#evelyn lore
totaleclipse573 · 2 months
Hey! I would like to know more about Evelyn's amnesia because amnesiac characters fascinate me. :) Was it a traumatic brain injury? Was It related to the gravity gem? Does she ever get flashes of her old memories? What would have to happen for Evelyn to get all her memories back?
Yeah this took long I was overthinking 😅 Anyways
Bit of a long post warning bc it will basically be an Evelyn lore post, as her amnesia led to a BUNCH of things happening with her lore wise.
So, to set the scene and all that, I want to go to a little bit before THAT happened. Evelyn grew up in a multitude of places, due to both of her parents being archeologists who weren't around often, but still cared deeply for their two kids. It inspires Evelyn, who wants to go off and explore new places in the world that they’ve never been to before. And now that she’s old enough to do so, she’s waving her family goodbye. Kit doesn’t want to see her go!! :(
But she makes a promise to her little brother, that regardless of where she ends up, she’ll always come back to see him. She’d never forget about him! She and Kit were always really close, despite all their petty sibling arguments. Played around and joked a lot…he would miss that.
Her parents are all over the place about this. Does she know where she’s going??? Does she have a set plan?? Where will she stay? Did she pack everything she needed for this kind of thing? We’ve been traveling for a long time, you know, you know what you should be bringing right?? Oh god what if she gets lost??? What if she’s not happy where she ends up?? Of course they support her but it’s kinda risky when you think too much about it-
Evelyn ASSURES them that she’ll be fine XD She has a set first destination place, knows where she’ll be living, has a method of transportation she’ll need to get to, AND KNOWS HOW TO, DON’T WORRY, and she’s sure she’ll be very happy there. And don’t worry, she also has a set date to come back and visit (Kit is already marking his calendar.)
With that and a bit more being said, she’s finally off! Her family was currently in this really weird area…she thinks her parents were involved with some kind of cave exploration? And that’s why they moved near here? (Don’t ask how there is a house near this place. It’s for the plot. I haven’t thought about the logic of that specifically yet XD) Not seeing any caves around here smh…..
Turns out they were underground caves. Everything goes downhill from here :D
Slight misstep, the ground apparently wasn’t very solid at this point of the long journey just to get to transportation from this area, and it caused her to fall through. Upon impact with the ground after the long fall, she passed out, suffering a severe traumatic brain injury. (Not dead! Somehow. Plot.)
Much later, she woke up with no memories. No memory of why she was here, where this was, why she couldn’t think, why she felt so, SO dizzy, nauseous, why everything was blurry and confusing….why was she bleeding? Maybe if she could get up, she could find out why…?
Well that made everything feel so much worse.
Trying to walk was hard. She was all shaky and unbalanced. Something bugged her to keep going, though. She didn’t know what, but it was there. So she did, even if it felt awful. And, after what felt like an eternity…light? Light that hurt her eyes…everything else was dark. Maybe that was where she had to go. 
Soon enough, rocks. Many rocks. Beneath a pile of large ones,  she could see a faint glow. A bluish one? Maybe she should try and get it out…she can’t move the rocks, they’re far too heavy. That was a dumb idea. Obviously better one : there seems to be a crack in between these rocks where the glowy thing is glowing. Put the hand in. 
Confused and very much unable to think clearly, she made an attempt to reach in and grab whatever the source of the glow was. It only resulted in her hand remaining stuck in there. After a little while things seemed hopeless. She had just doomed herself in the stupidest way possible! Great work, Evelyn. (Where did that name come from…?)
Then, she had decided to give up struggling. 
There was soon a searing pain on the back of the hand trapped in the rock pile. She could do nothing but scream, it wouldn't stop, the light was becoming brighter by the second. Unknown to her, the glow had come from a strange gem that had, too, been stuck between the rocks. And it was forcibly attaching itself to her own hand. Burning away at her glove so that it could fuse onto her fur. The pain was eventually over, and the burning feeling stopped, but Evelyn felt far more drained then before. To this day she claims the gem "saved her" from what would have been an eternal prison. It had some kind of special power... like it could manipulate gravity itself. Both she and the rocks had floated, after all. What other explanation was there for that? After she escaped from the cave, she was found by Eggman, who took notice of these odd abilities she seemed to have. Although the cause of this was probably the gem on her hand, she could still be useful. Perhaps there would be some way to remove it and dispose of her later (there was not. There were attempts. She has scars to prove it. But she agreedto everything, so…)
Thus, Evelyn instead ended up joining the Eggman Empire, with no memory of her past other than the cave incident, and this. Its all she knows, and oftentimes she wonders why that is. Even so, she learns to adapt to her new life, gaining a newer, (annoyingly, to some) sassier personality. She once rivaled with Starline, but quit shortly after he was fired, realizing she wanted to do and find things out her own way, do whatever SHE chose to do, rather then just following Eggman around all the time.
As of now, she is on a team with Starline (ironically, although they still do despise one another.) and Doleon, which is called "Team Gem." She isn't around all the time, but even so is the most qualified to be called their "leader" of sorts. She's still very lost on her past, but tries to convince herself that if she hasn't been able to remember it for all this time now, then it probably wasn't worth remembering, and that she should focus more on the now. Whether or not that was for the best...she tries not to think to hard about that one.
Her parents and Kit had no idea what had happened to her. Was she lost? Had something bad happened to her? Had she gotten too caught up in her adventures and forgotten to pick up the phone? Every single time…? Had she lied when she said she would come back…? That doesn’t seem like her. They also notice how it’s affecting Kit, too. Look at him, his ears are droopy all the time now…clearly he wasn’t in a good state. They’d still try and look for Evelyn, but Kit needed a lot of comforting. He thinks he’s been abandoned by his own sister…
…Where did he go??
Now, as for the other two questions : 
She doesn’t exactly get flashes? More like feelings. Feelings that a certain thing or place or person might be familiar. Extreme deja vu. Never ends up going full circle into a revived memory though
I don’t know if she CAN get her old memories back tbh. Maybe a few, if something really big happened, but never all of them. She’ll never have her whole past back. But that’s okay, the present is pretty great for her, it seems. Why live in the past at all?
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coldwisped · 2 years
The battle was going well, Miki had mostly done most of the work of sweeping Katy’s team and Evelyn was confident that she’d win the battle, yet at the same time she was wary. Katy hadn’t use a Tera orb on her pokemon yet and Evelyn was a little nervous as she watched Katy send out her last pokemon, a Teddisura, her ace and probably the pokemon with the tera typing. “Miki, fire fang.” Evelyn shouted and her pokemon rushed towards the Teddisura, delivering a powerful firey bite to the thing, her fangs sinking into the hide of her foe and burning the area that was bitten. Katy in turn commanded her Teddisura  to use fury swipes and Miki let go of the opposing pokemon, attempting to dodge but getting hit by two fury swipes in the process of doing so, the Teddisura landing a crit on her, bring Miki down to half health. Evelyn hadn’t been expecting the crit, which only made her more nervous, the battle had already take a lot out of her team and as she watched Koraidon rubbed its head against her body, calming her down a bit as she patted his head and shouted out another command. “Hang in there Miki, dragon breath.” Miki obeyed her command and used dragon breath, damaging the Teddisura, though Katy quickly responded, letting out a small remark. “You seem to have quite the strong bond with your pokemon.” And with that she pulled out her tera orb, something Evelyn had expected to happen sooner or later. The sky darkened as Teddisura crystalized, its typing becoming a bug type, Evelyn wasn’t well versed in tera types or how to recognize them so she’d have to be care, yet it happened so fast, Teddiursa used fury cutter on Miki, and while it wasn’t super effective or even not very effective it still knocked Miki out, making Evelyn return her to the pokeball. “You did well Miki, rest up.” Evelyn took out Litwick’s ball and sent him out. “Lets try and wrap this up fast Wick, confuse ray.” Evelyn was confident as the move also made its mark, however unluckily for her Teddiursa shrugged off the confusion pretty fast and used fury swipes again, dealing damage to Wick, however his flame body ability set the foe’s pokemon alight and it took a small bit of damage. Katy simply used a potion, healing the Teddisura of most of its HP, causing Evelyn to mutter under her breath. “Crap.” Then aloud. “Wick, use Hex.” Wick attacked relentlessly, dealing large amounts of damage due to Teddisura’s status effect, but much like Miki, Wick was hit with a fury swipe, bringing both pokemon down to very low HP. Evelyn was determined to end this battle here and now so with one last call out she commanded Wick to use Ember, at the same with Teddisura used fury cutter, Wick however came out on top, surviving with a single hit point while Teddisura had won. The fight had been hard and long but she had won, by the skin of her teeth.
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champion-of-revenge · 1 month
Evelyn Lore
So Evelyn’s a daughter of Athena. She’s known that her whole life, but always lived peacefully with her dad Steven Thorne outside of camp. Until she met Roman. He was a son of Aphrodite, and the two fell in love. But since Athena and Aphrodite have a rivalry, Evelyn’s mother said they couldn’t be together. They of course, didn’t listen. One day Evelyn’s father caught the two of them together, and he knew he needed to tell Athena. Athena was furious, and she killed Roman in front of Evelyn and forced her to go to camp. Since Evelyn loved his voice, Athena took away her hearing too. (She can hear now, thanks to hearing aids from the Hephaestus kids.)
When the Nemesis saw how bitter and heartbroken Evelyn was, she took the opportunity. She made Evelyn her champion, and gave her the power to summon vengeful spirits. Now Evelyn simply wants revenge.
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apiculturegal · 1 year
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What is your Legacy?
20+ hours of work later and tadaaaa i’m finally finished. feeling very tragic about evelyn lately, something about her makes me hurt inside
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smallpapers · 1 year
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They are so. In love. Help me. I can’t
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findafight · 1 year
Been thinking about another time travel au...
But this time, it's Robin. Just. Robin. She lands the Friday before Will goes missing, and she immediately assumes Steve went with her. Because of course he time traveled with her, why wouldn't he?
Until she gets to school and sees Steve flirting with Nancy and joking with Carol and Tommy. His eyes glance over her without recognition and she realizes she's alone. She panics every morning period until deciding to just go up and corner Steve at lunch and explain to him, try to prove to him she's actually his best friend from the future, and get help.
It ends up with her sitting on the floor of the boys bathroom crying, holding onto (a very confused and mildly freaked out) Steve's hand, and telling him that her day has sucked because how do you even deal with timetravel without your best friend? How do you deal with trying to save the world without them? She can't do this without him and she's freaking out and she wants her best friend back.
And Steve going "hey, uh. Okay. So... you're my friend in this weird future you're trying to stop? Prove it."
Which is something Robin can do. She stares at him for a long time, thinking, and Steve's huffs
"yeah okay. Super weird prank or whatever. Don't bug me again." And goes to stand up but Robin tugs his hand towards her and stops him.
"you are so impatient! I'm trying to think of something to say that won't freak you out and has actually happened! Gimme a minute!"
And Steve raises his eyebrows but he does wait.
"your aunt Ev." She says, finally. "She was your favourite grownup. Loved star trek. You cried so hard when she died and- uh. At her funeral, your dad got mad at you."
Steve blinks at her, brows furrowed."How...how did you know that? Nobody knows that."
Robin smiles. "Dingus. I'm your best friend from the future. You did."
Steve frowns. "Tell me something else."
"okay" she nods "you and Tommy tell everyone both your first kisses were with Carol but the day before you kissed each other."
"what the fuck."
"do you believe me now? Because seriously I need your help with this but I can keep going."
Swallowing Steve nods. Gives her a hand up.
"great. Okay. So, I think we need to tell Jonathan and Nancy about this. Then go to Joyce and Hopper. I'm not quite sure? You were always better at gameplans honestly."
"what about Tommy and Carol?"
She looks at him, and tilts her head (the same way he does) thinking. "Sure. Why not. They'll be suspicious why we're so buddy buddy now anyways."
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waywardsunlight · 5 months
I’ve been kinda out on Owl House for a while but I’m thinking about. How Evelyn died not knowing that some day, her choices were going to give a good, wonderful human the tools to save her home and her people and finally defeat the person who murdered her best friend.
Evelyn gave Luz the path home without ever intending to. She passed down her legacy and left a complicated thread of tragedy and love in her wake. Her choices saved Hunter’s life, a kid she’d never know but still impacted heavily. While her name had been long erased from what she had done, in the end Luz was able to take what she and Papa Titan and those who came before had left and do something good with it.
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fairy-alice · 4 months
LOOK there’s alice in the trailer:
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i’m currently working on a short analysis/theory on evelyn (focussing on her links with martha and alice & her adoptive father,, since he seems to play a large role in evelyn’s backstory)
if even one person is interested in it i will post it all on here once im done!!
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evelyn-onfire · 30 days
*Evelyn held her head in pain and reeled back as Bill Cipher entered her mind. She could feel the control over her body slowly slipping as feeling and thought are torn apart. Suddenly, she saw herself being pulled away, and she realized she was standing over her limp form. Evelyn’s soulless body slowly stood, a small laugh erupting into a full cackle. Yellow eyes stared at her ghost, a wide smile plastered on its face.*
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(pov you buy the Book of Bill)
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kafeino · 1 year
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First #OwlFight2023 attack for @/papikkra !
Prompt: „Wittebane brothers lore!“
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"I was a boy and I was good,
But there are witches in these woods..."
[Image ID:A digital drawing of Caleb Wittebane, Philip Wittebane, and Evelyn Clawthorne from The Owl House.
Caleb is standing to the left, dressed in a pale shirt with quarter length sleeves, dark green overalls with only one strap, and a wooden mask cared to resemble an owls face. His hair is blonde and pulled back into a low ponytail, a loose forelock falling in front of the mask. In his hand is a carving knife. In his other, he's holding his brothers hand. His pale brown eyes are looking at down at Philip.
To the right is Philip, who is dressed in a pale shirt with quarter length sleeves, dark red overalls with only one strap, and a wooden mask carved to resemble a deer's face. His hair is short, reaching his jawline, and is a medium brown color. In one he's holding Caleb's hand, and in his other, he's holding a toy wooden sword. His pale blue eyes are looking up at Evelyn.
Above Philip is the large silhouette of Evelyn. She's depicted in a shadowy form, her short hair bright red, and the gem on her chest a vibrant teal. Her ears are pointed at the end and pierced at the lobe with a gold hoop. She is smiling as she looks over at Caleb.
The moon behind them casts a dark shadow, making their eyes appear to be glowing. End ID]
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Shadow Puppets AU stuff - The Collector’s AU Design loosely based on this concept art and some of Philip’s timeline
Philip was born on the road and he and Caleb never stayed in one place very long until they settled in Gravesfield when he was six
He uncovered the Tablet that the Collector was in at age 8, and during their friendship, the Collector decided to use he/him pronouns and Philip helped him pick the name “Astrophel” after the Sonnet Sequence Astrophel and Stella by Philip Sidney 
Not depicted in the timeline, but Philip was 12 when Caleb disappeared into the Demon Realm, and in this AU took the Collector’s Tablet with him. Philip also didn’t go after him alone, and actually was tagging along with a group of Witch Hunters, which included the General
The Witch Hunters all slowly died off while they searched for Caleb, leading to Philip being alone by the time he was fifteen and inflicted with the Curse of the Wendigo (I’ll upload a separate post about the Curse in a couple of days)
Philip lost track of time and was somewhere in his early 20s when he actually found Caleb, and mid to late 20s when he meets Luz. After killing Caleb, Philip set out to find his friend, the Collector, who was hidden by Evelyn and once she knew he was looking for them, created a bunch of fake Tablets to throw him off the trail and made several attempts on Philip’s life until he faked his death and went into hiding.
When Philip found Astrophel he was not able to set him free, but was able to use a glyph combination he created to transfer him from the heavy, hard to carry tablet to a smaller necklace he stole from a previous companion, which they call the Luna-Stella Amulet- Astrophel wears it around his neck in his physical form.
After Philip was certain Evelyn was dead, he started up his crusades against wild magic. Philip picked the name Astrophel for the Collector, the Collector picked the name Belos for Philip
After becoming Emperor, in this AU Belos has a sun/Day motif to compliment Astrophel’s night motif
As before, the only ones that can see and hear Astrophel are people who have touched this Amulet, which by the time Luz enters the demon realm, is exclusively Belos and Hunter, and they form a trio which are a dark parallel to Luz, Eda and King
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
It's actually kinda sexy of Caleb & Evelyn to haunt the narrative so thoroughly while never having any speaking lines or even appearing on screen outside of 400yr old repressed memories, delusions, and/or hyped up folklore
We don't even know for sure if Evelyn was a Clawthorne, or what she looked like, or how the fight between Caleb and Philip went down, or Caleb's reasons for leaving without Philip, or what their half witch half human baby looked like, or how long after Caleb left before Philip found him again, or what Evelyn did when she discovered her dead lover's grave was robbed, or how quickly after killing Caleb did Philip decide "I can make a new Caleb that's Better™"
We have scraps to give us pretty good ideas for most of these, but nope they really just haunt with no reward. Like yeah babes give us nothing!
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theprinceandthewitch · 6 months
Rewatching Witches Before Wizards is such a surreal experience tbh.
Adegasts whole "The prophecy speaks of a young human girl who will claim the celestial staff and free this world from an ancient evil" turned out to be true... in an episode that explicitly states Luz ISN'T a chosen one and she's not going to get what she wants out of TBI.
So that's - hm. that's weird
... It's weird how Luz actually does receive her staff and frees the world from an ancient evil because she won the favor of a god who can see into the future and the past... the glyphs are also given to her by this god.
And then this show has the audacity to like, completely barrel head first into becoming a wishfullment story by making the villain absent in season 1. Luz gets to live her little Azura fantasy, despite the show saying she isn't going to get her little Azura fantasy.
The other surreal part of this episode is Adegast and Nevareth being used as foreshadowing for Belos and Hunter. And it's like, really interesting to me, because Belos also uses Hunter - a prince - as an extension of his power like Adegast does with Nevareth. And just like Adegast, Belos is an illusionist - except he doesn't need to cast illusions to manipulate you. He simply creates narratives to further his goals.
See, I could forgive season 1 being for like that IF it turned out this entire season was Belos' teehee haha psyop prank on Luz. But it's not... TOH is just a wishfullfillment story that tried to trick you into thinking it's not.
This just makes the Kiss in SAI even more suspicious in retrospect...
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beeholyshit · 2 days
Ok so now that Jil has punch me in the face, I really think idv ladies are pretty cool
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rebdot · 8 months
so idk if literally anyone on here has seen this or cares but in the bg3 fandom on tiktok, people have somehow managed to (unintentionally) convince people who haven't played the game that someone's tav named evelyn is an entire character. and there's now people cosplaying "evelyn from baldur's gate 3" fully without the knowledge that she's not even an actual character from the game, she's in fact someone's tav who got massively popular because people think she's pretty i think???
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