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Barrierefreiheit: Websites mĂŒssen neue EU-Standards erfĂŒllen
THOKA Network Webdesign unterstĂŒtzt Unternehmen dabei, die neuen EU-Standards fĂŒr Barrierefreiheit bis 2025 zu erfĂŒllen. Das Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz und die EU-Richtlinie 2019/882 verlangen, dass digitale Inhalte fĂŒr alle Nutzerinnen und Nutzer zugĂ€nglich sind. Unser Service fĂŒhrt technische Anpassungen durch, um die vollstĂ€ndige Einhaltung der Vorschriften zu gewĂ€hrleisten, den universellen Zugang sicherzustellen und den Ruf des Kunden zu schĂŒtzen. Wir kĂŒmmern uns um die technischen Anforderungen, wĂ€hrend sich unsere Kunden auf ihr KerngeschĂ€ft konzentrieren können.
Das BFSG-Gesetz erklÀrt
Das BarrierefreiheitsstĂ€rkungsgesetz (BFSG) markiert einen entscheidenden Wandel in der digitalen Landschaft Deutschlands und schreibt vor, dass Websites und elektronische Dienste bis zum 28. Juni 2025 umfassende Standards zur Barrierefreiheit erfĂŒllen mĂŒssen. Organisationen mĂŒssen ihre digitalen Plattformen anpassen, um sicherzustellen, dass Menschen mit Behinderungen die Dienste selbststĂ€ndig verstehen und nutzen können, wie es die EU-Richtlinie 2019/882 vorschreibt. Danach mĂŒssen Unternehmen, die deutsche Verbraucher bedienen, unabhĂ€ngig von ihrem physischen Standort klare Anforderungen erfĂŒllen. E-Commerce-Plattformen, Bankdienstleistungen, Versicherungsanbieter und Telekommunikationsunternehmen mĂŒssen barrierefreie Designs umsetzen, die fĂŒr alle funktionieren. Das Ziel geht ĂŒber die bloĂe Einhaltung von Vorschriften hinaus - es geht darum, digitale RĂ€ume zu schaffen, an denen alle Nutzer ohne Barrieren uneingeschrĂ€nkt teilhaben können. Das BarrierefreiheitsstĂ€rkungsgesetz (BFSG) steht fĂŒr das Engagement Deutschlands fĂŒr digitale Inklusion und verĂ€ndert die Art und Weise, wie Unternehmen an Webdesign und die Bereitstellung von Dienstleistungen herangehen. Die Weiterentwicklung der Barrierefreiheitsstandards bedeutet, digitale Schnittstellen von Grund auf neu zu ĂŒberdenken und sicherzustellen, dass sie fĂŒr Nutzerinnen und Nutzer aller FĂ€higkeiten nahtlos funktionieren.
ErfĂŒllung der ZugĂ€nglichkeitsstandards bis 2025
Die Barrierefreiheitsanforderungen der BFSG fĂŒr 2025 zeigen einen klaren Weg zu einem inklusiven Webdesign auf, wobei spezifische technische Benchmarks bis zum 28. Juni erforderlich sind. Um barrierefreie digitale RĂ€ume zu schaffen, mĂŒssen wichtige Funktionen implementiert werden, die es allen Nutzern, insbesondere denjenigen, die auf assistive Technologien angewiesen sind, ermöglichen, effektiv zu verstehen und zu interagieren. Zu den wichtigsten technischen Implementierungen gehören: - Tastaturnavigationssysteme mit sichtbaren Fokusindikatoren und Sprunglinks - Displays mit hohem Kontrast und skalierbarer Typographie, die auch bei 200% Zoom noch funktionsfĂ€hig sind - beschreibende Alternativtexte fĂŒr Bilder und umfassende Multimedia-Untertitel Organisationen haben nur ein begrenztes Zeitfenster, um ihre digitale Infrastruktur auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen, bevor empfindliche Strafen von bis zu 100.000 Euro drohen. Erfolg erfordert strategische Planung, technische Kompetenz und das Engagement, digitale RĂ€ume zu schaffen, die wirklich jeden Nutzer willkommen heiĂen. Web-Teams können damit beginnen, bestehende Websites zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen, kritische Aktualisierungen zu priorisieren und Ănderungen systematisch umzusetzen, um Fristen einzuhalten und gleichzeitig die allgemeine Nutzererfahrung zu verbessern.
Grundprinzipien der Barrierefreiheit
Schauen wir uns die Grundprinzipien an, die digitale Inhalte fĂŒr alle zugĂ€nglich machen. Wenn wir bei der Gestaltung von Websites auf Wahrnehmbarkeit, Bedienbarkeit, VerstĂ€ndlichkeit und Robustheit achten, schaffen wir RĂ€ume, in denen alle Nutzerinnen und Nutzer sinnvoll mit digitalen Inhalten interagieren können. GrundsatzKernanforderungenUmsetzungWahrnehmbarDeutliche Kontraste, AlternativtexteScreenreader, BildunterschriftenBedienbarTastaturnavigationSprungmarken, FokusanzeigenVerstĂ€ndlichKlare Sprache, BeschriftungenEinheitliche Navigation, Fehlermeldungen Jede Designentscheidung beeinflusst das Nutzererlebnis. Barrierefreie Websites benötigen mehrere Zugangswege zu den Inhalten, eine robuste UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr assistive Technologien und eine intuitive Navigation, die fĂŒr Nutzer aller FĂ€higkeiten geeignet ist. Bei der barrierefreien Gestaltung digitaler RĂ€ume geht es nicht nur um die Einhaltung von Richtlinien, sondern darum, allen Menschen einen gleichberechtigten Zugang zu Informationen und Dienstleistungen zu ermöglichen. Anmerkung: Inklusives Design fĂŒhrt zu Produkten, die fĂŒr Menschen mit unterschiedlichen FĂ€higkeiten und HintergrĂŒnden gut funktionieren.
Grundlegende Anforderungen an die Website-Navigation
Stellen wir sicher, dass die Webnavigation fĂŒr alle funktioniert - es geht nicht nur darum, bis 2025 die BFSG-KonformitĂ€t zu erreichen, sondern digitale RĂ€ume zu schaffen, in denen sich alle Nutzer willkommen und befĂ€higt fĂŒhlen. Stellen Sie sich barrierefreie Navigation als die Schaffung universeller Pfade vor, die Benutzer mit den Inhalten verbinden, die sie benötigen, unabhĂ€ngig davon, wie sie mit Websites interagieren. Ein gutes Navigationsdesign berĂŒcksichtigt das gesamte Spektrum der BenutzerbedĂŒrfnisse. Der Schwerpunkt liegt nach wie vor auf drei wesentlichen Anforderungen: - Die Tastatursteuerung muss sich auf alle interaktiven Elemente erstrecken und dem Benutzer die Möglichkeit geben, mit den Tabulatortasten, der Eingabetaste und den Pfeiltasten zu navigieren. - Sprunglinks mĂŒssen direkte Pfade zum Hauptinhalt bieten, um die Frustration wiederholter MenĂŒnavigation zu vermeiden. - Fokusindikatoren dienen als klare visuelle Orientierungshilfen und heben anklickbare Elemente hervor, wĂ€hrend sich die Nutzer durch die Website bewegen. Wenn Websites diese Navigationsstandards anwenden, werden sie zu Orten, die jeder Besucher mit Selbstvertrauen erkunden kann. Das Design wird unsichtbar, so dass sich die Benutzer auf den Inhalt konzentrieren können, anstatt sich mit Zugangsbarrieren herumzuschlagen. Ein gut durchdachtes Navigationssystem ermöglicht es den Nutzern, ihren eigenen Weg durch die digitalen Inhalte zu finden und ihre UnabhĂ€ngigkeit zu bewahren, unabhĂ€ngig von ihren FĂ€higkeiten oder bevorzugten Interaktionsmethoden.
Inhalte fĂŒr alle verstĂ€ndlich machen
Die Erstellung barrierefreier Inhalte beruht auf drei Grundpfeilern: lesbares Design, logische Struktur und barrierefreie Botschaften. Digitale ZugĂ€nglichkeitsstandards, einschlieĂlich der BFSG-Anforderungen in Deutschland, legen spezifische Richtlinien fĂŒr KontrastverhĂ€ltnisse, die Organisation von Inhalten und die Klarheit der Sprache fest, die allen Nutzern zugute kommen. Die Umsetzung eines inklusiven Designs beginnt mit einem angemessenen Kontrast zwischen Text und Hintergrund - mindestens 4,5:1 fĂŒr Standardtext. Semantische HTML-Elemente schaffen eine natĂŒrliche Hierarchie der Inhalte, wĂ€hrend beschreibende Links, klare Formularbeschriftungen und verstĂ€ndliche Fehlermeldungen den Benutzer sicher durch die Anwendung fĂŒhren. Die UnterstĂŒtzung von SprachausgabegerĂ€ten und die Bereitstellung von Alternativtexten fĂŒr Bilder verwandeln grundlegende KonformitĂ€t in sinnvolle Barrierefreiheit. Dieser umfassende Ansatz beseitigt digitale Barrieren und stellt sicher, dass jeder Besucher unabhĂ€ngig von seinen FĂ€higkeiten oder BedĂŒrfnissen mit Online-Inhalten interagieren und diese verstehen kann.
Richtlinien fĂŒr die technische Umsetzung
Machen wir die Umsetzung der Barrierefreiheit klar und einfach. Der Weg zur Erstellung barrierefreier Websites folgt den BFSG-Regeln und den WCAG 2.1 Level AA-Richtlinien, um sicherzustellen, dass jeder unabhĂ€ngig von seinen BedĂŒrfnissen oder der bevorzugten Technologie auf digitale Inhalte zugreifen kann. Beginnen Sie mit diesen technischen Kernelementen: - Sauberes semantisches HTML, erweitert um ARIA-Attribute fĂŒr die VerstĂ€ndlichkeit in Screenreader-Programmen - tastaturfreundliche JavaScript-Komponenten, die nahtlos mit Touchscreen-GerĂ€ten funktionieren - Responsive CSS, das die Lesbarkeit bei starker VergröĂerung beibehĂ€lt und gleichzeitig die KontrastverhĂ€ltnisse erhĂ€lt. Die Erstellung barrierefreier Websites erfordert in jeder Phase der Entwicklung viel Aufmerksamkeit fĂŒr Details. Beginnen Sie mit einer korrekten HTML-Struktur, fĂŒgen Sie robuste interaktive Funktionen hinzu und validieren Sie diese durch ausgiebige Tests. Eine Kombination aus automatisierten ZugĂ€nglichkeitswerkzeugen und praktischen Tests hilft sicherzustellen, dass jeder Benutzer die Inhalte effektiv verstehen und mit ihnen interagieren kann. Hinweis: ARIA-Attribute (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) bieten grundlegende Informationen zur ZugĂ€nglichkeit fĂŒr assistive Technologien.
Rechtliche Konsequenzen bei Nichtbeachtung
Die Einhaltung der Barrierefreiheitsanforderungen des BFG bis zum 28. Juni 2025 ist unerlĂ€sslich, um erhebliche rechtliche und finanzielle Risiken zu vermeiden. Organisationen mĂŒssen sich darĂŒber im Klaren sein, dass die Nichteinhaltung der Vorschriften zu BuĂgeldern von bis zu 100.000 Euro fĂŒhren kann, wobei wiederholte VerstöĂe die Aussetzung von Dienstleistungen zur Folge haben können. Das Durchsetzungssystem ermöglicht es sowohl VerbraucherverbĂ€nden als auch Einzelpersonen, rechtliche Schritte einzuleiten, was den Weg fĂŒr komplexe Schlichtungsverfahren ebnet. Art des VerstoĂesUnmittelbare FolgenLangfristige FolgenGeringfĂŒgige VerstöĂeSchriftliche VerwarnungBeobachtungszeitraumWiederholte VerstöĂeBuĂgelderVerpflichtende AuditsSchwere VerstöĂeSuspendierung von DienstenGerichtsverfahren Die Folgen gehen weit ĂŒber die direkten Sanktionen hinaus. Organisationen riskieren ReputationsschĂ€den und setzen sich zivilrechtlichen Klagen nach dem Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb aus. Ein solider Rechtsrahmen gewĂ€hrleistet eine konsequente Durchsetzung, so dass die Einhaltung der Barrierefreiheitsregeln fĂŒr jede digitale PrĂ€senz auf dem deutschen Markt von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Das VerstĂ€ndnis dieser Konsequenzen hilft den Teams, Ressourcen effizient zuzuweisen und konforme Webdienste bereitzustellen, die allen Nutzern gerecht werden.
UnterstĂŒtzung von Werkzeugen
Die effektive Integration von Hilfsmitteln entscheidet darĂŒber, ob eine Website wirklich den BFSG-Standards entspricht. Eine gut strukturierte Website funktioniert reibungslos mit Bildschirmleseprogrammen, Sprachsteuerungssystemen und adaptiven Technologien und schafft so eine Umgebung, in der Benutzer mit unterschiedlichen BedĂŒrfnissen Inhalte unabhĂ€ngig voneinander verstehen können. Zu den grundlegenden Anforderungen an unterstĂŒtzende Technologien gehören: - Strategische ARIA-Attribute und semantische HTML-Implementierung zur Verbesserung der Leistung von Bildschirmleseprogrammen - VollstĂ€ndige Tastatur- und Touchscreen-KompatibilitĂ€t mit 200% Zoomfunktion - PrĂ€zise Sprachdefinitionen in Kombination mit logischen Ăberschriftenstrukturen Die Schaffung barrierefreier digitaler RĂ€ume erfordert eine grĂŒndliche Integration unterstĂŒtzender Technologien, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der BefĂ€higung der Nutzer und nicht auf der grundsĂ€tzlichen Einhaltung von Vorschriften liegt. Tests mit verschiedenen Hilfsmitteln werden die ZugĂ€nglichkeit validieren und das Engagement fĂŒr digitale Inklusion stĂ€rken. Anmerkung: ARIA-Attribute (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) sind HTML-Elemente, die zusĂ€tzliche Informationen fĂŒr assistive Technologien bereitstellen. Read the full article
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love seeing "not for EU sale" on uk food packaging now and getting to wonder what poison im eating that's banned on the continent but fine for us plebs who've Taken Back ControlTM
130 notes
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me when iâm an illegal venezuelan alien in a springfield, ohio prison and communist kamala forces me to have a transgender operation performed by newly aborted 10 year olds on steroids who donât know theyâre alive.
#đłïžââ§ïžđđ«âïžđœđą#murica#why do i live here like i have other citizenships that i identify more strongly with so i could go somewhere else#i could go back to the fucking eu#which as much as it fails by my commie standards it is at least slightly more coherent#presidential debate#kamala harris#donald trump
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Here is an antique flag celebrating British hypocrisy.
Sevastopol and Inkerman...
Bottom center: The Balkans War ended with Ukraine being granted independence but controlled by Britain and France after the Crimean War, which was fought to prevent Russian economic access to Europe and the Middle East, and to defend Nathan Rothschildâs banking and political interests.
The USA was given power over companies and infrastructure as an incentive to protect the UKâs control of Ukraine from Russia and to prevent Russian influence.
The hypocrisy of it all â here is 100% proof of how England took Ukraine more than 100 years ago as part of their empire.
Today, they wage war against Russia, which has a sovereign right over Ukraine...
#usa#wef#genocide#rockefeller#eu#Rockerfeller#democrats#murder#un#ucraine#hypocrisy#double standards#vote blue vs
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i need to like. make a list of what characters i know and can write about. especially for doctor who. because i love you guys but i do not know blorbo #684 from obscure eu audio released a decade ago-
#things to do for next time alsjfkfjks#if i could write for your obscure eu blorbo i would but i dont know them!!!! i barely know all the standard blorbos!!!!
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European Jewish leaders have sharply criticized a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (EHCR), which upheld a ban on kosher slaughter in Belgium, slamming it as a significant setback for religious freedom across Europe.
Dismissing legal and humanitarian appeals by Belgiumâs Jewish community and Jewish leaders worldwide, the seven-judge panel in the Strasbourg courtâthe EUâs highest judicial bodyâ invoked âthe protection of animal welfareâ as âan ethical valueâ that supersedes the Jewish and Muslim religious mandates.
The judges confirmed the ban already in place in Belgium that insists that animals be âstunnedâ prior to slaughter, regardless of Jewish law and Islamic practice that forbid it.
Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, President of the Conference of European Rabbis and Russiaâs chief rabbi, called the ruling âa black day for Europe, when fundamental religious rights are no longer respected.â
âThe courtâs decision to enforce the ban on ritual slaughter in the Flanders and Wallonia regions of Belgium will be felt by Jewish communities across the continent,â Rabbi Goldschmidt said. âThe bans have already had a devastating impact on the Belgian Jewish community, causing supply shortages. And we are all very aware of the precedent this sets in challenging our rights to practice our religion.â
Belgium is home to some 500,000 Muslims and 30,000 Jews. Those who want to observe shechitah and Muslim âhalalâ must now obtain meat from abroad.
âThis distorted verdict implies that the rights of citizens to freedom of religion and worship are of lower importance than the ârightsâ of animals,â said Rabbi Menachem Margolin, chairman of the Brussels-based European Jewish Association. He warned that the restrictions on Jews practicing their faith will lead to âserious damage to the fabric of life throughout the continent.â
Fearing A Domino Effect
By upholding the Belgian ban, the EU Court of Human Rights has effectively signaled other states within the European Union that they can implement their own laws prohibiting kosher slaughter for Jews and halal slaughter for Muslims, without fear of religious discrimination lawsuits.
The threat of legal consequences has until now acted as a brake on the anti-shechitah movement. But the EUHR ruling has removed that barrier, setting the stage in an expected domino effect for a wave of copycat restrictions on ritual slaughter by European governments.
âWe are already seeing attempts across Europe to follow this Belgian ban, now sadly legitimized by the ECHR,â Dr. Ariel Muzicant, president of the European Jewish Congress, said in a statement.
The bans, imposed in the two regions several years ago, were the result of a long-running campaign by animal welfare activists. But they also raised fears among Muslim and Jewish community groups that they were âa cover for nationalist politicians to foster anti-immigrant sentiment,â reported Politico.
Ben Weyts, the Flemish minister responsible for animal welfare, was the first to propose the idea of a ban and expressed satisfaction with the verdict. âNow the door is open for a ban on ritual slaughter not only in Brussels but in the whole of Europe,â Weyts, of the far-right New Flemish Alliance, gloated in a television interview.
Yohan Benizri, president of the Belgian Federation of Jewish Organizations that opposed the slaughter ban, said he was âappalledâ by the ruling. âThis is the first time that the ECHR decides that protection of animal welfare is a matter of public morals that can trump the rights of minorities,â Benizri told Politico.
Hostility To Shechitah Deeply Rooted in European History
The hostility to shechitah endorsed by the Strasbourg court hardly comes as a shock; that animus has underpinned Belgian society for generations, deeply rooted in a legacy of Jew-hatred that has flourished throughout European history.
Blood libels across the ages have been fueled by malicious portrayals of shechitah as barbaric and cruel. Grotesque carvings on countless medieval church facades depicting Jews in obscene acts with pigs, on display to this very day, continue the tradition of mocking Jewish dietary restrictions.
Several European countries in the 19th and 20th Centuries oppressed their Jewish populations with bans against shechitah. Switzerland did so in 1893 to stop Jews fleeing pogroms from entering their country. Poland enacted a similar ban in 1936, Sweden in 1937.
Germany passed anti-shechitah laws three months after the Nazis came to power in 1933, citing cruelty to animals, and maligning kosher slaughter as a Jewish celebration of animal suffering. One of the first acts of the Nazi regime, the laws banning shechitah were aimed at making Germany unlivable for Jews, forcing them to emigrate.
Legislation prohibiting shechitah often follows the Nazi model, masquerading under the banner of animal welfare, and fueled by the canard that kosher slaughter inflicts undue suffering on animals. This misconception has persisted through generations and continues to resonate in various parts of the world.
In 2009, bowing to pressure from liberals and parties hostile to Jews and Muslims, the EU Council implemented the pre-slaughter stunning law. Following outcries from religious groups, the law made allowances for member States to provide exemptions to accommodate ritual slaughter by Jews and Muslims.
A number of countries including France, Germany, Luxembourg, Cyprus and Spain make use of that exemption. Other European countries refuse to grant any exemptions from the stunning law. These include Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Cyprus, Spain, Slovenia, and now Belgium.
Five Years of Court Battles Â
The Strasbourg courtâs ruling marked the culmination of legal battles waged by Jewish and Muslim groups, together with seven advocacy groups, against bans enacted in 2017 and 2018 in Flanders and Wallonia against shechitah and Islamic ritual slaughter.
The bans were pushed through the Belgium parliament by an alliance of anti-shechitah forces, animal rights groups and anti-Muslim politicians.
The litigants first brought a religious discrimination lawsuit in a Belgium court, then at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg in 2020, and finally the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
Their appeals argued that the laws violate guarantees of religious freedom enshrined in EU law; in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union; the European Convention on Human Rights; and the Belgian Constitution itself.
The Strasbourg court dismissed their arguments, stating that animal welfare was a component of âpublic moralsâ and carried significant weight in modern-day democracies.
Critics have drawn attention to Articles 9 and 14 under the European Convention of Human Rights, formulated in 1953, which protects the political and civil rights of Europeans. Its provisions guarantee freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
Muzicant said the Strasbourg court, in upholding the anti-shechitah law, âhad violated the very charterâ from which it draws its authority.
âWe call on the European Commission and European Parliament to enact legislation which truly protects these fundamental rights and to give real meaning to their long-stated claims that they foster Jewish life in Europe,â Muzicant affirmed on the EJC website. âJewish communities in Europe, now more than ever, need the protection of national governments and pan-European organizations to ensure that thousands of years of Jewish life on this continent do not come to an abrupt end.â
âRestrictions on fundamental aspects of Jewish religious freedom of expression, coupled with a background of massive increases in anti-Semitic attacks on Jewish communities, lead us to seriously consider whether Jews have a future in Europe,â the EJC representative said.
The EU Lowers Its Mask
Commenting on the Strasbourg court ruling upholding Belgiumâs anti-shechitah ban, noted British political commentator Melanie Philips mocked the EU for its hypocrisy.
âThe European Union likes to pose as the embodiment of tolerance, freedom and all civilized values. Now it has ripped off its own disguise to reveal something rather more ugly,â she wrote in the Jewish Star.
âThe idea that stunning is humane is laughable,â Philips elaborated. âItâs often ineffective, causing the animal to be subjected to this assault more than once before it eventually loses consciousness. And even with prior stunning, meat processing plants in Europe are often inhumane places where livestock are factory farmed, pumped full of chemicals and industrially killed.â
So if the requirement for stunning actually has little to do with animal welfare, whatâs the real driving force behind it?
At its core, writes Phillips, the law reflects a switch in priorities; animals being given priority over basic human rights, with a corresponding rise in ignorance and hypocrisy over what actually constitutes animal welfare.
âThat moral confusion is one of the outcomes of the dogma of secularism, as well as the hostility to religion upon which the EU itself is based,â writes the author. Another key factor contributing to Western decay is its âmoral and cultural relativism,â which preaches there are no absolute values.
âAll of these [dark forces] have propelled the rise of paganism and the veneration of the animal at the expense of humanity.â
Pitfalls of Stunning an Animal
The practice of âstunningâ refers to the methods of rendering an animal or bird unconscious prior to slaughter.
It was originally developed to facilitate the killing of large numbers of animals at once, in factory-like conditions. The main stunning method used for slaughtering cattle and sheep is by captive bolt gun, in which a steel bolt is shot into the skull at the front of the animalâs brain, details the National Institute Health.
Another method is by electric shock, whereby electrodes are clamped to the animalâs head and heart, electrocuting it.
These methods are contrary to Jewish law which stipulates that an animal intended for food must be healthy and uninjured at the time of shechitah. Stunning injures and sometimes kills the animal, in either case rendering it forbidden for Jews to eat.
Apart from the halachic prohibition, there are other objections to stunning. Despite the rhetoric from animal rights activists, there is no conclusive evidence that stunning an animal renders it insensible to pain, experts say.
Some scientists claim that the animal is often only paralyzedânot fully sedatedâand thus prevented only from displaying its pain.
In addition, when the captive bolt method fails, as happens not infrequently, it inflicts considerable suffering and distress on the animal. The conscious animal is left in acute pain as the captive bolt gun is reloaded and reapplied, or the electrical tongs reapplied to re-stun it.
According to Britainâs Royal Society for the Protection of Animals (RSPCA), stunning is done differently for poultry. âBirds are hung upside down by their legs on metal shackles along a moving conveyor belt,â the RSPCA details.
âThey move along the production line to a stunning water bath; when the birdâs head makes contact with the water, an electrical circuit between the water bath and shackle is completed, which stuns the bird. The conveyor belt then moves the birds to a mechanical neck cutter, which cuts the major blood vessels in the neck.â
Shechitah avoids all the technical risks and humanitarian pitfalls of stunning. Yet, in one of the supreme ironies of this world, despite the gruesome, torturous nature of non-kosher slaughter, it is shechitah with its meticulous laws aimed at minimizing animal suffering that is being painted as barbaric and cruel.
Why Isnât Stunning Required for Animals Killed in Belgian Sporting Events?Â
One of the EJCâs earliest legal appeals drew attention to the discriminatory nature of the Belgian anti-shechitah legislation, noting that hunting and killing animals in sporting events are not subject to any of the âhumaneâ regulations that have been imposed on ritual slaughter.
On the contrary, the laws governing the popular activity of game-hunting in Belgium, whether for recreation of food consumption, make no reference whatever to the welfare of animals. The lawâs concern instead is over environmental protections.
As a feature article in Flanders Today makes clear, the governmentâs aims in regulating hunting are purely environmental; to ensure that the regionâs wildlife supply is not significantly reduced and that no damage is done to the land.
The article goes on to enthuse about the opportunities for hunting wild game in Belgian resort areas. âHunting wild game in the winter is a hit among hunters, butchers and consumers,â the article begins, going on to list âdeer, wild boar, partridge, ducks and pheasantâ as âhuntable animals.â
The Jewish communityâs appeal challenged the double standard inherent in these hunting laws. It argued that since the law in Belgium permits the hunting and killing of animals at âcultural or sporting eventsâ without prior stunning, how can the same government impose âstunningâ requirements on ritual slaughter?
The courtâs response exposed its show of caring about animal welfare as empty posturing.
âCultural and sporting events result at most in a marginal production of meat which is not economically significant,â the court said. âConsequently, such events cannot reasonably be understood as a food production activity, which justifies their being treated differently from slaughtering.â
What does that gibberish mean? What does food production have to do with the obligation to spare an animal from undue suffering?
What the court seemed to be saying was that imposing humanitarian restrictions on game-hunting will make no economic dent on Jewish or Muslim meat-production industries (and by association, on Jewish or Muslim immigration), so why make a fuss over whether hunting game is done humanely?
In other words, hunt and kill for sport however you please, gentlemen, no stunning necessary, because we donât really care about animals. That was never the point.
Shocking Scenarios of Animals âRightsâ Superseding Human Life
âThe protection of nature is gradually taking ideological precedence not only over the right to exercise oneâs religion but also over the well-being of humans,â Prof. Eric Mechoulan who teaches in Paris, attested in Mosaic Magazine.
The writer describes a trip he took to Denmark a number of years ago, when he was confronted with a real-life scenario in which obsession over animal welfare trumped concern for the health and well-being of thousands of people.
The writer recalls during his trip being âtrapped for six hours in a humongous traffic jam on the highway between Copenhagen and the island of Funen.â
âA truck carrying pigs had overturned and the animals had wandered into a field adjacent to a bridge pier,â he recalled âNot only did a crane have to be brought in to get the animals back into their truck, but âa veterinarian had to be called in to catch and kill the injured pigs in the middle of the countryside, as Danish law prohibits the transport of suffering animals.â
âIt took [the veterinarian] a long time,â the author writes. âFor this reason, a quarter of the country was blocked and tens of thousands of humans, women and children, old and sick, lacking water and washroom facilities, stayed for hours under the scorching sun.â
âThe nature-worshippers in Europe wear the mask of progressive ecology and behind it lurks anti-speciesism,â the author scoffs. Anti-speciesism is an atheistic movement, rooted in the 70âs that claims that no species, including the human species, is more important than any other.
Animal Rights Activists Fight Municipal Orders to Kill Marauding Bears
In some parts of the world where sanity still rules, multiple sightings of a bear in populated areas where fatal bear attacks have taken place would naturally spur efforts to kill the animal as a safety precaution.
However, in regions were animal and environmentalists equate animal rights with those of human beings, threats to public safety are not considered valid grounds to end the life of suspected killer bear.
An incident unfolded early this month in Torentino, a northern province in Italy, that highlighted this unhinged mentality. A bear, identified by its collar and ear markings as M90, was sighted on 12 occasions âin residential areas or in the immediate vicinity of permanent dwellings.â
After Bear M90 reportedly stalked people on numerous occasions, terrifying them, he was deemed a danger to public security, tracked to its lair in the forest and killed, the Guardian reported.
Animal and environmental activists were incensed, slamming the action as âshortsighted and hostile to animalsâ and accusing the municipality of not âprotecting biodiversity,â according to the article. The animal-loving activists went on to rally for the welfare of the brown bears in the provincial capital, Trento.
In other headlines from Italy, even after a hiker was fatally mauled by a bear last year in the Italian village of Caldes, and the same bear had previously attacked a father and a son, the order to kill the deadly animal was cancelled by an administrative court after intense lobbying by animal activists, reported the Guardian.
Only after intense counter pressure was brought to bear by influential parties was the order renewed and carried out.
Isolated incidents in Denmark and Italy? Or episodes reflecting something deeper and sicker in the fabric of European society, and in the moral rot lurking behind the EU judiciaryâs shameful anti-shechitah ruling.
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hate that the most easily accessible american food in this country is like. pop tarts and twinkies. and not the shit i DO crave regularly like. i don't know. kix. swiss miss. jello goddammit. in n out burger
#i can get kraft mac and cheese but it's not the same as the one shitty box kind they sell in 1 specific restaurant#in my family's hometown. like. sigh#watched pulp fiction the other day and the main reaction it brought out in me was Wow i want to go. to the diner#Yeah a whole bunch of blueberry pancakes sounds great actually#curse eu food regulation and standards laws. i miss american rood#had good baked beans like 2 weeks ago and ive been thinking abt them ever since. bacon (not pathetically thin) also. argh#it's so frustrating. save me ghirardelli brownie mix i guess
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Whereâs the âIreland is the white leftistâs Meccaâ post? That was a good post.
#ra speaks#personal#Iâm sure ppl more knowledgeable and articulate than me have said it before#but it truly is a little sickening to see the country held up as some gold standard and itâs people utterly infallible#all because theyâre the de facto example of (white) people gaining sovereignty from their (white) colonizers through violence#(including terrorism) so you have these (usually usamerican) white ppl who love to identify w the Irish struggle for independence#but to the point of fetishizing it. stripping it from its (white European) context. and outright ignoring itâs still lingering effects#like I get it there are a lot of Irish who do get the colonization struggle because they lived it! but they also lived it#in a very different way than most other colonized peoples (who are not white)#also I just think Ireland (as a government) has not done as much as it could be doing for Palestine in the EU/UN spheres so. ÂŻ\ _(ă)_/ÂŻ#idk what my point was. putting a culture or people on a pedestal as an ideal never ends well.
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Looking at the current phone market here in the States. I really wish it was easier for international markets to break in here, but you pretty much HAVE to be able to get into a carrier or retail store to be viable by the masses.
I like Motorola because a) they're cheap, and b) they aren't half bad for the price in my experience. But... nothing they make is remotely on the smaller end. Everything is at least 6.5" diagonal, really closer to 6.7". The newer Edge model (base Edge since they never dropped the '24 Edge+ here apparently?) is maybe a TINY bit smaller than the Edge+ 2022 that I have today. And that's cause of bezels, not really the screen size.
And I personally really like the clean, straightforward Android UI/UX Motorola has... and the only comparable one that doesn't involve a custom ROM is Google's, as far as the States are concerned.
I ain't the biggest fan of Xiaomi's UI/UX, but the Xiaomi 14 looks nice and is almost exactly what I'd be after. Clean look, solid camera setup, small build with a nice screen... and a nicer construction too. Yeah, I could import it, but it's missing a few of the crucial 4G LTE and 5G bands that are used in the US. Ones that are important for... rural coverage, outside of urban areas. Which is important for me since my region now has a lot of rural stretches.
Yes I know the Galaxy S23 and S24 exist, but I really really hate Samsung's UI/UX. I tried the S23 last year and I hated the UI so much I returned it. I liked the size, though if anything it felt a bit too small - but I'd been using larger phones for years now.
The UI was just miserable for me, as someone used to & desiring cleaner UI/UX. I used custom ROMs on my Xiaomi Mi 9 to get that, because MIUI was trying to be an iOS clone (as many Chinese OEMs did, at least back then) and if I wanted iOS I'd get an iPhone.
#phone market here fucking sucks#I wish we had something like the EU phone market#but the EU also has a lot more standardized phone bands compared to the US#but STILL it's so frustrating! i just wanna have the phone that fits MY wants and needs and nobody fucking makes that here
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What's the point of this 1 sided farce? To pretend to be doing something? Hamas has to completely fold and Israel doesn't have to change a single thing...and still Netanyahu rejected the very notion of it. That should tell you everything.
#this was never about hamas#israel is committing genocide#israel is an apartheid state#apartheid#ethnic cleansing#illegal occupation#collective punishment#collateral damage#israeli war crimes#save palestine#free palestine đ”đž#stand with palestine#stand up for humanity#double standard#seek the truth#spread awareness#protest for palestine#gaza under attack#the EU is a joke#ceasefire#stolen lives#stolen land#stolen futures#stolen voices#mass murder#netanyahu is a war criminal#genocide
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Itâs probably an inevitability of a franchise being this far reaching and this popular and this long lasting but it is so baffling how much of the wider star wars fanbase tries to âfixâ star wars
#this is about the anti jedi movement and the satine criticism and the grey jedi fantasy and and and and and#star wars#I think the root of the issue here is that many people find George Lucasâs morality lesson at the heart of the story boring. and lash out#they see jedi who are supposed to be good and it bores them and they go âI will poke holes in that and hold them to unrealistic standardsâ#because their biggest crime is boring the audience who thinks theyâre smarter than the fiction they intake#who cannot extend to the boring good guys the benefit of the doubt because they donât match the sith or the empireâs rule of cool#which leads to justifying the sith order and the empire as Not As Bad As Weâre Told Actually#which leads to misinterpretation and misrepresentation of the jedi#which leads to demonization and flattening of perfectly typical flawed characters and literary devices that promote nuance#I really think thatâs what this is#I will never forget arguing with a friend a long time ago about the eu versus Lucasâ definition of the force. we argued for weeks#when in the end the argument boiled down to him saying âyeah but I think Lucasâs force is boring as shitâ#and I was like âsee. okay. why couldnât we have acknowledged this way in the beginning instead of#you wasting precious time trying to convince me how to fix the jedi and why the empire is better than the republic#I think thinking of it all in this way helps me emotionally distance myself from all the discourse#nowadays when people watch star wars what theyâre looking for is game of thrones#and theyâre not seeing it#which means they have to try to make it that - both in their heads and loudly on the internet
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Playing Hunt path resonance and Welt is just never let the enemy take a turn in SU. Absolutely love it.
#> tired shitpost#he was my first 5s from standard banner lol#i played on eu servers but decided why not to try and pull on asia and qmericas#and o got him!!!#since then my account was blessed
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communism is when transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison
#đłïžââ§ïžđđ«âïžđœđą#someone take me back to the eu#it may not live up to my commie standards but itâs better than this#or at least itâs slightly more coherent#murica#presidential debate#kamala harris#donald trump
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Was wondering if there is a standard way of pronouncing eu in english, so I looked it up. I'm not opening that can of worms, good bye.
#there is a standard way in german and french but i'm not sure if there are even non-loanwords with eu in english#from a quick glance it seems like no#-franz
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It's kind of funny how the EU standards and the photo they using are COMPLETELY different. It feels like their getting all fussy over their phone pretty much be like every other phone (in a good way).
ok this looks ultra mega based, are you kidding me? can you imagine the bullshit i could get up to with this bad boy? fuck yes i want ten
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