#estonia x iceland
sillykiu · 1 year
sekaitalia..... part...... 5..... holy weezer......
we're going nordic! and baltic! and polish! and belarussian! and ukranian!
Iceland - he's so nightcord. N25
Norway - he'd probably join his brother, plus n25 suits him too ☠️
Denmark - waku waku washoiii, wxs denmark canon
Sweden - l/n or vbs? Which one should he be in? (and for april fools it will be hilarious if he's in mmj or wxs xdd)
Finland - im. so in between vbs and mmj. we've seen this man show his two sides.
Estonia - l/n. yeaAAHH
Latvia - baby. Mmj.
Lithuania - i think........ he would be either l/n or vbs as well
Poland - he'd join mmj ngl
Belarus - we rockin with either vbs or l/n 🔥🔥🔥
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doueverwonder · 10 months
*adds to the polycule*
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nordickies · 11 months
I'm curious, how do you view Åland in your head? Are they Sweden and Finland's kid or something else? How about Faroe, what is their relationship to Denmark? Or Greenland (I know for a fact that Greenland's relationship with Denmark isn't good)
Sorry for the long ask ;w;
Hello anon! It's not a long question! I just don't really know how to introduce these guys, so let's start with an oversimplified relationship chart, I guess?
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Quick explanation under the cut. I don't know why it is so scary to talk about my OCs publicly, aah
Åland isn't Sweden and Finland's kid, but she's significantly younger than them, and they did end up practically raising her together. I've been going back and forth on whether I want her to be their "kid" or not - but in the end, I decided to apply the same logic I use with Denmark and Iceland; it's some kind of guardianship.
To me, guardianship means person X is looking after person Y and being responsible for their upbringing. In these instances, we're talking about significantly younger Nations that have been juveniles for most of their lifetime; someone has needed to take the custodian responsibility over them. But because the relationship can be interpreted as parental or siblinglike (with a significant age gap), I just prefer to use the term "guardian."
Faroe, just like Iceland, was raised by Denmark. Except unlucky for him, he's still stuck with the old man. Faroe just tends to get forgotten a lot. He's a friendly young gentleman, the "easy" child in a messy household, if you will. Though he wishes he made more of a noise about himself - to remind everyone that he exists and show that he's indeed an individual. Well, at least he has Åland to keep him company, since they're both doomed to sit at the "kids' table" during family gatherings. And yes, they're the same age as Iceland
While Denmark has been Greenland's "guardian" on paper, they never developed that kind of relationship. She doesn't feel particularly close to him and for various reasons, she never adjusted to her "adoptive" family. The relationship is rough but they still try to make it work somehow. Nowadays, she's happier with home rule, slowly making her way toward potential full independence. Greenland, Kalaallit Nunaat, has been inhabited by indigenous people for thousands of years. But this isn't the same Greenland that would have been around during the Viking Age. I'm just basing that on the fact that the ancestors of the modern people of Greenland, the Inuit, came to the island from the east in the 13th century, referred to as the Thule culture, which replaced the former Dorset/Tuniit culture.
Sápmi is the oldest Nation of the bunch by a long margin. Because of this, she has acted as a mentor figure to the Fennoscandians in their youth and is often referred to as their "aunt." Sápmi's relationship with her neighbors has been extremely turbulent. But still, she remembers them as hopeless little kids getting lost in the wilderness, whom she taught survival skills. She sees them as her unruly boys but feels especially bad that Finland had to grow up so soon. She still finds herself scolding Sweden, who to this day acts like a little kid around her. Norway views her in high regard, someone he goes to with his worries and feelings. She's a nation with no state, but tries her best to represent her people and culture to the world.
Karelia is an older Nation as well, perhaps older than the Scandinavians. Karelia is a Baltic-Finnic nation extending from Lake Ladoga to the White Sea. She has longtime connections with Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Ingria, Sápmi, Russia, and Ukraine. But she has always been a nation between East and West, being literally split between them even to this day. Karelia's borders have changed constantly throughout history, making the region extremely diverse. Because of this, and her people being broken apart multiple times in recent memory, her identity feels a bit shattered. Yet it's incredibly strong, with colorful culture, traditions, and language - being unique from the other Finnic groups.
I personally think that Nations and their relationships with each other don't have to be 1-1 adaptations to their real-life counterparts, where every single historical event plays out exactly like in a textbook. History, culture, politics, and, most importantly, people's personal experiences and relationships with their country will always be individual even to people from the same group. But we also shouldn't completely ignore and sugarcoat history, thus downplaying or, in the worst case, contributing to the ongoing harm. So, as rich as the source to create OCs is in this fandom, it's also an endless loophole with no clear answer to anything. But as long as we're ready to be respectful, be willing to learn, and keep an open mind, I don't see a problem with it <3
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tejennnn · 1 year
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Well... it has been a year since I started drawing this Hetalia x drinks around the world series and didn't expect it to be this many 🥹🥹🥹
It all started from a work burnout & mere art block in 2022, which led me to try to limit what kind of specific idea/theme I should draw. At that time I was also got fascinated by drink packaging designs, especially alcohol brands. The bottles are pretty and reflect the historical & cultural aspects of each country. Since I like the Nordics a lot, I tried to mash it up and... voila then continued to other countries as well \o/
Every single response and message that I read became what keeps me continue drawing this series! I'm glad that my little obsession with this fandom would connect me to many people around the world.
Thank you for your support and please look forward to the future country drawings 🫶
Links to individual picture 👇
Links to individual picture goes here!
Nordics bros: Iceland | Finland | Denmark | Norway | Sweden
The Baltics (Estonia Latvia Lithuania)
The Southeast Asians: Singapore | Indonesia (syrup ver.) | Malaysia | Vietnam | Philippines | Thailand
North America Bros : USA | Canada
Italy Bros | German Bros | Hong Kong | China
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                              2ps are known to lust for blood and power.
Below lies are those that have allowed themselves to be made know, though not without a PRICE.
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           Ancient Egypt 
           Ancient Greece
           Ancient Persia
           Czech Republic
           Holy Roman Empire 
           Hong Kong 
           S. Korea
           New Zealand 
           Niko Niko Republic 
           None at this time
           Principality of Wy 
           None at this time
           Republic of Kuglemugle
           Turkish Republic of Cyprus 
           None at this time
           None at this time
           None at this time
                                            Return to Masterlist
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toastermoth · 9 months
Hetalia Masterlist
N. Italy:
S. Italy:
Hong Kong:
Luxembourg x M!Reader gen HCS
New zealand:
England's brothers:
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lietpolski · 1 year
Denmark, 0! (I'm so glad they added an all option!)
!!! ok here we go :D
1) what would their social media page/activity be like: i've discussed this w/ a friend but i think denmark is the most technologically capable after sweden! i think on twitter he's a little more professional (but he loves rting feel-good stuff) BUT he shines on insta. it's full of artsy pictures of the danish countryside and embarrassing videos of him and his friends on his stories :,)
2) what animal they remind me of: i don't care that it's predictable that man is a puppy!!!! manga denmark is a golden retriever but anime denmark is a yippy chihuahua with that fucking voice
3) my thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone: LOVE!! i think his canon outfit is really nice compared to.... whatever the other four are doing!! his hair is dumb but it's dumb /affectionate /i love him
4) physical headcanons: i got a few! he's an early bird!! and a light sleeper. physique-wise he's the second tallest nordic and he has BIG ass arms (an axe was his main weapon so!! makes sense to me!) he has a huge sweet tooth + he loves pastries!! but his favourite is whatever norway bakes because he's a softie :) as for actual food.... this man survives on sandwiches hot dogs and beer. get well soon x
5) social headcanons: denmark is the nordic with the most friends outside of the group!! finland comes close, because everyone loves finland and he has estonia & hungary, but i think denmark's outside friendships are more involved! a strip that really stuck with me is one during the denmark-norway period, where he goes to the netherlands and asks him to give him the buddy price on weaponry and ned agrees despite how he usually is :,) within the group, i see him as having an older-brother-but-kinda-dad relationship with iceland. sweden and him are close now and they're just the brothers who had a fallout but now r coping by insulting themselves jokingly (only when they're a few drinks in sometimes it's not a joke). he and fin only became close in later centuries but their personalities are super compatible so they're great friends!! and he and norway... oughghhg you're talking to dennor lover #1 here HAH to me they've been basically on-and-off in love for 1100 years or so :,) i'll go more into it in a future post so i'll stop here but!! yeah!!
6) psychological headcanons: i feel like i covered most of this in my denmark analysis!! but hm yeah for me his greateast fear is for sure isolating his family again. and despite how carefree he acts, i think he weighs his decisions very carefully because of what happened in the past when he didn't. i think he's actually really good with dealing with anger in modern day (he's had a lot of practice) but he regrets how he used to be before. speaking of before!! i love to think abt him from the viking era to approximately the late 1500s just... cocky bloodthirsty denmark is really fun to explore and i think people should play it up more instead of making him p much as sweet as in modern times! i dont think he wouldve been anything like that to anyone but his family and own people (also animals btw this guy loves animals 100%)
7) ship(s) with them that i like or at least consider: in terms of like... my version of canon i'm a dennor soloshipper i think :,) BUT i find denmark/norway/finland/sweden fun to think about!! also denmark/estonia is a rarepair i think is veryvery cute. and some classic nedden never hurt anyone!
8) made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever): yes!! estonia as i just mentioned! he was danish land once and he's a nordic fanboy now so they have to have some kind of relationship! also prussia; i know they do have the whole awesome trio thing going on, BUT i think historical denmark & prussia is not spoken about enough. the 2 were on the same side all the time back then!! finally i find it really funny if he and poland get on each others nerves HAH again because of historical reasons!
9) headcanons about their past: again covered a lot of these already but!! here's one that's a little different. denmark was the first to become christian, and i think he would've annoyed the fuck out of norway and sweden (who were still norse pagan) about it! sometimes it just got him exasperated eye rolls, sometimes it got him beheaded, yk how it goes
10) content about them I'd like to see more of: anything i love denmark sosososo much more iceland & denmark content!!! i adore norway & iceland don't get me wrong but they for sure overshadow ice & dan when it comes to familial dynamics and it's a shame! also i think a lot of the historical content focuses on the viking era, the fall of the kalmar union or 1814, and i'd like to see more of him in the 1500s-1700s!! he was up to interesting stuff!!
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Wait... you know Hetalia???!!!
I love Hetalia and I'm forever thankful that I was never exposed/encountered the bad side of it, especially since I've been in the Hetalia fandom for a long time. It does make me feel sad that whenever I bring up Hetalia, it's the bad side people only know 😔.
I still follow Himaruya's post (comic strips), if there's a new season, new character song, new theme song, drama cds, new musical, and merch. Atm, I have a mochi England plushie (it's the only one available) and a hetalia jacket. (I'm poor).
I fell inlove with history (I now love historical (even war) movies and known as the weird but smart/nerd and quiet student 🤣😅) and came to appreciate languages and culture of other countries, really fascinating. I also became a yearly viewer of Eurovision 😅. Some songs are in my playlist.
I love the characters cause despite them being based on stereotypes, you can see that they have their own distinct personality. Also the fact that they have human names, it really helps prevent people from thinking I'm crazy XD.
For anyone wondering (since I saw some anons who didn't know about it), Hetalia is a comedy/satire show/comic starring the personification of countries. Every epsiode is only 5 minutes so it's very quick. It can be/seem offensive, depending how you take some moments. It sometimes hits you with emotional damage out of nowhere and that's what I'm focused on in this fandom. Angst and historical aus is my bread and butter. Eng dub is great, it's like an official abridged XD. Be ready for the accents. It also has a movie. Expect silly moments most of the time. The story is not linear, it tackles history from 900-1000's to present time. It sometimes feels like a slice of life anime with historical/cultural trivias/jokes sprinkled in there. It has canon AUs as well like nyotalia, which is basically genderbent version of chars or nekotalia, which is the cast as cats. Advice, take the infos in the show with a grain of salt and maybe don't take everything seriously. It consists of a lot of male characters , so very limited female cast.
Now for the fandom, I can't control what part of it you may run into so uh... goodluck. Lucky for you, it's chill compared to what it's like before, like no joke. It does feel barren sometimes. Just beware ig lol. (I'm not really showing confidence towards the fandom, despite being part of it HAHAHAH XD) Be ready for the weirdness, we have Iceland x Fridge, Gru (yes from despicable me) x lovino (s. italy), sweden x ikea, toris (lithuiana) x therapy/happiness to name a few (crack) ships and a fricking religion called Doitsuism, idk why but it exists. 😂🤣🤣😅😭
If anyone is curious about character songs theres: aiyaa 4000 years (china), Moi moi (Finland), How about me (Estonia), Excuse me I'm sorry (Japan), white flame (Russia), and steady rhythmus (Germany) to name a few. There's a ton more, some have multiple char songs, while others have only one song. There's also group songs (two of which are christmas songs). Every song is sung by their VAs in the anime, including the ending songs. It has multiple versions so if you're tired listening to Italy singing the ed, try to listen to idk England's version, each one has different vibe and unique lyrics fitting for the char. Example, Ed 1 can be orchestral or rock depending which version you listened to, really cool stuff imo.
From a (confused if I should be a proud) Hetalia Veteran 🤣😅
p.s. I love your Arakawa family, Masadai, and Minedai comics. It always makes me smile. Also, sorry for the long ass post 😅. Why can't I write like this whenever I'm tasked with writing an essay. This was made by a sleep deprived individual and unfortunately I'm letting out my zoomies (is this correct idk) through this, sorry. I'm now going to sleep. I'll probably regret all of this when I wake up lol.
well for the mates who kept asking about hetalia. here you are
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residentraccoon · 1 year
Eurovision 2017 vs 2018
Inspired by @six-paths-of-jeanmarco (I really wanted to try this sorry lmao)
Albania: World vs Mall
Armenia: Fly with Me vs Qami
Australia: Don't Come Easy vs We Got Love
Austria: Running on Air vs Nobody but You
Azerbaijan: Skeletons vs X My Heart
Belarus: Story of My Life vs Forever
Belgium: City Lights vs A Matter of Time
Bulgaria: Beautiful Mess vs Bones
Croatia: My Friend vs Crazy
Cyprus: Gravity vs Fuego
Czechia: My Turn vs Lie to Me
Denmark: Where I Am vs Higher Ground
Estonia: Verona vs La forza
Finland: Blackbird vs Monsters
France: Requiem vs Mercy
Georgia: Keep the Faith vs For You
Germany: Perfect Life vs You Let Me Walk Alone
Greece: This Is Love vs Oniro mou
Hungary: Origo vs Viszlát nyár
Iceland: Paper vs Our Choice
Ireland: Dying to Try vs Together
Israel: I Feel Alive vs Toy
Italy: Occidentali's Karma vs Non mi avete fatto niente
Latvia: Line vs Funny Girl
Lithuania: Rain of Revolution vs When We're Old (UNPOPULAR OPINION IK IM SORRY)
Malta: Breathlessly vs Taboo
Moldova: Hey Mamma vs My Lucky Day (WHY I love both wtf)
Montenegro: Space vs Inje
Netherlands: Lights and Shadows vs Outlaw in 'Em
North Macedonia: Dance Alone vs Lost and Found
Norway: Grab the Moment vs That's How You Write a Song
Poland: Flashlight vs Light Me Up
Portugal: Amar pelos dois vs O jardim
Romania: Yodel It! vs Goodbye
Russia: Flame Is Burning vs I Won't Break (none lmao)
San Marino: Spirit of the Night vs Who We Are
Serbia: In Too Deep vs Nova deca
Slovenia: On My Way vs Hvala, ne!
Spain: Do It for Your Lover vs Tu canción
Sweden: I Can't Go On vs Dance You Off
Switzerland: Apollo vs Stones (again why do you make me choose between these two)
Ukraine: Time vs Under the Ladder
United Kingdom: Never Give Up on You vs Storm
2017: 20
2018: 22
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Eurovision 2017 vs 2018
Albania: World vs Mall Armenia: Fly with Me vs Qami Australia: Don't Come Easy vs We Got Love Austria: Running on Air vs Nobody but You Azerbaijan: Skeletons vs X My Heart Belarus: Story of My Life vs Forever Belgium: City Lights vs A Matter of Time Bulgaria: Beautiful Mess vs Bones Croatia: My Friend vs Crazy Cyprus: Gravity vs Fuego Czechia: My Turn vs Lie to Me Denmark: Where I Am vs Higher Ground Estonia: Verona vs La forza Finland: Blackbird vs Monsters France: Requiem vs Mercy Georgia: Keep the Faith vs For You Germany: Perfect Life vs You Let Me Walk Alone Greece: This Is Love vs Oniro mou Hungary: Origo vs Viszlát nyár Iceland: Paper vs Our Choice Ireland: Dying to Try vs Together Israel: I Feel Alive vs Toy Italy: Occidentali's Karma vs Non mi avete fatto niente Latvia: Line vs Funny Girl Lithuania: Rain of Revolution vs When We're Old Malta: Breathlessly vs Taboo Moldova: Hey Mamma vs My Lucky Day Montenegro: Space vs Inje Netherlands: Lights and Shadows vs Outlaw in 'Em North Macedonia: Dance Alone vs Lost and Found Norway: Grab the Moment vs That's How You Write a Song Poland: Flashlight vs Light Me Up Portugal: Amar pelos dois vs O jardim Romania: Yodel It! vs Goodbye Russia: Flame Is Burning vs I Won't Break San Marino: Spirit of the Night vs Who We Are Serbia: In Too Deep vs Nova deca Slovenia: On My Way vs Hvala, ne! Spain: Do It for Your Lover vs Tu canción Sweden: I Can't Go On vs Dance You Off Switzerland: Apollo vs Stones Ukraine: Time vs Under the Ladder United Kingdom: Never Give Up on You vs Storm
2017: 21 vs 2018: 22
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amaristuckinhetalia · 2 years
Welcome to the Hetalia HC and Scenarios blog!
Here are the rules.
I can do all characters you request, if its an (your OC x s/o) Please add a description your OC! If you don't, most likely i will not accept it on delete your request
Characters that are Minors (example; Sealand/Wy/Seborga) are not allowed in NSFW requests! Only acceptable in x child!s/o OR when you specify them as older (15+)
I accept NSFW and SFW request. But i am terrible at NSFW scenarios but i will accept it! But no incest like (character x sibling!s/o)
S/O is gender neutral unless you specify their gender. If not, i'll make them Gender neutral with They/them pronous
I will write mostly Fluff/Lime but if you would like Smut/Angst/etc. I'll do it but it'll probably needs some editing
I would accept Character x Character as long as its not Incest (ex. Norice,Germancest,Itacest)
If you requested a group scenario(?) (ex.Nordics x s/o) I would do it but as long its not a smut rq.
Now here are the list of characters i do!
• Axis : N.Italy,Germany,Japan,S.Italy,Prussia
• Allies : America,England,France,China,Russia (Canada)
• Nordics : Denmark,Sweden,Norway,Finland,Iceland
• ASEAN : Vietnam,Thailand,Philipines,Malaysia,Indonesia,Singapore
• The rest of the Characters: Ukraine,Belarus,Lithuania,Estonia,Latvia,Poland,Spain,Portugal,Austria,Hungary,Romania,Bulgaria,The Netherlands,Belgium,Luxembourg,Turkey,Greece.
And last but not least, All 2p!'s and Nyo!'s are welcomed too!
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mirai-desu · 1 year
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if there's nothing left of you and me there's nothing left of me: An Ode to the Amazing Songs We Lost in the Eurovision National Final Season 2023
YouTube Playlist Here
National final season always means that we lose some fantastic songs that won’t ever get to grace to the big ESC stage, but I can memorialize all the other tracks I love here. This list contains the songs that got away, as well as some of the guilty pleasures, and songs I simply enjoy listening to, from the NF season of 2023.
Note that this is my personal taste, so I might be missing something you jive with. Songs are arranged by flow, not in a ranking. Some videos I likely will have to replace with another upload at some point. I went with studio recordings to be consistent (barring the bonus track).
This playlist is in no way meant to put down the actual winners.
Playlists for past years: 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
Tracklist below:
Ulrikke Brandstorp – “Honestly” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Kristín Sesselja – “Terrified” (Söngvakeppnin - Iceland 🇮🇸 )
Jon Henrik Fjällgren, Arc North feat. Adam Woods – “Where Are You (Sávečan)” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Patty Gurdy – “Melodies of Hope” (Unser Lied für Liverpool - Germany 🇩🇪 )
Harmonija disonance – “Nevera (Lei, lei)” (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
The Starlings – “Rollercoster” (Eurosong 2023 - Belgium 🇧🇪 )
EYJAA – “I Was Gonna Marry Him” (Dansk Melodi Grand Prix - Denmark 🇩🇰 )
Damir Kedžo – “Angels and Demons” (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
Eline Thorp – “Not Meant to Be” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Neon Letters & Maiko – “ときめき (Tokimeki)” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Rūta Mur – “So Low” (Pabandom iš naujo! - Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
KRUTЬ – “Колискова” (Vidbir - Ukraine 🇺🇦 )
Vanesa Sono – “Aroma jonë” (Festivali i Këngës 61 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Tril – “Break It” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Janek – “House of Glass” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Colapesce, Dimartino – “Splash” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )
m els – “So Good (At What You Do)” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Gebrasy – “Saw Your Ghost” (Pabandom iš naujo! - Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
Nordman – “Släpp alla sorger” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Maria Celin – “Freya” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Rovena Dilo – “Motit” (Festivali i Këngës 61 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Moisei – “I'm Not Alone” (Vidbir - Ukraine 🇺🇦 )
Lazza – “Cenere” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )  
Nicklas Sonne – “Freedom” (Dansk Melodi Grand Prix - Demark 🇩🇰 )
Megara – “Arcadia” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Erma Mici – “Kozmosi i dashurisë” (Festivali i Këngës 61 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Steven Roho x Gabriella x Formația Albatros – “LELE” (Selecţia Naţională  - Romania 🇷🇴 )
Princ – “Cvet sa Istoka” (Pesma za Evroviziju 23 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
Melanie Wehbe – “For the Show” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Angelina – “Stronger” (Vidbir - Ukraine 🇺🇦 )
René Miller – “Concrete Heart” (Unser Lied für Liverpool - Germany 🇩🇪 )
Boris Subotić – “Nedostupan” (Pesma za Evroviziju 23 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
Emil Henrohn – “Mera mera mera”  (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
JONE – “Ekko inni meg” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Fifi – “Stop” (Festivali i Këngës 61 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
ELYSA – “Bad Philosophy” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Đana – “Free Fallin'” (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
Agoney – “Quiero arder” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Enxhi Nasufi – “Burrë” (Festivali i Këngës 61 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Chérine – “ça m'ennuie pas” (Eurosong 2023 - Belgium 🇧🇪 )
Benjamin – “Hoida mut” (UMK: Uuden Musiikin Kilpailuun - Finland 🇫🇮 )
Stefan Shy – “Od jastuka do jastuka” (Pesma za Evroviziju 23 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
Dominik Dudek – “Be Good” (Tu bije serce Europy! Wybieramy hity na Eurowizję - Poland 🇵🇱 )
RODAN – “Introvert Party Club” (ESCz  - Czechia 🇨🇿 )
INGER – “Awaiting You” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Ocean Drive – “Take You Home” (Selecţia Naţională  - Romania 🇷🇴 )
Victor Crone – “Diamonds” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Lelia Jane – “Wild” (Eurosong 2023 - Ireland 🇮🇪 )
The Starlings – “Oceanside” (Eurosong 2023 - Belgium 🇧🇪 )
Eirik Næss – “Wave” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Meler – “No nos moverán” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Hunter Falls – “Ooh La La” (Eurosong 2023 - Belgium 🇧🇪 )
Famous – “La Lola” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Markus Riva – “Forever” (Supernova - Latvia 🇱🇻 )
Filip Baloš – “Novi plan drugi san” (Pesma za Evroviziju 23 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
Marcus & Martinus – “Air” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Kuba – “You Do Me” (Tu bije serce Europy! Wybieramy hity na Eurowizję - Poland 🇵🇱 )
Tananai – “Tango” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )  
Melodajn Mancaku – “Gjysma e zemrës sime” (Festivali i Këngës 61 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Kate Gulbrandsen – “Tårer i Paradis” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Mr. Rain – “Supereroi” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )  
Alfred García – “Desde que tú estás” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Sara Kapo – “Para teje” (Festivali i Këngës 61 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
Sandra Lyng – “Drøm d bort” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Edmundo Ináico – “A festa” (Festival da Canção - Portugal 🇵🇹 )
Nađa – “Moj prvi ožiljak na duši” (Pesma za Evroviziju 23 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
CONNOLLY – “Midnight Summer Night” (Eurosong 2023 - Ireland 🇮🇪 )
Markéta Irglová – “H A P P Y” (ESCz  - Czechia 🇨🇿 )
Anduel Kovaçi – “Malli” (Festivali i Këngës 61 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
José Otero – “Inviernos en Marte” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Atle Pettersen – “Masterpiece” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Cugini di Campagna – “Lettera 22″ (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )  
Tennessee Tears – “Now I Know” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Swing’it – “Prohibition” (Melodi Grand Prix - Norway 🇳🇴 )
Amia – “Puppet” (Selecţia Naţională  - Romania 🇷🇴 )
Pam Rabbit – “ghosting” (ESCz  - Czechia 🇨🇿 )
SISSI – “Lighthouse” (Eesti Laul - Estonia 🇪🇪 )
Alicja Szemplińska – “new home” (Tu bije serce Europy! Wybieramy hity na Eurowizję - Poland 🇵🇱 )
Agnè – “New Start” (Pabandom iš naujo! - Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
Andrei Duțu – “Statues” (Selecţia Naţională  - Romania 🇷🇴 )
Justs – “Strangers” (Supernova - Latvia 🇱🇻 )
James Louis – “DREAM” (MESC 2023 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
Andrada Popa – “No Time for Me” (Selecţia Naţională  - Romania 🇷🇴 )
Iole – “Sul tetto del mondo” (Una Voce per San Marino - San Marino 🇸🇲 )
Toms Kalderauskis – “When It All Falls” (Supernova - Latvia 🇱🇻 )
Patricia Gasparini – “I Will Wait” (Dora - Croatia 🇭🇷 )
maia maia – “Beautiful Bullshit” (Dansk Melodi Grand Prix - Demark 🇩🇰 )
Paola e Chiara – “Furore” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )
Paulina Paukštaitytė – “Let Me Think About Me” (Pabandom iš naujo! - Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
Wiktoria – “All My Life (Where Have You Been)” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Elodie – “Due” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )  
Brooke – “Checkmate” (MESC 2023 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
April Ivy – “Modo Voo” (Festival da Canção - Portugal 🇵🇹 )
Adriana Moraru – “Faralaes” (Selecţia Naţională  - Romania 🇷🇴 )
Loulou LaMotte – “Inga sorger” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
LDA – “Se poi domani” (Festival di Sanremo - Italy 🇮🇹 )
Gabrielius Vagelis – “Šauksmas” (Pabandom iš naujo! - Lithuania 🇱🇹 )
Daniel Schuhmacher – “Skin I'm In” (Una Voce per San Marino - San Marino 🇸🇲 )
KUUMA – “Ylivoimainen” (UMK: Uuden Musiikin Kilpailuun - Finland 🇫🇮 )
Eliana Gomez Blanco – “Guess What” (MESC 2023 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
Casanovas – “Så kommer känslorna tillbaka” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Manjola Nallbani – “Duaj” (Festivali i Këngës 61 - Albania 🇦🇱 )
AIDAN – “Reġina” (MESC 2023 – Malta 🇲🇹 )
Ronela Hajati – “Salvaje” (Una Voce per San Marino - San Marino 🇸🇲 )
Robin Packalen – “Girls Like You” (UMK: Uuden Musiikin Kilpailuun - Finland 🇫🇮 )
Fabrizio Faniello – “Try to Be Better” (MESC 2023 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
XGIOVE – “Fuoco e benzina” (Una Voce per San Marino - San Marino 🇸🇲 )
Siderland – “Que esclati tot” (Benidorm Fest - Spain 🇪🇸 )
Maja Hyzy – “Never Hide” (Tu bije serce Europy! Wybieramy hity na Eurowizję - Poland 🇵🇱 )
Le Deva – “Fiori Su Marte” (Una Voce per San Marino - San Marino 🇸🇲 )
Frida Gold – “Alle Frauen in mir sind müde” (Unser Lied für Liverpool - Germany 🇩🇪 )
Signe and Hjördis – “Edelweiss” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Sigga Ózk – “Dancing Lonely” (Söngvakeppnin - Iceland 🇮🇸 )
Jessika – “Unapologetic” (MESC 2023 - Malta 🇲🇹 )
Kiana – “Where Did You Go” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Tijana Dapčević – “Mamim” (Pesma za Evroviziju 23 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
Smash Into Pieces – “Six Feet Under”  (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Felivers – “Never Back Down” (Tu bije serce Europy! Wybieramy hity na Eurowizję - Poland 🇵🇱 )
Sunstroke Project – “Yummy Mommy” (Etapa Naţională  - Moldova 🇲🇩 )
CHEGI & Braća Bluz Bend – “Svadba ili kavga” (Pesma za Evroviziju 23 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
Will Church – “Hold On” (Unser Lied für Liverpool - Germany 🇩🇪 )
BRAGI – “Sometimes the World's Against You” (Söngvakeppnin - Iceland 🇮🇸 )
Maria Sur – “Never Give Up”  (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Aliona Moon – “Du-mă” (Etapa Naţională  - Moldova 🇲🇩 )
Frajle – “Neka, neka” (Pesma za Evroviziju 23 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
Elov & Beny – “Raggen går” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Milan Bujaković – “Fenomen” (Pesma za Evroviziju 23 - Serbia 🇷🇸 )
Theoz – “Mer av dig” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Esse Povo – “Sapatos de Cimento” (Festival da Canção - Portugal 🇵🇹 )
Paul Rey – “Royals” (Melodifestivalen - Sweden 🇸🇪 )
Bonus Track: BEDWETTERS – “Monsters” (Live @ Eesti Laul - Semi Final 1 🇪🇪  )
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doueverwonder · 3 months
Hey 🪷 You said you like rarepairs, which ones are your favorite? Why did you start shipping that favorite one or like tell me why you started shipping multiple of the rare pairs. I genuinely want to hear what you have to say about them! ヽ(´∀`。)ノ Hope you are having a good day or night! -🪽
:O I can tell u some about why I started shipping them
So my Favorite of the rare pairs and incidentally the most popular one (tho usually not as peoples main ship for those characters ;-;) is Ireland x Norway! I didn't actually start shipping them because I liked them together, I came up with the ship by hc-ing Ireland as Iceland's mom and then it just kinda spiraled. So, you can thank the Irish monks that briefly lived in Iceland for the existence of this ship lol
Then there is Sweden x Greece <3, I ship them because of the Varangian Guard, which was a unit of the Byzantine army that doubled as the emperors personal guard, very much indulging in a "Noble x Bodyguard" trope with this ship. Also whether they're actually together in the universe or not Heracles was the reason Björn realized he was gay, it's canon I don't make the rules
Spain x Austria x Hungary is really more two popular ships shoved together bc I'm indecisive. Also because of this fic (that I lost 😭) that takes place right after Erzsébet moved in with Roderich, while he and Antonio are still married. Antonio comes to visit sees Ezsí goes "oh! is this your mistress?" Roderich says no, Antonio dead serious goes "can she be mine?" and the scene was so silly and stuck in my head for so long I ship them now <3 (the entire convo in the fic happened in Spanish and Erzsí had no clue what they were saying until Roderich told her later lmao)
Then last but not least is The Polycule(TM), it is ever growing, but consists of Germany, Italy, America, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Switzerland & Japan and someone new will probably be there by next week lol. It's all kinda complicated so I'll make a different post explaining who is dating who and who isn't but this one came from an RP I was in that had AmeLiet and GerIta, and Alfred and Ludwig had longstanding crushes on each other that they had mutually swept under the carpet until they accidentally confessed while both drunk at a new years party, a lot of awkward conversations and Feli somehow thinking they had entered a swingers arrangement later, GerAmeLietIta existed, and it just kept growing.
please feel free to ask specific questions!!
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ara270904 · 2 years
In this episode of Help why I chose Biochemistry. But this has nothing to do with what I'm really going to talk about.
I'm talking about all the characters I remember seeing shipped with Sweden and Nyo Sweden.
• Finland
• Norway
• Denmark
• Iceland
• Estonia
• Lithuania
• Germany
• Prussia
• France
• Spain
• Russia
• Belarus (I see an one shot in fanfiction.net)
• Ukraine (The same as Belarus)
• Turkey (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11349293/1/Sweet This is my favorite of Turkey x Sweden, is called Sweet by Hebi-Kazechi-10)
• Hungary (I see two with Hungary and Nyo Sweden, and one with Hungary and Sweden)
• Switzerland
• Italy
• Japan
• Greece
• England
• America
• Austria
• Sealand (I didn't even read that because why I would read that??)
Idk, I don't remember more
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head-post · 4 months
Papuashvili accuses NATO of trying to stage coup in Georgia
The participation of politicians from NATO countries in anti-government demonstrations in Tbilisi is a hostile move aimed at overthrowing the Georgian government, Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili said.
The Parliament Speaker made the statement on Wednesday when the Foreign Ministers of Iceland, Lithuania and Estonia took part in a demonstration against the recently adopted law on “foreign agents.” The ministers, who travelled to Tbilisi to discuss the controversial law with the country’s government, later addressed a crowd of protesters outside parliament.
Papuashvili wrote in a post published on Thursday on X:
Speaking in front of a demonstration of exalted youth led by radical anti-government opposition parties and calling them “all the people” is something (…) one would not expect from the foreign minister of an EU member state. Some in the governments of our Baltic partners got too carried away with their own rhetoric.
Papuashvili recalled that the Georgian government has demonstrated commitment to European and Euro-Atlantic values and policies, adding that “now that the prospect of NATO membership is becoming less and less realistic against the backdrop of regional geopolitical upheavals, Georgia has to cope with serious external challenges largely on its own.”
He referred to the “unaccountable foreign money” that he said was flowing freely into Georgia’s political system, including radical groups, and also added that new legislation on transparency of foreign influence could solve this problem.
“For foreign dignitaries to join these protests in blatant disregard of Georgia’s sovereignty and diplomatic practices in the name of “democracy and human rights” is hypocrisy at best and subversion at worst,” Papuashvili concluded.
Read more HERE
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wutlaikalikes · 5 months
My Eurovision2024 Ranking
I will be honest, I didn’t keep up with the entries for this year. I have been catching up on anime and I’m currently addicted to Stardew Valley. The only entry that I actually checked out and was actually excited for was United Kingdom. I like Years and Years so I was so happy to see Olly Alexander. So yesterday I listened to all the songs while playing Stardew Valley (I have been listening to vtuber karaoke streams while playing). The ♥ next to the entries are rehearsals I liked after watching a compilation video.
Top Favorites
France - Slimane - Mon Amour ♥
Iceland - Hera Björk - Scared of Heights
Ireland - Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue ♥
Ukraine - alyona alyona & Jerry Heil - Teresa & Maria
United Kingdom - Olly Alexander - Dizzy
Love It!
Czechia - Aiko - Pedestal
Germany - Isaak - Always On The Run
San Marino - MEGARA - 11:11
Switzerland - Nemo - The Code ♥
NGL, I enjoy this!
Armenia - Ladaniva - Jako
Australia - Electric Fields - One Milkali (One Blood) ♥
Croatia - Baby Lasagna - Rim Tim Tagi Dim
Georgia - Nutsa Buzaladze - Firefighter
Italy - Angelina Mango - La noia
Netherlands - Joost Klein - Europapa
Spain - Nebulossa - Zorra
I’m still vibing’
Belgium - Mustii - Before the Party’s Over
Denmark - Saba - Sand
Estonia - 5MIINUST x Puuluup - (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi
Finland - Windows95man - No Rules! (Rules Applied Version)
Latvia - Dons - Hollow
Malta - Sarah Bonnici - Loop
It’s okay
Albania - Besa - Titan
Austria - Kaleen - We Will Rave
Azerbaijan - Fahree feat. Ilkin Dovlatov - Özünlə Apar
Cyprus - Silia Kapsis - Liar
Greece - Marina Satti - Zari
Israel - Eden Golan - Hurricane
Lithuania - Silvester Belt - Luktelk
Luxembourg - Tali - Fighter
Moldova - Natalia Barbu - In The Middle
Norway - Gåte - Ulveham
Poland - Luna - The Tower
Portugal - iolanda - Grito
Serbia - Teya Dora - Ramonda
Slovenia - Raiven - Veronika
Sweden - Marcus & Martinus - Unforgettable
Honestly, I don’t think I’ll be watching this live. Because of the heat, my sleep has not been good. So if I fall asleep, I’ll just sleep and watch, or rather listen, to the Eurovision stream while playing Stardew Valley.
I know I don’t really have to watch the competition to know what happened and where my favorite entries would land but I’m interested in what would happen during that one song. I was in chat when that song was scheduled to be released and it was an honest reaction from the public. I know that the artist has nothing to do with her government but still the fact that Eurovision still allowed that country to participate is wild considering that when Russia attacked Ukraine, Russia was not allowed to participate.
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