#even in the tough times we believe in our silly little team
sregnarkroywen · 1 year
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vs Newcastle Northstars, 06.08.23
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itsblasttothepast · 3 months
Random Checo Pérez Post
So, I've been a fan of Checo Pérez for years... since the beginning, actually. I'm mexican, I'm older than him (I'm in my 40's, if anyone was wondering) and I particularly follow mexicans in tough sports for our country (like my boy, Donovan Carrillo, killing it in ice skating).
It can be tiring seeing all the hate he gets for every little thing (without couting the racist/xenophobic comments), and I know he's controversial, but he's also human and makes mistakes. Anyway, that's no the point, as a Checo fan, I've been there seeing all the different teams and teammates, and honestly, I kind of want to go back when he was mostly ignored by the press and the media.
I hardly post anything personal in my blog, I mostly reblog and like posts of you awesome people, but now I'm in a ranty mood and want to share my my impressions of his career in F1.
Starting with Sauber, his very first team:
I call this: Baby Checo Era - Cursed Sauber Era
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Look at him, he was so young, full of dreams and growing into those teeth. I think he was very lucky with his first teammate, the great Kamui Kobayashi (I secretly think this is why he's so fond of Yuki Tsunoda nowdays); he learned a lot with Kamui, Checo even admits that he knows about managing tires thanks to Kamui.
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They seemed relaxed, and made a great team, and also we had Esteban Gutiérrez, another mexican, as the third driver for Sauber.
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Anyway, this was his learning phase, and he was killing it, most of the press was nice/ambigous, some pilots on the paddock didn't like him, but we didn't care because Kamui was there, Esteban was there, and we as fans were there.
I called this 'cursed Sauber era' because it made us believe that life was good and we could be happy forever and ever.
Then it came the worst thing ever (actually, for me, the worst thing ever is Red Bull, but most Checo Fans don't agree on my take). My boy moves to McLaren because Ferrari was still thinking their options.
I call this the Lost Checo Era - Collective Amnesia Era
We thought the move to McLaren would put our Checo on the map, oh boy, we were SO WRONG. No points, no glory, no good car... not even good press. It was a hot mess.
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Not even the suit was good, honestly.
His teammate was Jenson Button. He was polite, but we could see he didn't like Checo's driving style, and sometimes my boy made silly mistakes and tried to force his way into the laps rather aggressively (which most drivers did back then, but whatever).
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Still, they were mostly nice to each other, but the team was shit back then, and Checo seemed lost and confused (and still wasn't growing into those teeth). When he changed teams, we as fans decided to forget all about McLaren and move on with him. Although I must say Checo has said that Jenson was one of his best teammates and learned a lot from him, so I guess their relation wasn't that bad.
Then it came Force India/Racing Point... oh, Force India, it was our time.
I call this the Hopeful Checo Era - Foce India Hope
Checo came and slayed, honestly. Everything seemed to click with that team, he looked comfortable, in his element, winning points again...
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And he finally was growing into those teeth!!!
His first teammate here was Nico Hülkenberg, and they seemed to have a good relation, even friendly I might say.
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It was an amazing time, as a fan, I can say I enjoyed all the races, even when he kept spinning out the track or hitting other drivers with his wheels. He and Nico were amazing, and had such a nice chemistry, it was a refreshing change and it made us nostalgic.
Then Nico moved to another team... and another Checo Era starts.
Nico Hülkenberg loggged out of Foce India, and Esteban Ocon logged in...
I call this the No Fucks Given Checo - Force India Breaking Point
We could see Esteban and Checo didn't like each other. It was obvious, and they tried so hard to show they could get along, with hilarious results like Esteban's tweet about Checo trying to kill him twice.
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You could feel the tension even in pictures, honestly. As fans, we used to joke every race weekend, asking 'has Checo finally killed Esteban?'
Checo here was fearless and daring, and kept pushing everyone out of his way, including his teammate, which of course is a big no-no in F1... although Mercedes suffered the same with the whole Lewis/Nico thing (and RedBull to a lesser extent with Max/Daniel), but Force India was a mid-table team, so it wasn't a big deal (nobody cared, those were the good days).
I even remember when Massa complained about Checo's overtake on Lance, and my boy answered 'What are you? his father?'... I think even Kimi laughed at this, it was hilarious, and showed how many fucks he cared.
Unfortunately, Force India had a very questionable management (debatable, Vijay seemed like a nice person), and after stopping paying all the employees, Checo brought legal action against the team in hopes of looking for buyers capable of servicing the team's debts (this is why they like him so much on Aston Martin). This led to Force India to be bought by Lawrence Stroll, and rebranded as Racing Point.
I call this the Reborn Checo Era - Racing Point Pink Era
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Honestly, I would fail as a mexican if I didn't put this picture, his first win in F1, we cried so much, starting at the last place, and winning, the fireworks, the tears... and the fact that he had been fired, and here he was, winning, showing everyone to never give up.
Anyway, Checo had a new teammate, Lance Stroll, and it even looked like we would get something similar to Nico, but then they fired him for Sebastian Vettel (no hate to Vettel, it was strategic, and we get it, but it felt like such a betrayal after what Checo did to save the team).
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Still, my boy looked good in pink, and he and Lance got along, and gave us amazing moments. I even think that he improved his relation with Esteban Ocon because he was Lance's friend. It was nice.
But when he was fired of Racing Point, we as fans thought 'it's over... our boy is going to leave F1'. We even joked about funding our team so he could stay, it was bittersweet. He won, but he still lost.
Then it came the proposal of proposals... the big league (I wanted Checo to go to Mercedes and race with Lewis), Red Bull wanted him as second driver.
I personally didn't like it. Those teams are hardball, and the press is ruthless. But everyone was so happy for Checo, and I wanted to see him race, so I made peace with it.
And here we are now... I honestly don't know how to call this Checo Era. It has been a rollarcoaster since the beggining, and I wish he hadn't renew and moved to another team... but I'll stay here with him, like I've done since 2011, I just hope that the pressure and the harsh and unnecessary criticism doesn't end up breaking him.
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Especially now that he looks so hot and finally has the Tom Cruise smile.
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I actually like Max, I think he's a good person, and an even better driver. I think he and Checo have a good relation, friendly at times, frosty some others, but in the end, they reach a middle ground where they can be teammates and not enemies. I like them together, but I don't like Red Bull policies and the way the press seemed to want to make Checo feel like he's a failure just because he isn't Max.
Oh, and also, thanks to tumblr and FB, now I kind of ship RP, and I agree that Max and Checo have amazing chemistry, they look so good together! (but also deep down, I lowkey ship Lewis/Checo... and I still hope to see them together in a team).
So, if you made it this far, thank you very much for reading my weird ramblings. English is not my first language (again, mexican), so I apologize for the grammar mistakes.
I'm a Checo fan, and I'll be until he retires... I just wish that those who aren't, didn't create such a hostile and hateful enviroment.
I hope that when Pato O'ward joins F1, the enviroment is more welcoming and nice.
Checo aun tiene para luchar, y ni modo cabrones, así es la vida.
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tm95-snarl · 2 years
I’ve had my 2 hour nap. And my 5 hour panic attack. Burgh called a Nurse Joy for me. Nurse Joy and Audino helped me calm down. Breathing exercises and Heal Pulse helped. Nurse Joy said she recommended I have some health tests done, and I get some extra vaccines that I need. I can do that. But first, I’m going to list some evidence. To help me think something through.
I can’t take a punch like my family can. Bugs don’t bother my little cousins. Bug type bites hurt me a lot, I had to get specialist treatment when a nest of small durant bit me but my cousins don’t need care for their bug bites. Every therapist that I’ve went to had psychic types as a helper and I ended up quitting therapy because they couldn’t literally read my mind. Which is too high of an expectation now that I think about it, but the ones who specifically advertised it as a service couldn’t ever do it to me.
The “therapy” when I was a kid. It wasn’t just teaching (forcing) me how to mask my autism. It was teaching (forcing) me how to not act like a Zorua. I bet the stupid mirror therapy where I had to practice facial expressions and shit for hours on end after I had to stare at pictures of my dads and moms faces and body language was to get me to get me to look like them. Was the whole “no, you can’t talk to Pokémon, that’s just a silly kid make believe thing” even right?!?
My dietary issues. Onions and garlic hurting my stomach. Every time I go in the fish market I have to hold myself back from just grabbing a raw fish and eating it. My families long history of lactose intolerance.
When I entered college, the blood tests for certain diseases said I tested positive for pokerus. I had to quarantine for a month before they told me it wasn’t an active case.
The sudden change I had around half a year ago. I suddenly could do so much more things. I felt more, more alive and myself. I wasn’t terrified of driving anymore. I didn’t have any more of my small blackouts. I could just do like ‘adult crud’ without screwing up completely. Dang it, I bet I evolved then.
“Why do you want that Zorua? Isn’t it creepy? It’s a dark type. It has illusions. It isn’t safe. Why not a nice pidove? Or a patrat? Or a sewaddle like your aunt Isla? Your uncle Jolt’s galvantula just laid eggs, you can have a joltic! A munna would be great for your nightmares! An Audino would be a perfect Pokémon for your health! A timburr! A minnichino! A lillipup! A venipede! No dark types! Anything but the Zorua, even a Trubbish would be better than that!” That’s why they didn’t like Prince Shade! That’s so messed up.
“We don’t use Pokeballs, they aren’t safe.” That’s why! This is why!
They knew! I bet they knew! This is messed up!
Are they some sort of Pokémon too?!?
My family, on my moms side, have always been extra resistant, or rarely even immune, to usually not malicious ghost types tricks and extra tough at taking punches. They do tend to be hurt a lot by the nastier pranks and dirtier fighting that dark types tend to like. I always chalked that up to the scholarly bent to our families little culture, and the endurance we have to have to survive our families genetic health issues. Our family patriarch preached that we were all born with hate in our hearts, all of us as a species, and that it’s something we have to overcome and be kind. I thought he meant humanity - that’s part of why I didn’t see Team Plasma and Neo Plasma as wrong. Maybe he meant as a species of Pokémon?
I have to call my mom.
But first, some medical tests. I am comfortable with medical tests. I trust Nurses. Crap, the Nurses all probably found out and didn’t say anything cuz they thought I knew and was keeping it a secret. That’s probably the nicest thing anyone in a position of power has done for me other than the doctors who worked so hard to keep me alive when I came into this world an early runt.
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rocorambles · 3 years
Meeting in the Middle
Pairing: Sakusa x reader
Genre/Warnings: NSFW, Yandere, Misogyny, Controlling Behavior, Degradation, Non-Con/Rape, Spanking
Summary: Sakusa shows you that he’s more than capable of meeting you in the middle and listening to you for a change. But be careful of what you ask for.
A/N: This is for the Poly Wives Angst Collab~ RIP us and our never ending collabs we create for ourselves.
If someone had told you five years ago that you’d be dating one of Japan’s most eligible bachelors, a professional athlete fawned over by media and fans nation-wide, the epitome of the strong and silent type, you would have laughed in their faces. What is this? Some silly fairytale? The childish checklist of “things I want in a boyfriend” you’d written in middle school?
But life has a funny way of working and you find yourself in an obnoxiously lavish and rowdy nightclub, made only more crazy by the surprising appearance of some VIPs.
It seems like volleyball has somehow become Japan’s national sport overnight and although you aren’t necessarily the biggest follower of anything remotely athletic, even you know exactly who the rambunctious trio catching everyone’s eyes are.
You can’t deny there’s more than just a bit of appeal in the way their button up shirts cling to toned muscles, but you’ve never been one for crowds and you stray to the emptier corners of the establishment to avoid being swept by the crowd of excited fans. But when Atsumu cheesily winks and flirts as he signs scandalously bared skin of female fans, you mockingly gag, only to whirl in embarrassment when you hear an amused snort from behind you.
“Not a fan of Miya Atsumu?”
Staring wide-eyed and slack jawed when someone asks you a question is very rude and you want to answer. But you don’t trust yourself with basic human speech when Sakusa Kiyoomi is staring at you expectantly. So you shake your head side to side instead, heat rising to your face at the small upward curve of his lips.
“Neither am I.”
Atsumu never lets the two of you live down how he’s the one who technically brought you together, even if it was at the cost of his pride. (You chuckle when you remember his loud squawking when Sakusa recounts the dialogue exchanged at your first meeting.) But even months later, even after Sakusa has officially introduced you to the rest of the MSBY team, even after they’ve accepted you as part of their cozy and rowdy family, you can’t stop feeling impostor syndrome.
Dating Sakusa still feels unreal and you can’t help but feel like you’re living someone else’s life, stuck in a rose-tinted dream, playing dress-up and make believe as you parade around in clothing far more luxurious than you’re used to, whisked around on your lover’s strong arm as you follow him around the world from match to match. And as lovely as it is, you long to truly make this relationship your own, to feel the rawness and grittiness of love and life, to experience the charm and comfort of being true to yourself and knowing Sakusa loves you just as you are.
But your desire to be with him, to call him your own trumps your own wishes and you find yourself quickly backing down everytime you suggest something that he’s quick to turn down, desperate to appease and please him even at the price of your own desires.
He’s never outrightly rude about his preferences, never raises his voice. But somehow that makes the judgement and disdain in his dark eyes that much more apparent. You remember a rough day of work you had, the relief you had felt about being able to swiftly swap your constrictive work apparel for a pair of worn-in shorts and a baggy t-shirt. Your outfit would certainly not win any fashion awards, but you blissfully sigh at how comfortable you are as you call a local pizza shop, ordering delivery self-indulgently.
You could feel yourself becoming one with the couch you’re lounging on, the television playing in the background. But even in the hazy in-between of sleep and alertness, your eyes snap open when the door opens and you lazily smile as your boyfriend enters your shared apartment, returning from another grueling practice.
“You look like you’ve had better days.”
Your smile slips, anxiety flooding through you as you self-consciously curl in on yourself while his lips purse, eyes scrutinizing your sloppy appearance.
“Umm, yeah...tough day at work-”
“Maybe you should freshen up with me. You might feel better in a...real outfit.”
You know better than to think that it’s really a suggestion, cursing yourself, humiliation coursing through you when you think of how foolish you were to get so comfortable so quickly. You’ve seen the caliber of the women who lust over your boyfriend unabashedly despite his long-time relationship with you. You need to try harder. You need to be better.
Self-deprecation rips you to shreds as you painstakingly groom yourself, donning a dress you know Sakusa loves, applying a full face of makeup and a spritz of his favorite scent. And despite how exhausted you are, how much you’d rather be slumped on the couch, gorging on a slice of pizza, it’s all worth it when you see the appreciative look in his gaze as his eyes rake over your figure.
But worry gnaws at you once more as the doorbell rings and his eyebrow raises questioningly at the interruption. It’s a painful walk of shame as you plaster on a fake smile, tipping the delivery boy, the usually tantalizing smell of cheese and grease only making you nauseous as you bring the box to the dining table.
“What is that?”
Your voice trails off and you feel so small, so pathetic as Sakusa’s face borders disgust as he observes the offensive item.
“You didn’t cook?”
The disappointment in his voice has you spewing excuses and apologies, your heart shattering when he merely waves off your ramble, telling you he’d order a salad from elsewhere and to enjoy your meal.
You never order pizza again and a steaming hot plate of freshly cooked food is always waiting for Sakusa when he returns home while you patiently wait for him with a painted face and impeccable outfits.
Your friends and family tell you how grateful you should be, how envious they are as they oggle your latest high-end designer pieces, cooing over how picture perfect the two of you always are, staring wide-eyed at your gorgeous home, not a speck of dust or object out of place. Who would have thought that you would be the epitome of the ideal housewife in such a short time?
Yes, you wonder. Who would have thought? Certainly not you.
If only they knew how deep down the deception goes, how lost you are in this pretend world you’re stuck in. And your heart twists and turns when your friends share about the little and big spats that happen behind closed doors, giggling and sighing in an understanding you’re not part of when they playfully complain about how much work love is.
But it’s always worth it in the end because the good always outweighs the bad if you’ve found the right person (not to mention the makeup sex is a bonus). Or so they say, but you wouldn’t know what any of that feels like. Sakusa doesn’t leave room for any arguments, any disagreements, any hint of anything less than a perfect relationship.
Even in the privacy of your bedroom, you feel like you’re in a cheesy porno, dressed in the prettiest white slip dress decorated with dainty lace and a string of pearls around your neck. You feel like a doll as you’re positioned on the bed, eyes demurely looking down, letting Sakusa do as he pleases while he guides you, calloused hands roaming over your skin. You’re sure he means for it to be pleasurable and intimate, and you can’t deny that he knows your most sensitive areas, shuddering when he grazes over your hardening nipples. But there’s a coldness to his movements, a calculating aspect in the way he examines you, dark eyes scrutinizing every inch of you as if they’re looking for a blemish, a reason to lecture you on not taking care of yourself.
Yet as predictable and standoffish as he is, he does know how to pleasure you and you writhe underneath him, moaning, lower lips dripping in your own arousal. But you whimper when he growls at you to stop moaning so loudly, to stop acting like a slut.
“I’m dating a lady, not a whore.”
The words cut you, pain and emptiness mixing with the rising pleasure, muddling into a confusing and overwhelming mess insides of you. You don’t trust yourself to speak, hot tears pricking at your eyes, unsure whether a moan or harsh words would slip past your lips. But you know that neither will work in your favor, so like always, you hold your tongue, doing whatever you can to keep your lover happy. You close your eyes, letting yourself get lost in the tightening knot inside of you, submitting to the waves of pleasure that crash over you as you cum, fingers tangling in the rumpled sheets, back arching in ecstasy.
Only when Sakusa is asleep, his back turned to you, the two of you cleaned and freshened up, do you let your tears stream down your face, feeling more alone than ever in your shared bed.
You hold out longer than you should, much longer than you should, in the hopes that things will improve, that Sakusa will loosen up, reveal his true self to you, let you reveal your true self to him. It’s just early dating jitters, early relationship issues. Things will get better.
Except it’s months later and things aren’t better. If anything, they’re worse and you can feel the weight of his expectations and the stress of perpetually living by a prewritten script crushing you.
It’s time to put an end to this charade.
It’s just another uneventful night and you idly stare up at the ceiling as you wait for Sakusa to join you in bed. Your heart is racing, throat feeling dry and choked up as he slips under the covers. You’re terrified, of Sakusa’s reaction, of ending everything, of starting from scratch. But you know it’s the right decision and when he finally settles in beside you, you begin to speak.
There’s only the sound of your trembling voice as you quietly tell him how you’ve felt all along, how everything has felt so prim, proper, fake, how everyday just feels like another session of rehearsing your lines, making sure you meet whatever standard he’s set for you. You want passion, real love, fights, laughter. You just want to be yourself. You just want to be with someone who loves you exactly the way you are.
“Kiyoomi, maybe we should break up. I don’t think we’re right for each other. I don’t think I’m what you want. I don’t think I’ll ever be what you want.”
“You’re right. Despite how much time, work, money, and patience I’ve spent to better you, you haven’t changed at all.”
You’re left reeling from the matter of fact harshness of his words, the slight exasperation in his tone, as if this is all your fault, as if you’re just a bothersome misbehaving pet.
“Prim and proper? Passion? Fights? So you’re tired of manners? Tired of being a respectable woman? You just want to fight and fuck like animals?”
You open your mouth to protest, anger licking at the open wounds his verbal assault leaves behind. But before you can retort, the air is ripped out of your lungs in a stunned yelp as your body is swiftly flipped over, your face shoved into the mattress until it’s a struggle to breathe, fabric and cushion all you can taste.
Your arms flail as you struggle to breathe, nails clawing at the sheets, arms trying to push yourself up against. But it’s no use against Sakusa’s strength and just as specks of black begin to enter your vision, fingers tangle with your roots and you gasp as your head is harshly jerked up, neck bending painfully back, jaw forced open from the strange position.
You whimper, tears beginning to blur your sight as a calloused hand turns your face until you’re staring at a condescending impassive countenance.
“If you want to be treated like a slut that badly, I’ll be a good boyfriend and give you exactly what you want. Ass up. Now.”
There’s no room for disobedience and spurred on by fear and pain, you listen, awkwardly shuffling into position, shame heating your face at how exposed you feel. But it’s only the start and you scream as a heavy strike lands on your bare ass, more and more blows raining down upon you, until you’re sobbing for mercy, agonized cries forced from your mouth, thighs trembling at having to support yourself through the torture.
Your upper body slumps in relief when the hits finally stop, but you flinch when fingers methodically prod at your entrance. You instinctively try to lurch forward, away from the touch, but it’s no use and you clench your eyes in humiliation at the sloppy wet sounds betraying your arousal.
“This is the wettest I’ve ever seen you. You really do like being used and treated like a bitch.”
You wish you could deny it. You wish you had the spirit to talk back, maybe even spit on that handsome face. But all you can think of is how full you feel as Sakusa’s cock slams balls deep inside your dripping hole, how deep he is inside of you from this angle, how overwhelmingly pleasurable the mix of pain and lust is as he uses you like you’re nothing more than a warm breathing sex doll.
All you can do is lewdly moan and take it, tears slipping down your face, drool seeping into the ruined sheets, eyes rolled back in your head. The coil in your stomach tightens and tightens no matter how hard you try and hold it at bay, desperately trying not to cum, not to inadvertently admit your body’s betrayal as it succumbs to every thrust. But it’s too much, the unfamiliarity of this brutal pace, the overpowering sensation of his tip reaching new depths inside of you, and you shatter to pieces, pussy convulsing, body twitching, pleasure like you’ve never felt before surging through you.
All through it Sakusa continues his relentless rhythm, a sneer marring his flawless face as he watches you suffer through your orgasm, writhing underneath him. It’s disgusting how much you love this, pathetic, pitiful, and yet he’s harder than he’s ever been, more turned on than he ever thought possible. And all it takes is a few more thrusts before he’s spilling inside of you, a strong hand holding you still and tight to him as his groin presses against your ass, not an inch of space between the two of you as he paints your insides white.
Maybe you had a point all along. You’re absolutely filthy and wrecked and he grimaces at the tear, sweat, and sex stained mess he touches as he shoves your exhausted body away from him. Yet there’s a certain appeal to your disheveled appearance, how ruined you are because of him.
How beautifully you break.
Well if you have no desire to improve yourself, he can learn to meet you in the middle, learn to let you be the low-life whore you have no desire to move up from. After all, that’s what you said love is, right?
Accepting each other’s differences.
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hwascripts · 4 years
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WC: Unknown
TW: Swearing, mentions of murder, a bit of angst, I think that’s it!
This is heavily unedited because it’s my Levi simp hours and I need Dad!Levi headcanons. Also your kid and Eren’s kid are gender neutral
Levi as a father 
-I honestly don’t picture Levi as someone who planned on having kids but rather someone who ends up having kids by complete accident. Living in the walls during a war is absolute hell and he doesn’t want his kids to suffer the same way he did growing up.
-Whether or not the kid is adopted or his biological kid- it doesn’t matter to him, he couldn’t give less of a shit about the parentage of his kid...if he raises the kid then you better believe it’s his kid.
If your kid is adopted then here’s how I picture you guys becoming their parents
- During one of your expeditions beyond the walls you find (what you think is) an abandoned cabin in the woods. When you point it out Levi just tells you to ignore it and focus on the task Erwin gave you, but you have this weird gut feeling that someone is in there. While Levi is distracted you go off to the cabin and peek inside and to your horror- there is a small child, no older than a few months crying in it’s deceased mothers arms. You run over and pry the crying baby from the mother’s hands and immediately start trying to hush it’s cries
-Levi notices the fact that you’ve left his side after a few minutes of silence and he pinches his nose in frustration- of course you went to check out the cabin he told you to ignore. He flies away from the tree he was perched on and makes his way to the cabin to look for you- upon reaching the cabin his eyes widen from pure shock. Where the hell did you get a crying baby from? he can’t help but be filled with sorrow when he notice’s the child’s dead parents on the ground behind you- bandits had probably murdered them.
-The two of you have a huge argument about what you should do with the orphan child and this results in the two of you not speaking for over a week. But as the week goes on, he realizes that him and that baby are more similar than he thinks. Levi never had a father- the closest father figure in his life being Kenny who abandoned him at a young age, and his dear mother Kuchel who died of sickness when he was just a boy. Both Levi and the child didn’t have parents in their lives, fate cruelly ripping that away from them. He see’s himself in that baby.
-After a week of silence Levi storms into your office only to catch you asleep with the baby on your chest, his heart softens just the slightest bit at the image. He sits next to you and gently shakes you awake- careful to not wake the sleeping baby. Before you can even say anything he quietly states:
-”we’re not abandoning the baby, we can raise them together”
-All the worry and stress you carried melted away after hearing his words.
If your kid was biologically his, this is how I picture it turning out:
-The day Hanji informed you that you were pregnant was quite possibly one of the worst days of your life (sorry to be angsty) how the hell could you have gotten pregnant? the amount of stress, physical strain on your body and sleepless nights is not ideal for fertility- so how the hell did this happen?
-How the hell would you even tell Levi? The topic of children has never once come up and you’re sure he would never want to raise a child in the walls while titans destroy and kill everyone in sight. Besides- the two of you already have enough on your plates as it is.
- You’d tell him straight out that you were pregnant during your nightly tea time before bed, just straight up dropping the news on him. It takes a few seconds for him to fully register what you just told him but once he finally understands he drops his teacup, the boiling hot tea staining his jacket. All he can do is sputter like a fish out of water and aggressively try to clean the stain.
- I’m going to be realistic here- the last thing he would do is jump for joy and kiss you. I hate to be angsty again but realistically he’d probably storm off and go for a walk around the town while he tries to take in the news. I see him unintentionally ignoring you for a few days while he tries to accept the fact that the two of you are bringing a child into this world.
-After about a week he’s finally calmed himself enough to talk to you about the situation and what the best thing for the two of you is. Again, he isn’t happy that you guys are bringing a kid into this- but who the hell would be? but he sure as hell won’t take that out on the kid, he thinks that’s the most pathetic thing you can do as a parent.
-”look, our situation is shitty but I’m not leaving you to raise the brat on your own”
How he is as a father
- I’m not going to lie to you, he is not the type to coddle his kid or show them a lot of affection. To be honest he doesn’t know a single thing about parenting, the only “parent” he had taught him violence and then left Levi to fend for himself- but he does know that most children don’t grow up around violence so he refuses to be even the slightest bit like his uncle Kenny.
- 100% calls his kid brat, ankle-biter, kid...you name it- but he doesn’t mean it in a derogatory way because deep down inside he still has a soft spot for the kid. 
-He rarely ever shows physical affection to the kid because he just doesn’t know how, he never knew the affectionate touch of another human until you came along. That’s not to say that he doesn’t love his kid- he would sacrifice his life without second thought to protect them.
-He doesn’t realize how distant and cold he can be to his kid until he overhears them crying to you about how “daddy doesn’t love me” and his heart just shatters into a million pieces because he DOES love them but for the life of him he just can’t find a way to show it.
-Levi ends up sitting down with the kid and having a conversation that was long overdue (for reference the kid is now 7 years old) and he admits that he loves them more than anything for the first time.
-Your kid just stares at him for a second and blinks because this is the VERY FIRST TIME they’re hearing their dad say I love you- Levi nearly has a heart attack when the kid launches themselves into his chest and starts sobbing.
-For the very first time in 7 years this kid is finally experiencing the love from their father (besides awkward headpats) and the feeling is just so foreign to both of them that even Levi sniffles a little bit
-Levi silently rocks them back and forth while he rubs their back, the child’s sobs turning into soft sniffles. But what Levi says next shocks all three of you.
“I’m sorry for being a terrible father. forgive me little one?”
-You don’t know what shocks you more- the fact he apologized or that he called your child “little one” instead of the usual “brat”. The kid looks at him while wiping their tears away.
“you’re not a bad daddy. I love you papa”
-To this day Levi swears he just had watery eyes because of the dust but you know damn well they were fat tears rolling down his face
-After this incident Levi swears to himself that he’ll be a more affectionate father, a father who tells his kid that he’s proud of them, a father who their kid can rely on.
-He’s tough on his kid and never lets them slack off, he scolds them whenever they make bad choices and sometimes your kid says he’s got a stick up his ass (you lightly scold them but the two of you always end up laughing because it’s true) but your husband deeply cares for your child and does it so they can grow into the best version of themselves.
-Did I mention that he absolutely flips the fuck out when your kid brings home Eren’s kid to introduce you to them? You have to sit on him to make sure that he doesn’t strangle the poor bastard. 
“If that son of a bitch is anything like his father then they’re going home in a bodybag!” “Levi you can’t threaten them just because they’re Eren’s kid!” “Like hell I can’t! nobody is good enough for our child”
-Your kid quickly learns that they can’t bring their significant other home while Levi is there- unless they have a death wish. The two of you team up to keep Levi distracted for a few hours while the couple chills in your living room
-Your kid swears like a sailor (just like their dad) and Levi swears on his life that he’s not the one that taught them that.
“What the hell do you mean? I didn’t do shit! I don’t fucking know where they picked that up from!” *cue you looking into the camera*
-He’s so damn proud when he see’s his kid graduate at the top of their class. He doesn’t scream at the top of his lungs when your kid walks across the stage but he pulls them to the side after and congratulates them with a small smile on his face
“Good job. I’m proud of you, damn brat”
-Gives them one of his rare Levi hugs and the kid nearly drops the diploma in shock because “wtf dad never hugs me”
-You have to pinch his side multiple times during your kid and Eren’s kids wedding because he won’t shut the hell up with snarky remarks
“Say no goddamnit!” *you pinch him* 
“Ow son of a bitch! what the fuck Y/n?”
 “Would you shut the hell up and be happy for our child on their wedding day?!” 
“I would if our child had taste and picked someone el- OW FUCK!” 
“Shut the fuck up already and behave, Levi!”
-He grumbles while the rest of the former cadets and captains laugh at his sour look
Silly headcanons
-God could you imagine Levi and your kid sitting at the dinner table, it’s almost midnight and they’re arguing over a homework question neither of them understand. This is the night both of you hear your kid swear
“What the hell is this shit? Improper fractions are made-up bullshit”
“If you don’t know then how the fuck am I suppose to know?”
-It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop
“Levi come here for a second”
“Shit...finish this while I’m gone, brat”
-Your kid laughs their ass off while you pull Levi’s ear and drag him to your shared room
‘Yeah keep fucking laughing at your dad, brat!”
-An absolute nightmare when it comes to cleaning oh my god both you and your kid wanna kill him sometimes
“This shit isn’t clean, you wipe it down six times and then place it at an angle”
“Levi it’s a fucking T.V. Remote”
-The war ended years ago now and he tells your kid about all the titans he killed and the ass he kicked
“And then I sliced that ugly bastard titan’s head clean off!”
“Levi for someone who’s a clean freak your stories sure are gross”
-The noise the toaster makes when it’s done scares the shit out of him. He’ll be in the middle of scolding your kid and then he jumps because the toaster is done and your kid just thinks it’s comedic gold
“I fucking told you not to do that shit but you went and did it anyways, do you know how irresponsi-FUCK! damn toaster- Hey stop laughing brat I’m not done yet!”
That’s all I’ve got for now- stay tuned
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bbysamu · 4 years
His teammates overhear your embarrassing pet name for him // pt.II
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⇢ Featuring: SUNA Rintarou, IWAIZUMI Hajime, DAICHI Sawamura
⇢ Genre: fluff
⇢ warnings: none!
⇢ wc: 1,157
⇢ Part I , III
thank you for requesting and your kind words my dear @fivesecondsofsarang​!  I hope this makes you fall in love with Suna even more :)
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━━ ➴ SUNA Rintarou
Relationship with Suna is more low-key,
don’t get me wrong, it’s not that you guys are not physically affectionate, the two of you are just very chill and don’t really draw attention to yourself
Class was excruciatingly long today
Finally, at the ring of the bell, your teacher dismisses you
You see your boyfriend walking over to your desk
His hooded eyes lazily searches your face before breaking out into a small smile, “tough class today?”
You groaned, “you know math isn’t my strong suit.”
He picks up your bag and carries it for you, the other hand holding it out for you to hold
“come on, I know something that can make you feel better.”
“lunch?” you asked, looking up at him with child-like excitement
“yeah lunch and I heard your favorite is on the menu today.”
The two of you walked hand-in-hand happily to the cafeteria, quickly finding your seats among the rest of the Inarizaki volleyball team
Suna kisses you on the cheeks, “I'm going to go pick up our food okay?”
You chatted with the rest of the team as you wait for your boyfriend to return
Catching him coming back with food in his trays, you excitedly turned to him
“thank you my Taro Taro baby.”
His eyes widens in surprise at your words
You were so excited to see food you didn’t even realize your secret pet name for him slipped out
There was a moment of silence before chaos ensued
“TARO TARO BABY?” Atsumu roars with laughter
You meet Suna’s in a panic
“oops” you mouthed to him, a slight blush appearing across his usual stoic face
“shut up you annoying twins and eat your food.”
“I can’t believe Y/N calls you taro taro baby, that’s way too cute, not fitting for you Suna.”
“shut up you fake blonde before I...” Suna trails off, tapping on his phone ever so slightly
The twin gulps and returns to their food quietly
“I think it’s cute” Aran says quietly
“By the way, practice is moved ten minutes earlier today,” Kita announces and looks at Suna before cracking a small smile, “don’t be late Taro Taro Baby.”
Suna groans, rolling his eyes at your playfully as you giggled
━━ ➴ IWAIZUMI Hajime
In front of his friends Iwa is this macho nacho man
but with you, he can be a seriously big baby sometimes
loves demanding hugs and kisses and melts at your ridiculous pet names for him
“come here Y/N”
“I'm busy right now Haj”
“but I want cuddles”
“come here then”
Proceeds to go over and koala-style back hug you as you try to finish your essay
Right now the two of you are alone in the Seijoh gym waiting for the rest of the team to arrive
Iwa was especially tired today because of Oikawa and since there was no one around, right now he’s just nuzzling your neck, his arms wrapped around your waist
“what’s wrong Haj?” you cooed, hand running through his hair
“I'm tired babe.” he mumbles
“awwww is my little wittle Iwa-bear tired because of crappy-kawa?”
he nods, “yes...your little Iwa-bear is all because of him.”
The door suddenly swings open, Iwa jumps away from you as the rest of the Sejioh four enter the gym
Iwa looks at you in a panic, hoping they didn’t see the way he was acting around you and your conversation
He clears his throat, voice back to normal, “whats up, you guys are early today.”
“yeah we just wanted to get warmed up before coach comes.” Mattsun replies
“but maybe you should take it easy today”
“since you’re tired right, our little wittle Iwa-bear?”
The three of them looks at each other before breaking out into manic laughter, falling on the floor gasping for air
You can expect Iwa’s face to be completely red as he gruffly mutters, “shut up”
of course that doesn’t stop the other three from chanting, “Iwa-bear! Iwa-bear!”
He looks at you for help, but you only shrugged and smiled sympathetically in response
The rest of the practice was just the three of them calling him “Iwa-bear” at every opportunity
“This next one is for you Iwa-Bear!”
“Nice hit Iwa-Bear!”
Best believe they’ll never let him live it down
Iwa pulls you close after practice, “let’s not ever let them hear the other names”
━━ ➴ DAICHI Sawamura
Although Suga is “mom” of the team, after you started dating Daichi, the whole team also looks at you like a “mom” figure
in fact Hinata sometimes would playfully refer to you as mom
You and Daichi are both very responsible and the two of you radiate mature, stable relationship vibes
The team would never suspect that their authoritative captain could be so silly when he’s with you
You are accompanying the Karasuno team today on an overnight trip
Right now Tanaka and Noya are trying to serenade Kyoko with a very bad rendition of “careless whispers” by George Michael
Daichi has tried to stop them for a while now, but gave up knowing the two second-years would probably not stop singing until they arrive at their destination
You notice his sighs and puts your hand in his
“babe, don’t worry about it. Their bad singing is actually lightening up the mood.”
“yeah you’re right. I just don’t want them to have a hoarse throat later in the game.”
You glance at the two passionately singing into the microphone, “I don’t think you have to worry about that my little jellybean.”
He smiles and lifts up your hand to his lips
Suga suddenly stops the music
“careless whis---” Tanaka and Noya looks around confused, “hey why’d you stop the music.”
Suga looks at Daichi with an mischievous look in his eyes, Daichi gulps and shakes his head pleading with his co-captain
“hey guys, guess what Y/N just called our captain?”
Everyone looks around confused, Asahi looks scared
“Suga...” Daichi warns
“She calls him “my little jellybean!”
Everyone was silent at first, until all broke into laughters, including Ukai and Takeda, little jellybean just doesn’t fit Daichi at all
Daichi hides his face in your shoulder embarrassed
You stand up yelling at all to be quiet, “stop it guys, stop making my pookie embarrassed”
You slapped your hand over your mouth, looking at Daichi in fear
The whole team once again erupts into laughter
Thankfully the bus pulls into the rival school at the same time
“alright people, playtime is over. Stop laughing Noya and Tanaka! Let’s get warmed up and beat Shiratorizawa again!”
You and Daichi trail behind the team, “sorry babe, I didn’t mean to, it just slipped out”
He smiles at you, “it’s fine they’ll probably forget about it soon.”
“no we won't my little jellybean pookie” Suga sings, glancing at Daichi over his shoulder
“on second thought, babe maybe just call me by my name today.”
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Taglist: @aonenthusiast​,@donutwithinadonut, @sukunas-lady, @mango-smoothies, @akaashiwife, @elianetsantana,  @kellyyween, @crapimahuman, @sakusasonlywife, @rintarouschuupets, @tsukkisfatsimp, @420uwu, @dora-the-grownup​, @kawaiiisis​, @beautifulimperfections13​, @zeyyackerman​, @thisnoodlewritesao3​, @viridevi , @seijohoe
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© ceci-chan 2021 all rights reserved. Please do not copy / repost my work on other platforms.
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avidreider · 4 years
okay, i’ll admit it. (Spencer Reid x Reader)
Summary: Reader confronts her boyfriend Spencer about her insecurities and his answer wasn’t what she was expecting.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader 
This is my first go at fanfic, so let me know what you think if you choose to read!
CW: Just relationship insecurities, mild angst (with a happy ending), mentions of the deceased Maeve.
***not my gif***
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You were ecstatic that you reached this milestone with your boyfriend, Spencer. Together for two whole years, that is something that no one was expecting from the genius who was usually unlucky when it came to romance. You were hopelessly in love with Spencer. I mean, why wouldn’t you be? He was everything that you ever dreamed of. Not that you guys didn’t argue; you were human, of course you did. It was usually about something minor and silly; you using up all of the hot water so that he had to take a cold shower, or him not doing the dishes or helping you clean your shared apartment until you nagged him into it, normal things that long-term couples argue about. Those arguments were ones that were resolved quickly. But for the past week (the week after your anniversary), you had been having deeper arguments that seriously needed resolved. It started Saturday night when he got home from a tough case. A man lost his girlfriend to a female suicidal unsub, which brought back all of his buried feelings about Maeve. You knew what happened with Maeve since Spencer was one of your closest friends before you began dating, but you never understood the severity of how it affected him. You personally didn’t see why it would affect him the way it did. He saw awful things everyday and even though he established a relationship with her, he had only met her once, and all they did was talk on the phone, write letters, and share information on their lives. He thought that he had lost Emily, who he cared for deeply and worked with every day, so it didn’t make much sense that Maeve’s death affected him more than Emily’s ‘death’ did. However, his team had notified you how badly he was hurt, so you made a conscious effort to never talk about Maeve with Spencer. Well, until Saturday.
“I don’t know why you nag me so much when I get home from a tough case, Y/N! I am only human, even though people joke that I must be a robot! I have feelings, and you would think that you of all people would try to tend to them!” Spencer had shouted at you after all you did was approach him several times to ask him to stop reading his book so that you two could cuddle on the couch.
“Spencer, you see terrible things all the time, and I try not to nag you when you get home, ever! I didn’t realize that seeking your attention and affection was such a bother to you!” you retorted.
“I don’t see how you can want my affection when I am so obviously thinking about a woman that I’ve loved and lost before our relationship began.” Spencer said, while not being able to look you in your eyes.
“Well apparently it isn’t that obvious, because I hadn’t known that you were thinking of her.” you said.
“Y/N...,” he began, “I’m reading the book that I told you she gifted to me. I told you about the case when I called you last night, which almost directly mirrors the events that led me to lose Maeve. How could it not be obvious that I’m thinking of her?” he asked.
“I am sorry that you are hurting right now. But the fact of the matter is, I am your girlfriend. Me. And I’m right here, and I’m alive.” you said weakly.
“That was incredibly insensitive, Y/N.”
“HOW?! How was that insensitive, Spencer?! It’s the truth! You met Maeve once! You only talked on the phone or in letters! You didn’t even know her. You knew whatever she told you, but that’s the extent of it. You don’t know what type of person she was. Her ex ‘stalked her,’ so she claimed, but you don’t know if that is entirely true. She may have been crazy or a bad person just manipulating you! You didn’t live with her! You just don’t know! But I am right here, and you know me better than I know myself, or so I thought, and I love you! I’ve bought you books before, too, but you don’t obsess over them the way you obsess over that one! It doesn’t make sense to me, Spencer, am I not good enough for you?” you said as tears fell from your eyes.
“I can’t believe you,” Spencer muttered, totally unmoved by your tears. “I love Maeve more than anything in the world, Y/N. And you weren’t there, you aren’t in my head and you don’t know how I feel. You don’t have the right to question the depth of those feelings. And if you’re done belittling my dead girlfriend, I’m going to bed,” and with that, he went to the bedroom.
You couldn’t help but notice he didn’t assure you that you were good enough. You also noticed that he called Maeve his ‘girlfriend’ rather than his ‘ex.’ You chose to sleep on the couch that night.
The next morning, Spencer refused to be the one to break the silence. He truly thought that you were in the wrong for being so harsh when discussing Maeve, but he didn’t recognize the insecurity and pain that was reflected in your statement. So you spent the remainder of the weekend avoiding each other, and when he left for work on Monday, you decided to give him the cold shoulder just as he was doing to you. You didn’t answer his calls or texts, even though they were few and far between compared to how he normally does. 
They didn’t have a case all week, so they used the opportunity to catch up on the mountain of paperwork that had accumulated at the BAU, but Spencer was home well before dinner each night. On Wednesday night, he looked up from his book to you doing the dishes after a silent dinner, and asked “Are you just never going to talk to me again?” 
Your temper flared and you spit back, “Why would I? You told me that you love Maeve, but yet you haven’t told me that you love me since before you left for the last case. You act like I’m not good enough for you anymore. You said she was your ‘girlfriend,’ when I thought that I had that title. You’re over there reading that stupid book while I’m doing all the damn chores. So what exactly do you want me to say to you?” 
“I meant to say that I loved Maeve, Y/N. And she wasn’t even my girlfriend. That was just the best word I could think of to describe our relationship. And the book is not stupid.” 
“No, Spencer, the best way to describe your relationship would have been EX-girlfriend.” 
“The book isn’t stupid. Maybe you just don’t understand it.” 
“You’re right Spencer. I’m just too stupid to understand it, right?” 
“Y/N I didn’t mean---” 
“Oh don’t try to back track now, Spencer. You said what you felt, right? I’m just your stupid replacement apparently. I’m sorry that I can’t be more like Maeve for you,” and with that, you stormed out of the apartment. You weren’t sure where to go, so you wandered aimlessly, expecting Spencer to follow you. He didn’t. You ended up walking to Emily’s, and told her all about your fight with Spencer. 
“Y/N,” Emily said, “I think that you need to tell him how much it upsets you that he’s still hung up over Maeve. I know you are hurting, but he can’t read your mind.” You thought about her words as she drove you home. When you arrived, Spencer was already in bed. You slept on the couch yet again. 
On Thursday evening, you cooked dinner as usual, and did the dishes, as usual. You were feeling exhausted, so you got comfortable on the couch after the nightly chores were done. Spencer looked up from his desk and said, “Why don’t you sleep in the bedroom?” 
“Are you planning on sleeping out here, then?” you asked. 
“Y/N, we can still sleep in the same bed.” 
“Not if the whole time you’re wishing it was Maeve lying next to you rather than me.” 
Spencer actually closed the book as he looked up to you and spoke, “I have never wished it weren’t you. I just wish you weren’t so dramatic. The world doesn’t revolve around you, Y/N. I’m allowed to have thoughts about others.” 
“Okay, Spencer. You’re right. My feelings don’t matter,” you say through tears as you head toward the bedroom. “Oh, and by the way, Spence, my world DOES revolve around you. And I would never want you to feel this way.”
Spencer joins you in the bedroom after he thinks you’re asleep but he’s on the phone with someone. You try not to be obvious as you listen to the conversation. 
“I know, I know, I just wish she were a little more understanding. I do love her very much, and want a future with her, but it just seems like she’s angry that I had feelings for another woman before her... I hate not talking to her though. She’s my favorite part of the day... I hope she stops being mad at me soon... Okay, see you tomorrow, bye,” he hangs up as he crawls into bed. You feel somewhat guilty because you aren’t necessarily mad at him... You’re just upset. 
On Friday morning, you feel Spencer kiss you goodbye even though it’s obvious he still thinks you’re asleep. That melts your heart, so you decided that you needed to try to resolve things. You had the day off from the hospital, so you headed into the bullpen of the BAU, but as you do, you notice something that throws you off. Spencer was laughing and playfully ‘fighting’ with JJ. You knew that he had had a crush on her, but you thought it was in the past tense. But after what was before your eyes and the events that unfolded over the weekend, you weren’t so sure. He caught your eye and stopped his actions immediately. That only increased your suspicions. You approached him with the lunch you had brought for him and set it on his desk in front of him.
“Hi,” you said shyly.
“Hi. What’s this?” he questioned.
“I thought that I would bring you some lunch today. It’s from that new Thai restaurant. I hope you like it,” and with that, you decided it was best to just head back home.
He opened the bag and discovered that you had written him a letter.
Dear Spencer,
I am sorry about what I said over the past few days. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings or disrespect Maeve in any way. It’s just that I have been feeling really insecure lately, and I feel like you don’t love me the way that I love you. I know that your job is emotionally and physically exhausting, and I want to support you in any way that I can. But I have emotional needs too. You have barely wanted to even touch me this week, or even talk to me. And I’ve noticed that any time you read the book she gave to you, you seem to resent me or forget that I even exist. I understand that I am not as smart as you or that I’m not as pretty as what you deserve, but I do love you and would do anything to make you happy. I hope that you feel the same.
Guilt washed through Spencer as your words and actions began to make a lot of sense. He pulled out his phone to call you, but you didn’t answer. So he sent a text that read, “Hey sweetheart. I just read your letter. I am so sorry that you are feeling that way. Please come back so that we can have lunch together.”
Your response was simply, “I already ate,” even though that was a lie.
Spencer texted back, “Okay, well let’s go grab coffee or ice cream, or both if you want. :)”
“That’s okay Spencer, take JJ instead.”
He called again, and you quickly pushed decline. A frustrated sigh left his lips, and he pushed ‘call’ one more time.
This time, you answered, “What, Spencer?”
“Are you seriously upset that I was talking to JJ?”
“Not talking Spencer, flirting. You were flirting with JJ, and you know it. You think that I forgot that you were in love with her too? I am sorry that I am not enough for you, but maybe you should just dump me instead, okay?” and with that, you hung up.
He was angry with himself for not realizing why that felt that way. The way you had been acting all week was obviously because you felt insecure. You weren’t trying to hurt him, he realized, you were just hurt yourself. When Spencer came home, he saw you running around the house cleaning and putting away laundry. “Baby, can we talk?”
“Sure,” you replied while you were hanging up his work clothes.
“Do you want me to help with that?” he asked, as he pointed at the laundry basket. 
“I mean, they are YOUR clothes. You never seem to help me around the house though until I ‘nag’ you first, so you don’t have to help if it will be that big of an inconvenience for you.”
“Y/N, I am so sorry that I am hurting you. I guess I didn’t even realize that I was. I am so incredibly sorry.”
“Do you love me? Or do you love Maeve? Or JJ? I honestly can’t handle being a second, or I guess, third, option anymore.”
“There are different levels of love, baby. I used to have feelings for JJ, but I love her as if she were my sister. I did have a crush on her, but I also had a crush on you before I had you. And that’s a crush that never faded like the one with JJ did. And okay, I’ll admit it. I did love Maeve. I saw a future with her that I didn’t dream of before her. I felt like there were so many opportunities that were lost once she was gone. But you are my future now. Sometimes I do wish I could’ve saved her, not because I don’t love you, but because I failed to protect her. It was hard to adjust to life without her, but I did. But on the way home I was thinking about you. If I had lost you the way I lost her, there’s no way I could ever recover. If you had even left me because I’ve been neglecting your needs, I don’t know what I would’ve done. I also love my mom, of course, and I love my team. But, Y/N, I am so unconditionally and irreversibly in love with you. I am so sorry that you’ve been feeling insecure. But honey, you are so much more than enough for me; No woman in this world can hold a candle to you. You are brilliant, beautiful, funny, and so, so, sexy,” he adds as he plants kisses on your neck.
“I love you, Spence,” you say in between panting breaths.
“I love you more than anything, Y/N. And please, tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it. I don’t want you to feel like this anymore. You want more help around the house? I’ll fold the laundry, I’ll do the dishes, I’ll vacuum. I will never again say no to cuddling after a case. I wanna give you the world, baby.”
“You’ll do ANYTHING?” you ask. Spencer nodded.
“Can we go get that ice cream now?” you asked with a smile.
Spencer gave you a chaste kiss and replied, “I’ll get the keys.”
This was my first time writing fanfic so I’m sorry if it was bad but I got the idea and had to write it down. If you read it let me know what you think!
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bakatenshii · 4 years
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Oikawa Tooru x reader (haikyuu!!)
word count: 2.3k
TW: 18+, lemon, wattpad, crack
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A/N: I’m so sorry. This is actually a joke, a parody, I promise, it’s written like this on purpose for the collab. Terrible (or lack entirely of) grammar, dialogue so cheesy I threw up multiple times in my mouth, too many specifications of shades of the colour pink. For @undermattsun’s whorehouse wattpad garbage fire collab. I’m so sorry.
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In the world of fandom (check out fan fiction, fanfics, or fics), a grapefruit is a story which consists of sexual explicit themes in bizarre situations.
An orange-twinged pink, almost coral.
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haikyuu series!! :3
disclaimer: haikyuu does NOT belong 2 me. Or else I would make XXXX go w/ XXXX ;)
𝑝𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑎𝑔𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠
𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠
“hurry up y/n!!!” - i remove my skullcandies out my ears, hearing my best friend sunnie(with an ie! not y!) shout to me from down the hall.
flipping my baby pink (NOT cotton candy pink! god there’s a difference, get it right. last week ash-lee with her stupid bleach blonde hair called it cotton candy pink and I wanted to kill her) hair behind my shoulder, i skipped down the lockers.
i was in my best outfit, checkered pink and white (bubblegum pink, this time) leg warmers with my matching pink + white skirt and white denim jacket with a pink butterfly bedazzled on the back. i saw paris hilton in it on her myspace too, so you could say im pretty trendy.
not like the other girls, like brittney (with her dark hair with a blue streak with a puppy shaped purse she swears is designer.) or ash-lee with her stupid ugly blonde hair that’s deffo fake. oh i already said that
it’s just an average tuesday morning, and i’m just your not-so-average girl. my name’s (y/n) (l/n) and im (age) years old. my best friends are sunnie, rachelle, and meeky. oh, and lindt, sometimes, when she’s not too busy with trying to save the world from global warming.
i’m on my way to p.e. which UGH is my least fav class, who even came up with it? but at least there’s the hottie oikawa tooru-sama in my class (ha! eat that ash-lee + brittney) and all the girls luuuuurv him. he’s soooo hot i bet he has abs
(brianna with the ugly hair who wears green shoes with red socks said she saw him change once and she totally saw his 8pack but she’s a liar so i dont believe her)
(even tho he tooootally has one)
i was on way just skipping down the hall to go to p.e. when someone crashes into me from behind.
‘-u-GH!’ i fall.
‘hey!!!!’ i turned around to yell at who’s bumping into me-
it was oikawa tooru-sama!! the most popular boy in school!!! i felt like i was in a dream i pinched my hand but... it hurts!!! this isn’t a dream!!! the oikawa tooru-sama just crashed into me!!! with his body!!! his shoulder touched me!!!!!
he turn and looks at me and... my heart stops. i think im dying omgomgomg
‘a-are you okay (y/n)-chan?’ he asks me and holds his hand out.
i cant believe it. the oikawa tooru-sama is giving me his hand to hold?!?! is this heaven???
‘i-i-‘ i stammer. i’m so shocked i swear my face is beat red. ‘i-i’m ok.’
i was too scared to hold his hands because mine were so sweaty from seeing him this upclose. i stand up and dust my knees because i want him to think i’m tough. that’s right. oikawa tooru-sama is a professional vball player! (v for volley-ball) he’s not going to like some dumb average weak normal crybaby girl.
‘ok. see ya in class!’ he smiles and waves at me before walking down the hall, shooting me his signature smile. the one that makes flowers bloom around him and glitters around his whole body.
h-how did he know? did he just say in class??? the oikawa tooru-sama knows who i am???
i take out my phone to frantically text my bffs (sunnie, rachelle, meeky and lindt) and see the group chat had some unread new messages. i click open it.
𝚋𝚕@𝚑𝚔𝚞𝚐𝟶𝟶: omgzzzz i juss saw tsukki-sama xDDD
𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕖𝕖𝕖𝕩𝕠𝕩𝕠: STDU XDD wut wuzz he wearin?!? hes sooooo hawt oh em geez
tsukki-sama, aka tsukishima kei-sama, is the hot blondie in the other class’s vball team. rachelle and sunnie are sooo in love with him, but i don’t blame them. he’s soooo tall, taller than oikawa tooru-sama even. (but that doesn’t matter because oikawa tooru-sama has the prettiest smile in the world and no one’s seen tsukki-sama smile like... since he came outta the womb)
i quickly type out my txt because this is more important than what the blonde vball star is wearing.
𝖗𝖆𝖜𝖗𝖇4𝖐4: guizzzzz guizzzz GUIZE!!!! GUEZZ WUT JUSS HAPPND!!
𝖗𝖆𝖜𝖗𝖇4𝖐4: u’ll nv beliv it!!!!! omGZZZZZ IM LAIK DYINN XDDDDDDD TT_TT
sk8erg1rl: omgawd wuuuut
sk8erg1rl: w8 kita-sama jus sk8dd by me i fink he haz a new b04rd!!!!! be are be
before i have the chance to tell them about my fateful encounter with the oikawa tooru-sama someone snatches my phone away. i turn around, maybe it’s oikawa tooru-sama again?
‘no phones in the hall (y/n) (l/n)-san!’ he yells at me. his breath stinks, yuck.
he takes my phone and puts it in his pocket and i realize that he’s putting it in his pocket and taking it away.
‘b-but-‘ jimmy i protest. not my flip phone with my pink bedazzled hello kitty charm on the end!
‘no buts!!!! see you after lecture missy!!’
god, this is just like, the worst day ever.
𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑏𝑦𝑒, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑤𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
𝑙𝑒𝑡’𝑠 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑑𝑟𝑢𝑛𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎𝑛 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑛
𝑤𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑟𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
p.e. is the same as always: im sitting on the side, not doing sports because girls like me can’t risk breaking my perfectly painted pink (hot pink, not baby pink) nail with diamonds on it. i tell my bffs about the encounter and they all agree that it’s deffo fate.
‘i know right??’ i giggle staring down at the man of my dreams, at his chocolate brown locks, thinking back at his dreamy brown orbs staring into my dark black ones offering me his hand.
‘you should totes ask him out!’ giggles sunnie.
‘oh em gee, never!!! that’s sooo embarrassing, he’s totally gonna say no!’ i said.
‘seriously, (y/n)-chan, what do you have to lose?’ rachelle said.
‘just like, my dignity and self respect.’ i reply sassily.
at that we three burst into laughter, and the fat p.e. prof turns and tells us shhhhhhh.
i love my friends.
i tell them about our bald principal taking my pink flip phone with the hello kitty charm on it away.
‘oh no!’ rachelle exclaimed.
‘what are you going to do?’ sunnie asked.
i shrug, feeling at a loss without it.
‘it’s like, seriously dangerous without a phone.’ the blonde said.
‘what if you get like, kidnapped or something?!’ the purplenette said, clasping her hand over her mouth in a show of shock. (ps. bluette vs. blunette?)
‘kidnapped?!?’ i laugh. ‘who’s gonna kidnap me?!!’ we all burst into laughter again, causing our p.e. prof (still fat and annoying) to shhh us again.
little did i know that the brunette vball star was staring up at me, plotting.
i had no idea what was about to come.
𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤 𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑦, 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑦𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑑𝑎𝑦
𝑤𝑒’𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑒𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑒
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑛’𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑎 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑠𝑎𝑦
𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑑𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑢𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑤𝑎𝑦
𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑖𝑡 𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑛, 𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑒
𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑒, 𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
when i open my eyes, my eyes are heavy, staring up at a bright light above my head. i squint my eyes because the light hurts my eyes.
‘well, well, well’ i hear a voice behind me. ‘(y/n)-himesama’s awake, i see.’
i know that voice-
that’s the oikawa tooru-sama’s voice!
‘w-what?’ i stuttered, surprised but feeling a warm rush going down my body at the sound of his voice. ‘what’s going on?’
he chuckles. ‘can’t you tell?’
i look around and see my arms taped up behind me on a chair and my legs tied together by... something. rope maybe?
‘where am i?’ i ask, even more bewildered.
‘tsk tsk tsk, silly (y/n)-himesama. i’ve kidnapped you, my dear.’ he said. ‘we’re in my mansion right now’
my eyes pop out of their sockets. am i hearing him right?
‘no,’ he corrects himself. ‘we’re in our mansion.’
i can’t help but blush at that suggestion. our mansion?
that’s right, i must be crazy, i think to myself. this is all just a dream, i’m still in school, on the bleachers with my bffs and i fell asleep in our class.
‘this isn’t a dream, darling’ he singsongs, and i feel more warmth flood downwards. god what is wrong with me? turned on in this situation? but can you blame me? who wouldn’t get turned on when the oikawa tooru-sama is standing in front (or behind) them and calling them ‘darling’?
‘w-what- h-h-how?’ i ask him. ‘i was just at school, staring at you play vball in the gym- i mean n-not staring at you- and-‘
he chuckles darkly.
‘i know you were, (y/n)-himesama. that’s why i kidnapped you, because you’re so cute.’
i blush at his words. m-me? cute??? did the oikawa tooru just call me cute?
i suddenly remember what rachelle and sunnie said in p.e. today about being kidnapped, and shudder. god, h-her mind! they’re totally gonna tell me i told you so! when i tell them.
‘b-but, h-how?’ i bit my lip looking at him beneath my lashes, or however anastasia steele did it in too many shades of grey. (it wasn’t actually that bad, but ill never admit it. it’s sorta kinda hot. also pantone says theres only like 37 diff shades so.)
‘i saw you with your friends, and i served a ball at your head knocking you out.’ he explained. suddenly i feel a pang on my head reinforcing what he’s saying.
‘ow...’ i say quietly.
the brunette man built like a god walks into my frame of vision for the first time after waking up and i notice he’s shirtless, all 8pack exposed for me to look at.
(i guess brianna was right, but she’s still a liar that wears green shoes with red socks.)
he comes up to me and kneels in front of me until he’s kneeling in front of me. he carresses my cheek with his hand (the same one he reached out to me earlier that day, pre-kidnapping) and i sigh.
if this is a dream never wake me up. i think to myself.
‘wh-‘ before i can get the words out asking him why me?, he presses a finger to my lips, shushing me.
he looks at me with his brown chocolate orbs, and i get lost in them, counting the stars and constellations in those glowing beautiful orbs that i never thought i could look at so up close. (except in photos i secretly took)
‘i love you, (y/n) (l/n)’ he says.
i fainted.
𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠
𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑠𝑜 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑏𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
𝑤𝑒’𝑙𝑙 𝑐𝑟𝑦, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑤𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑢𝑝 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
i wake up (for the second time that day, god what is up with today?), my eyes still heavy.
‘good morning, darling,’ i hear a voice say, and suddenly i remember everything that’s transpired so far.
(for reference: i crashed into the oikawa tooru-sama this morning, had my phone taken away, and now kidnapped by none other than the oikawa tooru-sama, now in his- no, our mansion.)
‘o-oikawa tooru-sama?’ i stutter out weakly, still groggy.
‘just tooru, my hime-sama.’ he says and i feel my body heating up again.
suddenly, i’m filled with an overwhelming emotion, and the worlds spill out before i can stop them.
‘i love you, t-tooru.’ i stutter on the foreign name, biting my lips (for good measure).
he looks at me, chocolate orbs piercing right into my super dark black pupils, and he starts to cry. i cry too, because he just looks so beautiful, even when he’s crying.
he holds me in his arm and i nuzzle my nose into his neck, smelling his deep chocolatey velvety sweet minty musky scent. he smells so good i could just stay here forever, bathing in the chocolatey velvety sweet minty musk.
‘u-um...’ i start, and he nuzzles his face into my neck some more. i can feel his wet tears on my shoulder... is he still crying??
i try again. ‘u-ummmm...’
he finally looks up at me and i peer into his deep chocolate orbs, feeling him stare intently into my dark block orbs. i wiggle my arms to show him i want him to release them, because if you remember they’re still taped up by like, tape or rope or whatever.
‘o-oh!’ he exclaims and unties them.
i don’t know what came over me but suddenly we’re kissing, our tongues are battling for dominance within our hot wet cavernous mouths, and it’s soooo hot.
he grips my legs and spreads them apart, tongues still fighting a mighty battle, and i see him take out his big massive rock hard member in his hands.
i wrap my legs around him, thankful for the pink (bubblegum pink) and white checkered skirt im wearing today for easy access, and he pushes his hot shaft into my core. i can feel his member in my wet gushy wushy pussy and it feels so good i came.
he cums too.
‘w-will you marry me?’ he looks up at me, his member still inside. i feel tears brimming in my eyes again as I nod.
‘i do.’
𝑤𝑒’𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑑 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑝 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑠
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦’𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑒’𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔
𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑤𝑒’𝑙𝑙 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑠𝑜 𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒
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a/n: ta-dah!! the end!!! tankzz 4 readin guyzzzz lawl im thinking of making dis a series so... ;))) tell me who u wana be kidnapped by next! xD
a/n #2: speshull tankz 2 uwucatgirlprincess99 4 da line (u kno da one ;))) + sk8erg0rl666 4 havin me in da collab! + also cummin up wiv da title!! lawlzz rawr x)))
a/n #3: OH WOW . erhm. Longest chappy thing ive written. Hope you liked it. so uhm. ENJOY ! [btw, I'm considering doing the NEXT CHAP; sneak peek thing. Should I? :3 Comment?] plz R&R!! :]]] kudoz 4 u <333
p.s. da colour i used 4 da lyriczzz is fuschia pink! :3
p.p.s. comment below if u reconize dee song!! ur a kool kat if u do ;))
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swan-of-sunrise · 3 years
Spellbinding (Chapter Fourteen)
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Summary: While dealing with a surprising new development in their relationship, Loki and (Y/N) are stuck in the middle of an explosive feud between Steve and Tony.
Pairing: Loki X Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: I’d call this a filler chapter but I absolutely love writing about the Avengers as a whole! I also thought we needed a little break from the plot for some team bonding before things get too crazy lol I hope that you enjoy!
Chapter Fourteen November 22nd, 2015 Avengers Tower, New York City (Previous Chapter)
“You read this book when you were how old?”
(Y/N) smiled mischievously and turned her attention back to reorganizing her closet. “I was seven. I checked it out from the library without telling my Aunt Evelyn and read it late at night; I couldn’t sleep without my nightlight on for months afterwards but I’m glad I read it, since it’s a literary classic and everything.”
Loki let out a half-laugh and turned the page of his book. “Well, if we’re ever blessed with children, I think we should wait until they’re at least twelve to introduce them to Dracula. Perhaps even fourteen.”
In an instant, Loki froze and it dawned on him what he’d accidentally said. (Y/N) was also frozen, her arm still extended to grab a hangar from inside the closet. “I-I…I just meant…I’d like to…” Loki cleared his unusually tight throat. “I, ah, wouldn’t mind having…you know, children. Someday. With…with you.” Dammit, I’ve made a mess of things again, Loki inwardly groaned.
They’d only been together for a little over four months and it was much, much too early in their relationship to bring about the subject of children. But after he acknowledged his love for (Y/N), it was challenging for Loki to envision a future without her in it and lately, the idea of a more permanent future with the woman he loved was all he could think about. He knew that his girlfriend liked children; back when she still worked at the New York Public Library, he’d fondly watch her helping them with their homework or reading to them and since officially becoming the Cosmic Sorceress, she’d visited the children’s ward at the nearby hospital once a week to cheer up the young patients. And despite what others might believe, Loki also liked children and the thought of being a father one day – while admittedly a little nerve-wracking – was not an unwelcome one.
Just as (Y/N), with her (Y/E/C) eyes widened in shock, opened her mouth to reply, there came the sounds of voices shouting angrily from the common room down the hall. In an instant, Loki and (Y/N) summoned their magic into the palms of their hands before sprinting out of her suite and down the hallway.
Steve and Tony stood on either sides of the common room and were fully engaged in a blazing argument by the time Loki and (Y/N) arrived. Skidding to a stop beside (Y/N), Loki’s first thought was that he’d never seen either man as angry as they were now, even during the Battle of New York.
“Because you flat-out refused to listen when I said to wait, three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are at the hospital in critical condition!” Tony yelled.
Steve stepped closer and shouted back, “And if I hadn’t acted when I did, an entire apartment complex would’ve been demolished anyway and dozens of people would be dead! Those agents would be fine right now if you hadn’t hesitated to use your scanners!”
“You mean, if I hadn’t stopped to think the situation through?!”
“You’re acting like a civilian, Stark, not a soldier! Our job is to make the tough decisions as quickly as we can for the benefit of the whole, we don’t have the luxury of holding committees for every choice we make!”
“Bullshit, it’s better to weigh options instead of barreling in without a plan; that’s what you’re best at, though, isn’t it? If you hadn’t made the dumb-ass decision to crash that plane in ‘45, you and Carter-”
Before Tony could finish his sentence, Steve landed a punch on his jaw that sent him staggering backwards. Tony quickly surged forward to retaliate, but Loki used his magic to halt his movement while (Y/N) used hers to stop Steve. “Enough!” They dissolved their magic and with matching looks of contempt, both Steve and Tony turned and stormed away, leaving Loki and (Y/N) to gape at each other in shock.
“Yeah, that was a continuation of what happened on the Quinjet.” They turned and watched Bruce step out of the elevator with a weary expression on his face. “I’ll explain everything to you both, but can we do it in private? The rest of the team’s at each other’s throats and I don’t want all the fighting to accidentally trigger the Big Guy…”
After leading the scientist into (Y/N)’s suite and subtly lighting one of her calming lavender-scented candles, Loki sat beside his girlfriend on the sofa and listened as Bruce talked. “This arms dealer was holding an entire apartment building in Luxembourg hostage, said he’d blow the place up if his demands for more guns weren’t met. Fury sent Steve, Tony, Bucky and Clint this morning; the plan was to surround the building and find a way in before going after the guy, but he decided he didn’t want to wait any longer and turned an automatic timer on for the explosives. Cap sent the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in to clear the building and Tony said to wait for the agents to give word before ordering Bucky to take the shot, but Steve didn’t listen. Bucky took the shot, got the guy, but the explosives still went off.” Loki and (Y/N) exchanged looks of confusion, and Bruce continued. “There was a pressure timer hidden in his hand, they call it a dead man’s switch; Tony scanned and saw it at the last second, but Steve was already giving the order to Bucky.” Bruce started pacing as he ran a hand through his hair. “It’s like a civil war; Clint and Nat are taking Tony’s side, they think Steve could’ve waited a little longer, and Sam and Bucky are on Cap’s side.” He snorted in derision. “Thanksgiving dinner should be a blast this year.”
(Y/N) nodded, a saddened expression on her face, but Loki furrowed his brow. “Thanksgiving? You host a dinner of thanks on Midgard?”
“I’ll explain it to you later.” She flashed him a brief smile before returning her concerned gaze to Bruce. “Is there anything we can do?”
“You both should probably just stay out of it; they might come around faster if they see that you’re neutral in all this.” The scientist walked to the door. “I’d better go down and talk to Fury, so I’ll see you guys later.”
Once Bruce closed the door behind him, (Y/N) threw herself back against the cushions of the couch and sighed. “How could something like this have even happened? We’ve been such a strong team these past few months and now…”
“They’re both strong-willed men and stubborn in their own right, you know that. Each holds steadfast to their beliefs no matter the consequences; this is a trait of theirs I’ve both admired and admonished in all the time I’ve known them.” Loki admitted. “But Banner is correct, any attempt of ours to help may only worsen the situation for everyone.”
Taking in (Y/N)’s troubled frown, Loki decided to try distracting her from their fighting teammates, laying down and resting his head in her lap so that he was staring up at her. “So, a feast of thanks sounds…quaint.”
As he’d hoped, she relaxed as she gave him a look of amusement and began running her fingers through his hair. “It’s more than that, silly. In America, it’s a day where we give thanks for our lives and the people in them. We sit around a table for dinner and let our loved ones know just what they mean to us, that we cherish and appreciate them, no matter any differences…we might…we might have…” (Y/N) trailed off, pausing a moment before gasping in excitement. “Loki, I think I may have either a brilliant plan or an insane one!”
“I know just what you have in mind, darling. Let’s go!” They both hurried to the living room closet and tugged on their coats and scarves; they had a long, long day of shopping ahead of them.
Although he’d acclimated fairly well to Midgard in the months since his arrival, one of the things Loki still utterly despised about the realm were its ‘grocery stores.’ They were crowded, lit by horrendous fluorescent lights and stocked to the brim with inedible, overpriced food; whenever he’d been asked to accompany one of his fellow Avengers on their shopping trips, he would come up with every excuse under the sun to decline their invitation. But he decided to put aside his displeasure for the benefit of his girlfriend and teammates, resigning himself to pushing the rickety metal shopping cart up and down the aisles as (Y/N) read off her hastily-written list.
Their shopping trip had gone far better than he’d imagined and in no time, they were carrying their bags into the lobby of the Avengers Tower.
“You know, we’re going to need an extra pair of hands to help us with the cooking on Thursday.” (Y/N) pointed out as they stepped into their team’s private elevator. “I’m not very good in the kitchen, as you already know, but I’ve always been able to bake pretty decent pies.”
Loki nodded. “All right, so who did you have in mind to help?”
At that moment, the elevator stopped and the doors opened to reveal the smiling face of his golden-haired brother. “Ah, there you are! The J.A.R.V.I.S. just informed me you had returned from your outing, was it productive?”
“…You could call it that.”
The tone of his girlfriend’s voice prompted Loki to glance over at her; she was looking from Thor to him, her eyebrows raised and a triumphant smile spreading across her face. Finally understanding her words, Loki’s smile morphed into a look of absolute horror. “Oh no, no, no, not him…!”
“Wait, you guys cooked all this? Without burning the kitchen down?”
Loki couldn’t help but give Bruce a pained look. “Believe me when I say that it was not for lack of trying, Doctor Banner.”
Since they wanted dinner to be a surprise, they’d prepared each dish in one of the kitchens used by the new S.H.I.E.L.D. organization; unfortunately, in their attempt to be secretive they were forced into cramped quarters with rather primitive kitchen appliances at their disposal. And to add to Loki’s growing list of responsibilities, he was forced to babysit the love of his life and his brother in order to prevent the dishes from being ruined by their absolute lack of culinary skills. More than once, he had to use his magic to protect the food he’d cooked from (Y/N)’s over-zealousness with the spices and at one point, he was forced to quickly talk Thor out of using his lightning to rapidly cook the turkey. Hopefully it’ll all have been worth it, Loki tiredly thought to himself.
As if in-tuned with Loki’s inner monologue, Bruce nervously adjusted the sleeves of his coat and replied, “Well, I hope this works and doesn’t just end up making everything worse.”
“You and I both, Doctor.” His eyes were drawn to the elevator as its doors opened, revealing (Y/N) and a cart filled with the feast they’d cooked, and he hurried over to meet her. “Everything’s going to plan so far, they think that it’s only the seven of us for dinner.”
With the help of Bruce, they went about setting the enormous table. “I just sent Thor to fetch Team Cap, so they should be here any minute.” Once they finished, (Y/N) removed her apron and smoothed out her skirt, her anxious expression softening a fraction as she turned to the two men. “Now we see if our brilliantly-insane plan will work.”
Loki had just enough time to lean down and press a reassuring kiss to his girlfriend’s forehead before the elevator doors once again slid open.
“Mmm, smells good in here!” Tony grinned, walking up to (Y/N) and handing her a bottle of wine. “I had Pepper ship one of my best labels over from Malibu for the occasion.”
Natasha did little to hide her amusement at his words. “You just couldn’t resist, could you? And you,” She turned to shoot Clint a glare. “If you don’t stop fidgeting, Barton, we’re going to have a problem.”
“I can’t help it, this stupid suit’s uncomfortable!” Clint grumbled; once Natasha returned her attention to the others, the archer rolled his eyes and whispered to Loki, “Damn straight jacket. (Y/N) forced you into one too, huh?”
“Yes, I-” The sight of Steve, Sam and Bucky entering the room behind Thor caused Loki’s words to die in his throat and as the others caught sight of them, he surreptitiously summoned his magic into his hands in case a fight broke out. Out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted Thor and Bruce exchanging weary looks.
Steve’s face was a mask as he stepped forward. “Stark.”
All Hel broke loose; Steve and Tony lunged towards one another, their struggling forms barely held back by Bucky and Clint. A cacophony of shouting quickly filled the room as both sides began arguing with each other, but just as Loki raised his arms to use his magic, (Y/N) calmly stepped forward and walked in between the warring groups. The shouting and struggling instantly stopped as they gawked at (Y/N), but she merely smiled warmly at them as she spoke. “Thank you all for coming to our Thanksgiving dinner, Loki and I are glad you were able to make it. Bruce mentioned that you usually don’t celebrate together, but this is my first Thanksgiving with you all and I wanted to mark the occasion with my new family…all of it.” Her words seemed to have their desired intent, as both Steve and Tony relaxed their stances and the others backed away from them. “Now, we should start eating before everything gets cold!”
Needless to say, dinner was a tense affair. Where there was usually the sounds of deafening chatter and laughter, there was quiet murmuring and stoic looks. Loki watched (Y/N) with equal amounts of admiration and sympathy as she tried her hardest to engage their teammates in conversation with one another and with each failed attempt, he could see a little more of her heart breaking. After learning the difficult truth about her parents and having lived so long without a family, (Y/N) deserved to have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with her friends. They all did, really. This has gone on long enough, Loki thought to himself as (Y/N) silently stared down at her plate; after a slight moment of hesitation, Loki got to his feet.
“I’ve done a fair amount of reading about this country’s Day of Thanks, and the custom of expressing what one is thankful for whilst surrounded by their loved ones piqued my interest. So, let’s begin.” Loki swallowed thickly, looking around the table at his teammates’ confused faces before settling on (Y/N)’s. “I’m thankful for you, darling. You came into my life at a time when I believed I could never be deserving of love and you showed me not only was I deserving, but that loving you would make me a better man. You’re the love of my life, and believe me when I say that all our lives have been blessed since meeting you.” Loki and (Y/N) shared a smile and as he turned back to address the others, he felt her take hold of his hand and squeeze. “And I know you may find this difficult to believe, but I am also thankful for all of you. When I first joined the Avengers, I was bitter and filled with resentment at the prospect of serving out my sentence on a planet I despised with people I despised even more. But after a short while, once we’d come to understand one another, you accepted me as your teammate and friend. Well, some of you more than others.” His eyes flicked to Tony, who hid his small smile behind his hand, and to Clint, who gave him a small shrug. “I value our kinship above all else and on this Day of Thanks, I implore you all to remember our bonds with one another. Severing those bonds on account of a petty disagreement is something you all will come to regret in the future; take it from me, I have firsthand experience in that particular department.” He and Thor shared a knowing look as he took a seat; although he wasn’t comfortable expressing his emotions so openly, the look of pride in his brother’s eyes had made it worth it.
The table was quiet for several moments, until Steve cleared his throat. “Well, I’m, ah…I’m thankful that after coming out of the ice to an unrecognizable world I was able to find such great friends and teammates in you all.” His azure eyes flicked hesitantly over to Tony. “We may not get along all the time or agree on everything, but that doesn’t mean we should allow ourselves to become divided.”
Tony’s face remained unchanged throughout Steve’s speech and when he got to his feet, Loki could practically hear the others’ sharp intakes of breath. The billionaire held Steve’s gaze for a heartbeat before offering him his hand over the table with his trademark smirk on his face. “Couldn’t have said it better myself, ‘Roid Rage.” The two men shook hands and the room almost instantly relaxed; Loki exchanged looks of triumph with his co-conspirators as dinner continued, satisfied that their plan had been successfully implemented.
“Dinner was delicious, by the way.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, darling, though I’m not sure what the others thought of it.”
“Well, they were a little too distracted to hand out compliments on food, wouldn’t you say?”
The pair had decided to spend the night catching up on their reading but instead of utilizing the library, they had made themselves comfortable in Loki’s bed with their books and plenty of blankets. Loki sat up against the headboard, his legs stretched out across the mattress and his ankles crossed, and (Y/N) was leaning against his side, her head resting comfortable in the crook of his neck and her free arm holding Loki’s around her waist. They sat in comfortable silence as they read their own books, occasionally permeating the tranquil atmosphere with light conversation.
“Um, Loki?”
“Hmm?” Loki could feel (Y/N) shifting beside him, so he tore his eyes away from his book and watched as she marked her page and set her book down on the bedside table. Setting his own book aside, Loki adjusted himself so he could see her face better. “What is it?”
(Y/N) bit her lip and played with the sleeve of her sweatshirt before answering. “We’ve been so busy planning Thanksgiving dinner and trying to get the team back together that we haven’t had a chance to talk about what you said the other day.” Loki’s brow furrowed in confusion, and the corner of (Y/N)’s mouth twitched. “About wanting to, um, have children. With me.”
“Oh.” Loki felt himself pale; he’d completely forgotten about his slip-up and being reminded of it caused panic to flare in his chest. “I-It was stupid, (Y/N), I just…we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, I only meant-”
His explanation was abruptly cut off by (Y/N), who had covered his mouth with her hand and was shaking with suppressed laughter. “I always love those rare moments when you’re the one to get flustered; a little line always forms in between your eyebrows.” She leaned forward and pressed a brief kiss on the spot before moving her hand from his mouth to cup his cheek. “I was surprised by what you said the other day because I didn’t realize that you’ve imagined the same future that I have.” (Y/N) shyly looked down but she reached for his free hand and intertwined their fingers together. “I may not have much experience with relationships, Loki, but I love you with all my heart and if there’s anyone I want to share that wonderful future with someday…well, it’s you.”
A grin slowly formed on Loki’s face; removing one of his hands from hers, he gently took hold of her chin and coaxed her to look at him. “Really?”
She nodded, her (Y/E/C) eyes sparkling with happiness. “Really.”
Surging forward, Loki held her face in his hands and smashed his lips against hers. (Y/N) made a sound of surprise before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing back with equal vigor; Loki eventually found himself lying flat on his back while (Y/N) straddled his waist, one hand clutching her hip while the other traveled up and down her spine as they kissed. (Y/N) pulled her lips away from his and just as his throat made a noise of protest, she began kissing along his jawline and down his neck; needless to say, his annoyance quickly morphed to groans of satisfaction. Only when her soft lips brushed against a particularly sensitive patch of skin near his collarbone did Loki lose all restraint; he flipped them over so that (Y/N) was pressed against the mattress and after grabbing her hands and threading their fingers together, he held them over her head and hungrily attacked her eager lips with his own until an unfortunate lack of air forced them to break apart.
“I said I’d like children with you someday, Loki, not today!” (Y/N) exclaimed breathlessly, a dazed sort of smile illuminating her face as she looked up at him.
Loki let out a laugh before kissing her forehead and rolling off to lay on his back beside her; try as he might, he couldn’t keep the broad grin off his face. “Apologies, my love, but you’re entirely irresistible. If I’d known there were kisses like that in store for me, I’d have told you all that ages ago…”
Later that evening, (Y/N) was fast asleep against his chest and the sounds of her quiet snores filled the room as he stretched out on the bed in contentment. I suppose there’s only one thing left to do, Loki thought tiredly, pulling (Y/N) closer and glancing over at the bedside table that hid the engagement ring before sleep finally claimed him.
A/N: Wow, that was a lot of fluff! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Chapter Fifteen
Spellbinding Masterlist
Tagging: @nexiva @ravenclawbitch426 @cminr @confusedfandomwriter @momc95 @nickkie1129 @austynparksandpizza @brooke0297 @destructivebliss @outoftheregular​ @itscomplicatedx​ @0-artemis​ @vivloki​
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word-scribbless · 4 years
Oh Baby part 4
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Oh baby Masterlist
Gibbs x female reader and oc baby Amelia!
@gibbsandpridegirl you’re Amelia being sick and needing Gibbs moment makes its appearance!!!
Amelia is almost a year old when the team meet her, over a month before Y/N and Gibbs had planned.
She was teething and all she wanted was “puhpuh” which is what it sounds like when she calls Gibbs.
She calls Gibbs desk, she doesn’t want to worry him if he is on a case.
McGee answers and tells Y/N he stepped out for coffee but they aren’t busy.
She packs up a crying Amelia and hauls her to visit Poppa.
The elevator opens and Gibbs head pops up and the little wail her recognizes immediately.
“Hey! Are you guys okay?” He asks and rushes to scoop Amelia from Y/N’s arms.
“Luh puhpuh” she grunts and y/n chuckled.
“We’re fine but your daughter wants nothing to do with mama, only Poppa” “which is really annoying, but also really cute.”
“ little girl are you giving your momma trouble?”
Amelia pouted slightly and then squealed puh-puh!
“ Poppa is working love! We just came to say hi.”
“We’re just doing paper work, let’s give this peanut a tour huh?”
“You okay with them all meeting her?”
“y/n” the team cheer and pop up.
“Boss, who’s your mini me?” Toni laughed
“Is this little Amelia?” Ziva cooed
“It is! I’m glad you’ll finally get to meet her, she’s kinda being a punk right now. Very grumpy” she said while tickling amelia’s side
“She is your mini me!” Tony said and got the Gibbs glare from both Gibbs and his daughter.
“Puh puh!” “Puh puh ing!” She squealed.
“Poppa?” McGee whispered
“Well yeah McGee, she’s my daughter.”
“Official adoption papers are being processed! Mine worked a little differently under the circumstances, but if you ask Amelia here, it’s clear who her Poppa is.
Puh puh! She smiled and touched Gibbs cheek.
Gibbs kissed her hand and said yup that’s me princess.
The team gapped at THIER boss being so sweet to the young girl.
“Ing puh puh!”
“Not right now sweet girl”
“Yeah meals, Poppa needs to be a big tough guy at work!” Y/N said in a silly baby voice.
“Gibbs sings?” Ziva asked
“Not well” he said
“Nope, but she loves it” y/n laughed
“Come on little bug, she reached for her and Amelia snuggled into her side, holding onto Gibbs’ finger
M”want to meet aunt Abby? And uncle ducky?”
“Kay mama” she peeped
“Puh-puh” she asked
“Yup I’ll come with you, I don’t wanna make Abby angers.”
“Yeah she’s dying to see Poppa Gibbs in action.
“Puh puh!” She squealed and reached for Gibbs.
“Ugh she only deals with me to get you.”
“Oh stop!” He kissed her head “I love you. And so does our girl.”
“Holy crap he’s a human”
abby squealed and Gibbs went to cover amelias ears before she answered with a loud squeal of her own.
“Abby I think you just made a best friend.” Y/n joked.
“She likes pink a little much for your taste though.” Gibbs laughed
“Ahhh I’ll make an exception for this peanut! Can I hold you?” Abby asked Amelia sweetly
“Wanna go to Abs?” Gibbs asked
“Ahhhhs!” She squealed and reached her arms out.
“Kid has good taste” Gibbs laughed
“I can’t believe you’re a dad!”
“Not the first time.”
“I know, and you’re so good at it but it’s so cool to see.”
“Yeah I think he broke the team!l
“The team’s never seen you be so. Nice”
Y/N and Amelia went home that afternoon and napped before playing and Y/N trying to get work done. Just before dinner Amelia’s low grade teething fever suddenly spiked and she began wailing, refusing to eat, and pulling at her ears. No matter what Y/N did Amelia was not happy. She couldn’t stand her poor little girl being in pain and didn’t know what else to do but call the man Amelia was crying for most of the night any way.
“Hey you okay?” Gibbs answered, a bit worries.
“Um not really, I mean yeah we’re ok but can you come home?” She blurted out.
“What’s wrong?”
“Amelia’s sick, she doesn’t want to eat anything, her temp is up and she won’t stop crying.” Y/N said and Gibbs heard the tears in her voice.
“I’m on my way” He answered before she heard him talking to someone else.
“J if you’re busy don’t come home I just, I feel so helpless and I don’t know how to get her to calm down! She won’t let me put her down, she screams for me if I do, but when I have her she screams for you and just cries and I-“
“Baby just hang on I’ll be home soon!” He assured her, in that voice that calmed her soul immediately.
“I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have even called!”
“Baby I want to be there with you both, I’ll be home soon alright?” He repeated.
“Okay, thank you J” she sighed
“I love you!”
“I love you too”
About 30 minutes later gibbs entered to find Y/N on the bed, close to tears with Amelia curled up on her chest.
“Hey” she whispered over Amelia’s head. The little girl was still wimpering, but was so tired out she had stopped fighting laying on Y/N
who was hopelessly trying to soothe her.
“Hey sweetheart, how’s our girl?” He asked coming to sit next to y/n on the bed and scooping up Amelia who had whispered “papa” when she saw him.
“Hey sweet girl, momma says you don’t feel good” he whispered and felt her cheek with his lips.
“Mama” she said and reached her little hand behind her, searching for y/n. Y/n took her hand and scooted in so she was on Gibbs shoulder with her hand on Amelia’s back.
“See all she needed was her papa!” Y/N huffed
“And her mama” Gibbs smiled, leaning his head on hers.
“Sure she wants to hold my hand now, but she cried for 5 hours straight until you walked in that door.” She smiled. “I’m not bitter, just jealous of your skill!” He laughed at her and kissed Amelia’s head.
“Any idea what’s going on with her?”
“I called the Dr, she said that she probably has an ear infection and called in a prescription since they’re closed but... shit! J it’s 930 were you on a case?”
“Doesn’t matter” he said, kissing Y/N’s head “did you get her prescription?”
“Yeah we went to the drive through, but it does matter Jethro! I shouldn’t have called!” She huffed. Her nerves were worn from the day and she felt awful for pulling him away,
“Y/N I would have been upset if this was going on and you didn’t call me, I’m your partner in this, forever”
“God you’re an amazing dad and husb-partner.”
He laughed and smiled as she blushed.
“Don’t make fun of me! I’m not thinking straight”
He kissed her forehead again and whispered.”kinda nice hearing you almost call me your husband”
“Kinda nice almost saying it”
She felll asleep with a smile. So did Gibbs, he knew now that she wanted the same things as him.
Next chapter
@diesinspanishbcimhispanic @averyhotchner @andreasworlsboring101 @mac99martin @viper-official @ilovemark1951 @kittenlittle24 @drakelover78
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magicalmarauder · 4 years
The Trouble with Love Notes
Pairing: Shawn Mendes x Reader
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 3.9k+
Summary: You love showing your boyfriend that you love him by leaving him sweet, little notes for him to find in various places. However, when you overhear him talking to his friends about how clingy and obnoxious they are, how will he respond when those notes suddenly stop? Fluff/angst!
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Grabbing the lunch bag on the seat beside you, you clambered out of your car, closing and locking the door behind you before turning to make your way into the studio where your boyfriend was currently working on his latest album. You and Shawn had been dating for about three years now and the two of you couldn’t be happier with where your relationship was at currently. The two of you had overcome a lot in the past few years and although you hadn’t necessarily enjoyed the trials that your love had to undergo, you were grateful that those things had strengthened and molded your relationship into something so beautiful and solid. Your mom had constantly reminded you growing up that when the person is right, those trials and hardships that you encounter suddenly don’t seem so earth-shattering. And that was advice that you had found to be absolutely true. Despite all the distance, rumors, outside opinions from fans, and so many other things, Shawn was the one for you. He loved you, challenged you, protected you, and encouraged you so well. Being his and being loved by him made up for all the bad days. He was your perfect counterpart and you were his.
However, as much as you loved that incredible man, one thing you decidedly did not love was his forgetful nature. You swore that boy would forget his own head if it wasn’t physically attached to his body. Hence, the reason why you were rolling up in front of the studio on your lunch break to deliver the lunch he had forgotten at home earlier that morning.
Shaking your head softly as you considered your boyfriends forgetful habits, you couldn’t help but be grateful for this particular instance. Because although you had to drive down here to deliver Shawn’s food so he wouldn’t go starving when trying to create another incredible album, you relished any extra opportunity to see him. With his crazy schedule that often took him to the opposite ends of the planet, you were thankful for the times he was close and you could pop in and see him, even if it was just for a short visit.
Opening the door, you smiled as you heard the sound of soft piano music playing and laughter as Shawn sat with his friends and co-creators of this album, attempting to envision lyrics to match this awesome melody they had created the other day.
Standing in the doorway, not wishing to interrupt, you merely watched your boyfriend, loving how passionate he was about his music. It was incredible to see him perform his songs and interact with his fans, but you secretly preferred this aspect of Shawn’s job even more. For one, it meant he was usually close to you, the studio he wrote in being only a few short blocks from your shared apartment. But mostly, you loved seeing him create. He possessed so much talent, for sure, but you just loved seeing him pour his heart into his songs and to see the smile on his face when he would nail a melody or put together lyrics that perfectly portrayed what was in his heart. You couldn’t really describe the feeling you got when watching him in his element, you just knew that your heart never failed to swell with love and pride at seeing him like this.
Your admiration was cut short however when Brian, who had been lying on the couch and throwing a tennis ball up and down in the air while listening to Shawn softly sing various different lyrics in search of the perfect one, noticed you standing there and greeted you. “Y/N! Welcome to Studio a la Shawn! What brings you here today?”
“Someone forgot their lunch,” you explained, holding up the bag with you as evidence.
“Aww,” Brian hummed in understanding. “Wouldn’t want our favorite rock star going hungry, now would we?” He grinned.
You returned the sentiment, chuckling softly. “No, of course not,” you teased, looking over to Shawn who had stopped playing and turned around to face you at the first mention of your presence.
“Ok, ok, enough you two,” he rolled his eyes, standing up and crossing the room to greet you.
You grinned up at him as he reached you, placing his hands on your hips and pulling you closer to himself. “Thank you for bringing me my food again, baby. What would I do without you?” He questioned, soft brown eyes boring into your own eyes.
“Starve, probably,” you teased, smiling innocently up at him.
He rolled his eyes as Brian barked out a laugh behind you two before pressing a quick peck to your lips and grabbing the bag out of your hands. “Are you going to stay and eat with us?” He questioned, going to place the bag down on a nearby table before returning to your side.
“No, I can’t,” you responded, heart melting at the pout he gave you in response. “I have to get back to work. I’m swamped today and have to get back soon if I want to get out at a decent hour tonight.”
Shawn sighed, disappointed, but understanding that your job was just as important as his and that it needed to come first sometimes.
“Ok,” he nodded. “Next time.”
“Definitely,” you agreed, lifting up onto your tip toes to press another kiss to his lips, smiling as he deepened the kiss, ignoring the groans and protests from the boys behind you.
“I’ll see you tonight, ok?”
“Ok,” you grinned, reaching up to press one last kiss to his cheek before stepping out of his grip.
Before walking out, you called out a goodbye to the team in the studio, receiving a mixture of responses in return. Smiling to yourself, you made your way back toward the front of the building where your car was parked, now re-energized to finish your work and get home to the love of your life. However, right as you were about to climb into your car, you remembered that you had forgotten to ask Shawn what he wanted you to pick up for dinner on your way home tonight. Contemplating whether you should go back in or simply shoot him a text, you re-locked your car, opting to go in and ask, hoping to maybe sneak in one more quick kiss before heading out.
As you made your way back into the studio, you were stopped dead in your tracks when you heard one of the recording artists you didn’t know quite as well mention your name, followed by several snorts of laughter. Unable to help yourself, you stopped in the hallway, trying to hear what was said of you that had garnished such a reaction.
“Does wittle Shawn need love notes from his mommy?” You heard one of the boys mock, making kissy noises.
Peeking your head around the corner, remaining careful to keep out of sight, you saw Shawn sitting at the table with his lunch opened in front of him and the boys gathered around him as one waved a piece of paper around, a scrap of paper that you had placed in Shawn’s lunch for him to find that morning.
One of your top love languages had always been words of affirmation and giving gifts, so you had combined those traits into one, loving to give encouraging notes to friends and family. It was something you had always done for as long as you could remember. Meeting and dating Shawn had only given you your favorite recipient in which to bequeath these little notes to. It was something you had done randomly when you had first started dating. Shawn had gotten home that day and kissed you silly, claiming that your note had given him the perfect pick-me-up in the midst of his very busy, stressful day and you had been leaving notes for him to find ever since.
“Shut up, man,” Shawn grumbled, ripping the paper from the guys hands and placing it in the front pocket of his skinny jeans, safety out of reach of any of the other men in the room.
Shawn’s flushed cheeks only seemed to encourage the group; however, as their teasing only picked up.
“Enough!” Shawn finally shouted. “It’s not like it’s my fault. I didn’t ask for her to leave these annoying little notes! She’s just clingy and can’t get it through her head that I don’t need her to constantly be up in my business all the time!” He scowled. “I didn’t ask for her to do this, man. But how am I supposed to tell her that she’s being obnoxious? That’s just not something you say to your girl!”
You were frozen in shock, unable to believe the words you were hearing from your boyfriend’s mouth. Shawn had never given you any reason to believe that he found your notes annoying. In fact, you had thought he quite liked them. Given his reaction after receiving the first one, you thought he found it cute? When did that change? Insecurity began to fill your heart and mind as you thought back to every note you had left Shawn and how he had responded. When he thanked you and insisted on how adorable you were for reminding him of your love through surprise, written notes, had he been lying? Did he really think you were clingy and obnoxious?
Unwilling to stick around any longer to find out more of his thoughts on this subject, you turned on your heel and strode out of the room. If he didn’t like your notes, you wouldn’t write them anymore. It was as simple as that.
. . .
The following day, Shawn was once again in the studio, him and his team still trying to nail down the lyrics to one of the final songs on the album. They had made such incredible progress, but had seemed to hit a road block this week. After an intense morning of writing and re-writing different lyrics in an attempt to find the perfect verses, the team had decided that taking a much-needed lunch break and reconvening in an hour would be best.
Opening the lunch that his beautiful girlfriend had packed him that morning, a small smile formed on his lips, knowing that you usually left him a cute little note to find. It had been a tough morning of constant frustration and disappointment as the spark was lacking from the song. A note from you was just what he needed. However, guilt tugged at his heart as he remembered the conversation from yesterday. Matt had seen the paper fall out of his lunch bag yesterday and had been quick to snatch it up, reading it aloud and proceeding to mock him along with the other guys. In embarrassment, Shawn had lashed out and said words that were completely false. He made it sound like he hated your sweet notes, when in fact they filled his heart with so much joy, knowing that his girl loved him enough to take the time and write about how much she loved him and how proud she was of him and to remind him that she believed in him, always.
Digging through the bag, Shawn frowned when he came up empty. No note. That was odd, he thought.
Although, the more he thought about it, the more he remembered how rushed you were this morning. Rationalizing in his mind that you were probably just busy this morning and didn’t have time, he pushed away the thoughts of worry and dug into his food, joining in with the conversation around him.
. . .
About a week later, Shawn was sitting in your living room, leg anxiously bouncing up and down as he waited for you to get home from work. It had been a week now of no notes in his lunch. No notes left for him to find on the fridge in the mornings. No sweet “I Love You” messages scrawled on the bathroom mirror in red lipstick. And it wasn’t only that. You had been quieter. You weren’t as easily affectionate as you had once been with him. You were more reserved. Distant. And it scared the living hell out of him. You were the love of his life. He didn’t think he could live without you. Had your feelings for him changed? Had his crazy lifestyle finally caught up with you? He didn’t think he could handle that if it had.
At first, he had simply written these subtle changed in your behavior off, but he couldn’t do that anymore. He knew something was wrong and he was determined to find out what so he could fix it.
His head snapped in the direction of the door as he heard your key turn in the lock.
He stood up as you stepped through the door, hanging your coat up on the hook and placing your purse and keys on the table by the entryway. He bit his lip as he watched you, silently running through the words that he wanted to say to you.
“Hey, baby,” he murmured.
You looked up, slightly surprised to see him home already and standing poised in the living room waiting for you.
“Hi,” you responded cautiously. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine,” he reassured. “I just wanted to talk,” he murmured, wringing his hands together nervously. “Can you come here and sit with me?”
Your own anxiety spiked up at that statement. Uh-oh. That didn’t sound too good.
Slowly, you made your way over to him, taking a seat and angling your body so that you were facing him.
Shawn reached out and took one of your hands in both of his and taking a deep breath. “Baby, before I say anything else, I just want you to know how much I love you, okay? You know that, right? That I love you.”
You nodded. “Of course, Shawn. I know that. I love you too.”
Shawn let out a breath, nerves easing slightly at the reassurance of your love for him.
“And you would tell me if anything was wrong, right?” He questioned earnestly, eyes seeking yours for something you weren’t aware of.
You nodded hesitantly, still unsure as to where this conversation was going.
“Then honey,” Shawn began. “What happened to my notes?”
You blinked, completely caught off guard. “Your what?”
“My notes!” Shawn exclaimed, voice raising slightly in panic as he let his confusion, frustration, and hurt slip into his tone. “The ones you leave me everywhere! In my lunch, on the fridge, in the bathroom, everywhere! They’ve stopped! And that’s not all,” Shawn continued, now on a roll. “You’ve been distant! You’ve been quiet at night. You don’t cuddle me in bed like you used to. Sweetheart, what did I do?” He begged. “Tell me, honey. Tell me and I’ll fix it right now. I love you! I’d do anything for you, you know that! Just . . . just, come back to me!” He begged, voice breaking and breaths coming hard as all his fears came tumbling out of his mouth like an uncontrolled waterfall.
You stared at your boyfriend, mouth slightly agape. Whatever you had been expecting, that certainly wasn’t it.
“You - you miss my notes?” You questioned, trying to gather your thoughts.
“Yes!” Shawn breathed. “Of course, I miss your notes, honey! Why would you ever doubt that?” He pleaded, squeezing your hand and inching closer to you so that your legs were brushing against one another.
You looked down, mind racing as you tried to discern what was true. Did Shawn mean what he was saying? Or was he simply worried you were pulling away and just using the lack of love notes as an example?
“I heard you,” you whispered, glancing up quickly before looking back down, not really wanting to let Shawn know you had been eavesdropping on his conversation last week, but seeing no way around it.
“Heard me when, sweetheart?” Shawn questioned, lifting a hand under your chin and gently tilting your face up, searching your eyes for answers.
You blew out a long, slow breath. “Last week,” you finally admitted. “When you forgot your lunch and I came to drop it off at the studio. After I left, I remembered that I needed to ask what you wanted for dinner that night. So, I came back in, but before I could, I overheard apart of your conversation.”
Shawn paled as realization sunk in and he recalled exactly what conversation it was that you had overheard and what words had been said. “Honey . . .” he trailed off, words failing him as he didn’t even know what to say. God, he was such a jerk. How could he say such blasphemous lies about you? His sweet, perfect angel. And now to know that you had overheard him saying such false things about you. It broke his heart, but he had no one to blame but himself.
Mistaking his silence for something else, you began to ramble. “It’s ok if you do think that,” you began. “You’re entitled to your own opinion and if you think that something I do is clingy and obnoxious, just tell me. Don’t make fun of me behind my back with your friends. I can take it, I promise.”
Shawn shook his head, becoming increasingly more angry with himself as he realized that his senseless words had caused you to doubt not only yourself, but his love and appreciation for you. “Sweetheart, stop,” he interrupted. “I love your notes. I love knowing how much you care. Those notes make my entire day.”
You looked down, unsure as to whether he was telling the truth or simply guilty at the fact that he had been caught.
Shawn, seeming to sense your hesitation, again lifted your chin so that he could look you in the eye. “Baby, I’m telling you the truth, I promise. The guys started ragging on me and I got embarrassed. And in my embarrassment, I lashed out and said some really stupid, untrue things,” he explained, shifting even closer to you on the small couch and moving his hands so that they were now cupping your cheeks, forcing you to keep your attention on him. “But I never should have let their teasing get to me,” he continued. “I am so unbelievably proud to have you as a girlfriend and so lucky to be so freely and openly loved by you. You have to believe me, baby. Say you believe me, please.”
Searching his eyes, you saw nothing but sincerely. But still, you hesitated. The hurt from that conversation still lingering in your mind and in your heart. You wanted to believe him so badly, but the sadness of this last week wouldn’t just wash away so easily.
Tears welled up in Shawn’s eyes as he took notice of the internal battle going on in your mind, heartbroken that he had caused you to doubt him and his affection for you. Wracking his brain for some way to get you to believe him, his eyes lit up as he remembered something he had secretly been collecting since the beginning of your relationship and something that followed him on tour always to help him in those tough moments of missing you.
“Wait right here, I’ll be right back!” He exclaimed, as he jumped up from the couch and raced up the stairs, sprinting into your bedroom and pulling out the small scrapbook that he had stored in his suitcase underneath the bed.
Running back down the stairs, he returned to the living room and sat back down next to you on the couch, placing the small book in your lap.
“What’s this?” You questioned, looking up at him in confusion.
“If you have any doubts that I love receiving your cute, little notes, this should reassure you,” he smiled softly. “I take it with me whenever I leave for tour, anytime I’m going to be away from you for any period of time. To reassure myself that you’re here and you love me and that you’re always in my heart, even when I may be physically distant from you.”
Giving him a look, you hesitantly opened the book and gasped when you saw the first note you had ever written to Shawn staring back up at you. You raised your head, gazing at your boyfriend in disbelief. He smiled and nodded at the book, silently encouraging you to keep exploring its contents.
Flipping through the pages, you found more of your notes. They ranged from simple I love you’s to long paragraphs explaining why you loved him as well as quick encouragements cheering him on before important shows or award ceremonies. Reaching the end of the book, you found the note that you had given him just last week, the last one you had written, and the one that had spurred on the fateful conversation that had ended those very notes.
“I’ve saved every single note you’ve given me,” Shawn murmured, grabbing the book and placing it on the table so that he could grab onto your hands. “I love stumbling upon your words of love and encouragement to me throughout the day, whether that be in my lunch, my jacket pocket, or any of the other creative locations you’ve managed to stash them,” he chuckled.
You cracked a smile at that, cheeks warming under his gaze.
“So, believe me, honey, when I tell you that I am so sorry that I ever made you doubt that. I’m an idiot. A complete and utter idiot and I am so, so sorry. Can you forgive me, sweetheart?” He begged, eyes earnestly boring into your own.
Smiling at your sweet boyfriend, you nodded, overcome by emotion as you leaned forward and passionately pressed your lips to his own, hands coming up to embed themselves in his curly hair and tugging, eliciting a groan from him as his own hands wrapped themselves around your waist, tugging you into his lap, causing you to break away in giggles. Shawn laughed as well, relieved that you were back in his arms. Relieved that the light and love was back in your eyes. He pressed a series of kisses to your face, your eyelids, forehead, temple, nose, anywhere his lips could reach.
“Shawn!” You squealed.  “Stop!” You laughed.
“Not a chance,” Shawn growled through kisses. “I’ve missed out on a whole week of affection from you, we have a lot of making up to do!” He explained, standing up and throwing you over his shoulder as he ran to the bedroom, hellbent on showing you exactly how much he loved you.
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gemstone-roses · 4 years
Sam Wilson x Reader
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Summary: you hate the beach.
Gif not mine credit to the owner!
Warnings: swearing, fear of the ocean , Steve Rogers in terrible swim wear. Threats of violence.
"Its settled then, our next trip out as a whole team is to the beach!"
cheers and whoops erupted around the room as tony gathered up his papers.
You sighed and placed your elbows on the table and gave a small defeated smile to your excited teammates.
"Bad luck y/n, you were outvoted, besides who doesn't like the beach anyway, there's so much to do and it's so nice and vibrant and the sea is so lovely and you can swim and see all the fish and ooh do you think there will be crabs there Mr stark,I hope there will be crabs, and maybe jellyfish too"
"Peter if you don't shut up right now I'm going to stick you to the corner of this very own ceiling with your own damn web fluid" you glared at him, only half joking.
Peter looked overly concerned at your threat, and left to go pack for tomorrow. 
" I find it hard to believe you hate the beach y/n, everyone loves the beach! Tony looked shocked at the very thought.
" No tony,not everyone does,and I do hate it,and everything that comes along with it, and please can I just sit this one out I'll do ALLL your paperwork for a month! wait where's.. Where's pepper she'll say yes to me she won't turn down a month off of paperwork PEPPER??!
" You know what your problem is y/n? You've forgotten how to have fun, we've all had a tough last few missions,especially you,which is the exact reason for this trip, you need to relax a little , we've hardly left the compound other than for missions and that's not good for you,it will be fun I promise, and pepper is under instructions to completely ignore any and all bribery and promises from you, the jet leaves at 7am"
You sucked your teeth at the hypocrisy of Tony telling YOU to relax and gave him the finger as his back turned to leave. 
"Hey, hey Sharon! 
"Wha.. I didn't even start you don't even know what I was going to say!!
" This is the first time in months me and Steve have had the opportunity to spend a day together so we're using tomorrow as a date so no i won't help you get out of this one,I'm really looking forward to it, I love the feeling of sand underneath my feet"
You rolled your eyes. 
" That's not what I was going to ask actually
"Yeah is it true Steve has a pair of captain America swim shorts with his own face on them and if so how much do I have to pay for you to convince him to wear them tomorrow" you giggled, she playfully hit you with her file and walked away. 
"That's not an answer!!!"
The conversation with Sharon gave you an idea.
"Hi clint" you plopped down next to him on the couch 
He raised his eyebrow at you 
"When was the last time you and Laura went on a date? Do you want me to watch the kids tomorrow for you? 
"Nah it's alright thanks, they're gonna meet us there,they love the beach, thanks though"
You heard laughter from behind a set of cards. 
"You know I admire your efforts,truly, I'm impressed,tell me y/n what's the first thing your going to do when we get to the beach tomorrow? I have an extra bucket and spad so I'll bring it along tomorrow for you"
" You know what Loki, fuck you" you fumed, you knew he could see inside your head and he knew the real reason you didn't like the beach. He was just winding you up. 
Friday woke you up at 5am, you begrudgingly got out of bed and got ready.
 Sam  brushed past you on the way to the kitchen
"Sorry y/n ,just got back from my morning run, it's hot out there today even at this time!" 
Its five o clock in the fucking morning, you mumbled to yourself. 
You grabbed a coffee and sat down and promptly placed your head on the table.
"Aren't you going to eat y/n, you know breakfast is the most important meal of the day" Peter was munching on some toast. 
"As much as I appreciate your concern Peter I'd rather you save it until after I've had my coffee. Please" you muttered. 
"Right guys,everyone fed? Properly caffinated? Bags ready? Let's go" Sam clapped his hands, he had a towel slung over his shoulder. 
"It should be illegal to have this much energy this early in the morning"
You sat opposite Sam on the jet , everyone was smiley and energetic , even bucky had replaced his usual sombre stare. 
You tried to keep your thoughts occupied, tony looks ridiculous in a hawain shirt, Peter was the embodiment of a five year old, I wonder if loki will take off that helmet in the water.
 You felt a nudge on your leg
"You good y/n"? Sam looked genuinely concerned, you just nodded your head and continued to clench your jaw. 
Peter and Clint were the first off the jet, carrying various inflatables. Quickly followed by natasha, who had already made everyone aware of her plans to just sunbathe and had,with the threat of violence told everyone not to disturb her.
It had landed on a secluded patch of beach out of the way, you reluctantly made your way to the ramp and looked down at the yellow grainy ground. You sighed as you stepped off the plane.
Sam was ahead of you walking with bucky, he kept looking back at you and eventually stopped until you caught up.
" Sweetheart, you look a little terrified, are you okay? his voice was laced with worry and love and you couldn't help but smile a little.
"I, I don't like the water, sam I'm terrified of the ocean and everything in it,and uh well also I can't swim…" you looked down at the floor kicking your foot in the sand.
"Oh honey come here" he wrapped his arm around you and held you tight, 
" You..don't think I'm stupid..or silly?
" No of course not, its not stupid or silly!" He chuckled.
"Come on, tony will throw a tantrum if we stay here, let's go see what crazy shit Peters up to"
 Sam walked on the side closest to the sea,it was just a little thing , but it meant a lot to you. 
"Finally, you two lovebirds decided to join us" tony chuckled
"Oh we weren't ,were not…."
"Yeah yeah whatever,get over here before Clint takes all the soda."
You sat down on a towel next to Tony and his huge stash of drinks. Something tickled the back of your neck 
"Well,not yet" sam whispered
Your head snapped up 
"I'm going to go in the water for a bit with Steve, Sharon and bucky,I'll be back in a bit " he smirked and winked at you,jogging towards the water.
"Sam Wilson did you just ask me out and run away?" You shouted, but with a smile.
A little while later
A shadow blocked your sunlight, opening your eyes you were met with Steve standing over you with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"Um Steve what are you…"
He whipped off his towel grinning widely to show the ugliest Captain America shorts you'd ever seen. 
AN: I wrote this instead of studying so comments are muchly appreciated🥺
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ravensmind · 3 years
Happy RobRae week 2021! Here's my day 1 prompt fic. There will be an extended smuttier version coming soon. Might only do this prompt this year just due to things I have going on, but I'm still writing! Hope you enjoy this 😃.
RobRae week 2021 
Day 1: Gotham Academy AU
Finals and a First
Finals week. Two simple words that had the power to make anyone quake with anxiety and while he may do a good job of hiding it, Dick Grayson was no exception. Luckily for him, he had a solid group of friends who had each other’s backs. They mostly studied as a group when they were free, unless their class schedule or extracurricular activity demanded they improvise. Gotham Academy was not known for caring about its students' friendships or whether they had free time to study together or not. Dick was on the football team and they did not have practice that day, so he was free, but Victor, Kori, Garfield, and Tara were all at meets or practices or matches or just in class, only Rachel was able to study with him, and that presented a challenge. Dick was enamored with Rachel, infatuated with Rachel, could not stop thinking about Rachel, and she had no idea because he just could. Not. Tell. Her. 
Even though Rachel Roth, the quiet, reserved, sarcastic, smart, violet-haired girl was sitting only inches away from him at the same table in the library, he could not look at her, as he had some paranoid feeling that she knew exactly how he felt when he looked at her. Normally, he would play off of his other friends, but now they were alone. He hid in his textbook, pretending to be very interested in some words located near the spine of the book in some rose colored block of text. Out of frustration with his own inner turmoil, he picked up the noble they’d been assigned to read and chucked it into a nearby bookcase.
“Are you okay?” Rachel asked in a frustrated tone.
“Yeah, I’m fine, why?” Dick returned.
"You’re just not usually this quiet, is all,” she replied.
“Guess I’m just nervous,” he said.
“About our finals?” 
“Yeah,” he said, thanking the universe for that excuse.
“I didn’t think you got nervous over stuff like this, at least I don’t think I’ve seen it. Wait ‘till this gets out, the chill, cool captain of the football team is freaking over his final,” she teased.
“But you wouldn’t tell anyone, right?”
“No. Lucky you, I don’t think anyone would believe me.”
“That the only reason you wouldn’t say anything?”
“No, because I don’t know that I believe you either,” she replied, toying with a strand of her hair with one of her slim, almost pale fingers.
Dick chanced a look at her and was surprised to see a playful smirk on her face and a strange look in her violet eyes that he was not sure he had seen before. He tensed a little when he realized he had slipped up and looked at her. Did she know? Was he screwed? The last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable and get on her bad side. She had enough trouble dealing with the gossip and judgmental teachers for her goth vibe and overall lack of shits to give attitude.
At one point, he heard Rachel had been summoned to the dean’s office for violating the dress code by wearing black knee highs over fishnets and foregoing the standard blue skirt for a black one. Her response was that technically she was in compliance, as there was no rule about a specific color skirt, or that she could not wear anything in addition to the socks on her legs, and she was a model student. Aside from snapping at a teacher or two, she was rarely in trouble, and he knew she had good grades. She still kept that style, even though more teachers voiced their disapproval, but they ultimately could not do anything without changing the dress code and it was not worth it. After he heard about what happened, Dick helped her out by changing the color tie and slacks he wore from blue to black, as his popularity would make her style choice far less controversial. He had mostly done it to help her, but he also liked being seen as more of a rebel. He stuck up for her when she was being picked on and she was always quick to shut down anyone who was bad-mouthing him.They had grown a bit closer as a result, though neither really acknowledged it to the other. 
He swallowed and considered what his options would be if she dug deeper. He hoped that he could talk his way out of whatever accusation she was about to make. He shifted in his chair and cleared his throat.
“What makes you say that?” he asked.
“Hmm. Well, you’ve never really stressed about tests before. When Gar complains, you calm him down and put together a plan to study, so I’m pretty sure you’re more level-headed,” she replied.
“Doesn’t mean I’m not nervous.”
“No, but I think it’s less likely that it’s about the exams. Now that I think about it… you kind of acted like this last time we hung out. Maybe it’s about one of us,” she thought aloud.
“Like I said, I’m nervous about finals. It’s, uhh, just been a lot for me this time. It’s our last year and I don’t want Bruce to be harder on me if I don’t measure up,” he said, injecting a little truth, desperately hoping it would help sell his lie.
“I suppose that’s fair, but I still don’t think it’s that.”
“Why’s it matter? It’s not like I’m hiding anything that would hurt people. I’m just stressed!”
“You’re hiding plenty, but that’s not the point. It matters,” she hesitated before continuing, “because I don’t like seeing you stressed. It’s like I can feel it and I want to help you. Something’s clearly eating at you and I hate seeing you try and bury it like it’s not there.”
He sighed and looked  down at his book. He stared down at the page as he felt the swelling of emotions that rose from his heart. He wanted to spill everything, but knew that it would not be fair to her, to dump everything at once and give her a massive choice to make about them. He cared about her and she clearly cared about him, so he thought he might be able to at least give her a hint or two. She was dealing with more than enough, she didn’t need his problems too.
“Okay...don’t laugh. It’s about a girl,” he said.
Rachel perked up and tilted her head. Dick swore her eyes lit up, but that may have just been a trick of the light as someone passed by the window near them, book in hand. 
“I’m not going to laugh! What’s making you so nervous? I seriously doubt you’d ever need to be stressing over a girl, plenty throw themselves at you, though I guess that could be tough too.”
“She’s different. I like her, but she’s never really said if she likes me or not. I hang out with her quite a bit and we have fun, or I think we do. I'm just not sure if I want to take a chance and mess up a good thing.”
“You’re being ridiculous.. Clearly she likes you enough to spend time with you, you should have had some kinda obvious sign by now. Some girls tease you or act a certain way around you, others might be more blunt, but you have to know at this point. Though, it would help if you said who she is,” she teased knowingly.
“Hah, yeah, it is a little silly,” he chuckled, “You wouldn’t tell her though?”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m interested, I need to get ready for the big reveal, lots of pyro and speakers to set up,” she replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes, “No, of course not, idiot. You know you can trust me. Why the secrecy, though? Is it... Kori?”
She leaned forward with interest, almost teetering on the edge of her seat.
“No, uh, but you’re kinda close,” he said, anxiously shifting in his chair.
He watched as she went quiet and crossed her legs in her chair, sitting up a bit straighter as she considered the possible remaining options. He hoped she had thought of herself first.
“I admit, I could see why you’d like Tara, she’s pretty easy to talk to and knows what she likes, which isn’t common,” she said, tracing her bottom lip with her finger, “I think she can be a little insecure though, so you may want to keep that in mind.”
He wondered to himself if she was toying with him.
“It’s uhh, it’s not Tara, either,” he admitted, his cheeks turning red.
Rachel’s cheeks also reddened as her mouth formed a coy smile, and she went quiet. Her fingers played with the edge of a page in her textbook as she looked away from Dick toward the door before snapping back so her eyes met his.
“Oh. So, I think if you like her, you really should say something. I’m not sure if I know *exactly* how she feels, but I’d want to hear you say how much you like me. I’d like to know how I made you feel… if I was her,” she teased.
“Are you sure? I uhh, I’d hate if I came on to her too strongly, she’d shut me down and it would mess with the friendship she and I had,” he asked, undoing his tie and opening his school blazer a little. He was feeling very warm all of a sudden.
“I don’t think she would let that happen, Dick,” she replied, leaning closer to him, “You should probably tell me who she is...so I have a better idea.”
He took a deep breath and smiled at her, letting the moment last, enjoying the hopeful, expectant look on her face.
“Her name is Rachel,” he said, edging closer to her.
Dick felt his heart pounding in his chest and he swore his face was burning as they both got closer to each other, until his lips were inches from Rachel’s. Neither looked around to see who else in the library might be watching, and the idea that anyone else even existed was as distant as another planet. Her eyes closed as she pressed her lips to his and he eagerly kissed her back, hardly believing this was happening. Their heated kiss was interrupted by the sound of the librarian reprimanding a classmate of theirs at another table on the other side of a bookcase. Rachel smiled at him, biting her lip while she studied his face for a moment.
“That. Is what you get when you tell the truth,” she said.
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anika-ann · 4 years
Errare Humanum Est: Bonus
God Is Not a Woman (but He’s Plotting Anyway)
Type: series, soulmate AU series  (part 1, part 2)  x Supernatural
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader   Word count: 2910
Summary: Bucky’s trying to fit into the Tower and some might be trying to make it easy for him. And then he drops the bombshell on you and things get even crazier than before.
Warnings: swearing, brief talk on religion, fluff, crack-ish humour
A/N: Admittedly, this is some kind of a strange one-shot of which I’m not sure it exactly fits, but… enjoy? 
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Story masterlist
Things weren’t all sunshine and rainbows only. Bucky’s return to the world was… tough. You only knew little of what had happened to him through the decades, but it was enough of a horror story even without the details.
Bucky’s relationship with the team of Avengers was complicated too. Steve was as ecstatic and heart-broken as when you had popped up alive and that was all that needed to be said. Clint was a rather easy-going guy with a reputation of not judging people by their worst mistakes and as a man who had once been mind-controlled by an alien (…what?), he was willing to accept Bucky with a strange kind of sympathy.
As it turned out, Bucky and Natasha had actually crossed their paths before briefly, but once again, that was all you learned, both hers and his moments in the past too dark to share. Bruce was keeping his distance, more of a shyness than fear or disgust if you could take a guess and Thor was off the planet, not meeting the other supersoldier just yet.
Tony… Tony wasn’t fond of Bucky. He found a footage of another Winter Soldier killing his parents and while it hadn’t been Bucky himself, Tony’s hatred needed an out and despite trying, he simply couldn’t manage treating Bucky exactly nice. He still let him live in the Tower though, so that definitely counted for something; for a lot, actually.
There were many people with trust issues when it came to Bucky and that included himself – he didn’t trust his mind still, even with the mysterious man helping him and he most definitely didn’t forgive himself for the lives he had taken. The ghosts of his past haunted him at night, in his dreams the most. But he was slowly healing.
Steve was helping a lot, sometimes trying too much maybe, which was why the former assassin sought Sam Wilson rather than his best friends at times. He came to you occasionally too; however, he seemed to feel as if you were off limits, because you were Steve’s gal. He was gradually losing that stupid attitude though and his teasing side came out to play, making you blush becoming his new hobby. Exactly what you needed with all the mess happening around, i.e. the aftermath of your resurrection.
It took Bucky about two months to mention the name.
It happened casually, just dropping the bombshell no one had seen coming. Bucky was actually showing Steve how to upgrade the newest version of some software you weren’t entirely sure what was for; both supersoldiers had to do their fair share of adjusting and while for Bucky it often was people, for Steve it was sometimes… technology despite him being able to pick up on things very quickly.
Steve thanked him and for the millionth time, you heard the ominous sentence: “It’s good to have you back, Buck. Whoever that guy was, I’ll always be grateful.”
“He told me to call him Chuck.”
The words were simple, really, nothing out of ordinary for untrained ears. Except it had you both you and Steve choke on your own spit.
A frown appeared on Bucky’s face, confusion with a hint of alarm before he rolled his eyes at your antics. “What? I know, it’s kinda dorky-“
Yeah, that was not it.
A chilling suspicion crept up your spine and while it was not necessarily ominous, it sure as hell felt like the ground was shaking under your feet, proving you that a sense of control over your life was nothing but a ridiculous illusion.
“Steve? How about we make a phone call?”
Five minutes later, you were video-chatting with the Winchester duo, explaining them your concerns. Bucky was with you and Steve but didn’t engage that much since he never really met either Sam or Dean, rather wary of them.
A photo of a dorky looking man indeed, with cute dark curls around his head and a full beard, appeared on the screen, replacing the video-feed.
“Did he look like this?” Sam asked, tension audible in his voice. It still had nothing to the disbelief in Bucky’s.
“Yeah, that’s him,” the supersoldier confirmed, narrowing his eyes, which didn’t quite disguised how incredulous he was. “How did you-?”
“Is it… him?” you interrupted them, strange tingling sensation in your fingertips, light nausea tickling your stomach.
Was there any coincidence in his world left? What the hell did all of this mean? Was Steve just a lucky guy, God’s favourite, or… or was there a larger scheme, one you weren’t able to see just yet?
It reminded you of the talk you had had with Sam Wilson what felt like ages ago, about people having two soulmates, you coming back from the death and about things that were beyond your understanding happening more and more often. This might actually prove your silly theory right. Not to mention the fact that the death of Tony’s parents was delivered by another Winter Soldier, conveniently at the same time Bucky had been having troubles with the mechanics of his metal arm, hence not being suitable for the task – what were the chances of that?
It seemed that every single thing happening had played an important role in something, ending up with your trio sitting right here and now and… that was not a very comfortable discovery.
“Oh yeah, that’s God,” Dean hummed casually and when the picture disappeared, revealing the brothers again, you saw him take a bite of a cheeseburger as if this was a talk about the fucking weather.
“God?” Bucky parroted dully and you bit your cheek, feeling guilty for not quite having explained to him why you wanted to talk to the Winchesters and what had been your suspicion; now proved right.
“Yeah,” Sam supplied helpfully, only to have Bucky repeat the word as if he was testing the taste of it on his tongue.
“A god.”
“The God, actually. Our Lord is one of kind,” Castiel appeared on the screen as well, offering a small wave that you reciprocated, too shocked to say hi.
“Except he has a sister, apparently,” Steve stated, checking with the hunters and they nodded in approval. “So you’re not denying it? You think… ugh, that The Chuck saved him.”
You made a face at his wording, but… yeah. The Chuck. The God named Chuck had saved both Bucky and you. It was official. But why? What the hell was your life anymore?
How cute and bold of you to call your life yours, you thought darkly.
“H’d weed’l,” Dean mumbled with his mouth full and shrugged. With effort, you translated it into ‘heard weirded’, which was… fair.
“You think God, capital G, saved me. Why the heck would he do that?” Bucky spitted out exasperatedly, clearly not happy about the revelation.
Eh. Revelation.
Steve tensed at your side at Bucky’s doubts, but said nothing.
“Why not?” Sam questioned, offering a small smile. Dean remained quiet, while Castiel tilted his head, seemingly curious.
“What’s the matter? Don’t you think you deserve to be saved?”
“Yeaaaah, let’s not go there,” you interjected when you noticed Bucky’s chest heaving and words in Russian spilling from his lips soundlessly.  Steve sighed, but apparently assessed it was better to let Bucky deal with the facts alone first. “Thanks for confirming our suspicions.”
“Did I do something wrong?” Castiel asked, sounding adorably confused and guilty.
“No, Castiel. It is just a lot to take it.” Understatement of the fucking year. “Speaking of which – I have a question.”
“Shoot,” Dean encouraged you, but his eyes narrowed in suspicion as the corners of your lips twitched.
“When you told me about the, eh, lovely things that walk this world... you didn’t mention a scarecrow.”
Their confusion seemed pretty real to you, but you had to admit you were probably being too vague. So you decided to ask a direct question.
“Alright, sorry. This might sound stupid, but… there was this series of books Jarvis found online? I wouldn’t think much of it, except the characters are named Sam and Dean, they do hunt monsters and if I’m being honest, they definitely do act like you. So I just thought… you know. Stranger things happened…“
During your ramble, the friendly faces of the brothers gradually twisted into a disgusted grimace and you had your answer, much to your astonishment.
“I swear, Sam, I’m going to murder Becky. I’m going to kill her and kill her dead,” Dean sputtered and Sam just closed his eyes, his lips a thin line. “I can’t believe you almost married-“
Wait, what? That sounded even more interesting that the books! Though kinda private. Then again, the books described Winchesters’ lives in awful detail as far as you knew. And ended when Dean literally went to hell, so…
“How much of that thing you read?” Sam asked tiredly, his expression screaming annoyance.
You shrugged. “Not much. Kinda changes the experience when you have a good reason to believe it’s all true. Clint’s hooked, though,” you admitted, hoping it wasn’t showing how much you were enjoying the teasing.
On one hand, this was hilarious. On the other, well…
“Did you sell your story to the writer?” you pried, simply out of curiosity. No judgement there; they had enough shit in their lives as it was, being short on money was not helping, so why not use what they got.
“No!” Sam blurted out too eagerly, then cleared his throat. “No. But you’re going to like this. Carver Edlund is a penname. I give you one guess on what his ‘real’ name is.”
You squinted at the screen, not following why Sam made the air quotes.
“No clue...?”
“Chuck Shirley,” Dean announced, grinning, somehow managing to balance smugness and annoyance on his face.
“Wait—Chuck? Why do I think this isn’t a coincidence?” Steve stepped in, which caused your head to snap at him.
Surely, he wasn’t implying that-
“Oh yeah. It’s exactly what you think,” Dean assured you, finishing his burger while you and Steve remained silent, simply at loss of words. What…? “You know, when people say God works in mysterious ways, they have no friggin’ idea,” he added resolutely, wiping his mouth, balling his napkin and throwing it direction of what you assumed was a trashcan; judging by the disappointed frown on his face and the hands thrown up by Sam, he missed.
So. God was a writer.  
God went by a penname, writing about Sam’s and Dean’s lives to make his living at some point.
It actually made sense; this whole thing, the grand scheme you were thinking about earlier, it sounded awfully like a plot of a freaking novel. No, scratch that, not a novel – an epos about Steve’s life, with features of a soap-opera. You did not enjoy being one of the characters, but apparently you had no choice.
There was literally nothing that would surprise you at this point. Seriously.
“Great. I don’t think I actually wanted to know that,” you stated, shaking off your thoughts. “Anyway. How is your week going so far?”
“Wonderfully. We ran into Rowena again,” Sam announced, obviously happy to change the topic. “Well, I called her. Dean lost his memory.”
Dean what?!
“Because of a spell!”
“Well, yeah. Doesn’t change the fact you called a lamp a light stick,” Sam mocked him, but you could see the relief in his features when he was able to do that. Because that meant Dean was okay. After all, you were talking to him and he appeared as always; with no manners, grinning, bickering with Sam and with all the knowledge of the hunting world he needed.
Your eyebrows rose anyway. A light stick?
“Dude! It’s a stick that produces light,” Dean exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air animatedly. “I was still a genius.”
That made you smile; hundred percent Dean. Yeah, he was just fine, fully recovered.
“I’m sure you were, Dean. You okay now?”
“Yeah. The Wicked Witch actually used some of that soulmate magic to heal-“ Sam started and stopped when he saw Steve’s face – something you had no courage to look at, because you had kinda… you had been vague when it came what exactly the witch had done – mainly because you had very little knowledge of it. “-never mind. I guess he can just cross out ‘amnesia’ from his bucket list.”
“Mm. Not pleasant. Been there. Done that,” you mused, your expression no doubt as bitter and wry as you felt.
“Well, so did I,” Bucky supplied darkly, his first words since the big discovery of who had been his salvation.
Duh. Salvation. You really should start thinking about your choice of words. This was not funny at all.
“Me as well,” Castiel joined the club.
“I don’t think I have…”
“Maybe you just forgot,” Dean nudged Sam, offering a lopsided grin.
“Why are you insulting each other…?” Castiel demanded, confused, and you laughed when Dean rolled his eyes, waving at you in goodbye, signalling to leave them be so they could explain the angel how humans worked sometimes.
You obediently ended the call, chuckling. They would have to visit one day – you missed them, despite calling them on a regular basis.
You eyed the two supersoldiers keeping you company in the common room, wondering what to do next.
“Alright. Now that we established we all deserve to be saved,” you stated, glaring at Steve, because you were aware of him questioning his survival of ice too – rarely, but still – and at Bucky, the man who had been frozen, unfrozen and mind-controlled, took lives against his will and had his own life taken away only to be rescued and question his worth.
“I think we know what we need now. Ice-cream!” you called out, raising your arms above your head theatrically, earning a chuckle from Steve.
“You scream?” Bucky looked at you, pretending to be confused.
“She does. Why would you scream, doll?”
You rolled your eyes fondly. They were lovely pieces of work when they teamed up to troll anyone. You were happy for it though, mostly for Bucky who was still struggling to adjust to his new life.
“Yeah, okay, I get it. We all scream, okay? What I’m saying is that we all scream for some ‘I scream,’ now give me my cookie crisp or I’ll show what moves Natasha taught me.”
You were not kidding. Natasha had learned you some basics of self-defence; Steve’s request, supported by you wholeheartedly. And by Tony. And Ryan. And everyone, to be honest.
“You should leave your moves for Steve to show only, sugar.”
“Ah, screw you, Barnes!” you spitted back, rising to your feet, and stuck your tongue at him.
“Such language! And again, I really think you should hide your tongue and do that only with St-“
You grabbed Steve’s hand and pulled him towards the kitchen as Bucky’s snicker sounded behind you. You never even opened the freezer, parking your backside on the counter, tugging Steve for a kiss instead. He laughed at first, but reciprocated the affection, slowly melting into it.
“Your friend’s such a little shit,” you hissed, but giggled into his shoulder. You felt… full. Happy. Right. You didn’t want to think about grand schemes anymore. You wanted to live and you had every opportunity. You were not going to waste it.
“I know,” Steve hummed, his chest shaking with hushed laughter, and he kissed the top of your head, while he wrapped his arm around your waist to pull you closer, stepping between your legs.
“You got that from him.”
“I think it was the other way around.”
You huffed and looked up again, finding Steve’s brilliant eyes twinkling with mischief. It was as adorable as stimulating; he always had this look in his eyes when he was up to no good and it often resulted in it being very good for you, usually tangled in the sheets. Or pressed against a wall. Or a table. Couch. Counter…
You wrapped your fingers around his nape and he obediently gave up to the pressure, bowing his head to meet you lips.
“Doesn’t matter. Kiss me like you mean it,” you requested lowly and you knew, just knew, that he would never deny you, definitely not that.
“As you wish…”
You barely had time to truly sink into the kiss, a sweet and passionate dance of lips, teasing teeth and tongues when an exasperated voice of a man arriving to collect his ice-cream interrupted you.
“Guys! Come on! Not in the kitchen! We eat here!”
So would Steve, flashed through your mind, but you withdrew a fraction, Steve’s mouth having frozen on yours anyway.
“Shut your piehole and let me follow your own advice!” you called out.
“I hate you,” Bucky deadpanned and you sent him an air kiss, hopping off the counter to have another sweet treat instead. After all, it was ten in the morning and you were in the kitchen. You could talk Steve into taking a ‘nap’ later.
“And that’s exactly why they compare you to the grumpy cat memes,” you threw back at Bucky, basking in the mock-insulted face the poor supersoldier made. You had introduced him to the meme after Clint had mentioned it. It was glorious. And very fitting.
“Punk, get hold of your bratty gal!”
Steve just shook his head at the childish behaviour – both yours and Bucky’s – and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. A fraction of second later, he grinned.
“I was doing just that until you interrupted,” he pointed out while he was pulling out three spoons.
Your laughter and the slap of a high-five you exchanged with Steve was probably heard in the whole Tower.
You had no care in the world.
S.R. masterlist
Just a silly fluffy thing maybe, but hey… I thought I could share... to fill the time till December meaning an Andy fic :)
Thank you for reading!
Also, the last instalment will be ‘What I’d Never Say and Do (If I Was in My Right Mind)’
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Gabrily Wedding
A/N: I’m sorry if there are a lot of terrible mistakes; my teachers thought it was fun to assign a bunch of work these past weeks, so I wasn’t able to edit it well. Hope you enjoy!!
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“I just think,” Will was saying, “Cecily is too young to know exactly what she wants in a husband.”
Gabriel glared at him.
“I told her she must wait, but you know Cecily, too stubborn for her own good.”
“Must be genetic.” Gabriel muttered.
“By the Angel, Lightworm. We’re going to be brothers.” Will shuttered.
“Please, do not remind me.” Gabriel said.
“With all of this bickering, you would think the two of you were getting married.” Sophie said, as she came into the room with little Barbara in her arms.
“As if I would lower my expectations and marry Lightworm.”
Gideon stood up and let Sophie slowly place Barbara in his arms. Gideon grinned down at his daughter and bounced her lightly, to get her to stop fussing. Sophie shook her head as Barbara immediately quieted in her father’s arms.
“I carry her for nine months, and this is how she repays me?”
“Tough love, Soph.” Will said.
“Tell me about it.” Sophie said as she planted a kiss on Barbara’s forehead. “How are you four getting along?”
“Terribly.” Will and Gabriel said at the same time as Henry and Gideon said ‘Wonderfully.’
“Well, that answer simply does not do me any good.”
“It’s going well,” Gideon said, not looking up from his daughter. “Since Will and Gabriel haven’t killed each other yet.”
“Oh, I see that as an improvement,” Sophie said.
“Indeed,” said Henry.
“Well, I’m off. Call me if a problem arises.” Sophie kissed Gideon’s cheek and slipped out of the room.
“Right, where were we?” Will said as Gideon sat down beside Henry with Barbara, “Oh, yes. Lightworm was just considering calling off the wedding and pursuing his life-long dream of living in a cave in the middle of nowhere, where he can never bother us again.”
“You wish to live in a cave?” Henry asked, looking up from where he was holding his finger out for Barbara to hold.
“No, I wish to marry William’s sister and do sinful things with her.”
Will paled and then turned red. “Don’t you dare, Lightwood.”
Gabriel looked away smiling.
“Gabriel, don’t discuss your private life with Cecily in front of Will. I would imagine it would be disgusting to think about it, seeing as she is his sister.” said Gideon.
“That’s not a problem. The problem is that Lightwood is doing sinful things to my sister.”
“With.” Gabriel corrected. “It’s a team effort.”
“Lightworm, I am going to kill you.”
“But it’s his wedding day.” said Henry.
“Better. The happiest day of his life will be his last.” said Will.
“As long as you don’t do it in front of Barbara; Sophie would never forgive me if I let her see that before she reaches the age of twenty four.” said Gideon.
“Why? What happens at twenty four?” Will asked.
“You do sinful things to your enemy’s sister.” said Henry, winking at Gabriel.
“Don’t encourage him, Henry!” Will said. “I thought you were on my side.”
Gabriel smiled at Henry.
Cecily was standing by the closed doors, waiting for Will to come and walk her down the aisle. She thought it was only fitting since her actual father could not be there; it was a Shadowhunter wedding after all, and since neither of her parents were strictly Shadowhunters, they could not be there. Will finally came in and smiled down at her.
“Cecily, ti’n edrych yn brydferth, fy chwaer.” He said.
“Thank you, Will, but I already knew that.” Cecily responded with a smile, which she felt fall. “I always thought they would be here for my wedding.”
Will pulled her in a warm hug.
“I wish Mam and Da were here, too.” Will said, “They would have loved to see it, even if you are marrying a Lightworm.”
“Gwilym, I swear, if you say one more thing—”
“I’m only joking, Cecy.” he said with a smile.
Cecily shook her head.
“Are you ready?”
She nodded.
The doors opened, and she locked eyes with Gabriel. Yes, this was going to be the start of a wonderful life.
And they walked.  
It was over. The second everybody went home, Cecily and Gabriel locked eyes and ran up stairs.
Cecily stood in the middle of the room and Gabriel caught her in his arms.
“Mr. Lightwood.” Cecily smirked.
They sometimes called each other by “Mr. Lightwood” or “Ms. Herondale” and acted as thought they were lovers. Gabriel kissed her.
“My my, you really know how to sweep a woman off her feet, Mr. Lightwood.”
Gabriel lifted her into his arms and Cecily wrapped her legs around his waist.
“I do, don’t I, Ms. Herondale?”
They kissed for a while, relishing this moment they got to share before Cecily pulled away. She lifted her hands and pulled out what was holding in her bun. Her silky black hair fell in waves around her face, framing it so beautifully, Gabriel bit back the urge to kiss her again. She held up the “thing”, which Gabriel soon realized was a stele.
“Shall we?”
It took Gabriel a moment to realize she was talking about applying the wedding runes. They had already put on the one over the hand, though Nephilim tradition called for a rune over the heart as well.  Gabriel nodded. Cecily carefully undid the buttons of his shirt, but looked confused when it didn’t completely fall away.
“Cecy?” Gabriel said, “I think your sitting in it.”
Cecily look down and then laughed. She shifted and the material fell to the floor. “There we go.”
Then her face became masked in concentration as she carefully drew on the rune. Gabriel couldn’t help but think that he never wanted anyone else to apply his runes; only Cecy can put on a rune like that. When she finished she examined the rune and smiled at him. They shared a kiss.
“My turn!” She put the stele behind Gabriel’s ear.
Gabriel put her down on the bed, kicked off his shoes and grabbed the stele. He willed his hands to stop shaking as he placed the stele over her heart and began to draw. Cecily looked up at him through her thick eyelashes and, as though she sensed his restlessness, cradled his face with her hand.
“My silly Gabriel. Don’t forget to breathe.”
Gabriel had, in fact, forgotten to release his breath and exhale quickly. Cecily grinned widely. Gabriel finally finished and they both admired the matching runes.
“Alright, that’s enough.” Cecily said and she drew Gabriel closer to her.
Gabriel and Cecily both gasped for air, which was strange, considering they were both Shadowhunters and, supposedly, had supernatural stamina.
“By the Angel.” Gabriel said.
“Where did you learn how to do that, Lightwood?”
Gabriel shrugged. Cecily locked eyes with him and giggled.
“What are you laughing at?” Gabriel asked, kissing her nose.
“Hello, lover.” Cecily said with a smile
“I have been demoted to your lover?”
Cecily shook her head. “promoted.”
Gabriel shook his head.
“Still, I would say that was an 8.”
“You not satisfied with that?”
“For now. But I suppose with practice, you will naturally get better.”
“Cecily Herondale, you are impossible.”
Cecily threw her hands up. “You signed up for this!”
“I know.” He kissed her temple.
They lay there for a while.
“Yes, love?”
“When are we having our first baby?”
Gabriel’s eye widened and he quickly turned to look at his wife.
“I should hope not for another five years or so.” He said.
“Perfect, we have time.”
“For what?”
Cecily raised her eyebrows.
“Oh, for that.” Gabriel said.
Cecily laughed and softly elbowed him.  
“You’re catching on, Mr. Lightwood.”
“What can I say, you’re a terrible influence on me, Mrs. Lightwood.” Gabriel pulled her close.
They both stared up at the ceiling for a while.
“I think I liked Herondale better.”
“I’ll have to agree with you,” Cecily turned to him, “but I like you more.”
“I am glad to hear to value our marriage over your maiden name.”
Cecily smirked. All of a sudden slapped her hands against her eyes and giggled.
“Cecy? What’s wrong, Cecy?”
She peeled her hands away from her face and flashed Gabriel with a radiant grin.
“We’re married!”
Gabriel nodded. Cecily threw herself in his arms.
“We are husband and wife!”
“Yes,” Gabriel said, “why are you acting as though you just found out?”
“Because I cannot believe it!”
Gabriel kissed her forehead.
“Neither can I.”
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innittowinit · 4 years
Abandoned amusement parks are the best place for young children (chapter 5)
Fic summary: 
Techno, Tommy, Wilbur and Phil have been hanging out at the abandoned amusement park in the woods since they moved in. Techno likes knowing he's definitely alone with his brothers Tommy likes climbing on the old rides Wilbur likes having a place to play his music Phil likes spending time with his younger brothers
That is, until a group of brothers calling themselves the 'dream team' move in down the road. Will the sleepy boys give in and share the park or will they succeed in scaring the new kids off?
Chapter summary:
 the dream team talk how to maximize their attacks
the sleepy boys talk about no more fighting
Chapter word count: 1938 (a little shorter than usual sry)
I am the author, please don’t re-upload this fic to any other sites/ reblog>re-upload
As the hazing summer weather beamed through the glass panes of their windows, the oldest of all the Dream kids, Bad, was recleaning out the scar on George’s cheek, making sure it was safe for him to go out for the day without him getting it infected, Covering it up with some gauze and medical tape once he was satisfied it wouldn’t be getting infected. Dream watched with ferocious intensity as he tried to memorise every movement, Bad wasn’t home very often, he had school and other things to deal with, so Dream was left to be the biggest brother most of the time. 
When he was little, he would have jumped at the chance to be in charge! It meant he was strong and trustworthy but recently, despite his confident facade, he did find himself getting worried a lot. Being the oldest meant knowing what to do when everyone else was scared, it meant being the bravest! And while he did have to admit he was a natural born leader, he didn’t always feel prepared. People were unpredictable and it scared him a little that it was his responsibility to judge them now. 
“Look” Bad sighed as he listened to his two youngest brothers rant on and on about how mean their ‘rivals’ were; as much as he hated to see them all upset and bothered like this, he was sure something must have happened to cause such a big feud. Kids don’t just fight for the sake of fighting right? When he was their age, he, skeppy and their other friend used to just prank people and play random games together. Maybe they did play fight, he couldn’t really remember..
“Are you sure that nothing happened to provoke them? I believe you muffin heads but maybe try to talk to them about sharing the park next time? Not everything has to be a war y’know……. And keep the gauze on this time! The doctor said you can’t leave it open until it’s fully healed. If you think those boys are actually dangerous I can go talk to their parents while you're gone, stay away from them though okay? I don’t want any more bumps or scratches.” 
As the boys all scrambled to grab their things before running out the door, they each gave Bad a hug, letting him know they’d call if they would be out late. The summer air lingered with an overwhelming feeling of comfort and familiarity as the three kids walked down the street, they hadn’t lived here long at all but they’d already made a name for themselves; they had even already made a group of enemies on the same street as them. This would be fun. 
Walking around in a thick green hoodie and a mask was proving to be more of a challenge that he had initially anticipated though, he wasn’t sure what kind of hell they had moved into but summer was so much more than summer. It was thick thick air, beads of sweat, and absolute torture. He felt his breath fog up and condensate his mask, leaving a coating of wet breath along the inside of the plasticy surface. It was disgusting but he’d rather pass out through heat exhaustion than take it off. Taking off the jumper was fine though, he did need to take extra care when pulling it off though since he couldn’t risk accidentally flashing his face.
Dream had always enjoyed the more violent games, he was an athletic boy, the most athletic out of all his brothers, and he loved trying to see if they could track him down or catch him. This usually ended up being games of hide and seek or bulldog that got taken too far, the scar on the cheek hadn’t been a big deal for them since they were so used to playing in such a rough manner. To them, this was all a game. They’d have a big war over the den but at the end of the day they’d still be friends, if he was being honest Dream was glad he had found other boys who liked the same kind of games as they did! 
His brother’s were fun but they were getting predictable, he knew how they’d react. He wanted new people to play with! He wanted the chance to team up with George and Sapnap and fight as one. 
This would be fun. They needed a plan though. 
“I think.. I think we need to prove that we deserve to hang out there too. There’s absolutely no reason why a little kid should be allowed there but we can't!” Balling his fist up and hitting it directly into the palm of his hand as he tried to think, Dream led the group in the direction of the woods. 
“Wilbur thinks he can talk about what they want as if we don’t exist! I say we declare war on L’manburg! Who are they to say where we can and cannot go!”
Sapnap, the youngest of the three but not by much -certainly not as big of an age gap as the sleepy boys had- had yelled out, waving his toy wooden sword around in mock anger. Really, he was a little upset about not being allowed into the park but it would be so much more fulfilling once they had earned their passage into it. 
Dream glanced at his brother and chuckled, George was holding a toy axe as well, himself having a nerf crossbow, which he had saved up all of his pocket money for a whole month to buy. After doing so many dishes to get the extra cash, he was absolutely going to try it out. 
“Dream you’re good at running, I’d say you should snipe them from behind a bush with your crossbow and when they’re weak you run in there. While they’re distracted George and I can charge in from another point. We shouldn’t attack today, George is still wounded and we aren’t prepared. Let’s just scope the scene and find an alternative entrance”
Admittedly, Dream had a tendency to underestimate his brothers. This was proof enough that Sap could be smart though, it would be an objectively bad idea to attack while they were weakened and the enemy was strong. They only had their ‘weapons’ to defend themselves with, in case the sleepy boys started throwing rocks again. 
In fact, he was still quite surprised that Wilbur even had thrown the rock. He had expected him to be an easy target, he was carrying a guitar around and he was so tall, Dream could definitely push him over if he wanted to play dirty. While it wasn’t ideal they had a tough enemy, he would be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t intrigued to see what would happen next.
Yes, this game was going to be very fun. 
“Okay everyone!” 
Phil called out, his three brothers all sat on a half-rubble brick wall. 
“So we all know that we’ve already had two people get hurt inside the L’manburg walls. Obviously nobody wanted this to happen, whether it was from losing your temper or just not paying attention to your surroundings, we need to do something about it” Phil clapped his hands together, he knew them well, if he made this into something fun they might actually take his advice. 
“L’manburg is not just a hang out spot, it’s not just a theme park either! It is our great nation! And, like every great nation, we need laws and rulers to keep us safe!”
Looking around, he saw how their faces perked up, even Techno, who didn’t usually enjoy roleplaying, seemed excited. It was a nice change, especially things were starting to get mundane, considering there wasn’t much of the park left unexplored -Wil had expressed a desire to want to check out the swampy area but Phil immediately shut down that idea, telling him that even if Wil ended up okay, Tommy would copy him and without a doubt get hurt.
“Wilbur will be your president, while I’m not here he’s going to keep you safe and make any tough decisions. Tommy, you will be the vice president” he had to keep himself from saying this role was just to keep the boy from getting upset at not being chosen for anything cool. 
“Tommy, this is very important, do you think you can handle it?” 
The young boy nodded excitedly, bouncing a little where he was sitting. 
“Okay, Tommy you need to help Wilbur make all the important decisions, and when anybody wants to join L’manburg you need to get Wilbur and then you can be in charge of making them go away” As silly as it was, at least he could trust Tommy to not throw rocks if he was told not to. 
“Finally Techno,”
“Oh my god, me too?” The teen chuckled 
“Of course, we need our warrior! Where would we be without our brave fighter!”
“Ah yes, the warrior. Tommy, I eagerly await your command. I’m so ready to fight people” Techno pulled his hair back, tying it at the back in a low ponytail as some small wisps framed his face. It was beautiful, everyone seemed to agree on that -unless they were overly masculine teenage boys- but Techno would kill anyone who dared say so in an instance.
He seemed to be stifling a little laugh, he was never into acting or theatre like his brothers were, while he was little he always preferred playing strategy games rather than make believe ones. That being said, he still loved seeing them happy and even though he doubted he would be doing it nearly as much as they would, he’d make an effort to play along.
The grin that shot across Tommy’s face was reason enough to roleplay, just a bit. 
“Okay okay so we need laws too! Wilbur, as the president, has already prepared a list” 
Phil sat down on the wall, it was cold and uncomfortable but against the humid air mixed with the slight smell of mildew from the slowly rotting park, it was nice. Last night, he had stayed up late with Wilbur, talking about this idea. If they gave Tommy a new place to hang out inside the park and called it the White house, he’d surely play there instead of doing whatever it is he does on the coasters. 
It still made Phil a little dizzy to think that they had been letting Tommy climb unsupervised while he wasn’t here, hopefully he had the mind to not go too high but knowing his brother, he would have taken the chance to climb higher. 
Wilbur cleared his throat as he got a piece of paper out of his pocket. 
“Dear citizens of L’manburg” 
Tommy giggled, which made Wilbur give him a little smile before he carried on with his speech.
“We will be a peaceful nation! I intend to rule this land without the need for any more people getting hurt. Any kind of weaponry, including collected rocks, are strictly prohibited inside L’manburg, the only instance in which we fight is if we are under attack! My fellow Sleepy boys, too much blood has been shed on this land, I hope you will all stand with me while I strive to steer this great nation in the direction of being more loving and accepting of our neighbours.” 
Phil chuckled as he watched his brothers, they all seemed so happy, most importantly though, they would finally have a reason to be more careful.
Hopefully nobody else would get hurt.
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