#esfp grip
blueopinions49 · 2 months
Monster Typology
Hello guys I am currently finishing to watch Monster Anime and im currently stuck between some typologies for some characters and I wanted to hear your opinions and arguments. Cuz I want to figure this out
Kenzo Tenma: Most people agree that he is an INFP 1w2 sp/so however idk how to feel about Fi dom for him tbh. I think XSFJ makes more sense to him. Personally I'm leaning towards ESFJ FeSi. As for his enneagram SP1 doesn't sound like him to me at all. If anything SO1 or SO9?
Johan Liebert: INFJ E5 for sure however im not fully sure between SO5 or SX5 yet. Im leaning towards SX5 tho.
Nina Fortner (Anna Liebert): I can def see ENFJ however I think EXFP can be more accurate ? As for her enneagram I think SO1 is fine however SO7 and SO9 may fit as well?
Eva Heineman: Obvious Te Dom in Fi grip. ESFP is a bit absurd to me. However I dont know if she is an ESTJ or ENTJ (TeSe). As for her enneagram I am between SX8 or SO3. Both of those fit perfectly to her character imo.
Wolfgang Grimmer: I think ENFJ is also okay ? however idk maybe there is a better fit out there. SO9 is actually okay tbh.
Please share your thoughts.
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personality-corner · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel MBTI
Charlie Morningstar - ENFJ
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Charlie has an idealistic desire to solve everyone else’s problems but her own. She had a tender heart, which has been both her biggest strengths and her biggest weaknesses. Her focus on everyone else’s emotions (Fe), hasn’t allowed her to be assertive when she needs to, always sugarcoating her words to avoid offending everyone else. However, it has allowed her to open other people’s eyes to the concept of redemption. She has a very narrowed focus on her singular goal to make the Hazbin Hotel work and she has very specifically focuses on the concept of redemption.
Vaggie - ISTJ
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Vaggie is the grounded, down-to-earth half of Charlie. She uses her experience rooted in Si both in Hell and with other people, to challenge Charlie’s perspective at times. She is also able to take control of certain situations, in ways that Charlie might not be able to at times. Her Te consistently causes her to doubt certain aspects of these ideas, like the idea Angel can change. She doesn’t believe it until Angel objectively shows signs of changing.
Angel Dust - ESFP
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Angel Dust can be impulsive, throwing himself into drinking and sex, to cope with his surroundings, showing his unhealthy Se. He puts up a wall, and is portrayed as being fake, however his decision to push his own emotions aside has much more to do with self-preservation than it does with conforming to his friend group, like an Fe would do. His Fi is shown in the way he always tries to protect himself and hide his emotions, to avoid getting hurt. He is constantly trying to get out of work, trying to get out of having to answer to Valentino. He wants nothing more than to separate himself from his toxic environment.
Alastor - ENTJ
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Not much is known about Alastor’s true intentions, but from what we do know, he likes to be in complete control of situations. His decisions are based on information that works, rather than his own personal frameworks and theories, and doesn’t necessarily believe in things, such as redemption, until there is probable data in front of him. He also has a narrowed focus, Ni, where he uses his tertiary Se to pull from his environment to make decisions.
Sir Pentious - INFP
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While he may disguise himself as a Te user, Sir Pentious is guided by his own feelings and desires, first and foremost. He attacks the hotel because he thinks it will earn him respect, and his inability to come up with any sort of feasible plan, indicates he has low Te. This being said, he has many strong ideas for the future, and he tends to be the most easy to convince to be on board.
Husk - ISTP
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Husk comes off as cold and detached towards people he doesn’t know- and towards people he does know. He is aware of how people in his environment acts, and can see through people and their behaviors, but lacks empathy when addressing it, indicating strong inferior Fe. Like Angel Dust, he can also be impulsive, and enjoys sensory activities, such as gambling. Because of this, Husk is able to relate to Angel’s issues in ways that other main characters can’t, and uses this as a way to comfort him.
Lucifer Morningstar - ENFP
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Lucifer’s many ideas about free will, and his desires to help humanity is what initially separates him from the other angels. However, as his hope is lost and his depression grows, he gets himself into an Si grip. He wants things to change, but he has also seen from experience how difficult it is to change a sinner. His Fi is shown when we see his personal values. He is so obsessed with his own emotions and his own past, that he doesn’t really comply to group morals at all.
Adam - ESTP
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Adam is impulsive and tends to act without thinking about the long term effects, and he tends to use his own logic, developed by social standards, to justify his actions. He suggests the extermination, not as much as a solution to the problem at hand, but for the sake of entertainment. His impulsive nature is also what ends up exposing the exterminations to everyone.
To Be Typed: For now, this is all I’m doing, as I don’t feel like I know enough about the other characters to type them.
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lazysublimeengineer · 3 months
One of the biggest crimes that the fandom has created is.....
Having Kaiser type as ENTP. Ness as ENFJ. Bachira as an ESTP.
Where is the Fe, Ti and Ne?
What is this blasphemy I encountered today?
Look me in the eye and tell me with a straight faced that you've seen them like that in franchise?
Kaiser is obviously an ENTJ with an unhealthy Fi. That single minded goal and philosophical, dark views is his Ni. His shadow functions is blatantly showing under extreme amount of stress and pressure.
I can't see any Fe and Ni towards Ness. His Fi and Ne is shining especially when we were introduced into his backstory. That creativity coupled with strong personal beliefs is shining through his character and he was in the grip of his Te everytime he's under an extreme amount of stress.
Bachira is the poster child of ESFP. Look at that motivation for playing soccer and strong inner sense of belief and tell me he doesn't have a Fi? 🤨
Thank God that Nagi is correctly typed as ISTP. He's an ISTP 9w8. Enough said.
Nanase is debatable. I need to see more of him if there's a Ne in his functions. Safe to say for the meantime: ExFP
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findmeinthefallair · 6 days
What are MBTI cognitive functions, if you do feel like talking about it?
(If not, disregard!)
Omg thank you for giving me the chance to infodump, even though lol the MBTI fandom on here has been as good as dead for years :3 <3
They're basically mental processes related to your MBTI personality type, and there are eight in total: introverted sensing (short form is Si), extroverted sensing (Se), introverted intuition (Ni), extroverted intuition (Ne), introverted thinking (Ti), extroverted thinking (Te), introverted feeling (Fi) and extroverted feeling (Fe).
Each person has a dominant function, auxiliary function, tertiary function and inferior function. These four will form what's called a "function stack".
A popular analogy for this is the car model: where the dominant function is the car driver, the auxiliary is like a co-pilot, tertiary is a 10-year-old child in the back seat, and the inferior is a toddler in the back seat.
The history behind these functions is Carl Jung, back in 1921, came up with the theory of each person having four functions: one for sensing (related to sensory info), one for intuition, one for thinking, and the last for feeling. Decades later, Isabel Briggs-Myers expanded on said theory so that each of the four just stated above would be split into introverted and extroverted modes: making the number of functions a total of 8.
Now each of the 16 MBTI types has its own unique function stack:
INTJ: Dominant Ni, auxiliary Te, tertiary Fi, inferior Se. ENTJ: Dominant Te, auxiliary Ni, tertiary Se, inferior Fi. ISFP: Dominant Fi, auxiliary Se, tertiary Ni, inferior Te. ESFP: Dominant Se, auxiliary Fi, tertiary Te, inferior Ni.
ISTJ: Dominant Si, auxiliary Te, tertiary Fi, inferior Ne. ESTJ: Dominant Ni, auxiliary Te, tertiary Ne, inferior Fi. INFP: Dominant Fi, auxiliary Ne, tertiary Si, inferior Te. ENFP: Dominant Ne, auxiliary Fi, tertiary Te, inferior Si.
INTP: Dominant Ti, auxiliary Ne, tertiary Si, inferior Fe. ENTP: Dominant Ne, auxiliary Ne, tertiary Fe, inferior Si. ISFJ: Dominant Si, auxiliary Fe, tertiary Ti, inferior Ne. ESFJ: Dominant Fe, auxiliary Si, tertiary Ne, inferior Ti.
ISTP: Dominant Ti, auxiliary Se, tertiary Ni, inferior Fe. ESTP: Dominant Se, auxiliary Ti, tertiary Fe, inferior Ni. INFJ: Dominant Ni, auxiliary Fe, tertiary Ti, inferior Se. ENFJ: Dominant Fe, auxiliary Ni, tertiary Se, inferior Ti.
While it isn't at all a fixed formula, there appear to be tendencies for each of the eight functions to correspond to specific strengths and weaknesses.
E.g. because Se is the most objective function, people with dominant or auxiliary Se seem more likely to see things as they are and better respond in the moment, making them excellent e.g. athletes, paramedics or first responders, or kitchen staff.
Si is often associated with having an excellent memory and easily being able to tell when something has deviated from the norm.
Te is associated with effectiveness and efficiency, streamlining processes of getting tasks done in a system, and empirical measures.
Ti is about refining frameworks of thinking as one goes (people with a strong Ti-Ne combo are apparently excellent at chess).
If you have high Ne, it makes you great at brainstorming and similar processes.
Ni is to do with vision and finding meanings and patterns in things.
Having high Fe means you are likely good at persuasion and ensuring harmony in a group.
Fi is related to very strong personal beliefs and conviction, and being authentic.
Where it gets very interesting for me personally is what happens to these when a person's mental health is affected. Over the years, MBTI forums on the net have come up with "function loops" and "function grips".
A loop is if you lose touch with your auxiliary function, and your first (dominant) and third (tertiary) functions are caught up in a tangle with one another without the auxiliary co-pilot to break them up and get them to exist in harmony. (Here's an ancient Tumblr post listing each loop that each of the 16 types can get caught up in)
For this reason, many people underestimate just how important their auxiliary function is; in fact, some people recommend that you develop it to be just about as mature as your dominant function.
For me, an INTJ, a loop means I enter a Ni-Fi loop and it usually shows up as depression or suicidal ideation.
A grip is if your inferior function flares up because of extreme stress. It usually shows up as a particularly out-of-character mental breakdown, more so than a loop.
I've seen examples of the above, both IRL and in fiction too.
One fictional example is Emily Thorne in "Revenge", who people seem to agree on as being an ISTJ,
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experiencing a betrayal trauma so great that it led her to tap into her tertiary and inferior functions, making her unusually ENFP-like as she used creativity and deception to try getting justice for her father being framed for a major crime.
There's an ongoing debate about whether people actually do use all 8 functions, not just 4. This has been tied to other writings by Carl Jung about our "shadow" and how he even created archetypes for parts of said shadow, e.g. "Trickster", "Demon".
So people have discussed stuff like how our inferior function might be the gateway to our repressed shadow side, and how our shadow side could help with personal growth if we understand it better.
5th function, also called the Vulnerable Function or Opposing Role Function
6th, also called the Mobility Function (I think?) or Critical Parent function
7th, also called the Point of Least Resistance/blindspot, or Trickster function
8th, also called the Role/Mask or Demon function
If you take my function stack as an example, my inferior Se is what might lead to my shadow which consists of Ne as the 5th function, Ti as the 6th, Fe as the 7th, and Si at the bottom as the 8th.
From my own personal experiences I think there could be some truth in this. Where it gets handy based on stuff I've read and discussed with enthusiast groups and folks on Reddit is if we follow this theory, my 5th function works best when I am working with someone who uses it more naturally, and my 6th works best and flares up as a burst of willpower under stress (especially when no one else in the room uses that naturally). My 7th is my weakest, and it really reveals what I prioritize because its friction with my 3rd function can in fact strengthen the 3rd function, and my 8th shows up as a mask and was most likely the one that people pressured me the develop the most in my childhood leading up to my 20s.
When I've run the above by some people IRL, asking them whether the same info also applied to their own lives and circumstances, we sort of picked up on a pattern which was really cool honestly. But MBTI is probably always gonna be too "pop psychology" to be taken seriously in the world of journal articles and empirical research.
Hahaha, here's a TOH segment!
I'm gonna talk about Luz and Hunter a little:
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I think Luz is an ENFP, while in Hunter's case it's hella difficult to guess under all those layers of complex trauma but...if I do the math by process of elimination, he gives off Ne-blindspot vibes and might be the introverted counterpart of Eda (who gives off massive ESTP vibes), so I'd guess ISTP.
The most interesting thing which may explain how different they are as characters is how their blindspots are the opposite of one another. Which makes their interactions pretty engaging and organic.
Luz's dominant function would be Ne, and her blindspot is Ti. Hunter uses dominant Ti, with an Ne blindspot.
Luz may have slipped into an ENFP Ne-Te loop of anger when Eda is taken away from her towards the end of Season 1, and she may have slipped into an Si grip when she gradually slipped into depression after Hollow Mind.
Hunter being so distressed that he dug his own grave in Eclipse Lake may have been an ISTP Ti-Ni loop, and his Fe grip tendencies seem to show when he's very sensitive that his friends might find out he's a grimwalker, terrified about what they might think and say.
See why I love MBTI? :') When I used to practise as a therapist, I definitely chose it as my main career counselling theory to use with clients, since every student who's training to be a licensed counsellor or psychotherapist here is required to have at least two theories on hand to draw from in their work.
Knowing these functions helps me to read people and the room better, especially as an autistic person.
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l0velylecter · 2 years
Bestie please I will beg for soap content of any variety I am starving out here
cod : mw ii men mbti breakdown, (vol.i)
scenario & imagine : how would the cod : mw ii men interact with a partner that supposedly is most compatible with them ? background : In personality typology, the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. mbti : esfp ( soap ) x reader ( istj ) rating : m for mature and suggestive themes pairing : john ‘soap’ mctavish / f!reader tags : kissing, making out, fluff, angst, smut goes as far as vague descriptions fandom : cod mwii warnings : cursing, suggestive themes, mdni (minors don’t interact)
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Originally posted by judethejudas
Imagine meeting Soap in the alps with the evergreens densely stretching down the ridge, the little cabin you were hiding in — nailed to the foot of the mountain. You aimed the gun at him with shaky hands, snow slowly falling all around, catching itself between your eyelashes. Time began to slow as he carefully approached you, one hand extended while the other dropped his weapon onto the ground. From the very beginning, Soap has always been open. He presents himself honestly, painfully optimistic — it scares you. He scares you. So you kept your aim steady, resisting, suspecting. Yet, your foot was bleeding, torn open by the thorn bush when you escaped from Makarov's men to dash into the forest.
‘Easy now. We won’t hurt you.’
Soap had sat next to you the entire helicopter ride back, trying to lighten the mood even after rescuing you from a violent hostage situation. He talked and talked and talked :
' Are you okay ?'
' What's your name ?'
'What do you want me to call you?'
' How are you holding up?'
' It’s fair jeelit ootside, aye ?'
Yet, you were glad he did not leave even after receiving nothing but silence in return. Because when Soap saw your hand: unmoving and limp against the clean cloth, he had asked permission to dab the blood away from your arms and cheek (— blood that belonged to the men he killed to rescue you.) It was difficult to believe, for each movement was gentle, reassuring, and nothing like what your captors had put you through. When Soap finally stood up to switch seats with another soldier, you had involuntarily reached out with your right hand — staring at him while pathetically gripping the strap of his vest.
It was the first time he grinned so widely.
Reserved, practical, and quiet: you were the perfect engineer to spearhead Makarov’s nuclear science. It never mattered to you that the team remains unconvinced by your change of consciousness; it would be stupid for them not to. Trying your best to conceal how unwelcomed and abandoned you felt, the only one who seemed to notice was Soap.
 Shattered at the horrifying fact that Makarov had weaponised your research, you blamed yourself for being so oblivious. You never understood how Soap was so willing to help you pick up the pieces.
 Cautious yet eager to get to know you: he followed you around, even going as far as to defend you when someone suggested throwing you back into the hands of terrorists. You tried everything to push him away: frowning, avoiding, and even telling Price to keep him away because he distracts your work, and if he keeps showing up unannounced, you will never make enough progress to catch Makarov.
 Yet, within the narrow walls of the base, you always run into him — ( and only an idiot will fail to notice that each unwanted meeting was planned by the soldier.) 
It was blinding how spontaneous, energetic, and bold he carried himself. Even if it was like looking directly at the sun, you find yourself missing his presence, his laughter. 
So when he placed a hand against your shoulder to greet you after a month-long recon mission, unable to pull away, you let yourself soak in the warmth of his touch; hoping Soap doesn't notice just how much you missed him.
On the nights when your thoughts run astray and your plans crumble under the tragically unforeseeable pattern of life, you find yourself outside his door. A fist hovering above the wooden surface. The moment you turn to leave the door swings open.
‘ I can’t sleep.’
‘ Me neither.’
The first night, he insisted that you take the bed.
‘ the chair will do lass, trust me.’
But when his back started hurting, you shot him an ‘ i told you so’, pulling the blanket upwards and scooting to the left. With your backs against each other, the rise and fall of his chest became a rhythm to sleep to. None of you spoke about how some mornings, you’ll wake up with his arm around your waist, chin tucked nicely above your head. 
You started letting yourself in his room, patiently waiting in the dark if he had yet to return from the field. He did the same when you were locked up in Price's office, drowning in papers and guiltily wishing you were in his bed. 
He never does anything suggestive, never crosses the line inappropriately, and makes you uncomfortable. But you can sense something was off: from how he tenses up, freezes, and goes completely still when your knees brush against his inner thigh. It wasn't hard to notice his breath hitching when your fingers had experimentally stretched across his midriff, nails scraping the skin: hot and taut.
You propped yourself up with an elbow, staring down into his eyes. The wind outside howled, rattling the windows during an otherwise silent night. He squirmed; you noticed how Soap gets uncomfortable when it’s too quiet. And this close, with his nose inches from yours he let out a small laugh.
‘ Not to ruin the mood, but you have to talk to me here. If all you want is just someone to warm the bed, then I’m startin’ to feel a little used here, hen.’ 
Your brows furrowed, and for the first time in a long time, you felt stupid.
‘ I didn’t mean to make you feel that way.’
He reached out to place a hand under your chin, his thumb gently caressing your cheek before guiding your hand flat against his bare chest, ‘Knowing how clever you are lass, I’m sure you’ve figured it out by now.’
You never had to read his expressions; lips parted and cheeks flushed, you dove down to kiss Soap, squealing in surprise when he returned it enthusiastically — “ Bloody hell, you don’t know how much I’ve fucking wanted this. Wanted you.”
Pulling away, you huffed, feigning annoyance even with your hands on both sides of his face. 
Soap is generous with his kisses, even more so with sex. Always eager to touch and feel you, he never shies away from putting your needs first: always trying to please. Even with his bulge — hard and heavy between your legs, Soap won’t fold until he can feel you dripping over his fingers. 
The man never waits for you to enter the room before crashing his lips into you. Impatient and jittery, he uses teeth and tongue to excitedly welcome you back — as if you did not start the day next to each other in bed. Once, he had you pressed up against the hallway, both knees over his shoulders. 
In communicating, Soap has always been more honest and direct, while you tend to be insensitive and highly critical. Always wanting to make up for your callousness, he brushes it off, knowing that most of the time, you were just frustrated and did not know how to let off some steam. Which is why Soap was always so encouraging with his words.
'  That's it bonny, use your words. Tell me what you want.'
' You're so good and needy for me, hen. Atta girl, that's it.'
' Fucking hell — you're something else, know that?'
You love how he squeezes your hips as you ride him. You love admiring his hickeys across your chest. You love waking up to his bear hugs and scrubbing his hair in the shower: playfully scolding him to focus and close his eyes or else the liquid gets in his eyes. You love him, and because of this, a small part of you aches. Because no matter how many times Soap said it, you still could not find the courage to say it back.
Yet every time he looks away as you cry because you're still embarrassed to do it in front of him or hugs you from behind to offer silent support, even if it physically pains him to let the air turn still, you pray he knows.
Outside, the air was thick with frost, and the scent of pinewood and conifer bark was almost overwhelming. With the noise coming from the waterfall and river, Soap explained how this provided good cover. You wrapped the puffer tighter around yourself, fingers intertwined with his. 
‘ Why did the snowman look into the bag of carrots ?’
‘He was picking his nose.’
You bit the inside of your cheek.
‘ That’s a good one.’
‘ You think so ?’
A gust of wind swept through the snow to signal that the helicopters were here. You squeezed Soap’s hand.
‘ I love you. I want you to know that.'
In the distance, Ghost signaled that they only had a few minutes left before takeoff. His eyes softened while yours started to water. Soap tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, leaning forward to talk over the noise.
‘ I know. I love you too.'
a/n : hello anon <3 I hope this lives up to your expectation and won't be too niche or specific, but thank you for giving me the opportunity to write about Soap, i hope i wrote him well. i had so much fun writing this because this was literally also just an excuse for me to squish a fic i know i will never have time to write so i had to be smart and find a way. ( you can tell i love the opposites attract trope.) If you enjoyed this then tell me in the inbox who I should add next into this series ! Suggestions are always welcome <3
This is the song I had on repeat while writing this by the way :
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kirua9 · 2 years
Hahaha ah people are blind or stupid if they type Laito as ENTP? lol I can understand why people may think he's ESFP, because they see Se dom in his "desires" you know, but inferior Ni looks absolutely stupid, but this guy is very perceptive, so his Ni is developed well??? I mean he uses Ni too much, it seems to be dom or at least aux function, as if he was INFJ. I swear he's INFJ
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Ni inferior (in ESFP type) characterize it's user as the person who will panic in a stress situation and will try to predict the future, because they are very "into moment" and good in adapting to the current situations , not spending much time thinking about next step. Their intuition is very vague, because they used to get all necessary things from Se, lol.
And now whats with Laito? Where's his Se or Ni? Before "facade" creation and his overall personality seems to be quite used to Ni as the dominant function, remeber how many metaphors he uses when wants to compare two situations or objects? He referrs to abstract ideas, kind of allegories, and being extremely perceptive. Reads people easily(well it looksore like Fe aux), notices patterns and algorithms, he really can SEE next steps of others and doesn't do reckless things which can lead to failure.
Clear Ni-Fe interaction (Ni for intuitive perception and Fe for reading people's intentions, clarification of their motives, using manipulation)
Not Se-Fi how it'd be in ESFP. Kou is a perfect example of an ESFP character: blinded by reality, it's convenient for him to see things which aren't "too far" from his understanding, I mean he cares about "now moment" the most, future doesn't bother him. Also Fi shouts for the way he make decisions: values only his own desires and ideas, makes decisions according to subjective benefits.
And the funniest thing: Laito is really unhealthy type, or he's been in Se grip, so judging by this it's okay to say his Se inferior now controls dominant and auxiliary functions, that's why he acts like Se dom :/ And Se inferior locates in INFJ and INTJ only.
I also fucking agree with these people on PDB database :
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arcxnumvitae · 4 months
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ESFP-A: Entertainer
ESFP personalities are inclined toward putting on a show for others and generally appear to be very comfortable in the spotlight. However, it is not their love for being the center of attention that drives this sense of confidence but their knack for sensing what’s appropriate in certain situations. They have an uncanny ability to mirror the behaviors of those around them.
ESFPs truly enjoy the simplest things, and there’s no greater joy for them than just having fun with a good group of friends. People with this personality type would almost always choose to be with friends over spending time alone. With their unique and earthy wit, they love soaking up attention and making every get-together feel a bit like a party.
It’s not just talk either – ESFPs tend to have the strongest aesthetic sense of any personality type. From grooming and outfits to a well-appointed home, they have an eye for fashion. Knowing what’s attractive the moment they see it, they aren’t afraid to change their surroundings to reflect their personal style. This type is naturally curious, exploring new designs and styles with ease.
Though it may not always seem like it, these personalities know that it’s not all about them – they are observant and very sensitive to others’ emotions. Often the first to help someone talk out a challenging problem, ESFPs happily provide emotional support and practical advice. However, if the problem is about them, they are more likely to avoid a conflict altogether than to address it head-on. This personality type usually loves a little drama and passion, but not so much when they are the focus of the criticisms it can bring.
Romantic Relationships
Interestingly, ESFPs tend to regard falling in love as the best part of a relationship. They revel most in the stages that involve intense emotions, passion, discovery, and excitement. As a result, they might strive to keep these sparks lit longer than normal by investing more in the flavorful aspects of their relationship.
Because of this investment in liveliness and joy, relationships with ESFPs are simply unforgettable. People with this personality type always have some new and exciting activity up their sleeve, and they genuinely enjoy spending each moment with their partner. ESFPs enjoy physical intimacy immensely, and they prove themselves affectionate, inquisitive, and open-minded, loving to share with willing and reciprocative partners.
Conversation with ESFPs is similar, focusing on fun, sometimes quirky subjects rather than deep, soul-searching expressions. The past and the future, the sciences and politics, and long-term plans and commitments are all less likely to grip ESFP personalities than brighter, more tangible things. They slow things down and add too much weight to their freewheeling style.
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piscsworld · 1 year
Se or Ne?
okay, i know this sounds stupid as hell but hear me out. i literally have no idea what my mbti is. it's hard for me to tell the difference of the Fi users, or more like i don't REALLY understand the meaning of the functions (or i'm just overthinking lmfao!) , and the difference between Se & Ne. can anyone tell me the most important differences between them and how their inferior functions affect them (such Si/Ni "grip" or "loop"), and even a comparison of the little things the function would prefer over other things (such as, "cause of Se the ESFP would prefer blah blah blah over blah blah blah")
thanks ! :heart-hands:
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
Veronica Mars: Lilly Kane [ESFP 7w8]
MBTI Type: ESFP Flashbacks to Lilly’s life reveal that she was the queen bee at her school, but also had a reputation as a party child. She grabbed onto whatever gripped her interest, indulged it for a short time, and then threw it aside—this includes having sexual relationships with several guys other than Logan, behind his back. She encourages Veronica to live large the night of the prom and…
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personality-corner · 5 months
How to Avoid Mistyping
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I’ve actually wanted to make a post like this for a while, I just hadn’t really gotten to it yet. Here’s how to know if you’re mistyping a character.
Mistyping vs. A Differing Opinion
When it comes to fictional characters, a lot of it comes down to interpretation, which means there will always be a level of differing opinions when typing a character. However, I do think it’s undoubtable that some types don’t fit characters at all.
At the end of the day, it comes down to argument. Does your argument make sense? Is it understandable to those who aren’t inside your mind? Is it obviously biased.
And here’s the thing- everyone has bad arguments. I’ve had bad arguments, even on this page. However, I am making this post, to maybe help people to think more critically about their arguments.
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Are you grasping at straws trying to defend your opinion?
Honestly, this is a good sign that you are mistyping a character. Does it feel like you are trying way too hard to defend your typing of a character, like you can’t come up with any good arguments for it?
This could mean one of two things; you need to rewatch or reread the material you’re typing from or you need to consider a different type for them. Now, I would definitely rewatch or reread said thing first, because there have definitely been times I thought I was mistyping a character when in reality, I just didn’t remember enough about a character to type them appropriately.
But you should at least consider the fact that you’re mistyping a character if you’re struggling to construct an argument.
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“This type would not do that!”
I do think there are times when this is appropriate, for example, when discussing a character’s actions, saying “this character’s interest in their environment really gives more Se than Ne.” However whenever I hear XXXX would never do that! It grinds my gears.
Usually, when people say this, it’s highly stereotypical, because technically speaking, each type is capable of anything… it’s why they’re doing it, what’s going on in their head that matters. Now is it unlikely for, say, an Si dom to make impulsive decisions? Perhaps, but it’s not that they can’t. In fact, some of the ISTJs I’ve typed have made very impulsive decisions when their Te or Fi kicked in.
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Using your personal relatability to a character to determine their type.
Now this one, out of everything on here kind of annoys me the most. Now, there is nothing wrong with relating to a character and considering the type for them. However your relatability to them also cannot be your only argument to why they fit that type, because you don’t have to be the same type as that character to relate to them.
I’m an INTP, and there are plenty of ISTJ, INFP, ISTP, hell even ESFP characters I relate to. I also don’t think I’ve ever, at least not since starting this blog, have typed a character INTP solely because I find them relatable… in fact, it’s the second to last most typed on this blog.
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Have you considered other possibilities for this character?
Typically, unless I’m really sure about a character’s type, I’ll consider at least a few types before deciding on one. I’ll keep these types in mind when watching something, and sometimes will decide on something completely different.
Obviously, you don’t have to do this, everyone’s system of typing is different, but the important thing is, don’t be so fixated on a particular type for a character that you refuse to see or listen to any other argument regarding them.
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Don’t automatically assume a character is in a loop or a grip when you type them.
Now, saying a character is in a loop or a grip is not inherently wrong per se- but I will say, that I often see people use this to avoid typing characters certain types.
I have a post I’m working about on loops and grips, but I will say that if you can’t legitimize why a character wouldn’t be that type, even at their healthiest, it’s probably not a good type for them.
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adiabolikpastel · 2 years
[Excruciating Duplicity - Callista Lorne] Character Personality / Character Inspirations ~ pt. 1
Hello Everyone,
As part of the New Years Goal to be more productive this year - I am beginning a new installment analysis!
I thought it would be fun to explore the different personality types and share some character inspirations for some of the more under developed OCs here on the blog. With that in mind, I wanted to start with the Lorne Family - better known as Callista's Family.
Hopefully this can help explain them more, and give a better idea of Callista's home life before coming to live with Shu. As well as, the big name players in the story as it unfolds.
This is part 1 of 4 for this group.
In this post we will take a look at the Adler King and Queen, otherwise known as Callista's mom and dad. If you have more questions, or you want to know more, feel free to ask! Enjoy~!
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The 'King' of the Adler Demons. He rules his people with the loose grip and an open heart. I recently talked about the Adler Kingdom more with others who have Adler OCs, and fell in love with the idea of having him be King in mostly name. He is a figure head for the people - the one who can make the big decisions when the smaller territory leaders need help. Ajax is not an all ruling dictator, and allows his people to remain free.
Character Inspiration & Personality
An Entertainer (ESFP) is a person with the Extraverted, Observant, Feeling, and Prospecting personality traits. These people love vibrant experiences, engaging in life eagerly and taking pleasure in discovering the unknown. They can be very social, often encouraging others into shared activities.
Ajax is a loud and passionate individual. He treasures his family and seeks to keep others safe. Boundless in his confidence, he is not without his troubled past and regret. For his main inspiration I drew from Rengoku - wanting someone who was instantly in your face and had a heart of gold.
Expanding on that idea, I also wanted him to have a serious side, which I found in both Oubi and Thors. Both of them embody this strong leader - who even though they are sometimes goofy or soft - they are the strongest and hardest worker.
Guy and All Might are just the correct amount of extra that Ajax is. They are flashy with their moves, and strong in their convictions. Always there to lend a hand - and boost up others.
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The Queen - a quiet and reserved ruler. She takes her husbands loose grip on the Kingdom, and ensures there is a cushion to fall on when things get out of hand. Catalina might not be as care free as her husband, but she values the freedom her people are able to have - and works to ensure they are able to maintain that freedom.
Character Inspiration & Personality
An Architect (INTJ) is a person with the Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging personality traits. These thoughtful tacticians love perfecting the details of life, applying creativity and rationality to everything they do. Their inner world is often a private, complex one.
Catalina is a quite and reserved woman, who rarely speaks. This is not due to her being shy - rather - it is due to her always observing. When she does speak, it is often used in an authoritarian tone. Despite her quiet and judgmental nature, she adores the honest and passion that others can find.
Master manipulator, genius, with a hint of sadism. Each of these characters embody Catalina. Makima and Shinobu bring voice to her inner thoughts - as they are more extroverted characters. Moriarty is always 20 steps ahead at any given moment. Kirari is the cool level headed leader that rules with intimidation and power.
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adarlingmess · 2 years
Hello, late night ramble about my Fallout OCs. I haven't touched them in years and because of the drought of BG3 content that I am experiencing I turned to one of my oldest fandoms
I'm not sure if ya'll remember them, but here's Percy/Persephone Zhou (Fallout 3), Maria/Ranger Raven/Maria Elisa Ortega y Romero (Fallout NV), and Kitty/Katerina Robinson nee Volkov (Fallout 4)
MBTI/cognitive functions is one of my hyperfixations at the moment so I got them all tested and goddammit, they're all Ni doms too. Am I really that uncreative with my characters or is it just a case of writing/roleplaying what you know? Lmfao
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Anyway, some points of interest, patterns and overlaps among the three. The info about canon characters here are based off of PDB's typing of the characters:
They all have high sneak, but that might just be a reflection of my preferred playstyle. Justified due to Percy using stealth to compensate for her physical weakness, Maria being an ex-Ranger, and Kitty relying on guile to navigate the new world she woke up to.
Their starting SPECIAL tend to have high INT, high CHA, low END, and low STR.
Percy and Maria both have medical training, due to Percy being trained as a doctor by her dad, and Maria being an ex-ranger needs to look after herself in the field.
Maria and Kitty are both well-versed with their respective constitutions' law, due to Maria's time as a Ranger, and due to Kitty being a lawyer.
All have creative hobbies that they're average at, but has helped them in some way: Percy knits and sews (helps with keeping her hands steady during operations), Maria sings (after quitting the Rangers, she found work as a singer in The Tops, where she first met Benny), and Kitty dances (really helped with her agility).
Percy and Kitty are both looking for family members thanks to 3 and 4's respective plots. Maria is running away from hers.
All have family issues. Percy loves her dad but she feels some pressure to walk in his footsteps, unsure of what she wants for herself. Maria is estranged from her family due to her decision to quit the Rangers and denounce the NCR after realizing their tribe's assimilation is a reflection of the NCR's unfettered expansionism. Kitty had a tumultuous relationship with her husband Nate, which they managed to stabilize by the time she got pregnant with Shaun, only for everything to go downhill due to the Great War of 2077.
All are traumatized by religion, one way or another. Percy develops a savior complex thanks to James raising her on the Bible and his own tendencies. (Overworked NiFe) Maria's religion is a syncretization of Catholicism and her tribe's (descendants of Filipino and Mexican agricultural workers in California) indigenous practices, and she ended up embracing the devil inside her instead of bowing her head to the conservative values of her community. (Child Fi being stubborn) Kitty used to be in the Russian Orthodox Church before the Great War, and, well, the bombs dropping gave her a crisis of faith, and she questions why God would allow such destruction to occur is he was truly omnipotent. (NiFi loop)
All have experienced intense Se grips in their moments of weakness and stress. This made them turn to vices. Percy's vice is she drank, and like her dad, she has a taste for scotch. Maria's vice is sex/pleasure/sensation-seeking, and she slept around with people like goddamn Vulpes and Benny too (wtf girl). Kitty's vice is drugs, thanks to Hancock and Cait's influence.
Some relationship dynamics:
Percy shares the same type with her dad, James (INFJ)
Maria shares the same type as Mr. House (which she briefly considered working for, but she ended up taking over The Strip herself) (INTJ)
Kitty shares the same type as her son, Shaun (INTJ).
Percy's frequent companions are all sensors; Charon (ISTP), Butch is (ESTP), and Dogmeat (ESFP). Which is amusing in a way- they're all on the NiSe axis. Percy can see the ways how things might play out thanks to her lead Ni, but she's reliant on the other three to save her ass in a physical fight thanks to her inferior Se. She's the glue of the group with her high Fe too.
Maria's frequent companions are ISTPs and INxPs; Boone (ISTP), Raul (ISTP), Arcade (INTP), and ED-E (INFP). Boone and Raul are like the James Bond to Maria's MI-6, she comes up with the strategy, and those two execute. Arcade is someone she can discuss intellectual pursuits with. ED-E has a soft spot in her heart.
Kitty's frequent companions are ENTPs (Hancock and Deacon). Just... imagine the banter. And the chaos. And the energy.
Percy's main love interests are xSTPs (Charon, ISTP, and Butch, ESTP)
Maria's love interests are an ISTP (Boone), an ENFP (Veronica) and an ENTP (Benny). Her brief/one-sided love interests are two ISTJs (Vulpes Inculta and Joshua Graham), an ISFP (Follows-Chalk), and an ENTJ (Dean Domino).
Kitty's main love interests are ENTPs (Nate, Hancock).
Percy and Maria both have ISTP love interests (Charon for Percy, Boone for Maria)
Maria and Kitty both have ENTP love interests (Benny for Maria, and Hancock and Nate for Kitty)
I really gotta draw all of them soon after I'm done with comms, I missed my girls.
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endsbloody · 2 years
istj: tiny silver earrings, ice cold gazes, neat desk space, fancy quill pens, PRACTICAL THINKING, graceful movements, GLASS SHARDS, cold showers, round glasses, WORKING ALONE
estp: STREET SMARTS, sneaking out, “just one more”, partying with strangers, endless energy, MISCHIEVOUS SMILES, FLUORESCENT LIGHTS, colored smoke, dramatic at times
istp: CLOUDY SKIES AND LONELY DAYS, cracking your knuckles, throwing off a hat, scattered papers, knows what they want, jigsaw puzzles by a fireplace, rough sketches
entp: INDEPENDENT THINKER, leather jackets with patches, devils advocate, LIGHTING A MATCH, wide smiles, LIKELY TO START A REBELLION, raised eyebrows, fiery sunsets, SLAMMING A DOOR
isfj: disney movies, big hugs and dimpled smiles, knows when you’re upset, fresh baked cookies, pillow fights, never forgets a birthday, roller skates, just wants to be a kid again
entj: protest signs, bold makeup, feeling invincible, dark chocolate, LOWKEY A WORKAHOLIC, running to an appointment, staring contests, loud voices, BREAKING GLASS, spilled wine glasses
isfp: a soft breeze on a summer day, acrylic paints, NOT EASILY SWAYED, “save the bees!”, drawing by yourself, doesn’t like making decisions, flower crowns, finding inspiration in little things
estj: dawn, KNOWS WHEN TO TAKE CHARGE, always on time, BULLET JOURNALS, SHARP GAZES, swinging your feet over an edge, candid photos, overcoats, skyscrapers, gripping a chain link fence
infj: abstract art, spiral staircases, CRAVES DEEP CONNECTIONS, STARGAZING AND WONDERING ABOUT THE UNIVERSE, EXPLORING ABANDONED HOUSES, FRECKLES, libraries with high ceilings, bottled messages
esfp: the thrill of being onstage, loud laughter, THE AIR BEFORE A THUNDERSTORM, after-parties, DRAMATIC ENTRANCES, POLAROIDS ON A WALL, bubblegum, big friend groups, always has something fun planned
infp: MISTY SPRING MORNINGS, reading by a window, CONCERNED FOR THE FUTURE OF OUR PLANET, random acts of kindness, green tea, daydreaming in a meadow, wishes they were alive in another time
enfp: bright eyes, confetti and sparklers, NOT AFRAID TO STAND UP FOR WHAT THEY BELIEVE IN, cheering for a friend, SPONTANEOUS ADVENTURES, unique fashion sense, stray pieces of glitter
intj: graphite smudges, collared shirts, the sound of rain, rulers and protractors, ALWAYS THERE TO LISTEN, white bedsheets, OUTWITTING SOMEONE IN A GAME, coffee breaks
esfj: the smell of baking bread, mom friend, WILL STICK WITH YOU UNTIL THE END, striped sweaters, vintage cameras, climbing a tree, golden hour, ALWAYS THERE TO TALK TO
intp: marble, goofing off with a few close friends, empty sketchbooks, DEEP THINKING, SECRETIVE, old unfinished projects, waking up in the middle of the night with an idea
enfj: cities at nighttime, TIGHT HUGS, DETERMINATION, JUST WANTS TO HELP PEOPLE, staying up all night with your friends, candy stashes, heartfelt conversations, TV AND RADIO STATIC
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delightfullygrace · 6 years
Connor Murphy
Dear Evan Hansen • ESFP • In the Grip
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"An ESFP in a rut will revert to their introverted intuition. This normally happy-go-lucky type will turn their vision to the future and may get lost imagining negative courses of action that could develop. They may become crippled by self-doubt and adopt a cynical viewpoint toward others. This normally warm and enthusiastic type is apt to developing a ‘short fuse’ while operating from their inferior function and may lash out at others – imagining a sinister ‘hidden meaning’ behind everything others say and do."
- Heidi Priebe
Symptoms of the Grip in an ESFP:
• Jumping to conclusions
• Believing the worst in people's intentions
• Emotional outbursts
• Feeling lost within themselves; hopeless; alone
• Sensitive to what others say/do to them
Jared: "Hey, Connor. I’m loving the new hair length. Very school shooter chic."
Connor turns and glares at Jared, who is unphased by this. Evan is clearly uncomfortable.
Jared: "Calm down, bud. It was a joke."
Connor: (deadpan) "Yeah no, it was funny. I’m laughing. Can’t you tell? Am I not laughing hard enough for you?"
Jared: (walking away, shaking his head) "God, you’re such a freak."
Connor now turns his attention to Evan who is forced into eye-contact. There is no one else in the hall (that we can see). Evan doesn’t know what to do, so he laughs.
Connor: "What are you laughing at?"
Evan: (freezing up) "What?"
Connor: "Stop f***ing laughing at me!"
Evan: (his palms becoming sweaty) "I’m not."
Connor: "You think I’m a freak?"
Connor steps towards Evan.
Evan: "No, I don’t-"
Connor: "I’m not the freak!"
Connor is in Evan’s face.
Evan: "But I wasn’t-"
Connor: "You’re the f***ing freak!"
Connor shoves Evan into the lockers and storms off.
- Script
Connor: "Is this yours? I found it at the printer. 'Dear Evan Hansen?' That’s your name, right?"
Evan: "Oh, that’s just a stupid, it’s a paper I had to write for an, um...assignment."
Connor: “'Because there’s Zoe.' ...This is about my sister."
Evan: "No, no, no..."
Connor: "You knew I would find this."
Evan: "What?"
Connor: "You saw that I was the only other person in the computer lab, so you wrote this, and you printed it out, so that I would find it."
Evan: "Why/ would I do that?"
Connor: "/So I would read some creepy **** that you wrote about my sister and freak out, right? And then you can tell everyone that I’m crazy, right?"
Evan: "No, wait. I don’t even...what?"
Connor: (furious) "F*** you!"
Connor charges past Evan, leaving him calling after him
- Script
Trying to Escape the Grip:
"To break out of a rut, the ESFP needs to engage their extroverted sensing. They will need a new situation, adventure or group of people to help them remember that they think best on their feet, when directly engaged with the world around them. This type requires a great deal of external stimulation to feel healthy and happy – they are the most themselves when they are constantly engaged with new people and projects."
- Heidi Priebe
Connor realizes he has an opportunity to talk to someone and walks over to the printers
Connor: "So, uh, what happened to your arm?"
Evan: "Oh, I um. I fell out of a tree."
Connor: (laughing) "You fell out of a tree?"
Evan nods and Connor sits down next to him. He is holding a paper in his hand.
Connor: (still laughing) "Well, if that isn’t the saddest f***ing thing I’ve ever heard."
Evan: (faking a laugh) "I know."
Connor: (pointing to Evan’s cast) "No one’s signed your cast?"
Evan: "Nope."
Connor: "I will."
Evan: "Oh, you don’t have to…"
Connor: "Ya got a Sharpie?"
Evan reluctantly hands over his sharpie. Connor grabs Evan’s arm roughly, Evan winces. Close-up on Evan’s cast as Connor writes his name in massive letters across it. Evan isn’t too happy about this. He stands up.
Evan: "Oh. Great. Thanks."
Connor: "Now we can both pretend that we have friends."
Evan: "Heh, sure."
- Script
Se-Te Loop:
"An ESFP in an Se-Te loop becomes overly concerned with 'doing' all of the time, unable to let themselves stop to take a break. They become forceful, aggressive, insistent upon taking action whether or not it hurts those around them or fulfills their inner sense of duty. They dismiss their necessary stage of stopping to reflect on whether their choices are in line with their values, instead shutting off this voice and focusing on outward manifestations of logic and planning."
- @infj-mbti
Symptoms of a Loop:
• Aggressive Behavior
• Giving In to Impulses
• Disregarding Others
• Ignoring their Moral-Compass (Fi)
"Just because Connor isn’t here, trying to punch through my door, screaming at the top of his lungs that he’s going to kill me for no reason—that doesn’t mean that, all of a sudden, we’re the f***ing Brady Bunch."
-Zoe Murphy
Personal Thoughts:
I think Connor is an ESFP who tried to reach out to others, but when no one reached back, just sunk deeper into the grip. I think for awhile growing up (prior to the events in the play), he might've been in a loop.
From Cynthia, we learn that he got clothes to go Bar Mitzvahs (but was never invited to any). I'm sure that the idea of going was exciting to him and he enjoyed looking for an outfit, even if he played it off. From his mom's positive testimony of him in Requiem and throughout the rest of the play, I feel like he did have a connection with her. I don't think that her view of him is only there because she's his mom - I think they genuinely had an understanding, even if they got frustrated with each other sometimes. He probably just put up walls with her - walls that she patiently waited for him to take down, but never did.
Larry "gave him the world," but he gave his own world, not a world that Connor wanted. He didn't meet his son where he was. I'm sure he wanted to hang out with his dad and connect with him, but maybe he wasn't into baseball (or skiing or whatever else his dad pushed him to do). Larry decided, even when Connor was still there, that he wasn't worth investing in because he wouldn't listen anyways. The connection was dead because his dad didn't seek to break down his walls. He saw them and assumed that's all there was.
Zoe saw him as a villain, and for good reason. From what we learn of his time with her, he treated her terribly. He pushed her away. He threatened her. He scared her. Of course she didn't seek him out, why would she? She was forced to protect herself from the monster beating on her door every night. How could she break down his walls when she was building up her own?
Jared joked about him looking like a school shooter and called him a freak, and probably never considered actually trying to befriend him.
Evan was terrified of him. *Though, I would like to point out that Connor probably never got to sign someone's cast before - Evan was probably the first. They could've had a genuine connection after that had Connor listened to Evan explain the letter rather than jumping to conclusions and storming off.
The script says, "Some people [in the school halllway] point at him and snicker. Unlike Evan, Connor makes deliberate eye-contact with these students, making them uncomfortable."
He was hurt. He was alone. He could seek out new experiences and new people all he wanted, but if no one else was receptive, then he would never be satisfied. He wanted a connection with someone, anyone, to pull him out of the grip, but at the end of the day, he felt completely isolated.
But he wasn't, and you're not. If you're feeling stuck or isolated, anxious or depressed, please let a friend/family member know or check out this link and call one of the numbers. Seriously. You were created for a purpose. Your existence matters. You matter, just as you are. Please don't forget that, and get yourself the help that you need!!
Also, even if you don't have clinical depression, you should still reach out to those around you. Sometimes, we all need someone. Don't justify not getting yourself the help you need just because others have it worse. My brother does that all the time. It's not selfish to need support. Reach out. It's okay.
By the time we come to meet Connor, he is so deep in this rut that in order to have a relationship with anyone, he would need someone to seek him out fiercely and intentionally - to toss a rope into the hole Connor was in and pull him out. He needed a friend who would call him out and tell him he needed to calm down, but also someone who would support and encourage him. More than anything, he just needed someone who was willing to try and wasn't going to give up on him.
If you see someone who needs that too, please, be that person for them. Even if you have problems of your own - it doesn't matter. Two horses can pull 3 times the amount than one can alone. You can bear each others' burdens and walk together. It makes it a lot easier. It'll be difficult to step out of your comfort zone and reach out to someone else, but I promise you, it's the most worthwhile experience in the world.
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random-esfp · 3 years
How is a Fe grip (INTP)?
*pretends to look nice and sociable in order to hide their awkwardness, tries too much to make others love them, turns into a social chameleon but actually hates adapting to everyone’s character* (this is from a deleted post by @nefelobatis I think)
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freshmbtimemes · 4 years
society at this point
mental breakdance
grips aint fun
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