#even armin actually (though i love their relationship)
bibuckaroo · 27 days
you’re eren jeager. you’re eight years old and trapped inside walls your entire life and hate every second of it and then your best (and only) friend shows you there’s a possibility of more, of the outside world, of freedom. you're nine years old and you just killed someone for the first time because what they were doing was wrong and as much you like to pretend it didn't affect you because they were just filthy animals, you still get nightmares about it. you're ten years old and you dream of joining the scouting legion so you can finally see the outside world because they represent freedom for you due to their symbol, but oh the titans just broke down the walls and your mom got eaten right in front of you and suddenly it's much bigger than that, it's not just a dream, it's a goal, so you can get rid of every last one of them. you’re twelve years old and people keep on telling you, you’re not gonna make it, you won’t last in the military and you’ll never achieve your goal, and you prove them wrong, every. single. time. you’re fifteen years old and you finally made it, but you wake up and there are a thousand guns pointed at you and the two people you love most in the world are standing between you and danger (as always, and you hate yourself and you feel so guilty and you feel so useless) and they’re asking you if you’re human or a titan and that makes absolutely no sense, because of course you’re human but that does not matter. you get hated on, you are experimented on, you get tortured and through all of this, you push forward because you believe you’re making a difference and you’re helping humanity survive and if you’re suffering through all of this? it’s okay, because you deserve it, i mean, look at how many people die so you can live, look how many times your friends get put into dangerous situations, look at how mikasa and armin’s lives keep on getting shittier because they continue to care about you and through all of this, people treat you as humanity’s hope or as a weapon, but never as a person, because that’s not what you are for them and they keep on saying that if you want to save anybody and make a difference, you have to learn how to control your powers and how to make sacrifices, to let go of your humanity in order to do it. you’re sixteen years old and you know everything you’re going to do, and you want to tell it to the people you trust but you don’t want to burden them with that knowledge because they already have enough on their plate as it is. you’re eighteen years old and you tried to change the outcome from the things you’ve seen multiple times, but every single time you fail because every decision has already been made for you and you’re helpless to do anything but watch, you try to find a different solution, however everything you think of, brings about the doom for your people. you’re nineteen years old and you abandoned everything you cared about in order to reach your goal, everybody hates you, but not as much as you hate yourself, but it’s okay because at least (most of) the people you love will be safe and you will die by the hands of the woman you love, it’s more than you deserve because now you truly are the devil they’ve always accused you of being. and in the end the boy who longed for freedom, was the most entrapped of them all.
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everythingseasoning · 2 years
How the AOT men love you (SFW & slight NSFW).. PT 1
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MINORS: Please DNI. Further reading means you consent to reading everything here, though it's pretty vanilla tbh.
EREN - A bit rough around the edges regarding emotional intimacy. Don't get me wrong, he definitely will straight up tell you "I love you so much, y/n," -- he's not afraid of saying what he feels. However, because he isn't as reflective and insightful and calm as Armin is (Eren's a little more simple-minded), he isn't a guy who does fluffy stuff all the time. He's more about action and adventure -- always pulling you into the next great thing.
*NEEDS* you to be safe, and happy. He will only feel satisfied if you're doing okay. Man cares about you, more than anything else.
Oh .. oh, Eren is definitely very blunt, and stubborn. He sees things in his own way, and it's hard to convince him to back down on anything he's got his mind set to. However, the flip side of this, is that he is fiercely caring, and righteous. Will protect you at all costs, even for little things: Some as*hole at the grocery store cut you off in line and you almost fell to the ground? Eren has a hand on your back and waist, steadying you, before he storms up to the man with the DARKEST look of determined hatred. This man has ZERO chill. (and we love him for it).
You are the most important thing in the world to him. He loves you so intensely and passionately that you won't have a chance to ever doubt it.
Fluff 1) You and Eren like to go on walks/runs together. Sometimes you two have races. Eren always wins (the little b*tch--) or ends up slinging you across his shoulder while running, the biggest smile on both of your faces as you two enjoy the rush of being with each other, and life. Life with Eren is just so right, exciting, and full of good times.
Fluff 2) Just how many beautiful waterfalls have you seen with Eren? You've even hiked a purple-flower covered mountain with him! And you've both tried many wild fruits, from the strange oblong shaped ones to pretty yellow star shaped ones-- Usually you were the one to notice the fruit while Eren glanced giddily all around the forest canopy and ground. It was tradition that whenever you two discovered another fruit plant/tree, Eren opens up the Wild Fruits and Plants You Can Eat book, gifted to you by Armin ("So that Eren doesn't accidentally eat something poisonous.") Sometimes Eren is not as bouncy with energy when you two explore the world, and instead he will hold your hand as you two stroll casually, cuddling up on each other's warmth.
NSFW 1) Eren isn't afraid to just.. straight up ask you.. when he wants it. He will look you up and down, eyes full of hunger. "I want you. How 'bout you?" Whewwww. 😮‍💨
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LEVI - ohh boy i have so much to say about this little dude...
Would go absolutely crazy and turn into a battle demon, if he saw the love of his life in danger. ...
If Levi somehow found the right somebody, and actually spent enough time with them to be in a relationship, he would NEED his partner to be safe. He will not risk losing you-- he won't. Not after Isabel and Farlan..not again. So if you're ever in danger, you will see an overpowered beast emerge from that man's body and soul.
Levi isn't the best at emotional intimacy, is very stiff when it comes to words of affirmation. He hadn't ever really thought about love. He never even thought he'd have the option to be safe physically, let alone be safe emotionally. --But when he does meet that person, they light up his life in ways that just stun him. They feel like a summer's glow. He will look 10 years younger with you by his side, will feel unprecedented relief whenever he goes back to you. Will scare all the cadets because he will have this stupid smile on his face whenever he sees you.
--But Levi is not used to being loved deeply. He wouldn't know what to DO with your love, and he'd definitely have trouble opening up and being vulnerable. Nonetheless, I do think he'd try; he has initiative to do well to you, and to give you everything he can give to you (starts off with him being your literal guardian demon, progresses into him becoming soft to you). It'd take time and effort for him to learn how to love you properly.
Fluff 1) In the beginning stages of your relationship, Levi would enjoy cleaning with you. He would find himself giving you commands to do more chores (with him).. because he -- wants to -- be with you -- so often??? (won't ever never admit this).
NSFW 1) Levi is a v*rgin. Yes. Yes he (most likely) is. He never met the right person before you, so he never had a chance/time to indulge in s*x. The first time you and Levi have s*x, Levi will have his mouth CLAMPED shut-- trying not to make a noise, trying to control his expressions of pleasure. You'll have to teach him/encourage him to just let go lol.
NSFW 2) Levi wanted to have s*x with you for so damn long cause he's soooo attracted to you, but he will not initiate it LOLLLL. He just doesn't know HOW to ask for that. You had to feel up on him and really let him know you wanted it (breathy whispers and requests), before he FINALLY took the reigns and pinned you against the wall, kissing you hard before taking you to the bedroom~~!!
Also, he's a fast learner. (Imagine with that what you will 🥵).
Fluff 3) & After you two finish, he will clean you up immediately. But after that he won't let you go. Will hold you in a hug for an eternity. Is addicted to your warmth and the love/care you two give to each other.
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ARMIN - OH MY GOD NO BECAUSE - i'm so in love with this man - oKAYYY: Armin is a very thoughtful, perceptive, and practical lover. You would feel *so safe* around him, at ease, and like you can be your full self. He's very accepting.
Armin is also going to *look out for you.* He is insanely analytically accurate. He has a clear, reassuring, and gentle energy about him. You know that with Armin, you'll be protected from any new obstacle or harm's way.
You and Armin would see the world for fun. Armin is somebody who feels fascinated with exploring the world, and with learning. He'd probably want a partner who is brave. He'd probably want somebody whose actions or way of doing life, amaze him. He would be so f*cking blushy around you, stuttering and all, whenever you smile so brightly at him -- you're like the sun to him.
Armin *would die for you.* He practically died already, for Eren & the mission. Armin wouldn't hesitate to give himself up, because that's how deep and true his love is for you. (And you genuinely get mad at him for this... but neither of you will budge-- you'd both die for each other).
Fluff 1) You and Armin like to read together :'). Armin will have red blush dusted across his cheeks, and his eyes will be shining as he talks excitedly, imagining all the things the book talks about. You adore it.
Fluff 2) You tell Armin you had a rough day, and he will set up a bath for you. While you bathe in the dark with candles, Armin will be in the kitchen with stew or soup simmering on the stove, before he quietly leaves the house: He will personally scour the bookstore in order to find a book that he thinks will make you smile-- or a book you two will both enjoy reading together/discussing together. Literally this man is like light okay. When you come out from the shower he will be there with a fresh, steaming bowl of stew and a dessert he picked up from the store. You two will eat together and then read a book, cozily cuddling on the couch.. before things get s*xy.
NSFW 1) This man is a *PLEASURER* -- Everything will be gentle, but imbued with such strong love for YOU. Will worship your body. Armin will feel like the luckiest man alive. He sees all your goodness, admires you, and is huge on praising you. Also he moans a lot, even if it's just a soft one that escapes him. Not sorry.
NSFW 2) For my switches/d0ms: You care deeply for Armin, and you also want to see his face when he's a writhing mess-- Sometimes you'll tie him up, and he will... oh he will be so helpless and flustered. You will be giving him all the sensation and he will *love it so much.*
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REINER - Somebody come get yo man TT!! Reiner is a f*cking sweet, really good guy. Would protect you and your children (if you have them)-- with EVERYTHING he has -- from difficult, unfair situations (like what he was put through). But, Reiner also probably would want somebody who is strong, because strength means you can protect yourself, and change the world -- Strength is a necessary trait for survival, and he is attracted towards people who are able to stay efficient and alive.
Reiner wants a morally beautiful/morally pure hearted partner. Definitely wants a good person (I mean... Him and Historia in Season, what was is, 2? --speaks for itself). AND I MEANNN Reiner has such a soft heart-- he literally cracked psychologically because he couldn't handle the trauma of being a double agent in a cruel world-- so his pure heart seeks out another pure heart <3
Reiner would ADORE relaxation time with you! He wants the soft fluff, and the soulful moments, like laying together under the stars-- being safe, peaceful, *free.* Reiner has had the burden of war and the Armored Titan like a boulder on his shoulders for ... as long as he can remember. When you're both cozied up together, hands interlaced under the big night sky, Reiner's heart will have bursted and melted all throughout his body. He hasn't ever felt freedom before-- until you. (don't mind me f*cking sobbing right now. he deserves the world!!)
Fluff 1) You and Reiner sometimes do typical, fluffy couple stuff, like go to parks and have picnics, or going to the aquarium, or baking together. Reiner loves the domestic life with you, and you will always catch him gazing dreamily at you, as if he's not sure you're really his. Are you actually right there in front of him? How did he get this lucky? ..Man short circuits a lot around you.
Will definitely be so caught up in his smittenness for you that when you drop the bread dough on the ground and start getting upset/sad, he will just be staring at you like o// //o, not even realizing what happened.
NSFW: I honestly haven't thought about this but I will update this post when I do have some accurate guess on what Reiner in the bedroom is like-- (you can comment if you wanna be tagged for when I do finish this post/ make part two)
𐡘 \
Don't forget to leave a like, or to comment/follow if you want!! Comment to be tagged in part 2! (Jean, Eld, Marco, Bertholt, Connie, Porco, Zeke, etc etc) Feel free to comment! I'd LOVE to hear y'all's thoughts on this post <3! Hope ur all okay.
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jaynemia · 3 months
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AOT Petname HC's
My list and takes of (various) AOT character's usages of petnames in a relationship <3
Characters listed: Levi, Mikasa, Armin, Hange, Eren, Annie, Jean.
!! Slightly suggestive + sorry for grammar mistakes if any
Levi Ackerman
❥┆As expected, Levi isn't the type to get too particularly creative with the names he calls you, so he usually just calls you by your name. However, when he does, you always tease him about it.
❥┆Lovely is what he calls you whenever he gets sentimental or when you need comfort. "I'm here lovely," or "stay with me lovely, come on," are some uses of this petname.
❥┆Dear is what he calls you when he wants to encourage you. Although he rarely uses it, it sometimes slips out when he's vulnerable. "C'mon dear, keep going."
Mikasa Ackerman
❥┆She loves to use petnames as it reminds her that you're hers. Sometimes she gets too eager to ask you if you're comfortable with a new petname and just drops it out of the blue, getting extremely flustered after.
❥┆Honey is what she usually calls you for generic sentences and situations. She loves it because it sounds like the two of you are married. "Honey, are you done yet?"
❥┆Darling is what she calls you regularly too, but mostly in situations where she's extremely happy or wants to comfort you. "Let's go out to eat, darling."
Armin Arlert
❥┆Ugh my sweet Armin (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) he also likes to use petnames and chooses the sappiest, sweetest, and most corniest ones to call you.
❥┆Angel is what he uses when he's being overly sweet and lovey. He loves to add "my" in front of it because it's more possessive. "Come back to bed, angel," or "my angel is so beautiful," are some examples.
❥┆Sweetheart is what he calls you when he's.. vulnerable. Begging and needy. He loves to use it because he knows you'll cave into all his desires the moment it slips out of his mouth. I am NOT writing examples cause I'll go insane.
Hange Zoë
❥┆They honestly use the weirdest petnames on you that fit more under the nicknames category than anything.
❥┆Princess, if you were comfortable with it, would be used to mainly mess with you and refer to you in the third person. "Don't stress too much, princess," "My princess is the only royal I care about, personally."
❥┆Bunny is what they usually call you. It was cute up until you found out they got the name from one of their now dead titan subjects. It was still endearing, though. "What'll we have for dinner, bunny? Stew?"
Eren Yaeger
❥┆He uses petnames like any normal person, but he's actually so incredibly NOT creative that it pisses you off. Whenever you ask for a more unique petname, he usually just shrugs and says something stupid like "cutie patootie?"
❥┆Baby/Babe is what he calls you when he's frustrated or jealous. While he calls you "babe" when he's angry, he uses "baby" in a soft, but irritated tone when he's trying to get what he wants from you. "Come on, babe, we're wasting time here." "Baby- stay here with me. Don't go off with those people."
I literally can't imagine him saying anything else LMAOO
Annie Leonhardt
❥┆Sorry but I also just can't imagine her calling her partner anything; however, that doesn't stop her from loving being called petnames herself. She loves every kind of petname you come up for her and gets flustered every time you use them.
Jean Kirschtein
❥┆Don't even get me started. He's such a hopeless romantic that when he finally got a piece of ass, he immediately showed how absolutely grateful he was through cute petnames. He's so incredibly corny with some of them, though.
❥┆Babyboy/Babygirl is what he calls you when he's being sweet or when he's just trying to comfort you. "I'm right here, baby---, I'm right here."
❥┆Doll & Sugar is what he calls you regularly for any circumstance because it makes him sound flirty, smooth, and mature. He doesn't know that it sometimes gets him weird stares from strangers. "Hey, doll. You just gonna stand there?" "Why're you feeling lonely? I'm right here, sugar."
I had more ideas for him but I was just gonna list two (*´-`)
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arlerts-angel · 1 year
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🖤⛓️🔞| 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐨𝐥. 1: 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
a/n: welcome to the official first installment of kinktober! today we'll start off with some softcore stuff; headcanons/how our men pleasure themselves; a look into their pants and if they use any assistance to do the deed 😮‍💨
cw: descriptions of male masturbation methods, dick sizes/descriptions, toys mentioned
taglist: @callm3senpaii @la-undercover-latina @dilfkentolover @arlertwitch @nigthmar3moon @darkstarlight82 @daddydynamight @softlilpeachxx @ringsofsaturnnnn @millennialmagicalgirl @i-literally-cant-with-this
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🖤 armin arlert:
x-ray: armin's pretty average at about 5 and 1/2 inches! he has more length than girth and curves ever so slightly upwards. he is so smooth, loves to be clean shaven.
method: armin loves to use a small bullet vibrator and stimulate his taint while he masturbates. sometimes he'll go even further if he's feeling brave. it gives him the most intense orgasms (besides his partner) and usually makes him a noisy, whiny mess. when armin cums, he cums in his hand for relatively easy cleanup.
assistance: armin doesn't care to watch porn but he will look at pictures you send him or watch videos of the two of you fucking.
🖤 eren jaeger:
x-ray: eren packs a nice 7 inch cock, and it's thick too. his pubes are the same shade as his hair and are trimmed neatly, doesn't mind letting them be wild sometimes, though.
method: eren likes to edge himself. he likes to take his time when he masturbates, so he'll stroke his cock and get incredibly close to cumming and just stop, leaving his cock red and throbbing. eventually he'll spill his cum over his tummy once he's had enough.
assistance: eren watches porn frequently, less when in a relationship or not at all if his partner isn't comfortable with it. he loves to watch girl on girl porn or dick riding videos.
🖤 levi ackerman:
x-ray: mans has the thickest, juiciest cock ever and you cannot tell me otherwise. length wise he's slightly above average, close to 6 inches.
method: every now and then, levi will use a cock ring when he jerks off. he loves how hard it makes his cock and allows him to last longer during his jerk off sessions. levi has a designated cum rag that he uses to finish in so as to not make a mess.
assistance: levi absolutely does not watch porn. he knows it's completely unrealistic and thus does not add any fuel to his fire. he prefers to use his imagination.
🖤 jean kirstein:
x-ray: well, let's just say he's got a cock that matches his face ;) homeboy is packing heat. a solid 8 inches, all length.
method: jean likes to use his non-dominant hand to jerk off. he turns his hand so that it slides down his cock forefinger first. he'll twist his hand ever so slightly, as if someone else was stroking his dick for him. jean does the deed in the shower, so he lets his cum spurt out against the shower wall and down the drain.
assistance: jean likes to use pictures or videos you send him, much like armin does. he will occasionally watch porn if he feels compelled to.
🖤 connie springer:
x-ray: connie has an average size, maybe slightly below average penis. but what he lacks in length he makes up for in width, and wit.
method: connie likes to play with his balls when he masturbates. he'll twirl them around between his fingers or pull them up and down rhythmically as he jerks his cock. connie cums into tissues, though they're not the most effective at actually catching the spurts.
assistance: connie always has SOMEONE in his phone willing to send nudes to him, relationship status be damned. single? he's got hoes. taken? he'll happily ask for nudes from his pretty baby. he loves to watch amateur porn too.
🖤 reiner braun
x-ray: do i even have to say it... HIS COCK IS MASSIVE. reiner is big and beefy in all the right places. i'm talking porn star cock. 10 inches and it's thick.
method: reiner uses lots of lube. he's big and girthy so he needs a little extra sum sum to get him there. he also likes to jerk it in the shower every now and then, but if he's not in the shower he's definitely in the bedroom, cumming buckets into your bra or panties.
assistance: reiner loves to have phone sex. there's something steamy about only hearing you moan and talk dirty without seeing you touch yourself.
🖤 bertholdt hoover
x-ray: this man is the definition of pencil dick and i mean it in the nicest way possible. his cock is as tall and thin as he is, and he knows how to use it.
method: bertholdt doesn't use any special toys or lubes. he'll either spit in his hand and jerk it or use some lotion if he happens to be near some. he usually saves his jerk off sessions for late nights, so he finds an old shirt or sock to cum into.
assistance: i cannot explain it, but bertholdt gives me the vibe that he saves every nude he's ever been sent and uses those to help him jerk off. also has a thing for revenge porn.
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itsnathateasy · 7 days
Armin Week | Day 1 | SFW Prompts | Anxiety/Panic Attacks OR Cat Café
author���s note: i will DIE of armin fluff, i can feel it spreading
word count: 663
warnings: none, just fluff
these pieces of fanart were a great inspo for me! one two
It was much like Armin to have entire dates planned days ahead of their actual date. Which wasn’t bad at all. Mostly, you were self-sabotaging. After a series of failed relationships and pointless blind dates, ending up with a guy that truly respects you and goes the extra mile to make you happy, was a situation you weren’t familiar with.
But what you never expected, was your sweet boyfriend to have booked you a visit to your local cat café that only opened up a few weeks ago. Armin knew how much you loved cats and how annoyed you were with your landlord that wouldn’t allow any pets in the house.
“I just figured you might feel better at the cat café, considering how you had to leave your cat with your brother since you moved here” he explained. “Plus, it’s a great way to support a local business. Would hate it if one more great coffee shop shut down, you know?”
“Armin, honestly. This has to be the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you!” You pulled him closer and squeezed him in a warm embrace. “I don’t know how I got so lucky with you!”
Armin was blushing like crazy, obviously flattered by your words. “You’re my girlfriend, y/n. You don’t need to thank me for taking care of you”.
“Hello and welcome to the cat café!” The waitress politely showed you to your table and handed you the menus. Everything on it looked delicious but all you cared about at the moment was how incredibly sweet Armin was being towards you.
Your orders arrived while you and Armin were discussing drama with one of colleagues. “I just don’t understand why she’d rat me out! It’s not like I made a mistake on purpose!” “I know love, what she did totally sucked. But you should discuss it with your boss first. See what she has to say about this”
You leaned your head on his shoulder, totally worn with all the drama but really at peace that you got to spend your evening with your favourite person. You took a deep sigh and Armin put both of his arms around you, holding you tight. “It’s going to be fine! Don’t bug that lovely head of yours any longer”. As he kept reassuring you, a grey cat jumped on Armin’s legs and gloriously stretched its body.
“Look at it go!” Armin exclaimed, a huge smile on his face. “Should I pet it y/n?”
“I think this cat chose you Armin! Go ahead! I think it loves you already!”
“it’s true that Misty isn’t the most sociable” The waitress informed you. “However, for her to sit this peacefully and enjoy some pets is rare. You should consider adopting if you’re able to. I’d love to explain more about our adoption policy”. Even though she’d appeared out of nowhere, you realise she’s left a sheet of paper on the table, with pictures of the cats living at the café.
“Thank you so much for letting us know!” The waitress smiled and moved away from your table.
“Ugh what a shame I can’t adopt”. You said and extended your hand to rub behind Misty’s ears, a small frown appearing on your face.
“You know love, I was thinking-”
“I didn’t know you could Armin” you smirked playfully.
“No, no, for real, hear me out. I know you’re not allowed any pets in your apartment, but I am. How about I adopted Misty? We can take care of her together. Besides, you’re over at my place almost every day. What do you think?”
“I think this relationship just became a hundred times more serious Armin. We’re going to be cat parents now. It’s a great responsibility" you said as you placed your palm on top of him, looking him in the eyes. "Are you ready to take this risk? Are you ready for this type of commitment?”
“I am if you are”.
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thestartax · 7 months
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Armin Arlert x Reader
Synopsis: you’ve been in Marley for a couple months now , you’re finally seeing Armin again
Tropes: long hug, eye contact, pre-existing relationships, yes the lowercase is intentional, first person pronouns because it’s you
i’ve been in marley for a couple of months now. i’ve only risked contact with eren once. he made me promise to not ruin this mission, he said he had everything in place to make it work. still, i didn’t love the idea that he was bringing everyone here to, very suddenly, bring ruination upon this town.
i’ve seen children running around. families, friends, relationships. the eldians have formed a community, everyone on the eldian side of the gate knows one another. they’re a family. to think that eren intends to destroy this town of eldians—not even the marleyans—even if they will be there these are still eldian homes he will destroy. it makes me nauseous to think about it.
reiner is here. he has a cousin who he treats more like a sister. she has a band of friends. they all want nothing more than to prove they’re good eldians and kill everyone back on paradis which, i’ll admit, makes me more than a little violent when i think about it for too long. but i always remind myself that this is all they’ve been taught, it’s all they know. i remember my boyfriend is back on paradis and the feelings of violence come back but then i see this girl and her own personal blonde and i have to remind myself once again. it’s an endless cycle.
i haven’t been able to come into contact with eren again—it’s too much of a risk, as he continuously reminds me. but i’ve been watching, very closely, from the sides. he’s been talking to that little blonde reiner’s cousin/sister is going to be stuck to for the rest of her life—assuming they both survive this. it makes me nervous seeing eren with him but i don’t think he’d go out of his way to hurt the boy so i’ve yet to intervene.
on the day i know eren intends to ruin these people’s lives—worse than they have already been ruined—i’m anxious beyond repair, i’ll just have to sit with it. even if this goes perfectly we’re still sure to lose some of our own and kill entire families on this mission. i’m nauseous again.
eren convinces the boy—falco to bring reiner to him. i sit just out of range of the explosion eren will surely set off when he transforms. i can’t hear them but i know what’s being said. eren’s revealing himself, reiner is scared out of his mind, and falco is shocked. i just hope that when he does transform that falco will be okay. he’s a good kid.
some long haired blonde man who’s very clearly important to all of these people is giving some speech about killing the island devils on paradis when eren finally transforms, decimates half of the people gathered together, and then eats said man. this, of course, causes the actual war hammer titan to make herself known. there is something of a fight between them but really eren just gets his ass handed to him by being skewered a few times. but that doesn’t stop reinforcements from coming.
i can hear the odm gear zipping by. i know my friends are here. it makes me smile but then it makes me nervous. i would prefer they all be out of harm's way—eren hasn’t allowed that. so we’re all fighting for our lives in unknown territory. the goal is to spare as many of our own lives as possible, capture zeke, and get eren out of here alive.
honestly, we look like we’re going to lose. they have the war hammer titan, the jaw titan, the beast titan, and the cart titan. if zeke were actually against us we’d surely be dead. but still, it looks mildly bleak. but i know what our power play is. i know what eren will have forced them to do. forced him to do. even though knows he hates it. even though he knows it goes against everything he believes in.
i see it in the distance. i hear it everywhere. i can almost feel it in the air. the explosion. i know what it is. i know who it is.
without thinking, i take off running towards the blast. i’m zipping around on my odm gear, reaching maximum speeds. i’m weaving through and around all the buildings and straight to the port.
by the time i get there, everything is decimated. things still shine with the light of a burned-out fire. these people were scorched and all of the land in a five-mile radius is crushed. there will be no survivors. no one will live through this if they’re not dead already. no one but the boy who caused it.
he’s just ripped himself from the nape of his titan's neck when my feet hit the ground. i stand before his titan, the size of a small bug from where he sits atop it. i look up at him, overcome with emotion and frozen in place.
when he looks down and spots me i can feel his eyes. i can feel his gaze upon me. it warms me everywhere his eyes travel. he’s slowly registering it’s me, he doesn’t believe it yet. he doesn’t want to get his hopes up if it’s not me and instead someone who’s about to shoot at him.
i smile despite myself, feeling my eyes pool with tears. i don’t try to blink them back like i usually would. he knows me then.
he inhales sharply and in the next moment he’s zipping down from his titans body and towards me. “y/n!”
i laugh helplessly and dart towards him. we’re running at each other with all we have, really. i’ve never run faster. this is the new record. i thought i was fast getting here. this beats that by a long shot. i can see him. he’s 100 feet away from me. 80 feet. 50. he’s so close, how could i not run as fast as i possibly can? 20 feet. then 10.
as soon as i can see every cut and bruise on his face, his titan marks, the blue of his eyes—it’s like as soon as i see him it’s like i leave battle mode. it doesn’t matter that we’ve both been fighting for our lives out here. we’ve nearly won now. we’re going to leave with only a few casualties of our own, eren, & the war hammer titan. it will be successful as long as we continue as we have been. my resolve dies and we’re just so close now. i’m jumping over charred corpses & rubble from the destroyed town. i’m running as fast i can to my favorite blonde. “armin!” i choke out, suddenly so close to sobbing i can feel the tears falling.
i’m sure it’s jarring to see me like this. usually so stoic and unmoved in the fast of terror or tragedy, reduced to a puddle of tears at the sight of a boy i’ve loved all my life.
his breath hitches again and when we embrace it’s with such equal force we stand completely still, absorbing each other's energy. we’re panting and holding each other like the contact is the only thing that allows us to breathe. one of my arms is wrapped around his neck, hooking it in the bend of my elbow while my other hand is pushed into the hair at the back of his head. he’s holding me so tightly around the waist that he’s nearly lifting me off the ground—i’m on my tiptoes.
i squeeze my eyes shut and take shaky breaths to stop myself from crying. i’m surely shaking in his arms, not to say that he’s not shaking too—because he is. i just can’t stop.
“armin, armin, armin,” i whisper it again and again like a chant and a promise.
i can feel his heart beat against my own chest. our hearts are working to match the other's pace. our breathing synchronizes, our hearts beat as one, it’s like we’re one being.
he pulls back just enough to look me in the eyes before wiping away my tears. his own eyes are filled with so much emotion it almost brings my tears back. he closes his eyes and leans our foreheads together.
i reach up and cup his face in my hands. he opens his eyes and does the same to me. when our eyes meet and hold contact i can’t help but let out a weak, wet laugh. my thumbs gently trace over his titan marks with a feather-like touch. the only sound is of our breath & the ocean behind us at the port. “hi,” i say without thinking.
he laughs quietly, “hi.”
for a long moment, we stay like that. wrapped up in each other and the moment. i’ve gone soft around the edges, i’m no longer alert and sharp. i don’t know exactly where the sound comes from when i hear it—and that makes me nervous.
it’s a voice that calls for us. it makes me pull armin to me, holding him tightly, shielding him. i look around to pinpoint where this voice is coming from. it makes me uneasy to be on a battlefield but feel so at home just because i’m in his presence. it makes me nervous to not be so sharp, so prepared, so ready.
finally, i spot jean. he’s off in the distance. we can’t quite hear him but it’s easy to make out the waving arm that tells us to get to him quickly. he’s not very calm about it.
i relax a little, happy it’s a friend who requires an answer to their call versus someone with a gun. my hold on armin doesn’t loosen much. he sighs against my neck, he’s relieved too.
“i think it’s about time to catch our ride home,” armin says softly.
i nod against his shoulder where i rest my forehead. i smile a little. “i’ve been missing home… missing you.”
he slides his hand up from its place on my back to the back of my neck. “you won’t have to miss me again. we won’t be apart again.”
“that’s wishful thinking,” i joke sadly.
he doesn’t say anything because he knows i’m right. he just pulls away and takes my hand. when he starts to lead us over to jean i quickly use our joined hands to pull him back to me. i put my hand on the back of his neck—mostly to steady myself and then lean on my tiptoes to kiss him. it’s long and emotional but really that’s all it is—emotional. there’s no deeper meaning behind it, no lust. it’s just something that says, “i’m so happy to have you back. never leave me again. i love you more than anything. let me keep loving you.”
when i pull away i simply take the lead in walking and pull him along behind me—he’s still a little dazed for the time being but he snaps out of it quickly enough. we walk together to jean. i’m sure we’re supposed to be in a hurry, i know this airship will leave without us, but we can’t seem to make ourselves run.
when we get to our friend he shoots armin a look i don’t quite understand but he says nothing of our joined hands, which i appreciate. he doesn’t hesitate to remind us that if we don’t make it to the rooftop rendezvous spot we will not be going home. on that very blunt note, the three of us book it to the roof.
armin’s hand is soft and warm in mine. he’s like home for me. he’s safety and happiness personified. he’s always been there. he’s been the love of my life since the moment i laid eyes on him and i don’t ever intend to take my eyes off of him now. not again. he and i are in it for the long haul… assuming we all survive this.
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diefxrguns · 2 years
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✯pairings- jean kirstein x afab!reader
✯ a/n- do not share my work on other platforms, if you're not comfortable then don't read.
✯synopsis- jean kirstein has had a crush on his best friend's younger sister for a while now, but it's not exactly a crush per se.
✯c/w- smut
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" move baby, move baby I'm in love"
He was honestly afraid, he was afraid of loosing the friendship he had with Connie Springer, your older brother. You weren't particularly "close" with the older boy- named Jean Kirstein. But you were safe around him, ya know .
You felt a sense of comfort around the man, he was a few years older then you. You being 18 and Jean being 22.
Jean always escorted you to your small car after a party, just to make sure you're safe and sound.
His hands on your shoulder when the two of you went into a convenience store, late at night to get Connie some things. He did this to show the people there, that he was there.
Your body sprawled out underneath Jean, as his hand was on your mouth. Helping you conceal the lewd sounds that were escaping your mouth- with every thrust.
This was so fucking wrong, in so many ways. It was immoral almost.
Fucking his best friend's little sis, his longer hair falling his sweaty face. And one of his hands gripping your boob.
If Springer found out, you'd be dead. No Jean would be dead actually.
" Mhmmm" was all you could manage to say even though your mouth was covered by his hand.
Truthfully you wanted to scream, you wanted to scream so loud. It was all to overwhelming for you. You always had feelings for Jean. Just the way his eyes pierced through your soul. His hair, his tattoos, his muscles...
When you two were left alone, he took the opportunity. And he liked you too, he was overly protective, so that's an obvious sign of attraction.
" Yeah, you taking me so well hon, keep silent for me yeah" he said through heavy breaths
You did nothing but nod under him, with tear filled eyes and your hand gripping his wrist. Your legs over his shoulders, as he thrusted into you slowly.
" Oh, Oh fuck I'm gonna cum in this pussy yeah. Hmmm you'd like that hey- you'd like if I cum and make your pussy all creamy with my spunk" he said, his orgasm on route.
As he continued to thrust into your tight cunt, making wet noises that were getting louder by the second... Your orgasm hit you like a buss going full speed on a highway.
" Oh, mmmhmm" the sounds escaping your lips but were muffled due to his hand still on your mouth.
" Yeah, fuck- oh, you like that hmmm. I bet you love that don't ya" he said as he came but pulled out, his semen falling onto your pink sheets below
He let go of your mouth, making you gasp for some fresh air.
Your hair all messy and your body sweaty, your breathing heavy as he plopped on your bed next to you.
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He hugged your small body as you fell asleep in his muscular arms- covered with tattoos.
His head resting on your shoulder, as you both dozed off.
From then on, you and Jean kept fucking. Everytime Connie left you were banging the shit out of each other. Even in his car when he dropped you off. After all that time, things still never got official between you two.
Maybe Jean just wasn't ready for a relationship, but apart of you always thought it was because he was using you for easy sex.
Gradually as time passed, the sexual energy between you and Jean could be seen by your other friends, including Connie.
"So Y/N why is Jean looking at you so much?" Asked Historia as she whispered in your ear.
Across the room, sat Jean with Eren, Connie, Armin, Reiner and Berthold.
It was game night, something your friend group did, every Friday night. It was kind of like a "tradition"
" Um I don't know Krista, He's probably just staring into space" you said tucking a strand of hair behind your ear akwardly
" Don't fucking lie, we see the way he's staring. Maybe it's the dress?" Said Sasha loudly, making the boys look at you all at once
" What about a dress? " Asked Armin looking at the group of girls
" She looks fucking hot, that's what this dress things about, Hey Y/N" said Annie in a somewhat sarcastic yet complementing manner
" Well Y/ N is fucking hot though" said Reiner munching on some chips
" That's enough boys, let's start the game shall we" said Connie, obviously and visibly uncomfortable by the remarks about his baby sister.
The game was a game of truth or dare, but not the regular truth or dare games that ask boring questions. This game was extremely provocative asking the most sexual questions.
" Alright, it landed on Armin... Truth or dare" asked Connie as he looked at Armin
" Hmm... Well.. I'll say truth- yeah truth" said Armin
" Who's your crush, you have to tell us" asked Connie holding back his laugh
Armin's face was bright red, as he froze. The boys knew who he liked but Armin never dared to tell anyone his secret. It was now or never I guess ...
" A-A.. I like Annie" Armin said as he looked away quickly
Annie's eyes widened as she blushed slightly, she found Armin so adorable and smart. In all honesty Annie could see herself with the younger boy.
" Ok next, it's Reiner" said Connie
" Truth or dare Ox" said Connie in a sarcastic manner, obviously joking with the bigger male
" It's truth for me" said Reiner clearly unfazed
" Ok who do you like? " Asked Connie with a big fat smirk on his face
" Well, that's interesting... She's sitting here right now. I mean, I've had my eyes on her forra while now- but she's playing hard to get. " Said Reiner with a smirk
" C'mon bro, who is she?" Asked Jean punching Reiners shoulder
" Y/N of course, I mean just look at her. Sorry Connie but your sister is 11/10, 100/10 in a bikini" said Reiner
And the room suddenly went quite, Connie held his arm awkwardly but never said a word, he wasn't to pleased. But Jean on the other hand was pissed. He wanted you all to himself, and in all honesty Jean disliked Reiner just because of how unnecessary Reiner could be.
" Well... Um, let's move on. Truth or dare Jean" asked Armin
" Dare" Jean said with his jaw clenched and his eyes darting at you
" I dare you to kiss anybody, anyone in the room"
That's when Jean got up and gave you the best kiss of a lifetime. His tongue entering your mouth and his hands found their way to your waist, grabbing you tight.
Reiner and Connie did nothing but gawk as gasps could be heard.
He was tired of waiting, he was tired of competing... You were his and his only.
" Fuck this shit, let's go Y/N. And to set this fucking thing straight, Connie- I've been fucking your sister. And I love it, I love her" said Jean as he grabbed your hand and walked out the house.
" I love you" he said as he drove away
(⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙⁠)⁠ノa/n- this was so rushed ughh, kind of mid too. But anyways hope you enjoyed it
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clfixationstation · 9 months
ships that make me go absolutely insane
Ranked from most insane to least
EREMIN (AoT: Eren x Armin)
the entire time I'm watching them my brain is "they're just like me fr" they make me feel as if I'm tearing apart. Oh the shared dream, the ruin, the raw honesty cutting through layers of deception, the way they end - it's too much. I saw myself so much in their dynamic something about queer childhood friends to lovers. something about living in that in-between...also aspec Eren real. You have NO IDEA how much analysis I've written about them. The slow corruption of their shared dream, the way Armin knew Eren best, the way Eren looks at Armin :( "And in the corner of your eye / I saw a dream that never died" - Aurora
Catradora (SPoP: Catra x Adora)
First canon queer ship I watched <3 both healing and painful at the same time, it tapped into something deep I had forgotten long ago. The sort of relationship where you're really close but there's a gap you both feel and won't address for fear of your own feelings and about losing each other (both eremin & catradora) but then they're able to actually close it!! To see each other as they are! Do you understand how much hope that offers?! To be seen and be told your fate is not tragic? I have also written so much analysis about them. "You're the only friend I need / Sharing beds like little kids / And laughing 'til our ribs get tough / But that will never be enough" - Lorde
Cassunzel (TTS: Cass x Rapunzel)
*gasp* a ship that isn't queer childhood besties to lovers? But bro the YEARNING. Oh it hurts so bad. Also the aesthetic is simply divine. I'm ranking it here because it was very impactful for me some years ago, though I'm not into it enough right now to deliver a thorough explanation. Also I'm pretty sure Cass is a canon lesbian? Massive W. idk, something about shipping noncanon queer ships that gets me. "I'm sick of the sun / Can't trust anyone" - Poppy
Nuts n Dolts (RWBY: Penny x Ruby)
Idk they just cared for each other so tenderly and then Penny died twice and Ruby couldn't save her either time. Ow ow ow. THE doomed yuri. I love to hc both of them as aspec, & both are very neurodivergent-coded (because that is what I am). I'm drawn to the comfort, security, warmth, and the angst. There's also just something very bright in their relationship that draws me in, similarly to eremin. seeing each other in such a golden light while resenting themselves perhaps? the way they look at each other & hold each other so dear? "A chance to share the world / To be a girl who finally felt alive" - Friend, RWBY
Bumbleby (RWBY: Blake x Yang)
Holy shit the yearning! Blake abandoning Yang AND THEN COMING BACK AND STAYING. Protecting each other :') Healing together. It's just so sweet and powerful I can't help but adore it. I remember watching the first 2 seasons when I was little before I knew gay people existed, and shipping them even then. ngl I really want to go rewatch earlier seasons through a sapphic angst/yearning lens. "I made a vow, I'm not alone / Not dying now, we're protecting our own" - Nevermore, RWBY
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moonspirit · 3 months
Hello Moon,
One relationship that I would love to hear from you on is one that I don't think has been discussed in great length; let's talk about sisters-in-law Annie and Mikasa
I think there relationship has a lot of promise going forward. These two once bitter rivals would find common ground in their love and devotion to Armin, and it seems like this would blossom into a beautiful friendship.
It seems like both would be able to confide in one another as both have had very similar experiences when it comes to things like romance; I see Annie seeking Mikasa’s advice in the moments of friction that come with any relationship, and Mikasa being  “big sister” can help her understand some of Armin’s feelings or thoughts that he is hesitant to express
Also, even though she lives in Paradis, I think there will be times when Mikasa will have extended stays with the two, specifically during Annie’s pregnancies (let's be honest, they are having more than one). She will help around the house and support Annie when Armin is off on his duties, getting a headstart on being the Best aunt.
Its a relationship I am very keen to hear your views on as it is one that while it started with an animosity between rivals I think would become something truly special.
Hello anon!
There's actually a really special relationship between these two and it's very nice to explore tbh.
Mikasa and Annie are two extremely focused individuals. Obvious similarities aside (i.e, being the sole female character from each trio; matching each other in strength; cold and emotionless on the outside - a mechanism to drown out their emotional trauma; feared by the entirety of the 104th & so on), it's important to note that both Annie and Mikasa, even in their early days in the 104th, held a deep respect for each other's prowess in fighting skill. Among some others, I believe it's the one thing that kept them off each other's throats (though more so on Annie's part).
They are both also emotionally reserved, though in different ways. Annie emotional well being is stunted to the point that coming to terms with her feelings is a hard task. Mikasa on the other hand, is straightforward and quite blunt as far as protecting Eren is concerned, but her deeper feelings (as to why she's really so attached to him) remain something she finds hard to put into words. Going further, these two girls received, from Eren and Mr.Leonhardt each, some kindness and affection respectively, and made it their entire life goal to protect/return to them. For this, each was willing to cut down anyone and anything standing in their way.
It's why I believe that Mikasa and Annie understand one another's emotions so perfectly during the final battle. Mikasa understands Annie's feelings for Armin, and Annie understands Mikasa's underlying love for Eren. It's acknowledged during their conversation on their last night in Paradis too (Hange stew episode). Annie sees Mikasa willing to even let the Rumbling take place if it means she can get Eren back alive. The two have exactly one person in mind to protect (and this number grows, ofc; in Annie's case she goes back for Armin and the others of the 104th, and in Mikasa's case, she gives up Eren for the world). These are incredibly difficult decisions to make, which is what makes their exchange in Odiha and on Falco's back so wonderful.
Post-rumbling, it is also the handing over of a baton. From Mikasa to Annie: the duty of protecting Armin.
Now, headcanon time!
I honestly think they'd write a lot of letters to each other. The Alliance sans Mikasa isn't going to be able to step foot on Paradis anytime soon, so if a channel opens up between the two places to reliably exchange letters, that's a way to communicate. Annie being somewhat awkward with letters in general doesn't write much at first, but slowly the things she has to say expand from just Armin-centric stuff to other things as well. Mikasa however, is warmer, and this helps Annie get more comfortable in turn.
I wouldn't say Mikasa's going to be a person who will step in as a very delicate mediator when Aruani have relationship problems, but she's definitely reliable, firm and sensible. She says things like "Annie, you have to stop avoiding Armin," and "Armin, if you don't tell her what you're scared of, she won't understand." and so on. Straightforward, you see.
She's also a fantastic source for information and insider-secrets and behind-the-scenes knowledge about all things Armin.
There's a lot of hard feelings between Mikasa and Annie, but over time there come to be just as many points of understanding, empathy and genuine care; all of this makes their post-canon relationship truly special and warm.
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Honestly, I love the Levi/Hange/Erwin dynamic when it comes to shipping, because all of it works and feels satisfying for the characters no matter what your preference is.
I can honestly believe or be convinced of almost any dynamic involving the three of them, including a throuple situation.
But my personal headcanon is this- I think that Levi had feelings for Erwin that were definitely stronger than Erwin’s for him. Levi showed love and also strength through devotion to Erwin but Erwin only had room in his life to be devoted to his cause and his goal of finding out the truth. Any person- even those he cared most about- could be sacrificed for that goal. We see this in his characterization as “the devil”. I think he felt sorrow for this choice at times but never once considered going back on it.
I honestly think the closest Levi and Erwin ever were was before the series starts/occurs offscreen. And by the time we are introduced to these characters we are actually beginning to see the slow deterioration of what could have been their relationship. We see them working seamlessly together to acquire Eren for the Scouts, but even as soon as the 57th Expedition we see some cracks in the facade.
Levi trusts Erwin inherently, and will follow his orders, but he starts to silently and subtly disagree with the massive loss of life that Erwin is content with to achieve his goal. This all culminates in Levi’s infamous unspoken “more important than me” right before they leave for Shiganshina. Erwin is devoted to his cause and his dream of seeing the basement regardless of the casualties- and Levi has been devoted to Erwin and so therefore must bear the weight of those casualties with him even though along the way they weren’t his calls to make.
And then on the other hand, you have Levi and Hange- who mutually care for one another and have phenomenal chemistry. They both share the burden of carrying out Erwin’s wishes- but I think in Hange, Levi can see someone who is just as intelligent and determined but not quite as ruthless or closed off. Hange is constantly grappling with guilt and shame and feelings of inadequacy- emotions that Levi doesn’t permit himself to feel or in the very least, to feel openly. So by caring for them, Levi gets some of that catharsis. Surely by having sympathy for Hange’s plight, he can also then give himself permission to feel his own doubts and frustrations. Their relationship feels very equal- which is why it is ultimately more appealing to me.
Later, even when Hange is the commander, it still feels like they are on equal footing. Levi is just as devoted to them, but not in a way that forces him into a secondary role or to compromise the part of him that cares deeply for others.
I think (and yes this explanation is very Levi-centric, sorry) that Levi resists a lot of attraction to Hange or doesn’t take it as seriously while Erwin is alive- but just as we see things begin to chill between him and Erwin, we also see more trust and interactions between him and Hange.
Levi choosing Armin to revive over Erwin was a personal as well as tactical decision for him. Of course, there’s so much discussion about how it was actually a way to respect him and show mercy, et cetera. And I agree with that. But many things can be true at the same time, and I think laying Erwin to rest was also Levi choosing, if even subconsciously, that he would no longer choose his unbroken devotion to Erwin over the chance to spare lost lives (in this case, it happens to be Armin). He still reveres Erwin immensely- but following him for so many years had obviously left wounds and scars.
And I am not saying any of this to discredit Erwin or villainize him. I think Erwin is a very human character, and he put himself into a position to make choices that he knew no one else would be able to make. He chose to turn himself into a monster and be as ruthless as his enemy. He was incorruptible in this aspect, but it also meant that anyone close to him would always be secondary and he couldn’t risk becoming too attached. There a million examples of ways he cares for Levi (and Hange)- he just makes it explicit that he would never care for them MORE than the cause.
They know this and follow him anyway. But that bond between those second in command to him, creates this beautiful relationship built on shared understanding, and that’s what makes Levihan so compelling to me.
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rrenzwrld · 1 year
april 22, 2022
something i made for a scraped armin ff that i never posted..
i’m sorry about the scraps BUT it’s just until i write something new bc i haven’t posted in a while
i’m sorry again yall😭but enjoy!! <3
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[ Y/F/P : your favorite kind of pizza. ]
You had liked Armin Arlert since middle school. But this was before his glowup that sent quite a few girls his way. No matter how many dates he went on or how many girls he’s kissed in that time, you were always in his sights. The only thing holding him back was the courage to let you know how he felt. And because he waited so long, he had to share you with the gaze of other men. Other men who’d brag about your talents in bed or your appearance that particular day. He hated hearing them speak about you as if you were an object and he hated watching you allow that to happen.
Although your feelings for Armin were strong, you kept them to yourself. In your mind, he was far to perfect to be in a relationship with you. You fell in love with his eyes, his smile, his aura until you realized none of those things were for you. They were for the girls who you thought deserved him. The girls who were prettier, skinnier, outgoing, athletic. The girls who weren’t hidden in the shadows by people they were dating or messing with. The girls that someone would be proud of. And you thought that wasn’t you. The guys that you’ve had sexual relationships with never mentioned being in an actual relationship with you, only wanting sex and pleasure from you. But this was routine.
The small nap that you were supposed to be taking lasted longer than you expected and night had fallen before you knew it. You sat up and stretched before rubbing at your eyes and grabbing your phone off the nightstand, which was filled with missed calls and text messages from your friends. You called them all back to let them know you were alright before getting up to get yourself something to eat.
“Damn.. I need to go grocery shopping.” You cursed yourself as you rummaged through your pantry. You looked back at your phone ringing with a facetime call. You answered it and propped up the phone on the counter against a container of sugar close to the wall.
“Girl why the fuck didn’t you answer me? You supposed to be sick.” Reneé said angrily.
“I am. I just took a nap—“
“A nap that lasted 5 hours?” You hadn’t even noticed that you were sleeping for as long as 5 hours, but you felt a bit rejuvenated and better than earlier.
“Yeah.. but I’m fine now. Not dead.” You said as you went through your fridge.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“I’m hungry and I’m just now realizing that I haven’t went to the store. My pantry and shit bout dry as hell.”
“Well we can go to the store after class tomorrow. I need to go too that’s why I’ve been eating out— you want me to pick up a pizza?”
“Where you at?” You picked up the phone and walked into your room, turning on the lights.
“Jean’s… he’s gone now though. Something bout going to get beer or whatever. But who the fuck drinks beer?” You laughed at her comment.
“White folks.”
“You not wrong but… I’m coming over there and I’m bringing someone.”
“Jean?” You straightened up your room a bit, phone in hand as you talked, not really wanting to put it down anywhere.
“No you stupid bitch. Connie and Eren.” Your eyes widened, you didn’t have anything against either of them but you would have preferred if she’d come by herself.
“Because they wanna see how you were doing. They’re coming with Jean when he comes back so I’ll let you know.” You felt your whole mood shift.
“Okay.. well,” You sighed. “I’m gonna go so Jean won’t freak out when he sees you on the phone with somebody other than himself.”
“Girl bye. That nigga don’t own me. But I’ll see you later though. Bye~” Now that people were coming over, you actually had a reason to fix your house a bit, even if it was after 8pm.
“Yeeeerrrrr-“ Connie walked through the front door of your place with two boxes of pizza in his hands while Eren followed behind him with sodas and other things.
“Connie shut the fuck up, you know she got neighbors.”
“Shit, my bad..” Reneé rolled her eyes at him.
“Hey boo~” Reneé pulled you into a bone-crushing hug after you closed the door behind everyone and locking it. “You feeling okay?”
“Yeah, just hungry right now though,” You walked over to where Connie had sat the pizza down on the counter. “What kind you get?”
“Pepperoni and Y/F/P. Probably should’ve got another box because you know how that fat ass over there is..” She was referring to Connie, who had made himself comfortable on your couch.
“I know. But he’ll be alright. Eren!” You called.
“Yeah?” You looked at the bags he was sitting on the counter.
“What’s that? Sodas?”
He nodded. “And liquor—“
“Whoa who the fuck said we was drinking?” You looked at Reneé.
“He said he was buying it ‘just in case’. But you can just keep it here for some other time.” You sent a glare Eren’s way, receiving a wink from him in response.
“Y’all gonna eat or what?”
After everyone had eaten, none of you did much of anything other than being forced to watch movies with Reneé. Only you and Reneé seemed to be paying attention as Eren tapped away on his phone and Connie getting high out of his mind.
“Connie, you ain’t tell nobody you had weed.” Reneé eyed the boy, watching him take another hit of the blunt he held. His eyes were red and lidded as he sat in the black loveseat, knees spread apart in front of him.
“Was I supposed to?”
“Bitch..” Reneé mumbled as Connie softly laughed at her.
“Reneé.” Eren looked up from his phone.
“Yes, Yeager?”
“Lemme use your car.” She looked at him like he was crazy.
“Uh why?”
“I gotta go somewhere real quick. I’ll be right back. Promise.” Reneé rolled her eyes before hovering the keys over the palm of his hand.
“Where you going?” She snatched the keys back.
“Not you clocking him.” You commented.
“Right. Thought yall wasn’t fucking anymore.” Reneé and Eren directed their eyes at Connie.
“It’s my fucking car—“
“Reneé. You gonna give me the keys or not?” Eren’s hand was still held out. You didn’t know where he wanted to go in such a rush but it probably wasn’t your business. You continued to watch the movie.
“I’ll take you wherever you need to go. I don’t gotta hand my shit over to you just cause you ask. Bring ya’ ass.”
“Stop telling me what to do.” Eren mumbled as Reneé let Eren out in front of her.
“Y/n, I’ll be back.” She said as she closed the door behind her, leaving you with Connie.
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"You're so pretty"
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~ Armin x Dumbification
CW: nsfw, dom! Armin, sub! reader, Armin is slightly manipulative but he’s sweet towards the end, mentions multiple orgasms but only one is written, overstimulation, subspace, sex toys, Armin and reader are in a relationship, black coded reader, afab reader, pet names are used
WC: 1.7k
Synopsis: Armin is usually a humble guy when it comes to people recognizing his brilliance. With the constant praise and compliments, you’d be flattered but not him. No, Armin finds that the reassurance and reward he needs for his smarts is when he has you babbling nonsense and only having him on your mind, nothing but him and his cock flooding every crevice in your mind.
AN: First 2022 Kinktober piece! Literally finished this an hour before it needed to be posted. This is actually a rewrite so if you read the first one… just know this one is 10x better! Still working on my aesthetic and how to write smut so bare with me but enjoy!
❗️minors & blank blogs DNI❗️
Second Person Pov
Whiny whimpers escape you while Armin calmly increases the vibrations of the vibrator on your clit and curls his long, slender fingers in your cunt. Your spread out on the bed you both share with a jeweled butt plug lodged in your ass, a vibrator stuck on your clit, clips clamped on your nipples, and your hands tied behind your back with rope while Armin had his fingers deep in your dripping pussy. All the items were a pink color since Armin likes to keep things organized and uniform, pink meaning you were going to cum… a lot. It’s been about thirty minutes and he’s already made you cum twice, on his way to making it three. 
“What was that baby? I didn’t quite get that, do you think you can try again pretty girl?” Armin has a mockingly teasing tone, but you don’t hear a drop.
“Please ‘Min! I-I can’t… no more.” You’ve been moaning and whining as you begged him to stop after the first time he made you cum. 
But Armin just can’t get over how pretty you look when you cry and he loves the sounds that fly from your puffy lips. Plus you’re at the edge of the headspace he wants you in so he can’t stop now. His cock is throbbing from the anticipation of you falling into a mindless state where all you could do is say his name and babble how much you loved everything he did to you. 
Armin gives you a fake pout that you completely fall for, not sensing the sadistic intent behind it. “But my love, we aren’t done yet. You’ve got at least one more for me, right?”
You look at him with tears streaming down your face from the overstimulation and from the heavy want you have to touch him. He returns your teary eyes with one that feigns sadness and disappointment if only that’s what it actually was. Armin knows the extent of your want to please and impress him so he’s well aware of what to say and what to do to get right into that pretty head of yours. 
Your eyes widen and your lips quiver at the thought of disappointing Armin. “I-i’m sorry ‘Min! I’ll try one more time.” Your eyes are filled with determination as you wait for his response.
Armin’s pout slowly turns into a bright smile as he starts fingering you at a fast pace while your pussy drools down his knuckles. He slowly licks his lips before he leans over you, kissing your neck gently as he whispers in your ear. “You are such a good girl. Do you know how happy you’ve made me, my love?” 
The flutter you feel in your heart shows all over your face causing Armin to chuckle when he pulls back to see the face you make as he finger fucks his pretty girl. My precious little bimbo. That’s all he can think as he looks at you simply because he knows he most likely isn’t stopping after you cum again. You’re too wet and adorable for him to stop. He feels like you have at least two more until you truly are unable to cum anymore. Then he’ll reward you with the best aftercare for his best girl, even though that's something he does either way. He loves you more than anyone and that’s saying something since Eren and Mikasa are two people he holds very dear to his heart.
Your eyes flutter closed and whiny moans leave your lips as he curls his fingers slightly, picking up the pace a bit. You clench around his fingers and squeeze your hands into a fist, a signal that you are  going to cum for him again soon. So being the person he is, he slows the pace of his fingers to a painfully slow rhythm causing you to whine and try to move your hips to simulate a faster pace. 
“Hey baby, open your eyes and tell me what you want.” He coaxes as he uses his free hand to gently hold one side of your face.
You lazily open your eyes as you snuggle into his hold on your cheek. Drool falls from the side of your mouth, exposing the fucked-out look Armin has been working for this whole time. Not a single thought in that beautiful head of yours. You’re exactly where he wants you and the sadistic smirk that grows on his face shows just how proud he is of his achievement. 
“You… want you to fuck me… please ‘M-min.” You slur out as he smiles at you and gently kisses your forehead. You’re always so beautiful to Armin but he thinks you’re the prettiest when you look so drunk for his cock. The tint showing where your heat rises into a blush across your brown skin, your hair wild and the sweat glistening like pearls on your skin always turns him feral with the want to ruin you completely. 
“That’s what you want sweetheart?” You nod your head lazily as you feel like you’re in a hazy cloud. 
Armin slowly pulls his fingers from your weeping cunt, forcing a choked whine to leave your throat. Though his fingers are no longer in you, you are both still attached by the thin strand of slick lingering on his fingers. He taps your lips, a signal for you to open your mouth which you do, allowing him to put his fingers in your mouth. He makes sure you suck them clean, one of the things he uses as a way to make sure you’re still conscious and still able to function properly, or he’d stop immediately. Though you haven’t used the safe word, Armin decides that the vibrator isn’t necessary anymore so he removes it gently before pulling down his sweatpants and boxers. 
As soon as his cock is free, you immediately wake up from the haze you were previously in. He chuckles softly as he spits on his base before stroking himself slowly. He has such a pretty dick and you will never get over it. It’s about 6 1/2 inches and has a good girth to it with a pretty pink mushroom tip that is an angry red from how hard he is right now. Your wide eyes watch his every move as he hovers over you, rubbing his tip against your opening causing you to arch for more and moan his name.
“My cute little baby. So dumb for my cock, yeah?” You whine as he teases the tip into you before pulling it out, continuing to rub against you. “Patience princess, you know I’ll always make you feel good.” His voice is soft as he holds the side of your face with a small smile. 
He bits his lip gently as he slowly pushes his cock into your dripping pussy, hissing at the feeling of you hugging him in your warmth. The sounds that leave you are beyond sinful and solidify Armin’s decision to let this be your last one but he was going to make sure you feel this orgasm for a while. He slowly starts moving faster, wanting the pleasure you both feel to last as long as he could. He always loves the way your pussy feels. He believes you’re both made for each other since you both fit each other perfectly. 
The faster he goes, the tighter your hold on his dick is. The room fills with the sounds of your whimpers and whines, his breathy moans, and the sound of wet skin slapping against each other. He starts rubbing your clit when he feels that you were getting closer to your orgasm. You start babbling complete and utter nonsense which brings the biggest smile to Armin’s face as he picks up his speed. 
“You wanna cum baby?” You nod the best you can, whimpers tumbling out your mouth. “So cum for me baby, cream all over my cock.” That’s all you need to be pushed over the edge. You cum for the third time, cumming so hard your vision turns white and the scream you let out of his name pushes Armin closer to his orgasm than he was before. 
“Fuck doll, I’m gonna cum.” Armin gives you a few more hard sloppy thrusts before he pulls out and cums on your stomach, groaning as he does. He hits his cock against your fluttering pussy before leaning down and kissing your forehead, whispering sweet nothing to you with a gentle voice. “You did so good baby. I’m proud of you.”
He kisses your lips gently before he gets up to untie the ropes from your sore arms, rubbing them to soothe the pain a bit. He unclamps your nipples next, pulling you up and holding you close to him. You wrap your arms around him and sob as he rubs your back, pulling the buttplug out gently. “I know baby, that was a lot but you did so good. I told you I’ll always take care of my baby.” He whispers as he carries you over to the bathroom, sitting you on the toilet gently before moving to get the tub running. 
Once the tub is filled with warm water and your lavender bubble bath, he gently puts you inside and follows behind you. Your back rests against his chest as he gently starts washing your body, making sure that you aren't in any pain or discomfort. He washes your hair, doing everything you taught him from the times he wanted to learn how to help you with your natural hair. After you’re both all clean, he dries you off and puts you in a matching pajama set you both share. Armin lays you in bed gently as he gets ready himself to lay in bed with you.
Though the whole process is done without many words except the reassurance and praise from Armin every now and again, you both express your love through actions. As soon as Armin climbs in bed behind you, he asks if you’re okay when he wraps his arms around you with love and protection. You nod lazily as you slowly let sleep take you over knowing that you could always trust your boyfriend with everything.
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Yeah, you're right about Eren and Ymir motivations being unclear, and there was so much that could be explored
I tend to incline more to the interpretation of "Eren is doing it bc he wants to (maybe as a way to gain control over his situation and bc he just hates the people outside that much), but he is not 100% committed of doing so (becoming the devil/bad guy) if is not for a noble/good cause, so he is using his love for his friends/country as a justification for his actions"
Not the best interpretation, but in general, I do think Eren wants to do the rumbling, which is apparently an unpopular opinion. Even though Eren himself admitted it, I mean he has his Walter White moment lol
Also, all this could be explored in between the time skip, maybe if Liberio was told as a flashforward or something idk
On Ymir's, exactly, it has more sense if both of them want to destroy the world out of their hatred towards humanity
It also works better in contrast to Armin and Zeke conversation in paths and Carla's "he is special for being born in this world" talk
But if we still go with the KF thing, I'm not a fan of focusing on "Mikasa show Ymir what true love is" like no, I don't think that should be the important part, the contrast on beliefs, let people go, putting boundaries an sticking with your morals are topics that still can be explored there
Sorry for the rant and bad spelling, english is not my first language and I'm kind of afraid to interact with the fandom 😅
Don't worry about your english, it's good! And I feel you on being afraid to interact with the fandom, it can be... intense lol
I was actually very happy to find this ask in my inbox! Finally someone who wants to discuss these plot points.
I like your interpretation, and I think it could have worked, but I feel like in the way it was shown in the manga, it just feels like isayama couldn't decide which motivation to go with, and he kept changing it as he wrote the story. I don't think it's an unpopular opinion that Eren wants to do the rumbling, I think the majority of the fandom does. I would have agreed, if his motivations for it were stronger, even if it was simply "I just want to do it lol" I would have accepted it, but like I said he wasn't 100% committed to it because Isayama wasn't 100% committed to it. I think narration is like a puppet show, you're not supposed to see the hands moving the puppets, but I clearly saw Isayama's in this one.
About Ymir, I think the whole "love" thing, although a bit lame, COULD have worked, if Isayama took the time to develop it. Abusive relationship are a lot complicated and layered, you can't just draw one lame ass panel of Eren saying "she was in love with king fritz" and then that infamous phrase "only Ymir knows". I know Isayama was tired of working on the story but since he didn't have time to develop this point properly, he should have gone with something else.
Glad we agreed it had more sense if she wanted to destroy the world as well, and seeing all she ever saw of humanity was cruelty, she had every right to. I guess to stop the rumbling, showing her the "beauty of the world" could have worked, but I don't see how Mikasa kissing a decapitated head could be considered the "beauty of the world", that girl had just gone insane because her lover had to die, that's tragic not romantic.
Anyway I hope I made sense, that's all I wanted to say I think, and thank you so, so much for the ask! Feel free to drop by my askbox again! ❤️
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underthetree845 · 1 year
i have no idea if you've ever heard of paddle boarding, but i think Armin would absolutely love that activity!!!
Oh my gosh hi! I didn’t expect to get this, but it’s such a sweet idea! Hello Milo! (That’s the name on your blog that I think you use? Or is that just there? Are you called Rui)? 
Yes I have heard of paddle boarding, I’ve actually seen people doing it right next to me before because I’ve gone kayaking a few times! (I live in a place with a lot of natural springs).
I know you didn’t technically ask for this, but I try to take the opportunity to write headcannons/drabbles here and there whenever I can to keep in the habit of writing. I am slowly making progress with chapter seven though!
I hope you enjoy my thoughts ^^
Paddle Boarding With Armin
Armin/gn! Reader (Headcannons)
Cws: Modern au, established relationship, fluff, swimming
Wc: 949
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Armin is always one for the beach, inhaling in the salty breeze, splashing around with you in the waves, buying ice cream, collecting shells, sharing all his ocean facts, bundling you up in towels for the drive home. 
BUT- if he had to pick a second, more accesible favorite water activity, it would defiantly be paddle boarding. 
He does his research on which areas to visit, he usually prefers to go to a freshwater spring river/lake since the cool water keeps away things like alligators and crocodiles.
“They’re cold blooded and need to use their environment to regulate their body temperature, so they avoid colder waters, isn’t that cool??���
“Yes, Love.” 
He was a swimmer in high school, so there isn’t anything to worry about if one of you falls off. 
He was already pretty toned from swim team, but since the two of you started paddle boarding, his arms have gotten stronger. The constant paddling proved to be a good exercise for the both of you. 
That said, all it takes is a hop into the water for a few minutes to cool off and refresh yourself. 
The two of you took turns helping each other learn to balance in a lake nearby when you first started. 
One of you would stand in the water near the dock and hold the edge of the paddle board, the other would try to step on and balance for as long as they could as the person in the water slowly moved the board along. 
Obviously it took a few times for you both to not just fall in the water immediately, but that’s okay because whenever you fell off Armin would give you a peck on the lips for a little extra motivation and vice versa. 
His skin gets so pretty and sun kissed after you’ve been out on the water for a day. He gets the cutest splaying of summer freckles across his nose and looks a little pinker than usual under the sun. 
If you don’t always feel like paddling on your own that’s totally okay, you can just sit on the paddle board by Armin’s feet and he’ll gladly paddle you both along. 
He’s the best at packing snacks and sandwiches for you both in case you get hungry, he knows all your favorites and 100% bought a waterproof bag to keep it all in. 
One of Armin’s favorite parts of paddle boarding is when you get to stop at a spring and actually dive underwater. 
He brings a pair of goggles for himself so he can go under and look around, and one for you in case you want to join him. 
Even if you don’t want to swim or you find the water too chilly, that’s fine, but he will encourage you to at least wear the goggles and put your face to the surface of the water to see underneath. 
The water is breathtakingly clear. White sand, dark rocks, scattered underwater plants, and blue reflections everywhere you look. 
Armin definitely has a special spot on his shelf where he keeps the shells he collects from the bottom of the spring. 
Tries his best to take underwater pictures with one of those plastic underwater phone cases. 
Most of them come out blurry, but don’t mention it, he loves them so much and will only use the photo quality as an excuse to drag any one of your friends there to see it in person. 
If you do like to swim with him, he’s definitely fantasized about kissing you underwater, but is far too shy to tell you. 
Part of him is sincerely curious what it would feel like, other part of him just really wants to create that memory. 
One time when you two were swimming together in a little offshoot lagoon-like area of the river, he found and opening and decided to take it. 
Armin can hold his breath for a pretty long time. Whether it was a natural ability or one he developed from being on the swim team is unimportant. 
Armin can hold his breath longer than you, so when you started to go up for air while searching for shells on the bottom, he still had a decent amount of oxygen left. 
He tugged on your wrist to pull you back down, you looked at him with a confused sense of urgency. 
Armin swam up to face you, if you weren’t underwater he would’ve taken a deep breath. 
Your eyes widened when he kissed you, he took your moment of shock to seal his lips with yours and breathe some of his air into your mouth. 
The moment was ethereal, even if it did end up with both of you violently coming up from the surface of the water, coughing and struggling for breath. 
When you finally registered what was happening, it caused you to to gasp, which obviously didn’t work, so you ended up inhaling water and Armin panicked a little, losing his air as well. 
You made your way to the shallow sandy area where you tied your paddle board. 
“Armin?” you breathed heavily, a bemused smile creeping into your expression, “Why did you do that?” 
“Because… I… wanted to?” he replied sheepishly, a shade of red tinting his cheeks. 
“Sorry, should I not have done that?” he asked, stepping forward and gently taking your hands in his. 
“It’s fine, just warn me next time,” you smiled sweetly, leaning in to give him a peck on the lips, causing both of you to giggle. 
The two of you wouldn’t indulge in more underwater anytime kisses soon, but at least it’s something Armin can cross off his bucket list. 
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Have a wonderful day/night/morning/evening! 💙
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Would You Still Love Me? Part 2
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Reiner x fem reader; established relationship; college au; comedy-fluff
synopsis: Reiner's love for you is tested in a way neither of you saw coming... The next day, he discusses the issue with his friends. Think they'll be any help?
warnings: none
notes: Part 1 beta read by @reiner69er. Banner made by me. Dividers by @delishlydelightfuldividers. Comments help earthworms grow large and healthy!
taglist: @ariasfandom
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“So...” Sasha blinks, peering into the jar that sits on the table in front of Reiner. “Y/n turned into a worm, and… you’re keeping her in a jar now?”
Reiner covers the container with a piece of paper again, stifling a yawn. He hadn’t slept much, and had to admit he had been a little gutted when he’d awoken that morning to see that you were still a worm. He’d hoped maybe you’d… sleep it off or something?
“The jar’s just temporary until the aquarium and things get here.”
“Aquarium? She’s not a fish, Reiner,” says Connie, who is busying trying to finish last week’s assignment before the professor collects them that day.
“The stuff I found online said she’ll do best in a habitat with alternating layers of sand and potting soil so there’s be enough nutrients and moisture. I was up late reading about it.” Reiner tiredly rubs his face as the others stare at him.
Bertholdt, who spent the night at Armin’s dorm, rolls his eyes but says nothing.
“And you brought her to class with you because…?” Ymir prompts, a smirk playing on her lips.
“I just want to keep an eye on her, in case she suddenly changes back or something. I’ve got her phone in my pocket, and if her family calls I wanna be able to tell them I know exactly where she is.”
There’s a deeply uncomfortable pause, and Ymir opens her mouth but is interrupted.
“Well, I think it’s sweet!” Historia declares, trying to avoid an escalation of whatever is going on with Reiner. “Reiner, how can you, uh, how can you tell the worm is a she?”
“Um...” Reiner shifts uncomfortably, a hint of a blush on his cheeks. “Well, Armin says earthworms are actually uhh...”
“They’re true simultaneous hermaphrodites.” Armin finishes the sentence for him. “They have both complete male and female reproductive organs. They can’t self fertilize, though, so in a way, they function as one sex as a time during mating.”
"Yeah," Reiner says gruffly. "But y/n is a she, because she's always been. That's how gender works, right?"
“Oh, that’s beautiful!” Ymir laughs. “You must be relieved, Reiner. You and your hermaphroditic girlfriend-worm make an adorable couple. I bet they’ll even make a Lifetime movie out of your story.”
“Haha, yeah!” Connie wheezes. “They can call it, ‘Worms of Endearment!’”
Reiner is too pissed off to admit that that’s actually pretty funny. You’d probably have laughed out loud, he thinks, if you weren’t currently a worm.
“I wanna see y/n up close and see if she remembers me!” Sasha says, grabbing the jar before the sleepy Reiner can stop her.
She removes the paper and reaches in and picks you up, but you’re wet and wiggly and almost immediately slip out of her fingers, falling several feet onto the filthy floor. Sasha freezes. The fear in the room is palpable as Reiner springs from his seat and dives across the table, falling gracelessly onto the floor and cupping his hands over you to shield you from the many pairs of surrounding feet. His gaze snaps to Sasha, and his golden eyes are icy enough to send the girl into a frantic apology.
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to drop the girlfriend!! – I mean, your worm! – I, I mean, I –”
With a low growl worthy of a dog guarding a marrow bone, Reiner orders to Connie, “Give me your water bottle.”
Too afraid to question why, Connie hands him the bottle. Reiner pours a little water onto his hands, then gingerly picks you up off of the floor and uses the rest of the water to carefully rinse you clean of any debris, before setting you back down in the dirt in your container. He’s practically holding his breath, watching until you start to burrow back into the soil.
He sighs in relief and gets to his feet and grabs his bag and slings it over his shoulder, then gives Sasha another dirty look before leaving the classroom, holding your jar in both hands as if it might jump away. Everyone watches, wide-eyed.
Ymir scoffs, breaking the tense silence. “Tsh, what a man child. His girlfriend skips their afternoon make out session for a day and he’s already doting on a literal bug and pretending it’s her? Sheesh, no wonder y/n dipped. What a freak show.”
“Well… worms aren’t bugs. They’re annelids.”
“Great defense, Arlert. I take it all back. Makes what he’s doing seem perfectly normal.”
Bertholdt stares at the table. It really isn’t like you to go somewhere without telling Reiner, or to leave your phone behind. Could something have really happened to you? He makes up his mind that he’ll have to find you himself.
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As class ends and the room empties, Bertholdt motions to his friends to wait. “Have any of you seen or heard from y/n since yesterday afternoon? That’s when Reiner says she, um, turned into a worm.”
Armin shakes his head. “I asked Mikasa. She said that y/n has an evening class on Tuesdays, so she and Reiner always meet around 4:30 to hang out behind the auditorium. I... don’t know why she knows that. Anyway, she saw y/n leave one of the lecture halls not long before that. She said y/n seemed tired, and Mina Carolina says y/n didn’t show up to the evening lecture. Maybe she felt sick and went home? It still doesn’t quite make sense, though.”
"Could this all be some elaborate prank they're both playing, and Reiner is just a way better actor than any of us ever thought he'd be?" Eren asks, joining them. Armin and Bertholdt filled him in on the details last night.
“His having her cell phone is pretty suspicious,” Armin points out.
Ymir shrugs. “Maybe he killed her. Maybe he just snapped, and then the guilt made him break from reality and convince himself she turned into a worm.”
“Ah, that’s stupid,” Connie waves it off. "Reiner's practically golden retriever in human form around y/n. He'd never hurt her."
“Maybe he’s got a dual personality,” Ymir counters.
“Ymir, please don’t let Reiner hear you making jokes like that,” Bertholdt says with a sigh. “Skipping classes for a weird prank like this is a little extreme, right? Look, my theory is that they had some kind of dispute--”
“And he killed her.”
Bertholdt ignores Ymir’s interjection and continues, “And she told him she wanted to take a break, or maybe even break up. She was probably so upset by that that she skipped her evening class and went home, and Reiner was so devastated that he...”
“...went totally insane?” Connie offers.
“I was going to say, ‘retreated into a comforting fantasy.’”
“Okay, but, he doesn’t exactly seem comforted, does he?”
“It’s a little over the top,” Bert admits. “But even though Reiner acts like a jock, he’s always been really sensitive deep down. When we were little, Porco told him the Rugrats all died in a plane crash and Reiner cried so hard he threw up a little.”
“So, if you’re right, how do we snap him out of it?” Eren wonders.
“What if we get rid of the worm? We could sneak in and take it and let it go somewhere. Maybe once the worm is really gone, he’ll have to face reality.”
“Wow, Armin, that’s cold!” says Connie. “And besides, Reiner might literally kill us. You saw how he looked at Sasha when she dropped y/n by accident.”
Bert thinks for a moment. “I... I don’t think I could do that to Reiner. I think the first step would be getting him to admit something went wrong between them. Then maybe the rest will fall into place. I’ll try to get him talking tonight. In the meantime, I think we should avoid mentioning the worm around him, even if he’s carrying it around. That’ll just encourage his fantasy, right?”
As they all file out into the hallway, the others seem to agree, and as they go their separate ways, Ymir can be heard whining to Historia, “If I disappeared, would you go insane and pretend I’d turned into a worm because you love me so much?”
Bertholdt, meanwhile, wonders where Reiner was headed with the worm...
Part 3 coming soon
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cosmicjoke · 9 months
Given Isayama shows Levi with Gabi, Falco, and Onyankopon at the end, when and how do you think the three of them became close with each other? I always wonder since there wasn’t a lot of focus in the manga on their interactions, so I find it really interesting that they’re shown together at the end. On a related note, I really hope Volume 35 shows us more of them together post-Rumbling.
That's a good question. I'm writing a story about their lives together, if you have any interest: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37903426/chapters/94653316
But to answer your question, and this would just be pure speculation on my part, but I imagine Levi had zero interest in ever going back to Paradis again, given the state the island fell into, and probably just too many bad memories, at that point. So he likely opted to simply stay behind. We don't know specifically what country Levi and the others end up in, but lets just assume it's Marley.
I think Levi was probably in pretty dire straits following the final battle, and would have needed a lot of medial attention and care, and maybe Gabi, Falco and Onyankopon were the only ones available to really help him. I tend to think that the rest of them, meaning Connie, Jean, Reiner, Annie, Pieck, and Armin, would have had to deal with the fallout, and trying to smooth relations between the Eldian's and everybody else. I imagine there was some kind of immediate aftermath, probably a need for governmental hearings to figure out exactly what happened, and I imagine all of them would have, at some point, needed to give testimony or the like. Mikasa went back to Paradis, we know. Again, this is all just speculation on my part, lol.
But since Levi was so severely injured, probably close to death, if we're being realistic, I think he probably would have been hospitalized for a long time, and that would have left him unable to participate in anything immediately after the war had ended. So, yeah, I think Gabi, Falco and Onyankopon were the three people who actually knew him, who were able to stay by his side throughout this period. And I imagine they just grew closer from there.
Levi is someone who I think forms close attachments pretty quickly, despite his sometimes desire not to, given the pain he's experienced in the past, losing people he loves. He just cares too much and is too empathetic to ever really shut anyone out. So I'm certain he grew to care for the three of them quickly, and I imagine they've all formed a bit of a family unit. Even though Gabi and Falco have their own families, none of them can relate to what the two have been through in the same way Levi can, all of them having, in one way or another, had their childhoods stolen from them. I imagine Gabi and Falco really look to Levi as a mentor figure and as someone who will understand their particular trauma and struggles.
I think Levi and Falco in particular can also relate to one another, as both of them are such deeply compassionate, emotionally intelligent people, and on the specific issue of Eren, they were both betrayed by him, someone they both, at one point, considered to be a friend.
Onyankopon was shown to have formed a pretty close bond with Hange too, and I imagine that just sort of transferred over to Levi. Levi knew Onyankopon for four years, back on Paradis, so even if they weren't close, that's a long enough time to have formed an actual relationship with someone, and I imagine, with them being freed from the stress of impending war, they might have finally been able to form a real friendship too.
Given we see Gabi pushing Levi's wheelchair at the end of the manga, that also leads me to think, again, that the three of them kind of serve as Levi's primary caretakers after the war. I think they likely help him in the day to day tasks he would now find difficult, due to his disabilities. And any time you're caring for someone in relation to their health, you're automatically going to have to form a more intimate relationship with them.
Anyway, those are just some generalized thoughts. I hope we get to see some of their lives together in the upcoming story as well. That would be awesome!
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