#especially with a micro-manager of a father
dead-dolphins · 27 days
Bratty Heiress Mikasa & Daddy's right Hand Eren like:
Bratty Mikasa, the little terror of her father's law firm, constantly barges into the workplace with trays of cookies, juices, and whatever else she thinks will make the long hours easier for her dad's overworked employees. But a menace? Hardly. The real problem, at least in Eren’s eyes, is that Mikasa isn’t just being sweet—she’s being a total nuisance, disrupting the order of things with her relentless cheer. To everyone else, she's a welcome distraction; to Eren, though, she’s nothing short of a brat.
Mikasa struts around the office in micro skirts, flashing smiles at everyone and being a little too nice for Eren's liking. It stirs something in him—an ugly, possessive jealousy he knows he shouldn’t feel, especially since she’s the boss’s daughter. But Mikasa, with her innocent obliviousness, seems unaware of the signals she’s sending. She doesn’t notice how her sweetness and charm are giving the wrong ideas to some of the other men in the office who have started thinking with their pants instead of their heads. Eren can’t stand it, but what can he do? Taking care from prudent distance, that is.
So Eren endures her constant presence, keeping a watchful eye from his desk as she flits around the office, waiting for the moment when all the other men have left. Only then, when she’s no longer at risk of any unwanted attention, does he allow himself to relax. He stays late, long after the others have gone, lingering in the office until he’s the last one standing. He tells himself it’s to protect her, but the truth is, he’s willingly doing unpaid overtime just to make sure Mikasa is safe, even if she doesn’t realise it.
And gosh! That little beast doesn’t realise nor thank him for it. Indeed, she does what she always do: be a little spoiled brat.
“Ereeeeeeen,” she purrs, her voice low. “Why haven’t you gone home yet, Eren?”
The law firm is quiet, almost eerily so, with just the two of them and her father, who’s locked away in his office, buried in paperwork. It might as well be just the two of them, the empty halls amplifying the tension between them. Eren looks up, and for a moment, he wonders if she knows exactly why he hasn’t left.
But the moment Eren looks at her, he almost regrets it. Mikasa, ever the little brat, saunters over and perches herself right on his desk. Her short skirt fans out around her, and he can’t help but notice how her bare thighs and the edge of her panties are now brushing against the polished wood of HIS desk. Eren feels a wave of panic and something else—something dangerously close to desire—washing over him. He wants to die.
“I was just about to leave, Mikasa,” he says, struggling to keep his voice steady as he forces himself to look anywhere but at her. Just a little longer, he thinks, and she might rub her slit against the edge of the desk. The thought makes his heart pound, but he pushes it away, clinging to his last shred of composure. “Lots of paperwork, you know,” he adds, hoping to steer the conversation back to safer ground, even as his thoughts run wild.
Mikasa doesn’t move, her gaze locked on him with a curious glint in her eyes. “Paperwork, huh?” she murmurs, leaning towards him. The motion only draws his attention to the way her skirt rides up a little higher, and Eren’s grip on his pen tightens.
“Yeah,” he manages, voice tight. “Endless, really.”
She lets out a soft laugh, her eyes never leaving his. “You must be exhausted. All that work, staying late… all alone.” Her words are innocent enough, but there’s something in the way she says them that makes his stomach twist—a sensation he feel slowly going down till it reaches his groin. Oh, fuck.
He forces a smile, trying to hide how much her presence is affecting him. “It’s part of the job. Gotta make sure everything’s in order.” His eyes flicker to the door, hoping her father might suddenly reappear, but the office remains silent.
Mikasa tilts her head, still watching him with that same, unreadable expression. “You’re such a hard worker, Eren. It’s no wonder my father trusts you so much.”
There’s a beat of silence, and then she shifts, her leg brushing against his hand as she adjusts her position. Eren’s breath hitches, and he quickly pulls his hand back, feeling the heat rise in his face. He needs to get out of here, needs to put some distance between them before he loses his control.
“Yeah, well, I should probably head out,” he says, pushing back his chair and standing up a little too quickly.
“So soon?” She dares to ask innocently. “I have to stay a little longer because, oh, you see, daddy isn’t done yet. Are you sure you don't want to stay a little longer?”
Eren gulps, his throat dry as the thought of staying pulls at him with a fierce intensity. Of course he wants to stay—more than anything. He imagines grabbing her, leaning her over that very desk, and teaching her a lesson she wouldn’t soon forget. The idea alone makes his blood boil, the thought of her breathless and submissive beneath him.
But he can’t. He knows he can’t. She’s his boss’s daughter, untouchable in every sense of the word, and the consequences would be catastrophic. He forces himself to keep walking, each step away from her a battle against his own desires. If he doesn’t leave now, he might do something reckless—something unforgivable.
So, defeated, all he can say is, “It’s late.”
Mikasa finally moves, standing as well, though she lingers just a moment longer, her gaze trailing over him in a way that makes his skin prickle. “Goodnight, Eren,” she says softly, the corners of her lips quirking up into a small, knowing smile.
Eren swallows hard, forcing a nod as he gathers his things, desperately trying to ignore the way his heart is racing. “Goodnight, Mikasa.” He turns to leave, but even as he walks away, he can still feel the heat of her gaze on his back, and it takes everything in him not to look back.
@luluvs99 ❤️❤️🥹
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
There are a plethora of issues regarding Vivziepop's writing, but the one that really stands out to me is her lack of themes. She has ideas, occasionally she has something to say, but she has no themes.
If you don't mind my ramblings; I have been considering an AU that is effectively divorced from the series, focusing entirely on the characters Blitzo, Barbie, and Fizzarolli. In brainstorming the story, I have been able to streamline the narrative to 3 core themes.
Masculinity, Control/Power, and Belonging.
Everything in the story is connected to one or more of these themes in regards to the characters and their motivations. Even side characters are wholly infused with these three concepts.
In my AU, FizzaRolli is not a performer, but a stray child with a group of other feral children Lord of the Flies. Blitz is the son of a circus owner who craves his father's approval even as he resents him. Barbie is an up and coming starlet brutally managed by her father who effectively curates her sense of identity as she creeps closer to the spotlight.
Much of Blitzo's story focuses on a young man coming into his own in a world that runs on toxic masculinity, balanced out by the guidance and love of his sickly mother whom he cares for. He's a young adult figuring out himself in a world and community who keeps telling him what he should be. Sub Themes of responsibility, respect, strength and the abuse of power are key cornerstones of his story.
Meanwhile FizzaRolli is the foil of Blitz's story. An orphan without parental guidance living out his coming of age in a Teenage Wasteland. Additionally, Fizz is gay, meaning his queerness colors over the themes in a fundamental way. Being in a Teenage Wasteland, Fizz is effectively in the closet because of how queerness can change others perception of him. And weakness often is associated with queerness, which has no place in a micro-society that elevates this toxic, Fight Club-esque concept of masculinity and belonging. Fizz seems to belong, carve out a space for himself in his community, but struggles come into himself. Especially because underneath it all is a severely traumatized child who never got to be a kid long enough to learn how to be a man.
And from the far other side, Barbie's relationship to these themes comes from the viewpoint of living under the patriarchy as a young woman. How girls are raised to cater to the needs of men, treated as glorified children unless they "prove" themselves over things that many men are merely handed. Her father prioritized her career above and beyond her as a person. While that isn't a trait inherently based in sexism, how he curates her life and downplays her desires and intelligence is rooted mainly in her being his daughter and thus not expected to "step out" into her own like her twin. Leaving her feeling impotent, infantalized and resentful even as she is held on a pedestal.
Control over one's self, perception, and direction.
How masculinity fosters respect and responsibility for young boys while simultaneously threatening punishment for not meeting or stepping outside of certain expectations. Especially the competitive aggression and emotional warfare in toxic masculinity
And a sense of belonging, be it in a community or an identity.
Themes help maintain a cohesion to a story, helps the characters feel interconnected and the world lived in regardless of how much emphasis is placed outside the main cast. It also helps ground the ideas of characters in an abstract way that doesn't place pressure to "prove" to the audience a character does fit the traits you as an author see in them. Most of all, it better enabled the author to pivot viewpoints and easily switch between characters so that they feel individual and not that there is a singular "voice" speaking behind them. It creates a unique soul rather than an empty skin suit for the author to don.
Sorry for the long rant.
No worries, Anon. Thanks for the ramble, it was an interesting read!
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mywifeleftme · 8 months
298: Wolf Parade // Apologies to the Queen Mary
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Apologies to the Queen Mary Wolf Parade 2005, Sub Pop
Apologies to the Queen Mary is on the short list of ‘00s indie records that I’d consider masterpieces. The funny thing is that my list, as someone who was there (or there-adjacent), is pretty well fixed in time, whereas the consensus among Zoomer critics continues to morph in ways I’d never have figured. (Or maybe it’s not funny, really—just always how time and memory work.) In 2008, I would’ve bet my left pinkie that TV on the Radio (and especially Return to Cookie Mountain) would be the defining band of the era. Meanwhile, in 2024 the Killers are still riding the same five songs to a second greatest hits record and fifty times TVotR’s monthly residuals; the National have tween fans; and I hold a mug weird. Time clowns us all and Wolf Parade are a dad band now, owners of a few anthems from the era before genuinely weird indie bands could near the summits of the pop chart, economically compelled to continue touring small theatres together despite both Boeckner and Krug having been more invested in other, even less profitable projects for some time now.
Wolf Parade is one of those bands with two lead singers who sound indistinguishable before you know the group well, and instantly identifiable thereafter (like John and Paul of the Beatles, or Felix and Will of Chapo Trap House). They’re both yowlers who let their voices crack pubescently as shorthand for the frayed emotional spectrum they traffic in, given to barking and hooting to help drive their bric-a-brac compositions forward. Boeckner is a lanky post-punk looking fuckboy in roughly the Richard Hell mould, given to posing sweatily in torn undershirts and starting projects with a succession of raven-haired keyboard players he’s also dating. He loves motorik dance rock and Wire, but also has a substantial helping of Bruce Springsteen in his songwriting. Krug is a stocky, normal-looking guy who doesn’t really meet your eyes and self-deprecatingly called his solo project Moonface. He writes lyrics that sound like philosophy and love letters translated from an alien language, and prefers his music to both thwack and quaver.
Their similarities give Wolf Parade coherence, but much of their dynamism comes from how the two singers pass the controls back and forth. Backed by electronics tinkerer Hadji Bakara and Arlen Thompson, a drummer (crucially) capable of serving as a rhythm section unto himself, Krug and Boeckner find the perfect balance between Krug’s experimental art collective predilections and Boeckner’s slyly sexual rock ‘n’ roll heart. Krug leads with the empty warehouse strut of “You Are a Runner and I Am My Father’s Son”; Boeckner parries with the hooky acoustic rocker “Modern World”; Krug closes with the brittle seven-minute dirge “Dinner Bells”; Boeckner responds with the pinkly-hued Suicide-Springsteen collab “This Heart’s on Fire.”
Both Boeckner and Krug have made wilder, stranger music elsewhere, and there are plenty of other brilliant Wolf Parade songs to be found across their subsequent records. But Apologies remains the greatest blend of their particular talents they ever managed, a perfect example of two guys pushing each other to do their best work. With luck, a future generation will reconsider Wolf Parade and its many, many satellites (Sunset Rubdown, Operators, Handsome Furs, Frog Eyes, Swan Lake, Divine Fits…) as one of the most interesting micro-scenes the whole post-alternative rock era produced. And if not, I’ll still be here spinning the record a few times a year, believing in it all all over.
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bugsmunched · 3 months
Walter O'Brien Headcannons
Headcannon ideas by @silentshayshores-2 -- go check them out!
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What are they like on social media? (What’s their username, profile pic, etc.)
- Walter simply does not believe in social media. He thinks it's trivial and a great way for people to find out everything about you. He is a very private person and does not think that his life should be on the Internet for everyone to see. Paige posts on Instagram occasionally and it bothers Walter because he doesn't want people to find out things about her that are private, or in the, find things out about him.
Their sexuality?
- Walter is a closeted queer man. He doesn't like labels very much because he is aware sexuality is fluid, he just doesn't understand it. Again, he's a very private person and doesn't want people to find out things about him that he seems as private matters.
Preferred weather?
- Thunderstorms. He finds them very peaceful to watch.
What’s their sleeping schedule?
- Bad, very bad. He doesn't have a consistent sleep schedule and sometimes can be up for days at a time because he falls down the rabbit hole.
Favorite music?
- Walter likes music without lyrics, but also predictable music. He likes classical music, but more than anything he likes digitally made music as it's predictable and has no words.
How’s their cooking?
- He knows how to follow a recipe, but doesn't deviate at all from the recipe, so sometimes the taste can be a bit bland. He doesn't know how to adjust flavors, or cook times. So if something's a bad recipe it's not going to turn out well because he doesn't know how to fix it.
It’s movie night, what movie do they pick?
- Walter really isn't a big movie fan, unless they're scientific documentaries. He's very scientific and doesn't like the discrepancy in movies. He doesn't like all the plot holes and honestly watching movies with Walter can be a nightmare as he predicts exactly what's going to happen.
How would they hold up in a pillow war?
- He thinks pillow wars are for children, and even though the others partake in them, he does not. He does get hit once or twice by Toby, but he decides to not retaliate.
What’s their sleeping position?
- Flat on his back, propped up a little bit by his pillows.
Who do they go to for comfort?
- Walter is a very closed off person. He believes he should handle everything on his own. However, when he really needs someone to lean on he goes to either Sylvester or Cabe. Cabe is a good father figure to him and Sylvester is basically his brother.
Something small that they enjoy?
- He enjoys thunderstorms and watching them. He likes the science behind it. Often during storms he'll go out to the roof and just watch ,standing in the rain. Sometimes Happy will give him an umbrella and they'll stand in silence together.
How do they feel about physical contact by others?
- He doesn't enjoy physical contact, especially not random physical contact. It makes him very uncomfortable. When he doesn't know it's coming, he can get very jumpy. Most of the time the most he'll do is a fist bump with someone.
What is enough to bring them to tears?
- His own mistakes and failures. He gets frustrated with himself and that often brings him to tears when he fails his team.
Biggest pet peeve?
- People lacking common sense. It really bothers him when people genuinely do stupid things because they don't realize it's stupid. He wants to micro manage the whole world but can't.
How well do they take care of themselves?
- He remembers to shower every day. Most of the time. He forgets to eat a lot. He also has gone to the hospital multiple times for severe dehydration because he forgets to drink water and collapses on the floor. He has massive bags under his eyes from lack of sleep.
Any bad habits that they have?
- Falling down the rabbit hole. He spends so much time on his projects that he forgets to take care of himself and others. It's definitely one of his worst habits.
What’s their idea of a perfect vacation?
- Visiting NASA headquarters and getting a tour around and getting to actually see all the technology. He backed into NASA when he was a kid, and he'd like to be able to see things legally as an adult.
Do they get lost easily? Will they ask for directions if they are?
- No, he has an incredible sense of direction. But on the rare occasion that he does get lost, he's too stubborn to ask for directions.
How do they take advice given to them?
- simple, he doesn't. Most of the time advice is coming from Toby and he thinks it's silly to follow so he never does. Even if the advice comes from Paige he rarely ever follows it because there's no one he trusts more than himself.
Do they like being in pictures?
- No, because he doesn't know how to properly smile. If it's a planned picture, he looks incredibly awkward. He also hates when people take pictures of him without him knowing, even though that has made some of the best pictures of him, one of him looking genuinely happy.
Is there anything they’re bad at?
- Emotional regulation. When he feels emotions, he can't regulate them properly and it often leads to fits and meltdowns.
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ooeygooeyghoul · 1 year
Tell me about YOUR WoL! Rapid fire!
Favorite food vs. Comfort food
A childhood memory
That one thing that they don't need but can't let go of
Best friend
Something people are surprised to learn
And a pet peeve.
Favorite food vs. Comfort food
Shiun is a simple man, he enjoys most dishes with a large portion of meat. Roast dodo, smoked raptor, meat pies, grilled fish- doesn't matter what it is as long as it's dead and cooked. His comfort food, however, would be some good old pickled plum riceballs. They remind him of home.
A childhood memory
Shiun's childhood was... rocky to say the least. Growing up in Doma during the Garlean occupation, things weren't easy. Most of his memories of his younger days are tainted by Garlean oppression or the scathing words of his father whenever Shiun refused to follow the path his parents laid out for him. One fond memory that lingers in his mind, however, is the time he snuck out of the house in the middle of the night after a bad argument with his dad when he was about 9. He encountered a lone man out in the countryside, practicing his swordsmanship on a withered tree. Shiun watched him quietly from the tall grass for a long time, completely enraptured by the man's fluid movements and grace with the weapon. Eventually, the man sheathed the blade and called out to Shiun, seemingly aware of his presence the whole time. Embarrassed, but curious, he came out of hiding and into the open. Apparently, the man was a samurai and was training for the day Doma would rise up against Galemald. Something stirred in Shiun's soul as the man waxed poetic about hope and his faith in the Doman people, the desire to do the same one day grew inside him. He told the samurai that he wanted to learn to fight too, and he was ecstatic when the man allowed him to use his sword and gave him a few lessons on how to wield it. When he returned home that night, he had a newfound resolve to become something more. He never got the man's name, and he can't remember his face, but he'll never forget what he taught him (even if he ended up being more fond of axes than katanas and swords).
The one thing that they don't need but can't let go of
Shiun stubbornly holds onto every axe he's ever used. He's got an odd sentimentality about the weapons he's sliced enemies apart with over his journey, each one a sort of old friend he doesn't want to get rid of (even though he's running out of space for them.) He also holds onto the bandana/eyepatch thing Thancred used to wear during the Dragonsong war as a sort of "good luck charm." He'd rather die than let anyone know about that though, so you didn't hear anything about it okay?
Best friend
Out of the NPCs, he's the closest to Alphinaud and Alisaie. He's kind of adopted a big brother role over them, and being around them really draws out his more aggravating personality traits. Especially with Alisaie, they two play off each other to bully their other friends in an unfair tag team of sass. Player-wise, his best friend is my best friend's WoL, Gholi- a sharp-tongued black mage lala. You'd never guess they're friends just by looking at them, because they are literally always at each other's throats, but they actually get along swimmingly. When they're hanging out, Gholi is usually hitching a ride on Shiun's shoulder because he gets sick of not being able to keep up with the Au Ra's ridiculously long stride.
Something people are surprised to learn Everyone is always surprised to find out that he's a cat person. His favorite minion is his gaelikitten named Potato (thanks to a friend group poll lol), and he would die for that little dude. No one expects the 7'5" Au Ra with the perma-RBF and enormous axe to fawn over a tiny little kitten with silly wings.
Pet peeve
The quickest way to get on Shiun's nerves is to give him unsolicited advice about how he should be doing things. His parents were major micro-managers, and it drove him crazy. He's going to be doing things his way thank you very much.
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Hi yes it's me again again
I am here to also see if any canon Evan and Elizabeth bitties (and whoever they're bonded to of course, don't want to separate people) would like to come home with me
- @himesbittycenter
Answering two asks in one here: Anonymous asked:
Okay I know I just sent you an ask but you have canon fnaf Charlie bitties I would love to see if one would like to come home with me
And any bitties they're bonded with of course I won't separate anyone
And why not throw in a Puppet bitty for good measure, if any would like to come
I can remind you my current bitties again if need be but they're also in my other ask somewhere
These two are bonded to several bitties, though they are a happy family and have a good support system to be moved into a proper home!
And this takes care of both of your asks without having to seporate any of these bitties or worry about not being able to find all of them a caring home! I hope you like them!
This group has been to a few homes before, and have been sent back due to them being 'too high maintaince', 'too chaotic', and/or because they 'took to long to settle in',
CC(Canon Evan bitty): This bitty goes by Connor currently, and is never seen without his small fredbear plushy, he's not as easily scared as most CC bitties due to the fact he has a good support system with his family, though he is still very weary of strangers and will often hide behind one of his older bothers or his dads, though he has taken an interest in robotics and is very easy to trust robotic bitties! Especially if they're micro sized, he's 4 inches tall currently,
Lizzy(Canon Elizabeth bitty): She goes by Lila and with her family she's really come out of her shell! She's rarely anxious unless one of her family members is sick or hurt(which is understandable lol) and she's super outgoing, often being on of the first of her family to greet a new person, say for her dads of course, she usually hangs around Kiko and Luna, but will also hand around Connor and Milo, she's currently 5 inches tall,
Charlie(Chaos incarnate Charlie): He's taken to the name Kiko for now, and he's a little creature, like most alternates- he loves being high up! And will often be found lounging on top of the fridge or on the back of the couch in their bitty sized home lol, when outside of the house he'll often still be climbing around somewhere, he can walk on walls after all! Though luckily he usually stays by his family and if his dads tell him to knock it off or to get down he will, maybe a lil grumbly but he will! He's currently 4 inches tall,
Henry(Chaos incarnate Henry): He goes by Henry still, he didn’t see a point in picking a new name when he could just go by Henry, he took in all the kids and is more than willing to take in more if there are any bitties that need a home! Hell he'd even take in roommates as long as they wouldn’t hurt his kids, he loves to cook and bake! Though he does take turns cooking with William, so they both get time to spend with their kiddos! He's 9 inches tall,
William(Chaos incarnate William bitty): He still goes by William or Will for short, why change his name when William is a perfectly good name? He's just as caring and protective as any other father and like Henry is more than willing to take in other bitties in need, as another child or not, he's super into robotics and makes sure to keep maintenance up to date with the robotic bitties they have and honestly don’t be too surprised if you find a new one or two around- he's very talented with his robotics lol, he's 10 inches tall,
Mikael(Canon Michael bitty): He goes by Ryder and with his proper support system is doing well, though he rarely plays pranks still and the ones he does play are more of the confusing variety, like somehow putting a pan on the ceiling- he's not even an alternate we arent sure how he manages- but he does! Not that Milo or Kiko wouldn’t help him do something like that though lol, he's 8 inches tall currently, -
Charlotte(Canon Charlie bitty): She goes by Luna, and loves stargazing and pretty much anything star or space themed, and she has a favorite dress that’s covered in galaxies! She loves drawing and has tried to find a micro sized Sun and Moon bot to add to their lil family, though they havent found any yet(they are pretty popular bitties after all lol, and sadly some bitties don’t want to join a family as not everyone is willing to adopt a family, especially a bigger one) though she hasn’t lost hope! Shes currently 3 icnhes tall
1.0 Puppet: They go by Poppet and use they/them or it/its pronouns, they often watch the kids when Henry and William are busy, but also tend to stay in the pizzaria they had set up, but they wouldn’t mind if they didn’t have a mini'ria set up to chill in, though they know it wouldn’t be as fun for the kids without it, they had an arcade after all! Though they'll do their best to help care for the kids either way, they're 8 inches tall,
Evan(Chaos incarnate Evan bitty): He goes by Milo, and is almost always with Fredbear, and carrying around his fredbear plushy, he doesn’t care that Fredbear is a nightmare animatronic! He still finds him comforting to be around, and he's an alternate, so he can stay on whether Fredbear wants the lil guy on him or not, though he doesn’t have to worry about falling off either- he's only recently actually picked up talking and still mostly makes noises(chirps, squeaks, hisses, yips, etc) but will also give 1-2 or 3 word answers, he can understand english perfectly fine, he's just not the most verbal! But very vocal, he's 4 inches tall currently,
Vanni(Canon Vanny bitty): He goes by Karlos and sees Vanny as his twin brother, as they spawned at the same time, he was following William around before he met Henry, so of course when he met Henry he just went with it, after all if William likes him why shouldn’t he? Now he really does see him as a second father, though he'd never say that, he's super stubborn about that, he almost always is wearing a VANNI mask, though its not an AR one, it's just one he likes wearing, him and Vanny are almost always with each other, he's 7 inches tall currently, -
Vanny(Chaos incarnate Vanny bitty): He goes by Vanny and sees Karlos as his twin brother, as they spawned at the same time, and like his brother he was following William around before he met Henry, though hes a lot less abrasive about it, though it just made Karlos worry seeing as he's a bit of a doormat, but being with his family has given him the confidence to find his snark and sass, though he's not mean about it, he's picking up robotics too since he's usually around watching William work and was interested in learning, he likes wearing a spring bonnie looking mask, since he says he doesn’t want to match his bother to much lol, he's 7 inches tall currently,
Baxter(Chaos incarnate Baxter bitty): He goes by Dez and was already adopted by Henry when he met William, he didn’t mind at all and thought William was a really cool dude! And he sees him as a second father now too, he does his best but stumbles around a lot, much to his(and his dads) dismay, and literally no one has managed to piss him off yet, though no one has tried hurting his family yet either, he picked up sewing as a hobby and loves making lil plushies! Especially ones he can give to his loved ones as gifts! He's 9 and a half inches tall,
Justin(Chaos incarnate Justin bitty): He goes by Jessi and was taken in by Henry even before Baxter was around, he was bullied by other bitties and is extra anxious, almost always following Henry around or holding onto him for comfort since he was his only source of comfort for awhile, he was one of the 'biggest problems' when it came to settling down in a new home, he'll be extra anxious and wont really trust being near new people/bitties for a long while, he's partially blind and deaf after all, and even with his glasses and hearing aids he's still a small bitty! He'll relax after awhile but it's best to make sure he has a more quiet area to be in, luckily he does have his own room in their house, so it's already partially taken care of! He currently stands at 6 inches tall,
1.0 Nightmare Spring bonnie: He goes by Bonnie and loves to pull pranks! Though he's usually helping Ryder with his strange as fuck pranks, he doesn’t want to scare anyone after all! Especially not Jessi or Milo, he and Fredbear are usually at the mini pizzeria and makes sure everything is in working order, and will even put on shows like he's not a nightmare variant with Fredbear! But is usually drawing with the kiddos instead or bringing out food, he's a pretty good cook for someone who cant taste lol, he's 10 inches tall,
1.0 Nightmare Fredbear: He goes by Fredbear and is almost always with Bonnie, and prefers to hang around the pizzeria more, though he'll also help with the pranks, but much prefers doing maintenance on the arcade machines and other things around the pizzeria, he's taken up playing the violin for some reason? Though he also just has a love for classical music, which sometimes helps the kids get to sleep if they're having some extra troubles! He's 13 inches tall
1.0 OG Foxy: This lil scrapper goes by the name Foxy and was following bonded with Ryder before Henry and William found them, so he's here to stay lol, he loves telling stories and can make ones up on the spot! Him and Ryder will sometimes even drag Dez and Jessi in on some DND nights! Foxy is pretty much always the DM lol, and he's pretty good at telling stories that the younger kiddos would like too! They've even played a session with the whole family(it was chaotic as you could imagine and probably then some lol), he has his own lil cove area in the pizzeria and usually uses it to tell stories to the kiddos that wanna hear them where they wont bother anyone playing in the arcade or doing anything in the main room, he stands at 8 inches tall,
We're also sending you off today with a care package! Seeing as there are a lot of bitties here lol:
1 bitty sized house(it's a 4 story house, with a garage that Henry and William use as a workshop! Ryder has taken residency in the attic as well)
20 bitty sized fnaf plushies(mostly Foxy's, Ryder has his hoard lol)(this does not include the Connor and Milo's fredbear plushies!)
10 sets of clothes for each bitty
Extra blankets and pillows
And finally: literally everything they own bc its theirs(furniture, clothes they already had, décor, and so on)
Some Mini'ria rooms: 1 Pirate stage set, 1 Basic Arcade room set, 1 Diner set, 1 Musical room set, 1 Hoarder room set, 1 Basic room set, 1 Basic Stage set,
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millimononym · 2 years
long post?
Ok so while i do hate season 3, i do like the idea of D'jok being the one being manipulated by the seasons' main villain instead of Sinedd for once (not counting how it was done in s3, the rest of the post is gonna be completely detached from that. Actually now that i think about it after i wrote it, it's barely even about the first sentence in the post. I got carried away ok)
While it also serves as a parallel between Sinedd and D'jok(you tend to be open to being manipulated when you've lost your friends for one reason or another), it also kind of makes sense when you think about it in the context of the universe.
Like, why DID we need D'jok to relearn the "don't let the fame get to your head and don't be an asshole to your friends" thing again and again? The obvious, out of universe answer would be that the writers didn't know what to do with his character arc so they just repeated it, but that's the boring answer(though i do think it's the correct one).
Why DOES D'jok go through these constant relapses of character(which allow him to be vulnerable to manipulation in the first place)? i think an interesting concept would be that he's coping with the fact that he's unsatisfied with his life, at least later on, in season 2.
Maybe at the start, it was really just about fame getting to his head, which led to him damaging the relationship he had between him and his best friend, which led to Micro-ice running away, which snapped Djok out of it and made him rethink his values. If even his childhood friend couldn't stand his behavior anymore,so much that he'd RUN AWAY, then surely he was doing something horribly wrong. But everything turns out fine in the end and goes back to normal. Better than ever, even. His belief in fate and that he was destined to be something great is surely proven right. He's famous and rich now, he knows what happened to his biological parents, he's got a great friend group and a girlfriend who loves him. He couldn't have expected or wanted anything more.
Could he have, though? Him becoming the team captain after Rocket's disappearance in s2 was more stressful than he'd ever imagined it'd be, and he sees things in a different light while he cracks under the pressure. After four years of what seemed to be perfection, he's slipped back into his old habits again as a defense mechanism. Maybe he wasn't really that happy anymore. His friends sure weren't, and his outbursts didn't help. Not to mention his father getting framed for terrorism, and his friend becoming a completely different person than the one he once knew. But everything goes back to relative normalcy, through all the pressure, and his near death experience,the Snow Kids manage to barely get a win against the Xenons in the finale. Everyone's happy.
Except him, maybe. I imagine you tend to rethink your life when you almost die. Was all this trauma and pressure him and his friends were going through really worth it in the end? Surely it was, it had to be. He now had an adopted family, biological family, fame and money, it's all he could have dreamed of as a kid who believed in destiny on Akilian. So why wasn't he content with it? Why did he slip back into his old habits even though he logically shouldn't have, if he was happy?
Was it because what he thought to be fate wasn't as great as it once seemed? He knew this couldn't last forever. The Snow Kids were bound to lose their title eventually. If that was the case, then did it all really lead up to this? Did he really hit his peak so early? At the age of 21, or 16 even? Did he really go through all of this just to be remembered as someone who was a famous footballer at 16? Did he treat all of his friends like shit, go through all of the trauma he did, just for that? It couldn't be like that.
So he relapses to his old behavior to cope with such thoughts, which leads to tension between him and his friends and leaves him open to being a target of manipulation, especially by people who seem like they have his and his careers' best interest in mind. So instead of leaving his friends because of simple arguments, he leaves because of what was essentially a culmination of years' worth of insecurities. He eventually realizes though, hopefully for the last time, that his friends are more important to him than any idea of fame. Even though this wouldn't last forever, he's still got his friends who went through it with him together.
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samwisethewitch · 2 years
The Great Handfasting Project: Secular Wedding Planning Books
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While historical sources about pre-Christian weddings and books written by modern pagans can give you a lot of good ideas for your ceremony, many of them don't cover the most stressful part of getting married: planning, budgeting, scheduling, and managing a modern wedding.
My fiance and I decided in December to move our wedding date up from August of 2024 to August of 2023 -- cutting our planning time from nineteen months to just over seven months. This meant we had a lot less time than intended to make a guest list, make a budget, book a venue, send out invitations, buy our outfits, arrange catering for the reception, and all the other things you have to do to make a wedding happen. It also meant that our timeline was a little more rushed than we'd originally intended.
Because our timeline had suddenly shrunk, we decided to prioritize planning the reception first, then start writing a script for our ceremony after we'd nailed down reception details. We did this because we knew our reception was going to have more than three times as many guests as our ceremony and would be what we spent most of our budget on. Our reception is also going to be 100% secular out of consideration for guests who may not be comfortable attending a pagan ceremony but who still want to support us.
I cope with new and stressful situations by reading about them. Research is the balm that soothes my worries and the foundation that lets me build my own kickass plans. When we decided to move up our wedding date, I immediately went out and bought a couple of books to help me navigate the many big and small decisions I'd have to make in the coming months.
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The Everything Guide to Micro Weddings by Katie Martin
When I first started looking into planning my own wedding, I quickly learned that what my fiance and I wanted to do is called a "micro wedding." According to Katie Martin, a micro wedding is any wedding or commitment ceremony with fewer than 50 guests. I feel like most pagan weddings end up falling into this category. (Something about pagans makes us prefer small, intimate gatherings, I guess?)
Katie Martin is actually a professional wedding planner, so this book very much comes across as expert advice from an industry professional.
There's lots of good, practical advice about logistics, which is exactly what I wanted. This book taught me how to make a wedding planning spreadsheet, and I love that.
I like that the author includes advice for dealing with family members' expectations for your wedding day, especially when they would have liked to see you do things differently. I think a lot of this advice is relevant to pagans whose family doesn't understand why they want a handfasting, or anyone else who has to gently break it to their grandmother that they aren't having a church wedding. I felt like these sections did help prepare me to defend our decision to do a small, casual wedding and my decision not to have my biological father present even though several of my siblings are still close to him.
This book is LGBTQ+ inclusive!
I also love that the author gives practical advice for interfaith and multicultural weddings, including alternatives for when one or both religions doesn't allow interfaith ceremonies.
I like that the author addresses guest dietary needs in the sections on planning the menu. For example, she recommends asking guests about food allergies before finalizing the menu, making sure to have vegan/vegetarian options, and offering non-alcoholic drinks for toasts. As a vegetarian with Celiac Disease, I appreciate this and can testify that it's unfortunately not something every wedding planner thinks about.
This book was written after the pandemic and includes tips and ideas for celebrating during quarantine, which is really helpful.
The appendix has literal checklists you can use to plan different parts of your wedding.
Katie Martin is a professional wedding planner who specializes in destination weddings, and it shows. She discusses destination weddings a lot in this book. Maybe it's just because I'm not planning a destination wedding, but I felt like that topic could have been its own book instead of being lumped into this one.
The "environmentalist" politics of this book are inconsistent. At one point, Martin says that one of the main draws of micro weddings is that they have a smaller carbon footprint than bigger weddings, which I'm sure is true. But just a few chapters later, she gives a list of potential locations for destination weddings that includes Hawaii and other places where both the environment and Native people are seriously harmed by tourism. This is a very minor gripe, but it annoyed me and felt a little bit like greenwashing.
I wish Martin gave price estimates for the things she suggests. I understand that she probably didn't want to date her book by including exact numbers, but a rough estimate would have been helpful. There are almost no numbers given, and when the author says that Option X is cheaper than Option Y, she doesn't say how much cheaper it is. This makes it hard to think about budgeting while reading.
It really rubbed me the wrong way that this author subscribes to the outdated etiquette of referring to married women as "Mrs. [husband's name]" in invitations and programs. Martin even says divorced women should be addressed as "Mrs. [ex-husband's name]" if they haven't remarried! This is based on the incredibly patriarchal idea that women's identities are defined by their husbands, and if I received a wedding invite that addressed me this way, I wouldn't go. There are also no alternatives given for addressing same-gender couples. This just feels like an incredibly old-fashioned and misogynist inclusion in a book that is otherwise very modern.
Overall rating: 4/5 stars
Would I recommend it? Yes, especially if you're doing most of the planning for your wedding yourself.
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Offbeat Bride by Ariel Meadow Stallings
When my fiance and I first decided to (literally) tie the knot, Offbeat Wed (formerly Offbeat Bride) was an incredibly helpful source of inspiration. It was the first time I'd ever seen photos of polyamorous weddings, which I immediately sent to all of my partners with lots of hearts and crying emojis. It's also a goldmine of inspiration for queer weddings, nonbinary/genderqueer weddings, disabled weddings, and so much more. So when I learned that the site's founder had written a wedding planning book, I knew it would be an invaluable resource.
(Note: This book has been revised twice since it was originally published. The version I read is the third edition, which is the most recent version.)
This book addresses things I've never seen talked about in other wedding planning resources, like the conflict of hating the beauty industrial complex for making money off insecurities they created vs. wanting to look nice for your wedding photos. (Because even if you don't hire a photographer, someone is gonna take photos.) I loved this book's "do what you gotta do" approach and the emphasis on feeling comfortable and beautiful on your special day.
I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate the section titled "A Big-Bride Survival Guide." As a fat girl, lemme tell you: as stressful as shopping for wedding outfits already is, it's more stressful with a bigger body. And don't even get me started on the subtle (and not-so-subtle) weight loss comments from relatives. I loved that this book includes practical advice for how to navigate the entire process as a fat bride (or groom, or spouse).
This is by far the most LGBTQ+ affirming wedding planning book I've read so far. There's an entire chapter dedicated to queer weddings, but advice for queering your wedding is sprinkled throughout the rest of the book as well. "Queer wedding" also isn't only defined as two men or two women getting married. There's advice for bisexual and pansexual weddings (and the author identifies as bisexual!), asexual weddings, transgender weddings, and nonbinary/genderqueer weddings. There's even a short but sweet section on polyamorous commitment ceremonies, both for groups of more than two people who are "getting weddinged" and for polyamorous couples who may not be out to all their guests but still want to find subtle ways to include their other partners. I also really liked that the author acknowledges the struggles and hardships faced by queer couples (and throuples and more) and the importance of celebrating queer community, resilience, and chosen-family.
I really appreciate the warning about the pitfalls of wedding planning apps, magazines, and social media. The author warns readers about the risk of having so much inspiration you fall into the hole of choice paralysis or keep redoing things you already finished. She also warns about the temptation to compare your wedding to someone else's. I loved this gentle reminder to be mindful in how we engage with the wedding planning industry. Here's a wonderful direct quote: "Remember, the wedding tech is here to serve you. You are not here to serve it."
There's an entire chapter on disabilities and accessibility! I really appreciated this inclusion, and I found the advice genuinely helpful as I plan a wedding that accommodates my own chronic illnesses, my fiance's and my ADHD, several guests with mobility issues, and other guests with various other health conditions and invisible disabilities.
I loved the chapter on self-care and navigating wedding planning anxiety. Planning any big event, but especially one as legally, ideologically, and culturally loaded as a wedding, is really stressful, even if you're doing a small celebration with just close friends and family. I appreciated the acknowledgement that feeling stressed or anxious is both normal and common, and I loved that the author talked about the ways this stress can affect your physical body as well.
Overall, this is a really great book with excellent advice, and it really does cover every single aspect of wedding planning.
It's actually really hard for me to think of stuff I dislike about this book, if I'm being honest. There were a few typos, but nothing atrocious.
This book is written from the bride's perspective. The author includes lots of stories about her own wedding, and she is a woman who married a man, which definitely shaped her experience. Like I mentioned, there's a lot of good advice here for grooms and other-gendered people having weddings, and there's a lot of advice and suggestions for queer weddings. But if it's important to you to read a book about someone's firsthand experience of having a same-gender wedding, or of being a transgender bride/groom, or of navigating the wedding industry when you don't identify with a binary gender, this book isn't that.
Overall rating: 5/5 stars
Would I recommend it? Yes!!! Especially if you're having a "nontraditional" wedding.
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years
I FINISHED REBORN RICH AND I HAVE QUESTIONS, if you would like to talk about it!? When HW went back as DJ, didn't he change stuff? Didn't he take some of Soonyang's biggest projects for Miracle and wasn't he the biggest shareholder of Soonyang, so where did that go after he died?
And wasn't HW's mother's death changed and his father's job remained, so he wasn't unemployed which meant HW could complete his education? And even if we consider, his father gave up on the job, didn't he get the credit card waiver? Shouldn't HW be in much better circumstances?
And Soonyang Micro. Wasn't it donated? So where did it come from again? I have so many questions when it comes to this and I rewatched some of the episodes to try to understand this but I just don't get it. I want to say they are plot holes and leave it at that but there are just some glaring problems with it and I need answers lol.
Hello my dear anon! Of course I want to talk about Reborn Rich! I am always willing to talk about any show ever. But ESPECIALLY Reborn Rich. I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't also have a million questions after that show ended and even have some of your same questions. Because they are great questions, but I think I do have a workable answer for all of them. But this is just my interpretation of things and how I'm explaining all of these things to myself and I could be totally and completely wrong because they are excellent questions and not a single one of them is actually answered in the show itself. Reborn Rich asks a lot of its audience in that we have to do a lot of the legwork in order to figure things out and many things were intentionally left open ended which worked for me because I like trying to explain away things like this. SO with that said, here are my answers and they may or may not work for you, but they are what work for me.
Where did everything go after Do Jun died?
There's no way to say definitively where everything went after he died. All we know for certain is that Do Jun left 3% of the shares with his mother. I believe he left those with her because he knew she had no interest in Soonyang, but wanted to give her a way to fight against that family if she ever needed it and she would never use those shares greedily. The rest of it is all a guessing game. I'm assuming that the remaining assets that were Do Jun's were given to Mason Oh and that anything that was Soonyang's that Miracle had acquired were sold. Mason was Do Jun's partner and CEO of Miracle. Mason wasn't after Soonyang like Do Jun was and ultimately, they were really good friends. I think that after Do Jun died, Mason would have sold off anything to do with Soonyang. It wasn't ever his fight and all it would do is serve as a reminder of his friend and partner who was no longer with him.
Why didn't things change for Hyun Woo if Do Jun changed everything?
This is what I've been puzzling over the most since I finished the series. And I think I have come up with a decent explanation. So the reason for Hyun Woo's mother's death did change, but their financial circumstances did not. Hyun Woo's mother lost everything, and I mean everything, to Soonyang. So while his father kept his job, they still were more than just broke. There's a reason his mother felt so helpless that she stepped out in front of that bus. So going to school wouldn't have really been feasible for Hyun Woo. He still would have given up that opportunity in order to work and make money to hopefully send his brother to school. And his dad might have kept his job, but he didn't seem like he was the one handling the finances in the family. It was Hyun Woo's mom and then Hyun Woo when she died. I can see how they would still be on the outs because Hyun Woo would still blame his dad's inability to money manage for his need to work and he would still be driven to Soonyang. Did Do Jun set them up to have a better life? Oh absolutely he did. But they were barely holding on before and now they're a little more steady, but that doesn't mean they aren't still broke. I think Do Jun even said something during one of the episodes about how expensive it was to be poor. Do Jun made it possible for Hyun Woo's family to start living rather than how they were before just struggling to survive.
Wasn't Soonyang Micro donated?
This question actually made me go back and rewatch part of episode 15. What was actually reported was the Do Jun was going to donate the funds. I don't believe he had actually donated the inheritance yet. He just let the press know what he was up to and used that to take over Soonyang. And then before he had a chance to follow through, because donating that much money takes time and resources, he died. And he was the only one who knew that Soonyang Micro was the source of those funds. Not a single member of that family had any knowledge of Soonyang Micro until Hyun Woo brought it to their attention. So once Do Jun died, the knowledge of where that inheritance was coming from died with him. Also, every member of that family believed Do Jun had been left with nothing. They all probably thought he was lying out of his ass for the publicity, not realizing that he did, in fact, have an inheritance to donate. None of them were particularly bright enough to follow up on that. So I think it was more of a timing thing for this. Do Jun fully intended to donate the funds, but died before he was able to and then everything happened for Hyun Woo to inform Soonyang of its existence.
Shows like Reborn Rich are particularly enjoyable for me because none of these questions has a definitive answer and I need to truly think about it and it inspired people to talk and discuss and come up with their own theories. I don't necessarily think that these are plot holes, but rather plot points that went unexplored in favor of other, more relevant plots. So what we were told by the show for each of these was the end result, but we simply weren't provided the context for how it got there. Maybe they thought we didn't need it, maybe they wanted to spark discussion, maybe they didn't think it through (though I highly doubt this one), maybe they thought we wouldn't care. Whatever the reason, I have come up with answers that are satisfactory to me, and hopefully these are satisfactory for you too.
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monkifuraibo · 2 years
He'd been taking an interest in Renji's hobbies. More specifically, in reading. Yes, Byakuya had always been a keen reader, but he had never read fiction. Now? He was. He had asked to borrow one of Renji's books. It was peaceful, laying in bed together while they both read. This had been going on for a few nights now. Quiet hours. Byakuya now closed the book, because it was finished. He had enjoyed it, yes, but there was one problem - he wanted to know what happened next. It had been very intriguing, but then the book simply ended. "Renji." Byakuya touches the other's hand to get his attention. "Why does it just end like this? I want to read more."
--- Renji hadn't thought much of it when Byakuya had requested he lend him a book of fiction. Until he had found out that his partner never read such books out of his own volition. He had then recognized it as an attempt to connect with him, and had been warmed by the effort. He'd picked a book dear to his heart, which was always a little risky, considering the hurt it might cause if Byakuya rejected it as drivel. It was an epic, historic novel, that drew from real life, which, to Renji, made it that much easier to get completely submerged in the world, even if it drew in some more improbably components to the story as well. The hero of the story was a descendant of great samurai, and Renji had found himself { especially when he had been younger } dreaming of one day finding out that he was like that.. Something more than what he had always thought he was. Some secret hero. Of course now he had sobered considerably on that front. Besides, there was a nobility in being a lieutenant on his own power and volition rather than through some god-given right or legacy. But.. He still loved the idea in the book of the 'chosen one'. And perhaps Byakuya could relate to that sentiment. It sounded a lot like his real life, to Renji.
It had been some nights, and Byakuya had yet to put the book away, or to say anything negative about it, which Renji chose to see as a good sign. Renji himself had in turn chosen to pick up a non-fiction book, though it remained close to his interests, as it was a historic account of martial arts.
When Byakuya touched him, he placed his thumb against the fold of his book to mark his page and closed it, lowering it into his lap and diverting his curious gaze to his captain. Why did it end like that..? He has to think on that a moment. "I guess because the author wants you to fill in for yourself what you think the proper end is.. Perhaps he goes in search of his father after all, or he'll make peace with the unknowns and appreciate what he has now. Maybe settling into domesticity is what he deserves after what he's been through.." He smiles. "It's like life, yanno? Y'can't predict an' micro-manage everything. Would ya rather he'd have written every little thing about his life until his death? That'd be a long an' boring book. At least now there's something to be left to the imagination. There's more story to tell, but it's up to you." His gaze drops to the book in Byakuya's hands. "Did you like it? The author has written other stories, too, if you'd like to read more."
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ayejayque · 1 year
A Comparison between the Studies of Henri Fayol & F.W. Taylor
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Both management icons have contributed to the development of the science of management. The influence of these two forerunners in the field of science of management has been studied as “The work of Taylor & Fayol was, of course, especially complementary. They both realized that the problem of personnel & its management at all levels is the key to individual success. Both applied the scientific method to this problem. Taylor worked primarily from the operative level, from bottom to upward, while Fayol focused on the managing director and worked downwards. This was merely a reflection of their very different careers”. They both vary from each other in the following characteristics: - - Taylor looked at management from a supervisory viewpoint. He tried to improve efficiency at the operating level. He moved upwards while formulating a theory. On the other hand, Fayol examined management from the level of top management downward. This way, Fayol had a broader vision than Taylor. - Taylor called his idea “Scientific Management” while Fayol described his method as “A general theory of administration.” - Main aim of Taylor was to improve labor productivity & to eliminate all types of wastage through standardization of work & tools. Fayol developed a universal management theory and stressed the need for teaching the theory of management. - Taylor focused his attention on facts by management and his principles are applicable on the shop floor. Fayol focused on the purpose of bosses and on general principles of the management wheel that could be equally applied in all situations. Similarity - Both stressed and highlighted shared cooperation between employers and employees. Domains of Human Activity Fayol’s theory is more widely applicable than that of Taylor’s. Taylor’s philosophy has experienced a big change under the influence of modern progress, but Fayol’s principles of management have stood the test of time and are still being acknowledged as the core of the management theory. Psychologists Viewpoints According to Psychologists, Taylor’s study had the following drawbacks: - - Ignores human factors - Considers them machines. Disregards human requirements, wants, and aspirations. - Separated planning and doing. - Dissatisfaction - Comparison of performance with others. - No ideal way - Scientific management does not offer the best option for solving problems. Basis Taylor Fayol Human aspect Taylor ignores human elements and there is more emphasis on improving men, materials, and methods Fayol pays due regard to the human element. The principle of initiative, Espirit De’ Corps, and Equity are good examples. Status Father of scientific management Father of management principles Efficiency & administration Stressed on effectivity Stressed on basic administration Approach Taylor had a micro-approach and it is restricted to the factory only Fuyol had a macro-approach and discussed general principles of management which are usable in every area of the field of management. Scope of principles These principles are strictly restricted to production activities These are applicable in all kinds of organizations regarding their management affairs, and regardless of their size Achievement Acknowledged scientific management Acknowledged administrative management   Read the full article
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regulushair · 1 year
Tiptoeing to a new brand and returning to something very familiar:
Beat Cafe by Jusbox - well, this is another perfume that seems to be fancy-bar-themed and it works pretty well, even if I personally don't really feel any alcohol - for me it's mostly leather and pretty decent tobacco with more leather at the start and more tobacco at the dry-out. A nice thing.
Micro Love by Jusbox - very very fresh fragrance which does indeed mostly smell with "ozonic notes", at the start it has more of a promise of a crisp sour apple than anything and at the end there's definitely some sage, but it remains fresh all the way through.
Siren & Sailors by Jusbox - this one has the most sillage of all of these (at least this is what my room smells like) and it's pretty interesting, because sure - there are definitely roses, especially at the top, but there's definitely some very fruity alcohol, which after some investigation (in father's liquor cabinet) was indeed identified as whiskey. The whole thing is very sweet and potent but definitely enjoyable.
Spring Dance by Jusbox - simple but good - fresh citrussy white flowers (namely jasmine) becoming very sweet white flowers (I'm not sure why, maybe it's amber, maybe it's honeysuckle, which I don't know how it's supposed to smell).
Feel 'N' Chill by Jusbox - another fresh one, but in a different way - a lot of fig leaves (and they don't leave us the whole time, as far as I can tell) with some watermelon for liquidness and maybe some guessable cardamom. Very nice.
Good Morning by Jusbox - still fresh and again different because this seems to be more classic aquatic fragrance - a lot of sea water (with no unpleasant aspects of it) and some very natural tangerines (mandarin oranges? is there a difference?). Seems like a fancy version of my favourite New York Eleven.
Ambre Eau de Parfum by Molinard - returning to this one and I have no clue how it managed to bamboozle me into thinking it's cold and salty the last time I tried it because it's literally neither of those thins - it's warm and sweet, very much hello benzoin and spices and pretty similar to Shalimar (or at least the bottom of its pyramid) and Explore All That is Around You. From which you could have guessed that I liked it and that one Molinard's travel sets.
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Methlin as How Much They Want Me to Stop Making Methlin Posts
Andro: 50%, It depends on the day’s mood
Change: 0%, She loves them and thinks I am a certified genius (and she’s right)
Donts: 1%, Happy to be included, and they’ll be danged if they don't beat Ferret at something
Duckie: 16%, She’s rolling her eyes at each one but also grinning
Ferret: 2%, Because she supports me in life, but the frequency is getting tiresome
Imy: 98%, But secretly 0%
Jax: 37%, Can’t really be arsed to get annoyed at them
Lemon: 0%, But secretly 98%
SC: 1000000%, Actively casting hexes on my laptop
Tilt: 40%, She likes them, but the cinnamon roll running joke is counteractive to her desired reputation
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jawritter · 2 years
Hi! I hope you’re doing well, sorry to bother you. I’m not sure if you’re open for request but I have this idea that I think you might like. Jensen x reader multiple chapter perhaps since I notice you are very very talented in developing the story with the characters. It’s like combining your story likeYou and me story but with a bit of Opposite attract, a bit of The arrangement and a teeny tiny like a micro-particle of a personal memory. Sorry english is not my first language.
- Reader is from conservative Christian wealthy family.
- Youngest of 2 + the only daughter in the family.
- Abusive and toxic family.
- Physically and mentally abused since she was 4 and as she grew up only the mental abuses by mother and toxic positivity by father.
- Eldest son is basically treated like a king and strongly and evidently shown favoritism.
- Reader are quite, introvert but sweet and naturally nurturing with a difficulty to receive love which often times she is highly guarded and withdrawn.
- She could be like a child when her guard off or in some scenarios. She has one stuffed bunny that she cherishes dearly because it’s from her childhood like some from childhood who was present in her childhood but only momentarily. That’s why she clings to her bunny or whatever the name is at night and at times when she needed the most.
- She was raised and taught that women shall not express their feelings, opinions etc. women should be size 6 and shouldn’t be like her which is curvier and chubby because no man will look at her.
- Always overshadowed by her brother that makes her feels not good enough, not smart enough and have nothing to feel proud of her.
- Artistic and creative but her arts were never been approved by her parents and parents always think that her art is dark and devilish.
- Reader is very interested in tattoos and piercing but not full covered piercings nor tattoos just some patchwork here and there not too many or full and have ear piercings but not a lot or fully covered plus side labret piercing.
- At the age of 5 and repeated twice later on in different ages sexually assaulted touching and groping by her mother’s God daughter’s husband which her parents knew about the incident when she was 5 (he was like way older like highschool) but the parents thought it was just accident so when it happened again the reader was just keeping it to herself.
- Reader ran away from the family to another state or island or something somewhere far because she couldn’t handle anymore, drop off university that her parents told her to enrolled, exiled from the family.
- She learned how to survive on her own, worked from different places and self taught herself everything working as tattoo studio cleaner errand girl to a lot of different jobs until she managed to send her back to university .
- Reader just wants to know what love is, she wants sense of belongs in, she doesn’t want people to be dissatisfied with her, she wants to make someone happy and proud and she just wants to know that she is needed and someone acknowledges her as whoever herself is.
- Meeting Jensen could be as she helped him or his children or something.
- Jensen family exists but minus daneel or maybe not evil daneel (they coparenting like seperate in good terms) because it’s only fair that the antagonist in the story is her own demons or family.
- Her parents meet her after she ran away and told her that not only she doesn’t have any achievements or anything to be proud of and now looking like a a criminal and being immoral.
- Jensen is super sweet and patient and protective and supportive.
- Jared is also protective towards Jensen and his family. He’s the only person that doesn’t trust reader 100% because of her personality or something.
- Jared mistreated her a lot because he was very protective and he feels that reader was untrustworthy and he also did not her past.
- Jj and the twins are very sweet and welcoming as well and very protective of reader especially JJ.
- Reader often flinch when adults around her try to do something but she thought she was about getting abused or when someone raising their voice she was just cowered and prepared for the worst
- Panic attack come and go but she would brush it off especially when she is working or around children
- Not good in the crowded area
- She always try to be helpful and try to do anything for others and aways sacrifice herself
- Reader love language is physical touch and words of assurance but very scared of receiving love she could get very cold or guarded.
- When she was with parents she’s very suicidal and tried committed several times, her parents knew about this but they called priest instead because they claimed that she needs God and she is contaminated by demon.
- She dresses jeans and shirt or long shirt and sneakers and never anything to revealing or maybe she dresses like covered with baggy shirt or sweatshirt because she doesn’t want to look big.
- Jensen helps her to be the best version of herself, she later becomes very confident of her body makes her feel brave wearing something teasing but not too revealing just enough to make her feel sexy and even wear bathing suit and showing herself in public.
- Reader also help Jensen to be the best version of himself in a way.
Thank you! Sorry for dumping this to you, I thought just share some idea… also about the personal thing I need to say this that I am in a better place and I am happy to be me. Feel free to ignore this message if you don’t want to do this or uncomfortable I completely understand, no worries. Have a good one! Can’t wait to read more of your amazing and magical works 💕
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Hey there! Unfortunately my request aren't open right now! I hope to reopen them some time before this coming spring, but with work and life stuff I just can't open them right now! Thanks for understanding love!
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cosmoss-express · 3 years
Hii dear, could you tell me something about aphrodite opposite saturn and trine mars in the natal chart, tysm 💖🤗
Hiii!! Sure, here's what I've gathered 🙌🏻❤❤
Aphrodite opposite Saturn
- Daddy issues energy. Seeking for love in the wrong places
- Strong effect on others, you might feel judged or shunned by others for not fitting the standard imposed onto you from early age. Seeing beauty differently from other people
- Difficulties in relationships due to your impossible expectations in love (a late bloomer aspect)
- You could have a hard time accepting your flaws that are related to Aphrodite and the sign it is in
- You might not take rejection well, especially from a father figure or from superiors
- Same as the square, there's a love for edgy styles here
- You could attract Saturnian type individuals who feel the need to dominate and micro manage you. You might settle for less because of their influence and opinions.
- This could also indicate a karmic element in your chart. You might've been too vain in your past life/your beauty and behaviour could've been seen as excessive and scandalous
- Things get better after your Saturn return. You might have a major epiphany which will push you to challenge the status quo and its rigid rules.
Aphrodite trine Mars
- Irresistible aura. People find you aesthetically pleasing and sexually attractive, no matter the gender. Although you may be popular with the opposite s3x
- Aphrodite's competitiveness is amplified by Mars' energy. You're more motivated to reach your goals
- Flirtatious aspect here 😌😌
- The downside is that you could thrive on winning people's favours and feel like you're in competition for your lover's attention all the time
- Your admirers must be visually stimulating (aesthetically pleasing and almost out of reach) in order for you to even look in their direction
- Very passionate lover and you might be attracted to/could attract Mars type individuals who love your ethereal aura and sweet energy
- You might be hot headed and a little dramatic when it comes to love or your looks
- If you work out, you might be praised for that a lot
I hope this answers your questions, have a nice day/night ❤❤❤
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transdrowned · 3 years
please do i want to hear them
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@salamencerobot @rutilated-quarz 8)
Well lads. The votes are in.
Tiny ones first:
Every living thing is sensitive to Glitches, which are entities that break the laws of their given World, IE Herobrine, Obviously, or someone who has a creative inventory despite being in Survival. Glitches have this sort of unsettling vibe to them, and it makes people avoid or be scared of them.
Illagers are actually extremely organized and cultured, and each World usually has several reigning noble or notable families. Villagers, however, are prone to living in independent communities from one-another, rather than band into full cities or kingdoms or the like.
Endermen call teleporting “blinking”, because that’s how it feels to them. (Get it. Cause pearls can be made into ender eyes. Eyes can blink. Ha.) (Also, I like using DND and other fantasy and RPG terms for Minecraft. Because it’s fun.)
Hostile mobs are intelligent and are having Slamacow parties when we’re not looking. I’m kidding. But seriously, several kinds of hostile mobs also have languages. Endermen who learn playerspeak sound very “fuzzy”, and Spiders and Creepers have some overlap in their very hissing-based languages. I just think it’d be fun for everyone to be at least capable of being friends, alright.
Respawn works for Everyone. Which means, yes, you Are killing the same exact skeleton in your mob grinder. How cruel.
And now. The Big One.
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I think… I think Minecraft should be technofantasy. For fun.
The world is, in fact, a program, The Program, if you will. It’s run by two Administrators, who are the closest things to gods the Program has, and we’re already familiar with them. I choose to think, in a roundabout way, that chapels in villages are meant for them. Mother Moon, Father Sun. Because I think religion is just neat, and so so human.
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The Program is a sprawling mass of redstone and command blocks and computers that hovers in a wide white gridspace, which occupies its own dimension. The Program grows, sometimes in independent parts which it grafts on over time, which is how it updates itself. It does not stop growing. Its goal is to be perpetual, always becoming new, upcycling code and existing forever. The Admins, Poets, whatever you’d like to call them, aid in this by overseeing.
A hot topic in Minecraft worldbuilding theories is the origins of man-made structures that exist in the Overworld and the End. My idea is that it’s upcycled or regrafted code.
Currently, the Program hosts all Worlds on their own separate servers. This was not always the case; there was once one singular world, with an Overworld, an End, a Nether, as well as all the Dimensions from the Infinity Snapshot; the Program could bear the load of hosting all these Dimensions, because it only had to do so once.
The inhabitants of the first World I will dub Worldwalkers; they were adventurers, scholars, a developed people rich in wanderlust and ideas and hungry to know more. They built and explored and lived their lives and wanted to know everything. And so, they managed to stumble upon the Program.
The Program was never meant to be accessed; it was meant to be insular, never tampered by outside unapproved hands, but there are holes in every firewall and the Worldwalkers managed to poke in the right place.
Their falling was the result of foolishness and hubris; destruction of the physical manifestation of the coding of their universe, resulting in the great Fracture.
The World split into thousands upon thousands, and the Program, struggling to bear the load, locked all Worlds into their three core dimensions and generated dedicated servers to host them.
Everything the Worldwalkers built was destroyed, but not deleted. More and more of their relics are grafted into every World as the Program updates. The End Cities have returned, Monuments and Mansions repurposed, and odds and ends scattered all over creations.
And the Worldwalkers themselves turned into something new, since what they were shattered. Something that still feels the call of wanderlust and now can travel almost completely freely. Something that can’t fit into the cities they live around, trying to build. Something that’s hypersensitive to seeing the codes of others, which drives them to rage.
The same is true for the Dragon. She’s forgotten her purpose. She ignores those she was born to protect, but still guards the End as her own, like a guard dog whose owner is long gone. It is her home, even if she is, for the most part, lost in purpose thanks to the breaks in her own memories, her own code. Shulkers are the same, defending empty homes. The worms… The worms are new.
And that’s where reincarnation comes in, too; since the Program never deletes code, especially for entities, it upcycles it into something new. Sometimes, it’s only a string. But sometimes… Sometimes there is enough of the old code to give you feelings, fuzzy memories that you can’t seem to grasp at. Like fog in the wind, curling away. Everyone and everything, when they die, becomes something or someone new. There is no true death of one’s code.
Endermen are especially prone to this feeling.
So! All Worlds are derivative of a single World that was Fractured beyond repair and glitched out so hard it split itself into thousands upon thousands. Worlds are on separate servers and cannot cross over.
Remember the Infinity Snapshot?
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The Program accidentally reloaded old rejected code that it couldn’t get rid of. You can’t give every World uncounted dimensions; the Program would fry.
So the solution is just one. Make each Dimension its own micro-server.
All servers that were not affected by the Infinity Patch [meant to repair this glaring hole in security and functionality] can still contact each-other, swap servers even.
They just need to be on the same Dimension at the same time.
PS: I have a former glitched Worldwalker OC that acts as a Moderator and Antivirus. Her name is Tek. I’m having fun and I’m aware this is all silly.
Sidenote: I will never count N*tch or any Mojang creators in my lore or headcanon ideas, I don’t care, I respect the people who make the game, I just don’t wanna do that. It feels weird.
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