#enya the hag
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ellery-six · 1 year ago
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Context not included 🙂 Enya having an extreme senior’s moment 😆
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edgy-ella · 5 months ago
Do you think Dio’s followers would even recognize him if he rolled out of bed one morning wearing sweatpants and a baggy t shirt
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whoishotteranimepolls · 7 months ago
"Who's Hotter?" Gmilf Battle
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cornsarts · 4 months ago
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A tribute to the queen
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moth-yea · 5 months ago
Been on the jojowiki recently and I keep reading enya's full government name as Enya the Fag instead of Enya the Hag help me
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Of course DIO's thot manor is dusty and full of cobwebs: his butler is a gamer.
Enya the Hag probably has to get rid of the empty pizza boxes and the piss bottles for them
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tomboyjessie13 · 4 months ago
~Tales in the dark Rain~ Prologue
Giza Cafe - The Pyramids August, Afternoon
It was a regular summer afternoon in Egypt's capital, the great pyramids and the Sphinx stand tall over the desert sand, there was also a desert cafe stationed by them full of alcohol, hookas, and of course gambling, the latter being illegal in the country.
But the owner, Daniel J. D'Arby doesn't care, he was a gambling addict and one of DIO's top 3 money launderers next to Madam Sharona and Murphy, he'll keep playing no matter what. But not today however, because while was working at the bar as the radio plays...
J. D'Arby: *Cleaning the glasses at the bar*...... *Suddenly felt a chill and started shivering* Brrr... That's odd, why is there a cold breeze in the middle of summer?... *Sees the clouds forming* Hm?
Radio: *Switches from the music channel to loud beeps from Egypt's EAS*
Everyone in the cafe: *Turns their attention to the radio*
Radio: *Then a woman on the radio spoke:* We interrupt this program to announce that our Meteorologists had discovered that a severe storm that's been affecting Greece and Turkey since yestarday has made it's way to Egypt, and will hit coastal cities up north such as Alexandria.
Eris' Apartment - Downtown Cairo
Meanwhile in downtown, Eris was in the middle of feeding her pet boa snake Bonnie in her witchcrafting room when she heard the weather announcement on her TV.
TV: We've also been informed that this storm is big enough to reach in land and create strong winds that have the potential to stir up sand storms in the desert, and it will hit cities southward such as Suez and Cairo.
Eris: *Calmly puts her snake back in the terrarium and goes to grab a potion bottle filled with green liquid from her mini fridge, the tag reads: "Needs thunderbolt and blast of wind"* Finally, one of my potions will be complete. *Opens bottle and puts it on an open window sill before going to water her plants*
Airport lobby - International Cairo Airport
Meanwhile at the Airport, Midler had just stepped out of one of the gates connected to her plane alongside a bunch of disgruntled travelers, suitcase in hand and irritation on her face.
Midler: *Irritated* I can't believe they cancelled my flight! I got a mission to get to! *She then sees the TV in the lobby, playing the news*
TV: Do not be alarmed, just prepare for potential floods, power outages, and cancelled flights, bring in as many animals as you can, and drive slowly when out on the road.
Mider: Ugh! Stupid weather! *Sighs* Oh well, I'll just hang around for a bit, hopefully Lord DIO would be understanding. *Leaves the building and starts waving at the street* Yoohoo! Taxi!
Giza Cafe - The Pyramids
Radio: Thank you for your time, and be safe out there.*Does more loud beeps before playing music again, thus ending the EAS*
J. D'Arby: Huh, well that explains a lot. *Turns off the radio, turns to his remaining costumers* Alright ya'll, you heard the lady, there's a nasty sand storm coming so we're gonna to be closed for a while until further notice, everybody go home.
Costumers: *They do as he says, some understanding, others begrudgingly*
J. D'Arby: *To his bartender* Help me close up shop, will ya? I don't want my wares being damaged by the storm. *Goes to put the tables and chairs away with his Stand* 
Bartender: Yes sir. *Starts putting away the beverages and hookahs into a safer spot*
Khan el-Khalili - Islamic Cairo
In the Bazaar, Oingo and his little brother Boingo were browsing through the many shops of the labyrinth looking for someone, Oingo walked out of one of the buildings.
Boingo: Is he in?
Oingo: No, this Muhammad Avdol guy still isn't here, and I can't find his passport or suitcase either, I think he left Egypt entirely.
Boingo: I was afraid of that, Mr. DIO's not going to be happy about this. *Reads [Thoth]* Huh?
Oingo: *Rubs back of neck* Tell me about it, guess we can kiss this month's rent money goodbye...*Chills* Brrr, why is it getting cold?
Boingo: I think I know why, big bro. *Shows him the prediction from [Thoth]* A sand storm's coming to Cairo any minute now.
Oingo: *Shocked* Oh shit! Come on we gotta get outta here. *He picks up his Boingo and starts running in the direction of the mansion as thunder begins clapping from the distance*
D'Arby’s game room, DIO's Mansion
It has been a few days since Kakyoin was taken in by DIO, his wounds have recovered nicely, but the "skin tag" on his forehead was giving Medea the creeps. Regardless though, she really enjoys the boy's company, even moreso when watching him and D'Arby duking it out on "Street Fighter" in the latter's basement(which is now taking the form of an Kyoto Imperial Palace)
Kakyoin: *Making some sick combos as Ryu*
T. D'Arby: *Dodges them as Zangief before going for another strike* I must admit, Kakyoin, you are an impressive fighter. 
Kakyoin: What can I say? I've done a lot of practice with my Stand as a gaming partner.
T. D'Arby: I can see that... if we're betting souls instead of playing casually, then yours would make a-
Medea: *Irritated* D'ARBY! Don't even think about it! 
T. D'Arby: It was hypothetical. <_<
Kakyoin: I do not appreciate being objectified like that, D'Arby. >_>
T. D'Arby: Really? Well do you appreciate me destroying you with these sick combos? *Makes the aforementioned combos that kills Ryu* 
Kakyoin: *Shocked* What!?
T. D'Arby: I win >:-3 
Medea: Hey no fair, you distracted him! 
T. D'Arby: I distract no one, he did that himself.
Medea: That's it. *Takes the controller from the third chair* Move over, Kakyoin, I'm about to kick his ass with Chun Li.
T. D'Arby: *Nosebleeds a little* Chun Li, who can resist such a beauty with strapping thighs? ~<3
Kakyoin: *Looks at him in disgust* 
Medea: *Also disgusted* Pervert. *Starts the game, but just as she did, the lights started flickering*
Kakyoin: *Looks up* Hm?
T. D'Arby: May the best player win, King.
Medea: Ditto.
Medea and T. D'Arby: *Starts duking it out* 
Kakyoin: *Sees the lights flickering again* Uh guys, I think there's something wrong with the-
Kakyoin: Lights.
T. D'Arby: *Panics* No...No no! *Starts shaking his TV* NO! NOOOOOO!
Medea: Dude, chill the fuck out! Something must've happened that caused a black out. *Whistles* Yo Kenny!
Kenny G: *Appears from the crawl space* Yeah?
Medea: What's going on out there?
Front door A few seconds later
Everyone was staring out into the blustering weather at the door, it was already raining and yellow from the dust, causing Pet Shop to take cover in the trees.
T. D'Arby: *Shocked* A dust storm!? In the middle of summer!?
Enyaba: *Calm* I got a call from your brother just before the power outage, he told me that the downpour that's been affecting Turkey and Greece recently has made its way to Northern Egypt, it's big enough to reach as far as Cairo, thus causing this dust storm. The wind is also strong enough to knock out the worn-out power lines in several poor neighborhoods, *points at one that's been tipped over by the wind* including ours.
Vanilla Ice: So we have no power? 
Enyaba: I'm afraid so.
T. D'Arby: *Devastated* NOOOOOOOOO! *Fell on his knees* My Street Fighteeeeeeer! TToTT
Vanilla Ice: *Flat* Take it easy, it's just a game. <_<
Medea: Well, that's bogus, but I'm not really surprised. Islamic Cairo's one of the oldest and poorest areas in the city that suffers from neglect and decay despite its rich history, also doesn't help that Lord DIO's Vampiric vibes scared away the tourists, it was only a matter of time before things started falling apart.
Kakyoin: Indeed, it is quite sad.
Enyaba: *Enters inside* We'll mourn for the lost of it's historical value later, but right now we gotta figure out how to save the food in the refrigerator, without power, they'll spoil.
Kenny G: *Counting his fingers as he follows her* The non-refrigerated goods are probably ok, but the produce and frozen waffles are going to need an ice cooler.
Midler: *Outside the gates* HEY! LET ME IN! 
Medea: What the? Rose, is that you!?
Midler: Yeah, it's me! Now let me in! 
Medea: *Grabs an umbrella, goes out into the rain, and opens the gate* I thought you were heading for Scotland.
Midler: *Goes under the umbrella and walks with her* I was, but my flight got canceled at the last minute because of this stupid weather.
Medea: Yeesh, that sucks. *To T. D'Arby* Hey Telence, if you're done sulking, how about grabbing some towels from the bathroom?
T. D'Arby: *Gets up while sniffling* Of course. TT^TT *Goes*
Medea: *Turns and sees Oingo running to the mansion with Boingo in toll, now soaking wet from the rain* Hm? Oh my god! 
Oingo: *Panting* Hah! hah! hah! hah! Thanks for leaving the gates open, hah! hah! hah! 
Midler: You two are soaking wet. 
Boingo: *Shivering* W-w-w-we got c-c-c-c-c-caught up while l-l-l-l-ooking for A-A-A-Avdol.
Medea: The Magician? No luck finding him?
Oingo: *Walks inside* No, I think he ran off for good, I can't find his passport.
Midler: Aw, too bad, I was looking forward to having another cute face around~
Medea and Kakyoin: *Looks at her weirdly* >_> <_<
Kakyoin: *Hearing this* Is that a horse?
Midler: *Sees Hol Horse trotting to the mansion on his horse, another person seems to be holding onto him* Hey, Hol Horse~
Hol Horse: *Stops his steed* Howdy, ladies. Hope you don't mind me camping out here for a bit.
Medea: I supposed since everyone else is doing it, but I don't think DIO would appreciate you having a live horse in the mansion.
Hol Horse: Don't worry, I brought a sun shelter for that. *Gets off and starts setting up the sun shelter* By the way, I found this little guy hiding in a mosque from the rain, he claims that he's acquainted with Enyaba and needed to see her.
???: *He slowly got off the horse as he shivered, he has short pink hair, brown eyes, and freckles*
Medea: *Worried* Hey, are you ok, kid?
???: *Shivering* Y-yeah, just wasn't e-e-expecting r-r-rain.
Kakyoin: *Shrugs* Summer rain, you can never predict them.
Oingo: *Nodding*
Enyaba: *Returns* Oh, we got company? *Sees Hol Horse* Well hello there, Hol Horse. How's my son doing?
Hol Horse: *Feigning kindness* Oh he's uh alright, he wanted to hang back for a bit, so I'm left to fend for myself for a while. But he told me to say "hi" to you.
Enyaba: *Happy* Oh my sweet baby~ ^3^
Everyone but Kakyoin and the pink haired kid: *Gave a look of disgust*
Kakyoin and ???: *Looks on in confusion*
Enyaba: *Sees the pink haired kid* Hm? Why if it isn't Mr. Doppio! I was expecting you today!
Doppio: *Smiles* Buongiorno, Signora. It's great doing business with you aga-*Sneezes* Mi scusi.
T. D'Arby: *Returns with the towels* Here TT^TT *Gives one to Doppio*
Enyaba: Come, come, Lord DIO is expecting your visit. *She leaves for the upper floors*
Doppio: *Drying himself off* Of course, *To T.D'Arby* grazie. *Follows Enyaba*
Oingo: *Whispers to Medea as he dries off* That Italian kid works for the guy who gave Enyaba the Stand arrows.
Medea: *Nodding* Ooooh.
Sorry for being very late, I kind of developed a writer's block because of the events that happened this November that caused me to procrastinate. But it's finally done.
BTW, the dust storm here was inspired by a real dust storm that happened my hometown recently on November 11th.
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samaeljigoku · 1 year ago
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JoJo x The Mighty Boosh, plus a bonus sketch! "Elements of the past and the future, combining to make something not quite as good as either!"
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tomboyjessie13-artblog · 5 months ago
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This was something that I had been thinking about for quite a while and drew out at Program on Thursday and finished on Saturday morning at 6 AM.
It would've been done on a Friday night, but I got distracted by my little sister playing "Catherine: Full Body" after buying it, as well as going to the edit this several times in order to make it look good lol
That being said, this is what I would imagine what would happen if Medea got her own OVA as mentioned in this post I made 6 months ago: Link
It would play out like an episodic series similar to the "Stardust Crusaders OVAs" and "Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan", and it's all retold in flashbacks from the perspective of an older Medea in a similar vain to "Persona 5", hence why we have Part 6!Medea up there.
Synopsis: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shortly after her daughter was framed and arrested for arson in 2011, Medea sought out the Speedwagon foundation for assistance, there the foundation's agents asked that she recount her experience with DIO and his gaggle of Stand users during her yearlong stay in Egypt.
She proceeds to tell them of what had happened in 1988 as requested, the following events took place a year before the events of "Stardust Crusaders".
The story's genre is: Action, Supernatural, Drama, Horror, Crime, Tragedy, Psychological
Opening theme: "Suna no Wakusei" by Kenshi Yonezu feat. Hatsune Miku
Ending theme: "Drive" by The Cars
BTW that drawing of Midler is fanmade and was founded on Pinterest without a link to the artist, if anyone here knows who the artist is, please let me know so I can give proper credit. The other images are founded on Jojo Encyclopedia, and Medea King and Eris Raitt belong to me
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whos-hotter-jjba · 11 months ago
Preliminary Match 26 - Hottest JoJo Character Bracket
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defnotkanyewest · 9 months ago
Good Stands with Bad Users
1.Okuyasu, The Hand
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Pretty self explanatory tbh, one of the strongest stands in the series but he's an idiot
2.Enyaba, Justice
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Doesn't seem like that powerful of a stand until you realize its literally a one shot stand lmao all she has to do is hit her opponent once and they're done and she only managed to beat an unsuspecting Polnareff
3.Alessi, Sethan
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This is even worse than Enyaba because its not even one shot it can still be used without touching the actual person and yet he still lost to 2 children because he's a sadist and dumb
4.Dio, Hermit Purple
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Not sure if this is a case of him being a bad user or if Araki just changed his mind about it but regardless he's the only person in the entire series (up to where I am rn) that has 2 stands and despite that he's completely disregarded hermit purple even knowing how useful it is
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ellery-six · 10 months ago
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The mother of all muck-ups😬 Lol Polnareff is always super extra and entertaining - my favourite dummy 😍
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vadymxarsioxska · 1 year ago
Majorina and Anya ! ! ! :3
And finally a drawing lmao ! !
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They're literally the same;
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They look so girlboss in they'r disguise/ultimate form RAHHH
I had this shi blasted into my ears while drawing it , literally.
bay Bay yall ( @67andreaxoxo @sk3pt1cal // )
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oldhagtournament · 1 year ago
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Propaganda under the cut
evil old hag. has two left hands. can see the future or some shit and made all the stand bullshit possible in the first place. she was only there for one part but left a lasting impact
made jotaro act like columbo for one scene only ever. this should have happened more
shes called enya the hag
I like her old lady swag
If you haven't noticed I've never seen Cats or anything Cats related but i got a 2 hour long video essay on it reccommended to me on youtube and I think she's cool and has unexplained trauma and deserves love. Also her outfit slaps so hard.
she is SO OLD and SO SAD. everyone fucking hates her. she used to be a starlet and foresook everyone in her life to chase stardom, leaving her bereft of companionship in her old age. also at the end she does get picked to go to. well it's unclear but she gets to meet god and be reincarnated
yeah she's got 2 whole songs of propaganda -Grizabella the Glamour Cat (song sung by other cats about how Grizz sucks and should Just Die Already) -Memory (song sung by her about how sad she is but she refuses to give up until she has proven she can be loved again) (the betty buckley version is my fave)
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hanoko-wadana · 1 year ago
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My Enya Jojo cosplay. For sure this was my most hilarious cosplay experience X)
Amazing photos by @luca_sunly (insta) !
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vassalor · 2 years ago
Top 5 good but underappreciated stands
5. The Fool (Iggy)
4. Heavens Door (Rohan)
3. Death 13 (Mannish baby)
2. Justice (Enya)
1. Metallica (Rizotto)
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