#and the best window we have still only gets a few hrs a day. grow lights pleaseeee where are youuuuu you were supposed to be here sundayyyy
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planet4546b · 7 months ago
waiting ohhhh so patiently for my grow lights to get here so i can set up my succulent shelf
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valcat--online · 7 months ago
sooo, the 1st ever SLURP OF THE ANTIS has officially happened!!!
Saturday 13th of July 2024 at Blue Velvet in Berlin
I'm at a residency in the countryside as I write this, sitting in my studio with the windows open, letting in the breeze and the bugs. The first SOTA was so so special. I'm still recovering, but joyfully so.
I'm not going to try to diary style recount the whole night. In the end I was at Blue Velvet for over 24 hrs, so sufficed to say, a lot of shit happened. Rather, I'm going to record a few of the thoughts that are lingering in my mind and making me feel all warm inside.
One of the things I'm most grateful for was that the crowd like, understood the mission perfectly.
From the beginning of Zander and I deciding to start this party series, we knew that we wanted it to be oriented around live tunes. Throwing a party which has more live sets than DJ sets is a pretty crazy mission, tbh, but we knew we could do it. We also believed and hoped that others would be as into the concept as we were.
It really warmed my heart that people really showed up on the dance floor during the live sets. I was told later by guests of the party that they felt super engaged and present during the live sets. I love this!
For that reason alone, it already feels like this party was a mission accomplished.
For a while, it's been pretty obvious to me that people aren't that interested in partying for partying's sake these days. people want parties that are interactive and special. they don't want 12 hours of nondescript techno, and they don't want to be so high they can't remember any of it. people want to be engaged with each other and with the music. and they want to go to parties where, with their presence, they too can help in creating the party, rather than just consuming it. I really felt this energy in the room during SOTA and I must say, with an immense amount of gratitude, that the crowd at SOTA was just lovely.
A beautiful backstage moment: During Edil it/them's set, I was backstage laying on the couch while Azemad and The Burrell Connection were chatting. Azemad was telling Zander (Burrell ^^) that he'd bought one of Z's records - under the alias Alfie - off discogs and had been really excited when Z had asked to book him, because A was a big fan of Z's tunes. And I said that basically the same had happened to me. I knew Zander's tunes under the alias Dream_E for a while before I'd ever met him.
One of the things I am most grateful for is that all the musicians were big fans of each other's work. Throughout the whole process of the night - from sound check to the afters in the garden - all the musicians were expressing the same sentiment: that we were all honored to be booked on the same line up as each other, that we were all really impressed with what each other make. IDK, that mutual reverence, that's just the absolute best way for this party series to begin IMO.
it's only been a couple days but already, another one of the dreams of this party is coming true:
I'm a big believer in "build it and they will come," that if you want something, the best way to get it is to make it. I've always wanted to be a part of a thriving creative community, and so I have spent the last few years of my life making it a constant mission to try to connect, share, and find mutual support with the creative people around me.
One of the main goals of SLURP OF THE ANTICS is platforming producers, giving them the stage and the crowd. Another really important goal is to inspire the people who come to the party. So many people decide to start producing music because they love dancing to music (guilty myself :)).
Already, people have reached out to me and told me that my set, other sets, the whole party, has inspired them to start music, continue music, or explore new production styles. EEEP!
I'm so grateful that SOTA as a party is already so much more than a party. It's a place to learn, to grow, to be inspired, to connect, to create community, etc etc etc.
so thank you to all the friends who are down to do shit and support others doing shit! ilysm
People loved the flyer art :,) I put a lot of love and time into the art so im sooo happy that ppl liked it. Bonus points for the fact that a few people told me that they thought it was sick before they knew that I'd made it! so like, they really meant it!
I can be pretty bad at taking compliments. I am also incredibly bad at retaining satisfaction in the things that I've created, the work that I've done.
One very warm and fuzzy take away from this party is the sheer amount of people who have come up to me or written me to tell me how much they loved my set. Almost all of them say "you should be really proud of yourself". GUYS, STOP IM CRYING!!!!
no but actually, in line with all I've said above about community support, I think that this is yet again a moment where the intentions behind SOTA are being realized.
It's sometimes quite difficult for creative people to believe in what we're doing. Or rather, it's easy to believe in what we're doing when we're alone and in the flow, but it's incredibly difficult to bring what we've done to an audience and believe that they believe in it as much as we do.
I really do need these positive reviews to keep going. It means so so so much to me that people like what I do, believe in my music and my art, and tell me so. I think that often, when i'm being complimented, I don't know how to react. I just smile a lot and say thank you and feel mortified by the attention. But then, a few days later, when I have a chance to let it all steep in, I become overwhelmed with pride and gratitude.
so thank you to the people who made me feel like a little pop star. and for my community for the constant encouragement.
My hope is that this energy takes up residence at SOTA parties. That these parties can be that Moment Of Validation for all the musicians who perform.
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extremelyblackandwhite · 3 years ago
scrubs - 7.
PAIRING: doctor!sebastian stan x biomedical scientist!reader
A/N: have fun everybody xx
< previous chapter
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She was stubborn. She’d always been stubborn from the moment he’d first seen her a few years ago and while he knew so many staff over his very long period at the hospital which had seen him do his own residency, he could not forget the first time he saw her. The first thought that popped into his mind was how cute she was in a clearly oversized lab coat as she followed her supervisor around carrying some stock. He’d offered to help her out yet she merely looked him up and down with a sarcastic smile before telling him she didn’t need his help. The exact same sarcastic smile she was wearing right now. 
Time had barely weighed on her, after all, it hadn’t been that long ago and while her hair had changed, her defiance had remained. There weren’t a lot of people who defied doctors or even nurses, they had this sort of mystical tsar like dominance inside hospital walls yet not only she defied him, but she also had almost always the upper hand. 
     - Why would I do that? - she cocked her head to the side, eyebrow raised up as she taunted him. 
     - Because ... - he stood close to him, way too close for her to feel his breathe on her face. His finger traced the side of her jaw, slowly and with torturous intent before he leaned down to her ear. - You really get keyed up when I’m not inside you, doll.
Y/N’s cheeks heated up but she remained her composure, studying her opononent as if this was a chess match. Her eyes looked up at him, a small smile on her lips before she leaned in to kiss him. He melted into her kiss, pressing her against the wall as it became more intimate and lustful, yet it wasn’t messy. She was merely pressed against that wall, his lips molding with hers as his hands rested on her waist. Her hands rubbed up and down his chest, one of them resting upon the hard on visible from his scrubs. She squeezed his through his scrubs as her kisses leaned down from his lips to his jaw and neck, leaving enough lipstick marks to have people wonder. 
    - I guess I’m gonna be keyed up ... - she stopped the kiss before slipping from under him, her hand resting on the knob. - Knock yourself off, Dr. Stan. 
Sebastian remained speechless as he watched her leave. Oh, oh she was wanting to be chased? He smirked to himself, grabbing his jacket before looking down at his erection. That was going to be a fun lunch break, he thought to himself. He allowed her to remain in his mind through his whole shift yet not on the way it usually remained. He wasn’t annoyed at her, it was something else. Maybe he did have an idea of what to do. 
She on the other hand was busy dealing with her ever rushing thoughts about the doctor. She had a bright smile on her face every once in a while every time she thought about what she’d done. Sure, she knew she’d probably deal with the consequences of it the next time they spoke or when HR found out she kissed him in the middle of the reception hall but that was a future problem. She continued with that little smile even as she grabbed her bag, walking down the stairs down to her car, only to find the same man on her mind sat on the boot.
   - Dr. Stan, you do realise you have to enter the car to actually drive it, correct?
   - You are the most difficult woman I’ve ever met. 
   - I didn’t realise we were still fighting over the obvious. - she fished her purse for her keys. 
   - Let’s go on a date. - he jumped off the car. - Hopefully, you’ll end up in my bed as well. 
   - A date? Doctor Stan, the only thing I want to do is get takeaway from the little Italian restaurant next to my house and watch Netflix.
   - Come on, doll. You gave me blue balls the whole day, least thing you can do is have a bite with me. 
She poundered over the question for a little bit. Surely she wouldn’t want this going around the hospital or she would lose the little credibility she had in those halls yet, at the same time, she did enjoy her time with him no matter how much he attempted to get on her last nerve. She lowered her shoulder, letting out a sigh before holding up her keys in her fingers. 
  - You’re driving. 
  - I can’t drive such a tiny car. - he pointed at her baby blue Fiat 500, the very first car she’d ever bought and the only car she’ll ever have for all she cared. 
   - They say men with big cars are compensating for something. Got anything to hide, Dr. Stan? - she smirked as she opened her passenger door. 
  - You would know, wouldn’t you doll? - he caught the keys from her, pushing the driver’s seat back before closing the door. - Damn, this is a tiny car.
  - You’re a tiny car.
  - Is that all you have? I expected a better come back from you.
  - Like you expected me to make you cum earlier? 
He smiled to himself as he started the car. Sebastian honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d driven with someone by his side, much less a woman whom he wasn’t related to. Her car had such an aura to it, the aura of who she was outside of work. He’d never stopped to wonder who she was off work, what she liked, what she disliked; however, her playlist gave a quick peak into a bit of her tastes, a mix between musical theatre, sad pop music, c;assic music and Britney Spears. It made her rounded, more than the woman she was at the laboratory, more than the supervisor Y/N he was so used to have petty fights with. Everything in the car just yelled out who she was, from the little vanilla scent dangling off the mirror, the lipgloss on the side, a few books in the backseat and the car itself. He thought his car was so dull compared to hers, always so unlived in. 
   - Are we going to sit in silence or ... ?  -  she leaned against the head rest.
   - Oh no, doll. I like not talking to you, you normally end up kissing me out of the blue. I could get used to that. 
   - That happened because you were a dick to me. 
   - That happened because you were jealous. Admit it, you like me. 
She remained silent, looking at him through the corner of her eye with a childish smile. He drove past her favourite Italian, getting her reserved order before deciding to take them to his apartment. Sebastian was sure she wouldn’t want him in her flat, no one had really been there. She was a quiet person outside of her job, no one really knew what she exactly did or what she liked. He wondered what type of person she was outside of work but he could only imagine she had that same spark. That little thing which just made her the person he knew.She was always too big for that little hospital.
  - You passed my street.
  - I know. We’re going to my place. I know you’re a private person. 
  - Oh ... - she bite the inside of her lip, looking out the window. - That’s awfully thoughtful of you.
  - Everything ok? - he asked but she merely nodded, leaning on her own hand yet the answer didn’t satisfy him. - You can talk to me, you know? I’m not all bad. 
  - I didn’t know you were a psychologist. 
  - Do you even have anyone to talk to? - he questioned, more in a joking manner than in a serious manner yet her face dropped. Her eyes darting to look out the window as she forced laughter. - C’mon people talk on dates.
  - I have my parents but they’re not in the country. - she answered, pulling at the edge of her cuffs. - It’s only glamorous to work in a hospital if you’re a white male doctor. 
  - Something happened?
  - Not important. - she changed the topic. - Pay attention to the road before you wreck my car. 
Sebastian wanted to ask her, he really did, yet he doubtted she would open up to him. Maybe for good reason, after all, their relationship had been, somewhat, strictly professional for years. Nevertheless, it still tugged at the back of his mind even as he parked. Sebastian existed the car, carrying whatever it was she had ordered before opening the door for her. 
Maybe it was the fact she had been extremely drunk the last time or that she was much more focused on getting him to fuck her but the view from his penthouse flat was something breath taking. She took small steps towards the balcony, holding out the rail as she looked up the city from the top. Everything looked so small, like her own personal sky full of stars. She could just look at it for hours and forget everything.
   - Do you wanna eat out the packaging or do you want me to plate it? - he spoke to her from the kitchen. - Y/N?
   - Whatever’s better for you. - she looked out her shoulder before returning to look at the city. Sebastian dropped the plates onto the marble countertops, abandoning his task to go and join her. She looked at him from the corner of her eye, as if questioning what he was doing by her side. 
   - What’s bothering you? 
   - Nothing’s bothering me.
   - You haven’t bullied me yet. You’re either really trying to get into my pants which is not hard at all, really just need to ask or you’re upset. Either way, I wanna help.
    - You wouldn’t understand. - she leaned her arms on the railing. 
    - I don’t need to understand, I just wanna be there for you.
    - So you wanna be my therapist? - she dryly chuckled. - I’ve just been hating my job.
    - Everyone hates their job.
    - I was the first in the family to go to university, the smart kid. I always did my best, gave up on a regular growing up because I needed to be the best to merely get the opportunities other people had. I worked hard, graduated top of my class and when I got this job I was so happy. - she shakily sighed. - But now I just hate it. I do everything I can, I do the best and beyond, edit company SOPs and training forms and I’m still treated like scum. I just thought that with a degree I would do what I like but instead I’m stuck in that job, unable to do what I like because it doesn’t pay the bills. I interview all the time and it’s always a no. I’m just unhappy, alone and lonely.
  - You’re not alone. You have that friend ... what’s her name? 
  - Miriam? Try being friends with someone who’s recently engaged.
  - I’m sorry. - he scratched the back of his neck. - I didn’t know you felt that way, Y/N. That’s awful. 
  - Thanks, Dr. Stan. I appreciate it. - she saluted him sarcastically. 
  - You need to let people in. 
  - I’ve already let you in. 
  - Not like that. - he chuckled. - You’re always so uptight. Don’t get me wrong, I love it but other people don’t.
  - I don’t really care if people like me. I’m used to it. 
  - Thank god I like you then. - he kissed her shoulder. - And not just when you’re naked and under me. I like talking to you, baby doll. You should quit that job. 
  - And you’d pay for my tiny flat?
  - No. You’d move here and walk around naked with your glasses talking to me about how dumb I am about microbiology.
  - Is that what turns you on?
  - You’ll be ok. I promise you. - he pulled her close to him. - Besides, if anyone ever treats you like scum, you let me know and I will make their life very hard. I can be a nuissance. 
  - I know. - she leaned her head against his shoulder. - It’s a date now.
taglist: @rebekahdawkins​
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luna-writes-stuff · 4 years ago
Hey! I hope you're having a good dayyy
I saw ur requests are open and since ur lookin for sum,, can i request a thorin x reader fic (if ur still accepting hehe) where the story is similar to the ending part of the movie Artificial Intelligence (idk if you've watched that but ye the ending goes like this:
The boy (main character) wished to be with his mother again one last time, if only for a day :(( And so the aliens granted him this wish bbbut the mom didn't know she was already dead like after the sciency stuff, she woke up just like it was an ordinary day, and when the 24 hrs was up, she went back to sleep not knowing that that was the last time they'll be together :<<
So I was thinking maybe botfa?, either the reader or thorin died and then ^^^ anywayyy the magic is up to you ✨
I hope ur cool with dat,, if not that's perfectly fineee HAHA
One last day, Thorin Oakenshield
Just reading this request left me suffering. I hope I did your idea justice,,,,
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Headcanons, genderneutral pronouns
Tw: Pain. Lots of pain. Angst. Pain. Flashbacks to botfa. Pain.
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- Thorin’s death had been the most difficult on you. You were left alone to rule a kingdom you didn’t have any experience with. Balin had helped you immensely, yet with every step you took, you felt as if you only worsened the kingdom.
- During the Battle of the Five Armies, you had been fighting on the other side of the planes, separated from your One. By the time you reached him, he had already left this world. You hadn’t even gotten a proper chance to say goodbye.
- And that thought had haunted you ever since that horrible day. Everyone had watched you dwelling, trying to guide others while you were unable to guide yourself.
- And then Gandalf finally decided that enough was enough. He had offered to help you say goodbye. If it would bring you closure, he’d do it for you. His terms were simple: he would bring Thorin back for one day, no more, no less.
- And you agreed, for obvious reasons. Perhaps a opportunity to say farewell would help you progress his death better. You had spent the entire evening thinking about what to tell him and what to do. You had been thinking non stop, until sleep finally caught up with you.
- The next morning, you (surprisingly) hadn’t woken up to the bright sun shining through your windows. It wasn’t the laughter and talking in the halls. It hadn’t been Balin knocking at your door. It had been snoring that woke you up. For weeks you had gone to sleep on your own, with nothing but darkness and silence surrounding you. But now, a snoring was heard. One that hadn’t been there the night before.
- You carefully turned around, but stopped halfway, noticing an arm wrapped tightly around your waist. Your eyes quickly followed the trail of arms to hands, trying to understand exactly what was happening. The excitement of yesterday had washed your sense of reality within a matter of hours.
- Your breath had caught in your throat upon recognizing the hands. The rings it held, the small hairs resting on top of it, the way the fingers were shaped, but more importantly, the way they held you, the thumb resting gently as the rest of the hand held onto you. It had indeed been Thorin. Your Thorin.
- Tears had already started gathering in your eyes, harsh reality settling in. This was only for one day, but he was back. He was alive. Back with you.
- As the tears blurrier your vision, the quietest sniffle escaped your throat. Suddenly, the snoring beside you had stopped, an annoyed yet confused moan following it.
- You tried your best to get a hold of your emotions, but it was difficult when a scientifically dead person lay right next to you, as alive as you had been.
- “Amrâlîme,” he softly uttered, his voice deeper than usual, laced with sleep and confusion. Only hearing his voice again made another sob escape you, “are you alright?”
- His arm turned you around, now coming face to face with him. His hair was up in his usual braids, yet it was a bit tousled. He had his normal sleep attire on. Everything appeared as if it had been a normal morning. No injuries or blood covered his face and his eyes held life, instead of the horrifying look they had held when you saw him last time.
- Yet, as life had been shining from them, so was confusion and worry. His earlier question finally reached you and for once, you had no idea how to respond. What would you have to tell him. Would you give him the cold hard truth or enjoy your day of pretentiousness?
- “Just a bad nightmare.” You answered, trying to wipe your tears away. With no words left spoken, Thorin dragged you into his chest, your head resting on top of his heart. His beating heart. The sound of it alone, resurfaced a new pair of tears, your hands clinging onto his shirt tightly, holding him for a while, not ready to let go yet.
- Thorin had no idea what was happening or what had happened. In his eyes, you indeed just had a terrible nightmare and needed his comfort now more than ever. No nightmare has ever left you this shaken up, but he wasn’t there to ask you about it or to judge you about. He was content just laying next to you.
- The entire morning was just spent in bed, not even speaking that much, just holding onto each other, softly dozing off again, happy to be engulfed in his warmth and smell again.
- When finally deciding to get up, Thorin had been quick to grab you close to him, already busying himself with braiding your hair. The feeling had grown foreign to you, yet so nostalgic.
- As it became your turn to braid Thorin’s hair, you made sure you did your absolute best. Making them look perfect on your definite last day with him. You tried not thinking about it too long, knowing Thorin would grow concerned, and that was not how you wanted to spend your last day with him.
- When walking along the empty halls of Erebor, you held onto his arm, walking with him as if you were seeing the halls for the first time. He would tell you stories about the portraits or the stone that was being carved before Smaug took over. He would tell you about his heritage as he had done a thousand times before when in the Hall of the Kings. And you’d listen to it all. Occasionally offering a short question or a well appreciated comment.
- You had taken the opportunity to ask him about ruling and how to best approach certain situations, making sure to remember him after he’d be gone again. That way, there would still be a bit of him in control of the mountain.
- But the day had quickly run by, leaving you with only a few hours. You tried to make him stay awake all night, but Thorin was always looking forward to sleep. It had been there ever since the day the two of you met. His favorite time of the day had always been night, so he could let his worries fade away as sleep took him over, you content in his arms.
- And then you decided to finally ask that lingering question. Without thinking about it too long, you just asked him straight forward; “Thorin, I have a bit of a weird question to ask you.” You began. Immediately; his attention was on you, holding onto your hands gently.
- “Would all of this make it possible for you to die a happy dwarf?” A bewildered look flashed across his face, clearly taken aback by the question. “What makes you ask me that?”
- Now you had been driven in a corner. You had no idea how to respond. Should you be honest with him? Did you really have choice?
- Yet, a quick lie suddenly came to your rescue. “Just the nightmare I had tonight.” You explained, rubbing your thumbs over his hands. With that answer, Thorin smiled at you, one of his hands cupping your face, his figure stepping even closer to you.
- “With you by my side, I’d die anywhere a happy dwarf.” He commented sincerely.
- “You truly mean that?” You had questioned, not knowing if he had been just trying to soothe you or actually speaking the truth. But then yet again, Thorin had never been one for lying.
- “With all my heart, Amrâlîme. Truly.” And with that, he put a soft, yet lingering kiss on your lips, making you wish you could stay like that forever. You had believed him the moment he had uttered these words.
- “Now, I’m exhausted. We should go to sleep. It’s been a long day.” The dwarf concluded, toying with the end of your braids before dropping them. You mustered a tiny smile his way before climbing into bed.
- In a matter of moments, Thorin had been beside you, his arm around you like it had been this morning. You snuggled into his chest, playing with the rings around his fingers as his breath softly tickled your neck. Only now, your tears resurfaced.
- He hadn’t feared dying. Not as long as you had been with him. And you had been. For nearly all your life. You placed a small kiss on his hand. It was your small way of saying goodbye and thank you, but he didn’t know. For him, it had been a small sign of saying “I love you.”
- “I’ll see you tomorrow, Kurdel. Sleep well.” Thorin mumbled, placing his lips on your lips, a regular goodnight kiss he’d give you. But it wouldn’t suffice this day.
- You turned around, wrapping your arms around him as you kissed his lips in response.
- “I love you, Thorin. You do know that, right?” You mumbled against his lips, nearly touching them.
- “Of course I do. Men lananubukhs menu, ghisvashel.” He whispered back, kissing you once more.
- When you were finally happy with your goodbye, you laid your head on his chest, satisfied to hear it beating for a moment. The soft tapping of it lured you to sleep after a while. Thorin followed you shortly after it, always falling asleep only after you had. He was holding onto your hands, a proud smile on his face.
- And that’s how he left again. Happy, with you in his arms, knowing he had reclaimed his homeland.
- Upon waking up the next morning, you hadn’t even been that sad anymore. You knew Thorin died a satisfied man, and it was enough to bring you the comfort you needed. And finally, after a long few months, you felt confident enough to take the mountain into strong hands, ruling it as he would have. The braids he had made the morning earlier were still freshly in your hair, somehow seemingly untouched. And you left it like that, happy to care the smallest bit of him around with you.
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jjkfire · 6 years ago
Reader x Taehyung // mafia!AU // 8k words
Summary: You’re the agency’s worst escort and yet the local mafia’s head of security still chooses you
Genre: Smut, Fluff (?)
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A/N: how long has this been sitting in my drafts? too long. anyway, smut? who is she? i forgot.
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Having to pay off loan sharks and save up for graduate school isn’t exactly easy. Your day job pays you good money but the interest on the illegal loan your estranged father left you with, compounds with each growing day. You knew coming back to your hometown had been a mistake but with your mother’s recent death, you didn’t know where else to go. Who knew that when you returned, you’d be slapped with a debt so big that you couldn’t even dream of paying it off? You haven’t seen your father since you were 4 but that didn’t stop the loan sharks. They needed their money back and you were his only available next of kin. You needed more money and you needed it quick. That’s why when your co-worker, Seokjin tells you of an opening at the local escort agency, you jump at the chance.
Seokjin is an angel, that much you’re convinced. He’s pulled so many strings just for you and you don’t think there’s any way you can ever repay his kindness. He pretty much runs the HR side of things for the escort agency and is the only reason why you’ve been allowed to get away with most of the nonsense that you do. In summary, you’re a horrible escort and Jin covers for you every time.
The local escort agency is a rather interesting organization. It serviced mainly the local mafia boys, providing the men with entertainment every time they stopped by the lounge. Whatever it was they were interested in doing for the night, be that gambling, karaoke or even just plain old drinking, the lounge was the place for that. All the newbies to the escort agency were often made to work most nights, servicing these men. 
The job was simple. You were basically glorified arm candy. You would bring the boys their drinks, let them touch your butt a little or let them kiss your neck if they wanted to and then go home with a few extra hundred-dollar bills. Now just as all the other girls, clients could choose to call you up and rent you for a night. Yet, you’ve made it a whole year without that happening. Any other one of the escorts would be upset about that because everyone knows you get more money if you actually spent the night with someone. It’s a bit of a talent of yours, turning clients away from you without putting yourself in jeopardy but this time around, you seem to have run out of luck.
Tonight, you find yourself standing in line with 4 other girls, facing a double-sided mirror. It’s common practice for when someone high up in the mafia hierarchy was looking for a new plaything… or so you’ve been told. This is your first time ever being in this room. To put off the client, you chose an ill-fitting dress for the night. You hadn’t even bothered to put on make-up either. Your agency has long stopped trying to tell you what to do. Lord knows Jin has given up months ago. Anyway, you’re not sure why you’re even here. You rarely— or more accurately, never got selected from the binder because you had made it a mission to make yourself sound rather boring, unappealing even and you even made sure to be extremely honest about your lack of sexual prowess.
Yet, despite all of that, you were selected… and by Kim Taehyung no less. See, this time you were actually nervous. No one had seen you in this state before, actually trembling.
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Last week
“Why was my profile even in the binder? Don’t you usually offer some sort of premium binder with only the best girls to clients as important as him?” You ask Jin as you pace up and down his office.
“We did but then he asked for the general binder. Said that he didn’t quite trust our taste.”
“Honestly, my profile shouldn’t even be in the binder anymore,” You groan.
Truth is, you shouldn’t even be an employee anymore but they needed pretty faces to entertain the boys. See, you wanted the money from being an escort but you weren’t quite sure about the sex part. The last boyfriend you had, had made sure you were painfully aware at how bad you were at pleasing men. So, you and Jin came up with the master plan to help you become an escort without really being one. Together you curated your profile, making sure that the men would skip right past your page when going through the binder of girls they could select from. It’s worked so far. You’ve fooled every single man that’s gone through the binder… except Taehyung of course.
Seokjin and every living, breathing soul had told you to keep your distance from him. See, Taehyung was the Head of Security for the local mafia. That meant he was the fixer. If there was a problem in any form, that being a situation or even a person, he would make the problem disappear. Easy, fast, quick. Taehyung embodied efficiency. They said he worked like a robot, pulling the trigger with absolutely no remorse. So, the word on the street was if you just so much as breathe wrongly in his presence, he could end you right there, right then. Around him, mistakes weren’t allowed and thus, you were told that if you ever got selected to be his regular, your life expectancy would sink like a rock.
You should’ve listened, you really should’ve. You should’ve found other ways to keep yourself busy but it’s not your fault that the girls didn’t give you a good enough description of him the first night you met him. They said tall and dangerous but to you, Taehyung seemed anything but dangerous.
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There were girls aplenty that night you were working the lounge. You slipped away into the other room, knowing full well that you wouldn’t be missed. You arranged and rearranged the strawberries and assorted snacks on the many different plates. You twisted and turned all the alcohol bottles laid out and read their labels over and over just to pass time. You munched on the snacks, humming a tune as you looked out the window to see the town you call home. It’s not until you saw Taehyung in the reflection that you jumped in your spot, quickly swallowing what you had in your mouth before dusting your dress off any crumbs.
“C-can I get anything for you? Whiskey, maybe?” You asked with a smile despite the fact that you had been caught red-handed slacking on the job.
“A double shot gin and tonic would be nice,” He smiled and you got to work immediately. You were stirring the tall glass soon after, ready to lead him into the main room but he made himself comfortable on one of the couches behind you instead.
“It’s getting a little rowdy out there,” He laughed. “You know how Jimin gets when he’s having a good game of blackjack.”
You only nodded, laughing before you set down his drink in front of him. You stood awkwardly before him, unsure if you were meant to join him or return to the main room. As if sensing your unease, he called for you to take a seat.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you here before,” He hummed, stirring his drink. “Are you new?”
“Me? Oh, I’ve been here a few months already so not exactly new… but I’m Y/N,” You smiled, introducing yourself.
“Taehyung,” He grinned in return and he watched your eyes go wide, like you had a moment of realization. “Judging by your expression, you’ve heard of me?”
“Y-yeah… You’re the Head of Security. A very important man,” You laughed but he could sense the fear behind your laughter.
Though you were awkward at first, you quickly became comfortable. Taehyung was easy to be around, interesting to talk to and with every night you saw him, the two of you only grew closer. He would often find you in the back room, the same way he found you the first time, munching away on snacks meant for him and the boys. The two of you would be lost in your own world, talking about anything from conspiracy theories to sports to world politics and even local gossip. That’s not to say all the two of you ever did was talk. Sometimes he had his hand halfway up your skirt, your lips melding against his, moving at a set rhythm until you pull away, breathless, but aching for more. You guess you didn’t actually mind it. Taehyung was easy on the eyes, and that was an understatement. If anything it was sure as hell better than being fondled by some 50 year old guy. Maybe it also had to do with the fact that you were inexperienced, that this was the most action you’ve gotten since you broke up with your boyfriend more than 3 years ago. If anything, it was an ego boost. Who would say no to making out with someone like him? The answer is well… almost everybody, but contrary to what everyone said, Taehyung seemed harmless. In fact, he was rather sweet. Always taking his time with you, always respectful.
You believed it, you really did. You understood that Taehyung might be a ruffian at work but when it was just you and him, he was anything but. Jin had to sit you down and really knock some sense into you, detailing his crimes, reiterating stories he had heard. He was ruthless, a maniac. Someone who would slit your throat without hesitation. Jin said you and the other girls had to understand that if Taehyung picked any one of you, there was no room for anything but perfection. You knew among the 5 girls that he had chosen, you were the weakest link and for your sake, everyone prayed he wouldn’t choose you because if he did, it was game over. It wasn’t just your life at risk you see, it was everyone’s. If Taehyung was unhappy with the service, after dealing with you, the next to go would be Jin and given Taehyung’s reputation, everyone would follow suit. It won’t be you, you mumbled. He wasn’t stupid. The boys talk about the escorts among themselves. He must know that any of the other girls would be a much better choice. You were worrying for nothing, you smiled. It wasn’t going to be you, you were confident it wasn’t.
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“Y/N,” Jin hears Taehyung say through his earpiece. With unsteady fingers, he points at you and Taehyung gives an affirmation.
When Jin grabs you by the hand, attempting to lead you out of the room, you hesitate. You were so sure you weren’t going to be chosen, not when you were standing next to what were the top stars of the agency. Panic rises within you because you’re not ready for this responsibility. You couldn’t have the fate of the agency resting in your hands.
“I have herpes!” You shout, lying, eyes roaming around the double-sided mirror, not knowing where exactly he was standing. “Tell him I have herpes,” You tell Jin who winces when you tug his arm with urgency.
“He says he doesn’t care,” Jin mumbles, tapping at his earpiece.
“W-wait— Taehy—”
You don’t get to finish your sentence because Jin is already dragging you out of the room. He wears an expression you’ve never seen before. It’s anger and fear, all mixed into one and when he pins you with his stare, you choose to look at your feet.
The elevator ride is silent, the doors opening with a ding when it reaches the top floor, the suite reserved for only the best clients. The last time you were in here was for a training session. You were taught how to work the room. Where to sit, what to do, how to entice the men. You struggle to remember most of it now, not when you’re thinking of how you were going to even survive tonight.
“Jin, please, you need to do something,” You whine, almost thrashing in your spot when you stop in front of the door. “Tell him something, tell him—”
“Stop making a scene! There’s nothing I can do now, do you understand?” Jin grumbles, shaking you. “Listen once you go into that room, I can’t really protect you anymore. You know what he’s capable of so, keep that pretty trap of yours shut.”
You simply nod, suddenly rendered mute by the warning. Before shutting the door on you, Jin flashes you a thumbs up, trying to look optimistic but you know more than anyone that he’s scared. In some way, he feels responsible for all of this and god, if anything happens to you, he’s not sure he can forgive himself. With shaky legs, you step further into the room, scanning the suite for a place to sit. Your eyes snap to the bed and you assume that’s where he would want you to be. It’s where you’ve been taught to sit anyway.
It isn’t long before you hear the door creak, Taehyung stepping into the room with a soft smile on his lips. He greets you and all you do is wave dumbly. God, you’re absolutely adorable. While unbuttoning his blazer, he realizes you look different tonight. The expression you wear mimics the one you had on the first time he met you. Fear. He could see it on every inch of your face.
“I uhh— I have herpes,” You mumble, again, as a last-ditch effort.
“I know you don’t,” Taehyung sighs, holding up a piece of paper that you know holds the results from the STD test that the agency made you go for just a few days ago.
“How are you so sure? The test results could be fabricated.”
“Oh your agency wouldn’t dare,” He laughs, placing his blazer on the back of a chair.
“Maybe I slept with someone last night,” You mumble, shuffling your feet. You mean to sound confident but it comes out sounding as anything but that.
“Yeah? And how was it then?” He asks as he removes his gun from his waistband, setting it down on the table. The sight makes Jin’s numerous warnings sound in your head again. This was no time to lie, no time to joke.
“Mustn’t have been that great if it’s taking you so long to answer,” He chuckles, noting your silence.
“I-I didn’t sleep with anyone last night,” You sigh, hands folding nervously in your lap.
Taehyung simply laughs before striding over to take a seat next to you. You’re nervous that much he can tell. You can’t even look him in the eye.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” He murmurs, and you gulp, forcing yourself to look at him just so you can nod.
At that, he smiles. He stands up and makes his way over to the ice bucket tucked in the corner of the room.
“Yes, please.”
That’s the only sentence you’ve said so far with absolute certainty.
He walks over, glass of champagne in one hand and plate of strawberries in another. You accept them both meekly. Twirling the glass of champagne in your hand while you munch on a strawberry.
You’re a nervous eater and drinker. You knocked back glasses of champagne and almost cleared the whole plate of strawberries on your own.
“I have a feeling you don’t do this very often,” Taehyung smiles, refilling your glass for what must’ve been the 5th time now.
“H-huh? Oh, um, sorry,” You mumble as you snap into action. You tug your dress a little lower by the cleavage before you move up on the bed. You move slow, Taehyung watching as you kick off your shoes. Taking your time, you lay on your side, shoulders rolled back so your chest was on display. Your other hand slides to rest on your hip, before it slides down lower, drawing his attention to what he wanted the most. With your champagne still in hand, you put on a sultry expression, one you’ve been coached to make. Your free hand reaches for a strawberry, stopping to lick your lips just after a bite.
Taehyung takes a seat on the bed, laughing as he shook his head. When he turns to look at you, he sees a frown on your face. You didn’t understand. You did everything they told you to do. He was supposed to be smirking, not laughing. Taehyung pats the spot next to him, beckoning you over to take a seat.
“It doesn’t suit you,” He hums, when you’re finally at his side. “The whole sexy act they teach you girls to put on.”
“But, I-I’m plenty sexy,” You pout. You knew you weren’t a bombshell like some of the other girls were but you had your… well, charm.
“You are, you are,” He grins, pulling you onto his lap with ease as he’s done many times before. “I never said you weren’t. I just think you’re sexier when you’re doing your own thing, not whatever they teach you,” He hums as he pulls you in closer, his chest now flush against your back.
“But the act is what you boys like,” You mumble, as he rests his chin on your shoulder. “You know, we flash some skin, sway our hips, wink a little and by then you’ll all be drooling already.”
Taehyung lets out a breathy laugh, one hand wrapped around your centre while the other reaches for his champagne glass. He simply clinks his glass against yours with a smile.
“I can’t deny that,” He sighs after setting aside both his glass and yours. “But you see I much prefer you like this. Disobedient and sassy.”
You can’t see his face but you can almost imagine the smirk he’s wearing right now. It’s the one he always flashes you when he’s busy ogling you. His fingers toy with the sleeves of your dress that sit awkwardly on your shoulder, slipping them off with practised ease, as if he does this all the time and you sit there in his lap, too afraid to move.
There’s a hum of approval that leaves his lips, when your dress pools at your waist, his fingers brushing the underside of your bra. He peppers your shoulder with kisses, moving along until he reached your neck, his lips moving slow, leaving marks that you are sure will show tomorrow. Your breath stutters, quiet moans leaving your lips as his hand moves up to wrap around your throat. It’s right and it’s wrong. You want to but you can’t and you mean to stay silent but you can’t help but say what’s been on your mind since he stepped into the room.
“I haven’t had sex in years,” You blurt out, your eyes shut tight as you feel his lips pull away, the grip around your neck now loose as his hand drops back to your waist.
“I don’t know if they lied on my profile but I genuinely haven’t done it in years,” You sigh, hands toying with the material of your dress. They must’ve lied on your profile. Otherwise, Taehyung would’ve never picked you. “And I know they give us ratings, in terms of how good we are in bed and—”
“They rated you a 1/10.”
“Really? Wh—wha— T-That’s mean. I think I’m at least a solid three,” You huff. Three was the arbitrary number you and Jin had decided on because you were bad, but you weren’t that bad. “Anyway, that’s not my point.”
“What is your point then, love?” He asks and you twist in his lap to look at him. His hold on you is still tender, hands softly sitting on your hips.
“There’s a girl we have, Mirae. She’s a 10/10. Everyone that’s been with her, loves her.”
“Yes, I’m familiar with her. She was in the final line-up,” Taehyung mumbles, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What did she have to do with anything the two of you were doing right now?
“Exactly! You can just call them up, say you’re dissatisfied with me and ask for Mirae,” You smile. “They’ll send her right up.”
“But I’m not dissatisfied with you,” He frowns, utterly at a loss at why you would think so.
“O-okay, but she’s a guarantee 10/10 will blow your mind type of girl,” You mumble.
Your gaze is fixed somewhere else, as if you were too afraid to look him in the eye. It’s odd. You seemed to have had no problems being in his presence all the weeks prior to this. Maybe he was just so caught up in his own emotions to realize that you wanted none of this. Though, he’s sure that’s not the case. Most of the times he had you in his lap in the lounge, you’d be moaning into his mouth as you kissed him back as fervently as he did. You’d drive him crazy, grinding down on him as if you wanted more, moaning sinful things into his ears.
“Do I make you feel uncomfortable?”
“No… no, not at all.”
“So then do I scare you?”
“Not exactly,” You murmur, fingers pinching at your dress. “It’s just… you’re an important guy a-and we strive to impress. I also can’t afford to lose this job,” You mumble, eyes downcast.
“So you think you’re going to lose this job if I’m not impressed?”
“It’s a possibility, yes.”
“I’ll tell them you were a 10/10 mind blowing experience even if you were atrocious if that’s what you’re worried about.”
You look up at him with wide eyes, as if hope was gleaming in them and at that he could only smile. My god, you had him wrapped around your finger and you didn’t even know it.
“A-and you can’t take it out on anyone at the agency,” You mumble.
“You have my word, love,” He grins, nodding. “And I am always a man of my word.”
See, he’s anything but dangerous. You didn’t understand why everyone sees him as some type of monster.
“So,” He hums, twisting you back into your original spot, his chest pressed against your back once more. “Now back to business. You said you haven’t had sex in years? Is that why you’re always dripping even when all we’ve been doing is kissing?”
“I-I do not know what you’re talking about.”
Taehyung laughs, lips tucked between his teeth when you attempt to shrink away.
“There’s no need to be shy about it,” He smiles, hands moving down towards your thigh. His fingers massage your inner thighs, slowly making its way up. They creep higher and higher and you whimper, especially so when he lets out a breathy laugh. “So, you decided to skip the panties today,” He notes when he finds nothing but your smooth skin. His fingers move through your folds, making you squirm in his hold. “And here I was, thinking you didn’t want any of this.”
“I… I ran out of time,” You mumble. “Couldn’t find a clean pair.”
Taehyung snorts, shaking his head. You surely are an interesting character.
“I’m not complaining,” He smirks. “It just makes my job easier.”
Taehyung surely takes his time, his fingers moving at a glacial pace as his lips continue their work on your neck. You want to tell him to speed it up, to do something because you needed your 3-year drought to come to an end.
“You have something to say?” He questions as you continue to whine and fidget.
“I want more,” You murmur.
“More? More what, love?”
You know he’s just teasing. He knows what you want. How could he possibly not.
“Tell me, what do you want? Is it my fingers in your pussy?” He smirks, plunging two of them into you without any warning whatsoever and you moan, your eyebrows knit together at the sensation. “Or do you want me to touch you here? Work this until you’re sore and begging me to stop?” He queries, his thumb beginning to rub your clit in tight circles. You screw your eyes shut at the feeling, your hand fisting the sheets by your side as you spread your legs wider. God, it’s been too long, you think to yourself. This could hardly compare to your nightly routine of rubbing one out yourself under the blanket. The way his fingers stretch you when he curls them upwards makes you feel delirious and all you can do is mumble his name over and over. His thumb rubs tighter, faster circles against your bundle of nerves and you bite down on your lip to muffle the choked noises that threaten to spill out of your mouth.
“Look at you, you’re making such a mess,” He murmurs into your ear. The way his lips ghosts the shell of your ear makes a shiver run through you. His lips slowly moves down to leave marks on your neck, his tongue laving across the spots he’s decorated your skin with. “You’re dripping all over. Is it because you haven’t been touched in a while or because you’ve never been touched like this at all?”
You can’t answer, not when he’s doing all of that. Your mouth hangs open, almost as if you’re trying to answer him but all that leaves your throat are soft moans. Taehyung only laughs, his free hand moving to unbuckle your bra, fingers pinching your nipples when you finally help him rid yourself of the bra.
“Answer me, love,” He grins, teasing your nipple again, the act eliciting yet another moan out of you. “Has anyone else made you feel like this?”
“N-no,” You manage to say. “M-my ex wasn’t into anything other than doing it in the doggy position.”
“That’s a shame,” He sighs. “He never got to see you like this, moaning and whimpering, all desperate for more,” He hums, his hand abandoning your chest to move up to your throat, squeezing it lightly.
“I’m gonna cum,” You choke out as you begin to see white behind your eyelids, your legs trembling as he picks up the pace, his fingers pumping in and out of you with fervour.
“Not yet, love. You only cum when I say so.”
“I c-cant—”
“Ah, but you will,” He mumbles, adding a third finger, making you let out a choked sob. He wears an evil smirk as he teases your breast with his hand, his fingers moving to pinch your nipple harshly. You let out a whimper, your head lolling back as you try to ignore the tension in the pit of your stomach that threatens to snap.
“Please, please Taehyung, I—" Your sentence is cut short by a moan because he presses against your clit harder, rubbing figure eights at a pace that almost makes you go limp. You can feel your control begin to slip, your legs trembling as the pressure building in your abdomen finally snaps and you see nothing but hot white behind your eyelids. You’re panting, grinding down onto Taehyung’s lap as a slew of cuss words escape you. The man is relentless, his digits curling into your walls, his thumb still continuing on at its furious pace as you climb down from your high.
“I guess you’re not very good at following orders,” Taehyung sighs, clicking his tongue as he finally stops, pulling his hand away from your sopping pussy. He brings his hand up to your mouth, forcing you to lick clean your juices off his fingers and you do, tongue moving across them as you suck. “Dirty girl,” He smirks, pulling his digits out of your mouth before he grabs you by the waist, twisting you in his lap so you were facing him again.
“So what shall we do with you, hmm?” He prompts, his hold tender but his gaze otherwise. “I don’t take too kindly to disobedient sluts,” He huffs, removing his hold on you to loosen the tie he’s been wearing. You gulp, almost trembling because you couldn’t quite tell what he was going to do next. With the tie still in his hands, he reaches over to lift you up off his lap, urging to make yourself at home higher up the bed. He smirks, eyeing you in all your glory and with a single finger he points at your dress still pooled at your waist. You nod in understanding, discarding it without him having to say a single word. There was no more room for mistakes.
“This time when I say you only cum when I say so, I hope you listen,” He exhales as he stands up to unbuckle his pants. “Unless of course, you wish to be punished,” He smiles, devilishly so, as he unbuttons his shirt, tossing the tie onto the bed.
“N-no, I don’t,” You mumble, stuttering, unsure exactly what kind of punishment he meant. Did he mean punishment as in he would put a bullet in your skull or punishment as in a light spank on the ass? Though the latter sounds tempting, you’re not willing to find out just what he has in store for you in case of your disobedience. “I’ll be good,” You murmur, hypnotized when he rids himself of his pants and boxers, his cock slapping against his stomach.
“Will you?” He hums, hands wrapped around his member, groaning as he pumps himself a few times, precum leaking out of the tip. You watch, mesmerized, almost drooling as he pads over closer to you. “But you know, I can’t help but think I’m being too easy on you.”
You freeze in your spot, unsure of what to do next. Luckily for you, Taehyung does all the work. With his back sinking into the pillows, he pulls you onto his lap again but this time you’re facing him.
“See, this isn’t the first time. You’re always defiant, sassy, and I can’t count the number of times I’ve wanted to fuck you stupid when we were in the lounge just so you could understand who you were dealing with,” He hums, rubbing the head of his cock against your folds. You shiver, biting your lip as you could feel it just mere centimetres away from where you wanted it to be.
“Then do it,” You tease, hand slipping down to guide his length to your entrance because if he was going to leave you waiting for so long, he obviously needed help. Taehyung only laughs at that, slapping your hand away. He guides you onto your back, pinning your hands above your head as he leaves kisses down the valley of your breasts, only stopping because he can hear you release a shaky exhale.
“Oh, I will,” He smirks, pulling away to line up his cock to your pussy. He starts slow, teasing you as he rubs his cock against your core, groaning as your juices coated his length. You whine, about to demand him to do something but before you can say anything, he plunges into you, thrusting upwards in one swift motion, giving you no time to adjust to his size. You gasp, mouth hanging open as you let out a choked sob. “Baby, I’ll fuck you so good, so hard but only if you promise to listen.”
“I-I will,” You whimper, soft moans filling up the room as he rocks against you slowly.
“Good,” He mumbles before his tongue envelops one of your nipples. “Now keep your hands there. No touching until I say so.”
You only nod in response, barely able to hear him as your mind goes blank, his cock brushing against the spot that made your toes curl. Your body felt like it was on fire, his touch making you keen against him, his lips making your mind grow hazy.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” He groans, eyes screwed shut as he delivers on his promise, thrusting into you so hard that you could almost feel him in your throat. He lifts your legs up over his shoulder and god, you didn’t think he could make you feel any better but as he buries his cock into you to the hilt, you can only moan in return. Taehyung whines, meeting your tongue in a sloppy kiss, lips moving against yours with fervour. It takes everything in you to not reach out to tug at his hair, to pull him closer. You needed him, wanted him.
“Tae, I-I want—” You manage to choke out between kisses but he silences you with his lips.
“More?” He asks, laughing breathily as he pulls out halfway before he slams back into you. Your eyes roll back as he does it a few more times, rendering you silent apart from the long moans that leave you without your consent. “You’re a greedy little slut, aren’t you?”
“Tae,” You murmur, your walls clenching around him as he thrusts deeper, harder.
“Don’t do that, baby. Not yet,” He warns, slipping a thumb into your mouth. You nod, tongue wrapping around it as you suck. Fuck, you were driving him insane. His other hand holds onto your waist with a grip so tight you’re sure it’ll bruise tomorrow. You could care less, especially when he was making you feel this good. You could already feel it, the coil in your stomach being held together solely by your will threatening to release, your muscles tightening and Taehyung warns you once more when you clench around him yet another time.
“Be good,” He grumbles, his grip on your waist tightening and you wail, nodding as you focus on keeping yourself together. You lace your hands through his hair, finding purchase on whatever you can, as if doing any of that could help you from falling apart.
“What did I say about touching?” Taehyung growls, as he pulls away from you, your pussy clenching at the sudden emptiness. Your eyes snap open, eyebrows tucked together in worry as Taehyung sighs, reaching for his tie at the end of the bed.
“S-sorry, I was just trying to—”
Taehyung isn’t interested in your excuses. He flips you over, almost as if you weighed nothing, quickly pinning your hands behind your back.
“Since you have trouble listening, let me help you,” He mumbles, using his necktie to tie your hands together, the soft silk digging into your wrists as he double knots it. He huffs, lifting you by the waist so you were now on your knees, the side of your face still pressed to the mattress. “I knew I was being too easy on you,” He mumbles, hand splayed over your ass that was now on show for him. Without warning, he brings his hand down harshly onto the flesh of your ass, making you tuck your lips between your teeth, partially muffling your moan.
“So, are you going to behave now?”
“Yes!” You cry, nodding into the sheets.
“No more chances,” Taehyung mumbles. “Next time you disobey me, I’m going to leave you high and dry, begging me to make you cum.”
You don’t even have the chance to say anything because Taehyung wastes no time, hand around your neck as his cock pushes past your folds, filling you up once again.
“Fuuuck,” You moan as he thrusts into you, his fat cock stretching you out deliciously. You clench your fists, wrists struggling against his necktie because all you wanted right now was to tug at his hair or dig your nails into his skin. God, he was driving you insane.
His hand around your neck isn’t there to choke you but more so he could find leverage to slam into you harder. You whimper and whine, legs threatening to give way with every time he thrusts into you.
“You don’t know how long I’ve thought about you like this,” He groans. “All pretty and obedient for me, moaning my name. So fucking good for me.”
The latter part of his sentence is punctuated by his thrusts, his arm wrapped around your centre helps hold you up as your thighs turn to jelly. His rhythm is sloppy now and you can tell he’s close just by the way he’s whining in your ear.
“Just for you,” You cry, as his hand slips down towards your clit, rubbing the nub with just the right pressure, making your head spin. Your sentence seems to spark something in Taehyung because he grips your neck tighter, quickening his pace.
“Fuck, baby you’re driving me crazy,” He grunts as you begin to lose control, your pussy clenching against his length, making the man lose his composure. “God, your pussy feels so good, so fucking wet and tight just for me.”
“L-let me cum, please,” You beg, almost sobbing as your toes curl up in pleasure. “Please, Tae, I c-can’t anymore.”
Taehyung grunts, pulling out all the way before he plunges back in, his following thrusts short and shallow as he struggles to keep a grip on you. He bucks his hip forward, hand grabbing your shoulder as your name comes out in the form of moans. From your spot, you can see his eyebrows tucked together, his face looking absolutely fucked out and god, you’d do anything to see him look like that again. He chases his high desperately, groaning long and hard before he jerks forward, his cock stuttering as his seed spills into you, your walls clenching around him. You whine, cussing as he brings you to your high, his fingers circling your clit, making your vision go white. As he comes down from his high, he thrusts into you, hitting the bundle of nerves inside you, hitting the spot that made you hold your breath. 
“Pl-please, please, please, Taehyung, I need to cum,” You cry, wail almost as you feel the coil in your stomach grow even tighter.
“You want to cum?” He asks, grunting. You nod, whining as he picks up the pace. “Then be a good girl and cum all over my cock, baby.”
You swear you almost black out, your orgasm so intense that you can no longer hold yourself up, your limbs betraying you as you sink into the mattress, pussy pulsing as it clenches uncontrollably. Taehyung pulls out, flipping you over before his lips finds yours between your pants. His kisses are languid and soft, almost as if it’s an apology. His touch is gentle, cradling your cheeks as he kisses you senseless, sucking at your lips so you would part them for him. His free hand moves down to your pussy his fingers slowly gathering his cum that was spilling out just to push it back into you and you squirm under his hold, whimpering. He continues for a while, his fingers brushing over your clit every so often so he could hear you whine, asking him to stop as your pussy throbbed, feeling a tad bit sensitive.
“I wasn’t too rough, was I?” He asks as he undoes the necktie that holds your hands together. He frowns, hands smoothing over your wrists that have been rubbed raw. The question catches you off guard, his entire demeanour does. You’re pretty sure most guys do not treat their escorts this way.
“It’s fine, Taehyung. I-I liked it,” You mumble, eyes downcast. At that he smiles, grabbing the soft towel from the nearby table along with his blazer with him. He’s mostly quiet as he cleans you up. Of course he kind of sits there mesmerized as he watches his cum leak out of your pussy. Damn, you seriously don’t understand what you do to him.
Taehyung offers you his shirt before he puts on his boxers and you sit there, awkwardly buttoning his shirt because isn’t he supposed to leave now? Isn’t that how these things usually go? The men would come here, have their fun and leave immediately after. Why was he still here, lingering?
He soon returns to the bed, his hand reaching into the pockets of his blazer to pull out something. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion as he produces two packets, a giant foot printed on each one. You stare it for a little longer before a dawn of realization hits you and you smile, immediately unwrapping the packet when he hands it to you.
“Oh my god, I love these. I almost forgot they existed,” You smile, pulling out the lollipop that was shaped in a foot before carefully dipping it back into the bottom of the packet that held the fizzy powder. “It’s so hard to find them nowadays.”
“Yeah, you can only get them at those really old family owned sundry shops now,” He smiles, unwrapping his own one.
“Seriously, I love this candy so much,” You laugh. “It brings me back to my childhood.”
Taehyung only grins as he makes himself comfortable among the pillows. He beckons you over by patting the spot next to him.
“You know, this sort of feels like it’s meant to console me. Like a hey, you were bad in bed but here, have a lollipop! It’ll make you feel better,” You laugh and Taehyung blushes.
“Th-That’s not what I meant by giving you this lollipop. If anything you’re leagues better than the 3/10 that you think you are.”
“Well, what was your intention then?”
“Nothing really,” He hums. “It’s just that I’m a man of my word is all.”
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18 years ago
“It’s not that bad really,” You assure the boy that’s crying in front of you. “It doesn’t hurt one bit,” You smile, wiping the blood away from your lips.
You’re lying. It hurts… a lot and you kind of regret standing up to the bullies but you weren’t just going to sit back and watch those older boys beat up that same little kid again.
“I’m so sorry,” He mumbles, sobbing. “Next time you shouldn’t try to help.”
“I can’t leave you alone like that,” You frown. “They’re just being big meanies. You didn’t even do anything wrong.”
The boy sighs. You’re as stubborn as an ox. How could you not see that this was a losing battle? They were going to bully him forever. He was an easy target, the poor boy with tattered clothes and no money for food. He just came to the playground to escape from the constant fights his parents would have. He just wanted one moment of peace, and if not the playground, he had nowhere else to go. It was better than home anyway. Even if he got beat up here, at least he would get his moment of peace whenever he laid in the sand box alone, sobbing. At least there was no shouting here once the sun begins to set.
“Oh, my mum’s here,” You hum, breaking the boy out of the trance he was in. “Come on!” You smile, grabbing him by the hand, leading him to your mother.
“What the— Y/N, what happened?” Your mother questions, panicked.
“Well, we—,” You point to yourself and then to the boy next to you. “—stood up to the bullies!”
Your mother sighs, crouching down to inspect your split lip. She can only shake her head as you give her a grin, wincing in pain when you smile too wide.
“And you, oh sweetheart,” She mumbles, softly turning to see his face littered with bruises. “Where are your parents?”
“Busy fighting, throwing things at each other,” The boy answers honestly.
Your mother hums, gulping nervously.
“What’s your name?”
“Kim,” He answers easily with his last name that he shares with thousands of people. His father had told him not to give out his full name. Especially since there’s an order out to kidnap a Kim Taehyung. The mafia needed some leverage so that his father would actually pay back his debt.
“O-okay, Kim,” Your mother smiles. “Would you like to join us for dinner?”
“Can I?” He asks, absolutely beaming at the thought of finally being able to eat a hot meal.
“Sure, what would you like to have? Y/N here likes— Where’d she go? Y/N—”
Your mother only grumbles to herself as she watches you run back towards her, two little packets in your hand.
“I told you to stop running off like that,” Your mother frowns.
“But he was going to leave,” You mumble, pointing to the ice-cream man who’s packing up his cart, putting away the assorted candies he sold along with his ice-cream. “Here,” You smile, handing a packet to the boy. He inspects it with furrowed eyebrows, twisting the packet with a large foot printed on it.
Your obsession with the weirdly shaped lollipop honestly drives your mother crazy. It certainly didn’t help that it was not the easiest candy to find.
“It tastes funny,” The boy mumbles, noting that the candy fizzes in his mouth. “And it’s sour,” He murmurs, face scrunching up at the taste. “But I like it.”
“Exactly! It’s the best!” You smile, dipping the lollipop back into the packet to pick up some more powder.
Your mother takes the both of you by the hand, leading you two to a nearby restaurant. She picks the place because she’s had a long day and she really just wants a good plate of fried rice to heal her soul. She notes the Kim boy is rather quiet, but in your presence, he seems to light up. Shame, she sighs. It’s nice that you were getting along so well with this kid, but you and your mother are moving away to another town in just a few days. Moreover, it didn’t quite sit well with her that the boy had said some rather disturbing things about his home life… and the fact that he was being bullied daily at the playground, that hurt her heart too. But, it was hard taking care of you alone. She didn’t really need more to worry about, in fact she couldn’t afford it.
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“You sure you’ll be okay walking home?” Your mother asks, as the three of you stand outside the restaurant.
“We can walk you home if you would just let us know where it is.”
“My parents really don’t like me giving out our address to strangers,” He mumbles, staring at his feet.
“Okay,” Your mother hums. “You be safe, alright?”
Taehyung nods, ready to walk away when you stop him, making him stand there as you tug at your mother’s sleeve, making her crouch down so you could whisper in her ear.
“Please,” You beg, hands clasped together as your mother gives you a pointed look after having heard your request. She sighs before she nods and digs into her purse for her wallet. The grin you have on when she hands you the money is truly precious.
“Here, take this,” You smile, handing the boy the $20 your mother had just given you. “Don’t let those stupid boys hurt you anymore a-and get yourself something nice to eat tomorrow.”
“Y/N,” He says, dumbfounded, staring at the bill in his hand.
“Oh and here,” You grin, putting the lollipop packet in his hand. “I was saving this for later but I think you should have it.”
“Y/N,” He repeats in the same tone, still in shock. He knows he should say something along the lines of no, I can’t take any of this but the truth is… he wanted both of those things in his hands badly.
“I’ll see you around Kim,” You mumble as you wave at him, walking backwards to your mum who’s waiting further ahead.
“I… I promise I’ll get you this when I have money next time!” He shouts, holding up the packet. “I’ll pay you back 100 times the amount,” He says, pointing at the $20.
“You promise?”
“I promise!”
Taehyung is a man of his word, always has been and always will be. It’s why when you go to drop off your monthly installment for the debt your father owes, they inform you that with the amount you had just paid, you had completely cleared the debt. They tell you that they were surprised to receive the money you mailed in last week and the truth is, so are you but you only nod nonchalantly. You make sure to get the proper documentation from them, to confirm that they were absolutely certain that your account has been cleared. You walk out of there with a nice little slip with their insignia and a gang member’s signature that verifies that the debt has been paid in full. You laugh to yourself, absolutely grateful for their miscalculation or rather, mismanagement. You actually had hundreds and thousands left to pay but hey, you’re not going to tell them that. God, you can’t wait to tell Taehyung what dumbasses his rivals are.
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check out this ask for extras like how tae knew it was oc and if he ever tells her that he’s the little boy she helped out!
A/N: as always, thanks for reading and feedback is always welcome!!! (: also this was meant to be a drabble… i swear… but u kno meeeee
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rafandro · 4 years ago
All I Ever Wanted
Welp, it happened. I wrote my first Rafael and Ronen fic. This is purely for fun, and not real in any way, shape, or form. Please do not post this anywhere else without my permission. If you want to post on your blog, please be cautious when tagging.
Rating: M (mentions of Masturbation)
Warnings: Drinking, getting drunk, fawning, fluff, slight angst, happy ending, love confessions
It starts out innocently enough. Ronen likes to flirt. He does it on set all day. Rafael doesn’t think anything of it. Ronen is just a loveable person and he wants to share his love with everyone. Rafael doesn’t mind that Ronen likes to fawn all over him. Take his photo here, make a video there. It’s all for fun anyway. The fans love to comment on it and it makes work that much more fun.
After their first instagram live, where Ronen not so innocently flirts with Rafael, things change. Ronen likes to drape himself over the other man. He does it in between scenes or when they’re walking back to their trailers after a long day. Rafael will put his arm around his waist to hold on and when they hug goodbye it’s always a little too long but neither of them say anything.
Their last scene was filmed and in the can, when Ronen wraps his arm around Rafael as they walk back to their trailers.
“Can you believe we’re done?” Ronen asks as they walk slowly back.
“Not really, you?” Rafael asks back.
“I’m going to miss it,” Ronen replies, “Miss going to set and seeing everyone. Seeing you.”
Rafael smiles at that and he pulls Ronen closer, “I’ll miss you, too. But we’ll still see each other.”
“Yeah, but not like this! It won’t be the same,” Ronen says. If he pouts, well...no one sees it.
“We can hang out, you know,” Rafael says.
Ronen stops outside his trailer and pulls away from Rafael, “Yeah, I guess.”
“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with being sad. It’s not hitting me now, but I know I’ll wake up tomorrow and remember I don’t have a job to do. After all these months of being together, it’ll be an adjustment, but I’m only a phone call away,” Rafael replies.
Ronen gives him a small smile, “Thanks...I should change. Wait for me and we can go out for a drink?”
Rafael smiles back, “Sounds good.”
The country locks down two weeks later. Ro is holed up at his home with his two dogs, while Rafael is across town holed up in his own place. They do instagram lives with Fox and the fans love it. They do one together and people go nuts. They FaceTime once it’s over to talk about the reaction.
“Best fans in the world,” Ronen says when Rafael picks up.
“They really are. So passionate,” Rafael replies. He can’t help but smile himself. They really do have the greatest fans.
They talk more about the live before they both grow quiet. Ronen sighs and looks into the camera. His green eyes are a little sad and he pouts, “I miss you.”
“I miss you, too,” Rafael replies.
“I can’t wait for this to be over so we can hang out again.”
“Same, man. Being stuck at home sucks.”
“Don’t you go hiking, like, everyday?” Ronen jokes.
Rafael chuckles, “Not everyday. But I do try to exercise outside.”
“We should go hiking together...once this is over,” Ronen says.
“I’d like that,” Rafael replies.
In June when the lock down eases Rafael has a picnic for his birthday. He invites the whole cast, but he mostly stays close to Ronen wanting to see him laugh and smile. Ronen doesn’t mind the attention. He revels in it. He playfully throws himself across Rafael’s lap at one point and stays. The rest of the cast don’t blink an eye at it and go about their conversations.
When the picnic starts to wind down and people start to say their goodbyes and wish Rafael a happy birthday one more time, Ronen is the last to leave.
Actually Rafael and Ronen end up staying an extra hour. Ronen had moved when everyone was saying goodbye, but with everyone gone he took to laying on Rafael’s legs, arms crossed so he could rest his head on them and look up at Rafael as they talked.
“This was nice,” Ronen says, “Did you have a good birthday?”
“The best. It was great to see everyone again,” Rafael replies.
“Yeah, I didn’t know how much I missed them until I saw everyone,” Ronen answers, “I can’t wait to go back to set. Can’t wait to see what season two will be like.”
“More Tarlos, that’s for sure,” Rafael says.
“There’s always a need for more Tarlos,” Ronen agrees, “Everyday I swear I get twenty thousand messages about the dinner scene we shot.”
“You too?” Rafael says back.
“Every other message I get on twitter is about it. The fans are quite passionate about it. Demanding, almost,” Ronen answers.
“I mean it was a fun scene to film,” Rafael replies, “Getting to hug you and pretend I made you tamales.”
Ronen chuckles, “They did look good.”
“Did you try them?” Rafael asks.
“Nah, I asked if they were vegan, but they said it wasn’t so I couldn’t even have a bite,” Ronen answers, “And before you get mad, it wasn’t the fact they didn’t want to make them vegan, it was the fact they didn’t have the time.”
Rafael’s hand comes up to rub down Ronen’s back, “Well when I make them for you in real life, I’ll make sure they’re all vegan.”
Ronen sighs and pushes into the hand, “You’re the best, you know that?”
They hang out more after that. Ronen got his little hot tub up and running. So he invites Rafael over to chill. He plays bartender, giving Rafael drink after drink. The more they drink the more everything becomes funny. Rafael smiles and laughs way too hard at a joke Ronen makes, and Ronen laughs when Rafael tries to get out of the small hot tub and almost trips over Spot.
Rafael ends up sitting down and petting Spot and telling her sorry over and over again.
When the sun goes down, Ronen insists he starts a fire in the fire pit. He starts the fire and it brightens up the backyard. The flames dance in their eyes and for a moment they’re quiet. Ronen moves over to Rafael, “Another drink?”
Rafael shakes his head, “No, I shouldn’t. I still have to drive home.”
“Or you could stay the night?” Ronen says without thinking.
“Your couch isn’t that comfortable.” “Who said anything about sleeping on the couch?”
Rafael swallows, “I...I...yeah okay.” He’s slept in his friend’s bed before. It’s nothing new. Crashing after a long night and waking up the next morning hungover and laughing about the antics from the night before.
Ronen smiles at him, “Great, let's grab another drink.”
They end up passing out sometime in the wee hours of the early morning. Rafeal barely makes it to the bed before falling asleep, his head on a pillow and Ronen snoring next to him.
They wake in the early afternoon. Rafael’s head is pounding and there’s a weight against his chest. He moves to look for his phone but when he finds it, it’s dead. He groans at the sunlight coming through the window.
A moan next to him makes him turn his head to the other side. He blinks until he can focus his eyes on the person next to him. He smiles when he sees Ronen scrunching his nose up and rubbing his face along the pillow his head is laying on.
“Good morning,” Rafael whispers.
Ronen groans, “Not so loud.”
Rafael turns over on his side so he lay facing the man next to him, “Sorry.”
Ronen groans again, but instead of moving away from Rafeal, he moves closer. The arm around the man pulling them together front to front. Rafael feels Ronen’s morning wood along his thigh and he knows Ronen can probably feel his, but he doesn’t move.
“What time is it?” Ronen asks.
“I don’t know. My phone’s dead,” Rafeal replies.
Ronen moves and leans over Rafael to see if his phone is close by. He finds it but like the other man’s it’s dead.
“My phone’s dead,” Ronen says then falls back into bed.
“I think it’s the afternoon,” Rafael replies, “We didn’t go to bed until late.”
“Mmm, yeah. Best sleep I’ve had in a long time,” Ronen says, “Could use some more, but I think the girls are hungry.”
At that both dogs crawl onto the bed and start licking at the men’s faces. Ronen laughs but gives kisses back and Rafeal can’t help but pet the dog on him.
A few minutes later all four are up and moving into the kitchen. Rafael uses the bathroom while Ronen gets bowls of food for his pups and starts the coffee.
“What would you like to eat?” Ronen asks.
“I can’t think about food right now without wanting to vomit,” Rafael says.
“Can’t let you leave on an empty stomach,” Ronen replies, “What kind of host would I be?”
Rafael groans, “Please just let me die.”
“Sorry, no can do. No dying on my watch,” Ronen says. He places a mug of coffee in front of Rafel and two aspirin appear from somewhere.
“How are you so cheery right now?”
“I’m not. I’m just faking it.”
Rafael groans, “I’m never drinking like that again. Haven’t been this hungover since Freshman year spring finals.”
“Have your coffee. I’ll make some toast,” Ronen replies.
Rafael rests his head against the table as he waits for his food. Ronen gently places a plate in front of him and Rafeal doesn’t even lift his head before grabbing a piece and taking a bite. The toast isn’t half bad and he finishes it before he knows it.
They end up on the couch, feet on the coffee table and the TV turned down low. Ronen has them watch an episode of Buffy, but the movements are too much for either of them and they end up laying across the couch sleeping off their hangovers before the episode is done.
The next time Rafael wakes it’s dark out. Rafael stretches and sighs when he back cracks. Ronen isn’t on the couch anymore and Rafael looks around for the man. He finds him in the kitchen puttering around.
“I’m making dinner if you want to stay,” Ronen says when he sees Rafael awake.
“I should get home. Take a shower and all that,” Rafael replies. He moves to stand but the room spins, “Woah.”
Ronen rushes over, “You okay?”
“I’m fine, just a little head rush,” Rafael replies. He stands and smiles, “See better.”
“You can stay the night again if you need to,” Ronen says.
“I can’t. I don’t have clothes or a toothbrush,” Rafael replies.
“I have an extra toothbrush and my clothes might not fit very well but you can wear mine.”
“I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”
“You’re not. I promise. It’ll be fun. I like having you around,” Ronen says.
Rafael smiles at him, “Likewise.”
Ronen smiles back, “Do you want to take a shower? I can find you some sweats and a t-shirt.”
“If you don’t mind,” Rafael replies.
“Go wash up. There’s clean towels in the cabinet,” Ronen says.
In the shower Rafael stands under the warm spray and lets the water rain down on him. It feels good. His mind wanders to what it would be like to have Ronen in there with him, but he quickly shakes the thoughts from his head. Ronen is just a friend, nothing more. He washes his hair with Ronen’s shampoo. It smells nice and he can’t help but think of when they were on set rolling around in their first scene together. Ronen had had a shower before getting on set and his hair spelt like coconut.
His hand moves it way down his body and grabs onto his very interested dick. He can’t help thinking about their first sex scene together. How it felt to kiss and nip at the small man. They had put their all into the scene. When they had rolled onto the floor Ronen had put his hand under his head before they rolled so he wouldn’t hit it. 
A moan escapes his lips and it startles him. He shouldn’t be thinking about this. Ronen is just on the other side of the door, probably waiting for him to come out so they could have dinner.
He wills his hard on away as he washes the rest of his body. Once he’s clean he makes sure all the soap is washed off before turning the water off. He grabs the clean towel he had put on the sink before the shower and dries himself off.
Opening the door to the bathroom he finds a neat pile of clothes on the floor. He smiles to himself and takes them back into the bathroom to change into. The sweats are just a tad short, and tight but he can still squat without feeling like they’ll rip. The shirt is oversized, even on Rafael’s chest and he wonders where Ronen got a hold of it.
When he walks out of the room again, Ronen’s got dinner set up on the table.
“Did you enjoy your shower?” Ronen asks.
“I’m starting to feel human again,” Rafael answers.
“Sit, come eat. Two pieces of toast hours ago isn’t enough. This’ll help.”
Rafael makes his way to the table and sits. He eats the food set in front of him with gusto. He didn’t know he had been so hungry.
They talk and laugh some before Ronen takes the dishes to the sink to clean.
“You cooked, I’ll clean,” Rafael says, getting up from his seat.
“No, you’re my guest. Relax,” Ronen replies, “I’m only rinsing them off before I put them in the dishwasher.”
“No, my mom taught me to always be a gentleman. So you go relax. You’ve been taking care of my hungover ass all day,” Rafael retorts, “I can put them in the dishwasher. It’ll be fine.”
Ronen hesitates for a moment longer before shuffling out of the kitchen and over to the living room. He plops down onto the couch and his dogs follow suit, surrounding him with their heads in his lap.
Rafael quickly and efficiently washes the dishes off and places them in the small dishwasher. He finds the soap for the machine under the sink and places it in the slot before starting the wash and then walking over to sit on the unoccupied section of the couch.
The dogs look over at him and Spot comes over to sniff at him. He pets her and she settles her body on him.
“Spot really likes you,” Ronen comments.
“Hmm, I like her,” Rafeal replies.
“She’s great isn’t she?”
“Better than her owner,” Rafael teases.
Ronen pouts at that, “You’re mean. You can go home now.”
Rafael laughs, “I love it when you pout.”
Oops, Rafael really just said that didn’t he? He can’t believe that came out of his mouth. It’s not everyday you tell your co-worker and friend that they’re cute.
Ronen goes from pouting to blushing and shyly smiling. He looks down at the dog in his lap but looks at Rafael out of the corner of his eye.
“You want to watch a movie or something?” Rafael asks.
“Yeah, you pick,” Ronen replies.
They’re quiet as the movie starts. It’s some comedy Rafael found on Netflix and it relaxes both of them. The dogs don’t care for it and leave them to it. Ronen moves around until he’s resting half on Rafael. Rafael places an arm around the man keeping him in place.
When the movie ends Ronen turns over to look up at Rafael from his spot in the man’s lap and smiles, “I liked that. Funny, but not too over the top.”
“It was really nice,” Rafael says looking down at him.
Rafael doesn’t know what makes him do it but he’s leaning over and his lips press lightly onto Ronen’s. Ronen doesn’t move for a minute but finally his head and mouth get with it and he’s kissing back. A moan escapes his lips and somehow the kiss deepens.
Rafael pulls away first. His lips red and wet and his eyes wide in shock, “I...I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t of---I should---I should go. Um, yeah, go home.”
The jostling of Rafael’s body knocks Ronen off of him and Ronen sits up as Rafael moves around the space to find his belongings.
“Don’t go...please?” Ronen requests.
“No, I really should. I’m sorry,” Rafael replies. He’s looking around wildly and not focusing on Ronen.
Ronen moves from his seat and moves over to the other man. He places his hand on Rafael’s shoulder and turns him around so they can look at each other, “Don’t be sorry,” Ronen softly says, “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for a long time.”
Rafael looks at him with wide, surprised eyes, “Y-you have?”
Ronen huffs out a laugh, “Yeah, for a really long time...probably since our chemistry read.”
Rafael slowly smiles back at him, “You have? This whole time?”
Ronen blushes from his confession, “Yeah, I knew there was something special about you.”
Rafael’s arms slowly wrap around the shorter man and he leans his forehead down to touch Ronen’s, “I always knew there was something special about you, too. Just didn’t want to admit it was because I liked you.”
Ronen’s reply is to kiss him. They make out in the middle of the living room until one of Ronen’s dogs barks startling them back into reality.
“I should let them out so they can go potty,” Ronen says but not letting go of Rafael.
“Let them out, then come to bed. I want to finish what we started,” Rafael replies and gives Ronen a quick kiss before pulling away.
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haileybeehappy · 5 years ago
Shawn Mendes - Sweet
warnings. none really. fluff I guess? oh stalking.
word count. 1.6k
summary. You and shawn are close friends and you are kinda new in the music business.
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anyways. enjoy.
 You had been in the music business for a couple years. You just dropped your second album and were getting to do a small promo tour thing. You're doing some shows in California, Texas, Florida and New York. Spending a few days in each state doing a few shows and interviews. 
One of your free days in New York was the same day as Shawn's concert. He was one of your close friends. You met at a big after party for some award show. You weren't nominated for anything but you did perform. Since then you two were best friends…. with benefits. When your paths crossed and the time was right the two of you would interact. 
So now you were backstage at his show standing next the famous Camila Cabello. The show had just ended and shawn was wandering around the tunnels of backstage still on his performance high. When Shawn came into view Camila basically attacked him. She jumped on him and wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. 
He loved on her for a while and when they separated and he saw you he immediate ran to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. 
"What in the world are you doing here?" You had your arms gripped on his neck. With how little time you two spend together when you do get together you never let go it seems like. 
"I had some free time between performances and interviews so I decided to come see my best friend give the concert of a lifetime," you smile. He nods and grabs your hand. 
"I'm so glad you did. I wish you had told me, I would have made you come out there and sing with me," He laughed. You shook your head. 
"No way, I'm way too tired. The traveling is really taking it out of me," Shawn, you and most of his team had made it out behind the building heading towards the cars taking them to the hotel. You Shawn and Camila piled into one of the SUV's. 
"Maybe you're just not made for the road," Camilla says. It offends you slightly but you brush it off. 
"You know that's not it Mila. Everyone had trouble their first time on the road. Hell I have trouble everytime I head out. It's only expected. Are you saying I'm not made for the road? Or you? Because if I remember right you had a really rough time your first tour?" She just kind of rolls her eyes and huffs. 
"Whatever. I guess," Camilla stares out the window as the car travels the 45 minute ride to the hotel. An hour with the traffic. While you and Shawn caught up on each others lives. 
"So I had to fucking eat cows tounge. COWS TOUNGE!" you groan. He just throws his head back and laughs. clapping his hands together lightly. 
"Oh that's amazing, was it chewy?" He asks just to get on your nerves. 
"Yes! I hate him. So much. He knew I would never answer that question. Like FUCK YOU JAMES!" You scream into the ceiling. 
"You poor thing. You could have answered the question," 
"Yeah, and have Andrew and your fangirls kill me? No thank you," you sigh. You now have your head rested on his shoulder. The time had come that you get out of the car. The hotel was surrounded by fans. The three of you exited the vehicle and made your way inside the building. Shawn stopping every few feet to grab something from a fan or take a picture. 
"Y/N!" you turn to where your name was screamed. The voice sounding very familiar. You turn and see your 'biggest fan' it was a guy who had been stalking you since you made it big. You grabbed onto Shawn's arm and clung to him. 
"What's up sweet?" You nudged your head in his direction. He looked up and made eye contact him. hr wrapped his arm around you, grabbed Camila's hand and pulled the two of you into the building. Be pointed the man out to security. You were a little shaken up because he followed you all the way from L.A. "You okay?" He had his hands on your shoulders. Rubbing your arms from shoulder to elbow. You shake your head. 
"He followed me from California. If hes willing to go that far what else is he gonna do?" He pulled you to his chest. You really don't know how to react. He stood there and held you while his management team dealt with a situation with the rooms. The three of you made your way to the elevator. Shawn and Camila were talking but he didn't move his eyes from you. 
on the thirteenth floor you stepped out of the elevator and made your way to your room. 14, 15, and 16 were your room numbers. Shawn got 16 because it was a suite. Camila was next to him in 15 and you lastly in 14. 
You settled into your room, the bed feels too big. The sheets feel cold and the blanket isn't enough. You can't seem to sleep. Worries running through your mind. You end up slipping out of bed and making a cup of the 'complimentary' tea they had set out on a tray along with coffee and cocoa. The tea was okay. You've had better but you've also had worse. 
After two cups and a hour and a half of tv you couldn't take it anymore. You grabbed your phone, key and the fresh cup of tea you just made and headed to Shawn's room. You knock on his door and wait a minute till you knock again. He opened the door wrapped in the silk robe you got him for his birthday last year. 
"Y/N? what's up?" 
"Can't sleep, a lot on my mind," He runs his hand through his hair. He moves out of the way so you can make your way into his room. His room is twice as large as yours and has a living room and an attached bedroom, along with a small minibar with a real coffee pot. "oh wow," 
"Come sit," he motions you over to the couch. you sit on the opposite end of the long sofa. He rolls his eyes and moves over to you. He takes the mug from your hands, sets it on the end table and pulls you too him. You're tucked into his side with his arms wrapped around you. You just start to sob into his shoulder. 
"Hey, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay. Talk to me sweet," You just shake your head and continue to cry into him. You don't know what happened but you ended up in his lap. You were no longer crying but catching your breath with your head buried in his neck. "Do you want to talk about it now princess?" You nod. 
You go to move to get off his lap and he hold you there by your hips. He pulls you closer to him and rests his chin between your breasts. "Talk Princess," 
"I've just been so overwhelmed with everything and I think I jumped in to quickly. I feel like I'm drowning. I want to go home and just be alone," Your voice was growing shakey. "I miss my family. I miss my dog," You shake your head and force a little laugh. "I've missed you too," you look at him in the eye. 
The two of you were now eye level to each other. You ran your hand through his curls and lightly grasped the hairs near his neck. Twisting the small curls around your fingers. 
"And seeing that guy, just kind broke me. Maybe Camila is right. Maybe I'm not cut out for this," You huff and rest your forehead on his. 
"No. don't you do there princess. You are absolutely fucking amazing. And Camila couldn't be more wrong. Fuck what she said. You are made for this. Have you seen you perform? You're like a goddess when you hit the stage. You give every show everything you have and more," a smile worked its way onto your face. "But I don't blame you I feel the same way sometimes. All of us do," You just nod.
You let out a yawn and you can feel your body relax. Your eyelids become heavy in a matter of seconds. 
"Thank you so much Shawn. You're the best," you nuzzle yourself into his neck and hold him. 
"Always my sweet. Now let's get you to bed huh?" You nod. 
"Yeah. I should head back to my room," before you even move his arms clasped around your waist and you couldn't escape if you wanted to. 
"No way my sweet. You're in my bed tonight," he then proceeds to carry you to his bed and plop you down on the mattress. You squeal and move to the head of the bed. You slip off your socks and get comfortable under the covers while shawn runs to the bathroom. When he comes back you're already fast asleep and snoring. 
He shakes his head and gets under the soft blue blanket with you. He pulls your smaller frame to his and nestles into your hair. You turn your body to face him and in a faze of sleep you bring his lips to yours and mumble a goodnight. He smiles into the kiss and pulls you in for a deeper one. 
"Not tonight Mendes," you throw one arm around his waist and continue. "Wake me up in the morning and we can have some fun," you smirk. he just laughs and pulls you in tighter. 
"Okay my sweet," 
thank you for reading! it would mean a lot if you could like and reblog. loves and kisses. hails
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thadelightfulone · 5 years ago
The Firm - Chapter 9
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Summary: Erik has been hired to find an embezzler for an old friend. The investigation is underway but who is after Green and LaNyah.
Pairing: Erik x Black!OC
Genre: Suspense
Words: 5K+
--- 3 Weeks Ago ---
Matt sits in the seat just vacated by Mrs. Williams, and Laura sits across from him. He is wringing his fingers, opening and closing his mouth. Where does he start this conversation? How does he fill in the details about what he has been up to for the last three years? And that he is living on borrowed time? Hell, how does he tell her she was just face to face with his boss? A bitch who is clearly capable of doing anything at any time based on what he has witnessed. Inhaling deeply, he starts. “I don’t know where to begin.”
“You better say something to me. You made me look stupid in front of Mrs. Williams.” He didn’t have the heart to tell her that Mrs. Williams feels that way about everyone below her stature anyway.
“So, you know how I brought you up here to get you away in case my boss tries something?”
She rolls her eyes, “Oh, you mean the illegal job?”
“You know I didn’t hear you complaining when the money was coming in regularly. In fact, we still see all that money every month. You are so ungrateful.” He puffs out in frustration, “I did this for you. I knew then that it was a long term job. I knew that you wanted kids, a great big house, a grand wedding, and all that shit. With Mr. Green, not paying me any mind, I thought I was stuck until this opportunity came along." He stands up, "So, do not look at me like I am some grand fuck up."
“You are Matthew. You needed help to get here. And clearly, for someone this shady to find you, I bet they have some dirt on you." She slowly rises to her feet. "How many women did you get caught with, Matt?" She pokes him, "No, how many women filed complaints with HR about you? What is your boss holding against you that you can't just leave and take the money that you have already earned, huh?" She walks over to the railing. "Why do you have to finish it? You did all the hard work getting them access in the first place. They have that chick you mentioned, Mariah, or whatever her name is to take the fall for all the shit you have done. Why are you not out?"
Lowly, he responds to her, "Because it is a death sentence." She whirls around on him; confusion marks her face, "As soon as I am no longer needed," he sniffs to prevent the tears from falling, "I. Am. A. Dead. Man."
She walks over to him and grabs both of his hands in hers. "I'm sorry, babe.” She leans against his shoulder. “There’s gotta be something you can do?”
Shaking his head, "Nope. If I come clean to Green, I'll be fired and arrested for everything I did. That's federal time. If my boss even thinks I'm about to squeal or fuck up the grand plan in any little way, she’ll have me killed.”
"She?" Matt turns to Laura, grabbing her into a bear hug, inhaling her scent, and just holding her and the baby tightly until he stops crying.
--- Three Weeks Later ---
LaNyah only comes to the top floor to report her findings in the weekly meetings with Erik, or any tasks that he has requested of her. She no longer works out of the conference room. Conversations are kept to a minimum unless Stacey joins them. She has integrated herself into their meetings without either party fighting her on it. LaNyah doesn't look at Erik, only the computer screens and conference monitors. Erik acts like he appears, a solid brick wall. Even with Stacey engaging both of them, they speak to and through her but never towards one another.
Stacey starts to spend more time downstairs with LaNyah as well, sometimes working out of her office. They have lunch together daily, and she is helping LaNyah work on her crafting skills. Stacey has even gotten her to accept invitations with Cynthia and Sandi for local Paint & Sip nights and after-work drinks with the rest of the team. LaNyah is happy to have another woman friend besides Ashley, who is more like a mother figure anyway.  
Erik started keeping irregular hours in the office, only really there for his meetings with LaNyah and Stacey. Otherwise, he is focused on trying to figure out who Matt has been in communication with since his in-house investigation is over. He has followed him to some hole-in-the-wall spot down the street on various occasions, and every so often, there is a bunch of men surrounding a well-dressed woman who sneaks in and out through the back. He can never get a good enough look at her to run her face through his software.
He stays back so Matt won’t see him, but it is getting frustrating after tracking his movements for weeks. Erik even saw Matt invite LaNyah out for drinks with the team. And she actually joined them, after inviting her new bestie, Stacey along. Those two were growing closer as each week passed, and LaNyah won’t even look at him. As far as she is concerned, he is another pain in the ass man for her to avoid unless it is absolutely necessary to engage.
Erik knows they think the worst of him, and even though he never wanted that to happen. He knew that it needed to be done for him and LaNyah. And the one person that he should be able to talk that out with won't talk to him either. Stacey does her job, but the jokes and playful banter he was used to between them is gone as well. Erik closes his eyes, mentally preparing himself for another day at GBI.
Alex taps his desk in frustration; the map and dots on the screen are flashing faster than they were less than 24 hours ago. He glances at the screen on the left and notices the numbers declining across several account lines. Shaking his head, he yells out, "Ashley! We gotta get back. Pack up our things now!”
Looking at the time, he picks up the phone and makes a call. He knows it is a long shot that someone will answer, but he needs to try.
Erik lifts his head from the desk when the phone rings, “Stevens.”
“I figured you might be in today.” Alex rushes out before continuing, “Erik, they picked up activity.” Erik pulls up the database screens and watches the same flurry of activity that Alex is watching.
“Why now?” He counts in a low whisper as he adds up the amounts. “They dropped the pattern and are increasing it in lumps sums.”
“They are about to make their move, E.” Alex blurts. “Ashley and I are coming back. I will be in the office tomorrow, can you meet me there? We need all hands on deck for this part. You, Stacey, and LaNyah.”
Closing his eyes, he starts rubbing his temples, “Yeah, I can be here to meet you. I don’t know if I can get LaNyah here on such short notice, but I’ll try.” He removes his gold-rimmed glasses, placing them beside the stack of papers on his desk.
“Do that. I will see you soon.” Alex hangs up, and Erik places a call before he stands up to look out the window.
The other line picks up, “Stacey, I need you to come in tomorrow.” Erik hears the sucking of teeth. “Alex is coming, and he needs us all here. Can you relay that message to Miss Cole?”
“Yes sir. Is there anything else?”
Rolling his shoulders, he turns to the phone, “No. I will see you in the morning. Have a good day.” He returns to his seat, picking up two documents and runs his fingers along the colored notes LaNyah made on them. “What am I going to do about this girl?”
It’s a beautiful Saturday morning as LaNyah approaches her first stop of the day. It was her favorite time of the week, her weekly shopping, and she has her lists ready. There are a few new recipes that she wants to try out as the weather gets cooler. Her weekend meal prepping for the week is both calming and relaxing. Most may find it monotonous, but she enjoys the routine, especially since she has been going out with Stacey a lot more lately.
Her best friend and the one who has been keeping her grounded, Stacey. LaNyah smiles, thinking about having a best friend. She's even helped her become more of a team player, so Matt doesn't bother her as much. She ignores him like the rest of the team does, and who would have thought that. They all share their dislike of him after he leaves whenever they go for drinks. She just keeps her distance from him like with Erik.
LaNyah stalls while putting her lists in her bag and just sits in her car, thinking about her boss. The handsome boss with the calming voice, who she thought wanted to help her. She has thought about his actions over the last few weeks and still cannot make sense regarding his about-face when it came to her and the real culprit behind the embezzlement. She really did start to think of him as a friend and even a protector, so it hurt to see him switch up on her. It was like he said what he needed to get her guard down enough for her to be comfortable with him and then turned on her, right when she needed him to fight for her.
No matter how he made her feel and her attraction to him, she was not going to let it hinder her progress. This whole situation and Stacey have helped her become someone she recognizes, someone who wants to live and have experiences without crippling fear preventing it. She has done a lot more living and growing in these last few weeks than ever before, and she has the two of them to thank for that. LaNyah takes a deep breath and releases all those thoughts that just flooded her. Time for shopping. She collects herself and gets out of the car.
LaNyah walks in, smiling and waving to all the employees she knows before grabbing a basket. Swinging her handbasket, she collects some of her usuals – popcorn, flavored almonds, Oreos, and newly added a wine she discovered at one of the Paint & Sip nights with the girls. Scrolling through her list, she makes her way down each aisle, grabbing all necessary items for crockpot soups, various pasta dishes, and her favorite roasted chicken salad.
Leaving the store, she puts all her items into her trunk. She checks off that store’s list and places it in her purse. LaNyah goes to put her cart back at the return.
“Oh, damn.” LaNyah turns to see an older lady who was one register over from her, having trouble putting her items away on the other aisle.
She puts her cart away and walks over to her. "Can I help you, ma'am?"
"Thank you, sugar. I would appreciate it.” She points to a bag that LaNyah helps her lift up and into the back seat. They work together and make short work of getting the rest of her bags into the car. “You are such a sweetheart. Thank you.”
"You're welcome, ma'am. Have a lovely day!" LaNyah walks away as her cell starts to ring. She stops to look at it and see Stacey’s name. “Hey girl, what’s up?”
“We have to work tomorrow.”
“Really? Why would Erik need us on a Sun-”
Stacey cuts her off, “Alex wants us there.” She hears LaNyah inhale deeply. “Yeah, I guess he is flying back today and wants all of us in tomorrow.”
“Well, they are just gonna have to see me on Monday. I need more than 12 hours notice for this.” Stacey huffs. “No Stace, if we all have to actively work together and be cooped up in the same space,” she rubs her temple, “then I need the time to adjust. I mean, unless you want to spend the day babysitting me."
“Alright, alright, alright. I get it. I’ll cover for you.”
“Thank you.”
“Just make sure you are there first thing Monday morning, ok.”
"I will. I promise. See you Monday." Stacey hangs up, and LaNyah gets back to her car, but her driver’s side is blocked by a car that just parked. “Seriously.” She walks to her trunk and stands there.
"Oh my bad, did I block you in?" She nods at the man who walks around the black Range Rover and spots her. "Hold on; I got it." While LaNyah focuses on him going back to the driver’s side. She is knocked to the ground hard from her left, and before she can scream, a hand covers her mouth with a cloth. LaNyah’s unconscious body is lifted off the ground and put into the back of the Range Rover.
“Did you get her?” The voice coming from an earbud that the driver is wearing. They are looking at jumping lights on a laptop screen. “Beautiful work Matthew.”
“Yes, we got her. Are we taking her to the safe house?”
“Correct. I will see you guys down there later tonight.” Gina pulls her wig off, shaking out her hair and sits back in her seat as she watches the Range Rover drive off from her rearview mirror. “Bye bye Miss Cole.”
It has been a long morning, and both Erik and Stacey are on edge waiting for Alex. He was supposed to be gone for another week, at least. Erik figures Alex thinks that the person behind all of this is about to run off with all the money before they can trace it back to them. Once those funneling transactions stop, there will be no way to trace them anymore. All roads will lead to an inactive IP address and probably a closed bank account.
Alex and Ashley walked into the office a little after 10. He has his laptop out of his briefcase before he greets anyone in the conference room. They all exchange pleasantries over coffee, tea, and bagels as everyone finds their bearings. Erik and Stacey have their notes and pads ready for whatever Alex is about to tell them.
Looking around the room, Alex asks, “Where’s LaNyah?” Ashley looks at Stacey and Erik. Erik turns to Stacey. He didn’t bother to ask when LaNyah did not come in with her.
“Uhhh, she decided not to come in today.” Stacey shrugs. “She said that this is her time to relax and reboot for the upcoming week.” Ashley nods before facing towards Alex.
“Makes sense. Well, I’m sure you both can catch her up when she comes in tomorrow.” He pulls up multiple screens on the wall behind him. "These are all the accounts that we have been tracing the missing money to and from." Alex points to one screen on his left, "This shows the pattern that the money was removed from the account. It goes back three years, increasing in amount every 6 months. I am here because 48 hours ago, the amount jumped by over 1 million dollars in one fell swoop.”
“Damn,” Stacey hisses. “So, what does this mean for us?”
“It means we need to hurry up and figure out who is doing it and stop them. I have frozen any other activity, but it was done after this last move.” Alex stands back as they watch the numbers on the account lines increase and decrease. Huffing out, he continues, "Ash and I were overseas tracing the locations of these accounts. We were chasing the money itself while I had you here finding our inside man and possibly connecting them to the outside man.” Erik and Stacey nod as Alex sits down, and Ashley stands up.  
"Well, we know who the inside man is, but we have no clue as to who hired him in the first place," Erik announces to the room.
Alex taps Erik’s shoulder. “Hold that thought. We may have that part figured out.”
“The funds are bouncing between 10 different accounts after being siphoned from the initial accounts here at GBI. They figured keeping the money spread across different accounts would make it harder to trace because they do not all start from the same location nor stay there for long. From here to San Francisco and Boston, before going overseas to London and finally Australia.” Ashley points to the flashing on the screens. “The final resting place for the money are three accounts in Australia. We had to meet with the officials to get access to the owner of the accounts.” Ashley brings up a new screen with a picture of an older white male.
“Owner? So, only one person is tied to the accounts.” Erik inquires.
“Yes, one sole owner of 4 accounts.” Erik looks closely at the screen and the name of the man. Greg Williams, 57, heir of Williams’ steel mills.
“You just said there were 10 accounts?” Stacey questions.
“Yes, Greg only owned 4 accounts. They were split apart not too long after he died. Then two more accounts were opened at that time.” Alex speaks up from his seat. “He died three years ago, right around the time the embezzlement started.”
“His wife inherited everything and made those changes after he died. One of the original accounts and the two new accounts hold the complete $1.3 billion that she has managed to steal over the last three years.” A new picture pops up on the screen, “This is Gina Williams, maiden name McCoy.”
“FUCK NO!” Erik jumps up from his seat. “Say it ain’t so.” Alex drops his head, avoiding Erik’s hard stare.
Lowly, “His twin sister, man.” Erik bends over the table with a death grip on the edges. Stacey watches all three of them. Erik looks like he has seen a ghost, and his face is full of rage while Alex starts wringing his hands and mumbling softly to himself, head bowed. Ashley is standing strong but has a deep frown on her face as she looks over the two men in the room.
“Am I missing something here?” Ashley walks over to Stacey.
Pulling her up from her chair, “I’ll explain it all tomorrow when LaNyah comes in. It is best if I tell you two what is going on, ok.” Stacey nods and gathers her things.
All is quiet in the conference room once Stacey leaves. The silence permeates the space for the next 5 minutes. Ashley sits down near Alex, grabbing his hand as Erik starts pacing the room.
“It’s been almost 20 fucking years. Why the fuck is she coming after you now?” He looks at Ashley. “In fact, how the fuck was she able to find out about you?”
“I don’t know everything yet. We only found out it was her two days ago. I know that being married to Greg gave her the resources she needed for her search. His family business had government contracts, so she may have found some help searching military records, including any complaints filed against officers." Erik runs his hands over his face. "She would have gotten my name from there. I have no idea how much information she has just yet or her real objective besides trying to get to me.”
“Erik, now that we know this is personal. I need you to be super vigilant of LaNyah.” Erik stops pacing and turns towards Ashley and Alex. "If she chose her as the fall guy, she might know of her connection to us." Alex finishes.
“Fuck me!” Erik slowly lowers himself into the nearest chair. “So, you don’t think it was a coincidence that the money started disappearing not too long after she started working for you?”
“We’re saying we do not know, but we would rather be safe than sorry. If she looked into LaNyah’s background, her most recent history is going to tie her to both of us directly." Ashley interjects.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get that.” He looks at them both, standing up and tapping on the table. “You have the investigation under control again, so I’ll step back and focus on keeping LaNyah safe.” He tries to keep a straight face when looking at Ashley, who smiles softly at him. “Who wants to tell her?”
"I am going to share the details with Stacey and LaNyah if that is ok with you two?" Alex squeezes her hand, and Erik waves it off, “Fine, then I will break it to her that you are her bodyguard in the morning. You can start then.”
Groaning, Erik grabs his notes and stuff and walks to the inner door leading to the office. Ashley and Alex follow. He starts cramming his things into his briefcase. “I need to get out of here and clear my head.” He looks between the two, “I need time to switch from investigator to personal bodyguard.” I need time to figure out how to deal with LaNyah since she won't talk to me, and I have to watch over her now.  
“Oh yeah.”
“Sure, we get it.” Ashley and Alex blurt at the same time. Erik picks up the briefcase and his jacket. Walking to the door, his hand is on the knob when Ashley’s voice stops him. “She is me, and I am her, Erik.”
Erik opens the door, "Yeah, I know." He says out loud to himself but only bobs his head in acknowledgment of her statement before heading to the elevators.
--- Monday Morning ---
Erik walks into the office dressed in a black turtleneck, black leather jacket, and grey slacks. Half of his dreads are in a ponytail on top of his head, with the rest hanging to the side. He has on all gold accessories – his rimmed glasses, a thick chain, watch and a couple of rings. Erik turns to the front desk when he hears sputtering. He rushes over to Stacey and pats her on the back. "You good?"
She thanks him and gathers herself together, "Who are you, and what have you done with Mr. Erik Stevens?" She stands up to look at him.
"Like what you see?" He smiles big, and she spots his deep dimples and catches a glimpse of gold on his lower teeth.
"Nigga, is that a grill?" Erik starts to laugh, and Stacey is stuck. "Who told you to come in looking like a fake Superfly?” She pushes at his chest.
“No one is reporting to me anymore. I am officially shifting to my main role.” He leans over her desk. “Can you make me some coffee for the last time?”
“Oh, you have been activated?” She laughs, “Yeah, I can do that for you because you are gonna need it.” She walks to the coffee maker.
"Why do you say that?" He follows behind her while she laughs.
"She hasn't spoken one word to you in weeks. Now, you have to protect her while the rest of us try to figure out how to catch this fucking Gina chick." She drops the cup under the spout. "What was the last thing I said to you that night?"
“That I was a dick.” She rolls her eyes at him. “Ok, you said that she doesn’t trust me and that I will have a hard time trying to ‘play’ bodyguard if she doesn’t.” 
Stacey fixes his coffee and shoves the cup in his hands, “Exactly, so how do you plan to fix this shit?”
“Ashley is gonna break it to her after she talks to you both.” He stares at the coffee cup in his hand. “Even if she doesn’t talk to me directly, as long as she at least lets me protect her, I can deal with that.”
Shaking her head, Stacey stares at him, “Oh sure, let Ashley smooth things over when it really should be you.”
“You don’t think I haven’t tried to that?” Erik raises his voice, “She won’t even look at me or respond to anything I say. She doesn’t answer any of my calls or emails. She doesn’t stay after the meetings long enough for me to pull her to the side." He sets his cup down. "So, yes, I am going to use Ashley to break the ice for me again. I am back at square one with her, and I have no idea how to get back in her good graces.”
"Back in whose good graces?" Ashley walks up to the desk with Alex. They stare between Stacey and Erik, and the distressed looks on their faces.
“Good morning Stacey,” nodding towards him, “Erik.”
"Good morning Mr. Green and Ashley," Stacey responds.
“Morning Green,” Erik looks at Ashley, “Ashley.” He picks his coffee back up, “I’m gonna head downstairs to wait for LaNyah to arrive.”
"Have her come up as soon as she does, thanks." He two-finger salutes everyone before heading to the elevators.
Erik has been waiting by her office door for two hours, and LaNyah has not appeared. He called Stacey half an hour ago, and she said LaNyah never came upstairs either. No one has seen her yet today. He decides to try his luck and call her cell phone. It goes straight to voicemail.
“Hey LaNyah, it’s Erik. Where are you? It's 11 am, and no one has heard from you today. Please just give Stacey or Ashley a call to let us know you are ok. Thanks.”
He texts Stacey letting her know to call LaNyah and see if she gets an answer. He gets up and tosses his cold coffee out on his way to the elevators.
The elevator dings, and Erik walks out to see everyone looking his way. “No response?”
Stacey shakes her head, "It went straight to voicemail for me," pointing to her, "and Ashley, too."
“Do you think she turned off her phone?” Alex asks.
“NO!” They all blurt out.
“It’s her only form of communication. She doesn’t have a landline anymore.” Ashley answers.
“Well, let’s just give her the day. Maybe she is dealing with something and needed to take some time to herself. What is it you guys say, a self-care day?” Stacey stiffly smiles as Ashley runs her hands over her curls.
Erik looks around at them, “It’s me.” All eyes are back on him. “Let’s go to the conference room, and I'll explain.”
After everyone is seated, Erik opens up about his investigation into LaNyah’s whole team and how he came down hard on her during her interview. During his talk, he kept looking over at Stacey, who was paying attention to the wall. Ashley follows his eyes to Stacey and her attempt at avoiding his intense stare.  
Ashley jumps up, “OMG, you two fucked!” Alex grabs her hand to calm her down. “I want you both to look me in the face and tell me that you two did not hook up while we were gone.”
Erik looks at Ashley, "You know me." Ashley crosses her arms over her chest. "Ok, fine, Ashley. I did not sleep with Stacey." Rolling her eyes, he continues, "When I am on a job, I do not mix company with anyone I will have to work with regularly. I am not the same guy you remember Bridges."
“It’s true. We did not hook up. He's not my type, and he definitely is not checking for me." Stacey looks away.
“Ok, so what is with all the secret stares and sad faces I see right now?” Alex interjects.
Stacey looks at Erik, who nods her way, “Well, LaNyah has a crush on Erik.”
"Yeah, and?" Erik and Stacey look between Alex and Ashley, neither know who said it, but it wasn't them. "We already knew that." Ashley waves her on, "Go ahead."
“Well, Erik likes LaNyah too.”
Ashley gasps, and Alex chuckles. "Well, I'll be damned."
Irritated by being interrupted again, Stacey resumes, “I confronted Erik about it the morning he went in to question LaNyah. His actions during the interview –“
“Is how he protects himself and separates the personal from the professional." Alex stands and goes to Stacey, "I've known him a while; he's not that hard to read." He leads Stacey to a chair, walks over to Ashley, and holds his hand out to her. "Now, is as good a time as any."
Ashley takes his hand and stands, walking forward where they all can see her. “Stacey, I am about to share some things with you that cannot leave this room or be repeated anywhere. Do you understand?” Stacey looks around the room.
“Yes, I understand.”
Ashley shares the story from when she first met McCoy as her first commanding officer after she completed boot camp up to when he requested her for his special ops team on an overseas mission. She spoke about meeting both Green and Stevens and how they were her big brothers on the team, always watching out for her. Ashley discusses all instances of harassment at McCoy’s hands and then finally, the assault that ended her military career. Stacey is sitting next to Erik, who grabs her hands as she tears up listening to Ashley talk about that afternoon while everyone was out testing the communication buds.  
Alex stands at Ashley's side, holding her in his arms, wiping her tears as she continues telling Stacey about how Stevens and Green investigated McCoy and found out his history of harassment to any woman under his command. When she breaks completely, Alex finishes up. He reveals that he was out one night when he ran into Stevens, who had just killed McCoy for what he did to Ashley. They made a pact, and Green helped Stevens cover the murder to look like their enemy ambushed him
The other commanding officers never looked further into his case, and it was closed quickly. By then, everyone parted ways, and Green kept in touch with Ashley, who later disclosed to him that she told the investigating officers that it was McCoy who attacked her. She filed a formal complaint, and no one was supposed to know anything. While they were dating, she told him that she knows that he and Stevens had something to do with his death. He came clean and told her what they did.
Stacey grabs some tissue and wipes her eyes. “When was the last time you all saw one another?”
“Five years.”
“15 years.”
“Seven years.
Stacey laughs at all the different answers that came out. They all look at each other and laugh along with her.
“Erik, I told you that you weren’t the only one keeping tabs on everyone.” Alex smiles at him.
"Ashley, I was at your graduation for your Masters," Erik says. "I wouldn't miss that for the world. It was a proud moment to watch my friend walk across the stage, looking like herself again."
“Why didn’t you say something?” He walks over to give her a big hug.
“I was between other jobs and could only fit in the time for your ceremony and then leave. I am shocked that Green didn’t say anything to you. He spotted me when I came in.”
“Yeah, the starter dreads did nothing to cover up that build,” everyone laughs at Alex’s comment.
"Stacey, if we are being completely honest. We were never supposed to see one another again, except for Alex and me since I married him."
“Our pact included a one-time favor, and Alex called it in when he brought me on to investigate this case.”
“Protecting LaNyah from whatever you found during the investigation?” Erik nods at her. “You gotta make this right.”
"I know, I know." Erik walks towards the windows, looking over the city. "I can care for someone I protect as part of the job. But this is different and has been from the moment Alex called me.”
“You were attracted to her before I told you she was the favor.” Alex sighs, “I never in a million years would have thought you or LaNyah would like one another.”
"I tried to warn you about LaNyah's feelings, and you laughed." Ashley pushed him.
“Well, all I know is that I need to focus on protecting her before McCoy’s sister tries to go after her.” Erik turns back towards them, “I’ll work on getting back on her good side once this is all over." He looks at Stacey, who smiles at him.
Alex claps his hands, “Sounds good. So, let’s give her the day and if no one has heard from her by tomorrow-”
"I'm on it," Erik replies. "Now, let's figure out how much this Gina chick knows about all of us."
"I think that is a great place to start," Ashley says.
“I’ll get some menus and order lunch while you all set up the conference room as our war room.” Stacey laughs to herself but stops when she notices the three sets of eyes on her. “Sorry.” She scurries out of the room.
--- Tuesday Morning ---
“When does LaNyah get in today?” Ashley asks Stacey as she prepares her tea.
Checking her calendar, “It’s Tuesday, so we usually see her after her team meeting around 11.”
“Ok,” Ashley takes a seat at Stacey’s desk. “How bad was it?”
"Was what?" She flinches at the look Ashley gives her, "She called me, but I was at lunch. As soon as I got back, I went to check on her, and she told me what happened. We colored, and I listened to her talk about how his turnabout made her feel. She feels like he betrayed her, got her to get comfortable only for him to make it seem like this was somehow her fault."
“She really shared all of that with you?” Stacey nods, “Wow, she is growing into her own.”
“Ashley, you have done great work with her.” Grabbing her hands, "I hang out with her often now, and she is my friend. We go out with her team and have movie nights." She smiles, thinking of how she has watched her grow over this last month. "She has been living, and even though Erik hurt her, she has not let that stop her from growing. She just chooses to ignore him as she does with Matt."
“Speaking of that ass. Is he the inside guy?”
“Yup, it was easy to trace all changes to him since LaNyah doesn’t know how to use all the access Green gave to her," Erik answers as he approaches them. "Good morning."
"Morning, Erik." Stacey responds, "Mr. Green is waiting for you in his office. Have fun." He mushes her in the head as he makes his way towards Alex.
Ashley giggles into her tea as Stacey mean mugs her, “Those big brother tendencies die hard, huh?”
“He is so annoying.” Stacey turns to her monitors to watch the accounts while she and Ashley wait for LaNyah to arrive.
Chapter 10
A/N: I wanted to get more of this story out before the end of the year. Thank you for all the support. I appreciate all of you and look forward to more with this crew in the new year.
Taglist: @killmongersaidheyauntie @dacosmicdame @muse-of-mbaku @panthergoddessbast @youreadthatright @princessstevens @eye-raq @stark-red19 @kreolemami @bidibidibombaclaat @iamrheaspeaks @missumuch1918 @simplyyamberr @cheychey10142 @ajspencer1892 @chrismarcs @loosewindmill @sydneebleu @semianta @eyeknowmywrites @alexundefined @itsjustmezari @goddessofthundathighs @purple-apricots @kissmyafropuff @gimmeface @fd-writes @jozigrrl @soufcakmistress @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @shaekingshitup @localtrapgod @post-woke  @theesotericqueen
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schlepped · 5 years ago
Warm In Winter
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Hi. So yeah, before his birthday is over, I would like to post a birthday one-shot of Double B because i miss them a lot. 
English is not my first language so there might be grammatical errors. hope you enjoy it!
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On one of the meaningful days for Hanbin, he scoffed as he found himself working on some paperworks. He should’ve spent the day like any other weekend he always been, cuddling up with Jiwon while watching movies together, but the funny thing is both of them need to work on something.
Not fair, he thought to himself. But he finishes his work a little earlier than he had expected and he’s watching the gray sky with flashes of lightning dancing vigorously through his office window while holding a paper bag that contains the newest so-called-zombie-apocalypse-game-that-only-Jiwon knows what inside the bag. He’s been whining for the past few weeks about how much he wanted the video game.
“He’s going to like it,” he mumbles.
He steps out of the building with drizzles pouring down from the sky, making small droplets on his light blue shirt then turns into a heavy rain within seconds making him rushing to the nearest bus stop while hugging the paper bag to make sure it is safe without any watermarks on it.
Rain. Hanbin never really like the rain. He doesn’t hate it but he doesn’t like it either. Like if there was a parameter to measure his liking for rain then he would have placed in the middle. He’s not good at resisting cold—thanks to the rhinitis—Winter December’s breeze is sure is cold, with -4 Celsius degree and 8 km/hr wind velocity, it’s cold enough for Hanbin staying outside.
He pulls his phone and finds there are no new notifications and an alert of low battery on his screen. He sighs while looking at the 7% on the upper right side of his phone. Hanbin grows in anxiety as there is no sign of Jiwon to pick him up leaving him restless with his battery slowly decreasing to zero.
On the other side of Seoul, a man is rushing to start an engine of his loud-monster, a Ford Mustang GT in the basement. Worriedness etched evidently on his face as he hears a voicemail answering his call instead of the owner.
The road is wet, with loud thumps of rain droplets falling on his car windshield like a clockwise ticking. He sees Hanbin standing alone at the bus stop as his cars slowly getting closer and stops right in front to call him.
“Hanbin!” He shouted and a smile appears on Hanbin’s face as he hurries into his car.
The smell of rain welcomes him when Hanbin opens the door and there he is, sitting awkwardly hugging a paper bag on his arms.
“Hi.” He said shyly.
Jiwon looks at him for a moment before turning away, trying to reach a hoodie with his long hand in the back seat. “Open your shirt.”
“Huh? My shirt? All of sudden?”
Hanbin is flustered, but then realizes what he meant by opening his shirt when Jiwon throws him a hoodie on his lap.
“Your shirt. It’s wet.”
“Okay. But please look somewhere else.”
Jiwon turns his head into another direction but Hanbin knows he’s smiling smugly on the other side, “what? I’ve seen all the parts of your body. Just open.”
His cheeks feel hot at the moment Jiwon said his first sentence. Even though it’s true, Hanbin himself still finds it amusing and embarrassing at the same time. But he still pulls his shirt up when he knows Jiwon sneakily peeking on him.
“I said don’t look!”
“Okay! Okay! I won't look!”
Jiwon’s apartment is…. messy like the usual. Nothing new. A pair of dirty socks in the doorsteps, clothes hanging on the sofa. They’re necessarily “Jiwon” thing.
They straightly go into Jiwon’s room and he pulls a t-shirt and a boxer from his drawer and put it on the bed.
“You can take the shower first.”
Hanbin nods and Jiwon walked out, closing the door behind him and just like that, Hanbin is left alone in his room. No matter how much he’s been into his room, a strange feeling still lingers on him since it is Jiwon’s private area. He doesn’t want to invade much so he goes to take shower right away.
Scrolling through his phone while looking up to some weird yet funny memes, Jiwon finds Hanbin standing on the door edge.
“Hey. You’re done? And by the way, are you hungry?”
“Yeah. I’ll make the dinner, you can just go shower.”
The dinner is served by the time Jiwon steps out of his room, rubbing his hair roughly with a dry towel. It’s just two over-cooked instant Ramen and two cups of hot water to warm themselves on this rainy night.
Small talks hovering while they eat their dinners, like how was their day and stuff. It went so quickly. The next thing Hanbin knows, they’re sitting on the sofa, watching La La Land on Netflix.
“You’re not going to your Mom’s. That’s new.”
Jiwon looks at him, “Yeah. I just wanted to spend the day with you tonight.”
“Do you really think it would be okay?”
“Why it wouldn’t be okay?”
“I feel like I ruined your family traditions.”
Hanbin swallowed his saliva. Hard. He knows this will start an argument but before he even back to the reality the words already slip out of his mouth and he feels regret after seeing a flash tense on Jiwon’s face.
“Hanbin. Why you always think like this? Even though I don’t get to celebrate it with my family, it’s just for this year only. And it’s my day. It doesn’t have anything to do with you. I get to choose whoever I want to spend my day with and I choose you. Doesn’t it mean anything to you?”
“It means everything to me. It’s just, I don’t want to get in the way… I… you know.”
“Okay. You need to stop to think everything is your fault. You’re not ruin anything. This is purely my choice. I choose you to be my partner on my birthday. So what? I spend my time with my family every Sunday. I gotta have time to spend with you too like we always do every Saturday. And for some reason, God puts December 21 on Saturday. So it’s our day. I don’t want to hear any complaints from you. Can we just focus on the movie?”
Hanbin goes silent. His mind is processing every word coming out from Jiwon’s mouth. Slowly building his thought that he’s the one Jiwon chooses to spend his time with on this day.
“For the sake of this argument, let’s just say that I’m Ash Ketchum and wants to spend his day with his lifetime partner Pikachu. Alright?”
A smile cracks on Hanbin’s face. “Now you’re saying that I’m Pikachu? Can’t believe you’re using Pokémon to get on this.”
“There’s no other way. Besides Pokemon is the only thing I remember since there was Pokémon on TV this morning.”
“You’re weird.”
“That’s one way to say it, Hanbin.”
Jiwon leans his face close and the next thing he knows, he’s kissing Hanbin’s soft lips gently. Like a Japanese cotton sponge cake, his lips taste sweet and soft. The kiss grows intense as he slips his hand underneath Hanbin’s t-shirt tracing his skin softly, giving a sensual tension for Hanbin to let out small gasps between the kiss.
His hand slowly going lower and lower towards the V area outside his pants, stroking it slowly and bitting Hanbin’s lips at the same time. One at the time, clothes are scattering on the floor leaving Jiwon and Hanbin only on their pants, both panting while resting their foreheads on each other.
“Do you want me to go down?” Jiwon asks cautiously, biting his lip.
Hanbin nods, “yeah. Please.”
Jiwon kisses him on the neck, slowly leaving kiss marks all over his neck as he goes down to the torso reaching down to his ‘Nihilism’ tattoo. And his hand opening the zipper while pulling it down and stroking Hanbin’s cock through his underwear.
A loud moan is echoing the room followed by heavy breathes and long gasp, and Hanbin’s begging for him to go inside. Touching it for real, skin to skin.
He slips his finger inside Hanbin’s panty and finds his boner on its position, tense as ever. He rubbed it slowly, occasionally messaging it. Shivers strikes down to Hanbin’s spine as he feels he’s about hit his limit.
“Ah! Shit! Jiwon I’m about time to-“
“Shh. Hold it for a second.”
Pulling down his underwear, Jiwon goes closer to his boner to suck it up and twist it with his tongue. And a moment later he hit his limit as cum flushes out.
Hanbin tries to catch his breath before fixing his position and looks at Jiwon in some-kind of expression Jiwon unable to apprehend.
“Do you… want me to do it too?”
He’s slightly taken aback at his blatant question, but nods. They’re switching places with Hanbin’s on top and he’s on the bottom.
Jiwon lets a small moan out of his mouth as Hanbin pulls his pants down, looking at his tensed boner. He plants light kisses on his cock, before kissing it more gently and rubbing his balls with his hand.
Never once he thought Hanbin will be this good at sucking. He’s almost blackout when his tongue twists his cock and thrusting it in and out of his mouth. He becomes speechless as the minute goes by, but every minute feels like a year.
This feels like a heavenly punishment yet the best gift he’s ever received this year.
Hanbin stops, looking up at Jiwon with his big doe eyes and it makes Jiwon desperate as he wants it more and more. Why the hell did he stop when he knows he enjoys it?
“Do-don’t stop.”
He smiles before continuing sucking his cock while giving hand-job by rubbing and messaging his balls gently. Jiwon finally comes to his limits with his cum flushes out on Hanbin’s mouth along with Jiwon’s long moan echoing across the room.
Hanbin pecks his lips while lifted strands of hair from Jiwon’s face.
“Fuck. That was- amazing.”
“Amazingly bad or?”
“It was amazingly good.”
Hanbin gets up and pulling up his pants, then goes to the pantry. He gives Jiwon the paper bag he was carrying with him since he’s still in the office.
“I’ve been wondering what is this.”
“Open it. It’s a present. I know you like it so just open and tell me what do you think about it.”
He opens the gift box and his face lits up when he sees his most-wanted video game placed inside the box. “God! I can’t believe you got me this. Are you serious about this? Don’t you hate it when I play video games and started ignoring you? Whoa… you’re really amazing. Still can’t believe you give me this for my birthday.”
The way his talk started to turn into rapping makes Hanbin chuckles softly. Child-like smile, with his voice pitched-up, he is really excited about getting that video game. He knows the consequences by giving it as a present, but there’s nothing more that makes him happy than seeing him happy.
“I’m going to take it away from you if you’re going to ignore me.”
He pouts, “No way. I’m going to hide this really well so you won’t find it.”
Such a big baby, he laughs at his own thoughts.
“What? What?! Why are you laughing?”
“Nothing. Just.. you know, you’re such a baby.”
“Well. I am your baby.”
“Yeah. A big one.”
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echodrops · 5 years ago
The Promises I Made (2019 Edition)
For the past thirteen years, I’ve spent every New Year’s Eve compiling a list of fifty promises I intend to keep or fulfill over the next twelve months. The results have been truly amazing, and I have kept some promises I never thought I could. 2019 was… a nightmare that I can barely believe I survived, but I still kept some promises that I honestly did not expect I ever could.
This year, for New Year’s, there will be a new set of promises for to me keep, but here are the old ones, for review!
The Promises I Made (2019 Edition)
1) Be more proactive about tracking and following up with struggling students to decrease the number of students who drop from my class when they realize they cannot pass. Status: Somewhat broken? I tried really hard to be proactive with my students; however, there were some massive issues outside the classroom this year that made it extremely difficult to keep the focus on the students. When administration drags your attention away from the class, there is not a lot you can do…
2) Find a place to put in volunteer hours because uhhhh like this is actually important to my work evaluation and I definitely need something to write in that section… Yikes, this spring is my last chance to do this!! @_@ Status: Kept. I volunteered with the Utah Shakespeare Festival and it was super fun!
3) Install the fire escape window in the Utah house, no matter how much it might cost, because I can’t get a totally unrelated tenant in that basement without said window… Status: Somewhat kept. Okay. This one is a LONG story, but to be fair to me, I worked my ASS off to try and make this happen; just every single thing in the world prevented me from completing this promise, up to and including the city telling me I needed a permit AFTER I had already dug a massive hole in the ground for the window…
4) Buy sod to add grass to the front portion of the lawn so that it no longer looks like garbage. Status: Broken, but I did buy grass seed and put that out there. Unfortunately only some of it sprouted, but there is indeed SOME grass now growing there…
5) Fix the bricks near the windowsills on the Utah house to prevent long-term damage. Status: Broken. After dealing with the stupid window disaster, I had no time for this at all.
6) Get a watering system for my roses at the Utah house because I think my bro is probably killing them and that’s just not cool. Status: Broken, see above.
7) Work on the patio at the Utah house before it just flat out falls down. Status: Somewhat broken. Again, I tried to make progress on this—I called a patio guy to come out and assess how much it would cost to fix the patio—but the price I was quoted was so high that there was nothing I could do at the time.
8) Paint the stairwell so that there’s no chance of anything like lead paint or asbestos being exposed. Status: Broken. The leftover wallpaper glue continues to confound me…
9) Trim the backyard bushes so the neighbors don’t hate us anymore… Status: Broken. We trimmed a few bushes and at least got to the trees out front, but definitely a majority were left uncared for.
10) Move into a new house in Texas where I can get real internet, please for the love of god… Status: Kept. I moved into a very nice house with no scorpions!
11) Save money for my upcoming trip to Japan! 2020 baby! Status: Uhhh, broken. I’m not sure how I thought I’d be able to move into a new house AND save money for an international trip at the same time…
12) Get my wisdom tooth removed because it’s still there and still killing me, yikessss. Status: Broken. AUGH. I’m an idiot.
13) Make an appointment with an eye doctor for like the first time in years. Good job, Yehn, good job. Status: Kept. I got my glasses fixed and even got a new pair of glasses too!
14) Get my prescriptions refilled because I’m dwindling on asthma medicine and like… I could die from this… I should never have been left to care for myself; I’m not mature enough for this responsibility… Status: Kept, surprisingly. But I still need a new doctor because the last one I was going to wouldn’t give me any refills…
15) FINISH THE GIVEAWAY PRIZES I PROMISED LAST YEAR because holy shit I am incompetent and the worst and everyone has permission to hate me for starting things and never finishing them, fuck. Status: Broken. So broken. I am the worst.
16) Go dolphin watching in the Gulf for real this time. Seriously, it’s $10 Yehn, you can do this. Status: Kept, amazingly. It wasn’t as impressed as hoped; however, there was a lovely sunset.
17) Return to the Channel Islands to take better pictures. D; Status: Broken. T_T
18) Level all my classes to 70 in FFXIV before next expansion, please. Status: Somewhat broken. I didn’t have everything to 70 before the expansion, but I kind of feel like I should get credit for this one, because HEY, look at me now:
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19) Organize and properly label all the photos on my computer so that I’m no longer desperately combing through folder and folder in blank confusion, looking for a single picture in a sea of thousands… Status: Kept. It took me like eight hours of work, but I actually did this.
20) Update Home and a Half more than once? PLEASE??? The guilt I feel over this currently is crushing. Status: Broken. And the guilt grows…
21) Complete the online American Literature class I am designing on time and with no corrections needed. Status: Kept. I’m counting this as kept even though TECHNICALLY there was one thing I forgot to finish and it came back and bit me in the ass; however, I was approved with no corrections needed.
22) Earn 100% completion for Kingdom Hearts III. So excited! Status: Broken. Um… This just didn’t happen.
23) Update my calendar with important dates—holidays, birthdays, etc.—and be productive about sending cards and well-wishes. Status: Somewhat kept. I wasn’t any better about sending cards really, but I did at least save all the birthdays in my phone so I remember them.
24) Get the garbage disposal in the Texas house fixed ASAP so I don’t have to wash the dishes by hand anymore because I absolutely hate that particular chore. Status: Kept. Then I moved, so it didn’t even matter.
25) Finish all the books my coworkers and friends bought for me recently so I can thank them for their recommendations! Status: Broken. So broken.
26) Actually move into my new place instead of leaving it completely undecorated and lifeless. Status: Remarkably, kept. Nothing has plastic on it, unlike at my old house where the nightstand didn’t get unwrapped even after two years of living there lol.
27) Try hard to get Creative Writing into a different area of the general ed. core so that more people will enroll in it. Status: Kept. I’m counting this because I did my darn best, but we are still waiting on the state to tell us whether or not the class will be accepted.
28) Get caught up on my Ebird reports, even the old, old, old ones I never put in because I was slacking. Status: Kept, actually. Whoo.
29) Throw away/return/sort all the stacks of old mail in the house (OMGGGG they’ve made me look like paper hoarder and I’m nootttt). Status: Broken. There’s just… a lot of papers to go through…
30) Clean up the garage before moving so that I don’t have to fight spiders to move when the time comes. Status: Broken, in that I did not clean up the garage in advance and did, in fact, have to fight spiders when it came time to move.
31) Find a way to boost grading productivity so that each class takes only two days to grade, maximum. Status: Somewhat kept. I was definitely better this year than last year; however, I really think the “two days per class” thing was too optimistic, so for the future semester, I allotted myself three days per class and I think it will work better.
32) Go to a totally new restaurant and try their food. Status: Kept. We went to a Mexican restaurant and I had trompo tacos (al pastor) which is probably not anything special to anyone else but it was my first time so lol.
33) Cancel old credit cards to make sure my credit is good before trying to buy a house (although I just checked my credit score and I’m in the great range already, so this is mostly for posterity’s sake). Status: Broken. But it didn’t affect my loan, so I guess it was okay. And it ended up being good I didn’t cancel my Best Buy card because I was able to get good financing on the new appliances I needed for my house.
34) Get official contracts from my tenants so I can use my rental income in my next loan calculation. Status: Broken, but I ended up not using that as part of the loan calculation anyway >_> so…
35) Talk to an HR rep about my retirement savings so that I can consolidate all my retirement accounts into one. (Man, look at all these ADULTING promises.) Status: Broken. Look at me failing all these adulting promises.
36) Really finish decorating my office so it looks super cute and all my students want to visit me. Status: Broken, but I think it sucks that I have to write this because it was really not my fault I couldn’t finish decorating my office. Our offices were all moved and disrupted by building remodels so I spent the entire year basically working out of a couple cardboard boxes.
37) Not sign up for ANY more new responsibilities at work in the spring semester. This is the biggest challenge. D; Status: Kept, by technicality. I was able to avoid signing up for anything new in SPRING… But fall… was a whole other story. XD
38) Migrate all the rest of my books to the new Texas house instead of leaving them in Utah… SOMEHOW. Status: Kept. I’m going to count this as kept. The only books left at the Utah house are my manga—I managed to bring literally every other book, which is very impressive considering I had only my small Camaro with its tiny truck space.
39) Use my twitter account more often to make it worth following. I will try!! Status: Kept… sorta? I mean, since I didn’t use the account AT ALL before, making even one Twitter post kind of counts as using it more, right? >_>
40) Keep my hair cut nicely so I look less like a mess (than I really am). Status: Somewhat broken. Although I think I got my hair cut more often this year than before, I don’t think I looked any less like a mess. XD
41) Successfully find a bridesmaid dress for my friend’s wedding that matches the rest of the wedding party. Status: Actually kept! It was incredible. The wedding I was in was even featured in a magazine because of how pretty it was!
42) Make sure my skin is in good condition for the wedding so I don’t look like a disturbing ghost… Status: Kept? I mean, in the end, looking like a ghost ended up being the whole point since it was a Halloween themed wedding so I kind of won either way.
43) Complete my BNHA manga collection. Since my bro bought me a bunch of the volumes for Christmas, I might as well. Status: Broken… I bought like… one volume. XD
44) See a groove-billed ani. (It’s another type of bird.) Status: Broken. Very illusive bird. T_T
45) Respond to messages, asks, and comments more quickly. I promise I’m not ignoring people… D; Status: Um, broken. I left many people on read this year, sorry.
46) Lose ten pounds so that I feel more fit and comfy. Status: Broken. I didn’t exercise at all this year, uff.
47) Pay down credit card debt by at least 1/3. Yikesssss, I really need to do this quick. Status: Broken. It’s hard to pay down a credit card when you pour all your money into buying a new house…
48) I will finally fucking finish that chapter 73 analysis of Noragami… I swear to god… Status: Broken. Uh yeah. This didn’t happen. V_V
49) Reach 1700 followers on Tumblr. You should follow me—I’m only marginally a waste of time and space! Status: Kept. Over 2500 followers now!
50) I will keep these promises. LOLLLLL. Status: Somewhat kept/somewhat broken. One year I really will keep them all…
 Totals Kept promises: 18 Broken promises: 24 Somewhat kept/broken promises: 8
Well, there are more kept promises than last year at least… It was another really hard year, what with moving in the middle of the year, over-working, dealing with so much drama with the reaccreditation on our campus, and just EVERYTHING all at once this last year… I keep thinking things are going to calm down and then they never do. Please 2020… just let me rest…
My new set of promises will be up on the 1st!
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quirklessbunny · 7 years ago
Blooming Love
Written for @deannaandcassie for a spamano gift exchange! Here’s chapter one of two
Summary: Antonio can't help but fall in love with the man who curses through flowers and smiles so smugly afterwards.
No archive warnings apply
Rated T for Teen (with some mild language)
Pasted below the cut
    The bell above the door jingles, announcing the arrival of a customer. Antonio glances up when he hears it, then back down at the flowers he's working on. “I'll be out in a moment!” he calls, then finishes putting together the bouquet he was working on. The moment he steps out of the back, he jumps at the sound of something slamming against the counter.
    “I need to know how to say 'fuck you' in flower form. There's this dick at my work and I have to 'apologize' to him for cursing at him. If I use flowers, they'll think I'm actually apologizing. I'm so fucking smart!” He grins triumphantly, then waits for Antonio to start to talk. “Come one, I need to get this done.” Lovino taps his fingers against the counter in annoyance, until Antonio finally starts to move.
    “Alright. Let's see, well. Yellow carnations say disappointment, orange lilies are hatred, geraniums for stupidity, foxglove for insincerity, and meadowsweet for uselessness. Is there anything you want more of than others?” Antonio asks with a smile. Having angry people coming in for bouquets like this really make his day. The colours are beautiful together, and it seems like the angrier the person is, the better they tip.
    Antonio steps away for a moment and brings back a plain, clear vase along with the flowers, arranging them in front of Lovino while he changes more or less of one. The bouquet is one of the most beautiful Antonio has ever made, he decides as he looks down at the stunning flowers, and snaps a picture of it before tying the bow and telling Lovino the total. He smiles sweetly at the smug man, then hands him another flower.
    “On the house,” Antonio assures. “But don't mix it with the bouquet. It'll ruin the meaning.” He smiles as Lovino thanks him and drops some money in the tip jar as well before leaving.
    Lovino looks curiously at the extra flower. A light purple rose. He shrugs and puts it in the water bottle that was lying on the floor of his car before driving off to give the bouquet over to the person he's 'apologizing' to. The person seems to accept it easily enough, and he's no longer in trouble with the HR department where he works, it seems. He sits at his desk and looks at the rose with a little sigh, then gets to work.
    A week later, he's walking back into the flower shop. “I need another 'fuck you' bouquet!” he calls, when he doesn't immediately see Antonio. He hears rustling nearby and turns to see Antonio pop out from behind a rack of bows. Glitter covers his face and hair, making Lovino snort a little. “Looks like you have glitter freckles or something,” he tells him. Antonio's smile after that makes his heart race and his cheeks redden a little. “Any ways, I screwed up again.”
        Antonio laughs at that, then picks up another plain vase and puts together the bouquet again. “You're really quite the troublemaker, aren't you?” he asks, unable to let his smile fall. He gives Lovino another lavender rose after he pays, then waves goodbye to him. He sighs a little, then winces as some glitter falls into his eye.
    Lovino looks down at the bouquet, not knowing what to do with it. He didn't, in fact, need another one, he just wanted to talk with Antonio again. He gives it away to a random person on the street, hoping that they don't know what it means. He heads to work shortly after, wondering why he's doing this. It's kinda weird to hit on someone while they're at work, isn't it? He argues with himself that he's not hitting on the guy, he's just buying flowers. Even if he doesn't need them.
    He looks up some flower meanings on the internet, then prints them off to remember them. As he's doing this, he sees that lavender roses mean love at first sight, but he puts that off to just being a coincidence. He's only gotten two of them, so it's probably nothing. Just what Antonio had lying around, right? He sighs, even he knows that probably isn't true, but it's weird to think anyone might like him.
    He comes back once a week, usually spending the time to chat with Antonio while the bouquet is being put together. By the eighth time he comes in, they know each other pretty well. Lovino smiles a little as he leans on the counter, the bouquet long since forgotten as Antonio leans a little closer over the counter, smiling as well. It's a soft and adoring smile, one he usually saves for friends or family, but he can't help but give it to Lovino.
    “So what's the excuse this time, Lovi?” he asks teasingly, pushing the flowers towards him. “I stopped believing the whole HR thing the fourth or fifth time around. You've got quite the vocabulary, but even you can't charm your way into keeping your job that easily.” Antonio winks at Lovino as he blushes darkly, the hands over a lavender rose. “For you again, Lovino. You have such a commanding personality, I really enjoy you being around. When can I expect you back?”
    Lovino pauses a little, then takes the rose gently. “I guess my only excuse at this point is just to see you,” he admits, then blushes a little. He pays for the bouquet when it's pushed towards him, then sighs. “I'm not sure. Boss is dumping a bunch of shit on me soon, so I'll be kinda busy.” Lovino pauses for a moment, before pulling out his business card and writes down his personal phone number. “Here, maybe we don't need to wait til I can come in next. I've never been a fan of dancing around things like this.” He sniffs the rose, then pulls it away.
    Antonio takes the money and puts it into the register, then grins at him, reading the number over. “I disagree, the dance is where the fun is. Me getting your number is just one dip, we've still got quite a lot of footwork left,” he says, tucking the card into his apron. “Now now, Lovi, the next step and twist is up to me, I suppose.” His eyes sparkle as he watches Lovino holding the rose, loving the way he looks. “I'll text you,” he promises as the bell over the door announces a new customer.
    Lovino sighs in disappointment. He likes having Antonio's attention, he finds. He takes the flowers, giving them to the lady at the front desk, then heads upstairs. His next few weeks are incredibly busy, but the texts he gets from Antonio help keep his spirits up. He tells one of his friends about it, and finally decides to take the next step himself, since Antonio doesn't seem like he's going to be the one to do it.
    They agree to meet up at a cafe to hang out, then see a movie afterwards. Lovino gets worried that night when he gets dressed for the date, changing outfit after outfit before finally landing on one that he likes more than the others.
    The cafe is bustling with life when he arrives. He doesn't go in quite yet, bouncing from foot to foot as he thinks about it. It's going to be the first time he's ever hung out with Antonio outside of the flower shop, and he's honestly a little nervous about it. Well, he tells himself, it can't go well if it doesn't happen. This is what finally prompts him to walk into the warm building.
    The lighting inside is soft, and when he sees Antonio by the window his breath catches. He looks beautiful, lit on one side by the soft yellow light above and on the other by the moonlight. His eyes are sparkling. For the first time in his life, Lovino thinks he may know what it's like to truly be in love. Time almost seems to slow as he stares at the beautiful man in front of him, and he wishes briefly that he could spend the time to paint him like this. The trance finally breaks when Antonio makes eye contact, and Lovino sits across from him with a blush.
    “Hey,” Lovino says lamely, wishing that he was able to stop himself and start off with something else, but it's too late.
    Antonio's eyes sparkle with amusement as he echoes the greeting, then pulls a bouquet off the seat beside him, then hands it over. It's all lavender roses, and has a little note tucked between some of the blooms. Lovino blushes as he takes it, pulling the note out.
    “I didn't get you anything. I'll pay for the food, then,” he tells Antonio as he unfolds it. Lovino sucks in a breath as he reads it, then folds it and practically throws himself across the table to hug him. He sits back and opens it again, having to convince himself that it's real. The third time, he reads it aloud.
    “Dearest Lovino,
    I am a simple man who is not good with his words. I often mix up things and can't speak what I want to say, yet here I write to you a note. I speak with flowers though it seems we've hit a language barrier. Our dance cannot continue if you don't understand the meanings. The roses I give mean 'love at first sight' and truly, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. The passion in your eyes and in your actions drove me wild. As we continue with our pas de duex I hope to only shower you with more flowers and more meanings, until we speak the same language.
    As John Lennon so famously said 'Love is the flower you've got to let grow'. So grow a garden with me, Lovino.
    Lovino sniffles a little, then nods. “Yes, Toni. You're such a dork, you could've just asked me to go out with you. Damn, this is like a marriage proposal.” He leans across the table and kisses him gently.
    Antonio smiles into his lips and kisses him back, glad he was able to make him so happy. When they finally separate, he can say pretty confidently that he loves the way Lovino looks when he radiates happiness. And he's going to do his best to make that smile appear more often. Antonio looks out the window and towards the stars, thanking whatever angel sent Lovino to him, because he knows that his life is going to be happier from now on.
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osakishinya · 7 years ago
My Experience At Monsta X Concert
@last-dance-anywhere-but-here id like for you to read my experience bc i need to express my feelings i cant hold in my heart ^^
I was so nervous when i got to the theatre.  My brother who went with me was trying to calm me down lol.  I knew that we had tickets to go meet and high five them but I was scared that I was going to make the same mistake again and not get to meet them. *** Short Story last year: I bought tickets last year thinking that it was where the high touch area was at.  But dumb me didnt check the seating chart correct and ended up at the very back of the theatre, meaning that i didnt get VIP seats and so no high touch.  I was very upset. *** When I went to the front desk to ask them I was sssooo anxious and nervous.  I didnt want to feel the same disappointment as i did last year when they told me that i didnt get the right tickets to meet them.  As I waited anxiously for their reply, my heart almost stopped right then and there when the lady said, "So you are in the VIP section so you do get to join in the high touch."
Was I finally going to meet them in person??  Is this a dream??  Dont tell me wrong plz!  Am I really going to meet Monsta X?  The group that stole my heart?? The same group that always has me on my toes?? The very same group that taught me how to smile, how to laugh and how to love again??  My heart adn my brain can barely process it all. Standing in line for 3 hrs wasnt too bad....but why did it feel like forever??  Maybe bc I was too excited and anxious to see them.  As I looked at the lanyard around my neck that said "VIP" I smiled and felt some weight lifted off my shoulders.  I did it right this time around.  I was finally going to see them face to face.  I told my brother I wasnt going to cry this time bc i already kind of saw them already. (even tho the tickets i bought last year was all the way in the back!!)
*Fast Foreword* When we finally got to our seats, I was ssssoooo happy where we were seating. They were perfect!  Right in the middle on the second row.  My hands were shaking so bad bc i was so excited.  Maybe too exited that I started literally hypevenilating.  I was finally going to see them perform live at this close of a distance! 
You know, ive always watched them from a distance.  always watching their music videos and their live stages on youtube or on TV.  I've always wondered if i would ever meet them in person.  I told my mom at one point that if i meet them in person at least once in my life, my life will finally be complete.  Why you ask??  They're just some boy group.  No, they're not just any boy group.  They're my happiness that I thought I gave up on.  They helped me pick up the broken pieces of my heart that was shattered.  They mean the world to me.  
As soon as the music started and they rose from the stage, I swear time froze right there.  Am I really seeing this??  Where they really in front of me?? Is this a dream?? Without realizing it, my vision was starting to get blurry.  Am I really crying??  AGAIN?? I thought to myself, that I have to hold it in bc i didnt want to meet them with swollen red eyes, plus ruin my makeup i nthe process!  Damn I knew I shouldve wore waterproof eyeliner! lol  As they performed, all i could think was, wow.....they are real people living in the same time frame as me.  And I finally get to watch them perform my favorite songs ive been listening to forever. Seeing Wonho just a few feet away from me was like a dream.  His smile, his laugh, his silliness, all real.  He's the very reason I can love again.  His love for his fans, his love for his members, his love for music.  That's the reason I can feel love again.  Overall, they were all amazing!!  They exceedingly performed very well!!  It was the best performance yet!! As the stage was coming to and end, I felt like time went by too fast.  I didnt want it to end.  Ending it felt like the ending of our time together.  The ending of my dream.  Am I about to cry again??  Stop!!  When it did end, we waited until it was time to go backstage to finally meet them.  And oh man was my heart about to burst out of my body!
We went and stood in a single file line to go meet them.  As the line was getting shorter and closer to them my breathing starting shortening.  I couldnt breathe at all!!  I turned to my brother to help me control my breathing. Im really going to meet them!  Can I really do this without screwing anything up?  Or fainting in front of them?? Im so nervous!!   When it was finally my turn, Hyungwon was the first I saw.  As I walked towards him and touched his hands, time literally froze right there when our eyes met.  He was sssoooo ethereal that I swear there was light shining behind him at how handsome, how beautiful, how elegant he looked.  He gave me the sweetest smile and said, "Nice to meet you, thank you!"  My heart stopped right there.  At that point I realized something.....no way, I think Im in love again. (im sorry Wonho!)
Though i wanted to stay longer with hyungwon, of course I had to move on. And so next was jooheon, he was sssooo super cute and adorable!! I finally got to see those cute dimples in person!  Thought I wanted to touch his cheeks so bad I had to continue to move on!  I.m was very handsome!!  I mean he looked really good!! 3 years difference is ok right??  Im not that old! lol Kihyun was definately the highlight of my life.  Not only cute but handsome and very friendly!  I could tell he really loves his fans.  His interactions with me and his fans was wonderful!
Then finally, next was my Won & Only.  Wonho.  The man I fell in love with.  The reason for my life to be brighter again.  The reason I can love again.  As I touched his soft hands that felt like silk, I wanted to say something to him but I froze right there.  Stupid me couldnt say anything!!  I have so many things i wanted to say to him but there was just too little time.  And so I quickly whispered a "I love you" to him.  I think he didnt hear me bc i said it too quiet as he just smiled and nodded.  Even though there are language barriers and even though he might've not heard or understand the words that came from my lips, the point is......i got to tell the man of my dreams that i love him.  And Im content with that.
Shownu was next and i gotta say....he was FINE as HELL!!  damn like when he performed on stage, i knew he was a really good at dancing but seeing him live made me realize that he really got some MOVES.  He is just ssooo sexy and such a manly man!  Now i understnd why fans call him a bear, a cute, cuddly, and manly bear that i wanna squeeze!  Last but not least was Minhyuk.  He was sssooo super adorable and his cute smile just made him even more adorable!!  He made me feel so squishy and fluffy inside!!  Omgsh i really just wanted to hug him so bad bc of how cute he was!
Without realizing it, my night was coming to an end.  It felt so fast, too fast as i was leaving the building.  Even though I saw them for just those few seconds, it wasnt enough. I didnt want to turn and look at the building bc i knew that if i did, i might run back in just to see them one more time.  I wanna tell every single one of them that I love them all.   So we headed back to the hotel, when i got to the hotel i walked towards the window and looked at the theatre from below. (we were at the very top floor BTW!).  The sky was dark and the stars were already shining despite some clouds still roaming around bc it was going to rain.  I reached up and touched the cold glass with my hands as I looked out the window.  I sighed a breath and said aloud, "Im going to miss all of you....."
It was finally the next day to go home.  As we packed our things in the car and started driving, I turned and watched the theatre disappear from a distance.  Then the overflowing tears that Ive been holding this whole time came down like a waterfall.  I couldnt stop myself.  Even though i know its not the last time im going to see them but why does it feel like it is??  What is this pain i am feeling in my chest??  Why cant i stop the tears from flowing??  I dont like this feeling of pain at all.  It really feels like a long distance relationship that's coming to an end.  Why am I crying so much?  I miss them that much even though it was just a short meeting??  Or Is it because im finally going back to my reality and I dont want to wake up from this euphoria?  Maybe this is what missing someone really feels like.   Maybe this is what love really feels like.  With the short about of time of meeting them, it feels like you've known them your whole life.  All i know was that, no words can describe what i just experienced.  My love for them will continue on forever.  I dont know if ill ever grow out from this, but right now just let me enjoy this moment just a little bit longer.  Thank you Monsta X for everything.  I love you.
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vetivrr · 7 years ago
Mafia au Willdip
AN: my excuse is I’m bored and haven’t slept in twenty seven hrs. ok
Will had refused, as soon as he’d grown old enough, to be a part of the Mafia.
He’d known he wasn’t cut out for it, and his family had known too, despite the blood of so many murderers running through his veins the younger of the Cipher twins had never ever claimed to be anything other than peaceable, a quality that wasn’t welcome in the not-so-subtle underworld of the huge city he called home.
At some point it had been decided that Will was untrainable and needed to be removed from the equation, and yet the natural ties of affection that might run through even the bloodiest of families had spared his life, and he’d been given a small business in a nice section of the city and told to make do.
And he did, and not only that but thrived. William loved the little flower shop he headed, doted over each and every aspect of the job with a tender devotedness that he never would have found in the morally questionable life of a mafioso.
Baby’s breath and roses were far less likely to kill him, after all.
Oh, it wasn’t to say he wasn’t touched by the whole organization, nobody in the city and probably elsewhere was, but he’d been lucky enough to witness only one or two of the gruesome things that resulted from the greed of his species, the rumors and names that flew about in hushed tones in side-rooms and speakeasies- names of some who’d died and some who’d killed, and he’d heard, more often than not, the name Cipher listed among the latter two…and in later years, another, the Gleefuls.
He’d heard his brother speak once or twice of the family as they’d risen to power from seemingly nowhere, and it had never been good. Cowards, he’d called them, a bunch of fake-ritzy bluenoses hiding behind silver gilt gates of the east end. Ignoring, of course, the fact that Bill had quite a high social status himself- at least on papers.
Bill tended to exaggerate his stories a little, but his brother had learned to watch out for the name anyway, though he was lucky enough not to run into anyone of the powerful family himself.
It hadn’t ever really been something he’d concerned himself with, though. Will was perfectly content to work his little flower shop, and while he loved seeing his brother, he could never really seem to relax when Bill showed up with his odd looking packages and stacks of sealed papers and talk of underground war, often only needing a place to lay low for a while until he could get back to ‘work’.
And for at least a few days after every visit, he couldn’t help but be a little nervous, watching the street-sides as he walked and carefully scrutinizing the faces of each new customer that opened the shop’s front door to look for any trace of ill-will or worse, recognition. He tried, hard, to be careful.
So it really shouldn’t have come as such a surprise when he finally was confronted– but then, Will was never on his alert this early in the morning, still busy tending the rows of bright, cheery blossoms and humming a little tune to himself as he worked, still a little sleepy from post-wake up haze, and he didn’t turn around immediately when the door opened behind him.
That was a mistake, because if he had he might have had a chance to realize what was going on before there was a gun pointed into his face.
“Good morning! I’m gonna need you to stick 'em up, sweetheart,” He heard the almost sickly sweet voice, turning his head slightly with a soft smile already in place- that froze when he saw the bright silver revolver, and the intimidating bunch who had crowded into his store with frighteningly silent rapidity.
Will let out an ungainly, high pitched squeak in response, stumbling backwards a bit, flinching as he knocked over a pot and it crashed to the floor behind him- to say he was surprised would have been a gross understatement, he was positively petrified.
But the owner of the voice, a finely dressed young lady, only laughed. The weapon in her hand was unwavering as she advanced on him, “Why so startled, darling? You really should have seen this coming, ya know,” She chirped out, “Now do what I said 'less you want some daylight through the skull. Now be a dear and get behind the counter.”
Will was hardly able to hear the order through the rushing in his ears, but he took the cue and did as told, slipping behind the shop’s little service counter and keeping his trembling hands raised a little.
There were five of them, he counted, his assailant and three other obviously armed men in pinstripe and bowlers, and a respectable looking young man who seemed almost out of place in the bunch, though it was made less so by the resemblance and similar navy blue garb he shared with the female ne'er do well. Cyan eyes seemed to follow every move Will made, though nothing else in his appearance would suggest hostility as he simply watched.
The Cipher had other things to worry about at the moment, however, and his eyes snapped back to the woman as she spoke smilingly, at a terrifying ease with one finger tightening against the trigger, “I won’t waste your time. You know what we want. Where is it.”
Will shook his head quickly, besides very much not knowing what she was talking about, he was just beginning to gain his voice back, “What are you doing–!?” He managed, the soft, panicked whisper only to elicit another laugh.
“You really wanna play this game with me, sweetie? Look, I don’t got a lot of patience to go round, so unless you really want me to pull the trigger…”
Will hardly dared move, hardly dared breathe, through his hands were already trembling violently as he tore his gaze away from the glinting metal barrel of the gun, up to its smug looking owner. He shook his head mutely, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.
“That’s what I thought. Now where’s the back door? I think we’ll just take a look around here.”
He felt as if he was going to faint, numb with shock, mind barely processing the question until the girl leaned forwards with a suddenly dangerous expression, “Hey! Patience ain’t my strong suit, mister. I asked you a question.”
Will’s whimper was barely audible, feeling the cold steel muzzle to his forehead and the faint, harsh smell of gunpowder clouding his senses. He just barely remembered not to flinch away and pointed a shaking finger in the direction of his apartment door, sucking in a gasp of relief when the gun was removed from his line of sight.
“Swell,” The young woman purred, giving a few signals, and turning away. “I’ll be back in a few, then!”
Will watched helplessly as she disappeared down the aisle, followed by one or two of the group’s men, but he forced himself to calm at least a little, sucking in a few deep breaths.
He glanced back to the other ones, who had been left to watch him, no doubt. Or more specifically, the gentlemanly one, the woman’s brother, he assumed if appearance was anything to go by. The man was still staring at him.
He couldn’t think too much of that, though, preoccupied with worrying over what might be going on upstairs. Were they going to ruin his cozy little apartment? What did they want, what could he possibly have that they would want??
What if Bill had hidden something here without telling him, Will almost felt sick to wonder? He wouldn’t doubt for a second it was something his hot-blooded twin would pull.
“You would do well to keep your hands where I can see them.”
Will startled at the glint of silver that showed as the man’s caplet parted for a few seconds, realizing he’d let his hands drop to his sides. He raised them again quickly, “S-sorry,” He muttered, noticing immediately the cultured accent to his words, and watching wide eyed as the other moved forwards, until he was stopped by the wooden barrier.
“You can rest them on the counter,” The brunette added flatly, and Will was quick to comply, something in the tone and glint in bright blue eyes telling him it was not a suggestion or a relent.
He was too frightened to speak and so he didn’t, eyes locked with the other’s until he couldn’t bear it anymore and looked away.
“Apologies for my sister- I told her it would be best to take a more subtle approach. You have a nice shop.”
“What?” Will glanced up with a disbelieving look. Had this mafioso just apologized for robbing him? And then given him a compliment??
“You’re welcome. Quite a lovely assortment of flowers, especially for this time of year,” The man continued, gesturing around him with a tiny smile. “What’s your name?”
Will was silent, at a loss for how to respond, brain stuttering from stress and everything he had to process, and he finally managed out, “Ph..philip. Garcia…a-and you are?”
It was what Bill had told him to say, the pseudonym that would keep him safe from getting caught up in the danger of the Mafia- the name he ran his shop under, though he’d ever enjoyed that.
A flash of amusement ran through the other’s features, “Hmm…call me Dipper.”
He let it fall into silence, staring at the shorter male until Will seemed inclined to speak again, “Why are you introducing yourself??”
Will waited for an answer, growing more uneasy the longer he didn’t get one, “Wh-hy are you here? What are you trying to do…you c-can’t get away with this- you won’t.”
Dipper chuckled, “Are you really sure of that? I wouldn’t be, were I you.”
Will gulped slightly, “Th-the police-”
“Are conveniently busy elsewhere and will not be at your disposal for some time,” The criminal interjected smoothly, but through the lighthearted tone, the first signs of hostility showed. “Do you really think they’ll be any help to you at all? You don’t recognize us, then?”
Will swallowed thickly, glancing out the store windows as if searching for help that wasn’t there. “No, why would I…” He muttered quietly, scrambling for words that wouldn’t betray his fear, “B-but others will help me. I-I have friends-”
“Really? That’s quite interesting to hear. Friends in the mafia, no doubt,” Dipper finally glanced away, eyes sweeping over the lovingly arranged displays and briefly to the windows, “Where you you get your stock from, I must wonder? They must have been grown indoors to even be in bloom.”
“I…I-I don’t…” He trailed off, brows knitting together in utter confusion, resisting the urge to reach out and protest as the man took a single sprig of coltsfoot from a larger bouquet, the tiny yellow petals gleaming gold against the silk navy vest, twirling the stem gently between his fingers as he glanced back at the other.
The mirth dropped out of the man’s face and he stepped off to the side as if about to come behind the counter, adding out of the blue, “You’re not used to lying, are you, Mr. Cipher?”
Will blanched, forgetting to try and look brave as he took a tiny step back, “I-I’m not—how-”
“Deduction,” Dipper said simply, “I know what I see and I know what I know. And I know that you look very much like someone I’ve had the displeasure of meeting already.”
Will found he had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from cursing aloud- what had Bill done?
“I’m not him,” Will blurted out, “I’m not wh-who you’re looking for…”
“Wrong. You’re exactly who I’m looking for.”
But he had little time to puzzle, jumping as the unnamed girl reappeared, looking, if it were at all possible, even more smug than she had before.
“It was in his bathroom. Quite cleverly hidden, actually,” She grinned, sending a malicious giggle his way as she addressed the other brunet.
And suddenly it seemed to Will that he wasn’t in as much danger, as they appeared to be preparing to leave. A hand gesture had the rest of the men filing out of his door, and he watched, expression still mildly stunned.
Dipper nodded, “Very good- I thought you would be able…” The mafioso’s voice was neutral, even as he lauded his sister, “I’ve spoken with him. He’s a bystander, as I suspected. No need for extra measures.”
“Good. He won’t be a problem, then?”
The woman’s eyes narrowed at the neutral response she gained, and she turned of the other again, filling Will with dread again as she pointed her pistol, “You. Tell the cops if ya want, but don’t you go and be surprised if it doesn’t help. And if anyone else comes asking questions, we didn’t take anything. Understand?”
“Y-yes…” Will nodded quickly, well aware that he wasn’t really in a position to argue, and relaxed a little when she seemed satisfied, turning away to the door.
“Good, cause we’d know either way, bet on it,” The girl chuckled grimly, door creaking as she opened it- but didn’t pass through. She was waiting for Dipper, the man having reached into his trouser pocket.
A small card emerged along with his hand, and Will watched with a cautious curiosity as it was slipped onto the counter.
“Be careful with that. If anyone does come poking around, it would be in both our best interests for you to ring. Trust me.”
No further explanation was given, only the same lingering stare, before Dipper turned away, letting his sister slip her arm into his and pull him out the door without a backwards glance, the two briefly visible in the display windows before they disappeared from sight.
Will was still for a full minute after that, staring after them and glancing around his little store once or twice as if he wanted to make sure everyone was really gone. He pulled in a huge breath of relief and reached for the card, grabbing it and sliding to the floor to calm his frayed nerves.
The back of the card was what he saw first, and it was a telephone address, a single line of numbers written in small, neat hand. He turned it over and let his eyes grow round.
'Gleeful Enterprises’, embossed with silver into the rich blue paper, with the family’s crest stamped into it, off to one side.
Will bit his lip and stood back up, then stumbled out from behind the counter to race upstairs.
He had a horrible feeling that this wasn’t nearly the end of the matter.
But for now, he needed to find Bill.
The twins were silent as they headed back to their car, eyes sharp and on the watch for enemies until they were safely inside, and the vehicle was pulling away from the curb.
“Well, that went absolutely wonderful.”
Mabel was, as usual, the one to strike up conversation as they settled down into the leather-lined cab. Dipper only glanced at her, eyes mostly still fastened onto the shop’s front door until it was far behind them.
“You were marvellous, sister dear,” He praised, with an approving smile as his sister produced a small parcel of letters tied with a string, “Mm-hm,” Mabel grinned triumphantly, handing it over the Gleeful boy, who slipped it into his pocket without looking through it.
“Now I get the rest of the day off- celebrate with me?” Her question was halfway a taunt, because she already knew the answer, and smirked as it was spoken,
“I don’t think I’ll have time,” Dipper’s nose wrinkled at the thought of spending a night in one of the speakeasy’s his sister was fond of attending, “Uncle asked me to take care of an employee who’s been asking questions.”
Mabel gave a light huff, “When do you, gotta ask? You’re telling me you’ll spend the entire night working on that? Pull the trigger and they’re out, problem solved.”
“I’ll have a bit of research to conduct as well. You should know I’ll be setting a few boys on the florist’s place.”
Mabel turned in her seat, regarding her brother with inquisitive skepticism, “Why?”
“Did you think I would have suspected that shop without a reason? Think back to his features and tell me who he reminds you o-”
“Golly,” Mabel breathed, eyes widening for a moment before a smooth smirk slid into her expression, “Now that you mention it…”
“I want to watch him. Closely,” Dipper explained, with an air of industrial indifference.
He didn’t think he would have minded telling her there were other reasons, he’d learned to bear Mabel’s merciless teasing after so long, and she no doubt would have been thrilled to know that she wasn’t the only alone in her legally questionable romantic tendencies…
But he wanted Will to himself for a while, wanted to see what the little florist was made of and what made him special.
“He could be useful to us.”
“I’ll bet. What a patsy,” Mabel snickered a little, “Big brother probably doesn’t tell him a whole lot about the family business, though.”
Dipper hummed, and turned his eyes to the road ahead, sharp eyes flicking over the crowds of people on the street sides, in the cars, bustling in and out of shops or enjoying midday coffee and the editorials- ever alert for the enemy.
“We’ll see.”
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bnha-scenerios-imagines · 8 years ago
Can I request for Todoroki Shouto? Him having a sister (which is the reader) which he hates but she admires him? But later finding out she ran away because she can't stand how her family treated her? And also later finding out she rescued a bunch of people and sacrificed her life for all of them (up to you wether she lives or not)? Sorry if it's a little complicated but thank youuu!!!
I hope this is okay!
Shouto Todoroki
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He isn’t sure what to feel when your eyes look into his and you reach up, your hand grazing just under his scarred eye. Your thumb wiped away a stray tear that he didn’t know had come from him. Your smile was weak as you looked him in the eyes.
“You’ll be a great hero, Todoroki” You whispered and he finally felt a familiar feeling.
He doesn’t remember when he began hating you.
During his childhood he never had a connection with his siblings. He was always kept away from him, his father claiming he was better than him but you, you would always turn to look at him and wave at him. He remembers one time you had snuck into his room just to give him some candy you somehow managed to snag.
So why did he hate you?
Was it because of the freedom you had? The love that your mother shared with you? Or perhaps the quirk you had?
You shared your mother’s quirk. A key reason as to why she did not fear you as much as she did some of her other children, like she feared him. The scar on his left eye reminded him of this. It reminded him of her fear, of his father.
When he’s told you’ve runaway he’s indifferent to it. He doesn’t care. It’s not like the two of you were ever close. Although, a bitter thought crossed his mind as his sister left the room, how lucky you got away.
There are news articles and stories about your disappearance. Theories of you being kidnapped are popular however, everyone in the household knows the truth behind your leaving, even if he refuses to accept it.
 It takes him a while before he can finally face his mother but when he does he feels his chest become lighter. He feels as though he can finally breathe freely, a small smile graced his lips as his mother reached out, a hand placed gently over his.
“(Name) was always fond of you” She spoke, her eyes looking out the window as if recalling a past memory. “She was always one to compliment your abilities. She knew you were going to be a hero one day. It seems as though she was right” Her voice grows weaker as she looks him in the eye, “Have you heard from her? They say she has not been found”
“No. I haven’t.” He says, he tries to hide his irritation but his mother notices and she pulls her hand away and looks back towards the window.
“She didn’t have it easy either.” She confesses the look of guilt on her features causes him to ask more.
 A month passes and no one is able to find you, leading people to believe you’re either dead or you’ve run away. The police refuse to say anything to the press and Endeavour seems like he couldn’t care less.
“One less useless child to feed”
The room is filled with tension as everyone makes their way back to their respective rooms. It’s easier to just forget their father said anything. It is however, a growing reminder that there is only one child he cares about.
 There is screaming and he finds himself lost in the cries for help. The pro-heroes are stuck dealing with the nomu’s that had showed up. The building that is collapsing is a whole other issue that heroes can’t be bothered with. Just as he’s making up a plan a wall of ice covers the front of the building, causing it to momentarily stop its collapse. His attention is immediately drawn to you, your face was hidden by the hood on your jacket but he knew.
“Please!” A woman screamed as she grabbed hold of your arms, “My son! My son!” She cried as she tore one hand from your side to point it at the collapsing building. “He’s still in the building! Please save him, hero!” You take her hand and remove it from your arm. You speak to her for a moment longer before you run into the abandoned building. Todoroki follows you, pushing past the people trying to run away.
It’s hard to see in the building, smoke is filling the rooms quickly and he fears that at any moment it could explode, or collapse. He runs towards the direction he hopes you’re going, covering his mouth as he jogs up the stairs.
“(Name)!” He yells when he sees your blurred figure. He can’t remember the last time he had called your name and maybe that’s why you don’t respond. When was the last time anyone called you by your name? He manages to get to you and places a hand on your shoulder. You turn around, a young boy in your arms, limply.
“Is he…”
“No. We need to get out now. We only have a few minutes” You say and Todoroki nods, surprised by your sudden authoritative tone of voice. The fire at this time had surrounded the three of you and you quickly shoved the boy into Todoroki’s arms. A sudden loud scream from the building being pushed beyond its limits fill the room and in an instant you slam into Todoroki’s side, causing him to stumble to the ground.
“(Name)-“A piece of the ceiling slams against the weakened concrete and suddenly the floor gives out. He feels cold and everything goes dark.
 He wakes up to scratching and muffled calls of people. His vision is blurred for a moment before he sits up, the boy still in his arms. A crystalized shield had surrounded him and the workers had been attempting to cut a hole so that they could get the two out. He raises his hand and melts the ice surrounding them.
“Are you alright?” A man asks as he helps Todoroki out of the ice. When he slowly nods the worker turns towards the younger boy who is being wheeled off to an ambulance. “You’re lucky you two survived. How did you-“
“My sister!” He says suddenly, turning to the worker. He can’t remember the last time he called you that. “She was in the building when it collapsed. She saved those people, she saved me.”
“Whoa, we haven’t-“In that exact moment, the loud barks from a dog a few feet away catches the attention of the worker and Todoroki. He doesn’t waste time in running towards the dog, almost spraining his ankle on the way as he ignores the worker's protests.
“Hey kid you can’t be here-“He pushes past the man and the dog and crouches down, pushing the dirt and debris away from you. It takes a while and fighting off the hands trying to pry him up and away from the building’s remains.
Then he sees you. You’re barely breathing. You’re bruised and broken as he pulls you up, as best as he can. He rests you against his shoulder, your body leaning into him.
“Shit- It’s another kid. Call the medics” One of the workers hiss to the other and he can hear the mumble of the worker and the static reply of another.
“(Name), (Name) please” he calls out as he pushes away some of the stray hairs from your face. You scrunch your face up and slowly open your eyes. “Please stay with me’ He says as his grip tightens around you. The worker stays back as he allows you to have your moment with your brother. Perhaps he already knows your fate.
“Shouto?”  You ask weakly, your hand reaching up to him.
“Yes (Name). It’s me” He says as he holds your head and you smile, your eyes gleaming as you let out a laugh, followed by a deep cough that rattles your weak body.
“My hero,” You say.
 “Your father never liked your sister. He was rough with her. Do you remember the night she snuck into your room? The night she gave you those little candies that you loved so much? He beat her. She couldn’t walk by the end of it.”
“I need you to stay with me,” He said as he pulled you further into him. You let out another shaky laugh as you look at him.
“You’re so amazing Shouto. I watched you on the TV. You did so amazing. You won second.” You sigh as you lean further into him. “I can’t believe you’re my brother. You were always so amazing.”
“A few years after that, when she went into elementary school we found out that he ribs had hardened around the ribs, causing it hard for her to breathe. It was the effect of being beaten repeatedly, not that the doctor would explicitly say that. We were given a choice, give permission to let her go to surgery and possibly die during the operation or stop her from doing any activities. We chose to not do the operation.”
When he heard you let out another deep cough he felt panic rise in him as you slowly looked up at him, still smiling. You were still smiling… why?
“She was locked in her room, insulted by your father repeatedly. He let his anger out on her often. When she came to visit me it was obvious. I never brought it up. I never tried to stop it. What kind of mother was I? How could I let that man hurt my children so much? But she admired you so much Shouto. She knew you were going to be a hero someday.”
 “You didn’t seem to use your left side” You hum as you gently hold his left arm, your grip felt non-existent as you slowly began to nod off. “Shouto….”
“(Name) I need you to stay with me-“
“It doesn’t matter now Shouto. We both know what’s going to happen. I either die here or I die at home. Here, Shouto, I’m a hero.” You finally looked up at him, your eyes still gleaming despite the impending doom. “Shouto. It’s your quirk. It’s not our father’s. It’s yours.”
Your thumb wiped away a stray tear that he didn’t know had come from him. Your smile was weak as you looked him in the eyes.
“You’ll be a great hero, Todoroki” You whispered and he watched in horror as your hand fell to your side.
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wonderlandinrope · 7 years ago
Not All Monsters Part 10
Sam X Reader
Summary: Moving in with the Winchesters and getting closer to Sam means confronting nightmares of the past. Finding new way to cope and of course hunting.
Warnings: Angst, violance, PTSD
The bathroom light was blinding in contrast with pitch black room. A massive silhouette took up a majority of the doorway its shape was short, rounder than either of the brothers. Aris watched as it made its way into the room but she could not move, her body felt heavy as if in quicksand, static inside her head made it impossible to think clearly. There was only a vague memory of being in a motel with the Winchesters. The man moved forward something was in his hand but she couldn’t figure out what. A primal instinct inside her sparked terror she hadn’t felt in months.
Each step he took toward her felt like a lifetime. There was nothing standing between them, nothing nearby she could grab, and that’s only if she could manage to move in the first place.  As he grew closer the blood pumping in her veins became flooded with adrenaline. His hand reached out giving the aura of something slimy rotten. With his hand only an inch away she pushed herself forward grabbing for the blade she knew was under her pillow. Gripping the handle she prepared to fight. Gathering all that she had she dove forward at the figure. But when she should have collided with him it was only empty air throwing her off balance taking the lamp down as she fell into a wall.
Sam jumped from the couch pulling out a gun aiming it at where the crash had come from ready to shoot if necessary. Only lowering the gun when he realized it was just Aris. She sat looking around the room as if lost trying to figure out her surroundings. Thinking she might be hurt he went to her side.
“You ok?” He reached down helping her to her feet.
“Yeah I tripped. Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” She pulled away not wanting to look him in the eye. She couldn’t risk letting him know that something was wrong. “Were you sleeping on the couch?”
“You fell asleep at the table.I tried to wake you but you out for the count. So I moved you.” Sam said
“So why didn’t you take the bed, and put me on the couch? I’m like a foot shorter than you. You would have been more comfortable.”
Shaking his head he wouldn’t except it. “You needed it more.”
Aris looked at the clock it was 3 in the morning which meant that she hadn’t been sleeping for more than 2 hours. Her head burning with memories that couldn’t just be pushed away. Noticing that Dean was still gone she moved to the little kitchenette and began brewing a pot of coffee. Sam stood back arms crossed trying to decide if it was worth the potential headache of confronting her about why she was really awake so early. The twinge of irritation so plainly on her face made him think better.
“I think I know what we are looking for. In all the photos I could find of Miss Staine she wore a locket. The photo of her the police took it was gone. Chances are it’s still in that building.” Aris liked her coffee black with lots of sugar always commenting on how the warm dairy was a weird concept to her. “You want to do a little B and E?”
Having run on less sleep Sam didn’t see the harm. “I’ll call Dean.”
It became more and more difficult to concentrate on the task at hand as they searched for the locket. Each time Sam’s eyes fell on Aris he wanted to send her back home out of harm's way. She had been through enough, it was clear that what happened the previous morning was triggering nightmares, he knew her well enough to know when she was lying. The thought of apologizing had crossed his mind more than once but again he knew her well enough to know that she would just run or lock him out.
“What are you looking at?” Aris was focused using a flashlight searching threw a few items that had been in lost and found for a locket they had connected to the women.
“Nothing just thinking.” Sam took the second box of items shifting them carefully but coming up empty-handed.
“Ok it’s not here. Maybe Dean found it. Have you heard from him yet?” Aris paused recalling all that she knew about the Shauna. “If you were a single woman that only had her job and was going to kill yourself why wouldn't you keep the one thing you loved the most?”
“Well most people who are suicidal usually give away their most prized possession to someone they trust,” Sam added.
“Really? Not that I’ve thought about it but I would keep it close to have something to hold in the end.” Aris whispered catching the wide eyes worried look Sam had thrown her way.
Knowing better than to comment on what he had just heard Sam cleared his throat nervously. As they began to work through the building searching around desks and cabinets that may have the answer it occurred to him that now would be the perfect time to bring up what happened. They were alone, and as they were looking for something Aris could just walk away or hide.
“Aris.” Sam’s tone more hesitant. “We need to talk about what happened.”
Letting the frustration seep into her voice she carried on narrowing her eyes. “You really want to talk about this now?”
“Yes. I do” Sam continued to look over the desk before him. “If we don’t talk now your just going to continue to ignore it. And me. Which I’m not ok with.”
“Sam, really I can’t do this right now. Honestly it be best if you just drop it all together.” Aris pushed the conversation to the back of her mind hoping that that would be the end of it.
“I can’t drop it. I feel awful and I want to say sorry for making you feel uncomfortable or scaring you..” Sam had stopped looking for the locket momentarily stepping up next to Aris.
Gently placing his hand on hers ducking his head slightly to look her in the eye. Pulling her hand away she stared back him, brow furrowed in disbelief. Facing him head-on, the flashlight was placed on the desk, hands turning to fists, she shook her head to cast away the confusion.
“Is that what you think happened? You think you pushed me too far? That you scared me? No. It was fun, great even. But I’m not some delicate little flower that can’t handle herself!” Aris could hear her voice getting louder. “This is why I left my sister. Every time I acted out of sorts she tiptoed around me or tried to get me to talk about shit that’s best left in the past.” As her anger began to grow, the temperature began to drop but Aris was too frustrated to notice. “Yes I freaked out but none of that was because of you. I was too embarrassed after to say anything. I’ve been dealing with it on my own. So just drop it ok!”
With the last word, the chairs in the room began to spin a wind came from nowhere. It became clear they were no longer alone. Grabbing his gun Sam began aiming his gun around the room looking for the spirit, Aris searched hastily over the desks that remained. As she neared the last desk a force knocked her across the room. Standing before her was a woman in a dirty dress, hair mangled, with grey decaying skin. Each arm was covered in blood dripping from each wrist. The specter tilted its head taking tentative steps toward her. A gunshot rang out the room went quiet and still.
Pulling herself to her feet they looked more feverishly for now for the locket. Sam held the gun at the ready, only to have it fly out of his hand. The women appearing in front of him then sent him flying against the wall. Dean came around the corner welding an iron rod swinging hard through the woman's midsection. Once again she vanished.
“Took you long enough.” Sam scoffed taking his brother's hand.
“Yeah well, you interrupted something important.” Dean pulled his brother to his feet. “Thought you would be too.”
“Well not everybody gets a hard one the second they’re left alone in a room with something with a skirt.” Aris fired the verbal shots with a hint of dark humor.
“Oh come on I’m not that bad.” Dean retorted.
Sam snorted nodding his head. “This is the last desk.”
He began to dig through it when the women appeared again. Sending the group flying in different directions. The women went after Sam again, this time sticking her hand into his chest, Sam’s mouth was open gasping for breathe unable to fight back against the spirit he looked to Aris reaching for her, pointing to the desk. Rushing over to the desk, the locket was there sitting in the top drawer. She held it up.
“Dean lighter!” Aris shouted catching the zipo. Grabbing a trash can, she threw a few pieces of paper in lighting one before dropping it in. “Get your hands off my boyfriend bitch.”
The women went up like a roman candle a scream then she was gone Aris and Dean rushed over catching Sam as he stumbled forward. Inhaling sharply, his lungs burning as causing a coughing fit as he knelt on the ground. Aris crouched down in front of Sam hands on his chest.
“Are you ok?” Aris looked into his eyes taking in the hazel glow coming back to them.
“You called me your boyfriend.” He smiled, laugh turning to a cough again. Collectively they all breathed out a sigh of relief.
Aris reached up her arms around Sam’s neck. “Please, don’t ever scare me like that again.”
“Awesome. breakfast then home? I’m thinking Bacon.” Dean hit his brother back.
Light began to stream in through the window, as the sun started to rise. The room was a mess papers scattered, one chair was broken,  fire started to dwindle in the basket.  Feeling Sam in her arms waiting for his heartbeat slow before she let go. For the first time in two days, the guilt and shame that had been leading every decision began to lose its grip on her. Sam didn’t care if she got mad at him or yelled or pushed him away he didn’t take it as if it were some personal vendetta against him. what mattered in his eyes was that he had somehow caused her pain and needed to make it right even if it wasn’t his fault.
It was a lighter mood the drive back home, more joking, singing to a few different songs on the radio. Dean got a call from the HR women whose name was Daisy, he didn’t answer. Aris and Sam couldn’t help but act like a bunch of children making fun of him for avoiding the call. Everything was back to normal, by the time they stopped for a late lunch just outside of Denver. Taking the time off the road to stretch their legs Aris stole away by herself for a short time looking for support groups making a plan to attend one in two days time.  Sam leaned over her shoulder assuming that she was just playing a game on her phone, catching a time and a date but missing the location before she closed it down.
It wasn’t late but they were all tired by the time they made it home. Each running on less than 2 hours of sleep in the past 2 days, meaning that no one was up for much other than crashing or watching Netflix movies the rest of the day. After a quick shower, Aris changed into her typical nightwear. As she was about to collapse on her bed from exhaustion a sound came echoing down the hall flowing into her room.  Following the unmistakable sound of her favorite movie, The Goonies, Aris found Sam’s door slightly ajar. There was no need to wait for an invitation in. Leaning against the headboard in a pair of loose shorts and a tight t-shirt, Sam nodded.
Pulling as much courage as she could to the surface Aris sat down next to him on the bed they sat in silence for a while simply enjoying the old 80s movie. It was just another night in the bunker, Aris found herself starting to drift off each time her head began to nod forward she would jolt awake. It didn’t take long for Sam to notice the tug of war over Aris consciousness her body began to slip down leaning against him. Wrapping his arm around her hoping to make her more comfortable.
“Sorry,” Aris stated trying to pull herself upright, only to slouch back down again.
“Don’t worry about it. If you're tired just go to sleep.” Sam smiled trying to keep her calm.
“I mean about the other morning .” Aris' eyes were almost completely closed, the stress of the day taking its toll.
Sam looked down at the sleeping body beside him. Her hair cascading over her shoulders, the warmth of her body pushed up against his. She looked so at peace in her sleep more so than he had ever seen. Pondering what she may have dreamed about his eyes moved over her sleeping figure, falling on her midsection as the tank top she wore was pulled up slightly, and her low rise shorts were pulled down slightly further than usual. A jagged pale line starting at the top of her left hip bone plugging downward for about three inches, following along the curve of her hip before turning sharp at a 30-degree angle stopping just below her belly button.
It made sense now why she’d pulled away from him followed by two days of silence on anything other than the case. Sam could see how impossible it had been for her to understand that no one was trying to hurt her, physically or mentally. All this time he had been trying to find a way to get her to open up, now it didn’t seem so important. She was just starting to get comfortable with them, with him. There came a primal need to protect her, even from the monsters in her head the ones that still held her hostage. While he didn’t know for sure how the scar had come to be it didn’t take much to draw a conclusion to how it had gotten there. Remembering clearly the night they had met how rough Dan had been with her to hear that night. and so many others like it still played in her head constantly like a movie that wouldn’t end. Carefully he shifted kissing the top of her head.
“I've got you.” Holding Aris, in his arms, a shield against the night, it didn’t take long before Sam drifted off knowing that she was safe even if she did not.
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jerepars · 7 years ago
Unbelievers Extended Story Notes
Hyperlinks appear in blue (underlined on mobile). The story is posted here.
Betty shut off the water and instead grabbed a handful of tissues off the counter. She wiped at her face with the soft Kleenex sheets harshly, in hopes of getting all the mascara on her cheeks off before it dried and she’d have to scrub. When she was done, she took a step back and considered her appearance as a whole. She smoothed out the wrinkles along the bodice of her periwinkle dress and adjusted the draping of her pale pink cardigan around her shoulders. The pastels of her party outfit were a contrast to her soured mood. Only her wooly black tights suited her soul. Betty took a few deep breaths and tightened her blonde ponytail.
Someone was bound to need the bathroom soon with the amount of Pabst Blue Ribbon and Korbel Brut (and Martinelli’s apple cider for the responsible crowd) flowing at the party. If she didn’t make her move quickly and get out of the bathroom, she’d be interrupted by a knock. Or, even worse, her sister—who’d been holding hands with Jason Blossom all night—might come looking for her. With a final wipe at her eyes and a nod of confidence at herself in the mirror that she could keep up her best fake happy face, Betty opened the door and stepped out into the hallway.
This section was influenced by Paramore's "Fake Happy", especially the part that goes: And if I go out tonight, dress up my fears, you think I'll look alright with these mascara tears?
I found it fitting because of the details we know about Betty. I've noticed in canon that she is, for sure, extrememly emotional, and the moments when she really lets go and gives in to her saddness are when she's alone. Most of the time in public, to the outside world, she puts her happy mask on even when everything isn't going all rainbows and butterflies for her. Only a few get to see her at her worst.
As it turned out, the whips didn’t sting less and they’d chosen the exact worst moment to enter the kitchen. A game of suck-and-blow—using a card from a stack of Cards Against Humanity, no less—had broken out in the kitchen. Archie was in between Cheryl Blossom and Ginger Lopez. He got the card successfully from Cheryl but let it drop (also successfully) when Ginger leaned into him. Ginger was his latest crush and when the card fell, he kissed her anyway, his hands moving to her waist and the game participants whooping and cheering behind them.
So, suck-and-blow is from Clueless.
Also, "Jughead is Cher Horowitz" turned into an excellent thread on here and I am happy to have been a participant.
Betty’s history with boys after her second kiss with Archie was scarce. She went on a date with Trev Brown, who’d held her hand and stared into her eyes of jade and and made her laugh, but was so nervous when he kissed her that it was mostly his braces pressed up against her upper lip. Betty was the star of the Riverdale High Welcome Committee when Adam Chisholm moved to town just a month ago, and he’d been instantly smitten with her, something she wasn’t used to. They went on a few dates and she’d even had her first makeout session in the back row of The Bijou with him, but she broke up with him a week later when she felt a void, not completely enamored with him. Adam was great, and she had his undivided attention—which was new for 14-year-old Betty who’d wanted Archie’s attention for so long—but something was…missing.
I was just thinking...if Riverdale ends up being one of those shows with three or more seasons (though with the current trend in the show's writing, I'm not sure we're even going to get more than a 10-episode order of season 3), won't we have to be introduced to Adam Chisholm when he moves to town? Since I went pre-canon and then diverged from canon, I figured I might as well throw him in there early and make him Betty's point of "experience".
There was something not there that kept her from linking her loop of the chain to Adam’s. Because the thing was, Betty had always been a dreamer. It was the reason she felt so deeply, the reason she put her heart on the line, the reason she was holding out for something or someone that would move her. She was unwilling to accept that love or a kiss couldn’t be like it was in a movie or a book. Because if it couldn’t be like that, what was the point of depicting it that way? And didn’t the people who wrote like that do so because they believed in that kind of love, in that kind of groundbreaking kiss?
After breaking up with Adam, Betty was sure she would know right away if she had something special with someone like “The Shoop Shoop Song” talked about because of one thing: it’s in his kiss.
I really wanted a 14-year-old Betty to be completely hopeful and a total dreamer. When Betty recruits Jughead to join The Blue & Gold in 1x03, regarding Jason's death, she says, "Nothing this bad was ever supposed to happen here, but it did."
If Riverdale is a story of a loss of innocence beginning on the fourth of July, then prior to that? To me, Betty would have held on tightly to her childhood fantasies, even relying on "The Shoop Shoop Song" to guide her way.
So Jughead was more concerned about how much bigger the cracks in his family’s foundation could get until they splintered completely. New Year’s Eve was a terrible celebratory tradition for alcoholics, and his father was an alcoholic without a resolution.
Every day Gladys talked about FP’s madness and self-abuse because of the alcohol, about how he was always in his own way, and about how she was sick of dealing with it. Every day she talked about leaving. And Jughead thought that she would be right to take off before she was consumed, if she really felt like that was what she needed to do. He was scared to know if she really had a plan to make that happen and even more scared to know if he would even be part of the plan. He wasn’t sure how he’d feel either way, if his mom wanted to take him with her and Jellybean, or leave him behind to deal with his father alone.
Motion City Soundtrack has a few songs about the New Year and New Year's Eve. I made reference to "Resolution" here, using the title in the first quoted paragraph. Part of a verse from the song goes She put up with so much of my madness and my self-abuse. She would tend to my wounds and fill me with food when I'd stumble in drunk for breakfast. She was right to take off before she was consumed. So I worked that into the paragraph about Gladys and FP.
“Maybe I should be more like you,” Betty said to her raven-haired friend as they reached the curve of the train tracks, where the separation of the north and south side of town began. “I shouldn’t believe in anything.”
I decided to name the story after the Vampire Weekend song "Unbelievers" pretty much because of the line Girl, you and I would die unbelievers, bound to the tracks of the train. Much earlier in the narration Jughead is described as an unbeliever and we get back to that here, with Betty's dialogue. Before I wrote a single word down, in my head I could hear this song playing in the background as I pictured Betty and Jughead walking through the snow toward the diner.
Another thing to consider is if the theme song for Bughead in 1x13 is "Believer", then this canon divergence, which would have happened a year earlier, is on the extreme opposite end. But it still ends with a kiss.
“You should just name the meal after me, Pop,” Jughead suggested to the older man. “A double cheeseburger with onion rings on the side: The Jughead Jones Special.”
Pop Tate’s laughter filled the room and warmed the soul. “I’ve already got your picture up on the wall, Juggie.” He pointed his pen in the direction of the glossy 5”x 7” of Jughead (with a cheeseburger in hand) pinned above the frame of one of the booth window sills. With a tap of the pen against his notepad, Pop added, “Can’t have the drop-ins thinking I practice favoritism, true or not.”
In case you were wondering, Pop calling Jughead by the nickname "Juggie" is, in fact, canon in 1x13 (1:00 to 1:02). You know, if any adult in Riverdale is going to call him that, I am 100% behind Pop Tate being the only adult who does.
Jughead only shook his head in response as he began walking toward the door, his boots echoing high and lonesome against the industrial tile of the diner floor. Betty followed closely behind him.
Jughead’s family had never had cable, not even when they’d lived in the house with the tree house in the backyard. It was growing up a Jones that had made him such an unbeliever that good things would come his way. He never let the taste of defeat wander too far from his mind. But alone at night, sometimes he imagined that when he grew up, he’d be a reclusive author, and if he did have cable, between the reruns of classic movies and his shelves full of books, he was pretty sure he’d never even have to leave the house.
Ah, yes, we have reached the obligatory reference to a song by The Gaslight Anthem in this one. The second verse from "High Lonesome" goes and the pounding in the street was your heart in four-four time, and the taste of defeat was never too far from your mind. Then, the song concludes with when our boots they hit the ground, they made a high and lonesome sound. It occured to me that I've already sort of used this song for a Bughead story before, in the last part of Lionheart. I suppose what that really means is that this is one of my favorite songs by them.
This story got kind of ridiculous. But hey, that's what I'm all about here.
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