#era of integrity
Well since I can finally post this publicly, here is my submission for the Undertale comic contest, the journey and tale of Alvia, the purple soul of perseverance, in this story we start in the middle of Alvia's journey, where a turning point is set and Alvia must face their strongest challenge yet... a giant turtle with a hammer? I hope y'all enjoy! i put a lot of effort into this and i hope whoever wins this year gets the praise they deserve! everyone worked so so hard this year and while we don't have a lot of submissions it was fun to see people's stuff! Please note that Undertale: pushing on was inspired by UTY but is non-canon to it, I have my own headcanons about UT that conflict with UTY and while that is fine it means that Alvia and Clover are non canon to each others properties or any other soul game, still I recommend you play the game, it has a lot of work put in it! this being said Alvia might be semi canon to Era of Integrity since I do try to directly imply something about Melody in this. if you enjoyed this check out the other comics in the contest! they aren't posted here yet but i'm sure they will be: https://undersprite.tumblr.com
and if enjoy how i write and do my characters please check out Undertale: Era of Integrity , it's my other soul project and i'm looking for people to to join the team and help make it a reality, anything would be helpful: https://gamejolt.com/games/yournameismelody/900336
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drieddpetals · 6 months
i just want to remind everyone that, since the grishaverse is kinda sorta based on the victorian era, and since wealthy victorian families dressed their toddlers (girls or boys) in dresses, and wylan was very wealthy growing up, there are definitely family portraits in existence of baby wylan wearing one of those goofy ass victorian baby dresses
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Swifties have been hating on Joe Alwyn (and his co-star) because of a breakup meanwhile all this man ever does is post for Gaza and support and donate and Taylor Swift can’t even say the word Palestine.
I love her music but her ‘activism’ proved to be an ‘era’ and that’s so frustrating and upsetting to see from someone who claimed they wanted to be more involved in activism so that they could be on “the right side of history”.
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aq2003 · 11 months
the way that ten craves connection in the form of deep love and devotion so bad but how said love and devotion can only really be offered to him in the form of him being "human" (being in a romantic relationship and getting married and settling down) which is something he both can't provide and doesn't really want, because what he actually wants is to travel with someone and show them the stars forever and he can never have that for very long because they can't accept the form of connection he can offer them (in that they always want something from him that he can't give or find someone else more important than him). the way doctor who cooked up a guy with such a deeply aroace narrative in a lab, a guy who doesn't think he can fall in love even when his brain gets fried and turned into 1910s AI Generated Standard British Man, a guy who can't say i love you to the person that he was basically created to say i love you to. and then they had like 6 separate women kiss him bc david tennant hot
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regenderate · 1 year
people are soooo mad about the new sonic screwdriver not having an element of thirteen's sonic and saying thirteen era is going to be erased or whatever as if thirteen ever mentioned anything that happened in twelve era despite having literally just lost like all her friends...
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eggplantgifs · 10 months
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Christina Carreira & Anthony Ponomarenko: Perfume » 2023 Grand Prix Espoo
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lookingforsneha · 5 months
Just read through a bit of year four in ATYD and I find it so incredibly interesting, the way friendships are characterized in this and Remus' internal monolog about it all.
One thing Remus keeps on referring back to us the fact that James and Sirius are closer than the rest of them. He mentions it over and over, from the first year, he keeps talking about how him and Peter were just on the sidelines- (although it was never the intention of James or Sirius, it's besides the point)
Remus does a wonderful job of capturing the inequality children often do feel in reality, and, how much that sucks. Kids have to suffer through years of friendship-power-hierarchies, and the way its portrayed in ATYD is really interesting, because for one, Remus desperately wants to belong.
You can read it in all the earlier chapters, but the moment that sticks out the most is when they're at the Potter's for Christmas and Remus can hear James' and Sirius's muffled words and he starts to curl uonin his own bed, crying about how he didn't have that with them. Or with James, in particular. He wished he had a friend like James- when he clearly, clearly did have James as a friend already. All he needed to do was reach out.
Another big moment was when he, in a rush of panic, tried to reach out to his Care of Magical creatures professor, when he'd seen everyone else have someone to share their thoughts with. However, again, he actively chooses against it in the end.
He so desperately wants to fit in it's a majority of what he talks about during many of the fourth years chapters, but the moment someone else shows these feelings, he immediately calls them out for it. He criticizes those who don't fit in, for example Peter. He criticizes Peter for the same need all the time. And feel like more than anything, it doesn't reveal anything about how the other's feel about Remus, but rather reveals everything about how Remus feels about himself.
Which, I know, it's an obvious observation he's got low self-esteem and he feels like he's not good enough and doesn't belong. But just the way it's written all so innocently and naturally is what gets me. Because it really embodies the real experiences kids have in friend groups.
They, just like Remus, develop such a horrible self-esteem and a large sense of shame that they feel like they can't fit in. That no one wants them there. When the truth of it all is that they just have to try and reach out, and more often than not, it'll be met with real friends who actually want you there. Friends who laugh together, friends who cry together, friends who listen to eachother. Friends who care.
It's like Remus sabotages himself every time he pushes them away, because the first active step to getting closer to others is letting them in, too. And I'll always compliment the way this was built up and executed in ATYD, since its such a real experience and its so well crafted into the story.
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marksman-ofthe-mist · 28 days
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So I wrote a bunch of stuff about how "gods" work in Prism (which is the world all of my human-based stories take place in) (and something I desperately need to rename . ), which you can read here, should you feel compelled... But the important thing is they can be spawned if even one person believes something to be true enough, so I thought... Well, Cassius likes birds a lot. He probably managed to spawn his own little dude. So meet the God-friend, the guy who unknowingly played a huge hand in shaping Cassius as a person, or whatever. Yay!!!
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mostlymaudlin · 1 year
was starting to hijack in the tags of that post i just reblogged but ohhhhh it is so juicy to me that the end of TKM is just part of the rising action of andrew's character arcs. and yet the way the novel leaves off, you can have so much hope in the ways its going to continue -- especially because neil proves to us on the last page that he's going to fight like hell to hold onto him whatever comes next.
it's just !!!! all andrew's deals are done. neil's big happy moment of relationship security comes from the fact that andrew didn't deny its existence lol. BUT neils correct to be happy about this, because he knows andrew is a black & white thinker, and he's entering unchartered territory! all his lil lies he uses to duct tape his sanity together are coming apart, and that break is going to be FASCINATING. i doubt it'll be explosive or anything -- andrew's more the "quietly self-destruct climax" type than the "defeat the mafia thru the power of sports climax" type -- but it'll sure be something interesting. and then once it all breaks, we know he'll have neil and kevin and his family and the foxes to help him heal -- and he'll have to believe it when they show they care about him, because he literally doesn't owe anyone anything
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sciderman · 1 year
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deadpool (2008) #36
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nonsensical-questions · 4 months
Errmmm annual update,
How are things goin for ya (not about sensetale specifically, just in general)
I appreciate the general check up as i haven't posted anything in a bit, but for a little update i guess, got a new job, pays me more and doesn't give me as many hours, this is a good thing as i can pay my bills just fine without having to work as much, but i am getting called in a lot and i need more money in general so i'm sorta trying to build stuff up... got a new name, i'm still keeping my old one i just have two first names i switch between now so that was funky but it made me feel a little better so it's nice got on HRT a while ago and it's fucking with me emotionally i think either that or i'm experiencing periods as it's not all the time, but it's too soon to tell if it's this or that so right now i'm just enjoying the general effects of it and learning how to deal with stronger emotions, this is a good thing i no longer feel as dysphoric about myself but it still comes from time to time as for projects and stuff i'm working on? got quiet the load honestly, no progress on sensetale for mental health and general self confidence issues, it's still on hiatus until i can get good enough to make the sprites i need or find someone willing to help me out but in non-sensetale related projects... well... i did wanna keep some stuff a secret but some of these have been in the work for a while so... what the hell might as well show some off I appreciate the general check up as i haven't posted anything in a bit, but for a little update i guess, got a new job, pays me more and doesn't give me as many hours, this is a good thing as i can pay my bills just fine without having to work as much, but i am getting called in a lot and i need more money in general so i'm sorta trying to build stuff up... got a new name, i'm still keeping my old one i just have two first names i switch between now so that was funky but it made me feel a little better so it's nice got on HRT a while ago and it's fucking with me emotionally i think either that or i'm experiencing periods as it's not all the time, but it's too soon to tell if it's this or that so right now i'm just enjoying the general effects of it and learning how to deal with stronger emotions, this is a good thing i no longer feel as dysphoric about myself but it still comes from time to time as for projects and stuff i'm working on? got quiet the load honestly, no progress on sensetale for mental health and general self confidence issues, it's still on hiatus until i can get good enough to make the sprites i need or find someone willing to help me out but in non-sensetale related projects... well... i did wanna keep some stuff a secret but some of these have been in the work for a while so... what the hell might as well show some off
vs. mad mew mew genocide route edition! i love mew mew as a character and i've been really inspired to make something relating to her i just didn't know what to, well recently i got my insperation and have been coding it out, don't know what the ending is currently but i have a rough idea of what i want to do, hopefully you will all enjoy it the song is Dummy! from UNDERTALE: Alternate, thank them so much for letting me use the song! couldn't hope for a more fitting battle theme that just so happened to accidently match with the character i was making the fight for lol I have more projects i'd love to show off but tumblr only allows for 1 video so you'll have to have the shitty gifs instead
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after undertale yellow released I loved the concept of everything so much but i really wish some more attention to the lore had been put in, but hey there was still some really cool stuff they did like i loved the guns and ammo types, so i decided to work on what it would look like for the blue soul which i nicknamed melody as her healing things are music notes and clovers are well clovers, this spawned a whole thing where i started making characters and ideas and... honestly i don't think it will go anywhere soon.... if at all but hey a mouse can dream huh? well i might as well show off some characters with little to no context huh?
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not all of these are major characters but just stuff I wanted to show off, if people wanna make art or ask about it, the au name is official "Undertale: Era of Integrity" but for now you just get the designs and simple mechanics that i showed off, i have more to talk about
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an underfell project! this was mainly learning to code KR and fuck around with my idea of an underfell au that takes the canon version and makes small tweaks here and there, i made some sprites to show what i mean
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again not really giving out much info, if people wanna know more let me know i guess! no official name just some underfell concepts i've been working on I do wanna make some playable fights eventually but i'd need to work out some kinks first to make it all work some other projects that feel too small to sorta show off stuff of are a Tale's end sans fight (like from the comic) i was working on with friskbits actually helping quiet a lot and a help_tale sixbones fight (again from the comic) both are almost done but also both have big hurdles i'll need to get past before i finish it, for tale's end it's just... writing, frisky is normally busy and i had major writers block, writing for what you may ask? the comic surely has most of what i need right? haha I wish, there are so many options and it all comes back to that stupid flower, i have like 20 endings based on if you kill or not and then reset and do a certain action, I have the main endings coded but the great flowey remembering my resets makes it way harder to actually finalize the sixbones fight is mainly the absorb stuff, as we never saw that in the comic so i sorta had to improvise and making it looks cool! but I'm sorta just winging it i guess i'm also working on a mettaton date, this one with an overworld, you know how alphys, undyne, and papyrus all got dates? oh and sans too sorta, well toby literally mentioned dating mettaton on the kickstarter and never delivered! so i'm doing it myself, date the sexy rectangle... eventually i'm still on the overworld stuff and need to finish designing mettatons room fully, i'd show some stuff off but i'm not sure how long it's gonna be plus this post is already hella long so just gonna cut this here and maybe talk about it later there is some other stuff here and there but it's mainly just ideas, I had an idea of something something deltatravelers something something OFF but i'm prob not even gonna do that, maybe i'll make some sketches or mock ups for it later but eh i wanna finish projects first i have too many on my plate currently I know a lot of people might be mad, that i'm working on other projects and stuff while im supposed to be working on sensetale, but I'm trying to improve skills and general get better at making the content so people can enjoy it more, and when i was ready i would try and work more on sensetale maybe remake the area do new poses make new characters or sprite something unique and cool, one of the reasons i don't post or even answer questions on this is i don't want to get people's hopes up that this will return soon, i really want it to return soon but I don't have the resources or time to commit to it I had a thought that maybe, I should make this a general au project stuff, so I can show off more stuff and see what people like but i've had 20 or so projects i've never finished. I wouldn't want to show all this cool stuff off and never deliver on it. But perhaps if that is what would everyone would enjoy more, seeing progress and stuff i'm working on, if people would be okay not seeing sensetale in favor of more content? just food for thought, i want to see what people think before i act.
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heliosynchronisity · 2 months
TES still microwaves my brain constantly just haven't had a "main" char to focus on rn other than my current Yazara play thru. But while hanging around Markarth I've been thinking about making a Forsworn character. I'd really like to explore that part of the lore more and perhaps use it as an opportunity to rewrite and redesign the reachmen to be well.. less... ya know. Because I find them suuuper interesting and a part of elder scrolls and esp skyrim lore that could be so unique and interesting if actually given some time and thought.
My main thoughts abt what i'd do with them are;
Have their culture and appearance focus more on their connection to hagravens, folk magic and old pre-imperial gods.
Perhaps they wear primarily leather and animal hide because of bosmeri influence? (during the merethic era)
ehh thats all i got so far
im thinking for the oc i have in mind, maybe the daughter of a hagraven or witch who's invested in the politics of the reachmen issue. Also thought maybe could make a good LDB character, but idk if i wanna have two LDB as i would have to juggle different timelines. i feel like she would make a good adopted daughter of my ldb tho so maybe could do smth with that?
edit: for the record i havent read up on ESO's interpretation of reachmen yet, just going off what ive read/seen in skyrim. it'll be taken into account lol
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aq2003 · 4 months
great tags in theory but that would've required christopher chibnall to write yaz with interesting flaws and original character traits, which he completely forgot to do. yaz does not act like this in canon
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spockvarietyhour · 7 months
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Deleted Scene "Operation Retrieve" feat. Rene Auberjonois as Colonel West
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maya's first crush was on her girl best friend so i'm sure she has experience with being a gay teenager and coming out
Wait maya is queer?? 😭😭 i thought she was straight aaaa
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queenlucythevaliant · 9 months
I would love a good dark poem.
--Rain on Main
Okay, this is maybe my favorite really bleak Russian poem. It's called "In the Bottomless Pit," but there's this tinge of hope in it that just makes the whole thing work so well. Anyway, I hope you appreciate:
In the Bottomless Pit In memory of Alexander Blok and Nikolay Gumilyov Day by day more brutal and more savage, deathly horror holds the night in thrall. Putrid winds extinguish lives like candles. No more strength to scream, to help, to call. Dark the destiny of Russian writers and inscrutable the roads they trod: Pushkin stood before a dueling pistol, Dostoevsky faced the firing squad. I shall draw my lot and know my fortune, bitter Russia, fierce infanticide. I may slip on blood outside the dungeon, or I may perish wretchedly inside; but your Golgotha I never will abandon, and your graves shall never be denied. Whether slain by hunger or by hatred-- I shall choose no other lot instead: if we die, then let us die together and arise like Lazarus from the dead.
--Maximilian Voloshin
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