#esp seeing that their company ISNT white!
jackienautism · 1 year
Literally hate that dedue, the only dark skin team mate you get is so sub servient to a white male character and I feel like no talks about this,
hmm you're. absolutely right. i never actually thought abt it like that before. it really DOES give off white savior type shit... i know dimitri's whole thing is trying to get dedue to FINALLY see him as an equal, but youre right. the implications of it are very... bad. esp when it couldve been ANY other character in the game, but they chose to pick the black man? esp ESP when lorenz in one of the beginning chapters says that some nobility bullshit probably is even worse than slavery? like. lets be for real
also? i never rly thought abt it until now but like. of COURSE the regions outside of fodlan (almyra, duscur, etc) all have some sort of .... conflict for lack of a better word w/ the white man from the church right? of course theres people LIKE ingrid in faerghus that disdain people of duscur due to what happened. and of course people of the alliance are weary of almyrans too. LIKE. of COURSE realistically racism is going to exist, but to have both places have such huge conflicts and be portrayed as the "Evil" towards the primarily white area is a bit ............. bad. it's bad. fire emblem needs to be better. adding one person of color per house isnt going to magically make the game's own racism disappear. doesn't matter how much "discussion" they have surrounding it either, theres still bias and prejudice seen in the game itself
like they rly gave petra an irish last name? making people doubt that brigid is most certainly inspired by polynesia? they clearly did their research when designing her, so why didnt they do more when naming? it just doesn't make any sense.
and with shamir? she's from dagda but... what IS dagda meant to be? they just say shes from a foreign place and refuse to elaborate. but i suppose that's just petty of me to bring up, its just somethign that's always bothered me
and you're right that no one really talks about it. /I/ certainly havent seen much discussion surrounding it, but then again i dont necessarily go out of my way to search for it. but yeah. it deserves to be criticized
and maybe all that i talk abt doesnt even matter or its not a big deal or whatever but like. whatever man. i sometimes just want people of color to just exist in my silly fantasy video game. without Racism and the change everyone has to go through being their like. main arc
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cpunkwitch · 1 year
i think major film companies should make less visually intense versions of all releases for ppl with epilepsy and other sensitivities. i think it should be standard practice and i think movie theaters should show them in their own rooms w less intense carpet on the way in and whatnot.
and on tvs and streaming platforms they should have like a reduced contrast mode. cause im really tired of everyone getting away with inaccessibility. captions colours brightness video descriptions everything needs to be regular practice. we arent extremists for wanting that i think.
what are your thoughts?
adding on
they should also just in general lower the brightness on their screens and lights in the theaters esp when they turn the lights on after movies. and not the damn white led lights, the softer yellow/warm lights that are so much ficking easier on our eyes.
my sensitivity isnt as bad as most people but i still get bothered by all these things to an extent and can sympathise with ppl who struggle with it more intensely.
people should absolutely make versions and accessible places of productions that dont cause eye strain issues- to say the least.
yes flashing lights, bright colours, intense saturation etc can add to the experience of watching a movie but when theres people that literally get migraines, nausea, seizures and so on there needs to be something done about it. the easiest answer is removing/lessening these things from productions outright or making an edited version without them so its much easier on people
by productions i mean games and shows not just movies. this can be plays and musicals too.
and making environments more accessible like adding spaces in theaters where YOU CAN PUT YOUR DAMN WHEELECHAIR because you cant use the fucking fold seats, keeping the lights dim and fewer, using softer/less cluttered carpet designs, not having an overwhelming amount of bright ass screens etc can be a huge help to people
absolutely needs to be common practice, literally not in any way or form is this some kind of extremist thing, its asking for things to be accessible so more people can experience entertainment too.
we deserve to see there/play it/be there/enjoy it just as much as people without these issues.
i also like your idea of seperate show rooms that are lower input/stimuli and remote settings for things to make things safer to view.
i would be so happy to pick up a remote and hit a few buttons so i can mute contrasts and light flashing in some way on whatever comes on/im watching on the tv
also the news should be easier to read theres so much text with half of it moving on the screen that i can never fucking tell whats going on so i never watch the news unless my parents already are.
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anissapierce · 2 years
do you have any thoughts on the current r/usty qu!ll situation and the controversy surrounding the recent article written about them? totally understand if you don't wanna get into it. you just often have insightful commentary on stuff so i wondered if you had anything to say about this. personally i think it's a little absurd the lengths some people are going to to defame and discredit the article writers
Oh yeah i saw that happening on twitter..im like a leeetle bit biased bc yeah ive been following the fable n folly network since very on like when it was just alba salix n the space show and yeah i follow sean n eli (the cocreators of the network) on insta bc dog pics so ive formed a minor attachment
Ok now to get into the actual meat of it all, heres a link to the article
I was already seeing some of the claims of the article bubbling up b4 it came out, which ok you might argue are there to add credibility to some shit tht isnt true but the claim that this is a smear campaign just feels so off base, yes newt made a mistake in not saying they were a marketing director for fable n folly up front but like...
I dodnt wade deep into the discrediting happening i just viewed some qrt while it was happening bc i do often go through those. I think if you believe that rusted queels growth was totally organic w no growing pains n anybody trying to point out a problem w them is trying to smear them for the competition well... Thats dumb
RQ and fable n folly r such different networks FnF doesn't have anything to gain from "taking RQ down" like ok sure they both have actual play podcasts set in space but otherwise
I do think that trying to keep every criticism of podcasts n networks to hush networks like discord is doing more harm than good yes ppl involved in the industry should get to talk abt shit others have done even if its 'indie'
I guess theres a response now i skimmed it idk enough Abt the situation to weigh in either way but idk i didnt think the tone of the article was as harsh as RQ makes it out to b it n casting aspersions on a person who .... Made a mistake like the company is owning up to their mistake is just so...
Also i refuse to believe this happened in dec like wtf i thought the article happened in summer... Newt has not edited the article so i am going to their twtr rn to see if they had a response
Edited: there is a response from the editors of the first article
I read it and the one qualm i have is bringing in BLM into the explanation Abt journalism like yes the conversation abt journalistic impartiality harms pic n is built on white supremacy but it felt odd to esp focus on tht when ppl are trying to discredit your journalism as three white ppl .... Especially to specifically bring up BLM but otherwise this article literally addressed everything
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bisexualhobi · 3 years
i went to that blog other anon mentioned and goah theres SO much happening idk where to start lol. 
seriously where's this 'bts are uniquely oppressed by the collective music industry' came from lmao? this smells like someone whos been into bts for 3 months and never stepped outside the bubble. the industry treated everyone unfairly at some point, every fandom has their own anger and horror stories. personally i have onew being groped at national tv by its own host and 16yo (?) taemin being groped at music show by his own fucking sunbae sh*ndong (and fuck s*ju!) that jonghyun has to slap his arm away burned on the back of my eyeballs. also everything female idols has to endure. better yet, everything female idols from SMALL company has to endure. if they really want to make opression a competition their boys aint even gonna win lmao, those female idols will (also remember that one time one of gfriend girlie i think gets offered a water bottle and corndog by bts and that makes armys big mad they had the subtitles had to be changed from the gg member to staff to nothing. the disrespect). but ig armys love to see themselves as savior saving these seven poor little meow meows from the evil korean society and """elevate""" them from the realm of kpop bc of course anything outside the english speaking world is inferior isnt it? Hybes marketing ploy of victimization coupled with exceptionalism (we arent like the other kpop group we make our own songs our company is ethical /lmao/) + army savior complex + bts rags to riches/american dream narrative took off with the whites like insane im in awe of that i admit. "bts is not a boyband it's a cause" damn ok miss little missionaries what else u got? gold glory gospel maybe?
also another thing is u can see an ex larry from 200 miles away istg. i personally think its inevitable to wonder about a celebrity's sexuality esp bc the amount of queerbaiting present, but theres a difference between how queer asians (tho admittedly im only in east+southeast asian spaces) look at kibum for example and what the jikookers (for the love of God leave taemin tag i'm at my limit) or taekookers or whatever done. for the first one it's being gay as an identity that's important and it's all just determining it by vibes, but the latter it's about the relationship and compiling receipts, just the way it is with larries. someone should study this 1d to bts pipeline im actually curious. sorry for not making any sense im just woah, this pissed me off so much lmao
😭😭😭😭 this ask was a WILD RIDE you made me laugh a lot hdkdjkdkkd I don't agree with everything you said but I do understand where you're coming from and it really made me laugh lmfao jfkdjdkd
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floralkittygambler · 4 years
Updatey Shit
You know what? I never realised but my cats must really enjoy my company. They’re all around me rn and I hadnt even noticed. In fact, they follow and lurk around wherever I go. It’s rather endearing that even our ‘evil’ cat is cuddled beside me. I can just... They really like my company- Many animals have been like this and it’s really precious ;w; My little babies - although kids do this as well and I panic XD Had a bunch that’ll randomly sit with me at a park or follow and it IS sweet but- Like, it’s worrying. And also confusing why even kids look at my dumbass and be like “Yyyyyyep, that one’s a fuckin pussy!” XD Ah but I do love my own lil Squicks/Squids (Squick for kid being ‘quick squid’, idk I like it ^^), bless em. Gotta finish off my sweet bags for them. Teeth fucking ache. Migraine attack as usual but in the eyes esp is cumbersome. Anxiety sweats mean early bath. And need to produce my late March 10th post.  Birthday is shortly. Any ideas on how to kinda normalise the day? Cosplans and lists as well as renovation taking it out of me. So much to do but chronic pains and heavy fatigue are bein lil pricks again. Need to clean and fix pieces for my altars. ARGHHHH God give me the fuckin strength- Cant even drink atm bc it’ll add to the migraine. Need to get the rest of the ingredients to practice a cocktail for Earth Day though. Got loads of replies to do but I get so easily socially drained, it’s bloody embarrassing. Forever losing faith in humans - need some hope or some shit. Also want to plan a trip to Vegas for some mindless gambling but I do feel some concern. Not for myself, I just hope others will be alright and controlled. Also, had a fuckin dream right (I have a lot and this isnt the only thing to happen but it was pretty big) where I was owning and caring for this white owl (presumed snowy) but it had a cat face (not cat head, but the face). Unusual yet beautiful. Need more weight and exercise again. May consult for some stability. I know itll hurt and cause my own grief but that man knows his shit and hopefully can help with my own. PS to my cats who’ll never see this: My room aint a fuckin jungle gym- (but they’ll get their space too <3)
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milkandspoons · 7 years
greenish skin has been used on racist jewish caricatures. also, large hats (such as the ones witches are usually portrayed w) are used to identify jewish people when they went outside the ghetto. also, they completely ignored taakos canon ties to mexican culture. making him green/blue is an easy way for people to have a non-white character while not making him a poc either (bc apparently having two non-white poc is just too Hard)
Hey! this is a bit of a long answer, and i do appreciate you voicing this to me! 
like, i get that, and not to be the person to say ‘where are the sources’ but if this is a historic thing, i do wish for legit sources because personally i can’t find any through google, especially since the main post i’ve seen links sources with no evidence, and that sounds fishy to me. ive seen a lot of posts about my own culture made by people who arent my culture claiming things that make my eyes roll to the back of my head
as for the mexican thing, i do have two things, which I would like to say are 100% my opinion, from a hispanic person. i hate hispanic taako. is the only reason people think he is mexican is because his name. is. taako. if someone was named rice and they were asian, i’d be mad. if someone was named adobo and was flipino i’d be mad. fuck that so hard omg. 
But the Mcelroys are NOT hispanic, and they’ve mentioned before they didn’t want to step in that puddle and avoid it altogether. White people making a hispanic taako rubs me the wrong way. mexican people making a mexican taako is the right way to go. if there’s one thing i hate, it’s checkbox diversity. there is something to be said about POC creators making POC characters and white creators making POC characters ‘just for diversity’ (which i am not claiming the McElroys of doing, I love them, but I have seen this often and people are often praised for it as well, which I hate) I dont care if the characters aren’t POC. i will personally go and support POC written characters made by POC authors instead. especially since this isnt some big famous media company like marvel or any blockbuster movie that will influence hundreds of thousands of people, esp since those who read probably already know whats up in the world, like the McElroys.
Also, here are some twitter threads from artists I respect that put other things I thought to better words than I could:
also this one just made me scared to be an artist:
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