#even though they probably won't see this. please.. please don't assume I'm trying to make you feel bad. I'm not
crime-soncloud · 1 month
Uhh tw for thoughts about self harm... Because none of you deserve to be hurt. And this is.. just what I feel. Not anything else. Just...vent.. please.. belive me..
I just. I can't. I hate myself. I deserve to be hated. I deserve no happiness. I deserve to be hurt. I deserve to be abandoned. I want to be hurt. I can't. I just can't. I should be hurt. By others. By myself.. I'm the worst. Hurt me. Leave me there , alone. It's all i deserve.
0 notes
sylusheart · 2 months
`sylus: a character study
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finally here with the sylus post as promised <3 if you haven't already, do check out my caleb post. in this post i'll summarise the current theories/speculations regarding sylus, however with all the new confirmations and reveals a lot of the previous theories have been debunked so i'm only going to include whats still relevant as of now. and don't worry, even in the future if most of these theories are complete waffle i'll still leave this post up, as well as my caleb one and any other upcoming lnds theory posts. as always, if i miss anything or if you want to correct anything please fill free to mention it in the comments <3 also this includes spoilers for love and deepspace veresion 2 so if you haven't finished the new updates yet and don't want to get spoiled pls look away!!! but if you're thirsty for more sylus content buckle up and keep reading, let's start... ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
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ᰔ the meaning of sylus' name
starting things off simple let's look into the meaning of his name. 'sylus' can mean "from/of the woods", or more specifically the name sylus/silas originally comes from the short form of 'silvanus' which means "protector" or "guardian" (of the forest). funnily enough, this has clearly been depicted throughout he main story so far as he's been watching over mc from the very beginning. it's also said that silvanus can appear as someone who is unfazed and daring with a rebellious soul and is willing to explore the darkest woodlands - which sort of links back to how sylus is so comfortable in the N109 zone despite it being a terrifying place to others and outsiders.
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ᰔ the flower in his trailer represents mc
i've seen a few people point out that the untouched flower in his trailer represents mc. seeing as sylus is the ruthless leader of onychinus he's clearly meant to be seen as someone who is unforgiving and rather rash. but amongst all of the deadliness shown in his trailer, a lone flower sits unharmed as he walks past, suggesting a softer side to him. we can assume that him avoiding to trample over the flower was intentional because he steps over his wanted poster, this small detail in general shows how he holds a tender and respectful side that he reserves for mc. ultimately, it shows how sylus is a multifaceted character - he voluntarily avoids the flower, willingly choosing to be tender even when no one was there to witness so. not to mention, on the recent stream one of the kitties (blurple) said that sylus had rescued it when it found itself on top of one of the buildings (probably in the N109 zone) and he gently set it down to a safer place on the ground after telling it that "kitties don't belong here". to me, he comes off as a man that is unforgiving when need be, he's not going to start terrorising everyone because of how he tends to behave. he seems like someone who prefers not to cross over lines unless someone has crossed his first - that's to say, he won't act hostile or irrational unless he has been wronged first. but of course, many people who know of him can find that difficult to believe because all of the stories they hear about him don't tend to have a civil ending. it's sort of like he only shows his softer side in private, which makes sense if you think about it as he probably has an endless list of enemies and the last thing he needs is having someone/something close to him used against him for blackmail or whatnot.
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ᰔ sylus' heartbeat, is he actually human? i remember that before sylus came out a lot of us seemed to think that raising his heartbeat would be worse than how it already is to try and raise zayne's, although if you've tried to do it you'll notice his heartbeat tends to be very fast almost all the time. his heartbeat in game is about 90-105 in the morning and then in the afternoon/evening time it ranges between 100-164. even though it varies, it's still a faster heartbeat than the norm. but why is it more faster later on in the day? i mean it could be because he has a preference for doing things at night which explains why his heartbeat seems to be more active during those later times of the day - but regardless, it's still overly fast.
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a resting heartbeat usually ranges between 60-100bpm, unless of course excercise becomes a factor - but even then sylus doesn't go red or show any physical signs that can explain why his heartbeat is so high. so the only explanation as to how his heartbeat is so fast is because he simply isn't human. but to be fair, a crow's heartbeat is usually between 150 to 200 on average when awake and can rise up to 600 when resting, but then again just because his familiar/pet is a crow and he's associated with crows it doesn't exactly confirm that he himself is a crow-human... hybrid. so... then what is he? well, there's a part in the main chapter, a flashback of some sort, where mc is reliving a memory for a bit. she's seen to be holding a hand - a hand that doesn't look very human - and called it "sylus". the creature seems to look like a wanderer, and if it really is sylus but in wanderer form, i presume he''s stuck in the transition stages (if you're familiar with zayne's dawnbreaker lore, this'll make more sense) from human to wanderer as mc can still recognise him (?) as she's holding his hand (we assume) it might be that she's resonating with him? perhaps this halted the transition process or something... but it's not clear enough to indicate what exactly is happening, from what we can tell mc appears to be covered in blood and they both seem to be injured but other than that the whole ordeal looks quite bizarre.
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within the main story chapter we also see the little girl describe sylus as a monster with horns and huge wings who can never die. from what we've seen of sylus' regeneration ability (his self-healing) during that part when mc shot him (actually, it was sylus who pushed down the trigger, using mc's finger but i'll go more indepth on that below), and he healed only moments later - further proving the little girls rumor that sylus is invincible. the other attributes in her description (horns, big wings and being a monster) seems like she's just describing a devillish like wanderer, which sort of sounds like how sylus would be if he were to be one...
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if we go back to the experiments involving core fragments, the people who participated in the experiment said that one is to "implant a core in a person't heart" and the other is to "implant a consciousness in a high level wanderer body" and so from here we know that mc is the former and sylus could possibly be the latter, that is - if he truly was one of the test subjects.
also, in the destiny cafe he has an interaction that says he likes observing humans and also says that things without heart are more loyal.
going back to that main story scene where there's a memory/flashback of mc and the wanderer-like being, we see the creature hand over something to mc which looks like a sword with his claw-like hands. the bottom looked like it was inlaid with a red core a red ruby, so if this wanderer thingy isn't sylus himself perhaps it was sent by sylus (?) somehow… which could be why mc says his name. the wanderer asks mc to hold it tightly and at this point (if this wanderer really is sylus) he hasn't completely transitioned into a wanderer yet as he can still talk to mc.
so if the creature/wanderer really is sylus, from what we can gather - sylus was turned into a wanderer. if mc didn't kill him, then he might've completely turned into a wanderer, which is why he said "because if you don't, there's no going back", and so sylus in his wanderer form handed mc the weapon when he was still conscious so that mc could pierce his heart and prevent him from becoming a wanderer and losing consciousness. though it doesn't look like she chose to kill him and instead opted to resonate with sylus which ultimately made his self-healing ability increase/double in power. at the same time this pulled on the energy from mc's aether core and altered the heart in sylus body, reshaping it in such way that he can now regenerate/self-heal. it also paused his transition into become a wanderer. as pointed out, this only happened because of mc resonating with sylus - which is why the voice in mc's head tells her "it's your power", because without her sylus wouldn't of gained such abilities and be able to manipulate with his evol as much as he can now. maybe the real reason why he wants to resonate with her so badly is because he wants to give mc her power back so that she can be as strong and as powerful as she once was. i'm not saying he feels 'guilty' for mc choosing to use her abilities to save sylus' life but i feel like he feels as if its his time to pay his debt to her and give her back what was rightfully hers, even if that meant he'd die in the process (which most likely will happen if he were successful). the part in the main story where sylus is on a throne and he uses his evol to pull her onto his lap and then allows her to point a gun at him and shoot him, he notes her hesitation and clasps his own hand around hers - and if you look closely in that scene he pushes down the trigger himself (pressing down on her finger) so that the shot goes through his chest. maybe he thought her power would restore to her if he was killed by her hand. when she realises whats happened, she feels immense guilt and regret, believing she was the cause of this. mc says something like "you can't die yet" in a way as if she's known him forever and not for the few hours/days we are shown in the story so far. he makes a remark, and talks a little smug over mc feeling bad for what happened. at this point, he's probably realised that his evol was beginning to take effect because of the failure to resonate with mc - meaning he was going to regenerate and not die like he assumed he would.
going back to that wanderer memory/flashback, after mc resonates with the sylus-wanderer it must've reversed the wanderers body back to human. the use of her evol in all of this must've altered fate and went beyond the rules of the unprecendented and unparalleled, sylus has also said "someone has already overcome fate" and that people have done it/conquered fate before him (source: abyssal chaos) most likely referring to how mc changed his fate so that he wouldn't turn into a wanderer. he also says something about being told a blood-soaked disaster would be waiting for him, but he twisted fate by bringing a blood-soaked disaster to other people. it seems like to me, that there is a possibility for loopholes and changes of destiny in the deepspace but it's not something that can happen so easily.
sort of like how zayne was punished for defying astra, mc must've payed a price for going against the laws of fate to save sylus. i guess this means her paid price was the result of her death as she must've been overly exhausted from the loss of energy spent to save sylus.
sylus also said mc owed him a "farewell ceremony bigger than death" because the love-hate story between them has not come to an end yet, even if she died first. i haven't read his anecdotes yet but i've heard that he searched in all the galaxies across time and space to find the mc again, only to find her in linkon city (similar to xavier's situation with mc really).
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ᰔ the significance of sylus giving mc wine someone pointed out that when sylus gave mc the wine it was somewhat similar to hades giving persephone the pomegranate seeds. if you're unfamiliar with hades and persephone's story to put it short, when persephone was going to leave hades gave her pomegranate seeds and she consumed them without much thought only to later realise that she was now unable to leave now that she had consumed food from the underworld, ultimately meaning she had to stay with hades forever. i really like this theory because it does really amplify sylus' possessiveness. not to mention one of his chat bubbles is literally a pomegranate... if that doesn't solidify this theory i don't know what else will.
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ᰔ so was sylus also experimented on? a lot of the scenery associated with sylus seems to show much about cages/being restricted/tamed/tied up, it could possibly nod towards being experimented on (like how mc was) which is why sylus tells mc that they are the same and true kindred spirits. even if he didn't go through the exact same experiments mc was put through its possible he went through something similar. he does have aether core inside of him after all, just like mc, and i highly doubt he was just 'born' with it, it must've been planted there by something or someone or maybe it has something to do with one of his past lives (?).
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ᰔ sylus and astra, what's the extent of sylus' evol? now onto some juicy stuff, i've seen some talk about sylus being astra personified and although sylus being astra might be a little far-fetched, i do think there's some sort of connection. in zayne's foreseer myth, there's a part that says “astra gifted one of his eyes to the foreseer. by walking the winding path of time did the foreseer understand its passing.” since zayne still sees his alternate lives when he’s dreaming, it’s safe to assume that he’s still connected to that foreseer eye, but what about the other eye? isn't it strange that it's only one of sylus' eyes that glow... when mc asks sylus if his eye is an aether core he doesn’t say yes, he responds with “something like that”. if the foreseer’s eye sees one’s fate then sylus’ eye sees one’s true desires - as evident through what we see in the main story. there's also a part in zayne's last myth that sort of links back to this: “it’s said the god wields the power of yin and yang, governing life and death.”
we know astra granted his eye to zayne, but what about sylus? was it a gift too or did he steal it? and again, it's possible he was a victim of one of the experiments that happened all those years ago.
now this brings attention to rafayel's heart. was that astra's too, the aether core? if mc has an aether core, and sylus and rafayel have one too… perhaps these are all just fragments of the real aether, and maybe there's 5 fragments in total meaning xavier and caleb may have one too... mc is also heavily affected by sylus' evol which is probably due to her playing a part in how strong it has become or because his evol in general can mess with anyone regardless if they're an ordinary evolver or not. it's pretty obvious at this point that his evol is most probably the strongest we've witnessed yet, not only does he has multiple abilities and an aether core, but some of mc's power too (if the wanderer = sylus theory is correct). it's also important to note that sylus' self-healing ability which essentially allows him to survive death is similar to how mc could come back to life after the many experiments she was put through that killed her each time, i guess this confirms that the only reason sylus obtained this ability in the first place was when mc chose to save him and resonate with him once upon a time. unlike mc, he remembers everything - or so it seems. to mc his words may seem cryptic, but he probably does know more than he lets on and he just chooses to be very vague with what he says (probably out of protection, it seems he wants answers - perhaps after he gets his answers he will be more open with mc and trying to get her to remember).
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ᰔ sylus and caleb/ever group (?) in the main story, when speaking about ever group sylus seems to regard them in distaste. of course, as onychinus and ever are two different groups entirely, we can assume they're also on two sides and are potential enemies. sylus makes it seem as if he's quite familiar with them, probably having dealt with them on a few occasions, but with the way he speaks of them i presume they weren't very delightful occasions. there is a part where sylus says to mc, "the people closest to you might be the ones who want to kill you the most.” which could refer to josephine and how she quite literally participated in the experiments that repetitively killed mc. but i primarily think this line has everything to do with caleb. i get the sense that the only reason sylus can know caleb is through ever group and we all can tell caleb is associated with something bigger than the aerospace academy. so if caleb truly is part of ever group, then we know one potential reason as to why sylus dislikes them, or more specifically caleb. there's also an official artwork (see below) that has a white, red-eyed snake wrapped around caleb's arm. the snake could very much represent sylus in a way. the art itself can allude to when mc went into the no hunt zone. she takes on the role as a sinner by pretending to betray the hunters, and as caleb is speculated to be the guy in the shadows in chapter 8, there's a possibility that sylus might be forcing caleb to pretend to be dead/betray mc which is why he is maintaining a low profile. as sylus is the snake and has control over caleb like a puppet with strings, in the art we can also see that both caleb and mc are tempted to eat the forbidden fruit - however, mc is able to freely do so whereas with caleb’s side of the art it looks like he will get bitten by the snake if he even dares to, it's as if there are consequences if mc ever finds out that caleb is actually alive.
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that's all i've gathered for now <3 i'll update as i find more and read more of his cards (as well as the new world underneath stories... i haven't read those yet) but it might take a while for me to update because i'm swamped with work :T but anywho, thank you for reading :3 pls let me know your thoughts! (⭒•͈ 𓎺 •͈ )
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lanawinterscigarettes · 4 months
Thoughts on how reader would fluster Wilson?
*rubs hands together evilly* oh, I have plenty of thoughts on this anon, believe me
How the reader would fluster James Wilson
Warnings: the reader is a massive flirt, Wilson's very easily flustered (which is a surprise to no one), very mild swearing, I'm pretty sure that's it
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Honestly it's not very difficult to get this man flustered at all. Yes he's a manwhore, but he can get a little shy at times, especially if it's with someone who's being incredibly forward with their advances
Something as simple as an innocent touch or a playful compliment will have him blushing enough as it is, but if you're actively trying to get him flustered then he'll be much less composed
Innocent touches on his back or arm end up lasting longer than they probably should, and playful compliments come across as a lot more pointed and sincere
Wilson won't protest much even if he does feel uncomfortable with a person's advances (*cough* because he's a massive people pleaser *cough*) but assuming he feels comfortable with you he'll most likely just brush it off as you being overly friendly and try to ignore the way his face heats up whenever you act flirtatious
Speaking of being flirtatious, please flirt with this man. There's a good 50/50 that he'll actually reciprocate with a flirty comment of his own, but even if he doesn't it's so fun to see him stammer over his words as he tries to come up with a response
Another surefire way to make his face turn red while getting him all tongue tied is to be physically affectionate. He's definitely touch starved, even after being married three different times (though to be fair he didn't really spend any time with his wives so that's probably one of the reasons why)
Give him random hugs, fiddle with his tie, mess with his hair, etc. After a while he gets used to it but that still won't stop a faint blush from rising on his cheeks when it happens
He might lightheartedly complain about it but if you offer to stop then he'll take it as a threat more than a suggestion and won't bring it up again, even if he'd rather you not wrap your arms around him while he's trying to speak with a patient
And if you happen to surprise him one day with a kiss? Oh boy. It could be as brief and casual as possible and he'll still stand there for several minutes afterwards trying to figure out what the hell just happened
Want to get him really flustered? Wear something revealing. If you're fem presenting, a short skirt and stockings will do the trick, and if you're masc presenting then a tight button up and rolled up sleeves will work perfectly. Even better if you do both or switch between the two
He'll try to pretend like he doesn't notice but it's obvious he does from the not-so-subtle looks he sends your way and how he quickly looks away if you notice he's staring. Don't even bother asking him about it, as he'll just play dumb and change the subject instead of giving you a real answer, not that you need one
Lord help him if you decide to "accidentally" drop something and have to bend down in order to pick it back up again. That's one of the few times he'll forget his manners completely and just watch you in awe. Asking if he "likes what he sees" directly afterwards is almost certain to give him a heart attack, but I suggest you do it anyway. You know, for fun
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End notes: I promise I'm working on my other Wilson requests you guys I didn't forget about them I swear
Likes < reblogs | comments are greatly appreciated | requests are currently open
Main masterlist | House MD masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: @pigeonmama
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iridescentdove · 8 months
can you do a continuation of full power Lumine with Fyodor, Sigma, and Ranpo. I feel like Fyodor would interested because of how complicated she is and how he would have a hard time understanding something for the for the first time I’m assuming. Same goes for Ranpo. I think he would be exiting too because the traveler is always willing to help and his type is someone that spoils him. For Sigma I feel like he would understand her in a way because he is a supernatural being that came into existence under interesting circumstances. And he would have someone to help him because we all know how the Decay Of Angels is I would also feel unsafe 24/7 😭
feel free to take your time if you have a lot of requests! (this was longer than I anticipated)
Fyodor, Sigma & Ranpo x Lumine! Reader
Hi! ♡ I'm quickly zooming through requests to make up for the time lost in my absence lol. Lumine is skeptical but shares the same curiosity her twin has for everything, she's rational and courageous, along with being generous and helpful towards others that need assistance. And most especially, rather beautiful and somewhat quiet, yet considered rather expressive.
As if a primordial being – Lumine holds power able to destroy worlds and travel through them with ease, and yet, most of it having been sealed away by the Unknown God's own bidding. What happens when she regains her full power and travels through the world of BSD?
Soukoku, Jouno & Atsushi Ver.
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You're a strange new specimen, and he actually finds interest in you. Plus – Fyodor actually likes pretty people, so seeing you for the first time is actually surprising.
Who knew someone so beautiful in this world existed 🗿
But honestly, although this man can read you like book if he wanted to, that's not happening.
You're rather complicated. Like no fr. You're pretty and small as hell, but you're so fucking strong hello? And you're not very talkative yet so expressionable it's alluring
He has no idea what to think, but all he knows is that he wants to keep you around.
The fact you're helpful draws him to you more. He learns to trust you overtime, and you have no ulterior motives when you go warm him up and make him feel comfortable.
Whenever he needs help or basically just you spoiling him and comforting from his anemia, that's cloud 9 ok idfc
He's starting to really ... really like you and I don't
You're basically everything he'd want tbh. Since you're from a different world, his ability probably don't work on you.
And just be glad it doesn't honestly. You're like God level strong and rather smart yourself, so he isn't bored and actually finds you worthy of being with him.
Well even if you weren't, you'd be an interesting playtoy on it's own. Please let me punch him already.
He'll have you run errands and do different things to go according to his plans, but he doesn't tire you out or anything because he still pretty much cares.
BRO this guy reminds me of the Fatui idk 💀
Dude is fuckin unhinged, commits warcrimes, hot and is very strong. You can't tell me he's literally the emobidiment of the harbingers in an alternate world lmfao
Even though he's a red flag you don't really care 'cause you can kill him whenever you want. Slayyy girlboss.
One of the rare times he'd take his ushanka off, and put it on your head because you're just too adorable to resist. The innocent, curious look on your face afterwards sends him.
You're a cute, complicated being he's just addicted to.
He's rather amused himself – so whenever you're like beating up Dazai or something (much to his satisfaction), he's watching in the back with his popcorn or sumn.
Probably smirking the entire time. He loves you more now
Imagine Dazai being Childe and that weekly boss you always fucking destroy every week? Peak comedy.
He probably won't even bother trying to fight against you, man knows his place so he gets humbled. But that probably won't stop him from testing you a few times.
He'll purposely get you in a tricky situation so he can observe more of you, and you'll never fail to surpass his expectations every time.
P.S. expect yourself to beat up Nikolai often. His orders lol
Rat king's actually found his match <3 fuck you
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You probably crash landed in the agency or smth. How would I know that?
I'm the writer, bitch /hjq
Now let's say both of you were just acquaintances at first, you'd help around the agency a lot though. And that also includes him.
So here we are! At this point, you're basically just spoiling him from all the help that you give.
He doesn't even mind he fucking loves it I bet
Other than Atsushi, he now drags you with him to go and buy candy, or just makes you go out and do it yourself. Either way the candy is bought so 🤷🏻
Dw babe he shares it with you <3
Must I say you're pretty once more? It's not even annoying bro I am SPEAKING FACTS stan lumine
Ranpo is very interested in you and your specie, if he ever got bored he'd probably take breaks away from doing some cases and listens to your talking.
Will get extremely invested in the world of Teyvat, learning more about it.
"Hehe! Number one detective you say? Even more so than I am~? After all, I am the greatest detective in the world!"
We get it babe.
Like if you ever honestly tried to put them both together in Poe's book it is very obvious who will come out first. Bro will legit rub it in your face too, not even cap
Oh, speaking of which – he'd probably invite you into one of them too. It would be a fun hangout ... maybe.
You're the bodyguard that fucks up any murderer tryna get to him while he deals with the shit and puts his glasses on then DAMN BITCH we boutta go usain bolt on this shit.
It doesn't even take that long. You guys did it in a heartbeat.
Ranpo honestly adores you, that much you can tell. He likes mostly everything about you and finds you so entertaining.
Especially your expressions which are peak comedy.
Definitely the type to do something real smart and show off his skills so he could see your reaction.
And maybe even get a bit of praise. You know this guy loves it when you compliment him and agree with things that he says. That's already fulfilling his heart.
I'd say you'd help him out a lot honestly, the ADA is basically the adventurers guild 💀
You'd be relaxing and having a chill time until Ranpo or some other member comes up and tells you to fucking beat up Mori or something
Yeah. They entrust it all to your capable hands.
But of course, Ranpo wouldn't leave you alone with that. You both make great teamwork in all cases.
Right after each remotely easy to borderline difficult case, Ranpo will be a sweetheart and take you out somewhere nice to relax. His treat.
kisses in the ferris wheel pls
It's already easy enough to tell, but you can see all the affection in his eyes as the night comes to an end once more. More than that, even.
It's such a cute sight. But honestly, who could even say no to this guy? It's literally Ranpo.
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So here you've already been in the world of bsd for a while and you're just doing random bullshit the agency adventurers guild gives you.
Mersault arc timeskip. Dazai off sucking and teaming up with some Nakahara toes, Nikolai being a material gworl
Fyodor is mimicking Odasaku's ashes
And obviously you're here in the back forced to do everything yourself because shit goes down 🔥
You have a pretty good knowledge on yourself in this world you're stuck in again, and it's necessary to use that info to your disposal because wow, the situation is complicated.
Especially during this arc now, but it's less difficult when you're only focusing on the DOA.
We'll say you only be familiar with the different organizations because you often go around a lot and travel.
Then meet various people and ... fight over half of them 😐
By this time, you and Sigma have been well acquainted. Due to his ability, he managed to get info about you easily. And boy does he use that to advantage.
Asked begged you to help him out in the DOA.
Look man he's suffering, don't leave babygworl all alone with all these gay men who're too broke to afford proper therapy sessions
Don't worry Sigma, we're here for you <3
By now you had no idea what was happening, just getting random info from everyone around you
Moving place to place (teleport waypoints are real handy right about now), collecting random shit and beating up enemies along the way
Classic genshin ripoff moment :/
Although you don't actually do a lot of stuff for the DOA, it's mostly personal mishaps coming from Sigma. Because no we don't want to be a wanted terrorist tf
So you soon arrived at mersault and saw poor Sigma either dead or unconscious.
Bro is in need of tevyat fried eggs
Anyways, you of course could not LEAVE him out of your sight after that. The one time you thought it was okay to stay out of business ... that happened 🤡
Sigma was indeed alive, but at the same time it wasn't okay to leave him since he was barely clinging on.
By the time he awoke, he thought he saw heaven. He frantically sits up from bed.
Oh wait, it was just you <3
You brought him back to the sky casino, as he was resting at a safe distance away from the three psychopaths in jail
You guys do end up having to go back much to his dismay, although this time it felt more safer because you were around. He's down deep and he can't return.
Sigma really likes you. Not because you're helpful and quite beautiful, but strong and empathetic in a sense both of you relate to various things.
He's seriously lucky to have you, his little shooting star ❤️
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seirei-bh · 2 months
I'm trying to calculate or at least approximate in headcanon the ages that I think each character is in New Gen
First according to ep 5, Ysaline is 22 years old, since she says that she was 9 when her sister Tasha was 3, and now her sister is 16, (although since each sucrette is customizable, I think each player can have the freedom to decide what age prefer to imagine that they have their sucrette in New Gen, and that's what I'm going to do with mines)
Anyway, this also gives us a clue as to at least Thomas's current age. And also this other important fact: Thomas is 10 when OldSucrette (Lynn) is 17. So they are 7 years apart.
And there's supposed to be a 3-year time jump after Love Life to the special crossover ep. Since Lynn is 26 in LL, she is 29 in that special ep.
If we subtract 7 from 29, then Thomas is 22 years old. The same one as supposedly Ysaline canonically.
Now, it is much more difficult to estimate the age of the other characters. The only clue we have is that Elenda said in ep 4 that she was 6-7 when Devon was 10-11. Taking into account that many stories in video games, books and animes sometimes tend to use even and round numbers in big time-skips so that readers can easily remember the dates, it makes me assume that 20 years have passed since that time. So Elenda would be 26-27 and Devon about 30-31. Now the problem is that we don't know if Roy and Devon are the same age or if Roy is younger, we only know that they went to the same high school and so did Elenda, and these three met each other since they were kids, but I'm inclined to think that Roy and Devon were more like friends in a sense of older-younger brothers, since Devon seems older due to his features and behavior, so perhaps Roy is the same age as Elenda. I can be wrong though, and Roy and Devon being the same age, but this is what I think for now~
We also don't know Amanda's age, but due to her features, she appears to be around the age of Thomas and Elenda. Although Elenda in a scene from ep 3 defines herself as "the fairy godmother of Devenementiel" and says that she was there from the beginning, while Amanda seems like a recent member of the company, which makes me think that perhaps Elenda is a little older than Amanda.
Jason could be either Roy's age or Devon's age, but I'm inclined to think that it would be more convincing for Jason to be Devon's age, given his features, and since they are both company bosses and direct rivals, it would make sense for them to be the same age, and olders than the other crushes.
And Brune seems from her features to be somewhat older than Elenda, but perhaps not as old as Devon.
So my final conclusions are:
Thomas: 22 (the only age probably canon for now) Amanda: between 22-24 Roy: 26/27 Devon: 30/31 Jason: 30/31
Elenda: 26/27 Brune: 28~
There are other possibilities, of course. But the only thing we can be quite sure of is Thomas's age, being 7 years older than Lynn and the same as Ysaline, and that Devon is 4 years older than Elenda. It's also possible, for example, that they are all 22 except Devon and Jason being 26, but Rayan Zaidi is 33 in UL and Devon and Jason's features seem -at least from my pov- closer to that age than in the middle of the twenties~
Anyway, I'd like to know the opinion based on these calculations and/or headcanons of other players regarding this topic 💜
I guess we won't know until they confirm it in the game, if they confirm it in future eps, however if it is never revealed, I'd really like to know what the canonical ages of each crush are. So @chinomiko if you ever see this, please it'd be wonderful if you could answer this some day, or at least if these ideas are close to the canon. I know that the age of each character is something that doesn't have too much importance since everyone can imagine what they want, but I am especially curious about Jason and Devon <3 Besides these details are always useful for fanfic material.
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courtlyharlequin · 1 year
Can you do vil, rook, and epel with a s/o who has tattoos because they used to be in a gang please ?
Permanent Ink
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A/N: I hope you don't mind that I slightly changed your request to just the reader having a tattoo. The origin is unknown. To be frank, I don't know anything about gangs and I'm a little hesitant to research about them for fear of coming across anything triggering (T⌓T)
Vil Schoenheit:
He's the type of person that thinks that tattoo sleeves are tacky. Too much of anything especially in beauty, fashion and aesthetics is going to come off as tacky. Too much makeup can make your face look cake-y. Too much crystals on a wedding dress will take away from the fabric's beauty. Things like that. So, tattoo sleeves are a no-no for him, but that's just him personally.
If you have a sleeve, cool. That's how you express yourself and if you feel confident with it then good for you. Vil won't make you feel bad about it– especially if there's meaning behind it.
If you just have one, two, or a few tattoos spread out on your body, he'd probably like that more in terms of artistic taste. Vil is fond of the smaller tattoos like wings on your back, a ring of ink around your fingers or some writing on your rib. They're discreet, but they're enough to make a statement
The first time Vil ever saw your tattoos, he was a bit surprised. He never expected you to have any for some reason. Perhaps it was because he never saw them so he just assumed you never had any.
He'll ask questions right off the bat. What's the meaning? Or did you simply like the design?
Don't hesitate to ask him for thoughts on a design or even help making one! Though he's not a tattoo artist, he can work with a pen and paper and give you some ideas
Rook Hunt
He would... stare and your tattoo(s) the first time he sees it. No questions just examining the details, the lines, the curves, and the colors. Whether how obvious it is depends on how observant you are.
But if you did catch him, Rook would tell you that they were just so mesmerizing that he couldn't help himself. Then, you could welcome the basic questions people usually ask about tattoos: "did it hurt?", "what's the meaning?", etc.
But what shocks you even more is when he starts asking about which parlor or artist did it? He's quite knowledgeable about tattoos, leading you to asking him if he's had any... a question that he skillfully dodges.
If you had a small tattoo on somewhere discreet like your collarbone or wrist, Rook would kiss your tattoos there. He would also absentmindedly trace along the lines of the ink whenever he's deep in thought, sending shivers down your spine with his dexterous and light touch.
One day, out of the blue, he might even coin an idea of getting matching tattoos. It could be your initials or something symbolic like two turtle doves that make a heart when you put your hands next to each other's.
"It's romantic, isn't it?"
Epel Felmeir
Epel would be the most vocal reaction out of the Pomefiore trio when it comes to finding out you have a tattoo. Something like "WOAH!"
If you have a sleeve or colored tattoos, his reaction will be even louder. He had always assumed tattoos only came in one color.
It's honestly a really cute reaction. He asks if he can touch it and spends a good amount of time examining your skin. He then asks if he can try something then unironically does a Chinese burn on your forearm to see how the ink holds. And surprise... the ink is still there! It didn't rub off! But your wrist is a little sore...
In general, he's just super curious and inquisitive about your tattoos. His grandmother never allowed to even think about getting one... but yes he wants one. Just a tiny one.
Maybe one that his grandmother can't find so easily. Epel hasn't really thought of the design yet, but maybe you can help since yours is so well thought out? Making tattoos designs together seems like a cute date idea!
He'll even go with you to a tattoo parlor to check things out if you ever invite him or decide to get another tattoo. He wants to watch and see how it's done!
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hestzhyen · 20 days
Chapter 47 Yaoibachi Posting
Hokazono-sensei really slammed the gas this chapter, man. No search and rescue mini-arc here- just going back to the series' roots by having our good guys slaughter nameless mooks in suits. Excellent decision! But goodness it feels like he's trying to rush through this set-up to get to what he really wants to say this arc. I trust the emotional impact to land so I guess this really is the Kunishige lore/flashback arc since that's where the narrative focus went.
First off, I got the official arc name wrong last post. It's actually The Sword Bearer Assassination Arc. So, uh, maybe don't get too attached to any of the guys Chihiro will be trying to save. Might be difficult though if they're all as endearing as Uruha.
This Fucking Manga, Man
I just can't even this chapter. I CAN'T. I'm sitting here drafting this on Thursday and I'm in awe of the spreads. Cover and color pages? Stunning. Fanservice? Immaculate.
Yes, we got onsen fanservice after all!
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Now accepting bets on who Uruha will be shipped with more: his personal guard guy or Kunishige.
Of course it pulls double duty to give us insight into Uruha and, by proxy, Kunishige. I was right on the money about Uruha being a free-spirited dude with a unique perspective last week... but I didn't imagine he'd basically be a wholesome AF version of Sojo. The Kunishige worship from this guy is off the fucking charts (and so are the Hakuri-Chihiro parallels)!
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"This blade suits you" from Kunishige is a callback to Hakuri's words to Chihiro in chapter 20. I love it when authors do this shit. Can we infer that Chihiro felt the same level of awe for Hakuri? Probably not, but he did need to hear that affirmation quite badly, so it's still significant.
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You don't get to comment on other guys being weirdly obsessive over a Rokuhira on sight like that, Hakuri.
THESE DUMBASS GOOBERS. Poor Chihiro's still collecting weirdos while Hakuri has no self-awareness at all. I'm in tears this is just too good. Hakuri, I love you. You're perfect.
I don't wanna get hyped after just one chapter for something that probably won't be happening. I get just about everything wrong week after week anyway! But I wouldn't mind Chihiro and Hakuri's relationship being compared to and developed through Uruha and Kunishige, just sayin'... Please... Hokazono-sensei went through the trouble of making sure we know that Uruha is obviously meant to parallel Hakuri, so that won't go to waste right?!
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TFW the light of your life dies and leaves you behind.
'Cause this feels like a set up... I don't know, man. It's impossible to guess how the story's going to go but I get the sense that Uruha is going to have a lot to teach both of these guys- Hakuri in particular.
Neither Hakuri nor Uruha put a lot of value on their own lives until a Rokuhira showed up to praise them. And they're both freakishly devoted to the image of their savior to the point that they're willing to fight and possibly die for them. So we could be exploring that aspect of Hakuri's mindset as a subplot while the larger machinations swirl around them, since it's a pretty potent character flaw and all. I need Sazanami "defend to the death" Hakuri being convinced to give a shit about himself so, so badly.
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Goddamnit, please stop hurting yourself.
Hakuri's also unable to use Isou due to burnout, as expected. Still wondering if the Kamunabi knows he can use two sorcery techniques but I won't hold my breath on getting answers for that. It's not necessary for this to be addressed unless it would cause some kind of friction, after all. And for as much as I would like to see the council's reaction to Hakuri and his circumstances, I don't think it'll be relevant. We'll just have to assume they either don't know his last name or are completely fine with a Sazanami being included in the plans. I wanna be wrong though. I really do.
Contract, Powerscaling, and Naming Conventions
We learned some interesting things this chapter. One, the theory of the Lifelong Contract erasing a Bearer's innate sorcery is confirmed. So if we are ever going to learn what Chihiro's sorcery is, Enten will have to be an exception to the other six swords, or he has two sorceries and the contract only nullifies one. I'm not sold on the second one since Hakuri only overworked the storehouse but is limited using both of his, implying there's a common pool of spirit energy they draw from. Looking forward to more details on how this works!
It also seems that the Bearers weren't tucked away in "safe" locations until Kunishige's death three years ago. So they probably got to live their lives as they wished until the Hishaku ruined things... which would explain how Sushi guy ended up at a restaurant. I feel like each location could have special meaning to each Bearer so hopefully we see more about how and why they ended up where they did.
Hiyuki also wasn't lying about the Kamunabi's forces being spread thin. Just 14 talented sorcerers to defend each Bearer, and even then Uruha would have felt more reassured if Azami or Hiyuki was there.
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Nice going, Azami! So we know you're hella strong since Hiyuki's the best fighter in the Kamunabi- the only one in the force who can contend with Kunishige's WMDs (ch. 18). I think a Bearer would know how strong an enchanted blade is, so we can assume that Uruha's assessment of Azami's strength is accurate. Azami can't be sent out on the ground like the rank and file as a higher up now, but I'm highly anticipating him demonstrating that fearsome sorcery of his.
We also got another name! Kuregumo's original bearer was named Misaka (巳坂). This is most probably a family name like Uruha (more on him in a bit). 巳 (mi) means "snake" for wisdom and intelligence and 坂 (saka) means "slope/hill" or "embankment" for steady progress, a peaceful life, security, and/or strength and resilience. We'll definitely learn more about them- it's just a matter of when. The upside of Hokazono-sensei being stingy with names is that we all know to sit up and pay attention when one gets dropped.
We also got Uruha's given name this chapter (Youji [洋児]) and the name of his blade (Kumeyuri [酌揺]). Strange names for a strange fellow, but that's expected of someone whose family name implies a free-spirited nature with a unique outlook I guess. 洋 (you) is a kanji that specifically describes the ocean in an expansive, almost foreign sense. Not just the sea in general, but vast waters extending far away from one's current location. It has a ton of possible interpretations, naturally: courage, ambition, adaptability, limitless possibilities, harmony, inclusiveness... on and on. 児 (ji) means "child" in a straightforward way and carries connotations of joy, hope, and potential. So Uruha Youji [lacquer feather ocean child] is quite the character in his name alone.
Kumeyuri's name doesn't really give us any insights into it's potential abilities or theme, unless Kunishige was drunk (or wanted to be) when he made it. 酌 (kume) is the kanji used for pouring sake and implies generosity, abundance, and celebrating joy. 揺 (yuri) means to shake, sway, or jostle and connotes a sense of energy, playfulness, enthusiasm, and fun. I'm getting a lot of entertainment value trying to imagine how a sword named after a shaky pour of sake works, let me tell you. Somehow it seems very apt for Uruha already though.
Dead Dad Trivia
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So Kunishige himself requested to hold on to the blades- it's very certain now that whatever happened during the war changed him into the man we met in chapter 1. Seitei war flashbacks please, I'm dying over here! But keep up the layering and scattering of little details! Don't feed me too fast! Make me wait and get all impatient every week! Torture me-
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Curious that many people who seem to have known Kunishige doubted his potential as a father. Whether they see him as a savior or a selfish prick, most of them scoff a the idea of him having a kid. Maybe Kunishige was just a guy with layers like his son, so only those who actually knew him well would believe he could be a decent dad. We saw him goofing off with Shiba and Azami when they were Chihiro's age in chapter 12 so it's not like he was a stoic since birth (he said himself that Chihiro inherited that trait from his mom). We're going to slowly piece together the real Kunishige this arc and I can't wait!
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Also a bit odd that few people see the resemblance between Chihiro and Kunishige until Chihiro's passion shines through or they get a good look at how he carries himself. Won't hang my hat on the blood test showing that Kunishige wasn't his bio dad after all, but the groundwork is there if it does. Regardless of what happens, though, it's pretty obvious that Chihiro is Kunishige's son thanks to the ideals he took to heart.
Hishaku Theory
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RIP bandanna guy you were too cool to live.
Yeah, "enemies of the state" isn't a term you use for a regular criminal gang, no matter how threatening they are. I'm more convinced than ever that the Hishaku are primarily a political threat to all of Japan (though still very willing to admit that I might be reading too far into things).
Kyora's conversation with an unknown Hishaku member in chapter 22 referred to "dissidents". That's also a very pointed descriptor for people with differing political ideologies, especially ones agitating against the "legitimate" ruling group.
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Could Soya come back to finish what his dad started? Meh.
This implies that Kyora and the Sazanami clan were aligned with the Hishaku's goals beyond merely business. The Hishaku probably have sympathizers in and outside of mainstream society, and likely within the Kamunabi itself as well. And then there's the kiku flower -which has strong ties to Imperial imagery- in the vase that's shown up twice now, arraigned alongside other flowers symbolizing deep desire and patience.
So I think the Hishaku lost the war and have been plotting their comeback for a long time now. How does this tie into Chihiro's personal journey beyond the revenge mission? We'll have to see. John Hishaku's goals and methods are shrouded in secrecy right now, so I look forward to learning about why he needed to foster Chihiro's hatred to enact his plans. Cool job making the core plot hook so compelling, author-san!
HakuHiro Brainrot
I have to, I'm sorry. This chapter was a godsend.
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Give me an inch and I'll run a thousand miles with these two.
Chihiro acknowledging that Hakuri is special! Feels like a very deliberate reference to the language used in Chapter 33, especially by Tenri. Makes sense since Tenri was a parallel of Chihiro's devotion to his father and his legacy.
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"Hakuri- my older brother by a year- is different." would have flowed a little better, but it's a clunky sentence no matter what...
The reference was probably made in order to imply that Chihiro sees Hakuri as a brother (or family in general) via the Tenri connection. However, that won't stop me from shipping them romantically because I'm illiterate as fuck.
Hakuri's sharing snacks with Chihiro on the train- he feels so safe with his samurai! And this is the first time we've seen Chihiro accept food since he reluctantly (metaphorically) shared dango with Sojo in chapter 17! He's rejected Shiba's offers, provided one-sidedly for Char, resigned himself to connecting to Sojo to understand him, skipped getting ice cream, and missed the gaming session, but he accepted Hakuri's small gesture...! I'M GOING FERAL
Hakuri is canonically the only character Chihiro's accepted emotional comfort and support from since his dad died. On screen so far, at least.
Hakuri, who was deeply traumatized when he last tried to connect with someone, feels secure enough to do it with Chihiro...
Chihiro, who is only at ease with providing comfort, accepts it for the first time from Hakuri...
The first time we see them exchanging the comfort/security visual metaphor is while they're on their own...
And it's just so casual for them to do this...!
I sounded confident when I called Hakuri the heroine of Kagurabachi in that long-ass post I made a few months ago, but... I was actually right?! Hakuri is Chihiro's first and only emotional safe haven. He's got plot-related utility and can hold his own in a fight, but he's not going to be outshining the likes of Chihiro or Hiyuki any time soon. His faith in Chihiro has been his most valuable contribution to the story- even moreso than awakening to his storehouse ability. The only thing that's missing at this point is the chance of HakuHiro being canon! Seriously!
Alright void... thanks for letting me yap again. Definitely not going to go back to writing fan fiction for the first time in 10+ years because this stupid edgy sword manga broke me. Nope, never, not me...
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
songfic idea of Leon
this is a song in spanish but it basically talks about a guy who's in a relationship with somebody and his partner is putting way too much distance in between eachother so the guy wonders if his partner actually loves him.
I don't want the angsty requests to be too repetitive bc angst with leon in my head with this type of prompts always involve ada 😭 i lack creativity but i try my best.
maybe the guy who wonders if his partner loves him is the reader and the partner is leon. maybe leon has been emotionally away, reader tries to get his attention but nothing works, in missions leon won't talk, reader is absolutely breaking inside. i can't really think of a reason of why leon would act this way so i'l leave that part to you 😭 though if u need ideas too i could think of something, i'm just very dramatic and love hurt lmao. this is just a little prompt so if i think of something i'll tell you bye bye!
Aveces hasta me olvido que sé español :p
Leon Kennedy x Male!Reader [Angst]
Please, let me keep the sad ending T_T I don't like happy endings
Resident Evil
(M/n) pretended like he didn't see the signals, the way too obvious signs of their love falling apart. He just didn't want to acknowledge that what he had with Leon was already gone- that it was never there, to begin with.
He can clearly remember the first time it happened, it came to him one night.
Both he and Leon had come back from a difficult mission, and without much argument, Leon had let him shower first, claiming he had to make a call. (M/n) didn't question it since they usually had to do that anyway, plus he was tired and gross so he was really needing to take that shower and head to bed as soon as he could.
Already in their room, (M/n) plopped face down on the made bed, hearing Leon's footsteps down the hall as he headed to the bathroom, "You're gonna get sick," he called out on his way past the slightly opened door, making (M/n) grunt as he got off the bed and pulled the covers back, getting in properly this time.
Even if he was dead tired, he couldn't sleep unless he knew Leon was next to him, especially after this mission they had, he just wanted to hold Leon close and never let him go, so he waited for him to come in the room.
He heard the water from the shower stop, and a few minutes later, the bathroom light was turned off, followed by quiet steps approaching the door. (M/n) fixed his spot on the bed and patiently waited for Leon to come into the room.
But nothing.
In the quiet of their house, (M/n) heard the couch creaking under Leon's weight, and the clicking sounds of his keyboard. Maybe he had some leftover work to do, maybe Hunnigan asked him to do it now instead of in the morning. He figured it wouldn't take him more than an hour, so he waited.
And waited.
And kept waiting.
And now the clock read 3am. He sighed and kicked the sheets off his legs, standing up and walking to the opened door of the room, his steps quietly hitting the floor. He opened the door and walked out, stepping into the living room.
Leon was sleeping on the couch, the warm glow of the lamp on the table next to the couch cast a glow on him, making shadows around him. (M/n) sighed and smiled, walking closer to him, he probably fell asleep while working on stuff so he didn't blame Leon for not going to bed.
Out of the corner of his eye, (M/n) noticed a blinking light coming from his side, and he realized it was Leon's laptop. The screen was dark, but it was still on. He moved it toward him slightly, touching the pad and soon the screen lit up.
Many png files were opened, shining on the screen with an almost mocking glow, he felt his chest tight when he recognized the woman in the pictures. Ada.
He took a deep breath, not wanting to assume anything yet, if Leon was cheating on him, he'll tell him, right? So maybe he was investigating her because of a mission or something, (M/n) tried to convince himself that's all it was. He closed the laptop, turned the lamp off, and took a deep breath, blinking away the tears that started gathering in his eyes because of his anxiety.
He turned around and stumbled his way back to the room, falling on the bed and staring at the ceiling. He couldn't sleep that night.
The next morning, (M/n) got up from the bed and decided to make breakfast, he kept telling himself that it was nothing and maybe Leon was gonna tell him about it, maybe he just fell asleep working on her file, so he managed to calm down just a bit.
And there he was.
"Good morning," (M/n) said while handing Leon his coffee mug when he watched him heading to the coffee maker. Leon grabbed it with a hum, and (M/n) leaned closer to kiss him, but Leon frowned and backed away.
"What are you doing?" His harsh tone of voice was almost enough to bring tears to his eyes, but he just let out a dry chuckle, mumbling a weak 'sorry' as he walked out of the kitchen, ditching his freshly baked breakfast.
It's okay, he's just in a bad mood, nothing unusual, I'm sure... I'm sure he'll be okay by night... Right?
When nighttime arrived, (M/n) lay in bed and waited for Leon, see what he was gonna do. His mind was overworking itself with all the overthinking he had been doing in less than 24hrs, he was willing to forget this day even happened if Leon goes back to being the caring and sweet boyfriend he has been for years.
And his hope warmed his chest when he saw Leon walking into the room and silently laying in bed beside him. But something was off.
He frowned and turned on his side, the light outside coming through the window, keeping the room illuminated enough. He fixed the sheets up to his shoulder and reached his arm to wrap around Leon's waist, cuddling against his back. Or he tried to.
Leon groaned and pushed his arm away from him, muttering something about being too hot. In a 10-degree Celsius weather.
(M/n) just remained silent and slowly turned around, facing away from Leon. A few minutes went by when he heard Leon's phone vibrating on the bedside table.
"Finally," (M/n) heard him mumble, and then the mattress moved when he left the bed, making (M/n) glance behind him, lifting his upper body with his elbow.
"Where are you going?" He asked quietly when he saw him putting on his jeans, followed by his jacket.
"Out," was all he said while putting on his boots. (M/n) pushed the sheets off his body and sat on the bed.
"Let me go with you-"
"No," his words were cut off by Leon, his voice serious and dry, as if he was mad about something.
"Why not?" (M/n) stood up from the bed, about to walk closer to Leon, when he opened their bedroom door, staring at him with a frown.
"Because it's none of your business, (M/n)," he felt his heart breaking at his words, at the meaning behind him, after all the things they went through... They promised they would always be there for each other, and would never keep secrets because things like this could happen.
(M/n) had a hard time swallowing due to the knot in his throat, nodding as the tears blurred his vision, sitting back down on the bed, "Sorry, Lee, I didn't mean to upset you-"
The door slamming shut cut him off after Leon had walked out, followed by the clicking sound of his keys, and then, the front door opening and closing in less than ten seconds.
(M/n) cried that night, staying up for hours wondering. Asking himself what had he done to cause this behavior in Leon. He couldn't stop himself from questioning their love, he knew he was in love with Leon, but... Does he still- did Leon ever even love him?
A few days later, (M/n) was done with Leon's behavior, he was tired of this recurring pattern, and now he was in the living room, standing in front of Leon with his arms crossed as he waited for the blond to look up at him.
When Leon looked up at him, he saw him trying to hide the exasperation on his expression, but it was obvious he couldn't, "What do you want?"
"An explanation," (M/n) held his tongue back when he heard and saw Leon's scoff.
"What do you want me to explain?" (M/n) frowned and clenched his fists, trying to hide his annoyance.
"Your behavior, what's going on with you?" Leon simply rolled his eyes and went back to typing on his laptop, checking the files scattered around on the coffee table.
"I have nothing to tell you, now leave me alone," (M/n) pressed his lips together, took a deep and took a few seconds to calm down, he tried, he really did try to fix things, but... It didn't seem like anything wanted to be fixed.
He walked around the coffee table and knelt on the ground next to Leon's legs, soon making eye contact with blue eyes that looked at him with indifference, "Lee, can we please talk about this? About us?"
Leon stayed silent, and he slowly started leaning down to (M/n)'s face, only a few inches separating them, their warm breaths mixing.
"There's no us here, if that's what you wanted to hear."
And just like that, like he hasn't just broken (M/n) heart after all these years dating, he went back to his laptop, working in complete silence, like he has been doing the past week. (M/n) nodded, having heard more than enough, he definitely got the information that mattered out of this conversation.
"Sorry I bothered you," he whispered and proceeded to stand up, turning around and wiping the few tears that managed to run down his face, "I'll leave you alone," he wouldn't have gotten a reply even if he waited so he simply walked back to their shared room and closed the door behind him.
With trembling hands and blurry sight, he calls Hunnigan, walking to the closet and taking out a few bags, hurrying to put all his clothes and things inside them, hearing Hunnigan picking up.
"Hey, Ingrid I uh- sorry I called you so late but I-" he spoke frantically, not leaving the woman chance to mutter a small greeting, she heard (M/n)'s sobs and sniffing but she didn't comment on it, even if she was wondering what might've happened to him, "I need you to find me a new place to stay."
And that answered the most important question in her mind, she hummed slightly, "On it," she grabbed her laptop, clicked a few times, and sent him a few locations nearby and a few others almost outside the city. She didn't know what he needed right now, but she tried her best, "I'm not gonna intrude but... I'm here for anything you need, (M/n)."
He smiled a bit and took in a shaky breath, swallowing past the knot in his throat, "Thank you, Ingrid, you're truly the best."
As they hung up, (M/n) finished packing the few things he had left, he only had to empty his bedside drawer. He sighed and dried his face before sitting on the bed and sliding the drawer open. He took out anything he needed and left all the things that were useless to him now, like little notes he had written through the years...
His movements halted when he saw it. That box he was so nervous and giddy about, thinking about what was inside it always made him worried yet happy, because back then, last month, he was sure of Leon's love. But now... It was such a bitter memory.
(M/n) grabbed it and opened it, the ring shining under the light of the room, reflecting it and hitting the walls. New hot tears start dripping down his face and he released a choked sob, standing up and closing the box, throwing it on the bed.
He couldn't help it, it was too painful. His cries and sobs echoed in the room, seeping through the thin walls, reaching Leon's ears.
For a moment, he thought about checking up on him, but with gritted teeth, he focuses back on his laptop screen.
The notification sound of his phone catches his attention, and the thought of hitting something crossed his mind, but that wasn't gonna fix anything now. Nothing could.
He stood up and glared at the box, as if it had physically hurt him, and saw the post-it notes on Leon's side. He took a deep breath, and wrote down on the paper, taking it and folding the sticky part on itself, placing the note on the bed and the box on top of it. He grabbed his bags and looked at the room for the last time, nothing much changed without his stuff around. Leon wouldn't care, so why should he?
He walked out of the room and to the front door, he never spared a glance at Leon, not even once, he didn't want to see the man he loves, that same man that broke his heart without a second thought.
Extended ending.
"Please, don't think our love was a coincidence, something senseless. A love that goes into oblivion, something that doesn't matter. I truly love you, Leon, but maybe I was an idiot."
Leon crumbled the paper in his hand, throwing it back on the bed, his fingers wrapped tightly against the velvet box, observing the ring kept inside it. He clenched his jaw, and closed it again, placing it on his desk.
All night long, he couldn't stop looking at that little box. Wondering how something so small could mean the world to some people?
(M/n) was one of those people. He saw a happy future with him... But he could never give him what he wanted- what he needed. Unconditional love.
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chaifootsteps · 1 month
that tweet anon shared with the analysis clip - the guy's not entirely wrong that if Stolas said 'what can I do to prove [his love] to Blitz', Blitz wouldn't know what it would take
but here's the thing - Stolas doesn't even ask. He doesn't even make a commitment that he wants to prove it to Blitz no matter what, he doesn't promise to be better to prove it, he doesn't even give Blitz a minute to process his own feelings
Look My Way Stolas had the dramatic turning point that he was going to try to make amends for how he'd made Blitz 'a means to an end' (probably because Paranoid DJ wrote it, not Viv, and removing that moment wrecks the impetus of the whole song). Even When I See Him Stolas recognized he had behaved monstrously
but when it comes to the moment of truth Stolas wasn't interested in doing much more than ending the deal, then expecting Blitz's love immediately in return. There's such a disconnect here where in both songs Stolas is concerned he's treated Blitz badly, yet he doesn't consider maybe Blitz needs time to trust he means what he says and that he (Stolas) needs to be the one to put the effort in this time
but he just doesn't do that. It doesn't matter to Stolas that Blitz is the one who's bent over backwards to please him in bed all this time in order to keep his business going and the most effort Stolas has put in has been wishy-washy texts where he won't come out and say what he actually wants and is incapable of connecting with Blitz on any real level because he doesn't recognize the power imbalance and fails to take much real accountability for it
in Stolas' head Blitz may have been hurt but it doesn't matter that much, because ultimately the relationship he wants isn't that difference than the one he had. he wants Blitz putting in all the work to make him feel wanted and to validate his feelings. in his head Blitz's feelings are just confusing and inscrutable (and ultimately they don't matter that much) even though he's had several opportunities now where he could have conversed with him. Blitz gave him that on a silver platter in apology tour and Stolas bungled it again. like yes he was drunk but ditching to make out with another guy is really the sign of where his priorities lie
saying 'oh Blitz is too traumatized anyway to accept it if Stolas treated him well' or 'it's Blitz's fault for not indicating what he needs to hear to believe it' is shifting the blame again, because Stolas never asked about what Blitz needs or showed any signs of caring.
they have Stolas say 'we really must converse' in the duet but when the scene comes, he makes no attempt at doing that. he freaks Blitz out taking the book back, does a big grandstanding romantic gesture where he just talks at Blitz and then when Blitz doesn't immediately trust it's genuine (understandable) Stolas avoids the opening to converse with him and instead immediately shuts down because in his own words, he's got his 'answer'
that's not a conversation, that's a binary 'do you want me or not' proposition that Blitz clearly wasn't expecting or ready for
and after that Stolas just jumps right into 'I feel hurt therefore I'm the one who's been wronged', gaslights Blitz horrifically then still rejects him when there was yet another opportunity to talk
tl:dr but Stolas was never interested in proving anything to Blitz. He treats him like a slot machine where he assumes treating him with the basic respect of ending the deal entitles him to Blitz's love, immediately as he wants it and how he wants it
To sum it all up, here's a quote that Stolas and this fandom could both stand to memorize.
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ray-jaykub · 11 months
Hi! I'm a new follower! @hagelpaimon recommended you for this specific request. If you're interested, I was wondering if you could write some Bayverse fluff for me.
F!Reader has a southern accent and even though it isn't thick, there are certain words she says that makes her sound like a country bumpkin. And her turtle S/O (lovingly, of course) teases her for it. You can make it for each turtle or just Donnie. And you can make it NSFW if you wanna. Whatever you think fits! Thank you and happy writing 🐢💙❤️💜🧡
Thought I would crawl out of my adult cave and answer an ask that spoke to me. And as a country bumpkin (hoot hoot, very, very south georgia), I can say this hits the mark. I'm gonna do a little of all the turtles and
Now, as someone who grew up around people who talked like me, I assumed I could hide it well. But that wasn't until I started sending audio messages back and forth with @moxfirefly did I realized how bad it was... Now I've never tried writing a southern accent, despite having one, so bear with me.
- He finds it so endearing and sweet and just can't find it in his heart to make fun of you
- Like, the way you call his name? The twang makes him smile because that means time with you
- His brothers and him obviously don't get out and talk to people, so I can imagine they're probably a lil stumped on why you sound the way you do
- Luckily, Leo is an old western movie fan, so at least he knows Cowboys.... please be patient with him
- If you're shy about the way you talk, he won't acknowledge it, but over time, he hopes you two get comfortable enough that you'll express yourself more
- Seriously, can't get over when you call him or his brother's names. Like omg they just said "Dawnie" and the way you pronounce Manhattan?
- Why you sound like that??
- Definitely believes you're from some weird part of New York, or God forbid Jersey
- Won't and will not understand unless you play country music for him and go like "these are my people"
- makes you a country mix, even if you don't like country. He's trying! You can't deny him that
-He says it's to make you feel "closer to home" and honestly, it lowkey works when you're feeling home sick
- He sees a cowboy film??? Prepare for him to throw a cowboy hat on your noggin
-Save a horse ride a cowboy, yeah? (I'm cringing)
- He's really big on dialect and accents, especially for someone he fancies
- Will ask you to say certain words at random times of the day, early mornings when you haven't woken up, late at night when you're sleepy
- When you're angry???
- He has to hold out on bringing the recorder. But he's taking in every word
- Just imagine yelling at him, and he's looking at you with big doe eyes because wow... when was a country accent kinda sexy??
- He has to say one of his favorite things is when you both are whispering, and he leans down to hear you better, woof 😮‍💨
- He needs a southern girl 😤 GIVE HIM A TASTE OF THE SOUTH
- Will tease you, mock you, repeat every word you say... with love of course
- just expect to hear his lil giggle after you've said something particularly southern
- If you're the type to say our phrases (colder than a witches tit, you call undies breeches, you make crazy comparisons) he will adopt them and look stupid doing it
- Just imagine Mikey, surfer dude, New Yorker, saying, "I reckon"
- Like baby... please hush
- lowkey the one that helped Raph make the country mix tape, added a few personal favorites (the fucking wal-mart yodeling kid, for some reason)
- Gets you boots, even if you don't wear them, and tries really hard to convince you to dress like Barbie in her cowgirl outfit
- Never a dull moment with this doofus
........Go Dawgs
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ssadumba55 · 1 year
Luigi, Flynn Rider, Nick Wilde & Naveen react to Bisexual!Reader
Request: Okay, so I like, just recently came out to you! I know that I'm anonymous for the request but I have some homophobic friends that are on here and I dont want them to know that it was me. :( I have a specific headcanon request since I came out today! Could you please write me a how Luigi, Flynn Rider, Nick Wilde, and Prince Naveen would react to you coming out as bi? Thank you in advance!
Special request that I got asked to do by someone. I know things are hard now, but trust me they won't always be and soon you'll find amazing people who support and love you for who you are! For now, hopefully this brings you a little joy! Wanted to get this done for pride month.
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Luigi doesn't have a mean bone in his body, if you came to him and confessed you were bisexual he'd be overjoyed he was the first one you told
And he'd do all the research he could, he's on the job don't worry
He will absolutely be your number one biggest fan, he is now an LGBT ally (he probably was one before but now doubly so), he is taking you to pride whether you like it or not
He would definitely help you plan out how to come out to other people in your life, yes it would be many steps, and yes he will support you the whole way
And he'd also support you in more subtle ways, like wearing pins or even just like comforting you if the whole sexuality thing is stressing you out
He is just really happy that you're choosing to be your authentic self
Flynn Rider
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If this man isn't at least bisexual himself, he has good gaydar, so he might already have an inkling before you come to him
He's genuinely happy for you
Might make bi jokes, might ask you if you're into every person you pass on the street
He will try to turn this into a "so you're into me" thing, like it or not, he's going to assume you're into him (if you're not he will be very annoyed)
Will ask you dumb questions at all hours of the day, just to get a reaction
Probably has a little bi flag to wave around and annoy you
He is your biggest supporter though and he will gladly threaten anyone who doesn't respect your sexuality
Nick Wilde
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Nick is the kind of guy who when you first tell him, he's already looking up pride events to go with you to
He knows what it's like to not feel like everyone else, to have something about you that you can't change that makes a lot of people iffy and he will spend a lot of time just reminding you that you're not valued any less because of your sexuality
He has so many bisexual stickers, pins, things just to show he supports you. Even has one for his police officer uniform.
Will play smash or pass with you if you ask him
I don't know why I just get the vibe that Nick like- buys pride stuff just because he thinks you'll like it. Every time he sees something bisexual or with the rainbow he's like "don't mind if I do."
Probably forgets you're bisexual every time you say you're into someone
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He doesn't really get the idea at first, but his first reaction would definitely be "as long as you're happy that's all that matters".
Once he wraps his head around it though, he absolutely is a huge supporter
Definitely an ally, and has definitely learned some queer songs to play on his ukulele
He loves a big event so he will absolutely attend pride with you and he will bring his ukulele. And he'll joke about upstaging you at your own event (but you don't care as long as he's having fun!)
If someone maybe isn't supportive, he definitely gets very upset on your behalf but he will also comfort you very well.
He truly believes that everyone should be who they want to/are capable of being and he thinks you're very brave to be who you are
And you can't tell me he wouldn't buy you pride related things just to see you smile!
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
Hi hi! I have a question and I apologise if it's impertinent but I really didn't have anyone else to ask. I'm new to ao3 and I'm still figuring out how it works. The problem is this- when I look up a character x reader, I'll see the tag included in many works that have oneshots but since it's a side character, more often than not the oneshot for the character hasn't been written and the tag has been there for months. Is it okay to do that or is it tagging something incorrectly? They say they'll write one eventually but they never do, y'know? To me it kind of feels like they're just trying to reach a wider audience but because of this I can't even filter tags and I have to manually search through the book to check if the character is included, especially when the chapters are titled only by numbers :')
Is it okay to tag things in advance like that?
Oh boy...
Wattpad refugees do tend to use AO3 "wrong", sometimes in ways that break the rules and sometimes just in ways I find annoying and against typical AO3 culture.
I'm assuming you are coming from Wattpad based on you calling a work or a fic a "book", which is a very, very Wattpad thing to do.
I'm assuming they are coming from Wattpad given the bad behavior you're describing and the fact that they're a x reader writer.
So, here's the thing, if you start writing a fic and there's any amount of the actual fic, even if it's pretty short and bad or in a weird format or whatever, it's still a valid fanwork. Most of the time, AO3 leaves it to the author to decide how to tag (aside from a very few things like death threats in the tags or failing to use the required archive warnings).
AO3 won't stop someone from tagging a future pairing that hasn't appeared yet.
But "books" of "oneshots" are such an obnoxious Wattpad thing. This is a completely stupid use of AO3 from the "Please send me prompts" part that is usually in there to the way that unrelated fics are smashed together.
It's not against the rules, but it's a crappy use of AO3 befitting of n00bs.
Sadly, old hands at AO3 also make shitty works that are unrelated stories mashed together. They're often a whole set of kinktober fics or something where the trope tags and the ship tags are accurate, but you can't tell which ones go with which ones without searching the whole fic.
We regularly complain about that on here.
A much better way to use AO3 is to make a series titled "My x Reader Oneshots" or "All of my kinktober fics" where each separate story is its own work with its own tags.
My assumption is that this person is using the inaccurate tag both to get more eyeballs on their existing work and because they probably take prompts for that ship or something. (I'm basing this on the kinds of things people say on their oneshot books on Wattpad. Maybe they don't actually take prompts since you haven't mentioned it.)
Some people just don't care that they're annoying others and messing up the tags, but I think some actually don't realize how AO3 filtering works and have no idea this behavior is a nuisance.
On a lot of sites, both Wattpad and algorithm-driven social media, unless a post/work is very popular, it disappears out of sight. Even an inaccurate tag doesn't do that much.
On AO3, one is getting a full list of everything with the tag, going back however far. It's a library catalogue for which you should use accurate data. But this writer is probably thinking of tags more as advertising and a way to get their name out there so readers can follow them pre-emptively. They mean to write the ship in the future, so it's not really inaccurate... (And, tbh, if it were a single work and the ship just hadn't appeared yet, I would agree with them even though those are frustrating too.)
So no, they should not do this.
But it's not actually against the rules.
I would mute the annoying people who do this.
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felixsramen · 1 year
Yours Truly
This is part 11 to my Skz poly fic. I'm glad you guys seem to enjoy it these have been kinda soothing writing. This one's kinda short but I promise next chapter will be longer.
Previous<<<<< Next>>>>>
Warnings: mentions of sex, doesn't go in description though
It had been 4 days since that date. You were kinda surprised and upset that you hadn't gotten a text or a call from any of the boys. Maybe you should've texted? Well that's what you were doing now.
You only had 2 of their numbers. Felix and Changbins. You decided to text Changbin knowing he'd probably text back sooner or at least you had hoped he would.
'Hey Bin I was wondering if you wouldn't mind making a chat with all of the boys?'
You watch as you look back at your computer screen. You were elbow deep in notes and typing up papers for work. You weren't even at the office though. You had gotten an email from your boss letting you know that the office was still closed and it probably would be for a while longer.
You didn't mind though. You didn't hate the work but you hated the people. They were all stuck up thinking they were too good and talking behind each other's backs. If the money wasn't good you'd probably quit. It was such a toxic working environment.
Your phone lights up.
'Of course I don't mind.' Changbin texts back.
His text brought a smile to your face. Within seconds you get texts from all 8 boys.
'Hi Y/N it's Chan' one text says.
'Im sure you already know who I am 💋' you chuckle of course you knew who it was.
'No she doesn't all she knows is that you sent a kissing emoji Ji' You laugh at that knowing it was Felix. Of course it was Felix who had always joked with Jisung.
'Don't be stupid already you two I'm Hyunjin' the text says.
'We'll come in Seungmins room right now' Felix texts and you laugh.
'I wish you guys would' Hyunjin texts back.
'Do not come in my room' a text says from who you assume is Seungmin.
'Dont test us' Jisung texts.
'You guys won't' Hyunjin texts back then there's no reply from either of them.
Instead there's another text. 'See now this is why I lock my room door 😑' Seungmin says and you laugh.
'Ignoring our 3 ridiculous boyfriends I'm Minho' a text says.
'It's Jeongin, I.n. or Innie whichever you'd like to call me' Jeongin says and you smile at his words remembering how the boys had called him Innie when you first met.
'Hi Innie' you text back.
'Hi Y/N' Jeongin says back.
'You already have my number but it's Changbin.'
'Well I'm sure you guys all know who I am then' you text in the group chat.
'Of course we do' Chan texts back.
'Hows work going' Jisung who is now back asks you.
'Its been taking up most of my time even though I'm not at the office and probably won't be for a while' you text back.
'Oh why aren't you at the office' Minho asks.
'They're adding a new floor which will probably end up taking a month or so' you text back.
'Well if you're not busy tomorrow could you stop by and help me redye my hair blonde the roots are starting to show and I hate the uneven colors' Felix texts.
'Why not me again' Changbin asks.
'As much as I love and cherish you and would do literally anything for you I'm not letting you help me again you almost had my hair fall out' Felix texts and you laugh.
'I literally read the directions' Changbin says.
'You read the directions but didn't set a timer after 30 minutes I asked you how much longer you said like 10 minutes then after the 10 I asked you again and you said a little bit longer it was almost an hour before I washed out the hair dye and I was terrified my hair was going to fall out 😭' Felix says.
'That's fair' Changbin says and you laugh.
'So will you Y/N please 🥺' Felix asks you.
'I'll try my best to get all my work done for tomorrow done today and then head over there and help you tomorrow 😊' You reply back.
'Thank you so much!' Felix says and it makes you smile.
'Of course' you text.
'Since you're coming over tomorrow why don't you help me cut the ends of my hair' Jisung says.
'Dont you guys have hairdressers?' you ask.
'Yeah but they're not you' Jisung says and it makes you smile.
'Okay I'll come help you but I'm reminding you Ji I'm not a hairdresser' You say to him.
'Don't be upset when your bald tomorrow Ji' Hyunjin texts and you laugh.
'Im not that bad' you say.
'Hey if I'm bald tomorrow at least I'll be bald and happy knowing Y/N cut it' Jisung says and you laugh.
'Ji I love you and I'd do anything for you but if you go bald you won't ever see me again' Hyunjin says.
'So you love me for my hair is what I'm hearing' Jisung texts.
'Please do not make Jisung bald' Minho says.
'I wasn't planning on it😂' You text.
'I'd be upset bc I like pulling his hair during sex' Hyunjin says and your surprised by that text but quickly realize it was Hyunjin and Jisung asking you and teasing you about Felix so you weren't as surprised.
'Really Hyunjin? Now was the time to text that' Chan texts.
'Now or never and it's true so what's the problem' Hyunjin texts.
'Well I'm not making Jisung bald so you'll still be able to pull his hair' You text.
'See Y/N gets what I'm saying are you a hair puller too?' Hyunjin asks. You laugh.
'You don't have to answer that' Seungmin texts.
'I don't mind but to answer your question it depends on the person' You texts back.
No one texts back for a second. Maybe you shouldn't have answered that.
'You're driving me crazy' Hyunjin texts back.
'You're not the only one' Jisung texts.
'You have no idea the effect you have on us do you' Minho texts.
You're surprised by all those texts and look away from your phone for a moment trying to calm yourself.
Another buzz brings you back to reality.
'Stop being horny we need Y/N to finish her work so she can can come over tomorrow' Felix texts.
'Don't pretend you weren't affected by it Lix' Hyunjin texts.
'Like I said let's let her finish her work'
'Fine' Hyunjin says.
'Bye Y/N!!!' Jisung texts.
'Bye Y/N see you tomorrow' Felix texts.
'See you tomorrow' Hyunjin texts.
'Bye Y/N have a good night' Chan texts.
'Hopefully if I'm not busy with work I'll see you tomorrow' Minho texts.
'I'll see you tomorrow Y/N' Jeongin texts.
'We'll see you tomorrow' Seungmin texts.
'Sorry for the craziness we'll talk tomorrow' Changbin texts.
'Bye you guys I'll see hopefully all of you tomorrow' You text back.
With that you turn off your phone going back to your computer. You really needed to finish all your work for tomorrow so you could go over there.
You didn't realize how much you loved seeing the boys and how much you missed talking to them. They all had their unique personalities and you loved that.
You needed to finish this work so you could see them so you push them from your thoughts for now typing again on your computer.
Taglist: @queenmea604 @lolareadsimagines @tinyworld18 @liv302 @jinniespuppy @stephy-nicole13 @haikyuuisposts @freyaniobe @chansbabygirlsstuff @jkookiejiminlvr @hyuneyeon @aerisho @sirenthalia @nagadiluc @tenshimara @leeknowleeknow @boi-bi-ahaha @shltsnglggles @jfkedldndkd @tinystarsthing @armystay89 @baby-fairy-yas @haileybugulug @freckleboilix @im-sinking-in-mud
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lxndmine · 2 months
Hii I recently learned the term Jirai (is that how it's spelled?) but idk anything about it!! Aside from being a fashion style it's also a lifestyle and by extension I'd assume a mindset and/or set of behaviors. I was wondering if you could explain it to me, if that's not a bother? I'm just very curious and I'd like to hear about it from someone who knows what they're talking about and you seem like that person!
You totally don't have to ofc, thank you for your time and I hope you have a lovely day!! :)
HIHI im pretty glad someone thinks im someone who can do that !!! ill do my best to explain but theres a ton of other really amazing blogs who have some really good information as well, and i can point you to some if youd like ^^
"Jirai" means "landmine", essentially. It's a Japanese slang term that refers to women who seem cute and nice on the surface but are actually prone to "exploding"- it's essentially a negative term used against women by men. Basically like calling someone a psycho or insane or crazy. Particularly used against mentally ill women, often as a negative BPD or Bipolar stereotype. It also has associations with a gang in Japan called the "Toyoko Kids"- mainly runaway teenagers in Kabukicho (a "red-light district"). I won't get too much into that though as I'm personally not the best source on that information and tons of people online cover it.
A lot of the community around it is essentially embracing this stereotype- so its very important to note that the community is not always the best place for someone going through recovery. You'll see people romanticizing their illnesses, addictions, and other behaviors. You're going to see people have emotional outbursts and breakdowns and generally fit the exact stereotypes i talked about. That's the "lifestyle" aspect- embracing mental illness no matter if you're recovering or not. And that includes the ugliest bits that people don't want to see.
People like me and other lifestyle landmines particularly dislike "fashion-onlys" for this reason. We perceive it as people invading a space for the mentally ill and people who are generally being abandoned by society and trying to make it for them, even if it is not. So we especially dislike people who try to change what Jirai is to make it just the clothes- because this is a community we relate to and is something for us.
As for the clothes- the Jirai clothes you're likely thinking of probably fall under "Dark Girly" or Girly-Kei. Companies call them Jirai-Kei clothes as more or less a marketing tactic- and it IS true that most landmines are associated with Dark Girly fashion. You don't need to fall under Jirai Kei to wear the clothes we're associates with, and not all landmines wear Dark Girly! I personally wear Dark Girly clothes, but there's plenty of landmines who don't and that is perfectly okay.
I'm hoping this helps !! And other Jirais seeing this please feel free to make corrections if i forgot smth or accidentally messed smth up. Knowing me thats entirely possible !!
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astronautbeans · 2 months
still going insane, have more cowboys and outlaws this time with a GUN and lots of tension :)
Sean eyed the incoming clouds warily. He was unsure whether they promised him rain, but they were ominous enough. The wind had picked up significantly and the streets were emptier. Tension held the town, like everyone waited for something to happen.
He patted his horse on her nose before tying her to the fence. He assumed no one would be at the sheriff's office at this hour of the day — people were winding down, preparing for dinner. The door was as closed as he'd left it earlier, a pile of sand lying undisturbed in front of it. He shoveled it aside with his foot and pulled the door open. It meant no more new paperwork, at least until someone came in later tonight which would probably happen knowing his luck.
Taking off his hat, he hung it next to the door without looking. He stretched his arms above his head, and groaned in satisfaction when some of his bones popped. Maybe, just maybe, he had a calm evening. He could return home and ponder the mystery of Legundo in peace. A slight grin pulled at his lips at that.
The smile froze, just like his entire body did. Not a second later, the cool metal of a gun's barrel pressed against the back of his head. He fought the urge to turn around, forced himself to breathe out slowly. He didn't raise his hands in surrender, *wouldn't.*
"It's good to see you again, sheriff."
Out of all people, it just had to be him. Gritting his teeth, he glared at the wall. "I wish I could say the same. What do you want, Legundo?" Though he knew why. He knew perfectly well why he was here. He just hadn't expected him so soon.
"The keys, grab them. I know you have them on you." When Sean reached down, Legundo shoved the gun against his head, not too harshly but not friendly in the slightest. "*Slowly.*"
Sean could blindly unhook them from his belt. He held them in his hand, fingers curled aroudn the metal protectively. "I knew you'd come."
A mockingly thoughtful hum. "Did you, now?"
Still, he couldn't help but take the bait. "Your boyfriend was waiting for you," he said, though he couldn't tell why the words tasted so bitter on his tongue. "This just confirms he's a traitor and a criminal. You'll both hang for what you've done, Legundo."
"He's done nothing wrong," was the reply, but it didn't sound like he was trying to win this argument. "Drop the keys on the table and don't move."
He did as he was told. Clenching his fists at the effort it took not to turn his head when Legundo picked them up, he forced another deep breath from his lungs. "If you shoot me, the whole town will know. You won't make it out of this town alive."
"I'm not here to kill you, I'm just messing with you." That made him frown.
"Turn around, Sean." He did, tentatively. The gun lowered only to push his chin up so they'd face each other. The embarrassment threatened to turn his cheeks red and he glared at the other. Those striking emerald eyes looked way too pleased with himself.
"I'm just messing with you." The criminal grinned at him, showing his pearly white teeth. "I don't need these keys. You don't think I could open those cells with a small knife and a prayer? Shadow hasn't been here since I freed him hours ago, he's waiting for me, safely, over the hill. I just wanted to rub it in."
The gun pushed his chin up higher. "Mean to me," he said, pouting. Then he shook his head, almost in a disappointed manner. "You lost him, Sean. I'm taking him home, where he can be safe from people like you. Don't try to find him."
A jealousy he couldn't even begin to unpack punched him in the gut. His lips parted and his mouth fell open. "Don't-"
"Bye, Sean." Legundo stepped backwards, towards the ominously dark shadows in the corner of the room and vanished in front of his very eyes.
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wowowwild · 6 months
"Maya, what are you- Franziska?"
"Miles Edgeworth!"
"Miss Fey?"
"Phoenix Wright!"
"Alright, I think we've established who all is here, thanks.”
FranMaya has been secretly dating and WrightWorth is... They'll figure it out.
“Hey, uhh, so you’re going to be busy tonight, right?” “With the case? Yeah. Edgeworth is going to come over to help me, though,” He replied absentmindedly. “Oooh, Edgeworth? I’m almost sad I’ll have to miss it, but it’s probably good for you two to have some privacy.” “M-Maya! We’re not like that, and you know it. And where are you going?” “Unlike you, Nick, I don’t kiss and tell.” “You’re not even going on a date, are you? I bet you’re just going to convince Gumshoe to share what little noodles he subsists on.” “Hey, it’s your boyfriend who keeps cutting his salary, and if he wants to share noodles with me, then that’s his choice.” “You’re a leech.” “But you love me!” “Yeah, yeah. Now let me focus on this. If I can’t figure out where this case went wrong, my case will be ruined!” “Good luck with your nerd shit.”
This pleased Maya greatly.
MF: We’re on.
FvK: Are you certain?
MF: Absolutely. He is going to be soooo distracted he won't even notice. He also came to the conclusion that I'd be hanging out with Gumshoe which helps as long as they don't talk to each other.
FvK: He'd be hard pressed to speak with Scruffy on special noodle night. He will be eating microwave noodles that cost exactly $1.38 more and watching an old monster movie.
MF: He'll be hard pressed alright. It's also v cute that you know that.
FvK: It is not cute, it is impossible not to know when he so foolishly announces every single move he makes to the nearest set of ears. I do not, however, understand your first statement.
MF: I'll explain it later. See you tonight "at precisely 5:35 PM".
FvK: You shall.
Now the only thing left was to wait.
Maya was being ridiculous. Edgeworth was not his boyfriend. He totally could be if he wanted, but he clearly didn't want to. If Master of Logic Miles Edgeworth couldn't connect these dots, the world was doomed, therefore he totally knew and wasn't about that. Which was fine. He was still Phoenix's best friend and he wouldn't give that up for anything. But right now he had to focus on the case because once Edgeworth was there it was a 50/50 chance he wouldn't be able to think at all. If only he could figure out what was missing…
"Wright, honestly, you're going to make your back even worse leaning over like that." "Edgeworth! Uh, hey. I was just trying to figure out how this case is related to my current one, but I can't seem to get the pieces to fit." "You're hopeless." Edgeworth picked up the file and moved to the couch. "What are these notes? You think it was the same culprit?" Phoenix flopped down next to him. "Not the same, but related. I think this murder happened because that one wasn't properly solved." "I see… Assuming you're correct, do you think the victim in this case was the perpetrator in that one?" "Could be. I don't want to make too many assumptions up front and miss something." "Actually thinking things through for once? I'm impressed."
That smug grin sent butterflies to his stomach. What was he saying? Come on Phoenix, you can't lose it all yet!
"I always think things through, you just aren't privy to my grand plan." "Privy? I see that thesaurus I got you is going to good use." "Ugh," Phoenix grinned and playfully shoved him. "Now, Wright, if you continue your violent streak, you'll be the one who needs defending." "Would you defend me?" "I would tell Franziska to prosecute you and wait for the paperwork." "Aw, gee, Edgeworth, I didn't know you felt that way." Phoenix laughed. "Ahem, yes, well, I think right here needs more clarification, don't you?" Edgeworth turned so that Phoenix couldn’t see his face.
Right, too much, Phoenix. Keep it friendly but not too friendly. Edgeworth is doing you a courtesy by not calling you out.
"Yeah, I can't figure out what they were trying to hide." "Well let's think about what someone could gain and then follow to who that someone was."
They talked it over, pulled up more information, and plowed through any remaining questions fairly quickly.
“Wow, I’m feeling better about the case already.” “Aren’t you forgetting something vital?” “Hmm? Like what?” “Evidence, perhaps?” “Aw, you know me. I’ll scrounge up what I can and everything will fall into place when I get the culprit on the stand.” “Unless the culprit is the first witness, you’re going to have to actually put in some work to get them there.” “Sure, but I’ll find a way. And I do have some evidence, thanks. Making this case fit in was the last piece I needed. My client will be walking free soon enough.” “Don’t get too cocky now, Wright. You have an impressive record, I will admit, but feeling overconfident can make you miss even the most obvious of details.” “Trust me, I’m not overconfident. But if I went around lamenting how hard I’m going to fail, that wouldn’t exactly set me up for success either.” “I suppose not. What did you find, anyhow?” “You’re not going to believe what I found in the victim’s trash.” “The trash?!” “Not all of us have detectives on their side, you know. We’re lucky I was allowed to root around in there.” “I suppose…” “Now let me show you my case.”
Franziska von Karma was perfectly punctual as she was in all things. At exactly 5:35 PM she slipped through the door of Phoenix Wright’s foolish office and silently made her way to the back room Maya would be in. It was quiet with no sign of Phoenix Wright, but Maya had not said he had stepped out so she remained cautious.
Ever so quietly Franziska knocked on the door she knew Maya was behind. It opened softly revealing her date for the evening. This of course brought a smile to both of their faces. It was then that voices were heard coming from the kitchen area. Phoenix Wright had a guest. This must be why Maya said he would be distracted. As they moved to sneak out, however, they moved closer to the source and she began to feel that the second voice was very familiar…
She stopped in plain view of the kitchen, but their backs were turned to her. What in the world was her foolish brother doing there at this hour? Helping the foolish attorney with a foolish case? They had both taken off their suit jackets and rolled up their sleeves. How utterly foolish her brother was to be at this man’s beck and call but still refuse to announce his feelings.
Maya couldn’t help herself, Fran’s face seeing Edgeworth there was too much. A snicker or two made it out, catching Nick’s attention.
"Maya, what are you- Franziska?" "Franziska?" Edgeworth whipped his head around. "Miles Edgeworth!" "Nick!" Maya whined a bit at being caught. "Miss Fey?" "Phoenix Wright!" "Alright, I think we've established who all is here, thanks," Phoenix noted. “Miles Edgeworth, what are you doing here?!” “I could ask the same of you, Franziska.” He stood and took an awkward posture, suddenly unsure of himself. “I- well- I asked first!” “Wait, Maya, I thought you were hanging out with Gumshoe.” “Actually I said I don’t kiss and tell and you assumed some things I let you believe.”
Phoenix looked to Edgeworth incredulously.
“That is a strange thing to assume from the context.” “Well I didn’t think she had an actual date!” “What can I say, Fran and I just have it more together than you.” She gave each of them a meaningful look. “And what about you, little brother? Have you finally announced your feelings or are you foolishly clinging to your safe deniability?” “Come on, Fran, we’re gonna be late if we try to start that conversation now. Let them sort it out.” “Hmph. Our reservation has saved you this time, little brother. Let us away.” Franziska pivoted and offered her arm to Maya. “Away we shall.” Maya took her invitation with glee.
Miles Edgeworth regretted a lot of things in his life. Preserving his friendship with Phoenix Wright rather than admitting to romantic feelings was not one of them. Or so he told himself.
“Did you know they were dating?” “Hmm? No, I was not aware. Though that would explain where she disappears to whenever she’s here.”
Hopefully Wright wouldn’t ask for clarification as to what she was talking about.
“So, uh, you have feelings for someone?”
He jinxed it.
“I don’t know what she’s talking about. She seems to have gotten an idea into her head and you know as well as I, there is no dissuading her.” “Edgeworth… You don’t have to hide it from me. You know I’ll support you no matter what. I think it’s great you found somebody you like! You should go for it!”
If he was so supportive, then why did he sound so upset?
“It’s really neither here nor there. He’s not interested.” “Oh… I’m sorry. That really sucks.”
And yet he sounded more happy at that than his previous statement. Maybe he was nervous at the thought of being left behind? Larry only seemed to pop back up when he had been dumped, though Miles hoped Phoenix knew him better than that. Nothing would ever be more important to him than the bond they shared, even if years down the line someone else captured his heart. Which was unlikely, for the record.
“It’s really nothing to dwell on.” “I suppose. But just so you know, I think you’re a great guy, and you deserve someone who can give you everything you want. This guy is a total loser for not seeing that.”
Oh, the irony.
“For what it’s worth, I’m kind of in the same boat, so if you want to talk about it…” “Really?” He tried to hold back his shock a fraction of a second too late. Phoenix looked confused and responded slowly, as if he was piecing something together before he revealed who the true murderer was. “Yeah, actually. It’s uh, my guy’s not interested either. Which is totally fine! I love being friends with him, it just, uh, kind of sucks. But it’s fine! And I wouldn’t trade our friendship for anything.” “Your ‘guy’ is a ‘total loser’ as well, then.” “Ah, you think?” Phoenix chuckled. “I do. You are the best man I know, with more passion, determination, and heart than seems possible. Anyone who spends even a moment with you can see that.” “Oh… Say, Edgeworth…” “Yes, Wright?” “Uh, I mean… This is awkward. I’m just now getting the feeling that I might have been wrong about something.” “About your case.” Phoenix looked confused, as if he had entirely forgotten why Miles had come over in the first place. “No, not the case. Just an assumption I had made.” “You should know better to assume. Weren’t you just saying that earlier?” “In my defense, a significant amount of evidence pointed towards my assumption being correct, but I had failed to consider one unlikely option.” “Is that so? What conclusion have you come to now, then?”
It was bound to be profound and earth shattering, as all of Phoenix’s revelations tended to be.
“Am I your guy?” “W-what?!”
Damn that man and his brilliant mind. Miles should have kept his mouth shut.
“I am, aren’t I?”
Why did Phoenix seem so… excited?
“Please tell me if I’m right or not… Well, I’m always Wright, but-” “Yes, you are correct,” Miles cut him off to avoid hearing that joke for the millionth time. “Ok, so then I have a big question, what made you think I wasn’t interested?” “… What?” “I mean, I’m just wondering. Since you’re my guy, too.” “I’m- You- What?!” “Yeah, This whole time I thought you could tell so I figured you weren’t interested, but clearly I was wrong. About multiple things. But so were you, so you can’t make fun of me.”
That was a little bit too much. Though it did explain what Miles had picked up on earlier with Phoenix’s words not matching his emotions. And the more he thought about it, much of Miss Fey’s teasing could have been implying Phoenix had romantic feelings for him. And it wasn’t like that was all Miles had struggled to piece together when it came to Phoenix. Retroactively, this explained a lot.
“Wright.” “Edgeworth?” “You’re telling me… You’re telling me you have romantic feelings for me?” “Uh, yeah. A lot of feelings in general, but romantic ones are in there. And you?” “Yes. I also have those kinds of feelings for you.” “Great! … That feels like it was too easy. Like something dramatic should have happened. Do you think one of us is about to die?” Miles gave him an incredulous look. “What are you blathering on about?” Phoenix paused before breaking out into laughter. “Well I’m glad nothing’s changed!” “I wouldn’t say nothing,” Miles mumbled. “Oh, right. Can I kiss you?” “What?!” Miles felt a heart attack coming on. Maybe Wright had been… right. “Too soon, huh? That’s ok. I can wait.” “That reminds me, how long exactly have you felt this way?” “Oh, uh, haha…” Wright trailed off. “That’s actually kind of embarrassing. Um, you know how we knew each other for like, 4 months back then?” “Wright… You can’t be serious.” “I mean, that was just a silly childhood crush, but it was a really formative time for me. And when I saw you again in the paper… Crush renewed. Becoming a lawyer was probably 50% because of you and 50% to save you, so… yeah… And you?” “I’m… I’m afraid I can’t say quite the same, though I can’t deny those 4 months were formative for me as well. It wasn’t so immediate when I saw you again, either. It crept up on me… and then you did save me. And I couldn’t deny it any longer. Feelings for you had started to grow.” “Oh wow. So we’ve been kind of silly waiting around this whole time. No wonder Maya and Franziska are so annoyed with us all the time.” “Mm. That would be a fairly sound hypothesis. I think I would like to answer your question, now.” Miles could feel himself blush as he turned away, not quite confident to say what he wanted while looking Phoenix in the eye. “Huh? What question?” Idiot. “You can kiss me. Phoenix.” “O-oh. Ok! Yeah!”
Maya had a fantastic evening with her lovely girlfriend whom she adored. They had accidentally stayed at the restaurant until closing time, talking and laughing, trying to get as much time with each other as possible. She had figured Nick would be in bed by the time she got back since he was practically geriatric, but she was surprised to see the lights still on, and-
“Hey, isn’t that…” “My fool brother’s car?” “… How safe do you think it is to go up there?” “… You know my hotel room has a hot tub-” “Sold.”
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