuffs! surgeons killed! a whole ass medical team kidnapped! i am at a loss for words at the fact people are still so caught up in their own bubble that they simply IGNORE this
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i'm fucking shaking with anger. just for the love of god, stop the fucking genocide!
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israel-palestine-bingo · 10 months
how is antizionism antisemitic? cosidering lots of american christian evangelicals are also zionist, aka wants all jews to leave america in part because of their idea of how the rapture begins, how is opposing zionism inherently antisemitic?
No BINGO! squares were found. Try better next time!
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german-garbage · 5 months
Huge props to my international politics professor who said that, despite tolerance and equity being major goals of the european union, countries within the EU still don't always comply to those goals, and then went on to list germany's ban on the "from the river to the see" sentence being used in public as an example.
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yellow-yarrow · 4 months
i fucking hate hungarian politics, who am i supposed to vote for, the centrist liberal party, the other centrist liberal party, or the coalition of the social democrats and center-right party that used to be full of nazis (what a joke)
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madtomedgar · 10 months
I often wonder what the world would look like if pressing local or state level issues people claim to care about generated the same kind of action and enthusiasm that massive national news stories with complicated power mapping do. Idk even when I'm 100% with the people who are up in arms. Like what if just as many people in MA had turned out for the ROE act as turned out to protest the overturn of Roe after the fact? What if the rent control actions were as well attended as the ceasefire actions? I have had many instances where I am trying to get progressive people who regularly go to big demonstrations to show up for something state level they have said they care about and they just won't. And what I'm left with after that is the conclusion that where their interests actually are is feeling like a part of something big and heady rather than accomplishing a concrete goal and that's. Demoralizing.
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chaiaurchaandni · 11 months
is hamas = isis?
i've been seeing zionists say that 'anti-zionist and pro-palestine jews who oppose israel are not real jews' and ... first of all. who are you to decide who is and isnt a real jew?
and secondly!!! guess what this is a disturbing parallel to? ISIS.
because when the islamic state declared a caliphate, they also said smth similar: that any muslim who opposes the caliphate of the islamic state, is an apostate.
also interesting to note that, according to isis, hamas would also be apostates + isis also opposed hamas bec isis believed that nobody besides the caliphate of islamic state had the right to declare jihad -> so isis declared war on hamas
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on the other hand, israel has provided free treatment to isis and other syrian militants in israeli hospitals
obv the tactic of equating hamas with isis is pure hasbara done for the sake of creating mass hysteria against hamas and convincing the usa/nato to sanction the mass killing of palestinians (in the name of eliminating hamas). macron even said the same coalition fighting isis should also fight hamas
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some more differences + links mentioned below the cut:
some other differences:
isis is a salafi/wahabi org (look into islamic statism) /// hamas is a sunni org
isis is a transnational org /// hamas is a palestinian nationalist org
the aim of isis is to eradicate all 'bad' muslims+non-muslims & establish their rule all over the world /// the aim of hamas is to secure complete liberation of palestine
isis has conducted militant operations in different countries beyond its territories /// hamas does not conduct operations beyond historic palestine
isis kills anyone who does not adhere to its extremist interpretation of islam (including yazidis, jews, christians, shia & sufi muslims) /// hamas has been tolerant to different sects (alliance with shia hezbollah org) + different religions (palestinian christians/foreign aid workers)
isis literally legalized slavery which afaik no other islamic militant org has done (besides boko haram i think?)
isis is extremely anti-shia and opposes hamas for having links with iran and hezbollah
isis also feels obligated to kill any other muslim that does not pledge loyalty to the caliphate (even attacked some of their own previous allies) /// hamas has an alliance with several other palestinian resistance organizations regardless of different ideologies as long as they share a common goal of liberating palestine (palestinian joint operations room)
pls lmk if any info here is incorrect/needs editing!
What Effect ISIS' Declaration Of War Against Hamas Could Have In The Middle East : NPR
Hamas Is Not ISIS. Here's Why That Matters | TIME
UN Report: Israel in Regular Contact with Syrian Rebels including ISIS - IBTimes India
Ideology of the Islamic State - Wikipedia
Why Islamic State has no sympathy for Hamas - Al-Monitor: Independent, trusted coverage of the Middle East
France’s Macron says anti-ISIL coalition should fight Hamas | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
Salafist ideological challenge to Hamas in Gaza - BBC News
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