#even with Obes greying hair
ninjigma · 1 year
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RexObi Week Part 2/7 - Previous / Next
Day 2: Cave Exploration Track: 'Sun' - Sleeping At Last (Spotify / YouTube)
"Do you really know where we are going Kenobi?"
"Faith my dear, have faith."
"I do, but I also have a perfectly good beach behind me that we completely bypassed to wander around these caves for something you still won't tell me about."
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, but his smile never wavered. They had headed out on a small excursion of sorts, Obi-Wan having read about the caves extensively before arriving on the planet. He had been trying to find things that may satisfy a man who is usually living his life in a much faster pace, and in his reading he had discovered something he really thought would do the trick. Caves that were interspersed with long cervices open to the sky above, threading and swirling over and around the coast. It created the perfect opportunity to explore, and some wonderful treasures hidden amongst the dark stone.
Or, at least, he hoped it was perfect. It was his first real moment of doubt as they came to another junction and there were more markings on the cave wall then he thought there should be. But he was pretty sure the partially written over symbol was the one he was looking for, and tried not to show his wavering as he headed to the right.
"Well then, I ask for your patience. We should almost be there."
"Ahem," Obi-Wan straightened himself, turning back toward Rex who stood taller then him anyhow. "I mean, we are."
Rex raised one lean eyebrow, the corner of his mouth going with it. It was honestly a look Obi-Wan couldn't help but associate with the clone even if it was someone else attempting it. Though no one could do it like Rex; the perfect arch, conveying so much that those on the other side of it never needed the question said. And with that smirk there was the addition of feeling like the punchline in a joke that one could never fully understand. Yet Obi-Wan would continue to tell the joke himself so long as it brought Rex this much joy, simmering beneath the surface of honey brown eyes. That if Obi-Wan was given the opportunity to see that smirk, that side eye of disbelief, the look that said nothing but doubt even though he knew Rex had absolute trust in him, then it was worth all of the laughter at his expense.
And when Obi-Wan's only response was to hold out his hand and Rex took it as easily as breathing, Obi-Wan felt that even if he did get them lost, as least they had gotten lost together.
It was an unnecessary worry though as the next bend showed light shining from below. Stone steps were carefully carved into the stone here, making the steep tunnel much easier to traverse. And Obi-Wan couldn't help the rush of excitement again. He could hear the gentle lap of water at the bottom, could see how it shone from further in as they descended, and happily squeezed Rex's hand without even realizing it until the clone laughed quietly.
"Excited, sir?" 
Obi-Wan hoped a bit that the shadow of the caves was still strong enough to cover the blush, but he didn't deny it. He stopped to allow Rex to roll his pants up some, the water curling over the most bottom steps and their mesh covered feet, and then realized there was no chance he could hide as Rex reached out to take his hand again and he couldn't stop the smile from overtaking him.
"Perhaps a bit. From what I read it seems like it will be a beautiful spot."
"For what?" Rex asked innocently, Obi-Wan watching as he stepped into the water with him and the water alone made the clone smile softly. 
"For you."
Rex's eyes flickered back up, and Obi-Wan made sure to let the adoration be plainly visible on him. That his thoughts on how much he wished to give Rex, how special he thought the clone was, and how much he loved him, was obvious. Even in the Force he allowed the feelings to reach out and let it swirl around Rex like the water beneath them. For just a moment the waterfalls could wait. For just a breath Obi-Wan let things stand still and his love for Rex be at the forefront of everything. 
Then it was another quick squeeze of the hand, and a turn back into the cave. It was only a few more turns before the movement of water around their feet became drowned out by the thundering of falls, and the light finally began to truly pierce the darkness. 
"Ready?" Obi-Wan asked.
"Have you ever known me not to be?" Rex responded boldly.
And with another small laugh of utter joy Obi-Wan led Rex around the last corner, to take in a sight that was full of life and light and joy. Greenery managing to grow amongst stone, light danced down the waterfall and sent cascading reflections across the roof of the cave they were in, birds flew and danced about each other, both playfully clumsy and gracefully beautiful in the funnel to the blue skies above. There were even flowers demanding the chance to live even this far down, and there were new endless tunnels sprouting away from them to be explored. 
"It's beautiful," Rex breathed next to him. And Obi-Wan couldn't help but turn toward him, take in once again how the light around Rex made him look so bright and full of life. How it sparkled in his eyes and the water reflected across him.
"Yeah, beautiful."
And if the clone caught the horribly cheesy attempt at flirting, and then kicked water at the near lovesick Master Jedi, only for said Jedi to return the the water with raucous laughter and the start a near juvenile splashing match, then that is only for them and the parrots squawking happily above to know about.
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greycaelum · 1 year
Hi! I love how you capture Gojo's character in your series. I was wondering if you could write a scenario where the high and mighty Gojo Satoru felt insecure and undeserving of reader at any point in their relationship through the Kaleidoscope Series? I wanna see Toru be sad and then comforted mehehe. Hope this ask finds you well!
Kaleidoscope Series—Clouds and Mochi Chapters { Lose }
—Gojo Satoru X Wife Reader
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𑁍 Synopsis: Y/n left for a few days and Satoru has to handle the kids.
𑁍 Genre: family theme, fluff, angst to comfort
𑁍 CW/TW: (2.8k)— arguments, insecurities, regrets, Satoru doing his job (overboard manner), not proofread
𑁍 Grey ✒️☕: Hi sweetheart thank you for the wonderful ask, I hope I managed to make it well this time
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Being married to Gojo Satoru has meant that you will have more work than you anticipated. Contrary to the eyes of the mass that Gojo Satoru's existence is the entire Gojo Clan itself there's so much that runs behind what people see.
In the absence of Gojo Satoru, his wife, The Madame of the Gojo Clan, Gojo Y/n controls everything.
"I have to leave for a business trip in Kyushu 'Toru. Can you handle the kids for three days?"
You asked after tucking Saika into bed.
Satoru shot up from the bed, removed his glasses, and look at you with a confused face.
"What do you mean? You're pregnant Honey. It's not safe for you or our babies to travel long distances." Satoru walked over to you and held your hands to his lips, pressing kisses to your knuckles. "I cannot let you go with your delicate situation Baby."
"I'm okay Satoru, besides I consulted my ob-gyne and she said it's alright." You chuckled at the sudden protectiveness, not that Satoru isn't normally protective of you already.
Satoru ran his hand over his hair. Good grace. He's not letting you outside of this house or even letting you get in that piece of flying metal, that who knows might fall just because life is a bitch.
"No. You're not going anywhere, Honey." Satoru was sentenced with finality. The frown on your brows slowly curled and retrieved your hand from his lips.
His heart fell at your withdrawal as you looked at him and sighed.
"Love, this is my job. Alright? This is my duty as your wife, my duty to the Gojo Clan because I'm the Madame. I won't go if I think I'm unfit to." You tried to be understanding yet firm as you explain this logic to him.
Years of marriage certainly taught you better than to enter an argument head straight. Instead, you calmly laid out your facts.
"No means no. Honey, you can ditch all your work if you want to. You're with our child. To be exact you don't even have to work with your state." Satoru put his hands on his waist, assuming an authoritative stance.
The room dropped several degrees as Y/n raise her brows and narrowed her eyes at the imposing tone of his words.
"I understand you're concerned—"
"Oh, believe me, Honey, I'm beyond concerned I'm fervid." Satoru cut you off with a frown.
"But you're not changing my decision Satoru." The softness of the way you call his name was gone. It was cemented with stubbornness. "I'm pregnant, not invalid."
You could be such an angel at times but that stubbornness of yours... Satoru blew out a sigh.
"I'm not saying you're invalid. I'm looking out for you and our children. What if something happens? The stress of work, or just simply going out there, away from what's supposed safe for you and the children. Can't you send someone else?" Satoru's voice was an octave higher, trying so hard to find the right words without sounding rude.
"Satoru, I know you are concerned, but again, I won't put myself or our child at risk if I'm unsure that I can do this safely. I am pregnant, but that doesn't mean I can forego my duties. That's not how this works. I have my responsibilities, and those responsibilities I'm doing not just for myself, but for this family as well." Your voice constricted, not wanting to shout or even raise your voice at him, marking the end of the discussion as you turn your back to pack your luggage leaving Satoru standing where he was.
The next day, sure enough, the car that will send you to the airport arrived. Kouki and Saika knew something was up with the perfunctory kiss you gave to their father, and Satoru's sad eyes as he loaded your luggage to the bag. The kids watched from the doorstep, a worried look on Saika's face while Kouki had his usual emotionless expression on.
"Call me if anything ever happens no matter how minuscule it is." Satoru pulled you into his arms before you could enter the car. Damn, you feel so soft his heart is being pricked to let you go. He hates disagreeing with you. It throws him off.
"I will be back sooner than you expected, I promise." You nod, cupping his cheeks noticing he's pale. Price of a sleepless night...
Satoru watch the car drive off until it was out of sight. The sinking feeling like his feet is being shackled to the ground slowly started creeping in. An unpleasant feeling swirled inside his gut.
Kouki watched his sister bite her lip. Anxious with the sudden cloudy mood between their parents. She is after all a four years old girl who is learning how to sense her surroundings.
"Mama and Papa just had a fuss, but they're going to be fine." Kouki's blank face soften and pat his little sister's head. "They love each other after all."
What's so special about that trip? Satoru pondered as he do his work, taking in more jobs than he usually does. Using it as a distraction but ultimately ends up pondering over you while he fights off curses.
He remembers your words. Somehow he understands what lies beneath those lines. The cold truth behind it, even if you won't say it out loud.
 This is my duty as your wife, my duty to the Gojo Clan because I'm the Madame.
It's the price of marrying him. The burden of being his wife.
Satoru grits his teeth.
"G-Gojo-san?" Ijichi flinched at the vivid way the poor level 3 curse was exterminated. The force was more than necessary. It was like bringing out a bazooka for a mosquito. Raw and brutal as that.
He thought he was already aware having been married to you for almost 10 years. But he is still so witless.
The hole in his heart couldn't be filled. It's like something inside him was gnawing him alive. Like there's sand inside his gut. Unsettling the cold sweat in his spine. Do you feel this way whenever he heads out to battle every time?
It's a dreadful sensation.
He couldn't imagine this happening to you. Especially since he heads out to battle almost every day.
Because this is his duty, as the strongest, as Gojo Satoru...
He never wanted you to face any difficulties that will ever endanger you. That's why he built a home away from the Gojo Estate. He doesn't want you to be subjected in the eyes of his clan. Not the hostility, and not the burden... He never wanted you to carry any of it.
But it seems like every time, he fails.
"Do you regret me?" 
You once asked him, lying on the hospital bed after being attacked by Tachibana's daughter, barely escaping the preemptive danger.
Since then and until now, his answer is the same.
"No, I never. I regret putting you in this kind of situation."
It's his biggest regret. To put you in such peril because he loves you. He loves you so much that he pulled you into his rotten world. He wants to protect you, but then he cannot stop you from doing what you want, what you could to grow. Because deep down the thing he never wishes to see is your eyes filled with hatred looking towards him. 
It would break the cracked heart you pieced together. He could never leash you, nor cage you no matter how much he loves you.
 "There is no curse more twisted than love." He said that to Yuta because he knows it more than anyone... Probably because his love is as twisted as it could be just to have you. 
His phone vibrated and he answers it without saying 'hello'. His mind is too clouded to form the right words without using the usual cheery masks he uses in public. 
"..." The other line doesn't answer as well.
There was only their breathing. A steady one and the other one breathed quietly to listen as closely as possible. They didn't speak for a good moment, simply staying in that silence, listening. Satoru hid his lips in the high neck of his uniform.
"Satoru?" You finally spoke.
"...Mnn?" He swallowed a huge lump in his throat. "You called Honey, did something happen?"
"..." He could see you shaking your head on the other line even if he cannot see you. "I just wanted to hear you, that's all."
He faintly chuckled. "Are you going to sleep?"
"Hmmm." You answered. "The business deal is going smoothly. They'll sponsor the orphaned children's education in exchange for them as working students for the company."
"You're... working so hard." Satoru bit the walls of his mouth. "My wife is so hardworking." Did the praise have to be this bittersweet to his tongue?
"You should reward me when I come home. Lately, I've been craving some orange juice and baklava."
"Mnnn, I will."
Silence ensued over the two of them again... Soon your breathing slowed down. Satoru sensing you're probably asleep, just opened his phone until your call dropped, most probably because of low battery.
You have always loved kids. Probably that is why Kouki and Saika turned out to be such angels despite him being a menace. You're such a good wife and caring mother it puts him to shame always being away. So what right did he even have to stop you from doing your duties when he's the one who's often away to do his own?
Satoru closed the book, and look at his daughter who is fast asleep by his side. She has white hair and blue eyes from him but she looks just like you. He can already see the riot she will make when she grows older.
The door opened with Kouki holding his cinnamoroll plushie.
"Hey Buddy, can't sleep?"
The little guy walks over and climbs into the bed on Satoru's side.
"Are you and Mama upset, Papa?" Kouki settled quietly and held his plushie.
Satoru carefully lifted the blanket to Kouki's chest while making sure Saika doesn't wake up.
"Kind of, but we're gonna be okay. Coz I love Mama so much." Satoru kissed Kouki's forehead, reassuring his son. 
"Mnn, I know. I love Mama too." Kouki nodded and blinked at his Papa. "Papa?"
"Mnn?" Satoru removed the blindfold from his eyes and replaced it with his sunglasses.
"I love you too." Kouki yawned and closed his eyes.
Satoru let out a deep breath and chuckled. Biting his lips as he leaned down to kiss his son one more time.
"I love you most Kikufuku."
The business deals went smoother than you expected, the three-day trip you thought became a two-day trip and before you knew it, you are on board the plane back to Tokyo, leaving your assistant to clean up behind as you did your best to come back early and surprise your family.
You won't say quarrels with Satoru are unusual. It's normal in marriage to have it. You have some quarrels with him, but most of those are solved within that day and the two of you talk about it as civilized as possible. It's a very rare thing for the two of you to shout or snarl at each other. It was only two or three times in the duration of your marriage that the argument reached the point of screaming.
With Satoru's line of work, the two of you decided to always work on the problem as soon as possible so no one walks out the door, angry. The one you had recently is one of those civilized quarrels but deep down you knew Satoru was still against it even the moment he hugged you in the car, he just let you go against his will... Because that's the person he is. He will never hold you back against your will.
That business deal was very important for you, perhaps being a mother makes you really soft and empathetic that you cannot turn your eyes away from those children that have lost their parents. The least you could do for them is make sure that their future will be taken care of.
You opened the door and everyone was already out of the house. The kids are in school and Satoru is at work. The house is spotless...
"Y/n?!" The door burst open and Satoru stood there with his blindfold falling down his neck, his breathing id ragged, probably from the hurry. His strides were quick as he cross the hallway and reach to pull you in his arms.
He smells so good... Like baby soap and powder... You inhaled his scent and returned the hug, it's not so tight because he was afraid to squish the baby bump but it was still warm...
"I was supposed to surprise you, but you surprised me first 'Toru." You chuckled and smiled.
Satoru was silent as you brush the underside of his eyes and stare at him with those eyes of yours that were filled with love. He could never get tired of the way your fingers caress him like he's the most fragile thing in the world. It feels so soft, so precious, so warm.
"Are you hungry? I'll cook." There was something stuck in his throat that was so hard to swallow.
"I'll take a shower first." You move and went upstairs leaving him in the kitchen. He was probably alerted by the guards that you're back that's why he looked as if he ran. When you came down, the sliding door to the backyard garden was open. Satoru was also there and so are your food.
The garden is blooming full of hydrangeas with butterflies fluttering around and the faint scent of the drizzle this morning wafted the air. It's a soft scene with the silence between you and your husband. You silently ate while Satoru simply stared at you, sometimes offering you more food which you accepted, not shying away when you're eating for three persons now.
"You know—"
"I'm sorry—"
You both spoke at the same time making you laugh a little and gestured for him to go first.
Satoru sighed, rubbing the back of his head, and awkwardly smirked.
"You know, I realized I was stupid for asking you not to go... For almost stopping you to do your duties. I didn't realize how unfair I was when I'm often away doing my obligations too. I was just really scared... for you, for our children that I didn't think how one-sided it was on your part for me to stop you from going when you've always been there to support me whenever I go." Satoru looked at you and his eyes finally softened. "I guess, the next time I will just tag along with you wherever you go. I won't stop you, and I'll make sure you're extra, extra safe with me by your side, won't you like that Baby?" His teasing tone was back.
But before he could see your reaction he was enveloped in a hug.
"I'm sorry... I know I can get really stubborn. And that will be the last trip for now." You pulled back and smiled. "So, this one..." You touched his heart and look at his eyes. "...will never worry that you'll lose me or our children."
You know how much he has already lost, and you will never be one of those.
Satoru pulled you onto his lap, making you sit sideways as he tuck his nose against your neck, his hand protectively splayed over your growing bump like a snug protection. You hugged him back, peppering kisses on his temples, whispering assurance as you run your fingers through his hair feeling him slightly whine at the tenderness you are showering him.
"You will never lose me Satoru, not me nor our children. So you have to always come back home because we are waiting for you."
Satoru nodded, nuzzling into your kisses.
Many of his elders said that he needs an obedient and submissive wife. But he knew that while you've always been nice, you still have that stubbornness rooted inside you, and yet... You may never be as obedient as per standard but he knew your understanding made you stand out the most. The heart to love him and to compromise was something you have given home boundlessly. You loved him enough to understand and compromise. He never needed a submissive wife. He needed an understanding spouse. Someone who understands it's hard to be with him and yet still stayed. And that was you, with the stubbornness that made him love you more.
"I won't say that is the last trip you'll take." Satoru grinned making you frown and look at him. "It's going to be autumn soon, and you know what that means?" Satoru already made arrangements for this.
Then it clicked on you. Ah... yes, Kouki and Saika have been looking forward to this every year. The annual vacation to their favorite place.
"How does a babymoon in Switzerland sound?" Satoru kissed your lips and grinned.
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld
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starrose17 · 2 months
Lokius 'Passengers' AU
So I really want a Lokius AU to the movie Passengers.
Like, Loki has somehow snuck aboard the ship (named The TVA, of course) in a spare life pod without anyone noticing, but as it wasn’t properly configured to him it opens half way through the 200 year journey. He’s alone on this giant spaceship, no knowledge on how to get the pod working again (though he’s smart and he tries but nope), and with only minimal level pass to entertainment and food that he stole from another passenger before he went into suspended animation. 
At first it’s great, he was running away after all, and out here alone there was no one to hurt him. So he enjoys his time, plays the virtual computer games, breaks into the penthouse suite on the top deck and makes home there, gets into the space suit that’s tethered to the ship and goes for a float out in space where only he exists. Sure the same cereal every day for breakfast gets annoying, but at least he’s got the bar man to talk to, the robot behind the bar named Ob, even if he is a bit mental.
But after 2 years, it’s not fun anymore. He’s got the endless high scores on all the games, he’d rather eat his own hair then that same cereal again, he’s tired of his own voice echoing against the never ending metal hallways, and the space outside is just...cold. Empty.
He’s lets himself go, he doesn’t care anymore, doesn’t shower, doesn’t shave, soon his beard is as tangled as his unwashed curly hair, and every day he screams at the life pod that brought him to his own silent hell. He’d tried every possible way to get into the restricted life pod section where all the crew were, but nothing would open those heavily enforced doors.
Ob’s a robot, he doesn’t understand, he doesn’t feel, and after drinking what must be half the contents of that bar Loki finds himself standing in the air lock, without the tethered suit, hand hovering over the button that would open those doors and suck him out into oblivion.
But he scares himself, and he drops the bottle held in his other hand and runs, back through the decks, through the life pod section, and in his haste trips over one of the many bottles surrounding his own pod. He tumbles and ends up splattered on top of another pod. Blinking through his drunken suicidal haze, he looks down at the grey-haired head beneath him.
All it took was that look for all those dark thoughts to disappear.
More under the cut...
He becomes rather obsessed with this passenger, this, ‘Mobius M Mobius’ written on the pod. He looks him up on the ships computer, the man was a divorced ex-jet ski salesman, ready to leave his life behind to start a new adventure out there in the unknown, wanting to write a book about it. 
Loki talks about him endlessly with Ob, who just stares at him smiling animatedly reminding him he told him this yesterday. And the day before that. And the week before that. In the end, it seemed even robots could get exasperated, as Ob finally suggests, 
“Why don’t you wake him up?”
Loki immediately refuses, he couldn’t do that, he couldn’t put someone in his position, alone out here for the rest of his life. But the idea was there now, and it ate away at him. He’d spend hours staring at Mobius in that pod, hands itching towards the controls, towards the “Emergency Revival” selection on the touch screen. He’d walk away, he’d walk back, he’d tell himself no, he’d dream about yes.
Eventually the loneliness starts to get at him again, and without even thinking of any consequences he can’t stand living like this anymore. He needs someone, anyone, please. He shaves off his beard, he showers for the first time in...when did he last shower? He makes himself look presentable and handsome then suddenly he’s pressing the button.
Bleary, but gorgeous blue eyes open, and suddenly Loki is faced with the inevitably of what he’d just done. Lies pour from his mouth, that there was a malfunction with the pods, that it seemed it was just the two of them, that he has no idea what had happened.
But this Mobius was a determined man, and before barely saying hello he was up out of the pod and down yanking out wires from the console. He wasn’t a mechanic but he knew a bit and was going to try and get it working again. Loki had tucked the few wires he’d cut out as he waited for Mobius to fully revive into the back pocket of his trousers. 
After some time, and with the help of Loki being nice and chatty and knowing more about the ship having been awake for longer, Mobius starts to relax, the initial fear and anger of knowing he was going to spend the rest of his life with just this curly haired man for company finally having to be accepted and put to one side.
Loki was so excited he couldn’t put it into words, he dragged Mobius everywhere, showed him the ship, got him playing as Player Two on all the games he’d grown so bored of, games that were now fun with him there. They drank at the bar together, making fun of Ob who didn’t understand he was being mocked and continued to smile autonomously, and talked about each others lives before, Mobius’ jet skis that he missed and Loki...well, Loki chose a set of lies and stuck to them.
Mobius was flabbergasted to find Loki had been eating the same breakfast and the same choice of 3 evening meals for 2 years, and got out his platinum access card that he'd saved up for years before embarking on this trip, and piled their table high with so much food Loki’s eyes practically bulged at the sight of it.
They floated around in space together, laughing, Loki having forgotten what his own laugh sounded like, and very much loving the sound of Mobius’. They’d sit together in the observation deck, side by side, watching through heavy filters as the ship passed by a nearby sun, and Loki would sit closer, one knee touching Mobius’, and Mobius wouldn’t move away.
Loki knew he’d fallen hard for Mobius, probably the moment he saw him really, the man had saved his life in a way Mobius would never know, so when Mobius knocked on the broken door of Loki’s penthouse suite, dressed in a smart dark suit and holding a bottle of champagne, asking Loki to join him for dinner, Loki could do nothing but grin.
It wasn’t long before they both ended up back at the penthouse, and both of their suits were discarded on the floor.
For a long time, everything was perfect. The food was perfect, the entertainment was perfect, the sex was perfect. Loki could not remember any point in his life where he’d been happier than stuck on this space ship now 97 years before landing, with a man so embedded into his heart he wasn’t sure if he could go just one day without being by his side.
Ob would serve them drinks with his ever-present grin, they’d swim naked in the pool with nothing but starlight coming in from the large windows to their space outside, and every night Loki would end up warm and sated and perfectly comfortable, wrapped up in those loving arms without a care in the world.
Loki could have spent the rest of his life without telling the man he truly loved how he really came to be awake on this ship. He’d pushed that knowledge far away deep inside him with all the other unpleasant secrets in his life. But then a meteor storm hits, and one little shitty meteor gets through the shields and knocks into something that starts making everything electrical, which is everything, go haywire. It doesn’t last long, the computer system was smart and had a way of fixing itself, but the disruptions went on for long enough that it caused Ob to start spurting out random conversations he’d had with Loki years ago, including suggesting that Loki wake up Mobius.
The held back fury in Mobius’ eyes as Loki approached him in the bar for their evening drink stops Loki in his tracks, wiping the grin from his face as he held onto the homemade ring in his pocket that he’d made from bits of scrap. He was going to ask tonight.
He'd never get a chance now.
He couldn’t lie now, and when Mobius asked him through suppressed rage if Loki had deliberately awoken him, deliberately stranded him here for the rest of his life, with no chance of getting home or to the colony or having any of his aspirations for his future come to light...Loki was silent for a moment, before the word “Yes” quietly passed his lips.
Mobius doesn’t hit him, he’s not that sort of man, but his rage comes out in full force and he yells, screams, throws a bar stool barely missing Loki’s head. He swears if he sees Loki again he’ll throw him out the airlock, to murder him just like Loki had done to him, before he smashes a glass at Loki’s feet and storms away, leaving Loki alone.
Loki is terrified, not just for the revelation of the truth, but what this would mean for him, for them, to be trapped on a ship not knowing if he’d wake up in the morning dead. One night that very thought almost came true, and Loki was awoken by Mobius straddling him where he lay and his fist punching into the pillow by his head as he yelled at him once more. Mobius wasn’t violent, he couldn’t hit him no matter how much he wanted to, so this was the only way to let out his frustration and pure anger.
Loki let him, awaiting for that fist to make contact, to hit his head and to be beaten to a pulp. When Mobius reached for the knife he had on him, part of him knowing he’d never use it but just so angry, holding it to Loki’s throat...only then did he stop.
Loki still hadn’t said a word.
“Why are you just lying there? Why aren’t you telling me stop?!” he demanded through panting breaths, but Loki just continued to stare up at him, eyes so terribly, terribly sad, and didn’t say a word.
He deserved it. After what he’d done, he deserved to be killed by the love of his life.
Mobius stared at him, and for a moment his own eyes flashed a mirror of Loki’s loneliness, before he let out a frustrated yell and throws the knife to the floor, getting up and disappearing as quickly as he came.
Loki doesn’t see him for a long time afterwards, except for meals, where they’re forced into the same room. Mobius no longer gives him any of his constantly changing and delicious food, and is stuck with the same sloppy cereal, looking utterly dejected. Mobius always takes his food somewhere else, away from him, and Loki could see how much Mobius still hated him, so never said a word.
Eventually Loki figures out how to get on the speaker system for the ship, and knowing Mobius is out there somewhere he starts to tell the truth. The real truth. About how he was the son of the famous war criminal Odin, the reason for half the wars on the ravished earth, but Loki wanted nothing to do with him anymore, so had run, run as far as he could, trying to escape his connection with him and so sneaking on board this ship that would take him billions of miles away to start a new life. That he woke up not through a mechanical fault, but because he wasn’t supposed to be there.   He told him how he’d tried to kill himself, how seeing Mobius saved his life, about how long he’d spent wondering if he could wake him up. He admitted he knew what he did was wrong, but he was so desperate, so desperately desperate, that he wasn’t thinking right. All he could think of was that a choice between eternal loneliness, or Mobius, he picked Mobius.
He knew it was wrong, knew it was selfish, and he was so so sorry, but as he was being honest, he’d do it again. He said he knew Mobius hated him now, and he had every right to, but Loki still loved him, forever would love him, and if there was any chance at all of reconciling this, to please, say something the next time they ran into each other. Please. Please. 
“Eternal loneliness is not a good prospect, believe me...I know.” he sobs.
But the only words Mobius says to him the next time they see each other, are said softly, and dangerously:
“You’re a murderer.”
And all hope is lost for Loki.
Months go by, and strange things keep happening on the ship, flickering lights, the little cleaning robots going haywire, the gravity going in the swimming pool area, nearly drowning Loki as he floated upwards in ball of water he couldn’t get out of.
He wished he had drowned.
Mobius still hadn’t said anything else, but when they did run into each other, Mobius would at least look back at him as they past, not that Loki had noticed as he kept his head bowed away in shame. More and more times Mobius’ eyes would linger on him, and more and more times it was less anger, more...something else, something calm.
Mobius had tried to imagine, after Loki’s speech over the speaker system, what it would have been like to be alone for so long. He couldn’t image it really. He’d spoken to the repaired Ob about it, about exactly the kind of hardship Loki had gone through, and Ob would tell him how tragically terrible Loki had looked for a long time, and how morally conflicted he’d been over waking Mobius up. When he asked Ob if he knew Loki had tried to kill himself, Ob had just shrugged and smiled as always,
“I’m glad he didn’t. Who was I going to make drinks for? I would be very lonely too.”
Something had been tugging inside Mobius for almost a year now, every time he saw Loki, and saw just how dejected he looked.  It was difficult to remain angry with the only other human being on the ship, and despite knowing what Loki had done, despite knowing that Mobius’ life was now permanently confined to these metal walls, he found himself...missing him. He missed their conversations, he missed the flirting, hell he missed that insufferable little sneer he did when he’d regain his high score from Mobius on one of the VR games. He missed the company. He missed his warmth in bed. Oh for goodness sake he missed that talkative obnoxious gorgeous little shit, and despite everything he still felt something for him. He’d loved him once, and it was still there, buried under alot of anger, but it was there.
He walked past Loki the next morning, holding a tray of bacon, eggs, sausages and toast with jam, placing the tray next to Loki’s pointless little cereal bowl and walking away without saying a word.
If he had turned around and seen that glimmer of hope in Loki’s eyes, he probably would have run back to him.
The electronic failures were getting worse, something truly wasn’t right, and it came to it that they were going to have to work together to find out what was wrong. For the first time they held a tentative conversation, and after a long search of the ship found the meteor from over a year ago and gone straight through the fusion engine, and not being repaired the damn thing was close to exploding. The release valve to vent the engine was smashed to bits, and knowing a bit about ships Loki knew there had to be a manual release from the outside.  Without even discussing it Loki puts on a space suit, Mobius asking what the hell he was doing.
“Well I can’t let you risk your life...I’ve done enough to you already.”
He pauses in putting on the helmet, quickly deciding to lean over to steal a kiss from Mobius before putting it on and picking up part of the heat shield off the engine that had broken. Mobius is rooted to the spot staring at him, before Loki heads outside the ship and down into the vent, releases the valve and uses the shield that barely covers his body as protection from the radiation that goes shooting past him. Mobius is yelling into his comm, telling Loki to get out of there, that he won’t survive this, that Loki was the one who woke him up he can’t leave him alone now, “Don’t leave me alone!”
The vent is too strong, too much, and eventually it blasts Loki away from the ship, heading off into space with a cracked visor, oxygen escaping fast. Mobius runs faster than ever before to the airlock, space suit on, Loki still slowly talking in his ear, saying he’s sorry for everything, that he wishes Mobius to be happy, to maybe try writing that book now, so when everyone else awakes they can read about the best passenger this ship will ever have. To know about the best man there ever was.
“SHUT UP LOKI!! I’m coming to get you! You think I’m gonna forgive you if you die I love you stay the fuck alive!!”
It was possibly the first time Loki had ever heard Mobius swear.
But the remaining space suit that Mobius uses is the one with the tether, and as he pushes himself off from the ship, floating quickly towards Loki who’s now quite far away, the tether pulls him short just inches from Loki’s outstretched hand. He can do nothing but watch that small, sad smile, obscured by the oxygen leaking from Loki’s helmet as he floats awa. 
“I love you...” Loki whispers, “and I’m sorry...for everything.”
With fiercely determined eyes Mobius unhooks himself from the tether and cuts his own oxygen line, the releasing air pushing himself towards Loki, Mobius grabbing him and turning the line behind them to push them back towards the ship. By the time they get back inside and remove their helmets both are gasping for air, collapsing to the ground in a heaving heap. Loki then pushes the rest of the suit off him while Mobius is still on the ground, pounces on him, and kisses him hard. He pulls back quickly though, eyes asking if this is ok, and Mobius just cups the back of his head and brings him down for another kiss.
“We’re alive. And we’re staying that way. I love you.” Mobius grins.
They do the remaining repairs to the shield as best that can, and find themselves standing, hand in hand, in the main communal area that leads off to restaurants and clubs, Ob’s bar, and what would have been the night life of the ship.
“This place needs a little green, don’t you think?” Mobius asks.
In 95 years, the rest of the passengers and the crew would awake to a communal area filled with trees and flowers and small forest animals and birds, once all in suspended animation in the hold in a lot less complicated life pods, now all wild and free. And there, in a makeshift hut amongst the greenery, would lie a pile of books, now covered in dust, the series entitled;
‘For All Time – Always’ - by Mobius and Loki
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angelwiththeblue-box · 11 months
thinking about the clothing choices in loki s2
thinking about loki and mobius always dressing up in silly little outfits, just the two of them going on missions and theyre always matching, with loki adding little touches of his own personality. mobius knows how he works and he lets him, they might be working for the tva, but theyre allowed to be their own people.
thinking about sylvie, still in her sick as fuck looking outfit from last season, it's battered and there's knife marks in it, it's old and it's sylvie holding onto who she was. even in her work uniform, she kept her old clothes, the only remnant of who she was
thinking about b-15 still wearing a minutemen uniform, but working exclusively to help the timeline, working with OB to help save it, acting like a leader but not defining herself as one the way ravonna did, she's not in her own office, working secretly with goals that she barely shares with anyone else, b-15 is on the ground, she's working hands on and not hiding information
thinking about ravonna, who's clothes look slightly off in the timeline she's in, who is working for a goal that only sets the tva back, as the episode goes on her clothes get more and more disheveled as she looses her trust in miss minutes
thinking about victor, who looks nothing like he who remains, who has a grey streak in his hair and a stutter and just wants to create something new, who is a scientist at his core, not a leader, not a public speaker, but a scientist
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
Phantom's Moving Castle
Dick was pissed. No, he was more than pissed he was abso-fucking-lutely pissed. Angry enough to curse even! He couldn’t believe that this had happened to him, that he had been hit with a curse. Not only had he been hit with a curse, but the curse itself had turned him into the worst thing it possibly could have. 
It turned him old!
He had woken up feeling his body ache and pop in places he didn’t know they could. And when he had managed to hobble to the bathroom he had nearly shat his pants seeing his reflection in the mirror. This wasn’t good. No, this was a disaster, the worst thing that could have ever happened. He had blindly called Zatanna freaking out more than he had ever freaked out before. 
She had come to his apartment in Bludhaven as soon as she could and found Dick crying in bed over the new wrinkles that covered his face. “You’re being ridiculous,” she had said before she recited some spell over him, only for it to not work, causing Dick to cry even harder than before. She frowned and said it again, this time louder and more forceful only for it to start to turn Dick’s wonderful, lustrous black hair to a soft grey color.
A sob wracked through his body as he hugged the pillow tighter to his chest. 
“Do you know who put the curse on you?” Zatanna asked with a sigh as she tried yet another spell only for it to not work. Thankfully this one didn’t age Dick any more than he already had but it had definitely made him cry even more.
“I busted some kind of occultist group last night, it was just some breaking and entering, I doubt they were going to actually successfully summon something,” Dick said with a sniff, wincing at how his voice even sounded different than it had before. “But one of them said something really weird in a language I didn’t recognize but nothing happened so I thought I was fine. And then I woke up this morning and I look like the crypt keeper!” He sobbed, his body shaking with each sob that wracked through his body. 
Zatanna rolled her eyes. She loved this idiot but she had never met someone so stupid in her life. “Look, I know someone who will help you but he’s a little stubborn,” she said carefully. Dick sat up at that, rubbing the tears out of his eyes and trying to not pay attention to the liver spots that now covered the back of his hands. 
“Really? You know someone who can fix me?” He asked, hiccups coming through every other word or so. 
The magician nodded her head and let out a breath. “They call him Phantom. There’s a bit of an issue with him and he’s a bit eccentric, but if anyone could help you figure out what’s wrong it’s him.”
“What’s his issue?” Dick asked, hurrowing his brow in confusion. 
Danny cursed as he saw the stupid eyeballs gaining on him and slammed his hand on the button of his control board, the entire castle shaking slightly as the building disappeared from sight and reappeared in a completely different part of the Infinite Realms. 
This was starting to get ridiculous at this point. He was twenty-four years old, he had been running from the stupid Observants and Clockwork for six years now, how could they not get the hint? He didn’t want that ancient’s damned crown. And obviously, the Infinite Realms were surviving just fine without a king so why did he need to take the title?
They had already ruined his life by forcing him to go on the run, couldn’t they just let him rest? To have some time where he could just exist without them finding him? He let out a huff and stalked to the window to see where he was and groaned when he found himself in Old Gotham. 
Now he was going to be stuck with the Lady for a while. He sucked on his teeth for a moment before falling onto one of his giant, fluffy couches and let out a breath.
“I’ll take Lady Gotham over the Observants any day,” he muttered, staring up at the ceiling. “As long as she doesn’t try to get me to go to the living version and try to save her stupid vigilantes I’ll be fine.”
Besides, the Observants hated Old Gotham, they avoided this entire part of the Infinite Realms like the plague and that meant that Danny would at least get a few weeks of time to just breathe. They would get over themselves eventually and come in and bother him and when they did he’d just leave again. 
The realms were infinite for a reason and if he started running out of places here, he’d start dimension-hopping if he had to. He would rather be on the run for the rest of his life than become the King of the Infinite Realms. 
Sure, it was lonely at times, not many people visited him considering he was constantly on the run. But every so often Sam, Tucker, and Jazz would summon him to check in. Or Dani would track him down. There was something about the fact that she was his clone that made it so that she just knew where he was at all times. It was like she had a honing beacon that would always direct her to Danny.
And yeah, Danny missed his life desperately but he couldn’t do it. He just couldn’t give all of himself to the Infinite Realms and become the king. The very idea made his core burn inside of him. He wasn’t meant for that life. All Danny wanted was to protect the people he loved and live as normal a life as possible. 
Hell, he’d prefer being a hero before being the King. Part of him wondered if this was worth it if running away from the Observants and Clockwork and the crown was really worth it. If he stopped running he’d have a life again, he’d be able to just live in peace and even see his family again. But he wouldn’t be happy. He would be beyond miserable having to be the king, he wouldn’t get to just exist and at least while he was on the run he could just exist. 
He could travel wherever he wanted and just enjoy the world around him. He had been in so many different spots of the Infinite Realms that he had never even known existed and he had learned more than he could have ever expected to learn. It wasn’t the life he wanted, but it was better than the life the Observants wanted for him. 
Although, he did have to admit that even with being on the run and by himself, he was enjoying himself. He hadn’t known peace like this whatsoever growing up. And there was something beautiful about just being here, just existing and being alone and enjoying his peace. It was nice to have this one thing for himself, even if he did have to hop from one place to another and hide away from the observants. 
“Phantom,” a familiar voice said, knocking Danny from his reverie and startling him so badly that he fell off of the couch. He let out a huff and sat up on the ground, scowling at the floating face in front of him. 
“Zatanna, to what do I owe the pleasure?” He asked, scowling at the magician who was invading his space. 
He didn’t mind the magician, hell he had helped her out a few times. But that partnership was tricky, especially since Danny was not particularly fond of her boyfriend, John Constantine. Not only that but she was a member of the Justice League and Danny really didn’t need them involved in his shit. They were pushy and annoying and not at all something Danny was interested in. 
He thanked the Ancients every day that his dimension did not have a superhero team, he would have lost his mind if he got roped in with working with them. But Zatanna’s dimension had too many heroes to count and only a few of them were actually interesting and helpful. 
“ It’s good to see you too. Do you have any idea how long it took me to find you?” She asked with a huff and Danny raised an eyebrow as he stood up from the ground and crossed his arms over his chest. “Yes, I know, I know, that’s the entire point of Phantom’s Moving Castle. I need your help.”
“With?” He asked, making a continue motion with his hand. 
“A friend of mine was hit with a curse, you’re the only one I know that could potentially break it,” she said before stepping through her little portal with someone wrapped in a blanket and a hood pulled over their head, covering their face. “Dick, show him.”
“No,” a whiny voice said sadly. 
“He can’t help you if you don’t tell him what’s wrong,” Zatanna said with a sigh. 
“What makes you think I’ll help him anyway?” Danny asked with a scoff. Zatanna just leveled him with a glare. 
“Because you took an oath Danny Phantom of the Infinite Realms. I know you completed your apprenticeship with Frostbite and the yetis that you would heal anyone in need. He’s in need and you’re going to fix him,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest as she glared Danny down. 
He let out a huff and stomped toward the person hiding their face and ripped the hood off of his face. “Someone got you with an aging curse,” he said, looking him up and down as the man let out a whine.  He looked the man over once more and huffed out a laugh. This was tricky magic, and this poor guy was screwed. “Sorry, but there’s nothing I can do. He’s the only one who can break the curse.”
“Well, are you going to tell us how?” Zatanna asked as the man sniffled beside her. His face was covered in age spots and wrinkles. 
Danny shrugged his shoulders. “I can’t, that would be cheating,” he said with a secretive smile before he waltzed over to his kitchen, leaving the two in his sitting room as he started up the kettle. 
“Danny!” Zatanna shouted, following him into the room and dragging the aged man along with him. 
Danny sighed and looked her over. “Look, this is tricky magic. I can’t tell you what’s wrong with him or how to fix it, all I can do is tell you that you need to look within yourself.”
“Then let him stay here with you while he figures it out. You could use the company and his family will freak out if they see him like this,” Zatanna said with a sigh. 
“I have to stay here?” The man croaked, looking at Zatanna in horror. 
She narrowed her eyes. “Yes, and you’re not going to complain about it. Neither of you will,” she said evenly. “Danny help him however you can to fix it. Dick, don’t be a dick while you’re here. Danny’s a very powerful being and he’s got enough going on without you causing more issues. I’ll be back in a month to check on you.”
Before Danny or Dick could argue, Zatanna disappeared from the castle, leaving the two alone with one another. 
Dick looked around the kitchen and jumped as the kettle wanted off. Danny moved it from the heat and prepared two mugs for tea. “So, how do you know Zatanna?”
Danny glanced over at the old man as he stared at his reflection in a pot and chuckled, he was going to have a hard time getting past this curse. “She summoned me once trying to get help with a ghost problem about seven years ago. We’ve been in ever since then and I help her when she needs it and she gets me things sometimes,” Danny said with a shrug. “Black tea or green tea?”
“Black,” Dick said, groaning as he sat at the small, round, wooden table in the corner of the kitchen. It was like everything was popping as he did. This was going to be miserable. 
“Milk and sugar?” Danny asked. 
“Yeah,” Dick grumbled. “I’m Dick, by the way.”
“I know, I’m Danny,” he said simply as he let the tea float over to Dick. 
“What are you?”
Danny gave him a small, secretive smile. “I’m a phantom.”
Dick let out a huff and glared down at his tea. “Fine, keep your secrets.” He took a sip of his tea and looked at the being. “So, how am I going to break this curse?”
Danny turned to  Dick and sipped at his tea. “Your curse,” he said blandly. “I can’t tell you how to break it but I can tell you to embrace it,” he said and Dick was ready to bang his head against the table. Why the hell was this guy being so utterly cryptic? “Once you finish your tea I’ll show you to your rooms. Come find me when you’re done,” Danny told him before he took off out of the kitchen and disappeared into the castle, leaving Dick alone with his thoughts. 
Embrace his curse? How the hell could he embrace a curse that made him so utterly ugly?
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To Mama Rosehearts: (calmly but sarcastically) Oh, hello. You must be Mrs. Rosehearts. How do you do on this fine day? Forgive me for staring but I must say, you look quite stunning, madame. Your haircut really suits your face. (Mama Rosehearts asks about Riddle) Riddle? Oh don't worry about him, he's doing fine. He always had a knack for keeping things under control. Unlike some people.
Aaaand here’s the big one… the final boss of Family Day…
I tried to write this with a nuanced look at Mama Rosehearts, as I felt this was the most fitting for TWST’s themes of grey morality (which also comes through in the OB boys). No one is truly 100% evil, and I didn’t want to just have her screaming at other people 💦
Mama Rosehearts’s parenting methods are overly controlling, she’s uncompromising, and she has a bad temper. But in her eyes, she believes what she’s doing is genuinely the best for her son, and she’s also protective of him. She absolutely cares for Riddle in spite of her strictness. I wanted those aspects of her character to be present too, not just the worst parts of her that we tend to hate.
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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The problem with bad apples, you sometimes thought to yourself (blame Epel for sticking the apple metaphors in your head), is that they appear so normal at a glance. It’s hard to tell they’re rotten until you’ve had a close look for yourself.
Gazing at Mrs. Rosehearts, you’re shaken. Your mental image of her, cobbled together by hushed words and wisps of shadow, was always that of a monster—the kind that caged children and relished in feeding them lies, keeping them ensnared and submissive. Mother knows best. Listen to your mother. It’s a scary world out there.
She stood before you in blood red heels, wrapped in a smart business suit and modest pencil skirt in the same shade. Her hands were adorned in tulle gloves, sheer enough to grant a glimpse at her immaculate nails. Arms folded, head high, she was poised like an imposing queen before delivering her judgment.
Her eyes a blue-grey, red hair tightly pulled back and secured by a hair clasp. Even her bangs were cut the same, two locks atop her head curling into a heart-like shape. Mrs. Rosehearts was the spitting image of Riddle—or was it more accurate to say that he was a spitting image of her?
But if she was a monster, and Riddle, the same as her…
The terrified expressions of Heartslabyul students blitzed through your mind. The garden and its roses falling apart around them.
“He… He was really gonna do it…”
“He’s completely out of control.”
“He’s like some kinda monster!”
You couldn’t tear your eyes away. They quivered, burning with an indescribable intensity.
“Hello.” Her first came clipped, cutting right by your greeting and fabricated compliment. “I can’t say I care for your tone of voice.”
Mrs. Rosehearts diverted her attention from you and to the young man standing in her shadow. “Riddle. They seem know you, but surely this one doesn’t belong to your dormitory?”
You could barely recognize him. The Riddle you knew was serious and strict—but he was also someone who loved to tend to the hedgehogs, and adored tea parties in the garden. His smile could practically make the flowers bloom.
But now he was less of a blossoming rose and more of a shrinking violet, most traces of his confidence wiped away. He diligently trailed behind his mother, appearing even smaller than usual. Meeker, and less sure of himself.
A remnant of Riddle. Not a rose-red ruler, but just a sad little child.
You stared at him helplessly, and he refused to meet your eyes.
“No, mother.” A trained, automatic response. “They are not a student of Heartslabyul.”
“I thought so,” Mrs. Rosehearts sniffed, unimpressed but satisfied. She silently noted your untucked shirt, stray hair, and crooked tie. “They’re far too ungroomed to be someone under your rule.
“And here I was, worrying that you had fallen in with the wrong crowd again. You aren’t still hanging around those horrid Clover and Pinker boys, are you?”
Trey and Che’nya. Your stomach churned, upset for them in their absence.
“Well…” Riddle fidgeted uneasily. Unable to tell a lie, and lacking the courage to tell the truth.
You took the chance to cut in, your eyes close to burning a hole in his mother. “Oh, don't worry about him. Riddle’s doing fine. He’s always had a knack for keeping things under control, unlike some people.”
Mrs. Rosehearts frowned at the insinuation. Her next words could make flowers freeze over. “You’d do well to learn some control yourself. This conversation is between a mother and her son.”
She placed a protective hand on his upper back and gave a slight nudge. “Come, Riddle. We wouldn’t want to be late to speak with your professors.“
“Yes…” He reluctantly turned away from you, trying to focus on the road head. At the path already chosen for him.
You couldn’t help yourself. Your feet fell forward, and you called after him.
“That’s quite enough,” Mrs. Rosehearts snapped. Her cheeks colored red with rage as she stepped between you and Riddle. “I don’t know who you think you are, sticking your nose in our affairs like this!! I won’t have another unruly child and their bad attitude invading my son’s life—not again!”
Anger surged in your chest. There were so many things you wanted to tell her, things she couldn’t possibly know because she never bothered to entertain them.
Riddle likes strawberry tarts. He doesn’t care if the roses are white, or if the flamingos are pink. And he prefers honey to sugar cubes in his tea, and milk tea over lemon tea. After a meal, he wants to sits and talk with everyone.
The smart thing to do, you thought, is to bite my tongue, or else it’ll just lead to a pointless screaming match.
But you weren’t so smart. Your opened your mouth, prepares to let loose a torrent to challenge her.
What rang out instead, loud and clear, was a boy’s authoritative voice.
“Excuse me, mother!”
"Yes, Riddle? You have something to add?"
“I..." He caught his still-quivering words and straightened. A quiet resolve burned in his steely eyes. "Those selected by the Mirror of Darkness boast exceptional potential and strong moral character. That holds true for myself, as well as my peers. I will not underestimate them, and nor should you."
Mrs. Rosehearts pursed her lips.
"They are worthy rivals that are deserving of respect," Riddle continued, "and they will continue to push me to excel. That is all I wished to say.
"Now then, we should be on our way. We're running late for a very important date with the teaching staff."
His mother looked as though she had a rebuttal, with her brows knitted and the color of her mouth vanishing. Riddle held his breath—and you weren’t sure if it was safe to take one.
"... We will discuss this at a later time," she declared at last. “We need to stay on schedule.”
Riddle released the air in his lungs, and you took a sharp intake.
Mrs. Rosehearts turned away, tossing an icy farewell to the wind. “Good day to you.”
She led her son down the street, saying something to him in a hushed tone. You couldn’t tell what sort of expression Riddle was making, but he held his head high the entire time, like a defiant rosebud in a bed of snow.
When they had finally disappeared into the horizon, you let yourself smile. He’s come into his own… even if just a little.
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
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Doctor vs. Lawyer
〘Prompt 9- White Coat Syndrome〙
〘Notes- This doesn't exactly fit the prompt, but I think it's close enough. ALSO. I'm going to throw in a TW for anxiety, I projected a bit in this one. Aaannndd I made Reader a lawyer because it was the most stressful job I could think of.〙
〘Summary- Your wife being a doctor doesn't make you fear them any less.〙
〘Word Count- 700〙
〘Pairing- Carina DeLuca x Sick Reader〙
〚Main Masterlist〛⌶〚Sicktember Masterlist〛
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You sat on the edge of the cot in the ER, your knee bouncing rhythmically against the cold tile floor. You didn’t want to be here, in fact, the hospital was the last place you wanted to be. You didn’t even enjoy coming here to bring your wife lunch, let alone when you were actually ill.  
It wasn’t that you disliked Carina’s coworkers, in fact, you got along with them all very well. But that was outside of the hospital. Here, you were something to be poked and prodded at and studied. You were helpless, out of your element. You weren’t in control.
A painful cough ripped through your chest, and you ducked your face into your shirt, doing your absolute best to suppress and quiet the fit. That cough was the reason you were here. You’d been talking to Carina on the phone (she hadn’t been home in days), and the young doctor had ordered you to come in.
“Car, I want to go home. I’ll be fine at home, please.” You whispered, turning pleading eyes on the OB/GYN who was staring at the floor.
“No, bambina, you need to be here. I can only do so much at home. I cannot help if you need antibiotics.” She explained firmly, rubbing her knee with a free hand while texting with the other. A quick glance over her shoulder showed you that she was texting Amelia, presumably in relation to your nonexistent treatment.
“I want to go home.” You said again, coughing into your shoulder. The cold you had woken up with a week ago hadn’t gone away, instead it had gotten 10x worse. Carina had been doing her best to monitor your symptoms but, in the end, she couldn’t legally treat you.
“I know. If you had done a better job at taking care of yourself maybe, we wouldn’t be here.” The brunette snapped, glaring at you. She loved you, she did, but she had also been working nonstop for weeks, barely leaving the hospital. She hadn’t been home to sleep or have a proper meal for eight days. The last place either one of you wanted to be was Grey Sloan.
“I-I’m sorry.” You whispered, tears filling your eyes. More than you hated being here, you hated making the woman you loved angry. You knew that you should’ve taken better care of yourself, but you’d gotten distracted. It was hard being a lawyer, you often worked just as many hours as Carina.
The physician sighed and ran her fingers through her silky hair, tossing the long locks over one shoulder. She turned to face you and smiled a little, shaking her head.
“No, I’m sorry. It is not your fault that you got sick, I apologize for biting.” Now it was your turn to smile. Her little slip ups in English were always adorable.
“Snapping babe, not biting.” You corrected, putting your head on her shoulder. The mix of exhaustion from your illness and the nonstop bouncing of your leg was getting to you. Another wet cough tore through your body, followed by a sound you didn’t know that you could make. Now you felt anxious, sick, and pathetic.
“Oh, amore. I know you’re nervous, but I promise it will all be okay. We will make sure it’s someone you feel comfortable with, yeah? No one gets to touch you unless you’re okay with it. And as soon as it’s done, we will get you back home and into a warm bath, then bed.” She said, placing a featherlight kiss to your sweaty hairline.
You couldn’t fathom why on Earth she’d want to be kissing you right now, but there was no way that you’d be complaining. You leaned into her side, resting your head in the crook of her neck.
If your nose hadn’t been so stuffy you probably could’ve smelled her calming vanilla scent, the perfume always a comfort. You sprayed it all over the sweatshirt that was saved specifically for when she was gone.
“There she is, see, just Amelia. We like Amelia, no?” Carina said with a smile, running her thumb across your cheekbone. You nodded, still apprehensive. The neurosurgeon was great, you loved her as a friend, but still. Doctors.
“It will be fast my love. I promise.” Your girlfriend soothed, kissing your earlobe. It was a strange place for a kiss, but you weren’t about to object to a little extra comfort. With a final deep breath -and subsequent coughing fit- you steeled yourself, ready for whatever Amelia would throw at you. As long as Carina was there, you could do anything.
〖Join My Taglist!〗@lovelyy-moonlight, @bloomingflowersthings, @lots-of-pockets, @asiangmrchk13, @scrambled-brain-eggs, @juststuckhereforever, @chairhere, @goldenempyrean
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thefrontofmymind · 1 year
Proof Positive 4
a/n: i know, i know. its been a little while. i've been a bit distracted but i'm getting back into it all
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It felt like your life had lurched to a stop when Ross went away for tour. On one side of the coin, all your work you’d been doing for months leading up to this tour had finally been set in motion and now you were supposed to just move on to the next project, and then on the other side of it, you were without the father of your baby. A baby that had been making it so that you could hardly swallow anything other than water without feeling a constant wave of nausea, even then, that was difficult to stomach.
It was a hard goodbye. You two had spent every day together for the past six weeks, you didn’t realise how much you’d preemptively miss him. You had to say goodbye at his flat, to keep with the secret between you both–it was still so new, you couldn’t quite wrap your heads around what was really happening yet, so you couldn’t just tell everyone about you three yet.
Once he’d left you in his flat, you just cried. You probably cried just as much as when you found out you were pregnant. Though that was for fear, this was just pure desolation. You texted each other constantly but with the time difference, his constant travel, and you now having some serious fatigue that resulted in many naps, it was hard to keep consistent.
You had to go to your ultrasound alone. It wasn’t even until you were sitting in the waiting room that you got the fear that something could be terribly wrong and you would be alone to deal with it. Yes, you were pregnant, but there could be every chance in the world that something could be wrong with the baby and you wouldn’t be able to carry it. Or that it was all just a false alarm.
In a trick of fate, there was some emergency and your doctor was far behind schedule so you had all the time in the world to dwell on your anxiety. You watched the other people in the waiting room with you; a woman around your age, quite a bit further along than you, with the biggest rock you’d ever seen on her left hand, a woman holding hands with another much older than her, her hair may have been greying out but their smiles were identical. Looking around you’d never felt so alone. You’d tried to busy yourself by scrolling through your phone but nothing could distract you from the hat trick of your melancholy, your nausea, and the fluorescent lights giving you a migraine.
You’d never felt such relief as when a nurse fetched you from the waiting room and led you down the hall to the ultrasound room. You met the sonographer, and she explained what she was looking for, confirmed that you were around six weeks along, and it was time.
You tried to keep your eyes off the black screen, splattered with white splotches, you didn’t want to look, you didn’t want to jinx it at all. 
Until a pounding filled the room, and your heart just melted.
“There we are!” The sonographer said excitedly. “Baby was hiding from me for a bit there!”
Now you couldn’t take your eyes off the screen. Watching as measurements were taken of the little dot that was unmistakable on the screen.
“We’re looking good…” She said again, writing down a few notes on the pad next to her. “Can you see alright?”
You nodded. “Do you mind if I record a bit of it? The heartbeat?”
“By all means,” she smiled. “And I’ll make sure you get some printouts.”
“Thank you. The dad’s in South America for work and he was gutted to miss this…”
“There’ll be plenty more things he can join you for,” she answered.
You recorded a video as the sound echoed throughout the room. It was almost hypnotising, the beat over and over again. Each time you thought you’d gotten a handle on it, you could finally wrap your head around it all, you were surprised each time it just got more and more real. And you still had eight months left of this.
“Well that’s it for us today, I’ll send this all over to your OB, and I’ll get you to book in for another scan in about two…three weeks time so we can keep an eye on bub.” She gave you a tissue to wipe the gel off your abdomen. “And I’ve sent the photos to the printer in reception so just ask them for the photos.”
Walking out of the blue-tinted building, you were immediately on your phone. 
would you look at who has the best beating heart?? [video attachment]
You were only four hours ahead of him, it was mid-morning for him, he’d see it soon enough. And soon enough, he did. Merely a minute after it was sent, your phone began ringing, you answered it without even looking at the ID.
“Holy shit!” Ross laughed, which you returned. “I…don’t know what to say!”
“Same!” You giggled. “We’re having a baby!”
The giddiness between the both of you was palpable. You both giggled through your conversation–you told him about the appointment, all the things the sonographer told you, and he told you how the tour was going, every detail of every show so far.
You heard someone talking to Ross, before he said to you, “we have soundcheck, I’ll call you later though?”
“I have a meeting with Atlantic Records people at 4 so in like two hours, I’ll text you when it’s over.”
“Alright…love you.”
“Love you too.”
It was only as you put your phone back in your bag after hanging up that you realised what you both said to each other. You didn’t even think about it, it fell so naturally out of your mouth. There was no fear, no worry, just a warmth spread through your chest–combatting the gust of early April wind that was blowing against you.
You wondered what Ross was thinking, whether it was something he planned to say or if it was as much of an instinct as it was to you. You hoped he didn’t worry if you would say it back, because obviously you would’ve–and you did. You pictured him as giddy as you, trying to focus on his soundcheck and not let the rest of the band suspect anything.
You couldn’t think about it for too long, making your way to your office, you had to turn that whole part of your brain off. It was work time.
You were always grateful for the respect that you had at work. Though, you supposed, it came with the commitment you’d put in, being one of the first workers for Dirty Hit, and staying with them for close to a decade now, it was very well earnt.
You got through your day blocking out the excitement, the giddiness, the nausea. Only finally taking a breath in the refuge of your home. You checked the time, four hours back is…three in the afternoon. You pressed call on the contact of the man you loved.
“Hello?” You heard chatter through the other side of the phone when he answered, laughs and yells–nothing unexpected.
“It’s me,” you answered.
“Hold on,” he said without another word. You heard the noise get quieter. “How are you?”
You let out a huff. “I love you!” You said with a laugh.
You heard him chuckle. “I love you too!”
You didn’t think you’d ever get over the feeling. The exhilaration you were feeling every time you two spoke now. Even just the thought of him could make you blush now.
“I wanted to say it properly,” you said. “Was thinking about it all day.”
“Were you? Daydreaming about me while you’re supposed to be working…” He teased. “Remember you’re working for me!”
“Sure, if that’s the way you think it works…” you quipped, which he laughed at.
“Either way I. Love. You.” He emphasised each word.
Then there was another voice, muffled but still just a little audible if you focussed. “Who you love, huh?” Unmistakably Matty.
“None of your fucking business, mate,” Ross answered.
“Fine! Fine if you don’t want to tell us…” You heard Matty say. “But we’ll all find out eventually…”
“Oh I’m sure,” Ross said. You heard whatever door Matty entered through shut again before Ross turned his attention back to you. “Sorry about that.”
“You’re acting like I haven’t known Matty as long as I’ve known you. I know what I’m in for here!”
“Yeah.” He breathed a sigh of relief. “We need to tell them eventually though.”
“We still have time.”
It went without saying. We still have time to actually fathom what’s happening here.
“I know,” he said. “Hate to go but…I have to.”
“Alright, knock ‘em dead,” you answered. “Love you.”
You could practically hear his smile through the phone. “Love you too”
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she-karev · 3 months
Babysitting Luna (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Three of Five
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy/Station 19
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 18 Episode 10/Season 5 Episode 10
AN: I know you guys love the pregnancy storyline so I decided to explore it more. I want to show when Amber and Andrew decided to get pregnant and why.
Summary: Amber and Andrew deal with the aftermath of almost losing Luna. Amber notices Luna isn’t crying so she takes her to the station so Carina can check her.
Words: 2487
January 12th, 2022
“You can say it.” Andrew tells Bailey while they are doing a kidney transplant. During that time, he explained what happened yesterday to Bailey looking for advice or more likely a reprimand, “I’m a horrible uncle.”
Bailey looks at DeLuca in sympathy, “You’re really not. I’ve treated bad parents, bad guardians and bad uncles and you are not a bad uncle. And you said you locked the door on your way back.”
“Yeah, but what if I didn’t?” Andrew asks still beating himself up, “She’s walking and using doorknobs if she got out, she could have wandered into the streets and a car would have hit her.”
“But it didn’t.” Bailey states, “She’s safe and happy and that’s what matters. You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself, we all make mistakes, even guardians like you.”
“God I am terrified I am gonna fail her or traumatize her. Now I know why Amber was so scared before she came into our house.”
“I was the same way when I had Tuck. My nerves were shot the first year I brought him home. When he was 5, I accidentally slammed Tuck’s fingers in the car door. I could still hear his scream and feel like the most awful parent in the world but my rational side catches up and I know it was an accident.” Andrew feels a little better after that confession, “You don’t have to be perfect to be a parent. You just have to love your kids enough to get through the scary moments and do better next time. If you feel this scared and unsure of your abilities to have her for the rest of the week, me and Ben can take her home with us.”
Bailey clears her throat obviously sad, “The Miller’s supposedly forgot that it was mine and Ben’s week with baby Pru and changed the date to next week. So, we have a house full of toys and diapers that are most likely gonna go to waste. If you want, we can watch her for the rest of the week. No judgement whatsoever.”
Andrew sighs and takes a moment before shaking his head, “No she’s already settled in we can do this.”
Bailey nods proud of him, “Yes you can.”
Later at Station 19
Amber rolls the stroller inside the barn with Jack Gibson guiding her. She knows Carina is doing inventory for the clinic today which makes her the perfect person to go to about Luna who is sleeping peacefully inside the stroller. She sees Carina helping Warren by a table full of pullout chairs.
“Carina.” The Italian OB is surprised to see Amber here and Jack explains.
“Your sister-in-law asked or well demanded really that she sees you. I don’t know why though.”
Carina approaches Amber and Luna, “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Luna wandered off in our house yesterday I couldn’t find her for a minute, and she hasn’t cried ever since.”
“And that’s a bad thing?” Warren asks.
“She didn’t cry when I ended bathtime last night, she always cries and pulls my hair but not this time. I think something’s wrong; I don’t know if she hit her head or ate something that’s making her like this.”
Carina nods, “Okay well you can take her to a pediatrician in Grey Sloan.”
Amber shakes her head, “No, no, no if I take her to peds or OB they’ll call Alex and Jo and I have to tell them what happened, and they will never trust me again. Please you are my only hope right now.”
Warren shakes his head dismissively, “Look we gotta do inventory just suck it up and-”
Amber’s tone shifts from worried to scary, “One of you doctors drop what you’re doing in the next five seconds, or I will end you.” The three of them look shocked, “One, two…”
Carina steps forward and takes the stroller from Amber who follows her toward the beanery leaving the boys behind. When they reach the empty beanery Carina pulls out the medical bag from under the sink and approaches Amber who takes Luna out of her stroller so she can sit in her lap while Carina examines her.
“Tell me more about what the problem is.”
Amber bounces Luna in her lap lightly, “She’s usually a lot more alert than this. I sat up with her all night, making sure she was still breathing. I felt around her skull but there were no bumps but you’re the baby expert so…”
Carina does a neuro exam on Luna who passes it, “Good job Luna you are so smart.” Carina feels around her head, “There are no bumps, has she been feeling fatigue or vomiting in the last 12 hours?”
“Okay we’ve ruled out a brain injury and stomach troubles she could just be relaxing. Unlike her Auntie Amber.”
Amber sighs and looks down at her niece in worry, “It’s just…I couldn’t find her. I went to get her a water and I turned my back for like ten seconds and she was gone when I turned around. Alex and Jo left her with me because I thought I could do this; God why did I think I could do this?”
“Hey, hey do not do this to yourself, don’t make things harder than they seem for you.” Amber sniffles holding Luna close, “It’s not uncommon. In the eyes they seem slow, but babies are like ninjas when they start to walk. They can slip away without making a sound and they are fast on their feet. And the good news is that Luna is very smart, she knows not to wander off outside a place where’s she’s most safe. She knows you and Andrea are watching her and making sure she’s safe.”
Amber sighs at that and Carina makes a suspicion, “Is this about more than Luna wandering off?”
Amber inhales and confesses to her sister-in-law, “Andrew want’s kids, I know he wants kids and a part of me does too, but I can barely keep my niece in place how do I know I won’t do that to our baby too?”
“I know the fear you’re experiencing.” Carina says with compassion, “My mind goes into a dark path, and I sometimes think I’m gonna do to my baby what my papa did to me. I worry that I’ll make them feel like they have to grow up too fast so they can survive me as a parent. I worry that I am going to repeat the cycle of chaos my father started. The same way I know you feel about your parents and whether or not you will repeat their mistakes.” Amber nods confirming Carina is right in this regard, “But if you and I are determined to give our kids the love and stability we never had then there is no doubt we’ll end our family cycle of violence and be the best parents we can be.”
Amber looks at Carina grateful, “Your good at this.”
“I know.” Carina says smugly causing Amber to laugh with Luna still in her lap, “Are you headed back home?”
“Um actually can me and Luna hang out with you and the boys for the rest of the day? Andrew is working and this place is a lot more interesting than my house. Plus, this is the last place that would catch on fire.”
Carina chuckles, “Okay you can come, as long as you help us with inventory.” She leans down to Luna’s face with a smile, “And that goes for you too Dr. Karev.” Amber chuckles and stands up. She puts Luna back in the stroller and follows Carina back into the barn where Ben and Jack are still by the table doing inventory.
“Is it safe?” Ben asks.
Amber grins as she parks Luna next to her by the table, “Yeah she’s fine, I’m gonna help though if that’s okay.”
Jack shrugs, “Yeah sure no problem the more help the better.” Amber helps with the chairs when Jack decides to ask her a question pertaining to the topic of employing doctors at the clinic, “Hey Amber you’re a doctor right?”
Amber raises an eyebrow at that, “Yes? Otherwise, I went to three years of college and four years of medical school for nothing.”
“And you…well you were…” Jack struggles to find the right words to describe Amber who motions him to continue, “You have a different background compared to most doctors right?”
“You mean I was dirt poor and had a family of nightmares?” Amber asks bluntly, causing Carina to grin at Jack’s wince as he tries to mend his words.
“Okay I didn’t mean it like that it’s just that I think the clinic shouldn’t have so many doctors because people from low-income neighborhoods and bad situations they’re afraid of doctors. I mean you and I grew up in the system so we saw firsthand how it can screw over people like us and that includes rich people in white coats.”
Carina rolls her eyes, “Porca miseria do not drag the poor girl into this, she’s just gonna say you’re stupid.”
“No actually he’s right.” Amber says surprising Warren and Carina who look at her more confused than offended, “Carina you know I love you, but you come from a family of doctors you didn’t have to worry about paying a thousand-dollar medical bill because your parents could afford insurance. I grew up relying on my mom’s disability after she got fired until my brothers and I each got jobs when we reached high school. You and Warren don’t understand the viewpoint me and Gibson developed after years of hardship and bouncing around foster homes.”
Ben shrugs, “Okay so tell us.”
Amber starts, “Okay, my oldest brother had to hotwire a car to get me to a hospital when I was two because the ambulance ride would have bankrupted us. Alex and Aaron bandaged my scrapes and bruises until I was 8 and I had a skateboarding accident that gave me 12 stiches on my head. The doc who did it just gave us the bill and walked away. My brother couldn’t pay it until he started his intern year. I’m sorry guys but the white coats are a symbol for death or debt in the communities Gibson and I grew up in.”
Jack grins at his point being proven, “I like her.”
Carina groans at that, “I understand what you’re saying but how do we run a medical clinic without medical experts?”
“Oh, you can’t.” Amber states as she resupplies the medical bag, “I mean the system is broken but a clinic needs doctors and nurses who know sutures and how to run labs. Sorry Jack but your naive to think we can find people who know half the stuff me and Carina know without acquiring an MD.”
“Yeah, she’s got a point.” Ben says.
Gibson thinks for a minute before having an idea that he springs to the doctors, “I could learn to do this, suture. I mean-I mean, if it came to it, right?”
“Well, it won't unless you're planning to become a doctor.” Carina points out.
“Okay, but fine. But, like, think about it. I mean, I-The first time I did CPR, I was 10 years old. Yeah, my foster sister almost drowned in the community pool, and I saw somebody do it on TV and I-I figured it out. So I could probably learn some of what you do.”
Amber grins at Gibson’s attempt, “It’s not like sewing your niece’s teddy bear after the head tears off.” She grins down at Luna who is still in the stroller playing with her teething toy, “It requires focus and steady hands, which are two things you’re gonna learn once you get into Harvard med. Or state if you don’t want to become a stuffy know it all.”
“Andrea went to Harvard.” Carina reminds Amber.
“You just rested my own case.” Amber jokes with a grin.
“I get it but what you probably can't teach is waking up every morning with the goal being to survive. And I think that's…yeah, that's me. That's who I am. That's what this is, right? This clinic is a place for people to go to survive. And they shouldn't have to sign 10 forms with fine print and stare down a bunch of white coats. And it should be simple and, like, clear-cut and not intimidating. And that…that's what the people need to see, right?”
Amber nods seeing Jack’s point as Carina responds, “Okay. But we still need nurses and doctors at our clinic, so who's gonna staff it?”
Jack proposes another idea, “50/50. Compromise. Yeah. Half firefighters, half doctors. And no white coats and no hiding behind the computers and less forms, please. Just less forms.”
The three doctors stand together in front of Jack with Carina speaking for them, “And who's gonna teach you how to do wound care and read urine dipsticks?”
Jack looks stumped by that, “Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Um…”
Carina smiles at Jack’s lack of words, “Half and half.”
“I don't know what either of those are. I don't know which one of you specializes in that.” Amber chuckles before strolling Luna away to get the supplies for the clinic together.
That Night
Amber knocks on the door of the station desperate for either Carina or Warren to answer. She left the station an hour ago after helping with the inventory. But then Luna hit the 24-hour mark since she last cried making Amber worried Carina missed something. She knocks on the glass door frantically until Warren answers it with an obvious annoyed face.
Ben opens the door and Amber rushes inside the Luna in the stroller sleeping, “DeLuca who used to be Karev, it’s late shouldn’t you be home reading the little girl a bedtime story so she can go to sleep like you and me are supposed to?”
“Look Carina missed something or something has developed because it’s been 24 hours and Luna still hasn’t cried yet.” Amber says in a panic, “Something is wrong.”
Ben groans in frustration due to his own problems with the custody battle, “Do you want to know why your niece isn’t crying so badly?”
“It’s because she loves you.” Ben states the obvious stopping Amber short, “You’re a good aunt and great caretaker. She knows she can wander off because you’re there to watch her. She’s so happy she doesn’t feel like crying. Do you want to see her cry?” Ben leans down and lightly pinches Luna’s hand causing her to get fussy and start to cry to Amber’s shock, “There, now she’s crying so please go home.”
Ben walks away from Amber who is now pissed at having a crying baby to deal with because of Warren, “Okay this is gonna get you the creepy uncle status Ben Warren!”
Next Part Here
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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𝑥𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡; 𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡, ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑦 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡. 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬, 𝐈 𝐠𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ⋆˙⊹ trafalgar law x afab! reader. nsfw
request: @ottersdeservelove asked: ONG last Christmas I gave you my heart, trafalgar law x AFAB!reader, it's just perfect for him. ahh maybe yandere-esque and nsfw, please? 👉👈 | tw: nsfw. sex with a "stranger". masturbation. nipple work. vaginal. spanking | wc: 2.4k | masterlist | taglist: @zella07 @jin-supremacy01 @alexkanroji @jenwooly @owlham|
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Doctor Heart Stealer has given his own heart once. Once. And never again. He swore that he would never again. Last year, Christmas morning become the saddest morning. She was gone, and in those cold sheets he asked himself why a man like him was bound to remain alone…
“No more love for me, it’s over” he said, deciding he was going to cover the shift on Christmas night. And so, as the date was finally here he picked up his keys and drove to his workplace; Heart’s Hospital.
As his icy grey scan the red and green decorated hallways of the ER, he dedicates subtle smiles at his co-workers. Nothing too sweet, that’s not how he is.
“Welcome Dr. Trafalgar! So far everything seems cal-“ one of the residents chimes, getting cut short by his companions. How dare her mention the word “calm” in an ER on a winter snowy night, specifically Christmas?
“Hello. Good. I’ll be on the office reading the medical records of the patients, call me whenever you need me” he mumbles, taking a sip of his hot chocolate (that everybody thinks it’s black coffee…)
As he takes an intense look at the papers in front of him, he can’t forget how last year on this same day he was happily waiting for her in his car. The way her smile shone with the warm fairy lights adorning the streets… and how she was actually married too.
Law shakes his black hair to ease the memories from coming back to hurt him, but the truth is that since that day where his heart broke into pieces he promised himself not to -ever- get excited for any other woman in his life.
“Dr. Trafalgar!! We have an emergency!” his coworkers hit -don’t knock- the door to announce him he needs to get ready.
“Great, the first one… I wonder which one is… the slippery street victim, or the family reunion fight hurt one…” Law grunts, putting the white coat over his grey scrubs and getting out of his office.
While he waits with his gloves on, and the paramedics bring his first patient in, through the big doors of the E.R., his eyes widen. As if destiny was determined to make him suffer, his patient was no other than the same person that made his last Christmas the worst so far.
Her, your friend. Holds your hand, squeezing it harder. Her belly about to pop, her baby about to born. And you, right by her side could only trust in the handsome doctor before your eyes.
“You… are… call the ob service” Law commands, ignoring how well he knew her. You, who aren’t stupid immediately understand something was off…
In between the piercing screams of a woman in labour you try to give the man dressed in medical attire as much information as possible. “Doctor, her water broke less than an hour ago. She said the baby is coming. Please help her!” you plead.
“Don’t worry. She will be fine. The baby will be fine too. Please wait us outside, I will keep you updated… miss…?” he says, asking your name before closing the curtains to assist the labour.
“Miss (name)… thank you sir…”
Not much of an hour later, after you have probably bitten off all your nails, he comes out of your friend’s cubicle. He seems pleased, nothing could make him act less professional than always. As he comes closer, and your belly feels fancy, you stand up.
His subtle smile lets you know that everything is ok, but you wait for his words either way.
“So, Miss (Name)-ya. Your friend is safe. The baby girl is healthy, however she will need some days in neo to check everything is ok with her” he informs you, placing his tattooed hand on your shoulder. Even if Law has done an excellent job bringing a baby into this world, his eyes don’t shine… he has just received the son of a man that’s been cheated on with no other than himself.
“Thank you so much, doctor…” you whisper, a little stunned by his beauty. You watch him nod and walk into his office, leaving you there enchanted by his aura… “bet he is sad because he is all alone working on this holy night…”
You spend what’s left for the night next to your friend, making company to her and waiting for the baby’s father who seemed too entertained with Christmas celebrations to arrive on time. And, while she finally fell asleep you have an idea. The memory of the icy stare of her doctor won’t abandon your mind, you thought since it was Christmas perhaps you could do something to make him feel better during his shift.
There is, however, not much you could do. The cafeteria is already closed, and the lights of the non-urgent services have been already turned off. The vending machines at the end of the hall would do.
A few chocolates and a can of coffee is what you buy for him and a little nervously you walk towards his office. “Dr. Trafalgar? It’s me, Miss (name)” you announce yourself after knocking at the door. You wait a few minutes outside, and just when you believed he wasn’t there the latch moves.
“Yes? Is everything alright?” he asks, with subtle hints of a crying face. “Ye-yes, doctor. I hope I’m not bothering you, but I thought I could bring you something to eat and drink as a Christmas gift but mainly for helping my friend and my nephew” you tell him, showing the cans and sweets in your hands.
Law swallows, and his frown intensifies. He takes some minutes to ponder the idea of letting a woman closer, but ultimately he decides you seem harmless to his icy heart. “thank you so much, would you like to come in?” he asks, since he is sure you are there to share the meal with him -even if you weren’t that sure of it, but who would say no, right?-
You smile and walk inside his office. There isn’t much. His coat hanged on the backrest of his chair, his desk covered in paperwork and two picture frames on each corner of it.
He invites you to sit down, while clearing the desk. You do it in silence, placing the cans and the chocolate right after. You take a look at the pictures, a happy family of doctors and a little boy with tired eyes and a fancy hat. On the other one, a man, as tall as a tree with a lovely smile, holding the same kid closely. Who are those people? Is that kid him?
When Law finally sits down, he scans you up and down. He opens both coffee cans and your fingers graze whenever he passes the beverage to you. What a weird sensation, a mix in between electricity and butterflies kisses… your cheeks burn.
“Thank you” he mumbles, before taking a sip. “So, since your friend’s husband finally arrived why don’t you go back home and celebrate Christmas?” he asks, kindly. In any case it felt like he was trying to fleet you off.
“I- I actually don’t really have anywhere to spend Christmas but my friend’s house. So, I guess it’s the same” you confess, toying with the chocolate wrapping paper.
Law falls back, drinking the last drops of coffee with his head back. “Well, I guess then you don’t have any intentions of giving anyone your heart tonight” he sighs.
You blink several times and soon you remember the song “Last Christmas”. Giggling you catch his attention. “You sound like you did give your heart last Christmas” you joke, well aware that man has nothing to do with romantic, movie like experiences. But you are wrong.
“Well, yes. I did. And apparently, destiny keeps making me feel like shit. But, it doesn’t matter anymore” he whispers, taking a bite of the last chocolate. It’s impossible to think someone like him could have had his heart broken, but apparently it’s the case.
“I hope you have a new memory from Christmas night from now on. You brought a child into this world” you try to cheer him up.
“And I got chocolate and coffee for free from a pretty lady” he jokes, making your cheeks go even hotter… but what it makes you jolt is the fact that his hand falls on yours. “Would you like me to take you home? My shift will be over in less than an hour”.
You simply nod, smiling softly with fluttery eyelashes that could kill a man. “I will go grab my stuff and salute my friends…”
How did it happen? How did you get into an ambulance on Christmas eve, and now, a caramel skin, tattooed, handsome doctor is driving you home?
And when Law’s BMW stops right by your home you ponder whether you should invite him inside or not… even if your lips move on your own. “Dr. Trafalgar… would you like to have some hot chocolate?”
The cold night that in winter lasts almost forever is about to finish, but no tired eyes nor exhausted muscles could make him say no… because the song does tell about how last Christmas he gave his heart to someone who doesn’t deserved it, but also tells about how this year someone special will receive it…
“Sure, I prefer hot chocolate better than coffee” he mumbles, already opening the door of his car and getting out to open your side. Law extents his inked hand; a hand you grab immediately.
You try to conceal the way your hand trembles when using your key… after all, he was a total stranger… was he really? Or his face reminds of the man with who your friend left last year’s Christmas party?
As soon as both get inside, and the snow has been shaken off your boots, you invite him to wait on your living room. He gets comfortable on your couch, and while you prepare the hot chocolate you can’t avoid taking quick peaks from the kitchen.
He is using his phone, and while he reads something he brush his spiky onyx hair back. He is really hot, really, really hot.
“Marshmallows?” you ask, surprising him all of a sudden with a tray and two cups of hot cocoa. “If they are as sweet as you, sure (Name)-ya” he says, flirting so blatantly that makes you laugh while sitting next to him.
But he wasn’t joking… not at all. And when some little trace of foamy milk remains on your cupids bow, Law takes thumb to clean it up. “You are truly sweet…” the doctor says, licking his finger clean so close to you it makes your breathing accelerate.
“Th- thank- you…” you stutter, able to see every little shade of grey in his irises from how close he is to you. “You are welcome…” he whispers, before both of your lips join in a soft, so subtle peck. Maybe it is too fast, maybe it is even crazy. But from halves, wholes are born. And those halves were lonely enough tonight…
As fast as you can actually recall, your hips straddle on his lap and his hands surround your frame. Kisses that deepen and intensify leads both to get rid of your coverings. The cold is not a problem, as the orangey glow of the fireplace keeps you both warm.
Law’s skilful hands untie your bra, freeing your breasts for his enjoyment. His lips, surrounding your nipples make you throw your head back and arch your spine. He holds you as he gradually goes further with his sucking motions, and the hardness underneath your core grows bigger.
What it looked like a calmed and soft doctor, ends up showing you that we cannot see the whole imagine up until you know them fully; Law is becoming feral with your body, and you are in total heaven.
The doctor you met tonight slides his hand down your pants, reaching for your wet core while you hold yourself on the backrest of your couch and his tongue keeps playing with your hardened nipples.
Law knows exactly where and how to touch; his thumb applies the perfect amount of pressure in between your labia, and the circle motions make you moan. You bury your nose into the crown of his head, inhaling the soft scent of his masculine shampoo mixed with the sterile smell of hospitals.
By looking at your raptured face squirming because of his touch, he gets harder, a lot harder. He gets so needy; he wants to bury himself inside you. And just whenever he is satisfied with how your inner thighs begin to tremble as climax is about to hit you, he is ready to give you more… a lot more.
“Stand up, please. Get on all fours” he commands, with a low raspy voice, tinted in desire that cannot be controlled any longer.
You comply, still panting. Your knees bury in the cushions of your sofa, and your forearms rest on the backrest. Law’s hands pull down your trousers and panties. He takes a brief moment to enjoy the view of your wiggling entrance, dripping and so ready to receive him.
Law gets tempted to spank your glutes softly, and he does. The sudden punishment makes you whine, and that same sound is followed by the one his zipper does when it goes down. He does not wait a single second more, and just like he freed his sex he begins to guide it towards your entrance.
However, he doesn’t penetrate you instantly. He enjoys how his already hard and drippy tip gets coated by the abundant wetness of your sex. His hardness rubs against your labia, and then in between your folds but never really inside. He teases just enough to make you move your hips back in unconscious attempts of feeling him invading your cave.
“And you were so sweet… but now you are asking for more…(Name)-ya” he moans, making you tremble. His reflection on the window behind the couch makes you even weaker. His well-trained abdomen, the tattoos that completely cover his caramel skin, his expression while he bites his lower lip…
“Dr. Trafalgar please… fuck me…” you beg, looking back at him with eyes of lust.
“I couldn’t say no to such a sweet face, (Name)-ya” he scoffs, smirking with sloppy eyelids until he rams sudden, violent, and unexpectedly into you. “It should have been you, not your friend… the one I took home last year”
“I’ve always knew it, Law… fuck me rough…”
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jobrookekarev · 7 months
could you potentially do a prompt where arizona mentions alex (to jo) when she returns? i’m interested to see your take on that, especially now that she’s with he-who-shall-not-be-named
AN: i loved this idea and may or may not write about Jo going to New York. 🤷‍♀️
It’s Nice to Have a Friend
Words: 2,244
Summary: Arizona comes back to Seattle and works with Jo before trying to fix her and Alex’s relationship, despite how Jo has moved on. 
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy.
Relationship:  Arizona Robbins and Jo Wilson, Alex Karev/Jo Wilson (Mentioned), Arizona Robbins/Callie Torres, (Mentioned)
Characters: Jo Wilson and Arizona Robbins, Carina DeLuca (Mentioned) 
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences.
Additional Tags: Cannon, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship,  Deviates From Canon, LGBTQ Themes, One Shot, Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, Drama, Friendship/Love, LGBTQ Character, Domestic,  Angst with a Happy Ending, 
Read at AO3
Of course, Jo was avoiding Arizona.
The second Jo heard that she would be visiting she planned accordingly. Arizona was there to teach the interns about the work at the Robbins-Herman Foundation, and both Surgery and OB residents and interns were required to attend. Carina thought she would be excited, as she was excited to see Arizona, but Jo wasn't.
Therefore, she was unable to escape it, even by trying to fake an emergency. Arizona wanted her up front to help her present and Jo did her best at trying to remain back especially as she and Carina talked. She ultimately ran away the second the presentation was done, avoiding all small talk with Arizona. 
She had strategically stacked her schedule with a general surgery she knew was outside of Arizona's specialty.
She didn't want to see Arizona, she didn't want to talk to her, to hear the word she would say, she didn't even want to think of her being in the building. Until Melina went into labor. 
Jo had promised Melina she'd be there to deliver her daughter as she had a cleft palate. She worked really hard to get a report with her and get her to trust her and the hospital. Melina's previous baby had died because of a medical error and up until her baby had been diagnosed with a cleft palate she had refused to deliver in a hospital. 
So Jo of course stepped in the second Melina was in labor. 
“You're doing great Melina, just a couple more pushes and your baby is going to be in your arms,” Jo said to her as she sat between Melina's legs. The head had been peeking out and Jo was ready to catch the baby. 
“I want to feel her head, I want to know she’s okay,” Melina said, reaching forward as her husband held her up, and Jo took her hand and guided her down to feel her baby’s head. 
“She’s got a lot of hair, can you feel it?” Jo asked her as she smiled.
“I can feel it,” Melina said as she cried with happiness. 
“Okay, push, push,” Jo said as Melina pushed and the head was delivered. “Okay Melina, just give me a second, pause and breathe.”
“You're doing so good, my love,” her husband said as he focused on her, holding her up and as he leaned in and whispered words of encouragement to her. 
Jo assessed the baby's cleft palate, as she cleared their airway. It didn’t look as bad. 
“Okay, I have to push again,” Melina said as she felt another contraction coming. 
“Okay push, push, and your baby's going to be here,” Jo promised her as Melina pushed and out popped and Jo caught the beautiful baby. 
They let out a cry, as Jo held them up for Melina and her husband to see. Melina cried with happiness as her husband stood there in awe. 
“It’s a happy and strong girl,” Jo said as she placed the baby on their chest as Melina held her baby. 
“She's beautiful,” Melina cried as she cradled her baby. “Dr. Wilson, her cleft isn't that bad is it?” 
“Let’s take a look, Jo said as she waited for Melina to hand the baby over. 
She did reluctantly and watched intently as Jo took the baby girl over to the baby warmer. Jo suctioned her mouth as the baby cried and grabbed her flashlight. She looked in the baby’s mouth and lip to see the palate and couldn't stop herself from letting out a breath as she saw the large open cleft palate. The entire roof of their mouth was gone. 
“Let's page the on-call pediatrician,” Jo said as the nurse next to her nodded and one of the other nurses ran out.
“Alright, I'm just going to take the baby to get them measured and weighed,” Jo said, turning back to give Melina a small smile. 
“What do we have?” Arizona's voice shocked her and Jo nearly jumped back. 
She didn't say anything as one of the nurses explained the case to Arizona as she assessed the baby. Jo stepped back and looked over at Melina. 
“I have to push again.” 
“Okay, let’s deliver the placenta.”
“What about my baby?” 
“She’s got a severe cleft palate, but Dr. Robbins is the best pediatric surgeon I know, she’s in good hands.”
While she let Arizona focus on the baby, everything was in slow motion as she helped Melina. Jo listened to Arizona as she treated the baby giving her an assessment and before the baby calmed. Jo disposed of the placenta and Melina’s bleeding was under control as Arizona placed the baby back in Melina's arms.
She said a lot of things about the cleft lip and palate and her plan for the baby, but she also reassured them that they still had a happy healthy baby. 
“You're lucky Dr. Wilson is one of the best.” Jo was quick to catch this Arizona as beamed over at her, but she could only manage a forced smile and a nod in agreement. 
“I'll leave you two to get to know your baby,” Jo said as she quickly escaped the room, but Melina and her husband were too enthralled in their baby to notice. 
“Jo wait,” Arizona called after her, but Jo was halfway down the hallway. 
She didn’t wait or stop to look back as she started to run down the halls looking for any escape. She didn't realize how nervous she was until she stopped at the elevator, pressing the buttons on repeat before deciding she should take the stairs. She quickly ran and opened the door, but before she could escape into the stairwell, Arizona caught her arm. Arizona pushed her forward as they both stepped into the stairwell.
“I have to go, I have another case in the ER,” Jo said as she quickly tried to run down the stairs and escape the impending conversation she knew was about to happen. 
“Jo wait please just let me talk to you for a moment,” Arizona said as she tried to plead with her and kept her grasp on Jo's elbow.
“Well forgive me for not wanting to talk about the man who fucken left me!” Jo yelled as she escaped Arizona and ran down the stairs. 
“He only told me a week ago!” Arizona said in defeat as Jo paused, she didn't turn around, but Arizona went on. 
“Up until then, he had told me that you both were still in Seattle, happily married and that both of you had adopted Luna. I mentioned that I was going to Seattle and that I was excited to see you all and he broke down until told me everything. About Izzie and the twins and Kansas and everything. I was so angry with him so much that I took a pit stop in Kansas just to yell at him. Then I saw how miserable he is out there.” 
“I don't care,” Jo said, cutting her off and turning around to face her. “I'm glad he's miserable, he made his bed now he can lie in it. I rebuilt my life without him. I'm an amazing general surgeon and I'm at the top of my class for OB. I have a family, a daughter, without him. I rebuilt everything without him. ”
“I know,” Arizona said softly, as Jo let out her anger in a breath. 
“When Callie and I divorced, we had the most bitter custody battle. I literally went to war with Callie over our daughter. And looking back I regret the way I handled things we both do. After I moved to New York,  we managed to repair our relationship and fall in love again…”
“Just because Alex is your baby brother and I'm bisexual doesn't mean that our relationship is anything like yours.” 
“Okay hold up,” Arizona said, holding your hands up as Jo paused and huffed, crossing her arms. “I had no idea you were bisexual, so we're going to have to revisit this later. But I'm not trying to play matchmaker.” 
“Oh really?” Jo asked, raising an eyebrow at her. 
“Okay maybe a little bit but Alex is brother to me and you're family too, anyone who works at Grey-Slone is family to me. And I want my family to be happy. Callie and I had the worst divorce and now we're getting married again! and I love you and I love Alex and I'm not trying to take sides in this, but I am saying that there is a chance that you could repair your relationship.”
“Arizona, no.”
“Yes, because you two were so in love! Out of all the couples at Gray-Sloan you guys were the one every rooted for. I remember your third year residency when you and Alex, broke up. I thought you'd never forgive him then, but you did! You were so much in love that you repaired your relationship and came back stronger. I just want you and Alex to have the same happiness that Callie and I have.” 
Arizona reached out and put her hands on Jo's shoulders, but Jo shook her head pressing her fingers to her head as she rubbed her forehead. 
“You don't understand,” Jo said, looking at Arizona and begging her to listen. 
“Alex and I didn't just divorce, he left me for his ex-wife and his kids! And I understand why he did it, but he still left me. It was a choice that he made to end our marriage, instead of trying to work it all out and be honest with me. He chose our divorce. And yes, I still love him, deeply. But I can never love him again because of the trust that he broke. If we ever get back together there will always be a part of me that will question if he's just going to leave me again. I can't live like that and I won't raise my daughter in a relationship like that. Luna doesn't deserve that, She deserves to have parents who love and support each other. Alex and I will never have that.” 
“Is that why you're with Link?” 
“Yes, Link is my best friend and I love him,” Jo sighed as she thought about the life she and Link had together and the ring he had in his drawer for her. 
Arizona was silent for a moment. She looked away from Jo's eyes and nodded, before she pulled Jo in for a hug. “I know I'm sorry I didn't mean to over step.”
“Thank you,” Jo said, as she smiled and relaxed.
“I know that you have a life here in Seattle with Luna and Link, but I'd like to accelerate your studies and offer you a fellowship in New York. You are so talented and I've seen you handle tricky situations that most third year residents would drown in. Carina said that the two of you have transformed the maternity ward here in Seattle and cut the maternal mortality rate from 30% down to 3%. I want to implement those changes in New York and bring those changes to every single hospital in the US.”
Arizona beamed a smile and Jo stood in awe of the offer Arizona had given her.
“But you should also know that I've also offered Alex a job in New York and I think he’ll take it.”
“You can't play matchmaker, Arizona,” Jo said as she sighed and shook her head. “I know that it's only been a few weeks for you, but it's been three years for me. My daughter is the best thing that's ever happened to me and it never would have happened if he hadn't left me. And yeah, maybe we would have adopted her together, but it doesn't change the fact that he left. I'm alone and nothing you or him would change that. He made the choice to leave and I made the choice to stay away from him.”
Jo looked up at Arizona, pleading with her to accept this and she finally nodded. “I understand, but I'm still hoping that you'll at least come to visit New York, let me show you around the Robbins-Herman Foundation, please?”
Jo looked down but smiled. “I'll consider it.”
“Great,” Arizona said as she reached out and wrapped Jo in a hug. “Now tell me all about this research you and Carina are doing on intrauterine scarring.” 
“Well, Carina and I have started researching how to use the uterus's ability to shed its lining and discard tissue to shed the scar tissue and completely rebuild the walls of the uterus again.”
Jo smiled as they started to walk downstairs together and Arizona hung on her every word. It was clear to Arizona that Jo was passionate about her work, and she was proud of her. It took a special person to succeed in this field and Arizona was so happy to have Jo be a part of this. They talked for hours, meeting after work at Jo's Penthouse where Arizona was able to meet Luna and she absolutely doted on her. Arizona was able to convince Jo to come to New York, at least for a conference and to look around the foundation. Yet, Jo didn't want to accept her offer of a job. Still, they promised to keep in contact and Jo felt good about having her friend back in her life.
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
I got a suggestion for a request.
Headcanons on OB perfect?
Also can't wait for whumptober 🥺
Overblot Prefect
CW// insanity, dissociation, depersonalization, mental breakdown, physical violence, blinding, choking (implied), overblot stuff, spoilers for chapters 1-5 of twisted wonderland
I don’t think it would surprise anyone as to why the Ramshackle prefect would overblot, however I do have a lot of concepts related to them overblotting so I’m gonna list them in sort of order?
After being in virtually every overblot (at least so far, on the English server), not only is the prefect at the end of their goddamn rope, but they’re suffering the long term effects of being hit with magic over and over again
It’s not even just the overblots, either.
On the daily, they’re having magic used on them.
Some benevolent, like Trey using paint the roses to change the taste of something, and sometimes non physical, like Jamil hypnotizing them, but then there’s instances like Azul paralyzing them with a trap, or the twins spitting elemental spells at them over and over.
If energy can’t be created or destroyed, who’s to say that the prefect isn’t simply slowly becoming a ticking timebomb or magical energy?
It starts with them looking exhausted, eye bags deep.
Their hands shake when they go to reach for something.
They’re starving, eating insane amounts and they never seem satisfied.
Their walk has a stagger in their step, like every movement is painful.
More obvious things begin to show.
The way their eyes seem almost black now, their skin taking a paler, greyed out tone.
Their mood shifts, almost more alarming than Floyd’s.
One minute they’re fine, the next they’re asleep, then twenty minutes later they’re raging.
And their moments of anger in themselves are odd.
Sometimes they’ll go from totally fine to screaming at Ace for breaking one of the queen’s rules, or snipping at Deuce for messing up their potionology assignment when in reality he had simply swapped the order of steps.
The prefect becomes obsessed with their looks, to a worrying degree.
And what’s worse is that they’ve taken to lying - or at least everyone thinks it’s lying.
They claim that they were different, that they know things there’s no way that they could.
It gets to the point where most people are genuinely afraid of the prefect. Behind them lurks a darkness that they can’t comprehend, it makes people scatter.
With no magic of their own, what happens when they overblot?
It’s a glitching screen of cosplays.
They look like a shattered mirror, different parts of them looking like different parts of the overblot boys, but wrong.
Behind everything is their face, yes, but they don’t normally have fluffy lion ears or tentacles or snakes for hair.
Their hands aren’t supposed to be clawed, they aren’t supposed to have cards dripping in strands from their waist, they aren’t supposed to look so dead, so pale.
They have no phantom, as they have no magic, instead they themself are both the phantom and the wielder.
You could think of it like shards of each other’s overblot monster trapped inside of Yuu.
The magic that comes out is only the magic they’ve received, but that doesn’t make it any less dangerous.
No, they can’t collar more than one person or turn someone entirely to sand, but that doesn’t stop them from making it count.
Riddle has his own collar used against him. Without him being able to use his unique magic, it creates a terrifying moment for him.
He can’t get it off, and it’s heavy, and it’s weighing him down more than it should, forcing him to lay helplessly on the ground.
It’s Vil’s poison that blinds Jamil, forcing his eyes shut and his throat closed.
He’s close to succumbing to the fog when Azul manages to pull him away and dump water into his eyes to clear away the smoke.
What object was cursed, nobody can tell, the smoke is too thick, but Jamil is still lost.
They can’t give up. This is their own mess, taken out on one person who physically can’t control their actions.
Their mind isn’t their own, their magic isn’t their own, and it seems they don’t even know who they are.
Corrupted by them.
The stolen copy of king’s roar threatens to dry out Azul, cracking his skin painfully.
Drying out is deadly to a merman, even in human form, and Azul knows this.
He can’t help but cower away, calling for a tactical retreat
If only anyone could get away…
In terms of whether someone could win against overblot Yuu, it’s a toss up. Yuu knows everyone’s weakness, even if they don’t use it against them, but they’re also completely out of their mind. Furthermore, they have a warped copy of Azul’s signature spell and Jamil’s hypnotism that they haven’t used.
They can only use each signature spell once, so they have to make it count. But like I said, it isn’t just limited to overblot magic….
What do you guys think? How could someone win against overblot Yuu?
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Peña’s Anatomy — Two
Tumblr media
pairing: doctor au!javier peña x resident!reader
chapter rating: E (smut, mentions of gore, talk of surgery, unprotected sex)
word count: <6.1k
authors note: since i’m not a medical professional and only know what greys has taught me, the majority of the information on the cases in this series will be taken from Grey’s Anatomy. i’m also aware it’s not super accurate to real life hospital life!
series masterlist
“Do you want me to beg? Because we both know I’m too good for that.”
Javier was following the chief of surgery through the halls of the hospital, attempting to convince the man to remove you from his service.
“Javi, you’re the best neurosurgeon in this half of the country and you’re begging me to remove a third year resident from your service because…?” The old man stopped at his office door and looked at his protege with a scowl. Javier sighed and shrugged.
“First off, I’m not begging. Too good for that, remember? Secondly, it’s…because she’s not a good fit for neuro. That’s it…that’s…yeah, whatever. Doesn’t matter. All I know is that she’s not the right fit, and I can’t do my job if I have to keep checking in on my residents all fucking day. Send her to cardio or trauma or OB, for fucks sake. Neil seemed to love her when she was on his service.” Javier sounded like a whiny child as he pleaded his case.
“Fine. Send her to the ER. Whatever it takes for you to go away and do your job.” He sighed and opened up the door to his office, Javier smiling and nodding proudly at himself as the Chief shut his door on him.
The past week since realizing his attraction for you had been absolute torture for the man. Everything you did filled him with a teenage-boy like desire. Things he never even realized got him going now made him feel like he couldn’t breathe. The way your hand brushed his in the OR while you handed him forceps, the way you yawned when you stepped out of the on-call room with a big stretch, the kindness and attention you paid to every single human who interacted with you—it all made him feel like he was lit on fire from the inside.
This morning, it all became too much for him to handle. He was standing in the hallway with Jessica, trying to gently convey his disinterest in continuing their sexual relationship when you walked into the hospital with Mickey. It was the first sunny day in a few weeks, the early morning light shining on your face as you laughed at something your friend said. Your hair was up for the first time since he’d met you, and the sight hit him right in the chest, his lips parting and ears tuning out whatever it was that the nurse was trying to say to him.
“Dr. Peña, Jessica.” You nodded at him with a soft half-smile as you passed him, his eyes following you until you disappeared down the hall.
“So what do you say?” Jessica’s hand on his forearm brought his attention back to her, his lips parting as his eyes took in her sultry smirk.
“I asked if you want to meet me in the on-call room.” She began to look discouraged as Javier opened his mouth to reject her. “What’s with you lately? You’re not fucking me, you’re not fucking any of the other nurses that I know. Are you just not…fucking anybody?”
“It’s been a busy few weeks.” He stood up off the counter he’d been leaning on and knocked on it. “I’ll see you around, Jessica.”
“Did you see him all over Jessica? How dare he? After asking me if you were single? Men.”
“Men.” You agreed with Mickey as the two of you changed into your scrubs. “I still don’t believe he actually asked you that.”
“He did!” She insisted with a chuckle, earning another look of disbelief from you. “Okay, the laugh made it sound like I’m lying, but I promise he did.”
“What exactly was his phrasing? Are you sure he didn’t say it sarcastically, like ‘who would possibly date her’, you know? Was it genuine?” You hated that you even cared to know what his intentions were.
“He just said, ‘Is Lucky seeing anybody?’. Not much tone behind it because he was grumpy, remember?” You tried to hide your blush at the sound of the question you’d been making your friend repeat ever since it was first posed.
You knew there was nothing good that would come from you falling down this rabbit hole of wondering what your attending felt for you, or if he even felt anything, but thanks to your upcoming period, that wasn’t really in your control anymore. Your hormones were spiking thanks to your ovulation, and that meant it was much more difficult to be as level minded as you typically were.
“Are you going to go for it?” Mickey interrupted your hormonal longing, nudging your side. You scoffed once you registered her question, earning a look of amusement from the brunette. “Oh, you’re such a bad liar.”
“I’m not—I haven’t lied. I’m not going to do anything about it because it’s not allowed, remember?”
“Oh, so that’s the only thing stopping you?” She chuckled again as your chief resident paged you both for morning rounds.
“No, it’s not the only thing stopping me. He’s also a whore. He’s probably a walking STD.” You knew that she was buying your disinterest. You weren’t even buying it. “Listen, of course I’ve thought about it. He’s…handsome. And talented. And…have you seen how he is with kids? It’s like he becomes an entirely different man. He’s sweet and caring and…”
Mickey gave you a side eye and a smirk as you realized how much you’d been going on and on about this man you supposedly had no interest in.
“Don’t look at me like that, Mick.” You sighed and hung your head. “I’m not going to do anything about it.”
“About what?” You looked over your shoulder to take in the man in question, surprised by the lack of his typical cocky smirk whenever he talked to you. He looked different, less self-assured, perhaps. His eyes hardly met yours as he joined this morning’s huddle.
“Um, my, uh…”
“Her washer and dryer broke.” Mickey spoke up when you couldn’t, your mind making a mental note to buy her lunch today to thank her.
“Oh? And you’re not going to do anything about that, Lucky?” He chuckled, but even that sounded…off. Not as full of amusement as it normally was. “Sounds like something you should probably do something about.”
“Doctors, is our morning huddle interrupting your conversation?” Your chief resident crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at all three of you, including Dr. Peña.
“It’s my bad, Dr. Thomas. You know how I like to cause a distraction.” He turned away from you to give her a more sincere smile, the action making you feel a bit slighted for some unknown reason.
“Take your residents and go, Dr. Peña.” She rolled her eyes and smiled at him against her will, his trademark charm working its magic on her.
“Alright, kids. You heard the doctor.” He waved his hand and you joined the few residents who had been assigned to his service as they started to follow him down the hall.
“Where are you going?” You looked down at your arm, Dr. Thomas stopping you with her hand.
“I’m on Dr. Peña’s service?”
“No, you’re in the ER according to the chief.” You watched as Mickey stopped in the hall and gestured for you to come along. You sighed and shrugged your shoulders before locking eyes with Dr. Peña. He looked…guilty? Was that it? “Are you going to just stand there or are you going to go down to the pit like I just told you—”
“Yes, ma’am. I’m going.” You sucked up your feelings and turned around, following the lackies of the surgical program down stairs to the Emergency Department.
Javier felt like absolute shit seeing you standing in that hallway looking so…disappointed. How selfish could he be?
It was clear that you had your heart set on neurosurgery, and contrary to what he told the Chief, you really did have a knack for it. But now you were down in the pit with the duds of the program, tending to broken bones and cuts. It wasn’t fair to you to suffer just because he felt ditzy with attraction anytime he was around you.
It seemed like there was no escaping himself now that you were around. You were making him hyper-aware of his faults and flaws, all while looking like that. It was a strange mix of feelings you stirred in him, and those feelings grew more and more unbearable with each passing day.
He wished there was some part of him that could step up and make a decision—do something about it or leave you alone—but either of the choices sounded equally like a bad idea, just another thing for him to regret.
“Alright, good morning, Mr. Levangie. These are my group of surgical residents, one of them will be assisting me on your case.” Javier sighed and exhaled all his personal problems once he walked his small team of residents into this mornings first patient’s room. He was an old man, his body riddled with constant tremors from his late-stage Parkinson’s disease. “Who’s presenting?”
Mickey watched as the nurses helped the man back into bed while Javier scanned his group of residents. With a clearing of her throat, she raised her hand and stepped forward with the chart, Javier giving her a nod.
“Edward Levangie is a 63 year-old man admitted for pain management for dyskinesia. He’s been stable since last night, and is responding well to the Bolus injections.” She looked up at Javier with an intimidated but knowing look, her blue eyes quickly flickering back down to the chart in her hands.
“Dr. Russel, what are the possible treatments?” Javier asked, turning to Michael, Mickey’s sort-of-hookup and the program’s cockiest surgeon.
“For Parkinson’s, um—“
“Not for Parkinson’s, for spinal pain.” Javier turned his eyes back to your closest friend. “Dr. Brown?”
“Uh, an intraspinal catheter. That way he can have a constant flow of pain medication.” He nodded with an impressed look, turning to his patient.
“This is Dr. Brown, she’s going to be assisting me on your procedure, Mr. Levangie.” Turning to the group of residents, Javier nodded and gestured them out of the room.
“Dr. Peña,” Mickey waited behind to walk beside Javier, his neck already burning as he listened to her tone. She was the only person besides Javier that knew about his little crush, and he hoped to god that she’d just pretend he never said anything about it as she began speaking again. “Why’d you take her off Neuro? She’s the best in the program when it comes to this—“
“Dr. Lucky will be just as lucky down in the pit. Besides, any neuro that comes through will be hers for the taking.” He didn’t look at her as he spoke in an almost whisper, speeding up so that he wouldn’t have to be subject to more of this questioning about the thing he so deeply wanted to stop thinking about.
“What do we have?” Dr. Thomas, the chief resident, was running the show down in the pit when a gunshot wound victim came hauled in on a gurney by paramedics. You’d been tending to tiny wounds and “chest pains” for the past 10 hours of your 36-hour shift, your mind far more tired than your body, but both seemed to perk up at the prospect of finally getting a surgical case.
“Um, Juan Medina, 36 years-old. History of kidney failure and diabetes. Took one GSW to the chest and one to the—to the head?” You looked over at the patient who was bloodied and in and out of consciousness, but was completely responsive and very much alive.
“Page Peña and Mann.” Dr. Thomas ordered one of the surgical interns on the same service as you, the young doctor in training running off to the nurses station. You aided the medics in lifting the patient onto the hospital bed in one of the trauma rooms while your chief resident ordered everyone around. “Lucky, push 5 of morphine.”
“Yes, ma’am.” You walked around to the IV and injected the five milligrams of morphine into the drip. While you were shuffling about and assisting with the patient’s intake, Dr. Peña walked in along with the head of Cardiology, Dr. Mann. You had yet to work on his service or interact with him much, but taking one look at him you began to wonder how many more attractive and relatively young surgeons were at this hospital.
“Dr. Thomas,” Dr. Mann walked up to your chief resident and took over for her as she packed the gun shot wound at the patients chest. “Who’s your intern?”
“Not an intern, third year. This is—“
“Dr. Lucky.” Peña half smiled as your eyes flickered to his, his quickly dropping as he held up his flashlight to the patient’s eyes. “Mr. Medina, can you follow the light for me?”
“Am I going to die?” The man groaned as he blinked, his brain fighting to stay conscious through the injuries.
“We’re going to do everything in our power to keep you alive, Medina.” You chimed in as you watched the attendings work, Dr. Mann flickering his eyes to yours.
“You’re a third year?” He asked as he raised the side railing of the hospital bed, you following suit as you stood across from him, nodding in confirmation. “You ever scrubbed in on heart surgery?”
“N-no, I’ve mostly done OB and Neuro.” He chuckled and shook his head as he began wheeling the man out of the trauma room, Peña pushing from the top of the bed as the three of you plus your team of nurses walked the patient to the elevator.
“Once you get a taste of Cardio, that’s all you’re gonna want.” He winked at you, your cheeks heating up as you looked ahead to the elevator.
“Well, as luck has it, I’m apparently not a ‘good fit’ for Neuro, so…maybe a change would be nice.” Your eyes flickered to Dr. Peña’s, his jaw clenched and eyes locked on you long before you ever turned to him. He shook his head in the slightest of ways, so slight that anyone not blatantly staring may have missed it, his eyes rolling.
“Well, Dr. Peña, looks like you just lost a fellowship candidate.” Dr. Mann shot his fellow attending a cocky smirk, Javier’s eyes pointed and jaw clenched so tight you began to wonder if his teeth were in danger.
“How about we focus on saving the patient rather than recruitment, Dr. Mann?” The tone Dr. Peña used both stirred you and scared you, your eyes quickly turning to check the patients vital signs just so that you wouldn’t get scolded as well.
Once you get a taste of Cardio, that’s all you’re gonna want…Looks like you just lost a fellowship candidate…
Javier knew his fellow attending much too well at this point to think that he was just offering his mentor services to you. But you seemed to be at least somewhat oblivious to his advances, which eased his jealousy a bit. Still, the last thing Javier needed was a fellow attending—a fellow department head—to come around and break all the rules Javier was so desperately trying to remind himself he had to keep.
The three of them stood at the sink basins in the scrub room, each of them using their soap to scrub away at their hands and arms while the OR nurses prepped and dressed the patient. Dr. Mann was the first to leave, going inside with his hands held up in the air until his team of nurses could gown and glove him.
Javier turned to you as you scrubbed away at you fingernails, his eyes wandering down your forearms to your delicate fingers, your nails painted candy apple red. He found himself imagining what your hands would look like sliding down his chest to the waistline of his scrubs, taking the time to untie them or simply ripping them off so that you could get to where he needed you most.
“Do you have a problem with me, Dr. Peña?” Your sudden words and sharp tone tore him away from his lustful daydream. His eyes widened a bit in surprise and lips parted just the slightest as he took in your anger? Sadness? No, disappointment. That’s what it was.
“You bully me like a little kid, give me a stupid nickname that now everyone uses, then you kick me off your fucking service because I’m not a good fit? I carried your fucking service the entire time I was on it while everyone else struggled to even intubate for fucks sake.” Javier noticed your self-control, your volume kept at a low and calm level but your words contradicting it. His lips parted further to speak, head slightly shaking in cluelessness as he studied your frustrated resolve.
“You think the nickname I gave you is stupid?”
As soon as the words left his mouth, he knew that he should have said literally anything else. You scoffed and shook off the excess water on your arms, ignoring his eyes as you walked behind him to step into the OR. Javier’s eyes closed in frustration as he watched you through the mirror, Dr. Mann’s eyes locked on you as well.
“Fuck this.” He grumbled and rinsed off his arms, joining the two of you in the operating room rather than watching from the sidelines.
“Peña, finally joining us.” Mann called out as Javier got gowned and gloved, his scrub nurse placing his headlamp and magnified glasses over his scrub cap before he could walk over to the patient. “I was just telling Dr. Lucky about my first time…in heart surgery, of course.”
“Lucky her. Scalpel.” He replied blandly, holding his hand out as he got to work. He hoped the adrenaline of surgery would help to drown out his colleague’s flirting, but a part of him knew that was wishful thinking.
“Dr. Lucky, it appears your magic is wearing off on our patient. The bullet missed all of his vital organs. Heart looks good, lungs look good. Just gotta find the bullet and extract it.” You looked further into the chest where Dr. Mann had his fingers buried for the last two hours, the light on his headlamp shining on a bit of metal. “There it is. Forceps.”
“I gotta say,” you watched as the doctor smiled behind his mask and held up the bloodied bullet. “Cardio is nice, but nothing beats looking at the human brain.”
“Oh? Still a nonbeliever? Perhaps I pegged you wrong, doctor.” He dropped the forceps in a metal pan along with the bullet.
“It depends on what you pegged me for.” You shrugged, trying your best not to flirt with the doctor, but he was making it a task with his tone and masked grin.
“Pegged you for someone who liked to have fun. A little fiery. Passionate, perhaps.” He winked at you as he worked on closing the patients chest. Your eyes flickered over to Peña’s for some reason, but he was locked in on his work.
It started to happen again, that attraction to his focus and skill. The cardio-thoracic surgeon in front of you was no doubt good at his job, but he was cocky and talkative—two things that always turned you off in a man. But Dr. Javier Peña was quiet, a bit brooding, perhaps, when he was in the OR. His eyes were laser focused on his work, the high stakes of his field adding onto how impressive he was.
You only wished that he wasn’t a complete asshole to you. Then maybe…
No. The lustful and far too hopeful fantasies had to end. You desperately needed to quit imagining him taking you in some on-call room out of sheer passion and ruining you for all men—the fantasy that had been your favorite as of lately.
“Alright, Dr. Lucky. Looks like we’re done here.” He sewed the last suture and set down his instruments in a metal tray, backing away from the table and tearing off his gown and gloves. You remained by the patient, eyes flickering to Dr. Peña. “Oh, are you going to stay to watch Dr. Peña finish up?”
“If that’s not a problem, sir.” He shrugged and gestured at the neurosurgeon.
“Up to the surgeon. I’m going to go up to the, uh, on call room. Get some rest.” He winked at you again before leaving to scrub out. You breathed in at the pompous proposition, turning your eyes to Peña’s.
“C-could I stay? To watch?” You stepped over to the bin to discard your gown and gloves now that the surgery part of your OR experience was over.
“You can watch from the gallery,” he ended his sentence by using your actual last name rather than his nickname for you, the sound of it making your heart constrict in a way you hadn’t expected.
“I’ll stay out of the way, I just want to be able to see the retrieval process up close—“
“From the gallery, doctor. This is my OR and I decide who stays and goes.” He snapped, lifting his eyes to yours finally, the brown having changed to an unmistakeable black that had you sick to the stomach with intimidation.
“Yes, sir.” You sighed and walked into the scrub room, scrubbing out and fighting back tears as you replayed his tone over and over in your head. It was clear the doctor had it out for you, and if there was any doubt in your mind whether his question about your relationship status was a joke or not, it was now gone.
A few hours after you’d left, Javier finally finished closing the patients skull. He noticed early on that you never went up to the gallery to watch, and he didn’t blame you. He was much too harsh when he told you to leave the OR, but after hearing your obvious flirting with his colleague, he didn’t want to be in your presence a second longer.
That feeling was long gone now.
“Hey…have you seen Lucky?” He approached Mickey as she sat in the cafeteria eating her lunch alone.
“I think she’s napping in the one of the on call rooms.” She replied in a curious tone, Peña nodding and walking away without another word.
His blood boiled and mind raced with images of walking in on you with Dr. Mann, though that surely couldn’t still be happening three hours after your departure from the OR…right?
He whipped open the first on call room with a glare, only to be met by two sleeping nurses he’d slept with before. He quickly closed it before continuing down the hall to the next, whipping it open again and finding Dr. Mann passed out and…alone.
Javier breathed a breath of relief at the sight and closed the door with a loud slam, smirking as he walked down the hall to the final on call room, this time gently cracking it open and seeing your sleeping form curled up on the stiff bunk bed mattress. His lips curled into a soft smile as he stepped inside, shutting the door and locking it behind him just for good measure. Even if the two of you were just going to have a talk, he didn’t want any interruptions.
With a soft but firm voice, he called your name, standing by the door as to not scare you with too much of his presence. He watched your eyes slowly peel open and your head lift from the pillow, groggily taking him in.
“Dr. Peña? I’m on my lunch now, so if you need anything—“
“No, I don’t need…well, I don’t need anything like that.” He chuckled and stepped closer, sitting on the foot of the bed as your eyes fully opened, your mind now aware of the intensity of his presence. Javier knew he looked like a nervous teenager as he turned to you, his lips parting at the sight of you so wide eyed with confusion. “I-I just wanted to tell you why I took you off my service. You deserve to know why, Lucky.”
“Yes, I do.” You nodded and crossed your arms over your chest. Javier wanted to grin at the sight of you attempting to look stern, but knew that wouldn’t be productive.
“I-uh, I asked the chief to take you off, not because I think you’re a bad fit—you’re a great fit, actually. And I’m going to go tell him that after I finish talking to you.”
“So what’s the reason then?” You snapped, your earlier irritation at the man fully returning.
“The reason I didn’t want you around is because…” Javier had never been this nervous to talk to a woman before, and it made him feel sick with anxiety. “Because I guess I have some sort of…attraction to you. It’s stupid, and it was a selfish abuse of power and I’m going to fix it because you don’t deserve that kind of career interference just because I blush everytime you’re around.”
You were absolutely stunned by what you were hearing. It felt like a lucid dream, Peña here in front of you confessing his crush on you? It had to be a dream.
“You’re attracted to me?” You chuckled in disbelief, watching as his face fell a bit at the sound of your amusement. “I’m not a nurse. You know that right?”
“Funny.” He rolled his eyes and stood up, pacing around the room with his hand on his jaw.
“Dr. Peña, are you—“
“Javier. Just call me Javier.” He stopped his pacing and looked down at you with lust blown pupils and a frustrated frown. You sucked in a small and almost unnoticeable gasp at the intensity of his stare, your limbs trembling with nerves as you lifted yourself out of the bunk and onto your feet in front of him. Your mind sounded the “this is a bad idea” alarm as you reached to touch his chest, the firmness not at all surprising. Javier scooped your chin up with his finger, eyes locked on your lips. With a subtle nod, he leaned down, pressing his pout to yours in a soft and testing peck. “Are you sure about this, Lucky?”
“Are you?” You asked as your hands slid up his neck and laced into his dark brown locks, forcing him down against your lips in a more heated kiss. He groaned at the action, his arms wrapping around your waist tightly before his hands started to wander. When he gripped the swell of your ass in his palms, you moaned into the kiss, earning a bite to your lips. “Javier…we can’t let anyone find out about this if we…you know. I don’t want to be looked at like one of your conquests. I’m a surgeon and—“
“You’re not a conquest, this is…you’re more than that.” He breathed against your lips and rested his forehead against yours, your head nodding against his as a silent demand for him not to elaborate any further.
You didn’t need to know what sort of feelings this man had for you because this was a one-off fling. A moment of passion and weakness. It wasn’t going to become some…relationship. It couldn’t.
Javier’s breath hitched as he watched your hands slide down his chest just like he’d been fantasizing about earlier, your red-painted fingernails catching his eye as you took your time in untying his scrub pants.
When he realized he was standing there frozen, he reached for his top, peeling it off his body and tossing it on the mattress while you shucked his pants off. He kicked his shoes to the side and stepped out of his scrubs, letting them pool on the ground as he reached for the hem of your top, peeling it off and letting it lay on the floor with his clothes.
“This is a one time thing,” you breathed out as his lips found your neck, his hands untying your pants and letting them fall to the ground before laying you down on the bunk bed.
“Sure.” He couldn’t be bothered to think about the future of your romance with you underneath him like this, your lips pressing against his collarbone and shoulder as he licked at your pulse. Your hands slid his briefs down just enough to release him, pumping him in your hand as you used your other to slide your underwear to the side, running the bulbous head of his cock up and down your wetness. Javier shivered at the rushed need the two of you shared, desperate to just get right to it due to the time constraint. “Do you have a condom?”
“No,” you spoke breathlessly, looking at him with a look of concern before you started to chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” He chuckled along with you.
“We’re doctors. In a hospital. And I’m considering letting you fuck me raw just because I want you that badly right now.” You chuckled again but this time he didn’t reciprocate, his pupils blowing out with lust again as he listened to your words.
“When’s the last time you got tested?” He asked in a whisper, eyes searching yours.
“When I moved here. There hasn’t been anyone…w-what about you?” His cock twitched as you bit your lip, his mind struggling to string together a coherent response.
“Get tested every month. Clean.” He watched as your lips curled up in a mischievous grin, a moan falling from his lips as you lined his tip up with your entrance, guiding him inside. “Fuck. You feel so fucking…so good.”
His eyes never left your face, watching as your eyelids fluttered closed and brows laced together, a soft moan spilling from your kiss-bitten lips once he became fully seated inside of you. Though he was typically proud of his endurance, he knew this wouldn’t be one of the more impressive times. You felt too good.
“You ready?” He asked you, as he began to draw his thick length out, your eyes opening and head quickly nodding in response. Javier felt his entire body cover with chills as he withdrew himself completely before pressing back into you, steady deep and slow strokes following the initial thrust. With each stroke you grew wetter and more open for him, swallowing him as he punched up towards your spongey ceiling.
“Fuck, Javier,” you panted out below him in a whisper, swallowing the moans he could tell you actually wanted to scream. “Now I know why all the nurses are okay with sharing you. You feel so good.”
“Bebita, need you to touch yourself. Help me make you cum,” he purred in your ear as his head dropped into the nook of your neck. He hummed as you used one hand to snake between your bodies, feeling you circling your swelling clit, the other cradling his head and scratching his scalp. His hands held the back of your thighs, pressing them wide and towards your chest as he languidly slid in and out of you.
Your body felt like it was on a different plane of reality as his cock slid so fucking slowly in and out of your heat, rubbing against every single good nerve inside of your canal like it was put on earth just to please. Your hand tugged on his hair to pull his head back, your eyes locking as you felt your high begin to crescendo.
“You there, bebita? I can feel it. So fucking wet. Squeezing me…I can’t take it.” His brows laced together and you came undone from the sound of the strangled moan that fell from his lips after his words. You struggled to keep your eyes open to watch him as your orgasm hit you hard, your entire body floating through the seas of euphoria like it never had before.
A whine slipped from your lips as you felt him slide out of you and rest the weight of his cock on your belly, hot ropes of his cum coating your skin. You lifted your head off the pillow to watch the sight, your walls clenching in an aftershock of desire as you took in the wet head of his almost purple cock.
“Fuck, bebita. I don’t know if I can take this being a one time thing. Now that I know how good you feel, I’m only gonna want you.”
“Easy to say as an attending,” you joked as you pushed him off you lightly, sitting up and walking over to the en-suite bathroom. You could hear him talking about how he would’ve gotten up and done that for you if you’d given him a second, but you really weren’t paying that much attention. You were already too busy thinking about how absolutely fucked you were now.
The foundation of your ability to not fall for his charm was that you imagined him as being unlovable, no good, and probably shit in bed. Now, at least two of those things were proven wrong.
When Javier stepped behind you in the bathroom, he caught your eyes through the mirror, both of your bodies mostly bare but neither set of eyes drifting lower. With a sinking feeling in his stomach at your sudden distanced demeanor, he began to speak.
“If you regret it, that’s fine. We won’t talk about it. But if you don’t—“
“Let’s just not talk about it.” Your interruption took him by surprise.
Never in all of his womanizing days had he experienced this. You were completely unphased by his skill in bed. He struggled to understand how you could be so casual about what just happened when it was almost life changing for him. You’d just shown him what it was like to fuck someone he had feelings for, and now there was no going back for him. He could never mindlessly hookup with a nurse now that he knew what it was like to make love with you.
“You really want this to be just a one time thing?” He asked, not caring about the hurt in his tone. Though you hesitated for a moment, you soon nodded, your eyes dropping their contact through the mirror as you turned to walk past him out of the bathroom. He ticked his jaw to the side as he followed you, getting dressed alongside you in tense silence. “Can I ask why?”
“Why? Because I’m a resident, Dr. Peña. I still have something to prove, and if Thomas or the Chief get a whiff of something happening between us, I get kicked out of the program. My career would be over before it even started.” He felt his chest pang with sympathy for your situation, also feeling guilty for putting you in the position to deal with this in the first place. “That was great, it really was, but…nothing’s worth risking my career for. I’m sorry if that makes you hate me and you take me off your service—“
“What? No,” he shook his head and stepped closer to you, reaching to grab your shoulders. He quickly removed them when he saw your eyes turn to check out the contact. “I’m not going to punish you because you’re choosing your career. It makes me more proud to have a surgeon like you on my team, actually. You don’t have to worry about that.”
“You know, you’re a lot harder to hate once a person gets to know you.” You gave him a half-smile, making the corner of his mouth turn up as well. “I promise this will stay between us.”
“Me too.” He looked down at his pager as it began to beep, cursing as he read it. “911 to the GSW patient. Come on, Lucky. Looks like we’ve got more work to do.”
“You’re keeping me on his case?” You watched as he poked his head into the hallway, checking for it to be clear before he gestured for you to follow him out.
“Thought you wanted to be back on neuro?” He shot you a smile and a wink over his shoulder as the two of you jogged through the halls to the ICU, a blush sweeping over your cheeks at the sight.
Perhaps he was Dr. Daddy after all.
taglist: @infesstisssumam @outlawedmando @suttonspuds @joelmillerscoffee @ajeff855 @wildemaven @axshadows @sherala007 @browneyes-issac @tooflef @mariasabana @tae27 @kimm4710 @stxrrylunatic @sara-alonso @paulalikestuff @jbh-castaway @oceandolores @mandomover @chxpsi @auberosier @mashomasho @vanemando15 @wickedmunson @marvel-sw-lover @jediknight122 @harriedandharassed @star-wars-fan-2005 @alwaysdjarin @jalobro @trickstersp8 @mccn-bcys @manuymesut @trinkets01 @tanzthompson @jlmaddinson (sorry if your tag isn’t working!)
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mctwcsty · 3 years
What Do I Do?
@sxtanshepherd​​ paged Meredith Grey
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Hi, is he in the lab?
I know this is Derek Shepherd’s phone, who is this? Who is this? Who is this.
     SIX MONTHS. Six months had passed already since Derek had left for D.C. to run the brain mapping project for the President. Six months of running their life and home alone in Seattle. Of taking the kids to school every other morning, picking them up every other night, the rest of them thankfully handled by Lynn, the nanny Meredith had found to help her out with them. Because her husband was off to Washington to take his career to the next level while she had stayed put in Seattle with their kids, which was her choice and she had taken responsibility for it. She still ran her department, alongside Bailey, and she was still working on her research. She was doing it all. She was exhausted, running on little sleep and a lot of caffeine, but she was doing it.
     She was doing it all until a small detail added in, a change of scenery she had not seen coming. A unplanned turn of events that made doing it all by herself a little less possible: she was pregnant. And the best part was, she had just found out. Right in the middle of a surgery, a feeling that had taken her breath away, a pressure in her lower back and a movement. Thing was, she recognized it because she had felt it before. What she did not understand was how was it possible. And then she had the resident close and rushed out, straight to OB, all the while calculating when her last period was, the days and the weeks adding up leaving her running her way up to OB and throwing herself in the nearest room with a monitor, self-examining herself until the OB came in and shut the door, offering to help. 24 weeks. She had not been showing, she still was not. Her stomach was flat, the way the baby was located left her bumpless, even though she had been pregnant before. Those cases happened, it was not out of the ordinary, and the baby was healthy. She was 24 weeks pregnant and practically a single-mother of two, soon three children, her husband was across the states and they barely managed to talk here and there because of their irregular schedules and they were going to have another baby.
     She had sat by the phone that night, after putting the kids down to bed, staring at her phone screen, unable to pick it up. She could feel it now, she could feel the baby moving inside of her. It was moving, it had a heartbeat, it had arms and legs and fingers and toes, ears, eyes, a mouth and a nose, hell it even had hair at that point and she was freaking out. And Derek was not there. She was all alone. She knew she had to pick up that phone and call him, but she could not bring herself to do it. She did not want to tell him they were going to have another baby over the phone? And yet she had to. She forced herself and picked up that phone, tapped on his contact and rang his cell. She leaned back in the couch and waited, hearing the ringtone incessantly ringing, her stomach in knots, just hoping he would pick up. They rarely caught each other, he often called while she was in surgery and she often called when he was in the lab and away from his phone. But the ringing stopped, he picked up. Or at least someone did.
“Hello?”   “Hi, is he in the lab?”   “What?”   “I know this is Derek Shepherd’s phone, who is this?” “Who is this? Who is this.” “Hello.”
Well if you keep answering his phone, at least you could have the decency  to tell me who the hell you are. Where the hell is my husband?
     EIGHT MONTHS. 34 weeks, to be more precise. At least from her calculations since their last sexual encounter, which was about their last actual general encounter - the day before he had left for D.C. - he had never returned to Seattle since, and the measurements of the foetus from her last ultrasound, she measured at about 34 weeks. Exactly ten weeks since that phone call. Not a day went by that she did not think or analyze that phone call, especially because the rare times Derek and her managed to reach other on the phone, he never said anything about it, about any woman answering his phone. She had not told anyone about it, not even Alex. Because saying it out loud made it real, and the truth was, she could not bare for it to be. The idea that she had become the woman who wonders if that woman on the phone was the woman who had been screwing her husband, she could not be that woman. She could not have gone from the woman screwing the married guy, to the woman whose husband is screwing another woman. Not after everything, not after spending literally the past eight months handling everything alone and keeping the boat afloat, and growing that husband’s child in her belly.
     She was sitting in the attending’s lounge, the empty lounge with the big couch where she had come to rest her feet as they were killing her. It had been about four weeks now since she had started showing, and she had been telling everyone that Derek knew, but the truth was, he had no idea. He did not know she was pregnant yet. Over two months and she had not told him. Because the rare times where they had managed to actually get a hold of each other on the phone, she had let the kids speak to him because they missed him terribly, and then he was either rushing back to the lab or was off to some meeting with the President. He did not even know she was pregnant, because he was halfway across their world, busy making his career count while she was back home, keeping it all together, alone. And he was not even seeing it. 
     But Zola had almost spilled it once over a call, thankfully she had caught it in time and spared an awkward way for Derek to find out, and selfishly she did not want him to know until she felt it was the right moment to have the conversation... the whole conversation. She knew she had to tell him. And so she had decided to do it. After all, she was only a few weeks away from her due date. It sure had flew by way quicker than any pregnancy usually would, especially with everything she had going on, but also because she had only just found out and half the pregnancy was done, it would certainly be a shock for him, but she knew he loved their kids and she was convinced he would be excited, deep down. It would be a shock, but he would be excited. At least she convinced herself of that as she picked up the phone and called him on his cell, then brought the phone to her ear, repeating herself those words again and again and again as the tone rang a while. She was sure she would fall on his voicemail and was about to hang up, but the line picked up. 
     That voice again. It literally sent chills up her spine because she knew. That was not some secretary, or some random woman finding a lost phone and picking it up. This was not a coincidence or an accident. It had been two months, and she still answered his phone. And all Meredith could think about was the fact that she never answered her husband’s phone, at least not until they were actually married and it had happened on rare occasions. She felt the blood in her veins turning to ice and like something was wrapping tightly around her body, suffocating her. She managed to swallow through her tightened throat and speak up. “Well if you keep answering his phone, at least you could have the decency to tell me who the hell you are.” She snapped, pausing a moment before adding, “Where the hell is my husband?”
     The woman hung up. Again. Meredith’s hand fell on the couch and she stared straight ahead, her heart dropping in her chest. It felt like her whole world had just collapsed around her. Shattering, into billions of pieces. Ten weeks of tossing so many questions around her mind, but every time shutting them out because no, Derek would not do that. The he loves me and he loves our family and we’ve been through too much for this to happen - she had told herself it all. But the woman answered his phone again, and hung up, again. 
     The next day, she had called Alex and within ten minutes he ended up at her front door. She told him Derek did not know about the pregnancy, told him about that previous phone call, and then the one from the previous night. Convinced him not to hunt Derek down for her in a trip to D.C. or to give him hell in any type of way. She tried to ring Derek’s phone again throughout the day, every time winding up on his voicemail, until she stopped calling. Maggie and Callie both tried to convince her that he could not be cheating, while at the same time understanding the way she felt. Callie offered to go find him in D.C. but Meredith turned the offer down. She did not want any of them to contact him. She had made the decision to stop contacting him, that he would have to contact her, and she made all of them swear to not try to call him, to respect her request and to above all not tell him about the pregnancy. 
     And within the next 24 hours, what Meredith thought were simply Braxton Hicks turned out to be pre-term labor. Thankfully she had been in the hospital when it started and Alex had forced her to get checked out, and her water had broke on the OB table. Everything else from that point forward went extremely fast, she was dilated at three and within two hours was fully dilated and ready to push, so grateful that she would not need C-section because that had been hell the first time, and the last thing she needed on top of everything was a post-partum C-section recovery. The baby was born within the next ten minutes, a little girl, and Meredith ordered Alex to go with her to the NICU and to not leave her side, as well as ordered everybody not to call Derek, or she would kill them. Literally. 
     The baby stayed a week in the NICU, but was thankfully perfectly healthy and Alex had kept her in a few extra days just to be sure, also hoping that Meredith might change her mind in the mean time and give Derek a call. But she was strong-headed and when she made a decision, she made it firmly. The worst part was, Derek had not even called once since that day. Not once. Meredith was done. She was done trying to keep their family together, done doing everything to make him still be the good guy when he did not have the decency to at least show her enough respect to call her back. She was done. She was exhausted, heartbroken, she felt like dying literally, but she was done. She would not be her mother, this would not destroy her.
     And so when she made it home, Alex having insisted on taking her home himself, Amelia and Maggie waiting for her with Zola and Bailey and a Welcome Home! banner that the kids had made, just stepping into the house had paralyzed her. It was a house, but it was no longer home. She did not feel home anymore in that house. She was suffocating. Being around the house that Derek had built them for their family, it was suffocating. 
     Ever since coming home, actually ever since that first phone call, there was only one person she could not get out of her mind. And for those ten weeks she had desperately tried to toss away, as all the questions and interrogations spinning around in her mind. But that night, after that phone call, she could not get her out of her head. And standing in that house, it was all she could think about. And so while Amelia was off to the bathroom, Maggie putting Zola and Bailey down for the night, Alex had ran out to get them dinner, Meredith stole Amelia’s phone that she had left on the low table in the living room and entered her password that she secretly knew, and she searched for a specific contact, and a specific address. 
     Came night time, Meredith had ordered everyone to leave her be for the night, said she needed her space and to figure things out alone. Alex had promised to be at her door at 7 sharp for breakfast and to take the kids to school and daycare, Maggie promising to come by to help out with the baby and Amelia offering to help if Meredith needed it. The minute they were all gone and she found herself alone at the house, she went to her room while the baby napped in the bassinet, pulled out a bag and filled it with some of her clothes, then she quietly went into Zola’s room and grabbed some of her clothes, then some of Bailey’s, grabbed diapers and bottles from the kitchen counter. Thankfully the diaper bag was freshly packed so she had everything she needed for the baby in there. She packed all their stuff within twenty minutes, and as she found herself standing in the middle of the living room, seeing all the packed up bags, she felt like she could breathe a little better. She nodded to herself and pulled what was left of energy in her, called a cab and then went to wake the kids. She left them in their PJs and just threw a coat over them, put their shoes on, got the baby in the carseat and got them all outside. She stopped at the door and turned around to take one last look at the house, feeling completely numb as she shut all the lights, then turned back around and headed out of the house, closing the door behind her and locking it. She then slid the key out of her keyset and left it under the mat on the front porch, and turned around just in time for the cab to pull in the drive way.
     Meredith got to the airport and bought three tickets for herself and the two oldest kids, and within the next hour they were off on a plane to Los Angeles. Sitting in that plane alone with her two oldest kids and a newborn in her arms was not quite what Meredith had expected her life to turn into, but it was. “Are you traveling alone with all of them?” Some old woman had asked on the plane, to which Meredith had forced a smile and nodded in response. Planes. She hated planes. She would panic the whole flight through. But with a newborn and two kids, there was no way she would sit them in a car for a 18+ hour drive, or a 35+ hour train ride even less so. And she just had to go, she had to do it. She summoned whatever force might be up there to make sure they all got to destination safely and finally breathed again when they landed in LA. She was lucky she had good kids, they had done amazing the whole flight through, had slept it right through, even the baby who had only fed once shortly before landing, which meant she would be good for a while and it was perfect timing. They all got off the plane and Meredith got the help of a man that worked at the airport, helping her getting her things together and even escorted her to a cab. She gave him a good tip and insisted when he refused, thanking him before hopping in the cab and giving them the address. 
     As they pulled in front of the address she had taken from Amelia’s phone, Meredith felt her heart beating so fast in her chest. She paid the cab driver and got all the kids out of the cab, then picked up their stuff. The man was kind enough to help bring the bags up the stairs to the door for her, and she offered him an extra tip that he refused, then watched as he drove away before turning to face the door. Bailey half-asleep in her arms, Zola tiredly leaning against her, her arms wrapped around her legs, the carseat at her feet, next to their bags. Swallowing thickly, Meredith leaned forward and knocked on the door. It was the middle of the night, half past 1AM, surely she would wake her up, but she had nowhere else to go. And so she stood there and waited until the door opened, feeling her heart dropping in her chest with relief when it did and her eyes locked with Addison.
     “He did it again,” she breathed out exhaustedly, her shoulders sinking, the last bit of strength she had going into holding Bailey in her arms and keeping him from falling - or was it him that kept her from falling. “I’m you,” she shrugged. “He’s found another me.” She gulped thickly. “We weren’t supposed to run or walk out on each other, we were supposed to love each other even when we hated each other and to take care of each other when we were old and senile, it was supposed to be forever. It was the post-it. We were supposed to be it but we’re not, I’m not.” She shrugged helplessly. “We were supposed to do this together and he left me to do it all alone, and I don’t know what to do. But you know what to do, so I need you to tell me.” She paused, staring at Addison as she breathed out so desperately, “What do I do?”
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iamwhoami · 4 years
Are You With Me (Grey’s Anatomy)
Grey’s Anatomy
   When Y/N unexpectedly find out that she’s expecting, she suddenly finds herself having to figure out how to tell Jackson.
Warnings: Pregnancy???
Requested = Yes
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“No...no, please no,” You whispered quietly as you stared at the stick in your hand.
   You were starting to lose hope that the first one you took was a false positive.
   It had all started a few weeks ago actually when you missed your period. That didn’t really alarm you since you were never regular and plus with all the stress that was on you right now, you figured that those were just the reasons. 
   Then, you started getting sick. Feeling nauseous, throwing up...all that fun stuff. 
But only in the morning. 
   Even then, you kept brushing it off, telling yourself that you had probably caught a stomach bug from a patient.
   It was the one and only Arizona Robbins that forced you to grab a pregnancy test (or two) from the pharmacy.
   So now here you were, locked in the bathroom in your apartment with three positive pregnancy tests. 
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
   You and Jackson hadn’t even started talking about kids and now you had to tell him you weren’t just thinking about having kids in the future, you were having one now.
This couldn’t be happening.
   You were deep in your swirling thoughts when your phone suddenly went off and you looked over to see a text message from Jackson.
Hey, do you wanna come over? I’ve made dinner for two...
   Did you? Not really. But at some point you’d have to tell him right? You quickly texted him back saying that you were leaving now
   Sighing, you decided to shove one of the pregnancy tests into your purse along with your phone before grabbing your coat and heading over to Jackson’s.
“Hey!” Jackson’s smiling face greeted you as he opened the door. “Come in!”
   You walked in and shook off your coat before hanging it up. Usually, it felt more casual but today you couldn’t help but feel out of place.
“I made fettuccine alfredo,” Jackson said, not noticing your tense body language, “Do you want some?”
   You swallowed, “Yeah, sure. That sounds good.”
   You took a seat on one of the bar stools at the island and Jackson soon placed a plate filled with a generous amount of pasta on it. He then helped himself to a plate and took a seat on one of the stools next to you.
   Normally, you would have finished the pasta in seconds, but your stomach was too nervous to have any sort of appetite so the best you could do was a few bites before you ended up playing with the food on your plate.
“Is everything okay?” Jackson asked, now noticing your strange behaviour. 
   This might have been a good time to tell him but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
“Yeah, just a long day you know,” You replied, not completely lying. 
   It had been a long day but that wasn’t why you were acting different. 
   Jackson nodded, “It was a long day, do you want something to drink? Wine?”
“No,” You quickly declined, earning a strange look from Jackson. 
You had to think quickly to prevent any suspicions. 
“I think maybe I caught a bug or something from someone,” You explained, “I don’t think wine’ll make me feel any better.”
   Jackson nodded and for now, it looked like you were able to steer clear of the topic. 
   The rest of the dinner, you and Jackson talked about all the patients the two of you treated earlier in the day. By time he had finished, you had still barely touched your plate. 
   You knew he was concerned about that but he didn’t ask about it, much to your relief. 
   Before he could invite you to stay over, to quickly came up with a lame excuse about forgetting to your laundry in one of the machines in the apartment laundry room and thanked him for dinner.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then,” You told him.
   Jackson nodded, “Yeah, see you.”
   Okay, you were going to admit it. You were avoiding Jackson and there was no way around that.
   He had texted you last night once you got home and when you didn’t reply, he had called you multiple times though every time you just let the phone ring until it stopped by itself.
   When you had gotten to the hospital the next morning for your shift, you spotted Jackson talking to a nurse at the front desk and made a quick beeline for the hall that lead in the opposite direction. 
   While Jackson had specialized in Plastics, you specialized in Peds after realizing that there was just something special about working with kids. 
“Hey! Look who made it!” Arizona greeted you as she watched you start to go through the charts of the patients you had to see today.
   You sighed, “Yeah, I made it all right.”
“So what did the test say?” Arizona pried. 
   You knew what she was talking about but you played dumb anyway.
“What test?”
“You know what I mean,” Arizona said and you swallowed hard, trying to keep your eyes that were now slowly filling with tears on the charts.
   Arizona noticed your tears and quickly placed a hand on your shoulder. You didn’t need to say anything for her to know your answer to her previous question. 
“Have you told Jackson yet?” She asked you softly.
   You shook your head, “I was going to last night, he invited me over to dinner, but I chickened out.”
“You should tell him,” Arizona told you, “The sooner he knows, the better.”
“I know, I know,” You said, “And it’s not like I don’t want to tell him because I do. I want him to know.”
   Arizona nodded understandingly, “But you’re scared.”
   You scoffed, “More like terrified. I’m pretty much dropping a bombshell on him.”
“Well, my advice would be to just tell him,” Arizona said, “Get it over with.”
Both of you knew though that it was much easier said than done. 
“Yeah...okay,” You took a deep breath, “After shift, I’ll tell him, but right now, I have to check on Tracy Jenkins. It looks like she took a turn for the worst overnight.”
“Okay, yes, good luck!” Arizona told you before you hurried off.
   After a very long, exhausting, and horrible shift, you collapsed on one of the beds in the on call room. 
Today had been an awful day.
   Tracy Jenkins ended up coding and you weren’t able to restart her heart. She was eight years old. 
It wasn’t just Tracy though.
   Little Billy, born premature five days ago, had caught an infection and was now in critical condition. 
   Sixteen year old Molly Thompson was walking home from school when she was hit by a car. The driver was drunk. 
   She was still alive, but she was currently facing the possibility of paralysis while everyone waited for her to wake up from surgery.  
   You heard the door open before Jackson’s face suddenly loomed over you. 
“Long day huh,” He commented as he took a seat next to you.
“More like a rough day,” You groaned.
“Yeah...same,” Jackson sighed and you sat up.
   You were exhausted and felt like crap but you had said you were going to tell Jackson the news after shift and you didn’t plan on chickening out this time so...
“We need to talk,” Jackson said before you could say anything though.
   You nodded, “You’re right. We do.”
“I don’t know what I did,” Jackson kept going, “I keep racking my brain for anything I could have done but I can’t think of anything-”
“Jackson, stop,” You cut him off, “You didn’t do anything.”
“Then what’s wrong? And don’t tell me nothing’s wrong Y/N because you know I know something’s wrong,” Jackson raised his eyebrows. 
   You took a deep breath, “Jackson, I’m pregnant.”
“You’re...” Jackson’s voice faltered.
   You nodded, “I’m pregnant.”
“Okay...well...” Jackson seemed to be at a lost of words, “Maybe it was a false positive?”
“Maybe,” You bit your lip, “But I took three and they were all positive so unless I got three false positives...”
“Which is very unlikely,” Jackson said.
   You swallowed, “Yes. Which is very unlikely, but, I haven’t actually gotten any blood drawn or anything.”
More silence.
“Jackson, I need you to say something,” You finally told him, “I need you to say how you feel about this.”
“I mean,” Jackson put his hand on his head, “You just told me you were pregnant, I’m still comprehending things.”
   You sighed, “I’ll put it differently then. Are you with me or not?”
“Of course I’m with you,” Jackson quickly took his hand off his head and placed it on your hand instead, “I’m not leaving you, not now, not when you need me the most.”
   At those words, you burst into tears, not able to keep your composure any longer. 
“Hey...hey,” Jackson said softly as he scooted closer towards you, “It’s okay. We’ll figure things out.”
“I was going to tell you last night,” You spoke between your sobs, “But I got cold feet. I’m sorry.”
   Jackson wrapped an arm around your shoulder, “It’s okay. I’m just glad you told me.”
“I was scared,” You admitted, “I’m still scared.”
“You know what? So am I,” Jackson whispered, “But we’re gonna take this one day at a time. Together.”
You nodded and buried your face into his chest. 
“Does anybody else know?” Jackson asked you as he started stroking your hair. 
   You nodded again, “Only Arizona. She was the one who told me I should take a pregnancy test.”
“I think we should talk to her again,” Jackson said, “Get some blood drawn to see if those tests were right and then if they were, get an ultrasound done. You know, to check on our little bean.”
   You smiled, “Our little bean?”
“Well, little bean probably does exist so they need some sort of name,” Jackson explained, blushing a little. 
“Okay well...we’ll do what you just said in a little bit,” You agreed, “But I just need a moment with you.”
   Jackson opened his mouth to say something but before he got the chance, your pager went off and you quickly picked it up.
“Molly Thompson’s waking up,” You said and started getting up, “I need to be there.”
“Yeah of course,” Jackson replied, “I’ll meet you on the OB floor then when you’re done.”
   You nodded, “Sounds good.”
   You left the on call room feeling as if all the weight had just been lifted off your shoulders and you could now breathe again.
Everything was going to be okay.
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Hiking Buddy // Charlie Gillespie
Summary: Once upon a time you could joke that quaratine bordom was the cause of the mass amount of 2020 pregnancies. Well you could until you found yourself in the same boat...or shall we say crib?? Go on the journey as Y/N reveals the pregnancy to Charlie and later their friends.
Warnings: Swearing, talk of vomiting, pregnancy, and fluff.
Words: 2.5k
Requested: Yes. Anon
A/N: Someone asked for dad!Charlie and I couldn’t resist.
Please ask to be tagged in my inbox because I can’t promise you will be through commenting on the posts!
I take requests as well!
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Pulled from deep in your chest was a groan at the dizziness rushing from the bedroom into the bathroom. The tile floor cool to the touch as your body was flush on the bathroom floor recovering from the bout of sickness. The fortunate thing about the pandemic was that you had no obligations taking you out of the home. Sitting up, you sat back against the white porcelain tub grimacing at the bitter aftertaste of your date with the toilet.
Slowly you found your grounding enough to shakily stand on two feet to brush your teeth to get rid of the nasty aftertaste. Your eyes found the pale expression of your reflection fading as nausea faded as well.
“This is tainting naps for me.” You muttered under your breath, washing your hands before proceeding to splash your face.
Your social media had been flooded with many people in your personal life and celebrities announcing pregnancies. You and Charlie often made teasing remarks about if people were so bored. Guess you couldn’t joke about it anymore.
Your hand splayed across the bare skin under the band shirt hanging loose on your form with a small smile. It had been a hectic year getting married to Charlie while filming the first season of Julie and the Phantoms. The plan had been to wait a few years to enjoy your careers and marriage before children. Get more established in the film industry as a woman was necessary, but you couldn’t get mad. This child would be a gift.
“I’d appreciate if I don’t have gross cravings okay? I have to put up with your dad’s questionable food combinations. I may throw up looking at it.” You muttered smiling at the smooth skin you couldn’t wait to grow into a bump.
At the beginning of the pandemic, you, along with Charlie, had flown back to Canada. Living outside of city limits, Charlie was able to still hike and meet up with family in a safe condition. You grew more as a couple as well.
Turning the light off in the bathroom, you made your way to slip your faux fur lined grey and burgundy moccasins—the mid-afternoon sun shining through the windows of the bedroom giving a picturesque view of the forest. Charlie was more than likely in the home gym you had thrown together once arriving at the home.
“I have an idea a little one.” You spoke to the little life you carried inside your womb. After the positive pregnancy and your confirmation with the OB/GYN, you had ordered a few items.
First, it was baby-sized pair of hiking boots to go with a forest green, that matched Charlie’s eyes, onesie with black lettering. The lettering saying ‘And so the Adventure Begins’. The background had with trees and mountains. As nature enthusiasts, you thought it would be perfect.
The box had arrived early this morning when Charlie had been in the shower giving you time to hide it. Now you just had to mention you wanted to go hiking with him.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Charlie spoke, kissing your forehead as he walked into the home. His first instinct to grab a snack after his workout, “How was your nap?”
“Energized me. Hey, are you too tired to go on a short hike?” You questioned filling a glass with water to hand to him. His smile was thanks enough as he tugged you to sit in his lap.
“We haven’t gone on one in quite a while. What brought it on?” Charlie asked, wrapping his arms around to finish his protein bar. His chin coming to rest of your shoulder familiarly; you relaxed into his chest.
“It’s a nice day. We’ve been cooped up in the house for a while. Just wanna get out.” You replied heart doing a flutter when his arms wrapped around your midsection.
“Let me get a few things,” Charlie spoke gently, pushing you up to the job to the spare bedroom. The closet kept the supplies you used for hikes, like the first aid kit that he started bringing after you cut your knee once.
As he collected the items, you quickly changed into clothing acceptable for the hike and shoving the things into the backpack. Slipping it on, you met your husband at the front door lacing up your boots. Charlie lifted the house keys in his hands before he tugged you outside, excited for the escape. His hand never leaving yours, you found the well-used trail you had explored countless times.
“Are you feeling better?” Charlie asked, swinging your hands together, refusing to release his grip. His eyes glancing over to catch your expression.
“I think I was overtired.” You replied, keeping your eyes on the trail looking for the rock you wanted to use.
Charlie’s phone was pulled out to make a short video.
“Get yourself a partner that suggests a hike before you.” Charlie slowed to press a kiss to your flushed cheek, “No but seriously. I’m incredibly lucky to have someone like my wife here.”
“Oh, shush.” You snickered as he intentionally pulled you to a stop to press kisses all over your face. His grin and his love would melt the hearts of his followers. Charlie returned the phone to his pocket as he hummed the melody to Unsaid Emily.
“Be right back.” Charlie spoke, squeezing your hand as he jogged to the forest, “I drank too much coffee this morning!”
You couldn’t help the laugh at his blunt words and his typical caffeine intake, but it gave you the perfect opportunity. Using the limited time, you were quick to place the onesie on the rock with the baby hiking boots near the shoulder. You had forgone on asking for a sonogram picture so you could share that moment with Charlie.
“I always forget to pee before we leave the house. Good thing we live near nature.” Charlie spoke jogging closer to where you were hiding the items behind you.
“Do you think green or mine?” You asked, bringing an expression of confusion on your husband’s face. He stepped closer halting when you stepped to the side, “I think yours. I love your eyes.”
Charlie was frozen entirely at the surprise you had planted in his short absence. He didn’t even notice he had moved until the soft cotton of the onesie brushed his fingertips. With his attention solely on the boots, he hadn’t seen you had a stepped up a camera to catch his reaction.
“Are those…?”
“They won’t need the boots in our arms, but I thought we could match.” You continued shifting with the camera to catch his wonder-filled gaze. His expression melted your heart as he gently caressed the side of the boot from his crouched position.
“-getting a new hiking buddy.” You finished beaming as Charlie lunged you swing you in his arms, “Okay Char. I’d prefer not throwing up again.”
Charlie stumbled back glancing around the area, “I love how you surprised me, but what if you had fallen? I can’t have my loves hurt.”
 “Charlie. We’re on an easy trail, not Everest. I’m fine.” You deadpanned watching his cheeks flush at your response, “But I would like to get home. I’m so hungry.”
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September 2020
Emma Roberts, Sasha Pieterse, Bindi Irwin, High School Music alumni Ashley Tisdale, and Hilary Duff were only a handful of celebrities welcoming babies. If hiding your marriage with Charlie was hard during filming, hiding the pregnancy was harder with your friends. Especially hitting seven months with a big bump concealed with camera angles.
You wanted to keep the news under wraps, so the media focused on the show, not your pregnancy at an early age. Of course, your friends were suspicious of Charlie’s posts and stories, not showing their favourite Gillespie. Carolynn knew just by the fullness of your face barely noticeable to the others.
“Oof.” You breathed wincing at the sharp kick to your ribs from Sprout. Charlie’s concerned gaze glancing over from his interview.
Swiftly rubbing the area, the kick happened your fingers returned to flip the page of the pregnancy book. You had grown used to the concern Charlie carried, he always had his phone fully charged on his hikes. Hikes you hadn’t taken since you surprised him with the little boots; it had been a disagreement, but you got where he was coming from.
“I’m fine, Charles.” You spoke, forcing him to turn his attention back to the closing interview. Once he turned the camera off, he rushed over to crouch in front of the couch, placing his hands on your stretched belly.
“Thought we had a deal Sprout.” He cooed caressing the band shirt covering your stretched skin, “Don’t hurt your mama.”
Your face twisted as the baby shifted, while you were enthralled by the fact you were carrying a child it felt like an alien. It was weird feeling something move inside and kick your damn inside like a fucking soccer ball.
“I can’t wait for the baby to be out.” You groaned, hiding the smile as Charlie’s lips pressed against your belly. You couldn’t wait to see him interact with his child.
“I say we name him Luke.” Charlie teased shifting you ahead so he could slide behind you in the usual position. His fingers immediately massaging your stiff shoulders and neck.
“I like Alex better. He’s the best Phantom.” You retorted reaching up to hold his hands, “Sensitive and his sarcasm? Immaculate.”
“We can table the options at a later time.” Charlie quickly replied chuckling as you moved position once more to rest against his chest. His fingers finding their way into your silky hair, pregnancy hormones had sped up hair growth.
“Hey-“ Your words fractured as your phone buzzed with a FaceTime request from Jeremy. Charlie quickly answered with a snicker as your response was cut off.
Jeremy’s eyes narrowed at the sight of you two on your couch, “My wife and I had drinks with our family. Carolynn slipped and told me something interesting.”
You and your husband froze as Carolynn sheepishly joined her husband in their white bedroom with a quick apology. Guess the cat was out of the bag.
“You guys are having a kid?” Jeremy asked, taking in the two actors he had quickly become good friends with during filming. His mind recalling a moment at his wedding when you guys had disappeared for a good twenty minutes.
March 2020
The Shada wedding had been gorgeous and like a dream to see someone you saw as a brother find his other half. Your hand was kept tight in your husband’s sitting among Owen, Tori and Kenny himself. Owen had snuck himself and Tori wine while Kenny turned his eye to the underage drinking.
“Wanna take a walk?” Charlie murmured in your ear as Jeremy and Carolynn made their way around their guests. His hot breath sending a chill down your spine as his left hand came to rest on your thigh.
The romantic atmosphere with the wine you had had during dinner lowered your inhibitions that you and Charlie snuck to the less used bathroom. You two quickly gave evidence that wedding hookups were very real. You managed to sneak back into the reception where dancing was taking place; a perfect story to why you and Charlie were a little dishevelled.
“Hey!” Owen called seeing you two join him on the floor. The wine had blinded his view of the very obvious couple, Owen knew from catching you two what a quickie appearance looked like.
“I think you’ve had enough to drink Bud.” Charlie spoke to the teenager as Jeremy made his way over to his friends, “Congrats Jer!”
“Thanks, man! When will we get the Gillespie wedding we didn’t get?” Jeremy called over the music beaming when his new wife plastered herself to Jeremy.
“Maybe in the next year.” You retorted twirling in Charlie’s arms thanks to the dance lessons of boot camp.
“Oh my god. Little Gillespie was conceived at our wedding.” Jeremy spoke, leaning back to his wife, “You’d be due in November, right?”
Your cheeks burned as Jeremy and Carolynn put the pieces together swiftly, “Well can we keep this a secret until October? I don’t want to take attention away from the show.”
“You should tell the others.” Jeremy suggested squeezing his wife’s hand, “They might think Charlie kidnapped a baby otherwise.”
Agreeing to announce to your friends Charlie had set up a video hangout with Owen, Mads, Savannah, Jeremy and even Kenny. It was in the later evening with the hiking boots out of shot and your shirt and belly below the camera view.
“Hey, guys!” Charlie greeted his friends as everyone entered the video, “Insane how many fan edits there are!”
“So cool!” Mads beamed addressing Kenny, “Thanks for giving me the chance to be involved in the coolest project.”
“You did all the work.” Kenny waved it off, taking in the cast of one of his favourite projects to date. You all meshed together so perfectly even if your character was only recurring like Sav.
“Hey, Kenny can we get your opinion on something?” You asked, gaining everyone’s attention and excitement after only using texting with the group. Morning sickness and fatigue had depleted your desire to be physically seen.
Kenny nodded, leading you to grab the baby hiking boots, “Do you think these are adequate enough to run from the witches?”
It was utterly silent as Charlie raised the little plaque he had ordered. The plaque included the Hocus Pocus witches in front of a cream moon, faces featureless other than eyebrows and lips. The corner had a cobweb with a little spider and just under it said ‘Winnie, I smell…a child’ with the pregnancy test snug in the cut out. Your favourite was the ‘it’s just a bunch of hocus pocus’ under the test.
“No way!” Owen screamed as all hell broke loose with the others. Charlie beamed at the sheer excitement on their faces.
“You’re having a baby?” Kenny murmured with a smile at the touching announcement and acting being involved.
“Charlie suggested the Hocus Pocus theme because we may have kept it to ourselves and our family?” Your voice went up a few octaves as the truth broke free.
“You haven’t had the kid, right?” Mads questioned peering in the background behind you finding nothing.
“Hopefully we have our hiking buddy in November on the due date. I don’t want to overdue, this kid weighs a ton.” You moaned snuggling into Charlie’s side, “We defin-“
“Jer’s wedding.” Owen interrupted with narrowed eyes, “You disappeared and came back with-“
“-O there is a child present.” Sav joked getting Mads to scoff at her, but everyone made a face as they recalled your disappearing act.
“Oh, your house must be filled with gross food combos. I hope the baby gets Y/N’s looks and taste buds.” Mads called hanging up before Charlie could retort at her. His eyes rolled, but the smile told another story, but slowly each of their friends said their goodbyes.
“At least Owen won’t go spilling the news to anyone.” You snorted playing your hand on Charlie’s large one splayed across your tummy.
You had a lot to thank Kenny for too. Without being cast by him, you wouldn’t have met your friends which in turn would mean you wouldn’t have been at Jer’s wedding. That would have been tragic since his marriage is the sole reason you had a child due in two months.
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