#even the wind glider is kinda...
rubys-domain · 1 year
is it just me or... are the reputation rewards for fontaine underwhelming as hell?
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#like i guess the crystalfy trap might be useful...?#i don't usually have below 300 crystalflies in my inventory so i don't need it#i just don't condense my resin that much cuz i'm either doing bosses or leylines most of the time#people who are constantly out of crystalflies might find some use out of it tho#but it might end up like the sumeru ingredient speeder-upper thing and be completely impractical to use over just catching them manually#unless you're too lazy to collect them. which is fair enough#i doubt it's actually gonna be that convenient unless it works like the parametric transformer tho#the wind generator looks interesting. but not enough of a draw for me to divert my bounties to fontaine to rush to get it#i hope it essentially works like a mid-air dash forward. or like a wind ring. that might give me incentive to use it over the feather fan#even the wind glider is kinda...#this is just my personal opinion and mine alone,but the asymmetrical color scheme is not doing it for me#my main hope was to get a different blue glider that isn't the wings of companionship so qiu doesn't have to keep wearing the latter#but i don't like how it looks on him at all. the light blue side just clashes too much#and the only characters i have that kinda look good with it are barbara and layla#except for the fact that the wings of companionship match layla's aesthetic and color scheme perfectly#and the dragonspine wings just match barbara way better#it'll basically only look good on focalors#and even then it doesn't look like it'll match her perfectly since the asymmetry on her outfit doesn't look as pronounced#but i guess theme-wise it fits her perfectly so that's probably enough#i'm gonna put it on chongyun for a while whenever i get it just for the hell of it#but yeah. i'm not a big fan of this glider#i'll be not-so-patiently waiting for natlan's glider instead#i hope to god it's true fiery bright red and there's no asymmetrical or stripey bullshit a la kfc glider#i will forever hope for a pink event glider tho#(event glider cuz i doubt they could possibly justify being able to get a pink glider in-story)#(although if they do i hope they do as soon as possible)#(yk what. i wish the reward for maxing out the sacred sakura was a pink windglider and not the teapot realm)#(and they just made the teapot realm purchaseable after the archon quest like the sumeru one)#(cuz that's the literal only place that would've made sense to have it permanently in-game)
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gender-euphowrya · 11 months
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skyward-floored · 11 months
Whumptober Day 16: Flatline
Okay so I picked “flatline” but it’s not... EXACTLY flatlining. His heart’s kinda still going, so it only sort of counts but who cares anyway I got inspired by that one so that’s what it’s about—
...this one’s a little heavy.
(Also thanks @silvrash-797 for some help with ideas :)
Read on ao3
Warnings: serious injury, mention of broken bones, CPR is necessary
It happened so fast that even when he looked back on it later, Four still wasn’t entirely sure what happened.
Their group was standing at the top of a cliff, discussing how best to climb down and studying the long fall below. Wild jumped out with his paraglider and was making lazy circles in the air while he studied the cliff, pointing out what looked like a less steep area for them to climb down.
They’d all just decided it was the safest way when something caught Four’s eye, something small and fast zipping over their heads—
An arrow?
...headed directly for Wild.
“Champion!” he shouted, but Wild hadn’t seen the arrow, and couldn’t turn fast enough to do anything.
It flew straight at him, slitting a hole right across Wild’s paraglider and catching it at the perfect angle to rip the top nearly in two.
Four watched almost in slow motion as Wild let out a single shocked yelp, the arrow embedding in his arm, then dropped like a stone through the air. He fell out of sight into the trees below them, but only seconds went by before Sky and Wind were already leaping down after him, their faces white as they snapped open their own gliders.
Four shook himself out of his shock and began frantically searching for the best way down the cliff, Twilight slamming a mask over his eyes and shooting an arrow into the forest behind them.
Four registered a scream from a monster as he began to go down the less steep side Wild had spotted only moments ago, and seconds later Twilight was beside him, his face drawn with worry. The others stayed back to fight the monsters that were running out of the woods, but Four knew they had the small group handled.
Wild was their priority.
They reached the bottom and Twilight turned into a wolf, nose in the air already sniffing. His ears perked, and Four hopped on his back before he tore off into the woods, paws pounding against the ground.
Four’s heart was in his throat as they ran, heart beating almost as loudly as Twilight’s pawsteps. He’s fine, surely he’s fine, he can survive a fall from that height, it’s not likely but it’s possible oh Goddesses please let him be okay—
Twilight nearly skidded to a stop, and Four had to clutch him in order not to be flung. He jumped off at Twilight’s nudge, and the wolf turned towards a particularly thick section of bushes, shoving his way through with Four following.
And on the other side was Wild, snapped twigs scattered all around him, lying in a small smear of blood.
Twilight practically threw himself forward, changing into a hylian as he moved, and Four ran up beside him in horror. Wild lay crumpled in a heap among the bushes, blood trickling from his nose, his arms both at odd angles. The offending arrow stuck up out of his shoulder, but Four barely noticed, his gaze stuck on the rest of him.
“Wild— Champion, can you hear me?” Twilight said frantically, fluttering his hands overtop of him, unsure of what to do. Four took a slow step closer, unable to look away from Wild, eyes glued to his chest.
Wild was still.
Too still.
“Link, come on,” Twilight choked out, and Four dropped to his knees beside him, still staring at his chest.
“He’s not breathing,” Four said suddenly, the realization like a splash of cold water. “Twi he’s not—”
Twilight made a choked noise and Four lurched forward, carefully setting his head over Wild’s chest.
A thin, thready beat met him.
“He’s not gone yet,” Four gasped, and looked at Twilight, his face twisted in horror, eyes shiny. “We don’t have any fairies, we need Hyrule, you gotta go get him.”
Twilight stared between him and Wild with an agonized expression, but then he bolted back into the woods, shifting into a wolf as he went.
Four turned back to Wild, and breathed out, panic threatening to overwhelm him.
Not right now, you need to get him breathing again! his brain shrieked, and Four quickly moved to make sure Wild was in a good enough position.
Then he started rhythmically pressing on Wild’s chest, trying to remember the exact technique to get him breathing.
It had been a long time since part of him had read that medical book, but he still remembered most of what to do. Up and down in a regular beat on the chest, then breathing air back into the person’s lungs, back and forth to get their breathing going.
He just hoped it would be enough until Twilight came back.
Distantly he heard Sky and Wind run up, heard their gasps of horror, saw in the corner of his eyes as they kneeled at his side, but his focus was on Wild, and trying to get him to breathe.
Push down hard, but not too hard, stop and breathe into his lungs, start the compressions again—
More footsteps pounded next to him, and a hand suddenly pulled at his shoulder, despite how Four tried to throw it off.
He couldn’t stop, he had to keep going or Wild would be in an even worse state when Twilight came back, he might not even be able to be saved—
“Four, we have Hyrule, you need to let him work!” a voice shouted, and Four stopped pushing, letting the hands tug him backwards.
He watched almost dazedly as Hyrule moved to where he’d been kneeling, hands glowing a bright, intense blue. Warriors was next to him, saying something as he felt along Wild’s neck and shoulders, but Four could only watch in silence, blood roaring in his ears.
Please let it have been enough please let it have been enough please—
Wild jerked slightly, and Four heard a gasp of relief beside him, Legend pulling a shaking Hyrule back from Wild. The traveler began to argue, but Legend didn’t budge, and when Hyrule nearly fell over, the veteran pulled him further out of the way.
Four could only watch as Wild slowly stirred, Warriors working to make sure Hyrule had done what he’d needed. Wild’s eyes flickered uncertainly, and blood still trickled from his nose, but he was already trying to sit up, Warriors firmly stopping him from moving.
“He’s breathing, he’s okay, you and Hyrule did it Four,” Twilight breathed from next to him, and Four could only nod, still watching Wild.
The champion couldn’t even keep his eyes open all the way, and Time knelt next to him then, helping Warriors with the arrow Hyrule had accidentally healed into Wild’s arm. Four watched as Twilight moved to grab Wild’s hand, and the champion’s eyes closed again, face creased with pain.
Four swallowed. He’s fine, he’s fine he’s fine he’s fine he’s fine.
Sky gave him a concerned look from where he was kneeled, and moved closer to him, a hand settling over his.
“Are you all right Smithy?” he asked, and Four nodded yet again, reaching up to rub at his cheek.
His hand came back damp.
Four blinked in surprise, staring at the tears on his fingers and wondering when exactly he’d started crying. Why was he even crying at all? He wasn’t hurt, and Wild was okay now, breathing and being tended to by the others. There wasn’t any reason...
A wet hiccup suddenly escaped him, and Sky moved forward and pulled him into his arms, rubbing his back when a sound more like a sob came out.
“You did it Four, he’s alive, he’s okay,” Sky said a bit shakily, and Four swallowed, trying not to utterly break down in Sky’s arms.
He wasn’t usually one for hugging, at least not all the time. But under the current circumstances, the memory of Wild’s motionless body still sharp in his mind...
He sank further into Sky’s arms, and didn’t resist when he pulled his sailcloth over him, a hand running through his hair.
“He’s okay,” Sky repeated quietly, and Four clung to those words like a drowning man.
He’s okay.
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pennpenn · 4 months
FremiMay Day 11: Alt. Vision
I feel like saying 'hydro' is too simple.
I want a Freminet who becomes interested in the sky instead of the ocean. He tries to do things that'll give him more lift on a glider, even trying to figure out how to make planes.
One day he gets his anemo vision when he manages to successfully make his first flying contraption.
Or he could get his vision when he is falling through the sky after a failed attempt at creating manmade wings that can fly instead of glide. But instead of being terrified, he just puts his trust in the wind and ends up being saved by receiving an anemo vision.
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Instead of the Hydro Dragon he believes in the wind wisp. Idk if he's still Fontaine, as they kinda have started to produce flying machines-- but he follows the fairy tales of the wind wisp instead of Fontainian folklore.
Y'all can decide if the wisp in the pic is an imaginary friend or if he's managed to catch the eye of a certain god.
Tomorrow's prompt is 'father'!
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Because I'm not gonna have a Master Sword Conversation TM like LU here's some Master Sword Opinions:
Sky: She's awesome & loyal & his friend & ae'll kill you if you're even mean to her Hero: If they could use the Master Sword it would prove they Could handle this, like these heroes who've used it before... Hope: He'll never trade out HIS sword for something else ever again, no sir. The Magical Sword is BEAUTIFUL and THEIRS. He doesn't need a "master sword" Ordon: He feels deeply comforted by the Master Sword, he... kinda regrets putting it back. Glider: Honestly... he just doesn't want to fail her again... Forest: eh. ...Overrated Bean: It's so COOL Show him another sword that can TIME TRAVEL? Look at it! That's awesome! It can make him BIG, that's wild!!! Wind: It's ancient history. It has had it's time. Hopefully, nobody will NEED it again. Engineer: That ancient weapon? It seems neat from the stories, at least. Rinku: It feels like an old friend, at this point. She doesn't know if she likes that. It *is* why she first got interested in blacksmithing though. Smith: The what sword? Mouse: It, like the Picori Sword, should be left alone. Besides, he's got his Smart Sword, that's all he needs.
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Whumptober Day2(Alternative)
Sorry I’m posting so late! School is kinda kicking my ass😔
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“I really don’t know why I agreed to this,” Sky treaded along the pathway, the others following a while away.
Wild had sensed something. He said that it felt like “malice” and frankly, Sky didn’t know what malice was. Wild just said that he should go because he had the master sword. Time made the others follow him just in case something happened, which he was absurdly grateful for.
However, Fi’s glowing didn’t soothe his anxiety, not one bit. All of this was like trying to prove to a child that there was no demon under their bed while they slept. Sky would call this asinine, but Wild banned that word from being spoken. All because of some bird he used to know.
Sky soldiered on, the silence of the path unnerving to him. There had to be something out here. He didn’t even hear the treasured songs of the baby bird he desperately wanted to hold. Wild promised that he could hold one at some point on this adventure. He was going to hole the Champion up to this. Especially because of today’s endeavor.
Sky started whistling a song. Maybe that would alert the enemy and he could get this demon from under Wild’s bed.
That it did. It growled at him too. Such a small little growl, but even as small as it was, Sky was ready to throw up.
It was a child. A child covered in some black-purple ooze. Their eyes were yellow and their pupils red. It smiled at Sky. Fi began to sing his hand.
Sky prayed that this wasn’t Wild’s bed demon.
The child growled at Sky again and ran at him.
Sky made a decision. He ran.
“Get away from me you demonic toddler!” He could feel the darkness from within this kid, like it’s been years. The thing is not a kid. It’s in the form of a kid, for sure.
He caught a glimpse of the others giggling behind a bush. He was running out of stamina.
He ran while looking behind him. Which, in itself was dumb, led him off the side of a cliff. The toddler laughed and then vanished out of existence in a black fog. Sky sighed in relief, happy it didn’t jump down with him.
Sky took out his sailcloth to glide and looked down. The sight made his heart drop.
It was a monster camp. One bigger than he had ever seen. There was no dodging it, Sky would land in there.
Sky cursed, trying to glide away from the walls of the monster camp. He only made himself more in the center.
A horn rang from below him. A monster scout saw him. Now the other monsters were alerted.
“Shit, shit, shit!” Sky screamed, trying to dodge arrows. One landed in his thigh he cursed. “I swear to fuck, if I survive this, I’m owed fourty rice balls!”
“Hell no!” Wild’s shouted, his own glider in his hands. “The others are going around, I’m here, no payments needed!” He shouted over the wind.
Sky mentally called Wild insane before looking down at the monster camp that was well aware of their gliding.
“We could do two things,” Wild was focused on Sky. “We can drop from here with a quick save, or we can glide the rest of the way.”
Wild raised his eyebrow at Sky’s conclusion. Then he took one hand off of his glider, maintaining eye contact with the Skyloftian.
Sky shrugged his shoulders and took a hand off of his glider too.
As he fell, Wild shot five bokos. When did that happen? Who knows?
Sky drew his sword as soon as he landed and started swinging. Five, ten, twenty fell by his sword. The slashing and slices became methodical by now. Black blood began to stain their clothes. Sky prayed his sailcloth was scavengable.
“How are you holding up?” Wild shouted, wielding a bright blue bladed claymore.
“Fine,” Sky gritted his teeth as he moved his injured leg. He never took the arrow out. Now he couldn’t find time to take it out.
“Doesn’t look like it,” Wild yelled back, a smirk on his face. Sky scoffed.
“Maybe I would be if I didn’t have to investigate your bed demon!”
“I think the correct term is “paralysis demon” Sky!”
Goddesses, if Sky didn’t know what a paralysis demon was, the world was ending.
Sky found a smile on his face as he cut through another enemy. Who-knows-how-many gone, too-damn-many left.
Sky felt the exhaustion creeping in his bones and the way his injured leg faltered. He heard the warning bells in his mind, but it wasn’t like he could escape. Plus, he would never leave any of his brothers alone to deal with this multitude of monsters.
His swings were becoming more sloppy, and the cuts he sustained from his enemies were getting harder to ignore.
Sky beheaded another lizalfos, its blood staining Fi’s blade a fine black. “Where are they?!”
“Probably following the Old Man’s lead! He’s really trying to fool us with the old “my bones” trick, isn’t he?”
“Why are you joking at a time like this?”
“I don’t know Sky. Maybe because I’m freaking the fuck out!” Wild used such a condescending tone, it kind of made Sky proud. After all, according to the others, he had the most nerve wracking condescending tone. The key is in your volume by the way.
The two heroes were fighting back-to-back now, it was obvious that their movements were tired and exhausted. So yes, Wild had every right to be freaking the fuck out.
It was obvious that they didn’t have much time left. The monsters were starting to make their small circle of defense a lot smaller.
That was when Sky caught a glare. It only got bigger, coming closer in the light. Sky panicked and pushed Wild to the ground. The arrow hit a monster in its stomach.
“Fucking archers?” Wild cursed, getting back up to slice through another enemy.
“Sorry!” The wind carried the voice from where the archer stood. The voice was fairly squeaky, like it belongs to a child. The archer took aim again.
“Who let Wind have a bow?” Wild laughed.
Sky could hear some monsters let out choked screams, the distinct sound of the HYAHs made relief filter through Sky’s shoulders.
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idkfitememate · 9 months
Hey! 🐗 Here and I know that your oc is very different from another OC but they kinda reminded me of each other, *cough cough priests in mond cough cough* it's from a webtoon called breeze to ascension and I totally recommend it! I don't remember the name of the character right now but the story is really good and I think you might like it, based on my very bad character read lol. Anyway thanks for the answer and oh my gosh Ella, hilichurl OC's for the win!!!!!!!!! She is already in my heart and I love her!!!! Wings!!!! She is just so akbeksjqvmshdbwjs!!! Care to elaborate a little on her? My mind in already making up scenarios with her and I don't even know her lol
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I don’t usually read Webtoon but I can at least look it up!
Also Ella!! Yay!!! I love her sm I’d be more than happy to talk a bit more about her!
Her entire deal is that she is a winged Churl, which were thought to be extinct. If you look through the Genshin manga (or just look em up), you can see that they existed during the time Mond was under the aristocracy rule!
She is able to speak the common language and has “human” intelligence, making the Mondstadtians feel a bit off and iffy about killing them.
She a take-no-shit give-no-fucks kinda girl. She will fuck you up, no hesitation if you mess with her.
She’s essentially the Churl representative for Mond. Churls & humans have reached a kinda symbolic relationship here because of Ella’s & Ludwig’s attempts!
I can also say this about her, she fucking hates Liyue. She flew over it once, nearly got killed by a certain short Anemo boy. Fucking hates them. She hates a lot of thing ngl-
For world building I like to give them voice lines so here’s a few:
Good Morning: “What are ya doin’ out here? The sun’s barely up and you’re going f’ what? A walk?.. Let me come with. The sleepin’ pile’s gettin’ crowded.”
Good Night: “The moon’s up… Nice time f’ a bonfire beneath the stars… Wanna come? Pretty sure some of m’ mates are gonna sing some songs. You ever danced a Hilichurls waltz?”
Good Afternoon: “It’s nice ta take a moment… jus’ ta breath n’ take it all in… oh. You’re here too, I guess.”
Good Evening: “Nice crisp winds, perfect f’ flyin’. You got one of them uh… wing gliders? If not you can ride m’ back. No right grips or nothin’ though.”
When it Rains: “Guh… hate the rain… makes m’ hair all matted n’ stuff… you know how hard it is to comb ya hair with no hands?”
After the Rain: “Ngh… Now m’ all wet n’ cold n’ shiver-y…”
When it Snows: “GAH?! I don’t fly up Dragonspine f’ a reason!! To cold TO COLD!!”
When the Wind is Blowing: “Finally, some nice weather!”
About Ella: “What do ya wanna know me? M’ a talkin’ Churl who has wings. What else could ya possibly want ta know?”
About: Vision: “Vision? Don’t got one. Doubt the bast… I mean… people up in Celesta would even consider givin’ one to a ‘monster’ like me..”
About Diluc: “Diluc? Ya mean that guy who goes around at night beating m’ friends up? Yeah, hate his guts. Should see how he looks at me when I stroll around town durin’ th’ day.”
About Razor: “Wolfie? Ya I know im’. Nice little thing when ya really talk to im’. Nice hunter too. Gets th’ good stuff heh.”
About Klee: “The amount of time I’ve had ta tell her I ain’t for blowing up is insane. Good kid, don’t get m’ wrong just… uh… I don’t know what ta call her honestly…”
About Albedo: “The weirdo tries ta experiment on me every. Single. Chance he gets. Can’t shake im’ off or nothin’. Hate im’ and hate the way he looks at me… freak…”
I think I’m gonna stop here, but that’s the basis for her! She will beat you up, no hesitation, give her a chance. She will. And I wanna hear some of your ideas now that you know a bit about her! ☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა
Also more questions are always welcomed and appreciated!! ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚
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magix-winx-club · 2 years
Winx Club Fashion Inspo
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I think Musa would look great in 60/70s inspired glam rock. Big trousers and thin shades that have no use other than looking cool
She would steal Rivens leather jacket to look even cooler
I def got Måneskin vibes from her tbh like she would fit so well in that group and the style!
Event ho it us not Stella's style she is def here for it
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Our beautiful girl Layla
She Is the dancer, the sporty one going on adventures with the guys on their wind gliders
She cam switch it up
She wears big/kinda baggy pants and crop tops and nice boots
Her color palet is usually brown, greene and lilac/purple
But she can switch it up especially when she goes out with the girls although she can be insecure at time when she is with her girls she feels safe and they will make sure Layla is never alone
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rustedhills · 3 months
just finished rewatching Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. god what a good movie
if I were feeling cynical I could say "Nausicaa is a two-hour fantasy epic about the specialest destiny princess who ever was" but like. i think that's a fun and good quality. sometimes you just want a campbellian [yes i dont like him either but whatever] hero-archetype with a cool air glider and ridiculously noble morals. Just to be clear I like this character a lot (in moderation).
imo the english dub is also fantastic
AND it's really interesting as a (pre-) Ghibli film because you can so clearly see '80s anime style leaching in at the corners. Nausicaa has that spunky anime girl bob, all the swords and machines are super 'otaku run wild with a fantasy novel', mobius is there,
AND ALSO I think that Nausicaa is one of the best examples of the core of Miyazaki's work and how people misinterpret it--especially in 'Ghibli films = comfort, pretty scenery, and nice food'. Like, yes to all of those things in Nausicaa, but also 'young idealists being put through the wringer, most often by imperial warmongering, and having to develop a sense of determination and self to survive'. Ashitaka, Nausicaa, Jiro (as Miyazaki-analogue), Mahito, etc. all have to survive some pretty terrifying stuff, not to mention war-less movies like Spirited Away or Castle in the Sky (kinda).
The comfort of good food, companionship, and nice scenery then becomes a mechanism of survival and community-building within hardship [even in, like, Nausicaa sharing her rations with Asbel], which imo is a much more valuable and emotionally impactful takeaway than 'ghibli food yummy'.
Well, that was a tangent. Anyways,
Watch Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Now
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brongusthearcanist · 7 months
As someone who considers themselves an expert in Avatar lore I must weigh in on some things with the live action. I haven't seen it, because I really am not interested in a live action amusement park ride of my favorite fantasy series. But I've seen clips, and the Aang flying thing is not "breaking the rules", and it isn't even close to Zehir's weightlessness. Now I will agree that I think it is horribly executed, it does not give you a good idea of the limitations of air bending, and it is also off vibes wise. When I first saw him fly through the air like a fairy, I honestly thought they were adapting the ember Island episode for a second, because that's what that looks like. It looks like the fake Aang from that episode. But he can do that, notice how he isn't moving fast, that's what the gliders for, fast sustainable flight. Aang in this scene is doing the equivalent of floating around in a hot tub. Not using a ton of skill, but also not very effective in general. There's a reason why he needs his glider. Will say again it is not executed well. He's also not using an air funnel to hold him up, you would see that, he's just slowly falling through an air current, and pushing around. And he definitely isn't untethered.
2. ZAHIR IS NOT AIR BENDING WHILE HE FLOATS! All the bender arts have some spiritual component to them, some even have dedicated spiritual techniques like astral projection and using water to purify spirits. That is not exactly what is happening with Zahir. Zahir...or Zehir(not googling it right now), floats in the same way the Wind runners in the cosmere fly. Windrunners fly but disconnecting themselves spiritually from the earth, then they gaslight the universe into thinking that down is whatever they want. Zehir only does the first step, he is literally weightless. Also it is a passive ability, he does not focus on floating at all, he just doesn't weigh anything. In fact from that one scene it Korra it kinda seems like he actually has to focus on standing on the ground when he does. Now he is air bending when he flies, which is why he can fly without a glider, he doesn't have to worry about keeping a heavy body that did not evolve to fly in the air, it already does that, so now he can just push himself with an air current like a balloon in the breeze.
To summarize the biggest sin that scene with Aang commits is mischaracterizing Aang as a sort of ethereal fairy boy. It isn't being incorrect, but it does not properly convey the limitations of air bending, which leaves the audience a little mad when Aang loses his glider later and falls out of the sky, because the show hasn't shown you why what he did earlier would not work 1000 feet in the sky.
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luimagines · 2 years
Onimusha!Reader would honestly oblige in any stupid stunts that Wild, Sky, Wind and Four get up to. Even Onis tend to be mischievous shits. For our dear Onimusha, it's leans into their teaching and is spontaneous. Here are two examples. You know the updraft mechanics that often pop up in Zelda games?
Our Oni has the 'Sword of Winds' Shippu, a double bladed naginata capable of creating whirlwinds. This, of course, causes Four to get super excited as any weapons he hasn't seen before has his interest. And then they introduced the Smithy to the hang glider.
Time: Have you guys seen Four and Sēji?
*the sound of shouting has everyone lookup to see their missing companions glide above their heads*
Four: Target spotted! Release the payload! *Bags of stale flour are dropped on the group*
Wind gets introduced to the world of origami specifically, paper poppers. You know anything that can make a loud bang yet looks inconspicuous is something our sailor would take advantage of.
Wind: Hey Captain! Look what Sēji taught me to do. *Holds out the paper popper*
Wars: Folded pap- *immediately jumps from the loud pop the Sailor sets off*
Once one of the Links pulls out an instrument, Onimusha!Reader decides to show the group their own. You can say they kinda hoard musical tools like Legend does magical items. They play various instruments but their favorites being the Shakuhachi flute and Shamisen strings.
Reader: *plays the Shakuhachi*
Hyrule: I never heard something so...mystifying. Quite wonderful.
Wars: Doing paperwork would feel less stressful hearing this play.
Reader: *plays the Shamisen*
Twilight: Is it strange to say I feel like dancing to this?
Wild: I would join you cause this has me more fired up than Dinraal's flames.
If any Onimusha!Reader offers any music lessons, I'm pretty sure they're gonna snag most of the Links.
They would actually teach Legend how to use his multiple instruments.
Reader would also have Wild up there in the air with Four since he also has his paraglider as well. XD
It's not a match made in heaven, that's for sure. They get along like a house on fire. Every body get out of the way!
I think Hyrule would also be interested in origami. I think he'd like doing something quiet with his hands- Sky and his whittling, but paper would probably take his attention more. (I also want Sky to teach him whittling though). And Time can be involved too, as a treat.
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jinkicake · 2 years
I can’t keep letting these 5”5 men have a chokehold on me, it’s getting unreal bc if I go this con in February and see a rly pretty albedo I will FOLD ON THE DOTTED LINES😭 like I was thinking about how kazuha looks cute but he’s unhinged and I’m like the opposite kinda💀 literally people think I’m the one in charge of the relationship but he’s so sadistic😭 and he’s has HUGE Simon vibes,, cute police and smiley,very good w words, a fugitive, super strong- like they’re a lil too similar💀 my friend pointed out that I do have a type and I can only sigh. Kazuha will smile in your family’s face at a function like he didn’t rearrange your insides like 3 hours before and is gon do it again as soon as y’all leave, Simon will sit at the dinner table laughing w Lucifer and diavolo while he’s making eyes at you like “I am going to send you straight to the celestial realm” they’re both super into bondage, like kazuha will tie your arms behind your back and take you from behind outside. I’ve heard he likes to have sex w nice scenery and I agree he will take you to a cliff for a picnic and you’re like aww romantic but he has rope in his sleeve. Simon would invite you over to study(Bible study) but he doesn’t even let you put your stuff down before he’s pressing you up against the door and feeling you up. Here both definitely sex feinds😭 like it’s a regular Wednesday morning and they’re asking you to bounce on their cock💀kazuha is BOLD bc like he lives on the crux and who’s gunna beat his ass?? Like if he walks back on board w a pretty little thing on his arm all starry eyed, Beidou already knows she’s gunna catch a glimpse of him balls deep😔 fortunately there’s a rule about sharing whatever you bring on board bc it’s her boat💕 (it’s me I am for the streets and Beidou is so damn fine, ik she has a custom jade strap, she wields a claymore she could hold me up w one arm) she doesn’t look the least bit surprised to see kazuha bending you over in the captains quarters. And he don’t look like he’s been caught w his pants down😒 “I see you’ve been busy” “you were taking too long for my liking, I was just keeping them nice and warm for you” and it’s like ooohhhhhh y’all planned that💀 someone sent this to me and said it was kazuha
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Like this would be him😭 rocks your world but he goes where the wind takes him so he’s out the next week. But I’m build differently I’ll prove myself by out fucking him to when he taps out he can get some sleep, and by the time he has to depart Inazuma he has to take me w him bc I have him under my thumb🥰🥰
no literally... how many times must we have this conversation! theyre 5'5!!!! guys under six foot are friends (not xiao tho)! one day i'll help you overcome this, i promise!
but also folding bc of albedo is so reasonable i understand it like idk what i would do if i actually saw one of these kaeyas out in real life... i would act like a complete and utter fool,,, begging for an ounce of kock or koochie loooool
now that youve brought it up.... we need more rough kazuha smut in this world! he is written so delicately and to be such a sweetheart but like where is fierce and crazy kazuha huh? where is he!!!!
naurrrr see if i were at a table w lucifer, simeon, AND diavolo... i would take lucifer and simeon to another room. diavolo can watch i guess smhhhhhh im inviting everyone!
dont- no beidou- im gonna go feral like that woman is so..... im drooling ugh i need her bad! oooh but a kazuha and beidou threesome now wait a min i really like the trust between them! that would be good-
NO THAT TWEET COULD ALSO BE ALBEDO TOO LIKEEEE THAT FANART I SENT YOU YESTERDAY... you can't tell me he wouldnt hit and then dip the next day and ghost you for life.... but back to kazuha i would cry if he ghosted me like that would hurt real badly huh
you just gotta follow kazuha w the wind... get a glider... kekeke that's how you keep him
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paskariu · 2 years
For the most part I really like the German dub of ninjago but their refusal to keep names consistent (or even give the names to things in the first place) gets frustrating and confusing at times.
what do you mean the ninjas’ ship has a name??? it’s only ever the ship or the “windgleiter”(wind glider) sometimes “ultraschall-gleiter” (ultrasonic glider) which only ever really sounds like naming an electric car “electric car”
the only time the destiny’s bounty gets a name is when garmadon takes it over in season 2 when it does keep the english name “black bounty”.
same goes for the great devourer. in seasons 1 and 2 it is only ever referred to as the “großer schlangenmeister” (”great snake master”). HOWEVER in season 6 nya suddenly calls it the “großer verschlinger” (great devourer) which is in line for the english version but NOT the german at that point. i only really noticed what she meant when i started thinking about what the fuck a “großer verschlinger” is and noticed the literal translation.
the entire “bequeath” dance just doesn’t exist because the stone samurai all speak german. Kuzo is not unique for speaking an understandable language. jay tries to painfully convince him that they(the ninja) want to learn how to dance and misako is their instructor (if i remember correctly it’s been a hot second).
“der stille boss” (the silent boss) instead of “the quiet one” sounds kinda cheesy though to be fair i cannot think of a better translation. “Der Stille/Die Stille” (the quiet one - literally translated) would a) give a hint as to the gender of the person potentially spoiling the reveal and b) sounds even cheesier.
“garmadons motoradgang”(garmadon’s biker gang): imma just leave this without comment. Sons of Garmadon is a baller title and comparison is unfair.
but in other aspects it’s just GOOD. i personally haven’t found a character whose voice i dislike and they use some great jokes that just don’t work in english.
"vielleicht hatte der Vogel ja 'nen Vogel" - maybe the bird had a bird - maybe the bird is crazy
Zane using the honourific way to refer to Lord Garmadon (”Sie”, polite “you”) which i just find kinda endearing. yea he is the big bad TM but Zane is still being polite. Especially since at least in children’s media everyone tends to be talked to with the less formal version (”du” “you”)
All of the ninja do that with Wu but only sometimes
Cole calls Jay “Lackaffe”
"hab' ich was verpasst?" "anscheinend hast du jedem hier eine verpasst" - “did i miss something?“ - “no you hit everyone”
Clousimaus.- clousey mouse - no fucking elaboration
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Hello mister or miss, may i ask for a request where amber, jean and eula recieved a letter where their s/o is in a Persistent vegetative state
A chronic state of brain dysfunction in which a person shows no signs of awareness.
Causes of a persistent vegetative state include head trauma or brain damage from an illness or stroke. Basically a dementor's kiss from harry potter and after some time s/o wakes up let's say in 5 months since Any recovery from a vegetative state is unlikely after 1 month if the cause was anything other than a head injury. If the cause was a head injury, recovery is unlikely after 12 months. However, a few people improve over a period of months or years. Rarely, improvement occurs late and see how they will react
Them reacting to their s/o falling into a coma and eventually waking up
characters: Jean/Amber/Eula x gn!reader (seperate) warnings: angst with a happy ending a/n: This might be a little bit longer, but thanks for requesting. It's the first request I got and so I'm feeling a little bit nervous, but I hope that what I wrote is good enough for you. Also thanks for giving me informations about the persistent vegetative state, since it made writing the fic a lot less time demanding, you know, since I didn't have to research it myself. I also guess it would have been a good idea to state my pronouns or any other thing you could adress me with in the request and rules, but I kinda forgot that 'definitelynotaeulasimp' might be a little bit long. But if it interest you, I'm a guy. Although I don't really care about how anyone adresses me, but I guess it makes it easier for people that want to request. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my interpretation of your request.
Amber always prided herself with being the reigning champion of the Gliding Championship in Mondstadt and encouraged you to fly as much as possible. You, being the competitive soul that you were, were happy to learn from her. In an attempt to someday beat her, you even glided when Amber wasn’t around. It became your favourite past time activity and on day were you didn’t have to work you started before the sun illuminated Mondstadt and when Amber didn’t come to stop you earlier, came back when it had already set.
With how much time you spent with your wind glider it became unavoidable that something would go wrong every once in a while. Small things, never something severe. You were protected by Barbatos himself, at least that’s what you always told Amber when she lectured you about becoming ever more reckless. But when jumped off a tree first thing in the morning and your glider didn’t open, you were finally proved wrong.
When Amber was told, that you were found lying unconscious near one of the streets, she couldn’t believe what had happened. The Outrider was the first one to visit you in the morning and the last one to leave, always hoping to see you wake up. But after a month she realised, that as much as she loved you, she had duties to do and her visits became less frequent.
Your eyes fluttered open even though you didn’t remember having closed them. You were lying in bed, but didn’t remember having gone to it. When you had sat up and looked around, you realised that you definitely weren’t inside your room, or any room in your house that was. Your arms felt much weaker than you remembered them being. Sure you weren’t anywhere near as strong as some of the other knights, but you didn’t recall them being so frail.
You also didn’t understand the look of pure shock on the face of the sister from the church or why she was even there in the first place, but that problem quickly resolved itself when she ran out of your room, screaming something your brain was too tired to understand.
After some time, you decided to stand up only to nearly collapse again. It was then when Amber stormed through the door and quickly embraced you in a tight hug. You didn’t entirely understand why she was sobbing or nearly suffocating you, even though your brain was slowly starting to put the pieces together.
“What happened?”, you asked as you started hugged her back and started rubbing her back with one of your hands in an attempt to comfort her.
“Y-You were in a coma. I was scared you would never wake up again”, she confirmed your suspicions. You tightened your hold and noticed her sobbing dying down.
“How long was I asleep?” It had to be on the longer end of the spectrum since Amber wouldn’t be so distraught if it weren’t, but even your worst case estimations proved to be wrong. When she told you, that you slept for three month you froze for a moment. Barbatos had to protect you, since you would be dead otherwise. This time you were more sure than ever.
“But I’m here again. Still breathing and completely awake”, you comforted her and your hug slowly loosened.
“No more wind gliding for you, not without me and any other precautions. These months were the worst of my live and I don’t want to lose you, so promise me to never again do something dangerous. Please”, she begged while fighting of her urge to start crying again. You nodded, you may not have anything against sustaining injuries, but not being able to see her again was your biggest fear.
You were the only person that could get Jean to stop overworking herself. Lisa may try with her offers to drink tea, but it was obvious to everyone that that didn’t really work. When Jean had too much to do, you always forced her to split it between at least the two of you. So it was no surprise that whenever she had work outside of the city, you would immediately take up her responsibilities and act in her stead. Some would say you were the acting ‘Acting Grandmaster’.
That meant that when Jean left to deal with the Stormterror situation, everyone looked to you for guidance and it was you who lead the defence against the Abyss order’s attack on Mondstadt, only to be sent flying by a charging Mitachurl. It was when you stand back up and instead lied there motionless, that you were immediately taken to the Church in order to get treated.
When Jean subsequently came back to Mondstadt and saw the carnage in front of the city, she immediately started to freak out. Something which got even worse after she was informed of your state. Even though she tried to visit you often, she, in an attempt to make her forget your coma, quickly fell back into her spiral of overworking herself. And now that you weren’t there, there was no one to stop her from it.
When you awoke you found yourself inside a room the church used for healing. You knew this place, since you sometimes had to bring Jean here, when she passed out due to overworking herself. This time it seemed you were the one that passed out. Or rather, regarding the memories of what happened before you awoke, got knocked out. You quickly looked outside the window to check if everything was alright and let out a sigh of relief when you realised, that Mondstadt still looked how it looked back then.
At least almost. The trees had lost their leaves, something that left you utterly confused. It was summer, but it almost looked like it was the start of winter. You quickly got up, only to nearly fall again. When you finally steadied yourself you slowly made your way over to the door. Once you opened it you were greeted by the sound of something shattering and Barbara looking as if she had seen Barbatos himself. Before you could say anything, she was already gone and you instead decided to look down only to see a broken bowl and mash on the floor.
It wasn’t long until you made eye contact with Jean as she entered the church. Before you were able to say a word she had already closed the distance and embraced you in a hug, silently sobbing and whispering one apology after another.
“I shouldn’t have left. I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault, if only I was there”, she rambled while burying her face in your neck. You rarely saw her this emotional, since she always tried to remain professional and a good role-model for everyone else, so needless to say, you didn’t know how to react. But for the time being you chose to hug her back, while slowly leading her back into the room so the two of you could have some privacy.
“What happened? How long was I out?”, you instantly asked the biggest questions on your mind. Jean didn’t even have to respond before your brain finally put the puzzle together. The acting Grandmaster herself was being emotional and the trees had lost their leaves.
“You were in a coma for the last five months”, Jean’s sobs had slowly died down, but threatened to come back in an instant. You had lost five months of your live, just like that. And as the realisation that you easily could have died and you would have never again been able to see Jean was starting to set in, you found yourself fighting of your own tears.
“Don’t blame yourself for it Jean, I beg you. You did everything you could to protect Mondstadt and it’s citizens”, you tried comforting her and started to stroke her back with your hand.
“But you could have died, all because you took over my responsibilities. It should have been me getting hit back there, not you”, she finally looked at you and it was then that you realised the horrible state that she was in.
“Don’t say that, you went off to fight a literal dragon. You risked your life enough. Everything I did was because I knew that it was, what you would have done”, you continued. It took sometime, but the two of you were finally able to break your hug. Jean demanded that you lied down and as the two of you talked about what happened while you weren’t awake, you slowly fell back asleep. And when you woke up the next morning, you could see her still sleeping leaned on the bed.
You were part of the reconnaissance force of the Knights of Favonius. Which meant that you and Eula would often go on missions stretching days. You always liked it more to just sit at home and have a relaxing time with her, but you didn’t complain to much about the cold of Dragonspine, since you knew it would end with her lecturing you about how it was your duty or how she would act out her vengeance on you for annoying her.
It was on one of those routine missions, that you encountered a group of Fatui. Nothing too rare in Dragonspine. But instead of easily defeating them like you two were already used to, this time they fought much harder than usual. And when you saw one of them taking a swing with their hammer at an unsuspecting Eula, you showed her to the side and were instead hit by the attack.
After seeing you collapse Eula quickly dealt with the Fatui and checked on you, only to freak out when you didn’t react to her. It was her that quickly picked you up and carried you to the Church of Favonius.
It was widely known, that Amber and you were the only ones close to her, so when you fell into your coma, the acting Grandmaster quickly took pity on her and assigned her to less missions, so Eula could be by your side much more often. Occasionally she had to leave for some days, since the Knights still needed their reconnaissance captain, but on those days Amber would go to you in her stead.
When you woke up, the first thing you thought was that you were in heaven. Who could blame you, the ceiling and everything else you saw was white, but as soon as you sat up and saw Eula you sighted relieved. Next thing you knew, you were already being hugged. Neither you nor the Lawrence dared to say a word, but when she finally broke the embrace and looked you in the eyes, you could see every imaginable emotion in her face.
“Don’t you ever dare doing something like that again”, was the first thing she said to you, emphasizing every single word, as if to make sure you remembered it. The last thing you remembered was fighting the Fatui and shoving Eula away and now you were in a completely different place with her being uncharacteristically intimate.
“Eula, what happened?”, you finally asked while being scared of the answer yourself. When she told you what had transpired and that you have been in an unresponsive state for the better part of three months, you could feel yourself freeze. That explained her behaviour and while you were shocked to know that you had nearly died, you at least were happy that you had succeeded in saving Eula.
“I’ll inform Barbara and ask her to search you for any remaining injuries before we go home. You will remain there until I see you fit enough to start training again or you will experience my vengeance”, she spoke in her usual commanding tone but you knew her well enough to know that it was her way of saying that she missed you.
“Thank you for being here for me”, you said sincerely as you took her hand and gave it a small squeeze.
“Don’t mention it. I always said that I would have my revenge for how you treat me”, she responded. After Barbara checked you one last time, you went home as Eula promised. There your captain took care of you until you were finally strong enough to go outside again, but even then Eula wouldn’t let you go on any missions until she was sure that you were one hundred percent fit.
Contrary to popular believe getting enacted vengeance on by a Lawrence wasn’t always a bad thing.
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
Hihi! I really love reading your works, so I finally decided to send in an ask. May I get a reader (gn, please ^^) who is terrified of using wind gliders when high up, but they and (any characters of your choice) are outnumbered by enemies on top of a high mountain, so they have to use wind gliders to get away? This is my first time requesting, so I hope I did well. :,) Make sure to drink your water and stay safe. u^u👌
Hello! Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy them <33 this was super cute and fun! I chose Itto since he's my current obsession lmao but yes, you requested correctly <333 also, you better be drinking water and staying safe too >:0 Word count: 651
In the sky with you
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You always had an intense fear of gliding mainly because of the sheer length up off the ground. You, of course, had one. You’d gotten it mainly for emergency purposes but it was still hard to use. You did use it for short jumps such as little hills and the like, but unlike some of your friends, you couldn’t jump off of large cliffs or anything.
You normally managed to get around said issues by just walking but there were days where… you just couldn’t do it. Like now.
“Come on!” Itto yelled as he ran through dense trees, dodging every single one of them. You followed him, staying careful and wary of all the roots, stumps, and rocks. The two of you burst through the opening between the trees, keeping your pace consistent as you sprinted down the clearing. You see, you two had accidentally come across a fatui camp and there just happened to be too many. So instead of fighting, you and Itto chose to run. However, your escape would be cut short when you both came to an abrupt stop. You were standing on top of a large cliff and the only way down was with a glider.
“I-I can’t go-” you said, looking around for another exit, “I’ll find another way down!”
“It’s too dangerous, they’re way too close!” Itto argued, trying to urge you to jump but you immediately pulled away and took large steps back.
“I can’t do it, Itto! Don’t force me! I-I’ll find some other way down, but you need to go! Or you’ll get caught!”
“I’m not leaving you!”
“I can’t do it!” Itto could see the different colors of elements in the distance and knew the fatui were getting too close. So, he held his hand out. You stared at it before shaking your head.
“Come with me, (y/n). I’ll hold your hand the entire time… and I won’t let go. I swear you won’t fall, you won’t get hurt, and you’ll enjoy it. It’s kinda beautiful all the way up here.” You could hear the yells and footsteps getting closer and you knew these fatui didn’t take prisoners. But as you met Itto’s crimson eyes, there was a sense of calm and relief you felt. You loved this man and you’d travel to the ends of Teyvat for him… so what was a small jump off a cliff’s edge, right?
Taking his hand, you inhaled sharply as he ran and jumped. You followed him- like you did every other time- feeling the gliders deploy. You held onto his hand as if it were your lifeline as your body soared forward, cutting through the air like a knife. You could hear Itto cheering beside you, still trying to understand what was so fun.
“Open your eyes, (y/n)!” He yelled, laughter following suit. Slowly, your eyes opened and within seconds of seeing everything, they widened. It… did look beautiful.
The bright blue sky, the golden sun shining down, the ocean glittering under the light… It looked beautiful. The fresh hair blew through your hair and you didn’t even realize you’d started to let go of Itto’s hand. He watched you with a bright smile, slowly loosening his grip. A bright smile appeared on your face and small giggles came from you, indicating your enjoyment. Though, as promised, he never let go.
It didn’t take long before you two landed right on the grassy ground. You’d forgotten about everything and the second you could, you hugged Itto, eyes bright with joy.
“Th-that was so much fun! You were right!” You had started to ramble about how you were always too nervous but this time you actually enjoyed yourself and whatnot. Itto couldn’t help but stare at you with a smile filled with admiration and love.
“You looked great, too! We should do it again!”
“Yes! Yes, I wanna go again!”
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Hey, I just found your blog through your adorable A Smaller Predicament headcanons. You’re an amazing writer and I was wondering if you could please do a version of that for Venti?
A Small(er) Predicament [Venti x Reader]
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Synopsis: When you have to deal with each other's quirkiness as either him as a child or you as a pocket-sized human being
(Two seperate scenarios of Smol Series 1 and 2)
(A/n): Awww you're too kind anon and Venti is such a good addition to this. He's already babie (just look at the art #protecc)
Venti as a smol baby
The price for the Anemo Archon taking the form of a 12-year old boy had errupted some unique reprocussions after the potion effect: Rather than a young child with the capacity of walking at best, he reduced to something much much younger...a baby.
This meant that Venti will articulate the exact traits of an average one year old except he's more chaotic given his godly powers. It's because he's yet to learn his powers, if Klee could blow up the entirety of DragonSpine, then Barbatos would spin a tornado enough to flatten the mountains and plains altogether. You pray to god when he happens to sneeze (until you realize he is the god). Time to duck under the table, every item would fly off their tables and snot would be coming down his nose...which you have to wipe now (yuck!)
No matter what form he takes, Venti is still the same troublemaking, free-spirited to a fault and mischevious bard. The type to cry at least three times during sleeping hours and you wake up the next day completely deprived of energy. He's a messy eater as well as a picky eater. Food would constantly be stained around his face to the point you feel uncomfortable looking at him. Oh and if you ever try feeding him meals that he dislikes, Venti will either dodge your spoon or blow it away that it splashes all over your shirt.
Does. not. drink. milk. You fight to shove the bottle into his mouth which ends up with him crying a ear-splitting scream. It's almost embarassing trying to feed him in public. Because what Venti wants is not milk, he wants wine. WINE. You knew because "wine" was his first word. The amount of stress he gives you almost wants to make you cry too. So you often had to bring him to the Cathedral and ask the sisters to help instead. Turns out singing songs helps him calm down alot.
However when there are times where Venti is behaving, he's an absolute cutie. He laughs alot, a bubbly and gurgly giggle where you can almost hear his signature "Ehe" except now its an "Eehee". For some reason, Venti loves to bite. He will take a strand of your hair and put it in his mouth. If you bring him close to your face, he'll lean in and chomp your cheek. You're not sure why but that's just his way of showing affection. Most of the time he may stink as a baby, but after a good shower he smells like the fresh minty wind that had blown through the whispering woods.
Once he turns back to his normal self, Venti acts like nothing much happened. Doesn't even apologize for all the trouble he committed. He just says "That was fun!"
When you turn pocket-sized
Boy oh boy you two are going to have lots of fun together ehe ^_^ But don't worry. Venti has no malicious intent. Just his mischeivious tricks like usual. It's like having his own verison of Paimon! Oh, you can't fly? That can be fixed. He crafts you a mini wind-glider when actually it's a cheap folded paper airplane he made in just ten seconds, sticks you on it using tape before using his powers to generate a wind current. You were screaming for your life.
But it doesn't stop there. With you brand new powers, you guys can now be partners in crime! Big and small. As he distracts the staff at the Dawn Winery, you can sneak into the cart and push the apples down into his bag. Or what about sneaking underneath the door to unlock the cathedrals cell where all of the wine stash is hidden?
"No? *sigh* such a shame. We could have been really great partners. A fantastic duo hehe! But you know, now that I'm looking at how small you are, this kinda reminds me of...nevermind. Where shall we be off to next?"
He lets you slip underneath his beret hat. Despite being the wind god, it never falls off. Whenever you shift and push out from the edges of his hat to take a peek outside, Venti can feel your knees digging into his head. Although the feeling can be a bit nagging sometimes and that he has to get used to, at least he has someone to scratch for him whenever he feels itchy!
Whenever you need help climbing on top of furniture, sometimes you'll feel a gentle boost ghosting in the air. Even when Venti isn't around, he keeps in mind to help you navigate your surroundings whenever you need to. Also considering that he's so short himself, sometimes he'll lift you to the top shelves to get something for him.
When you turn back, he says he's going to miss the times where you're flying around in a tiny form. It brings him a sense of deja-vu. Regardless, Venti makes sure to implement this into his songs and stories, a tale of two figures of different sizes ready for adventure!
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