#even better yet if it's some serious work and i can see a reference to our culture
a-little-lostmoon · 2 months
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some LU headshots in my style for personal reference. subject to change bc drawing consistently is a bitch but overall i think i’m happy w them! (ignore the comic/writing idea in the upper right corner it may or may not be made into a full think idk yet—)
typed notes for each lu member + a little extra below cut
oval eyes
rounder oval ((ish)) face
amber earrings
healed scarring
i tried to reference the boys’ canonical character models to individualize their features more. i love botw and totk sm but personally i’m not the hugest fan of the way the characters look for it? even so, i think the rounder sort of eye shape works really well for my wild
his colors specifically i drew to be a bit more sunset kissed/orangeish bc i was referencing a wild photo in which the time was sunset. thats abt it. but i think it’s really pretty on him so i’m probably just keeping that whenever i draw wild
cheek bones/jawline
rounder ears
pointy eyes ((eyeliner that could stab a person))
cheek scar bc i felt like it
i stole away some of wars’ side fringes, forgive me i couldn’t decide whether i wanted them to cover up his jawline and chickened out. if anyone actually read the comic thing you’ll see smth abt the old man and wars talking abt how his hair parted to the other side of his face during the war. i made it to ‘vent my frustrations’ bc i drew his hair part referencing HW photos of link instead of LU wars and it’s now become my headcanon.
his hair color is vivid bc HW color pallet is pretty damn vivid and his eyes & earrings are a deeper blue to match his scarf. color coordination!
anw he’s a pretty boy so i made him pretty — that’s pretty much the rest i have to say abt that
tired eyes
longest ears
(slight) rbf
both time & legend have half circle/oval eyes ((kind of. at least that’s what i tried to go for to give them a more worn/serious look))
i’m not the best with differentiating ages. i tried to make him look a bit more worn/oldest but i also wanted all of them to still carry some of that classic pretty boy link look. don’t have much else to say but he has the longest/angular ears bc fairy boy. let’s pretend four’s don’t look longer than his i drew him later and forgot
<-takes more features from malon ((who i haven’t drawn yet so you don’t have any reference on that))
pretty boy face (wasn’t intentional but it is what it is)
twilight princess link is v pretty. twilights usually one of the more rugged (for lack of a better term) looking ones bc he’s among the taller ones/apart of the “adult” squad but i accidentally made him very pretty looking. oops. don’t know if that will remain consistent for him if i draw him more so we shall see
him and time share less features than i might’ve wanted? you can see a bit of time’s jaw in the way his face curves but overall they don’t share many features. again, he takes more after malon. but their hair textures are incredibly similar if that means anything
gave him jade studs bc they reminded him of midna and are practical enough that he can just keep them in the whole time (bc he will lose them or forget abt them if he takes them off)
rounder face
big eyes
big ears
his hair color was a bitch to get right im not sorry i had to say it color is so hard to work with. in any case! skyward sword link has bigger looking eyes cus of the style and i just ran w that. his earrings are magenta to match sun’s dress but look red when the light catches them right (or wrong ig bc they look red in dim light too) just bc i realized his earrings were red to match his outfit/crimson.
sky and the next three (everyone sans wind) probly look the least off their character models
oval iris
full rbf
multiple piercings ((this is important for u to know))
longer narrow face & features
boy’s a strawberry blond bc i said so. and also legend purple eyes propaganda. i don’t know where exactly that originated but like i love it and im on board. he also has purple stud earrings he always keeps in — curious, isn’t it. he probably has more than i gave him but well, thats all i gave him. it gets the picture across. hc that legend realized he couldn’t get more fingers for his rings but he could get more piercings that could handle jewelry that did almost exactly the same thing. practicality!
also i couldn’t decide on legend’s hair length. its all hidden by that hat of his so i just… didn’t draw the back half portion of his hair. does that make my legend bald at the back of his head? you decide.
wide face narrow chin
bigger earlobes
the earlobes is me projecting /hj but i tried to reference the og link’s face shape for him which idk if i like yet. he has freckles and more accent colors in his hair and eyes which is a subtle thing but a sorta maybe reference to his fairy magic. no piercings for him! i forgot them/didnt see them on og link and can’t really imagine when hyrule would ever get the time to pierce them so he and wind can do that together eventually to bond. legend will do it probly — he obviously has the experience and wild can’t be trusted (offered to pierce winds ears with a knife canonically)
big eyes
void eyes
big ears but rounder than skys
soft face
fluffy hair
wind’s 100 yard stare *does* things to the chain but none of them tell him that because he’d definitely use it to freak people out. i couldnt decide between going lighter sun bleached hair wind or bright blinding yellow toon link hair so i kind of meshed them together to create that. tried to make him the youngest looking
symmetrical angles ((and then i drew a polygon quadrilateral bc thats the shape i used as a reference)) for cheeks and eyes
minish feather ((earring))
minish ears & nose
hime bangs
yk the picture of a minish that comes up when googled? thats what i used as a reference for his features. ears specifically, nose somewhat. four’s eyes are usually the greyish hazel color you get from mixing all of their colors together but i liked the split look for this piece more. his hair color is also wind’s but inverted so wind’s lights are four’s highlights and his darks make up the brunt of the base color as a slight reference to how it’s occasionally theorized/hc that wind is four’s descendant.
and the hime bangs were bc i wanted a little more “link side fringe” variation and i thought the sort of straight cut looked nice. hime bangs are not the right term tho bc he parts them to the side and doesn’t have that straight cut on his forehead but i’m too lazy to fight the correct term
— thank u for reading, go hydrate and eat if you have not <3
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vigilskeep · 3 months
a couple fairly spoiler-free notes, in no particular order, on neve gallus in her short story, the streets of minrathous, in tevinter nights
the story is by brianne battye, who wrote cullen for dai. we don’t have confirmation yet on who wrote neve for veilguard, but battye isn’t spoken for. lucanis’ writer didn’t write his tevinter nights story, but emmrich’s writer did write the one emmrich appears in. could go either way
it’s written in first-person, and there’s a lot of neve’s apparent sharp, no-nonsense personality in the blunt, fast-paced writing style. she’s got a fair few sarcastic retorts in the classic way of a private eye, but she’s also capable of holding them back when the situation calls for it. she’s a very archetypical detective in a lot of ways, working on her own, answering to no-one, and relying on street contacts for information
neve’s narration briefly refers to the herald as “the “glorious” inquisitor”, with those quotation marks on glorious. while she’s clearly opposed to the venatori and all they stand for, she might not exactly see the inquisition and our previous hero with rose-tinted glasses
she can summon mist for stealth purposes. she can’t truly stop serious bleeding from a deadly injury, but she can numb pain from it and later manages a smaller one of her own: “i’m not a healer, but i can patch up a wound well enough. i slowed the blood flow, tore off the sleeve of my blouse, and wrapped the wound as best i could.” she can hold people in place with air or pin them with ice. she can create ice crystals in the air and throw them. she can slow the air around someone as they move to throw off their momentum. she can blast someone off their feet with a gust of wind. she can use a frost slick to topple people. she’s not bad in a straight up fistfight
a rich man is not the usual crowd she takes jobs from, and she lives in a very different part of town to his manor, instead renting a room from a “third-rate bookseller”. at a house belonging to an ancient mage lineage, she says, “my family has more templars than mages. i’m sure that says a lot about me. the point is, i’m not from an old family and i felt as at home in [a wealthy mage’s house] as jahvis looked.”
neve finds tevinter’s templars, who in the story mostly fulfil the role of a police force, a “usual annoyance” in her life. she used to take jobs assisting them, but avoids it now she can get other work on her own, even though the templars pay better. she says that this is not because they have too many rules for her, though she does repeatedly express irritation at those, but because there are some templars who really do want to “try”, yet “too many times out of ten, it’s the wrong coin in the right hands that makes [them] stop”
she wants to go home and sleep for basically the entire story, but she repeatedly ignores it because far more than that, she wants to finish anything she starts and find closure to a mystery, even if she’s no longer being employed by anyone and she’s being actively told to keep out of it from now on. she goes out of her way for no reward to bring that closure, as much as she can find, to the person who is no longer employing her
fried fish from a specific market stall—“salty, piping hot, and perfect as always”—is a very regular favourite of hers, with the gruff stall owner convinced she’d starve otherwise. she seems somewhat more distressed by losing her fish dinner than when she witnessed a murder
her prosthetic leg is especially survivable because it’s dwarven crafted
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ymechi · 7 months
Who is the real Creator?
Hello! I have a bit of an announcement to make I don't think everyone has seen the previous post but an anon asked me if I will continue the series and to be honest I don't think I will. This series was made on a whim and was really fun to write except I hit a roadblock. I am unsure where to continue with this I feel like I have written enough and not sure where to go from here story wise, that is why I decided to discontinue the story. Thank you everyone who commented and liked I enjoyed seeing your guys reactions. For now this is the last chapter. If I ever decide to continue this or make a new series I look forward to seeing you guys there!
-TW: cult au, yandere, impostor au, mentions of being hunted down, mentions of trauma, self harm (nothing major), OOC character
-Gn reader and darling (please tell me if I mess this up message me and I will fix it)
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, this is part 6
The beat of their heart was as loud as a drum. Reader could even feel their head vibrate in tandem with the marching drums they had heard before when they were younger. Their vision felt blurry and their head was light. The fading sun outside the windows caught their eye. Reader felt nauseous.
They were such a coward they had left Nahida and Wanderer to clean up after them as they ran away. Reader wanted to help her not add more trouble yet here they were weak and unable to speak.
Distantly they heard a gasp.
"Reader! Are you okay? Oh no- Traveller come quick!"
Two blurry figures came closer to Reader. They idly noted one of the figures was floating. . . Ohh, it was Paimon and Aether.
Seeing the two somehow calmed them down and they tried to take deep breaths. With a calmer and clearer mind, they noticed that both stared at Reader with worried expressions.
Reader gave a wry smile.
"Hi Paimon, hi Traveller."
The two said nothing staring at Reader and then at each other coming to an agreement of some sort.
"Paimon thinks you should sit down first," she said, trailing off and looking down.
Reader also noticed Aether was looking down as well to the side, it was then it dawned on Reader they were looking at their sliced palm. They subconsciously tried to hide it but stopped midway bringing it forward towards the duo.
"I guess you two were also summoned but were late haha," they said with a flat laugh.
Traveler continued to look at them with a worried frown and Paimon who usually had a positive expression looked even more worried. Reader's wry smile seemed not to work sadly.
"P-Paimon is still not sure what is going on but Paimon thinks you should sit down first. . ."
"I agree let's get you somewhere to rest first."
Aether reached his hand out as an invite and Reader felt too weak to reject him. He took their hand and guided them further down the hall towards a seating area where guests could sit. There Reader was able to sit down and calm down.
"Thanks, I do feel better."
Aether smiled and nodded while Paimon's eyes sifted from looking at them and then at a wall.
"Uhm- so Paimon has been wondering. . ."
It was obvious what she was referring to. They held the sliced palm with the other hand almost cradling it.
"Sorry, I did not mean to keep it from you guys. . . I just found out recently as well, I-I hope you are not mad."
"What! Why would we be mad? You are the creator- Oh no should we bow?" Paimon said looking at Reader then around as if someone would pop up and admonish her.
Traveler shook his head at his companion's antics and gave Reader a sad smile.
"I hope you can forgive out-"
"Oh no stop there!"
Reader jumped out quickly from their seat causing the duo to step back (the other to float back) in shock. Reader stepped forward and looked at them with a serious expression.
"I don't care if I am some creator or whatever and I don't care about that formal shit, especially when you two are my friends!"
Reader was not sure where this outburst came from. Was it because of the stressful day? Was it having to see people you did not like or was it because of having to watch Wanderer act subservient for so long?
"So no your grace or bowing!"
The two still looked aback. Suddenly Reader felt embarrassed shouting at them when they were concerned about her.
"W-well uhm, sorry, yeah I should not have shouted. . ."
Reader wrung their hands together but stopped when they noticed the sliced palm. They looked down at their shoes.
"Paimon. . . Paimon thinks of you as a friend too," she said and her cheeks turned red.
Reader smiled at her and Traveller sighed but gave the floating girl a smile.
"If that is what you wish for then who are we to say no?"
He sounded a tad bit too formal for Reader but it would have to do for now.
"None of that now, how have the two of you been?"
Paimon opened her mouth about to answer Reader's question but she was interrupted unexpectedly.
"Your Grace-"
Reader's heart skipped a beat and not the good kind. The calm they experienced before was gone and their body froze again. The one who spoke was unmistakably the retired geo Archon. He looked frazzled and looked at Reader in a way they could not decipher.
"Your grace I. . ."
"That is enough I had already told you they were not ready to talk to you yet."
Nahida came afterward it looks like she rushed over to where they were. Her face was stern and it looked so out of place compared to her more relaxed and curious features. Reader's stomach clenched. Zhongli looked as if he wanted to argue with her. His face took on a harsher stance as he looked at her.
They would not let him.
"Whatever it is you want to say it's with me leave her out of this."
Their hands were shaking but they held them together. Nahida looked surprised at them and Reader wanted to reassure her it was going to be alright. Aether from his side approached them and stood between the Archon and Reader. The implication that he was willing to defend them from one of the strongest beings in Teyvat was not lost on Reader. They did feel safer by having him on their side and Paimon as well.
"Your grace I," Zhongli paused his gaze on Reader with a guilty look that made them feel uncomfortable, "If I had known if only. . ."
"That does not matter anymore," Reader interrupted him.
He looked at them and flinched.
"Save your what 'ifs’, you did what you did and I won't forget it."
The unexpected venom that came out of Reader surprised even them. Zhongli had taken to look down he looked ashamed, how dare he? Now he wants to act all guilty. Reader scoffed.
"You have done enough damage for today, I suggest you leave neither me or the Dendro Archon are in a mood to deal with you," Reader said and crossed their arms.
They idly wondered if the meeting had gone awry for her to come here. Nahida looked thoroughly surprised.
Zhongli opened his mouth to speak but Reader beat him to it.
"That is all I have nothing more to say."
"I think I will take it over here with Mr. Zhongli and the rest."
They nodded at Nahida. Reader tugged at Aether's scarf for him to follow them.
They entered Reader's new room and their muscles went lax. It felt though as if they had carried a heavy boulder. They threw decorum away and sat on their desk stool.
"Sorry, I think I need a bit of rest."
"It's okay Paimon doesn't think anyone would handle talking to a guy that tried to kill as well as you did."
Aether glared at Paimon and she jumped up in the air while still floating.
"Maybe Paimon should not have said that. . ."
Reader looked at her and shook their head with a smile.
"It's okay, you sort of reminded me I did something pretty cool huh?"
Paimon's expression eased and she nodded.
"While Zhongli is our friend what he did to you was unforgivable so Paimon thinks he ought to get kicked around for what he did."
"Heh, it seems like you can speak some sense from time to time."
It was Wanderer who had entered when the door was still unopened. Paimon did look angry at his remark.
"You! What do you mean Paimon always says things that make sense!"
"Yeah sure," he said with a mocking smile and crossed his arms.
"You came early did something happen?" Reader spoke.
Wanderer uncrossed his arms and shook his head.
"No Lesser Lord Kusanali came back with the funeral consultant and told me to look out for you."
Ohh, Reader's heart melted a bit. They really had a good friend, next time they should make her something as thanks.
"Paimon has a question are you planning to announce it to everyone that you are the creator?"
Aether looked at Reader more intently as well. It seemed he was interested in the topic.
"No, I rather not, we decided to let the acolytes know for now their words hold some sway if they could calm the public down after the 'fake' left."
Aether had a thoughtful expression and nodded at Reader's answer. Perhaps he guessed Reader was not in the mood to talk about this particular topic and left it a that. Reader was once again thankful for their friend's thoughtfulness.
"Sorry for all the drama today take a seat what have you two been up to?"
Aether smiled and sat down while Wanderer ever the polite one bought fruits and left to get some tea. The Traveler and his companion told them of the many new adventures they had and the people they met. After Wanderer came back with the tea all of them sat down and listened as Paimon did a dramatic retelling of a recent commission they took on.
"I see everyone is having a fun time."
"Nahida!" Reader went out of their seat to check on the Archon.
"I hope there was not too much trouble are all right? Did something happen?"
"No worries I am fine and nothing happened it took a while to convince some to leave, there were acolytes who wanted to meet you."
Reader grimaced.
"Yeah sorry, next time I won't run away like that."
Nahida shook her head.
"No, it is part of my duty, there is no need for you to do it if you don't feel like it."
"You shouldn't have to shoulder this," Reader argued.
"Lesser Lord Kusanali is right if you are not ready it might do more damage to your health," Wandered interjected.
At that Reader could only be silent. They felt so helpless.
"For now let Nahida handle it you can be there and see how much you can handle," Wanderer said after sighing.
Reader wrung their hands together and looked at Nahida with a guilty look.
"If it's okay with you could I?"
"Only if you think you can handle it."
For now that would be their solution.
Reader ushered Nahida to take a seat and poured her some tea. Paimon took it upon herself to start over her tale once again since Nahida was there and the Wanderer scoffed at her which caused them to bicker for a few seconds. Reader could only laugh behind their hand. The rest of the day was spent comfortably talking.
"It is getting late Paimon doesn't want to intrude any longer."
The Traveller nodded as well.
"Wait you both could stay in my room?"
Traveller and Paimon looked surprised.
"We don't want to interrupt your resting time there is also only one bed."
"The bed is big enough for all of us we can have a sleepover?"
Reader wrung their hands together. It was just, they did not want to sleep alone today.
Traveller and Paimon looked at each other they must have had a silent conversation.
"If you are okay with it Reader."
"Yeah it would be nice I haven't had a sleepover in a long while Nahida and Wanderer you could join in if you want to." They said with a smile.
"I've never had one before but I would love to try it out."
Wanderer was silent for a while before he quietly answered.
"I will join then. . ."
Reader smiled it almost hurt their face. They gathered a lot of pillows and extra blankets just in case. Reader took the middle while Nahida was to the right and Paimon to the left. Respectievly Aether took Paimon's side and Wanderer slept next to Nahida. It really did feel like a huge sleepover. Reader slept soundly that night sourrended in warmth.
Reader felt warm and fuzzy images of Christmas lights surrounding their vision. the lights were blurry and smudged. Gentle snow started to fall blanketing the ground in white. The blanket that surrounded them kept them warm and they snuggled closer to it.
The stars above twinkled and They watched with interest as they changed shape and colour. Then a star started to fall, no it was a snowflake. A huge giant snowflake was falling towards Reader and they tried to struggle but it was in vain as the blanket held them in place. With horror they watched as the snowflake landed on their head.
It was rather soft and it did not hurt but the snowflake was beginning to limit their breathing. Reader tried to open their mouth to breathe in more air.
With a gasp, they woke up.
The thing smothering their face was not a snowflake or anything nefarious but rather Paimon herself. Somehow she had ended up on their face. They struggled to shake her off and after a few seconds of prying she rolled off to the side.
She was still asleep her mouth open and she mumbled something about food no doubt.
Reader sighed.
They blinked a few times as they looked out to the window where the sun was shining. It was already morning.
Reader was rather in a bind, literally. Nahida had curled up in her chest, she looked so small and cute Reader’s heart melted and they wanted to pat her head. Their feet somehow got tangled up with Wanderer’s and to the side Aether was hugging their arm.
They could not get up.
”If I was in a different room I would still be able to hear your squirms.”
It was wanderer who woke up. His voice was hoarse. Now that they thought about it Reader had no idea if he could sleep or if he even needed to.
”Sorry,” they said whispering.
Wanderer sighed and came closer towards Reader shutting his eyes.
Wait, was he not going to get up at all?
Taglist: @resident-cryptid @probablynoposts @esthelily @mitsukashi @charming-mage @chaoticfivesworld @irisxiel @dulcedelechenginamo @yu-ulda @samohxt2-0 @pinkpainc @vianitry @dreamlessnight @kurayamioterasu @fantasyhopperhea @victoria1676 @liansh3ng @game-savvy @uchihaeirin @awelygirl @klemen-time @synthe4u @deadgirldreaming @quacking-simp
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grapebritain · 5 months
Jax is not an npc
I've seen the idea of Jax being an npc being floated around after ep2's release, which while i ADORE this idea in concept (as some parts of it explain certain parts of his character )that doesn't mean that this is the answer as to why Jax is the way he is.
Jax is a self absorbed, sarcastic, and non-serious character who seems to know far more than he actually should so far with what we've seen. He is the only human who has broke the forth wall , not just once, but twice, and has a very performative 'vibe' to him. Like he's on some sort of stage a bit like Cain does. Due to this, and with the plot of episode 2, people have drew the conclusion that this MUST mean Jax is an npc which, eventho it is deffo plausible , there are several reasons why i do not think this is the case, and people are trying to jump to conclusion too quickly to find an explanation to these questions.
1.Pop culture reference
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Jax in episode 2 makes an offhaded joke about Charlie and the chocolate factory, a popular piece of media that most people do know about. It seems pretty insignificant but boy is this a really important detail.
With the recent release of other teasers of the next episodes that are yet to come, in terms of copyrighted media showing up in the game, we can see that Cain INTENTIONALLY makes off branded versions of popular parts of our world such as McDonalds and other fast food brands
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So for Jax to make a pop culture references, the names would likely have to be inaccurate from the actual piece of media, being...well...off branded versions of them. The fact he literally uses the accurate name "Augustus Gloop" adding an "ed" on the end for comedic effect shows that he HAS seen or heard of the actual piece of media, which would be impossible if he was an npc.
furthermore, say even the offbranded version was due to glitch themselves not being able to use actual brands in the show visually (which is also highly likely), the implication that Cain made an ai that was aware of these sorts of things is almost nonsensical considering that gummigoo didn't know anything outside of the established plot he needed to serve his in game purpose. When another npc doesn't even have a visual memory of his own mother, something closely linked to the established motive of an npc, why would Cain give an ncp knowledge of random pop culture reference for no reason ?
i would say this is a pretty strong point to put the argument forward Jax is not an npc.
2.NPC's immersive feature
this point is a little less strong, but is still a very important one to make.
I think people are forgetting that Gummigoo is intentionally meant to be far more immersive compared to pervious ai. We are going on the basis of Jax being an ncp , based on how intelligent Gummigoo is, which with the timeline we have, would not exactly work out that way.
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Obviously, Cain establishing that the ai SHOULD be more immersive, doesn't mean it will be, but if we take into context the episode prior, it does actually seem to be somewhat more advanced in a way than it wasn't before, dialogue being a bit less generic and more fluid . With the consideration this is only Pomni's second adventure, and the ai already seemingly at least, being far better than the last, that could imply that going back a couple of adventures before Pomnis arrival , this ai was much more primitive.
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Looking at when Jax arrived could give us some idea of how good the ai was at the time, and with gooseworx establishing jax arriving before zooble (who already seems to have grumpily adjusted to the world) , i would imagine that Jax, if he was an npc, would be far less advanced then he currently is and much more one dimensional as a character to hint at him being an npc....which brings me onto my next point.
3."Jax is violent and impulsive " argument
I've seen the occasional argument that Jax being violent and impulsive could be an argument for him being an npc. He realized he has no purpose, so started being violent and uncaring of the world around him, but this argument completely disregards the fact that...the human characters kind of have that 'reality shattering' moment too. Pomni does, which is why she can relate in the first place to Gummigoo.
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All of the human characters have to come to the scary realization that, they are stuck here. Stuck in a fake world. Most of the characters draw closer to each other people that are real because of this as some form of comfort such as Pomni and Ragatha, but Jax is own person, and different people react differently to different situations. Jax just happens to react in a rather emotionally distanced way to the seriousness of the situation.
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He seems to be the most emotionally immature character, so it makes complete sense as to why he would react in an immature manner. Not to mention he is the youngest out of all the cast, and may have been even younger when entering the digital circus.
When an emotionally immature, impulsive , frankly not very morally amazing person is told they can basically do whatever they like with little to no repercussions to their actions, what are they going to do? Cause chaos of course, which is exactly what Jax does.
he even more so causes chaos by breaking one of the only rules he's can't break, the whole keeping everything family friendly.
This seems to be his way of coping with the situation and seriousness at hand, brushing it aside and acting impulsively instead because he knows full well he couldn't do this in the real world, it also keep him emotionally distant from everyone else, which seems to be an intentional move by him as he doesn't go to Kaufmo's funeral despite briefly seeming upset about the matter.
He cares in his own weird way, but he refuses to show that to the rest of the cast (unimportant but i wanna add as well, it is common for men to be emotionally closed off due to the idea vulnerability for men esp is a bad thing, which ofc it is not ).
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Which also builds up off my pervious point that despite his exterior, Jax isn't one dimensional or flat as a character, which if he was an old ai npc he probably would be 1d, and we wouldn't have this small moment of slight care from him, despite still trying to stay distant.
Final thoughts
So what about the forth wall breaking? him owning keys to all the rooms? Well quite honestly, i don't think we know enough about him or anyone to fully know why Jax is the only one to do this. It could be for some deep lore meaning, or it could be simply he is the comic relief character so is the one to do this more consistently than the rest.
Personally, i DO think it's something deeper, what that deeper thing is yet is something i'm sure will be explored in future episodes, but rn, i think jumping at the first thing is not an amazing idea (eventho it is a super interesting and exciting one).
Just thought i'd share my feelings as this is the only theory i've seen around rn abt my fav stupid purple bunny.
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cookie-crumblr · 1 year
Hype Train!
F!Streamer Reader x M!Yandere Streamer OC
Part 6~
His Info: 📹✨
Part: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CW: !F reader, use of she/her when referring to reader, reader has a vagina, YANDERE, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, pet names (pretty, baby, pretty girl), ML calls self “daddy”( lemme know if y’all are into it or not XD), Descriptions of Sadistic violence, implications of past SA, gore, blood, torture live stream, Oral on m, live stream exhibitionism, long part, smutt sat the end!
AN: Sorry this one took longer than usual, i wrote like 11 different drafts and didn’t like any of them XD finally got to lucky number 12 and bam, let’s goooaaaarrrrr 🐶✨
“Isn’t it way too soon though…?” You ask in a slightly joking voice, not wanting to sound stressed.
It definitely stressed you out though.
You’re finally thinking somewhat rationally now. Asking yourself all those questions you should have asked that that first day he arrived for example…
How did he find you?
How did he get here?
What on earth did he do with Jared’s body?
Is he going to get away with that? How?
And How can he be so… Fine, after Murdering someone.
And those are just the ones you can think of off the top of your head before he responds.
“What?” He runs a hand through his bangs, “You sayin’ you’d rather stay in this danger infested shithole than come back w’ me?”
You try and pipe up, “N-no… That’s not what i’m saying at all, Jasper…” but you lose your voice at least halfway through.
A fear you’ve never even fathomed creeps it’s way into your soul.
“ ‘S what it sounds like, pretty.” Jasper’s voice is frigid.
This stings you more than anything ever has… You completely let your guard down to him. You actually trust him.
“Jasper, I am NOT saying that. I just think it’s way too soon for me to move in with you. I still have to pay off next month, not to mention breakin’ my lease, an I d-don’t know—”
His whole demeanor reverts in a terrifying instant. His eyes filling back up with adoration, “m’sorry, pretty girl. I’ll take care of everything and make up f’r twistin’ your words like that.” He sighs relieved, “I should’ve known that was the reason.”
It’s not the whole reason…
But you think better of adding anymore fuel to those embers, and possibly burning down the whole forest around you.
He fishes out an old looking phone, “Dev, get the delivery van ready. Sendin’ ya some coords.” While he’s closing the door and locking it behind him.
You stand there dumbfounded.
“W-wait! Jasper?!” You put on the first pair of shoes you see and run after him. He’s only on the first set of stairs going down when he hears you, and turns to wait while you re-lock the door.
“Ahh, y’wanna come watch daddy work, hm? Is that it, pretty baby?” He smirks.
You can’t tell if he’s serious, but you become bashful nonetheless. “Uh… Sh-sure! W-wait. What— what are you…? Where are you…?” your brain short circuits as you try and figure out where to even start.
He slings the bag over a shoulder, then reaches up to cradle your cheek in his palm. “’m kiddin’, pretty, let me take care ‘f it. I’ll bring ya a souvenir.” He winks, his pupils almost completely eclipse the beautiful icy blue of his irises. He looks so different right now. You can’t honestly tell what emotion he’s full of, but it sends a chill down your spine regardless.
You nod, nuzzling your face deeper into his palm and kissing his skin.
“Kay, please just… stay safe… I love you, Jasper,”
“I love you, pretty girl” he purrs, then bumps his forehead to yours. “Stay inside till I get back. I need ya t’ skip work if ‘m not back yet. ‘kay pretty? I know you wanna do all this on your own, and I need ya t’ trust me, lemme take care of you right now”
With slightly stinging eyes, you nod.
“‘At’s m’ good girl,” He presses forward, his lips barely touch yours in such a sweet gesture it makes your heart flutter.
How this guy can make you feel every emotion, and every feeling in all the books is beyond you.
“Whaddo ya think, Issac… This one thinks he’s some sortta little cartel king.” Jasper coos teasingly. The edge of his blade tilting up the bound and gagged man’s chin, with the tip dangerously close to puncturing that delicate little artery. “Thinkin extorting helpless lil ladies makes him s’m kinda badass,” His smile drips with malice.
“Oooh! Oh! I like the snitch treatment!” Issac excitedly hops over to Jasper’s side. His own blade glinting in the dim van lights as he waves it around.
“Be careful with that, would ya?” Dev.In snaps lovingly, as they lean against the opposite wall with their arms crossed.
“What do you think little king? Want your tongue cut out, n’ getting throat fuck by my knives?” He pauses as if to think, “or would you prefer ‘f I carved ya a pussy of your own? I could bring ya t’ that little place you like to send all those nice young ladies… Whats it called again?” He grins.
“OH OH OH! I KNOW THAT ONE! Me! Pick me!!” Issac raises his hand like an excited kid in school, “The pit!!!”
“mmhm! that’s it, I’m sure those clients of yours would have so much fun with a big boss like you all chained up… They’d prolly pay big bucks too,” The knife *shings* as he pulls it out from under the struggling man’s chin.
“Ooo! Jasper yur a genius! Can I change my vote!?!?” He raises his hand and waves it around as if he’s a kid voting on the family car trip to stop for candy.
“What do you think Dev?” Jasper looks over his shoulder to the body double with glowing eyes.
“I polled the viewers already. Overwhelming majority favor him getting his own cunt,”
“Well would ya look at that… I guess it’s time for a song change then.” Jasper turns off the music completely, looking directly at the man.
You fell asleep who knows how long ago on top of your blankets, and awake to the feeling of the bed shifting with a new body’s weight.
You feel scared at first, before it quickly morphs into joy.
It’s dark in the room now, but you reach up and hug them. “J-Jasper?” You whisper sleepily.
“‘Yes, pretty. I got cha some presents, though, I need ya ta just look, ‘nd not touch the first one.” He gets back up to turn on the colored room lights, “The second one’s all yours.”
They’re both in cute boxes covered in a cat print with little bows in your favorite color.
“Which ones which??” You ask.
“Here, pretty… remember, only look…”
You pull the ribbon, and your face drops when you take off the top.
You gag.
It’s… It’s a man’s…
Images of Jared’s concaved and bloody face, with a furious Jasper above him, flash behind your eyelids.
“W-Who? J-Jas—” Your body shakes as you swallow trying to hold in the rising bile.
“I know, pretty…” He pets you softly, “It’s a little hard to look at. but I wanted to give ya the proof that you’re free now.” He smiles calmly, his pupils are a normal size, you notice, even in the lower light.
“J-Jasper…” Your eyes are wide, but when he tells you that you’re free…
You can’t help feeling relieved.
“I d-don’t want to know what you d-did. Please don’t ever tell me…” You ask with a quiet voice before handing the closed box back. “Th-thank you Jasper.”
“‘f course, pretty girl,” he puts his hand back onto your head, his fingers trailing through your hair.
“mmmm,” Your eyes close for a second… “Wait!”
He pulls away with a smile on his face.
“D-do you wanna stream t’night?”
He licks his lips, “Why, pretty? Ya got plans f’me?”
“O—okay… C-close your eyes fora sec… And h-hit live, b-but wait t’start ”
“Oooo~ I like this already” His big grin shows off his long canines.
You put on a collar that Jared got you… You only kept it cause it’s cute.
You hope Jasper likes the idea though, and then he can get you a new one, and you can finally burn this one.
Trying to be stealthy and failing, you climb under your desk with a burning hot face.
Since he’s slouched pretty comfortably, his legs are already a little spread. You thank him for that in your head.
Your palms travel slowly up his thighs, stoping in his lap over his pants zipper and button.
This is a skill you hated having before, but you’re kind of excited to use it on him.
Your hands tremble slightly.
You look up to see a stupid smirk on his face, telling you he definitely knows what you’re about to do.
Maybe you’ll still surprise him.
You free his dick, your mouth falls agape never have actually looked at it this closely.
“When can I start, prettyy~” He almost sings.
You get comfortable between his legs, and rest your arms up on his thighs. “N-Now.”
Steeling your nerves you take a big breath, then you start by licking long strokes up his shaft. You feel his bulging veins against your sensitive muscle.
His leg twitches, making you a little more confident.
He doesn’t taste like the others. It’s not disgustingly salty at all, kinda just tastes like the rest of his skin. You sigh happily at that.
Flattening your tongue now to cover more area underneath his girth. While licking more eagerly, you’re getting more and more excited to please him with your mouth.
“Aw, Thanks,” He starts talking to the viewers. You look up and meet his eyes, “W-welcome back everyone, sorry it’s been a minute, my girl and I have been very busy the past couple days.”
You grab his cock in both hands, still having enough room for it, you wrap your lips around the tip too. Your lips have the perfect grasp on him, right under his glands. You suck hard, using your tongue to lick his tip while he’s inside your mouth to, and then expertly tug yourself off slowly with a loud *pop*.
Accidentally you tug on his piercing too, and he pushes his hips up.
“H-hey yurmomstinks, welcome back. S-sup, toxickitten.” His small stutters have you giddy, you really are doing it!
You made sure before hand he’s in the “just chatting” category, so you can reach up and grab one of his hands. You put his fingers under your collar to pull it.
“mmmhmmm,” he groans and looks back up at the chat, “U-uh, I-I’m good! How’re you, upset-b-beaver”
No other time that you’ve done this has ever turned you on… But you’re noticing yourself getting soaking wet.
More spurred on by your own body responding lewdly, you flatten your tongue under the tip, and open your mouth wide.
You look up to make sure he’s making eye contact, and breathe a big puff of hot air over it. Precum leaks out over his piercing and you savor it, it’s so much better than any other. You actually like the taste of his.
God, why is this making you so wet…
You close your eyes for a second, smiling and moaning.
His whole body shudders in response, you see his breathing becoming deeper, and his eyes are wide.
You aren’t aware, but he’s never enjoyed getting head this much either.
While he’s still staring into your eyes, you kiss his glands and give small little kitten licks there lovingly.
“A-ah um— Y-yeah, good for you m-man!” he clears his throat. “N-no! hah, um, yeah, I d-don’t know what we’re doing later, might get…” he takes a long breath “Chinese or… sss’mthin” The last part comes out slurring as if he’s drunk.
You are surprising him!! He wasn’t expecting this and you feel more and more in control and empowered as you go.
This is so exciting!
His face is getting so much redder everytime he looks down at you, and he really doesn’t want to pry his eyes away from you. It’s making you feel so warm and content.
“mmm y’taste so good Jasper…” You moan quietly, only for him to hear, as you take it into your mouth and relax your throat to go as deep as you can.
You almost touch base before pulling your head back.
You let your tongue become a bed for the underside of his length, then you go down further, touching your nose to his groin.
He sucks in suddenly.
“Uh-y-yeah, that, hah, movie n-nights are still thurs—days”
He remembers he’s holding your collar suddenly, having forgot all about anything other than your pretty, puffy lips taking care of his dick.
He pulls you by it gently at first, watching as your eyes close, enjoying him playing with you.
You pull back and breathe while you can, he pulls you back against his body and your airways get blocked.
“mm!” You moan, and gag not being able to breathe is usually so scary…
But you trust Jasper, and this feels so hot…
He runs his fingers through your hair with his other hand, and continues talking to the viewers while you work him.
“Y-yeah, just like that,” He slips, a low moan leaving him, as he bites his lower lip, “Y-yeah, I mean,” He clears his throat again, “Y/Username is riiiight here. mmhmm. I’ll tell her y’all say hi,” His smug composure is quick to return, but it doesn’t discourage you.
You go down all the way, your nose pressing against his body, as his dick fills your throat.
You gag around his size, and tears stream down your face.
Hollowing your cheeks, you suck him with everything you’ve got.
He groans and his hips start jerking, chasing you as he gets higher and higher.
“Huh? O-oh, s-sure…”
Hearing his stuttering increase in frequency and feeling his cock twitch in your mouth you increase your speed, saliva runs down your chin.
“Mm!” He convulses not even worried about the chat anymore, and you suck as hard as you can.
“Ah! Y—Y/N!”
You take it as deep as you possibly can, and feel his burning hot cum shoot in thick streams down your throat you swallow around it making sure to hold his eyes with your own tear filled ones.
When you finally stop enjoying his powerless state of involuntary bouncing, while you keep sucking and overstimulating him, you remove yourself and open wide with your tongue out.
It shows him you swallowed every single drop.
He stares, mouth agape, as his mind stays utterly blown for a bit, until he reaches up and turns the stream off without saying a single word.
You beam full of pride, as he wipes at your tears.
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seenoversundown · 3 months
For Death Or Glory : Chapter Seven
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: A lot of Gentle Bullying (it's done with love,i promise), Drinking/Mentions of Alcohol, Peer pressure, Mentions of Sex (don't get your hopes up; it's not happening yet) Fluff, yearning, pining, hopeless romantic-ing, maybe a smidge of flirting and lastly- more pirate references.
Word Count: 6.2k !!
Summary: The weekend plays out a bit differently than Jake anticipated, but aside from the endless teasing from his family, I don't think he has much to complain about.
Author's Note: IT'S A LONG ONE FOLKS. We're getting to the good stuff and i'm SO excited. This chapter has me kicking my feet and blushing (I wrote it, I know) but GOD it's so cute watching their little friendship grow. I hope you love it xoxo next weeks is a TREAT. 😉
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She Calls Me Back - Noah Kahan "Everything's alright when, she calls me back,"
I didn’t expect to spend so much of my evening texting Charlotte. Granted, I also never expected anybody to willingly let me tell them about pirates, a pretty girl, no less. We kept talking until she was finally ready to sleep, and I told her that she was more than welcome to reach out if she wanted. She definitely took me up on the offer. What I wasn’t prepared for was her to send me a random fun fact at 10 am. Though I’m glad, she seems to be in a better mood.
Charlotte: Did you know the creator of the Xbox was obsessed with sourdough bread?
Jake: I did not 
Charlotte: Mhm! Which makes the logo funnier, because it looks like a nicely scored loaf!
Jake: Why do you know this? Also goodmorning? 
I’ve already been down to the bar and finished getting her ready to open. A habit that I probably can’t break at this point. I started going down to get the bar set up when I first opened because I was really the only one who was actually working there. Once I got Josh on board full-time, we split a lot of the work, but I still try to make it as easy as possible for him. He’s doing a lot to help me out; it’s the least I can do. 
Charlotte: Oh, goodmorning! I guess I should have started with that lol 
“What are you so smiley about this morning?” 
I look up to see Quinn rounding the corner into the kitchen, their floppy curls all over the place. 
“There’s still coffee left if you want some,” I tell them quickly.
“Don’t avoid the question, Jack,” their smirk growing as they pour coffee into one of Josh’s mugs. 
“Do I usually look sad?” 
“Not sad, but you look especially happy right now,” tossing the creamer back into the fridge, “but you’re gonna need to wipe that look off your face if you don’t want your nosy brother harassing you.” 
My smile definitely falls at that statement. Unfortunately, they’re so very correct. If I can’t hide it better, Josh will know something’s up. I swear he can smell it from a mile away. 
“I’m joking,” they sip on their coffee, “I’m gonna tell him anyway!” 
Shit. They scurry towards Josh’s door before I can say anything or try to bargain with them. I practically launch myself up from the couch to follow suit when I hear their sing-song little voice, “Jaaaaakes got a cruuuuushhh.” Stopping me in my tracks just outside the bedroom. 
“A crush, you say!” Josh’s voice is just simply loud; there’s no changing it, “Oh, Jacob! You can’t hide from me now, brother!” 
I round the corner, leaning against the doorframe. 
“You’re lucky I love you,” I point at Quinn, “It’s not a crush, just a .. friend?” Realizing that I’m not even sure what this is. 
“Well, that just wasn’t convincing at all,” They mumble, taking another sip of coffee. 
“It’s not that serious is all.” 
Josh finally chimed in, “You know, you don’t have to be ashamed if it is a crush. If anything, it’s relieving for the rest of us.” 
My eyes roll involuntarily as I cross my arms over my chest, “Why are you so concerned about my love life? Shouldn’t you just be happy that I’m not bringing random girls home?”
“Don’t disrespect Danny without him present,” Josh barks out a laugh, “But at least he was getting laid, so maybe he was onto something.” 
“Plus, he has Melody now,” Quinn pipes up, “You’re the last man standing.”
Josh looks over at them, “Nice guys do finish last, I guess.”
“One is the loneliest number!”
“The lone wolf.”
“Okay, you don’t need to kick me while I’m down,” my eyebrows pinch together as they keep piling on. 
“Well, are you actually gonna try to bag this one?” Josh asks, “ Or you just gonna rot away in the bar and pine over her?” 
“First of all, I already told you it’s not a crush,” I start, “Secondly, are you convinced that I can’t lock down a girlfriend?” 
“Jake, you’ve been single for how long? It’s getting hard to believe you even know how to flirt with a woman.” 
“Especially after you tried flirting with that pretty redhead the other day,” Quinn cringes quietly. 
“Okay, that wasn’t my best work,” I had been trying to forget that. “But she was also busy yelling at me for being bad at my job, so the timing was less than ideal.” My face sells me out as the red settles in my cheeks. 
“Wait,” Josh pipes up, “is that who you’re texting?” Leaning forward as he stares at me. How is he so quick?
“Uh,” I hesitated a second too long. 
“Oh my god, it is!” His voice was rising with excitement. “A friend? My ass. I saw how you looked at her.” 
“She was very pretty, to be fair,” Quinn interjects, nudging him with their elbow. 
“Oh, she was stunning,” he says, looking back at them. “So you two have been talking?” 
My heart is pounding as we have this conversation because I don’t even know what’s going on. The last thing I need is him hounding me over it. 
They both just stare at me with that sympathetic look that people give you when they find out you lost your job or your dog ran away. 
“Can you two quit interrogating me?” I whine, “I promise that either of you will be the first to know when I have a potential girlfriend.” 
“Alright, alright, I’ll stand down,” Josh throws his hands up, “but only because I need to get ready for work.” 
Jake: i’m assuming youre feeling a bit better today?
I decided to walk to some of the stores nearby, trying to enjoy the last few days of autumn. The Old Port is a wonderfully odd place. With the cobblestone streets and terribly old brick buildings, it’s nothing short of having character. The way the city won’t tear any down but just shove new businesses in will always amaze me. But being able to walk to a fair amount of things has been my favorite thing since moving over here. 
The crisp air of fall warrants a hot drink. I slip into a smaller local coffee shop. It’s a crowded little space with several tables and the actual bar. There’s minimal room to move around or not be noticed. 
“Well, look who decided to show up!” 
My head whips to the right, and I see my favorite ladies parked at a small table in the corner: Eleanor with her book in her lap and Linda with a small notebook set on the table. I take my drink from the barista with a quick ‘thank you’ and carefully weave through the scattered chairs.
“Goodmorning ladies, is this seat taken?” I tap the chair facing them. 
“All yours, sweetheart.” 
Linda leans forward, sliding her notebook to the side, “So Josh told us that you were flirting with that pretty young lady the other day,” sending a little wink at me. 
I drop my head with a long sigh. I should have known he would tell them because, of course, my brother is best friends with two older ladies. 
“Well, I tried flirting,” I mumble, sipping my coffee, “But it wasn’t necessarily well received.” 
The collective ‘awwww’ feels almost offensive, but I know they aren’t trying to bully me. That’s everyone else’s job.
“You’ll find someone, dear. You’re much too sweet and handsome,” Eleanor finally says. “At least you’re not wasting it on someone who doesn’t deserve you.” She gently rubs my arm for a second, a soft smile on her face. 
“Thank you,” I tell her, placing my hand over hers, “You’re right. I’d rather wait for the right girl than spend time on whoever is willing to go on dates.” 
Truth be told, I’ve played that game already. Meeting girls online or on dating apps and taking them out to dinner. Only to have them tell me, “You’re so sweet,”  and then ghost me after the date. I’ve only made it to the kiss at the end a handful of times in my life, and lord knows the last time I got laid. Never a proud moment for me when it happened. Both of us are usually incredibly drunk, and I hardly remember anything from it the next morning. 
Since officially opening the bar, I’ve just not bothered dating. I have too many things I could be doing or helping Josh when he is working. I think if another girl ghosted me, I may commit arson. Not to the bar; obviously, I’ve worked too hard. So, I keep to myself and just enjoy the minor flirting from girls who are already a drink or two deep. I also spend a bit longer in the shower some nights trying to relieve some of the tension. 
“Ellie’s right, ya know?” Linda sits back, “And don’t let those pesky boys pick on you over it! We both witnessed how ‘smooth’ their paths were, they have barely any room to speak.”
I look between the two of them with a lazy smile on my lips, “You’re the best, both of you.” I let out a small sigh of relief. 
We all sit and chat while Linda writes up her list of what to bring to the Farmer’s Market this weekend. She passes the notebook to Eleanor so she can decide what plant pots to bring. Watching their friendship over the last year has been so precious. 
“Alright girls, I think I need to head out,” I scoot my chair back. 
“Don’t work too hard, sweetheart,” Linda quips, “But we’ll probably see you in a few hours.” She glances over at Eleanor. 
“Oh, probably,” she lets out a long sigh, “This old bat drags me out late every Friday.” Holding back a laugh, she side-eyes Linda. 
“Play nice, ladies!” I giggle, sending them a little wave, “I’ll see you two later.” 
It’s Josh’s night to close the bar, but I can’t help myself from at least being around. I’ve been sitting in my office for the most part. Trying to focus on admin stuff, but it becomes incredibly apparent why I let Dan handle a lot of it. It doesn’t help that I have also been texting Charlotte all night. But, in my defense, why would I turn down the opportunity to text someone who seems interested in what I have to say? The fact she’s hot is just a bonus. 
I pick up my phone, unprepared for what I am about to endure. I see the blue dot next to the group chat with all the boys in it. We use it daily, but I just had a gut feeling about tonight’s conversation, considering how the rest of my day has gone. 
Employees of the Month 🏴‍☠️🏆 (& Sam) : 
Sam: Birdie says you may be able to pull someone if you shave your face 
Josh: quinn agrees 
Jake: i didn’t ask for opinions from the peanut gallery 
Daniel changes the groupchat name to “ Operation: Get Jake Laid 🫡”
Daniel: melody is also in favor of no mustache 
Josh: ​​it’s not our fault you look like a chimney sweep 
[Jake left the conversation]
[Sam added Jake to the conversation]
Sam: not so fast, Dick Van Dyke 
Jake: So literally nobody thinks it looks good?
Josh: not at all
Daniel: …no
Josh: you already have the long hair, you’re giving jesus a little bit.
Josh: or homeless. take your pick. 
Sam: Definitely homeless, there’s only room for one jesus in this family 
Daniel: good point sam
Jake: i hate all of you
“I’m off to work,” Josh says, rounding the corner from his bedroom. 
“Have fun,” I reply, looking up from my phone, “I’ll be down there in a little bit.” 
As soon as the lock flips on the door, I sit up from the couch. Usually, I’m not affected by the boys’ commentary. Still, for whatever reason, the simple act of shaving my face struck a nerve. I’m not particularly attached to having facial hair, but I wasn’t under the impression it was that bad. 
I stare into the mirror as the water is running; I mean, I know it’s not a big deal. If a girl didn’t like me for this, that sounds like her problem, as I throw my hair into a low bun. Grabbing my razor from the cabinet and stealing some of Josh’s shaving cream, I carefully dab some just above my lip. What if I look worse? No. Maybe they’re right; maybe I should just get rid of it. Fuck it. 
Making the first pass, I let out a small sigh. I slather on some more shaving cream to the rest of my face, quickly shaving it off. Well, I guess this looks okay.  Bzzzt. 
Charlotte: helloooo
Jake: good morrow m’lady how did you sleep 
The shower creaks a bit as I turn it on, giving the water a few minutes to heat up. It always feels like forever this time of year. Once the steam starts fogging up the mirrors, I pull my sweatshirt over my head and toss it on the counter. Bzzt. 
Charlotte: not bad. How are you? 
Jake: aside from falling into peer pressure, i’m okay haha 
I set my phone on top of my sweatshirt, quickly sliding off my sweats and swiftly moving into the shower. Letting the hot water run over me. What if she doesn’t even notice? Pouring shampoo into my hand and scrubbing it into my hair, maybe she’ll like this better? What am I even worried about? We’re just casually talking. Rinsing and then grabbing the conditioner, Though.. I wouldn’t be opposed. I run the conditioner through my ends and then lather the rest of my body with soap. I feel like she must at least think I’m an okay person if she’s listening to me ramble on about pirates?  I move back under the water, feeling the temperature start to change. 
“Shit, shit, shit,” I mumble to myself, trying to rinse everything off as quickly as possible. There’s nothing worse than the hot water running out mid-shower. As soon as my hair doesn’t feel slimy, I shut the water off with a quick shudder. I wring my hair out and grab my towel, drying myself before wrapping it tightly around my waist. 
I see my phone light up. 
Charlotte: Excuse me?
Charlotte: Who peer pressured you? Into what? 
Charlotte: Jacob! You can’t just say that and then disappear! 
I audibly laugh at her yelling at me, quickly replying to try and ease the suspense. 
Jake: i’m sorry i was in the shower LOL
Jake: oh just the boys per usual im just dumb and fell for it this time
I migrate to my bedroom, scanning my closet briefly before grabbing my staple long-sleeve button-up shirt and my black jeans. I pull them on as I hear the small buzz of my phone. 
Charlotte: Why are you avoiding saying what IT is? It can’t be that bad. 
Oh, sweetheart, I wish I knew if it were that bad. 
Jake: i haven’t decided if it’s that bad 
Charlotte: Well, let me help! 
Rounding the corner to the bar, I set a handful of clean glasses on the back counter. Listening to Josh as he small talks with some of the customers. Having Josh bartend was probably one of the smartest things I could have done; everybody loves him. He’s much more extroverted than myself, on top of just being a sociable person. Bzzzt. 
I have to fight the urge to grab my phone every time it vibrates. She knows I’m working, so she won’t be upset if I take a second to reply. I’m cleaning up the back counter to try and help out Josh; I wipe down everything quickly to make sure I’m not in his way. 
Turning around, I see the door open as Willa walks through. It’s always a gamble to see who will be with her, Sam, or Quinn, and tonight's lucky winner is Samuel. I’ve watched them since the day they first met, and as much as they like to annoy each other, they are rather cute together. If there’s anything I know about my brother, he doesn’t ever actually want to annoy her; he just likes to ruffle her feathers. Get it- Birdie.. Feathers.. HAH. 
He pulls out the barstool a bit for her before taking the seat next to her. 
“OH MY GOD-” Willa yelps, “YOU SHAVED,” excitedly clapping her hands. Well, that didn’t take long. 
“It’s nice to see you too,” I slide small napkins in front of both of them, grinning at her excitement.  
“Jake, I literally see you all the time,” Sam torts back. 
“I was talking to Willa,” I deadpan, rolling my eyes before looking back to her, “What can I get for you, dear?” 
“Just something fruity,” she requests between laughs, “thank you!”
I glance at Sam with my eyebrows raised, “and you?”
“Wow, the customer service here is amazing,” laced in a sarcastic tone that quickly disappears when he quietly mumbles, “Whatever you make for her, just .. the same thing.”
Turning to make their drinks, bzzt, I slide my phone from my back pocket. 
Charlotte: Can you PLEASE just tell me what it is?
Jake: i promise you it’s not that exciting 
I quickly shoved my phone back into its rightful place and put together their drinks. Willa’s more carefully than Sam’s, at least she doesn’t cop an attitude with me. 
“Here you go, madam,” setting her drink on the napkin, “and here’s yours.” more abruptly setting Sam’s down. 
“So, Jake,” she starts, “how’s dating going?” 
My eyes wander over to my brother, who is looking everywhere but at me. That little shit.
“Oh, it’s um.. It’s going.”
“Well, I do have a friend who I could set you up with,” she continues, “ya know, if you want.” 
Finally, making eye contact with Sam, my eyebrows pull together as I cross my arms over my chest. 
“What? I didn’t say anything?” he says, putting his hands up. 
“Yes, you did!” Willa calls him out, “Don’t be dumb, Sam.” 
She looks back at me, putting her hands out across the bar, “I’m a girl, I can help, okay. What are you looking for? Tell meee!” 
Bzzzt. Shit.
I can feel the warmth settling in my face, and my hand finds its place on the back of my neck. 
“Oh, you’re so sweet,” I start, “but I don’t think I really have time to date right now.”
She sighs, “Oh come on– are you gunna let yourself wither away in this bar? You’re handsome; you shouldn’t have any problems dating.”
“Hello? I’m right here?” Sam butts in.
“This isn’t about you right now, babe.”
Charlotte: What if I just tell you that it is super exciting? Does that help?
Jake: oh my god you’re ridiculous hahaha
“What are you smiling at over there?” Willa’s tone was taunting. 
“Oh, it’s nothing,” I tell her, unable to contain the uncomfortable laugh that follows. 
“That doesn’t look like nothing.” 
I smirk, “I promise!” 
She looks like she will fling herself over the bar if I don’t tell her who I’m talking to. 
“Promises mean nothing to me, sir!” she quickly rebuttals, “give me the juicy deets!” 
My ears perk up at the ‘sir,’ but I’m not so easily swindled. 
“You almost got me there, but there’s nothing to tell.” I smile at her, raising my eyebrows as I walk to the other end of the bar. 
Charlotte: I promise I won’t laugh at you! I’m just too invested now
Jake: Charlotte
Charlotte: Jacob 
Charlotte: For the love of god, just tell me what it is
I don’t know what comes over me, but I immediately walk to the bathroom. Holding the edge of the sink with my free hand, I pull up my phone, clicking on the little camera. Click. I don’t bother to look, simply clicking ‘done.’ 
Jake: [ sends photo ] 
Read 9:37pm.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
The next few hours go by quickly. This is sort of the blessing of Saturday nights here; the nights tend to fly by with the number of people you talk to. I sent Josh home a little early. We were slowing down a bit, and he’s been here quite a lot lately. Which is a little my fault, but none of the bartenders I hire stick around long. 
I don’t want to cave, but I finally opened Charlotte’s messages. Seeing the ‘read’ makes me nervous. My thumbs defy me.  
Jake: is it that bad? 
Does that seem too needy? She doesn’t have to say anything. Maybe I scared her off with the picture. My mind races until I see her typing. 
Charlotte: What are you doing after work? 
The sense of relief when she responds is great, but why was she avoiding the conversation? Maybe it was just too weird for her. 
Jake: I get out at 2am.. what else am I going to do haha 
Charlotte: You’re so right 
Looking up to the corner, 1:15 a.m., before replying to her.
Jake: what are you doing awake? ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
I spent the last forty-five minutes of the night trying to clean while slowly collecting everyone’s payments. Following the last customer to the doors, I locked myself in and felt the calm wash over me again. 
Charlotte: I don’t really know
Jake: well i’m sure you’re asleep now, but i’m free to keep you company if you’re still up 
My screen lights up before I can put it back into my pocket. Why is she facetiming me? This can’t be serious?  My thumb hovers over the ‘accept’ for a second, quickly tapping it. 
“Hi,” her voice softly rings through my ears. God, she’s so cute. 
“Helloo,” I say, matching her volume, “I definitely wasn’t expecting you to be up.”
“I just can’t sleep lately,”  Poor thing. 
“Well then,” propping my phone up against a glass, “lucky for you, I’m always awake into the wee hours of the morning.”  I glance over from the POS. 
“Doesn’t help when you don’t clock out until after two in the morning, huh?”
“You would be correct,” I let out a small laugh, taking a quick scan of the room. She tucks some hair behind her ear, then leans into her hand. 
“Do you have much left to do?” 
Clicking the power button on the screen, “Mmm, no, I’m actually done.” She smiles at my response. SHE SMILED. 
Flipping the lights and locking the doors behind me, I start up the stairs to the apartment. 
“I need to say hi to Josh real quick, so I’ll just put you in my pocket for a second?” 
Her small laugh sounds like heaven, causing my own grin to grow across my face. 
I softly knock on Josh’s door a few times before opening it, sliding my phone into my front pocket. 
“Hey, I have a proposition for you,” I say, leaning against the doorframe. 
“I’m listening.”
“Would you like to take the earlier shift tomorrow and then be able to see Quinn?” I raise my eyebrows, knowing that if it involves Quinn, he will always say yes. 
“Obviously,” his voice suspicious. 
“Done deal. I’ll close so you two can spend some time together.” 
He cocks an eyebrow at me before questioning me, “You’re being too nice to me… what’s going on?” 
“Nothing’s going on, I just know you’ve been working a lot, and Quinn’s free tomorrow, sooo,” I giggle. 
His eyes squinted, “I'm not going to argue it.. How was your night?” His tone going back to normal. 
“Not terrible, but I’m exhausted,” I lie. 
“YOU’RE TIRED?” Loudly escapes him, clutching his heart dramatically. 
I laugh, “Shocking, isn’t it?” To which he just nods. 
“Sleep well. Love you bub.”
“Love you too, kiddo!” ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
“Sorry about that,” I whisper, softly shutting my bedroom door. 
“You shouldn’t lie to your brother.” 
My eyebrow raises at her comment, “And what am I lying about?” 
She crosses her arms over her chest, “I’m exhausted,” she mocks me. I can’t help but laugh at her; I wasn’t prepared for her to make fun of me. 
“Well, shit,” I sit back on my bed, “you got me, huh?” 
I can see some color creep into her cheeks, making my heart shake. 
“Hold on, I’m just gonna set you down,” I toss my phone onto my pillows. Grabbing the navy sweatshirt sitting on the end of my bed. I slide my shirt off, quickly pull the sweatshirt over me, then toss my jeans into my closet. 
I move myself up to lean against the wall, grabbing my phone and taking her in while she’s looking off to the side. The freckles on her cheeks look like they were individually painted on. Perfect. 
I catch a glimpse of myself, rubbing just underneath my nose a few times before just settling into my usual fidget.  
“You look cute,” she says, just above a whisper. I feel my face warm as I gaze at her through my phone screen. I gently pick at my lip as I fight the smile threatening to come out. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, um,” she quickly says, I can see the subtle panic on her face. 
“No, no, it’s okay. I uh,” I stammer a bit, “I just think that you’re the cute one here,” I spit out as fast as I can. 
“Jacob quit it!” 
 “Unfortunately, I can’t,” I giggle, “Trying to break that pesky lying habit or whatever.”
She rolls her eyes at that, fighting the smirk on her face. We both just stare at each other for a second before she finally breaks the silence. 
“So, you’re working again tomorrow night?” 
 “Mhm,” I watch as she rubs her eyes. “Do you want to go to bed?” She quickly shakes her head, ‘No.’  
 She quietly adjusts herself so she’s almost lying down on her couch; this isn’t going to last long.. oh? Hearing the faint sound of a sea shanty, I know and love. 
“What are you watching?” 
 “Pirates of the Caribbean,” her lazy smile wide, “it’s the third one.” Oh god, you’re killing me. 
“Hoist the colors high” I sing along under my breath. 
 I’m genuinely unable to look anywhere except for her; the way her smile hasn’t faltered since I clocked her watching pirates. Her eyes struggle to stay open as the lights from her TV flicker across her face. 
“Go to sleep, hun,” keeping my voice soft, “You can text me as soon as you wake up.”
 She blinks incredibly slowly, followed by a sigh. “Okay,” she murmurs. She waves quickly, tucking her hand back under her chin. 
I send her a small finger wave, lingering for an extra second to take her in, “Goodnight,” I whisper before hanging up. Oh, I’m so fucked. 
“Have you tried any of those dating apps? You know, the swipey game-like ones!” Josh says, sounding a bit too excited. 
“I think I’m good on those.” 
“What about the lovely redhead you have a crush on?” he presses further. 
“I told you, it’s not like that.” 
Not pleased with that response, he rebuts, “Well, you need to get a girlfriend at some point.” He glances over to Quinn for a second before turning back to me. They’ve been sitting at the bar since he clocked out a while ago. I swear they hang out just to torture me. 
“It is a little strange, Jake..” They start, “You haven’t dated at all since I’ve known you.” Putting on their best ‘I feel bad’ face. 
“How is it strange?” I don’t know why I asked. 
The smile on their face was telling enough, “Are you sure you’re not.. ya know?” Following it with a subtle head nod towards Josh. 
“That would be a fun twist!” Josh spits out excitedly. 
My jaw slacks at the question, “WOW. No, I promise I like women.”  Shaking my head as I lean against the back counter, folding my arms over me. 
“Sounds like something someone who’s-” 
Josh laughs before he cuts them off quickly, “Oh Bug, he’s just woefully bad at flirting and can hardly speak up enough to grab the attention of the ladies who come in.” 
“I’m right here, hello?” I scoff, quietly pulling out my phone. 
Me: not my brother’s partner questioning if i’m gay or not 
Charlotte: Well.. everybody is allowed to have questions! 
I look up to see Josh staring at me, only to glance quickly at my phone, which is still in my hand. Shaking my head quickly with a slight frown, I avoid answering the inevitable question: “Who are you talking to?”  I know it’s coming because I know my brother, and boy, oh boy, does he love to know everything and anything that happens.  
As more people sit at the bar, I spend more time making sure that they’re all happy and just casually glance to the end, where Josh and Quinn are sitting. How they look at each other, like the other one created the stars and hung the moon, has always been so sweet to me. I haven’t seen Josh this happy in so long, and I’ll be eternally grateful to Quinn for being so good to him. I couldn’t have asked for a better person to come into his life. 
I scan the room, seeing a handful of empty bottles and glasses. I do a quick lap through the tables to grab everything. I make sure to say ‘hello’ to any regulars who are in tonight while noticing a few fresh faces. 
Seems like a lot of couples tonight. Seeing the amount of people sitting on the same side or the causal holding hands on top of the table. It’s all adorable to see; unfortunately for me, it’s always just witnessing romance. 
Coming back to my rightful place behind the bar, I catch a glimpse of Quinn planting their lips on my brother’s cheek. I can’t catch a break. 
Charlotte: Can we Facetime when you’re done working? I’ve napped too much today and I’m going to be awake all night. 
Me: i’m honored, of course we can  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Flipping the lock after the last customer strolls out, I can already feel my phone vibrate. 
“Well, aren’t you just breathtaking?” 
There she is, with her long red hair tied into possibly the most messy bun imaginable, in a too-big sweatshirt, curled up in what must be her bed this time. She looked like she had been napping all day, yet she was still insanely beautiful. 
“It’s SO late, and you can’t hold that against me!” 
“To be fair, you called me- I didn’t force this.” I tease, holding my one free hand up. 
Her smile widens at my point, “touché, Jacob.” 
After closing the bar and running upstairs, I prop my phone on the counter and rummage through the fridge. 
“What are you going to make?” 
“That is a great question,” I say, staring into my fridge with minimal options. Cooking at 2:30 am has always been a humbling experience, but at least I have company this time. 
Grabbing the leftover soup Josh made, I pull out the smaller saucepan we have. I take the time to reheat it properly because it means getting to sit on FaceTime with her. 
“What did you spend all day doing?” I ask mindlessly, “Besides harassing me while I worked.” I look at her, trying to contain my smirk. 
“Oh, hush,” she waves her hand at the camera, “mostly watching movies and trying to not let myself work since it’s Sunday- well.. was Sunday and all.” 
She still hasn’t told me what happened, even though I unfortunately figured it out. I won’t make her uncomfortable by asking, though seeing the way her face fell when she mentioned trying not to work makes me wonder if she has a hard time doing anything else. 
“I’m glad you let yourself rest,” I tell her, “you’re allowed to take days for yourself.” 
The look on her face is sinister as she says, “You should probably take your own advice there, Sir.” Letting out a small cackle, she knows she clocked me a little too fast on that.
I can’t decide if my body is warm because of her calling me out or the fact she called me ‘Sir.’ Either way, I dramatically let my jaw slack, clutching my chest just to hear her laugh again. 
“You got me there, Red,” I admit. 
“Have you taken a day off since I first came in?”
I simply shake my head. Maybe I do work too much, but what else am I supposed to do when I enjoy being there? The benefit of it being just downstairs as well is that I can visit my favorite place in the world within a matter of a minute. I know I could take days off and probably stand to at this point, but I also don’t know what else to spend my time doing. I’ve been eating, sleeping, and breathing for this bar since I bought it almost two years ago. I spend most of my time with my brothers, and most of my friends have moved away for college or just to escape the cold. Can’t blame them.  
Her voice pulled me out of my thoughts, causing her to giggle when I jumped at the sound. 
“Lost you there for a minute, huh?” 
I chuckle, “Maybe for a second, but I’m back now.”
We move off the topic of work quickly as she tells me about the movies she watched in between naps today. She loves older movies, and I tell her I’m sure she and Josh would have a field day talking about them. She’s watched everything from Casablanca to A Walk To Remember and The Notebook. It’s cute how much she loves romance.
“What other movies do you like?” 
My eyes widened when I realized my other favorite movie was a rom-com. 
“Hah, well, besides Pirates obviously, I uh-” I hesitate for a moment, worried she will think I’m just trying to play into it. 
“You, uh, what? We’ve done this once before. You know you’re going to tell me,” she taunts me, and she’s absolutely correct. I want nothing more than to tell her anything she wants to know, which is definitely not stressing me out. 
“Love Actually,” I spit out quickly, rubbing my hand over my face. I’m not embarrassed that I enjoyed it; it’s a good movie- a great movie, even. I just don’t think anybody aside from Josh knows that. We’ve spent countless Christmas seasons watching it multiple times leading up to the holiday. 
“Are you serious?” she sounds mildly shocked. 
I nod my head, waiting for her to poke fun at me. 
“That’s precious.” 
I was unprepared for her response, fully ready to defend myself, and all I could say was, “Oh.” 
“If it weren’t October, I would put it on,” she says, and honestly, this woman will be the death of me. 
“Good thing November is right around the corner,” I manage to mumble out, still taken aback by the subtle compliment. We sit in comfortable silence for a moment. I can’t help but try to make eye contact through a screen, but when she looks into her camera, it feels like a small jolt shoots through my body. What is going on? 
I finally make it to my bedroom a while later; it’s now nearing 4:00 a.m. My phone is dying, and my exhaustion is creeping in, but not nearly as much as hers. Slowly but surely, she’s gotten more and more comfortable as we talk about anything that comes to mind. 
I let my phone sit in my lap as I pull my shirt over my head, leaning forward to toss it onto the pile of laundry I should take care of. Grateful it’s a bit easier to get rid of my jeans without her seeing it. Still, I can’t help noticing how her eyes wander to my necklace. 
“Sorry, I couldn’t take the subtle scent of beer anymore,” I speak lower, unintentionally. 
She quietly clears her throat, “Oh, haha, that makes sense.” Her eyes darted away from the screen as if she were caught. 
It was quiet for a moment until she let out a yawn, trying to hide it in her elbow. Her eyes stayed closed for a second longer. 
“Why don’t you go to sleep?” I whisper, “It’s 4:00 am.”
Her eyes slowly open to look at me. I can’t tell what she’s feeling besides being exhausted. She sighs slightly before whispering back, “But I want to talk to you.”
My breath catches at her statement. She wants to talk to me?  My heart feels like it could explode at any moment, and my hands start to shake. 
I nervously laugh, “What if I go to sleep too?”  
Her lazy smile creeps across her face. “Promise?” She sticks out her pinky to me.
“Promise,” I return the gesture quickly, “You can even bug me later if you want.”
Her tired giggle engraved into my brain, “Just you wait.” 
“I’ll be on the edge of my seat.”
“Goodnight, Jake.”  Jake.
“Sweet dreams, Red.”
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
FDOG Masterpost | Masterlist | FDOG Playlist
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34 notes · View notes
yoon-topias · 4 months
Yoontopia | Chapter 1 {Ocean Blues}
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⟡ Warnings: Strong language, depression, mental health issues, references to self harm, references to violence, references to sexual assault, manic episodes, smoking, risky behavior, jealousy, smut.
⟡ 18+ (minors DNI, some chapters have mature content)
⟡ Best friend's older brother x OC
⟡ Summary:
Min Yoongi has managed to survive with few vices, a best friend he literally couldn't live without, a careful pharmaceutical cocktail, and a private utopia in his mind. It's not perfect, but he's never had any hope for perfect anyway. As far as he was concerned, everything was under control. That is until one little deal with his sisters best friend throws a wrench in his careful chaos and invades the quiet utopia he built for himself. Pineapple lollipops, late night bike rides, aquarium trips, secrets, promises, and uncertainty quickly spiral until Yoongi can no longer tell if he's his utopia. All he can do now is hold on and hope his heaven doesn't burn to hell. Will he make it through his reality and utopia colliding?
6.7k words
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Laying in your bed ready to rot another day away after you were broken up with because "you were just a good fuck, a nobody" just in his bed sheets for months and you're a nobody. Shuffling your feet in your sheets it's your weekend from the hustle and bustle of work, working as a lawyer no one saw you going into that field but it peaked your interest in helping people prove their innocence. Your job is taxing so the weekend is for yourself to just let go and be with him, well before you were broken up with. Now you're by yourself yet again, missing your best friend. Never the type to meet new people and yet here you are heart broken, look where it gets you the one time you step out of comfort. 
Your door opening throws you off and in walks no other than Min Yoongi. "Oh I gotta change the door code" rolling your eyes. He is in his normal all black attire which consists of black t-shirt, black zip up, either black jeans or leather, and black combat boots. Oh and you can't forget the two silver chains one you bought him and one Hana got him, paired with two rings one silver and one dark purple says it's because he likes the color and his small silver hoops.
"Nice to see you too, Violet. How much longer are you gonna pout, Hana keeps sending me here because clearly you're not taking care of yourself. You forget my sister is crazy and has both of our locations. " You scoff at him and grumble digging further into your bed.  He pulls the covers off of you and you look at him in shock and you're upset you just wanna be in your cozy bed all day. "hey! What if I was naked!" He laughs a you "you forget I know you better than everyone, you don't sleep without your purple pajamas with kuromi you had to have years ago" you gasp "because she is me"
"Yeah-yeah keep tellin' yourself that Vi you're a cute purple evil character. I'd love to see it" Vi  the nickname he gave you years ago, because Violet was too long to him so now it's Vi. Only getting Violet when he is mad at you or in serious situations.
He sits down on the black small futon with your blanket by his black boots in your room lighting up a cigarette. The way his slender finders pull the Malbro red from the back and places it between his lips and his eyes shut getting the first hit. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop smoking in my room Min Yoongi, you love killing your lungs don't you?"
"I do it's the only way to take the pain away, give me something else to kill the pain with and I'll stop"
Getting off the bed and going up to him to take your blankets back "gimme them Yoon it's loaf time, you can join" pointing at his side of the bed yeah you're just his sisters friend he tells himself yet literally has a place next to you in your bed. Even when you were that asshole who had no right to be with you, but in his head the list of guys he has seen you with will never be up to his standards, the only on that list is him.  Min Yoongi.
"No not today, you're getting out of bed and I'm no longer filling those emotions in your head. He was an asshole who never deserved you in the first place, Violet You're the most vibrant soul out there don't let anyone cover those colors you hear me? Now we're going out today to get your shit together. I'll be on the bike. Waiting. Don't keep me waiting Vi"
You wear all black clothes like you normally do and he calls you the most vibrant? Putting on your black jeans, your black cami crop top, a short black jean jacket, and of course can't  forget the black and white dunks that Yoongi also has.  You may be on the curvy side, it took a lot for you to get comfortable wearing these types of clothes worried about the looks you would get. Hana always said you were gorgeous. You can hear her voice right now "if you have the body show it those curves are like the road map and the more curves the more fun, exciting, and dangerous they are"
Grabbing your backpack off the table in the entryway. You see the picture of you and Hana. You miss her so much. She was the reason you would get out the apartment you used to share it together and now it just feels less homey. Sighing as you open the door and hitting the lock icon on the keypad.
Walking down the steps getting to the building entrance you see the security guard. He is younger but older than you,  super nice and has helped you multiple times when you forgot the door code when you got a little too tipsy at the bar after the break up. "Hello Joon, how has the shift been?"
"It's been good. Haven't had a lady forget her door code because she is too hung up on an asshole" rolling your eyes you know no one liked Jackson, but when you're the way you are you learn to settle on no one likes girls like you.  Stepping out the door putting on your sunglasses
"Ya know you're gonna have a helmet on take them off, Vi"
You already know that you're gonna have a helmet on, but you can't be bothered by the sun at any time of the day. Sliding them into your backpack pocket. The full black motorcycle you love to ride on. Feels like you get one step closer to heaven on the back of it.  "Another one Yoon, are you serious?" He has the cherry burning, taking another puff and exhaling. "Told you when you get something else to fill the void I will" but he knows the only thing that will fill it is you.
He throws it on the ground and stomps his boots over it. Grabs your helmet off the back it's black and your signature purple neon reflective for at night to be seen.  He puts it on your head and taps under your chin so he can do up the buckle. "Little miss lawyer what would your colleagues think of you out of work" once it's all done he does the check he always does with you or Hana when you ride with him shaking your head to make sure it's on tight enough.  "You're gonna give me a concussion Yoongi." Hitting his shoulder, walking over to the bike as always he gets on first and holds out an arm to give you sturdy grounding to hop on and put your feet on the pegs. Once you're situated on the back he taps your knee to give you the go ahead wrap around. Putting your knees close to his body and that's when you hear the rumble of the bike turn on and it already has you feeling alive. 
"For your information my colleagues need to know nothing about me out of work" over the helmet mic and speaker system, wrapping your arms around his waist interlocking your fingers and giving him a tug. He kicks the stand and revs it, that's your warning to hold on. You're off holding onto your best friend's older brother and no idea where you're going. You're along for the ride knowing he isn't going to tell you. 
Zooming in and out of cars listening to "Vi's playlist bitches" on the in helmet speakers and of course he has to listen to it too, currently playing a song you just have to yell and Yoongi always hates it because he can't mute you. 
Screaming your lungs "bitch I'm going ghost" as you tap on his stomach with him weaving in and out traffic to get to wherever your destination is. "Bitch I'm goin ghost" but what you don't know is Yoongi is in his helmet listening to you have the time of your life smiling knowing you're also smiling under that helmet he may also be mouthing the words so you don't hear him.
It's catchy, okay?
Giving you tap on your right knee you know he is about to make a sharp right turn you brace on to him and move your body right with him as he turns. He is going down a road you haven't been down in forever, the road to the aquarium your sanctuary. Yoongi even bought you a yearly passes so you can go anytime you want every year for your birthday but work has been become your priority and Jackson thought it was stupid and said "you're not a kid Violet"
"Yoon why are we going this way"
"You'll see, Vi" it's a long curvy road you've been on multiple times riding on the back of his bike. "So when you think Han will let me use her bike" he laughs and you wish you could stab him in the stomach but you rather not die.  "You think she's gonna let you drive Riot that's never happening."
"And why not?"
"Because you have the stability of a toddler learning to walk, Vi. Just stay backpacking on us"
Backpacking is what it is when someone is on the back of the bike, because you literally are their backpack.  You scoff "I'll show you Yoongi"
"I'd love to see it" tapping the left knee and feeling a little squeeze after the turn you're stopping his way of telling you, there is a language you have developed when you ride with him.  At a red light he keeps his hand on your knee to keep you in place and you're just singing your lungs out enjoying the feeling you get.  It's green, holding on again he makes another turn and taps your right knee. Squeeze when you come to the stop you're at your all time favorite place the aquarium. "What are you waiting for Vi, I know it's been a long time"
Holding his arm out to help you hop off the back and as you do helmet still on waiting for him you take his off and come over to take yours off.  He goes into his jeans and pulls the pack out and lights another and inhales. You see the pleasure written over his face with the first inhale.  Swinging his leg over and coming to your aid tapping your chin to lift it up to undo the buckle. Once he takes it off he looks at your wide eyes. Seeing the cigarette between his teeth, staring at it, the habit only formed when you were still in high school and he was already graduated. You noticed he became more distant from you and Hana more elusive. Why did he start smoking? "What you starin' at Vi" as he goes to fix your hair, smooths it out for you and pats your head and you're good to go.
"Nothin' Yoon" he nods, understanding you're not gonna tell he knows this. He is not gonna push further.  Grabbing both helmets, shoving one in your backpack and he holds his in his hand and starts to walk to the entrance. The cigarette in his other hand hits as he walks.  You rush to keep up with him. Why the hell is he going so fast? As you get to the entrance he flicks the bud on the ground smashing it between his boot and the pavement, showing the ticket person both your passes on your phones going to the locker area for pass holders. Putting your backpack and his helmet in one. Ready to see all your friends.  Smiling, waiting for Yoongi to hurry up and lock the locker "come on Yoon I haven't seen Lewis in forever" he laughs at you how you think you're best friends with the aquarium's one turtle.
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Yoongi Pov:
"Okay, okay I'll go to the restroom and we can go see him wait here" going to the bathroom I just need a breather. God why is today eating me up I have been in her bed for fucks sake it didnt eat me up, but today is the day to eat me up. Splashing some water on my face and looking at myself in the mirror another cig yeah that's what I need maybe I can sneak out, no you can't she hates it. Looking at what I have become just to hold in emotions and pain. it can do a shit ton to a person become an addict but if I'm not addicted to cigs. I'm an addict to Vi.
When my sister told me to check on Vi, it just gave me the excuse to go see her and without a doubt I got out of bed even if it was early, knowing where I was gonna take her. The asshole she was with robbed her from her favorite place on planet earth. That stupid turtle, but if it makes her happy and smiling I'll do anything. One hundred dollars a year for a membership pass to see her smile yeah I'll do it for the rest of my life. Why do I have one? Well to go with her, but also when I'm missing her it fills the void. I want to get her confidence again in herself. Yeah, she is wearing her clothes again rather than sweats, but I see the way her arms hug her stomach trying to hide it.
She has always felt ashamed of her beautiful body, the curves that are a roadmap to her beautiful inside. Vi finally got comfortable a couple years ago and started to dress more for herself rather than for other people. She let that fucker into her life and he broke all the work she did, we did. She no longer takes compliments, no longer dresses for herself, and no longer is confident. I see a shell of the girl who I fell for. One more splash of water on my face, yeah I can do this. I have done it for years. I'm just the best friend's brother.
Walking out the restroom I see her on her phone with one arm covering her stomach "Vi let's go see Lewis we gotta tell Hans how he is doin'." there's the wide smile I'm used to. She is bouncing in excitement to go and see Lewis. I'll do this for the rest of my life if I gotta.
Running around the aquarium literally all day this girl. She can't get enough. She saw Lewis not once but four times when she looped around, and of course FaceTimed Hana to show her Lewis. Hans screamed and said she would be home soon for their child. Of course a day can't go by without her getting a break and she saw Jackson and his new girl walking around and she tried to b-line it out the doors and leave.
"Violet we're not leaving you haven't even seen bubbles. The starfish" . Two years ago you named it that because it was pink like bubble gum.
I know I can't use the words that I want to. Show him I'm better, show the fucker what he's missing. He won't have any choice but to notice to see whos he fucked with, she's with me no one is fuckin' with her. "But, he's here Yoon in my safe place"
"Wait, here okay Vi" she shakes her head, okay I'm gonna have to do this with her wrapped around my arm like she is going to break. Walking up to the bastard "oh, Vi look who it is Jackson" his eyes goes wide yeah that's right fucker. " Oh! Violet so you finally got with your best friends brother I see"
"We're not together Jackson he is taking me to my favorite place that you said was for kids so why are you here? Oh wait are you dating another one who just graduated and you're on a field trip"
Fuck yes that's my girl.
She said enough that the girl wrapped around Jackson is clearly pissed about what she said. "Well you better go enjoy the field trip Jackson and by the way you never deserved Violet" I see her chest moving up and down. She definitely did not plan on that today. "Hey let's go to the viewing circles and take a seat" nodding her head going to the place she'd spent hours. In school she would just come and sit in one and do homework, even in law school in an accelerated program to become one, tired out of her mind often caught her asleep on her books in one of these circles.
She takes a seat in one knees up to her chest lookin at the fish swim around "wanna talk bout' it?" Shaking her head no I understand why she wouldn't wanna talk about it. "I'm so proud of you for standing up to him Vi '' she looks at me as she does one tear falls. "You are Yoon?" the wide sparkling gray eyes I'm so used to, ever since we were kids I always thought they were beautiful and unique. Rare just like her.
"Of course, the world was against you the moment you were born and look at you as a lawyer at twenty four working your way up at the firm. You help people prove their innocence even though you were caught on the side of not innocent growing up with your dad in jail. Your mom barely survived on one income to take care of you. Vi, I'm so fucking proud of the bright young women you've become. Give yourself credit"
She is looking at me with those eyes that could say a million words. Did I go too far bringing up her parents? Fuck. "Hey I'm sorry I brought them up."
She rushes forward to me and wraps her arms around my neck hugging me like her life depends on me. "Yoon, thank you for being proud of me when I have no one in my court." I wrap my arms around her and give her a squeeze. "What about Hana, Ma, Pop and me? You got the four of us always in your court"
You're just the best friend's brother, remember that Yoongi.
She releases me and I see the mascara broken up under her eyes, lashes taking my thumb and rubbing lightly to take away the smudges. "You always been a cry baby" she scoffs at me there is the girl I know. She crosses her arms and right when she does Lewis the turtle is at the circle swimming. "You hear that Lewis he's bullying me" she's now fake crying looking at the fish swimming by. Her legs up to her chest and arms wrapped around her knees. She turns her head and looks at me. "Can we stay for a while Yoon?"
Not like we've already been here since early this morning and now it's already six at night and this girl still has yet to eat. "Whatever you want Vi but I'm going to get you some food. Stay here, got it? Don't go on another lap." nodding her head as I hop out the circle and she turns to just zone into the fish as they swim by.
Walking to the food court my pocket buzzes pulling out my phone it's a text from Hana
Hans: Make sure you take care of our girl, I know you love her as much as I do.
She thinks I wouldn't take care of Vi, I have always done it. Hana figured out my feelings years ago and promised to never tell Vi while I got my head on straight mentally and physically. I struggled with my mental health for years behind closed doors, we even had to lie and say I was at a school overseas for a program when I was actually in a hospital learning how to control my emotions. I finally have a grip on everything and don't hate the world. The one consistent I had was family and Violet. I was young and dumb for not telling Vi about it all but she has her own issues. How could a person with a loving family and perfect life you could ask for be like me? I wondered about myself so I hid it all from her.
Me: You really think I wouldn't take care of her? When she is the main reason I'm living. Sis I love you but know who you're talkin to.
Hana: I know but she has me worried.
Me: I got it. Trust me sis. Look at our location. Also your girl stood up to the asshole. Tell ya about it later getting her food.
Shoving my phone in my pocket again it buzzes again I'll check it later, Hans always has to have the last word. "May I have two slices of cheese pizza and two drinks please" swiping my card, waiting for the food to come out. "You've been visiting a lot recently and finally brought someone with you man" the young cashier says to me nodding my head. Maybe I have been in her sanctuary a little too much recently. Shoving the bottled drinks in my back pockets and holding both triangle pizza boxes in my hands I make my way up the stairs to the viewing area. I see her in the same position I left her staring at the fish swimming by like a little kid in her own world.
"Vi help pizza and coke here." She turns around and smiles grabs the boxes from my hands and sets it in her little circle she already turned in to home until closing for sure, pulling the drinks out my pockets handing one to her she opens it takes one sip makes a face and of course does her habit she shakes the bottle to make it more flat says it's "too spicy" if it's full fizz. Setting down so it doesn't explode and pats next to her for me to sit down. We both ate pizza. Of course I eat her crust because she hates it. I can hear it now "if it's just bread I don't want it the extra carbs I gotta make use of my carbs for the day can't waste them on plain bread" in turn I scoff with that reply anytime I hear it.
Once we eat it's seven at night and tonight is the night they close at eight so we don't have much longer we can stay. "Imma go throw this away I'll be back" there's a trash can close to the circle thank god. I don't wanna waste any time I have with her. One hour. Sitting in my spot looking at the fish swimming by. Without even turning to me she lays her head on my shoulder to get comfortable, yeah she's just my sister's best friend.
"Hey yoon" I hum in response.
"I wish I was a fish"
"If you were a fish I would have to walk around with you in a cup everywhere"
You gasp "I would be a fish like you see in the pet store! Uh. Oh! The beta fish. Their so pretty"
"You are pretty as you are Vi"
She of course doesn't acknowledge the compliment I give her, but that's normal. "You think if we were fish we would be friends, like how people say you're stars in another universe. What if our other universe were fish"
"Well then it looks like we're gonna be fish Vi because our lives are intertwined in every universe I know it." She gives me a smile "yeah we're fish"
"Hey Yoongs, will you ever stop smoking? It makes me nervous for you" fuck how do I explain it keep me sane. It's that rush it gives me that takes me away from my reality. Sometimes even her. "I don't know it's not easy to quit you know that"
"Oh! What if I help you every time you want to smoke you suck on a lollipop" she pulls one out her pocket, of fucking course she has one in her pocket. It's yellow.
"Fine, but if I do this you're getting something out of it. If I compliment you, you have to accept it. You need to learn to love yourself for everything you are that means mentally and physically. Also a sucker just won't do a heads up, but we can try the only other thing that has taken the pain away is kissing and sex."
She looks as if she is thinking we're both adults here and clearly both not virgins in our twenties she knows the power of sexual contact and intimacy. It's been a long time for me but hey maybe a one night stand will do me some good if I'm going to be complimenting the woman I have loved for years.
"You got it, but Yoongi I swear if I see a cig I'm going to kill you."
I would love to be killed by your thighs.
She reaches her hand pinky out and thumb out god this girl and habit. Putting my pinky out wrapping around hers.
And we both kiss our thumbs and press it together, this will be the closest I ever get to kissing her I'll take it. She looks at me with a smile and looks at the fish again. Does she know what she just signed up for?
Unwrapping the lollipop makes her look at me from the crinkle of the wrapper, it's yellow, must be mango maybe pineapple? Let's see how it tastes. Looking her in the eyes and putting it in my mouth. She is looking at me for some sort of reassurance that it's good. I hum in response. "Maybe it'll work"
Sweet. Sweet. Pineapple. Maybe I can do this for her.
"Hey Yoon" humming in response to her. "There's a stupid office party and we all have to bring someone. Can you go with me because you know?" She doesn't wanna be the only one without someone "of course pretty I'll go with you but I'm not wearing a tux got it?"
"I'm not pretty"
"Miss lawyer what did we just pinky swear on are you breaking the law?"
She rolls her eyes. I'll allow it for now. It's the first compliment. "Thank you Yoon, fine you don't gotta wear a tux, but it's black and white theme"
There is an announcement coming over the speaker that the aquarium will be closing in ten minutes so me and Vi get ready to go and of course she says bye to Lewis not twice but four times. "I'll be back my son, I promise" I laugh at how dramatic she is. "Let's go get our stuff Vi" walking out she even says bye to bubbles even though he is on the other side of the aquarium and we wouldn't make it back in time to the exit. The last thing we need is to lose our passes. Going to the lockers I type in my code 0613 and take my helmet as she does the same code and takes out her backpack. She unzips the bag and takes out the helmet ready to go outside and put it back on. We say our thank yous to the employees and hope they all have a goodnight walking out. There is a light breeze in the air and the stars are already out. The sun must have set early tonight.
"Hey Yoon, look it's us in another universe and Hana!" She is pointing at three lone stars in the sky. Shining bright in the dark sky. "Yeah Vi, it's us" We walk to my bike and she is swinging her arms. I haven't seen her like this in months. It's nice to see her like this again. My bike in view, she holds the helmet out to me so I can put it on her. Once we get to the bike I set my helmet on my seat and she is standing right behind me waiting for me to put her helmet on her. "Vi your eyes will be the end of me" she blinks at me not understanding why I said it I couldn't hold back. Tapping her chin to lift up so I can put her helmet on and buckle it. "There you go, Vi" doing my normal shake on the helmet. I only started it to annoy her. I know I put it on tight enough but now I can't stop. Habits they're hard to break huh?
Getting my helmet on, hoping on my bike I put my arm out to give her the stability she needs to swing her leg over and put them on the pegs. Tapping her knee as they go ahead to wrap around me. I feel her knees come to my sides, arms wrapping around my waist, scooting in closer her body up against my back, and fingers interlock around me. I love giving myself pain don't I? Turning on my bikes hearing the purr of the engine ready to zip in and out of traffic.
I grab my phone and put it on the phone stand, hitting play on Vi's playlist on my phone. Hearing it play on the speakers. "Let's go beautiful" I kick the stand, rev my bike giving her no time to respond to my phrase taking off into the night with the only person I want to be with.
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Violet Pov:
I heard what he called me and I couldn't even register it before he took off. Grabbing on to him I hear my playlist start on the speaker zoning into the cars we pass by all the lights at night.  It used to be the other way around. I was on the back of Hana and I would be looking at Yoongi drive beside us, oh how time has changed.  I feel a left tap preparing to make a turn with him. I lean to the left. "Yoon I don't wanna go home drop me off somewhere" I have one more day off work I can stay out late tonight. 
"Ya know already I'm not just dropping you off somewhere, but fine I'll take you somewhere. Hold on, we are going for a little ride. Next turn will be a hard right gotta make this light ahead"
Bracing myself for this turn, I love the night you see all different characters out riding on the back gives me a different perspective of the world. The bars are full, people walking home who got off late, the sex workers, dealers, and buyers. Yeah I may be in the law but it's not my job to be the police is it now? I defend the ones who are wrongly accused, not the ones doing it with intent. Feeling a tap to go right again I latch on more. It feels like tonight will be another full of turns, but that's okay I'm used to it. 
"Ready to go fast Vi? Live a little" I give him a squeeze as a yes I'm ready there is an open road no else but the lights on the sides ground, our helmets with mine neon purple, and red on his lighting up the path.  The bike makes a loud sound and we're off zooming down the road. I scream as he pops the front tire up and sees the city going by in a blur. 
Slowly down to a red light he moves his hand back to my thigh this time not my knee. I see his riding glove and I run my finger across the leather glove.
Why did I just do that?
"Vi, you tryin' to hold my hand? Imma need a lollipop for that"
"You're lucky I'm addicted to sugar I guess"
Wrapping my arms back around him as I hear the rev of the bike.  "Well let's go Jagiya" and what you didn't see was Yoongi smirk as he finally got to call you that for the first time ever with no refusal.
Pulling into a spot at the shop where Yoongi works on his bike at, he works part time here. Honestly I don't know how he does it working two jobs and I'm barely able to make it through my one. "Hey I got something to show you" he lifts his arm to help me off and takes his helmet off after I'm off swinging his leg over he comes up to me taps my chin and unbuckles the helmet when it is off he is looking at me and our eyes stare at each other. His cat shaped eyes pull me in and always have they are truly one of a kind.
"I'm gonna be another lollipop Vi, I think I'm a sugar addict"
Eyes still connected I reach my hand back and go into the side pocket of my backpack and grab another lollipop and hand hold it out for him. "Pineapple is all I got" he makes a slow blink and takes it from my hand, unwraps it and looks at my lips and neck to my eyes. "Looks like I know how you taste Vi" putting the lollipop in his mouth and walks towards the shop.  I stand there mouth open watching as he walks away after what he just said. 
Yeah he's messing with me that's it.
Walking to the shop slowly with my big backpack on my back, I spent many nights here with Hana and Yoongi.
"Yoongi how many times do we have to tell you it is alone time go to the other side of the shop"
"Well you two will break something I know."
Sitting on a little stool with wheels while Hana is working on her bike when they bicker you just let them, no reason to get in the way.  Trying to scoot back I tilted the stool a little too much and fell on my ass yep I'm clumsy what can I say.
"Ya! See Vi will be broken by the end of the night if I leave her with you"
Hana scoffs at his words and puts her hand to her chest, offended while Yoongi comes over to me and puts a hand out in my head. I'm too heavy. I can do it myself. "It's fine Yoon I can do it"
"No you're not I'm helping you up miss fall on my ass"
I hear Hana in the back say "she got enough cushion damn that ass is perfection" in turn makes me laugh. Yoongi grabs my hands and helps me up and I get shy about it. "Thanks Yoon, sorry" I start to brush off my pants and and Hana comes behind me and smacks my ass hard "I'll never get tired of it"
"Girls are so weird, do you just go around touching each other's ass and boobs for fun" which makes Hana come around and grab my boob and look him dead in the eyes "Yes, do you not touch your friends balls."
Yoongi looks disgusted at her words "hell no I would never let them touch me. Only people putting their hands on me is a girl, I'm gonna go to the other side but I swear if you break Vi I'm killing you tonight" he puts both his middle and pointer finger in front of his eyes back and pointing between him and her and walks away. 
I hear the garage door open "You coming Vi?" I come out of the memory and hum in response to him and walk to the shop he has two bikes parked next to each other his other black racer with red hues and one I haven't seen it's black and purple neon as accents. "You got another one Yoon you gotta slow down you can only ride one at a time"
"And who says it's for me" raising his eyebrow looking at me. "Who has a purple neon helmet in her hand"  he points to your hand and your mouth drops open.
Having no words I just go take a seat on the same stool I have fallen off many times. "Well that is if you get me to fully stop smoking Vi, we in this together right you gain confidence and I stop smoking so what do you say?"
You drop your helmet on the ground and look up at him. "Are you serious Yoon"
"Dead serious Violet. You get me to stop, it's yours we can go out in the town and I'll teach you, but that doesn't stop you from riding on the back of mine you're my backpack remember."
"But-but what if I can't do it" you tear up thinking you're not strong enough to help him, hell you barely have the power to do it for yourself right now. He walks for you too and drops to his knees to come to eye level with you. The pad of his thumb wipes your tears away.
"Look like you gotta do everything in your power, Vi you're the strong person I know" looking at his eyes and nodding my head. "Okay okay I can do this for you. Looks like I need more pineapple lollipops. Wait! Do you like other flavors?"
"Pineapple is my favorite Vi"
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Yoongi Pov:
She smiles at my answer and nods her head about the pineapple. "Looks like I'm cashing in, I need another" she reaches in her back and grabs another lollipop and opens it for me and puts it up to my mouth to take. I accept it and smirk once it's in my mouth.
Sweet. Sweet. Pineapple.
"Can I go see it Yoon" pointing at the bike I nod my head and stand up holding my hands out for her to take "no I'm good Yoon I'm too heavy" I pull her arms and she stands as I pull. Putting my finger under her chin, those gray eyes looking up at me. "Whoever said that to you it's bullshit you're perfect Violet" nodding her head having to take the compliment I'm sure she'll get used to it.
Walking to the bike she is smiling, running her fingers across the main seat for once, not the back seat looking at me "can I sit?" Walking over to her and grabbing her hand to help her swing her leg over, placing her hands on the tank and smiling down at it. The way her body looks on the bike is a fucking sin. The way her thighs sit around it, her curves in shape with the bike accentuating the beautiful bike but even more the beautiful girl on it. I can picture it riding at night with her red and purple zooming through the night but nothing will replace when she is my backpack "It fits you Vi. let's do this". Taking the lollipop from my mouth holding out my pinky to her she smiles and connects our pinkies going in to kiss our thumbs.
It's sealed. We have started this journey together.
I'm just the best friend's brother.
Thank you for reading. ₊˚⊹♡
All rights belong to @/Yoon-Topias. Do not copy/ translate.
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
tell us about the royals au!!! (im on my knees. please.)
Ohhhhh my friend you have started me on a RANT I hope you’re ready!!!
I don’t know that I’ll ever actually write it so I’m not too worried about spoilers, and the wonderful people in my dms (which are still open btw) bouncing ideas with me are always going to come up with great ideas so I’m putting WIP in big red letters, things are subject to change! But for now, some ideas. Most of what I have will be under the cut, but if you want to know more about a specific part/have any questions please I’d love to chat :D will link to the art/posts I have so far!
(In this au I’ve been referring to Neil as Nathaniel at first and then Abram (hello names as a plot device), and everyone else right now is some version of their name)
Kevin and Nathaniel were raised at Evermore castle, Kevin to be in direct competition to Riko/see which of them might claim the throne (not thought out yet), and Nathaniel as the Moriyama’s attack dog, born and raised to take his father’s place as such. The two never met in person, but Nathaniel knows and recognizes Day because of course he does, and Day knows the name Wesninski means a very, very dangerous person. Essentially the top assassin on the continent.
But as we do, Day decides he can’t/won’t handle the treatment anymore, whatever the last straw may be, and runs off to Palmetto in a kind of desperate chase of the stories his mother used to tell him when he was little. He knew she loved that kingdom. Somehow he finds Wymack - the twin’s royal advisor - or Wymack finds him, and once Wymack realizes who this kid is and has reason to believe he’s not here on Evermore business, he puts Day’s incredible talent and training as a tactician/commander to work as his pupil.
Meanwhile Nathaniel is still at Evermore, mistreated and learning from his own failures and mistakes until he’s nearly as good as his father at the family business.
I don’t know how long Nathaniel plans it, but he either plays the part for long enough or his skill is so undeniable that when the Moriyamas have plans for the Palmetto Kingdom, they send him and one other accomplished fighter to kill the king. Nathaniel goes quietly and decides he’s not coming back if he can help it.
So instead of killing the young king, Nathaniel’s panic has him turn on his partner at the very last second, stopping them just before they can get to the king. He takes them somewhere far away and does what he does best, leaving no one to report back to the Moriyamas. From then on it’s a waiting game to see how long the family will wait before they send someone after him.
Day’s followed them, and Nathaniel turns around from the body and sees this man he hasn’t seen in years, alive and safe away from Evermore. It’s as elating as it is crushing - because Day heard his partner call him by name, and there is no way Day will ever let a Wesninski walk away alive. Not if he knows what’s good for all of them.
Except Day doesn’t kill him, even when Nathaniel asks him to. (Better Day than Riko, Nathaniel knew that even when they were all stuck at Evermore). Instead, he takes Nathaniel back to the twins/Wymack, gives him a little bread, and they sit until he can pry out an explanation. (See the comic of this first meeting here.)
Day and Nathaniel spend most of their time together because Day refuses to let Nathaniel out of his or Wymack’s sight until he proves not a threat to the royal family, which proves an issue because between Andrew’s rotation of personal guards (he never gets along with them well enough that they stay/aren’t fired) Day is Andrew’s guard, which sometimes means Nathaniel is stuck a lot closer than Day would like. But after a long, long time, Day and Wymack decide Nathaniel was serious about the whole “runaway” thing and isn’t playing spy (maybe there’s some dramatic event/Nathaniel protecting a twin that convinces them or maybe it’s just a lot of little things over time). Andrew, after a rough spat with the latest guard, is again in need of a new one. Finally Day just asks “is there ANYONE you could possibly pretend to get along with that can do the job” and Andrew knows Nathaniel is dangerous he just doesn’t know exactly how or why (but oh he is curious) so maybe he just straight up says. “Wesninski.” And Day has to go “…. Fine.”
So boom. They knew each other superficially before, but now Andrew and Nathaniel are spending most of their time together and miraculously - no arguments. No spats. Day thanks the gods there’s no physical altercations (that’s probably what got the last guard fired so quick). Nathaniel is just a mystery with shady ability to tell the truth and Andrew can’t help his curiosity. Good old fashioned andreil :D
From here the timeline becomes essentially nonexistent, I have no idea when these things happen in relation to each other but so far they’re all things I like and want to include!
1) there’s plenty of games and competitions at Palmetto, we love a good tussle, and Nathaniel usually does quite well - he’s not good at playing fair, but his underhanded methods are not technically illegal and usually he can use his preferred weapon - dagger rather than sword. He does well except for the one time an opponent accidentally says/does something that was constantly said or done to Nathaniel while “training” at Evermore, and he comes back to Andrew and the tent he watched from in the beginning of a panic attack. Andrew doesn’t know anything about Nathaniel’s past at this point, but he knows a panic attack when he sees one. In trying to talk him through it, Andrew realizes that yes Nathaniel is scared of being hurt, but he’s more afraid of hurting others. Nathaniel won’t let Andrew call him by name, he flinches every time Andrew says it. After, Andrew asks what he should call him instead, and Nathaniel finally asks to be called Abram.
2) Balls! Masquerades! Abram doesn’t have many outfits, he wears the regular issued uniform to every event. Andrew will not stand for this. Abram always wears clothes that cover him fully, which is fine, Andrew can work with that. He’s still seen Abram in a tight shirt or two. So he commissions one of the most knowledgeable people in the court (we’re thinking it might be Allison, she’s a noble but she’s great with textiles/embroidery/etc) and gets Abram a new outfit. It still covers him, its still protective material, but it looks better. (Find Abram in a corset here). Andrew handles it totally normal and rational in his head when he sees Abram actually wearing it of course.
3) Day probably assumes for a little while that Andrew and Abram have got a more or less normal guard/charge relationship, even thinking it’s slightly antagonistic considering this is Andrew we’re talking about. (This doesn’t fit the timeline, but here’s a mini comic of one of Day’s misunderstandings hehe)
4) king Aaron! He became king at 18/20/whatever age we decide this universe deems old enough because he is in fact the elder twin here. I imagine their parents have both been dead and gone for at least a few years at this point. Dan is Aaron’s guard and she and Abram hit it off great as coworkers and friends. More on the uncertainty of the twins backstory later. (Drawings of Aaron and his queen Katelyn here!)
5) the angst. The Moriyamas should have heard from the Wesninski boy months ago - something somewhere went wrong. So, naturally, they go to collect their property. If they get away with it, we can imagine how it goes. What I don’t know is if the twins, Day, and Wymack know for sure he was kidnapped or if they have a little nagging in the back of their head that wonders if he’s only run away from the castle or if he’s run back to Evermore with everything he’s learned.
When he’s recovered, Day doesn’t let Andrew too close too often for a while. If Abram forgets where is for even a second too long - waking up from a nightmare, having a flashback - it’s long enough for it to be fatal to whoever might get too close to Abram. It’s already almost proved fatal for Andrew, after Abram played normal so well that Andrew let it slip - he forgot Abram was taken back to Evermore for them to finish making him into a thoughtless weapon, and they’d nearly succeed. He wakes Abram too quickly and ends up extremely lucky Abram recognizes both his voice and the way Andrew didn’t call him ‘Nathaniel’ or ‘Wesninski’. There’s really a huge amount to possibly be covered about this point so I won’t go into detail here - but if you like hurt/comfort you know where to find me 👀
6) the biggest thing we haven’t figured out is Andrew. Either he was kidnapped at a young age and only recovered in his teens, or the elder King Minyard didn’t much care for his second son. Though I’ve always liked the idea of Mr. Minyard being a good man who died shortly before the twins’ birth and their mother just couldn’t handle the grief or knowing that the twins look like him. Anyway a lot of the twins’ issues after both of their parents are dead are the advisors or other people around them that try to take advantage of their youth and inexperience for their own gain, without realizing that both Aaron and Andrew have had to grow up much too fast, each for their own reasons. They can usually see right past the tricks. It’s why they both trust Wymack so much - he’s one of the few adults that are truly there to help them, and not make decisions for them.
Im sure there’s more I missed, but this is long enough as it is lol. People have asked about the Trojans/Jean in this au, and I’d love to include them! My brain’s instinctive response is that Jeremy is some sort of high end noble/royal of a faraway kingdom, and Jean (always last to leave the nest, im so sorry baby) somehow gets over there, but I don’t have an idea of his or anyone else’s roles yet. Renee could even still have a hand in him getting there if we really want.
So I’m still writing snippets and drawing over here lol but i promise I don’t bite if you want to talk :D
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dasher85 · 11 months
He theoretically understand the concept of love
Neuvillette x Reader | y/n | you
short story
Part 1 | Part 2
[ how can you love someone when you don't have a reason? ]
[ Two years ago ]
The first day of work you didn’t think to see the Chief of Justice but you did.
You were in charge of handling the new case files as well as writing specific paperworks for the court. It was your specialty so you’re confident to do a good job for those tasks.
On your way back to your desk after getting some refreshments, someone was walking ahead towards your empty desk. The first thing your eyes noticed was the man’s waist long white hair with two blue navy coloured strands. 
‘It’s just like an insect’s antenna but combed neatly’. You secretly thought after seeing those two blue navy strands of his hair. Fortunately, you didn’t laugh like a madwoman for thinking such bizarre thoughts.
His slow and calm footsteps have forced you to follow his walking pace until you could reach your desk. It was a little awkward because it feels like an eternity to you.
The sole of his shoes echoed through the place and somehow you couldn’t help but walk a little quietly. Just a few more steps he’ll pass by your table and your silent suffering will end.
Or so you thought.
Suddenly he stopped right in front of your desk and you halted as well. He turned, facing your desk and you could see his side profile from where you stood. Instinctively you feel like turning around and act as if you forgot to take something from the refreshment room.
But before you could move, the man wearing a formal navy blue attire turned his head towards you. There were other workers working on their desk accompanied with an ambience of a usual office atmosphere but to you the world suddenly fell silent.
‘Is that the Chief Justice, Neuvillette?’. You finally remembered that man whom you’ve seen before during trials in court. You’ve heard about him many times and see him from afar but never this close.
His enchantingly unnatural blue eyes met your gaze as he suddenly turned to face where you were silently standing. Reflexively, you politely bowed with a slight smile.
‘What the hell?! What the hell!’. You nervously screamed in mind repeating those words like a chant.
Unexpectedly he expressionlessly slightly bowed back in response to you. Truthfully, you didn’t know what to do after that exchange of wordless courtesy.
“Do you perhaps know the person who’s occupying this desk?”. His deep voice rings in your ears.
“I uh… that’s-”. Taken aback for a brief second your mouth didn’t seem to cooperate with your mind.
“It’s… That’s me. What can I help you Sir?”. You quickly responded professionally.
That was your first encounter with that respected and yet mysterious man. Oddly enough despite harbouring various negative thoughts towards him, you didn't think it was all a false assumption until you've had enough encounters with him during work hours. 
Most of his direct visits would be because of the wrong things you've done in your work. Imperfections or flaws, things that even your colleagues couldn't distinguish. Despite that, he never scolded you and calmly corrected or advised what needed to be changed. Those frequent corrections last for three months. At some point you even thought of quitting just because he would complain about missing punctuation marks.
Fortunately, you did get better and become an absolute particular about everything before you send those papers to him. You couldn't afford to start everything all over again every time something was written wrong.
[ One year ago ]
A lady whom her partner was responsible for a crime was sentenced to serve a few years in the fortress of Meropide. It was rather serious but at the same time can be considered a normal case that has been conducted fairly. 
As one of the workers in court, the lady turns out to be an old acquaintance of yours from your previous work. So naturally she would refer to you, asking if you could help to reduce his sentence. Obviously things like that were impossible to change once the judgment of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale concluded the trial. Everyone should know that but perhaps you were the only person she could share such meaningless concerns with. 
For a whole week she would visit your desk and all you could do was try to repeat the same thing in a calm manner. It was a professional process but at the same time it was unnecessary. Your coworkers didn’t know what to do either since she wasn’t being violent.
When Neuvillette learned of this matter from other workers who were talking about it during their lunch break, he went to confirm it with you. However, without even asking he had already seen what was happening.
You didn't think the Chief Justice would care about trivial things nor did you expect to see him standing there in front of your desk during lunch hour. 
"Ma'am. With all due respect, it is inconvenient to question the court's staff. As the Chief Justice, I shall assist you with an appropriate solution. Please make an appointment for a meeting with me tomorrow." Neuvillette expressionlessly spoke. 
You quietly stood there feeling relieved that someone would professionally reason with this pleading woman. As of late, you only wished to have a peaceful day but you didn’t think he would be the one who’ll throw himself into that situation.
[ Present time ]
"...will you keep it?". Neuvillette implored, looking at your face with a soft smile as he leaned closer to your face.
And here it comes without warning… he has yet again placed himself in a situation that you’d never imagined he would be in. That question he spoke circulating inside your head like a spell but you wonder why…
“Why now? Why?”. That question comes out of your mouth without hesitation and yet your voice was trembling with an evident quiver.
“That’s because…”. Neuvillette gaze falters away from you, he didn’t know what to say. Did he even have a reason in the first place? 
“It’s alright. I was being impulsive… I’m sorry”. You gently spoke, cutting his word short as you quickly removed his gloved hand away from your left cheek. It was unreasonable to ask these questions that you knew he wouldn't have an answer to. 
“Look at me, y/n! Tell me exactly what you want to hear, something to enlighten those ears.” He unhesitatingly questions with a solemn frown.
You scoffed. He's making you feel so much rage and disappointment but guilty at the same time. It's infuriating to think that he's only using your emotions to understand himself but you couldn't get angry either because he's not even human to begin with. If perhaps he did understand your feelings there wasn't much he could do for you anyway. 
The difference between him and you is not something you could easily go up against just for your own selfishness.
"It's nothing". You quietly looked away in response.
"I just think… if I tell you, it'll be meaningless. I don't want you to understand me just because I want you to." You slowly added as you unwaveringly met his gaze. 
"But I…". He looked at you pleadingly.
"...I really want to understand you. I still didn't have the answer to your question and I couldn't understand myself either. It pains me so much that I kept thinking about you". He adds soulfully.
"No books could tell me about your thoughts, about your feelings, about how you perceived this world or me… I want to know these things, these little things that you've kept secret from me. Please enlighten me". He spoke slowly but a hint of desperation was clearly evident within his deep voice.
"I know you're trying to understand me… I-". You tried to belittle his reasons yet again. 
“I'm denying all the deception you speak of… it is only fair to speak out the truth”. He voiced the disconcerting things that had been kept inside his mind.
[ Eleven months ago ]
“Would you like a cup of coffee or tea?”. You questioned him with a small smile.
"A glass of water would be nice". He responded with a nod.
Unquestioningly you nodded in response, not surprised since that was what he would often request over any other drinks. After washing the glass available from the refreshment room you brought back a glass of water for him.
You would sometimes do these little gestures while he checked your documents every few times in a week. It actually felt a little awkward whenever you just stood in front of his office desk as he reviewed your work. So the idea of taking small tasks such as that was better to pass up some time.
He looked up at you and you thought you've made a mistake yet again with your paperwork.
"I've been wondering if you've been adding sugar into the water?". He suddenly asked before handing you the file of documents.
You took it already wondering if you could file in the documents into the record room. "No, it's fontaine regular filtered water".
"Is that so…" He paused, seemingly thinking of the matter.
"Yes." You want to ask him about the status of the documents but you didn't dare to cut through his words either.
He suddenly stood up, "Are there macaroons?"
You nodded, "Yes, would you like me to bring it for you?"
He nods.
"And about these documents?"
He looked at you briefly before seemingly just remembering the matter, "Leave it on my desk"
You nodded and did as told before heading out to take some macarons from the refreshment room. As you were just a few steps outside, you heard the door to his office open again. You turned your head over your shoulder only to see the chief justice walking out.
"Do you perhaps need something else?"
"I need another glass of water"
You nodded and he only walked towards you which you least expected. Despite that you didn't think much and just proceeded with your given task. Oddly enough, he ended up accompanying you to the refreshment room.
'He should've just got the macaroons himself or asked me to get the glass of water as well'. You think to yourself.
It's one of those feelings where you'd feel awkward to be in a room with your boss at work. Despite doing nothing wrong, it just wasn't that enjoyable. Perhaps seeing his face reminds you of your unfinished work.
He immediately took a glass of water and slowly drank it as if it was wine.
"I shall send this to your office room now". You informed him after arranging a few macaroons into a plate.
He looked at you, "If I may ask, where did you acquire the water?".
He spoke of that same odd question again.
"It's from here".
"Hmm…". He seems to ponder seemingly thinking about matter with a slight frown. 
"Did you perhaps forget to wash the glass before filling it up with water?"
"Of course not, I'd make sure to clean it". You started to feel worried about these odd questions.
"Forgive me, I simply wanted to know why the water you gave me tasted so different from regular Fontaine water". He explained as if sensing through your troubled facial expression. 
You couldn't help but slightly laugh, "How would… how would it taste any different?"
[ Present time ]
The truth? You sighed at his request.
"Fine." You nodded before walking towards the bench nearby. There weren't many passersby but rather than standing you'd at least minimise the odd occurrence between him and you.
It was crazy enough that he's seen outside instead of in the court. 
"This feels so awkward". You admitted as he sat down next to you.
He sighed, he already did and say all those insane things just for you to listen to him and yet you still think the whole situation is awkward. He didn't quite get it. Was he the problem here? 
"Right, so the truth…" You subconsciously placed both of your hands to cover your face. Turns out it was difficult to say these simple things.
"You know it already, why are you making me say this". You whined, trying to escape from saying it.
"Whatever it is, I'll believe you. Please, go on ahead and tell me". His eyes glistened as he blinked his eyes to gently hold his gaze onto yours, but you couldn't read his thoughts and intentions as his expression remained gentle and calm, the only thing out of the ordinary was the way he looked at you, which couldn't seem to break its connection with yours.
Without a single word he moved his head close to your cheek, before softly kissing it as a sign to reassure you once more.
Your resolute thoughts to reject him crumble down into a hazy fog of lightness, as if your soul was being pulled into a realm of fairies where the sparkling pixie dust would blind your judgments.
You gasped, your own lungs forced you to breathe. It felt like he was veiling you with an enchantment and you couldn't help but doubt your feelings for him once more.
"I…". You turned to face him with your eyes closed. Somehow, you knew that looking at him directly would only eliminate your focus.
"I love you very much. I know it's silly, maybe I'm just infatuated and to be honest I have no plausible reasons behind these feelings." You sighed.
"Before it's too late, I'd rather-" 
A wide smile crept up his lips. That was exactly what he wanted to hear. He waited for a long time. 
"You..." He suddenly spoke and you opened your eyes to look at him. 
In that instant you forgot the sentence you wanted to tell him. 'Before it's too late, I'd rather let you go' was what you wanted to say but those damn beautiful eyes have left your mind devoid of thoughts. All that was left was your lingering fondness for him. 
He stared into your eyes before he gently placed his forehead against yours. His warm breath brushed against your skin, yet he was also as silent as you were for a few seconds. 
"It was you... It has always been you."
He brushed his thumb against your cheek, his gaze unshakably focused on you.
"You're everything I've ever wanted, please don't tell me otherwise because how am I supposed to believe my own judgements when I can't even understand myself."
A/N: intentionally wanted them to be emotionally difficult XD and here I am having a difficult time trying to put on their shoes. I hope his story quest (which I haven't do) will give me inspo for part 3. I want to reveal some truth about him towards her. But of course, let me know if I should continue this.
The Duke's story is halfway done but then I've started another Hai's story (the regular Elucidation Duo) and I miss writing the Inexpressible Duo.
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bibibudin666 · 9 months
hi!! could i please request prompt # 11 with joel miller? thank youuuu :)
Joel Miller x afab!f!reader
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Warnings: spit, degradation, cursing, p in v, unprotected, rough. Joel refers to reader with f!pronouns. Calls her “good girl” etc.
Absolutely!! This is my first prompt I've written, I'm so excited eee~
Thank you for requesting, I hope this satisfies your needs! And for the others who have requested I appreciate your patience. Don't worry I'm working on them just please continue to be patient with me.
Thank you to all of those that have requested and if you would like to request check out my prompt list HERE
As always this is 18+ so minors please DO NOT INTERACT!!
This can be read for the video game or show Joel Miller
I love daddy Joel, enjoy~
“Just can’t keep that damn mouth shut now can you?” Joel grunts.
You mewl at his words, his pace was unrelenting. He had you pinned to the nearest wall, a wall you were surprised was still standing. The cracks and holes from the years of abandonment still held together. And the way Joel was fucking you right now couldn’t help it from not falling apart anymore than it already was. 
He was brutal, you had been teasing him all day and he was sick of it. You two were on a regular patrol today, nothing too serious, just regular rounds and fighting off the few infected in the area. But you couldn’t help yourself.
Joel had just looked too good today and maybe you had an extremely vivid dream of him fucking you dumb earlier this morning. So you decided to do what you do best, tease the older man. And oh how it worked so well.
Now Joel has had his fair share of dealing with your neediness, so when you were more clingy than usual he just wrote it off as another day. Tending to it slightly with more lingering touches when he would help you climb up some broken debris or the way he would grab your face to kiss you after you two had close encounters with infected. 
As nice as it was to feel his touch more often, especially the sweet kisses you two shared, you couldn’t lie when you’d tell yourself that you wanted so much more. See Joel may be a grumpy old man yet he knew how to love. But, he knew how to fuck even better. And you were going to do everything in your power to get him to fuck you today, either on patrol or off. 
This is why you’re in the certain predicament you’re in now. His strong arms hold your frame tight as his hips snap into yours. His face buried in the crook of your neck, groaning at the feeling of you wrapped so warmly around his cock. 
You couldn’t stop your moans, the way he kept hitting that one sweet spot had you going wild. You two were alone in an abandoned apartment building, clearing out the infected that you had come across. But Joel knew the ins and outs of the post-apocalyptic world, infected were scattered all over, especially clickers. So the volume in which your moans were at needed to be quieted down immediately. 
Not to say Joel didn’t love the way you called out his name, dumb on his cock as he fucked you raw. But at this specific moment he needed you to do one thing, in which you were doing the complete opposite.
“What did I say about keeping your mouth shut Darling? We’re still outside the base.” He gave you a particularly harsh thrust which caused an even higher pitched moan to leave your lips. 
His hand came up to grab at your jaw, craning your head so you can meet his eyes. He looked bothered, you couldn’t help yourself. How could you help yourself? He was fucking you so good. 
“How ‘bout I make you shut that damn mouth?” 
You whimpered at his words, “S-so sorry Sir-!” 
He squished your cheeks, your lips pursuing as he cut off your words. A smirk adorned his features as he thought about what he was about to do. 
“Open your mouth.” You obey his command, letting your tongue roll out of your mouth as you look up at him with doe eyes. He spits on your tongue, closing your mouth before it dribbles down, “Don’t you dare fuckin’ swallow it, keep that shit in your mouth.” 
The pads of his fingers came in contact with your clit and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You could feel the familiar build up of your orgasm approaching. You wanted to say something but you didn’t want to disobey his command. Plus Joel knew you were close, he knew every inch and every tick your body had when it came to pleasing you. 
“Such a fuckin’ loud slut, m’glad I could shut that damn mouth.” He grunted. 
He was soon approaching his end, your walls squeezing around him so deliciously. As much as he berated you for being so loud, he was struggling to be quiet himself. His harsh pants against your cheek, your muffled moans with his spit in your mouth. The way his cock would hit your sweet spot and the pads of his rough calloused fingers circling your clit, it was all becoming too much. Before you knew it you were unraveling against him, convulsing at the pleasure and he wasn’t far behind. He spilled his seed into you and fucked it up your hole for a few more thrusts. 
When he was done he didn’t pull out, instead he held your chin. He looks into your eyes and you open up your mouth showing him his spit that was set on your tongue. Along with yours they were mixed together in the filthiest of ways. He grins wildly at you, giving you a slight nod. You swallow it all down and show him your tongue again. 
“Such a good girl.” He mumbles as he presses his lips into yours for a searing kiss. 
He slowly pulls himself out and you whine at the loss of his warmth, already missing him inside you. You were breathless and finally satisfied. The one thing you’ve been fantasizing about all day has finally been given to you. 
“I might have to start annoying you on patrol more often.” You lightly joke, still leaning against the cracked wall for support. 
“Darling if you do that again, spit won’t be the only thing I make you hold in your mouth.” His eyes darken as he spoke. 
As much of a nuisance you were, he wouldn’t mind upping the punishment a bit more the next time you acted up. 
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nenelonomh · 3 months
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resolving conflict in relationships
what is conflict?
conflict refers to a serious disagreement or argument about something important. when two people or groups are in conflict, they have had a significant disagreement or argument and have not yet reached an agreement.
conflict can arise from divergent ideas, interests, or opposing principles.
in relationships, conflict can manifest as tensions between people. when handled constructively, relationship conflict can lead to growth, and create problem-solving skills and deeper understanding. however, unresolved or unhealthy conflict can strain relationships, and even impact physical health.
common causes of relationship conflict
this by no means only applies to romantic relationships - in fact, it is best to apply this to any relationship, even one as simple as you and your bus driver.
here are some frequent causes of relationship conflicts:
problematic behaviors
communication issues
unresolved disagreements
differences in opinions and values
unequal contributions
differences in expectations
life changes
sam's story
my close friend, sam, recently told me a story of how she and a friend of hers (let's call her maya) had a misunderstanding - and how it hurt their friendship.
maya had a beautiful silver bracelet, a family heirloom. it was delicate, with intricate patterns etched into each link. she wore it every day.
one evening, they both attended a crowded party. music blared, and people danced. in the chaos, sam accidentally bumped into maya, and her bracelet slipped off her wrist. they searched frantically, but it was gone.
maya cried. the bracelet was irreplaceable and meant a lot to her. sam felt terrible and guilty. their friendship strained under the weight of the lost bracelet. maya withdrew, and sam didn't blame her.
weeks passed, and they barely spoke.
one afternoon, sam found an old shoebox in her closet. inside was the missing bracelet. she had picked it up that night at the party, intending to return it, but fear held her back. fear that may would be angry, and that their friendship would shatter.
sam called her immediately - told maya that she had found her bracelet. she confessed everything. maya listened without interrupting.
maya admitted to being hurt. but not because of the bracelet. because sam didn't trust her enough to tell her.
they met at a cafe, and maya wore the bracelet. they spoke for hours, about trust, forgiveness, and the fragility of friendship. they laughed about the lost bracelet, how it nearly cost them their friendship. they promised to communicate better.
sam and maya's conflict was resolved by communicating clearly.
how to resolve conflict
initiate a conversation: let the person who you're having conflict with know that you’d like to discuss the issue. choose a neutral setting and give them advance notice to avoid catching them off guard.
use 'i' statements: focus on your feelings and thoughts. for example, say, "i feel hurt when…” rather than blaming or accusing.
listen actively: hear the other person's perspective without interrupting. they may not realize the impact of their actions.
seek a compromise: healthy relationships involve compromise. be willing to give a little to allow your friend to get a little. it’s not about winning or losing but finding common ground.
assess objectively: if you reach a stalemate, step back and evaluate whether your assessment is objective. sometimes we’re too emotionally invested to see clearly.
relationships thrive when both parties work together to resolve conflicts.
further reading
Confronting Conflict With Friends | Psychology Today
Ways to Resolve Conflict with a Friend | The Social Skills Center
Resolving Conflict in Friendships | Issues I Face
Effects of Conflict and Stress on Relationships | verywellmind
Relational Conflict: How To Manage Conflict In A Relationship | My People Patterns
end notes
hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful!
image source: pinterest
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empty-movement · 1 year
sorry but please... post your akio plastic covered couch tweet here... the world needs to know...
Warning: pics of gross shit happening on the couches
I'll do you one better and include the STORY! So, I, Vanna (note: Yasha mostly does the Tumblr and I mostly do the Twitter,) was smoking enough weed to knock out a large horse or put a very tiny dent in my constant back and shoulder pain, as one does when when they're a middle-aged Registered Nurse in the year 2023. (I'm 39 but it's an old 39, lmao.)
Scrolling through Twitter, I stumble on a fanart of Suletta from Witch of Mercury sitting goofily on a white couch. Now I haven't seen this show yet, but the white couch....looked familiar, and I know the show is very much a descendent of Utena in terms of creative teams. For those that don't know, the series is written by Ichirō Ōkouchi, who also wrote the two Revolutionary Girl Utena novelizations...which if you didn't know about before, you know about now, and can read translated on our site here! (Warning: Touga and Miki uh, in the novels...)
Anyways, so I hop onto my own website and start downloading the images that will constitute receipts, before realizing 1. these images are all on multiple computers feet away from me, 2. the couch isn't an identical match, 3. that'd have been weird anyway, and most importantly, 4:
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The edges of the armrests have sloppier upholstery than the blanket I have covering my computer desk. I took the time to tuck seams at least. What is this??
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Now it could absolutely be leather, I thought. It would absolutely track. But leather upholstery doesn't look like this. It doesn't wrinkle quite this way. It would have cleaner seams.
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No. No that's too shiny for leather. So here I am, presented with this strangeness I'd never really considered in how Akio's couch is drawn, and having spent the last few months learning about my Italian-American family history, my chemically altered ass came to the only reasonable conclusion:
Akio Ohtori has plastic coverings on his white couches, like he's a depression era American in poverty.
Fuck yeah, I though, A HIT TWEET, there, at the end of all Tweeting things. (Yeah I'm working on that, stay tuned, lmao. I of all people know when to bail on stupid men with stupid power.) Because I am me, I framed it as semi serious by pulling a context to explain it out of my ass:
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I was joking.
But the replies? They were not. And then I thought about it some more. And I've kept thinking about it. Do I seriously think Ikuhara and Co literally are intentionally drawing a plastic covered couch? Doesn't that feel, Vanna, like a bit of a stretch, even for Utena meta?
Listen to that CRONCH when Akio sits down in episode 31, before Anthy is seen by Nanami. Look, the buttons on the back rest don't quite fit, but the rest? Yeah it kinda does. I was high, but not wrong!?
Akio *does* surround himself with a bizarre hodgepodge of Americana as an aesthetic. The arm garters. The piping and cut of his cowboy-ass shirt. His American car. His mullet. His miniature fucking golf. Why not the plastic covered couch? It's a trope of American poverty that would absolutely have fallen neatly into the diet of American pop culture that influenced Ikuhara. (He makes references to E.T. and The Godfather and Suspiria and all kinds of things in his other work, Utena itself is a little less obvious with individual references but inherits HUGE amounts of vibes from the same content--Ikuhara and Co watched Lost Highway in theaters during the production of the Akio Arc and I will not be convinced otherwise.)
So yeah. That's the story, and that's the theory. Do I seriously believe it was deliberate? Maybe. Probably. Possibly. But it fits so well it's headcanon for me, and in the Utena fandom, pretty much all canon is kind of headcanon so enjoy this one.
What an asshole.
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mimicha-arts · 1 year
Person in the shadows
Hello everyone! I don't know if this can be called a theory or something like that, Probably someone has written this before me, but I just want to write down somewhere my thoughts about one character that relate to the main plot. These are just theories! I have too much free time and I like to have fun, don't take it too seriously.
Possible spoilers! I think many people get the feeling that behind everything that happens there is a person in the shadows, whose goals and motivations are still unclear. And given that the plot leaves us with a lot of speculation, clues…Lets talk about Liu Xiao! Most likely, given the huge number of connections to story details, he may play a key role in the plot. 1. Who is Liu Xiao and his direct mention. Liu Xiao (刘枭) is a young man, the son of Liu Jing, who owns the Quede company. He is also the younger brother of Liu Min. So far, we don't know anything about his personality, but in his father's eyes, he is much better than his older brother, so we can definitely say that Liu Xiao is very promising and different from Liu Min. Considering the little clue given to us in s2s1, when Liu Xiao's father is talking to his business partners, Liu Xiao did not appear on the "main stage" because he was abroad. But, probably, we will soon see him in the frame.
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Thus, for now, it can be summarized that the side that opposes our protagonists not only maintains Liu Jing (and Quede company), his lawyer Qian Jin with his subordinates and twins, but also Liu Xiao. The plot itself has already given obvious clues that this "side" is not a united one, each one twists intrigues and has their own motivation, because of which I dare to express the idea that in fact Qian Jin, who has already shown himself to be not the most loyal subordinate, actually works for Liu Xiao, not for Liu Jing's interests. 2. Posters & Liu Xiao in the "current" timeline. Have we already seen Liu Xiao? Quite possibly. Given the connection of the characters through the side of the antagonists and further information, I will speculate by referring to the posters.
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It is quite possible that the young man in the hat, the only character who has not yet appeared in donghua directly, is Liu Xiao. We remember that on the poster it is the man in the hat who stands next to Qian Jin, which is his "shadow" on another poster of the character, which, it seems to me, can be a serious justification for assuming on whose behalf Qian Jin really acts.
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Talking about any color coding, his design is centered around black, but his hair, although dark in color, has some kind of a purple tint.
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In addition to the fact that this character covers his eyes with a hat, there are several other interesting details in his appearance.
1. The first is an accessory on his neck. I'm not sure what this sign is, but I saw that people suspect it is theta (death) symbol. 2. The image is quite small, maybe it's just a shadow or line of the collarbone, but I think it's a tattoo on his neck (maybe V letter or something). 3. Flashbacks, Li Tianchen From the last episodes, we learned that in childhood, Li Tianchen had a friend who greatly influenced the formation of his character. This boy from flashbacks deliberately does not show his face and eyes, and his hair is black with a purple tint. Of course, this is still speculation, but it is likely that this color coding, especially the purple tint of the hair, may be a hint that the boy in the flashbacks is the man with the hat from posters.
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We have already seen that it was his words, the "the strongest survives" ideology, that influenced the actions of Li Tianchen (and probably the entire personality of Li Tianchen or even both twins in the future). Сonsidering that both boys are kids that time, the words of the boy with purple hair sound so out of age and kinda terrifying. A few days ago, Billibili also released a clip of this entire moment, which makes it pretty obvious how much this "idea" and character himself will be driving the plot to the future events. His voice actor is Zhao Lu, he cannot be a minor character.
After the death of the twins' parents, their case 7 years ago passed into the hands of Qian Jin, as we know from the last episode, but information about the case has disappeared, as well as the children themselves, just in accordance with the time when Qian Jin left the police. There are still many questions (his age, whether he has any abilities). But if the three characters I mentioned before (the boy from flashback, Liu Xiao, the man with the hat) is actually one character, his connections with Liu Jing, Liu Min, the Quede company, the twins and Qian Jin look too matched to be a coincidence. Probably. Another interesting detail that connects the two parts of the story is that Qian Jin calls "manhunt" what happens in episode 7 , and (in my opinion) this is very resonant with the words from purple-haired boy in flashbacks.
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4. Speculations OK! Let me remind you again that this is all one big guess, and maybe I'm thinking too much about certain details. At the moment, I kinda assume that Liu Xiao is the one who manipulates all events from the outside. And maybe while Li Tianchen's hand is grabbing Cheng Xiaoshi, Li Tianxi's hand is grabbing the toy fox, he is represented by the hand from the shadow behind her.
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About possible motivation: assuming that Qian Jin is acting in Liu Xiao's interests, maybe he is genuinely interested in destroying his own family because of his story or unknown background. At the same time, taking into account his words about evolving and hunters, it seems to me that he is pursuing far from material, but ideological goals, related to people with abilities.
Keeping in mind how it all started, I can assume that he also may be an unknown client from the first case, who gave a tip on Quede's financial manipulations and launched a case with Emma, dragging Qiao Ling, Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi into the maelstrom of events (if this moment of the plot does not turn into loop). There is also someone who collected information about the three main characters before the main events of the series even began (some earlier dates on documents, a few days before the start of the plot), so there is room for thoughts too.
Let me remind you again that all this is empty theory, and I play bingo. It will be interesting to come back to this post after a while and see how badly I guessed wrong, haha. In any case, thanks for reading, I was glad to share my thoughts ~
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Gar Cyare Chapter Fifteen
The lockdown ends. Alpha has a serious discussion with the ARCs-in-training.
Word Count: 3,600
Warnings: References to past threats, teasing, mentions of physical training, serious conversation, discussions of war.
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Jorhaa'ir (Talk)
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After a total of four days on lockdown, the Kaminoans finished a full audit of their systems. The information that had been sliced and duplicated was largely limited to what General Ti had discovered before beginning the original investigation. 
The threat level was still considered to be high, but the Kaminoans started to fortify the areas that were deemed to be the most at-risk. The additional troopers were dismissed back to their previous assignments. You had been just as sad to see Neyo leave a second time, but you and Alpha had spent quite a bit of time with him in the few days he was on Kamino. 
The Null troopers were some of the last to leave, but they came to say goodbye personally. 
You hadn’t been thrilled when they came through the door of your office, but Alpha had clearly been holding himself back, simply asking, “What.” 
“Just came to get her decision about our deal,” A’den told him with a smile. 
“I’ll help you,” you told him, eyes on the datapad you were working on. There was a victorious sort of noise from one of the six men and you looked at them sharply. “With the understanding, of course, that I’m doing this of my own free will. I’m not working for you or doing anything outside of finding Ko Sai’s journals. Even then, if I need to stop, I will.” 
“You’re a bold little civvie,” Kom’rk said. “I don’t see a problem with those terms.”
“I do,” Ordo countered. “If we leave, it’ll be harder to get back on Kamino. We can’t just hope she isn’t going to change her mind.”
“Have you broken the code for the journals’ location yet?” you asked. 
Ordo gave you a hard look. “No.”
“Then unless you’re going to hide on Kamino and hope no one finds you before you can get to the journals, accepting my offer might be your only choice.” 
“We don’t have a better option,” Jaing said lowly. “It’s either this or try to find a way back on-planet later. There’s nothing to lose.” 
“We accept your offer,” Prudii told you, wearing a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. 
“We’ll be in touch when we find out something about the location of the journals,” Mereel said, tapping the comlink on his vambrace. Your comlink chimed and you glanced down at it. “That’s the code we’ll reach out from. If you see anything from another code, don’t answer it.” 
“Got it,” you said, saving the code into the comlink’s directory and linking it to your datapad in case something happened to your comlink. “I’ve gotten a few more parts of the coded message translated if you want them. It looks like a rotational cipher of some kind, but it’s hard without a key.” 
Ordo gave a derisive snort, but Kom’rk stepped forward. “Let me see it. I want to see how you’ve done so far.” 
You held out the cipher, marked with theories and final decisions on what different letters were. Kom’rk studied the flimsi for a moment, nodding slowly. “We’ve got a lot of the same letters done. It looks like your work is right.” 
“Do you want me to comm you when I get the rest done?” you asked. 
“It’s not safe,” Ordo cut in. “The more transmissions that pass between us, the more likely it is that someone will notice. And since long-distance transmissions from Kamino are monitored, it’s better if you just wait for us to contact you.” 
“Have you thought about how we’ll do a data transfer, then?” Alpha made it sound like a challenge. “The kaminii are gonna notice if we start transmitting secret data.” 
“I’m glad you’re so confident, Captain,” Prudii said with a smile. “But let’s focus on one thing at a time. We’ll find a way to get the data from you when there’s data to transfer.” 
“The transport is getting ready to leave,” Mereel reported. “Let’s go.” 
“We’ll be in touch,” A’den told you, just before he left, closing the door behind him. 
You sighed. “They’re exhausting.” 
Alpha snorted. “That’s the nicest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say about them. I have to wonder how Skirata managed to get all six of ‘em on Kamino at once. The kaminii never liked the Nulls, and they especially hated Skirata.” 
“Maybe the Nulls were the compromise,” you suggested. “If they weren’t allowed to come, Skirata would come instead.” 
A surprised laugh burst from Alpha as he looked down at you. “Maybe so, little one.” 
“Why don’t they like him?” you asked after a moment, curious despite yourself. 
“Asks too many questions,” Alpha answered immediately. “They don’t like anyone who does that. Reminds me of you that way. He thinks the clones are the greatest thing since the hyperdrive. Wants to protect all of ‘em, give us lives.” 
You hummed. That didn’t sound like a bad thing, but there was something in the way Alpha said Skirata’s name that told you he didn’t care for the man. “Sounds like we would get along.” 
Alpha grumbled in Mando’a for a second. “You’d either menace the entire galaxy or try to kill each other. Or both, depending on the minute. It’d be hell.”
“Flatterer,” you accused, smiling. 
He worked very hard at being grumpy for another few seconds, but an answering smile spread slowly across Alpha’s face. “You would take that as a compliment.” 
“Of course,” you agreed. “I’m sure you weren’t trying to insult me.” 
Alpha opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted by the chiming of his comlink. “Hold that thought, mesh’la. I have to take this.” 
You watched him step a polite distance away to answer the comlink, still smiling to yourself. The tension had eased slowly from Kamino since Tipoca City was released from lockdown. There were still more guards that usual around the laboratories, and the process of getting information for your report had grown even longer, but the departure of the troopers had been a signal that things were getting back on track. 
Alpha ended the short conversation, turning back to you with an expression of resignation. “I have to get back to the ARCs. Since Kamino’s security is going back to normal levels, training needs to pick back up. You coming?” 
“Definitely,” you decided, catching up with him easily before he left your office. 
The training for that day was relatively simple - exercises to make sure that fitness levels for the ARCs-in-training hadn’t dropped in their brief time away from training, then a group exercise meant to challenge them at all of their weak points. 
You watched Salvo defer leadership to let one of the other troopers take over, then saw Aftermath stop for one of the others who had fallen. “They’re coming along, aren’t they?” 
“Yeah, they’ll turn out okay,” Alpha agreed absently, making notes on a datapad. “They were always going to.” 
“Really?” you asked, skeptical. Alpha quirked a brow, his silent question clear even as his gaze stayed focused on his datapad. “You seemed worried earlier in their training. Something about them lacking the motivation to be ARCs.” 
Alpha finally let the datapad drop away from his face, narrowing his eyes at you. “That’s all training talk, neverd’ika. I haven’t failed a group yet. This was never going to be the ones to change that. They just needed some… motivation.” 
You shook your head. “I didn’t realize there was psychological warfare happening at the same time as the physical training.” 
“Yes you did,” Alpha argued. “I told you that at the beginning of this.” 
“You did,” you conceded after taking a moment to think about it. “I guess I didn’t think you had the patience to follow through on it.” 
“I always have patience for the important things.” Alpha glanced at the field, mouth flattening into a harsh line. “Like… Maw! Put the karkin’ datapad away or I will make you repeat this exercise as a solo mission!”
By the time you had settled your heart rate, Alpha had already turned back to you with an expectant look on his face. You shook your head slowly. “I forget how loud you are, sometimes.” 
“Thank you.” 
“How much longer does this group have?” you asked, deciding that it wasn’t worth it to follow up on the ‘compliment’ you had given him. “They’re a few weeks in, aren’t they?” 
“They’ve been here for a month, so they only have two weeks left.” Alpha’s tone had gone distant once more as he focused on the ARCs-in-training. 
“I know the last group wasn’t typical, but that seems like a really short time,” you noted, frowning. “You’re a great trainer, but it doesn’t feel like they’re going to have time to learn everything they need to.” 
“They won’t,” Alpha agreed, meeting your dismay with an understanding look of his own. “Have you wondered why the kaminii don’t just train all their troopers like ARCs? It’s because it takes a different way of thinking. ARCs have to be individuals, able to think on their feet and alter the orders they were given to achieve an objective. They already have the skills - I’m just teaching them how to think like an ARC trooper.” 
Alpha’s explanation forged a connection inside your brain. “That’s… isn’t that… That seems like the opposite of what the Kaminoans were trying to do when they altered the Fett gene.” 
“Go on.” 
You took a deep breath, hoping you weren’t about to offend him. “I don’t remember everything I read in Ko Sai’s notes, but she seemed very proud of the way they altered the troopers’ genes so they would be more loyal and group-minded.”
“Exactly,” Alpha confirmed with a nod. “That’s why they can’t train everyone to be an ARC. Individual ARC troopers and commando squads are a useful precision tool, but you need armies to fight a war. Personally, I think that the ARC candidates are the troopers whose genes are a little closer to Jango’s.” 
“I wouldn’t think that the Kaminoans would be happy enough about that to give ARCs special training and designations,” you noted, changing your stance entirely about the subject. “I would expect them to try to hide any differences in genes.” 
“Then it would look like an accident,” Alpha countered. “By separating ARC troopers as uniquely capable of difficult missions, the kaminii can act like this was all part of their plan.” 
You shook your head in amazement. “That makes a lot of sense. I’m a little embarrassed that I didn’t see it myself.” 
“I’ve had a lot of time to think about it.” You felt the warmth of Alpha’s smile, though he was still facing the training field. “Endex, men. On me.”
The platform where you had been observing the ARCs-in-training started to lower toward the floor and you stepped toward where the door would be. “Need me to leave?” 
“No, I think you’ll like this part,” Alpha told you. “Since they only have a few weeks left, we have a meeting to discuss more personal matters. It’s a… motivational conversation.” 
You were instantly delighted, beaming at him and the troopers who were just coming into view. Alpha looked at you long enough for you to catch the warmth in his eyes, then he shook his head as if despairing your lack of a sabacc face.
“Men,” Alpha greeted, stepping off of the platform. You trailed behind him, trying to school your face into a neutral expression. It wasn’t easy, but you managed. “Let’s talk.” 
A pall fell over the group instantly, and you realized that they expected to be berated for something. You watched them shuffle after Alpha, forming a loose semi-circle around him and standing at attention. 
Alpha - cruel man that he was - let them dangle for a moment before saying, “At ease.” 
The ARCs-in-training glanced at each other as they complied, but the tension didn’t ease. 
“Tell me about your battalions.” 
That was clearly not what they had expected Alpha to say. The men hesitated as a group, as if they weren’t sure how to answer… or, more likely, because they were looking for a trap in Alpha’s invitation. 
Salvo spoke first. He had gotten better at letting the other men take the lead and caring less about his place in the chain of command, but he was older than all of the other men and they clearly looked to him for certain things. 
“I’m part of the 22nd Air Combat Wing,” Salvo explained. “Led by Jedi General Roan Shryne.”
“I know that,” Alpha explained patiently. Well, maybe he wasn’t patient, but he wasn’t actively impatient, which was nearly the same thing for him. “I have access to your assignment files. Tell me about the 22nd. Tell me about your General.” 
“The 22nd is an air combat wing,” Salvo repeated slowly, clearly trying to gather his thoughts as Alpha watched him steadily. “We’re mostly pilots, but there are plenty of support roles. Because we’re a smaller group, a lot of our support is natties who were assigned to help out. My best pilot is a trooper named Rally. He’s almost as old as I am.” 
“And your general?” Alpha prompted. 
“General Shryne is… different from most Jedi,” Salvo said carefully. “He doesn’t use the Force very often. He carries a blaster and a lightsaber, but he’s more likely to use the blaster. Wears plenty of armor, too.” 
“Good man,” Alpha said approvingly. “More jetii could stand to learn that no one is invincible on a battlefield. Who’s next?”
As if encouraged by the lack of negative reaction to Salvo’s answer, Maw began to speak. “I’m with the 104th, serving under General Plo Koon and Commander Wolffe.”
“What do you think about serving with a Jedi?” Alpha asked Maw. “Must slow you down out there, especially with a commander like Wolffe.”
“You must know the commander, then,” Maw said with a slight smile.
“Well enough,” Alpha agreed. “Enough to know how impatient he can be.” 
You struggled to keep from laughing aloud at the idea of Alpha calling someone impatient. From the looks on some of the troopers’ faces, they were thinking the same thing. 
“I’m one of the younger troopers in the Wolfpack,” Maw explained. “They brought me on because I had access to some of the updated tech modules in flash-training, plus some experience with my original battalion. They needed someone who could slice into terminals on their missions and I was looking for a change of scenery.” 
“Where were you before?” Alpha asked. 
“Parable Outpost.” Maw shrugged. “It wasn’t the worst place to be, especially for a shiny just off of Kamino, but it was quiet. I got to thinking that I could do more for the war effort, so I requested a transfer.”
“And?” Maw blinked uncomprehendingly, and Alpha expanded, “Do you feel like you’ve done more for the war effort?” 
You expected Maw to shrug off the question, to say something about how life was more exciting away from Parable Outpost or that he got to see more of the galaxy. But a sincerity seemed to have filled the air between the troopers. 
“Yeah,” Maw said with a nod. “I do.” 
Alpha gave him an understanding sort of look and turned to Fives and Echo. “The two of you can go together or separately, up to you.” 
“We’re with the 501st Battalion,” Fives said. “General Anakin Skywalker.” 
“How do you like it?” 
“The general is a little… unorthodox,” Echo said slowly, and you watched the others try not to smile too obviously. Clearly, ‘unorthodox’ meant something specific to the troopers, and it must not be entirely a good thing. “But his plans usually end up working. And he’s always front and center, so he can help fix the ones that go sideways.” 
Alpha gave a short hum. “And the other men in the 501st?” 
“Crazy, all of ‘em,” Fives said with a broad, fond grin. “But you have to be, otherwise you transfer out.” 
Echo looked a little more thoughtful. “Good men, though. No 501st man has ever left before completing the objective or getting the call to retreat. And we’ve never left a man behind, not if there’s any chance that he’s still alive.” 
The warmth and pride that had shone from both of the men when they spoke about their general only intensified when they talked about their brothers. 
“That leaves you, Aftermath,” Alpha prompted. 
“327th,” Aftermath said reflexively. “Led by Jedi General Aayla Secura.”
“And Commander Bly.” Alpha gave a rare nod of approval. “He’s a good soldier. A good brother.” 
“Good commander, too,” Aftermath agreed. “Everyone in the 327th knows he’s got our backs. Never met a battle he’d back down from.”
“He’s always been that way,” Alpha revealed, “even when he was training as an ARC. No one can fight every battle all the time. But rangir! If there was ever someone I’d believe could do it anyway, it was Bly. Not that I’d tell him.” 
“That’d be dangerous.” Aftermath looked thoughtful. “The other men are good, too. Loyal. We’ve only had one transfer out in the past two months.” 
Aftermath nodded. “Bad news is that it was our medic. But they needed him at one of the med stations.” 
“He must have been solid,” Alpha remarked. “Med station medics have to be the best at what they do.” 
“He was.” 
Alpha took a step back, centering himself in front of the group. “I want you men to think about what you just said. What each other said. Not every man has what it takes to be an ARC trooper. Odds are, most of the men you left behind will never be able to perform at the level you do. But they don’t have to.” 
“We’re troopers,” he continued. “We’re stronger together. Us ARCs take on the specialty missions, the ones that require independence and higher skill levels so the other troopers can wear down the enemy with sheer numbers. We’re a sniper rifle; they’re a battering ram. Both have their place on the battlefield, and you need both to win a war. Do you understand what I’m telling you?” 
Nods appeared around the group - some more hesitant than others. 
“Remember your brothers,” Alpha commanded them. “Remember where you came from. But you also have to remember that your skills are important for everyone’s brothers. As an ARC, you’ll occasionally work with your brothers from your original battalion. But you could be sent anywhere. When you’re working with unfamiliar troopers, they’re brothers, too. Not only because they’re troopers, but because they’re someone else’s brothers. Another ARC stood here thinking about them, speaking about their importance in his life. We watch each other’s backs, because every trooper is important to someone.”
Alpha tucked his hands behind his back. The angle was too sharp for you to see his face, but the way he leaned forward made you think that he was giving the men a look. “You’ve already made ‘em proud. Now keep ‘em safe. Dismissed.” 
“Sir,” Echo said hesitantly. Alpha paused mid-step. “Could I- could we - keep using the practice room? I have some maneuvers I need to work on.” 
“Granted,” Alpha said with a nod. “Anyone else?” 
The rest of the ARCs-in-training made noises of agreement, each one listing something they wanted to work on. 
“It’ll be unsupervised practice,” Alpha warned. “But I expect to see some improvements tomorrow. Understood?” 
“Yes, sir!” 
You couldn’t tell if that agreement had come from all of them or only a few, but all of them saluted. 
Alpha’s hand at the small of your back ushered you out of the training area. You led the way back to your office, not looking at him so you wouldn’t break. 
The cost of that, of course, was that you rounded on him the moment you were safely tucked away in your office. Alpha caught your mood instantly, a put-upon expression crossing his face the moment he saw your broad grin. 
“You’re so good at that!” You shrugged, still smiling. “You’re a wonderful trainer.” 
Alpha shook his head despairingly, turning to check that the door was secure behind him. That gave you the perfect vantage point to watch the back of his neck grow ruddy. Your grin only spread further. 
When he finally spoke, it was only to disagree. “Seeing as how you’ve never met another ARC trainer, I can’t get too carried away with that compliment.” 
“Exactly,” you told him. “If you weren’t doing an excellent job, the Kaminoans would have replaced you a long time ago. Or at least added another trainer. You are the best trainer anyone could imagine for the ARCs, Alpha. I’m sure of it. And your speech was wonderful.” 
“Speech,” Alpha muttered. “I just asked them a few questions.” 
“And reminded them how important their training is, even as they start wrapping it up.” You gave a satisfied sigh. “I could kiss you right now.” 
For a large man, Alpha moved unbelievably quickly. In no more time than it took you to blink, he was by your side, leaning down with his hands planted on the armrests on either side of you. 
“Well, neverd’ika?” he pressed, gaze roaming between your eyes and your lips. “That’s an offer I’ll gladly accept.” 
Alpha could hardly finish what he was saying before you pulled him close and pressed a kiss to his lips. You were both smiling, which made it taste all the sweeter.
Author's Note - Reminder that Salvo is a canon clone trooper (or was, in Legends). If you don't know anything about Jedi General Shryne, he's an... interesting character.
Anyway, thanks for reading! As always, comments and reblogs help share my work and make the long, frustrating, sleep-stealing hours I spend writing this story worth it!
See you soon!
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miguelsfangservice · 1 year
Pairing: Miguel O'hara x F!Famous Idol Reader
Warnings: Negative and positive stereotypes about the industry (idk, probably later in the story), and not the best english lol (sorry in advance). Summary: It doesn't matter he's at HQ trying to keep the multiverse afloat, your face, your voice, your smile and laugh follows him everywhere. No, he is not loosing it (yet); it's just that its kind of inevitable when most spiders under his command are... how did Gwen called it? Ah-staning you? Well, he can't really complain, it's his girlfriend,after all.
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“The first time you hear it it may seem shallow, but I’m telling you,bro,when you pay close attention  it’s one of the best pieces of art depicting the oppression of individuals for expressing their sexuality, y’know what i mean.”
An awkward silence settled in the room before Pavitr and Miles let out some nervous chuckles.
“I thought it was a love story” Miguel's ears hurt just by hearing Pavitr retort with his mouth full of god knows what..
“...I’ve listened to it a couple of times and I have to agree with Pav.”
Before Hobie could open his mouth to reaffirm his earlier claim, Miguel slammed his fists on his desk.
“Do I need to remind all of you we are trying to have a serious discussion here?”
Silence. For at least a few seconds before Pavitr can’t resist anymore and turns to Hobie once more.
“What part of the song are you referring to, because I think-”
“It’s specially obvious at 1:30 when she sings-”
“Get out- If you’re not taking this problem seriously,OUT”
“ But I'm…” Miles tries to argue back, but at this point and with how exhausted Miguel is, he just doesn’t care about whatever they have to say.
While leaving his office, Hobie and Pavitr still have the absolute audacity to continue their discussion in hushed voices (mostly Pavitr, Hobie does not care if Miguel hears him”; Miles doesn’t speak again but Miguel can see him trying to hide his amusement.
If Miguel had eaten anything, if he had gotten enough sleep or, most importantly, if he had seen you at least once today, he miiiiiiiight’ve been in a better mood to confirm that yes, Hobie was right, it was kind of your intention to convey those themes in your last single.
He would know, he was there giving you feedback  and taking care of you when you put your heart and soul into writing that song.
Also, even if he had the mood to discuss it with those kids, he wouldn’t try his luck and let them get suspicious enough for them to put everything together and figure out he’s been dating you for over a year now.
Miguel wouldn’t hear the end of it if any of the spiders knew about their huge and scary boss dating the “pop divinity”, the “fan´s delight”. Besides, it would get a lot harder for you to sneak into the HQ to spend some time together after your rehearsals or just when about every spider went home.
Although, he couldn't deny he was getting tired of keeping the relationship a secret; he hated hiding to every person he deemed close to him the fact that he wanted to spend the rest of his miserable (and probably very short) life with you.
But he knew you were not quite ready yet. Not until you were able to live with the fact that yes, your boyfriend is Spiderman, and he’s not only putting his life and sanity at risk in your universe, but also putting an unimaginable burden on his shoulders by trying to keep several other universes safe.
You already had a lot on your plate with the sudden burst of fame and all the work you were putting into creating your first solo album.
Sometimes, Miguel kinda wished you were still doing activities with your girl group, it put a lot less pressure on you and your health. But he felt guilty just for thinking about it.
This was your dream, having your own solo activities, showing the world your songs and what you were capable of. And he was so proud of you, so happy to see your face light up after you finished writing a song or when you learned a difficult choreography. 
Miguel O’hara had the heart of steel to do a lot of harsh things, to take the decisions no one else wanted to take for the sake of hundreds of universes and yet, he couldn’t bring himself to see your sad face if he ever questioned what you were doing to achieve your dreams.
“Lyla, I'll be calling it a night. Got to get home.”
Just when he was about to exit, she appeared right in front of him with a huge magnifying glass in which he could see her eye getting bigger, examining him; Miguel grunted and tried to brush her off as if she was a bug
“This early? Who are you and what did you do with my boss? I’m gonna put the emergency lockdown if you don’t answer me right now-”
“I’m trying to recall at what point of your creation I made you this damn noisy.” he hissed, walking faster and then swinging away from her. “Besides, no te hagas tonta (don't act dumb), you know damn well where I’m going and with who.”
“And I appreciate the trust you put in me by telling me your secret–” she started saying, solemnly.
“We both know I didn’t have much of a choice.”
“But, as your best friend and the one who knows you best–”
“Firstly, I don’t have a best friend and secondly, the one who knows me best is Y/N, not you!” Miguel interrupted and pointed a finger at her, trying to poke her, but his complaints were ignored as Lyla continued with her ramblings.
“I think I have enough authority in your life to give you some well needed love advice” Miguel couldn’t help but snort at the ‘authority’ affirmation.
At this point he decided to completely ignore her voice and focus on getting to your shared home; it had been a long day and all he wanted to do was bury his face in your shoulder and try to sleep with his girl by his side.
A/N: Well, this is my first fanfic for the fandom. If you liked this, please, consider following, leaving a comment, like or reblog, I would really really appreciate it, specially cuz I'm not sure if anyone would like to read more about this.
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rpmemesbyarat · 1 year
Unsympathetic Evil Done Right
“You’re not gonna shoot a puppy, are ya Jack?!” “Yeah, in the face, why?” NOTE: NO SPOILERS! SPOILER FREE! A lot has been written about how to make nuanced, noble, and/or sympathetic villains done right. I think I’ve probably written about that too, pretty sure I have. But today I’m going to cover the equal and opposite quandary: How to make a purely evil, unsympathetic villain who knowingly delights in being evil, but not have them be one-note or boring? I think Big Jack Horner in “Puss In Boots: The Last Wish” is a really good example, and he’s from a piece of media that is recent and popular enough that most people will know who he is, he’s not some obscure reference. That said, none of this contains any spoilers for the film, so if you haven’t see it, you’re safe, read on—if you DARE! I think there are a few things that make Jack really work. Firstly, he’s fun to watch while also being scary. He’s both hilarious and threatening, hitting that incredibly difficult sweet spot of being both comedic and a legitimate threat. It’s very difficult for bad guys to be both funny AND scary, since making something funny typically takes away its power to frighten us. But when a bad guy can do both, they become really fun for the audience. You’re not rooting for them, you don’t think they’re good people, but they’re damn entertaining. And yet, we still fear for the protagonist against them. We may logically know that of course the hero will triumph, especially in a children’s movie, but we have to at least wonder HOW that will happen. Jack’s established as a threat from the start, showing a cruel personality very early AND a vast armory of magical items combined with a task force of workers to help him. Even one of the other antagonists treats him with great caution. He’s still not the most dangerous of the lot (Puss in Boots sports THREE antagonistic people or groups) but you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who didn’t find him the funniest, I bet. Part of Jack’s charm is how much fun he himself is having. He’s clearly just enjoying himself immensely up until the very end. He is ENTHUSIASTIC. He is ALL IN. Being a stoic, serious villain absolutely works better for a lot of bad guys, but these are typically for the ones who veer to the “purely scary” side, not the “scary and funny” side. Jack obviously loves what he does, and what he does happens to be being a bastard a lot. His callous disregard for the lives and wellbeing of everyone, including and especially his own men, is also played to the max for black comedy. Another part of his charm is his self-awareness; Jack very much knows he’s awful, and doesn’t try to disguise it in the slightest, nor does he lament it. There’s no scrap of shame at all, and he in fact mocks a character who thought it might be otherwise. Not only does the movie never ask you to feel sorry for him, he never does either. He does have a backstory to explain his motivations, and I like it because it does make it understandable WHY he wants what he does, it just also doesn’t make him sympathetic in the the slightest because it only serves to play up how callow and entitled that he is. You get an explanation that makes sense, but “making sense” for this character also means “emphasizing that much more what an asshole he is” Note that I do think unsympathetic characters can still have very sympathetic backstories and be done well (one of my fave baddies is like that) but that’s another topic, and not Jack. Finally, he’s not the only villain. As mentioned, there’s three antagonistic parties in this film. Of them, Jack’s the only one who could be called evil. One of the others is just doing his job/fulfilling his natural role and that threatens Puss. The other is competing with Puss & Co for the same goal, and is willing to do harm to the heroes to achieve it, but that goal really isn’t any more selfish or unsympathetic than Puss or Kitty’s own goals, and the character is very much a human being, as are her cohorts (though they’re not human, but you get what I mean!) So, Jack is a comically evil bastard who is evil through and through with no excuse, and he’s awesome and fun enough, but he’s also balanced by more nuanced villains who are really less “villains” and more “obstacles to the protagonist in some way” , one a force of nature, the other someone with a goal they can’t achieve without thwarting Puss’s goal. It is definitely hard to pull off in a movie especially because of the limited time, but I think having multiple types of villains in a single work—especially a series, like a comic book or a television show—really helps with pulling each type off that much better. The noble and sympathetic villains can play off and contrast against the complete monsters, and you don’t need to choose between one or the other. In fact, what tends to irritate me most in a series, is when ALL villains are a single type—they’re all super redeemable tragic misunderstood woobies, or they’re all 2D evil cardboard cutouts who eat babies for kicks, etc. People will debate with each other all day about which is more realistic, but I think what’s most realistic AND most interesting for a reader/viewer/consumer is a nice mixed bag of diverse villains. Diverse here meaning diverse personality, diverse motives, diverse ranks on the ‘terrible person’ scale, etc. Again, this isn’t doable in every work. But I think Big Jack type characters can still work well in a solo role as well. Good examples of this abound in the Disney Renaissance films—Scar, Ursula, Gaston, and Jafar are all the perfect combination of hilariously hammy and seriously scary that Jack taps into. This need not be limited to children’s media either, though I think it does work best there. But enjoyable “pure evil” villains in darker, more adult works can still be done, such as Freddie Krueger, some interpretations of various Batman villains, and, rather subtly, Hannibal Lector. The last one isn’t overtly bombastic, he’s not singing big musical numbers about his evil plans or cracking overt jokes every two seconds (though he comes close with his cannibilism puns in the NBC series), but he does have a wry and dry sense of humor, he’s very witty and cultured, and he’s very intelligent. He’s not funny per se, but it can be really interesting to watch him outwit others and pick them apart. While I’ve mostly focused on humor for what makes a baddy fun to watch because that’s the case with Jack Horner, it’s not the ONLY thing that can make them engaging either. Bringing up my point about “unsympathetic characters can have sympathetic backstories” from earlier too, Hannibal does have a tragic tale behind him, but it’s also undeniable he very much enjoys doing what he does for its own sake. Whether he’s truly unsympathetic or absolutely the reverse is probably more down to opinion, unlike Jack and the others, but personally for me he’s in the “just loves being a horrible person” category, and he’s still very interesting both despite and because of that! Some people will tell you that pure evil characters are automatically boring. I don’t think so. I just think most writers don’t put the effort into making them interesting and engaging to watch. And there are MANY ways to do that!
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