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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years ago
PIFs promote etiolated development in the dark (skotomorphogenesis) primarily by serving as transcriptional activators of dark-induced genes (Figure 16.13A), and also by repressing some light-induced genes (Figure 16.13B).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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solariscrow · 3 months ago
Okay, but TR!Etoiles and TR!Sneeg reacting to the old crow being angry at one of them is literally:
TR!Etoiles: Felipe is angry at me, I hope I die.
U know?
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tieriastar · 1 year ago
It also means
"the process by which the skin becomes pale when deprived of 
v. Botany To cause (a plant) to develop without chlorophyll by preventing exposure to sunlight.
v. To cause to appear pale and sickly: a face that was etiolated from years in prison.
v. To make weak by stunting the growth or development of.
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darkearthsuggestions · 3 months ago
marigold, starlight, cycle (for 3 word poetry!)
Perhaps I was grown too early, and that is why I yearn-- and it is not my fault, but the season. It is not that I am weak, but that my leaves are simply reaching towards the promise of the winter sun, distant and beautiful and cold as opal stone. And who could help it if I curl at the edges? Lose myself in the work? I was grown under starlight, not sun, and my flowers are white and wanting as the moon.
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blue-axolotl-bucket · 1 year ago
The fact that golden goose team is still alive is like so unbelievable to me they came so close both days. The fact they survived past green pandas is just? The opposite of how I thought it would be. GG to all the teams man
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flunkett · 2 years ago
“there is no-one to blame. sometimes, life is shit” -Etioles
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chaotic-neutral-knitter · 2 years ago
every once in a while I'm reminded that there are a lot of people who go through life without aggressively researching everything. I'm like that xkcd comic about geologists thinking everyone knows the chemical formula for quartz except I just assume everyone has late night googled their way to knowing all the common cognitive distortions, reads the wikipedia article for every medication they take, and understands why almost every calico cat is female.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years ago
Sunlight inhibits stem growth and stimulates leaf expansion in growing seedlings, two of several light-induced phenotypic changes collectively referred to as photomorphogenesis (Figure 16.2).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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planet4546b · 7 months ago
waiting ohhhh so patiently for my grow lights to get here so i can set up my succulent shelf
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detournementsmineurs · 6 months ago
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"Portrait d'Alexandrine Jeanne Le Normant d'Etiolles (Fille de Madame de Pompadour" par François Boucher (1749) dans l'appartement de Madame Pompadour lors de la visite-guidée “Chez les Favorites du Roi” au Ch��teau de Versailles, septembre 2024.
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the-crimson · 2 years ago
Noo BBH is gonna take Richarylson, Ramon and Dapper on an adventure by himself XD
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twinegardening · 2 years ago
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Etiolated Light, by Lassiter W.
A marriage contract, an isolated island, a house that seems to gnash its teeth in waiting. You have saved your family - but at what cost?
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Thinking about how much of life is clearer now. Unable to untangle the shit I grew up with from growing up. Is it just being young? Is it being trapped? Is it some combination of both? I did my very best, but it was the very best of a teenager blindly stumbling through something terrible.
If you are the teenager, or surrounded by shit, or perhaps even the teenager surrounded by shit: it will get better. I grew up, past the shit surrounding me, and maybe the roots of me are in fucked up soil but I am thriving now. If you can find it in you to keep growing up, eventually the shit changes and ends.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months ago
Word Alternatives: Colours
BLACK atramentous, charcoal, coal, crow, darksomeness, denigration, duskiness, ebony, funereal, jet, inkiness, melanism, melanotic, midnight, niello, obsidian, pitch, raven, sable, singe, sloe, smirch, smoke, sombrous, soot, swarthiness, swartness, tar
BLUE aquamarine, azure, berylline, cerulean, cerulescent, cyan, cyanosis, cyanotic, electric blue, ice-blue, indigo, lividity, midnight, navy, Oxford blue, pavonian, pavonine, peacock blue, robin's egg blue, royal blue, sapphire, turquoise, ultramarine
BROWN adust, auburn, beige, biscuit, braise, bay, bronze, brune, brunette, buff, burnt umber, burnt sienna, caramel, castaneous, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, cocoa, coffee, drab, dun, embrown, fawn, grege, hazel, henna, infuscation, khaki, mushroom, ochre, paper bag, pumpernickel, raw sienna, raw umber, roan, rubiginous, rufous, russet, rust, scorch, seal, sepia, sorrel, suntan, sunburn, tan, taupe, toast, umber, walnut
GRAY ashiness, canescence, cinereous, cineritious, dullness, ecru, fuscous, glaucescence, greige, grisaille, gunmetal, hoar, iron, lead, mousiness, oyster, pewter, slatiness, smokiness, steel, taupe
GREEN aerugo, aestival, avocado, beryl, chartreuse, chloremia, chlorophyll, chlorosis, chlorotic, emerald, foliaged, glaucescence, grass, greensickness, ivy, jade, loden green, holly, olivaceous, olive, patina, patinate, pea-green, smaragdine, springlike, verdancy, verdantness, verdigris, verdure, vernal, virescence, viridescence, viridity
ORANGE apricot, cantaloupe, carotene, carroty, ochreous, ochroid, pumpkin, saffron, tangerine, terracotta, Titian
PINK carnation, coral, coralline, flesh-pink, incarnadine, peach, primrose, roseate, rosy, salmon
PURPLE amethystine, aubergine, bruise, empurple, fuchsia, lavender, lilac, lividity, magenta, mauve, mulberry, orchid, pansy, plum, puce, purpure, purpureous, raisin, violaceous, violet
RED beet, blowzy, cardinal, carmine, carnation, carnelian, cerise, cherry, copper, crimson, damask, encrimson, erubescence, erythema, erythematous, erythrism, erythroderma, ferruginous, fire, floridity, floridness, flushing, gules, hectic, henna, incarnadine, infrared, laky, lateritious, lobster, lurid, magenta, mantling, maroon, miniate, port, puce, raddle, rose, rosiness, rouge, rubefaction, rubicundity, rubor, rubricity, ruby, ruddiness, rufescence, rufosity, russet, rust, sanguine, scarlet, stammel, vermeil, vermilion, vinaceous
YELLOW aureateness, auric, aurify, banana, begild, bilious, biliousness, cadmium, canary, chartreuse, citreous, citrine, citron, engild, fallowness, flavescent, flaxen, fulvous, gildedness, gilt, goldenness, honey, icteric, icterus, jaundice, lemon, lutescent, luteous, luteolous, mustard, ochroid, old gold, primrose yellow, saffron, sallowness, sandy, straw, sulfur, topaz, xanthism, xanthochroism, xanthoderma
WHITE achromatic, alabaster, albescent, albinic, besnow, blanch, bleach, bone, calcimine, chalk, cream, cretaceous, eggshell, etiolate, ghastly, ivory, lactescent, lily, lime, milk, pearl, sheet, swan, sheep, fleece, flour, foam, marmoreal, niveous, paper, pearl, phantom, silver, snow, driven snow, tallow, teeth, wax, wool
VARIEGATION (diversity of colors) spectrum, rainbow, iris, chameleon, leopard, jaguar, cheetah, ocelot, zebra, barber pole, candy cane, Dalmatian, firedog, peacock, butterfly, mother-of-pearl, nacre, tortoise shell, opal, kaleidoscope, stained glass, serpentine, calico cat, marble, mackerel sky, confetti, crazy quilt, patchwork quilt, shot silk, moire, watered silk, marbled paper, Joseph's coat, harlequin, tapestry; bar code, checkerboard
variegation, multicolor; parti-color; medley or mixture of colors, spectrum, rainbow of colors, riot of color; polychrome, polychromatism; dichromatism, trichromatism; dichroism, trichroism
iridescence, iridization, irisation, opalescence, nacreousness, pearliness, chatoyancy, play of colors or light; light show; moire pattern, tabby; burelé or burelage
spottiness, maculation, freckliness, speckliness, mottledness, mottlement, dappleness, dappledness, stippledness, spottedness, dottedness; fleck, speck, speckle; freckle; spot, dot, polka dot, macula, macule, blotch, splotch, patch, splash; mottle, dapple; brindle; stipple, stippling, pointillism, pointillage
check, checker, checks, checking, checkerboard, chessboard; plaid, tartan; checker-work, variegated pattern, harlequin, colors in patches, crazy-work, patchwork; parquet, parquetry, marquetry, mosaic, tesserae, tessellation; crazy-paving; hound's tooth; inlay, damascene
stripe, striping, candy-stripe, pinstripe; barber pole; streak, streaking; striation, striature, stria; striola, striga; crack, craze, crackle, reticulation; bar, band, belt, list
mottled, motley; pied, piebald, skewbald, pinto; dappled, dapple; calico; marbled; clouded; salt-and-pepper
Source: The Concise Roget's International Thesaurus, Revised & Updated (6th Edition) More: Writing Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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tenth-sentence · 2 years ago
The genes identified in these screens were called CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENESIS1 (COP1), DE-ETIOLATED (DET), and FUSCA (FUS) (for the dark red color of the anthocyanins that accumulate in light-grown seedlings).
"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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dnickels · 4 months ago
Hodgson is so WWI-coded to me. He somehow psychically witnessed the slaughter on the Somme despite growing to adulthood and dying decades before the advent of Germany. He is haunted by trenches that have yet to be dug. "Wispy etiolated soft-spoken subaltern with a gift for language, interminable sadness, and a penchant for Roman Catholicism" is the mold for a type of guy that wasn't supposed to go into production for another seventy years. He somehow knows who Wilfred Owen is.
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