#erica reyes imagine
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andreafmn ¡ 23 days ago
Keep You Safe | Chapter 1
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Word Count: 3.2K
Summary: After Laura Hale seemingly vanishes, Derek Hale returns to Beacon Hills to investigate his sister’s disappearance and what called her back home, leaving his younger sister, (Y/N) Hale, in New York waiting for further instruction. But when a month has passed, and she hasn’t heard anything new, (Y/N) packs up what little they have in the Big Apple and heads to sunny California in search of her siblings. Going back to the place where she lost everything is harder than she could ever imagine, yet there are people she will meet that will make the heartache all worth it. Will (Y/N) be able to open herself to love after meeting the elusive Erica Reyes? Or will the pain of her past put her in more danger than she can handle?
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Loneliness was something (Y/N) Hale knew too much about. 
The only thing she knew more about was loss. At just ten years old, she had suffered the loss of almost her entire family. In the blink of an eye, she became an orphan and the youngest of the Hale siblings to survive the house fire.
The girl had watched with her very eyes the way everything she knew ignited in red-hot flames. Unlike her two oldest siblings, she and Cora were home since they weren’t the biggest fans of after-school activities. They would always joke about how they already spent eight hours there; why would they voluntarily sign up for more? She would have never thought she would yearn to be stuck at school playing basketball or volleyball. Hell, she would have even settled for chess. 
She should have seen the attack coming. What good were her werewolf abilities if she didn’t make use of them? Granted, the girl had not thought she would be close to death that night. 
(Y/N) was in her room, headphones on and her music blasting to shut off the sounds of the world. It was something she did regularly, especially when her mother had people over. She would have never imagined she would hate music more than that night. With her nose stuck in a book and a song screaming in her ears, she didn’t know what was happening right below her. 
Suddenly, the air felt thicker. As though she was having an allergic reaction, she couldn’t breathe right. Her lungs constricted, and her throat felt like it was closing. But it wasn’t until she saw the thick smoke and smelled fire that she knew something was truly wrong. When she ripped the headphones from her ears, she heard a sound she would never forget—her family screaming and crying, begging for help. 
But it didn’t matter how much she wanted to help. Her vision blurred, and her breathing was staggered. Wolfsbane was in the air, that much she knew to be true, and it was impairing her every move. The girl stumbled onto the floor, landing with a loud thud as she fell from her bed. She dragged herself across the wooden floor, feeling heat seeping through from the first floor. She had to get out, but she didn’t know how. With the poisoned air running through her body, (Y/N) didn’t know how she would make it out of the house in time, if she even could. 
Slowly, she heard less and less screams from under her, and fear flowed through her body like it belonged there. She wanted to scream, call out for her mother to help her, but no sound left her mouth. Her eyelids were growing heavy as sleep threatened to overtake her. And maybe if she gave in, death would hurt a lot less. All she had to do was give in. 
Yet, someone would not let her. 
(Y/N) felt herself being jostled awake. She had collapsed just at the edge of the staircase, reaching out to salvation. But she didn't remember ever closing her eyes. When she awoke, she couldn’t hear any more screams, only the sounds of the flames eating everything in their path. 
“Come on, (Y/N),” she heard a voice say. “We gotta get you out, kid.” 
“U-uncle Peter?” the girl croaked as her eyes finally focused enough to make out his face. “You g-gotta go.” 
“We have to go,” Peter said. “Come on, just hold on to me, kid.” 
The girl wrapped her arms around her uncle’s, allowing him to lift her off the ground and shield her from the fire. She nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck, breathing in the scent of familiarity and ash that coated his skin. The girl didn’t dare to lift her gaze from Peter’s neck, scared to face what was left of her childhood home. She knew they had reached the basement when the smell of burned bodies reached her, making her stomach turn and bile rise through her throat. 
“Don’t open your eyes, (Y/N),” her uncle whispered as he cradled her head closer to him. “We’re almost out.”
But she couldn’t help herself. In the midst of the roaring flames, all she could see were bodies upon bodies scattered across her basement floor, being consumed by the fire that didn’t seem to want to stop. Finally, her eyes fell on the one person she thought would be with her for many more years. 
The brown eyes of her mother were burned into her memory. (Y/N) couldn’t tell if she was already dead or close to. But she was almost sure when her mother’s eyes fell on hers, they looked relieved. 
After that, she couldn’t remember a single thing.  
That night became the one constant nightmare she always had. No matter how a dream started, it would always end in the greatest disaster of her life. For some time, she forced herself awake, too scared to face what had happened. But as she grew, the need for answers kept her in the land of dreams. She tried to remember what happened after she looked into her mother’s eyes. Because of Derek, she knew she had somehow made it to the high school through the vault, but neither knew how she had gotten the burn on her arm and how it wasn’t worse. She couldn’t remember if she ever saw Cora, and she definitely did not remember how Peter made it out. Every night, (Y/N) would try to remember, and every night, she would wake with Talia’s eyes softening with relief. 
For almost seven years, it had always been the same dream—a locked memory she couldn’t decipher. It lived in her mind, taunting as it closed itself off as the years passed. Derek and Laura had tried to save her from her guilt. They moved to the other side of the country to put distance between themselves and the tragedy, but the feeling followed them wherever they went. 
(Y/N) couldn’t lie. Her years in New York had helped her resolve some of her emotions, allowing her to continue with her life without remaining stuck in the fire. Although, she did close herself off from others. People around her didn’t understand why she didn’t have the same pep for life as other girls her age. They didn’t understand why she had to grow up quickly or why she rarely wanted to speak about herself. The only people who understood were her siblings, and even they didn’t understand the full extent of her sorrow. 
The three Hale siblings became closer than ever, relying on each other for companionship and compassion. None of them spoke of Derek’s part in the fire, nor did they speak of the eldest’s shame for not being home, and much less about the youngest’s guilt for surviving the fire almost completely unscathed. They were all they had in the world, and they would make sure they never felt alone. 
Until Laura was lured back home. 
“Don’t go,” (Y/N) had pleaded as she followed her sister around their apartment. “I have a bad feeling about this, Lo. Don’t go back.” 
“I have to, (Y/N),” the woman smiled, wiping away a tear the girl hadn’t known she had shed. “Whoever is there is calling to me—to us. I have to check it out, kid.”
“Something feels off, Laura,” the girl cried. “What if something happens to you?” 
“Look, I’ll call you all the time,” Laura promised. “I’ll call you at the airport, when I check into my hotel, when I go to the house, and when I’m on my way back. If you feel uneasy, you can text me at any time.” 
“I’m an alpha, (Y/N),” she grinned, cradling her sister's face and kissing her forehead. “I can handle myself.” 
Just as she had promised, Laura called (Y/N) every second she could: when she arrived at the airport, then as she boarded the plane, when she landed in California, and when she arrived at Beacon Hills. There was another when she settled in the hotel and a last one that day when she was going to sleep. The girl was informed of every step her older sister took, and it eased her anxieties—well, minimized them, at the very least. 
The next morning, Laura received three calls. The first was when she had awoken, the next was when she was on her way to their childhood home, and the last was when she had arrived. The last words (Y/N) ever heard from her older sister were. “Love you. Be good.” At that moment, she hadn’t known they would be the last, and her joking “Love you, but I won’t” had felt right at the time. 
But when the older Hale did not call back after more than five hours had passed, (Y/N) knew something was wrong. She dialed her sister’s number over and over, hoping the next call would be the one she would answer. Yet, she didn’t pick up a single time, and a choking chill took over. 
“Derek,” she worried to her brother as night rolled around. “Something’s wrong.” 
“She’s been gone for less than two days, (Y/N),” Derek sighed as he put his book down. “I bet she’s just tired of being stuck on the phone. She’ll call when she can.” 
“Can you at least try and give her a ring? Maybe she’ll answer you.” 
“Fine,” he said. “If it’ll make you feel better.” 
With a roll of his eyes, Derek pulled his phone from his pocket, dialing his older sister’s number. (Y/N) had always been a worrier, and after the fire, it had only intensified. As intense as it could get at times, he always tried to assuage her concern. The last thing he wanted was for her to worry herself to death. He was sure that a few words from Laura and their little sister would be able to sleep soundly that night. 
But his expression fell when the call went directly to voicemail, Laura’s pre-recorded voice blaring in his ear. 
“What is it?” (Y/N) asked. “Is she alright?” 
“Uh, it went straight to voicemail.” Panic spread across (Y/N)’s face at his words, and he knew her mind was going to the darkest place possible. “Look, she’s probably somewhere without reception. Signal is always spotty in that part of the woods.”  
“What if…?” 
“Let’s just give her until the morning, okay?” he said as he wrapped his arms around her, trying his best to keep his own concern from overflowing hers. “We’ll call her tomorrow, and everything’s gonna be okay. Go to bed, (Y/N). You’ve got school in the morning.”  
But when morning came, Laura’s phone kept going straight to voicemail. Even after ten calls, no one picked up. Maybe (Y/N) did have grounds for concern. It wasn’t normal for Laura to go more than a few hours without contacting them. An entire day was completely out of the ordinary. The younger Hale had yet to wake up when Derek had begun his calls and texts, and he wasn’t planning on telling her the news just yet. 
Instead, he called Laura’s hotel, asking if she was still checked in and had returned to the room that night. Of course, the woman who answered went through the classic spiel of their inability to give out personal information. But with a quick mention that he would simply call the police, she was more than happy to say Laura was still registered as a guest at the hotel, and her card had not been used to open her door since the morning of the day before. And with a thank you and a goodbye, Derek hung up, even more panicked than before. 
Soon enough, he was on his computer looking up flights to California for the next day or so and thinking of how to tell his little sister that maybe her intuition had been right. 
“Morning, Derek,” (Y/N) groggily said as she entered the kitchen, sleep still clinging to her eyelids. “Did you call Laura yet?” 
“Uh, I did,” he chuckled dryly. “No answer just yet, but I’m sure she’s just tired, (Y/N). Why don’t you get ready for school, and we’ll call her together when you get back?” 
(Y/N) stopped dead in her tracks, gripping the fridge door with a tightness that dented the handle. “Something’s wrong, isn’t it?” she whispered. “Something happened to Laura.” 
“We can’t know for sure, (Y/N),” he offered. “Let’s just get you to school, and we’ll talk this afternoon.” 
“How am I supposed to be able to concentrate in school when I know something’s wrong? I can feel it, Derek. She should have never gone back home.”
“(Y/N), just try, please,” Derek sighed. “I’m gonna keep trying her phone and see if there’s anything I can find. But for the time being, just go be a kid. Please.” 
Of course, that was easier said than done. 
For six hours, all (Y/N) could think about was her sister. She had already lost so many people, and she couldn’t stand to lose one more. Her heart could not take another loss. 
From years in therapy, she had been told to quiet her mind when too many thoughts bombarded her. Anxiety could be a tricky mistress, and she’d often eat away at a person until nothing but a speeding heart was left. (Y/N)’s therapist had taught her the 3-3-3 rule—find three objects, listen to three sounds, and move three body parts. And it could work at times. But she had already found her notebook, her pencil, and her water bottle; she had listened to the teacher reading an excerpt of Crime and Punishment, the A/C unit above her, and the bird on the tree eighty feet away from her, and she had moved her neck, her arm, and her leg.  Still, the crippling concern remained carved in her mind. Something was seriously wrong; she could feel it deep in her bones. 
At two in the afternoon, everyone seemed to know she was desperate to get home. Her last teacher wouldn’t let them go even after the last bell. The foot traffic to the subway was impossible. The train was delayed four times. And she had to walk an extra eight blocks because the street to their apartment was closed. By the time she had gotten home, she was exhausted and would have jumped into her bed had Laura not been on her mind. 
“Before you ask, no. Laura hasn’t answered her phone,” Derek said as the door closed behind (Y/N), knowing the last thing his sister wanted was for him to beat around the bush. “I even tried her hotel three times today, and nothing.”
“Uh, what does… what does that mean, Derek? Is she in trouble?” 
“Well, I got a flight out to California,” he answered. “I’m gonna go check out what happened.”
“Okay, yeah, that sounds right,” the girl muttered. “When do we leave?”
“No, (Y/N), you’re staying here.”
“You can’t be serious, Derek,” she exclaimed. “If something happened to her… if she is in trouble, you’re gonna need help. I can help.”
“I don’t know what’s going on yet, (Y/N),” he said. “I don’t even know if something happened to Laura. Here, you’re safe. Here, I don’t have to worry about where you are. I need you here and secure until I know what it is we are facing.”
(Y/N) could feel anger bubbling inside her. Being the little sister had never helped her. Through the years, instead of seeing her as the powerful werewolf she was, her siblings could only see her as a little kid. Long gone was the ten-year-old girl who had lost it all in a fire. She was sixteen already and old enough to face the dangers of the world. “You can’t just keep me here,” she said as she crossed her arms across her chest. “I can help, and you know it.”
“You can help by staying here, (Y/N).” 
“And what? Wait for you to disappear, too? Great plan, Derek,” the girl scoffed. “There’s no reason for me to stay here if both of you are back home. You’re just extending the inevitable.”
“This is not up for discussion, (Y/N),” Derek exclaimed, his tone coming out harsher than he had intended. “You are staying here. You are going to school, and that’s final.” 
“Just because you’re older doesn’t mean you can make the rules,” (Y/N) spat before she could stop herself. “As hard as you try, you’re not my father.” 
Before Derek could say anything else, the girl stormed off to her room, slamming the door behind her before slumping on her bed. She knew she had been harsh. The words had rolled out of her tongue like they had lived there for the past six years, waiting for the day they would be evicted. (Y/N) understood why her brother was protective, but that never stopped her from trying to prove she could handle more than her siblings gave her credit for. 
As the relative silence of her room got to her, (Y/N) knew she had to apologize to her brother. Derek was only trying to keep her safe. Just like she was afraid of losing him, he was terrified of losing her. How could she be angry at him? 
“Hey, (Y/N),” Derek whispered as he cracked open the door. “Can I come in?” 
“Yeah,” she said, sitting up on her bed to make space for her brother. The bed sank where he sat; his warmth was a constant comfort and reminder that she wasn’t alone. “I was actually on my way to go talk to you.”
“Saved you a trip, then,” he chuckled. Derek took her left hand in his, ghosting over the burn mark that had yet to heal—the only physical reminder she had of the night she almost lost her life. “Look, I know you think I’m being overprotective or that I don’t believe in you. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth, (Y/N). I know you’re strong, and I know you’re capable. I just want you somewhere safe. Here you’ll be far away from whatever trouble awaits in Beacon Hills.”
“I know. I’m sorry for what I said,” the girl sighed as she rested her head on her brother’s shoulder. “I know you’re not trying to replace Dad, and you’re just trying to keep me safe. But I don’t want to be stuck here while you’re over there getting hurt. I want to help, Derek.” 
“You’re helping me by being safe,” he said. “I promise you, (Y/N), the second I can come back, I will. You just go to school and try not to worry about me.” 
“That’s impossible, and you know it,” (Y/N) chuckled. “Just keep me updated, okay? The second I don’t hear from you, I’m hopping on a plane.” 
“I don’t doubt it for a second,” Derek laughed, hugging his sister closer to him. “Just give me a couple of weeks, and I’ll be back.” 
“A couple of weeks?” 
“Yeah,” he said. “Just a couple of weeks, and you’ll see how everything is gonna go back to normal.”
A/N: this fic is dedicated to @sapphicwriternearby for requesting an Erica fic, I truly hope you enjoy how the story develops 🤍 If you’d like to be tagged in this or any other story: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post!
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stereksthings ¡ 1 year ago
someone said this reminds them of derek and stiles 😭
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celestialvoid-fanfiction ¡ 11 months ago
Imagine what Peter would have been like with Erica. Peter likes Lydia because she had the strength and isn’t afraid to give his sass and snark in return. Erica would be the same. She doesn’t care if he’s a former Alpha or that he’s Derek’s uncle, if he starts acting up, she’s quick to put him in his place.
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And Peter never seems to get mad at her. Maybe because he admires her courage and strength, maybe because he sees a part of himself in her (the social outcast who was hurt—him with the fire and her with her epilepsy that nearly killed her). Maybe it’s the fact that she reminds him of Laura.
Imagine Peter not knowing how to be ‘nice’, but there are little things he does to show how he feels: bringing Erica a glass of water, saving the last dumpling when the pack is having takeout and giving it to her, rushing to her side of the pack is attacked, helping her to her feet during training, sitting with her when the full moons get rough.
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daintylovers ¡ 9 months ago
having sleepovers with allison! smoking weed with malia! gossiping with lydia! cuddling with malia! baking with kira! having your first kiss with allison! swimming in lakes with malia! having a picnic with kira! crying on lydias shoulder! having allison teach you how to shoot an arrow! holding hands with lydia! falling asleep on malias shoulder during a road trip! catching allison staring at you! watching lydia put on her makeup! going with cora to get her nipples pierced! encouraging allison to get her hair cut! cleaning up malia after a fight! playing with lydias hair! running around in a field with malia! sharing perfume with lydia! taking tons of pictures with kira! helping lydia pick out an outfit for a date! going for a sweetreat with erica! smoking cigarettes with cora! kissing malia to test it out! going to the library with lydia! getting into a fight to protect cora! laughing at Instagram reels with malia! dancing with allison!
i just want to have homoerotic friendships with all the teen wolf girls! i think it would heal me fundamentally!
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outcastpack ¡ 1 year ago
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toastybugguy ¡ 2 years ago
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blondes named Erica that get supernatural makeovers in shows made in 2011 have more fun !!
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cmnzoq ¡ 2 years ago
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teen wolf characters in my style 1/?
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renjunniex ¡ 1 year ago
Thank You, For Being You
Isaac Lahey x Fem! Reader
Omega Part 1 | Omega Part 2 | Shape Shifted | Ice Pick | Abomination | Venomous | Frenemy | Raving | Party Guessed | Fury
Prompt: With Jackson out of the van, he's become impossible to deal with.
a/n: okay guys I won't lie, I looked over this chapter but wasn't very through so there's probably a few mistakes sorryyyyy
Stiles and Scott had sent you back home so they could talk to Sheriff without raising any suspicion on you. That proved to be pointless since when you got back home you ended back in the car, heading to the police station. Only you weren't going by yourself, you were with Melissa and she was not happy.
You two had reached the police station and other than the occasional questions to see if you were involved, Melissa was silent. Not like she needed to say anything to convey her anger, she was practically dripping in it. Walking into the police station didn't make it better either because down the hallway there was Scott and Stiles, sitting in an interrogation room being informed of the new restraining order against them.
There was a silence between everyone in the room when Sheriff had finished his list, only for his son to be the one to break it, "What about school?"
"You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a fifty foot distance."
"Okay, what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time and there's only two stalls available and they're only right next to each other?" He was met with nothing but a look of irritation from his father, "I'll just hold it."
They were finally let out of the room and now you were witnessing Stiles and his dad going back and forth while you passed by with Melissa and Scott in front of you.
"It's not just this," She had turned him around, "Although, a restraining order is a new low that I didn't think that you would reach quite this soon. It's everything on top of it." By now you had zoned out for a bit since it was all directed at him that is until she got to the punishment.
"Then no... no Stiles."
"What, no Stiles?" You hadn't even realized the boy was behind you until you heard his voice.
"No Stiles! And that goes for you too!" She pointed at you. Your eyes widened as you raised your hands.
"What!? What did I do?"
In the end, Melissa gave her punishment saying she would be in the car after she had come to the conclusion that all this was because of Scott's dad. "I'm the worst son ever," Scott claimed leaning against the wall. Stiles had sighed slumping against the wall as well.
"Well, I'm not exactly winning any prizes either."
When you had gotten home, you were laying in bed just trying to sleep despite everything going on. However the buzzing of your phone was very distracting. You finally had enough of the constant disturbance to your attempts to sleep. Grabbing it, the light blinding you slightly, you read the texts from a surprising party.
This is Derek
Come to the station tomorrow
Great, now you definitely weren't getting any sleep. How did he even get your number? It must have been Isaac, who else could it have been? You closed your eyes, forcing yourself to fall asleep as if it was the last thing you would ever do.
The next morning you found yourself in the one place you never thought you would be back to, the abandoned station. You also never thought you'd be back because Derek, of all people, demanded you to. You let out an unsure sigh as you walked down the rickety stairs for the second time. You could hear the voices of Derek, Erica, and Isaac discussing the full moon.
"Oh my, these look comfortable," you could see Erica picking up chains as she spoke.
"You said you were gonna teach us to change whenever we wanted," Isaac said.
"There hasn't been time," Derek replied as he shuffled through the chest of what was essentially medieval torture devices.
Isaac wasn't in the least bit pleased with his Alpha's answer, "But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, then that means you're alone against the Argents."
"They haven't found us," the Alpha sang walking away.
"Yet! So how about we forget the Kanima?"
"We can't! There was something about the way Gerard looked at it. He wasn't afraid... at all. I don't know what he knows or what he's planning. But I'm sure about one thing, we have to find it first."
"My, my, I always seem to walk in during these big speeches of yours Derek," you bounded your way down the last few stairs catching the three werewolves' attentions.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" The curly haired werewolf didn't realize but his voice made you shiver slightly.
"I was actually just wondering that exact thing," you turned your glance to Derek, "What do you want Derek?"
"You're a Nymph."
Your eyes widened but then your face flipped to confusion, what did that have to do with anything? "Okay, and what about it? How do you even know?"
He pointed to your bag, "The book you held up the last time you were here, your eyes and from what Erica and Isaac told me you did at the school."
You kissed your teeth, "Okay so is that all you called me here for? Just to tell me that you knew?"
"I need something from you."
"No." Your words had cut through the air without any hesitation. Derek tilted his head from irritation, "I know you don't like me-."
"You're right, I don't."
"This isn't for me, it's for them."
You took a pause and then nodded, acknowledging his statement, "I'm not sure if it's true or not but there's a spell that's rumored to have been created to reduce the abilities of werewolves. It was mainly created for purposes like the full moon. Do you think you could find it?" His words made you hesitate, still you gave him an unsure nod, "I think so, I'll need some time though."
Derek nodded in understanding, "Thank you."
"Yeah, sure. I've got to get to school." You turned and made your way towards the stairs trying not to look at Isaac on your way out.
When you got to school you met the boys at the library where they were waiting for you and Allison. She had shown up only moments after you did. You saw her slowly walk through the aisles before coming to the point where only one shelf remained between you three and her.
She slid her tablet through the shelf allowing Scott to take it and start to look over the scripture. "It's everything Lydia can translate. And trust me, she was very confused." Scott looked through the books towards her, "Yeah, what'd you tell her?"
"That we're part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." Allison and Scott shared a small laugh as you smiled.
"I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," Stiles said with awkwardness.
Allison stood shocked, "Oh. Great."
Your hand flew to your mouth to snuffle your laugh that was on the verge of coming out and Stiles gave you a raised eyebrow before glancing at the dark haired girl with a straight smile.
"Okay does it say how to find out who's controlling him," Scott asked.
"Not really. But Stiles was right about the murderers." Queue the spastic boy's small yell of victory. "It calls the Kanima a weapon of vengeance," Allison continued, "There's a story in there about this South American priest who uses the Kanima to execute murderers in his village."
"Alright, see? So maybe it's not all that bad," Stiles remarked.
Allison countered back almost instantly, "Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to." You nodded quickly, "So bad, very bad."
Stiles agreed with you, "All bad, all very, very bad."
"Here's the thing though, the Kanima is actually supposed to be a werewolf. But it can't be..." You looked over the Omega's shoulder reading the text, "Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it."
"Okay if that means Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself." You scoffed at Stiles' words, "Seriously, that dude is all sorts of messed up."
Allison raised her head slightly, "What if it has something to do with his parents? His real parents." Scott turned to you and Stiles, "Yeah, does anybody actually know what happened to them?"
You could almost see the flicker of light that turned on in Stiles' eyes,
"Lydia might."
"What if she doesn't know anything," Scott acknowledged the possibility. You rocked your head side to side in thought, "Something tells me Lydia knows a lot more than she lets on."
"Well, he doesn't have a restraining order against me, so I'll talk to him myself." You looked at Allison, "He doesn't have one on me either. Do you want me to come with you?" She quickly denied your offer, "No my mom is watching the cameras practically every second, we don't want to draw suspicion."
Scott drew a blank, "Okay, what do I do?"
"You have a make-up exam, remember," She reminded him.
Scott looked over at the two of you for back up, which he never got as shown by the two in sync nods, "Seriously, you desperately need to raise your grades," you added on. The couple went on to have their moment, until Stiles interrupted it with pushing his head through the shelf. After Allison had shoved him back, all four of you went on about your days the best as you could.
Stiles had set out on a mission to get information out of Lydia, Allison was on her way to try and talk to Jackson, Scott went to take his make-up test, and you were trying to not run into a certain tall werewolf.
All morning it felt like he was just everywhere and since you weren't assigned any sort of task you were practically forced to notice. Every hallway you went down, every corner you turned, he was there. It was beginning to irk you. You finally had to come to a stop at your locker and you could already feel that it was a bad decision.
"Hey, beautiful. Been looking for you."
You sighed, slowly closing your locker shut and coming face to face with the same boy who you've been trying to avoid. "Hi, Isaac," he gave a slight pout at your response, "What, no smile? I thought you would be happy to see me." His attitude made you sneer, "Don't play games with me, Lahey. I'll smack you." Your feet slammed into the floor as you walked away, heavy with anger.
"Okay, okay, too much. Seriously, (Y/N), wait up."
Your response didn't slow him down, in fact, it sped him up. Isaac had jumped forward in front of you, blocking you from leaving.
"Please just talk to me, I'm dying sweetheart," he pleaded.
You stopped and gave him a once over, your arms crossed, "You look fine to me." He groaned out of frustration, you turned once more heading for the opposite direction even if that meant being late for class. "Also, don't call me sweetheart, you don't get the privilege."
He, once again, dashed in front of you finally placing his hands on your shoulders, "Okay, okay, look I know you're still upset at me. I get it, okay, but can we please just talk. We have a killer lizard on the loose, I feel like that's a serious issue."
Your eyes narrowed as you realized what he was actually here for, "You're trying to get me to tell you who it is."
"So, you guys do know."
A scoff traveled out of your mouth with such power it was comedic, "Of course we do and I'm not telling you. Now, will you stop following me?"
"I can't, orders."
"See, again with the orders! This is exactly why I'm mad at you in the first place! Not to mention, you kissing me out of nowhere," you exclaimed. The hallway had pretty much cleared out by now, leaving just you two plus a few skippers.
Isaac's face scrunched up slightly, "What, you're mad because I kissed you?"
Out of reflex your hand shot out, punching his shoulder, "That's all you got from that?" When you didn't receive an answer, just a look of expectation you continued to gripe, "I'm not mad you kissed me. I'm upset because it's messing with my head."
"But you kissed me back," he argued, cluelessly.
You wiped your face out of irritation, "Yes, I know. But-"
A panicked gasp left you as you felt the familiar heat of your eyes glowing and one thought enter your mind.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?"
Without much thought or care you shoved passed Isaac, sprinting towards the locker room. You could hear the calls of your name coming from the boy who was now also following after you. It didn't stop you though, nothing did until you got to the locker room door. You threw your body's weight at the closed door, slamming through to see Allison on the floor and Scott throwing Jackson around.
You crouched beside her grabbing her shoulders to gain her attention, "Hey, are you okay?" She nodded shakily and you secured your arms around her in a tight hug.
By now Isaac had arrived coming into the battleground that was the boy's locker room. You saw his head quickly travel from the two fighting boys and then to you, unsure of what to do.
He didn't need to think any longer as Jackson had thrown Scott back through the other door and into the hallway. Allison and you had finally gotten off the floor and rushed out the same door. You found Stiles and Erica already trying to separate the two. Erica had a death grip on Jackson where as it took you, Stiles, and Allison to keep Scott from going back for Jackson.
Isaac was just behind you and Mr. Harris had turned the corner yelling to try and break up the fight. "Hey! ENOUGH! Enough."
"What do you idiots think you're doing? Jackson! Calm down!" Harris had turned to the Omega, addressing him, "Mr. McCall, you wanna explain yourself? Stilinski? (Y/N)?" He had looked to you finally for answers but you couldn't give him any, from the lack of ideas for a lie and the lack of breath you had from trying to hold back Scott.
You felt Isaac gently place a hand on your waist, giving you some much need physical and emotional support.
"You dropped this." Everyone had looked behind them to see Matt holding Allison's tablet out to Scott, which was intercepted from Mr. Harris. "You and you," he started pointing at the two boys who had been fighting, "Actually, all of you... Detention. 3 o'clock."
After school hours had arrived and the whole lot of you were entering the library for detention. Stiles, Scott, and you had sat at one table; Allison made her way to another just across from you, Jackson and Matt followed her lead. You felt a presence next to you and when you turned you were met with the eyes of the blonde werewolf. You rolled your eyes going back to keeping your attention on the two boys across from you.
You heard the sliding of a chair coming closer to your table and then another body had joined you. Isaac, who had given you a slight smile, did nothing but keep his attention on you.
"We can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools," Jackson motioned to your two best friends.
Harris had replied back with an undertone of sass, "All these tools?"
"No, just us tools," Stiles answered gesturing to him and Scott.
"Fine. You two, over there." Scott and Stiles moved up to the front table leaving you behind with the Beta wolves. You let out a huff and slumped slightly in your chair. Then Mr. Harris started to make is way to the library's front desk, turning his back away from you. When you saw an opening you quickly and quietly slid out of your chair and into the one right next to Scott.
The werewolf was rocking his body out of anger and pounded his fist onto the table, "I'm gonna kill him." Stiles pointed at the boy, "No, you're not. You're going to find out who's controlling him and then you're gonna help save him."
You cocked an eyebrow, your arms crossed, "But you're more than welcomed to kill the one controlling him, to release your rage."
"No," Scott turned his head back to you two, rapidly shaking his head, "You were right, let's kill him."
"Oh, no," Stiles sighed.
You fixed your posture and changed the subject to try and ease the mood, "So, why were you with Erica?" Stiles gave you his signature sarcastic look, "Really, why were you with Isaac?"
"I asked you first."
"Fine, she caught me in the hall, she might know what happened to Jackson's parents." You nodded satisfied with the answer and with the ease you could start to feel come off Scott. "Now you."
Your eyes snapped up, "What?" Stiles scoffed a laugh, "Why were you with Isaac?" Scott had glanced at you, curiosity in his eyes, he clearly wanted to know as well.
Mumbled words left your mouth as you casted your gaze onto the table. Stiles cupped his hand over his ear mocking you, "I'm sorry, what was that?"
"He found me in the hallway, he didn't want me to be mad at him anymore," you mumbled once more.
Both boys had looked at you in confusion, "The Lydia thing," Scott asked. You shook your head slowly as Stiles had slid his hands onto the table in a questioning motion, "Then what are you mad at him for?"
"He kissed me," you whispered.
There was a tick of silence before Stiles ended it, "Okay forget Jackson, kill Isaac." You groaned, "Stop, you guys, I'm fine. Just confused is all."
"No, no. He doesn't get to just do that after everything he's done and just expect you to be okay with it. He can't play with your emotions like that," argued Stiles. Scott hadn't said anything yet, just had slid his hand into yours and squeezed for comfort.
"It's okay, we'll deal with that when we don't have a killer lizard and a controlling freak to deal with," you concluded.
You three sat in silence for a little while and then ideas started to flow, "Hey." You and Scott both looked at the boy across from you, "What if it's Matt? I mean this whole thing comes back to the video, right?"
"He is kind of a creep," you agreed.
"Danny said that Matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing," Scott argued.
"Exactly! He's trying to throw suspicion off himself," Stiles exclaimed still within a whisper.
Scott looked back to Matt before going back to Stiles, "So he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of Argent's hunters, and the mechanic working on your Jeep?"
"Because..." Stiles' gaze was on the table, "He's evil." You snorted a soft laugh as Scott argued again, "You just don't like him."
"I don't blame him," you added, "he used to always give me these weird looks when he first joined the team."
"That guy bugs me. I don't know what it is," Stiles leaned back in his chair, still observing the odd boy, "Just look at his face." You three looked back to see Matt offering Jackson chips. To which led to the Omega giving Stiles an unconvinced look, "Any other theories?"
You heard Jackson start to make noises of discomfort, followed by Matt and Mr. Harris asking if the boy was alright. Jackson left claiming to just need water and Harris followed closely behind. "No one leaves their seats."
When the door closed behind them, without a word, you three did just what you were told not to do. You got out of your seats and rushed right back to where Isaac and Erica were sitting. Stiles sitting next to Erica, Scott across from her, and you next to Scott, with Isaac on the end.
"Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died," Scott concluded.
"Talk," demanded the boy. She put her pen down, closing her book and starting her story, "It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's eighteen."
Stiles interrupted, "So not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at eighteen?"
"There's something so deeply wrong with that," Stiles commented to which you all agreed. "Yeah, try the word morbid, maybe," you added.
"You know what? I could try to find the insurance report in my dad's inbox. He keeps everything."
Scott McCall, please report to the principal's office.
Scott, you and Stiles shared an incredulous look as the boy left for the office, "That cannot be good," you said. Isaac and Erica gave you both odd looks and you raised your hand stopping their questions, "It's a long story."
Erica went back to searching her dad's records, Stiles basically hanging over her shoulder. You turned your attention to the leather jacket wearing boy, who's stare was completely on the table. He directed it to you once you had moved the chair you were using closer to him. At this point you both were inches apart. Isaac leaned his head down slightly so that you were closer to his ear as you talked.
"Why did you follow me," you asked, your finger tracing imaginary circles on the table. His knee nudged yours under the table, clearly trying to get your eyes to look at him, which had worked.
"Because I was worried about you."
You took a sharp breath from shock, your eyes widened slightly. When you gained your composure back you replied, "Isn't that supposed to be my line?"
He breathed of soft chuckle, "I'm serious, sweetheart. You had me worried."
"I told you not to call me that," you said.
"Really, I don't remember that," he had a soft smirk resting on his face.
You scoffed, "Yeah, whatever." His smirk didn't disappear, "You're cute when you're flustered."
You shoved him, "Shut up, you're being dumb. We're in a serious situation, you know?"
"If it's so serious why have you been focusing on me instead of those two over there," he pointed over to the two teenagers who were snooping through emails.
You clasped your fingers together resting your chin on your hands, "Because I'm trying to figure out what your game is."
"My game?"
"Yep, you stopped me in the hallway, you followed me to the locker room which landed you in detention with me, so what's your angle?"
He shrugged leaning back in his chair, arms crossed, "I told you, I was worried. Plus why would I not want to spend time with my favorite girl."
You raised your eyebrows, "Your favorite girl? Didn't realize I meet the qualifications for that title."
"You always did."
Your conversation was cut to a halt when the library door opened with Jackson and Mr. Harris in tow. You looked over to your best friend when you saw an odd look on his face.
"Look at the dates."
You perked up, "Oh, you found it." The responses you got were two nods as Erica began to read the reports, "'Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA. The estimated time of death 9:26 p.m., June 14, 1995.'"
Both yours and Stiles' expressions fell, "Jackson's birthday is June 15th."
A zipping sound was heard as Harris began to close his bag. Everyone around began to follow suit in getting up and grabbing their things when they were interrupted with the man chuckling, "Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, I'm leaving. But none of you are. You may go when you're done with the re-shelving. Enjoy the rest of your evening."
There was a collective groan as the door to the library closed, Mr. Harris on the other side of it. You all sluggishly each grabbed your own stack of books and scattered around. Eventually Scott came back and Stiles, Allison, and you all gathered towards the boy to relay more information to each other.
"It means he was born after his mom died by c-section. They had to pull him out of her dead body," Stiles explained.
"That's gotta take the cake when it comes to childhood trauma," you murmured, sliding a book back onto the shelf.
"So was it an accident or not," asked Allison. Stiles shrugged slightly as he answered, "The word all over the report is 'inconclusive'."
"Then his parents could have been murdered," questioned Scott.
"If they were, then it falls in line with the Kanima myth," Stiles said, "You know? Seeks out of kills murderers."
You had turned back, facing the group as Allison continued to glance at Stiles, "But for Jackson or the person controlling him," she asked softly. Almost out of complete quiet panic Scott said, "We have to talk to him. We have to tell him." Even with the sounds of you three's protests Scott didn't listen as he left the aisle.
Not even a minute later and you could hear crashes, ceiling and electrical falling everywhere. Stiles had grabbed Allison pulling her into him as concrete crashed by. Before you could even register everything, Isaac had come into your aisle wrapping one arm around your waist and the other cradling your head as he did the same thing, pulling you into his chest, away from the falling construction.
Once it was safe to do so Isaac released his grip on you, his hands now cradling your face, "Are you okay," he asked urgently scanning you over to look for any signs of harm. You gave him a shaky nod, your focus and eyesight blurred from the overwhelming situation. Then a crash was heard once more, breaking both of you out of your bubbles.
Scott had been pushed by a half-turned Jackson and back into your aisle. You slowly unraveled yourself from Isaac and crawled over to the trio, in between Stiles and Allison. Now in your line of sight was Jackson at the chalk board. His body was facing away from it, his arm stretched out as he began to scratch at the board. Once his message was complete he jumped out through the window.
You all slowly walked towards the board in shock. Stiles turned his head and rushed in a different direction. "Hey, hey, hey, hey!" He had Erica in his arms as she grunted and gasped for breath, shaking.
"I think she's having a seizure."
Allison had gone to Matt making sure he was alive, while you three were with Erica. You could see Isaac in the corner of your eye and he was clearly in distress.
"We need to get her to the hospital," you said supporting her body the best you could with Stiles. "Derek," Erica interjected, "Only to Derek."
Scott spoke to Allison and rushed over to the other aisle, "Hey, Scott!" Stiles' attention was back on Erica after his panicked yell. You looked at Scott as he made his way back, picking up Erica.
"I'll stay with her, go." He nodded gratefully before rushing out, Stiles right on his heels.
Isaac made his way towards you and you spoke once more, "You should meet them there, they might need your help." The boy shook his head, "I can't just leave you after everything that just happened."
"I'll be okay, go." He hesitated, before nodding his head and following the same path the boys had just taken.
Once you and Allison were sure Matt was gonna be okay, you parted ways. You had once again reached the hide out of the newly formed Hale pack. You could hear voices talking as you reached the bottom of the stairs and walked to the train car.
Inside you saw a exhausted but okay Erica, laying in the arms of Stiles. Isaac and Scott stood to the side while Derek sat nearby the girl as well. "Good, she's alright," you let of a sigh of relief, getting all their attention.
Derek had gotten up leaving the car, Scott following close behind. You couldn't lie, it peaked your interest, so after making one final glance over the blonde girl you left the car as well and reached the duo.
"You know who it is."
"You just wanted Erica to confirm it, didn't you?"
Derek nodded at the question.
"I'm gonna help you stop him. As part of your pack," Scott stated, giving you a look, you nodded at your best friend in agreement.
"If you want me in, fine. But we'll do it on one condition. We're gonna catch him, not kill him."
You made eye contact with the Alpha, "We do it our way."
a/n: another chapter doneeeeee! yay! I hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think!
taglist: @somiaw @vvicaddiction @mushroomelephant @breadbrobin @traumverloren-anderswelt @fandom-princess-forevermore @vanessa-boo
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lfzyxf ¡ 8 months ago
Spa day with Derek's pack
The pack being teens
Word count: 704
Isaac reaches over to the small bowl filled with slices of cucumber. He picks one up and reaches up to put it in his mouth before a hand slaps it out of his. He looks up with wide eyes, “What the hell man!” Erica stares at him with narrowed eyes, her hands on her hips. “Those aren’t for eating dumbass” she explains. She finishes setting up the table before looking down at the two boys sitting down on the sofa.
“I made that mistake last time” Boyd confesses, staring at the bowl in deep thought. “Okay, stop talking about the cucumbers and lean back” Erica demands. The two werewolves do as instructed, leaning back with their heads resting on the back of the sofa. “So, what’s the point of this again?” Isaac asks as he waits for her to continue. “You guys look like shit, I’m fixing it” she responds in a happy tone.
She looks down at the table and finishes setting it up. There’s a bowl of sliced-up cucumbers, not for eating purposes. Two packages of Korean face masks and a bunch of creams she’s collected over the last few years. She looks at Isaac momentarily before pulling a hairclip out of her hair. A moment later Isaac's hair is pulled up from his face and secured with a clip.
“Okay, avocado or berries,” Erica asks as she picks up the two packages of face masks. She holds them up in front of the boys as they stare at the items with a curious look. Boyd is the first to choose, pointing at the mask with avocado. “I’ve heard it's great for your skin” he explains making Isaac shoot him a questioning look, which Boyd ignores. Erica quickly rips open the avocado face mask before helping Boyd put it on.
Once he’s got it on semi-properly, she continues to do the same with Isaac. “God, that’s so cold” he complains, squeezing his eyes shut. “Shut up.” The blonde rolls her eyes at his comment, moving the mask so he can breathe properly. Next, she grabs four slices of cucumber before putting them on the boys’ eyes, finishing the first part of their so-called ‘spa day’.
She puts on a ten-minute timer before grabbing a nail file from the table in front of them. She sits down on it and grabs Isaac's left hand. “What are you doing?” The boy asks, not being able to see anything with the cucumbers covering his eyes. “Your nails look like shit,” Erica responds as she starts to file Isaac's nails, shaping them and shortening them. She manages to finish both his hands when the timer reaches zero and the sound of a funky tone reaches their ear.
She turns it off before grabbing a bowl. Erica takes everything off the guys’ faces and places it in the bowl. She throws a towel at them before facing the table once more. Isaac and Boyd look at each other while they clean their faces, removing the slimy residue left over. “Why did we agree to this?” The blonde asks, sighing as he throws to towel down on the table. Boyd gently places his towel down as well before responding “Because she deserves some girl time.”
Their spa day ends up lasting around 2 hours. Erica was set on making the boys look good. She got the grime out from under their nails. The skin of their faces, hands and even feet has become softer than ever before thanks to Erica’s massive amount of types of masks. Their lips have been scrubbed ferociously which caused their new red tint. She even managed to convince Isaac to let her take care of his hair some time.
Now Isaac and Boyd are admiring their soft hands and clean nails. Isaac touches his face, realizing how soft it is before telling Boyd to feel his skin. In turn, Isaac touches Boyd’s face. Erica laughs at them “You guys look ridiculous.” Boyd starts to speak when the sound of a door slamming interrupts them. “What on earth are you guys doing?” The three teens freeze before slowly turning around, facing the alpha that entered the room. “Nothing,” Isaac replies. Boyd nods “Absolutely nothing.”
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thomas-the-goat-of-satan ¡ 2 years ago
I do think that I could've easily done without the inclusion of whatever dynamic it was that Erica and Derek had, I've gotta say. my life would be significantly better, even.
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andreafmn ¡ 4 months ago
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Status: Ongoing
Mood Board
Summary: After Laura Hale seemingly vanishes, Derek Hale returns to Beacon Hills to investigate his sister's disappearance and what called her back home, leaving his younger sister, (Y/N) Hale, in New York waiting for further instruction. But when a month has passed, and she hasn't heard anything new, (Y/N) packs up what little they have in the Big Apple and heads to sunny California in search of her siblings. Going back to the place where she lost everything is harder than she could ever imagine, yet there are people she will meet that will make the heartache all worth it. Will (Y/N) be able to open herself to love after meeting the elusive Erica Reyes? Or will the pain of her past put her in more danger than she can handle?
Chapters: 1
All my stories on Tumblr are written as reader inserts. For original characters, you can read the same stories in AO3 or Wattpad under the same username. For any requests, leave me a message in my inbox or by DM. For tagging, make sure your account allows your username to be tagged, or else you’ll still miss out.
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stereksthings ¡ 1 year ago
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sterek should have been canon :(
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sunshinerotting ¡ 29 days ago
imagine being in high school and having debilitating seizures and being bullied for it and u have maybe one friend and the boy u like likes someone else and u kind of want to die. and one day a man comes into your hospital room after a treatment fell through again and he’s beautiful and he’s gentle to you and he offers you the possibility of a solution. but be warned it Will change you. fundamentally. and you’re thinking ‘that’s the point. that’s what i want. what’s the catch’ and he explains. probably badly. and you agree because this is the first ray of real hope you’ve had in so long. so you get this treatment and you feel alive for the first time in your very short life and the boy you like is looking at you. everyone is looking at you. and this makes you so angry. you’re erica reyes and what it took for people to start looking at you like a human was for you to stop being one
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evanesdust ¡ 2 months ago
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Unexpected Beginnings
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Original Hale Character(s) (Teen Wolf), The Hale Family (Teen Wolf), Erica Reyes, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd, Lydia Martin, The Stilinski Family (Teen Wolf), Eli Hale (Teen Wolf), (kind of - he's a baby) Additional Tags: POV Alternating, Alternate Universe, Everyone Is Alive, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Good Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Omegaverse Omega Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Time Skips, Childhood Friends, Surrogacy, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bites, Mating Bond, Friends to Lovers, Mpreg, Fluff, Romance
When Stiles asked Derek about settling down and having kids of his own, he brushed it off. He loved his life exactly as it was. However, Stiles's question planted a seed that began to grow—especially when Stiles offered to be his surrogate. Derek suddenly couldn't imagine having a child with anyone else. …or the one where childhood friendship blossomed into more.
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uselessgirl87 ¡ 5 months ago
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Outsider No More by Useless-girl
Note: The Teen Wolf & Cyberpunk 2077 crossover you didn’t know you needed! :D Obviously, I’m a huge fan of this game (did many playthroughs already and still not finished) and I fell in love with its world, so at one point I started thinking about how Derek and Stiles would fit in it, what kind of characters they would be. So this is what I came up with and hope that you’ll enjoy this little detour into this world. Also, see more info in the end notes! ;)
Fandoms: Teen Wolf, Sterek, Cyberpunk 2077
Characters/relationships: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale, Cora Hale/original female character, Erica Reyes/Vernon Boyd, Lydia Martin/Jordan Parrish (mentioned), Isaac Lahey, Theo Raeken, Alan Deaton, Matt Daehler, Scott McCall, Viktor Vektor, Liam Dunbar, Mason Hewitt, Brett Talbot, Kate Argent (mentioned), Gerard Argent (mentioned), Talia Hale (mentioned), Peter Hale (mentioned), Sheriff Stilinski (mentioned), other Hales (mentioned)
Rating/category: explicit,Teen Wolf AU, Cyberpunk AU, Sterek, alternate universe, canon and non-canon elements, slash, M/M, aged up characters, no werewolves, human Stiles, orphan Stiles, netrunner Stiles, mercenary Stiles, streetkid Stiles, BAMF Stiles, tattooed Stiles, bottom Stiles, human Derek, top Derek, nomad Derek, clan leader Derek, hacking, betrayal, revenge, action, violence, cursing, blood, gore, found family, family feels, pack feels, getting together, falling in love, romance, love, emotions, wit, sarcasm, light Dom/sub, light BDSM, smut, handjob, blowjob, gay sex, rough sex
Summary: In the unforgiving underbelly of Night City the “survival of the fittest” law applies more than anywhere else. After his father’s death, Stiles Stilinski has been working as a netrunner/mercenary to stay afloat. But when a gig goes wrong, he finds himself fleeing the city from more than one of the notorious and very deadly gangs of NC. Due to a favor, he soon ends up with the feared and respected Hale nomad clan. It is led by the charismatic but broody Derek Hale, who at first isn’t too happy about letting a stranger into his close-knit family, but still provides shelter to Stiles, who in turn is not too keen on experiencing the nomad lifestyle. But with time both men’s perspective changes about things – and each other.
Disclaimer: This is a product of my imagination and was written only for entertainment and fun. I don’t profit from this fanfiction and I mean no harm or disrespect against any real person, culture or custom that might appear in the story. All original pictures or edits and fictional characters used in the story belong to their respective owners and credit goes to them.
---------------------------------- To read the story on AO3, click HERE! Illustration by Useless-girl.
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sterek-ao3feed ¡ 3 months ago
Unexpected Beginnings
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/61342993
by EvanesDust
When Stiles asked Derek about settling down and having kids of his own, he brushed it off. He loved his life exactly as it was. However, Stiles's question planted a seed that began to blossom—especially when Stiles offered to be his surrogate. He suddenly couldn't imagine having a child with anyone else.
…or the one where childhood friendship blossomed into more.
Words: 2505, Chapters: 2/9, Language: English
Series: Part 34 of AU: FIRST MEETINGS
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Original Hale Character(s) (Teen Wolf), The Hale Family (Teen Wolf), Erica Reyes, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd, Lydia Martin, The Stilinski Family (Teen Wolf), Eli Hale (Teen Wolf), (kind of - he's a baby)
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: POV Alternating, Alternate Universe, Everyone Is Alive, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Good Pack Alpha Derek Hale, Omegaverse Omega Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Time Skips, Childhood Friends, Surrogacy, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bites, Mating Bond, Friends to Lovers, Mpreg, Fluff, Romance
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