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enbysiriusblack · 3 days ago
"Nothing I do seems to work!" James threw himself onto the sofa with a loud sigh before turning to his two amused parents perched into one armchair together, "How did you two get together?"
"Oh", Fleamont flushed slightly, "I'm not sure that would be the best-"
"Please!" James whined, "I'm in love."
Fleamont sighed slightly, and Euphemia laughed behind her teacup.
"We were in our sixth year of school", Fleamont began.
"Monty, I will ram your head so far up your arse!" Minerva shouted, stepping off the quidditch pitch, wiping the sweat of her forehead as she chased after Fleamont.
"I'm sorry, alright?" He shrugged, "It was an accident!"
"An accident that cost us the game!" Minerva yelled again.
Rolanda hurried after the two, "Hey, not his fault, we're just better than you lions."
"Oi, piss off, Ro, we would've won if Flea wasn't so stupid."
"Can you not call me that?" The boy flushed slightly.
"Don't be such a baby", Minerva huffed.
"Fighting again, are we?" Poppy folded her arms, discreetly taking Minerva's hand in her own, with a quick glance to make sure no one else was around.
"They always are", Euphemia laughed beside Poppy, the two having just made their way down from the stands.
"Hi, Mia", Fleamont awkwardly waved.
"Monty", Euphemia smiled in acknowledgement before turning away from him to chat to Rolanda, earning an amused laugh from Minerva.
"None of you are injured are you?" Poppy frowned slightly, glancing at the three quidditch players, "Quidditch is such a violent sport, I'll never understand the appeal."
Minerva's lip curled upwards as she glanced slightly down to Poppy, "You saying I don't look good out there?"
Poppy laughed, "Oh, you look good out there, but you also look like you could break a bone any second."
Euphemia grinned, wrapping her arms around her two friends, "You two are so sweet", she sighed, "God, I want a boyfriend."
"You do?" Fleamont's eyes lit up.
Euphemia smiled at him again, "Were you not aware of my romantic endeavours, Mr. Potter?"
"You have romantic endeavours?" Fleamont questioned.
Euphemia snorted, "In my dreams."
"Who do you dream about?" Rolanda asked, ignoring her quidditch team trying to call her over to celebrate in the distance.
Euphemia shrugged, glancing only quickly at Fleamont before turning towards the lake, "I feel like a swim."
"Sudden conversation change", Poppy commented.
Minerva and Euphemia locked eyes on each other, speaking without words.
"Oh no", Poppy sighed.
The two girls grabbed each other's hands and ran straight into the lake.
"Why?" Fleamont groaned.
Rolanda shrugged and ran after them, jumping into the water with them.
"Come on!" Minerva shouted to Fleamont and Poppy.
The two merely walked over waringly.
"This such a stupid and dangerous idea", Poppy tutted, peering down at Minerva, who wore a large grin on her face.
"Hey, Monty", Euphemia called out from the water, waving him over, "Come in!"
Fleamont instantly jumped in, leaving Poppy who had sat down on the edge of the lake, leaning in to have a quiet conversation with Minerva, who had her head rested against Poppy's legs.
The boy swam over to Euphemia.
"What are we doing here?" Fleamont glanced around.
Euphemia smiled innocently, then grabbed Fleamont by the shoulders and pulled them both under the water.
Whilst under, Euphemia quickly kissed him on the lips before the two came back up.
Fleamont's hand shot up to his lips, staring at Euphemia in shock.
"You know, I was planning on doing that at the gryffindor party if we won the game, and then I thought we could go off somewhere alone. Have a quiet talk in the night air, maybe plan our first date."
Fleamont's eyes widened and he quickly swam back to shore without a word.
"What are you doing?" Euphemia shouted after him.
"I'm going to find Coach", He spoke as he squeezed the water out of his quidditch uniform, "Ask for a rematch."
"What we can do that?" Minerva's eyes shot up to him.
"I don't know!" He groaned, eyes flopping by his side, "But I have to try!"
"Fleamont!" Euphemia, laughed, quickly swimming after him, "You don't have to win for that to happen!"
He quickly turned to her as she made her way over, "What?"
"I'd gladly go on a date with you no matter how many matches you lose for us."
"Really?" Minerva frowned, earning a glare from her best friend.
"Really?" Fleamont asked.
Euphemia laughed, holding out her hand for Fleamont to grab.
He quickly stepped forwards and took it.
"Really", she nodded, before pulling him into the water with her.
James blinked, "You're telling me I have to lose a quidditch match for Lily to go out with me... I don't know if I can do that."
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del-stars · 9 months ago
fleamont the type of dad that when james is sweating and shaking trying to say he likes boys his response is “oh i had several gay relationships at hogwarts”
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 9 months ago
effie and monty would tell everyone james brought home to call them by their first names. sirius does so almost enthusiastically because he was never allowed to refer to adults like that before. regulus short circuits and physically cannot do call them that because he was never allowed to refer to adults like that.
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unconventional-lawnchair · 5 months ago
Like my father {Blurb}
Sirius Black x Porter!Reader
Summary: Reader wants a man to love her like her father loves her mom. She just hasn't met him yet.. maybe.
AN: I needed a break from all the angst I'm writing.
Wc: 1494
Cw: use of Y/N, oblivious reader, idiots in love, not proof read
Part two
“Lily, I implore you to raise your standards.” You snarked as you entered the kitchen, giving your mother a kiss on the cheek and she playfully pinched your side.
“{Y/N} Euphemia Potter!” She scolded and you giggled, hurrying over to your father and kissing on the head.
“Good morning, princess.” He hummed and you smiled.
“Morning daddy!”
“Oi! Pops, she just insulted me!” James shouted across the table and Fleamont huffed, looking up at you. “Be nice to your brother, princess.”
“Daddy you know I can't.” You insisted as you walked across the table to give Lily a hug. Pressing your cheek to hers as she giggled.
“You're way too pretty for my wack of a brother.” You continued and your mother looked at her father fondly, taking his hand in her own, which he quickly squeezed in return.
“You're one to talk, you haven't dated anyone… ever. Not that anyone would date-” James smirked and Lily rolled her eyes, laying her head on his chest and pinching his side as he tried to continue.
“Thank you Lily.” You giggled and sat down at your seat, muttering a thank you to Sirius as he handed you your morning tea. Giving a low hum at the smell of the sugars and fragrant tea leaves he shifted for it. “Besides, I have standards that prevent me from stooping too low.”
“Standards?” James scoffed and you hummed as you took a sip of your tea, muttering another thanks to Sirius who began to serve you breakfast- a routine you two picked up at Hogwarts that was getting hard to break. “You have standards? You used to crush on boys left and right!”
“Yes but the second they didn't meet my standards they were gone.” You insisted with a hum and James shook his head with a scoff.
“What standards could you possibly be talking about?”
“Well…” You muttered and began to tap on your mug in thought. Slowly smiling to yourself. “I want a man who loves me like daddy loves mum.”
You could feel the room quiet as your words hung in the air. Your father glanced up from his breakfast, a soft smile spreading across his face, while your mother’s eyes sparkled with pride.
“Now that is a standard I can get behind,” Fleamont said, his voice warm and filled with affection. “A man who cherishes you and treats you with respect is worth waiting for.”
“Exactly!” You exclaimed, feeling a surge of confidence. “I want someone who understands the value of love and partnership, not just a fleeting crush. Someone who will stand by me through thick and thin, just like you two do.”
James rolled his eyes dramatically, leaning back and throwing his arm around Lily. “So, like us?”
You gave a long sigh before you slowly smiled. “Unfortunately, yes. You were gifted with dad’s love language, it's your only redeeming quality, I fear.”
Lily snickered and James gave an offended gasp.
“I want…” You trailed off as you put your hand to your cheek and crossed your leg over the other. “I want to come home to flowers. And tea made the way he knows I like. I want him to think about coming home to me at the end of the day.”
You didn't even seem to look when Sirius poured more tea into your cup, stirring in some sugar as you talked. Even though everyone else at the table noticed.
“I want a man who gets along with my parents too! And daddy has high enough standards as it is!”
You glanced over at your father, who was smiling proudly at you, his eyes twinkling with affection as he glanced at your mother who seemed to just be eating it up. “I do have high standards.” He mumbled with a playful grin, leaning in to kiss your mothers temple. “But I’m confident that any young man would be lucky to have you.”
“See?” You said, pointing at him with a mock-serious expression. “Even Dad agrees! So, boys, do take note: you’ve got to bring your A-game if you want to win my heart.”
James snorted, not noticing as Lily and Sirius seemed to make eye contact over the table. “What if they show up with flowers but no charm? Or worse, what if they have charm but no flowers? Sounds like a dilemma.”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “That’s why I’m not settling for just flowers or just charm, James. It’s about the whole package. I want someone who knows me better than anyone. Someone who knows my favorite flower,” You held up your finger and Sirius smirked from beside you.
“My favorite movie,”
“My favorite book,”
“Little Woman.”
“And even my favorite meal!”
“Anything your mom cooks.”
“Exactly!” You turned to face Sirius with a bright smile. “See? It's not so hard, even my brothers best friend can figure it out.”
You smiled to yourself and took another sip of tea, not noticing your parents sharing a look and your brother giving you the most shocked expression.
Sirius just chuckled and picked a grape off his plate. “It's easy when you never shut it, Potter.” He then proceeded to flick it at you, quickly, you caught it and rolled it between your fingers.
“Oh! And playful too! I don't want to be dreadfully bored around the bloke.”
“Playful? So you want someone who can keep up with your incessant snark?” James interjected, eyebrows raised in mock disbelief. “Good luck finding that! You’ll be searching for ages.”
You shot him a playful glare. “I’ll have you know that my wit is one of my greatest assets, thank you very much. I need someone who can challenge me, not someone who’s going to sit there and nod while I talk.”
“Couldn’t agree more.” Lily chimed in, her voice light and teasing. “After all, who would want to date someone as dull as a rock?”
“Exactly!” You grinned. “I want someone who can banter with me, someone who can make me laugh until I cry; I want to marry my best friend.”
“Do you have other friends?” Sirius sassed and you gave him an offended but playful gasp.
“Excuse me?” You exclaimed, hand over your heart in mock horror. “I have plenty of friends, thank you very much! Just because you’re one of them doesn’t mean you can throw shade like that.”
“Friends who actually like you, though?” Sirius teased, leaning back in his chair with a smirk. “That’s the real question.”
James burst into laughter, shaking her head. “Honestly, {Y/N}, you might need to reconsider your definition of ‘friends’ if he’s the best you’ve got.”
“Hey now, I’ll have you know that Sirius is a very valuable friend.” You shot back, your eyes narrowing playfully. “And let's not forget, I was Lily’s favorite Potter first.”
“You still are!” Lily cooed as she reached across the table, James quickly lifting his hands to keep you two apart.
“Hey! Hands off my wife!” He playfully scolded and you laughed, before giving a dramatic sigh.
“I want a man… who’s patient and sweet. Who knows what he wants and will take his time for it.” You nodded as if to agree with yourself. “I want someone who doesn't see me as some fleeting crush. He sees me as someone to work for, who puts in the time and energy.”
James smirked, leaning forward with a teasing grin. “Good luck with that! You’re going to have to beat them off with a stick.”
“I’m serious, James!” You shot back, a hint of frustration lacing your voice. “I want someone who values me, not just for my looks or what I can do, but for who I am. Someone who appreciates my quirks and my drive. Someone who knows all my little weird things.”
“Wow, when did you become so profound?” Sirius said, feigning shock as he dramatically placed a hand over his heart. “I didn’t know you had it in you, Potter.”
“Oh, shut it, Black. I’m just stating facts.” You replied, your tone playful yet earnest. “I deserve someone who sees my worth and is willing to fight for it, just like my dad did for my mum.”
Your father smiled at that, clearly pleased with your sentiment. “That’s right, my dear. Love is about commitment and effort.” He stood up and walked around the table to kiss your temple. “You should never settle for less than you deserve.”
“Exactly!” You nodded, feeling empowered. “I want a man who knows that love isn’t a race.”
“Mhm.” You father agreed before he patted Sirius’s back as he passed. “Good luck, son.”
Sirius felt his face flush and he slowly smirked to himself, biting his cheek.
You looked at him and furrowed your brow, before you mother came over and kissed your cheek and dismissed herself as well.
“What was that for?” You huffed and Sirius shrugged.
“Who knows?”
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constancezin · 4 days ago
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3 generations of Potter on their wedding day!
Fleamont and Euphemia
James and Lily
Harry and Ginny
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months ago
Stories - December 18th - 25 Days of Jegumas - @noblehouseofgay - word count: 288
“So…d’you like him, then?” James whispered to Monty as he carried the last of the dishes into the immaculately clean kitchen, pulling his father aside so the two of them could speak.
The older man smiled, placing his stack of plates into the sink and turning to his son. “He clearly adores you, James. And it’s obvious you love him, and that you’re happy. That’s all I can ask for. Plus, we’d already loved him long before this, with how highly you spoke of him in your letters. And the fact that he likes Potion-making is a clear point in his favor,” he added with a wink. 
A funny warmth spread through James’s chest as he sighed in relief. “Oh, good. I-I figured you would like him, he’s…he’s so..just, he’s perfect, after all, but Regulus was so worried, and it got me worried, and-”
Monty chuckled. “I’m sure Effie will insist he comes here for the summer before we even serve dessert, don’t you fret.”
James grinned happily, thinking of the slightly-surly boy sitting in the other room right then. How much he loved him and would do anything for him. How much he deserved peace.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s taking advantage of the alone time, though. Telling him all sorts of stories of when you were young,” Monty continued, gesturing with his chin toward the door.
James gasped. “No. She wouldn’t!” he groaned, taking giant steps toward the kitchen.
But as he opened the door, he heard his mother say, “Oh, I definitely have a photo album around here somewhere, dear, just give me a moment!” 
To which Regulus just replied gleefully, “I would love to see that, Mrs. Potter.”
Oh, James was fucked.
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curiouslymyown · 21 days ago
Effie and Monty wake up one morning to find their house has been taken over by 12 teenagers, their son leading the charge
They sigh and accept this
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florsial · 1 year ago
think think think
Regulus sneaks off to the Potters to give Sirius a secret Christmas gift and gets caught by Sirius and James who convince him to stay a bit longer, and every time Regulus is like, "I have to go" and Sirius is like, "It's Christmas Reg, cmon just a little longer, you can say that I dragged you here against your will or whatever, just stay a little for a bit longer." And Regulus, being loki helpless against his older brother, just agrees. And he begins to bond with everyone.
Eventually, Regulus accidentally stays the rest of the day and when he gets ready to finally leave, Effie is like, "Would you like to stay the night? It's quite late" and Monty just straight up says, "Would you like to stay forever?"
And that's how Regulus ran away. (Accidentally)
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beesunshiny · 26 days ago
I can’t explain how much I love the hc of Reg & Monty having a special bond. I love the whole idea of them just being in the home lab together (which Sirius and James are 1000% warded out of lol).
I love that Regulus gets so excited to go see Monty when breaks hit because that means they get to come up with potion theories together.
& I love that all of this counts as internship experience so that means Regulus gets to work with Monty as his apprentice. Regulus is entrusted with all the family business secrets, & when Monty retires early Regulus will inherit the business.
I love that Monty is always giving Regulus advice & spilling James’s most embarrassing moments (James is mortified).
I love the hc that Reg is Monty’s favorite.
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tarraing · 2 months ago
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mr and mrs potter and their december wedding
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isabel-lillah · 11 months ago
10 things only James Potter knew about Regulus Black
1) In July 1976, he came to the Potters through their floo together with unconscious Sirius. He left again before Effie and Monty came.
2) After his brother got away from home, he continued to secretly check on him.
3) He threatened Snape into not spreading the information about Remus being a werewolf.
4) He hexed another Slytherin for insulting Pandora.
5) He got punished for it by his mother. That was the second time he came through the Potters's floo.
6) He spent most of his nights at Hogwarts in the astronomy tower.
7) Regulus had violent nightmares that left him shaking. Sometimes, the shakes didn't stop for hours.
8) His touch was like the ocean - engulfing, gentle, but also powerful.
9) Before he left for the cave, he obliviated James in his sleep.
10) The obliviate didn't work.
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mushroom-enby · 1 month ago
Guys I just had this AMAZING idea
What if we stop killing Effie and Monty in fics
Y'know, just a thought
I have the best ideas, right??
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ccccatttta · 3 months ago
young euphemia and fleamont potter, i take no criticism on this
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not-rab · 5 months ago
the tiktok where the girl put her friend’s dad for their ‘hear me out’ cake but it’s js marlene putting effie
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percyweasleyapologist · 1 month ago
Effie and Monty: *Leaves the house* 
James, walking into the living room: How y'all doin'?! Tonight I'll be performing the greatest hits from the 2000s!
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gigglesandfreckles-hp · 2 months ago
Fleamont and Euphemia Potter: The Newlyweds
i like to imagine these were included in the album that hagrid gave harry!!
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or @constancezin is a goddess among us mere mortals (as we all knew) and created these incredible depictions of my sweet flea and mia potter!!!!!!! please ooh and aah accordingly at her brilliance.
read about these unconventional lovebirds here and here!
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