#even if Sie told you to
yandere-writer-momo · 4 months
Yandere Short Stories:
I Bet on Losing Dogs
Yandere Bodyguard x Fem Model Reader
TW: toxic relationship, yandere themes, delusional behavior, endless and unbreakable cycle, Angst, mentioned smut, friends with benefits, etc.
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“Sie sind so schön (you’re so beautiful).” Günter smiled into the kiss he placed on (your name)’s bare shoulder. His muscular arms wrapped around her while his hands massaged her back. Günter was thrilled she allowed him into her bed again after, yet another, heart break.
“You know I don’t speak German.” (Your name) grumbled into her pillow. The young woman knew it was a horrible mistake to always bring Günter into her bed, but he never failed to make her feel desired.
“Mein Liebling, how about I fetch us some breakfast?” Günter rose up from the bed so he could slip on his boxers and pants. (Your name) blushed at how muscular his body was, but she knew all she felt towards her bodyguard was lust. Günter was far too possessive to be her partner… yet she feared being alone.
Günter was a selfless lover who always put her needs before his own. It didn’t matter that his appearance was intimidating, this man could make her come undone in minutes. He knew everything about her, facts she hadn’t even shared with her closest of friends.
“That sounds lovely, thank you-“ (your name) was shocked when Günter placed a kiss on the top of her forehead.
“Ich liebe dich.” Günter’s voice was barely above a whisper. His icy orbs filled with so much love, (your name) thought she would drown. Perhaps she had underestimated Günter’s devotion to her… because although she spoke no German, she knew he had told her that he loved her. This man oozed love from the cracks of his very soul and a powerful desire to be loved in return. It was overwhelming.
“I know you do. (Your name) gave him the faintest of smiles, her eyes filled with sadness. All of her relationships ended up doomed, all but Günter. And this man’s desperation to be loved back tugged at her heartstrings.
Was it wrong to want to bet all of her money on this losing dog?
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marlynnofmany · 2 months
Not A Pest
I kept a hand on the pallet of boxes on the hoversled, making sure it didn't wobble while Blip and Blop pushed it up the ramp. It was all held in place solidly enough by high-tech netting much fancier than the kind we used, and I didn't need to worry much. So when we reached the cargo bay and Zhee called for my assistance back on the ground, I didn't feel bad about leaving the Frillians to finish loading it. They were strong enough to muscle anything into place if needed anyway. 
“What's up?” I asked as I trotted back down the ramp.
“Thought you might weigh in on their pest problem before we go,” Zhee said with a twitch of his antennae towards the clients whose stuff we were delivering. More Frillians today: not as beefy as Blip and Blop, but with waving frills everywhere that just made Zhee look like a praying mantis among flowers. He also looked smug, but that was nothing new. “I mentioned an animal expert, and they mentioned payment,” he told me.
I came to a stop beside him. “You know I don't know everything, right? Just putting that out there. My vet training was on Earth.” 
“Yes yes, I gave them the disclaimers,” Zhee said. 
The client in front, a tall female with colors like a Siamese Fighting Fish, said, “That’s better than anyone on our ship has. Something's getting into boxes in our cargo hold, and we can't find it. Tore into some food and made a mess of the animal fibers.” 
The shorter male behind her in salmon-peach tones held out a lumpy handful of what looked like brown wool. "My guess is it's making a nest somewhere, but it's being wasteful with the stuff too. Tangled it up something fierce."
My response died on my lips as I got a good look at it. Among the stray fibers was the exact shape of a teddy bear. 
“Can I see that?” I asked. 
He handed it over. I plucked off the extra bits and yes, it was definitely meant to be a teddy bear, made by hand from the wool in the cargo hold. There were even little twists for eyes.
I looked up at them. “You don’t have a pest. You have a stowaway.”
They blustered and pooh-poohed the idea: nonsense, how could there possibly be an intelligent creature onboard without their knowledge?
“We’ve been in space a long time,” said the tall one. “Only stopping at uninhabited locations for resources.”
“And at the—” put in the pink one, then stopped at a sharp look from his teammate.
I wasn’t about to let that go. “The what?” I asked.
The tall one sighed. “We salvaged some fuel from a wreck,” she admitted. “But there was no one on it. We checked. And with the tow ship we saw in the distance, it seemed likely enough that the owner had jetted away in a life preserver rather than sticking around. It was a single-person ship.”
Somebody else piped up from between the many crates in their cargo hold. “It couldn’t be a person! There’s nowhere big enough to hide!”
I held up the teddy bear. “This is a child’s toy from my planet.” I looked up at the maze of pipes on the ceiling. “And my people like to climb.”
Zhee was being smug behind me while I made a quick circuit of the room, looking for likely spots. One corner was particularly dark, and it had a series of crates below the pipes, stacked into a perfect ramp. I flashed back to the time a litter of kittens had found a similar hidey-hole on my own ship. This spaceship was made by a different group of aliens altogether, but they never seemed to expect anyone to pay attention to nooks and crannies in the ceiling.
“Hello?” I called, climbing onto the first crate with the wool bear in hand. “Anybody up there?” I continued in every language I knew greetings in, which included the galaxy’s favorite trade language (which I knew well), several minor trade languages (which I did not), and a smattering of languages from Earth (which I knew not at all), plus English. Despite my efforts, I didn’t hear a thing until I got all the way to the top.
“Jambo?” I tried, peering into the dark crevice. “Uh, sprechen sie deutsch?” I held out the wool bear. “Is this yours?”
A quiet gasp echoed off the pipes, then two small arms reached out to grab the bear. With further coaxing, the girl clambered forward to where I could see her: dark skin, wide eyes, artfully braided hair, and clothes that looked fancy, if very dusty. I’m not great at kid ages, but she was young. Old enough to push buttons on her parents’ spaceship maybe, not old enough to steer.
I still didn’t know what language she spoke, but it was hard to go wrong with body language. I held out my arms for a hug. “Want to go home?”
She sniffled and climbed forward into the embrace, clinging tight. That made it a bit of a challenge to get back down to floor level, but I managed. A crowd of Frillians and one smug Mesmer waited there.
“See?” Zhee said to the tall Frillian. “Exactly the animal expert you needed.”
I shook my head in amusement. “For all the wrong reasons, you’re exactly right.” The girl didn’t want to be put down, so I hoisted her onto one hip and stood carefully. “How far away was that crash site? Can you send a message to the planet or station the tow ship came from?”
“Yeah, we’re on it,” the tall Frillian said, her frills flattened in what might have been shame. She directed a couple of the others to do that, and also to gather the fuel they’d scavenged.
Zhee cheered her up with talk of a probable finder’s fee. “Humans get very attached to their offspring,” he said. “There is a strong chance this one’s parents are already advertising a reward.”
While they talked money (and Zhee got our ship that promised fee for pest control), someone with sense arrived with a bottle of water and questions about what food would be suitable.
The girl drank the water eagerly, not letting go of her bear, and didn’t answer any of my questions about food allergies. She accepted some protein cubes and chewed them with determination.
By then, a reply had already come from the nearest space station, and a ship was on the way. Full of authority figures and very anxious parents, by the sounds of it.
While the Frillians discussed that and the little kid quietly refused to be put down, Zhee held up his communicator so I could talk to Captain Sunlight back on our ship. Zhee had already explained the situation.
The captain asked me, “How long do they expect until arrival?”
“I think they said about half an hour,” I said. “Hopefully that won’t put us behind schedule.”
“No, we’ll be fine,” she said. “Given that the young one is so taken with you, we might as well stay to make sure everything gets resolved. Does she need to visit the medical bay?”
“I don’t think so. She hasn’t said anything yet, but she doesn’t look injured. Couldn’t hurt to give her a once-over with the hand scanner just in case. We’ve got time.” I looked down at her thoughtfully, then had a bright idea. “And I bet she’d love to meet Telly. After we check her for allergies, of course.”
The captain agreed that was a fine idea. Zhee took over the conversation while I asked the girl, in a mix of Earth languages and pantomime, if she wanted to see my cat.
Her eyes lit up and she started talking in a spill of words that I didn’t catch in the slightest. Spanish, maybe French? Portuguese? Ah, it didn’t matter. The language of kitty ears and “meow meow” is almost as universally recognized as hugs. We walked from one ship to another, and waited for her parents in the company of a medical scanner, human food, and a very friendly cat.
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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rifari2037 · 5 months
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I found this thread on Twitter and it's so refreshing to know that Zutara fandom actually has strong allies.
Zuko - (my captain) Dante Basco
Katara - Mae Whitman
Sokka - Jack de Sena
Toph - Michaela Jill Murphy
Azula - Grey DeLisle
Uncle Iroh - Greg Baldwin
(even) Cabbage Man - James Sie
It's funny because this fact made me suddenly create a headcanon :
Of course Zuko and Katara shipping themselves, they fell in love with each other.
Then almost all the members of the Gaang except Aang (we don't know for sure about Suki) also ship Zutara because they know Zuko and Katara are secretly making out, while Aang denies it because well, you know why…
Sokka as Katara's brother approve their relationship!
Then Uncle Iroh, he must've ship Zutara since stubborn Zuko asked Katara to help him defeat Azula.
Uncle Iroh as father figure for Zuko definitely approve their relationship!
Azula shipped Zutara? She must've known that Katara meant a lot to Zuko, otherwise why would she direct the lightning at her? She know that either Katara would lose or Zuko would sacrifice himself for her.
I can say, that's the way Azula as Zuko's sister approve their relationship!
And the Cabbage Man. This time I didn't expect it. Maybe he really is a Zutara shipper. Maybe he was the one who told the Ember Island player director that the two of them had a special relationship? (I'm making things up this time) 😂😂
Okay, back to Zutara fandom who has strong allies from the ATLA writers too.
John O'Brian (the one who confirming that they talked about Zutara endgame in writing room)
Joshua Hamilton (the one who fight alongside John O'Brian to make Zutara endgame)
I'm sure the list won't end there
I also wont forget that Zutara fandom has great writers and artists with fanarts, fanfics, video edits, meta and analysis, etc., which makes Zutara never boring. Thanks to y'all 💙❤️
They did get canon, but I can still enjoy the victory!
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tnt-kokoo · 5 months
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Cats of Germany
Alexis Ness × fem!reader
summary: You're went to visit Germany and came across a cat. After days and days of petting and playing with it, you realize it belongs to someone else.
warnings: kinda rushed, and a 'fast going' development between you two
Walking out of the airport you pulled your baggage behind you. You promised yourself that you'd completely relax in the next two weeks of vacation that you had. A friend of yours told you to visit Bavaria since the 'country side' has lots of pretty places to relax.
After half an hour of driving with a taxi, you get out and walk into your hotel and check in. The usual stuff. Walking into your hotel room you could kneel down infront of your friends for suggesting you this hotel and even this place. It all felt so comfortable and quiet.
The next morning you made it your mission to find a place to eat. On your way you passed a rather lonely but still really pretty place with a little path. As you walked down the path, you suddenly got confused on what noises that were. It sounded like someone was walking in the grass but the footsteps weren't loud, plus what made you wonder was, were was this coming from? You didn't see anything?
Suddenly a small creature jumped out infront of you from the grass. It was a cute cat!! Crouching down to pet the small feline, you could feel it pushing its head closer into your hand and purring loud and comfortable. It only made you laugh. You could stay there all day petting the cute cat, but sadly your stomach wouldn't let you as you suddenly felt extremely hungry.
Excusing yourself from the cat (as if the cat could understand you), you made your way further down the path until,
you realized the cat has been following you.
A week of your vacation has passed as you made your way (again) the same path as the whole week just to hope to get a glimpse of your new furry friend. You honestly were happy to have met it, since it's been like a navigator for you, (even if you could never choose your destination), the cat always made you follow it to end up in some really nice places. Either a good restaurant, or some pretty part of the 'country side' or just simply a tree.
But today was different.
The feline bought you to a normal looking house? But why? Did it live here? Or was it just a random destination?
You couldn't help but ask yourself these questions as you started to feel rather sad when thinking about leaving it before your vacation is over.
You crouched down to pick up the cat as suddenly the door infront of you opened and a male figure stood infront of you. Standing up with the cat in your arms, you could recognize the guy, it was Alexis Ness. A famous player for 'Bastard München'.
He seemed to noticed the cat you held and got extremely happy, "DANKE DANKE DANKE," he began as you stared at him in confusion considering you didn't speak German "Du hast meine Katze gefunden!! Wo war sie?? Ich schwör ich habe sie überall gesucht?!" You deadpanned at him until he blinked and realized you didn't speak German. "Sorry, I am just so thankful that you've found my cat! Where was she??" He then said with a thick German accent.
"She was on some pathway. And no problem.." Your voice went quieter when you understood that this probably means saying goodbye to your new friend.
The cat jumped down from your arms and circled around Ness. The boy was about to close his door as the cat meowed pretty loudly to show discomfort. The cat went out through the little still opened gap through the door towards you as a sign to have you follow it again. Both you and the boy understood that the cat wanted you to come in. And so, Ness asked you "Möchtest du- Sorry, do you want to come in?"
"Sure I guess?" You laughed as you felt a bit nervous.
'She's so beautiful..' he thought as you sat down on his couch. His own cat seemed to like you very much which was honestly a surprise him since the cat doesn't even like Kaiser.
But nevertheless to say, he was amazed by you. You managed to convince him that (hair/color) was the prettiest from all and that your eyes were more comforting than the bed when you need to wake up. He loved the way you laughed at jokes and he especially loved that both of you were into the same movie genre. So now, that both of you discovered that you have the same movie taste, you decided to put on a movie and let the movie characters say their lines.
About an hour later the sun went down and you seemed to be deep asleep. You would have found it embarrassing if Ness saw you asleep, in his house, after knowing eachother for not even a whole day. But considering he was asleep too, you couldn't care less. His head was on yours as you faced him and leaned into him. The cat was also fast asleep beside you.
From outside, people would think of you two as a cute couple, maybe, just maybe both of you wanted it to be true.
ᯓᝰ @peekaboo1127 So I REALLY hope you'll like it bc it's rushed but if not, you can always tell me what you want exactly so I can write to your own liking‼️
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kiragecko · 11 months
Know Your Neopronouns
If you look around online, you can find lists of neopronouns. (Neopronouns are words that get can be used instead of 'he' or 'she' when refering to someone.) Most show just the first 2 terms (‘Ey/Em,’ or ‘Ze/Zim’). Few provide any info about how to pronounce them. And even less provide examples of how messy real usage is. This guide is an attempt to show how real people are using neopronouns. It’s based off the data of the 2020-2023 (Nonbinary) Gender Censuses.
English Pronoun Sets include:
Subject (the person acting) – ie. They
Object (the person the action is happening to) – ie. Them
Dependent Possessive (ownership, thing owned is named) - ie. Their
Independent Possessive (ownership, thing owned is not named) – ie. Theirs
Reflexive (action affecting the person who is acting) – ie. Themself
In a sentence:
They walked in and told me their name was Chris. I said hi, and showed them the name tags. They found theirs and put it on themself.
Neopronouns come in 3 flavours:
The first type is based off the most common English personal pronouns:
‘They/Them/Their/Theirs/Themself (or Themselves)’
This type of neopronoun usually mimics the ending sounds of one or more of the common pronoun sets. For example, ‘Ze/Zem’ pronouns are based on ‘he’ and ‘them.’
The second type includes pronouns not usually used as personal pronouns (like indefinite ('One'), neuter ('It'), or definite (‘that’)). It also includes neopronouns derived from them ('Thon').
The third type is based on various nouns not usually considered related to gender at all ('Star' or 'Pup'). These are called ‘nounself pronouns.’
I’ve listed both the common pronouns, as well as the most used neopronouns. For each entry, I include a variety of forms and spellings. I do my best to provide pronunciation. (I have not heard all of them pronounced, and what little I was able to find online might not match what real people are saying.) And I mention if they mimic feminine or masculine pronouns, singular they, indefinite pronouns, nouns, etc.
List of the 25 Most Common Pronouns Used By Nonbinary People in 2023 (According to the Gender Census):
Kit, Cat
Vae, Vey
Mew, Meow
Moon, Lun
Other pronouns with more than 30 users in the census (not included as separate entries)
That, Thing (that/that/thats/thats/thatself, thing/thing/things/things/thingself, that thing/that thing/that thing’s/that thing’s/that thing – 56 people)
Vamp (vamp/vamp/vamps/vamps/vampself – 54 people)
Sun, Sol (sun/sun/suns/suns/sunself, sol/sol/sols/sols/solself – 51 people)
Dey, Dae (dey/dem/deir/deirs/demself, dae/daem/daer/daers/daemself – 46 people)
Zey (zey/zem/zeir/zeirs/zemself – 46 people)
Per (per/per//per/pers/perself – 18 people)
Rot (rot/rot/rots/rots/rotself – 37 people)
Sie/Sier (sie/sier/sier/siers/sierself - 36 people)
Nya/Nyan (nya/nya/nyas/nyas/nyaself, nya/nyan/nyans/nyas/nyanself – 36 people)
Bug (bug/bug/bugs/bugs/bugself – 35 people)
Ix, X (ix/ix/ixs/ixs/ixself, x/x/xs/xs/xself – 34 people)
Ce (ce/cer/cer/cers/cerself – 33 people)
1. Singular They (They/Them)
Most common nonbinary pronoun set, this was used by 30,188 people in the 2023 Gender Census.
Usual Set:
They / Them / Their / Theirs / Themself (30,107 people) Pronunciation: ðeɪ / ðɛm / ðeɪɹ / ðeɪɹz / ðɛmsɛlf (dhay / dhem / dhayr / dhayrz / dhemself)
Nonstandard Sets:
They / Them / Their / Theirs / Themselves (67 people) Pronunciation: ðeɪ / ðɛm / ðeɪɹ / ðeɪɹz / ðɛmsɛlvz (dhay / dhem / dhayr / dhayrz / dhemselvz) Plural they.
They / Them / Their / Theirs / Theirself (3 people) Pronunciation: ðeɪ / ðɛm / ðeɪɹ / ðeɪɹz / ðɛɹsɛlf (dhay / dhem / dhayr / dhayrz / dherself) Nonstandard They
Using them when talking:
They walked in and told me their name was Chris. I said hi, and showed them the name tags. They found theirs and put it on themself.
Nonstandard sets:
They walked in and told me their name was Chris. I said hi, and showed them the name tags. They found theirs and put it on themselves.
They walked in and told me their name was Chris. I said hi, and showed them the name tags. They found theirs and put it on theirself.
2. Masculine Pronouns (He/Him)
Second most common nonbinary pronoun set, this was used by 17,182 people in the 2023 Gender Census.
Usual Set:
He / Him / His / His / Himself Pronunciation: hiː / hɪm / hɪz / hɪz / hɪmsɛlf (hee / him /hiz / hiz / himself)
Nonstandard Sets:
He / Him / His / His / Hisself Pronunciation: hiː / hɪm / hɪz / hɪz / hɪsɛlf (hee / him /hiz / hiz / hiself)
Using them when talking:
He walked in and told me his name was Chris. I said hi, and showed him the name tags. He found his and put it on himself.
Nonstandard set would end with: He found his and put it on hisself.
3. Feminine Pronouns (She/Her)
Third most common nonbinary pronoun set, this was used by 13,220 people in the 2023 Gender Census.
Usual Set:
She / Her / Her / Hers / Herself Pronunciation: ʃiː / hɚ / hɚ / hɚz / hɚsɛlf (shee / her /her / herz / herself)
Using them when talking:
She walked in and told me her name was Chris. I said hi, and showed her the name tags. She found hers and put it on herself.
4. Neuter Pronouns (It/It)
4th most common set of pronouns (up from 5th last year), and probably the most controversal. Seen as dehumanizing by many people, and as validating by others. (7,859 people)
Usual Set:
It / It /Its / Its / Itself Pronunciation: ɪt / ɪt / ɪts / ɪts / ɪtsɛlf (it / it / its / its / itself)
Using them when talking:
It walked in and told me its name was Chris. I said hi, and showed it the name tags. It found its and put it on itself.
5. Xe/Xem Pronouns
5th most common set of nonbinary pronouns, and the most popular neopronoun set. (4,649 people)
Usual Set:
Xe / Xem / Xyr / Xyrs / Xymself (4,504 people) Pronunciation: ziː / zɛm / zɚ / zɚz / zɛmsɛlf (zee / zem / zer / zerz / zemself) Based on: Singular They, with Feminine subject and possessive pronouns
Nonstandard Sets:
Xe / Xir / Xir / Xirs / Xirself (74 people) Pronunciation: ziː / zɚ / zɚ / zɚz / zɚsɛlf (zee / zer / zer / zerz / zerself) Based on: Feminine
Xe / Xim / Xis / Xis / Ximself (27 people) Pronunciation: ziː / zɪm / zɪz / zɪz / zɪmsɛlf (zee / zim / ziz / ziz / zimself) Based on: Masculine
Xe / Xem / Xir / Xirs / Xirself (23 people) Pronunciation: ziː / zɛm / zɚ / zɚz / zɚsɛlf (zee / zem / zer / zerz / zerself) Based on: Nonstandard They, with Feminine possessive pronouns
Subject - Xe (4604), Xie (18), Xi (10), Xy (9), Xhe (7)
Object - Xem (4508), Xim (38), Xym (10), Xiem (3) | Xir (38), Xer (24), Xyr (18), Xher (3)
Dep. Possessive - Xyr (4472), Xir (62), Xer (43), Xeir (23), Xier (5) | Xis (32)
Ind. Possessive - Xyrs (4469), Xirs (54), Xir's (4), Xers (42), Xeirs (22), Xiers (5), Xhers (3) | Xis (25) | Xir (7), Xyr (3)
Reflexive - Xemself (4495), Ximself (31), Xymself (9) | Xirself (42), Xerself (28), Xyrself (22), Xeirself (7)
Using them when talking:
Xe walked in and told me xyr name was Chris. I said hi, and showed xem the name tags. Xe found xyrs and put it on xymself.
Nonstandard sets:
Xe walked in and told me xir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed xir the name tags. Xe found xirs and put it on xirself.
Xe walked in and told me xis name was Chris. I said hi, and showed xim the name tags. Xe found xis and put it on ximself.
Xe walked in and told me xir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed xem the name tags. Xe found xirs and put it on xirself.
6. Faerself Pronouns (Fae/Faer)
6th most common set of pronouns, and the 2nd most popular neopronoun set. (2,662 people)
Usual Set:
Fae / Faer / Faer / Faers / Faeself (2,623) Pronunciation: feɪ / feɪɹ / feɪɹ / feɪɹz / feɪsɛlf (fay / fayr / fayr / fayrz / fayself) Based on: the noun Fae/Fairy, with Feminine object and possessive pronouns
Nonstandard Sets:
Fey / Fem / Feir / Feirs / Femself (10 people) Pronunciation: feɪ / fɛm / feɪɹ / feɪɹz / fɛmsɛlf (fay / fem / fayr / fayrz / femself) Based on: Singular They
Fey / Fem / Feir / Feirs / Feirself (9 people) Pronunciation: feɪ / fɛm / feɪɹ / feɪɹz / feɪɹsɛlf (fay / fem / fayr / fayrz / fayrself) Based on: Nonstandard They
Fey / Feyr / Feyr / Feyrs / Feyrself (6 people) Pronunciation: feɪ / feɪɹ / feɪɹ / feɪɹz / feɪɹsɛlf (fay / fayr / fayr / fayrz / fayrself) Based on: Feminine
Subject - Fae (2638), Fey (18)
Object -Faer (2625), Feyr (3) | Fem (14), Faem (7)
Dep. Possessive - Faer (2637), Feir (11), Feyr (7)
Ind. Possessive - Faers (2636), Feirs (11), Feyrs (6)| Faes (3)
Reflexive - Faeself (2625) | Faerself (7), Feirself (5), Feyrself (5) | Femself (7), Faemself (4)
Using them when talking:
Fae walked in and told me faer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed faer the name tags. Fae found faers and put it on faeself.
Nonstandard sets:
Fey walked in and told me feir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed fem the name tags. Fey found feirs and put it on femself.
Fey walked in and told me feir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed fem the name tags. Fey found feirs and put it on feirself.
Fey walked in and told me feyr name was Chris. I said hi, and showed feyr the name tags. Fey found feyrs and put it on feyrself.
7. Hir Pronouns (Ze or Sie/Hir)
The set associated with older users. Shi/Hir is also associated with the furry fandom and intersex people (who may consider it a completely different set. Research suggests there might have been drama in the 90s.) (2,190 people)
Usual Set:
Ze / Hir / Hir / Hirs / Hirself (2,148 people) Pronunciation: ziː / hiːɹ / hiːɹ / hiːɹz / hiːɹsɛlf (zee / heer / heer / heerz / heerself) Based on: Feminine, with a long ‘ee’ for all forms.
Nonstandard Sets:
Shi / Hir / Hir / Hirs / Hirself (34 people) Pronunciation: ʃaɪ / hiːɹ / hiːɹ / hiːɹz / hiːɹsɛlf (shy / heer / heer / heerz / heerself) Based on: Feminine, with the same long ‘ee.’
Subject - Ze (2107), Sie (30), Zie (6), Se (3) | Shi (26), Shy (6)
Object - Hir (2177), Hyr (9)
Dep. Possessive - Hir (2174), Hyr (8) | Hirs (5)
Ind. Possessive - Hirs (2177), Hyrs (7)
Reflexive - Hirself (2173), Hyrself (7) | Hemself (3)
Using them when talking:
Ze walked in and told me hir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed hir the name tags. Ze found hirs and put it on hirself.
Nonstandard set:
Shi walked in and told me hir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed hir the name tags. Shi found hirs and put it on hirself.
8. Elverson Pronouns (Ey/Em)
Very similar to Spivak pronouns (next), these ones have the subject pronoun (‘ey’) based on ‘they,’ rather than ‘he’ or ‘she.’ (2,056 people)
Usual Set:
Ey / Em / Eir / Eirs / Emself (2,037 people) Pronunciation: eɪ / ɛm / eɪɹ / eɪɹz / ɛmsɛlf (ay / em / ayr / ayrz / emself) Based on: Singular They
Nonstandard sets:
Ey / Em / Eir / Eirs / Eirself (10 people) Pronunciation: eɪ / ɛm / eɪɹ / eɪɹz / eɪɹsɛlf (ay / em / ayr / ayrz / ayrself) Based on: Nonstandard They
Subject - Ey (2051), Ei (3)
Object - Em (2048)
Dep. Possessive - Eir (2049)
Ind. Possessive - Eirs (2049)
Reflexive - Emself (2037), Eimself (3) | Eirself (11)
Using them when talking:
Ey walked in and told me eir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed em the name tags. Ey found eirs and put it on emself.
Nonstandard set would end with: Ey found eirs and put it on eirself.
9. Spivak Pronouns (E/Em)
The set most often named in articles explaining neopronouns. (1,624 people)
Usual Set:
E / Em / Eir / Eirs / Emself (1,575 people) Pronunciation: iː / ɛm / eɪɹ / eɪɹz / ɛmsɛlf (ee / em / ayr / ayrz / emself) Based on: Singular They, with Feminine/Masculine subject pronoun.
Nonstandard sets:
E / Em / Es / Es / Emself (13 people) Pronunciation: iː / ɛm / iːz / iːz / ɛmsɛlf (ee / em / eez / eez / emself) Based on: Masculine
Subject - E (1604), 'E (3) | En (7) | Em (8)
Object - Em (1600), Im (6) | E (5) |En (4)
Dep. Possessive - Eir (1577), Er (5) | Es (14), Is (5) | Ems (6) | Ens (4)
Ind. Possessive - Eirs (1576), Ers (5) | Es (10), Is (5), 'Is (3) | Ems (9) | Ens (3)
Reflexive - Emself (1593), Imself (4) | Eself (4) | Enself (4)
Using them when talking:
E walked in and told me eir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed em the name tags. E found eirs and put it on emself.
Nonstandard set:
E walked in and told me es name was Chris. I said hi, and showed em the name tags. E found es and put it on emself.
10. Lindsay Pronouns (Ae/Aer)  (344 people)
Very similar to Spivak and Elverson pronouns. Created for a scifi alien race in 1920.
Usual Set:
Ae / Aer / Aer / Aers / Aerself (236 people) Pronunciation: eɪ / eɪɹ / eɪɹ / eɪɹz / eɪɹsɛlf (ay / ayr / ayr / ayrz / ayrself) Based on: Feminine, with vowels similar to Singular They.
Nonstandard sets:
Ae / Aem / Aer / Aers / Aemself (22 people) Pronunciation: eɪ / ɛm / eɪɹ / eɪɹz / ɛmsɛlf (ay / em / ayr / ayrz / emself) Based on: Singular They
Ae / Aer / Aers / Aers / Aerself (20 people) Pronunciation: eɪ / eɪɹ / eɪɹz / eɪɹz / eɪɹsɛlf (ay / ayr / ayrz / ayrz / ayrself) Based on: Feminine, with possessives based on nouns.
Ae / Aem / Aer / Aers / Aerself (19 people) Pronunciation: eɪ / ɛm / eɪɹ / eɪɹz / eɪɹsɛlf (ay / em / ayr / ayrz / ayrself) Based on: Nonstandard They
Subject - Ae (328), Æ (4), Ay (4) | Aer (3)
Object - Aer (268) | Aem (44) | Ae (13)
Dep. Possessive - Aer (285), Ær (3), Aeir (5), Ayr (4) | Aers (24) | Aes (8)
Ind. Possessive - Aers (296), Aer's (4), Ærs (3), Aeirs (5), Ayrs (4) | Aer (6) | Aes (12)
Reflexive - Aerself (280), Ærself (3), Aeirself (3) | Aemself (25) | Aeself (14)
Using them when talking:
Ae walked in and told me aer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed aer the name tags. Ae found aers and put it on aerself.
Nonstandard sets:
Ae walked in and told me aer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed aem the name tags. Ae found aers and put it on aemself.
Ae walked in and told me aers name was Chris. I said hi, and showed aer the name tags. Ae found aers and put it on aerself.
Ae walked in and told me aer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed aem the name tags. Ae found aers and put it on aerself.
11. Ve/Ver Pronouns
These seem to be the neopronouns to play around with! Many of the sets here alternate masculine and feminine forms, sometimes in unpredictable ways. (304 people)
Usual Set:
Ve / Ver / Ver / Vers / Verself (70 people) Pronunciation: viː / vɚ / vɚ / vɚz / vɚsɛlf (vee / ver / ver / verz / verself) Based on: Feminine
Nonstandard Sets:
Ve / Ver / Vis / Vis / Verself (42 people) Pronunciation: viː / vɚ / vɪz / vɪz / vɚsɛlf (vee / ver / viz / viz / verself) Based on: Masculine and Feminine
Ve / Vem / Ver / Vers / Vemself (32 people) Pronunciation: viː / vɛm / vɚ / vɚz / vɛmsɛlf (vee / vem / ver / verz / vemself) Based on: Singular They
Ve / Vim / Vis / Vis / Vimself (30 people) Pronunciation: viː / vɪm / vɪz / vɪz / vɪmsɛlf (vee / vim / viz / viz / vimself) Based on: Masculine
Ve / Vem / Vir / Virs / Virself (29 people) Pronunciation: viː / vɛm / viːɹ / viːɹz / vɚsɛlf (vee / vem / veer / veerz / verself) Based on: Nonstandard They
Ve / Ver / Vis / Vers / Verself (22 people) Pronunciation: viː / vɚ / vɪz / vɚz / vɚsɛlf (vee / ver / viz / verz / verself) Based on: Feminine, with one Masculine possessive
Subject - Ve (230), Vi (59), Vy (4)
Object - Ver (90), Vir (57), Zher (6) | Vim (59), Vem (56), Vym (5) | Ven (8) | Vis (4)
Dep. Possessive - Vir (73), Ver (56), Veir (18), Vyr (10), Vier (4) | Vis (107) | Virs (4), Vers (3) | Vens (3)
Ind. Possessive - Virs (83), Vers (67), Veirs (18), Vyrs (9), Vaers (3) | Vis (92) | Vens (3)
Reflexive - Verself (100), Virself (75), Vyrself (5), Verrself (4) | Vimself (48), Vemself (33) | Viself (4), Veself (4) | Venself (6)
Using them when talking:
Ve walked in and told me ver name was Chris. I said hi, and showed ver the name tags. Ve found vers and put it on verself.
Nonstandard sets:
Ve walked in and told me vis name was Chris. I said hi, and showed ver the name tags. Ve found vis and put it on verself.
Ve walked in and told me ver name was Chris. I said hi, and showed vem the name tags. Ve found vers and put it on vemself.
Ve walked in and told me vis name was Chris. I said hi, and showed vim the name tags. Ve found vis and put it on vimself.
Ve walked in and told me vir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed vem the name tags. Ve found virs and put it on virself.
Ve walked in and told me vis name was Chris. I said hi, and showed ver the name tags. Ve found vers and put it on vimself.
12. Ze Pronouns
Pronounced almost identically to Xe pronouns, but derives from Ze/Hir pronouns (286 people)
Usual Set:
Ze / Zir / Zir / Zirs / Zirself (140 people) Pronunciation: ziː / ziːɹ / ziːɹ / ziːɹz / ziːɹsɛlf (zee / zeer / zeer / zeerz / zeerself) Based on: Ze/Hir, which is based on Feminine, with a long ‘ee’ for all forms.
Nonstandard Sets:
Ze / Zem / Zir / Zirs / Zemself (76 people) Pronunciation: ziː / zɛm / ziːɹ / ziːɹz / zɛmsɛlf (zee / zem / zeer / zeerz / zemself) Based on: Singular They
Ze / Zem / Zir / Zirs / Zirself (26 people) Pronunciation: ziː / zɛm / ziːɹ / ziːɹz / ziːɹsɛlf (zee / zem / zeer / zeerz / zeerself) Based on: Nonstandard They
Ze / Zim / Zis / Zis / Zimself (76 people) Pronunciation: ziː / zɪm / zɪz / zɪz / zɪmsɛlf (zee / zim / ziz / ziz / zimself) Based on: Masculine
Subject - Ze (237), Zie (27), Zhe (17), Zi (3)
Object - Zir (126), Zer (8), Zher (6) | Zem (83), Zim (31), Zhim (7)
Dep. Possessive - Zir (181), Zer (31), Zeir (20), Zyr (12), Zher (10), Zhir (3) | Zis (10) | Zirs (5)
Ind. Possessive - Zirs (178), Zers (31), Zeirs (22), Zyrs (12), Zhers (10), Zhirs (3) | Zis (8) | Zir (3)
Reflexive - Zirself (149), Zerself (14), Zherself (6), Zyrself (4), Zeirself (3) | Zemself (78), Zimself (25), Zymself (4), Zhimself (7) | Zeself (4)
Using them when talking:
Ze walked in and told me zir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed zir the name tags. Ze found zirs and put it on zirself.
Nonstandard sets:
Ze walked in and told me zir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed zem the name tags. Ze found zirs and put it on zemself.
Ze walked in and told me zir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed zem the name tags. Ze found zirs and put it on zirself.
Ze walked in and told me zis name was Chris. I said hi, and showed zim the name tags. Ze found zis and put it on zimself.
13. Star Pronouns
The most popular nounself pronouns (13th overall)! (157 people)
Usual Set:
Star / Star / Stars / Stars / Starself (133 people) Pronunciation: stɑɹ / stɑɹ / stɑɹz / stɑɹz / stɑɹsɛlf (star / star / starz / starz / starself) Based on: Nouns
Nonstandard Sets:
Usual Set: Star / Star / Star / Stars / Starself (9 people) Pronunciation: stɑɹ / stɑɹ / stɑɹ / stɑɹz / stɑɹsɛlf (star / star / star / starz / starself) Based on: Nouns, with possessives influenced by Feminine/Singular They
Subject - Star (150) | Sta (3)
Object - Star (144) | Stars (4)
Dep. Possessive - Stars (119), Star's (16) | Star (12)
Ind. Possessive - Stars (130), Star's (19)
Reflexive - Starself (150)
Using them when talking:
Star walked in and told me stars name was Chris. I said hi, and showed star the name tags. Star found stars and put it on starself.
Nonstandard sets:
Star walked in and told me star name was Chris. I said hi, and showed star the name tags. Star found stars and put it on starself.
14. Hy/Hym Pronouns
Pronounced identically to masculine pronouns. (130 people)
Usual Set:
Hy / Hym / Hys / Hys / Hymself (103 people) Pronunciation: hiː / hɪm / hɪz / hɪz / hɪmsɛlf (hee / him /hiz / hiz / himself) Based on: Masculine
Nonstandard Set:
Hey / Hem / Heir / Heirs / Hemself (9 people) Pronunciation: heɪ / hɛm / heɪɹ / heɪɹz / heɪɹsɛlf (hay / hem /hayr / hayrz / hemself) Based on: Singular They
Subject - Hy (97), He (10), Hie (5) | Hey (10)
Object - Hym (65), Hymn (44), Hem (15)
Dep. Possessive - Hys (97) | Heir (11), Hyr (3) | Hymns (4)
Ind. Possessive - Hys (97) | Heirs (1) | Hymns (5)
Reflexive - Hymself (58), Hymnself (46), Hemself (12)
Using them when talking:
Hy walked in and told me hys name was Chris. I said hi, and showed hym the name tags. Hy found hys and put it on hymself.
Nonstandard sets:
Hey walked in and told me heir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed hem the name tags. Hey found heirs and put it on hemself.
15. Thon Pronouns
One of the oldest neopronouns, dating to 1858. A contraction of 'that one'. Linguists and social reformers LOVED these pronouns, actual users are much rarer. (122 people)
Usual Set:
Thon / Thon / Thons / Thons / Thonself (104 people) Pronunciation: ðʌn / ðʌn / ðʌnz / ðʌnz / ðʌnsɛlf (dhuhn / dhuhn / dhuhnz / dhuhnz / dhuhnself – ‘the’ + n) Based on: One (Indefinite Pronoun), which works identically to nouns
Nonstandard Set:
Thon / Thon / Thon / Thons / Thonself (6 people) Pronunciation: ðʌn / ðʌn / ðʌn / ðʌnz / ðʌnsɛlf (dhuhn / dhuhn / dhuhn / dhuhnz / dhuhnself) Based on: One, with possessives influenced by Feminine/Singular They
Subject - Thon (119)
Object - Thon (114) | Thons (5)
Dep. Possessive - Thons (104), Thon's (5) | Thon (7)
Ind. Possessive - Thons (101), Thon's (12) | Thon (4)
Reflexive - Thonself (119)
Using them when talking:
Thon walked in and told me thons name was Chris. I said hi, and showed thon the name tags. Thon found thons and put it on thonself.
Nonstandard sets:
Thon walked in and told me thon name was Chris. I said hi, and showed thon the name tags. Thon found thons and put it on thonself.
16. Void Pronouns
The 2nd most popular nounself pronouns (16th overall) (117 people)
Usual Set:
Void / Void / Voids / Voids / Voidself (72 people) Pronunciation: voɪd / voɪd / voɪdz / voɪdz / voɪdsɛlf (voyd / voyd / voydz / voydz / voydself) Based on: Nouns (Void)
Nonstandard Sets:
Voi / Void / Voids / Voids / Voidself (69 people) Pronunciation: voɪ / voɪd / voɪdz / voɪdz / voɪdsɛlf (voy / voyd / voydz / voydz / voydself) Based on: Nouns (Void), with subject form shortened to better match established pronouns
Voi / Void / Void / Voids / Voidself (10 people) Pronunciation: voɪ / voɪd / voɪd / voɪdz / voɪdsɛlf (voy / voyd / voyd / voydz / voydself) Based on: Nouns (Void), with subject form shortened, and possessives influenced by Feminine/Singular They
Subject - Voi (108), Vo (3) | Void (80) | Vi (3)
Object - Void (180) | Voi (9)
Dep. Possessive - Voids (134), Void's (14) | Void (18) | Vois (14) | Voi (4)
Ind. Possessive - Voids (153), Void's (19) | Vois (12)
Reflexive - Voidself (181) | Voiself (9)
Using them when talking:
Void walked in and told me voids name was Chris. I said hi, and showed void the name tags. Void found voids and put it on voidself.
Nonstandard sets:
Voi walked in and told me voids name was Chris. I said hi, and showed void the name tags. Voi found voids and put it on voidself.
Voi walked in and told me void name was Chris. I said hi, and showed void the name tags. Voi found voids and put it on voidself.
17. Ne/Nem Pronouns
(114 people)
Usual Set:
Ne / Nem / Nir / Nirs / Nemself (61 people) Pronunciation: niː / nɛm / nɚ / nɚz / nɛmsɛlf (nee / nem / ner / nerz / nemself) Based on: Singular They, with Feminine subject and possessive pronouns
Nonstandard Sets:
Ne / Nim / Nis / Nis / Nimself (19 people) Pronunciation: niː / nɪm / nɪz / nɪz / nɪmsɛlf (nee / nim / niz / niz / nimself) Based on: Masculine
Ne / Nem / Nir / Nirs / Nirself (8 people) Pronunciation: niː / nɛm / nɚ / nɚz / nɚsɛlf (nee / nem / ner / nerz / nerself) Based on: Nonstandard They, with Feminine subject and possessive pronouns
Ne / Nem / Nems / Nems / Nemself (7 people) Pronunciation: niː / nɛm / nɛmz / nɛmz / nɛmsɛlf (nee / nem / nemz / nemz / nemself) Based on: Nouns
Subject - Ne (98), Nie (4), Ni (3)
Object - Nem (65), Nym (25), Nim (16)
Dep. Possessive - Nir (48), Neir (11), Nyr (10), Ner (7) | Nis (13), Nys (6) | Nems (3), Nims (3)
Ind. Possessive - Nirs (45), Neirs (11), Nyrs (9), Ners (5) | Nis (15), Nys (5) | Nems (5), Nims (4)
Reflexive - Nemself (68), Nymself (22), Nimself (15) | Nirself (5), Neirself (3), Nyrself (3)
Using them when talking:
Ne walked in and told me nir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed nem the name tags. Ne found nirs and put it on nemself.
Nonstandard sets:
Ne walked in and told me nis name was Chris. I said hi, and showed nim the name tags. Ne found nis and put it on nimself.
Ne walked in and told me nir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed nem the name tags. Ne found nirs and put it on nirself.
Ne walked in and told me nems name was Chris. I said hi, and showed nem the name tags. Ne found nems and put it on nemself.
18. Kit, Cat Pronouns
The first of the animal based pronouns! People using animal based pronouns frequently alternate between multiple sets - based off animals (kit, bug), their sounds (meow, caw), and their body parts (paw). (103 people)
Usual Set:
Kit / Kit / Kits / Kits / Kitself (60 people) Pronunciation: kɪt / kɪt / kɪts / kɪts / kɪtsɛlf (kit / kit / kits / kits / kitself) Based on: Nouns (Kit/Kitty)
Nonstandard Sets:
Cat / Cat / Cats / Cats / Catself (23 people) Pronunciation: kat / kat / kats / kats / katsɛlf (kat / kat / kats / kats / katself) Based on: Nouns (Cat)
Subject - Kit (69) | Kitty (6) | Cat (23)
Object - Kit (64) | Kits (3) | Kitty (8) | Cat (23)
Dep. Possessive - Kits (65), Kit's (3) | Kittys (4), Kitty's (3) | Cats (18), Cat's (4)
Ind. Possessive - Kits (62), Kit's (4) | Kitty's (4) | Kittens (3) | Cats (17), Cat's (6)
Reflexive - Kitself (67) | Kittyself (4) | Kittenself (4) | Catself (23)
Using them when talking:
Kit walked in and told me kits name was Chris. I said hi, and showed kit the name tags. Kit found kits and put it on kitself.
Nonstandard sets:
Cat walked in and told me cats name was Chris. I said hi, and showed cat the name tags. Cat found cats and put it on catself.
19. Pup Pronouns
(102 people)
Usual Set: Pup / Pup / Pups / Pups / Pupself (75 people) Pronunciation: pʌp / pʌp / pʌps / pʌps / pʌpsɛlf (puhp / puhp / puhps / puhps / puhpself) Based on: Nouns (Pup/Puppy)
Subject - Pup (85) | Dog (6), The Dog (5) | Mutt (4)
Object - Pup (75) | Pups (6)| Dog (5), The Dog (4) | Mutt (4)
Dep. Possessive - Pups (69), Pup's (12) | Dogs (3), The Dog's (4) | Mutts (4)
Ind. Possessive - Pups (69), Pup's (13) | Dogs (5), The Dog's (4) | Mutts (4)
Reflexive - Pupself (82) | Dogself (6) | Itself (4) | Muttself (4)
Using them when talking:
Pup walked in and told me pups name was Chris. I said hi, and showed pup the name tags. Pup found pups and put it on pupself.
20. Vae Pronouns
Ve pronouns have endless variations! These ones use a subject form based on They, rather than He/She, and seem to be influenced by Ae and Fae pronouns. (91 people)
Usual Set:
Vae / Vaem / Vaer / Vaers / Vaemself (42 people) Pronunciation: veɪ / vɛm / veɪɹ / veɪɹz / veɪmsɛlf (vay / vem / vayr / vayrz / vemself) Based on: Singular They
Nonstandard Sets:
Vae / Vaer / Vaer / Vaers / Vaerself (27 people) Pronunciation: veɪ / veɪɹ / veɪɹ / veɪɹz / veɪɹsɛlf (vay / vayr / vayr / vayrz / vayrself) Based on: Feminine
Vae / Vaem / Vaer / Vaers / Vaerself (11 people) Pronunciation: veɪ / vɛm / veɪɹ / veɪɹz / veɪɹsɛlf (vay / vem / vayr / vayrz / vayrself) Based on: Nonstandard They
Subject - Vae (63), Vey (24)
Object - Vem (26), Vaem (22) | Vaer (28) | Vae (3)
Dep. Possessive - Vaer (59), Veir (14), Ver (4)
Ind. Possessive - Vaers (58), Veirs (14), Vers (5)
Reflexive – Vaerself (37), Veirself (4) | Vymself (20), Vaemself (16) | Vaeself (4)
Using them when talking:
Vae walked in and told me vaer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed vaem the name tags. Vae found vaers and put it on vaemself.
Nonstandard sets:
Vae walked in and told me vaer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed vaer the name tags. Vae found vaers and put it on vaerself.
Vae walked in and told me vaer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed vaem the name tags. Vae found vaers and put it on vaerself.
21. Xey Pronouns
Xe pronouns also have a version based on They in the subject form. (91 people)
Usual Set:
Xey / Xem / Xeir / Xeirs / Xemself (37 people) Pronunciation: zeɪ / zɛm / zeɪɹ / zeɪɹz / zeɪmsɛlf (zay / zem / zayr / zayrz / zemself) Based on: Singular They
Nonstandard Sets:
Xey / Xem / Xeir / Xeirs / Xeirself (37 people) Pronunciation: zeɪ / zɛm / zeɪɹ / zeɪɹz / zeɪɹsɛlf (zay / zem / zayr / zayrz / zayrself) Based on: Nonstandard They
Xae / Xaem / Xaer / Xaers / Xaerself (11 people) Pronunciation: zeɪ / zeɪɹ / zeɪɹ / zeɪɹz / zeɪɹsɛlf (zay / zayr / zayr / zayrz / zayrself) Based on: Feminine
Subject - Xey (71), Xae (10)
Object - Xem (70), Xaem (4) | Xaer (4)
Dep. Possessive - Xeir (49), Xyr (12), Xaer (8), Xer (7), Xeyr (3)
Ind. Possessive - Xeirs (46), Xyrs (12), Xaers (7), Xers (7), Xeyrs (3)
Reflexive - Xemself (61), Xaemself (3) | Xeirself (5), Xaerself (4)
Using them when talking:
Xey walked in and told me xeir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed xem the name tags. Xey found xeirs and put it on xemself.
Nonstandard sets:
Xey walked in and told me xeir name was Chris. I said hi, and showed xem the name tags. Xey found xeirs and put it on xeirself.
Xae walked in and told me xaer name was Chris. I said hi, and showed xaer the name tags. Xae found xaers and put it on xaerself.
22. Mew Pronouns
These pronouns often alternate with Kit/Cat pronouns, or other cat sounds like Nyan or Purr (89 people)
Usual Set:
Mew / Mew / Mews / Mews / Mewself (48 people) Pronunciation: mjuː / mjuː / mjuːz / mjuːz / mjusɛlf (myoo / myoo / myooz / myooz / myooself) Based on: Nouns (Mew)
Nonstandard Sets:
Meow / Meow / Meows / Meows / Meowself (27 people) Pronunciation: mjaʊ or mi‧aʊ / mjaʊ / mjaʊz / mjaʊz / mjaʊsɛlf (myow / myow / myowz / myowz / myowself) Based on: Nouns (Meow)
Subject - Mew (53) | Meow (29) | Mrr (3)
Object - Mew (49) | Meow (29) | Mrrp (4)
Dep. Possessive - Mews (47) | Meows (25), Meow's (4) | Mrrps (3)
Ind. Possessive - Mews (45) | Meows (27), Meow's (4) | Mrrps (3)
Reflexive - Mewself (50) | Meowself (31) | Mrrpself (3)
Using them when talking:
Mew walked in and told me mews name was Chris. I said hi, and showed mew the name tags. Mew found mews and put it on mewself.
Nonstandard sets:
Meow walked in and told me meows name was Chris. I said hi, and showed meow the name tags. Meow found meows and put it on meowself.
23. Bun Pronouns
(71 people)
Usual Set:
Bun / Bun / Buns / Buns / Bunself (60 people) Pronunciation: bʌn / bʌn / bʌnz / bʌnz / bʌnsɛlf (buhn / buhn / buhnz / buhnz / buhnself) Based on: Nouns (Bunny)
Subject - Bun (69)
Object - Bun (69)
Dep. Possessive - Buns (59), Bun's (10)
Ind. Possessive - Buns (55), Bun's (10)
Reflexive - Bunself (68)
Using them when talking:
Bun walked in and told me buns name was Chris. I said hi, and showed bun the name tags. Bun found buns and put it on bunself.
24. Indefinite Pronouns (One)
The 'formal' option - this is what grammarians used to suggest (64 people)
Usual Set:
One / One / One's / One's / Oneself  (51 people) Pronunciation: wʌn / wʌn / wʌnz / wʌnz / wʌnsɛlf (wuhn / wuhn / wuhnz / wuhnz / wuhnself) Based on: Indefinite Pronoun
Subject - One (53), That One (7), This One (4)
Object - One (50), That One (8), This One (3)
Dep. Possessive - One's (30), Ones (23), That One's (6), This One's (3)
Ind. Possessive - One's (31), Ones (22), That One's (6)
Reflexive - Oneself (53), That One's Self (4)
Using them when talking:
One walked in and told me one's name was Chris. I said hi, and showed one the name tags. One found one's and put it on oneself.
25. Moon/Lun Pronouns
(57 people)
Usual Set:
Moon / Moon / Moons / Moons / Moonself (32 people) Pronunciation: muːn / muːn / muːnz / muːnz / muːnsɛlf (moon / moon / moonz / moonz / moonself) Based on: Nouns (Moon)
Nonstandard sets:
Lun / Lun / Luns / Luns / Lunself (9 people) Pronunciation: luːn / luːn / luːnz / luːnz / luːnsɛlf (loon / loon / loonz / loonz / loonself) Based on: Nouns (Lunar)
Subject - Moon (33) | Lun (9) | Lu (8)
Object - Moon (33) | Lun (10) | Luna (6) | Lunar (3)
Dep. Possessive - Moons (26), Moon's (8) | Luns (12)
Ind. Possessive - Moons (26), Moon's (7) | Luns (12)
Reflexive - Moonself (34) | Lunself (12) | Lunaself (4)
Using them when talking:
Moon walked in and told me moons name was Chris. I said hi, and showed moon the name tags. Moon found moons and put it on moonself.
Nonstandard sets:
Lun walked in and told me luns name was Chris. I said hi, and showed lun the name tags. Lun found luns and put it on lunself.
A note on defining sets:
Deciding what to consider a variant, and what to consider a different set altogether, wasn't easy.
Elverson and Spivak pronouns are mostly separated because of their history, and how (relatively) well known they are. I then tried to stay consistent, and separated things like 'ze' and 'zey' sets.
Animal and sound based nounself pronouns are grouped based on how difficult it was to separate them. A relatively high percentage of people wrote 'kit' and 'cat' forms into the same entry. Less people grouped 'mew' and 'nya' forms. And, while 'mew' and 'nya' forms were FREQUENTLY grouped with 'kit' and 'cat' forms, I kept them separate for my own sanity.
I am also VERY glad that 'sie/sier' pronouns didn't make the top 25. 'Sie', 'se', 'sea', 'ce', and 'ke' are probably unsortable without talking to their users individually. (There's at least three pronunciations in there - 'zee', see' and 'kee'!) But I love the 4 people using 'sir' as a pronoun. That amuses me!
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skipper1331 · 1 year
Tell and show the world // Lina Magull
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a/n: based off this request. Please enjoy:D
"Lina" you said as you stood behind the kitchen counter, chopping the vegetables for dinner. "Ja, liebe?" the brunette asked, eyes looking away from her laptop screen. "I‘ve been thinking…" you mumbled, suddenly feeling shy, cheeks slowly turning red, "what‘s wrong?" the german was immediately by your side, "stop the chopping, baby" her fingers laced with your own as she turned you around. When you didn‘t answer her, her hands cupped your cheeks while you started playing with your wedding ring. "When are you going to tell the world about us?" you mumbled, shy, afraid. She seemed confused, jaw tense, eyes that asked many questions. You never had a problem keeping your relationship secret or private. Lina did not tape her ring nor did she wear it during games or ever mentioned that she was in a commited relationship. Her private life was private. Where did the change of heart come from?
"Lately, umm" your voice was shaking - you didn‘t know why, you knew that Lina loved you, she was your wife but something was making you nervous. "Comments. The comments under your posts are getting worse. And- and these ship videos with G, I don’t like them. I like G, don‘t get me wrong, she’s awesome but-" you rambled on about the thirsty comments under her instagram posts, the ship edits you had on your for you page and your hurt feelings. In no way, you were mad at Lina, just hurt with the whole situation. "Hey, hey" the bayern munich player pulled you close, her hands firmly resting on their usual place around your waist while your head hit her shoulder with a quiet thud, "my love, look at me" she demanded softly. With tears in your eyes you looked in to the orbs you‘d loved for so long, "Is that what has been bothering you the last few days?" one of her hands cupped your cheek, wiping away the tears that spilled. You didn't want to admit it, it still hurt you a lot and seeing her do nothing about it was just another little stab in your heart. You knew she didn't read most of the comments except those from her friends and family, so you couldn't blame her - you didn't even want too. Your heart just stung.
In respond, you nodded, biting your lower lip to contain yourself, "Stop crying, please" the germans heart ached at sight in front of her, the way your body shook as the tears ran down your cheeks, "i would tell the world in a heartbeat, liebe."
Your eyes grew wide, only a sniffle coming from your throat, "really?"
You chuckled at the determined look the midfielder had on her face, "do you want me to post something on instagram or a tweet or what? Tell me, baby, I‘ll do it" she pressed multiple kisses over your face, a nose scrunch in reply as you giggled along. "You‘re my wife and I love you, okay? I would tell every person in the world myself If that‘s what makes you happy"
Match day.
Champions league semi final.
Bayern Munich vs Chelsea.
Lina was sitting at the press conference table with Alexander Straus as media teams were behind the cameras, many with notes and a mic in their hand.
"Der FC Chelsea ist ein starker Gegner, glauben Sie, sie können gegen so eine starke Mannschaft gewinnen?" an older man asked Alex and Lina, both sharing a look. With a tilt of his head the Bayern coach asked the midfielder If she wanted to answer or If he should - he answered. He told the interviewer, "From goalkeeper to striker, the most diverse talents have met - Guro Reiten, Sam Kerr, Millie Bright and so on - pooled together and formed a high class team. They are very good but not unbeatable. That's what we're trying to show today."
There were some more questions which Lina and Alexander answered before the last question before the game was asked.
"Nächste Frage an Lina Magull: Was motiviert das Team und Sie persönlich den Sieg heute zu holen?"
"Der Titel" she chuckled, "Wir alle sind super motiviert und haben ein hohes Interesse daran, den Titel mit nach Hause zu nehmen und das Halbfinale ist ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Am Ende des Tages, kämpft jede für das Team und hat seine eigene Person für die er kämpf, das variiert von Spielerin zu Spielerin. Für mich zum Beispiel ist es meine Frau. Ich betrete heute - immer - das Spielfeld, um meine Frau zu beeindrucken und ihr Strahlen am Abend zu sehen"
The whole room inhaled sharply - wife?! Why didn't anyone know that? Alexander had a smile on his face, of course he knew about you, all the Bayern people knew about you and they loved you - you were great.
Only then did everyone notice the ring the german was wearing on her finger; it was simple yet beautiful - it suited her.
Tell the media she had a wife? check.
Lina loved the faces she saw behind the cameras, there were shocked ones - jaw to floor, there were confused ones - huh? Did she say wife? and there were happy faces.
Sitting in the stands next to Sydney‘s mum you saw the girls walking out of the tunnel. The Allianz Arena was sold out, red shirts everywhere. Even the mens team came to support the girls - a rare sight.
It was just wow. The girls played their hearts and showed their talent. It didn‘t matter that Chelsea got on the score line first, Erin Cuthbert with the header.
Bayern was eager and hungry.
After the first 20 minutes, Bayern played better than their best. Pernille Harder scored the equalizer, she didn‘t celebrate though, she turned to the few Chelsea fans, raised her hand a little and apologized silently. The Blues were her home and family once and still are, even If she doesn‘t play for them anymore.
Georgia was the next to score a banger - outside the box. It was beautiful, AKB had no chance. The stadium went crazy.
Last but not least, was the third goal of the game. The game had built up from Grohs, the Bayern keeper. The girls played a Tiki Taka, the opponents could only watch the ball, there was no chance of taking it. Bühl then converted it to 3-1, the ball slipping past her national team mates fingertips.
When the whistle blew, the stadium got louder and louder, fans were signing chants as they jumped around to celebrate.
When everyone finished shaking their opponents and talked to their friends, the girls swarmed out to sign jerseys and to take pictures. Lina though, she had only one goal in mind. She wanted to see you. You were often at the Bayern games but never in a jersey or at least never in a jersey with 'Magull' on the back of it.
Not until now, this morning the german had told to wear her jersey later, she was very clear with her demand.
"Hi, my love" she whispered after she had jumped over the barrier, her arms going around your waist. Your smile was brigther than the sky while you cupped her cheeks, proud of your wife and her team, "Baby! That was amazing!" The brunette just grinned at you, loving the big wide smile that covered your face. Shortly after your said words your arms looped around her neck, your head on her shoulder as you hugged her dearly. Her own head was hidden in your neck as she pressed soft kisses to it.
First kiss: i‘m so happy.
Second kiss: thank you for being here.
third kiss: i love you.
the multiple kisses after: wow!!
Many eyes and cameras were on you, multiple people taking pictures of the two of you. Yet it didn‘t matter, your heart fluttered at the sight of your wife, the way she interacted with you in front of the fans. Normally it was the bare minimum but not now, she had accepted the concerns you told her about and implemented your wishes, your request. She would do anything, absolutely anything, for you.
And If it wasn‘t clear enough, the kiss on your lips was. She gave you a passionate yet gentle and appropriate one, it was like in the movies; your hands resting on her neck, her own hands placed on your hips as she leant forwads, yourself leaning backwards in return. Lina felt euphoric, like she was high. High on love, high with happiness, high with everything.
It was safe to say, Lina‘s announcement at the press conference went viral, multiple clips across the internet. As well as various edits of the scene in the stadium.
The german international broke the internet, yet it wasn‘t enough for her.
She had announced it to the media, she had demonstrated the fans and she was about to show the world.
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stanwaygeorgia and 36.047 thousand others
linamagull ❤️
it was that simple. 4 pictures with more or less the same gesture. You in her arms, just with a different view. The pictures were taken over the years, they still gave you enough privacy but a clear statement was made: Lina Magull was happily married.
Der FC Chelsea ist ein starker Gegner, glauben Sie, sie können gegen so eine starke Mannschaft gewinnen? - Chelsea are a strong opponent, do you think you can win against such a strong team?
Nächste Frage an Lina Magull: Was motiviert das Team und Sie persönlich den Sieg heute zu holen - Next question for Lina Magull: What motivates the team and you personally to win today
Wir alle sind super motiviert und haben ein hohes Interesse daran, den Titel mit nach Hause zu nehmen und das Halbfinale ist ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Am Ende des Tages, kämpft jeder für das Team und hat seine eigene Person für die er kämpf, das variiert von Spielerin zu Spielerin. Für mich zum Beispiel ist es meine Frau. Ich betrete heute - immer - das Spielfeld, um meine Frau zu beeindrucken und ihr Strahlen am Abend zu sehen - We are all motivated and very interested in taking the trophy home and the semi-final is a step in the right direction. At the end of the day, everyone fights for the team and has their own person to fight for, it varies from player to player. For me, for example, it is my wife. I step on the pitch today - always - to impress my wife and see her bright smile in the evening.
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hannamoon143 · 2 months
From now on
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Genre: Angst,Fluff,Comfort
Pairings: Non idol hyunjin x fem Reader
Warnings: Vomiting,heat stroke
A/n: it‘s weird cause i wrote this in a suspicious short amount of time,and it‘s also kinda shortt but i had no motivation cause the idea is kinda lame ik.(btw pls give me requesttssss) i just wrote something,lol.(In my eyes it’s my worst one lol)so please have mercy. Take care of yourself and drink enough,especially when it‘s hot!!!❤️
It was quiet.very quiet.Me and hyunjin sat in the back of the bus,our parents in Front of us.I didn‘t think it would be that quiet when my mom told me we would go on a vacation to the beach.Hyunjins and my parents were best friends since they were teenager.Nothing could seperate them.They had wished it would be the same for their children but it wasn‘t like they wanted it to be.I hated hyunjin.and he hated me.we were the same age,but we always stayed out of the others way.i don‘t even know why we hate each other anymore.it just always was like this.but this vacation meant a lot to my mom so i had no chance to stay home with an excuse.it was the same for hyunjin.the bus ride seemed like it would never end.
After five hours in silence it was finally over.i got out the bus and stretched my limbs.We all went into the hotel.my little sister  talked the whole time during the check in,it was a nice thing,compared to the quiet bus ride. Our moms slept together in a room, and our dads in one.it always was like this when they went on a vacation.my sister slept in a room with our moms. My eyes widened when my mom told me who was in a room with who. „Mom.that means i have to sleep in a room with hyunjin?!“i asked. She gave me a little slap on the arm and said: you two know each other since you were born,don‘t act like that y/n.“with a mischievous smile i asked: „aren‘t you afraid?i am in a room with a boy.alone“ she looked at me with her typical i-know-what-you-are trying-to-do-but-it-won’t-work look.i gave up,and went to hyunjin.
 „Hyunjin,i know we hate each other and stuff but we have to get along for this week,for our moms.“ he looked at me with this bitch look,that only girls used usually.he didn‘t respond and just walked towards our room.i rolled my eyes and followed him.i was sure we somehow could have managed to ignore each other,and don‘t fight but this hope was destroyed when we opened the room.hyunjins mouth was wide open,and so was mine.it was very small,and only one big bed,and a little desk with a white chair were in it. Hyunjin didn‘t hesitate and just let himself fall into the bed. „i sleep here“ he mumbled. „Are you serious hyunjin?! There is only one bed,and not even enough space for a matrace on the floor.“ „not my problem“ i let out a dry chuckle. „It will be your problem when i tell your mom.you know she loves me.“ he rolled his eyes,and he looked pretty annoyed but he rolled to the right side.i hated that we had to sleep in the same bed,he did too.we didn‘t talk,we just built a wall of pillows between our sides,and then we went outside the room. On the way to the lobby he hissed into my ear:if you tell anything my mom i will kill you.Our parents wanted to go to the beach. I was glad i could spend time with my sister and my mom before i had to go back into our room. When we were at the beach my sister and i went swimming,we played some games after a while she went playing volleyball with my mom and hyunjins mom,and i wanted to play too,but then hyunjin also came to them so i stayed in my place.i laid down in the warm sand.it was comfortable.maybe a little to comfortable cause when my sister woke me up after two hours my head and my neck felt really hot.hyunjin only grinned at me when he walked by and whispered something that sounded liek red tomato.with a concerned look my mom asked if everything was okay.i said yes,but i was glad when we went back into the hotel.
my head was punding and i felt very tired.back at the hotel i let myself fall onto my sie of the bed.hyunjin groaned. „Take a shower before you go to bed,or the sand will be in the bed. I only hummed in response,eyes closed.he threw a pillow at me.“hey i‘m serious,i don‘t want all the sand in the bed.i again hummed something in response but weakly got up.when i came back after a quick shower with my pajamas on hyunjin chuckleed and said „you look like a tomato.but it‘s no surprise after you slept in the boiling sun.“i shot him a stern look at wich he only smirked more.i felt really exhausted by now,so i didn‘t argue or tease him,like i usually did.at that he looked a bit surprised but he d didn‘t say anything.i just went to bed and quickly drifted off to sleep.
i felt like i only slept a few minutes but when i suddenly woke up it was 2 a.m.my head felt hot,and it hurt alot.when i tried to sit up straight i whimpered.i felt really dizzy,and a throbbing pain went into my head. I sensed hyunjin stirring on the other side of the bed.i tried not to faint or something. „why are you up,it‘s literally 2 a.m ?“he said in a sleepy but grumpy voice.“ when i didn‘t respond he opened his eyes and sat up a little bit. „Y/n?is everything okay?“ i wanted to respond but suddenly a wave of nausea came over me.i quickly got up and sprinted into the bathroom.i made it to the toilet before throwing up. „woah,are you sick or something?“ i could hear a voice behind me.i only whimpered something,leaning over the toilet.i felt so sick it felt overwhelming. „Hey,should i call your mom or something?“ he sounded concerned. „N..no“ he crouched down besides me. „You are very red in the face „he laid a hand on my forehead for a short time „and you are burning hot“ „i..i don‘t know what to do y/n“.he said.he looked worried,but somehow scared.i didn‘t want to make a scene in front of him,but suddenly the nausea,the dizzines,the hotness and the punding in my head got so overwhelming so tears started running down my face. „Y/n? What is wrong?“ hyunjins voice trembled slightly.that onl made me more scared and i started sobbing. „Y/n,do you need something?i..i don‘t know how to help you..“
 „it..it feels so overwhelming“i mumbled between sobs. Hyunjin looked at me,worried but confused.he got up and went out of the bathroom.after a few minutes he was back.he had a bottle of water and his phone with him. „Here drink a little sip from this,and i will call your mom now okay?“ „No! Please…i don‘t wanna ruin her vacation.“ hyunjin looked at me dumbfounded,but he put his phone down.when another wave of dizzines came over me i whimpered and leaned to the cold tiles with closed eyes. „Woah,y/n don‘t faint!you can‘t faint!“ hyunjins voice sounded panicked now.he came closer to my side,and laid a hand on my shoulder. Somehow his touch felt comforting.when my head rolled to the side a bit,he quickly came nearer and now he laid a hand around my waist,to steady me.i leaned into his touch. „Hey,don‘t faint okay? My mom would kill me if i would let you faint in a bathroom.just…lean onto me okay?i laid my head down on his shoulders.i sensed him blushing but i din‘t say anything.after a few moments in silence i suddenly asked:“hyunjin?why do we hate each other so much?“ he looked surprised. „To be honest y/n…i don‘t know…it just always was like this.“ i thought about his words for a moment.he was right.there wasn‘t one day,even when we were children were we didn‘t fight or annoy each other. „But..can we maybe have a new start?like everything from the past is forgotten,and everything that matters is from now on?“ he glanced at me.i didn‘t know what look that was that i saw in his eyes. „Y/n…you are sick right now,you don‘t mean that.i know you hate me“he stared at the wall,his grip on my waist tightening. „But..would‘t you want that too hyunjin? We just hate each other because we alwaysd did but we changed.you are a pretty nice guy to be honest“ he tried to hide it but i saw his small smile. „We could be best friends too like our moms.“ i continued. He looked to the side. Why refused he to look into my eyes?“Hyunjin?“ he sighed. „Y/n you are right.we hate each other because we always did but….you know,you probably don‘t remember that day but we were fourteen years old.i was out alone,i just went for a walk.then some kids started beating me up because at school i was always one of the best and they were jealous or some shit.but then you walked by…you saw that those children said shit to me,and that they punched me.and you beat those kids up.they were literally scared of you.they never did anything to me again.you know..from that day on i saw that you aren‘t even that bad.you are kinda cool.you always were.i was jealous of you sometimes to be honest.you also always were withe the popular kids.you were one of the popular kids.but from that day on i started seeing you different.i didn‘t see you as the annoying daughter from my moms friend anymore you were…that one girl.i think…since then i have a little crush on you.woah i finally confessed.i never thouht i would confess on a bathroom floor after you threw up.“ he nervoously chuckled. 
My jaw almost hit the floor. „Hyunjin you what?? you…have a crush on me? I always thought you hate me even mroe than i hate you.because…i also always knew that you were..kinda cool. To be honest i always told everyone that we were friends in sithx grade because at the new school everyone had a crush on you,and i only was puplar because everyone thought i was friends with you“ i blushed.we both just sat there in silence,my head on hyunjins shoulder.when the pain in my head came back i winced a bit. „Oh right,maybe you shoulg to back to bed“ he mumbled. I nodded and stood up.that wasn‘t the best decicsion because i fell right back to the floor. „y/n! Are you okay?“i nodded again.i wasn‘t prepared when suddenly hyunjin lifter me up like i was a feather. „what are you doing?!“ i almost screamed,with my hand around his neck.one of his arms were under my knees and one on my back. „You can‘t even stand so i‘m not letting you walk.“ he said.i hoped he wouldn‘t see the smile on my face. I hid my face in his t shirt,but after a short time he gently laid me on the bed. „You should try to sleep,but first take this here“ he handed me a pill.I swallowed it with a few sips of water.Then he went to his own side and laid down too. A few minutes passed and i almost was asleep again when suddenly i heard hyunjins voice in the dark again. „ do you mind if we…take the pillows away?“he asked.i never heard him talking so shyly.i responded with a small no and took the pillows away. Now we were facing each other.i couldn‘t help but smile.only the pale moonlight brought a little light into the room.i sensed him moving a bit closer.i almost forgot the dizzines now.we were so close now that i felt his warm breath in my face. „Hyunjin?“
„Can we start again? The beginning is now,and we forget most things of the past.“
„Yeah let‘s start again“
I smiled and moved even closer to him.he wasn‘t prepared when i nuzzled into his shirt.
„From now on okay?“
 He hid his face in my hair.
„From now on“
A/n: why is this so short and boring.
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miuarchiv · 1 month
Scenario from a Friedrich Paulus book
Бланк Александр. Вторая жизнь фельдмаршала Паулюса Read with Google translate, accuracy not guaranteed.
· Walter, but Sie
An unpleasant conversation at RH’s office
“He was the most terrible figure among our statesmen,” Field Marshal Paulus felt it necessary to share his opinion. “Cruel, cunning, treacherous. I once ‘had the honor’ of being invited to talk to him.” “As you understand,” Paulus emphasized, “a summons to Heydrich was not an ordinary event even for an OKH general. And I went to see him very worried. ......The Obergruppenführer inquired about my wife's health," Paulus continued. "Apparently he knew about her from his wife: Helena Constanze and Lina Heydrich belonged to some kind of charitable society. "Your wife, General, is the object of constant attention from our fashionistas - they say her outfits are as magnificent as they are expensive… Where do you get so much money, my dear?" Heydrich joked. "I, for one, don't have any." Then he wiped the smile off his face. "Our Aryan women are now choosing a strict style of dress - there is a war and the fatherland is fighting," he noted. This was a clear hint at the non-German origin of Helena Constanze - "our Aryan women"… "But I," Heydrich finally dropped the joking tone, "of course, did not invite you to talk about the outfits of our ladies. "We are talking about your future trip to Bucharest and Budapest… We would like to ask you about something…" The Field Marshal fell silent. There was no continuation of the story.
Paulus, without any apparent connection to what was said, remarked: "Someone said it right: everyone imagines others in their own image and likeness. This is a very true thought."
The Field Marshal did not mention Heydrich again: the conversation remained unfinished. Only some time later, Paulus's close friend, his former first adjutant Wilhelm Adam, finished the story.
After talking about fashions and the modesty with which an Aryan woman should behave, Heydrich got down to business: "So, we have a favor to ask of you." He immediately picked up the telephone receiver and said quietly but rather insistently: "Schellenberg, please come to see me."
The head of the RSHA's foreign intelligence service immediately appeared and told Paulus in a peremptory tone: "Mr. General, we know that one of your relatives in Bucharest serves as the head of the cipher department of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We will call him Stefan. Another of your Romanian relatives - we will call her Rosita - married a communist who is in preventive detention. We also know that your third Romanian relative is married to a man who remained in Bolshevik Bessarabia. Finally, and this is the main thing, we know that you, Mr. General, are a true patriot and a loyal soldier of the Fuhrer… Schellenberg fell silent, brazenly examining Paulus's face. Most likely, he wanted to understand what impression he had managed to make on the young general. Apparently, the scout caught the confusion on his face and, considering the issue resolved, stated the main thing without any disguise. - So, in a few days you are going to Bucharest. We cannot guarantee that the Romanians are always honest and open with us. And if your relative Stefan could help us to verify this, we would highly appreciate such a service.
Paulus literally choked with anger. Without hiding his indignation, he asked Schellenberg again: - You wanted me to recruit Stefan for you? Did I understand your proposal correctly? - Well, why state delicate issues so simply, - Schellenberg said with feigned offense. - It's about strengthening the relationship of trust, nothing more. - No, thank you. I'm a soldier, Herr Colonel (Schellenberg then held the rank of SS Standartenführer, which was equivalent to a colonel in the army), and I'm used to speaking frankly, without any beating around the bush. I'm not suited to the role of recruiter of agents, I don't know how to steal other people's codes. My job is to fight, and if necessary, to die for the Fuehrer and the Fatherland.
And then Heydrich, who had been silent the whole time, intervened: - We are not forcing you to do anything, Herr General. Walter simply asked for a small favor. The reasons for your refusal are clear to us, we respect them. After all, you don't want to endanger a close relative of your wife.
And even at that moment Heydrich did not miss the opportunity to sting Paulus. He supplemented the statement he had just made about understanding his position regarding his relative with a clearly offensive phrase: “And such a generous man – after all, he manages the family accounts of the Rosetti family.”
Seeing Paulus’s face flush again, the owner of the office stood up and said conciliatorily: “Let’s forget about this conversation. Walter, you are free to go.”
· Rumors are everywhere
At the same time, there was a version among the officers of the General Staff that Heydrich sent men with sledgehammers to smash to pieces a marble tombstone over one of the half-abandoned graves in the Leipzig cemetery, where his grandmother with a non-Aryan name was supposedly buried."
RH 's paternal grandmother was Ernestine Wilhelmine Lindner, his maternal grandmother was Maria Antonie Mautsch(Slavic in origin, but not Jewish anyway).
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girldragongizzard · 10 days
Chapter 17: It heal
I constantly have a growing number of questions for Chapman.
I finally remember one I want to ask, which I do so silently, by showing hir the screen of my tablet instead of hitting talk, “Why no human talk?”
We’re in the very back of a bar named Pooty’s. It’s on the same block as my building, right on the northeast corner, nearer to the Courthouse than the coffee shop is. The staff often go there after closing, but we’re here for dinner with those who are off. And the others aren’t sitting with us. Rhoda’s entertaining them at a table nearby, and we’re all watching the pool players.
Rhoda, Chapman, and Nathan, with the help of Seagull, have worked together to set something up for me that could seriously leverage any possible goodwill toward dragons that City Council might have.
County Council is going to have to come second.
Anyway, in preparation, Chapman has told the others that sie wants to confer with me alone for a bit and to make sure my tablet is in the best working order. Because I’m going to be relying on it.
Rhoda’s working with them to plan something else.
Chapman turns the tablet so it’s right side up for hir and considers my question.
When sie types something out and pushes it back, it says, “I cut corners for my prototype.”
We keep doing this for our whole conversation while drinking our own beers and eating a huge platter of fries that we’re sharing.
“Who for?” I ask. “Who people like me?”
“Trans people, like us,” Chapman replies.
“Prototype you? Or you prototype?” I hope that makes sense.
Chapman takes a little extra time, “I make prototype based on me. That way, spare clothes fit when someone tries it. Then we talk customizations.”
So, sie did make the prototype based on hir own body, but hir current body isn’t based on the prototype. That’s what I was curious about, briefly. Now I have another question.
“You make more?”
“Not yet.”
“Get easier with each?”
“A bit.”
I nod and ask, “Other dragons?”
“Can have. Not soon.” Chapman looks at me and says out loud, “We know we need to coordinate with them and prove that you can learn to be civil with each other. And we need to do it fast. And your discord server is a really good idea. So that’s what Rhoda’s talking about with the others. To figure out how to get their contact information so you can personally send invites. Our strategy, as you know, is two pronged. It has to be.”
I nod some more, like the human I resemble. This puts my bosom more into my lower peripheral vision and I see the second-hand Torrid dress I’m wearing. I am distracted by the novelty of this, but not necessarily in a good feeling way. I focus on the novelty and on Chapman’s words as best I can.
The TARDIS dress was destroyed in my demonstration to Seagull.
Chapman continues, “Your meeting with the Mayor, facilitated by the weekly, will help counter the alarmist propaganda the daily is publishing. The true locals are tuned to the weekly, even though it’s not on paper anymore. But the daily’s stories go right to the radio, as we’ve been hearing today. And that goes to the broader internet. And, on top of that, the local political establishment is currently behind the idea of running you all out of town.”
I nod once.
“The Mayor’s daughter is a dragon, though,” Chapman says. “Which is why we’ve got this interview. But we also absolutely need to rally the local dragons to cooperate. As quickly as possible. The Mayor’s daughter joining your discord might accelerate that. I feel it.” Sie considers me carefully for a moment, and then says, “Can I ask you a question this time? It’s really personal. I’ll keep it on the Tablet.”
I point at the tablet and nod.
“Can I scan your body when a dragon?” sie asks, then pushes the tablet toward me, initiating our ongoing silent exchange. The silence is for the wizardry stuff.
“Biology. Mating season. Important to know.”
That does make me feel a little weird in a mostly fun way. But, regardless, I answer, “Yes.” Because I want to learn what sie learns from that.
“See if you lay eggs,” Chapman says. “But also deeper.”
Ooh, “Yes.”
“I have theory.”
“OK, so,” Chapman says out loud again. “There’s this idea, and I think it might be true, that dragons all work similarly to a set of salamanders when it comes to mating. Y - er, they might all be physiologically females. But these salamanders are really cool!” Sie pulls the tablet over to hirself and starts searching Wikipedia to bring up the relevant article. “They aren’t really a species. Scientists are calling them a bioform. Because what they do is they harvest DNA from a variety of other completely different salamanders. Each member of this bioform can collect spermatozoa from other salamanders and harvest just part of the DNA and store it for later. They can mix and match from all their off-species mates, and then have a clutch based on that.”
Sie looks at me to see if I’m understanding that. I hesitantly nod after a moment. More hesitant from the scrutiny than anything. What sie is saying makes a lot of sense and sounds really cool. I had no idea anything could do that, but why not, though?
“It’s not conscious, of course, and no one knows if there’s any logic to it, any rules or laws or if it’s random,” sie explains. “But, it happens and can be studied. And it results in a group of amphibians that are chimerical in a way that is only rivaled by one other set of bioforms on the planet now, that we know of. Dragons.”
“Beyond rad,” I reply with the tablet.
Chapman nods now, “Some people think that dragons can do this with a wider range of species, and that’s why y - they’re all so different. Of course, the sudden appearance of dragons seems to prove the presence of some kind of divine or magical power in the world, and a lot of people think dragons embody that power and use it to do otherwise biologically impossible things, too. And, I’m not exactly skeptical.”
“What do with Mayor and discord?” I ask.
Chapman glances at my question and tightens hir lips. “People who are aware of this theory, or who have the time to consider it – people who are not necessarily politicians – are concerned that this could make mating season, this Spring, particularly fraught. Of course, we may get our answers sooner, since mating season is just starting for the Southern hemisphere.”
“We fix before,” I say out loud, hitting talk.
“That’s what everyone hopes, yes. But if we can find out we can make better plans, and it behooves everyone to take the future into account while addressing the present. Fortunately, a lot of the people I know are very good at doing that.”
While I’m thinking about that and formulating a response or a question that could provoke more interesting revelations, we’re approached by a couple of men with pool cues in hand.
This is not a college pickup bar. Back in 2005 it was a bit of a music venue, but when stricter noise ordinances (which I do violate) got passed, Pooty’s stopped hosting shows. Now it’s what locals call an industry bar. A place where other food service workers collect to relax and commiserate with the staff. But we’re both vaguely feminine looking people who appear to be in our 30s, and I guess we’re cute? But cute to straight men? Really?
“Would either of you ladies like to join us in a game? We could play partners?” one of the men asks.
Oh, that’s easy. We could have fun playing, and we have a bunch of our friends here to watch out for us. So we could risk saying, “Yes.” But they’re not my type, and…
“Thank you, boys,” Chapman says in a lower register than I typically hear, dropping hir voice from a maple syrup tenor into a molasses and bourbon baritone. “She’s the only lady here. And while I’d normally take you up on it – I love pool – we’re here on business and have kind of a time crunch. You understand.”
I nod in Chapman’s direction when sie says, “business”.
“Ah, of course. Sorry to interrupt,” says the other guy, who then elbows his friend and gestures back at their table with his head.
Nice. No scene.
“You use magic?” I ask Chapman silently.
Sie takes the tablet and responds, “You didn’t feel it?”
“Not when human,” I reply. “I don’t think.” 
I’d been paying attention for the day, as we did things, and looking out for times I thought Chapman would be using magic. And I have yet to have felt a shift while wearing the pendant.
“Oh, really?” Chapman asks. “I will update notes. And we should test it for real. Didn’t use magic.”
“Nice guys.”
We hear them laughing with each other, and both glance their direction to see them glancing back out of the corners of their eyes and elbowing each other.
OK. Maybe not.
The Pacific Northwest (or Seattle) Freeze, a standard of regional conduct, can really cut down on a lot of surface impoliteness when people are talking face to face. But the moment you turn your backs to each other, the knives do get sharpened sometimes.
I grew up here and never really noticed it before until Rhoda pointed it out one day. She’d been really frustrated by it, being a transplant from New York, herself.
Now I feel like I’m seeing it in action in stark relief to what I’m used to. But I wonder if it’s some kind of bias introduced by my new position in life.
I have a growing group of people who care about and support me, and I’m also hyperaware of my differences with humans, and how humans act around me. Especially since being targeted by the police.
On the other hand, I haven’t had much time to practice pretending to be human today. I’ve been so busy, and it’s my first day with the pendant.
I bet my mannerisms look really weird. Maybe cute, but really weird to those guys. It’s probably what got their attention. Maybe they mistook us for sisters. And then, based on our reaction, now I bet they think we’re queer, which would be right. And my weirdness becomes the subject of laughter.
“Let’s rejoin the others,” Chapman says.
Good idea, but I have one more question for hir.
“What your full name?” I ask.
Chapman smiles and almost breaks out in giggles, and then types it into the tablet, “Chap Man.” Then sie says, “In a phone book, I’d be listed as Man Chap. Which I think is funny. Chap is my first name and Man is my last. Legally. But I wanted a single word name, and that’s the easiest way to do it so that it still works with most databases. It’s really just Chapman.”
“Why Chapman?” I ask.
Sie shrugs, “I just really like the sound of it. It kind of subtly counteracts how femme I like to dress sometimes.” The sie asks, “Why’d you pick Meghan?”
“Not brave warrior. Though am,” I reply. “Real reason. Rhymes with dragon.”
“God, you’re such a trans girl.”
“Also. Meg short for Megabyte. Or Megalodon. Or Megnificent.”
“More damning evidence! Come on.”
Alone again with Chapman, it’s 2 AM and we’re back on the roof of my building.
I’m wondering once more where that first helicopter came from. None of us have found the answers to that. It wasn’t mentioned in any of the brief press releases the police chief issued earlier in the day. And I think we’re all hoping it will be made known by Monday night, just for curiosity’s sake. But maybe for legal reasons, too.
That said, my own reason for worrying about it is that it had directly targeted me. And now I’m standing on the place where it had done that, and I’m taking off my disguise.
Chapman got us up here through the lobby, the elevator, and the roof access, all without consulting property management. Of course.
Only Rhoda knows we’re up here, but she went to bed a while ago.
Since Chapman has obviously seen my naked human form, as sie had designed it based on what sie saw in the mirror before top surgery and hir queer makeover, I just take off my clothes and carefully fold them near the access hatch. And then I slip off the pendant, dropping it onto the roof in the process.
And stretch.
“Meg,” I say, like a cute cartoon animal voiced by an Angelina Joli impersonator.
“Oh, that’s a good thing to know how to say!” Chapman exclaims. “Your own name is important. OK.” Sie takes a gunfighter stance, with finger guns at hips, “You ready to be scanned?”
Sie had already just scanned me while I was disguised, and I didn’t feel a thing. This time I definitely feel the shift.
My sense of it is so discerning, I can pinpoint it to just behind Chapman’s sternum, right next to hir heart.
I’ve heard that people don’t perceive their center of consciousness to be in their head. They perceive it to be in or near their heart, and I wonder if Chapman’s one of them. But it’s not like I can scan hir.
“Theory supported!” Chapman declares. “You lay eggs, Meg. And you share that reproductive trait of those salamanders I was telling you about. It just remains to be seen what other dragons are like. Dammit, I love it when we all guess right, though.”
I lay eggs.
Chapman walks around to face me more directly from my front, which isn’t ever strictly necessary for me, since I can look anywhere, and then says, “Thank you for consenting to that. It was a really invasive procedure. That’s intimate personal knowledge, and I swear I’ll keep your personal information secret. When it comes to body and mind, as opposed to actions and situations, I like to keep my scans based on full informed consent, if I can.”
I cat smile and say, “Yes.”
“In an emergency, though, I will probably do what I need to do to keep everyone safe,” sie adds. “That’s also something you should be fully aware of.”
“Okay,” I say. 
That was a complex one to learn. My first two syllable word. But it seemed important and really useful. It does sound a little less human when I say it, though. What would be the velar plosive in a human, the “k” sound, has an extra kind of record scratch noise to it when I render it.
“Oh, you know just enough words now you could make a simple sentence. Have you tried that yet?” Chapman asks.
“No,” I say. Then I select a couple other words to try to say in succession, and manage, “Now. Yes.”
It doesn’t sound like a sentence to my ears, but I know it can be one.
My verbal vocabulary is at eleven words, and I’m thinking of more I wish I could say right now. But I’ve got my AAC, which is fine for longer conversations. And, once I have that keyboard and computer set up, I’m going to write so much. The words I chose to learn are the ones I thought would be most useful to say quickly in critical moments. Words that might bring another dragon up short, so that I can take the time to pull out my tablet.
I huff.
I’m starting to realize just how much of my time is spent communicating.
I mean, it’s mostly what humans do most of the time anyway. But when you’re used to doing that so easily that you take it for granted, it can be a shock to lose most of that ability all of a sudden. And, by the third day, just before Rhoda had pointed me toward that app, the novelty of playing charades as a dragon was wearing off and I was so ready for something more.
I mean, I was mostly used to sitting around my apartment or my old corner of the coffee shop without anyone talking to me, before. But I still talked way more easily than I do now.
And then, after Rhoda gave me that app, things just got so intense so quickly.
But the only way to get a handle on it all without getting more seriously hurt or captured was to talk. And, sometimes to talk as fast as possible while being so impaired.
I think I’ve been doing pretty well, but I’m tired.
And it’s been a long day of talking, too. And I spent so much of it disguised as human and uncomfortable about it.
I go back to my purse, which I took off with my clothes, and hold it up and look at Chapman. I probably should have tried leaving it around my neck, but I didn’t want to risk hurting it.
Chapman obliges and comes over to help me put it back on.
Then, I pull out my tablet and put it on the roof, then curl up with it in front of me and hit, “Thank you.”
“Past my bedtime too. You’re very welcome, of course,” Chapman says. Sie looks up at the stars for a while, then says, “Don’t change anything. Do your thing in the morning, when you normally would. Keep the routine. Let’s see how the city responds. And… dammit. We didn’t do anything about that gash! We just hid it under my magic.”
Through the dull ache and occasional sting of my wound, I am amused that Chapman finally referred to hir art as “magic”. Sie will never do that with humans around.
For some reason, though, I’m not really worried about it.
“It heal,” I say.
“Uh-uh,” Chapman says. “I’m going to work with Rhoda to come back with a vet for you. We should at least suture it. I’ll do it myself if I have to.”
“Okay,” I reply. Then lie my head down on my wing claws, loafing with my other four limbs, and say, “Go.”
“Have a good night,” Chapman says and heads for the hatch.
I smile.
Sie pauses before opening up the access, and turns and says, “I wanted to be funny and hit you with some song lyrics, but I can’t think of any.”
I lift my head.
I haven’t listened to music for the past seven days. I’ve heard music at the shop and Pooty’s, but I wasn’t listening. And I used to wear headphones all the time.
What changed?
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holylulusworld · 2 years
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Summary: Taken by an unknown enemy you face fear worse than death.
Pairing: Alpha!Winter Soldier x Omega!Reader
Square 10 filled for @anyfandomdarkbingo​: Free Space: Winter Soldier
Warnings: angst, language, hostage situation, scared reader, mentions of unwanted touching (no description/not winter soldier), a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics,  mentions of human trafficking 
A/N: I use some German words. For my story they brought her to a hideout in Germany. The winter soldier speaks German too. (it’s canon)
Thanks go to @dawn-petrichor-world​ for inspiring me with this ask
Prequel to Chains around your heart
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All you remember is the pain in your neck. The smell of your sweat and pee. And then, darkness.
There is no normal after the men dragged you out of your little life to bring you here.
Darkness. Fear. Loneliness. That’s all you got left.
There is no light. No hope. No life to live left.
You can only sit on the ground of a dirty and cold cell and await death. Or worse.
The men. The monsters taking you away speak a language you don’t understand. They yell orders at each other and laugh when they watch you cower in the furthest corner to hide from them.
Asset. Omega. No. These are the only words you understand. 
One of the alphas who captured you tried to touch you once. He had his hands all over you until two of the others dragged him off you. The men told him no.
You still shudder when the man enters the cell to throw dry bread at you. 
Most of the time you try to shut your mind off. It’s easier to pretend you are not there, at this horrid place. You don’t have the strength to cry any longer. It’s been weeks since they took you, and you are constantly living in fear.
Fear of death. Fear of what the men will do to you. Fear of what comes after they are done with you. Fear of an unknown future.
You heard about human trafficking more than once these days. “Essen [food],” you frown as one of the friendlier men steps toward the cell door. It’s the first time they brought you more than bread or a tasteless sandwich.
“What’s that?” you croak. It’s been a while since you did more than weep and sob. You haven’t spoken for weeks, and your voice sounds raspy and thin. “Why am I here?”
“EAT!” he unlocks the cell door and steps inside. “You’ll need the—” he furrows his brows, combing through his brain to find the right word. “Stärke [strength].”
“Strength,” you repeat as he shoves the tray with food toward you. The man leaves the cell and locks the door again. “Why am I here?” you try again but won’t get an answer.
He leaves you there, alone, and even more scared.
The tray is filled with freshly cooked food, chicken, and potatoes. You even got an apple and a bottle of water. 
Your hands tremble as you reach for the plastic fork. It feels like you are eating your last meal. Maybe you are already running out of time.
Whatever awaits you won’t be good. You just know it.
But there is nothing you can do about it.
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“Asset. Wir haben eine Überraschung für dich [We’ve got a surprise for you], one of the soldiers smirks at the asset. 
He huffs and drops his gaze.
It’s been a long mission and he’s just tired.
He killed a lot of people in the name of an organization enslaving him for centuries. Nothing will surprise him any longer.
There is only pain, blankness, and blood waiting for him.
“Du wirst sie lieben [You’ll love her.], another soldier chuckles. 
The man the world knows as the winter soldier steps toward the building that became his home for the last months. He grunts and follows the men inside.
For a moment he lifts his head and sniffs in all directions. His teeth grit and he feels blood rush to his lower half. He stiffens as something happens that he hasn’t experienced for years.
Suppressants and the constant use of drugs suppressed his ruts and his instinct. But today, he feels his alpha take over. The unadulterated and free creature rears its head as the winter soldier stops in his tracks.
He snarls and looks at the laughing men. It dawns on him that he’s even more trapped now.
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The soldier is not surprised when he enters the cell and finds you there.
He scented you from the moment he entered the building. His insides churn as he knows, Hydra found something making him even more compliant...his true mate.
Your head snaps upward when a man enters the cell. He wears black body armor, leather gloves, and a mask hiding his features from your view.
“I-alpha,” you jump up and stare in his direction. His scent is overwhelming, and you can barely think straight. 
He grits his teeth as you stumble toward the exit of the cell. You want to talk to the alpha and scent him, but he slams the open door shut, leaving you alone in the cold cell.
“No! Don’t go. Please. I need to know why I’m here…” He doesn’t look at you for now. He just can’t.
The alpha will come back later. In the dead of the night. He'll hold you in his arms to calm your shaking form or save you.
If only he can sneak out and get to you.
"I'll bring you out of here, 'mega. Soon..."
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leavethemtorot · 2 months
it is what it is (it's not the end of the world)
Yay! I've been able to write and finish something. Of course it's about cannibalism (my beloved)
⚠️Warnings:⚠️ Mentions and descriptions of cannibalism, themes of religious trauma, mentions of child abuse and neglect
You have been warned
Elias looked towards Cedar, unsure of how to proceed. He was finally being allowed off the boat. It had been a year since he had been rescued from the Righteous and the first time he was being allowed to roam outside alone. Well not alone, he had to still have someone with him, but he could choose who was with him! 
Elias had only ever lived in two areas, the Cathedrals and the Lost Revenge. Never really seeing the Isle or any other people than his family or the crew. Uma says he shouldn’t call them his family. That families don’t do what they did. He isn’t sure what to think about that but if Uma says so then he guesses it must be true. Uma was never wrong, Harry said so and Harry was the one who got him out of the Cathedrals and made sure he had food and an actual bed. It might just be a little cot but it's more than the single blanket he had then.
Cedar smiled, grabbing his hand to lead him to one of her favorite spots. Apparently it was nice and quiet. She had found it and told him and Gwen and Desiree all about it. Gwen wasn’t allowed off the ship without her dad and Desiree was busy with a new crew member so neither could come with them this time which is sad cause Cedar really wanted to show them the spot. She had said so last night, it was quiet and dark and they were supposed to be asleep which meant it was supposed to be a secret. Everything that happened when it was quiet, dark, and he was supposed to be asleep was supposed to be a secret. That was a Rule.
“Cedar! Elias! Wait!”
Jonas! Elias really liked Jonas. Sie was nice to him even when he had his fits. But wait Jonas was supposed to be in the kitchen because Desiree was busy. Why was he here?
“Cedar. Where is your spot again?” 
He had never heard Jonas sound like that before. It was mean and harsh and reminded him of his father. Why would sie sound like that? Sie has never sounded like that before. Had Cedar been bad? Elias didn’t wanna be bad again. It hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt.
“It’s near the woods. By the houses that no one goes in. I’m not hurting anyone there. No one lives there. I made sure Jonas! I’m not dumb!” Cedar’s voice kept raising, she didn’t like to be questioned.
Jonas looked over at Elias, seeing the fear enter his eyes and the tension laced through his body, ready to take a punishment, and took a deep breath. Quieting his voice, Jonas asked, “Is it past the houses marked with the C arrows?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Cedar, you can’t go over there.”
“Why not? It’s not anyone’s territory. I’m not encroaching or risking a gang war.”
“It is someone’s territory. The Cannibals territory. Your marks aren’t that visible. They will rip you from limb to limb and eat you whole. Don’t go over there. Unless you wanna be lunch. Do you wanna be lunch Cedar?”
Elias had heard about the cannibals. The Judge didn’t like them, he would go on and on about how sinful they were and how they should be exterminated. Hinrik used to threaten to feed him to them. Said that they loved little disobedient sinful girls the most. He didn’t wanna go near them. What if Hinrik was right and they could smell how bad he was? What if they would hunt him down if they learned just how bad he was? Elias didn’t wanna die. Not like that.
“No! I- I didn’t realize. Is that what the arrows mean?” Cedar’s voice got really quiet. He had never heard her sound like that.
“The fact that you don’t know that means you shouldn’t be going off ship. Go see if Gil has left today and have him reteach them.”
“No going off ship?” The quiet heartbreak and disappointment in Elias’s voice may not have been heard by Cedar who was busy stomping off but Jonas saw and heard every bit of it in him.
“We can go see if Maggie and Clay have disappeared yet?” Ser's voice was all soft like how it was when he first got here or after bad fits.
“No thank you. Maggie doesn’t like me very much and Clay…..Can I just help you in the kitchen?”
Jonas smiled.
“Sure kid. Come on, let’s go. Before Uma notices that I'm not in there.”
It might not be off ship but at least he won’t be alone. He didn’t like to be alone. And he rarely got to spend time with Jonas and he had never been in the kitchen before. So at least he was still getting to do something new. 
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ivy-meshle · 7 days
Tball discord is making me feel things. Plus the Territory Cup going the way it did is making me feel More things. Yuo know how it goes.
0 notes
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👁️ terror-a-ball
👁️ terror-a-ball
Okay does this work oh look it does thank you Gaza this is so much nicer how do I get it to stop tap it again oh okay thank
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👁️ terror-a-ball
Gaza helped me figure out speech to text no not Gaza Gaza no KH not G
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👁️ terror-a-ball
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👁️ terror-a-ball
Okay that worked Khaza just had to type her name a bunch so it knows I want to say Khaza and not the other one wait she doesn’t spell her pronouns like that she uses the other ones SIE and HIR not those
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👁️ terror-a-ball
I can’t do the typing thing again because both pronouns sound the same
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🍝 ay-yea-mannn
Don’t worry about it. I've got worse problems.
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👁️ terror-a-ball
Okay thank you I appreciate it
#ismd srill rryinf ti leRN TO RUPD
15 notes
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🍎 girl-on-her-phone
now i look stupid in front of hot girl. my life is over 😔
#i told her i’d crush her and then we lost two games in a row #im losing my mind
5 notes
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🍷 lipgloss-luvrr Follow based on your likes!
Hhhholy shit
#SHE JSUT POSTED HERE AND CALLED ME HOT #HOWDYA LIKE EM GRAPES WHISKEY?? #or howdya like em apples. since she’s an apple baron
7 notes
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🦢 guy-with-an-amulet
🍎 the-amulet
hey check out this cool new trick i learned *i try to do a backflip and kick you in the face before landing on my hip, fucking it up. we have to call corvid to drive us to urgent care because gunner is dead and teccie didnt inherit his driving ability*
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🦢 guy-with-an-amulet
you know this format is for stuff that didn't actually happen right
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🦢 guy-with-an-amulet
I mean haha yeah thats funny deb. thatd be crazy.
#don't look at me #don't even talk to me #no i didnt get a concussion im just a silly little guy
103 notes
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🐝 whiskey-tango-and-a-fox
ok my bad i did not realize how NERD rolls.
#i thought for sure the girl who was dating(?) the guy the fans killed would not be looking for a new so yet #but what do i know i guess
2 notes
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🌌 ivy-meshle
my dash is looking wild after those games
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tillthereweretangents · 3 months
Paul and Icke (part 7 of N)
There are a couple more bonus moments coming soon, but, as far as the timeline goes, this is the end of the Paul and Icke saga.
As you'll read below, Icke and Paul saw each other one more time. Though, they're both still alive, so maybe that will change at some point in the near future.
It was almost twice, or more, but Icke was self conscious that Paul wouldn't remember him.
I myself had two more opportunities to meet Paul McCartney. The first time was in Scotland in 1988. I had long been married to Uta and she was pregnant with our first child. The car we had brought along was a Renault, a fairly long car, where we were transporting a canoe which wouldn’t fold, so it didn’t look very elegant. We had came to a town called Campbelltown, to meet our friend Mary who we had worked with at Amnesty international in Jagerberg . Mary remembered visiting us and seeing a picture of Paul, and told us that her mother had worked for him, at his estate which was not far from here. I said to Uta; ‘come on, let’s go and drive to see him’. But she did not want to go, so therefore I drove there alone. On the way, I had a rethink about what I was actually doing. The estate was guaranteed to be a tourist attraction for journalists and fans, so Paul would likely always have bodyguards on duty. If I were to arrive in my completely filthy Renault with a monster of a canoe on the roof, I wouldn’t stand a chance to get past the bodyguards. They would think that a lousy jerk was coming, who has no reason to be here. That I was once a friend of the famous Paul McCartney, they simply wouldn’t believe. The estate was quite a way away, but I stopped the car and really thought this through - should I carry on with this adventure, or would it be best to simply turn around and just go home. The humiliation that I could be turned around and sent away… I would never get over . For a while I fought with this, backward and forward, then I turned the car around and drove back at a snails pace. So the last opportunity where I met Paul was in 1991 at the world premiere of Get Back*, directed by Richard Lester. After the press conference, I met him and his wife Linda in a room at the back of the cinema. In the room with me was Astrid Kircherr, Ulf Kruger and Achim Reichel and his wife, who had won a place at this meeting in a competition. During our chat, I mentioned my adventure in Scotland. Even though it was embarrassing to talk about this in front of people, I told Paul that I had planned to visit him, and that I was fearful of the consequences, didn’t trust my courage enough and therefore turned around. He said, “Oh for Gods sake Icke, that’s such a shame. I would have found it amazing if you had actually visited me”. It sounded like he really meant it. I’m still angry at myself over this, sometimes I’m too much of a doofus for this world.
* Get Back (1991) is a concert film documenting Paul's world tour in 1989/1990
Original german
Ich selbst hatte noch zwei Gelegenheiten, Paul McCartney zu treffen. Das erste Mal in Schottland, im Jahr 1988. Ich war schon lange mit Jutta verheiratet und sie war schwanger mit Lena. Unser Auto war ein Renault R 18, ein ziemlich langes Auto, auf dem wir ein Faltboot transportierten, das sich nicht mehr falten ließ. Das sah nicht sehr elegant aus, aber in der Beziehung waren wir uneitel. Wir kamen in eine Stadt namens Campbelltown, wo wir Mary besuchen wollten. Mit ihr hatten wir in Lütjenburg bei Amnestie International zusammengearbeitet. Mary sagte, wir hatten mal eine Sitzung bei euch in Jägerberg, wo ich ein Foto von Paul McCartney gesehen habe. Meine Mutter arbeitet bei ihm, er wohnt nicht weit von hier auf einer riesigen Gutshof. - Ich sagte zu Jutta, komm, da fahren wir mal hin. - Aber sie hatte keine Lust, und deshalb setzte ich mich allein ins Auto. Unterwegs machte ich mir erst richtig klar, was ich da eigentlich vorhatte. Der Gutshof wurde unter Garantie von vielen Touristen, Journalisten und Fans heimgesucht, deshalb war zu erwarten, dass Paul einige Bodygards aufgestellt hatte. Wenn ich da in meinem total verdreckten Renault mit diesem Monstrum auf dem Dach auftauchen würde, hätte ich doch keine Chance, an den Bodygards vorbeizukommen. Die würden denken, da kommt ein verlauster Penner, der hat hier überhaupt nichts zu suchen. Dass ich mit dem berühmten Paul McCartney mal befreundet war, würden die mir niemals abnehmen. Der Gutshof war noch gar nicht zu sehen, da hielt ich schon an und überlegte, ob ich mich tatsächlich auf die Geschichte einlassen sollte. Oder ob es nicht besser war, einfach umzukehren. Die Demütigung, abgewiesen und wegge. schickt zu werden, würde ich nicht überleben. Eine Weile kämpfte ich noch mit mir, war ich hin- und hergerissen, dann wendete ich den Wagen und fuhr im Schneckentempo wieder zurück. Die letzte Gelegenheit, bei der ich Paul traf, war 1991 die erwähnte Weltpremiere des Films Get back von Richard Leister. Nach der Pressekonferenz traf ich mich mit ihm und seiner Frau Linda in einem Hinterzimmer des Hamburger Passage-Kinos. Mit dabei waren außerdem Astrid Kirchherr, Ulf Krüger, Achim Reichel sowie eine Frau, die das Treffen in einem Preisausschreiben gewonnen hatte. In unserem Gespräch kamen wir irgendwann auch auf das Erlebnis in Schottland zu sprechen. Obwohl es mir vor dieser Gesellschaft etwas peinlich war, erzählte ich Paul, wie ich geplant hatte, ihn auf seinem schottischen Gutshof zu besuchen, und dann aus Angst vor der eigenen Courage wieder umgekehrt war. Er sagte, Mensch Icke, das finde ich richtig schade, ich hätte es doch absolut toll gefunden, wenn du mich besucht hättest. Das klang so, als ob er es ehrlich meinte. Deshalb ärgerte ich mich jetzt nochmal über mich selbst. Manchmal bin ich einfach zu doof für die Welt.
Thanks as always to the wonderful @didwemeetsomewherebefore and her mum for the translation of Icke's autobiography.
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thepictureofjune · 6 months
Noah Temel: a hero in need of savior
— how a seemingly unfit song tells us everything we need to know about the boy that cried in an abandoned bed
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Schloss Einstein spielt Nice to Meet Ya am Anfang des neuen Schuljahres, 99 Luftballons auf Joshis Geburtstag und Until I Found You wahrscheinlich, wenn sich zwei Charaktere endlich finden und verlieben. Sprich, das Team scheint sich also zumindest minimale Gedanken zu machen, welche Songs sie in welchen Szenen spielen. Aber wenn man sich das erste Mal die Lyrics zu “Hero” anschaut, macht der Song in der Colin Abgangs und Noahs Breakdown Szene wohl absolut gar keinen Sinn. Zumindest nicht, wenn man nicht wieder zu viel rein interpretiert. Und genau das machen wir einfach mal. 
Ich hab irgendwie zwei Wege gefunden, das Lied mit den Szenen für mich zu interpretieren, also präsentiere ich einfach mal beide (siehe den hoffentlichen post nach diesem, für die zweite Version). Falls irgendwer andere Interpretationsmöglichkeiten hat, please do share!! 
“He never ever saw it coming at all”
The song starts the way the story of Noah and Colin ends, with Noah not having seen coming that Colin would leave, that it has never been an option before. It is as surprising to us as it is to Noah that Colin is actually serious about having packed all of his bags and booking a ticket out of here. Even if Noah clearly told Colin to go, he never saw it coming that he actually would. 
We can see this after Colin has already left and Noah is crying in an abandoned bed because suddenly it all becomes real that there is nothing left of his friend. He seems ignorant and uncaring when Joel first approaches him but then literally minutes later, realization seems to hit that this is now officially over. And Noah didn’t see it coming. 
“It’s alright, it’s alright, it’s alright.” 
But it is alright, no? So what if Colin leaves, what if he actually never comes back, what is it to Noah? Colin was just one other person in his life and it wasn’t like they knew each other for long. Surely Colin leaving would not affect Noah much, surely it wouldn’t hurt. He assures himself in his mind, that everything will be alright. 
“Hey open wide, here comes original sin.”
Original Sin in Christianity is a term used for something that happens unfairly to the people, that people are born with and therefore, have no control over. Because Noah prides himself with thinking that everything is alright when it isn’t because he gets to firsthand experience that Colin leaving is not alright and it’s unfair that it was Noah's own pride that pushed him to leave. Noah is widely met with the impact of Colin leaving, even if it was supposed to be alright, even if it was supposed to not matter. It is just something that happens to him, the sadness and the guilt that comes with it all. 
The second “It’s alright”
The singer sings it with a somewhat different tune. It sounds more doubtful. Because maybe after all, Noah slowly starts to realize that it actually isn’t alright. Because now the feeling of indescribable sadness has hit him and he can’t help but cry. This is one of the few times Noah has absolutely no control over his feelings. The first time being when he screamed at Colin that he wouldn’t care if he left. Because Noah has probably learned to keep his emotions in check but there comes times where it all breaks down; where he breaks down. And we get to see that point in this scene, we get to see when it stops being alright even if he tries to convince himself that it is. 
“No one’s got it all”
This is when realization starts to hit. Perhaps love was never meant for Noah. Perhaps love was just always one of those things Noah convinced himself he will never have. Only now, that realization hurts but it’s just the way it’s supposed to be because after all, he cannot have everything. Perhaps there once was a moment when Noah thought that after everything, love was something he did deserve because how come Colin could love him despite all the rejections? But then he leaves and that feeling is gone again because perhaps Noah was just never meant for love, perhaps some people just aren’t and they have no control over it. 
“And the T.Vs try to r*pe us and I guess they’re succeeding”
The TV, the media and everything on it is trying to destroy us because what we see most on the TV or in the media, what we grow up as children is mostly romance. It’s the most popular media genre, the most generic, the most accessible because it exists for everyone. This love and the portrayal of it is trying to destroy Noah. Why? Because it convinces him that he is worthy of it. Love is always on TV, it is always accessible and it is mostly happy but Noah didn’t grow up with that happy love. 
“Now we’re going to these meetings but we’re not doin’ any meetin’. And we’re trying to be faithful but we’re cheatin’, cheatin’, cheatin’.” 
Noah's parents separated, we know that and we know that it has somewhat of a huge impact on him because even if he grew up on happy love in the media, it wasn’t what was shown to him in real life. The repetition of “cheating” and the word in the song growing more and more quiet, sounding more defeated with each time said, could also connect to the fact that Noah has just really truly given up now. 
He lays in a bed that isn’t his, that’s supposed to belong to the boy that likes him, the boy that made him feel normal and he doesn’t feel normal at all. He doesn’t feel welcome, he doesn’t feel happy, he is right back where he started; being pushed away to a place he never wanted to be in because of what his parents did. Because it’s no use. He had happiness and he had a friend and still, he lost it. Noah tried to pretend everything was normal, was alright only for it to break down on him. 
“I’m the hero of the story, don’t need to be saved.” 
Another popular trope in the media and on TV is the story of the hero, as well as the story of the damsel. It’s always the hurt one that gets saved, always the sad one that needs help and Noah realizes he is sad and something within him is broken because of everything that has happened to him but he doesn’t want anything to do with it. He doesn’t want to confront the part of him that is in distress because he has convinced himself that he is the Hero of the story and the Hero is never the one to be saved. Noah doesn’t need anything. He doesn’t want anything. But still, the line repeats four times, followed by “It’s alright. No one’s got it all.” because maybe, even if he has convinced himself he doesn’t need love, that there is nothing wrong if he does not have love in his life, maybe, after all, it is what he wants. 
Because he does cry in Colins bed, in the bed of the boy that tried to help him, tried to perhaps even save him, and that has to mean something, right?
see here: the nolin way of interpreting the song
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if i tell you you are not ready for this interview.
my translation. my commentary is highlighted.
interviewee: ilan stephani who has her own website describing her as a “best selling author”. she worked as a prostitute for 2 years in a brothel and successfully finished her college education. she is a “body coach” now.
„Men are doing terrible sexually”
Ilan Stephani worked in a Berlin brothel for two years. She describes her experiences in her new book.
Miss Stephani, you walked to the prostitution organization Hydra with some friends for a consultation: You wanted to become a prostitute. What did you hope for with this profession?
IS: I didn’t want to become a boring college student. I wanted intense contact. I didn’t have good experiences: My first boyfriend cheated on me with such self-confidence it made me feel the question of power in sex. I wanted to gain social and sexual sovereignty. As a daughter from a good home, I learned how to fluently deal with different people. Those are qualities that were suddenly honored in prostitution. That totally flashed me.
she was emotionally traumatized from her cheating ex-partner and thought prostitution was a fun new adventure. this gave her some wicked sense of control. you can hear the classism from this privileged and educated woman when she calls herself a “daughter from a good home”. off to a good start.
Is that a hunger for life?
IS: Yes. And this is the thing for all men who go to a brothel: I’m hungry for life. And they think a man needs sex for that, which is of course bullshit. Men just learn that they have to experience life like this now. But contact with a smiling person is what enlivens us.
yes girl im sure these men come to you for your smile and because they are “hungry for life” and not because they want to get off in a woman. be for real.
Even though it’s a paid and fake smile?
IS: Yes, people can ignore that really easily.
she admits here that sex buyers know any joy and enthusiasm is fake and simply ignore it to proceed with sex acts. and yet she feels sorry for them.
And that you have sex with men who you don’t desire at all, that didn’t make you hesitate?
IS: It did. But you often have sex in a loving relationship without loving or wanting the other in that moment. That’s more about a feeling of obligation. There is a smaller difference to prostitution than you think. I’ve been working as a body therapist with women for seven years, and they all basically did for free what I was paid for. I had already experimented with anonymous sex. I went to a swinger club and already knew this normalcy and openness. And I was excited for this new social challenge.
so the two options for women are to have sex out of obligation or for payment? girl. also you are generally attracted to your partner, just don't want sex sometimes. in a healthy relationship you would not feel obligated. this was an experiment to her – she is making a mockery out of women who are in prostitution out of financial necessity. i wish she had just stuck to anonymous sex in swinger clubs.
What social challenge do you mean?
IS: All this performance art: For example, you take the money very discreetly, so nobody realizes that a payment has been made. I play that I have to moan exactly now and at the same time I take care that the towel doesn’t move from underneath me. And randomly, after half an hour, our wonderful encounter takes a natural end – and maybe the people also told me some secrets. They talk to prostitutes as if we signed a non-disclosure agreement. I had control the whole time. And usually, the world does not wait for little female students. But these men waited for me.
very normal for a supposed service to pay secretly to keep up an illusion of not actually being a service. it’s true, playing sexual pleasure is a challenge. not something that should be expected of women but okay i guess we’re admitting that prostitution is reproducing misogyny. the last two sentences make it very obvious that her self-esteem is completely dependent on men. another thing i noticed is that she says “people” when in the rest she talks about men. this is a common tactic to obfuscate the reality that prostitution is mostly women serving men.
You worked in a small, female-led brothel, with excellent working conditions. Still: You told the boys they are amazing at satisfying women, even when many can’t really. If I’m being strict here, you supported phallic culture.
calling sex buyers “boys”. nice infantilization to make them seem harmless. otherwise good question that makes it clear that prostitution is inherently anti-feminist.
IS: Yes. Prostitution stabilizes this culture. But as a prostitute, I don’t participate in the patriarchal elevation of the erection. Men fail in phallic culture, that is their problem. They are supposed to have an erect penis, and then it’s flaccid. What do you think, how nervous they often are, when they think they have to bring it now. I hear: “Please release me from the pressure to have to meet these standards.” And I say: “It doesn’t matter whether you have an erection or not. It’s not important. You are alright.” But of course in the end you are right: Women have always validated men under patriarchy and made them feel good.
“yes prostitution supports the patriarchy but -” not interested in what you have to say. take the L. the way she extends so much empathy to sex buyers. i guarantee you they don’t give a fuck and don't think about women and especially prostituted women any further than how fuckable we are. way to reproduce traditional gender roles: the woman as caring, empathetic, taking men’s feelings into account and defending them whatever they do. women telling men they are good enough when they really aren’t. women putting their own desires aside to help and teach men. and yet they will go home and still not know how to satisfy a woman because they pay you to lie to them. but hey she is sooooo self-aware.
That didn’t bother you?
IS: Little. I felt sorry for them. Men are doing terrible sexually in this society. Worse than women, because unlike women they don’t know what they lack. If cumming in women who pretend for them is the highlight of their sex life – how sad is that? The brothel is just one symptom of this poor sex we have.
men are doing so terribly sexually that they can legally buy sex. what is this woman on. this is almost bordering on men’s rights activism. poor men who have orgasms all the time while women have to pretend. maybe the sex wouldn’t be “poor” if men didn’t see women as a means to an end, their own orgasm. but sure you can frame it like her i guess.
What is poor sex – and what is rich sex?
IS: The poverty is that we desperately yearn to touch each other and make each other happy. And we don’t succeed. Women fake orgasms, that is not just a funny topic for the boulevard press. That is a failed communication every time. And men say: The things you like are so boring they make me fall asleep, I need something better. There are so many false expectations. The penis has to enter the vagina, that is such a strict idea about sexuality. And all this in a romantic relationship between two people. Hollywood and the porn industry have commercialized this. And these false pictures cause sexual abuse, sexual trauma for women. And that’s all the fault of the sex we have.
wow, they managed to talk about poverty – but not the impoverished women who are the majority in prostitution and don’t have the privilege to make intellectual considerations about poor little sex buyer meow meows because they have to deal with the abuse. men yearn to make women happy? i have to laugh. and prostitution is helping here how? by teaching men healthy boundaries and communication? again, i have to laugh. she extends no empathy to women or these men’s partners, only to the men who probably cheated on them with her – most sex buyers are not single. and “the penis has to enter the vagina” is literally 90% of prostitution. again, what is she on. so hollywood and the porn industry are evil but prostitution is not? god, please let brains fall from the sky. some people need them.
Now you could say: Kismet [destiny], our sex has become like this, now we have to work through it. You think something else is possible. What would that be?
IS: Good sex has to be freed from definitions that stress us. Thoughts like “sex is only good with an erection”, that’s stressful. We don’t know how to protect our sexuality from these definitions. For example, I discovered slow sex. We laid together for hours, a relaxed and unerected penis in a relaxed vagina. Nothing happened for a long time – except my leg went numb and my boyfriend’s back hurt. But after a few tries, something happened, and it was better than anything we ever experienced. We sensitized our genitalia again. I had my first vaginal orgasm. Yes, dear previous sex partners, the first!
not her talking about “protecting our sexuality”. i don’t even know what to say anymore. prostitution is all about penetration and defining sex to make it a service. she experiments with her partner but sex buyers can’t do that? and she proudly proclaims that none of her sexual partners had made her cum before (at least vaginally). this is such a mess. and now this banger:
Was that the point where you exited prostitution?
IS: Yes. I got bored before that though. And then I went to a workshop, where a group of women was supposed to find our G spot. I was pretty numb vaginally. At first it was funny because we were fingering around in each other with latex gloves, at some point your fingers start to cramp. Well, in the end we found it, and it was such a fluent and ecstatic experience! After that I stayed in the brothel for three weeks. And then I opened my eyes one day and thought: I’m not going there anymore. I was finished with it.
she never even experienced an orgasm before entering prostitution... literally completely unexperienced. and when she realized she could actually feel pleasure and wasn’t merely there to satisfy men she used her privilege to exit prostitution. and because she got “bored”. again, this is a fucking mess. and now she is some sort of body therapist for other women and profits from having been prostituted because everyone fucking loves these stories no matter what the background is. these narratives are extremely harmful to marginalized women in prostitution and play right into men’s hands. why are we not talking more about how a vaginally numb and sexually repressed woman whose partners never bothered enough to make her orgasm entered prostitution and how this is not a good thing? i fucking hate this newspaper because they are so uncritical.
Your bad experiences did not play a role?
IS: Not directly. I only realized later on that prostitution traumatized me. I had one customer who violently had sex with me. He was a smart sadist. A polite, friendly man. But then suddenly he just did what he wanted, touched me brutally and fucked me violently. He didn’t want consent. It was rape, even though it was not rape legally, because I did not say no. He showed me how I’m not able to set boundaries, because I was not prepared for something like this. I think that no woman is prepared for that because we are raised to be these smiling, nice girls.
how is she so aware but so wilfully ignorant at the same time. the cognitive dissonance is insane.
The infamous “she didn’t defend herself”.
IS: Yes. I work a lot with women who say: No, that was not rape, it was in my relationship and I didn’t say no. And I know exactly why she didn’t say no.
IS: Because we are the smiling girls. Because we are cuter when we cry silently than when we are angry. Our instinct that could prevent traumatization is repressed. The protective instinct: Set boundaries, say no, defend your boundaries. And there is no Yes if you are not able to say No. If we taught girls to say no, before we teach them to wear G-strings, we would reach sexual paradise. Because men would have to progress.
no words.
Don’t we try already?
Do we? I see women who are extremely scared. They’re scared that they won’t have sex anymore if they say no. That the man leaves. And they think, their only turn-on is to be “fucked hard”, to be a vessel. Women don’t know their own strength. Women’s bodies are not inferior to men’s bodies. That is a patriarchal lie. I’m pro sexual feminism. And that’s why I don’t work in prostitution anymore. I can do a lot better things with my sexual power than to say: “I’m your vessel today”.
the only thing that i can get behind in this whole mess. she is not even wrong about some things but the way she frames everything completely releases men from any accountability and she doesn't attack the system prostitution at all, she says the brothel is a symptom of boring sex and not like, woman-hate. and these are the voices that are the loudest in the german debate on prostitution.
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luv-sie · 2 years
—naughty list!
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Some short bluelock Christmas headcanons (lowk gave up)
KAISER is #1 on the naughty list, partially for being so engrossed with himself (narcissist)..and also..for annoying Isagi, he gets coal for Christmas.
He thinks that Christmas traditions are stupid so he did not bother to write a wishlist to Santa. After all, he could have anything he wants with just a bit of cash on the table.
NESS #2 on the list, gets a Grinch costume (and coal) so he can steal Isagi's Christmas (happiness) away.
He did in fact write a wishlist but all his sentences align with Kaiser's happiness..
REO #3 because he is rich and did you see how he treated Agi 😒😒
He didn't bother to write a list either because he finds it childish, a simple visit to a shrine would do for him. Receives coal. (Eat the rich)
SHIDOU #4, it's an accomplishment! with the way he acts he could've ended up as #1 (I'm biassed).
He receives a chunk of coal and what he wished for; manga and ..meat (possibly)
SAE #6, HOW COULD HE DO THAT TO RIN 😡😡 Receives a heap of coal. He does not write a wishlist (finds it stupid), he is rich.
RIN #7, he fr told Isagi to off himself, doesn't receive coal but my heart instead!! He wishes for Sae to vanish and his family's happiness.
YUKIMIYA #8, just because.
ISAGI #9, he's evil on pitch but nice off pitch, he did not wish for materialistic items but for the happiness of his parents and his success.
NAGI #10, wishes for games, Reo fulfils his wishes and he also gets coal for the things he said.
Tbh I feel like all of them would get coal, they're so wild on pitch.. even Ego would rank higher on the good list😒
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©️luv-sie, do not plagiarize or repost!
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