#especially when it comes to her and carver like don't even get me started on the whole guard application thing okay i *will* scream
"-the real end for me was Ostagar. What about you, Carver? You were there. Do you feel something similar?"
"All right, then. Bit of a tit, your brother."
Yes, Aveline, Carver's a tit because he doesn't feel the same way as you do about Ostagar and being forced to flee his homeland, nor does he want to casually discuss the trauma of it in the middle of the barracks with you. Right, he's definitely the ass here 😑
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whispereons · 1 year
Oracle!Reader Part 12
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 11, Part 13
Putting this early so y'all got something to read while waiting for Fontaine. Gl on wishing/saving!
Warning! This is SAGAU which is yandere, plus my story is imposter au which makes things even worse. You can expect detailed descriptions of sensitive topics like blood in this chapter.
The water is still as Mountain Shaper relays your claim to the other adepti. The cutting gaze they have is deflected by that calm expression you wear.
"Then before we deal with them, let's wrap up the situation with the children." Ganyu speaks softly as her eyes move past your form with wariness. 
Xingqiu and Chongyun relax at the sight of Ganyu.With her around, the punishment from the adepti should be prevented.
"Thank you both for coming to save the children, and I'm sorry we weren't in time to help that poor boy. I'm afraid I'll have to burden you both with the task of bringing them back to the city. This would be quite a big deal, especially for you, Xingqiu, as the son of such a prestigious family."
Xingqiu freezes up at the mention of his family while Ganyu takes out a notepad. She writes something on it and hands it over to him.
"This is a brief report on what happened, your cover up is that I asked you to bring them back home. You and your friend will have to give a report to the Millelith and when I get back, I can finish the report. I can get the needed information from your... teammate."
The skepticism and slight disgust in her voice makes it perfectly clear what she thinks about you. She didn't even want to thank you for participating in saving the children.
Ganyu is an adepti, even if she is half human, and that is why she has some of that signature arrogance. She always did jump to conclusions; like how she attacked that Fatui skirmisher that was berry picking. Her arrogance only makes it harder for her to change her mind until it's nearly too late.
Xingqiu smiles politely but the twitch in his eyebrow as he accepts the note says it all. Chongyun's face visibly sours but he keeps quiet. They both turn to you, silently asking if it's okay for them to leave you here.
Your lips stretch into a cheery smile and you give them a thumbs up. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just make sure Yiran gets to her father and that the mother of that poor boy gets his body."
They leave with the children clinging to them, the children still have remnants of tears in their eyes. You can only silently command Teyvat to make their journey back to the city as safe as possible.
"One knows not why this interloper is not already decaying at our feet. Surely any being that claims such a frivolous thing deserves to be sacrificed to the glorious Creator."
Rude as always, Cloud Retainer is the first to ignite the hatred for you. In Genshin she was always comedic relief after the Archon quest but it's different with your current position.
"Don't be so quick to see to my death, Cloud Retainer. Surely Mountain Shaper has already told you what secret information I know about you all." You smoothly comment. 
"The young herbalist is not impossible to hold information on, it's the scent of Teyvat on you that led me to not kick you off my mountain." Moon Carver interferes calmly. You get the sense that he's the most curious on who you are in contrast to the rest that just want you to die.
"Like I said, I'm an Oracle for the Creator themself. Surely you aren't going to doubt Teyvat in who it chooses to embrace."
"Mimicry is a common tactic among evildoers like yourself. Perhaps you're a demonic spirit from the old war hiding in human flesh. It would suffice as an explanation for the way you used that little girl to buy time for yourself." 
Mountain Shaper pushes the agenda of some evil lurking within you. Honestly, it's starting to annoy you but becoming emotional would only fuel them further.
"I only spoke to Yiran so rashly due to your stupid rules. Who focuses on intruders that you clearly saw came for the children instead of the terrified young girl? She was scared from the massacre and felt responsible for that boy's death. That same dead boy’s mother that you proceeded to insult."
"And why should we concern ourselves with the folly of humans?"
"I'm not asking you to. I'm saying that you should at least allow the other humans to help those children, yet you treat adults and children like they have the same mental capacity. Not surprising as adepti couldn't possibly understand the complexity of humanity but it’s still quite disappointing that you cannot even see the logic."
Your words earn you a sharp amber tearing into the skin of your left arm.  A low curse escapes you as you yank the injured arm away from the crimson painted amber. Examining the wound with a grimace, you apply pressure to slow the bleeding. The puncture wound lets your blood stain the clothing and drip off. 
It didn't go all the way through but in certain areas your vein and arteries can be seen. Not broken, just exposed and so very painful. Resisting the tears, you dig into your bag with your good hand for the medical kit.
As you clean and wrap up your wound, you can hear the adepti arguing.
"What are you doing you old coot? One was looking to expose their lies, not attack in such a haste. Now that filthy blood is staining my abode."
"Cloud Retainer is correct on this topic. As devoted worshippers of our caliber, having the ability to unravel the demonic lies is true proof of our strength."
It's so funny, you almost want to laugh in their faces. 'Filthy blood'? Your blood is the one that they worship like salvation. 'Demonic lies?' Isn't the Creator's word's law and truth no matter the message?
That haughtiness that leads them to try beating you at your own game will be their downfall. You'll enjoy this new act. After all...
They're only the stepping stones for the showdown between you and the Geo Archon.
With a bandaged arm that sends dull aches and electrifying pain at intervals, you smile and speak in a sweet tone.
"Finished conversing yet? If you're ready to try exposing my nonexistent lie then get rid of this amber cage and let me show you firsthand why I'm the Creator's Oracle."
Your serene smile is met with sharp glares, distrustful eyes and a timid gaze that speaks first.
"And what proof or action will you show us?"
"Well, I have multiple ways, but illuminated beings like yourself will not be satisfied with that. You'll see it as a trick, a prepared prop to convince you all. So instead, why don't you ask me to do something or relay something to the creator? Something that you're positive I can't complete."
Beisht's scale seems to make your bag heavier with the reminder of its existence. But it's not time for it yet. The adepti only see Beisht as an enemy, that gamble isn't one you're willing to risk just yet.
"One would never ask you to pray to the creator and sully their ears with your sinful voice. One has a better idea on what you can do as 'proof'. As much as One hates to let you get closer, it is necessary to enter my abode."
Mountain Shaper seems to grumble as the other adepti force him to release you. Chains made of Geo and Dendro wrap around your wrists and tug you forward. 
Were you truly that untrustworthy in their eyes? Four adepti against one human, the outcome is obvious, but you keep a leisurely pace behind them.
Cloud Retainer's domain-like door opens and once you all step inside, the door shuts with a loud bang. It's just like how you remembered it in the game.
An absolute confusing mess.
Ganyu and Cloud Retainer cross the barely hanging rock bridge with ease, Meanwhile Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper throw remarks at her.
"What is the meaning of such a mess? It's in even worse condition than when we visited 300 years ago."
"One's abode is not of your concern. It is normal for one to keep it in the environment that suits one's needs."
Cloud Retainer and Mountain Shaper continue to bicker back and forth as you are led through the turning platforms and transparent golden bridges. 
"Maybe if a certain mortal had just accepted death as their punishment, we wouldn't have to be going through this disorganization."
As adepti, they probably could have just flown to the top where Cloud Retainers' main ruins are but as you are clearly human, they had to take the long way. They don't bother to keep that fact quiet but Moon Carver constantly saying that only makes you walk slower in pettiness.
The main ruin finally comes into view and you remember the initial conversation with Cloud Retainer when you had to discuss Morax's fake death. The door behind that never let players in, is now open. 
Entering you are greeted with long hallways with inventions in different stages of creation littering it. Texts, and murals of different time periods cover the walls. Morax, Guizong, the Yaksha and even other adepti you don't recognize are there.
A left turn at a three way intersection goes to a large room decorated beautifully with feathers and gemstones alike. The image of you forming an egg that has brown scales and gold accents is the main centerpiece. 
This must be how they believe you created Morax. Then does that solve the question on whether the egg or the chicken comes first? 
Cloud Retainer stops in the middle of the room and spreads her wings to point at the sides of the room that are inscribed with text.
"Ever since One took residence in this abode, One has never been able to decipher the text, nor has any other being that got One's permission to enter this sacred room been able to decipher it. If you are truly the Oracle then surely you must be able to decode such scriptures."
"Then let's see just what message this scripture contains." Your proud words are all the bravado you need to walk past their eyes and approach the closest words on the left wall.
As you move to walk past Cloud Retainer's form, she brings her wing down to cover your path.
"Death is the only ending for you in One's eyes. If you fail to translate, then you'll die. If you tarnish or destroy it, then you'll die. And if you refuse, then death will claim you before you can even finish your words." 
"I understand full and well, Cloud Retainer. My life belongs to the Creator, no matter how difficult or painful."
Her wing cuts through your shackles with ease. Now free, you walk past with that confident posture you've held throughout this meeting. Your hands itch to run over the wall and pray that Teyvat will automatically translate it as it had done for everything else. Yet when you get close enough to make out the words, you smile widely. A sight so beautiful for your poor eyes.
'Elemental creatures of all kinds must continue to worship the maker of all things to maintain their loving and personal connection. Refusing or forgetting to do so is the same as rejecting or not caring for them. Consequences are dire and just like trust, it'll be much harder to restore.'
Your language is written on the wall in clear letters. Your luck seems to have turned around for now. You could do so much with this information.
"I can understand this perfectly. It's the language the Creator uses to communicate on the world they're resting in. The scripture describes elemental worship that is specific to only elemental beings."
You recite the first text with ease as the room goes quiet. Not a laugh, scoff nor grumble is heard in the room. Should you take this as a bad or good thing? 
Pushing onward you begin to translate the rest of the text on both sides of the room. It gives a detailed explanation on how to sacrifice body parts, energy, blood, and lifeforce. 
"Stop, we have heard enough." Moon Carver cuts in emotionlessly. You look back at them feigning a confused expression. Trouble is clear on their faces, the truth of your words is spreading guilt within them.
Inwardly your lips curve into a smile that seems to soothe the pain in your arm.
They aren't guilty from the approaching truth of your 'oracle' status being real. They're feeling guilt over the worship methods that they had forgotten.
But pompous beings like them will never accept their wrong-doings so easily.
"You speak of words that poison our minds and weigh our hearts with guilt. This may be but a sham that you wish to deceive us with. Us, illuminated beasts will not accept this method until it's been proven in our sights."
With a careless shrug and scoff, you speak to Mountain Shaper with an uncaring attitude. "I would happily do it to myself just to prove my words true, but I'm not an elemental being like you all were so happy to point out. It seems one of you will have to test it out or we'll never get anywhere."
"Or perhaps we can end this farce now and eliminate you from the beloved maker's gaze." His angry reaction has you covering your mouth in surprise.
"You would skip past the proper protocols in the case concerning the Creator? Where is your devotion? Your faith? Or are you just afraid to do so and see the honesty in my words? Maybe it's a mix of both..."
Mountain Shaper takes a clawed step forward that makes the ruins shake. Cloud Retainer blocks his path with her wing.
"One has had enough of this Shaper! Treat the eulogies and artwork of the creator with more respect."
"It is shameful that an illuminated being like yourself is being led by a mortal like that. Are we not the ones who survived this long despite the varying enemies and plots? Calm yourself before you sully the Creator's pride with your uncontrollable wrath."
Mountain Shaper looks pissed as his eyes glare at you with malice. The temptation to flip him off with a shit-eating grin is too strong and he turns away like a toddler at your crude actions.
"I can do the ritual for us to learn the truth on this matter." A timid voice steps in during the brief silence. All eyes turn to Ganyu as she keeps her hands close to her chest.
"All the work I do is for Liyue, Rex Lapis, and most importantly: the Creator. If this method is true then I can learn a more intimate way to worship them. And if not, then I can keep the creator's reputation pure by utterly destroying Y/N."
Her words are soft and gentle but turn dark near the end as she stares at you seriously. The adepti stay quiet seeming to respect her bold actions even if Cloud Retainer seems just a bit ruffled.
"You said that there are many different offerings to give, all with their own reward. Which one would give the best result?"
"The energy sacrifice would be the most convenient and easiest but it doesn't fit you well due to your lethargic nature. Your body is physically strong so a blood offering would be the best choice."
Ganyu's eyes seem to follow your form as you step closer to the section that contains the instructions for the blood offering. She's no doubt trying to figure out how you could know about that without considering the possibility of you being the Oracle true.
You read it out loud so that everyone is on the same page before looking back at them.
"So let's start with the main things. We'll need a clear area outside along with a ceremonial dagger and cup. I'll wait here and write down all the ritual instructions for future use."
In Genshin you always know a NPC is suspicious when they want to 'wait and write' something while you do the actual work. The distrustful looks they all send you feel the same way.
They leave Ganyu to watch over you while they all leave to prepare the ritual. Deciding to leave Ganyu alone, you go back to jotting down the text into your handbook.
It's quiet to the point of it being uncomfortable yet you diligently finish the notes and simply doodle on the free space. Ganyu's eyes never stop running down your body, you ask yourself if she's even blinking.
"Before I came here to visit, I heard of an incident at Liyue Harbor. About two geovishap hatchlings that went feral and caused a mess. The most interesting part was how the 'winner' displayed its trophy to a masked stranger."
Ah, Ganyu... 3,000 years old and counting half-qilin adeptus with a whole war as experience. Did you ever forget her knowledge? No, you just simply underestimated her resilience to erosion. 
"Is there something you want to ask me about that incident? If so, just spit it out. Communication is important, a secretary like yourself should know that much."
"I have no doubt that you are the person in the incident. I'm conflicted over how you came to your... position. Someone tricking the people is normal and still saddening. But someone trying to trick the adepti? Foolish and stupid. I will stop you either way but just know that I will not stand for your evil actions."
A laugh slips past your lips as your gaze falls onto her firm stance. Gentle and quiet are the words to describe qilin yet the conflict avoiding nature seemed to have skipped Ganyu's genes. 
"Then I hope you repent properly to the creator for refusing to believe their loyal servant for speaking the truth." You move to stand in front of her and stare deeply into her eyes with mirth. "It seems the adepti have already returned. Why don't we get going?"
Not a moment later, Cloud Retainer's voice rings out, calling for you both to come outside. Smiling cheerfully, you follow Ganyu out of Cloud Retainer's home.
The moon's glow tenderly caresses your skin and bandaged arm as the water laps at your legs. The adepti stand on the small patch of land as you and Ganyu trudge across the water. On the table is a clean dagger with intricate gold patterns and a gold chalice decorated with Noctilucous Jade.
Dagger and chalice in hand, you survey the area with a critical eye. Smiling, you point at an area of water.
"The water here is clean and clear so it fits the bill in what the ritual needs. Follow me Ganyu." Not bothering to look back you walk deeper into the water, even still the water only reaches above your knees.
"Words are not needed, only actions. Kneel and choose a place for me to cut you. Your blood has to fill the chalice to the brim."
She goes along with your words and kneels, letting the liquid soak her clothes without complaint. Grabbing ahold of her beautiful white sleeve, she pulls it off, exposing her arm.
"Cut my arm in a long shallow slit so it can be filled quickly without too much damage."
"Alright, let me go over the steps once more as your time is limited once it's filled." With practiced ease, you cut her arm and watch her blood flow into the chalice. Not even a peep escapes her from the pain.
"You'll hold the chalice with both hands raising it into the air to signify that you are offering. Keep your eyes closed and pray for what you wish to communicate to the creator. In this case, you want to pray for the creator to accept your blood offering as the first step to forgiveness. After that you'll just need to follow my lead."
Ganyu nods solemnly and you move the now filled chalice to her hands carefully to avoid spilling it. Her eyelids flutter shut as her hands hold the chalice high in the air. The air seems to still as her lips move to mouth a silent prayer.
The blood that drips down her arm and into the water seems hypnotizing. To think you’d really hurt someone to hide your lie. It's different then the case with Beisht; you hurt Beisht to prove your identity. What you have done to Ganyu is a line you may have to cross again in the future. What if you eventually kill someone to hide your lie? The thought seems ludicrous to you now but so did hurting someone before this moment...
Your thoughts seem to still when the blood dripping from her wound changes in color. No, not just color but in texture too. Those wine red drops shift to a mix of pink and blue. It solidifies into a small glittering object that clinks softly as it hits the water.  
It flashes for a moment before dissolving into water like it never existed. Was that truly what a primogem looked like in real life?
An indescribable feeling swells up in your chest, soft whispers lead your body closer to Ganyu without a fight. Shakily your hands cover hers as that intangible feeling urges you to speak.
'I accept your offering' is nearly spoken but even in this haze of dopamine and serotonin, your self control is firm.
"The Creator accepts your offering." Your words are shaky with unknown emotions. Is this Ganyu's feelings towards you as the creator? It's gentle and rests on your soul like a weighted blanket feebly trying to pull you into a deep sleep.
Reminding yourself of the ritual at hand, you begin to tilt the chalice toward the ground. The scripture never specified what would happen but the sight you receive is beyond what you could expect.
What pours out of the chalice is not scarlet liquid, but thousands of primogems that clink and clank as it hits the water. Just like earlier, it dissolves leaving bubbles that cloud the starry sky that was reflected on the surface.
When the last primogem hits the water, you release Ganyu's hands and step back. You look up at the night sky that begins to glow with color as your voice cuts through the tense silence.
"Open your eyes Ganyu, it's time to see your wish revitalized. The Creator accepted your offering after all."
Coral and lavender eyes open slowly and go wide at the sight of the sky. The chalice is gripped in tightly on her lap as the night blooms with blue and purple wishes.
A single gold star begins to travel through the air at high speeds. Noticing its course you step farther away from Ganyu as she stays kneeling in amazement at the sight.
Before anyone can speak, the gold shooting star hits Ganyu and engulfs her spot with a beam of light. It's harsh on your eyes but the game screen that automatically opens in front of you soothes it.
Ganyu's splash art is the only thing you see before you click it off with a triumphant smile. Skipping through all the other wishes and four star constellations, the game screen and gold light disappear at the same time.
A shocked and confused Ganyu could be expected. A quietly happy and thankful Ganyu was expected. But the half qilin adeptus silently bawling her eyes out as she stays kneeling in the water was what greeted you instead.
The other adepti don't hesitate to move to your area with inhuman speed from where they were watching. You expected Mountain Shaper to be the first one to attack you as Moon Carver stands protectively in front of Ganyu but it seems the adepti didn't like to respond logically.
Sharp talons wrapped around your neck as the weight of the crane pushes you back onto the water. The unexpected submersion has you coughing uncontrollably underwater as your body seems to be weighed down by something invisible.
Fingers dig into your throat as blurry yells make your heart pound with panic.
"It's all your fault!" 
"None of this would have happened if you didn't exist!"
"Should have just let me do what I want with you, you pathetic fuck!"
Sickle in hand your attacks are choppy as the electro sputters in and out of existence. The fingers turn into a bruising, clawed grip once more as your free hand grabs a fistful of feathers.
The crane is pulled away and by extension you're pulled out of the water too. The water droplets make your vision blur as you try to calm your hyperventilation into something less vulnerable.
Cloud Retainer is held back by all three adepti as she squawks with indignation. The ringing in your ears prevents you from hearing anything more than, "One has not seen Ganyu cry in such a way since she was a child!"
Ganyu seems more than embarrassed as she repeatedly tells Cloud Retainer something you can't be bothered to make out. Your nails dig into the blood and feathers in your hand as you stare at the missing patch of feathers on Cloud Retainers body.
You're cold, wet, hungry, and so very tired but that bald patch you left on the noisy crane makes you feel happy in a vengeful way. If you weren't still reeling from the near death experience you would have loved to comment on her new preen.
The situation seems to calm down as Ganyu and the rest explain something thoroughly to Cloud Retainer. It's obvious that she had gone on a rampage due to Ganyu's reaction without bothering to view the situation in full. A rare mistake for someone as meticulous as her.
With care and concern only for the present, you move to the edge of the mountain and stare out across the sky. The view of Liyue is muddled yet enhanced by the starry sky. The grass under your shoes is welcome in comparison to the pond that nearly swallowed you whole.
Your fingers mindlessly pick at the healing scabs and bruises from the treasure hoarder fiasco. The grimace on your face is not from the pain of the jostled arm but the uncomfortable feeling of wet bandages. Carefully, your fingers trace the new talon marks on your neck that you gained from Cloud Retainer. Should you get hurt by Moon Carver too, to collect wounds from all three?
The grass crunches behind you and you already know what is about to happen. Your eyebrows pinch in worry and your gaze rarely leaves the floor as the adepti stand face to face with them.
"I'm so sorry for my reaction earlier. I was so surprised and overjoyed that the sacrifice convinced the Creator to awaken me that I reacted in such a shameful way. It's due to my failure to keep my emotions in check that you got hurt. Please forgive me."
Your mind is blank but your body is well versed in what to do, what lies to say. Softening eyes are steady with Ganyu's as your fingers gingerly touch the claw marks.
"I understand Ganyu, the creator's grace is an amazing thing. Be sure to serve them properly from now on." With a near patronizing tone you speak to the adepti as a whole.
"Don't you see what damage you had done to me? The creator is love, peace, justice and truth. I hope you don't think they'll let Cloud Retainer and Mountain Shaper off easy for harming me who has taken on such a heavy and dangerous burden."
Facades are only good if you know how to upkeep and keep track of them. If you act like some soft pushover now, they'll be suspicious. You slide into the control seat of the spider web of lies you've created as easily as breathing. 
Rest? Mental breakdowns? Dissociative states? Hallucinations from past traumatic experiences? All of those things must be pushed into the crevice in your mind. The same crevice that seems to grow deeper and darker with each passing year since your birth. Those thoughts can consume you when you're safe, if that day ever comes.
They react exactly as you expected; haughty but thoroughly humbled with seeds of self doubt planted in their hearts. Breaking even a fraction of their pride in their fake-ass devotion brings a longing for them to crumble even more.
You go along with conversation while conserving as much energy as possible. Ganyu was the only one with enough sensibility to apologize to you so why should you care about the rest of them? If they had Ganyu carry and apologize in their stead then they should be just as fine with you only giving her actual attention.
Pointing out this fact seemed to stun them into a tense silence. Your body naturally goes on edge expecting some sort of attack but nothing comes. Instead they present you with a few apologies without using words.
"As a faithful servant of the Creator, you are welcomed anytime in Jueyun Karst, as well as any other areas that would be deemed off-limits within our authority."
"Why not stay in One's home for the night after the enlightening events that have occurred today? One is not a careless host and will be sure to provide all that you need during your stay."
It honestly wasn't a bad idea, your mind and body were not fit for teleporting to Liyue and setting up camp. You accepted the offer despite knowing that the sleep you will get will not be fulfilling.
The conversations they hold as you are fed and tended to flow in one ear and out the other. The most notable information you picked up was how they wanted to try the method themself and even spread it to Xiao in hopes of the creator lessening his karmic debt.
It's Ganyu that accompanies you to a guest room that Cloud Retainer somehow managed to not make messy. The other adepti seem to think that you like her in some way when little to their knowledge, you're simply fond of her.
Not in the way that you want to be near or interact with her. She apologized for being part of the reason you were attacked. She still hasn't apologized for all her previous rude actions. You liked her the same way as you did on Earth. Only as a character.
A voice whispers that it's better than how you refuse to associate with Ei in any way.
You lay down on a clean mattress in the comforting silence of the night. You're dry, warm, full, and comfortable yet still as on edge as before. The eyebags you wear are not from random all-nighters but from the never-ending cycle of lying for a living. Both on Earth and on Teyvat.
Sleep doesn't come easy, not with the constant fear of talons holding you down. Nor with the unease of amber cutting through your skin. Rest comes in spurts of deep sleep before hands are choking you again back into the waking world. 
Sometimes you wish you could forget who your family was too.
Your internal clock is all sorts of confused as you wake up for the 50th time. Judging by the lack of discomfort in your body, you couldn't have slept more than an hour. 
Pale green glows in the corner of your eyes making you speed into sitting position. You catch the faintest glimpse of a horned masked bearing large fangs and glowing teal eyes. 
You blink at the spot as your breath is harsh even to your own ears. Was it real? Was he here? Why would he be?
For what reason would he watch you sleep if not to investigate?
The cool mask calms your clammy skin. If he had looked under it, you wouldn't be here anyway. It's that morbid thought that brings you peace. 
How ironic.
Knowing that sleep will not come to you for a while, you get dressed and follow the vague memory of the path Ganyu took when bringing you to the guest room. 
It leads to the domain doors to the outside and the brush of your fingertips on the stone doors has it moving smoothly. The early morning sun warms the stone walkway as you exit into the free space.
The sight of the pond trudges up memories of yesterday. With a bright smile and light footsteps, you hurry down the staircase and jump over the water with ease.
"-yet how could we possibly forget such a vital ritual?" "One suspects larger factors are at play." "The records in our abodes should show-"
Catching the near ending of such a serious conversation, you slow down as they all turn to look at you.
"Awake already Y/N? Would you like a light breakfast?" Ganyu is the first to speak, the other adepti are surely still examining you. Now far more lucid than last night you are positive that having another meal with them would be a true nightmare.
"I'm not hungry when it's so early so I'll pass for now. There are many private duties that the creator asks of me and it would be best that I get straight to it. Yet there's a slight problem."
The adepti seem to tense up in unison, not that they are wrong for doing so. You've been a consistent thorn in their side since you met Mountain Shaper.
"You see, my body has not fully recovered from the injuries that I received from fighting the treasure hoarders. And with the how rough I was handled by you all, my injuries were reopened."
The wind ruffles your hair as if highlighting the bruise and talon marks. Your left hand is pressed against your chest making the sun shine on the bandaged arm. The parts of damaged exposed skin are the icing on the cake.
"Then what is it that you desire oracle of the beloved? Do you wish to check on the children that were saved?" Mountain Shaper's voice is like ice. Sharp when cold like yesterday but smooth when controlled correctly.
It was a good thing you slept, even if it was sucky. You almost missed out on such a great bargaining chip!
"That is one thing I plan to do when I head to the city but there's a few things before that. Since you're already offering to take me then it would be a great help if you can take me to this location."
Shamelessly you hold out the map in your handbook with the only commission location left.
Increasing Danger - Hilichurls are building towers in the circled area. Destroy these towers for the safety of the people.
Mountain Shaper sighs tiredly and is about to respond when you cut him off on purpose. 
"Oh and those ceremonial tools we used in the ritual yesterday? I need them. The creator is an all-loving deity that would never desire to push away the innocent and loyal beings in Teyvat unless they deserved it. The creator wishes to conduct more rituals if necessary."
Cloud Retainer seems to stare at you in shock at the forceful way you pushed for the items you desire. The dagger and chalice glint in the sunlight as she resists the urge to hide them from your greedy eyes.
"But before you drop me off for good at my commission site, I'll need you all to help me activate the teleport waypoints. There's no way I'm climbing those mountains again. Besides, the creator blessed you all with such power, how could you not use it to support a fellow devotee?"
Your smile widens to bare all your teeth as Moon Carver avoids looking directly at you. They may be reluctant but you always make sure to have your debts be paid with interest. The price for hurting, exhausting, and stressing you out is not one to sneeze at either.
Quite a few teleport waypoints were activated with the dagger and chalice safely in your bag. Adeptus powers really were useful in situations like these. Within half an hour you had activated enough to safely teleport around Jueyun Karst without fear of running into the adepti again.
As Mountain Shaper sets you down nearby the hilichurl camp and towers for your commission, his curiosity finally gets the best of him.
"For what reason did you discolor so many teleport waypoints?"
"I can teleport using them due to the creator's blessing. Now that I activated them, I can teleport to all of your mountains whenever I want to visit!"
Each word you say with a cheerful grin seems to send him deeper into agony. He nods tightlipped and flies away. The wind brings his muttered words to your words. 
"A vacation is in order. A vacation for as long as possible."
Messing with the adepti was really fun. You just hoped that they would go on vacation permanently, your job would be much easier that way.
All you have left is to finish this commission, teleport to the waypoint near the harbor's entrance and get your money. Simple as that. Opening the game window from your safe viewing spot of the hilichurl camp, you begin to review all the books on hilichurls.
First and foremost, thank you to the editor of this chapter @serpent-benediction! He was a huge help even if he terrorized me the whole time </3
It gives me more time to add some fun stuff like italics and bold. Stories pack more of a punch with flair, in my eyes at least. All the improvements to the chapter are his work like capitalizing Oracle and Creator. We did debate on whether adepti was species or title. So yall are free to give your opinion on which it is and whether it should be capitalized. I'm glad to see that (almost) all the build-up to the adepti part is finished. Well for the adepti at least. I was like dead tired after the choking part so that's why it may be a bit wonky. Now that I'm not pressed for time (yet. Sep is coming soon) I wanted to thank everyone for staying this long in the series! I love reading and responding to comments. I love reading the notes and/or tags from reblogs. I don't know if I should respond to reblogs like I do to comments. Cause I see some really in-depth reblogs that I wanna respond to but I end up not doing that thanks to my thoughts of-'Is that weird, strange or uncomfortable?' I just don't wanna scare anyone off. And for those that might wonder why Y/N was choking here but not with Beisht, it's due to Retainer. Retainer was using her adeptus power to pressure the water against Y/N which caused the drowning and bruises. I hope that clears it up a lil!
I'm a dumbass, I forgot the taglist. That's why it looked so short in my eyes. Everyone is allowed to yell at me for this (except for my editor) Taglist: @vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @sielt, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @conspicuous-mayonnaise, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @sielt, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zeniths, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @undecidingfate, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @zhonglisfruityass, @fluffy-koalala, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado
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the-lark-ascending69 · 5 months
How would Nancy and Steve protect Robin from homophobic attacks?
I love this question. I love the idea of Steve and Nancy being kind of her... "protectors" in a way? The way she cried out their names and they both rushed to help her when the vines caught her... something in my cold heart melted. She's their lil soft bby lesbian, they must protecc (particularly love this in omegaverse AUs in which they're both alphas and Robin is an omega... ik it's not everyone's cup of tea but I adore it). I love the idea of Robin having two soulmates who recognize the danger she's in and how everyone will come after them if They Know so they promise to themselves (!! or each other!!) that they'll keep her safe.
Specifically, I'm thinking of a scenario in which Nancy and Steve kinda don't like each other. Maybe there are still hard feelings after their breakup, and they kinda give each other the side-eye, feeling uncomfortable when they need to share a space or when they're alone in a room without everyone else there making plans and stuff.
But every now and then, they find Robin being cornered at school, her head low, trying to make herself invisible and small as boys taller than her make horrible comments about frigid little dyke needing to see what she's missing, and Steve and Nancy don't even think. They walk up to where she is and push the boys away, eyes dark and voice severe, warning them to never come near her again if they know what's good for them. Boys often reply with something along the lines of "careful, Harrington, seems like your dyke girlfriend's got a hard on for Wheeler here", but they leave nevertheless. Robin remains silent, hugging herself, and mumbles a quiet "can you take me home?" or "can I stay over tonight?" She doesn't like being alone when these things happen, and she's reached a level of trust with Steve and Nancy in which she's comfortable seeking comfort from them, so she'll end up having dinner with both of them (because neither of them want to leave her, even if it means enduring each other's company). Steve will cook something while Nancy sets the table, hesitantly rubs her back and asks if she's okay, and then they'll watch a movie - Robin nestled between the two of them, playing with Steve's fingers or with the sleeves of Nancy's cardigan - touch and hand-holding has always been one of her love languages, especially when it comes to fear and comfort. Whether she falls asleep on Steve or Nancy's shoulder depends on the night, but regardless of it, Steve will carry her to bed and Nancy will tuck her in. They have this little routine, in that way. Nancy will lovingly observe her, kneeling before her bed, and very softly she'll tuck a strand of hair behind her ear while she sleeps. And Steve will stand nearby, arms crossed, watching both of them, a question in his expression, and heartbreak in Nancy's. They share a look - they can't let her face this alone. They can't let her get hurt. The entire world will be after her, and she needs them. Both of them. Because predatory jokes and insinuations are not her biggest problem - Jason Carver had given her a black eye a few months back because he saw her having a chat with his girlfriend (he attacked her in the way you'd attack a man, not a woman), and Billy Hargrove had made his intentions clear with her when she made the mistake of going with Steve to a party, and he saw her, and licked his lips, and he'd grabbed her by the back of her neck and told her he could help her with her problem. Robin's dark, self-deprecating jokes nowadays always hinted at something somber in her future - "okay, but don't cry when they find me dead in a ditch" or "Steve and I share the whole 'possibly becoming moms agaist our will' curse", and it always makes Steve and Nancy uncomfortable.
They might not get along nowadays, but they both adore Robin with their entire hearts. If it meant Nancy had to start keeping a gun in her glovebox, or that Steve had to make sure to never take his eyes off her at social gatherings, they'd do it. If it meant spending time together just to be with her, so she'll always remember she's not alone, they'll do it. Anything for her.
Safe to say that they always drive her to and from school and work, especially at night. Nancy has started cycling again just so she can be with Robin when she misses her bike. She always sits with her during lunch, and glares at anyone who dares to look at her. Rumors spread, of course, but people are much more afraid of Nancy than they are of Robin, and they rarely dare to do much more than whisper. Steve makes sure people see her with him whenever possible, as a reminder that she has people looking out for her and others should think twice before messing with her. Robin almost feels like a child, and she hates that she needs her friends to do this for her, but she's also so deeply thankful to have them. Truly, she loves them. She loves them both so much. She doesn't know how she's even going to make it up to them.
For now, she enjoys curling up in the Wheeler's basement couch with a blanket around her shoulders, a mug of hot chocolate in her hands, watching Steve and Nancy fight over which movie to watch. It's familiar. It's warm and safe and so full of love.
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bionicle-ramblings · 10 days
Onto our boy himself:
@chancetimespace I hope I did him justice!😅
I mentioned in the intro post he was trying to get his honor back and make a name for himself.
Before the AU takes place, he was actually a renowned carver and was working his way into knighthood, as he was skilled with handling weapons and was pretty well known for building statues and a few buildings. People had a lot of respect for him, knew he was someone that was reliable, even though he often had a chip on his shoulder. By all accounts, he was honored as a skilled architect and an artist. He was also able to support his family(namely his parents and younger siblings) pretty easily, and had really made something of himself.
So what happened?
A night where the village was attacked and he not only worked alongside a fugitive to save everyone, but then also didn't think to capture or alert the guards that the fugitive was even there in the first place. And when he tried explaining what had really happened, most people didn't believe him, as a rival carver who saw everything twisted the events and spread it like wild fire. It cost him just about everything, as his titles of artist, carver, builder, etc, were all stripped from him and his family was left in shambles. Hard times fell on them and most family members blamed him for it, doing so to his face and behind his back.
The only one who really believed him and was still in his corner was his friend Matau, who had heard what happened from his travels(we'll get there when we get there), and offered what he could to support his friend, even offering to helping supporting his family and offered Onewa an easy way out; "Long-travel with me! You never know! People in the North love a good share-story, especially when the hero's someone like them!"
As much as he appreciated it, he turned both down and instead did whatever work he could, much of it being physically taxing for hum and not paying well because people knew who he was and didn't really trust him.
He started getting ideas when someone from a group of ten returned from a journey, being in pure hysterics and going on about a princess locked in a castle and being guarded by a dragon, one that was cunning and ruthless and killed the rest of his group. The dragon also guards a vault, but no one's been able to get close enough to it.
While everyone fretted about an unstoppable creature and a poor girl doomed to die in its clutches, Onewa really got to thinking about what he'd heard and tracked down the princess's family, who revealed their daughter was indeed trapped, having been trapped under a curse and now with a dragon, and they don't have the means to rescue her; everyone they send winds up never returning.
It's here that Onewa offers himself and himself alone to take on the task: he will rescue the princess and bring her home and defeat the dragon, but in return, he wants the treasure in the vault and he wants to be able to be a carver again. They are skeptical on letting him go through with it, but Onewa never mentions that in saving someone who really might need help, he'll get his honor back and show that he's good for something. And if he fails, at least Matau will mourn him.
After some negotiations and talking, the family agrees and Onewa prepares for his trek and his mission. His own family is even more livid, but this time it's the kind of anger where you don't know how to express that you're scared for your son/brother, so it comes off more as, "You're a fool and an idiot and this will literally be the end of you," rather than, "We don't want you to do this because what if we never see you again?"
The only one to really voice the latter is his sister, who makes him promise he'll come home.
With that, he leaves, and everyone has now heard what he's planning to do and equally bid their farewells and wish him luck, as he really is going to need it.
He's not alone, though: Matau has tagged along and won't be leaving because if Onewa wins against this dragon, he wants to see it, and the GLORY it will bring them both is terrific to even think about: "They'll cheer-hail us! Write songs! Drink-toast our names! WE CAN HAVE OUR OWN STATUES!"
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heroofshield · 10 months
Whumpcember Day 10- Freezing (Dragon Age 2 FemHawke & Varric)
Takes place during Act 1 before the mission in the Deep Roads.
Growing up in Ferelden, Marian Hawke had experienced her share of cold; especially in Lothering where during the winters the snow could pile up almost to the roof. Escaping to Kirkwall, she'd thought that the winters would be somewhat milder since the city was by the Waking Sea.
She was wrong.
"Maker, this wind is brutal." Marian groused as a gust of wind whistled through the streets, drawing the shawl she had closer around her. "How do you deal with it?"
"Layers. Lots of layer and furs if you can afford it." Varric replied, dodging a pile of near frozen horse droppings. "This isn't even the coldest it's gotten. I remember ten years ago when the harbor froze nearly two miles out. Ice was so thick that you could walk on it no worries. Another time there was a blizzard so bad that it took the city the rest of the winter to dig out."
Marian let out a groan, "Don't say such things, Varric. You're just going to jinx it."
Turning the corner and seeing the entrance to The Hanged Man, Varric just smiled, "It's your second winter in the city, you should be used to it by now."
Marian sighed as they walked into the tavern and the warmth surrounded her like a welcome embrace. Flexing her near frozen fingers, she threaded her way through the crowd towards the stairs and Varric's suite of rooms. Standing in front of the fireplace, she felt her muscles start to warm up and relax. "I don't think I'll ever get used to it."
They needed money for firewood.
The winter had been usually cold, at least that was according to those who'd grown up in the city, and they'd had to spend more than usual to keep Gamlen's house heated. So if Marian wouldn't have to dip into the funds she'd been setting aside for Varric's expedition, she needed to take a few jobs. Her reputation working for the smugglers meant that those that knew were approaching her with 'job opportunities' since she knew the best routes in and out of the city to avoid detection. And while Marian knew those guaranteed a payout, she was trying to find more legitimate jobs.
"But those are few and far between. Not everyone wants to work with a Ferelden still." Marian thought as she stared at the household accounts. She'd promised Bethany that she'd take care of Leandra and Carver, and over the past few years she'd realized that that meant she'd have to do things that her younger sister might not have approved of.
"Guess that it's the smuggling jobs until something else comes along." Marian thought as she memorized the details of the job that would get them the coin they needed to get them the firewood that they needed plus some in case the winter decided to stretch itself out.
Hawke was missing.
She'd asked Varric if he was up for a quick smuggling job, but he'd replied that he was knees deep in his latest novel and didn't want to stop mid-stream; if he did then who knows if he'd ever finish the draft before his editor started sending daily letters asking where it was.
Hawke had just let out a laugh and said she better get to read it first before he sent it off before bounding down the stairs towards the main floor of the tavern, calling over her shoulder that she'd be back the next day.
"That was yesterday and normally she'd at least stop by to see if she could get a few free drinks from me in exchange for telling me about it for my next serial." Varric thought as he idly tapped the end of his quill against the paper. "She could just be resting at Gamlen's, it snowed pretty awful last night; had to make the mountain pass difficult to get through."
But the feeling in his gut told Varric that something wasn't right.
So he cleaned up his drafts and hightailed it to see Carver, and somewhat discreetly see if Hawke wasn't just sleeping it off, but she wasn't at home so her brother agreed to help look for her. Then it was to the City Centre and the guard's quarters to ask Aveline if she'd seen the quick witted warrior. She hadn't either and reluctantly agreed to join their small party to go hunt down the woman. One last stop in Darktown for Blondie just in case they needed a healer and they were on their way.
In the interest of time, and hoping that Aveline would ignore the fact that they were traveling through smuggling tunnels, Varric decided to use the Merchant's Guild route he knew would get the to the highlands the quickest. Stepping out into the snow covered pass, the cold air slapped Varric's face and he wished he'd brought his fur lined jacket. "Or at the least my shirt that closes all the way up." he thought, trying to suppress a shiver.
Glad for the snowshoes so he wasn't head deep in the snow, Varric called out Hawke's name as loud as he dared without causing an avalanche, "Hawke!"
"If she's unconscious she won't hear us." Aveline said, drawing her cloak tighter around her.
Varric chose to ignore the statement and continued trudging forwards, "Hawke, you out here!?"
"Marian!" Carver called out, narrowing his eyes against the brightness of the snow.
"Hawke! You still owe for those fines last month!" Aveline called out, knowing that if the woman could hear her then she'd protest. But silence greeted them.
"Search the ground for any signs of footprints, there would not be many traveling through here this time of year." Fenris said, starting to scout ahead of the small party.
They fell silent after that, spread out and focused on the ground-hoping for some sign that Hawke was still alive.
After what felt like an eternity, Carver let out a whistle to draw everyone's attention and they made their way towards him. "Look, footprints." He pointed to the ground where an indentation could just be seen. "Looks like they go off in this direction."
Varric looked in the direction that Carver indicated and in the fading sun could just make out the outline of a cave. "Even if it's not her, we need to find shelter soon. Otherwise we'll be icicles when they find us."
"Maybe who ever made the footprints is still in there and can tell us what happened." Aveline said, unslinging her shield from her back and making sure that her sword wasn't hindered by her cloak.
Anders nodded in agreement and readied his staff while Varric got Biance out and Carver made sure that his sword was ready as well.
Inside the cave it was a touch warmer than outside, but not by much. Their breath still created white clouds in the air and Anders created some mage lights so they could see.
What Varric wasn't expecting was for Marian Hawke to be illuminated by said lights; propped up against the cave wall, eyes closed and slumped over herself.
"Maker's kickers." he cursed as Carver sheathed his sword and made a beeline towards his sister. "Blondie, you're up."
Anders nodded, setting his staff against the wall and kneeling opposite of Carver.
Marian was freezing. The snow had been heavier than she'd expected it to be and that had caused all sorts of problems until she'd realized that she'd be stuck in the mountains without any supplies to get her through the cold night. It had been luck that she'd found the cave and had hoped that Carver or someone would miss her enough to come looking.
Feeling warm for the first time since setting out, she opened her eyes expecting to be greeted to the damp of the cave-not the whitewashed walls of a room in Ander's clinic. Confused, she tried to sit up and discovered that she was nearly being held down by multiple blankets.
"You gave us quite a scare."
Marian looked over to see Varric in the doorway, a bowl of something in his hands. "Oh?" she asked in a rough voice. Clearing it, she tried again, "Did I get bitten by wolves and almost turn into a warewolf?"
"Not as dramatic. Nearly became a human icicle though." Varric carefully set the bowl of hot soup on the small nightstand by the cot. "Good thing we brought Blondie along, he said that a few more hours and it would have been off to see the Maker for you."
Marian carefully pushed back the blankets so she could sit up and brushed the stray hairs out of her vision, "At least you missed me enough to go looking for me."
"Y'know Chuckles, if you needed the coin I would've let you borrow it. Didn't have to be so dramatic and nearly freeze to death."
Marian huffed in amusement, "You know me, I have to make a statement. Besides, we'd just gotten out of the smuggling guild-what makes you think I wanted to go into debt right after that?"
"Could've called it an advance on our delving findings." Varric shrugged, knowing that the casual way they were talking was the way they communicated; through jokes and playing it off like it was no big deal. "Unlike the Merchant's Guild I have reasonable terms. At least you wouldn't lose a limb if you couldn't pay it back."
At that Marian let out a laugh and knew the words that they weren't saying. "At that, how can I say no?"
"Just promise next time you decided on a 'quick job' you at least take two other people."
"I promise to cut other people next time."
"Good. Now drink your soup so I can go back to my writing."
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thaliasandy · 1 year
Hellcheer headcanon:
Warning: sexual themes but no actual sex and Jason is an asshole and no one can convince me otherwise.
Eddie came to the picnic table behind the school hoping he could make some money, he certainly didn't expect Chrissy Cunningham to be here today, especially not like this.
She sat at the table with her back to him but he could tell she was crying, not just quietly shedding a couple of tears but fullblown sobbing into the sleeve of her white sweater jacket.
She flinched and whipped around to look at him.
"Whatever it is you want me to do, I'm not doing it."
She scrambled to get up from the bench and backed away from him.
He put his hands up in surrender.
"Hey, people usually come here if they want something from me...What's wrong?" he asked when he saw the terrified look on her face.
She was still wiping at her tear streaked face.
"Haven't you heard what Jason and his friends say about me?"
"In case you haven't noticed, I don't really engage in gossip with Carver...What are they saying?" He was confused why something her boyfriend said made her so distraught.
"He...he told everyone I've been doing...all these nasty things with pretty much the entire Basketball team and some of them are playing along..and everyone believes them..." she cried, her sobs sounding like she was about to hyperventilate.
He moved closer ,slowly , like he was approaching a frightened animal, and put a gentle hand on her arm.
"Shhh it's okay."
"No it's not!...Two guys stopped me in the hallway earlier and asked if they could "spit roast" me....I don't even know what that means but I'm sure it's something gross!"
"It's when you give a blowjob to one guy while the other-"
Chrissy stared at him with wide eyes, her mouth ajar in shock and embarrassment.
"Oh shit, nevermind...you don't want to know what it is, do you?"
"...No!" She squeaked.
"Sorry...Why is he saying those things about you?
She was fidgeting with a loose thread on her sleeve.
"I broke up with him yesterday...He said he didn't want to waste his time with a...stupid virgin like me anyway..."
"Stupid bastard" she heard him mutter under his breath as he pulled his bandana from his pocket and offered it to her to wipe away her tears.
Chrissy was carefully dabbing under her eyes and below her sweet little button nose.
"Haven't you guys been together since ...like 3rd grade?!"
He overexaggerated in an attempt to be funny.
"Mr Carver is the pastor at our church. Our parents are friends...Jason and I have been dating for two years but he's been getting very pushy lately and I didn't like that." Chrissy awkwardly tried to explain.
"That's good! Don't let any guy talk you into stuff you don't like."
"I promised I'd let him do it on prom night but he didn't want to wait that long."
"...Let him...do it? ...Are we talking about Sex in general here or is the golden boy into some freaky shit?"
"No! Just...normal sex...I guess...I don't know a lot about all that..."
"Hey it's okay, I haven't done all the stuff people claim I did either..."
"Really?! They say you're into...well...'freaky shit'." She repeated what he said and gave him a tiny smile through her tears.
"Yeah about that...They're talking a lot of bullshit...But don't tell anyone, I have a reputation to maintain."
"I won't. I promise..." her smile vanished when she remembered this morning.
"I can't go back there! Everyone's going to be staring at me."
"What do you say we skip school for the rest of the day then, princess?"
Something about him calling her that made her ears perk up, it made her feel excited and tingly.
"I've never skipped school..."
"First time for everything, huh?" He wagged his eyebrows and smirked over this play of words, considering what they'd just talked about.
Eddie led her to his van and just as he was about to start the engine, he spotted Jason and his friends on the other side of the parking lot.
"Princess, do you want to *really* piss him off?" He smirked mischieviously.
"Yes!" She answered with no hesitation what so ever.
"I have an idea...but I gotta warn you, they will think we...uh...know each other carnally..."
Eddie instantly regretted mentioning it when he saw her hesitate.
"Forget it, it was a stupid idea."
"No,no,no, he'll absolutely hate it, I love your idea!" There was something evily determined in her smile.
"...but...how are we going to make him think that?"
"Roll down your window a bit and climb in the backseat."
Eddie tried his best to be respectful and not stare as her tiny cheer skirt flipped up, revealing the cutest butt ,clad in even tinier green cheer shorts, when Chrissy easily and elegantly climbed in the back.
The cheerleader couldn't help but giggle when Eddie clumsily flopped down on the floor of his van, all wild hair and long limbs.
The rear windows were curtained and Eddie pulled another little curtain shut that seperated the front seats from the backseats.
Chrissy was sitting shyly on one of the pillows he kept there for the rare occassion that Corroded Coffin landed a gig outside of Hawkins and he and the band had to sleep in the van, like sardines in a can.
She probably had a different idea of what this van had witnessed; In the dim light of the afternoon sun streaming in through small gaps in the curtains he could see her blushing deeply.
"Chrissy, we don't have to do this if its too weird..."
"I want to make him pay!...And I was hoping if people thought you and I were...you know...a thing, maybe they wouldn't bother me again..."
The memory of the two guys cornering her earlier made her shudder with disgust.
"It'd be my pleasure to defend your honor, Princess!"
He smirked, hoping he didn't look like the nervous, love sick fool he was.
"Really? You would do that?"
"Sure!" (I would do anything for you) he thought.
"Are you ready for the whole school to think you're banging the freak?" He joked.
She sat up straight, nodding her pretty little head, looking like she was waiting to be taught something really profound.
"So...how are we-"
Chrissy's question was cut short as Eddie knelt down, one hand on the back of the drivers seat, one on the cars ceiling, and started rocking the van back and forth.
"Wait! I don't know what to do!" She gasped as she knelt down beside him.
"Just make it sound like you're having a good time." He laughed.
"How would I know what that sounds like?!" She stared at him scandalized.
"Right.." He slowed down the movement and thought about it for a moment.
"Have you ever watched a movie with a sex scene?" She shyly nodded, her face now beet red.
"Just try to make it sound like that."
Eddie peeked out through the curtain and gleefully noticed Jason and his group of jocks staring at his van.
"Still sure about this?"
"Yes." She whispered.
"Mhhh, Fuck! You feel so good!" He suddenly groaned, loud enough for them to hear and a visible shiver went through Chrissy,  she hadn't expected him to sound this way.
"Oh Eddie, just like that!!!"
She tried her best to sound like she was in the throes of passion and Eddie was surprised how well she did it. He was so mesmerized by the crazy glint in her eyes that they almost forgot peeking through the curtain again, just in time to see Jason's head snap in their direction.
"Oh my god he heard us!!"
She giggled and excitedly grabbed his arm.
Spurred on by his shocked expression and those of his friends, who were one by one realizing who they were listening to, she really put on a show and Eddie went along with it.
While they were having fun in the van, (not quite the kind of fun it sounded like) at some point Chrissy clasped her hand over her mouth to muffle her laugh after Eddie let out the most ridiculous moan.
"Let him hear you, laughing during sex is one of the best feelings." 
Eddie grinned at her. When he looked out again he noticed Jason seemingly getting more and more aggravated and as much as he enjoyed seeing him like that he really didn't want them to come over and beat his ass so he whispered:
"Are you ready for the big finale?"
She answered in her high-pitched-fake-sex voice, making them both laugh.
Eddie almost sounded like he was growling and Chrissy squeezed her thighs together tightly to get some relief from the tingling she felt between her legs.
She tried her best to immitate the sounds she normally had to hide by burying her face in her pillows when she was touching herself at night and it ended up feeling so good that her legs were shaking and she almost blacked out.
"Come for me, Princess!"
"Ah, ah, ah...ahhhhh Eddie!!!"
"Shit!...That sounded so real! You okay?"
He chuckled.
"Yeah, you?"
He nodded, grinning like a mad man. They were both flushed and out of breath as if they really just had sex.
He tried to discreetly adjust his pants and he was glad he was wearing black jeans, at least they somewhat hid the outline of his raging boner.
"We gotta look a bit more disheveled...May I?" He motioned to her hair and Chrissy wasn't quite sure what he was about to do but she agreed.
He gently pulled the green scrunchie from her ponytail, slipped it onto his wrist and tousled her hair, she inhaled sharply at the feeling of his nimble fingers playfully dancing across her scalp.
"Sorry, did I hurt you?"
"No...it feels nice."
She answered truthfully as she leaned into his touch.
He was surprised when she suddenly did the same to him and he realized just how nice it felt.
He wanted to kiss her and for a moment he wondered if she'd kiss him back; but he instantly felt like an ass for even thinking about this when he remembered how freaked out she was by those two guys in the hallway.
"Can I give you a hug?"
"Yeah" He chuckled incredulously and added "We just had sex, of course we can cuddle."
She giggled as she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight, Chrissy was flooded with an unfamiliar feeling of warmth and security when Eddie returned the hug and she wanted to never let go of him.
"Come on, lets get out of here before your... ex-boyfriend and his buddies come over here."
Surprisingly she liked the sound of that, ex-boyfriend.
Eddie quickly shrugged off his vest and leather jacket and Chrissy did the same with her cheer jacket. He climbed back into the frontseat first, then(like a real gentleman, not like they just made everyone listening think he rearranged her guts) helped the tiny cheerleader, even though she didn't need any help, get situated in her seat again.
Ironically when he started the engine, 'Fuck like a beast' started playing and he couldn't help but turn up the volume as they drove past Jason and his friends. If looks could kill, they both would've dropped dead. Chrissy stuck her arm out of the window and flipped Jason off with a sweet smile on her rosy lips, Eddie leaned over the middle console, flashed him a shit-eating grin and did the same thing, making sure to show off Chrissy's scrunchie around his wrist; He was so close that she could feel his breath on her skin and the tips of his wild,long hair grazing her shoulder sent a shiver down her spine.
She wanted to kiss him so badly but she figured, since they'd be spending some time together today, she'd get plenty of chances to do so without an audience and without Eddie thinking she just wanted to put on a show for Jason.
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shift-if · 1 year
prompt 77: “ Are you jealous? “ please :))
Sure thing anon. It's a long one.
🤍 Harmony - You lost track of how long you've been running through the dark alleyways. How many twists and turns it took to get away from your pursuers. You struggle to catch your breath as you feel a hand on your back rubbing your spine.
"I think we lost them." Harmony bends down to catch your gaze, nodding at you as you take in a deep breath.
"You better start learning to fight or something. I'm getting so tired of this." wiping the sweat from your brow, you grin at her. She knows you will protect her, even when you pretend it's the last thing you want to do.
"If I have to learn to fight, then what use will you be to me?" Harmony jabs your rib with her elbow, grinning as you wince.
"Less time with you means less headache for me." You move to rub your temple. You barely had enough energy as it were with the job you pulled with Carver today. This only worsens the hunger in your gut, the very hunger that tells you if you don't feed and soon...well let's not think about that now.
You flick your eyes over Harmony's figure, checking to ensure she didn't get hurt on the way here, your eyes latch onto her neck. A bite mark you know wasn't there yesterday.
"Harmony? What the hell?" You raise your hand, pointing at the two puncture wounds that are easily recognizable as coming from a vampire.
She raises a hand to the left of her neck, a sheepish grin on her face. "Oh, that was from last night. It was consensual, it's fine."
You scoff at her. Who the hell did she let bite her? Better yet why is it bothering you? Is it because you swore to keep her safe?
As she walks past you, patting you on the shoulder she grins. "What's wrong? Are you jealous it wasn't you?"
🤎 Keegan - You slide into the tiny office, made only smaller by his presence. You notice the documents on his desk, the odd placement of knick-knacks scattered along its brown oak top. As if a child had been staging out a play with the vampire and werewolf figurine on top.
"So, what did you want? You know Carver is going to get pissed knowing I came here by myself." Turning to face him, you notice Keegan rubbing the back of his neck. Nervously looking to the office door and back to you.
"I couldn't say this in front of the others, and I have to be here anyways to keep your "friend" from overstepping their welcome." He motions for you to sit.
Friend? Could he mean?
"I noticed your smell was different, well different than normal. I just wanted to make sure you're alright, you know I can keep you safe if you need me to." He doesn't meet your gaze, but that doesn't lessen the meaning of his words.
You do know Keegan would look out for you, that's not what catches your attention.
"My smell? Have you seriously been sniffing me Keeg?" You fight the laughter that tries to crawl up your throat. Since when has he been so clued in on your smell? Especially enough to notice who you were with.
"Don't be weird, it's not like that." The look he shoots you would scare a lesser person. Yet, you know you have nothing to fear from this wolf. .
"Don't tell me your..." Before you can finish your sentence, someone comes in briskly opening the door.
"Alpha, oh sorry I didn't know you had someone in here?" The young wolf flushes as they look at you then back to Keegan.
"It's fine, just wait for me in your room. " Keegan smiles at them, a cheeky smile. One that shouldn't make you jealous it's aimed at them, but it does nonetheless.
"You really leaving when we're in the middle of a conversation?" You glare at him, to the wolf smiling, then noticing your glare sheepishly leaves the room. "Are you really going to go sleep with her right now?"
"Look at you, sounding all jealous. Keep that up and I might think you're starting to like me." He winks at you before following the other wolf, looking back one last time before turning down the hall.
🖤 Carver - "Will you get down, you keep staring they're going to notice." they push your head down, keeping you from peeking over the fence. It's been a long night, and the job still isn't done.
"For fuck's sake Carver, how the hell am I supposed to know what they look like if I can't look." you push his hand off your head, swatting him on the shoulder.
Carver clicks their tongue at you, turns you around, and presses you against the fence. "I said follow my lead, do what I say. How hard is that for you to understand?" The glint in his crimson-red eyes should scare you, it would others. This side of Carver you know, the hunter. The look they use when they're hunting, for food or work.
A smarter person would let them be, but you can see they're on edge. See they're fighting the hunger just as much as you, but you have a job to do. Food comes later. You catch yourself staring at their lips, a slight tinge of red from the blood bag from earlier.
The sight makes your stomach twist, be it from your own hunger, or from the way you watch as they dart their tongue to moisten their lips.
Shit, the hunger must be getting to you. Because why the hell would you be thinking of Carver like that.
They catch your gaze and the corner of their mouth shifts just enough to see their fang. "Like what you see, dragă ?"
You push them back, you hate when they call you that. In fact, you hate him, or you should. Though you know you would do anything for Carver, even if you want to kick their ass most of the time.
You watch as they straighten, nodding their head to the person leaving the abandoned building. "That's my meal for tonight."
Your eyes widen, that was the person Carver was with several nights ago. How could you forget when you walked in on them, you couldn't if you wanted to. Your brow furrows, and once you hear the laugh from beside you, you know Carver knows what you're thinking.
"Jealousy is unbecoming of you. You know there's only room for one in my cold dead heart." he teases, brushing his arm against yours.
"Shut up, who the hell would want to be with you?"
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marie-swriting · 2 years
Be My Boyfriend - Chrissy Cunningham
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Stranger Things Masterlist
Summary : You're Chrissy's best friend so you help her through her relationship problems with Jason, even though you have a crush on her.
Warnings : A little angst but fluffy ending, Jason is a dick, English is not my first language so there might some mistakes you can tell me, if you see them. Tell me if I missed any warnings !
Word count : 2.4k
French version
Song inspiration : Boyfriend by Dove Cameron
The sound of Jason’s party gets quieter as you go upstairs. You start looking for the room where you put your jacket when you arrived. While walking in the corridor, you hear sniffing coming from one of the bedrooms. Worried that someone might need help, you knock on the door.
"Hey, is everything alright ?" You have no answer so you opened the door slowly and find your best friend Chrissy sitting on the floor, wiping her tears. "Chrissy ? What is wrong ?"
"Nothing. Don't worry. Go have fun." She says trying to smile but you don't listen to her. After closing the door, you sit next to Chrissy.
"Come on, tell me what's the matter." In response, she stares at her feet and you understand what's upsetting her. "It's Jason, isn't it ?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"Well, you know I don't particularly like him and lately you two have been having some disagreements, as you mentioned a few times."
"I tried to talk to him, like you advised me.” She starts explaining. “I told him I was tired of him only spending time with his friends and not me, his girlfriend. He just said I was overreacting, that I was trying to make him look bad when he's trying his best." She tells you, she pauses when she sees your facial expression. "you can say it."
"What ?"
"He's a dick. I know you want to say it."
"Can you blame me ? He is ! Like, he doesn't even try to listen to you."
"Actually, he promised me that we would spend this party and the weekend together."
"Yet, he's not with you."
At your sentence, Chrissy nods sadly before looking at her feet once more. You feel bad for your best friend. You hate that she's being treated that way by Jason Carver. He has the chance to date Chrissy, openly, and yet he takes her for granted.
You know you'll never be able to be with Chrissy, even though your crush on her gets bigger with each passing day since middle school. She has never shown any interest in girls, and she has a boyfriend. So, you just accept your role as her best friend. Especially if it means still being part of her life. No matter how heartbreaking it is. You want what's best for Chrissy so you help her through her relationships. The one with Jason is the one you hate the most. You know he doesn't deserve her, but she's decided to stay with him in hope he'll get better.
Chrissy sniffs a little before rambling "You know, I'm starting to think he's right. I mean, he has the right to enjoy his party with his friends, right ? I'm overreacting, I shouldn't make a big deal of this. I mean, we danced a little earlier. It's just, I wished we'd spend more time together, you know. But maybe I'm ruining everything."
"Chrissy Cunningham, you listen to me carefully.” You begin, forcing her to look at you. “You're not ruining anything. He's the one to blame here. He's the one acting like a jerk. You have the right to ask for some time with your boyfriend. With what you told me, I can really tell he's not doing anything to make this relationship work. You're always the one making an effort and not him." You take her hand in yours and she gives you a small smile. You smile at her as well, sympathetically. "Chrissy, I'm sorry your relationship with Jason is going that way, but you have to do something. You clearly can't stay in that situation. He's always letting you down. There are so many ways he can't suffice. I mean, I've always known he was a bad person, so I'm not even surprised he's not a good boyfriend. Everyone could be a better boyfriend than him. Even me."
"You ?" She laughs, hiding her mouth with her hands and you start panicking as you realise what you just said.
"I mean, it wouldn't be hard, you know.” You add before clearing your throat. “But clearly, there's a guy out there who would be better than him. I'm sure there's someone out there who will love you entirely, someone who will take time for you, someone who will do everything for you."
"Maybe.” Chrissy answers, lost in her thoughts “It's just... Jason and I have been dating for six months and I don't want this relationship to go to waste."
"Chrissy, do you love him ?" You ask her, and you're scared of the answer. You know, you may be about to get your heart broken even more.
"Maybe ?... I think ?... I don't know. He can be nice, sometimes. And I had a crush on him for a moment. And when we spend time together, I like it."
"That doesn't necessarily mean you love him."
"I know... what do you think I should do ?"
"You should take some time to think. Come on, let's go to my place." You tell her, standing up and holding out your hand to help her up. "He's probably too busy with the other jocks right now anyway."
"You're right." She says, taking your hand and standing up. For a second, you two stay here, looking each other in the eyes. You wipe away her last tear with your free hand before guiding her out of the bedroom.
When you and Chrissy have your belongings, you go downstairs. You're about to leave the house when you hear Jason's voice calling for Chrissy, completely wasted. "Where are you going, baby ? We're supposed to spend the weekend together, remember? That's what you wanted."
"I- Jason, I need some time to think. I'm going to Y/N's. I'll talk to you next week."
"You're not being serious, Chrissy? You're really leaving ? Oh my god, then you're gonna whine about how we never spend time together. Come on, stay." He says, grabbing her wrist.
"Leave me alone, Jason ! I just want some alone time to think about us." She says as she pulls her wrist out of his grip. She locks her arm in yours and you and your best friend leave the party, Jason being completely confused by what's just happened.
As you haven't been drinking, you take your car to go to your house. Chrissy is being silent on the way there. You say nothing to get her attention, knowing she's lost in her thoughts, thinking about your conversation and her interaction with Jason.
When you arrive, you directly go to your room, trying to not make any sound, not wanting to wake up your parents. Once settled in your bed, you look at Chrissy while she stays silent, staring at you, too. You wait for her to speak first.
"You're right. Jason is not a good boyfriend but I think I have feelings for him."
"How strong are your feelings ?" You ask her, trying not to show the hurt on your face.
 "I don't know. Maybe I just need more time to develop my feelings ? I mean, I'm supposed to love him, right ? That's what people expect of me."
"It's not about what people expect of you but what you truly want. So tell me, what do you want in a boyfriend ?"
"I want my boyfriend to be kind, someone who listens to me, who makes me laugh, even when I'm sad. I want someone who is easy to talk to. I don't want to be scared to tell him if he's hurt me. Someone I could totally feel at ease with." She admits slowly. She keeps her eyes on yours, admiring the beauty of them. "I think I just described you, maybe you should be my boyfriend" she adds, trying to contain her laugh. You try not to show any emotion, pretending you didn't just hear your crush say you'd be her perfect boyfriend.
"Well at least, I could do everything Jason is not capable of" You reply, trying to act cool.
"That wouldn't be too complicated." Chrissy says before yawning. "I'm tired. I better sleep. Thank you. For everything. You're the best" she whispers before kissing your cheek.
Even though this is something that she does every single day, you can't help but feel butterflies in your stomach. Chrissy has no idea of the power she has over you and sometimes, you wish you could tell her. You wish you could tell her that you'd be willing to show her how she should be loved.
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Since Jason’s party, Chrissy has been distant with you. You don’t know the reason but you think it’s probably because of your conversation with her. You’re worried she understood your true feelings for her and that she freaked out. By giving her advice, you didn’t mean to act so ambiguous but that’s what you did and now, you’re losing your best friend.
You hate it. You don’t want to lose her. You want to make things right. Maybe, if you’d talk to her, you could make it seem like you were just being a good friend to her and not showing your romantic feeling for her.  
As you are leaving your Spanish class, a class that you have in common with Chrissy, you pack your things quickly to run after her. When she hears you calling her name, she turns around. She smiles, waiting for you to come next to her.
“Hi, Y/N. Is everything okay ?”
“I wanted to talk to you. Maybe you could come to my place this Friday. We haven’t really seen each other this week.”
“Sorry, I’ve been busy.”
“So is it okay for this Friday ?”
“I… I can’t, I’m sorry. I already have something planned with Jason.”
“Oh. So I guess, you realised you do have feelings for him.”
“We could say that.”
“I’m happy for you, Chrissy. I just hope he’ll act better this time, you deserve it.” You say, trying your best not to tear up. “I have to go.” You add before she could tell you anything else.
You start walking fast to leave the school. Once out, you find a place where you can finally let go of your tears. You knew she’d fall in love with him one day. It was predictable and yet, it still hurts. You feel like your heart has been ripped out of your chest.
You lost her forever. You’re sure now. She’ll stay with Jason while you’ll stay alone, because you’ve ruined everything by not being good at hiding your feelings. You can only blame yourself for your heartache.
When the week-end comes, you’re glad to be away from school, even if it’s just for two days. At least, you’d be able to stay locked up in your room, listening to sad songs, wishing things were different.
Ironically, you hid how you’re feeling very well to your parents - if only you had done that with Chrissy - they don’t even know you’ve been crying yourself to sleep for the past two days. They think you’re fine which means they’re not feeling bad leaving you alone in the house as they go on a date at a fancy restaurant.
While you’re reading a book on your bed, you hear someone knocking on your front door. You’re confused, you don’t know who it could be. Your parents have their keys and if it was one of your high school friends, they would have called you.
When you open the door, a shock expression takes place in your face as you see Chrissy in front of you. She seems a little nervous. You can see it by the way she’s fidgeting with her fingers.
“Hi, Y/N. I should’ve called you, but I really need to talk to you.”
You nod before letting her enter your home. You indicate to her the living room and she follows you. The two of you are sitting on the couch, you wait for her to explain what she wants to talk about but only the ticking of the clock on the wall can be heard.
“I thought you were on a date with Jason tonight” You say, gaining her attention.
“It wasn’t really a date.”
“He’s your boyfriend, you guys were hanging out. That’s a date.”
“I dumped him” She admits, looking at you.
“Wh-? You told me you realised you have feeling for him”
“I realised I have feelings, yes. But not for him.”
“I’m confused, Chrissy.”
“Y/N, like you said, Jason is not a good boyfriend. And no matter how much I try, he’ll never change. I’m tired of being in a relationship where he puts no effort in and where I’m not in love.”
“I’m still lost, who do you have feelings for ?”
“Remember our conversation last week ?”
“Yeah, about that I’m sorry if-”
“It made me understand something” she cuts you off. “When I described my perfect boyfriend, that's what made me understand something. I always knew you had a special place in my heart but until last week, I didn’t know how special it was. You’re the only person with whom I don’t feel like I’m acting. I can be the real me with you and you’ve always been caring with me. I like you, Y/N. More than a best friend should. I know how I sound right now and you probably hate me which I would understand-”
“I mean, that’s totally random and you probably don’t even see me that way.”
“I just needed to say it, even though I know I just lost you.”
“Chrissy !” you shout, finally having her attention. “Will you, please, let me say something ?” you ask her and she nods. “I like you, too. I always have, even when I didn’t know what it was back in middle school. You didn’t lose me. I actually thought I had lost you. I do have feelings for you, Chrissy.”
“You do ?” she questions in disbelief. You come closer to her and grab her hand while locking your eyes in hers. “So, would you like to be my boyfriend ? Or in our case, my girlfriend ?”
“I would love nothing more.”
Chrissy smiles wildly, just like you. She leans in, nervous before you break the distance and kiss her. Her lips are soft against yours. The kiss is slow and full of love, the love you two had for years but never got to express until today. You’re filled with happiness as you realise you finally have the chance to be the one dating Chrissy Cunningham.
Stranger Things Masterlist
{This is my side blog so I'll be answering comments under the username @marie-sworld}
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harringrovsonsworld · 2 years
Jason Carver SFW Alphabet
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I was struggling with my kas eddie thing so i decided to take a break and do something for Carver. i know hes an asshole but i do have a soft spot for him. his death was bs and he was clearly in need of help that he didnt get. a terrible waste that he went from the pep rally high to dead in a serial killers attic in less than a week.
anyways long post under the cut
Edit : I forgot j like an idiot fool.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
I've gotta be honest. Jason comes across as a shallow air head. The basketball equivalent of sharpee from highschool musical. BUT if any of yall have seen sharpee’s stand alone show/movie thing you'll know she's not quite as shallow as people make her out to be. Jason's affection is like that. He seems at first blush to be a cool guy but you can't think of anyone who’d put them as their emergency contact. Their first call when shit hits the fan. Then you get to know him away from his meat head friends, he can be quite genuine. I don't think he has the forethought to do this on purpose, but he can be very unintentionally sweet and soft with his words. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He's a very hands on best friend, especially if it came to a shared hobby like basketball, hiking or swim team. I think he’d have a hard time with stuff he doesn't like, to pick a completely random example, someone who likes DnD. He can be pretty dismissive of ‘that nerd shit’ whatever that might be, it's less out of meanspiritedness and more wanting you to fit in so you can still hang out without damaging his cred. Maybe not the most noble of ideas but it comes from a good place and you have to remember, he is only 18.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
If you were alone or in a more closed off setting, yes I imagine he would like to cuddle. I can see Jason having a pastor dad who probably wasn't the most outwardly loving. He’s maybe a little cuddle starved. He seems like he'd be the type to throw his arm around your shoulder whenever he could, put his head in your lap or hold your hand in church. I don't think he's the type for spooning, probably not allowed to bring anyone home with him, but he might fall asleep against your shoulder while you watch a movie. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I struggled with this one. Jason gives me very white upper class traditional roles sort of vibes. He absolutely wants to get married, in fact i think he’s the type to be planning his dream wedding and dream spouse for years in advance. But I also think he sees himself as the stereotypical man in the relationship. He's expecting to marry someone who’ll be a homemaker while he goes off to work, maybe follow in his fathers footsteps. Bit of internalised misogyny/ toxic masculinity i think. His parents would certainly expect him to do chores when he was younger, but it was on sufferance and it's stopped now he has to focus on college (maybe a basketball scholarship?) He's never learned to cook or clean for himself, even for the pleasure of making food only he wants. If you're into the whole, trad wife/ husband/ spouse thing, maybe this could work out. If not you're going to need to make that clear because jason has a hard time reading sarcasm  
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Say what you will about Carver in season 4, he knows how to be a gentleman to his partners. He’d take you on a date to say goodbye and try his level best to go on good terms. I imagine you'd have to do something pretty egregious to force his hand but I can also see him being told you're not the right partner for him by his parents, then twisting his arm. It's pretty clear that if Chrissy had survived she was going to dump Jason and if Chrissy was an 8 out of 10 on the Jason pain scale, you're an 11. All that to say, oh boy is he going to take that hard. His friends might try to cheer him up with some sort of superficial lads night out but let's be real, there's only so long you can hang around someone miserable who won't cheer up. He's going to go hide in some sort of teenage angst misery pit listening to the 80s equivalent of Linkin park's Numb.  
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Oh hell yes. Jason is so excited about being someone's husband. He loves partying, every teenager does, but he is so excited to settle down with his best friend and build a life with them. He seems the type to give out promise rings, like “we’ll be together when college is done” sort of thing. I imagine he’d want a decent engagement period, mostly so there's enough time to coordinate the wedding and organise it between your two families and pick the right date. I think he’d want a fall wedding, kids soon after so they are born in the spring/summer. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
I think what we see of him with a bad temper and even worse intentions is Jason at his absolute lowest. A snapshot of him at his worst possible moment and it shouldn't be taken as normal. He’s kind of jockish, physically rough and emotionally immature and I honestly don't think he’ll get that much better. He might mellow with age, get rid of all that nervous energy that seems to follow him about. And I doubt that boisterous playfulness will last forever too, so he will probably not be as rough and tumble by the time he's finished college.  I'm not saying you have to parent him but he does seem to need an actual adult to point him in the direction of maturity, talking through his problems instead of taking the huff or just letting things fester. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
I'd say so, yes he's a fan of hugs. He likes those little dancy swaying hugs you get when someone completely wraps their arms around you. I canon Jason as autistic so he likes the pressure and grounding effect they have. His hugs are wrapped a little too tight and he's just a little too into it. He definitely gets teased by his basketball buddies for how many hugs he gives you. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
I imagine Jason has been taught to never say that unless he really means it. Brought up to think if you say you love someone, it means you're going to marry them and we all know how important that is to jason. For that reason I imagine he’d be really really slow to say it. He’ll have been thinking about it for a long time, mentally adding it to the end of his conversations with you. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He's not huffy so much as he is oh woe is me. Spirals a bit into self loathing when he thinks you have something better than him. Sometimes he goes a bit over board trying to prove he deserves you, trying to earn you back even though you're still with him and don't intend to leave.
He needs Therapy and a confidence boost.
Kinda chaste, short and sweet. He's not the makeout type normally, mostly just a quick peck on the cheek in the morning before class, a quick goodbye when he drops you home. He likes to kiss cheeks and hands and shoulders. I think he likes to have his neck and jaw kissed. He seems like he's ticklish, might devolve into a giggling fit if you blew a raspberry on his neck. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Hmm judging by his behaviour his parents seem a little absent . I'm betting like most boys in Hawkins he didn't exactly have a good male role model for fatherhood. I imagine he has a sort of idealised version of parenthood in his head that doesn't exactly line up with reality. He likes kids how he sees them in his head, having fun sitting with his daughter having a tea party, and teaching his son how to play ball. I don't think he's thought about all the late night feedings and nappy changing and wiping snotty noses. He's good with calm and fun kids but he has no clue how to deal with a fussy, scared or crying child. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Jason is a fitness nut, not to mention his strict parents. He's up at the crack of dawn for church and a morning run, maybe doing laps in the pool before class. He's perfectly happy to let you lie on until he's done but he's the kind of annoying morning person who wants you to come with him and have fun. He likes to go out for breakfast dates. Actually he likes pancakes and waffles so much he could give el a run for her money. He'd have breakfast for dinner if he thought he could get away with it. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Jason isn't failing any classes but that's mostly due to the fact he spends every moment he's not practising basketball and at church doing work. He doesn't really care too much about his grades, he's banking a lot on a free ride to a sporty college, he just doesn't want to incur his parents wrath and complaints of being a disappointment. He usually falls asleep with his nose in a boring book, maybe with you on the opposite sofa waiting for him to finish his work so you can go grab dinner. He's up at the crack of dawn most days so he's an early to bed sort. Doesn't mean he can't pull the occasional all-nighter for exams or victory parties. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I think Jason is a nervous talker. He’ll info-dump about himself to just fill the silence. It’s all true stuff but it's just a constant stream of consciousness, rambling and going too fast for you to really take in. I imagine once he's past that initial awkwardness and the butterflies have calmed down, he’ll let a steady stream of things about himself be slowly revealed. For all his anxieties he's not super shy, does not hide things about himself and always caves when pressed. He’s not super deep, it's what you see is what you get with Jason 99% of the time. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s pretty average. I think he has a hard time putting himself in other people's shoes a lot of the time, unless it's something he's experienced. Stuff he knows well he’s got a lot of patience for, things he doesn't understand get a lot of “why can't you just do X” or “c'mon Y cant be that hard” he doesn't get angry easily but he does get annoyed, exasperated even. He's a serial problem sorter by which I mean he says the phrase “do you want me to deal with Z for you” rather than just listening or letting you solve the thing on your own time. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Jason is a lot like steve. He’s not stupid even if he isnt that book smart. He remembers a lot of little details and nuances and then does something daft like forget your anniversary. He's a little absent minded when he's focused on other things  but he is good at making it up to you. 
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
I mentioned above he doesn't remember big things even though youd think theyd be easier to remember. He's a bit of a romantic at heart: maybe something like meeting eyes across the carpark or hearing your cheer over the crowd when he scored the winning point at a game. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
After Chrissy left him for someone he thought of as inferior, Jason sort of developed a bit of a complex. He’s a little jealous but more in a sulky passive aggressive way than an outright hostile and accusatory way. When he knows he's upset you he gets pretty melancholic and self pitying “oh woe is me, this is why chrissy left me, i get it now you should leave me too for someone better” that kind of thing. For all his bravado he seems like he has a somewhat low opinion of himself outside of basketball and even that might be taken away from him if he survived the earthquake/upside down of Hawkins with injuries. He doesn't like to be physically protected, he'd rather fight his own battles. But I imagine he might like to have things sugar coated, no harsh truths or telling it like it is. Sometimes you need those harsh truths though so maybe protect him from taking it too hard? Just be gentle with him is what i'm saying.
Assuming he’s still able bodied after the whole, vecna incident, he’d definitely go to bat for you. If not, well he's not particularly cutting, quick or sharp witted. I think he might defend you with somewhat empty threats. But know this, able or not his team still has his back and by extension yours. One dude on crutches isn't much of a threat, but an entire varsity basketball team who wants to kick your ass is a pretty big deterrent to anyone who might mess with you. Less scary dog privilege and more scary wolf pack privilege.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Jason is sort of one note with his effort. He picks stereotypical date ideas, gifts and so on: flowers, chocolates etc. He doesn't do it intentionally, that's just what he assumes girls/guys/nb partners are meant to like. Wining and dining people are really the only string to his bow at the start, it's all he's been taught.  Like I said, he's a romantic so once he finds out more about you he’d try to bring those things into his dates. He loves aquarium dates, one of his special interests is sharks and sea life. I think he’d love it if you took him and just let him ramble for a few hours about jellyfish and deep sea creatures. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He's got a habit of making things quite grandiose. He tends to blow things out of proportion, like good is great and bad is the worst. He's got a habit of giving lectures and speeches and so on. He can be quick tempered but it's usually just as quick to fade. I really put a lot of this down to immaturity. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
It's not his top priority, but he likes to look good for you, you know? Always showers in the morning and after practice at night, wears some nice but subtle cologne and keeps his hair
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
I don't think Jason as we know him has enough emotional complexity to put any thought towards the concept of completeness. He doesn't really get the concept of another half to make him whole in anything other than a religious sense. Maybe when he meets you it'll be the catalyst to realise he did feel like he was missing something and just never noticed it until now. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
As I mentioned, i canon jason as autistic and absolutely adores sharks. I imagine his room is a mix of basketball trophies, photos from church and sea life stuff. He's got shark posters, ocean themed bedspread, a starfish lamp and maybe some sea world plushies on his bed. Lots of calming blues with a sand coloured carpet. Maybe he has an ocean themed music box from his childhood that he keeps by his bed. I can also see him with one of those jellyfish ceiling light covers. His room is hella childish but it's his and he doesn't want to change it. His dad probably hates it but his mom is just happy he's not trying to grow up too fast. Not like anyone has ever seen his room because he isn't allowed to bring partners back and his friends only want to see his pool and wine fridge. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He's kinda squeamish. I imagine if he had a partner with a uterus he’d get squicked out by blood from periods or childbirth. He’s not going to make it your problem but he has absolutely fainted when he saw someone get a nose bleed so maybe be careful around him during that time of the month. I think he might find spitting or smoking a deal breaker too. He's sort of a  “my body is a temple” type. Drinking is fine but he draws the line at drugs, even weed. He doesn't have THAT much of a problem with other people doing it but you aren't just any old person so i can see it being a point of contention. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Jason sleeps like a baby, all swaddled up in his blankets. He is a blanket thief and will literally pull you off the bed if it means pulling the covers towards himself. He does snore a little but is absolutely adamant he doesn't. Once he finally has his blankets he sleeps like a corpse: can't be woken by anything except his alarm and doesn't move a muscle for hours at a time, no tossing or turning and if it wasn't for the snoring you might not even think he’s breathing. 
i didnt intend to write for jason a lot but this was fun. if you wana talk more about jason hmu.
ao3 link is here
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hiddenbeks · 10 months
oc questions tag
tagged by @hibernationsuit !! thank youuuu 💜
tagging @rosykims @aevallare @abetterbeginning @gortash @wrenanigans if u want to do this, no pressure! don't remember who's done this recently so i'm sorry if ur getting spammed with this bc of me hehe
anyway it's celyn time babey.. been thinking abt her a lot lately <3
name: celyn surana
nickname(s): uhhh. cel? i gotta think of some cute descriptive nicknames for her that others would teasingly use but i'm drawing a blank rn. will have to ruminate more.
she only lets Very Close Friends call her by any nickname btw. jowan (being her only friend lol) was the only person in the circle who got to call her cel. only andrale and carver have earned this privilege since (andrale only ever calls her celyn tho). leliana earns it as well ten years later during inquisition lol
gender: cis female
star sign: uhhh she was born on the 27th of firstfall which is the thedas equivalent of november sooo sagittarius??
height: 159 cm. my second shortest oc and the same height as me hehe <3
orientation: bisexual!
nationality: fereldan i guess. she was born in ferelden and raised in ferelden's circle of magi but she doesn't have a strong Fereldan Identity. she's not celyn from ferelden she's just... celyn...
favorite fruit: uuuhh apples
favorite season: i'm tempted to say winter bc her aesthetic is so cold and wintery but i think she would prefer a warmer season. maybe mid to late fall actually. she enjoys the gloom and fall colors and the rainy and stormy weather
favorite flower: i wonder if she's ever even seen a live plant actually. i wonder if there are any indoor greenhouses in the circle. wow i'm suddenly making myself sad thinking abt how she's barely seen any nature in her 19 years of life. anyway uhhh!!! gentians are her favorite actually look at how pretty they are
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favorite scent: ghghjgh i struggle with any scent or smell related questions bc i have anosmia so idk what things smell like lmao. let's say uhhh whatever a spruce forest smells like. nice n fresh i imagine
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: she's a coffee gal... had to check if coffee exists in thedas and apparently it does and is a major export of antiva. fascinating. anyway she drinks coffee to stay awake late at night reading and studying (forbidden) magic. she enjoys the silence of the night and is at her most productive during that time
average hours of sleep: during her time in the circle i guess it was like... 5-6 maybe? as i said she tends to stay up late and i bet circle inhabitants are expected to wake up crazy early like 6am or sth. it doesn't get any better after leaving the circle bc andrale also expects everyone to get up and moving crazy early. and after officially becoming a warden it gets even worse when she starts having Warden Nightmares ahah
dog or cat person: cat person! she's a bit like morrigan when it comes to dogs. thinks they're stupid n gross lol. though she does eventually warm up to the dog (named assan by andrale <3) in dao.
dream trip: honestly anywhere is fine she is full of wanderlust... what living in a tower for 19 years does to a gal... the whole blight adventure is a dream trip to her i bet. yes she has to fight darkspawn and a horrible death is around every corner but consider: she gets to see ancient elven ruins and denerim and orzammar... so many sights to see and so many new experiences! she feels so alive! and she gets to use her powers to their full extent!! she gets to hone her skills beyond what the circle allowed!!! not that the circle's rules stopped her from studying outlawed magic in secret but like. now she doesn't have to do it in secret anymore.
a trip to tevinter would also be interesting from a purely academic standpoint. nevarra as well because it's more liberal with magic than most of thedas but also safer for her than tevinter? so basically she would like to see the whole world but especially places where she gets to expand her knowledge on magic...
favorite fictional character: in a real world au her favorite fictional character would be morgana pendragon from bbc merlin. this is not at all influenced by the fact that one of my inspirations for her was morgana pendragon from bbc merlin,
number of blankets they sleep with: hmmmm one
random fact: i'm sharing two random facts bc i can't decide which one of these is more interesting or whatev:
celyn is basically the toph to andrale's katara. they have somewhat clashing personalities and differing views on teamwork and the sharing of camp chores... andrale expects everyone to contribute while celyn only looks after herself. also despite her excitement she's kinda terrified to be out in the real world but she won't let it show!! so she acts hyper-independent!!! unfortunately for her andrale can see right through this facade and she calls celyn out on it (she tries to be gentle and constructive about it but she's had it with celyn's shit and fails). so. yea. my point is they argue a lot at first lol! but they become great friends once celyn learns teamwork and communication and andrale loosens up a little
whenever she does fire magic she makes the flames hot enough for them to turn blue, purely for the aesthetic. she also enjoys other ways of showing off with her magic and she was Very competitive in the circle. she simply had to be the best in her class and let the other students know that she was above them. most of her fellow students could not stand her because of this <3
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final-girl96 · 2 years
Chapter Seven: Steve's Suspicious
March 17, 1986
Steve picked me and Robin up after school and we all went into work. Robin and I were putting movies away and Steve was standing behind the counter. "People keep giving me weird looks. Then some of them laugh when I walk by," Steve said. I looked over at him, "I'd give you weird looks and laugh too. Have you looked in the mirror?" I asked. "Why? What's wrong? Is it my hair?" He started to panic and look for a reflective surface. "Oh, my god. This is why you don't have a girlfriend, Steve."
"Funny. Very funny. You know someone told me to ask about the guy you've been hanging around." My body froze, breath left my lungs. "Are you hiding something from me?" He asked. "Sure they weren't talking about me? YN is always with me, right, yn?" Robin nudged me with her shoulder. I nodded my head, "right. I don't know what they're talking about."
"You know if you have a boyfriend you can tell me. You're eighteen now. And as much I don't like it I won't always be able to protect you. Especially when you go off to college. As long as it's not like Jason Carver or Eddie "the freak" Munson." He laughed. I started to nervously laugh until Robin hit me on the back. "Nope. No boyfriend just studying really hard ya know something you never did." He looked at me suspiciously but let it go.
After work three of us went to the diner for dinner. And of course with my luck Eddie walked in. We made eye contact and the annoyed look he was wearing quickly changed. That signature wide smile overtook his face. Steve was busy droning on about his last date and I started to lightly shake my head at Eddie as he made his way over to us. What I didn't know was that his uncle was sitting right behind us. My heart felt like it was in my throat.
"I'll be back. Need to use the bathroom," I said and quickly stood and rushed towards the bathrooms. When I went to shut the stall door someone stopped it. "Where are you going in such a rush?" I looked up seeing Eddie smiling at me. He pulled me out and into the hand capped stall, locking the door, and pushing me up against the wall. "What're you doing in here?" I asked.
"You looked like you were trying to get away from me. Wanted to make sure you're okay." He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "I'm fine. But Steve has been asking a lot of questions today because someone told him I've been hanging around a guy and then he started talking about if I have a boyfriend it's okay to tell him as long as it isn't Jason or you and I think he's just more suspicious because I can't panicked and was acting all weird. If it wasn't for Robin you'd probably be dead already."
He took my face in his hands making me look at him. "Whoa. Slow down. Deep breaths. If Steve finds out it's me I'll deal with it. And to ease you more, Wayne was right behind you guys. I wasn't walking toward you, babe. But I am happy I got to see you today," he said. I rolled my eyes, "you saw me at school," I said. I felt so stupid and I probably made Steve even more suspicious.
"Yeah, but I missed you. I want to take you home with me." I pushed him a little. "I think it's time I just tell him. I just don't know how. To be honest I'm surprised he didn't figure it out the moment we started dating. Hea so fucking dense." Eddie laughed, leaned in and kissed me. "If that's what you want. I like keeping you to myself. But I can totally take your brother." I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulled him down so I could kiss him again.
We were in our own world until someone started pounding on the stall door. "Look, I know you guys can't keep your hands off each other but Steve is like two seconds away from coming in here to make sure you're okay," Robin said. I groaned and opened the door smiling at her. "Is he done talking about his date?" I asked. She groaned loudly, "no! And how dare you leave me out there alone."
When we walked back out Steve was paying for the bill. "Are you okay?" He asked me. I nodded, "yeah." He looked me up and down, "are you sure? You were in there for a long time," he said. "Women stuff, Steve." He looked at me confused, "you know periods. Blood. Tampons. Pads." He held his hands up, "okay. Okay, I get it! Let's go." Robin and I laughed and followed me behind him. I looked over where Eddie sat with his uncle and he winked before turning his attention back to Wayne.
After we dropped Robin off at home and we got home I went straight upstairs. "Don't wanna hang out and watch a movie?" Steve called after me while he shut the front door. "Homework. You know something you never did," I said. He rolled his eyes and walked towards the kitchen. I did actually have homework to do and I wanted to get it done and then get a shower. I didn't have a lot to get done since I did most of it during my free period.
After I got out of the shower I put on one of Eddie's tee shirts I took from his room, a pair of shorts and put on a pair of knee high socks before heading downstairs. Steve was in the kitchen pulling the ice cream out of the freezer. "Hey. Homework finished already?" I nodded my head and jumped up on the counter. "Yeah. I did most of it during my free period," I said. He nodded his head, opening the cabinet to get a bowl. "Want some ice cream?" He asked. I smiled and nodded my head, "always."
We ate our ice cream and watched a couple movies before we headed upstairs for bed. I was laying on my stomach on the bed, reading, Kate Bush playing quietly when I heard tapping on my window. I stopped reading, and listened. When I didn't hear it again I went back to reading. I was too caught in the story of my book to hear my window being opened. I yelped when a hand slid.up the back of my thigh.
"Shh. It's just me." I turned to see Eddie. "What are you doing here?" I asked, jumping up and running over to close and lock my bedroom door. "I wanted to see you," Eddie said, flopping down on the bed. "You just saw me a few hours ago," I laughed. He picked up my book and started flipping through it. "That's a long time, babe. It's like an eternity to me." He set the book back down and turned on his side to face me. "You're so clingy." I said, going over and climbing onto the bed beside him.
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s11e1 out of the darkness, into the fire (w. jeremy carver)
i'm feeling very dispirited about my ability to watch the entire series, gotta say. i'd been kind of looking forward to s11 because i have some vague notions of a few of the episodes. ah well. tally-ho
dean sucked up by the darkness straight away, great (scrolling through my internal rolodex of ladies i very vaguely know of from fic. amara??). turns out our nice boy is just taking a nap with the flowers
sam's hair situation looks improved, looks like they let it grow out so it's uneven in the back and flipping up in parts again instead of a shaped smooth bob situation
they're getting a little more creative with the effects with rolling in the flashbacks, which is neat. though using the same effect (differently but similar enough) for dean and sam's recollection, less neat
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cas has progressed to rabid wet kitten i see
JENNA Rebar. I sought cover. I fell.
all right so. just the moral calculation of culpability in all the rando human deaths at scale due to ye olde brothers. letting lucifer out i think is zero sum, they were pushed by heaven and hell to make it happen. sam saved a lot of people by jumping into the cage to lock lucifer (and michael and poor adam) back up, that's gotta add a good number in the black. (cas has got some big negatives with the whole god-stint and releasing the leviathans i wager. oh and the whole angels falling business). choosing for sam to live instead of closing the gates of hell forever, well that is less definable but seems like a big fat red number on dean's tally, but probably less than would have died with lucifer and michael duking it out? so if we consider them one (ofc) they're still in the black. this business with the darkness though, is a lot more definable and in your face if we're seeing this hospital full of dead people on their first jaunt out post evil!twister. curious what kind of guilt they're gonna lay at sam's feet. he gets squirrely when it's people in the way of having dean. anyway. i think y'all might be the bad guys 😔
moving on, finally.
oh funny, the deputy was the original fen in the magicians which i've definitely mentioned before while watching this. aha, she was in 7x22 with rick worthy (dean fogg on the magicians, spn alpha vampire). those light eyes and dark hair are very striking and memorable
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did they scrimp on the makeup budget or something?? looks like he's sewing up a vulva and not even bothering to lift her shirt. UNSANITARY, BRO. hope she's up to date on her tetanus too. and gets some antibiotics to boot
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that's some weirdly lit cleavage. also, dean already lied to sam about what went down with her? SIGH. so. tired.
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this lighting got him extra haggard looking. why didn't he just kill the zombie whatever, especially after hearing the baby crying? wtf is going on.
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the little yawn 🥺
MARN’S HUSBAND You just sit your tush down, okay? Just let me get this out. I've been thinking a lot about what you said -- and -- and I know, I lost my chickens when you put it out there. But it's not every day that your wife tells you that she wants to watch you get a party started with your best friends. I mean, am I right?
this whole interlude is... something. aaand straight to maternal death. sigh. and dad's gonna die too. great
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giving 2x9 croatoan slash 2004 dawn of the dead vibes
DEAN And how long is that? And when they infect others, how long is that? No, we stay here, that baby dies. We did this, Sam. Okay? We broke it, we bought it.
indeed. why don't you tell sam about the dark cleavage lady then
CASTIEL Sam, Dean... goodbye. It may be some time before we see one another again. DEAN Wait, Cas. Cas!
LOL okay. couldn't squeeze in any details i guess
MINION 1 It's just, you barely escaped assassination. You're arguably on the run from the most powerful witch on earth -- not to mention an angel of heaven and uh... CROWLEY And? MINION 1 You didn't call for help until after the orgy?
come now, minion 1, do you truly expect otherwise
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sam's talking big picture logistics and dean's just like wtf is the other option right at this moment
DEAN We have a plan, okay? It's the same plan as it's always been. In order to get out, we go through. SAM And? How's that been working for us? DEAN We can't save Cas if we're stuck in some hospital, okay? Just like I can't strap on a time machine, go back, and tell Cain to shove that Mark up his ass or stop you from releasing the darkness. Now, have we made mistakes? Yes. Hell, yes. And we can analyze each and every one of them over a couple of frosties when we're old and farting sawdust and out of this room! Right now, all I can do is I can gear up, I can head out, and I can save that freaking baby, which is exactly what I'm gonna do.
when they get old. together. right.
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SAM Dean, if we don't change -- right now -- all of our crap is just gonna keep repeating itself. DEAN Okay, I-I don't even -- what?
i'm with you on this one, dean. what
SAM There is always a cure. You just have to want to find it. DEAN Yeah, how are you gonna find it if you're dead? And around and around we go. SAM Saving people means all of the people, Dean. Not just that baby. Not just each other. I unleashed a force on this world that could destroy it... to save you. DEAN And I told you not to. SAM And I'd do it again. In a second, I would do it again. And that is what I'm talking about. This isn't on you. It is on us. We have to change.
(i hate that my thought process legit is, take yourselves off the board, go to heaven, do not pass go)
so i guess sam's guilt caused a come to jesus moment about killing the people (rabids??? zombies) who we've seen already have an inherently short shelf life even without intervention. guess that's why he refused to shoot one despite the crying baby. this doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. i can see sam having this thinking, but not in this situation and moment.
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poor woman stuck watching their messy drama play out. i hope they're packing her a big ass duffel of formula and diapers. did you know when you give birth in a hospital, you can take all that stuff you don't use in your room with you? stock up, folks
SAM Get Jenna to the car. Get her and the baby somewhere safe. DEAN Without a shot. And what are we gonna do about those things on our tail? SAM They won't be on your tail. DEAN No way. SAM You said it, Dean. We broke this. DEAN Yeah, we broke this, okay? We did. SAM I heard it in your voice when you agreed to take that child. I get it. You do what you do. But you've got to let me do what I do, too.
be bait?
quelle surprise sam locked himself in with a zombie. oh and got zombie juice in his mouth. STELLAR PLAN, SAM
MIKE Her name.. is Amara.
okily dokily. so we think the baby's named amara but it's actually dark cleavage lady? do i get a gold star?
and lucifer slash michael is all riled up in the cage, even greater
DARKNESS For the same reason that you'll never hurt me. (She pulls aside her dress to show the Mark of Cain on her collarbone) We're bound, Dean. We'll always be bound. You helped me. I helped you. No matter where I am, who I am... we will always help each other.
great great. it's like a neverending fucking romcom where an ever growing percentage of sam and dean's problems are caused by lack of communication. but we don't even get the catharsis of a good kiss at the end. i am so tired of it
i need to lower my expectations again so i can stop being so disappointed
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sweetmage · 1 year
SebastianxBethany -or- CarverxMerrill
Hi! Sorry for the late response! Well, late for me anyway, I guess it's still the same day😅
For Seb/Bethany... I don't actually ship this personally. I would try to answer the questions anyway for fun, but unfortunately I don't know Bethany very well/have never seen them together other than skimming their banters on the wiki so I don't think I can't add much😅No shame to them at all though, I have seen some of their banters and they definitely got some little thang going on!!! As for Merrill/Carver... I like them a lot 😌
when I started shipping it if I did: This was my first DA2 ship. I was sad when Carver left (and even sadder that he became a templar in my playthrough, like come on...), I wanted to see more of him and Merrill!!!!
my thoughts: I think they are very awkward and cute, love how flustered he gets around her. It's also really sweet to see the softer side of him.
What makes me happy about them: Same as above! Also height difference. They're also just very funny, I loved that she thought everything he said was an innuendo when he was being more wholesome than Hawke could ever hope to be when flirting with her. She also doesn't pick on him or antagonize him the way the other characters seem to!
What makes me sad about them: They get separated from each other no matter what (wardens, templars, or death), but I would imagine him becoming a templar in my playthrough kinda puts a huge wedge in things, I don't really see them coming back from that tbh 😅 Though perhaps there is something juicy in the heartbreak/betrayal of it ending in that way. And Warden Carver is a whole other can of worms...
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I have never read a fanfic about them. However, I do not like when any fic infantilizes Merrill or has a non-mage step in to save the day because she "doesn't know what she's doing" or whatever so I would dislike that here too.
things I look for in fanfic: I think I'd only prefer to read fluffy things about them, personally. Especially her worrying over a warden Carver, especially in a canon where one of her clanmates became the HoF so she'd have that personal experience to strengthen her concern for him. Not to mention the general issues with maintaining a relationship while being a warden, etc. I'd love to see them navigate that. I'm sure there's a million fics about that, I just don't read fics often so I'll have to look some other time😅
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I also ship Carver with an unnamed male warden I just mentioned offhand in a fic once and I ship Merrill with Isabela, my m!blood mage Hawke, sometimes with my dalish circle mage/blood mage El'la as a QPP. I also sometimes ship her in an OT3 with Tamlen (who survived) and my dalish warden Savil. I also love her having some sorta deep platonic thing going on with my canon Hawke and Anders post-canon. Same with her and Sebastian being deeply close besties. (Merrill is my favorite DA character so I think about her with everyone, she has such good chemistry with so many people)
My happily ever after for them: I think it might be asking a lot for them to ever have a normal, quiet life but I'd at least like them write to each other frequently and find times to meet whenever they can, even if only just to chat and steal a smooch for a few minutes as he's passing through.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Carver as the little spoon is funny to me because he is so Large so I am kinda digging it. There is also something cute about the safety and security of being wrapped comfortably in her arms after many months away experiencing The Horrors. Not to mention post-nightmare too. He seems to take the whole Warden thing really well, but I can't imagine it isn't at least somewhat taxing.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Just catching up and sharing funny anecdotes, exchanging gifts perhaps. When they live such different lives that don't allow for much normalcy I could imagine it might be nice just to relax and enjoy each other's company peacefully for a while 💗
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floatyflowers · 2 years
Yandere Jason Carver x Reader
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You are Eddie Munson's younger sister which makes you an easy target to your brother's enemies especially after what happened to Chrissy.
An easy target for Jason Carver.
But when Jason comes to your truck house all angry, trying to demand answers about your brother's whereabouts.
He's shocked to see you.
An innocent timide girl, dressed in modest clothes.
He can't believe that you are even related to Eddie, someone who he believes to be a satanist.
"H-how may I help you?"
The stutter assures that you are indeed shy and nervous.
Lucas prepared himself to stop Jason from attacking you with words and questions
But surprisingly, the blond smiles gently at you.
His friends can't believe the change of attitude.
"May I ask some questions? It's totally fine if you don't want to answer any of them"
Yup, the change of attitude is starting to scare his friends.
You would invite them in, and answer the questions truthfully.
Especially the one about your brother's whereabouts, because you don't really know anything about it.
Jason would only stare at you as you speak, feeling like he's staring at an angel.
An angel, he is going to turn into his future wife after he graduates.
"I'm sorry about what happened to Chrissy, she seemed like a sweet girl, but I assure you that Eddie is innocent"
Instead of getting angry at your words, Jason smiles.
"Thank you for cooperating, and here's my house number, if anything happens, you can call me"
The moment Jason leaves and you shut the door, his friends swirm him with questions.
"What was that back there, man?"
"You do realise that she is Eddie's younger sister?"
"(Y/n) also has a boyfriend"
Jason glares at his friends, causing them to shut up, allowing him to speak.
"Listen, (Y/n) is in deep danger with Eddie around, he might come back and pollute her mind with his satanic ideas"
Lucas realises what is going on, and what is going to happen.
"Therefore, I have decided to keep her safe"
In other words, he's going to kidnap you.
And scare your boyfriend away in his own ways.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Too Late?
Summary; Chrissy is dating Eddie to make Jason jealous and everyone knows it except Eddie.
Jason turns to the reader who is in love with Eddie to help him get back at Chrissy and the reader agrees with a few conditions.
Eddie finally realises that Chrissy is using him but y/n is dating Jason now? It's too late to get his dream girl. Right.. ?
Warnings; Angst to fluff, jealous reader, jealous Eddie, heartache.
Request by anon. I hope you like this 😘
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Likes, comments and especially reblogs are always appreciated ❤😘 I do not give anyone permission to copy my work.
Eddie and Chrissy had begun dating a week ago and everyone in Hawkins knew it was to make Jason jealous.
Jason knew it, all of Hellfire, Nancy, Robin and Steve, Heck even Hopper knew it and he only heard the gossip from El and Max's sleepovers.
The only one who didn't know it was Eddie and y/n couldn't believe that he didn't see it.
She was heartbroken about him dating Chrissy especially when she thought that they were so close to dating.
Obviously, she was misinterpreting everything and he had no feelings at all for her and it had always been Chrissy he liked. She had gotten everything wrong.
Seeing Eddie and Chrissy was so hard and she quit Hellfire furious at Eddie for leading her on, he had tried to talk to her but she wouldn't entertain him, even when his hurt look would etch in her mind.
The total surprise of this horrendous week of Eddie and Chrissy dating was that Jason had cornered her after class with a proposition.
"Look we all know Chrissy is stringing Munson along and using him, I want to get back at her so how do you feel about going on a few dates? Piss her off a little? Go to prom".
Is he serious? After all the shit he pulled on Hellfire?
"You think I'd help you after all the shit you pulled on Hellfire?". He nods and sighs.
"I know. Look maybe we could reach a compromise. Whatever you want?". Now this has possibilities. She mulls it over and knows exactly what she wants.
"I want you to leave my friends alone, stop shitting on Hellfire and bullying the members and don't even think of getting handsy with me Carver. Maybe a kiss or two but if your hands go a wandering I'll kick your ass".
Jason thinks this over.
"You got yourself a deal. Eddie and Chrissy are coming this way so can I kiss you just once? Rile Chrissy up a bit?". She shrugs.
Hey, if it pisses the bitch off she is all for it.
Jason kisses her taking her by surprise, it really isn't that bad but there are no tingles or anything. Still, she can be a good actress and deepens the kiss.
Something thumps on the ground and out of the corner of her eye she notices Chrissy has stopped still glaring at them and Eddie is watching Chrissy's books scattered on the floor, agony on his face.
She feels guilty for a nanosecond before thinking fuck it. He broke her heart and lead her on.
"Oh Jason, I'd love to go on a date with you, tonight at seven". She says loud enough for Chrissy and Eddie to hear but not enough to make it look suspicious.
Jason grins.
"I'd love to, I'll see you after school".
She can't exactly say she was expecting much with Jason, her guard was up and she was worried about him being an asshole but to her surprise she was actually enjoying their dates.
Jason wasn't as bad as she thought and clearly loved Chrissy with his whole heart.
While he poured his heart out about Chrissy she did the same with Eddie over milkshakes and fries.
Hellfire was also a hot topic but once she started to explain what they actually did in the club Jason was apologetic.
"Look, I shouldn't have called it a cult, it's not my thing but it doesn't seem too bad. To be honest I'm starting to think Munson is a fucking idiot for not locking you down".
This makes her smile a little.
"Could say the same for Chrissy, you know Carver you aren't that bad". Jason chuckles and clinks his milkshakes with her.
"I'll drink to that".
Eddie felt like he had been punched in the gut seeing y/n with Jason. His letterman jacket perched around her shoulders and Jason's arm around her. The kisses that they shared.
It's the first time he felt his heart break because he had been in love with her for so long and now he was fucked. It was too late.
Y/n would never give him a chance. He had hurt her, they were so close to dating but he panicked about how deep his feelings were for her and when Chrissy asked him out he agreed.
Then he lost y/n because she quit Hellfire and wouldn't speak to him. Not that he could blame her. He had fucked up.
It's just he couldn't believe the girl he was in love with loved him. Good things like that didn't happen to Eddie, he didn't get the girl of his dreams.
His insecurities lost his princess and he felt so fucking stupid. Dating Chrissy wasn't even all that, she spent most of the time only kissing him when Jason was around and ignoring him when Jason was awol.
Now that Jason was dating y/n, Chrissy had gone crazy and he knew that she was just using him. He felt like a fucking idiot.
He had ended things with Chrissy and was sitting at the Hellfire table feeling so fucking stupid.
Y/n would never forgive him.
It was prom night and Eddie didn't want to go but Uncle Wayne had thrown his ass out and told him to make things up to y/n. He didn't know how to do that but he put on a suit, his leather jacket and hoped for the best.
He would grovel for ages if he had to and rushed to pick up Jeff and Gareth.
Prom was in full swing when they got there and y/n looked like a fairy tale princess. She was smiling and dancing with Jason.
He sighs knowing all of this was his own doing. Chrissy was with her fellow cheerleaders and giving him and Hellfire dirty looks.
God, he had really fucked up. How the hell was he going to fix things.
She was actually having a great time, Jason was very polite and was making sure she had a great time.
Despite that, there was still an ache in her chest that wouldn't go away. She couldn't deny that she wanted to be here with Eddie but that wasn't going to happen.
Speaking of Eddie he was sitting at a table with Jeff and Gareth, he looked so handsome and utterly miserable.
Her traitor heart softens, Jason follows her gaze and smiles.
"You really do love him don't you?". He asks her gently and she nods feeling tears pool in her eyes.
"Yes". Jason pushes her in Eddies direction.
"Then go get him, he's miserable, he knows he fucked up. I've seen how he's reacted to us dating. He's heartbroken. Give him a chance". She sighs and nods kissing Jason on the cheek as a thank you.
Then she walks over to Eddie and he looks up at her and swallows.
"Hi princess".
"Where's Chrissy?". She asks confused because shouldn't she be with Eddie.
"Didn't you hear? I dumped her. Lost my princess because I am such a fucking idiot and let my insecurities get in the way of taking a chance and instead gave the wrong girl a chance instead. I fucked up so bad".
She sits beside him and takes his hand.
"Yeah, you did fuck up. I thought you liked me, Eddie and then you turn around and date Chrissy? I was heartbroken and thought that your feelings were just in my imagination". The tears fall freely now and he wipes them away.
"I'm in love with you, I'm so in love with you and I'm sorry I let my insecurities get in the way of us. Chrissy meant nothing to me, can't get your heart broken when the girl inevitably leaves if you aren't that fussed anyway".
Her heart aches.
"That's what you thought? That I would leave you. Don't be stupid Eddie. You aren't fucking stupid. I love you so so much. I want to be with you always you're my soulmate".
He wipes his eyes.
"I thought you'd realise you deserved better than me but it was fucking stupid because I know now that you love me as much as I love you and I fucked up, all I want to be is with you princess. Seeing you with Jason broke my heart".
Quietly she explains Jason's intentions for them dating and how he told her to talk to Eddie.
"Fuck, he really isn't that bad is he? Princess, Chrissy and I were never going to last. I lost you because of her, she would have been gone even if I didn't realise she was using me to make Jason jealous, she only ever kissed me when he was around. I swear to you we didn't sleep together, I would never do that".
It pisses her off that Chrissy was using him like that, on the flip side she feels better they didn't have sex or anything.
A gentle silence ensues between them and she tugs his hand.
"Wanna dance?". She asks him and his eyes light up, he is like an over-excited puppy as he leads her to the dance floor and she giggles.
A slow song begins to play and he holds her close to him as she wraps her arms around his neck.
"You look so beautiful, I love you so much, sweetheart". He murmurs looking at her with adoration.
"You look very handsome yourself Eds, I love you too. I wish you had just told me how you were feeling. Might have saved all of this heartbreak".
He agrees and kisses her forehead.
"I know baby, I know. I promise though if you give me a chance I will make you the happiest girl in the world. I'll love you forever princess".
"I like the sound of forever". He grins and strokes her cheek.
"Can I kiss you?". Her heart melts at his hopeful eyes and she nods anticipating his lips meeting hers. When they do it's everything she has been waiting for, she kisses him fiercely, he moans and she feels arousal pool deep in her lower body.
Fuck. He pulls away looking dazed and breathes out a stunned wow then he smirks.
"Hey princess. You want to go to mine do some after-prom activities?". The thought makes her tingle.
"Oh is that right Eds?". He kisses her again.
"Fuck yeah".
Fiery hot desire courses through her and she takes his hand and leads him to his van both of them laughing and very much together and in love.
They reach the trailer and Wayne is heading out for a night shift. He sees them holding hands and ruffles Eddie's hair.
"So y'all made up. I'm glad. Was rooting for you both". Y/n smiles and thanks him shyly but as soon as he is out the door she and Eddie race to his room in a tangle of limbs and hot kisses.
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thaliasandy · 1 year
Hellcheer headcanon:
Warning: sexual themes but no actual sex and Jason is an asshole and no one can convince me otherwise.
Eddie came to the picnic table behind the school hoping he could make some money, he certainly didn't expect Chrissy Cunningham to be here today, especially not like this.
She sat at the table with her back to him but he could tell she was crying, not just quietly shedding a couple of tears but fullblown sobbing into the sleeve of her white sweater jacket.
She flinched and whipped around to look at him.
"Whatever it is you want me to do, I'm not doing it."
She scrambled to get up from the bench and backed away from him.
He put his hands up in surrender.
"Hey, people usually come here if they want something from me...What's wrong?" he asked when he saw the terrified look on her face.
She was still wiping at her tear streaked face.
"Haven't you heard what Jason and his friends say about me?"
"In case you haven't noticed, I don't really engage in gossip with Carver...What are they saying?" He was confused why something her boyfriend said made her so distraught.
"He...he told everyone I've been doing...all these nasty things with pretty much the entire Basketball team and some of them are playing along..and everyone believes them..." she cried, her sobs sounding like she was about to hyperventilate.
He moved closer ,slowly , like he was approaching a frightened animal, and put a gentle hand on her arm.
"Shhh it's okay."
"No it's not!...Two guys stopped me in the hallway earlier and asked if they could "spit roast" me....I don't even know what that means but I'm sure it's something gross!"
"It's when you give a blowjob to one guy while the other-"
Chrissy stared at him with wide eyes, her mouth ajar in shock and embarrassment.
"Oh shit, nevermind...you don't want to know what it is, do you?"
"...No!" She squeaked.
"Sorry...Why is he saying those things about you?
She was fidgeting with a loose thread on her sleeve.
"I broke up with him yesterday...He said he didn't want to waste his time with a...stupid virgin like me anyway..."
"Stupid bastard" she heard him mutter under his breath as he pulled his bandana from his pocket and offered it to her to wipe away her tears.
Chrissy was carefully dabbing under her eyes and below her sweet little button nose.
"Haven't you guys been together since ...like 3rd grade?!"
He overexaggerated in an attempt to be funny.
"Mr Carver is the pastor at our church. Our parents are friends...Jason and I have been dating for two years but he's been getting very pushy lately and I didn't like that." Chrissy awkwardly tried to explain.
"That's good! Don't let any guy talk you into stuff you don't like."
"I promised I'd let him do it on prom night but he didn't want to wait that long."
"...Let him...do it? ...Are we talking about Sex in general here or is the golden boy into some freaky shit?"
"No! Just...normal sex...I guess...I don't know a lot about all that..."
"Hey it's okay, I haven't done all the stuff people claim I did either..."
"Really?! They say you're into...well...'freaky shit'." She repeated what he said and gave him a tiny smile through her tears.
"Yeah about that...They're talking a lot of bullshit...But don't tell anyone, I have a reputation to maintain."
"I won't. I promise..." her smile vanished when she remembered this morning.
"I can't go back there! Everyone's going to be staring at me."
"What do you say we skip school for the rest of the day then, princess?"
Something about him calling her that made her ears perk up, it made her feel excited and tingly.
"I've never skipped school..."
"First time for everything, huh?" He wagged his eyebrows and smirked over this play of words, considering what they'd just talked about.
Eddie led her to his van and just as he was about to start the engine, he spotted Jason and his friends on the other side of the parking lot.
"Princess, do you want to *really* piss him off?" He smirked mischieviously.
"Yes!" She answered with no hesitation what so ever.
"I have an idea...but I gotta warn you, they will think we...uh...know each other carnally..."
Eddie instantly regretted mentioning it when he saw her hesitate.
"Forget it, it was a stupid idea."
"No,no,no, he'll absolutely hate it, I love your idea!" There was something evily determined in her smile.
"...but...how are we going to make him think that?"
"Roll down your window a bit and climb in the backseat."
Eddie tried his best to be respectful and not stare as her tiny cheer skirt flipped up, revealing the cutest butt ,clad in even tinier green cheer shorts, when Chrissy easily and elegantly climbed in the back.
The cheerleader couldn't help but giggle when Eddie clumsily flopped down on the floor of his van, all wild hair and long limbs.
The rear windows were curtained and Eddie pulled another little curtain shut that seperated the front seats from the backseats.
Chrissy was sitting shyly on one of the pillows he kept there for the rare occassion that Corroded Coffin landed a gig outside of Hawkins and he and the band had to sleep in the van, like sardines in a can.
She probably had a different idea of what this van had witnessed; In the dim light of the afternoon sun streaming in through small gaps in the curtains he could see her blushing deeply.
"Chrissy, we don't have to do this if its too weird..."
"I want to make him pay!...And I was hoping if people thought you and I were...you know...a thing, maybe they wouldn't bother me again..."
The memory of the two guys cornering her earlier made her shudder with disgust.
"It'd be my pleasure to defend your honor, Princess!"
He smirked, hoping he didn't look like the nervous, love sick fool he was.
"Really? You would do that?"
"Sure!" (I would do anything for you) he thought.
"Are you ready for the whole school to think you're banging the freak?" He joked.
She sat up straight, nodding her pretty little head, looking like she was waiting to be taught something really profound.
"So...how are we-"
Chrissy's question was cut short as Eddie knelt down, one hand on the back of the drivers seat, one on the cars ceiling, and started rocking the van back and forth.
"Wait! I don't know what to do!" She gasped as she knelt down beside him.
"Just make it sound like you're having a good time." He laughed.
"How would I know what that sounds like?!" She stared at him scandalized.
"Right.." He slowed down the movement and thought about it for a moment.
"Have you ever watched a movie with a sex scene?" She shyly nodded, her face now beet red.
"Just try to make it sound like that."
Eddie peeked out through the curtain and gleefully noticed Jason and his group of jocks staring at his van.
"Still sure about this?"
"Yes." She whispered.
"Mhhh, Fuck! You feel so good!" He suddenly groaned, loud enough for them to hear and a visible shiver went through Chrissy,  she hadn't expected him to sound this way.
"Oh Eddie, just like that!!!"
She tried her best to sound like she was in the throes of passion and Eddie was surprised how well she did it. He was so mesmerized by the crazy glint in her eyes that they almost forgot peeking through the curtain again, just in time to see Jason's head snap in their direction.
"Oh my god he heard us!!"
She giggled and excitedly grabbed his arm.
Spurred on by his shocked expression and those of his friends, who were one by one realizing who they were listening to, she really put on a show and Eddie went along with it.
While they were having fun in the van, (not quite the kind of fun it sounded like) at some point Chrissy clasped her hand over her mouth to muffle her laugh after Eddie let out the most ridiculous moan.
"Let him hear you, laughing during sex is one of the best feelings." 
Eddie grinned at her. When he looked out again he noticed Jason seemingly getting more and more aggravated and as much as he enjoyed seeing him like that he really didn't want them to come over and beat his ass so he whispered:
"Are you ready for the big finale?"
She answered in her high-pitched-fake-sex voice, making them both laugh.
Eddie almost sounded like he was growling and Chrissy squeezed her thighs together tightly to get some relief from the tingling she felt between her legs.
She tried her best to immitate the sounds she normally had to hide by burying her face in her pillows when she was touching herself at night and it ended up feeling so good that her legs were shaking and she almost blacked out.
"Come for me, Princess!"
"Ah, ah, ah...ahhhhh Eddie!!!"
"Shit!...That sounded so real! You okay?"
He chuckled.
"Yeah, you?"
He nodded, grinning like a mad man. They were both flushed and out of breath as if they really just had sex.
He tried to discreetly adjust his pants and he was glad he was wearing black jeans, at least they somewhat hid the outline of his raging boner.
"We gotta look a bit more disheveled...May I?" He motioned to her hair and Chrissy wasn't quite sure what he was about to do but she agreed.
He gently pulled the green scrunchie from her ponytail, slipped it onto his wrist and tousled her hair, she inhaled sharply at the feeling of his nimble fingers playfully dancing across her scalp.
"Sorry, did I hurt you?"
"No...it feels nice."
She answered shyly but truthfully as she leaned into his touch.
He was surprised when she suddenly did the same to him and he realized just how nice it felt.
He wanted to kiss her and for a moment he wondered if she'd kiss him back; but he instantly felt like an ass for even thinking about this when he remembered how freaked out she was by those two guys in the hallway.
"Can I give you hug?"
"Yeah" He chuckled incredulously and added "We just had sex, of course we can cuddle."
She giggled as she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight, Chrissy was flooded with an unfamiliar feeling of warmth and security when Eddie returned the hug and she wanted to never let go of him.
"Come on, lets get out of here before your... ex-boyfriend and his buddies come over here."
Surprisingly she liked the sound of that, ex-boyfriend.
Eddie quickly shrugged off his vest and leather jacket and Chrissy did the same with her cheer jacket. He climbed back into the frontseat first, then(like a real gentleman, not like they just made everyone listening think he rearranged her guts) helped the tiny cheerleader, even though she didn't need any help, get situated in her seat again.
Ironically when he started the engine, 'Fuck like a beast' started playing and he couldn't help but turn up the volume as they drove past Jason and his friends. If looks could kill, they both would've dropped dead. Chrissy stuck her arm out of the window and flipped Jason off with a sweet smile on her rosy lips, Eddie leaned over the middle console, flashed him a shit-eating grin and did the same thing, making sure to show off Chrissy's scrunchie around his wrist; He was so close that she could feel his breath on her skin and the tips of his wild,long hair grazing her shoulder sent a shiver down her spine.
She wanted to kiss him so badly but she figured, since they'd be spending some time together today, she'd get plenty of chances to do so without an audience and without Eddie thinking she just wanted to put on a show for Jason.
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