#especially the vamp gang
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mersei47 · 25 days ago
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I want my oc vera to act as a boss in one of player's contract and she will have 2 boss phases. After win against her, player found out that the very tech they went after got stolen already with the VendeVice's big sum of money so both of them form a truce to go after vamp gang in the next mission
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strangelittlestories · 3 months ago
There’s a larp (live action roleplaying) game that I play, where there exists a creature we have dubbed a ‘Chronovore’.
This planet-sized sci-fi beastie eats time via a cool-ass external digestive system that ranges out from its main corpus (what are effectively its digestive enzymes look like glowing blue-winged angels, which are creepy as sin).
My character in this game fell victim to said chronovoric digestion and was aged 30 years by the experience. They lost what they expected to be the most valuable years of their life - the time when they expected to most make a difference to the universe.
I have a lot of emotions about this. Especially because when I look at my life aged 39 and consider the shape I am trying to hammer it into, one thought keeps recurring: I wish I had started this work sooner.
And then I consider my ADHD (a condition I am really certain I have, but am still seeking diagnosis for) and damn if I do not feel like it straight up ate decades of my life.
That’s how it feels, gang. There’s this bubbling resentful rage and grief for years spent with an invisible wall between me and what I wanted. For the nights where I spent (and still spend) revenge procrastinating and wrecking my days. For all the hours chasing short-term dopamine that was often destructive for me.
Hours. Days. Years. Eaten by a part of me that often feels like a monster squatting in my brain, hiding in my bones.
It reminds me, too, of that scene from a Hammer Horror movie where a monster expert is talking about vampires and says something like “Oh, you still think vamps are just things with big teeth that gotta bite your neck and drink your blood? Sweet baby, there’s all kinds of these creatures; some of them just fully suck your life straight out of your soul.”
This is why I don’t think I’ll ever think of my ADHD as a superpower. Or, at least, if it is: it’s from one of those gritty think piece superhero stories where your power is also a hecking curse.
I am preoccupied by what my own brain has taken from me.
And the thing is: it’s not really true. At least, not all the way true.
Those years I think of as lost were filled with good times. I made meaningful connections. I wrote poems and stories that I love. I performed art that meant something to me in front of people who enjoyed it. I consumed a lot of good media. I learned and dreamed and tried really hard to be a person I could be happy being.
But I also let a lot of the things fall into the background. I started a lot, but didn’t finish a lot. I missed the chance to work on skills that are now harder to learn because I’m older.
So I find myself cursing the Chronovore.
I nearly wrote this as a piece of fiction. If I had, I would probably have ended with the protagonist finding a way to subvert or redeem or work with the Chronovore.
Maybe the satisfying ending just this: none of us get as much time as we want. We all give time away - whether it be taxed by things we resent or gifted to what is important.
The Chronovore is not special.
And if it is not special, then it is mutable.
Maybe that is enough.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year ago
TERRITORIAL. | Pretty Baby
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Who would've known that the big bad wolf isn't actually all that bad?
Tags/Warnings: Punk!Jungkook, Wolf!Jungkook, Good girl!Reader, Dom!Jungkook, Sub!Reader, Corruption kink, strangers to crushes to lovers, Fluff, Adult themes
Length: uuuh long idk
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Strawberry milk is your favorite.
It's always been a comfort thing for you- just like certain snacks or fabrics make you feel comforted, strawberry milk gives you that little bit of extra braveness at night after work has ended to finally make your way back home into the safety of your apartment.
But tonight, it's a bit different. Tonight, there's a group of vamps outside, clearly trying to agitate the wolves who've been ruling the streets for a while now.
It's not actual gang-behavior. They're not actively fighting or anything, there's never any guns or other violence involved- at least not on the surface. Underground, you're sure this must be a different story- but on the streets, the wolves play the tune everyone else dances to- the vamps only occasionally trying to provoke something, which never actually happens.
But that doesn't mean it won't tonight. Maybe tonight's the night it'll escalate.
And on nights like this, you sometimes feel like moving into the big city was a big mistake too, because this seems so normal to everyone else around you.
Back home in your little town, there wasn't anything like this at night. People would go to bed at reasonable times, you'd know every neighbor by name and house number, and you never had to fear going home alone. But here, things are different. Here, things are a lot more dangerous, especially as nothing but a human with no connection to either group.
You kind of want to stay neutral- even if, deep down, you feel more drawn towards the wolves with their more laid back approach to life.
Outside the small convenience store, you throw away the empty bottle of strawberry milk, before you reluctantly make a few steps- looks from a few vampires immediately making you retreat however, pulling out your phone to appear occupied. You can hear them snickering amongst each other already, laughing and talking, making comments about you.
You can't do this, fuck that.
You look around a little, when you notice someone from the nearby wolves looking back at you- a young man, golden eyes a tell-tale sign of what he is, as he sits on his bike that's perched up on it's kickstand. He's watching you, but not in an intimidating way- he's more so calculating it seems like, scanning the situation before he looks towards a friend nearby, who nods, some others nodding as well as they move closer.
He's got his hands in the pockets of his jacket, beanie hiding the slightly faded blue-ish strands of hair. Everyone of the tiny group appears relaxed and non-threatening. But there's a certain confidence in them that intimidates you a little as they walk closer.
That is, until he smiles at you-
and his black tail behind him wags, swaying from side to side.
"Alright guys, can we make some space here for the lady to pass through?" He asks towards the group of Vamps, who laugh, before they reluctantly make space for you to walk. The young man carefully moves to walk a little behind you, the other's shielding you just as much on the side that's turned towards the blood-dependent human variants. It just confirms to you that yeah, you're definitely more drawn towards wolves.
"There we go. Is your home far?" The young wolf asks, still keeping a respectful distance towards you.
"Uh.. no, not really." You deny, and he nods. "Thanks, by the way." You bow to him and his friends politely, everyone just waving it off- though you can see all their tails swaying a little. It's honestly.. cute, if they didn't all look like they could probably break your neck at a moment's notice.
But they don't. Instead, they all agree to your request to walk home now by yourself, and let you go-
though you can feel one person's eyes on you for a little longer, and when you turn around, he smiles that smile again.
A smile that's just.. genuine.
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You meet him again the day after at the convenience store, though he's sporting a fresh scratch on the top of his cheekbone. He doesn't seem to be in too much pain as he spots you however, having just bought your typical strawberry courage to go home tonight. "Do you always work this long?" He wonders, and you nod, sitting down next to him at the narrow table at the windows of the small store. He's been eating something, bowl now empty though, faint redness on his lips the last remnant of his meal.
"What happened?" You ask, pointing to your own cheek, when he seems surprised, touching his own before hissing at the sting. "No don't touch it-" You whine, before you look for something in your bag, opening another, smaller, makeup bag. "here- or... do you want me to help?" You wonder, making him nod and lean forward with a faint smile on his lips, hands holding onto the chair he's sitting on between his legs as he closes his eyes so you don't feel watched.
As you clean up the scratch and put a bandaid on, you kind of have to think about the fact that he seems awfully.. less threatening than you thought he'd be, considering he's a wolf from the big city. But maybe the one's you know from the smaller towns are just.. a little too full of themselves, pride getting the best of them.
"Oh-" You suddenly say, noticing the little cartoon fish on the bandaid you just placed on his cheek.
"What, 'oh'?" He wonders back, and you hold out another bandaid to him so he can take a look.
"I'm sorry, I didn't- I forgot I only have those…" You mumble a bit caught off guard by your own actions. But he just laughs, giving it back to you with a smile and shake of his head.
"It's fine- they're cute!" He simply shrugs, not bothered by it at all. "Thanks." He offers, tail swaying behind him. "So- can I ask what you work as?" He wonders, and you nod, putting your stuff back into your bag.
"Just data management. It's pretty boring." You shrug to yourself. "But I can work by myself and I like that." You explain, zipping your bag shut before you look at him again. "Although.. I might have to get myself maybe a dog, when I go home at night. A big, scary looking one you know? But they've got to be nice so I can bring them into the office with me.." You mumble, drinking the last of your milk as he turns his body to face more openly to you again, a playful smirk on his lips.
"How about I'll be your big bad dog then, huh?" He flirts, tail swinging side to side behind him. "Though I'm probably not allowed in the office.." He laughs, especially when you roll your eyes and still smile at his joking attempt at flirting. It was a joke.. right?
"Ha-ha." You say because of that, though he just widens his eyes, feigning innocence.
"Hey I'm serious!" He offers, leaning a bit closer. "I could take you home every night- and if I can't, someone of my pack could do the job instead."
"I- I'm probably not even gonna stay in the city for too long." You sigh, playing with the fluffy pom-pom ball attached to your bag. "I don't like it here very much.. it's too.. I don't know. I don't belong here.." You mumble.
"Maybe you've simply not seen the good parts of the city." He shrugs. "I could show you some."
"And by some you mean your bedroom?" You sigh, looking at him with a bit of an attitude- and he can't help but be intrigued by that little hint of spice you seem to have, underneath your pretty visuals and rather introverted appearance.
"If you'd like to visit, the door's always open for a pretty girl like you." he purrs, and at that, you clearly turn shy. "..And I don't ever open that door for anyone but myself, typically." He adds on, and at that, you look back at him, searching for the deeper meaning of that statement-
and you seem to find it, in the warmth of his eyes and the slight redness to his ears.
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"Have you ever been a backpack before?" Jungkook asks, as he waits outside of your apartment, one helmet on his bike and the other in his hand.
"Uh.. no-" you say, honestly never having heard the phrase.
"Would you like to try?" He asks, motioning towards his bike, holding out the helmet. "Got this one from a packmate. Should fit you." He says, black and grey tail wagging as you take it somewhat reluctantly. "And I'll drive extra careful too." He says, helping you put on the helmet properly before his hands adjust the strap under your chin.
"What if I fall off?" You worry, but he just laughs, putting on his own helmet. You notice that his hair seems freshly dyed- nor black.
"Not if you hold on to me." He explains, sitting on the bike after putting up the kickstand. "Hop on- I'll keep it stable." He reassures you, as you somewhat awkwardly climb onto the back of his bike. Only when his hands pull yours around his middle do you notice he's only really keeping you both and the bike stable with his feet alone.
And it makes you wonder how strong he might be.
"There we go. You'll figure things out as we go, trust me." He chuckles, small speakers in his head connected to his own too so you can talk properly. "Good to go?" Be asks, and you nod-
That is until his bike roars to life, and you instinctively cling onto him for dear life as he turns to drive off onto the main road.
He laughs. You're not sure what's so funny.
"Oh look at Jungkookies new passenger princess!" Someone jokes suddenly over the speaker, and you look around just to find three people on bikes as well at the same red light.
"Nervous?" Another voice asks, and Jungkook growls a little in front of you.
"You're making her nervous, hyung!" He complains, making the stranger's laugh. "Don't worry, they just want to mess with me.." he mumbles towards you, hand squeezing yours for a little in comfort.
"Yeah of course, after all Jungkook's finally all grown up!" The first voice laughs. "Finally up for an actual relationship now, fuckboy?" He asks, and at that, you grow a bit nervous.
Fuckboy? Relationship?
Just who is Jungkook really? You've got no idea. Sure, you've texted over the past few days, but you basically know nothing about him. He could just try and get into your pants, maybe that's his whole thing- maybe he likes them innocent and stupid to have a quick fuck and then drop them again. With looks like his that must be easy.
You're easy.
"Please don't listen to them, they're just assholes-" He tries to explain as the light finally turns green, but you're quiet, and Jungkook has a feeling that something's wrong. "You okay?" He asks occasionally, but you just nod and move on, not really up for talking anymore. He just wants to screw you anyways. Maybe he really is just a big city wolf down the line.
The scenery is nice, but you don't really feel like enjoying it too much as you just want to go home right away again. It's something you do- you hide from things, because confrontation just ends in you being at fault all the time. And maybe, this time, you are at fault.
You shouldn't just trust someone like that. You both barely know each other.
He parks at a gas station, turning off his bike in a more secluded parking area, before he takes off his helmet, and helps you take off yours too.
"What's wrong?" He asks, hair a bit wild, but eyes serious as they look at you, reflecting the light from the neon signs a little like mirrors.
"Nothing." You shrug, avoiding eye contact.
"He was just messing with me. They're always like that-" he tries to explain, and as you sigh, he knows that that's exactly what must've set you off. "Listen, I won't stand here and tell you I'm a church-going virgin because I'm not. Yeah, I fucked around, because sex is fun to me." He shrugs, and you're caught off guard at how boldly he says that. "But that doesn't mean I can't take things seriously." He offers, finally catching your gaze again. "And I want to take.. you seriously." He offers you, but you're not sure.
"...why?" You wonder. "Cause I'm pretty and innocent?" You jab at him. "Cause I'm the small town girl you can corrupt and then drop after you finally got into my pants?" You accuse. "Sucks to be you, I'm not a virgin anymore. I've had sex already, and for me it's not fun." You deny, crossing your arms almost defensively, though you quickly move your hands back on the bike as it moves slightly the moment he sits on it again, facing you however.
"I don't care about that." He tells you. "I won't lie that the corruption part isn't something appealing to me-" he chuckles, as he tests the waters, hands on your thighs not moving, just resting on the tops of them. "-But I'm not dropping you, if you ever let me have you." He purrs.
"What if I'm not ever letting you have me?" You respond, trying to act tough so he won't think you're easy.
"Then that's your choice." He nods.
"So if I say no right now, you'll leave me alone?" You ask.
"Depends on what you say no to." He shrugs leaning back a little, your legs feeling cold without his hands on them. "No to sex? Alright, we won't fuck then." He explains. "No to being with me? Cool, we'll just stay friends then." He goes on.
"No to me entirely?" He offers, eyes unreadable. "I'll accept that, and back off."
"That easy?" You ask a little caught off guard, and he nods. "So you're.. huh." You mumble to yourself, defeated. So he's not even up to put any effort in you. That's slightly disappointing, and honestly makes you feel a little ashamed even.
"So what is it?" He asks, and you shrug.
"I don't know." You answer honestly.
"Then how about I'll work for it?" He smirks, and you look at him now. "Let me take you out. Let's go on dates, I can take you to pack meet-up's so you can get to know those assholes better, hell, I'll even have you meet my mom if you want!" He excitedly proposes to you, tail wagging, hitting his bike occasionally. "Just- you seem really cool. Exactly what I've been searching for." He explains a bit softer now. "Let's try.. okay?" He asks.
"... okay." You answer, and at that his lips turn, part in a happy grin, before he gets up from the bike and punches the air once in his excitement before he returns.
"Okay!" He giggles to himself, helping you back into your helmet. "I know an awesome place to get some food-" he instantly rambles, kicking up the stand for his bike again before he drives off with you-
Eager to show you that he's the one for you.
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starchants · 8 months ago
hi! i don’t know if you write for spike (btvs) but could you maybe write dating spike hcs? sfw & nsfw?
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william ‘spike’ pratt x neutral!reader ; dating headcanons.
word count — 884.
themes + warnings ; some lovely fluff, some hints of angst thrown in because of our beloved troublesome tortured poet and some nsfw content as well!
author’s note — hi my lil starling <3! i do most certainly write for our favorite lil bad boy spike, i hope you enjoy <3! depressingly, i believe, this is shorter than my one with angel but that doesn’t mean that i don’t love him any less! i just literally ran out of headcanons at the moment cause my brain stopped working whoops! i could always expand upon him on a later date like i can with angel.
support mention ; if you feel like supporting, a nice ‘like’ will suffice on my blog, i know some writers love to ask nicely if you could reblog or comment etc. yet on my blog (no hate towards them as everyone likes appreciation in different ways), but if you’d like to reblog or comment feel free after all this is a safe space for any fan-individual to have fun :’)
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alright let’s state the obvious about our favorite troublesome poet : he will write tons of poems about you. his favorite topic to write about would be about love, at least i headcanon from his former human life, and so when he finds himself enthralled with you, you become his center focus in his beloved artship.
even if you do not like poetry, still please be supportive of him especially when you learn why he doesn't write his poetry as often as he used to when he was human. you see, in my personal headcanon, william (his human self of course) had been seen as too soft for a man as he liked the more feminine oddities such as : poetry, flowers, jewelry, fashion, and baking. mind you, this is all my personal headcanons as to why he was seen as soft.
so this vamp would adore you so so much more if you were to let him be himself and perhaps show interest in the oddities that he likes. obviously he would be the most supportive of you but if he was super supportive of you and didn't receive any back, i feel like he’d be put off of you despite how he feels towards you.
if you are an artistic soul like he is, spike would proudly marvel over your art — no matter how melancholy it might appear to be. he would goat about how his partner is the best at (insert your craft(s) here) and it would get to the point that the whole scooby gang would in-synchronicity claim "we know!" which would turn him into a blushing stuttering mess as he tries to play it off that he doesn't talk about your craft(s) that much. he contradicts himself sometimes as we all know.
he is the definition of a badass with a good soft heart. y'all get stuck out in the rain? he`s sacrificing his good leather and placing it over your head as he moves the pair of you underneath something where you would be dry and then y'all can watch the rain fall down upon sunnydale in a pretty lil art form. anyone happens to look at you in a wrong or potentially harmful way? spike is throwing hands with his vamp face out to scare them halfway to death before he even touches them. he`s a little protective over you, that`s all.
he’s obsessed with your touch. he’s severely touch deprived even if he doesn’t show it — please show him that he is capable of love, one that doesn’t surround around the madness of the woman who he believed to have been his soulmate before you came into his life. the man would be so touchy with you in private, especially if you did any hobbies of his that he loves — meaning baking of course! he would wrap his arms around your middle and use his hands to help you with anything you need for baking. definitely the type of man to put you on his feet and the pair of you penguin waddle together to put the trays in the oven for whatever you’re baking.
speaking of him being obsessed with your touch … time for a lil bit of nsfw 😈
spike is definitely a switch with a bratty sub lean, i mean literally just look at this vampire. he tries to act like a badass who is known for causing trouble over the years and yet if you play your cards just right you can turn him from a brat into your precious boy, but that takes a while. i tend to headcanon that even though drusilla loved him in the way she did, she never got to have him this way, and spike only trusts you to show this side of him. despite the trust, he will indeed make you work for it like i said previously. but you know how to handle your troublesome boy and how to practically turn him into a puddle with your mere touch overtime.
he’s definitely a mean service dom though when he is in a the dominant state of mind. man loves to torture you and deny your orgasms left and right only for a few turns though and then sends you over the edge quite a few times after that. he turns you into a total mess for his own pleasure but the aftercare is spectacular fr!
his version of aftercare is ; cleaning you up with a towel while smothering you with kisses all over as soon as he wipes down each and every spot upon your body, then he goes and gives you a drink (whether water or your favorite soda or alcoholic drink or maybe a blood bag if you’re a vampire like him — y’alls choice!) before he goes off to fill up a bath with the rainbow colored child bubbles that he found at the store the other day, and then he carries you in there once the bath is all filled. then he goes on to wash your body and hair for you while making sure that you’re genuinely alright with whatever occurred during your time together, then he asks you for whatever you want or need — his beloved flower’s wish is his command that he wishes never ends.
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year ago
Hello, can I ask for yn being Caroline's youngest sister and Katherine is interested in her, but the gang is preventing her bc she's danger, but she doesn't give one fcks and starts talking to yn while Caroline eyes them, Katherine is flirting with her but yn is completely oblivious
It's Cute
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Flufftober, October 23rd
Warnings: none
A/n: Okay, so this fic kind of went off track of the complete ask because I hadn't second-read the ask until after, so I hope it's not too disappointing.
Caroline pulls you into the kitchen. "Hey!" You exclaim to your big sister.
"What do you think you're doing?" Caroline asks you, eyebrows raised. "You have to be more specific" You cross your arms.
You know exactly what she's talking about, but the mind also drags this on, seeing how long it takes till she cracks or rainbows come shooting out of her. It's been a wonder in your mind for years. Like seriously, how can she be so cheery all the time. especially during school. School is literal hell.
"The fact that you were basically having eye sex with Katherine. Katherine of all people!" Caroline exclaims in a whisper yell. "Would it be better if it was Damon?" You smirk.
She gives her the look, and you drop the smirk right away. "Just stay in your room until everyone leaves" Caroline sighs.
"Fine, Mom" you roll your eyes before passing everyone in the living room and go up the stairs to your bedroom.
You lay down on your back on your bed, arms crossed. "Oh yeah, just ground the girl because she has a tiny crush. Not like anything's gonna happen" You mumble-grumble to yourself.
"Only if you think like that" Katherine walks into your room and closes the door.
"How the hell did Care not kick your ass for coming up the stairs?" You sit up. "Who says she knows?" Katherine smirks.
She walks over to the bed and sits beside you. "Wait, why are you here exactly" Your eyebrows furrow.
"You're too oblivious for your own kind. It's cute" Katherine shakes her head. "What do you mea-" Before you can finish, Katherine cuts you off with a kiss.
You pull away, "Was not expecting that"
"Well, it's not going to be the last time" Katherine kisses you again. She quickly vamps into your closet. Before you can ask her what's going on, your door opens.
"You okay?" Jeremy asks you. "Oh, nothing, just Caroline being a pain in my ass," You tell your best friend.
"Katherine's in here, isn't she?" He says. "Shut up."
He just chuckles before retreating back downstairs.
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thornfield13713 · 2 months ago
Buffy's not exactly innocent here either - yeah, Faith got a bit out of hand working out her issues on a vamp rather than staking it quick-and-clean. Something Buffy herself has done before. But no, when Faith does it, it's a sign of something deeply psychologically wrong with her and not just that she's having a bad time and needs to let out some anger on a justifiable target she was going to kill anyway. Which- Okay. We are none of us as forgiving to strangers as we are to ourselves and our loved ones, as we don't have the context for what strangers are going through.
But it's hard not to see this as part of the competitive dynamic that gets set up between Buffy and Faith, as they get possessive over the idea that there can be only one slayer and the other one is doing it wrong, the need to prove themselves as the 'better' Slayer. Which is exacerbated by Buffy's uncertainty about her position in the life she has only just returned to, but doesn't begin there - there was a similar competitiveness with Kendra, at the beginning, after all. Which does put a new complexion on the endpoint of the show and Buffy's arc being the 'every girl a Slayer' decision.
To be clear, I love that this is a flaw of Buffy's - being a Slayer feels like what makes her special in both good and bad ways, and she's wrapped a lot of her identity up in it, probably partly because becoming the Slayer led to such a complete break with her previous life. And, again, having another Slayer around is a reminder of an immensely traumatic experience - being fed upon and murdered by the Master. All of which contributes to this whole messy dynamic. And, honestly, I will be interested to get to S7 and compare notes based on these observations - I will admit, I wasn't especially fond of it my first time through, but maybe it'll improve on rewatch.
But also - 'she doesn't have a whole other life here, as you do'/'she doesn't need a life, she has mine' - so much of what's going to be the issue for Faith in a nutshell. Faith needed a support system, a gang of Scoobies of her own, people who were hers, whom she could fall back on when things went wrong. That needn't look like high school if she didn't want it to, but she ought to have something beyond the Slaying.
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colorlessjay · 1 day ago
favourite group of villai side characters? as in the MoL, the angels, the clown vampires from the finale😭
The demons, all the way
the first few seasons that built up their mystery and the deals? fucking amazing
I will forever stan whatever the fuck Ruby and Sam had going on because that shit was GOOD and Ruby was by far the best villain in the early seasons.
I did not care for the BMOL. Cannot believe we went from world-ending catastrophes and biblical disasters to British People as villains
Like yeah, I kinda liked that heaven is basically a corporate business in the sky. They did it better than the BMOL
but they powered them down so much that it was genuinely disappointing
So yes, my favorite villain group is the demons. Because they're just small gangs of misfits that cause chaos. I miss Meg, and Ruby, and Lilith. Absolutely floored by their performances and danger level. Crowley was fucking hilarious. And I'll say it: Azazel was a very compelling antagonist for me, especially in how much he shaped Dean. And Abadon? I thought she was AMAZING. She reminded me so much of Ruby, and I love how they used her to discover demon-paralyzing bullets.
The vamp clowns can go fuck themselves
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langernameohnebedeutung · 3 months ago
thinking about astarion bg3 again. how that's the Astarion we know and the guy that Astarion is to us - - - but if you took pre-vampire, pre-everything Astarion and had him face this vision of the future, that would be horror beyond elf comprehension (and not even largely because of the vampire thing). So invested in this.
Like imagine if through some magic something, pre-vampire Astarion gets pulled 200 years into the future and meets himself and. he's That/That's him. And it's not even just that that this...this thing is him/he's That Thing, that thing is the product of 200 years of hell that he's gonna have to go through. (Also I feel like if they ever faced, this is something that present-day Astarion would be an absolute dick to past-Astarion for - he got them in that mess, after all! He's not going to be sympathetic, especially not early on in the game)
I just want to have pre-vamp Astarion to face that Vision of the future and begging everyone to help him prevent this future somehow, trying to get any information to avoid this (because this is clearly the Bad Route, but there must be a way out! some decisions he can make!) And maybe he asks the gang for help bc clearly everyone should understand that Thing must never become him/he can never go through That and become That/This version of him must never come into existence.
but the worm club is just like "but that's our friend. that's our buddy Astarion right there? :/"
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nellie-elizabeth · 3 months ago
What We Do in the Shadows: Come Out and Play (6x09)
I liked this one!
So, back to the Guide/Nandor thing - I think I realized my core issue here. It feels like a potentially funny subplot that would happen in a single episode, but stretched out over the full season until it feels threadbare and irritating. Like, the bit where Nandor dramatically offers to die for the Guide, or the Guide letting him down easy and Nandor spacing out staring at her eyes, those were perfectly funny bits. But they come after multiple false starts that suggest a story and then never capitalize on it. The Guide has said her piece now, but it seems like Nandor hasn't gotten the memo, so are we just going to keep limping through jokes about them for the last few episodes of the show? It feels like they don't actually have good funny ideas with this plot thread and I am increasingly sure that the payoff won't be worth the setup, whatever it is. I wish "Nandor has a crush on the Guide" had been the plot of a single episode, basically. That could have worked.
This was such a fun episode! It's got so many classic elements that this show does really well, gives our gang a chance to be involved in all sorts of shenanigans, and has a... groundedness to it? That I can't quite explain - I think it's the fact that a bunch of vampires die in this episode, and a few of them are killed gruesomely by Cravensworth's Monster squishing their heads in, and these deaths have narrative consequences and it feels like our core cast of vamps are in some real mortal peril! It's fun to see Guillermo kick ass as a vampire hunter, it's been a long time since that's happened.
The Baron co-parenting and dealing with babysitters is so funny, as is the fact that Jerry, a character so underutilized this season I almost didn't recognize him when he appeared, suddenly gets killed off at the top of the episode. After Jerry's death it's a mad dash through Staten Island as various different themed gangs of vampires chase down the gang, and they wait for Guillermo to come rescue them.
Guillermo's displacement from his found family is an interesting theme this season, because there's this interesting push-pull from him trying to maintain his independence and make his own choices, but still wanting to be valued by his friends. He's rejected at the start of the episode when he's not invited to the party to honor the Baron, but then validated in the end by Nandor telling Guillermo's cousin that if he's family to Guillermo, he's family to the rest of them too. You get this sense that Guillermo and all the vampires know they'll always be in each other's lives, even if the form of that relationship has shifted. It's sweet!
And seeing Guillermo failing to connect with his family in basic ways is sad, but then the mood turns around when you have Guillermo's cousin go all ride-or-die and call in his buddies to go with Guillermo to save the vampires from potential death. He doesn't ask any questions: if Guillermo's going into danger, he's coming too. And of course he's got the Van Helsing blood in him and his able to be an inexplicable bad-ass when facing down the barista vampires. Or, sorry, the artist and writer vampires who just happen to be working as baristas right now. Lol.
Nadja and Laszlo have a continuation of a plot thread that's been happening a lot this season, where Nadja is irritated with Laszlo for trying to take care of her so much when in fact she's perfectly capable of taking care of herself. Seeing Nadja single-handedly take on the graveyard vampires was very fun, especially the bit where she just continually slams the one guy's head over and over again. Laszlo is very into it. He reveals that his protectiveness is more about the fact that he cannot live without her, rather than any belief that she needs help. I love that, it's very sweet! And Nadja has a great response, which is to say that she doesn't need Laszlo's protection, but she can't live without him either - it's not his protection that she'd miss if he were gone, it's everything else about them - their relationship and the awesome sex they have and all that stuff.
This was a fun one - I hope we're done with the Guide/Nandor stuff, or at least I hope we can do something bigger and sillier with it. I hope we get lots of good quality time with these characters in the last few episodes. I'm feeling really sad about saying goodbye!
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popironrye · 1 year ago
Michael is a Great character and Star Deserves more than she gets.
While the 4 main vamp bois in 1987 'The Lost Boys' get plenty of pretty equal love from the fandom (and many also love Michael) but I don't see the same love extended to Star and many people criticize the both of them. So I just want to set the record straight. I don't trust people who hate on Michael and Star. There I said it!
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Let's start with Star since she's the easier one to talk about.
o The biggest criticism I see for Star is people say she's forgettable, one note, and reduced to Michael's love interest. (This is especially bad in shipping spaces for people who ship Michael with the male members of the lost boys) While it's true Star doesn't get a lot to do in the film, she has about as much if not more screentime and speaking roles as the other lost boys like Marko, Paul, and especially Dwayne. Her biggest crime is being in a story that isn't solely about her, but that's ok! She works in the role she has, which is the main reason why Michael goes through everything he does in the movie. Would it have been better if she had a bigger impact in the climax? Sure but with Michael, Sam, and the Frog brothers having that many characters fighting back against the vampires would get pretty cluttered. Also, having Star not vamp out is criminal. I wanted to see Star with the vamp eyes and fangs.
Speaking of playing a role aside Michael! o Michael gets a lot of flack for making stupid decisions and never asking questions or communicating. God forbid characters have flaws and a movie have conflict to get the plot moving. I love Michael's character. It's something I relate to honestly. People seem to forget that Michael is only 18. Moving several hours away from his home state, leaving behind any friends, coworkers, and family behind to live in a new place with his recently divorced mother. A broken family on top of having to adjust to a new place to live. Yes, he's horny for Star the minute he sees her but it goes beyond her when David and the boys show up. Michael is desperate to be a part of a group. He has no friends and the only family he's hanging out with is his significantly younger brother. I personally don't see Michael going through everything he did just for a chance to hook up with Star. Hell, after he (admittedly stupidly) decks David in the face and gets invited back to the hotel, Star is standing in the distance while Michael is being persuaded by David. If this was truly about competing with David for Star's affection, why is Michael chilling with them. Eating dinner with them, and then accepting the bottle. David drives the point home to the audience and to Michael. "Be one of us." We of course know he's referring to being a vampire but to Michael he's being offered a spot in the gang. He's being peer pressured into being apart of their group, and he doesn't say no because he wants that. Speaking of, people also point the blood drinking scene as Michael not listening to Star and making a stupid decision. He doesn't even ask what's in the bottle before he swigs it. I've already said that characters having flaws is not an issue but really think about it. Yeah, the group is weird but say you were in Michael's shoes. Someone hands you a bottle to drink and another person says it's blood. Would you believe them? Michael knows at this point that David is messing with him. What with the maggots instead of rice and worms instead of noodles, proven to be something Michael saw but then seeing what he saw wasn't real. So you got an 18 year old with no friends surrounded by a group chanting his name, of course he drinks the blood. He had no reason to believe David gave him actual blood to drink.
And I think that about covers it. You can say I'm biased, but idc. Let me know your thoughts!
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nalyra-dreaming · 7 months ago
Re: Rhosh kidnapping Louis. It’s accepted head-canon amongst several circles that in the book, Louis put up quite the fight before being overpowered. Louis has always been actually very powerful but always under-developed due to his hesitancy to feed from older vampires. Now, if he’s even stronger to begin with (though younger) in the show, as Lestat is older in vamp years, do you think that might come into play somehow? Like, Rhosh may still kidnap Louis, but we’ll actually see him fight back and maybe Gabrielle might help, and the two of them might escape? (IDK if Marius will be included this time) It’d be epic to see Rhosh’s victims gang up on him, considering who they are. But if not, then there is always the possibility of Louis escaping but coming back to deliver the killing blow to save Lestat.
Just some thoughts.
Louis in the books... was quite strong, especially after Merrick.
I can easily see him put up a fight, though even Marius failed to do so, ultimately.
Louis in the show... was not given the power-up of the Merrick event. Which is one of my problems with the way they did it, I talked about that, because Louis now does not have to face the fact that he can not die anymore. And him being forced to confront his existence is what ultimately makes him sit down and come to terms with himself.
That is missing in the show.
Louis got powerful blood on turning from Lestat (as in the book), kept himself weak through dietary choices, but also got some blood from Armand, at times at least.
Not enough to make him sun-proof, as we saw in episode 1x01.
IF the show does not add a Merrick-esque event on top (and I do not think they will, I think they think that they have done the necessary shifts with the suicide attempt in San Francisco), then Louis will not get that power up.
And without that power up he is a far cry from any kind of fighting back against Rhosh.
At least as it stands now.
Who knows what they'll do in the show. Maybe he and Lestat will share blood continuously after Akasha and the Body Thief, that would then have a similar effect, but ... we'll see.
In any case I would also think that the event with Rhosh will play out quite differently and with more involved.
Though I really, really, REALLY want to see the scene with the ax :))))
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coraniaid · 7 months ago
Another AU idea, if you're not bored of these already! Spike, for whatever reason, doesn't come back to Sunnydale. (Maybe the flights are expensive or something.) What alternative bad guy could be an interesting new Scooby? (You know, like Dracula, or Glory, or Sunday, etc. etc.)
PS: Faith isn't a bad guy, so she doesn't count! :)
As I think I've mentioned on here before, if I ever get around to writing a sequel to my S3 AU fic Coexist (which, to be clear, is not very likely to happen), I would probably have Sunday be the vampire who gets captured and then chipped by the Initiative.
But just to be a different (and to keep my options open if I ever do end up writing such a sequel), let's go with somebody else: Willow's vampire alter ego from The Wish and Doppelgangland. There are, I guess, a couple of objections to this idea: namely that the last time we saw vamp!Willow she was (a) in another dimension and (b) dead. But these are easily dealt with, I think.
How I see this playing out is that everything in Season 4 happens much the same way it does in canon for the first few episodes (Spike either comes back for The Harsh Light Of Day but then not a second time, or we can replace him in that one episode with somebody like ... I don't know, Lyle Gorch?). Oz and Willow still break up, as in canon, and Oz leaves town after Wild At Heart. Then:
We go immediately into Something Blue [skipping The Initiative for now, and skipping Pangs forever because it's trash]. Willow still casts her will-be-done spell and things play out as much as like canon as they can. Obviously that's pretty different, with no Spike -- we probably need to rename the episode for a start -- but Willow can still make Giles blind and Xander a literal demon magnet. Let's say her suggestion for Buffy is a bit like Dawn's wish in Season 6; she's upset about Buffy going patrolling and not staying with her, so she unwittingly says something that makes Buffy both unwilling and unable to leave the dorms (but it takes them a while to figure out this is what's happened). The other key difference is that, while mourning the end of her relationship with Oz, Willow brings up her doppelganger from last season and says she had a point that "this world's no fun". "Why," Willow says, "She should come back from wherever we sent her so I can tell her she was right." Cue to vamp!Willow in the Wishverse, just about to be staked (again) ... only to vanish and reappear in Willow's dorm room. [With some work, you could play up the fact that human!Willow didn't realize Oz could hurt her so badly with the fact that vamp!Willow was about to be killed by him.] Before our Willow can say anything, her counterpart escapes into the night (and Buffy can't chase her, because of the wish Willow made about her, which is something that helps them figure out what's going on).
At the end of the episode, Willow breaks the spell as in canon. Everyone assumes that this sent vamp!Willow back to her original dimension again -- especially when she doesn't show up to cause any more trouble -- but it doesn't. Instead she gets captured by the Initiative, just like Spike did in canon. And a couple of episodes later, she breaks free again ... only to discover, just like Spike did, that she's been chipped and can't hurt anybody human. She probably finds out a little bit sooner that she can still hurt demons and vampires: in fact, given her MO in Doppelgangland she probably only finds out she can't drink from living humans after she's already taken control of the current vampire gang in Sunnydale and tried to attack the Bronze (again). When that doesn't work (and after her reputation has taken a bit of a blow as a result) she tries the Drusilla approach of being a power behind the throne for a bit (not hurting anyone directly but getting a proxy to lead the other vampires in attacking humans and bringing her fresh blood from already-dead victims), but unfortuntately for her credibility the only vampire she can find who's willing to take orders from a vampire who can't hurt people herself is Harmony (who I guess was dating Lyle Gorch in this AU but broke up with him pretty quickly). And between that frustration and the fact the Initiative quickly show up again looking for her, she doesn't have much choice but to throw herself on the Scooby Gang's mercy [which we know, from Season 3, that they're likely to show her, especially if she can give them any information about the Initiative].
Cue sitcom-worthy plots wherein human!Willow is going to class and (mostly) spending her nights in the dorm room she shares with Buffy and sometimes going home to visit her parents and trying to keep her new relationship with Tara hidden from her friends, while vamp!Willow is sometimes hiding out in a crypt somewhere and sometimes hanging out with Anya and sometimes pretending to be human!Willow in Buffy's dorm (to escape both the Initiative and Harmony). Harmony has at least three conversations with human!Willow which she walks away from thinking she's been talking to vamp!Willow (Harmony thinks vamp!Willow is the coolest person she's ever met but the feeling is not quite mutual). Riley is briefly convinced that human!Willow is the missing "Hostile 17" he and his men have been looking for, then is persuaded that Willow is 100% human and not a vampire at all, then almost immediately runs into vamp!Willow and assumes he's still talking to human!Willow. When Faith temporarily steals Buffy's body in Who Are You? she also completely fails to clock that vamp!Willow and human!Willow are different people (though she figures out almost immediately that both Willows are crazy about Tara). She does get on a lot better with the vampire version of Willow than the human one, but she assumes this is just because Willow has mellowed out a lot since high school. (Faith only learns the truth when she comes back in Season 7.) Anya can tell them apart easily and thinks it's weird that other people can't. She and vamp!Willow get on like a house on fire (which really highlights how much Anya and human!Willow don't); they trade stories about various atrocities they've committed when they're bored (they agree that Anya's are better but Anya cheers vamp!Willow up by pointing out she's a lot older and had more time to practice being evil).
When Oz comes back later in the season, we briefly tease the idea that having two versions of Willow might be a way of resolving Willow's putative love triangle (especially by having vamp!Willow delightedly refer to Oz as 'puppy' when he first starts to transform into a werewolf again). The problem is that both Oz and Tara can always tell the two Willows apart, and neither of them is attracted to vamp!Willow at all. (The fact vamp!Willow remembers a version of Oz trying to kill her is not, as it turns out, much of a problem.) Adam still tries to recruit vamp!Willow to sow dissension in the ranks of the Scooby Gang, but she isn't very interested in trying [she's not interested in playing second fiddle to some other demon] and wouldn't be very good at it if she was. Adam gets Harmony to do it instead, and she is surprisingly successful at it at first (in part because she doesn't think of herself as doing anything untoward: she's just helpfully pointing out facts [cf. that Cordelia quote about tact]). Harmony still can't tell vamp!Willow and human!Willow apart though, so she cheerfully tells human!Willow that she thinks she [i.e. vamp!Willow] has done a great job infilitrating the gang and all Willow's friends already like her much more than the original, which she means sincerely and our Willow does not take well. Vamp!Willow figures out what's going on (and decides to tell the Scoobies about it, mainly because she's annoyed that Adam is trying to take 'her' rightful place as the town's Big Bad). But not before Harmony tries to give her the speech which she'd planned to give human!Willow (which is mostly the same speech about how great vamp!Willow is, actually, but Harmony makes the point of telling her that she's not as smart as vamp!Willow "so you shouldn't even try to stop Adam's plan, because there's no way a loser like you will figure out he's going to have all the demons be captured bythe Initiative then stage a break out and hope they all kill each other").
Vamp!Willow also follows canon!Spike's lead in falling for Buffy in Season 5. She is, if anything, even more mortified on realizing this than Spike was. Buffy and human!Willow try very hard to pretend this doesn't make things weird between them, not entirely succesfully. This gets even more difficult to do in Season 6 when vamp!Willow and Buffy start hooking up.
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margareturtle · 10 months ago
Ngl I think I’m mainly disappointed with the end of Chain of Thorns bc we get none of that era with our modern day shadowhunters!! Like what was the point of having all of TLH before TWP if we aren’t gonna get any TLH characters in TWP???
Especially when their was so much potential for that in TLH!!
Like wdym James and Lucie are half warlock and have no extended life span??
They had the powers!! And 1/4 demon blood could give them a lot slower aging!! Like 200 yrs at least !!!
(James and Lucie should get to meet Kit and Mina!!)
Also Matthew had such great vamp potential!! Like he’s so simon core of seeing jordelia together and then running to the paris vampires to get away!!
Alternatively if Matthew was just mortal we would have JemxWill in reverse with the Herondale being the one to outlive their parabatai and James + Jem would relate sm
Wdym Grace was cursed with the power by Belial and that had no long lasting/slow aging effects??
Wdym half warlock!Lucie raised her bf FROM THE DEAD and that has no long lasting effects?? Hmmm
Vampire Anna would have also been iconic!!
I’m just saying as tragic as it is that Jessa outlived their friends idc I’m selfish and I want some of the tlh gang in twp
Their absence could easily be explained like they were lost in Thule along with Thule!dru + simon
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southpark-trashfactory · 4 months ago
Who’re your favorite SP characters?
P.S god i love your art so muchh, especially like the aged up headcanon designs you did, those are awesome!
Thank you so much for asking!
It's honestly so hard for me to pick favorites because I have a lot of affection for a lot of the characters, Butters is my all time favorite for certain, and I love the main 4 a lot, Wendyl, Nicole, Bebe, the goths, Craig's gang
I would say these are the ones I think about the most?
And thank you so much for the compliment!! I put a lot of time and love into my aged up designs so it makes me really happy to hear that you like them!!
And I'm also still working on a lot of aged up designs of other characters, like the vamps and one offs and background characters! I know it's probably not as exciting as the main focus characters, but I hope people will still like them!
Thank you so much again!!
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buffster · 7 days ago
Shadow (BTVS 5.08)
This is part of my ongoing Buffyverse Project, where I write notes/meta for every episode in an attempt to better understand the characters and themes of the shows. You can find the BTVS list here and the ATS list here. Gifs are not mine.
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Joyce has a shadow.
We open on her CATscan and Buffy and Dawn anxiously waiting. This is such a heartbreaking episode for Buffy, and Riley choosing to cheat on her now just gives you the biggest ick. This is probably why people hate him so much.
Riley confessing to Xander that Buffy doesn't love him as put him on his radar. He's concerned about Riley tackling the vamps alone and asks him what kind of action he's looking for. Riley isn't interested in opening up.
Spike has leveled up his stalking and is in Buffy's room now. Riley catches him, and I wasn't paying the closest attention and definitely thought he was sniffing her underwear for a minute. It was a sweater. But he does grab a pair when he leaves. He attempts to set up a rivalry with Riley, telling him that Buffy has certain vamps barred from her home but hasn't included him in that and that he knows her mom is at the hospital.
Spike: Yeah. Right. Takes one to know, I s'pose. Least I still got the attitude. What've you got? A piercing glance? Face it, white bread, Buffy's got a type and you're not it. She likes us dangerous, rough, occasionally bumpy in the forehead region...Not that she doesn't like you, but, sorry, Charlie -- You're just not dark enough.
It's incredibly hurtful that Buffy didn't call Riley when she found out her Mom needed a scan. She's not treating him as a partner. Still, I can't figure out if that's because she's afraid to open up or if he's just not the one. She appreciates it when he shows up anyway; especially when he starts taking care of Dawn. She loves what a good guy he is. But is he her guy? When the doctor comes out to talk she doesn't want Riley with her.
This is when Buffy discovers Joyce has a tumor. We see how utterly unprepared for this she is as the doctor asks her questions. Buffy has lived in her own world with slaying and there's a whole host of things her mom has always covered. Buffy's being thrown into the deep end.
Glory shows up at The Magic Shop just as the gang realizes she probably predates the written word and that's why research is coming up empty. Giles sells her a dangerous combination on accident. He seems flustered by the new business and Anya catches his mistake. She's oblivious when Buffy shows up and they're trying to keep the mistake from her.
Glory is making a giant snake that will locate the Key for her. Buffy takes out some of her rage on Glory, but it isn't nearly enough. She barely makes it out. Again. Her rage does work on the snake and she manages to catch it before Glory learns the truth.
When Buffy goes off to fight Riley again heads to Willy's. This time he allows Sandy to suck his blood, though he stakes her after. This was weird from a meta perspective. His later explanation of liking the vamps because they "need" him and then killing them...Seems like the guy's pretty resentful. And just...why. I'm disgusted, Riley. While Buffy's mom is in the hospital with a tumor?! The communication here was so bad. He really blindsided her.
He returns to the hospital in a turtleneck. Buffy still won't cry on his shoulder. She goes back to her Mom and Dawn and shuts the door.
Character Notes:
Dawn Summers: For her 10th birthday her mom rented a carousel for her friends but they'd just moved and no one came. The family rode a bunch to feel like they got their money's worth.
Glory: She loves fashion.
Rupert Giles: His tagline for The Magic Shop was Your One-Stop Spot to Shop for Lots of New-Age and Occult Items.
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fandoms--fluff · 2 years ago
Hey i was wandering is you can make one of Katherine second daughter she is like 9 months old and the scoby gang descomer her and use agents her but , Stefan doesn’t like that so he grave her and vampire sped to take her to Katherine and she is happy to have her little baby girl back with her.
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My Baby Girl
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Baby daughter reader x Katherine Pierce
Warnings: kidnapping, talk of death (but none happenes)
Walking into the boarding house, Stefan hears small cries and his brother apparently trying to stop the crying. What? Confused, he speeds into the library where he sees his brother, Elena, Caroline, Tyler, and Jeremy. And wait, the crying isn't one of them, it's coming from the tiny baby, wrapped haphazardly in a blanket in Damon's arms. (Not like Damon's holding you correctly or that safe for that matter).
"What's going on? Who's baby is that?" Stefan asks, your crying getting louder. You look alarmingly familiar, he just can't tell how or why.
"We had a chance, so we took it" Elena says as nobody seemed to answer the question.
"What chance? And why does it involve a baby?" Stefan asks, not understanding what she's on about.
"Well brother, we need leverage on Kitty Kat, so what better than the one person she cares about most" Damon smirks, not paying any attention to your flailing limbs. You can tell the guy who's holding you is bad. He took you from your mama.
Stefan face immediately slackens and pales. "Please don't tell me you took her daughter?!" Stefan exclaims, putting together why you look familiar.
"Stef, it was the only opening we could get with Katherine distracted, so we came up with a quick and easy plan against the murderous bitch. And it worked, we now have y/n to use against her" Caroline tells him from where she's sitting in front of the fireplace.
"It's the best thing we could do, she's all killed us or torcherd and manipulated us at some point" Jeremy adds on, arms crossed.
You don't want to be in the man's arms. You want to be at home in your Mama's caring and loving arms.
"This is not alright. Yes, she's done horrible things, but that doesn't mean that you should take her daughter and put her in danger, just to get back at Katerine. Have you thought about the long term problems? Katherine will no doubtly come after all of us for this, especially you" Stefan points at Elena. "And then if she haven't already killed us, I'm guessing y/n is her only wore to her full humanity. So, if anything happens to her daughter, just imagine Katherine turning it off." Stefan explains, taking slow steps towards the group.
"It's Katherine, she doesn't care about anyone but herself" Tyler says.
"Have any of you ever thought that it could just be a front from what happened before she had to turn into a vampire to survive Klaus and then run from him till thus day?" He asked, looking around the room of dumbfounded faces. " Didn't think so" Stefan says.
In one swift motion, Stefan plucks you out of Damon's arms and vamp speeds out and far from the boarding house. He stops at the edge of town, and starts walking fast over to where he knows Katherine's been staying. As he's walking, he gently bounces you, trying to calm your crying down. And to his surprise, it starts working.
Your sobbing turns into light sniffles and no longer are any of your limbs flailing about. You can somehow sense that he's nice, and caring.
Katherine's pacing back and forth, thinking of all the different ways she's going to get her baby girl back and how much the entire mystic falls gang will suffer for taking you. She's been so stressed, not knowing what to do, not knowing if you're safe and if she does go after Damon, will something happen to you in retaliation?.
She stops her pacing once she hears knocking at the front door. Walking over, ready for a fight, she opens the door.
To her complete surprise, she sees Stefan holding you in his arms. Immediately she picks you up into hers, and cuddles you close to her chest.
You snuggle into your Mama's warm chest right away. Your tiny hands curl around the soft black fabric of her shirt as she places small kisses onto your forehead.
Walking away from the threshold with you tightly secured in her arms, she motions for Stefan to come in. "Why did you bring her back?" She asks. As soon as she saw Damon take you, she immediately assumed everyone was in on it and knew about it.
"Because what they did, what Damon did, was wrong. No one should ever take a baby away from their mom" Stefan answers simply.
"But you all hate me. I thought something...something was going to happen m" Katherine says, vulnerability showing through her voice as she hugs you closer to her.
"I'm so sorry for what happened. No mom should have to ever go through that worry" Stefan places his hand on her arm gently.
"I couldn't stop him...he took my baby girl" she says quietly, a small tear travels down her cheek.
After a pause, Stefan brings Katherine into his arms, not too tight, making sure not to bring any harm to you as you're about to fall asleep.
Katherine hesitantly rests her head against his shoulder, hoping it's real and not a hallucination. "I'll always be here if you need to talk. Just don't tell anyone about that" Stefan whispers.
"Thank you" she whispers back.
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