#forbes little sister reader
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year ago
Hello, can I ask for yn being Caroline's youngest sister and Katherine is interested in her, but the gang is preventing her bc she's danger, but she doesn't give one fcks and starts talking to yn while Caroline eyes them, Katherine is flirting with her but yn is completely oblivious
It's Cute
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Flufftober, October 23rd
Warnings: none
A/n: Okay, so this fic kind of went off track of the complete ask because I hadn't second-read the ask until after, so I hope it's not too disappointing.
Caroline pulls you into the kitchen. "Hey!" You exclaim to your big sister.
"What do you think you're doing?" Caroline asks you, eyebrows raised. "You have to be more specific" You cross your arms.
You know exactly what she's talking about, but the mind also drags this on, seeing how long it takes till she cracks or rainbows come shooting out of her. It's been a wonder in your mind for years. Like seriously, how can she be so cheery all the time. especially during school. School is literal hell.
"The fact that you were basically having eye sex with Katherine. Katherine of all people!" Caroline exclaims in a whisper yell. "Would it be better if it was Damon?" You smirk.
She gives her the look, and you drop the smirk right away. "Just stay in your room until everyone leaves" Caroline sighs.
"Fine, Mom" you roll your eyes before passing everyone in the living room and go up the stairs to your bedroom.
You lay down on your back on your bed, arms crossed. "Oh yeah, just ground the girl because she has a tiny crush. Not like anything's gonna happen" You mumble-grumble to yourself.
"Only if you think like that" Katherine walks into your room and closes the door.
"How the hell did Care not kick your ass for coming up the stairs?" You sit up. "Who says she knows?" Katherine smirks.
She walks over to the bed and sits beside you. "Wait, why are you here exactly" Your eyebrows furrow.
"You're too oblivious for your own kind. It's cute" Katherine shakes her head. "What do you mea-" Before you can finish, Katherine cuts you off with a kiss.
You pull away, "Was not expecting that"
"Well, it's not going to be the last time" Katherine kisses you again. She quickly vamps into your closet. Before you can ask her what's going on, your door opens.
"You okay?" Jeremy asks you. "Oh, nothing, just Caroline being a pain in my ass," You tell your best friend.
"Katherine's in here, isn't she?" He says. "Shut up."
He just chuckles before retreating back downstairs.
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supercap2319 · 1 year ago
stefan salvatore male reader where the reader is Caroline's" brother " where he fell in love with Stefan but he only had eyes for Elena but they became friends and when stelena reações the end Stefan and the reader has his chance, from friends to lovers (Stefan has feelings for him and everyone noticed) the reader is a heretic and was transformed by Katherine along with his sister.
Things were never the same for Y/N Forbes when the handsome and mysterious Stefan Salvatore came into town. He was the new guy that everyone wanted, especially his sister, Caroline. His sister was known for getting any guy that she wanted, so to see Stefan reject his sister for Elena Gilbert was surprising.
Y/N tried to make nice with Stefan in a non-homoerotic way during football practice. Stefan was making it very hard not to pop any boners when he looked so good in his football gear. Then Stefan's older brother came into town. Damon was the bad boy with blue eyes and leather jacket, and even though he was very sexy, he was too much of an asshole for Y/N's taste, but not for his sisters.
Little did Y/N know that Damon was using and abusing his sister. Using her for sex and for her blood as a vampire. Something he wouldn't understand until later on as he and Stefan were just friends as he watched in suffering silence.
Although there was one time Y/N got into his mom's whiskey and he drunkenly called Stefan and invited him over to his house to sleep with him, but Stefan set the record straight. "Y/N, you're a really cool guy, but you and me, it's not gonna happen."
Y/N tried not to feel hurt by that, but he understood. A couple of months later he and Caroline were in a car crash with Matt and Tyler as Damon gave them some of his blood, and Elena for some reason killed them by smothering their faces with pillows.
That's when Y/N realized that he was turned into a vampire, more specifically, a heretic. He never knew about his witch side, and apparently he somehow activated his genetic maker as a siphoner to become a heretic. That's when Stefan taught him to control his bloodlust and suddenly all those feelings of hurt and anger for the older vampire were replaced by an intense fire of rekindled love.
And with threats like Katherine Pierce and the Originals trying to find the Doppelgänger aka Elena Gilbert. Y/N was going to be used as a sacrifice for Klaus's curse breaking ritual, but instead, Elena's Aunt Jenna was killed instead. Later on, Elena was turned into a vampire as she realized that she was having feelings for Damon, and soon they were broken up.
That's when Y/N decided to help Stefan. Be there for him. As a friend, but perhaps this was his chance as they shared a dance at senior prom. "Then how does anyone ever seem to move on?" Stefan asked as he spun Y/N in a circle.
"I don't know. I think someday you'll meet someone new... And fall madly in love. And you'll have moved on without even realizing it." Y/N said, as they looked into each other's eyes.
And from then on, Y/N and Stefan were close as close can be. Especially, when Y/N thought he was gone forever after he was killed by a traveler inside Tyler's body. That's when Y/N decided to tell Stefan that he was still in love with him. "Stefan, I realized something about myself when I thought you were gone. I realized that even though you said that we could never happen, I just wanted to let you know that I've always been in love with you. And I don't understand how Elena could let an amazing person like you slip through her fingers and–"
Stefan cut him off with a kiss as he looked at him and smiled. "Y/N Forbes, I think I've liked you from day one. I just couldn't admit it to myself that Elena and I were over, but I think I want you instead. I guess a part of me always did."
They kissed once again as everyone was either happy for them like Caroline, or unhappy like Elena.
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rattyshipss · 1 year ago
Family headcanons:
Stanley Forbes x reader (Romantic)
Cw's: Pregnancy, slight nsfw, ementophobia, drinking, slight mention of periods and abortions during a childhood story of mine
First off, I'm sorry Tatum you'd absolutely be an accident
Me and Stanley would be living our calm quiet life together after everything that went down and I'd find out I was pregnant one day
I'd keep it a secret from Stanley for at least a little while, I feel like because of his past and all the shit going on Stanley would've never really thought about the possibility of him having his own kids so in turn we wouldn't have talked about it much (The closest being me calling Stanley the father of my pet children)
And I wouldn't know how it would effect him and I'd be terrified of bringing up bad memories for him or upsetting him, not knowing how he'd react or what he wants
Even if he did express that he wanted kids I'd still be terrified of telling him because I know how much his past effects him
There would be so many little moments accidently hinting at it like aversions to random smells, morning sickness, all that shit. I feel like Pip would know before Stanley
Cara would absolutely lose her shit
She's absolutely the kids resident aunt/sister
Stanley wouldn't be able to speak properly for a good minute, that man is awkward as hell sometimes and he'd stumble over his words so much and just stare at me for awhile
I feel like since we'd have been together for so long we'd defanitely have had a few pregnancy scares in the past but the fact that this one is real would scramble Stanley's mind fully
As expected Stanley would be terrified but ecstatic and I'd be there to help him with any and all of his fears and needs.
On my side like in my fic I wrote about us having kids, even before I got pregnant I'd always insist I wasn't good with kids, too awkward, uncomfortable, and nervous around them. But Stanley would always insist I was the best with them, thinking back to the times he's seen me interacting with them
SO many rants about how fucking terrified I am because I can finally get out all my rants and worries to somebody besides like a friend
Rants about that mf getting me pregnant, telling him it's all his fault, rants about being pregnant, rants about what I know is coming in the pregnancy, rants about having to give birth and all the shit that comes with it, literally, rants about if I'd be a good mom, EVERYTHING WOULD COME OUT AT THAT MOMENT
And mfs gonna have to be prepared for do many more anxious rants through the entire pregnancy and the kids entire life to be honest
When I was little I didn't know you had to have sex to get pregnant, I knew what sex was but I didn't connect the shit so I thought every girl just got pregnant at some point in their life, like it was just a thing that happened to every girl on earth at some point like getting a period so I frantically asked my mom if I could get an abortion when I got pregnant because I didn't wanna be pregnant and have a baby like I thought every single girl did at one point or another out of no where as they got older (She said yes👍)
Throwing up is like my biggest fear, I fucking hate it and I try to avoid it at all cost, so when the morning sickness kicks in I'm gonna be miserable but Stanley would be so perfect and sweet through it and everything
I feel like since Stanley never really thought about the possibility of him having kids of his own that means he hasn't had much of an opportunity to think of names he liked either so we'd talk about it for a bit but when I tell him one of my favorites, Tatum, he'd immediately fall in love
Her name's Tatum
Tatum would absolutely be the biggest daddy's girl ever istfg
She'd love Stanley so much and I can't blame her
There's this one family tiktoker (Not a shitty one an actual good one) who post a lot of stories about her daughter and rants about her being a demon and I have never claimed something to my canon so fast this is absolutely going to be my vibe with out kid and Stanley's and everybody else are gonna hear ALL the rants.
Yes I know that's a lot of links but I don't care I need to include them
Some of them have her actual account too so if you scroll through her account you'll know exactly what I mean about Tatum
I ordered a letter from that amazing seller on Etsy (LetterWriteTreasures) and OWNFK4JTKQKFQ her letters never miss they are all perfect and I had literal butterflies
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Were absolutely not having any more.
Maybe 1 more.
Tatum needs a sibling to gremlin fight with.
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klarieona · 1 year ago
Okay I write for many fandoms and will write for more give me ideas of some more and I’ll check them out maybe they will end up I’m here. When I write more I will add more
The 100
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bellarkeselection · 2 years ago
Sister's Always Have Your Back
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Request from @mrs-fanfiction-2001 I love your writing. Niklaus x reader who is sisters with Caroline and she realizes has feelings for him. The Scooby gang freaks out (mainly Damon and Elena) and kinda turns their back on her
@rosie-posie08 @colbysbrocks
Foosteps entered my bedroom where I fling myself into my twin sisters arms catching her off guard. She regained balance quickly since she was a vampire and I am still just a human. "Woah, what's wrong sis?" She asked seeing me crying a little knowing something was wrong. Brushing hair out of my face I sniffed before foosteps rushed into the room. Damon, Elena and Bonnie to be exact. My sister slightly pulled away from our hug scoffing towards the other vampire. "Damon, you can't just burst into my sister's bedroom like this. We're having a moment!" Damon waved his hand in the air rolling his eyes at her. "Well you won't be able to have any moments until we take down the hybrid. And I have the perfect plan to capture him. We use your little sister as bate." Caroline stomped her foot on the ground suddenly vamping him into the wall making him grunt. "Urgh it makes the most sense...tell her Bon." Bonnie sighed slumping her shoulders to us. "He's right. Klaus would kill the rest of us. But he won't suspect it from Y/n...what do you think?" She focused her gaze to me waiting for my opinion.
"I uh - I don't think I can do that." Damon scoffed still being held against the wall by sister. "And why not little Forbes?" Throwing my hands up in the air I immediately regretted the words that came out. Shoving my hands over my mouth seconds afterwards. "Because I think I'm falling in love with him!" Elena finally stepped up clearly taken back by my confession. "How is that possible. All he has done since he came to this town is try and kill us all!" Crossing my arms over my chest I mumbled under my breath. "Really just you..." Elena raises a brow when Damon shoved my sister back revealing his vampire fangs straight in front of my face. "He must have compelled you to think that. Because there's no way in hell that you truly feel that way. I mean he's the bad guy-" Raising my voice to the vampire I didn't believe I called these people my friends. I mean Damon used to be the bad guy before he started dating Elena. "I wasn't compelled Damon. Whatever I am feeling is real. I know you only think otherwise because you're too worried about weak Gilbert!"
Elena gasped starting to cry and backs away by Bonnie. Damon bared his teeth glancing over to my sister. "Did you know about this blonde. That she wants to jump into bed with the monster?" I felt tears slipping down my face so I decided to just run outside the house needing to get away from those people. Collapsing against a tree in the middle of the woods I slide down it burying my face in my knees crying until a whooshing sound appeared in front of me. "Y/n, I'm sorry for what Elena and Damon said. It was mean and dumb." My sister dropped down on a knee in front of me. Lifting my head from my knees sniffing I noticed Bonnie was right beside her on the ground. "Bon...you're here too. I thought you'd be with the others..." She rested her hand on my knee giving me a weak smile. "Care and I will be here for you always. So go to him and follow your heart." Wrapping my arms around my friend and my sister I smiled letting Caroline vamp me on Klaus's doorstep ringing the doorbell leaving me alone.
The front door opened and I am greeted by Klaus who is wearing a black leather jacket that I hate to admit looked better on him then Damon Salvatore. "Y/n, I wasn't expecting to see you here tonight. What do I deserve to see you?" He has a smile on his lips that drives me crazy to stride up and kiss him suddenly. I mentally smacked myself in my mind because I was the shy Forbes meaning I wouldn't have done something like this. I mean he's the big bad hybrid and here I am kissing him. When I started to break the kiss I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist kissing me back deeply. "Not that I wouldn't mind doing that again but why did you do that Y/n?" He rests his forehead against mine listening to my heart beat racing inside my chest. He enjoyed because it meant that he had an effect on you. Someone who was just a human. "I...Elena and Damon said that I was insane for...feeling something for you. I don't really know what I am feeling but...I know it's something though. If you don't feel the same way I get that...Damon was probably kidding when he said you were obsessed with me-" I'm cut off by him kissing me passionately where I wrapped my arms around his neck jumping up into his arms. He smirked holding me up in his arms. "Of course I am obsessed with you Y/n Forbes. Because you are so much more than a simple human. To me you are a queen in my eyes." Smiling down to him I crashed my lips onto his never wanting to go back.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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captainsophiestark · 2 years ago
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
X - x reader F - Female Reader (otherwise it’s gender neutral) ☀️ - Fluff    ✨ - Humor ☁️ - Angst  💋 - Flirting ⭐️ - Author Faves
Elijah Mikaelson Masterlist
Newest Fic: May 15th, 2024
Klaus Mikaelson
Newest Fic: October 12th, 2024
Kol Mikaelson
Newest Fic: October 30th, 2024
Finn Mikaelson
At Peace With You F!X ☀️
After An Eternity X ☁️☀️
Rebekah Mikaelson
Prom F!X ☀️
Human X ☁️☀️
Better Than Revenge X ☁️☀️
Not All Bad F!X ☁️☀️
Marcel Gerard
Newly Turned X ☁️☀️
Little Sister F!X ☁️☀️✨
Damon Salvatore
Garlic F!X ☀️✨⭐️
Out on the Town F!X ☁️☀️
Can’t Sneak Out X ☁️☀️
The Vastness of the Universe X ☀️
The Richmond Vampire X ☀️✨
Oblivious X ☀️
Stefan Salvatore
Study Break F!X ☀️
Fresh Start X ☁️☀️
Couples Costume F!X ☀️
Rippah X ☁️☀️
Enzo St. John
Reverse Trick-Or-Treat X ☀️✨
Halloween X ☁️☀️
Rubber Duck X ☀️
Subtext F!X ☀️✨⭐️
Rock Solid X ☀️✨
Kai Parker
Fettuccini Alfredo X ☀️⭐️
Anyone But the Spin Doctors X ☀️
I Made You Breakfast X ☀️✨
The Old Me Never Left X ☁️☀️
Mason Lockwood
Witch’s Intuition F!X ☁️☀️✨⭐️
Caroline Forbes
Type A X ☀️
The Perfect, Fail-Proof Plan F!X ☀️
Matt Donovan
Trust Me F!X ☁️☀️
Brooklyn Nine-Nine X ☀️
California X ☁️☀️
Ghosts X ☁️☀️
Competitive X ☀️✨
🌟 Non-Reader Insert 🌟
The Undead Scourge (Harry Potter/The Originals Crossover) ✨⭐️
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justathoughtfulangel · 3 years ago
What The Heart Wants - Kai Parker One Shot
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*not my gif
Pairing: human!Forbes!Reader X Heretic!Kai
Character Name: Hannah Forbes
(This IS a reader insert fic; I just don't like writing with Y/N in the place of names. Use Hannah as a placeholder for Y/N)
Requested: Yes
Word Count: 2,224
Description: Everyone told Caroline's innocent little sister to stay away from Kai Parker, but there's no controlling what the heart wants, is there?
Warnings: SMUT (if you are under 18, scroll away please!), minor swearing, blood, non-verbal consent (nodding, not a verbal "Yes"), oral sex (female receiving), and unprotected sex (be safe, friends!)
The story begins after the break! Happy reading :)
Hannah’s POV:
Stupid Shakespearian Literature was driving me insane. As if I didn’t read enough Shakespeare in high school, I signed up for it at Whitmore, too. Just excellent decision-making. I had an exam tomorrow, and I was going to remember nothing. Groaning aloud, I collapsed onto my textbook. “No. Come on, Hannah. Get it together.” Closing the textbook and my eyes, I paced around the room, reciting facts about Shakespeare’s life that I would forget the second I turned my exam in.
“Shakespeare’s father made… shoes for a living? No. Gloves. He made gloves. What celestial bodies were named after Shakespearian characters? Moons!” I had to cram every mind-numbing fact into my brain over and over. This was going to take all night. “Shakespeare had… twelve siblings? No. Seven?”
“Seven siblings? Sheesh. I had seven siblings once, and they drove me crazy. I feel for the old dude.” Squealing in surprise, I grabbed the object nearest to me and chucked it in the direction of the voice. Kai snatched the pencil pouch out of the air deftly, waving it in greeting. “Hey, human Barbie. Studying for an exam?”
“What the- how’d you even get in here?” Raising my eyebrows – and desperately trying to calm my racing heart – I took the pencil pouch back and tossed it onto my desk. “Your door was unlocked.” My eyes narrowed. “No, it wasn’t. My sister and her friends are all vampires. I don’t ever leave my door unlocked.”
“Well, do you think a locked door is really going to deter a vampire?” I continued staring at him with a false exasperated expression. Truthfully, I could pretend to dislike him all I wanted. There was something… magnetic about him. The more I was told to stay away, the more I wanted him around. “Ahem. Anyways, you want some help studying?”
~~~ One Hour Later - Kai's POV:
“When did Shakespeare write Julius Caesar?” Hannah was still pacing around and had been for an hour now. It was actually cute how much she still cared about school when she was surrounded by vampires, witches, werewolves, and God-knows-what-else. I found it refreshing, honestly. She was like a stubborn flame that refused to go out no matter how hard the world tried. I, on the other hand, could keel over with one blow. I just pretended like I didn’t. “Uhm… 1588?”
“Close, 1599.” I swallowed back a snicker, hiding my face in my mug. “How is that close? I was over a decade off!”
“Well, you got the century right. I think you’re gonna do just fineeee.” Her frustrated little sigh was adorable. “Okay, you’re officially not helping. Give me the textbook back, Kai.” Smirking, I stood up off the couch and held the book above my head. “You can try to grab it if you can, but the study session ends when the tutor says so.”
Hannah jumped upwards, swiping at the air. Given our proximity, I could hear her heart racing. It wasn’t entirely because of this whole adventure of retrieving her book. It was something else. I knew because I probably listened to her heart flutter more than anyone. It calmed me, and I knew its sound by my own heart.
“I can hear your heartbeat. It’s like a little hummingbird’s wings.” My smirk grew, and my eyes gleamed down at her in the soft lighting of her room. She halted mid-jump, settling back on the ground like a startled feather. A blush crept onto her cheeks, and it was one I had to take advantage of. I sang out, “I think someone has a little crush on meeeee,” knowing full well I had a huge crush on her myself.
In the midst of my teasing, I must have lowered my arm. Hannah ripped the textbook away from my clutches, slicing her finger on it in the process. I immediately took a step back and turned away, not wanting to hurt her. I was new to being a Heretic, and my vampirism frightened me. She set the book aside, her eyes now shining with concern. “Kai…”
“Don’t come any closer to me, Hannah.” I could smell the scent of her blood and it took over my every rational thought. When I looked up at my reflection in her full-length mirror, I saw the deep purple veins of bloodlust encroach around my eyes. “Y-you don’t have to hide.” She was being brave, but I heard the quiver in her voice. “Just stay where you are.”
Hannah’s POV:
Everyone told me that Kai was a monster, a villain I was never supposed to go near. They were wrong. He is so much more than that. He is kinder than someone who has faced what he has could possibly be. Villains pride themselves on things; he’s terrified of the very parts that make him dangerous. Taking a step close to him, I put my uninjured hand on Kai’s shoulder. “Kai…”
“I said, don’t!” He whipped around to face me, and his eyes grew darker as they met mine. Swallowing my fear, I raised my bleeding finger closer to him. “It’s okay. I trust you, Kai.” I did trust him. I trusted him as much as my sister, the Salvatores, Elena…
Kai seemed torn, and I could see how desperately he wanted to save me from him. He should have known I didn’t want to be saved. Not from him. The thread of his self-control snapped, then. Kai took my finger into his mouth, groaning softly at his need being satisfied.
Without warning, he swept me into his arms, his teeth tearing into my neck. It was painful at first, and every human instinct in my body told me to shove him off. Suddenly, the feeling turned from one of pain into one of pleasure. It was quite literally unlike anything I had felt before. It couldn’t possibly always feel this good, could it? After a few more moments, a soft moan escaped my lips. Kai hesitated but pulled away, licking my wound closed for good measure.
The flick of his tongue sent a shiver down my spine. Our eyes bore into each other’s, and without another word, Kai crashed his lips to mine. Maybe it was my blood, our attraction to each other, or some mixed frenzy of both. It didn’t matter. People could tell me to stay away from him forever. The heart wants what the heart wants.
Kai’s POV:
If I thought her blood was intoxicating, I wasn’t prepared for her kiss. It lit a fire within me, and I couldn’t help myself. Pressing her body against mine, I made sure her legs were wrapped around my waist before carrying her to her bed. Sitting down with Hannah in my lap, I enclosed my arms around her like a vise. She wasn’t going anywhere unless it was by my side.
Letting her breathe, I suckled on the soft skin of her neck. She fell onto me, making my grip on her tighten. There was no more need for words. Her hands gently but firmly grabbed my face and pressed our lips together once more. Before a blink, I flipped her over and laid her down. One hand held my body hovering above hers; the other began snaking under her top. Before it moved any further, I pulled away. A silent question lingered in my eyes, and Hannah nodded readily. That was all the permission I needed.
With quick but steady precision, I tossed her top aside. Her skin shone in the dim lamp lighting strewn across her room. She tugged at the hem of my shirt, and I obeyed quickly, all but ripping it off my torso. I kissed her again, unable to keep my lips from hers for long. My greedy hands traveled over her smooth exposed skin, utterly desperate to feel every inch of her. Before she could comprehend, I was stripping her leggings off, wantonly dragging my hands over her shapely legs.
Our eyes connected in the dark as I hooked my palms under her thighs, spreading them apart to take what I wanted. My fingers pressed into her, testing the water. The wetness I felt and the arch her spine gave was an enticing answer. “You’ve wanted this for a long time, haven’t you?” She was too shy to answer, and I couldn’t blame her. I’d wanted her since I’d laid eyes on her.
Then, with a slowness intolerable to us both, I removed her panties. There was no more waiting then. I couldn’t wait even if I wanted to. Leaning down – not taking my eyes off of hers for one second, I ran my tongue against her slit, melting when her juices coated my tongue. “Is there any part of you that I’ll be unable to crave?” Tempted to sink my teeth into her thigh and drink my fill once more, I focused on pleasuring her. When I sank my tongue inside her, her hips gave the most satisfying lurch.
I sucked and nibbled on her soaking sex, somehow ravenous with lust not for blood but for her. For every part of her. Hannah’s hand twisted into my hair as her moans egged me on, and I pierced her with my tongue faster and faster. I could hear her breathing quicken and knew I had to stop. When I pulled away, she whimpered in protest. I placated her with a deep kiss, letting her taste herself on me. “I want to make you cum when you’re wrapped around me, baby. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
She wasn’t having any of my teasings. The innocent little Forbes sister had turned into a temptress; I was both relieved and grateful I was the only one to see her like this. She flipped me over – a very welcome surprise – and tugged off my pants and briefs in one fell swoop. Hannah desired me as much as I did her.
My hands continued to roam her skin and helped her press against my hardening cock. I nearly growled when her molten heat sank onto me. It imprisoned me, and I was more than willing to have it do so. “Fuck, Hannah… when did a good girl like you learn to ride like that?” The vixen moved her hair and clutched my shoulders, rocking down onto me in a torturous rhythm. “Who said I was a good girl?”
Sitting up and sinking my fingers into her waist, I bounced her up and down on my length. Her nails dragged down my back, leaving their delicious trails. My lips ravaged her neck once more, needing an outlet to express the building rapture in me. Her little mewls were so, so encouraging. My thumb pressed against her clit, and she bucked into me. Her whole body quaked as our pleasures grew and grew, reaching new heights every second.
With one more searing kiss, we both came undone. The clashing of our tongues silenced the screams of ecstasy as we orgasmed together. Her heartbeat was a hummingbird again, and I adored the sound. She clung to me for a moment, and I was more than happy to hold her.
We stayed connected until I felt her breathing calm. When it slowed, I laid down and kept Hannah cocooned in my arms. Her head rested in the crook between my neck and shoulder, and her fingers traced nonsensical designs near my collarbone. She dozed off soon enough, but I stayed awake, simply gazing at her. Everyone told me to stay away, but the heart wants what the heart wants.
The Next Day - Hannah's POV:
I didn’t think I failed my Shakespeare exam, which was a miracle considering how my mind was everywhere else but on Shakespearian Literature. It was on Kai for the most part. For someone who was supposed to be an “evil Heretic,” he had been a perfect gentleman. It was more than I could say for plenty of our other friends – the ones I was visiting today.
I’d worn a scarf to cover the hickeys Kai left in his heated ministrations but walking into a room full of vampires as a human and trying to keep a secret was a lost cause. The second I stepped into the Salvatore House, four pairs of supernatural eyes turned to look at me. “What?”
There was an awkward silence, and Damon was the first to break it. “Have you been hanging around our least favorite Heretic sociopath?” My eyes widened. How in the – I mean, I’d showered and everything. How the hell could they still sense he was around me?
Maybe because he wasn’t just around us…
Shut up, conscious. No one asked you.
“Um, maybe?” Caroline was incredulous and approached me. “It is burning outside. Why are you wearing a scarf?”
“To be fashionable! I’m very into fashion trends, you know?”
“Mhmm, sure. I’ll just see about that.” Without warning, Caroline tugged at the knot in the scarf against my protests. Stefan’s eyes widened and he looked away with an awkward cough. Damon and Elena shared a knowing look, and Damon barely hid his smirk. “What the hell are those?”
Before I could say a word, Kai sauntered in and threw his arm around my shoulder. “I can answer that. How do you think Shakespeare would explain hickeys, Hannah?”
This concludes my new Kai Parker One Shot! Thank you for sending in a request, @gpiggy98! I hope you loved it as much I loved writing it <3
Please feel free to send any thoughts/comments/constructive criticisms my way. I always welcome them :)
If you liked this story, feel free to check out my other stories from my Malachai Parker Masterlist (pinned to the top of my profile).
Until next time, JustAThoughtfulAngel <3
Taglist: @socio-kai-path1972, @bluelicious, @genevivetaylor, @prettybitchfatwitch
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enchantedsoulofmine · 3 years ago
Vampire in love!
Stefan Salvatore x Fem!reader
The Vampire Diaries Universe
Summary: Just read it.
Warnings : Naw! Its fluffy. Some grammatical mistakes because english is not my first language.
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Calorine was your elder sister and unlike her you weren't girly, selfish and immature. You and Caroline hated each other. She hated you because you weren't cool enough and you hated her because she wasn't mature.
You liked to do things that Caroline probably hated to. Her dislikes were the things you liked. For instance, Elena and Bonnie were your best-friends and Elena was your bestest of friends, she was the one you trusted the most. And these were the reasons you and Caroline never got along.
"Another shitty day of school" you slammed your locket shut and as you turned around you were met with the face of Caroline. "Do you want me to get a heart attack Caroline?" You said,annoyed just by seeing her face. "I don't really enjoy talking to you but mum's gonna be late" Caroline said and turned on her heels. You sighed and shook your head.
As you were going towards your history class, you saw Elena going towards the men's room? You went towards her as curiosity kill the cat. "Elena,hey" you called her out which made her turn around. She looked a little worried. "Everything's okay?" You asked keeping your hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, its just Jeremy" she sighed looking down, "oh, umm... i hope he gets over drugs and... Veronica" you took a pause and then continued. "Yeah, uh... see you in class?" Elena smiled a little. You nodded before Elena went inside.
You turned around only to be bumped into a figure. "Sorry, sorry i'm so sorry" you kept apologising before you heard a deep voice "no, no its okay, i'm sorry" you looked up to a hot stranger you just bumped into. "Its alright" you smiled at him. "Here" the stranger gave you your pencil pouch which you had no idea fell on the ground. "Thanks" you smiled gratefully at him.
"Stefan Salvatore" he held out his hand and you accepted it, "Y/n Forbes" you smiled. "Are you new?" You asked as you haven't seen Stefan in the Mystic Falls before, "Yes, i just got enrolled today" he said, "I see" you shook your head. "Its time for my history class, see you later Stefan" you waved and ran towards your class.
Mr. William Tanner was giving a lecture about American history and was asking questions to the students. You were focusing on what Mr. William Tanner was teaching. Your phone dinged and you took out your phone from your pocket under your desk only to see that it was a message from Bonnie. It said--- 'a hawt-e staring @ u' you looked at it raising your eyebrows before looking around.
To your surprise, you saw the guy you bumped into outside the men's room. Stefan was staring at you smiling. You smiled back at him and waved at him as Mr. Tanner was busy writing something on the board.
"He's hot, tall and so charming" you saw Caroline standing with Bonnie as you entered the Mystic Grill. "Hey Y/n" Bonnie waved at you smiling. "Hey" you both hugged each other smiling. "who's the new guy, Caroline?" You asked crossing your arms across your chest. "His name is Stefan Salvatore" she smirked, "We're planning a june wedding, you're not invited" she pointed out, " i actually don't want to be" you faked smiled her.
"Hey Y/n" you turned around and saw that Stefan was staring at you. "Hey Stefan!" You smiled going towards him. "How're you?" You asked, "i'm good, how are you?" He smiled, "good, thanks" you grinned at him. "Hey Stefan" Caroline said smiling at him, "hey Caroline" he said. "You guys know each other?" She asked looking at you and Stefan.
"Yeah, we do" Stefan nodded. "Can i ask how?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "I bumped into him outside the men's room" you explained, "I see, anyways, are you coming to the school party tonight Stefan?" Caroline looked at him. "Yeah i'm coming" Stefan nodded smiling. "Great! See you there" Caroline beamed and went away after scowling at you.
"You know her?" Stefan asked. "Yes, unfortunately, she's my sister" you sighed leaning against the bar table. "Oh, you coming to the school party tonight?" He asked curiously, "yes i am to get bored" you both laughed a little, "do you not enjoy parties?" Stefan asked, "Not really, i just love to be with myself in peace and quietness rather than being in a loud party but just coming to the party because i finished my book and i don't have anything to do right now that's the reason i'm coming" you explained. "I can understand, i'm an anti-social that's why i really don't enjoy parties, just coming as its a new school and i wanna explore yeah!" Stefan said.
"Can we exchange our cell numbers?" You asked hesitantly to which Stefan smiled and nodded. You both exchanged your cell numbers. "See you at the party Stefan" you said and he nodded. "Bye!" You both smiled and went away.
Reblogs,feedbacks and comments please :) So, this is my first Vampire Diaries fic. My requests are open, so you can send a blurb idea in my inbox about Harry Styles, Shawn Mendes, TVD characters, Peaky Blinders characters and i'll do it :) hope you like this blurb.
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elijahmikaelsonslover · 4 years ago
The Vampire Diaries
Primal: Jeremy Gilbert x Reader
warnings (or not ;)): penetrative sex, up against a tree, hunter!Jeremy, human!reader, slight degradation, slight masochist Jeremy, rough sex, makeout, kinda sweet kinda mean Jeremy, Jeremy doesn't like vampires, Season 4, kind of off plot
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The cold air burned his skin and bit at his nose. His eyes reddened from the wind, the early morning sun glazed over his warm skin. His mind was sharp this morning, his desire to hone his supernatural skill at the forefront of all his thoughts.
Jeremy spent every free minute most of his days training in the forest; target training, strength training. He felt violence in his blood. He was getting stronger by the second. His body was hot and buzzing with energy, he could feel every nerve on his skin amplified. Since then, you and him hadn't been getting along. He grew to hate the way you fraternized with vampires, such as your best friend, Caroline Forbes. It was only a few days ago that he had maliciously and heartlessly laughed in your face for defending Caroline and the Salvatores to him. You ran away crying that afternoon. He tried to chase after you, feeling for your humanity, your pureness. He loved how pure you were, untainted by the blood covering this town; all he wanted was to maintain it.
Since that last day you had seen him, though, he has found himself less and less loving. Since his sister turned, his heart had practically hardened. His best friend, Bonnie, helped him connect his subconscious to his sister to make him love her again, but he was still a violent being, despite.
Stake in his hand and at the end of his crossbow, he trained all day. He had already killed two vampires since he had gotten his hunter's mark, and it had grown now just passed his elbow.
He's practicing shooting. In complete silence, he takes aim at the target he engraved into a tree ahead.
He whips his body around, crossbow with him. One crack of a twig within a fifty foot radius of him and every ounce of adrenaline in him pumps through his veins. He's heightened. He's primal.
"Who the fuck is there?" He shouts, once shaking his crossbow. You're scared to make a sound, even though you know he'd never hurt you. "If you're a vampire, you're about to be hunted for sport," he whispers lowly, his voice cold as ice.
"Jeremy, it's just... me," you yell out to him.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing here? You shouldn't," he pauses, lowering his weapon, "you shouldn't be here."
"I wanted to see if you were okay!"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Go away," he stares blankly from about fifteen feet away, now.
"Let me stay! Show me the moves," you hum, doing a little dance at the last words, walking towards him.
"The moves I have to kill your friends," he says dryly. You're now standing right across from him, staring at him, a bit taken aback.
"Hey, no, we're gonna help you, remember? We can fix it! We can help you tell the difference," you cheer.
Without another word, he slams you against the closest tree, a standard dagger pressed firmly against your throat. You fight back against him, but it's obviously useless. He was much stronger than you before he was supernatural, now you're hopeless against him.
An inch from your face, he whispers, "I don't need a dirty whore who lets vampires feed on you all day watching me train," he says, not flinching a second at his ruthless words. He doesn't look remorseful, not for a second. He means it.
You are not ready to leave, though. Not ready to give up on your best friend. He's entirely different but, to you, he's still Jeremy; strong, kind, quirky Jeremy; Jeremy who spoke to the dead; Jeremy whom you held while he was getting clean.
"Jeremy, I'm human! I'm not a vampire, please," you say, and he freezes in his tracks, no longer walking away from you.
"But you spend all your time with them! You're obsessed with them, you're crazy about them!" he yells deeply, shaking you to your core.
"Jeremy, I'm crazy about you!" you say, regretfully, "please, don't make me leave you."
Everything about him softens, and he walks over to you and puts his hands on your face. He melts when he feels how warm you are, how alive.
He's staring at you, now, eyes nearly black with intensity. Once again, he looks primal. He's nerve-racking. His expression hardens again, "I could just kill you," he whispers, gently tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, "guarantee that you'll never turn. Cut off their blood supply. Take away their pretty little blood bag. Keep you pure."
"Jeremy, I-" you try to turn away to leave, but he grabs you and flips you onto the ground underneath him, kneeling over you.
"But I wouldn't do that to you," he smiles. You look to the side; he's nothing like himself. He's detached, disoriented, "you're so beautiful," he pauses, then whispers, "did you know hunters become more animalistic?" he asks rhetorically.
"How so?" you're genuinely curious.
"We get more cravings to hunt... to kill... to... fuck..." he smiles awkwardly. For a moment, he's Jeremy Gilbert again.
You laugh and stare into each others' eyes. You can see when his hunter persona fades in and out, when he becomes himself and when he becomes this new man with which you are barely acquainted.
"I'm feeling animalistic right now," he says, smiling. His words are bold but his facial expressions still docile.
You're alarmed by this; is he confessing a desire to kill you?
When you feel the way he runs his hand down your arm, you know that's not what he means. In this moment, your best friend since freshman year is expressing barely controlled lust for you on the floor of the woods where he practices to kill all of your friends.
Both of your brains are wild and active; yours, with nervousness, his, desire.
With that, he kisses you. It's pure release to him. Release of tension, anger, release of his lust. You kiss him back, mostly eager to kiss your crush of years but, also, now afraid that you'd trigger his hunter rage if you didn't, not that you minded kissing him.
"Every nerve in my body is telling me to take... you..." he whispers, somewhat shaken by his own treatment of you.
You can't tell if his primality is causing him to let off sex hormones or it's just him and his desire for you, but you're aching for this boy like you haven't ever before in this moment.
"Jeremy, I-" he stares at you, itching for the end of your sentence, "I want you."
He's taken aback; he never thought you'd ever be able to tell him that. If it was any other time, he would ask again, but he's drunk on your scent and barely operating on half consciousness. In a flash, he picks you up and slams your back into a tree.
You're turned on and he can tell, he can almost smell your need for him. He's kissing you hungrily, grabbing at the skin on your thighs, running his hand up to your head and yanking on your hair.
You're sharing the roughness, digging your nails into his back. He lightly moans at the pain; he's always been one for it. You dig deeper and he whimpers into your mouth before grabbing your hair and pulling it hard, jerking your head back, exposing your neck. Instead of keeping his harshness, though, he begins to kindly and gently kiss the skin there, knowing that's where you've been fed on before. He's showing concern for your past wounds, which would be sweet if not a bit manipulative.
As he unbuckles his belt, you breathe in and hold, waiting for him. He looks at you for approval and you nod. When he puts himself in you, you're stunned. He's big, which is what you expected by his stature but, you didn't expect as big as he really was. You begin to tear up and moan, head leaning into his shoulder. In this moment, your demeanors are stark contrasts of each other. You, soft and shocked by his every movement, him, focused and stoic. As he presses himself into you, he barely is holding himself together.
"You're... wet... God, you feel like," he smiles at himself, "you feel like a bitch in heat."
You throw your head back and moan at his words and he quickens his speed. You can feel yourself coming close to climax and you can hear from the moans escaping his lips that he's getting close, too.
"I'm, Jeremy, I'm-" you moan, your body bouncing up and down as he fucks into you.
"(Y/N), I'm-"
You both cum at the same time, him clawing at your thighs, you at his back.
"Moan louder, please," he says. You comply, gasping and groaning into the woodland air. He exhales in pure ecstasy at the sound of you.
When you're both done, you collapse onto the forrest floor and lay next to each other, chests heaving.
"I really like you, I promise it was just because I wanted to get off," he says, laughing.
"I know," you say, laughing, as well.
"And you're not a whore," he winces, remembering his words, trying to play off his apology as a joke.
"I didn't mind," you laugh, referencing the various kinks you have expressed interest in the past.
"I bet you didn't, you little harlot," he laughs and begins tickle-attacking you.
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year ago
Can you do a tvd x teenage Salvatore reader
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Female teenage Salvatore reader x Stefan Salvatore x Damon Salvatore (+others)
Warnings: swearing?
"Come on you have to get up" Stefan says sitting on your bed beside where your laying.
"Go away it's too early for this shit" you mumbled into your pillow.
Stefan sighed and took the blanket off of you, solving the mystery of where one of his favorite sweaters went, you're wearing it.
"Come on its either the easy way or the hard way" He said knowing full well you can hear him.
You didn't respond and he reached over to you and pulled your body into his lap. "The hard way it is then."
He stood up carrying you and went downstairs where Damon was sitting. By the time he got there, you were almost fully dozed off again if it wasn't for Damon throwing a pillow at your face to wake you up again. You just responded by holding up a middle finger at your older brother and then snuggling into your other older brother, going back into the comfortable position you were in before.
"You realize you do have to change before we leave the house, right?" Damon raised an eyebrow while smirking.
"Who said I was leaving?" You groaned, not wanting to leave and get out of your comfy clothes.
"We are. Everyone is meeting at Elena's house, we need to talk about the problem on our hands" Stefan says, putting you down on the armchair next to a stack of books that needed to be put back, on the ground.
"Whyyyy, so what? there's another doppelganger, big whoopty-doo" You rolled your eyes, actually not minding Silas because he was entertaining at least.
"Too bad, you're going" Damon said, putting his drink down.
You begrudgingly walk up the steps to Elena's house. You still have Stefan's sweater on, only changing from your sleep pants to dark wash, flared jeans.
When you walked in, you immediaetly make you're way down the hallway and to the left where Jeremy is playing video games. You sat down next to him after you grabbed a controller from the coffee table.
The two of you quickly immersed into the shooting game, completely forgetting the point of the whole friend group meet-up.
"Where are Jeremy and Y/n?" Caroline asked, looking around the room, not seeing the two sixteen year olds (you, biologically). "Playing video games in the next room" Elena sighed. She tried to get you guys to stop, but failed and walked away, not in the mood to fight with two moody teenagers who both don't want to socialize except with each other for some reason.
"Then I'll be right back" Caroline said.
She walked down the hall and over to the both of you. She stood in front of the tv, but before either of you could say anything, she grabbed both your guys' left ears.
She pulled you guys by your ears to the living room. "Hey!" you both exclaimed at the same time, not happy about being pulled away from your secluded area.
The next three hours are the most boring and long hours both you and Jeremy have ever had to endure. Well, before you fell asleep on top of each other and no one noticed after those couple of hours.
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pinespittinink · 3 years ago
can you explain the lightlark thing? I'm very confused. If the book doesn't even come out until September, how can anyone know if it's good or bad? Wouldn't all they have to go off of be a super short summary (that always try and make things sound better than they are)? and you mentioned some blurbs from other YA authors. But that doesn't tell you much about a book. And I saw someone say something about a movie deal? How can there be a movie deal on a book that's not even released yet??? Doesn't that usually happen after a book makes it big? My brain is hurting trying to understand this. I've never heard the title Lightlark in the first place but I saw someone mention tiktok, so that probably explains why I don't know it. I avoid that place like the plague.
Gratefully and sincerely, A very confused writeblr.
I feel like I could make a PowerPoint about the entire Lightlark debacle by now, but I’ll try to put everything I know out here as unbiased as possible!
I made an error in my og post and I guess Lightlark is coming out later this month, not September- regardless, it’s currently unreleased. Basically, the early readers have been given access to advance reader copies— called ARCs— which is how they’ve read the book prior to the drop date. The purpose of ARCs is to spread word of mouth and generally drum up good press for the book ahead of time; you get an ARC for free, you write an honest review (most of those tend to paint the book in a favorable light, though of course everyone has their own honest opinions), and people read the reviews and get an idea of what it’s like beforehand. They’re like reviews from laymen rather than industry professionals, like Chloe Gong (These Violent Delights), who read early copies to provide backcover promo blurbs.
So that’s where the initial reviews are coming from! The distribution of ARCs and relation to goodreads reviews is super important to how well a book may sell and be received upon release. Pretty commonly, you’ll see positive ARC reviews, and then the rating will naturally drop a little and even out post-release, once the greater public can read and give way more opinions, good or bad or any range between.
Now, as it turns out still, the vast majority of readers don’t check goodreads prior to picking up or buying a book. They see a cool cover or read a backcover and are like “huh, sounds neat” and go about their day. But that doesn’t undercut the fact that this process is still a HUGE part of the pre-release period.
The movie deal is actually not that uncommon of a thing. Books will get optioned for tv or film adaptations, but the key kicker here is that way more often than not, they aren’t made public knowledge until production is beginning and it’s a known thing that the adaption will actually happen. The fact that Alex Aster is sharing that her YA fantasy romance debut is getting a movie is… well you can make up your own mind about that but the fact is that it’s not the normal course of events! Those things are generally kept way underwraps. Lightlark may die in production hell, for all we know.
The other integral piece of information to this current blowup is that Alex Aster is rich. She lives in NYC, her sister makes an absurd amount of money (she’s nearing the Forbes 30 Under 30 list, there’s an article floating around about that), and this is how she was able to have her cover reveal done on a New York Times Square billboard. She is not a rags to riches story, and while she’s been querying from a very young age, she is still a young author in her twenties who has published a successful (I believe) MG fantasy series, and is also white-passing, conventionally attractive, and frankly, a marketing genius, if the way tiktok has taken off with Lightlark is any indication.
People are giving her a lot of flack for lying about how she’s promoting the book, which is boiling down to her talking about various tropes/scenes/dialogue that happen in the story which….apparently don’t happen on the page, according to people who have read the book already. I can’t speak to this personally, and only regurgitate what everyone’s been passing around, which is that the bulk of what she’s presenting the book as is falling far from the mark. Lightlark is pitched as The Hunger Games meets A Court of Thorns and Roses in a dark fantasy setting, and suffers the most (in my opinion) from - MASSIVE case of “cool concept, bad execution.”
Genuine readers of the ARC have torn this book a new one in varying levels of language from professional to juvenile hole-poking, but the general consensus right now is the book is bad. Not the scummiest literature on the block by any means, but just a poorly written overhyped book.
Now some people (the twitter/tiktok crowd) are even going after the other YA authors who blurbed her book, calling them out for leaving glowing reviews, which is behavior I frankly think is uncalled for and juvenile. But that’s the nature of a nasty bandwagon and negativity train. It’s fun and cool to be a hater sometimes, right? Get in with the crowd? 💀
I think everything surrounding Lightlark is genuinely fascinating. Will I read it when it comes out? Probably not, unless I rent it from the library. But I do think that what’s happening right now, the review bombing of people going onto goodreads to leave one star reviews for the sheer hell of it, calling Alex Aster nasty things and accusing her of things unrelated to the hype and promotion of the book, is really gross and a very negative side of the entire relationship between traditional publishing and social media. The current rating for Lightlark is 2.35 stars. It’s been dropping all day and I haven’t seen something like this happen ever. If anything I’m curious what will come next, if anything good, and I’m resigned about the hive mind of the internet.
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midnight-lightning · 3 years ago
can i request bonnie x reader x freya where the reader is a forbes and caroline finds out about the relationship ( if your uncomfortable writing poly you can just do freya or bonnie x forbes reader )
Damn it, Caroline
A/N: Thank you for your request @freyamikaelsonlover !! Sorry for posting it just now, hope you like it!
Pairing: Bonnie X Freya X Reader
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„Oh, you’re looking good there!“
You stopped dead in your movement, hands just above the door knob on the way out.
„What’s the occasion?“ You heard her call again.
Damn it, Caroline.
You repressed a sight, already quite Familie with her usual interrogations of your whereabouts. „I’m going out.“ you said, still not turning around.
You heard her snort at that, a little annoyed already. „Yeah, I’ve figured as much. But with WHOM?“
Caroline and her damn questions.
„With… with my girlfriend.“
I mean it WAS the truth, just not the way your sister thought.
„You Don’t have to say girlfriend like it’s a big secret. I thought It was clear I’m fine you’re dating Bonnie. My best friend Bonnie.“
You rolled your eyes, a little desperately. And here it goes…
„The Bonnie I know since basically forever. I’m totally cool with that. The Bonnie, who I happen to-“
„Yes! Thank you!“ you finally turned around, facing your sister. „I get it. You feel excluded. And I promise you can come along… next time.“
The gleam in her eyes vanished just as fast. „Oh common now! That’s SO rude. And unfair!“
Before she could get herself even more into it you took the opportunity and slipped quickly through the door.
„Sorry, Care, but I’m running late-“
When the door closed behind you, you hurried to get away as fast away as possible, not even looking back.
Still you arrived at the park later than agreed on, but when you looked around the poorly crowded park area Neither of your dates seemed to be here yet.
„Hey there, cutie.“
The sudden whisper near your ear sent hot goosebumps down your spine.
But you relaxed immediately when you where suddenly staring into the eyes of Freya Mikaelson, her arm already finding the usual place around your waist.
„Where you hiding?“ you asked her with a small grin on your lips.
„I’m an original,“ Freya winked sheepishly. „I’ve got enemies everywhere.“
„Indeed, Caroline was holding me up a bit, sorry. But I thought Bonnie would already be here with you?“
To that the blonde Vampire took a step closer to you, „Well, I’m that case-“ Her eyes flickered to your lips. „Seems like we got some time to kill.“
Softly you placed a hand on her cheek, tiptoeing a bit to get closer to her face.
And just as you were about to close your eyes she suddenly vanished.
Stumbling to regain your balance you looked up only to see-
With A murderous look on her face, she Geld Freyas throat, pressing her against a tree.
But your girlfriend was remaining calm, she was even smirking amused at the situation.
She knew Caroline didn’t even stand a chance against her.
„What the HELL do you think You’re doing with my sister?!“
And even though you knew that as well, it didn’t stop your anger.
„Caroline! Let her go, it’s not what-“
Caroline looked at you and the raging gaze on her face made you take a step back.
„And you! How could you even do THAT to Bonnie! What were you thinking? Now I get WHY you were so hesitant about where you were going to!“
„Care, please calm down.“
To your surprise you find Bonnie next to you, you hadn’t noticed that Caroline didn’t come alone.
She gave you a short glance, a little worried for how the situation had turned out.
Softly, you intertwined your fingers with hers to calm her down but also to make something plain.
Much to Caroline‘s confusion. She frowned, but still didn’t lighten her grip on Freya.
„Why are you not angry Bonnie?! She literally cheated on you with- with this-“
„Because I knew.“ Bonnie answered calmly.
„And she didn’t ‘cheat‘.“
You nodded in affirmation.
„We’re together. Like, all three of us.“
Something inside Caroline’s mind clicked and her gaze softened. „Oh… this is a poly-relationship?“
„Yes.“ Freya answered, not even bothering to hide her annoyance anymore.
„Now if you’d be so kind to let go of me? I would hate to break your wrist.“
Caroline did, without even glancing at her.
Instead something like embarrassment appeared on her face. „Well… sorry, guys.“
Freya walked over to Bonnie and you, crossing her arms. „How about you make it up by inviting us to this infamous Mystic Grill?“
Bonnie chuckled. „What an wonderful idea, love. After all this struggle.“
Carolien held her arms up in Defense, clearly seeing her mistake, even though it was quite sweet how she defended Bonnie. „Alright, alright that’a fair.“
You shared an amused glance with both of your girlfriends. Seems like the struggle was worth it, for now a free night with all your favorite girls laid ahead of you.
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unexpected-character · 3 years ago
Sisters and Surprises
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(gif not mine) I’m obsessed. My wifeeeys🥺💗
In celebration of my two wives' birthdays, Kate Walsh (October 13) and Caterina Scorsone (October 16), here's a drabble.
Amelia Shepherd x Reader
You and Amelia started dating a few weeks after you arrived in Grey Sloan looking for a fresh start and a job as a Cardiothoracic Surgeon. That was about 6 months ago and even until now you were both happy and contented with what you both have. Sure you knew about how complicated her recent drama that had happened before you arrived which is her having a kid and an ex that asked her to marry him however she declined and hell broke lose. So things were a bit awkward but you didn't wanna get into it because you really really like Amelia and you're not going to judge her for what happened in the past and whatever reason. You'd rather support her and be there for her instead. You both chose each other, that for the both of you is enough.
You knew the basic things about her, like her being an ex-addict and her brain tumour and the likes. She also told you briefly of her sisters and said how they all don't see eye to eye. You were both still getting to know each other and you are okay and looking forward to all the discovery. You both started to know the little things first then gradually the big ones and the ones you both like to do. For example, what both of you want to eat early in the morning or even the way you both would like to cuddle 5 minutes more after the alarm rang so you both put it 5 minutes earlier so you guys try to not be late for your shifts, keyword try.
So when she paged you, as she was looking for you. You paged her back to the OR because her page said 911 however you were still finishing up your surgery so you can't just runout there for her. You were almost done anyway just a little bit of stitch and you let the resident to close up. So when you just unscrub out of a double bypass surgery when you notice Amelia doing a beeline towards you. She said she wanted you to meet someone she really cares about. She wanted you to meet her chosen sister, with that in mind you asked if you can prepare yourself first to look more well put. You want to be presentable to someone she consider as a sister knowing that she didn't have good biological ones. You were tired and a bit thirsty too due to having back to back surgeries since early this morning so you asked her if you both can go to the attendings' lounge first. She agreed but told you to hurry up because she really is excited for it. So you entered the lounge first while Amelia is following you close.
As you both enter, your eyes locked towards the water dispenser while Amelia saw the person she wanted you to meet. Amelia being too excited she wasn't able to control her tone and said, "Y/n, I want you to —" you raised your head up due to her loudness and thats when you notice the other person inside the lounge, "Woah! If it isn't the infamous Forbes." You teasingly told the older woman. Addison seeing you simply smirked and approached you. She launch herself to you for a full body embrace. She seems so relax with you. "How are you here? It's been years, Y/n/n." She said while she buries her head on the crook of your neck. You hugged her tightly. You never thought that you'll be seeing her since forever. She was on her 1st year as an attending and you were on your 4th year of residency when you were given an offer you can't refuse to another country to study your chosen specialty as it was going to make or break your career, so you left. It was emotional but both of you agreed it was for the best. You had few good years and for you guys it was enough. Your friends to lovers to friends again was good 'til you both were busy with your careers, communications were cut. You haven't forgotten her though, both of you didn't. "Almost 22 years to be exact, Forbes. I haven't heard from you a few months after I left for Zurich." "Yeah. We were both so busy, weren't we?" She looked at you fondly. The relationship didn't work out but you both hold each other dearly in each other's heart.
"Uhmm okay. This is weird. How do you both know each other?" For a minute you both forgot that there was someone in the room with you. Most especially your girlfriend. So when her initial surprise of her lover and sister knowing each other she spoke. You and Addison, both detangled yourselves from each other. You smiled at your girlfriend and approach her, taking her hand with your own. "Amelia, Addie and I were really close back when we were both residents. She's a really good friend however due to both our success in our own fields we weren't able to catch up until now." You looked at your girlfriend lovingly, happy that you have your friend back again after so much time has passed.
"Oh, okay. I feel like there's a lot of history there but it's good both of you are now in each others life, I guess." she replied, and you looked at her and can feel her jealousy about what had happened a while ago. You wanna smirk and teased her but you'd rather not because she was right that there is history but you know that whatever you and Addie had back then can't compare to what you have with Amelia now. You really hope she knows that though.
"Yes, Amy but we're good. I'm just happy that I have my friend back in my life after so many years. I didn't even know I'd see her again because last time I heard she was a hotshot bachelorette taking Europe by storm after her miracles in Zurich." Addie trying to lighten the mood and tension that you three feel inside the room. "Yeah, I did but then I thought why not visit the states and start a storm here too. However, I'm not the hotshot bachelorette though. I mean still hot, but not a bachelorette. Very much taken by this wonderful human being, a world-class neurosurgeon at that." You said and kissed Amelia's cheek. She tried really hard but she can't help the blush creeping up. You wrapped your arms around her waist and she leaned on you.
"You guys look so cute together. I am so happy that you both finally found someone that will always be there for each other. You guys are perfect." She gushed and genuinely happy at both her friend. One a little sister, and one that she can actually even admit to be her person back then maybe still is. You smiled at your friend. Happy about everything. "Okay. Let's go to the serious part now." She said and it made you a bit confused but still listened to what she'll have to say. "Y/n, you better take good care of my sister. I will kick your ass and destroy you if you ever break her heart. Amy, I love you, you know that but Y/n here was once my person back when I was just starting my career so take good care of her too. Just take care of each other or you both will feel the wrath of Satan." She said jokingly but the sincerity and truth shine through on what she said to you both. "Addie... don't worry, I really like her. I'm madly in love with her, very much so. I promise I won't intentionally hurt her. If I do, I'm gonna give myself the boot so I really understand. I will take good care of her and her heart too." You look down at Amelia. Conveying everything in your eyes that you really mean it.
"You love me?" Amelia asked. You both haven't said it yet even if you both know how you both love each other, shown through actions and care but you admitting it openly not just to her but to her sister too, it brought tears to her eyes. "I do, Amy. I really love you." You replied. Amelia can't help herself and kissed you with everything in her. She adores you so much. You can feel it through the kiss. "I love you too, Y/n. So much." She gave you another peck. "Okay. You, guys. I'm still here. Please don't fuck in front of me go to an on-call room or something." "Oh shut up, Forbes. I hope you get stalked by a lot of pregnant mothers." She gave you a strong punch and left you both for privacy. You just laugh it off. Nothing can beat how happy and in love you feel right now.
"So... Amy, baby. Don't get jealous, okay? I only love you." You said smirking and teasing her of her behaviour a while ago. You can't help but laugh your ass off because of it. "Oh shut up! I take it back, you're just annoying." She replied back. You can't help yourself and gave her a grin she knows so well. She knows that look and before she can get away, you carried her in a fireman's carry, her on your shoulder and run towards the nearest on-call room.
You both passed by Webber, him with a look of surprise and confusion but he learned to never question anything he sees with his doctors. He already got himself too much information and scarred in all the years he have been in this hospital.
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inkandpen22 · 3 years ago
Old Friends and Old Flames (3/?)
Pairing: Elijah x Female!Reader / Stefan x Female!Reader (platonic) / Klaus x Female!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: mild swearing, mild violence, angst 
Word Count: 3k
Part Summary: Y/N wakes up in Klaus’s bed, making Elijah jealous. Then, she decides she’ll pay Stefan a little visit at school. When things go sour, she finds comfort at the Mystic Grill’s bar, that is until her least favorite Original decides to join. 
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I pour myself a cup of coffee as Rebekah fusses back this idiotic high school dance she's insisted on taking over to bother Caroline Forbs. Halloween magazines scatter the counter as she struggles to find the right dress. She's been sitting on the same stool since late last night. 
"No, I have some errands to run." I decline her request to assist in shopping. 
She growls. "But need help picking out my dress for the Decade Dance!" 
"It's a high school dance Rebekah, it's not exactly the Met Gala." 
"Don't make fun! Did Nik burn all of my dresses from the 20s?" 
Our banter is interrupted when Y/N enters the kitchen. She shuffles over to the coffee pot with a soft yawn. 
“Morning,” she greets casually. 
One of Niklaus's t-shirts hanging loosely on her body, no bottoms of any kind insight. Her hair slightly disheveled from sleep, just sleep I hope. The mere thought of them... never mind. I grip the handle of my mug until my knuckles turn white. She's doing this on purpose. I don't know why I'm feeding into it. 
“I'll go with you Bekah,” she offers, having heard our conversation before entering. 
"Oh my goodness! Thank you!" My sister gushes. "At least someone is helpful around here!" 
Y/N pours two mugs of coffee before carrying them off. I'm assuming back to Niklaus's room. I didn't even know she spent the night here. I should've guessed it. Now that Niklaus knows she's within a hundred miles of him, he won't ever let her go. 
“Don’t worry, they didn’t," my sister tries to reassure me. 
“I wasn’t worried," I lie as I take a sip from my coffee. "They can do as they please.” 
“Then why do you still look like a deer in headlights?” She teases. 
After placing our coffees on the nightstand, I settle back into bed with Klaus. He pulls me into his side as my arm slings across his bare torso. 
He releases a content sigh. “I've missed waking up next to you. I haven't slept so well in years." 
"I will admit, it was rather relaxing for me too." 
"It's a shame though, that we had to reunite under such poor circumstances." 
I lift my head, resting my chin on his chest to meet his gaze. "You needed me, I came." 
"At my beck and call?" He smirks, brushing my hair back over my shoulder. 
"I'm not your beck and call girl, Klaus." 
He caresses my cheek. "No, you're not, Love. You're much more than that." 
As much as I would love to stay and ponder this peaceful bliss we've created, I didn't come to Mystic Falls for a vacation. 
"What time is it?" I ask. 
He reaches for his phone on the nightstand. "Almost seven-thirty," he announces and places it back. "Why? Wish to go back to bed? I could certainly use the hours," he smirks mischievously. 
I sigh and rise up from my laid position to climb out of bed. "I'm going to pay Stefan a little visit."
With a confused expression, he props himself against the headboard. "You rather spend your afternoon with a bunch of teenagers than in bed with me? Have you had brain damage since the last time I saw you?" He mocks. 
After zooming about and changing into my own clothes, I lean down and plant a kiss on his cheek. "I'll be back later." 
"Tell me what you learn." 
"Oh no, uh uh," I laugh as I head to the door. "I won't be your little spy." 
"Then how about my partner-in-crime?" He suggests with a wicked grin. 
I snicker and peer over my shoulder before I leave. "I told you, I won't choose. Don't make me." 
Fuck high school, that's all I have to say. I've done it before and here I am doing it again just so my two best friends will make amends. It may only be a brief visit, but a handful of days in a school is enough to make me break out into hives. 
The halls are empty as I follow the directions the office assistant gave me. First period, history with Alaric Saltzman as requested. Starting off my day strong with a subject I can actually understand. Good chance I was present at every event Alaric can whip out so this should be an easy A. 
I finally find the right room and swing open the door. Alaric stops mid-sentence and when his eyes land on me, his lips part in shock. Murmurs erupt amongst the sea of teenagers. My sight scans the audience and land on a bewildered Stefan. This is already so much fun. What's even better is the shared look of fear between Caroline and Elena. My heels click against the tile as I approach Alaric with my note from the office. He snatches it from my hand and skims it. 
He glances up at me with a glare. “Seriously?" 
I continue to smile, acting all innocent in front of my new peers. 
“Alright, everyone listen up!" Alaric announces to the filled room. "We have a new student, Y/N. Just pick an empty seat," he instructs in a grumble. 
Slinging my purse over my shoulder, I stroll down one of the few rows toward the back of the room. It must be my lucky day, a seat is left empty right behind Stefan. Elena just had to take the seat next to him, selfish girl. 
"Okay, let's get back to our topic," Alaric tries to regroup his students. 
Right as I settle down, Stefan spins in his chair. “What are you doing here?” 
"Feeling a bit dry in the brain, thought I'd brush up on my history," I joke. 
"Y/N, you can't just show up-"
"You know, I tried to go to high school in the 50s, a total drag." I shake my head as I reach into my purse and pull out my notebook and pen. 
"Berlin, 1989," Alaric recites to the class. 
I clasp my hands together. "Oh yes! Looks like I came in on a fun day. Good times the 80s." 
"Can anyone tell me why these two are significant?" Alaric enquires. 
I instantly raise my hand, much to Stefan's dismay. 
"Y/N..." he says warningly. 
"Yes, Y/N?" Alaric calls on me reluctantly. 
"The fall of the Berlin Wall." 
"Very good." He turns to right it on the board. "The fall of the Berlin Wall." 
Elena peers over her shoulder to glare at me. “Did Klaus send you here to spy on me?” 
I snicker, is she serious? 
“Don’t flatter yourself, dear," I mock her with a narrow gaze. "I came here by my own accord.” 
Her features falter, not so confident as she expresses apparently. 
I lean closer into the aisle with a smirk. “And I understand you’re Katerina’s doppelgänger which is probably why I want to smack you every time I see you. The only reason I don’t is because of Stefan. The part I don’t understand in all of this is what makes you so valuable to my dear friend Stefan here. Other than looking like his vile ex-girlfriend, you’re nothing more than a useless human. If he weren’t around, you can bet your boney ass you’d be bloodless and bone dry by now,” I threaten unapologetically, upholding my smirk. 
Abruptly, Stefan grabs my arm, forcing me to my feet. Everyone glances back at us with curiosity. 
"Sorry Mr. Saltzman, Y/N isn't feeling well," he excuses as he drags me off to the door. He shoves me out into the deserted hallway, making me stumble. 
“What the hell!” I shout. 
"Does Elijah know you're here?" He questions sternly. 
"Elijah isn't the one you should worry about," I chuckle. "He won't do anything without Klaus's go ahead." 
He peers at me disapprovingly. "And what? You're under Klaus's close eye again? One of his minions." 
God, he can be such a goodie-goodie. I miss the fun, Stefan. This Elena has made him such a bore. 
"I was never one of his little followers," I remind him sharply. 
"Oh right, no, you were just with his brother for centuries," he challenges. 
A smirk forms on my lips. "Ah, do I sense some jealousy?" 
He doesn't confirm nor deny it, how intriguing. 
“I wasn’t lying, you know. I did came here on my own.” 
He studies me with a narrow gaze. “Why?” 
I shrug with a snicker. "I was bored?" 
In a flash, Stefan has me pinned against the lockers by the neck. 
My amusement doesn't falter. "Wow, it's been ages since we've done this." 
“Enough games Y/N," he scolds. 
With a pout, I whine. My hands roam his chest. “But we used to have so much fun." 
“That was then, this is now. You met me when I was running with Klaus and didn’t care about my humanity.” 
I roll my eyes at the subject. “Stupid conscious." 
“Your humanity is on. I know you feel some sympathy, an ounce of emotion.” 
“Ha," I laugh mockingly. "I may not have my humanity off but don’t assume I carry any sympathy for little Elena. I can control my emotions.” 
“Like how you can control your love for Elijah?”
I shove him off of me and start down the hall. “Don’t be silly-“ 
“You’re still in love with him," he calls out. 
I halt. “This isn’t some fantasy, Stefan," I tell him over my shoulder. 
“He’s the burden you can’t shake. No matter where you go or however long you stay away. 
“Enough!” I speed back to him. This time it's my turn to clench his neck and press him into the wall. 
He chuckles, pleased with himself for getting a rise out of me. He shakes his head. "You’ll always love him.” 
Abruptly, the bell rings and within seconds, students flood the hall. I release Stefan and flee the scene. 
Immediately following my god-awful first day of high school, I find myself at the bar of the Grill. I down the remaining bit of my drink and wave the bartender over for another. Geez, Stefan can be such an asshole! 'You'll always love him.' What the actual fuck? Spare me the Hallmark lovey-dovey shit. Me, in love with Elijah still? Please, that's so the 90s. I've had over a decade to get over it. 
The bartender places another vodka martini in front of me with a sympathetic smile. I must look like I've been through something. Granted, this is my third drink. 
The chair beside me slides back and I glance to see who the individual may be. Instantly I regret the decision when my eyes land on a certain suit-loving Original. 
“Oh for Christ’s sake!" I shout as I hide my face in my hands then toss it back. "What is with today?” I ask the universe.
“Scotch please,” Elijah calmly requests from the bartender as he settles down on the stool next to me. 
I shoot back my martini and raise my hand for the bartender to bring me another. 
Elijah peers at my glass with raised brows. "Long day, Sweetheart?" 
I cut the small talk. "What are you doing here? You hate places like this." 
He exhales deeply, unbuttoning his suit jacket to relax. "Niklaus told me you'd be here. I believe we should talk." 
I scoff, starring ahead at the many bottles across the counter. "Is this going to be one of our many infamous chats?" 
"Niklaus is under the impression that you may be a crucial asset to our endeavor. In order to please my brother and gain him what he so desperately desires, I'm willing to be civil and collaborate with you." 
"Aw, does this me we get shared custody of Kol?" I pout playfully. 
He's serious I can't help but laugh. He can be such a stick in the mud. No wonder I'm such good friends with Kol and Klaus, they counteract his sternness. His sight remains locked ahead and I wonder if it's because he can't stand to look at me. 
"This is no laughing matter, Y/N," he scolds right as the bartender brings us our drinks. 
"Of course it is, you're speaking nonsense." I turn to face him, slinging my arm over the back of my chair. "You and I be civil? You know the rules, we've tried this before." 
"We've had a decade to mature," he reasons, taking a sip of his scotch. "Find ourselves as individuals instead of as a pair." 
My features fall as his words sting me. "No one can mature that much." I shift in my seat, creating some distance between us as I reach for my drink. "It will always be all or nothing with us..." 
Out of the corner of my eyes, he finally breaks from the bar toward me. From the mirror behind the bottles, I can see the look on his face. It's not the sort of look I had hoped for, it's filled with pain. 
I sip on my sixth martini, leaving the olives this time. Elijah and I have closed out the restaurant except for a few lingering tables. We've been silent for the most part, just listening to the series of songs echoing through the place and the random conversations happening about us. Now and again we exchange a few words. So, this is what civil is... it's boring. 
A strong piano melody travels throughout the quiet restaurant and I instantly recognize it. 
Soon, Céline Dion's voice follows. "There were nights when the wind was so cold..." 
I cringe a little. The entire Falling into You album brings back memories I wish to forget. 
"Ugh, someone change the song please," I plead under my breath. 
Elijah snickers. "You used to love her music." 
"That was before..." 
His brows scrunch together. "Before what?" 
"It was the summer that..." I shake my head, stopping myself before I say something stupid. "Never mind." I finish the remaining bit of my drink and slide the glass across the counter. 
I reach into my purse and drop a couple of twenties on the counter for the drinks. I hop down from my chair and sling my purse over my shoulder. "Goodnight, Elijah." 
I leave him appearing utterly confused. One minute we're sitting peacefully, enjoying our drinks, and the next minute a song changes everything. 
It's kind of funny, how he's completely oblivious to the significance of it and I so strongly associate the songs with our estrangement. Then again, they're all I listened to that entire summer, before and after we finally broke up. Elijah isn't wrong, I used to love her music. Now I can't listen to it without remembering every single detail of us. 
As soon as I cross the threshold of the Grill, the cool fall air breezes past me. 
"Y/N, wait!" Elijah calls after me. 
I huff, spinning to face him. "What Elijah?" 
"Take my hand," he requests, extending his arm out to me. 
My brows scrunch together in curiosity. Hesitantly, I do as he asks, allowing my hand to slip into his. “Where are we going?” 
Within seconds, we're standing outside the lit-up white mansion that is currently the Mikaelson sanctuary. To my surprise, Elijah doesn't immediately release my hand. Does this go with his civility plan? 
“Oh, so I’m staying with your family now?" I enquire wittily. "I thought I wasn’t considered a part of it anymore?” 
He snickers, peering up at his family's home. “I think you already went against my word when you woke up in my brother’s bed this morning.” 
My eyes fall to the pavement beneath our feet. “Nothing happened, Elijah," I mumble. 
“I know that..." he sighs, causing me to look at him. He turns to face me. "You and Niklaus have a bond I may never fully come to comprehend, but I know it’s merely a friendship of the purest kind. After all, not many people drop everything to come here and face my family in order to protect their closest friends from each other. If I weren’t myself, I would see myself feel a tad bitter about you appearing after all this time for the sake of my brother and Stefan.” 
I smirk. “Do I sense some jealousy?” 
He rolls his eyes, but I can see the hint of amusement on his lips. “Oh don’t you dream of it." 
I shrug, starting toward the house. “Wouldn’t be the first time.” 
Abruptly, Elijah grabs my wrist, yanking me back to him. I stumble on my feet until he captures my face in his hands and slams his lips to mine. For a moment, I'm stunned. Once I fully comprehend what's happening, I embrace it. My arms fling over his shoulders and his hands run through my hair. 
The all too familiar feeling has since become foreign. It's been over a decade since I've kissed Elijah and it's strange to think we did it for centuries. Does it make sense to say that it feels like our first kiss yet also completely right and natural? I suppose that's what happens when you've been with someone for over five hundred years. 
"I knew it," I gloat between kisses. "I'm your Achilles Heel, aren't I? The big bad Original does have a weakness." 
Swiftly, his hand clenches my jaw, forcing me to meet his stern stare. "Don't think this makes up for everything you've done." 
I snicker, allowing my eyes to fall to his lips. "Wouldn't dream of it, Baby." 
Eager, he brushes his lips against mine and I complete the distance. As I said, it's always going to be all or nothing with us. We’re either passionately in love or passionately at odds. We’re extreme opposites and everything about our relationship is just that... extreme. We can never be just civil. 
Tags: @mikaelsonloverr @felinegrate
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zodiyack · 4 years ago
Requested by anon: Will you do a story/ one-shot about either Elijah or Klaus’ wife, and they’ve been trying to find her for while because of betrayal or something and they finally find her?
Pairing: Niklaus Mikaelson x Female!Reader
Warnings: Slight angst?, fluff, swearing
Words: 1,015
Summary: (See Request)
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​, @jenepleurepasbaby​
Masterlist | The Vampire Diaries Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist
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“Are we sure we should be doing this?” Caroline whispered. She’d seen what Klaus did when he was mad. Not that she was afraid of him, it was Y/n she was afraid of. She actually liked Niklaus’ wife, but doing this would be stabbing her in the back, and stabbing her in the back would mean she’d have to face her wrath if she were to ever wake up.
“Klaus can’t, and won’t, do jack shit. He’s all bark and no bite...pun not intended.” Damon snickered.
“I’ve gotta agree with Damon on this one.” Caroline glared at Elena. It really seemed like Stefan, Matt, and her were the only ones who genuinely liked Y/n. But why? What’s not to like about her...aside from being the wife of their worst enemy. “She’s married to him. She must be used to this, right?”
“Whatever. Let’s just get this over with.”
“No! Not you too!” Caroline exclaimed, widening her eyes at Stefan with shock.
“I’m sorry. I like her, but I agree, if this makes Klaus powerless and weak, it has to be done.”
“How would it make him weak?”
Stefan sighed, “His wife. She goes missing and is our bait, he can’t hurt us or else he’ll never know where she is.”
“You do realize you’re going to make it worse by having two grudges to face?”
“How so?”
Caroline rolled her eyes at Damon’s doubt but indulged him in her explanation. “We’re betraying Klaus. That’s one stab in one back. And we’re making his wife temporarily die and hiding her at that! That’s two stabs in one back, and another stab in a different back.”
“What’s with all your metaphors, blondie?”
She scoffed, rolling her eyes again, and paced ahead of the group. Whispering to herself, as if Y/n could hear, she apologized and shrugged off her fear. “I’m sorry, Y/n. It’s the only thing we can do. I hope you understand.”
Klaus slammed his fist against the table. It had been years since the Mystic Falls betrayal. That’s what Rebekah called it anyways. Elena and her group of friends had taken the one thing Klaus loved, the one thing that loved Klaus. Damon and the others were always telling him he didn’t know what it was like to be loved, but his wife assured him that he didn’t need to prove anything.
Now, she was gone. He didn’t know whether they’d stabbed her with the white oak stake or if they daggered her or something, but she was gone, that was the one of the only things they could establish.
“We’ll find her, Niklaus. I give you my-”
“Word?” He flipped the table with a growl, “You give me your word that you’ll find my wife? She’s gone, Elijah! She’s been gone! Where was your word then?”
Elijah simple nodded. It infuriated Klaus even more that Elijah expressed nothing but a neutral expression. “Niklaus. Yes, Y/n has been gone for some time, and for that I am sorry, but you must understand, I couldn’t give you my word then be-”
“Because what?!”
“Because, brother, we didn’t know she was alive back then.”
Klaus froze in place. “What?” He felt the anger leave his body and relief take over. Over and over again, he asked himself if he’d heard Elijah correctly. Hope, once lost, returned.
“She’s alive. Caroline Forbes has confessed. She refuses to talk to you, as you’re a little on the murderous side,” Klaus scoffed yet held a smile, one of which Elijah returned, “but nevertheless, she knows Y/n’s health status, as she and Stefan are still in on at least that part. However, she’s been compelled to forget.”
“Damn it.” Klaus allowed himself to have hope, but he should’ve known something was wrong. Every time it was too good to be true, there was something off. “Do we have any information on her whereabouts? Like anyone who knows?”
“I’m not sure. She mentioned other people getting compelled as well, but even if that is true, we’re immortal, Niklaus.”
“Yes? Get to the point!”
“We have thousands upon thousands of years to live. We have an entire earth to pursue. I promise you, brother, I will not rest until Y/n is recovered, healthy, and by your side once again.” Elijah clenched his jaw after speaking.
He despised the betrayal just as much as Klaus, and not only because he is a man of his word. Y/n was his sister-in-law, whom he loved as a part of his family. Everyone knew; mess with one Mikaelson, get the rest. Any harm against a member of the family was a harm against all of the family. 
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“We’ve found her, brother.” Elijah smiled as he hugged his brother tightly. After many agonizing years, months, weeks, days, and minutes of searching, they’d finally found her.
“We need to leave then. Right now.”
“He’s already got that covered, Niklaus.” Klaus stilled, almost looking like an actual statue. A chuckle he swore he knew filled his ears and brought the tears he’d been hiding to his tear-ducts. “My guess is that he got the strategy for such from you. I mean- Forcing witches to free me? Did you two switch personalities while I was gone?”
Klaus let out a chuckle of his own, turning and surging forward. He held Y/n close to him, practically suffocating himself in her shoulder while inhaling her scent. “Is it true? Are you really here?”
“Yes, Nik. I’m here, my love, and it’s all thanks to Elijah.” She giggled as her hand cupped the back of his neck.
Klaus shivered as Y/n’s fingers brushed over the hairs on the nape of his neck, a feeling he hadn’t felt for far too long. A squeal escaped her when Niklaus connected their lips in a familiar longing dance.
“I’ll leave you two to catch up. But, don’t forget, Y/n, we all miss you and would love to talk to you.”
“Thank you, Elijah.” Y/n didn’t have much time to respond, Klaus already initiating hugs, kisses, and everything else he could think of. She was glad to be back.
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klarolinelibrary · 4 years ago
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Hi KC Readers,
We have reached the end of the week which means we have new weekly releases for you! The stories below were updated during the week of May 1st - May 7th.
Happy Reading!
Gods on High
Author: slstmaraudersjple
Rating: K+
Length: 1,257
Summary: "In ancient times, they called her Hera. But when she was born, she was named Caroline." Greek mythology AU featuring Klaus and Caroline as Zeus and Hera.
Date of update: May 1 2021
Klaus POV - The Trouble with Spells (Chapter 23)
Author: ilovetf
Rating: M
Length: 91,722
Summary: The Trouble with Spells as seen through Klaus's eyes and his POV. Over the years, people kept liking this story and some even asked for Klaus POV, so I decided to give it a try. 
Date of update: May 2 2021
Cinderella's Beast (Chapter 15)
Author: Sci-fi Christian
Rating: T
Length: 59,065
Summary: He was a beast. An arrogant beast who carried his comments a little too far one day. Now, he may just discover that she is not what she seems. She's a Cinderella in disguise and his heart is the glass slipper she may leave behind. 
Date of update: May 2 2021
Fortitude (Chapter 8)
Author: G.M.Portraepic
Rating: M
Length: 15,256
Summary: Post TO 5x13: Even in his death, the key to Klaus Mikaelson having everything he has ever wanted, all at once, lies buried somewhere in the world. Can Caroline Forbes find it?
Date of update: May 5 2021
Without Pause Without Doubt
Author: ThrowMeAStory
Rating: M
Length: 3,679
Summary: 4x16, au. Part 9. Klaroline vs Damon.
Date of update: May 1 2021
Between Reality and Madness
Author: Eliliyah
Rating: G
Length: 8,395
Summary: When Caroline Forbes, Hogwart's resident Potions Mistress, is bitten by a werewolf, her father, the Minister of Magic, immediately orders she be taken away and imprisoned in a so-called "Rehabilitation Facility," mysterious camps from which no wolf has ever returned. Dodging curses, she runs for her life. Her only chance is to find the one person who seems to know a thing or two about wolves: Headmaster Klaus Mikaelson.
Date of update: May 1 2021
Our Time Now (Chapter 2)
Author: perfectpro
Rating: M
Length: 23,970
Summary: Caroline is going to spend her senior year getting into the law school of her choice, leading the cheerleading squad to a nationals title, and passing her sorority presidency to someone who will continue a legacy of excellence. She doesn't have time to take a bubble bath, much less to figure out what's happening with her relationship with Klaus. Not that it's much of a relationship to begin with.
Date of update: May 1 2021
no goodbyes (Chapter 11)
Author: deadofwrite (dead_of_write)
Rating: E
Length: 78,975
Summary: “Last night shouldn’t have happened,” Caroline whispered. Guilt. Shame. Regret. It was all the emotions he feared. And it was written all over her face. aka. a college/cheating au
Date of update: May 1 2021
All You Never Say (Chapter 6)
Author: misssophiachase
Rating: T
Length: 18,967
Summary: One wedding involving a best man and maid of honour who've grown up together but don't know quite how to reconcile their unresolved feelings.
Date of update: May 2 2021
A smutty anniversary (Chapter 8)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: E
Length: 5,414
Summary: Caroline and Klaus celebrate 3 months together with a day full of smut.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Darkness Becomes Thee (Chapter 3)
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: 12,317
Summary: Austria 1300s When Klaus met a young girl on a riverbank, he knew that he would one day come back for her. When he looked into her bright blue eyes, he could see a reflection of his own soul, a darkness that lingered inside both of them. When the young girl turned into a beautiful woman with a thirst for blood, his fascination with her turns into obsession. He wants not only her loyalty but her eternity, a possessiveness that is equally returned.
Date of update: May 2 2021
One of a Kind, Two of a Kind, or the Three Musketeers (Chapter 11)
Author: Phandancee74
Rating: T
Length: 24,114
Summary: Caroline recognizes how hard it is for Elena to be a doppelgänger, her fate predestined as well as her face. It's pretty tough being the last of your kind too though, and Caroline is determined to protect them both, with some very helpful Bennetts on their side.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Klaus’ Thousand Year Plan to be Her Last (Chapter 2)
Author: anncatherine
Rating: T
Length: 2,867
Summary: So these are some missing Klaroline scenes from my Elena/Elijah soulmate fic that I couldn’t include because they either didn’t fit or needed to be form Klaus or Caroline’s pov. I think it would be helpful to read at least the first couple chapters of that for background, but basically at twelve people’s soulmate’s birthday shows up on their wrist.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Cloud 9: A Collection of Klaroline Fusions and Crossovers (Chapter 11)
Author: klarolineagainnaturally
Rating: G
Length: 5,597
Summary: Various fusions and crossovers with Klaus and Caroline including Much Ado About Nothing, Ready or Not, and Tangled!
Date of update: May 2 2021
The Big Bad Wolf (Chapter 8)
Author: MorningStarGirl666
Rating: T
Length: 58,507
Summary: He was the Big, Bad Wolf of this story, there was no doubt about that. But Caroline? She was the light to his darkness, the moon that shone brighter than even the stars in a sky of endless void. Like every wolf, he fell in love with the moon, and every month, he was destined to cry for a love he would never touch.
Date of update: May 2 2021
Destination Wedding (Chapter 5)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: T
Length: 10,294
Summary: The first rule of going to your ex's wedding is 'make sure you look good,' but Caroline's seriously worried that this British Guy is going to make her late. And she cannot be late to Rebekah Mikaelson and Matt Donovan's wedding at a Virginia winery.
Date of update: May 3 2021
We are young (Chapter 14)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 16,153
Summary:  Basically, Klaroline flirt in front of their kids who they are barely older than, and Landon is appropriately confused.
Date of update: May 3 2021
Road to Ruin
Author: Cupcakemolotov
Rating: ?
Length: 2,122
Summary: Caroline comes home for Elena's funeral two years after she made out of Mystic Falls to NYU, and meets Klaus Mikaelson, one of the enigmatic brother's who claimed Elena as their own.
Date of update: May 3 2021
Time Heals All Wounds (Chapter 2)
Author: khaleesiofthewolves
Rating: ?
Length: 4,393
Summary: Does time really heals all wounds? Deeply scarred by his past, he would beg to differ. Klaus never thought the midnight shift at the hospital would change his life and yet it did. When a certain blonde is brought in with severe injuries, Klaus will learn that sometimes doctors need healing as well. Will their inner wounds and scars help them grow together or just tear them apart?
Date of update: May 3 2021
Caroline in Wonderland
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: 25,491
Summary: London, 1903 On the day of her wedding, a young boy collides into Caroline's legs, all but knocking her to the ground. Seeing that she is dreading walking down the aisle, any moment stalling her from heading to the church is welcome. However, when she follows the young boy down a London street, something impossible happens and Caroline finds herself in a magical world that she had been told about as a young child- Wonderland. She embarks on a journey through Wonderland to find out who she really is, where she belongs and towards a man who she had thought was nothing more than an imaginary friend.
Date of update: May 4 2021
A Bee A Tulip and a Meddlesome Sister
Author: KatherineBee1814
Rating: M
Length: 15,107
Summary: Newly arrived in London from Kent Lady Rebekah Mikaelson quickly catches the eye of infamous Rake and rouge Lord Anthony Bridgerton but Andromeda will be damned before she lets him marry her favourite sibling.
Date of update: May 4 2021
Soulmate visions (Chapter 6)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 11,445
Summary: On your soulmate's eighteenth birthday, you see through their eyes for an hour, but they don’t know. And if your soulmate turns eighteen before you are even born, you never get a vision. Klaus gets his soulmate vision right after he orders Tyler to bite Caroline on her birthday….
Date of update: May 4 2021
White Winds Blow (Chapter 2)
Author: perfectpro
Rating: T
Length: 17,704
Summary: Caroline Forbes waits anxiously in the Riverlands to hear of the return of her betrothed, Elijah Mikaelson, from the uprising against the mad King Silas. Instead, a letter arrives from his younger brother, Lord Niklaus, telling her of Elijah's death and offering to uphold the joining of their houses himself. She will become the Lady of Winterfell, but Lord Niklaus, waiting at the heart tree, is a stranger.
Date of update: May 4 2021
later on, we'll conspire (Chapter 3)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: M
Length: 7,292
Summary: Caroline asks Klaus to choose her over revenge at the Winter Wonderland Party.
Date of update: May 5 2021
KC Drabbles 2021
Author: CandyCane1287
Rating: T
Length: 8,303
Summary: C1: Hybrid Klaus meets human Caroline earlier and they fall in love. But there’s more. Ps, Katherine didn’t turn Caroline and she’s still human. He used Elena for the sacrifice but Elijah revived her. He got Tyler to bite Caroline but Klaus healed her. Tyler and Caroline broke up cause he cheated on her and they weren’t that in love. A bit of talk of Damon, but doesn’t go into too much detail. I suck at summaries btw.
Date of update: May 5 2021
Revenge of the Fifth - TVD Edition
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: 4,057
Summary: A star wars AU for vampire dairies for May the Fourth Be with You! Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena are padawan learners at Luke Skywalker’s new Jedi training academy, desperate to prove themselves by taking down some of the new Sith Lords that have popped up. The problem is, those Sith Lords are the Mikaelsons, and each girl has a Mikaelson brother obsessed with them, unwilling to let them come to harm. Will that make it harder or easier for them to triumph over the Dark Side?
Date of update: May 6 2021
The Beach House (Chapter 2)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: 3,812
Summary: When Rebekah blackmails Klaus into pretending to be her friend Caroline’s boyfriend for the weekend, he expects sand, sun, and horrible people who never left high school. And while Caroline’s friends may ‘suck’ (her term, not his), he increasingly enjoys the time he spends with the bubbly blonde. But nothing can happen, even while sharing a bed. Caroline might feel bad for dragging Klaus away from his infant daughter for the weekend, but the little intimacies and kisses for their performance build up and start to feel very real. And now she wants him bad. If only Rebekah hadn’t warned him off.
Date of update: May 5 2021
Author: VintageLilac
Rating: T
Length: 156,908
Summary: New York was home to the richest families in the in world. They were the elite and spent their days traveling the world, making money, and earning power. Although Manhattan wasn't just their home, it was their kingdom. Left with little parental supervision, no rules, and copious amounts of money, the infamous teenagers ran the city and as people say, long may they reign.
Date of update: May 6 2021
That Kind Of Power
Author: ThrowMeAStory
Rating: M
Length: 3,375
Summary: 4x16 au, Part 10. Caroline vs Elena.
Date of update: May 6 2021
Reasons Not to Date a Mikaelson (Chapter 5)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: 9,517
Summary: Bonnie and Caroline gain a new roommate for their freshman dorm when a vision leads them to tracking down a pregnant Hayley in the Rockies. Also, Bonnie may or may not have raised a certain dead Original instead of Jeremy and Klaus takes a job at Whitmore teaching, to be annoying. He’s very good at it.
Date of update: May 7 2021
LITTLE TENSE (Chapter 3)
Author: wincefish16
Rating: T
Length: 3,592
Summary: Klaroline's life together as they work in Mikaelson and co. Different snippets of their life.
Date of update: May 7 2021
FFN: The Exclusivity Clause (Chapter 3)
AO3: The Exclusivity Clause (Chapter 3)
Author: slstmaraudersjple
Rating: M
Length: 12,529
Summary: When Klaus receives a call that his soulmate has been found after searching for her for almost a century, he sets off to claim her before his enemies can harm her. But his soulmate is human this time around, innocent and irresistible, and his wolf wants nothing more than to mark her. Soulmates Reincarnation AU.
Date of update: May 1st
FFN: Louder Than Thunder (Chapter 39)
AO3: Louder Than Thunder (Chapter 17)
Author: khaleesiofthewolves
Rating: M
Length: 256,589
Summary: All Hell was about to break loose. After dying while protecting a grieving Klaus, Caroline finds herself sent back in time, and she's not who she once was. She's more. Back in Mystic Falls, something else is stirring. After the arrival of a mysterious figure from Klaus' past, it all comes to a head. It really is louder than thunder.
Date of update: May 3 2021
FFN: Caroline the Not So Teenage Witch
AO3: Caroline the Not So Teenage Witch (Chapter 15)
Author: klarolineagainnaturally
Rating: T
Length: 35,304
Summary: Continuing the drabble inspired by Sabrina the Teenage Witch, young witch Caroline Forbes must learn to live with her old flame turned cat. Antics ensue as they try to get along and fix what has been done.
Date of update: May 3 2021
FFN: A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 155)
AO3: A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 155)
Author: Uppity Bitch
Rating: M
Length: 419,840
Summary: A collection of random AU one-shots featuring Klaroline. Chapter 155: Part 2 — Fright Wedding. This is a sequel to Chapter 141: Fright Wedding. The alliance with the Mikaelson kingdom failed when they declared war, but Caroline was certain Klaus would be an excellent ally. Or hostage. Or possibly something more?
Date of update: May 3 2021
FFN: Royals of New York (Chapter 28)
AO3: Royals of New York (Chapter 27)
Author: VintageLilac
Rating: T
Length: 162,215
Summary: New York's royals spend their days traveling the world, making money, and earning power. With little parental supervision, no rules, and copious amounts of money, their children have New York as their own personal kingdom. May their reign be long and prosperous.
Date of update: May 6 2021
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