#eris cafe <3
infoactionratio7 · 11 months
call it fate, call it carmen - c. berzatto
summary: after carmy runs into a pretty stranger in a coffee shop that morning, he never thinks he will see her again... until she walks into his restaurant.
pairing: carmen berzatto x fem! teacher! reader
word count: 2,506
note: kinda set during season one when the bear is still the beef. no warnings really, some cursing, that's it! :)
read part two here! and part 3 here!
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sunday morning -
The bells of the little cafe on West Erie St chimed as you glanced up from your book, you were waiting for your name to be called by the friendly barista who had just taken your order. You were new in town, and wanted to explore all the different things Chicago had to offer. A man walked into the shop, inhaling the sweet scent of freshly brewed coffee as he went up to the counter and read an order from his phone,
"Can I get a small iced dirty chai latte and a triple shot iced espresso to go? Please, thank you " His voice was soft, as he ran his hand through his messy curls.
He glanced over to where you were standing, bundled up in a winter coat, scarf, and hat (Chicago winters got cold fast). He gave you a once over, taking note of your book, 'Chicago: A Food Biography'. You seemed to be completely enthralled in the page you were reading, captivated by every word. He was not one to ever go up to a stranger, but he felt that he had to take a chance. The barista gave him his receipt and a small smile, telling him to wait over near the pickup counter.
"You ever been to Chicago before?" You look up, wide eyed, not expecting the man to be speaking to you.
"Oh," you exclaim, flustered. "Once or twice with my family when I was a kid, but not that I can really remember."
He smiles and glances at your book, you realize this was the reason he is asking you. It was a very touristy book to be reading. Especially because the cafe you were currently standing in, was highlighted in the book. You had made a list of all the places you wanted to visit that day before you had to arrive at the elementary school down the street to start your new job. "I love trying all the foods that are in the cities I visit, it's like an obligatory tradition when I move in to find places near my new apartment." You spit put your words, not even thinking that you are telling a random stranger in Chicago that you live near this cafe and just moved in. Blushing and looking down at your feet, you hear your name called from behind the counter, rushing to grab your drink and chocolate croissant before the conversation could get uncomfortable. You put the pastry in your bag and quickly wave at him.
"Have a good day, hope you find some nice restaurants" He waves back as you open the door and walk into the blistering wind that had taken over the streets that cold winter morning.
You arrived at your apartment building, it was not the nicest apartment you had ever stayed in but it was not the worst either. You walked up the stairs to your door and unlocked it with the hand that was not holding the coffee you just purchased. Rushing into the apartment, you put all of your things on the kitchen table and just took a breath of the cozy air of the room. As you stood there and took off your winter layers, you could not help but think of the man who had approached you in the cafe, realizing how attractive he was, his tattooed hands running through his hair, and biceps anyone could see just from glancing at his bundled up figure. You took a sip from your coffee, thinking how could he get two iced drinks in the middle of winter was beyond you.
You went into your room to grab some of your papers from the desk you had just built from Ikea the night before. You had to do some lesson plans before you did anything else, you had not even started any for that week. It was sunday and all you could think of was when you were in high school, and using your sundays to finish all the work you had neglected to do the week before.
Deciding to just get your work done you opened the package with the croissant, and took a bite. Tasting the buttery and chocolatey pastry seemed to bring a jolt to your brain and body, motivating you to get started.
Carmen could not stop thinking about you, he had wished he had formally introduced himself and told her that he was in fact, the owner of a restaurant that was a block away and it would be great if she wanted to visit and try something to commemorate her moving into the city. But no he just waved and let her go, watching her leave into the bitter cold.
"Jeff, you need to focus, you almost cut your finger off," Tina pulled him out of his thoughts with her concerned tone. "What's going on Carmen, you gotta be more careful than that, take a break if you need one."
"Fuck, sorry Chef, sorry" He put the knife down and put the carrots he had finished cutting into the giardiniera container for service later that night.
"You seem more distracted than usual, I can finish the cutting, just go to the office to cool off." Tina glanced over at him as he nodded, cleaning off his knife and putting it away. Right as he walked away, Richie walked into the kitchen.
"Cousi- Where is he going Tina?" He looked from Carmy to his empty station next to Tina, still chopping vegetables.
"He's distracted or something, just let him be Richie, don't bother the poor kid," She turned around to go into the walk-in, grabbing more fresh veggies to prepare for service later. Richie, as he does, ignores Tina completely, beelining to the office, where Carmy is running his hand down his face and pacing around like a madman.
"Cousin, what's your deal? You look like you're goin' fuckin crazy" He grilled, leaning on the door. Carmy shot him a glare, sitting down in the swivel chair that squeaked every time he actually tried to swivel in it.
" There isn't a fucking problem Richie, leave me alone." Carmy pushed himself into the desk so he could look at some paperwork he had been putting off for the past week. "I gotta finish this paperwork."
Richie raised his eyebrows, looking down at the younger man, he wasn't going to push Carmy any further, because the whole kitchen knew what would happen if the chef got mad before a service.
"Fine cousin, just don't take that shit out on the rest of the kitchen." He walked out of the office dorway as the rest of the kitchen crew started to file in to prepare for dinner service.
Carmy blankly stared at his paperwork, thinking about the interaction at the cafe this morning he just couldn't stop thinking about.
sunday night -
You walked down the stairs to your apartment complex, having finished your lesson plans just in time for dinner. Before you left, you had read of a few classic dinner joints in the neighborhood, one of them was called 'The Beef', known for their italian beef sandwiches and spaghetti with meatballs. After looking at some reviews online, you decided that it was necessary to visit this local staple. The reviews talking about how some days it was as calm as anything in the restaurant, but others the employees were screaming at eachother while getting the orders out.
You approached the building, right next to a big parking lot where many people were just standing around with sandwiches. Someone pushed the door open, smells and noise leaked out of the warm dining room. You could hear the screams from in the kitchen,
"We are down five italian beef, sweet and hot dipped, two ravioli, and one spaghetti meatball, Lets go Chefs" A tall man yelled into the kitchen.
The swinging door to the kitchen opened and a woman with a blue apron and white chef's coat replied "We are only down all those things because YOU never fired them Richie, why the fuck are you not firing the orders?"
"Calm down Chefs, just fire the orders, we can catch up if you both shut up and work, okay?" A voice you had heard before cut between the two arguing, they both got quite and looked at the man who had just exited the kitchen with five sandwiches in his hands. They nodded and went back to their respective tasks, "Okay, thank you chefs. I have 5 italian beef, sweet and hot dipped for Chelsea."
You were looking at all options on the menu and had not noticed the man calling out the order was someone you had met before. Carmy scanned the room, trying to find the woman who had ordered the five sandwiches he was about to drop. His eyes stopped on a familiar figure, the same he had been distracted thinking about all day. He didn't even notice when a woman came up asking for her order, scrambling to put the sandwiches in a to go bag and giving it to the woman.
"Excuse me, you're next sweetheart, What'll you have?" A rough voice pulled you out of your focus on the menu as you stepped up to the register. You looked up at the tall man who was smiling down at you like he had never seen a woman before, when he was pushed aside and a familiar face entered your field if vision.
"Cousin what the fuc-"
A woman's threatening voice came out of the kitchen "Richie I swear to god if you don't shut up, I'm going to stab you again."
He stalked into the kitchen, mumbling something about how unappreciated he was in this restaurant. You brought your focus back to the man standing in front of you, beet red as he watched the taller man walk into the kitchen. He turned back to face you and awkwardly smiled,
"Nice to see you again, what'll you be having today?"
You scanned the menu one more time and decided to have a little fun with the man, "Can you surprise me?, I heard that this restaurant is pretty big with the locals."
He looked at you with a pointed look, "Okay," he softly said your name, "What do you want?" After a long pause he wrote down the order, then looked back up at you with his foggy blue eyes. You were flattered he had remembered your name, did he really care that much about a stranger he had spoken to for less than two minutes earlier that morning? You didn't even know his name, but his warm gaze softened you like butter.
"It's on the house okay, I promise it'll be the best meal you've had in the city since you moved here. Be ready in 10 minutes" You were quick to reply,
"No, I can't let you do that, how muc-" He cut you off,
"This one time, I'll cover it, and if you like it, next time I'll let you pay, deal?" He held out his tattooed hand for you to shake,
"Fine..." You smiled, slipping your hand into his rough palm, he shook your hand firmly, then letting it go, gestured for you to wait at one of the tables near the door. You smiled and walked over to the table sitting down. He walked into the kitchen and you could hear his faint yells through the wall, telling the kitchen your order.
"God damn Cousin, you just took my job for no reason what's your problem?" The tall man, who you remembered was named Richie stalked back out of the kitchen to get to the line that had formed. You realized you hadn't even asked the name of the man who had just offered you a free dinner. Richie stopped in his tracks when he saw you, realizing that this might have been the reason his boss had been distracted all day. Thinking about the pretty girl that he had met, and clearly liked her enough to give her a free dinner. He laughed to himself, taking a mental note to make fun of Carmy after service for getting distracted because of a girl.
The blue eyed chef burst out of the kitchen door with a to go bag, and made his way to the table you were sitting, waiting for the food. He placed the bag in front of you as you looked up to meet his eyes,
"So what are you serving me chef?" You tease, "Well that it a surprise you will just have to wait to find out" He grins as you stand up to meet his height.
"Well thank you..."
"Carmen, Carmen Berzatto"
"Thank you Carmen, I'm sure I will enjoy this, and if I don't, I'm afraid I'll have to come back and try something new." Placing your hand on his shoulder and squeezing lightly as you started walking toward the door. "I'll see you Carmen"
You turn around and start walking out of the door when you hear a yell from Richie, "Cousin has got a little sweetheart don't you"
"RICHIE I swear to God-" The door closed behind you before you could hear what the woman who just barged out of the kitchen had to say to the pompous cashier.
You silently laughed as you walked through the street, it was around the time for sunset and the sky had turned a beautiful blend of orange and purple. You reached your apartment in around ten minutes, getting out of the cold and eager to see what Carmen had packed you for dinner.
Putting the bag of food onto your coffee table, you grabbed a plate from the kitchen and started to unpack the meal. The first thing you pulled out was an italian beef, 'sweet + dipped' written on the side, then you pulled out a small side of fries, and lastly there was a plastic container of spaghetti and meatballs, with a piece of chocolate cake. You unpacked everything in front of you and the scent of the food engulfed you. It was a heavenly smell, so you dug in.
When you finished all you could possibly eat you noticed something at the bottom of the bag. A small piece of lined paper, that looked like it was ripped out of a notebook, it said your name on one side in messy handwriting and on the other it had a phone number and more of the messy chicken scratch,
hope you like dinner, would love to show you around the city sometime. call me x
You immediately opened your phone, putting his number into your contacts, then opening your message app to send him a text.
to: carmen
loved dinner, too bad i won't have to come back and get something else. i guess you'll have to show me around to see if any spots can top this one. let me know when you're free ♡
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azris | e | mod au, college | ao3
Eris has a vendetta against the mysterious man who snuck in to take naked pictures on his photography equipment and he doesn't care if he has to filter through every dick pic available through Grindr, Tinder or Snapchat to bring him to justice (or, at least, to his bed so Eris can do some further investigating.)
For Day 3 of @azrisweek: contact. Thanks to @climbthemountain2020 and @cauldronblssd for beta reading!!!
The exhale that leaves his mouth. Eris rolls his eyes and steps up in the queue of other patrons, waiting for their coffees and teas, and snatches the paper cup from the counter.
“How many times do I have to come here for you to get my name right?” he snaps.
The barista stares at him with dead-inside hazel eyes, the same hollow look with bags under his eyes he always has for morning shifts. Eris knows he knows his name. He’s been coming to this same fucking cafe for the length of his degree with this same fucking broody, pretty boy barista.
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leonsleftbicep · 2 months
Bake Me Back To Eden
Chapter: I
Ao3 Version
Word Count: 1,375
tags: Bakery AU, Modern Setting AU, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Getting Together, Getting to Know Each Other, Vessel/II/III are dating, IV doesn't know them… yet!, Trans II, Nonbinary Vessel, Genderfluid III, They/Them Pronouns for III, It/Its and They/Them Pronouns for Vessel, Vessel and III are very creature they deserve creature pronouns
Summary: IV runs a bakery called Ivy Sprigs Bakery & Records, The Echo's work along with him. II, III, and Vessel are customers that don't yet know IV. yet! -- this is being cross posted on here and Ao3. alt names that are more "human" are used at times for the vessels, but i try my hardest to keep up with the numerical names for parts that are not being spoken verbally. The echo's or the esparas have made up names as well for i do not know their actual names and don't really want to use their actual names.
the alt names i will be using for each vessel and espara is listed below. please keep in mind that these names are fake and not anyone's actual names.
Vessel: Verna II: lii III: Thea IV: Ivy Espera/Echo 1: Evaline Espera/Echo 2: Erie Espera/Echo 3: Elanor
Ivy Sprig Bakery and Records. A newer place that opened up just a walk away from Vessel’s house. It was II’s idea to check out the bakery, after the couple of times he bought coffee there on his way to work. He thought it was time to show them this cute little hobbit hole of a bakery. 
III was apprehensive about all of this, not knowing if they would like anything. Vessel was just nervous in general. Vess hates going out in public, everyone stares at them because of its height. II might be the only one not nervous, for the main reason that he knew there was a certain person he had a feeling that would change their minds. 
The three of them walking through an alleyway while II led the way. “ii are you gonna kill us or something, this is shady.” III says unnerved by this as they hold Vessel's hand. “where almost there, you know i'm not a big fan of main roads for numerous reasons” II smiles as he walks, taking a turn that leads to the front of Ivy Sprigs. “Here we are” II exclaimed as the two taller beings look at this lovely little bakery, with a dark cottage core almost witchy vibe to it. “I call dibs on the records!” III calls out before they run into the cafe. Both II and Vessel giggle as they hold hands and walk into the bakery. 
they find III already scouring the records for old albums from a band they enjoy. III does squeak and bounce around when they find a limited edition color variant of a record.
“I'll go get coffee, while you watch him” II speaks softly to Vessel as he gets up on his tippy toes just to kiss Vessel's cheek. Which makes the taller blush and hum in agreement. 
II making his way to the cafe/bakery section of the shop, he knew III and Vess would be on their way soon after III found their records. II gets in line and soon feels the presence of his two tall lovers, which calms his paranoia.
III’s jaw drops to the floor all of a sudden. II just chuckles when he feels Vessel also fluster, just by the way they are clutching onto II’s shoulder. “I told you guys I would change your minds” II say with a grin as he also checks out the person they are collectively looking at.
The person in question is a lovely brunette with grays at his temples and widows peak, thin wire oval glasses low on his nose as he smiles and talks to customers. ‘Ivy’ was the name on his apron, which if they all thought right he was the owner. II had met the man a couple of times, though never really had a super meaningful conversation with him. 
“How can i help you lads today?” IV asks as he looks between all three of them. Smiling when he sees II “oh it you Lii!” IV expels like he was surprised. “Its II, i just say Lii for simplicity” II nods, knowing a lot of people find his name odd.
Ivy types out something on his ordering tablet, “i'm guessing the usual black eye” ivy smiles. II hums in confirmation, “and anything those two would like?” IV asks as he gestures to III and Vessel. “They are your partners, right? you mentioned a Vessel or Verna? And some one you called Red?” Ivy asks as he pulls out cups and starts to write down II’s name on it. 
“Black coffee, please” Vessel says with a slight shake to its voice before they just whisper to II what they want. “And a blueberry scone” II adds on, wanting to make sure vessel got all it wanted. “And what's your name sweetheart” IV ask’s vessel so he can write down the name on their cup. Vessel at first flusters at the pet name being used so smoothly. “Vess- no, put down Verna” Vessel says with a soft smile, which makes II squeeze its arm gently in congratulations. 
III smiles when IV turns to ask what they want, “what do you recommend..” III looks at IV’s name tag “..Ivy?” they finish with a smirk. IV just smiles “i fear I- it might be too sweet for you” he tries to flirt back.
II kicks III in the ankle “OW!”. this sight makes IV laugh and snort, which amazes all of them. “goodness. okay, too answer your question Red” IV say with a big grin “my favorites the cafe miel, coffee wise. but tea wise, i usually go with a london fog” IV responds as he plays with his pen “your pick though”.
III leans against the counter as they think, “I'll try the cafe miel” they say “as long as it's, as sweet as you” III purrs. “oh jesus christ” Vessel whispers “this is the same thing they did to me when we first met” Vessel tells II. 
IV just snorts and writes it down “what's your name?” he asks with a soft expression “unless you just want me to write down Red?”. III shakes their head “put down Thea, but you can call me III.. or whatever you want” III chuckles. “III you are horrible at being subtle” II groans and crosses his arms as Vessel rests its chin on his head. 
IV gets pulled away from the cashregister by evaline so she can discuss something with him. III just watches that and then giggles and turns to II and Vessel “i'm not trying to be subtle, i'm trying to get closer” III admits. 
II’s eyes widen “you just met him, Thea!” II yelps. “I feel like that's what you said to yourself when you met me, Lii” III counters, being a smart ass.
Vessel takes a deep breath “ok my loves, can we not get into a tift at the moment. Both of you need coffee, and some food” Vessel says as it takes their partners hands. Both III and II take a deep breath. 
“I'm going to finish ordering, you take III to look at the records. Try and find me something please” II mutters as he pulls away so he can finish the order with Elanor as vessel and III walk off to cool down.
After coffee and some food II and III hold hands as they feel normal now. “Sorry that i was rude” III apologizes. “I accept your apology. But you aren't wrong, there was a reason that Vessel was the one to start dating you first before I did. And it was because I felt it was too soon” II explains, even if this might be odd to discuss in the middle of a bakery. 
IV walks over after finishing up what he needed to with evaline. “Sorry I had to walk away, evidently someone wants an ambrosia salad style cake for their wedding.” IV laughs as he takes off his apron and pulls up his sleeves to expose his forearms. Which the three men gawk at, seeing the ivy tattoos wrap around his wrists and up.
“So can I get you three anything before you head out?” IV asks with a soft expression that makes his eyes look more blue then they were before. 
“Some ivycakes” III blurts out as their face reddens. “I've never heard of that, we do have angel food cake though!” IV responds obviously.
II clears his throat and chimes in, “we are good, we are just about to go purchase those records Thea picked out and then head off home.” II excuses. 
“Well, come back soon. it was great to finally meet your partners, they are very sweet” Ivy says as he makes eye contact with III. which II notices, and so does Vessel by the way it grabs II’s waist and squeezes gently.
After they pay for the records and walk out the bakery, Vessel finally speaks about its experience. “I like Ivy, he has pretty eyes. I wonder if he's single” Vessel smiles as all three of them walk together. 
“The ivycakes thing was about his ass… i asked for a slice of his ass” III explains. 
Both II and Vessel look over at III in surprise.
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deuxcherise · 23 days
Collar Crimes: All Bark, No Bite (1/2)
C/w: Unhealthy behavior (?) | Yandere | Female OC | Gender Neutral Reader | Reader is a bit of a… gold digger here (pun intended lol) | Comfort (?) | Fluff (?) | Slight Angst (near the end)| Swearing | Includes a cute pic of a Golden Retriever x German Shepherd mix dog for reference
A/n: So a long time ago, before reader met Eris, reader met a certain dog~ Hint, hint: she was mentioned in the last chapter (can I call it a chapter? It was in part 2). It’s not the bartender, by the way. So this is going to be a two parter because it got too long. Huh… Is it just me or are these getting longer and longer? Even the animal is getting bigger lol. Enjoy~
Masterlist | Part 0, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (1/2) (you’re here!), Part 3 (2/2)
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[Seven years ago…]
“Hiiiii~ Welcome to Petal Blush Cafe, dear guest. We’re so happy-happy to see you~”
“Oh, what do we have here? I heard a lot of great things about you. Come give Papa a big ol’ smile, why don’t cha?”
You keep your ever present resting blank face on, place your index fingers together in front of your mouth and drag them apart in an upward curve. You throw in a tilt of your head, as a bonus.
He throws his head back in ecstasy. “AHHH! So it’s true what they say. I feel so refreshed. Papa’s got an appetite for some sandwiches… unless you’re on the menu today?”
“Oh my~ You flatter me~ But unfortunately, nooooo sir~” you say with a high-pitched cutesy voice that heavily contrasts your stiff-robot face, fanning yourself for show.
You’ve always hated these kinds of customers– actually you really hated this job in general. Not only were you forced to wear a ridiculously, scandalously short pink waitress dress uniform regardless of your gender, but you had to listen to yourself talk with an ear-gratingly high-pitched tone because that’s what sells the performance here.
It’s not like you can just leave, as much as you wanted to. Where else would they pay you enough to make rent? Besides, with who runs this cafe, do you think you’d be able to leave scot-free? No.
Ah… if only someone with a lot of money could just… sweep you off your feet. Someone kind. Someone considerate. Someone polite.
Pff. Like that’s ever going to happen.
You take his usual order on your paper notepad. As you leave, you feel something heavy slap against your behind, the action sending a jolt through the rest of your body. You glance behind you and see him don a sleazy smirk, which further adds to your disgust and increasing resentment for this place and this man, as you pick up the pace to hand over the order to the chef. You slam the paper down onto the counter with a little more force than expected, warranting Remy’s attention.
“Which table?” he nonchalantly asks, cracking a couple of eggs onto the pan.
Somehow, despite wearing the same outfit as you, he maintains an extremely powerful look with his exposed bulging muscles and trimmed beard held by his hairnet. You envy the man.
“Table 13,” you grumble.
“Special sauce?”
“Special sauce.”
“Got it.”
The bell rings and in comes a trio of brothers in fancy suits, three of your most loyal customers, along with an unfamiliar face. Upon their request, the hostess leads them to a table in your section. You grab four menus before walking over and greeting them as usual.
“Hiiiii~ Welcome back to Petal Blush Cafe, dear guests. We’re so happy-happy to see you~” you say, with your iconic blank face.
The three men roar with delight. The lady with them, wearing the same kind of suit, simply pinches and pulls at her sleeve as she keeps her face downcast. One of the brothers turns to the lady with them while pointing at you. “Hey, Sis. Whatcha think of (Y/n), huh? That straight face and cute voice– combo’s real nice, ain’t it?”
“O-oh… um…” The woman makes eye contact with you for a split second before she looks away, a blush appearing on her face. She nods animatedly, releasing another roar from the men, much to your confusion.
“Oh right! (Y/n). You already know the three of us: Dante, Vergil and Nero. This,” Dante says, placing an arm around the lady’s shoulders, “is our baby sister, Lyn. She may look shy right now, but put a weapon in her hand and–” He whistles before chuckling.
“Ah. Happy-happy to have you, Lyn~” you say, cutely wiggling your fingers.
“... T-thank you… (Y/n).”
“Good girl,” one of the brothers sitting across pats her on the head. She reminds you of a golden retriever, with her blond hair and gentle, round eyes.
“Yay~ Now, what will it be today~?” you ask, clicking your pen.
They order some sandwiches and some drinks. You place the order in exchange for picking up the order for that sleazy customer who calls himself Papa. You and Remy exchange knowing looks before you deliver the food.
“Oooh. This looks delicious. Thank you very much, sweetheart.”
You nod and start walking away, before your arm is grabbed by a meaty hand. You turn your head around to see the man grinning at you maliciously. 
“Now, wait a gosh darn second. I heard that this establishment offers a… special service. Now… you aren’t holding off on me, are ya?”
You rip your arm out of his grasp, used to being grabbed by unscrupulous individuals like this man. You answer, “Oh~ The special service~ Sorry, hon~ That’s a privilege only reserved for customers who have dined here more than ten times~ Since you’ve come here once, that means you’ll have to come back nine more times.”
The special service in question refers to asking any server to sing the cafe’s jingle and perform a cutesy dance for the customer asking. Everyone who works here must learn this song and dance before they can be placed on the floor. Each server adds their own twist to it, of course, thus providing a unique experience.
The man slams a fist on the table and stands up, his face red with anger. “WHAT? I CANCELLED AN IMPORTANT MEETING FOR THIS. NOW IF YOU DON’T GIVE ME THE SPECIAL SERVICE, I AM GOING TO–”
Both your heads turn to the side to discover Lyn pointing a loaded revolver with one hand just a feet away, aimed directly for the man’s skull. Her eyes are sharp and narrowed, unlike the gentle, round ones you were introduced to earlier.
She raises her eyebrows. “Is there a problem here, sir?”
“D-do… do you know who you’re pointing that gun at, lady?” the man stutters, sweating beading up on his forehead.
Lyn shrugs. “Does it matter?”
“O-of course it does! Shoot me and you’ll have the West Razors going after you and your entire family.”
She raises an eyebrow. “... Never heard of them before.”
“What? Who are you then, huh bitch? Some don’s lady?”
She scoffs to the side. Her eyes widen, pupils contracting, as she cocked her head with a smirk. “Lyn Aurem-Diavolus. Of the May Devils.”
The man gasps and immediately lowers his knees, Lyn’s gun following. The man clasps his hands together in a prayer as he begs for his life. “I didn’t know! I didn’t know! Please forgive me! I didn’t know this server was your lover!”
…Who? Is what now?
Lyn’s eyes soften back to their round shape, her face darkening to a red hue as she stutters, “E-eh?”
“That’s right!” Dante pipes up with a smirk, coming behind Lyn, followed by the other two brothers. “Mess with (Y/n) again, and we’ll send you straight down to hell, capisce?” He gives the man a thumbs down with a frown. “Now scram.”who want to get on the bad side of the May Devils. The less competition, the better anyway.
Lyn replaces the safety lock before she puts it back into a hidden holster. She bashfully asks you, “Are you okay… (Y/n)?”
You nod and give a thumbs up. “Yeah. Thank you, Lyn~”
“N-no, well I mean yes, that too. But what I meant was–”
“Ooh, free sandwiches,” says Dante. “Don’t mind if I do–”
You throw a hand out. “No, wait!”
Ever since the brothers introduced you to Lyn, she has been visiting the cafe every day you’re scheduled to work for months now. Sometimes she comes with the brothers, sometimes by herself if they’re too busy dealing with… probably mafia stuff.
“Hiiiii~ Welcome to Petal Blush Cafe, dear guest. We’re so happy-happy to see you~”
“H-hi… (Y/n).”
At this point, there is no need to provide her with a menu anymore. She always orders a peanut butter milkshake and a plate of chocolate cake. Somehow, aside from the extreme sweet tooth she possesses, you always feel weird about giving her the chocolate cake. She’s definitely human but… she really does remind you of a very shy golden retriever… with perhaps a German shepherd side to her.
“Okay~ Here is your milkshake and your cake. Will there be anything else you’d like today, Lyn-Lyn~?”
You expect her to say no as per usual, but this time it seems she has something on her mind. Based on the way her face has turned red and her eyes look like they’re panicking.
“O-oh! U-um… (Y/n)?”
“Yes, Lyn-Lyn?”
“Do you… what time do you get off work? D-do you have time after work?”
That catches you off guard. “Why~?”
“UH… UM… I… I-I have something… to tell you! Come meet me behind the cafe.”
“Oh… kay. Okay~” you answer.
“Alright. Good job, everyone! Have a safe trip going home!”
“Yeah!” “Thank you! “Yes!” “Uh-huh.” “See ya!”
The day has ended and all of the customers have left. Your boss leaves first, but you and your coworkers stick around and begin making conversation.
“Oooh, you gonna go meet lover girl in the back, (Y/n)?”
You roll your eyes at a coworker’s words. “Ha ha. Real funny.”
“What does she wanna talk about anyway?”
You shrug, closing your locker. “Beats me.”
“Ooh, do you think she’s going to confess?”
You scoff. “No. Where’d you get that idea from?”
Your coworkers exchange looks before bursting into laughter.
Ever since that day when the don of the West Sharpies or something assumed you were Lyn’s lover, your coworkers have never let you live it down, especially with Lyn’s daily visits. She is… kind, considerate, polite, and she was pretty hot when she defended you back then. However! You do not have such a relationship with her, nor any kind of feelings like that.
You’re the last one to leave, the only one to leave through the back door to meet with Lyn. You see her leaning against the wall, dressed in her suit as always. The moment she spots you, she blushes again. She has never seen you in civilian clothes before, but you look so… beautiful. More so without the pink outfit.
“Sorry, did I keep you waiting?” you ask in your regular voice, out of character. Your face is still stiff though.
“O-oh, not at all, not at all. Um, here.”
She manifests a flower bouquet from behind for you. You take the bouquet, entranced by the largeness of it and how beautiful the colorful flowers look in the alleyway’s streetlight. When your eyes finally break away from the flowers, you find Lyn kneeling down on one knee and looking up at you with a very serious expression.
”(Y/n). Over these past several months,” she starts off, “I have been trying to figure out my feelings. I’ve thought about it over and over, tries to rationalize it as… as just infatuation, but… I know what’s in my heart. And I’ve finally come to a conclusion. Ever since I first met you, you have… captured my heart. I am in love with you, (Y/n).”
You stare at her with wide eyes. “Huh?”
She clears her throat and starts glancing between you and the surroundings, embarrassed. “I-I know you may not feel the same. My brothers… and everyone else have told me already. And it’s not like I’ve really done anything to win your affection…” She mumbles something in between before continuing. “But if you give me the chance, I can show you what I’m capable of. As your potential girlfriend.”
She holds out a hand to you. “Will you… go out with me?”
Do you want to try going out on a date with one of the May Devils, the youngest one too? You didn’t have any prior romantic feelings for the girl, which makes you feel bad. What if you never develop any feelings for her? What if she stops showing up to the cafe? What if you accidentally do something that triggers the entire famiglia after you?
In the midst of your thoughts, something dark emerges from you. A devil. It sits on your shoulder and whispers into your ear, “What if this is your chance to get out of here? She has money. You need money. It’s a match made in… well, ya know?”
You smile, an expression Lyn hasn’t seen before but is entranced by, as you place your hand onto hers.
“I would love to.”
You hadn't expected to enjoy going out on dates with her, but you were sure glad that you said yes.
“(Y/n)! Look what I got for you!” Lyn excitedly says, holding a neatly wrapped box for you over your shoulder.
“Another one?” you chuckle, accepting the gift as she hugs you from behind and nuzzles the back of your neck. “Designer clothes. Designer bags. Luxuries cars. Lyn-Lyn, you're spoiling me too much. You're going to go bankrupt!”
She shakes her head, her hair tickles the back of your neck. “Mm mm mm mm. You're not being spoiled! You're being pampered! By me. Your loving, romantic girlfriend. Who regards you dearly very, very much! Forget about the money. Just let me enjoy spending it on you.”
You giggle and place a hand on her cheek, turning your head so you can share a kiss with her. Of course, Lyn starts planting lots of kisses on your face afterwards, like the lovely puppy she is.
You both fall into bed, full of laughter and joy until you both settle down to cuddle with each other. With your fingers interlocked with hers, Lyn gazes into yours with so much adoration, it makes you shy. You turn away and hide your face against the pillow.
“(Y/n), look at me,” she whispers.
You refuse, for a moment, but you make eye contact. You both gaze into each other's eyes, lovingly, until Lyn breaks the silence.
“I love you, (Y/n).
It makes you freeze, hearing those three words fall from her mouth for the first time in your relationship.
What shocks you more is that…
The thing is… normally… 
You're… supposed to say it back, right?
You open your mouth but not a single noise leaves it. You avert your eyes in shame, biting your lip.
Why can't you say it? After all she's done for you so far?
“I-It's okay, (Y/n),” Lyn suddenly says, making you look at her. Her eyes and voice are filled with sadness. “I know… that it takes time for a person to develop feelings for someone. I mean, it took time for me to realize my feelings too, and… I did ask you out knowing that you might not… reciprocate my feelings. At least not yet. That's why people date, right? To get to know each other and hopefully fall in love. So… I'll wait for you. Besides, we’ve only dated for a month, right? I’ll do my best to make you fall in love with me. Okay? Prepare yourself~”
You nod, happy that Lyn still wants to be with you even if you can't say those three words back to her yet.
“Who are you talking to?”
You look up from your phone. “Oh! One of my old coworkers. He was just asking how I'm doing now since I've left the cafe. Thanks to you,” you answer, with a playful smile.
Lyn’s face doesn't share your expression. “Oh. Okay.”
You pout, wondering what's going on with Lyn lately. She'd catch you on the phone, ask you who you're talking to, and then ignore you until she finds something else to ask.
You crawl towards her on the bed and ask, “Lyn, I know you're upset. Do you want to talk about it?”
Lyn looks at you, looks away, and then looks back at you again before she leans forward and catches your lips with a kiss. She pushes you down onto the bed before releasing you from her lips and just looks at you.
Her eyes move from your eyes to your lips to your exposed collarbone before going back up to your eyes. She sighs before laying her entire weight on you, her head nestled in the crook of your neck.
“I love you, (Y/n)... Do you love me?”
“I…” Your voice catches in your throat for nth time.
You feel her breath as she sighs. “I know.”
Tears start to fill up your eyes out of frustration. “I'm sorry…”
She pops back on her elbows, worried. “Oh no, it's okay. Shh shh. It's okay. (Y/n). My (Y/n). I'm sorry,” she coos, caressing your cheek and wiping your tears.
For some reason, no matter what she did, nothing could spark you to say those three damned words back to her. It isn't your fault but…
It is starting to drive her insane.
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kristeristerin · 1 year
Taylor Swift ‘Mine’ with Eris Vanserra pls?
AN: Thank you for the prompt! This is one I might actually save and expand into something longer one day! I love the idea of them slowly falling in love <3
I hope you like it!
As always asks are open for prompts!
Song: Mine
Pairing: Reader X Eris
Content Warning: None
Words: 641
You’d never been more grateful to have a secluded cottage outside of town than you were at that moment. “Fine Eris,” you screamed behind you as you stormed out, “If this is how it is to be then I never want to see you again!” When the door slammed you took a moment to catch your breath, before pivoting and stomping your way into the dark forest.
The tears started the moment you sat in the soft grass beside the river, and soon you found your body wracked with sobs. You couldn’t believe that you had trusted him. You had made such a large place for Eris in your home, in your heart, that you knew your life would never be the same without him.
Things had started rocky between you and the Autumn Court heir nearly a year ago. You had been working in a small cafe in town when he stopped for lunch. You had thought him stuck up and insufferable, and he thought you to be nothing more than a simpering commonfolk. It wasn’t until he’d attended the festival in your village that the two of you had seen how wrong your initial assumptions had been.
The relationship had begun purely physically for both of you. You had been looking for a distraction from village life, and he had been looking for somewhere he could relax and be more than the High Lord’s son for a little while. Though you could pinpoint the exact moment you began to truly feel more for him. You had been sitting in the exact spot you are now and he had held you while you both opened up.
That night you had both spoken about your childhoods and your dreams. You had begun to fall for him then. Perhaps that’s why it hurt so much when he showed up tonight and started talking about an engagement. It was at that moment that you realized he is it for you. You're in love with Eris Vanserra.
It’s only a few minutes later when you hear boots coming through the underbrush. He quietly sits down beside you and pulls you into him.
“I thought I told you to leave?” You weakly mumble.
He chuckles softly beside you, “I’ve never been particularly good at following directions, Love.”
The term of endearment causes a new round of tears, and you tremble in an attempt to hold back your sobs. His grip on you tightens and he begins to rub lazy circles on your back.
“Shhh,” he leans his forehead against the side of your head, “It’s ok baby. I am here, I will always be here. I don’t care what my father says. I am not marrying anyone else. I will come up with a plan, I swear it. I love you.”
In an instant, you go quiet, and you pull away to look him in the eyes. Your voice is hoarse when you ask, “What did you say?”
His eyes are wide as if he couldn’t believe the words that had come out of his mouth, but a moment later he grins at you. “I believe I just said that I love you, Y/N. You know, I’ve known for a while now.” He shakes his head, “Meeting you did something to me. You made me want to be the best version of myself so maybe I could deserve just a fraction of what you were willing to give me. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, and it scares me. But I am much too selfish to stay away.”
Your bottom lip quivers as you look into his eyes. For the first time, you have hope for a real future for the two of you. “Then don’t stay away, Eris. We will figure it all out eventually. I love you too.”
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lovedazai-archived · 5 months
mai i hope im not late to the game dhsjjajw but for ur trademark, obv dazai ₊˚⊹ ᰔ !! & then i also see early mornings at aesthetically pleasing cafes, soft colors (baby pinks, beiges, etc.), clean/+vanilla scents, & fresh flower bouquets !!
also AHH i’m so excited to read the first installment of ur series <3 i promise i will,, i’m getting beast :3 so i’m going to read it first (i’m a lil scared)…so ik this will be perfect to read after
ALL OF MY FAV THINGS !! my heart is so full rn erie ty so much <3 <3 !! omg good luck brave solider….are u reading the light novel or the manga??
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singular-yike · 8 months
Getting into Len'en Lore: Part 3
This'll be the end!
★ Spinoff Game: Book of the Cafe
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Curious title screen, isn't it? You can't even see the game logo yet! JynX said that it'd be revealed one day, but until then, here's the 5th released game in the series, though officially it's the 0th game.
This is Len'en Cafe ~ Book of the Cafe (abbr. BotC), and is the mobile social network game that JynX is actively working on at the moment.
Story Reading Order
The game's story is separated into three sections, the Main Story, Sub-stories and Back Issue stories. There's no particular order between these three, so I'll only list the order within each of them:
Main Story
Chapter 1
Back Issue Revisit past games' stories, learning new information about them!
EE — Yabusame Houlen's Route
EE — Tsubakura Enraku's Route
Sub-stories None exist yet.
Additional Reading
There's a lot of non-plot, and even non-lore related text in this game, here I'll list the pages that have major flavour texts and such. Though feel free to explore the BotC pages to learn more.
Compared to the other 4 games, these aren't nearly as crucial, and are more just fun reads. maybe with the exception of the 1st item.
Skill Names and Flavour Text
Music and Music Comments — Trioid Toykeat — Len'en Cafe ~ Re:Boot — Trioid Toykeat (ONAIR-version) — Mnemonic => Extraction — Infinite Zero-Point Ego Eris
Cafe design item descriptions
In-game Notices (α Version, β Version & Full Version)
Memory Archives stage descriptions
Items Descriptions
Other Important Reading, Videos and Characters
And that concludes all the reading you would need to do for all the series' main entries. Now for other important reading to supplement the main series entries:
Video: Critical Point Bidding its Last Farewell
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Critical Point Bidding its Last Farewell, full title Fumbling Dimensional Tour ~ Breaker and Pursuer /* B-P-B */ Protection against Breach ~ Request Colorful Dreams, Detest Empty Illusions (yes it's that long), is a music video uploaded onto Niconico back before Len'en was even released.
It was unclear if and how it related to Len'en, but with the release of AWTIF, it became clear that the characters depicted in the video are the main characters of the albums.
Additionally, it introduces the "Wings of Magritte", an interdimensional transcending limited express train that gets a brief mention in BPoHC.
As for reading, I can't really introduce much of an original source for it, but its page on the wiki and the Wings of Magritte's page is recommended.
Reading: Interviews with JynX
There has been 3 interviews with JynX so far, all overflowing with lore, of course. A 4th one is currently in the works too, so look forward to that!
2015 Interview
2017 Interview
2021 Interview
Not much else to say about this one, just go check them out!
Reading: Peing
Peing is a Q&A social media platform where fans could've sent JynX questions back in 2019. JynX has since abandoned its use, in fear that it'd make information too scattered, but what was answered has been documented.
April Questions
February Questions
Videos: YouTube Videos
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Above: Thumbnail of the second video featuring the androids, depicting Rei.
JynX also has a YouTube channel, run by the "Vtuber androids" Rei and Zelo (and Lin too), more on these three later.
The channel has official soundtrack uploads, videos about the androids and videos where the androids announce Len'en-related news. They'd mostly be to get a grasp on the android's personalities, I'd say, though there are lore scraps in there as well.
They're all translated up on the wiki, so go check them out here.
Characters: Monochroids (Rei, Zelo and Lin)
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Above: From right to left, Rei, Zelo and Lin, all in their chibi yukkuri forms.
Specifically speaking, these androids are actually called monochroids. Despite them mainly having appeared in videos and on Twitter only, there's a surprisingly amount of lore to them, especially on Rei.
It's a much deeper rabbit hole than one'd imagine, so go check it out!
Reading Materials
Wiki page on the Monochroids
Wiki pages for Rei, Zelo and Lin
Other Minor Sources of Information
Once all that's exhausted, you should already be quite the lore master, I would wager. Though if you really want to go the extra mile, here's just a bit more for you to chew into.
Art: Illustrations by JynX
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Above: The first explicitly Len'en-related illustration JynX ever made, released even before the character's own appearance in-game.
JynX occasionally does illustrations for various occasions, be it seasonal events or the Len'en anniversary. They sometimes come with little comments, which you can read here.
Events: Len'en Anniversary
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Above: The 2nd anniversary's celebratory art, which, while not canon at all, comes with a few pieces of dialogue.
The Len'en series celebrates its anniversary on 11th November, not the day the games became available to the public, but the day JynX finished work on the first two Len'en games.
Often, JynX will release a YouTube video on the day, which we've already covered up above, but sometimes it'd be just an illustration instead, with some text to go with it.
All the anniversaries and their related celebrations can be seen here.
Blog: Unreal Indolence Record
This is JynX's old blog, the only real lore-related piece of information you'd find here is when JynX changed the kanji for Len'en, and even that's only tangentially related.
Though if you're interested, the blog is translated here.
Blog: pixiv FANBOX
Technically speaking, pixiv FANBOX is a monetization platform first and foremost, allowing fans to donate to their favourite creators. You can do so to support JynX too, and in return you'd get a sneak peek into upcoming Len'en content.
Additionally, JynX also uses its posting system as their new blog these days, and there are actually quite a lot of lore-related and adjacent information here, like the music comments I linked to previously.
They are translated and available for reading here.
Vtuber: Kanae Tabinoki
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Yep, JynX is also a Vtuber! Their Vtuber persona is called Kanae Tabinoki, and have near daily streams where they usually work, chat or game.
Strictly speaking, they're not really related to Len'en, though being played by JynX, it's rather inevitable that scraps of lore slip through their mouth.
All lore scraps are documented on the appropriate page on the wiki, though if you'd like you can also read their page and summaries of their streams to look into the details.
Social Media: Twitter
Finally, we come to the end. There are 5 twitter accounts that are relevant to the Len'en series in one way or another. They are:
@mugen_Jinx: JynX's own twitter account
@TN_Rei: Rei and Zelo's shared twitter account
Now these two are absolute gold-mines of lore, back when JynX didn't really realise how crazy fans will get about the lore, they would just drop random scraps onto twitter.
They don't do it much anymore, probably for the same reason Peing isn't used anymore, but I've started a project where I collect and translate all JynX and Rei/Zelo tweets, for future posterity.
The project isn't complete yet, but what is there can be found here. I've already found all lore scraps and documented them onto the wiki though, so there's no urgent need to read these at all.
These two are accounts belong to in-universe characters, and so in fear of spoiling things, I've left their names out.
Being much more important tweets, part of the overall narrative of the series, they have their own dedicated wiki page to translating them here.
@Kanae_Tabinoki: Kanae's twitter account
To be completely honest, in terms of lore, Kanae's account is barely relevant. He mostly uses it to announce upcoming streams. I'm just listing it here for completion's sake.
Final Note: On the Len'en Wiki
Like I mentioned in part 1 your best friend really will be the Len'en wiki, the primary sources and their translations on the wiki are 100% trustworthy, be it game dialogue, associated files or even tweet quotes.
Pages where information needs to be synthesised on the other hand I would be slightly more careful with, there's not a lot of us wiki editors so many of those pages remain un-updated beyond the bare minimum. Misinformation should be kept to a minimum, though.
However, I will guarantee the quality of the Origin and Name sections! I've poured many hours into research for those, and I'm quite proud of them.
Also, there's a glossary navigation box that has a lot of pages for terms, key items and organizations listed there.
I mention this cause while the characters and location navboxes are probably easy to come across, this one might be a bit more obscure. The Youkai page is one example where it can be found.
Finally, the Len'en kanji change and what it signifies is detailed on the Len'en Project page, specifically under Name and Concept & Story Arcs, so there's also that to check out.
And that! Concludes everything you have to know to start fully immersing yourself into Len'en lore, to the point where you can drown in it like I have.
There are also announced but yet unreleased games and things of the like, but you can explore the wiki to find out about them, or even just ask other fans!
I must reiterate, I wouldn't be too worried about learning and reading up on whatever I've mentioned here in part 3. Part 1 and 2 are already a lot, after all and they're really the main basis you need to dig into the lore, getting immersed in all that does kinda snowballs into the obscure stuff naturally though, so you'll be back~ :)
And finally, to be completely shameless, I do some pretty neat Len'en related analyses and theories here that I feel aren't quite solid enough for the wiki. So if you somehow manage to consume all this and still hunger for more, come visit, yeah?
Anyways, I really, really hopes this helps. And happy lore-ing~!
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kishibecafe · 7 months
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◍ 岸畔咖啡靜態回顧展—《在咖啡廳》
In A Cafe: Kishibe Cafe 2023 Retrospective Exhibition
◍ 開幕活動 Opening Party: 2023/12/23 (六) 3:00–7:00PM
┃ 展覽資訊 ┃
展覽地點: 岸畔咖啡2F (台北市同安街90-1號)
展覽免費參觀 // 每週一公休
┃ 開幕活動 ┃
活動時間:2023/12/23 (六) 下午3:00–7:00
票價:NT 500 (現場提供茶點飲料)
┃ 活動簡介 ┃
一年多以來,在岸畔咖啡發生了許多精彩的各類展演,年末的這天,我們邀請了部分曾在此演出的藝術家與音樂家們,將之重新排列組合,碰撞出嶄新的創意。這份名單邀請了來自Dope Purple的劉堅白與音樂廠牌「我心已死」的主腦Sun Jenga、柏林學派台北代表「金融翡翠」與當代音聲創作者Immanuel Dannenbring(戴向諶),在這兩對特別的組合以外,還有同時兼任破地獄Bass手的電子音樂家A.P.R.A(呂立揚)與舞者涂郁婷的跨界演出、吉他手Silent Jeff和黃動物的雙重咖啡店老闆組合等。
除了二樓的展覽與一樓的演出以外,我們還邀請了歐洲老書藏家𝖮𝗅𝖽 𝖹𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗒 𝖹𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌、獨立出版社Passepartout 巴斯巴度以及藝術家June Ying Hsien Lee帶來他們的作品與書籍,供來賓參觀選購。活動內容著實豐富,不來可惜!
▲ In A Cafe: Kishibe Cafe 2023 Retrospective Exhibition
20 December — 31 January 2024
Kishibe Cafe Art Space: 2F, No. 90-1, Tong’an St., Taipei
Free Admission. Closed on Mondays
▲ Opening Party
23 December 2023 (Saturday), 3:00–7:00 pm
Kishibe Cafe (No. 90-1, Tong’an St., Taipei)
Ticket: NT 500 (with drinks and snacks)
Event Page: https://reurl.cc/QZ804Z
Kishibe Cafe has arranged various exciting live performances and art exhibitions throughout the year of 2023. Towards the end of the year, we invite artists and musicians who have participated in our previous events to collaborate and perform in newly formed group sets.
The mix-and-match sets are as follows. Kozma Philo Liu from Dope Purple will join up with Sun Jenga from World Synth Records. The representative of Berlin-school in Taipei, Golden Jade, will collaborate with contemporary sound artist Immanuel Dannenbring. Further, A.P.R.A from Scattered Purgatory and choreographer Eileen Tu will transform music and dance into a crossover interplay. The final set belongs to the cooperation between two cafe owners— Silent Jeff and Eri Huang.
To celebrate our anniversary, a 2023 retrospective exhibit entitled “In a Cafe,” curated by Claire Yun-wei Huang, will be held in Kishibe Cafe. The exhibition conjures the notion of “element reconstruction” by way of tracing the past and archiving transitory moments. On the day of the opening party, the key and temporal theme of “element reconstruction” will be represented through various approaches to sound and visual display. Different kinds of performances will be interwoven in the same space yet different temporal realms. Difference and repetition are, thus, re-contextualized as a form of practice and reflection: the daily-life experience of staying in a cafe shares similar features with the repeated attempts at appreciating a piece of artwork.
In addition to the exhibition and live performances presented at the opening party, we organize book/artist fairs and invite rare-book coordinator Old Zingy Zines, independent publisher Passepartout, and artist June Ying Hsien Lee to showcase their books and artworks. Don’t miss out on all the fun and excitement in Kishibe Cafe, and we wish you a joyous end to 2023.
#劉堅白 #SunJenga #涂郁婷 #APRA #黃動物 #SilentJeff #金融翡翠 #ImmanuelDannenbring #OZZ #Passepartout #JuneYingHsienLee #ClaireYunWeiHuang #岸畔咖啡 #在咖啡廳 #展覽 #回顧展 #開幕活動 #演出 #kishibecafe #cafe #inacafe #retrospective #exhibition #taipei #紀州庵 #livemusic #performance #artistfair #bookfair #古亭咖啡廳
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tomboyjessie13 · 3 days
Jojo incorrect quotes feat. my OC - Timeline (Ver. 7.0)
(The quotes that are not included on here are either for DA or just one off gags, I would also like to apologize if there’s any inconsistencies with the plot, either I forgot or I’m still developing my OCs)
Before the Crusades ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The Agents of DIO(and Eris) kill the members of the SPW Foundation's spies: Link (NEW)
- Medea's first arrival to Cairo and DIO's Mansion a la Dracula: Link
- Medea’s reaction to T. D’Arby’s doll collection: Link
- Medea attempts(and fails) to kill DIO with garlic: Link
- Part 1: Jean Pierre Polnareff
- Medea accompanies Rubber Soul to the Mall: Link (NEW)
- Medea tells off DIO about the state of Islamic Cairo: Link
- Medea deals with DIO’s vampirism: Link
- Medea throws a fit over the baseball game getting canceled: Link (NEW)
- Vanilla Ice kicks Medea out for being too loud: Link (NEW)
- T. D'Arby brings Medea back to the mansion after saving her from his brother: Link (NEW)
- DIO exposes Joseph’s affair to Medea: Link
- Part 2: Enrico Pucci
- Medea denies a date with Steely Dan: Link (NEW)
- Medea gets shot by the arrow and gains new powers: Link
- Medea gets sick after being shot by the Arrow: Link
- Medea and the other servants discover that Eris committed murder out of jealousy: Link
- DIO seducing Medea into “spending the night” with him: Link
- Part 3: Hol Horse
- Medea gets possessed by Anubis: Link
- Medea loses at "Dragon's Lair": Link
- Medea gets dragged into Cairo's old entertainment district for errands: Link (NEW)
- Medea rants about Jason drunkenly to Mariah and Midler: Link
- Eris tells Boingo a crappy bedtime story: Link (NEW)
- Medea tells Steely Dan to fuck off: Link
- Part 4: Muhammad Avdol
- Medea threatens to kick Nukesaku's ass: Link
- Medea takes in a kitty despite DIO's anti-cats and dogs rule: Link
- Mariah and Midler help Medea pick out a swimsuit for their beach trip: Link (NEW)
- The Agents of DIO have a private party at Danial's Cafe: Link
- Medea messes with Nukesaku alongside T. D'Arby and Kenny G: Link
- Part 5: Noriaki Kakyoin
- Midler drunk dials Medea: Link
- Medea gets one hell of a Birthday present from DIO: Link
- Medea and T. D’Arby goes shopping + Kakyoin’s walkman: Link
- Part 6: Finale
Part 3 - Stardust Crusaders ~ East and West Asia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Narrator explains the Greek tragedy of Medea and Jason: Link
- Medea’s reaction to Jotaro being 17, not an adult: Link
- Jotaro kicks Medea’s ass during their first meeting: Link
- Medea discovers that J. Geil is dead: Link
- Medea visits the Taj Mahal while waiting for the Crusaders: Link
- Medea chews out Jotaro during their stay in New Delhi: Link
- The Crusaders hide out in an Indian Theater while Medea stalks them: Link
- Medea reluctantly rides with the Crusaders after Enyaba's defeat in Pakistan: Link
- Medea gets confronted by DIO for failing her mission before being seduced: Link (NEW)
- Medea fights the Crusaders before Avdol showed up alive and well, scaring her off: Link
- DIO finds out that Avdol is alive, and Medea failed to kill the Crusaders: Link
Part 3 - Stardust Crusaders ~ Battle in Egypt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Medea tries(and fails) to assassinate the Crusaders at the hospital and gets carried off by Jotaro: Link
- Medea brags about the 9 Glory Gods to Joseph: Link
- Crusaders takes Medea captive after arriving in Aswan: Link
- Polnareff confuses Medea's Irish for Chinese: Link
- Joseph using Medea’s Irish heritage to mess with her: Link
- The Crusaders discovers that DIO pays Medea peanuts while counting their money: Link
- Medea tries framing the Crusaders for possessing drugs: Link
- Iggy raids Medea’s items and pushed her into the Nile: Link
- Medea makes herself and the Crusaders breakfast: Link
- Joseph makes Medea wear his Hamon mask: Link
- Medea and Polnareff dancing to "Footloose": Link
- Medea has a nightmare of DIO threatening her: Link
- [Flogging Molly] causing a morning mishap with Medea and Polnareff: Link
- Medea’s reaction to Joseph becoming young again via Sethan: Link
- Mariah and Alessi fight aftermath + Medea’s humiliation: Link
- DIO finds out that Medea failed her mission and activates his “fail safe” on her: Link
- Eris tells Medea that she killed some of DIO's agents for their failure while looking for Kakyoin: Link (Slightly outdated due to my fanfic)
- Kakyoin and Medea saved Oingo from being consumed by [Nephthys]: Link(feat. Eris Raitt)
- Kakyoin tells Medea about Morioh when she worries about becoming homeless and jobless upon DIO's defeat: Link
- Kakyoin reunites with the Crusaders and Medea returns to Cairo, alive and well: Link
- The Crusaders’ last dinner together before facing DIO + Plot twist: Link(I’m keeping the dinner scene, not sure about the plot twist however)
- Joseph and Medea break the fourth wall to talk about Islamic Cairo and how DIO fucked one of the districts up: Link
- Joseph tells Medea about the Stone mask: Link
- Medea explains who Kenny G and [Tenore Sax] are to Polnareff and Avdol: Link
- Medea and Polnareff after the events of “The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice”: Link
- Medea and DIO’s confrontation before “DIO’s World”: Link
- Last Train Home ~Medea’s Lullaby~ : Link
Part 4 - Diamond is Unbreakable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Medea’s first appearance of the arc: Link(feat. Noriko and Keiji)
- Medea hears school bathroom singing: Link
- Medea and Jotaro witnessing Josuke playing “Pepsi Man”: Link
- Medea at Rohan’s house: Link
- Medea’s dealing with Okuyasu and Noriko crying over a Chao dying: Link(feat. Noriko)
- Medea threatens to kick Rohan's ass for using [Heaven's Door] on her: Link
- Medea badmouths Joseph to Josuke: Link
- Medea meets Yoshikage Kira for the first time: Link
- Keiji defends Medea from his racist ex-girlfriend: Link
- Medea visits the Higashikatas for school grades and video games: Link
- Josuke visits Medea’s home: Link(feat. Noriko)
- Jotaro, Medea, and Josuke have a serious discussion during their drive to S-City: Link
- Medea meets Kira once again by accident and her students try drawing him: Link
- Medea is shocked to find that her mother-in-law invited Kira for breakfast: Link
- Medea finds out that Kira is the serial killer: Link
- Medea watches the kids at school playing funny games on school grounds: Link (NEW)
Part 6 - Stone Ocean ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Noriko gets her idol concert ruined by Pucci: Link
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shinranweek · 2 years
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Thank you so much for all your votes and suggestions in the survey! After taking them into account, we are happy to share the prompts for ShinRan Week 2022!
Day 1: First Times & No Childhood Friends AU Day 2: Conan Revelation & Role Reversal AU Day 3: And There Was Only One (...) & Flying to Los Angeles (E162) Day 4: Hurt/Comfort & Fake Relationship AU Day 5: Family & Honeymoon Day 6: Sick/Injured & Black Organization Takedown Day 7: Soulmate AU & Creator's Choice
Prompt descriptions are below!
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Day 1
First Times Let's think about first times! What was it like the first time when… they met? Their first confession, their first kiss, or first date? The first time they bought something important jointly, the first time they moved in together, their first big fight, their first “not today”? Tell us about the first time they did something!
No Childhood Friends AU Forget about Shinichi and Ran meeting in kindergarten. If they met later, as teenagers or adults, they would carry a past full of experiences that do not include each other. How has life been for them up to this point? And how do they meet? Is it due to their jobs, are they neighbors, or do they happen to be at the same place at the same time? Anyhow, there is attraction, interest. No way they can just let it go. How will they manage whatever it is they are feeling?
Day 2
Conan Revelation It’s time to face the truth. How would it come out? Accidentally? Would it be Ran who finally brings it up or would Shinichi tell her? How would he do it? And what about Ran's reaction?
Role Reversal AU What if instead of Shinichi, Ran was the one who got shrunk into a seven-year-old? Or what if Ran had been the detective geek and Shinichi the one who didn't care about mysteries that much?
Day 3
And There Was Only One (…) Shinichi and Ran face a situation where they need to share something they are not used to, like… There is only one room left in the hotel. Maybe only one bed or only one blanket to warm themselves. Maybe there's only one free chair left at some party, or a drink from the only available glass or can... How would they react and what would they do?
Flying to Los Angeles (E162)
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You remember this scenario, right? Such closeness. What happened before Ran fell asleep? What was she dreaming while leaning on Shinichi? Or maybe she was faking? Oh, and what was going through Shinichi's mind at that moment… I wonder…
Day 4
Hurt/Comfort The world is full of concerns. Conditions with lifelong effects, painful memories, hurtful losses… broken dreams, doubts about the future or about ourselves, feeling not being enough or being unable to meet others’ expectations or our own goals. Luckily, they have each other! How would they find out about each other’s fears or would they be open about them? How would they try to cheer each other up, get the other back to their feet and support them?
Fake Relationship AU Does Ran has some stubborn admirer who would like to go on a date with her, but she isn’t interested? Does Shinichi have a case where he needs Ran to pretend to be his fiancée? Or maybe they need to fake another kind of relationship, something that doesn't have anything to do with romantic feelings? Or maybe they don't get along at all or even know each other before the fake situation!
Day 5
Family Shinichi and Ran visiting Shinichi’s parents in America? Shinichi helping Ran with drunken Kogoro? Both of them in a cafe with Eri? Maybe both the Mouri and Kudo families are together on vacation? Perhaps there is some relative that isn’t mentioned in canon and they meet ShinRan for the first time? Ooooor maybe Shinichi and Ran having their own offspring?
Honeymoon We had the wedding; now it’s time for the honeymoon! A time to forget about the real world and relish the company of your beloved, to focus on how deeply in love you are, and experience awesome things with them. Where do Shinichi and Ran go to spend their first days as a married couple? Do they stay in Japan or travel overseas? Is it a relaxing trip, or a thrilling journey? What is the most special thing they do?
Day 6
Sick/Injured Homebound because of a bad cold, or in need of somebody’s help to do anything because of an injury… What happened? Who is convalescent and who is playing the nurse role to take care of the other? Are they good at it, or… do they make it worse?! Are there some habits they would do when another one is sick/injured or does this scenario new for them?
Black Organization Takedown Time to take down the ones who are responsible for why Shinichi is Conan. And of course, our heroine would be part of it. But how? How would she assist the love of her life? Would Shinichi know about it or would it be a surprise? Would Ran team up with him from the beginning or would she show up when he needs her the most? Or what would happen when everything is over?
Day 7
Soulmates AU There are many stories about finding a soulmate: sharing a telepathic link with each other, hearing the same song in their heads, meeting in dreams, or feeling when the other one is feeling strong or is in danger. Some have matching marks like tattoos and names, and some share their injuries. Some can only taste, smell or see colors after meeting their soulmate. Some get a timer that tells when they are meeting their soulmate, some know their soulmate’s secrets and some can’t lie to their soulmate, and… some don’t have a soulmate at all, or the other one's soulmate can be someone else. What about Shinichi and Ran?
Creator’s Choice Is there something you wanted to create, but it didn’t fit any of those prompts? Was there last year’s prompt that you would like to use or maybe a WIP that you want to finish? Here is your chance ;)
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Remember that these are just examples meant to give you ideas and inspiration!
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sungbeam · 1 year
𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃𝐒 — mutuals!
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welcome to my moot directory! here you'll find a list of some of my moots :') as well as links to their important pages like masterlists and the like ❤️ send them lots of love, and if ur a moot of mine and would like an emoji pls lmk <3 (or if we have yet to interact, then pls come say hi !!)
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**in alphabetical order:
[❄️] ally @/winterchimez m.list
[🤠] ash @/ethereal-engene m.list
[💿] ashley @/serafilms m.list
[🎧] bar @/mosviqu, @/rrxnjun m.list, @/sohnric m.list
[] beck @/noramoons m.list
[😈] britt @/biaswreckingfics m.list
[] bro @/bro-atz m.list
[🐇] bun @/honeyhypen navi
[🧸] cat @/wuahae m.list
[] cece @/ceebit m.list
[🍳] chip /hongssami navi
[🎶] chip @/jaehunny m.list
[] clover @/cloverdaisies navi
[] codi @/tbzhub navi
[🍏] crys @/stayarmytinyzenmoa-l navi/m.list
[🍐] dal @/hongyangi, @/coboftea m.list
[] daisy @/daisyvisions m.list
[🌹] dora @/littleroaes m.list
[🌑] ducky/moon @/ricsang navi
[🍪] em @/goldenhypen m.list
[🩰] eris @/tranquilpetrichor m.list | learn abt ballet!
[🍓] fall @/yrqrnc m.list
[☕️] fawn @/juyeonszn m.list
[] gill @/astrae4 m.list
[🐣] gina @/sunlightwoo navi/m.list
[] hana @/wqnwoos m.list
[] heather @/soonyoungblr m.list
[🌸] hua @/polarisjisung m.list
[] ipah @/i520cm m.list
[🍡] isa @/sseastar m.list
[🌱] izzy @/from-izzy navi
[🐳] j @/justalildumpling navi/m.list
[] jasper @/starlitmark m.list
[🍩] june @/lastscenic navi
[] k @/deobienthusiast m.list
[🦥] ki @/hoshiseon navi
[🦜] kyuzu @/boba-at-323 m.list
[🍰] lacey @/haet-sal m.list
[] lennon @/strayed-quokka m.list
[] loki @/alohajun navi/m.list
[💜] lottie @/lotties-readings navi
[] mae @/sureogi m.list
[] mai @/1-800-lixie m.list
[🐬] mako @/seolboba m.list
[] mars @/mars101 m.list
[🪼] matty @/stealanity m.list
[🦋] maya @/kimsohn m.list
[🍈] mel @/jaeyunnies navi/m.list
[🦆] mofy @/bless-311 m.list
[🫧] mona @/quaissants navi/m.list
[] moni @/softsan m.list
[🦝] moni @/zzoguri m.list
[☀️] nana @/loveliestfelix m.list
[] nari @/yyunari m.list
[🪐] niki @/rnjfy m.list
[🦫] noa @/hqrana m.list
[🌨] ophelia @/snowflakewhispers m.list
[🧋] peony @/hyungseos-cafe m.list
[🤍] rain @/petrichor-han m.list
[🐙] reese @/its-beeble navi/m.list
[🍄] reia @/solatunes navi (prev maijunejuly!)
[🌔] riley @/soobeaniee navi/m.list
[🪶] riyuu @/korijime m.list
[🦭] robi @/heeracha m.list
[☘️] sana @/sanaxo-o m.list
[🐕] skits @/hotteoki navi
[🦦] sol @/leejungchans m.list
[] tee @/owlbeforesunset navi
[🏳️‍🌈] theo @/honeyhuii m.list
[🐻] ursa @/thepixelelf m.list
[] vae @/hcuyk m.list
[🎸] vie @/koishua m.list
[💘] yumi @/cupidjyu m.list
[🌙] yumi @/sorryimananti-romantic m.list
[] yunn @/kdyism m.list
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piedpiperart · 1 year
List of all the comics I’ve made! In case anyone is interested in reading them 🥺👉👈
🌸- to do
💀- abandoned
❤️On the Run: Izuku is a vigilante with a healing quirk running from the commission
❤️ Ghost Hero: Danny phantom in mha universe
❤️Stowaway: Izuku is five inches tall and living in aizawas walls
💀Ghost Police: Deku is a police officer who can see ghosts and is partnered up with pro hero Bakugo
❤️Quirkless Future: Pro Hero Izuku gets time traveled back into his 14 yr old body and decides to reject OFA
💀Kitten Deku: Deku has a cat morph quirk and is stuck as a kitten in an alley where pro hero Eraserhead finds him and takes him home, later on he finds out that Izuku is not a cat but a small child
💀Monster Deku: Izuku has a monster quirk and is kidnapped and tortured for years until Eraserhead finds and adopts him! Similar to Kitten Deku but Bakugo is not an asshole in this one 🙂
❤️Rewind: Izuku is a homeless teenager who stumbles upon Eri and gets rewound to age seven! They try to survive on the streets and avoid Overhaul, but Eraserhead finds them and takes them home!
💀Choose Your Own Adventure: Patrons get to vote the next outcome! So far Deku is hit with a quirk that makes emotional pain feel physical and bakugo is getting consequences for middle school!
💀Zombie Deku: Deku gets hit with a quirk that makes him into a zombie (minus eating brains part) and Kacchan blames himself for deku's 'death'
🍄Mermaid Deku: Based on fanfic called 'A fishy Situation' on Ao3
❤️Spider Deku: Deku goes to I-Island on a summer internship before UA and gets into a spider lab accident that ends with him getting a quirk! He joins the hero course and then is targeted by the league :3
❤️Hacker Deku/Over the Firewall: Depressed Deku becomes a vigilante through hacking! He meets Dabi and Eraserhead, and they end up saving the poor kiddo from himself ;-;
💀Fanboy Deku: Pro hero Bakugo is being followed by a smol quirkless child and he is not ready to be a parent
💀UA Faculty: Inspired by Tik Tok staff ocs, discontinued
💀Second Chance: Pro hero Deku dies, four years later he wakes up in someone else's body! Somehow, Todoroki seems to recognize him. Inspired by MDZS
💀Split Todoroki: Todoroki is split into three different people based on three emotions, joy, anger and sadness!
❤️Fusion AU: Deku has a fusion quirk and was thought to be quirkless until entrance exam when he fuses with uraraka
🍄Prosthetic Deku: Deku gets an arm and a leg blown off in an explosion, also saving Kacchan in the process, then he gets kidnapped! Finished! Should be on Instagram and Patreon
💀Bakugo Adventure Comic: Discontinued out of spite
🍄Villain Deku: Instagram only, deep down in the depths of when I was in high school, Deku gets kidnapped and brainwashed into villainy!
🍄Bunny Deku 1: Deku is turned into a bunny and bakugo is turned into a dog and they get kidnapped
🍄Bunny Deku 2: Deku is turned into a bunny and kidnapped, then todoroki gets turned into a cat to infiltrate and break him out
💀VLD/BNHA Crossover:​ Instagram only, Deku meets Lance on a foreign planet, soon after Keith and Bakugo show up, as well as Catra from She Ra before it was discontinued
❤️Phantom in Gotham: Dp x dc fanfic on ao3
❤️ Demon of Gotham: Nightvmcrawler from xmen evolution gets adopted by Jason Todd, DC x X-men fanfic on Ao3
💀My Princess Academia: Disney Princesses as MHA
🍄 Plantzuku! Izuku dies and becomes plant person so aizawa adopts him
❤️Cat Cafe: Izuku has a cat morph quirk thanks to afo and hangs around a cat cafe until aizawa kidnaps him for dad purposes
❤️Unachievable: Bakugo drives deku to sewerslide but finds out izuku has a death quirk that brings him back to life. bakugo has to help izuku get into ua and try to keep him from killing himself at all times, patreon fanfic
❤️Mothman Au: Shinsou finds mothman in his treehouse but it turns out to be feral mutant quirk izuku
❤️Healer Deku: choose your own adventure where izuku was sold to the commission and got a healing quirk but ran away and lives as a vigilante and coffee shop employee
❤️Invader Izuku: Izuku is Dib reincarnated and he and Zim go on adventures
❤️Remembering Robin: Dick grayson reincarnated as Izuku decides to be a quirkless hero
I think I’m missing a few but these are the ones I remember. Most of these are on my Instagram but all are on my patreon @piedpiperart
I will be slowly posting them here too, it’ll just take me a while 😩😅
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iamashippinggod · 11 months
So Tell Me, Was It You, Or Me, Or Something in Between Us?
Part four of my mini-fic series is here! @julybreakbingo
Bingo Prompt: Break Up Fandom: My Hero Academia Ships: Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki (centric), Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi Content Warning: Explicit Language, Jealousy, Miscommunication, Breaking Up (crying toward the end) Tags: Shinsou Hitoshi is an Insomniac, Adopted Shinsou Hitoshi, Adopted Eri, Married Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi, Class 1-A, Established Relationships, Shinsou Hitoshi replaces Mineta Minoru, Shinsou Hitoshi has Social Anxiety, Kaminari Denki has ADHD, Pansexual Kaminari Denki, Bisexual Jirou Kyouka, Gay Shinsou Hitoshi, Break Ups, Kaminari Denki Centric, Jealously, Miscommunication. Side Note: Final post for JBB, but I did promise myself that I would finish my bingo card even if it's after the month has ended. This is cross-platformed on AO3, I hope you all enjoy. P.S: I would like to give a shout out to @mrs-steve-harrington on tumblr, she doesn't watch MHA and still read this over for me cause I was having trouble with working on this chapter. Thank you again for helping me out <3 || Title from "Reason" by Stanaj ||
            Denki did try to put all of his focus on paying attention to just Midnight during her lesson, but he wound up pulling out his phone and started texting Hitoshi instead, taking another win when he saw the sliver of a smile on Hitoshi’s lips before he went back to ignoring Denki. 
            When he shuts off his screen, he feels eyes on him. At first, he thought it was Midnight, and thought she had caught him texting and was about to give him detention. But he was wrong. 
            When their teacher wasn’t looking, he looked over his shoulder, seeing Kyouka staring at him. That look she had in her eyes this morning was back, only it looked stronger than before. She doesn’t make gestures or anything to acknowledge him, but shifts her gaze to give Hitoshi that very same look.
            A look so sharp, it felt like daggers from afar. She was angry.
Back when Denki had met Kyouka, he thought she was one of the coolest people in their class. She always seemed so calm and collected, and didn’t care about the opinions of others, only that she tried her best. And even after they became friends, he thought that of her. He admired her for being able to stay calm in any situation. 
            At one point, he wanted to be like that. Not this hyperactive loud blond that everyone saw him for. 
            Don’t get him wrong, there were (and still are) times where he wished she didn’t make comments about his intellect. He’s smart, and he knows it. He just has a hard time showing that to other people. Then again, he can’t really tell them that, after all, he’s never told them about his ADHD or that he was diagnosed with dyscalculia at the beginning of the semester. 
            Maybe he should have. 
            But that’s not why we’re here. 
            When Denki finally worked up the courage to ask Kyouka out, he was a nervous wreck, to the point where he would accidentally short circuit himself and would need one of his classmates (or Aizawa) to take him to Recovery Girl. He wanted to impress her cause at that moment, her opinion of him was the only one that mattered. That didn’t mean when he asked her out for the first time, she immediately said yes. It took him three tries before she agreed to go on a single date.
            Then they started studying more together outside of their squad, going on study dates at a cafe off campus, or in one of their rooms. Those study dates would turn into just them hanging out, talking about various music genres, songs, bands, you name it. At one point, he was able to get her to laugh without making a complete fool of himself.
            Things seemed perfect between them. And maybe he should have taken that as a sign that it wouldn’t last. That they just weren’t meant to happen.
             When Shinsou– Hitoshi, walked into Class 1-A the day he joined, he was stunned. He had seen the boy at the Sports Festival, and he had to admit that when watching him, he thought he was smart, cunning even. He knew how to provoke Midoriya, and he succeeded in trapping him under his Quirk. Even if he didn’t win that match, he made his point and got the attention of everyone, including him. 
            Not to mention, he thought Hitoshi was very attractive (which aside from the match, is what caught his attention the most), and still does. He’s not blind to that. But he wouldn’t make a move on him for those who are concerned about learning this fact, given that he’s in a relationship. 
            But he was more stunned, and perhaps, relieved to know that Mineta had been expelled. Truth be told, he only hung around him because no else would, and he didn’t want Mineta to feel left out. Even after learning just how perverted his ex-classmate could be, he had hoped it was just a regular teenage-phase like his was. Now he wished he had helped him get expelled sooner.
            That didn’t matter anymore though, because he was gone and Hitoshi had replaced him.
            The first thing Denki notices is that Hitoshi is a quiet person, and private too. He doesn’t socialize with everyone like the others did, he sticks to himself and he doesn’t actively seek out conversations unless he has too. The first thought Denki has when he realizes this is to wonder if he was lonely.
            Which is why the day after Hitoshi had joined their class, he set out on a mission to make sure the insomniac had at least one friend, even if he was his only one. 
            He didn’t tell anyone what he was planning, but everyone was quick to catch onto his schemes. Mina and Kirishima had even suggested inviting him to their study group so he could talk to more people, but Denki wasn’t surprised when Hitoshi declined that offer.
            However, Kyouka was the first to speak up about his goal.
            “Maybe you should let him talk to people on his own.” They were studying up in her room that day, working on mathematics for their next class with Ectoplasm. 
            Denki looked up from the papers in his lap (the equations being all over the place as he tried to show his work), brows furrowed as he looked at her. “Huh? What are you talking about?”
            Kyouka moved her notebook to the side and moved closer to peak at his work, a small frown on her face. “Hitoshi.” She told him, picking up a pen before sliding the current paper he was working on over to her so she could fix some of the messy explanation he was trying to give. “He’s not the social type. And he’s already stated before that he doesn't want friends.”
            Denki scoffs, watching her work. “What people say and how they act are two different things, babe.” Still, he frowns. “I don’t think he means it. Even Heroes have friends.”
            “Okay, but we’re not Heroes.”
            Kyouka rolled her eyes, sliding the paper back to him. “I’m serious, Denki. Leave it. Don't be an idiot.”
Ignoring the slight pain in his chest when he hears that word, Denki shrugs, eyeing the red-inked notes she had left. “You weren’t very social when we met, now look at us.” He flashes her a grin. “Relax, I’ll have him chatting up a storm in no time.”
            He wished he could say that he kept his happy persona up after that night, but as they were leaving homeroom Friday afternoon to head back to the dorms, Aizawa had asked him to stay behind. Which didn’t surprise anyone, or him at this point. And unfortunately, he had a feeling as to what he was being held back for.
            “Is everything okay, Aizawa Sensei?” The older man had reached over his desk and handed him some papers, and within a red circle at the top of the page was the percentage score of 31% at the top. 
            So with a sigh, he realizes that his suspicions were right. He looked past the paper in his hands and stared at the wooden desk. “Which class?” He asked. He already knows the answer though.
            “Mathematics.” Denki sighs again, raising a hand to rub the side of his face tiredly. “You’ve been maintaining a steady score between fifty and sixty percent, which is still under a passing grade, but lately your grade has been dropping.” 
            “Yep, I see that.” He looks up, seeing the bored expression on his teacher's face, realizing he had said that out loud. He straightens his posture, “Sorry.”
            Aizawa sighs, leaning back in his chair. “I noticed that it’s not just Ectoplasm’s class you’ve been failing in, but Modern Art too. Is everything okay?”
            “Yeah. And I’ve been studying with Bakugou and our friends almost every other day.”
      ��     “So what happened?”
            Denki shrugs, looking down at his score again. “I just can’t get it. Modern Art doesn’t stick to me like other subjects do. And numbers…” He trails off. “I’ll try harder.”
            Aizawa didn’t say anything at first, mostly observing his student. He sighs again though, “Look. I also hold tutoring sessions over the weekend in the morning.” He told him, “If you want some extra help, swing by the classroom tomorrow morning and we can start working on stuff you’re having trouble with. Sound good?” 
            Denki didn’t hesitate to agree to that.
That was during week one. 
            Week two was more difficult but at the same time easier. Wednesday afternoon, during Cementoss’ class, he noticed the insomniac looked more tired than usual. He can’t say he blames him, Cementoss’ class wasn’t exactly boring, but it also didn’t hold as much of Denki’s attention like English did. But he could at least maintain a decent grade in Modern Literature when compared to Modern Art. 
            Surprisingly, he managed to get him to talk a little during that class. Which in his books, was a win in itself.
            That night, he was going over some of the extra homework Ectoplasm had given him in the common room when he overheard Mina and Midoriya talking. Midoriya was working on his English homework with Iida on the opposite couch from where he was sitting, and Mina was originally talking to Hagakure. 
            “Language.” Iida didn’t miss a beat, but stopped writing to look up at the green-haired boy, Denki couldn’t help but to do the same curiously, noting that Midoriya was looking frantically through his back. “Is everything okay?”
            Midoriya looked like he was about to say something panicky, but deflated with a look of realization. “Yeah, sorry. I forgot.” He breathes out, learning back. “I thought I lost my notes for Literature, but I just remembered that Hitoshi had asked if he could borrow them.” 
            “If you need your notes, why don’t you go ask if you can get them back for a minute?”
            Denki shook his head, “No.” This gains the attention of the two, “He’s babysitting his sister for his parents tonight, so he’s not at the dorms.” He explains, “But can’t you just text him and see if he’ll text you what notes you need for tonight?”
            “I don’t have his number.”
            “I do!” Mina jumps in, jumping over the couch and plopping down next to Denki, and judging by the pressure on Denki’s right, Hagakure had also sat down next to him.
            But Denki turns to look at Mina, looking shocked. “What? How?”
            Mina scoffs lightly, pulling out her phone. “I have my resources.”
            “She got it from a Gen Studies kid.” Hagakure informs them, making Mina frown.
            “Hey! Let me be mysterious!” She complains, shaking her head before looking toward Midoriya. “But I can give you his number so you can text him, he might not be bothered if it’s you texting him anyway.”
            Iida looked confused. “Huh? Why do you say that?”
            “I’m pretty sure that aside from his dad, the only one he’s willing to have a conversation with and enjoy it is Midoriya.” Denki couldn’t help but to agree with that.
            “Hey, can you give me his number as well?” Denki asked. Mina gave him his number with no hesitation. 
            That night, he was meant to be finishing his assignment and instead, he worked up the balls to text Hitoshi, taking his replies as another win.
Thursday of week two was when he noticed how things began to rock with his and Kyouka’s relationship. 
            It started off as something small, he almost didn’t notice it. Despite being tired from staying up late to study (and to talk to Hitoshi), Denki was smiling at his phone during breakfast, fingers tapping away at his screen whenever he replied to Hitoshi. He was aware of his friends talking with each other, but wasn’t paying attention as to what they were talking about.
            Do you have any pets?
           When’s your birthday? 
            Favorite season?
            Each question was back to back. In hindsight, he knows how that could annoy people, but he was curious about him. A part of him wanted to know everything he could about him. Isn’t that weird?
            It wasn’t until he felt someone tap (more like smacked) his arm that he jerked his head up to see what was happening, noting that everyone had already finished eating and were getting up to finish getting ready for the day.  Kyouka was sitting on his right, looking at him with an expression he couldn’t read. 
            “Mm?” He looked toward her, confused, “Are we leaving already?”             “You’ve been on your phone for the past twenty minutes,” Kyouka told him. He noticed how her jaw seemed clenched as she spoke. She sighed, reaching in front of him to pick up their dishes before getting up from her seat. “Come on, we’re gonna be late for class.”
              He couldn’t help but to frown when she walked away, but he gets up and brings over their cups to put in the dishwasher. He doesn’t miss how the moment he walked in, she left. Normally, they cleaned up together.
            His phone chimed in his hand, and he looked down to see that Hitoshi had replied. Three cats. July 1rst. And winter. But only one of the cats is actually mine, the other two technically belong to my Dad and Eri.
            So would you say you’re more of a cat person than a dog person? 
          Yeah, but I don’t mind dogs much. As long as they don’t slobber on me.
            Denki laughed, shaking his head before looking up from his phone to leave. But he sees Kyouka standing in the doorway, their backpacks in her hands, with an unreadable look in her eyes.
            The next time he noticed was in Art History.
            Kyouka hadn’t said a word to him during homeroom, but he shrugged it off thinking that she was just tired. He would later regret shrugging it off and realize that it was a mistake to have done so. 
            But during class, the first thing he noticed wasn’t Kyouka, but Hitoshi. Specifically how awake he looked. At least he wasn’t on the verge of passing out again like yesterday.
            Denki did try to put all of his focus on paying attention to just Midnight during her lesson, but he wound up pulling out his phone and started texting Hitoshi instead, taking another win when he saw the sliver of a smile on Hitoshi’s lips before he went back to ignoring Denki. 
            When he shuts off his screen, he feels eyes on him. At first, he thought it was Midnight, and thought she had caught him texting and was about to give him detention. But he was wrong. 
            When their teacher wasn’t looking, he looked over his shoulder, seeing Kyouka staring at him. That look she had in her eyes this morning was back, only it looked stronger than before. She doesn’t make gestures or anything to acknowledge him, but shifts her gaze to give Hitoshi that very same look.
            A look so sharp, it felt like daggers from afar. She was angry.
            The third time he noticed something was off was during and after training. 
            Kyouka had practically avoided him during lunch, and looking back on it now, that was on him. Though it wasn’t because of Hitoshi that time, Sero had pulled him into a conversation between the two of them and Kirishima. But for most of the day, she hadn’t spoken to him really.
            And training…
            It was a game of Heroes and Villains, and guess who was his opponent for his match. You guessed it, his angry girlfriend.
            To make it worse, his partner for the round was Hitoshi. Their goal was to save the hostages (Bakugou had a lot to say about being shoved into that role with Uraraka, but his complaints went ignored). Things started off smoothly, they had managed to move closer undetected by Asui and Kyouka for the first portion of the round. 
            Denki should have remembered that Kyouka would find them because of her Quirk, but all logic went out the window the moment he opened his mouth.
            “Sunset or sunrise?”
            “Favorite game?”             “Right now? Genshin Impact.”             “What’s your type?”
            Denki watched Hitoshi freeze, most likely processing his question, before turning to look at him. “What?”
            All Denki could respond with was a shrug and continued. “Like, romantically. What’s your type?”
            Hitoshi scoffs, shaking his head to look back at Asui. “That shit is so stupid.”
            “Come on,” He drags out, stepping closer. “Who's your dream girl?”
            “Bold of you to assume I’m into girls.” They both fall silent.
            Denki saw the slight twinge of panic in his tired eyes, and he felt a twinge of guilt in his stomach for asking now. The look Hitoshi gave him brought him back to middle school, a time in which was not the best for him.
            But Denki swallowed and smiled, “My question still stands,” He steps closer, peaking around Hitoshi to look at the situation before looking up at him. His smile softens when he asks, “Who’s your dream guy?”
            He doesn’t get a response because Kyouka had found them.
            The rest of that round was a blur.
            The next thing he knew, he was snapping out of his short-circuited state and was becoming aware of where he was, which was Recovery Girl’s office. 
            Denki doesn’t make it aware that he was “awake” now and instead, observes. Sitting in a chair against the wall opposite of the bed was Kyouka, who sat there scrolling on her phone. He eyes the clock and notes that he’s probably been there for a little over half an hour. 
            That’s longer than normal. He frowns. He had gotten the amount of time it takes him to snap out of his short-circuited state down to thirty minutes, twenty-five on a good day. 
            He watched at the minute and ticked over to the next until five minutes had passed. He looks away and notes that Kyouka hadn’t looked up from her phone in that time.
            “... You went hard during practice.”
            Her fingers stop moving, her eyes look up from the screen to see him staring at her before looking back down. Kyouka shrugged, leaning forward in her seat. “I got carried away acting like a Villain.” 
            She lied. They both know she lied. And he called her out on it without missing a beat.
            “You’re mad.”
            She scoffs, “No I’m not.”
            She locks her phone and sets it aside. The purple-haired girl stood from her seat and took two steps forward until she was standing at the end of the bed. “Why would I be mad?” She asked.
            “That’s the problem, I don’t know.”
            "Of course you don't." Again, Kyouka scoffs. “And yet you think you can call me out for being upset?”
            “So you are upset then.” She looked at him with furrowed brows, “I said you were mad, not upset. Implying that your upset could mean something else.”
            And again, he notices how her jaw clenched. That look of daggers returned to her eyes. “So what if I am? It’s not like you care.”
            “Wha- Where the hell did that come from?” Denki sat up, moving closer toward the end of the bed. “Why would I not care? You’re my girlfriend.”
            “Oh really?” She snaps, “Cause lately I don’t feel like I am, you’re too busy prioritizing everyone else over me.”
            Before any more words could be said, the door opens and in comes Recovery Girl and Aizawa. The couple shut their mouths, and Kyouka stepped back from the bed while Denki shook his head at her, tearing his eyes away from her and toward the adults.
            And Denki wished that was the end of their quarrels, but that was only the start.
"Hey, Ji?" They were in homeroom one morning. She looks up from her desk and looks at him, "Do you have a pen I could borrow."
Kyouka scoffs, shaking her head. "Why don't you ask Hitoshi." She muttered it, but he still heard it.
After that day, the smallest of things would start a fight between them. From forgetting an extra pen for when one of them forgot theirs to the smallest of slip-ups during training would provoke a fight, a couple of which have almost borderline a shouting match between them.
            Each argument would end the same way, with them walking away from each other, and Denki being left confused about what the fuck just happened and him questioning what he could have done to either deescalate the situation, or if he was responsible for the situation to begin with.
            But the one thing he would not ask himself is if their relationship was going to fall through or not.
            He knew the fights were getting worse, that they were on rocky ground. But he was convinced that it would work out, that this was just some miscommunication issue that Kyouka didn’t want to talk about. They could work things out.
            It’s been a couple of weeks since that day in Recovery Girl’s office, and he could officially say that he has gotten Hitoshi to be a little more social. And by that, he means that he’s no longer immediately hiding out in his room the moment they get back to the dorms after classes. He’s also witnessed him talking to Todoroki and Midoriya for longer than five minutes. 
            He counts that as another win.
            It was a Friday night, and a good majority of the class wanted to go out to eat. So after a little bit of convincing (and by that, they totally asked/begged Hitoshi to talk to his dad), the entire class ended up going to a ramen shop at the bottom of the hill. 
            Everyone was separated into their own groups, the Bakusquad (god, Bakugou still gets annoyed at that name) and Hitoshi took up one table, Midoriya and his group (that being Todoroki, Iida, Uraraka and Asui) sat on the opposite side of the restaurant. Tokoyami and Shoji sat together at a two-person table, the same could be said about Ojiro and Hagakure, and Momo and Kyouka. Sato, Aoyama and Koda took one of the window booths.
            But the Bakusquad’s table is what we’re focused on tonight. Mina, Sero and Denki took up the left side of the table, both boys being on either side of her, while Kirishima, Bakugou and Hitoshi sat across from them.
            “So…” Mina drawls out, eyes locked on the purple-haired boy. “Hitoshi, do you have a girlfriend?” 
            The blunt question makes Hitoshi nearly choke on his food. His eyes widen slightly at her and dart to Denki, who shrugs. Swallowing, Hitoshi looks back at Mina, “I’m gay.”
            The blunt response causes Sero and Denki to laugh. Mina rolled her eyes playfully. “My question stands. Are you in a relationship right now?”
            “Oi, Pinkie, leave him be.” Bakugou grumbles, bringing his chopsticks up to his mouth. “It’s his business.”
            Mina’s frown only lasts a second before Hitoshi replies. “No, and I don’t plan on being in one any time soon.”
            This time, Bakugou is the one to respond to him. “What? Are we not good enough for you?” 
            “Huh? No! That’s not-” Hitoshi shuts up when he notices the smirk on the angry blond’s lips, Kirishima laughs from beside him, and Hitoshi shakes his head. “Oh fuck off.”
            Mina shrugs, “Well, if you change your mind, I can think of a couple of people who would be interested.”
            Denki pauses mid slurp of his noodles, looking toward his pink-haired friend. On her right, he sees Sero sharing the same look, and out of the corner of his eye, sees Hitoshi raising a brow at her. “Huh? Like who?” Sero asked. 
            “What the fu-” Kirishima reaches across Hitoshi’s back to smack Bakugou on the back of his head, cutting him off mid-sentence, but looks at her shocked.
            Hitoshi stares at her like she grew a second head. “Mina, I like you. I do.” She smiles, “But what in the every-loving hell?”
            To her right, Sero is laughing. Denki, however, is quiet. looking between Hitoshi and Mina.
            “Oh come on, he’s not that bad-”
            Kirishima reaches across Hitoshi's back again, “Bakugou, that’s so not manly.” The blond catches his hand with an eye roll.
            “Shut up, Shitty Hair.”
            “Wait-” Sero sets his chopsticks down, turning his body to face Mina. “You said a couple of people. Who’s the other guy?”
            The pink-haired girl struggles to not laugh, attempting to keep a serious look on her face. “Aoyama.”
            Hitoshi stares at her. Blink, blink. Before he smirks, pointing his chopsticks at her accusingly. “Now I know you’re bullshitting.” She breaks, laughing loudly. “What makes you think blondes are my type, anyway?” 
            “Your dad.”
            “Pfft-” Bakugou fails to bite back a snicker, Denki shakes his head with a smile. "I'm sorry-?" Hitoshi cuts himself off.
            “No no no, hear me out. You basically are a miniature version of Aizawa Sensei physically, and the only one you’ve willingly hung out with so far is Kami,” She nods her head toward Denki. “So I assumed taste runs in the family.”
            “That is the worst excuse in existence, Pinkie!” Bakugou calls her out, provoking a rather playful argument between the two of them.
            Meanwhile, Denki shakes his head. Hitoshi eyes her curiously, but the blond shrugs, a smile tattooed on his face. But that smile only lasts for a few seconds until he looks past Hitoshi. A few tables down, Kyouka sat with Momo, and she was looking over at them. 
            She looks frustrated. 
            His smile falls when she gets up from her seat and storms out, Momo calling after her before following. The table falls silent, and all eyes go to Denki, who looks to be at a loss. 
            Surprisingly, it’s Bakugou who asks. “What the hell’s been up with you two lately?” Mina nodded, also curious. 
            Unfortunately, all he can do is shrug and shake his head. He notices the frown on Hitoshi’s face when he does. He’s more confused now than ever. The only thing that felt right at the time was to get up and follow after her.
Denki could sense another fight on the rise, but he was hopeful for the opposite. He and Kyouka were in her room, his text book open on his left, a pad of paper in his lap and a pen in his hand, revising a portion of the extra homework Ectoplasm had given him; he was hoping to get this done tonight for his tutoring session with Aizawa the next day. Meanwhile, she sat at her desk, hunched over when writing something down, occasionally tapping her pen against the top of her desk. They worked in silence, but it wasn’t the peaceful silence he had gotten used to.             Last night at the ramen shop felt intense. And as expected, she refused to speak to him when he went after her. Momo had told him to go back inside, and at first he had refused. But given that Kyouka wouldn’t even look at him (she didn’t have to look at him, he knew there were tears in her eyes, most likely caused by him), he felt as if he had no choice but to follow Momo’s orders.             Whatever was going on between him and Kyouka was not going to end well, he was coming to terms with that. And that realization has been making him anxious. He doesn’t understand what he’s done wrong. And he doesn’t want to lose her.
            Kyouka’s tapping comes to a halt, and he can hear her spin her chair around to look at him. He looks over, noting how she was twirling her earjacks with her fingers. “So…” She trails off.
            Denki sits up straight, setting aside his notepad before turning his body to face her completely. “So?”
            “Uh… You and Hitoshi.”
            He looks confused. “Yeah?”
            “What’s going on there? You’re spending an awful lot of time with him lately… It’s kind of weird.”
            “Weird how?” He tries to keep his voice even, hoping that if he does, he won’t start a fight based on the tone of his voice alone. “We’re just friends.”
            She scoffs, and he bites back a wince. “Just friends, huh? Friends don’t spend that much time together.” She tells him, standing up from her seat. 
            “He’s new, Kyouka-”
            “He’s been in our class for weeks now.”
            “So he doesn’t need you to baby him. To hold his hand when he’s talking to people.” 
            Something in him clicked. He doesn’t know what made it click, her voice, her words, the look of daggers in her eyes whenever she spoke about their classmate, which he now noticed was there whenever someone brought up Hitoshi’s name. 
            “You… You’re jealous.” It wasn’t a question. But when she doesn’t open her mouth to tell him he’s wrong, something snaps. “That’s what this has been about? Because I’ve been hanging out with my friend? How is that different than when I’m around Sero or Mina?”
            “Friends don’t act the way you two do-”
            “What way?”
            “Like it’s just the two of you in the room.” Denki goes quiet. But doesn’t stop himself from staring at her in disbelief. “And I’m not the only one who’s seen it. Hagakure-”
            “Are you fucking kidding me?” Denki rarely swore when he was being serious. The times he does swear are mostly playful. The times where it’s not is when he’s really upset. “Don’t get me wrong, Hagakure is a nice girl, but she is a gossip, Kyouka.”
            “She may be a gossip, but she doesn’t lie, Denki.”
            “Well then allow me to put the gossip and rumors to rest. There’s nothing going on between me and Hitoshi.” He stands up from the bed, arms crossed her his chest. “He’s my friend. That’s it.”
            Kyouka mimics him, arms crossing over her chest while shaking her head. “I don’t believe you.”
            “Then can I ask you something?” She’s hesitant, but nods, “Do you think I’m cheating on you?”
            “Of course not!” Her eyes widened with horror, shaking her head again. “No, I know you wouldn’t do that. You’re not like that-”
            “Then why are you jealous of how much time I spend with him?”
            “I don’t know, alright?” She shouts, and the room falls silent.
            And all he can do is stare. There are tears in her eyes again, just like the other night. Kyouka is frustrated, and he can’t tell if that frustration is toward him or herself. He hopes it’s neither.
            “I… I can’t do this anymore.” 
            Her voice was so quiet, Denki almost didn’t hear her. But he felt his heart stop when he did. “What?”
            Kyouka breathes out, her breath is shaky and her eyes are trained on everything else but him. “I- I know in the back of my mind that there’s nothing going on between the two of you. I do. And I know he’s your friend, Denki. But I can’t shake this feeling I get whenever I see you talking to him, and last night at the restaurant only proved that.”
            Denki’s arms feel heavy, and they drop to his sides. “Kyouka-”
            She finally looks at him with teary eyes, and he feels his heart clench in his chest. “I care about you, Denki. And I don’t want you to feel like you have to choose me over everyone, and right now that’s how I feel like I’m coming off as. And I don’t know why I’m thinking like this or what’s wrong with me-”
            “Nothing is wrong with you, Kyouka.” He steps forward. “I… I don’t think there could ever be something wrong with you.” 
            “Considering how I’ve been acting these past few weeks, I’d say otherwise.” She lets out a breathy laugh. "It just doesn't feel the same as when I see you with the others. I'm used to Mina and Sero being flirty with you because they're like that with everyone. Kirishima clearly likes Bakugou, and Bakugou is... Well, Bakugou." She pauses for a minute, and he sees more tears collecting in her eyes. “I’m sorry-” 
He cuts her off, pulling her into a hug. His lanky limbs wrap around her to
            He cuts her off, pulling her into a hug. His lanky limbs wrap around her torso and pull her closer to him, his head buried into the crook of her neck. He can feel her forehead laying against his shoulder, the vibration of her body as she cries quietly. 
   ��        Denki’s arms tightened around her, feeling tears sting in his eyes. “I’m sorry too.”
            They don’t let go of each other right away. Because they know that once he walks out of her room tonight, they will be over. That the next time they see each other, they’ll be exes. 
            This wasn’t supposed to happen.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Heyooo, ya gurl's back!
》Post-War Arc mha spoilers《
Since Aizawa and a bunch of other heros have officially retired, what do you think that he does in his past time? More specifically, do you think he'd get into a relationship?
I feel like Present Mic would push him soooooooooo much, but not as much due ti how much they lost-
Ikkk this js cliche, but what if he meets up with skmeone at a cafe. And becomes a regular JUST to talk to her?? 😏😏
omg hi! I loved this idea so so so so much and I am so sorry that this took so long!!! i really hope I did well! thank you so much for the request lovely, i love getting requests from you!!!
You Deserve Love - Shota Aizawa
Pairing - Shota Aizawa x reader
Word Count - 1,107
Notes - again, i am super sorry that this took so long, but i had a lot of fun writing it, ive just been super busy lately. thanks again for the request and I hope you have an awesome day, lovely!!! <3333
ALSO I HAVE GREAT NEWS! REQUESTS ARE BACK OPEN!!!!!! YAY!! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
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“Dude, I still don't get why you won't even try to get into dating.” Mic slumped down on the couch in his and Aizawa’s shared office. “Mic,” Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose and turned to Hizashi. “I can barely move in my state. I'm still trying to get used to the prosthetic leg. Plus, Eri told me I look like a pirate yesterday. Let’s just say my confidence isn't exactly through the roof right now.” “But Shota, YOU’RE HOT!” “Thanks Mic.” Aizawa giggled softly and stood up, still limping to get over to the couch where he sat next to Mic. “I bet if you went out in public right now, women would be fawning over you. And that mysterious manly thing you got goin’ on.” Aizawa just giggled and slumped on the couch face first, groaning into a pillow. “What’s wrong, Shota?” Aizawa pulled his face away from the pillow and looked up at Mic, whose head was tilted and he had a concerned look in his eye.
“Okay,” Aizawa sat up and hugged the pillow he groaned into earlier. “Look, I really want to get into dating. I do. It's just… I don't really feel like the guy I did three weeks ago. This whole eye thing is super sudden and I can't even walk around normally. I'm not a hero anymore, Mic. I had to retire.” “So? That just gives you more time to get yourself out there. Hang out with the ladies.” Mic nudged Aizawa and raised his eyebrows. “Sure Mic, whatever you say.”
Mic didn't understand. He had three jobs and he was still allowed to be a hero. All while Aizawa sat at home by himself and watched the time tick by. It wasn't fair. He knew it was childish to think that way, but it wasn't. He wanted, more than anything, to be fighting. He wanted to be helping. He didn't want to be useless. But all he could do was wait for Mic to leave and slowly, but surely, make it way over to his favorite coffee shop.
Aizawa had been going to this coffee shop ever since he got his injuries. It had finally given him the time to relax, even if he didn't want it. Plus, the coffee was good.
“Morning Eraserhead!” You ran up to the counter with a bright smile on your face cleaning a cup. “So, wanna be adventurous today or just the usual.” Aizawa smiled softly at you. “Give me your favorite.” Your smile somehow got even brighter as you ran off to make your favorite coffee.
Aizawa didn't want to admit it, but you were really the reason that he kept coming to that coffee shop. You brightened his depressing life. You always smiled and had something nice to say to him. Plus you were a good listener and were willing to spend your entire break just talking to him. He was very thankful to you. Without you, he would probably be in an even deeper hole and just a pit of sadness.
“Okay, here’s my favorite drink. Tell me what you think, Eraserhead. It's not for everyone, but I think you might like it.” You watched with a smile as Aizawa took a drink, thinking it over for a couple of seconds. “Hm…” You tilted your head and looked at the drink. “What do you mean, ‘hm’?” “Hm…” Aizawa put his hand on his chin and thought for a moment. “Shota, what do you mean, ‘hm’?!” You grabbed the drink and took a sip and thought it over for a second yourself. You looked over at Aizawa to see him with a shit eating grin, making you giggle. “You were just playing with me, weren't you, Shota?!” He smiled and grabbed the cup back from you, taking a long sip with a smile on his face. “This is really good. No wonder you like it so much.”
Aizawa kept denying that he was falling in love. He didn't deserve someone like you. You were this ball of sunshine that was always there for him, but he was nothing. He couldn't even call himself a hero anymore. Now he was just… Shota. Shota Aizawa. He didn't want to fall in love. He wasn't allowed to anymore.
“What do you mean you’re ‘not allowed to fall in love’? Sure you are. Everyone is.” You hung up your apron and sat next to Aizawa. “Look, I'm not Eraserhead anymore. Sure, it's flattering that you still call me that, but I just feel like I don't deserve anyone anymore. Not even my roommate and I've known him since high school.” “Who’s your roommate?” You took a bite out of an old stale croissant that’s been sitting in the cabinet since that morning. “Present Mic.” “Oh shit! Really?!” Aizawa giggled. “Yeah. Pretty funny, huh?” “Yeah. I knew that you knew Hizashi, but I didn't know you knew him for that long.” “Oh, so you’re on a first name basis?” You giggled, holding your coffee in between your hands that were covered by your sweater sleeves. “Yeah, he's a regular here too.” “Oh, gotcha.”
His heart sank. Of course Mic was a regular. Aizawa wasn't the only one you talked to. You were nice because you had to be.
“And don't think you can avoid that whole ‘I'm not allowed to fall in love’ thing, Shota.” “Oh, you’re back on that?” You giggled and nodded, taking a sip of your drink. “Fall in love with whoever you want, Shota. It might take a while, but…” You sighed and looked down at your hands that were shaking. “Can I be honest, Aizawa?” “S-Sure.” He could feel himself beginning to shake. He knew what you were about to say. You were going to tell him that he should give up. That you didn't care about him. That- “I really like you, Shota. I… uh… want a little more than our coffee dates… I just… Do you wanna go somewhere nice for dinner, Sho?” You looked up at Aizawa, whose mouth was gaping open. You giggled. “What?” “Y-You wanna go on a date with me?” You nodded and grabbed Aizawa’s hand. “You deserve the most love right now, Eraserhead. So please let me show you that love.” Aizawa could feel himself tearing up, but he had to hold it back. “I-I would love to go on a date.” “Great!” You smiled and checked your watch. “Well, I gotta get back to work, Sho. I can't wait for our date.” You pressed a small kiss on his cheek and ran back behind the counter.
Maybe Aizawa did deserve love.
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asimplefairfolk · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers <3
eris byrne (can i list my own oc? she's silly and i laurveeee her)
strawberry banana smoothies from one very specific cafe
the existence of ibuprofen. god bless in these dreadful times (have the flu)
the ever-nearing summertime and the sunshine that's finally out
all my lauvely friends and mutuals
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olympied · 2 months
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the others might have had their offers all planned out, but not lucifer. he couldn't give anything from the camp because he didn't have anything. he thought about killing a lamb and then spreading the blood on his door, but surely greyson and davon would have some words with him. he thought long and hard about eris. what she could've possibly wanted and what she would've enjoyed seeing.
that's when he decided to go to a small trip on his way home and pay a visit to his family again. he wore all black, contrary to the light bringer title that someone adorned him with, and tracked down someone from his past. his father, for all intent and purposes. the man had no blood relation to him at all, but the sentiment was still there. the man that turned his back on his wife, the love of his life, because she went out to get what he couldn't give her. lucifer's birth was the start of their downfall. it was the golden apple that was given in that wedding. he was what broke the camel's back and he was there to finish the job.
while trying to blend in with the crowd, he made sure to stay as far away as his mother told him. five people behind when walking and if they were on the road, at least one car behind him at all times. luckily, in a city like manhattan, they didn't need to get into any cars. his sacrifice started simple. first it was in a cafe. the man was having lunch with someone that wasn't his wife and seemed to be enjoying himself. with a wave of chaos magic being jolted his way, the coca cola on the table exploded as he leaned in to take a sip and blasted all over his face. ahh yes, the sweet revenge finally had started.
lucifer did something similar throughout the whole day while he followed his alleged father around. he made everything around him extremely chaotic and cause him to trip on his own shoelaces or the ground beneath him to shake a little bit. apparently there was an earthquake that was felt on the east coast, 4.8 with an epicenter in new jersey. he gathered all of that wild energy to promote good luck to himself. precisely 3 minutes after the ground shook,
like the thorn in the man's side, he was always there to make sure that chaotic and random things happened here and there. he was going to annoy him until he couldn't anymore.
another chaotic surge sparked from his hands and he honestly didn't know what was going to happen (84 on the chaotic surge table). when he was following the man up a flight of stairs, his magic manifested into necrotic damage and harmed him for 7 points total. how telling for what was to come next.
lucifer's madness was always quiet until he was around people that could really bring it out in him. his head was going crazy the whole day and he was starting to see red, but everyone he passed just saw a handsome man walking down the street with a smile on his face. his thoughts were twisting and turning and he never knew what was going to come next. up until that necrotic damage. he knew exactly what he should do. not only to appease eris, but to also appease someone else.
the light bringer went out into the roof with the other and took out his dagger. "hi daddy." his voice was soft, betraying the rage and madness that he felt with him. "did ya miss me?" his brows perked up as he approached the man, finally showing his face in the light when he took his hood off. he didn't give him time to answer either. he ran the knife into heart. he twisted it and then stabbed him twelve more times. technically he didn't count, it was just the random number he had landed on.
finally, with his father's lifeless body pooling in blood, he was able to make his offer to eris. "eris, i send this soul to you as a personification of the strife you cause in people's lives. my birth was their destruction, his hell, and i made him feel insane throughout the day just to get him ready for you. i hope that you enjoy a new victim to play with." he got up on the body and punched him a couple of times too. that was just for him. even if he bruised his knuckles in the process, he wanted to finally feel what that was like.
"i'm sure you have access to the underworld. enjoy the soul." watching someone take their last breath, their heart stop beating, felt very similar to someone special in his life. eris was jealous by all accounts he had read, but in that moment a certain child of death crossed his mind too. obviously he wasn't sending him an offer when he could just knock on his cabin door, but their connection was always with him.
lucifer thought about the other for a second and his mind became a little bit more clear. like an invisible string connecting him to camp, he realized that his mother was a door into his madness, but the person he cared about was his safety net. that twisted the light bringer inside, but it was what was able to get him back up on his feet and start heading back to camp.
along the way there he realized something. eris was his connection to camp. she was his source of strength, his mother, the reason why he was here. his dark prince on the other hand was the reason he kept coming back. he was another form of strength, coming in the sense of sanity. he was able to fully give into his powers, go as far as to kill someone. eris was a well of madness that he could dip his hands into and the other was his home, what brought him back and made sure he never went too far.
his father's lifeless body was a gift for eris, but the clarity he gained after was a gift for himself.
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