#epic win game online
daniellurie · 1 year
Jump Club.
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miaclemeverett · 2 years
Summary of Dream's livestream with Techno's father if people can't or are unable watch:
Most importantly, please support Techno's family and the Sarcoma Foundation by buying merch here: (You can also donate directly to the Sarcoma Foundation here)
Dream is streaming with Techno's father & staying with the family
Techno's father met Skeppy, for the Sarcoma Foundation Gala he asked for Skeppy's favorite video with Techno and Skeppy said it was the "skeppy tries to troll me but i troll him first" video
Techno's father has been intentionally pulling up memories and stories of Techno's whole life which was "a speedrun" and full of joy and happiness, rather than just focusing on the last week
When Techno and his younger sister were diaper age, she fell down the final 2 steps of the staircase (completely fine) and while their father was trying to explain to their mother what happened, Techno walked in and said "baby fall down CRASH"
The first message that Dream sent to Techno was trying to Trojan horse his way into Minecraft Monday by playing with Techno. Techno's reply was "maybe next time" and Techno kicked his ass in Dream's first MCM. Sapnap thought Techno was overhyped but then Sapnap watched the next Techno MCM and changed his mind
Techno's father didn't really watch or understand Minecraft, he watched Techno 1v1 tons of people without losing any hearts and asked him "Do the other players even know you're there?"
Techno vs. Dream $100k duel: Techno's father never saw him stress about anything in his career except for the duel. Techno's father was competitive on Techno's behalf like "who is this green smiling man gaining subscribers faster than my boy?!" Techno texted his dad as soon as he knew it was at least a tie and he couldn't lose.
Dream saw Techno release "death merch" and thought that was the coolest, most Technoblade thing he had ever seen
Techno's entire family loved the "no one took the news harder than my health provider. they're the real victim" joke
Dream did an elbow reveal in honor of Techno
Techno's father made a joke to Dream about getting ready to do his (Techno's father's) own face reveal
Techno's father made this joke: "This video today is sponsored by cancer, without which this video would not have happened" and Dream called him an idiot
Techno's father thinks Techno would have done a proper face reveal. There were a couple of months where doctors were saying the next step would be to amputate his entire arm and shoulder. Techno joked that it was going to be the most epic elbow reveal ever and that they'd "traumatize millions." Techno's father was as positive as he could be without being fake and he got Techno a present ahead of the surgery (which never ended up happening), a 1st edition printing of Hemingway's "A Farewell To Arms."
Dream and Techno teaming in MCC: This is when they really started becoming friends, before that they had been more rivals/frenemies. Techno also never said or joked about giving Dream his first MCC win.
Techno was whitelisted for way longer before he actually joined the server, back when it was just a few people (Tommy might have asked him to whitelist Techno).
Techno had a Minecraft account called "Whitelisted" when he didn't want to be recognized, just to make the joke "You can't do this if you're not whitelisted"
Techno's dad has GOTTA tell dad jokes
When Techno was young, he would always talk to his dad about being a gaming Youtuber and Techno's father would tell him "no one would want to watch someone else play a video game" lmao
When Techno was young and he'd be building for hours in Roblox and they'd have a power failure, Techno would complain to his dad about all of his work being wasted and Techno's dad would say "all of that PLAY wasted"
Techno talked to his dad about what circumstances would lead to him face revealing, he would have wanted it to be funny and memorable but he never had a clear plan for it
Techno had a front bedroom with a TERRIBLE desk. Techno's dad told Techno to come to the studio to pick out any chair he wanted, Techno went into his dad's office and picked his dad's chair LMAO. Techno's dad offered for him to work on a soundstage because their house had horrible acoustics but Techno said "eh." At 2am when the family was trying to sleep they'd hear him screaming and yelling, it was so annoying when it happened but so painful when it stopped
Techno's dad would text him a meme and Techno would call him a loser, he'd ask him to watch Hunter x Hunter together. Techno couldn't eat without watching TV at the same time
Techno's dad sometimes sees posts on Reddit and his instinct is to send them to Techno. Techno's dad has come close to making a reddit account, he said hello and thanks to Techno's subreddit and he reads their posts a lot when he can take it.
Techno's dad knew Techno had a big audience, but he didn't and still kind of doesn't understand how he meant a lot to people in ways that have nothing to do with PvP or funny jokes. He's proud of Techno and grateful to everyone. The executive director of the Sarcoma Foundation told Techno's family they haven't seen anything like this before with regards to fundraising, she told them that a little kid ran a lemonade stand and raised $150 for the Sarcoma Foundation in honor of Techno.
Techno's dad: "If we do the call-to-action (to donate to Sarcoma Foundation) 10 times, I should get 6 of them" (referencing Techno beating Dream in the duel 6-5). Dream: "I see where he got his humor from"
There has been a refresh today of the merch store so GO BUY THE MERCH!!!! Techno didn't like when there were delays in people receiving merch, so you can only order when it's in stock so GO BUY NOW
Dream will be signing some unreleased merch concepts to include as an extra in some orders
Techno's father thanked Dream and he appreciates everything Dream did for them, he also loves Skeppy
Dream wants to get everyone together and do a massive fundraiser
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seijorhi · 23 days
Just wanted to let you know that that oikawa soulmate drabble you just posted is such a banger. I can just imagine the look on oikawa’s face as he’s reading the caption on his soulmate’s socials . . . Does he decide then and say, f waiting gotta go find her and remind her of their agreement? Does he blast her name out after winning his next game, saying it’s because of her that he’s been able to accomplish so much and then conveniently shares a reel of that victory speech to one of your friends who likes volleyball and happens to be friends with his fake profile?
There are so many ways this scenario could go and it’s always so interesting and thrilling the way you leave your drabbles open-ended✨✨
Thank you for sharing!
well first of all there's the epic tantrum he throws. tears, snot, a shattered phone. basically wrecks his bedroom, tears at his hair and screams into his pillows. a very measured, healthy response.
ONCE he calms down (which he will, eventually) that's when he gets plotting. oikawa's not a man who takes losing well, he's also not the type of guy to hit back with only one
up until that point, he'd managed to talk himself out of physical stalking. the online stuff was fine, because you'd made it public, you'd posted it and put it out into the world, but actually following you home, finding out your day-to-day routine – when he can afford to, those rare, precious days off – that would've been creepy. or... crossing a line, at least. a step too far. but now he knows there's some asshole trying to weasel into his girl's life, take his place–
six months, six months, six months, six months, six months, six months
–he doesn't feel all that torn up about it. and while he spends his time between volleyball and you, he's sure he can spare some cash to throw at a pi to look into your boyfriend too. surely the asshole's got a few secrets he can use against him. no one's perfect, and everyone's exploitable. he could probably pay one of the girls at that asshole's office to get him in a compromising position, take a few photos and send them your way. he could probably pay someone to drag him into an alley on his way home and beat the fuck out of him too, but that one's a little dicier. more of a 'plan b' situation, he thinks.
he's always been pretty tight lipped about his soulmate status. his teammates have undoubtedly caught a glimpse or two, but they know he doesn't talk about it, and it's too personal a thing to just casually drop into conversation. publicly, he's never said a word.
until now.
he'll make it sound like a cinderella moment. one of those missed connections stories people go nuts over. he'll say that he saw you through the crowds after one of his games, just a glimpse before you were swallowed up. never got your name, never even had a chance to speak to you, but your eyes met for a split second, a heartbeat, and he knew you were his soulmate. now he's desperately trying to find you again, enlisting his fans and followers' help to do so.
he'll sprinkle in enough vague-ish details for the people in your life to pick up on and recognise. maybe start nudging you towards him.
he'll admit, with a soft, self-deprecating chuckle that you were there with another guy – a date, probably. it's why he held off trying to find you at first, but he... he just can't anymore. he doesn't care if you're with someone else.
he's totally swept up in you, it's all he can think about. he's already completely in love with you, and he doesn't even know your name.
it sounds crazy, he knows that, but he can't help it. he just needs to see you again. to learn your name. for you to give him a chance.
you're soulmates, and this is just the beginning of your love story.
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Hello there Mr Holmes. I heard that apparently you used to do drugs but you've been clean for a few years now? That's epic :D
Do you possibly have any words of advice for a 15yo currently 6 months clean from opioids? I can't really go to any of the adults around me, as they're not too aware and it's a surefire way of getting in trouble.
I am uncertain where you acquired such information, but it holds truth. Yes, there was a time when I turned to cocaine and occasional morphine to stimulate my mind and alleviate boredom. However, I've been clean for several years now.
First, let me congratulate you on your perseverance. Staying six months clean from opioids (or any substance), especially at your age, is a tremendous achievement. Your strength and determination are admirable, and you have every reason to be proud.
Managing your recovery without the immediate support of those around you presents challenges, but it is a challenge that can be overcome. Here are some points to consider:
Establishing a daily routine is crucial to managing cravings and triggers, providing stability and normalcy.
Stimulate your mind with engaging activities. Find hobbies that capture your interest and keep you occupied. For me, it was playing the violin and solving cases, but any activity that interests you will help.
If you can't turn to adults around you, look into support groups or online communities. Many of these resources ensure anonymity, and the shared experiences can be incredibly valuable.
Prioritise your physical health through regular exercise and a balanced diet, which significantly impact mental well-being.
If you haven't already, consider reaching out for professional help. There are helplines and organisations specifically designed to assist individuals in your situation.
I also have John @consultjohnwatson now to anchor me and chase my demons away. I truly hope that you have a "John" in your life—a person who unconditionally loves and supports you.
Take care of yourself. Recovery is a path with twists and turns, and setbacks may happen. It is not the fall that defines us, but the strength to rise again.
Stay vigilant, and remember: the game is afoot, and you are capable of winning it.
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saltydkdan · 1 year
Hello Salt man! You seem like an unhinged enough weeb for this question:
I’m going to be the president of the anime club in my highschool this year and have no fucking idea what I should do for activities and shit.
Any ideas? If not, that’s perfectly fine too!
(Also thank you for reblogging my Peppy drawing it made my day ^^)
No problem! I loved the art
I think it’s pretty obvious for an Anime club to watch Anime, however that shit is basic, and I have some unhinged ideas.
Trivia (the least unhinged)
—Make a trivia game on PowerPoint, or on Kahoot that feature questions based on various popular anime. Get specific and weird for the harder questions.
Anime Debate Club
—(be careful with this one because depending on the group it may get heated lol)
—At the end of a meeting, choose to random anime characters
—Tell members that they can pick sides on which of the two would win in a fight, then between meetings, bring together their arguments for why, they have to have actual citation and examples of the character’s powers, or reference specific canon material
—Bonus points if one of the debate teams puts together a PowerPoint slideshow on a character’s power set, or the other characters weaknesses
—Have a judge award points for valid arguments, but have them be cracked out of their minds about it (For example, awarding points to “Comedy” characters, like if an Osumatsu-San character surviving a Ki blast could be funny? That’s a point towards them. LMAO)
NOTES: Obviously the characters chosen cannot be Goku, Vegeta, Saitama, or in general overpowered characacters. Also, having completely fucking insane match ups, or wildly specific match ups is recommended. Like Bobobo VS Dio Brando from Jojo. Or General Tao from Dragon Ball VS Gojo.
If the fight is extremely one sided, just make a list of all the ways that one side would fucking dominate because that shit is fucking funny LOL.
Weekly Book Club but for anime
—This isn’t really “unhinged” but I recently did a manga book club with friends weekly and it was super cool to meet up and discuss the chapters of a particular series and such
—You can do this for anime and assign a set number of episodes, OR do manga and provide a way to read it online
—Rotate out series every so often so people don’t feel like they’re focusing all their attention to a single series the entirety of the year
—This could be a fun thing to do casually between meetings and to talk about a little at the start
Pitch your favorite
—Have people make a short presentation on PowerPoint to pitch their favorite series that’s 3-5 minutes each, or whatever depending on how many people you have
—If you wanna make it funny make it so they HAVE to include both Pros, AND Cons about it. (Like for One Piece: PRO would be the amazing worldbuilding, and a CON would be that Oda cannot draw women)
Make an Epic OC
—Force people to design OCs for a specific series for that week. If they can draw and want to, they can draw them. If they can’t draw? Make it a stick figure, or a shitty drawing a child would make. And have them make a small write up about the character and their powers.
—This can easily be taken seriously, or just have them make an overpowered self insert, all of it is fine
Anyway that’s all my ideas! Hope this helps or inspires some of your own unhinged ideas
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fourswordsfairworld · 3 months
Saw the most recent Nintendo Direct. FINALLY! Four Swords is being re-released on the Nintendo Switch! I remember playing the anniversay edition on my DSI as a kid.
When I tell you I stimmed so hard I got light headed... I've been wanting an online multiplayer of Four Swords for so long.
Epic win for the Four Swords fans today!
Really hope they decide to do Four Swords Adventures next, along with some other Game Cube titles!
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discodoodles38 · 2 months
Chat GPT made a story about CaseOh
CaseOh's Epic Streaming Adventure
In the bustling world of online gaming, there was one streamer who stood out from the crowd: CaseOh. Known for his larger-than-life personality and even larger-than-life presence, CaseOh had a fan base that adored him. His streaming setup was nothing short of spectacular, with LED lights and high-end equipment. But his most notable feature? His immense enthusiasm and appetite for snacks.
One day, CaseOh decided to play a new game, “Dungeon Quest,” on his channel. He announced to his viewers, “Today’s stream is going to be epic! But first, let me grab my snack. You know, to fuel this finely tuned streaming machine!”
As he reached for a mountain of chips and a soda that could double as a small swimming pool, he quipped, “You know, I’ve got so many snacks here that even my refrigerator is on a diet!”
His viewers chuckled and sent in their virtual cheers. The stream began, and CaseOh dove into the game with gusto. However, as he battled virtual monsters, his chair began to creak under the pressure. “Don’t worry, folks,” he laughed, “My chair is just trying to keep up with my impressive gaming skills—and my equally impressive snack consumption!”
Throughout the game, CaseOh's commentary was as engaging as ever. “Watch out for that dragon!” he shouted. “It’s almost as fierce as my craving for a double cheeseburger right now!”
At one point, CaseOh needed to pause the game to go grab more snacks. He told his audience, “I’ll be back in a jiffy. I just need to raid my pantry—it’s the only place where my snacks are ever in danger of getting bored!”
When he returned, he had a pile of goodies stacked beside him. “This snack tower should keep me going. If gaming were an Olympic sport, I’d win gold in the ‘Snacking’ division!”
As the stream continued, CaseOh’s energy never waned. He even joked, “I’ve got so many snacks here, you’d think I was preparing for a week-long marathon. And if I’m not careful, my waistline might start its own channel!”
Despite the playful fat jokes, CaseOh’s fans loved him for his genuine humor and charisma. His streams were always a hit, filled with laughter and camaraderie. CaseOh knew that his larger-than-life presence was part of his charm, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
As the day ended, CaseOh signed off with a grin. “Thanks for hanging out with me, everyone. Remember, keep gaming and keep snacking—just don’t let the snacks get the better of you!”
And with that, CaseOh’s fans eagerly awaited his next stream, knowing it would be another fun-filled adventure with their favorite larger-than-life streamer.
(well damn)
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mcybree · 5 months
people don’t talk about it enough but flower husbands is inherently abusive and shouldn’t be shipped or platformed. specifally third li!;;*;@;;@(1((2(÷÷{{[¥{[][¢[©}}{k((!(÷`{$[=$™¥阴暗地爬行 尖叫扭曲阴暗地爬行 尖叫扭曲阴暗地爬行尖叫爬行扭动分裂阴暗地蠕动翻滚激烈地爬动扭曲痉挛嘶吼蠕动阴森地低吼爬行分裂走上岸扭动痉挛蠕动扭曲地行走不分对象攻击 fortnite john wick mandalorian maythe4th grogu epic win game free game flash online play free now roblox
i dont care make your own post
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satoshi-mochida · 2 months
Alien Hominid Invasion and Alien Hominid HD coming to PS5, PS4
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The Behemoth will release Alien Hominid Invasion and Alien Hominid HD for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, the companies announced. A release date was not announced.
Alien Hominid Invasion and Alien Hominid HD first launched Xbox Series, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam on November 1, 2023.
Here is an overview of each game, via The Behemoth:
Alien Hominid Invasion
Old friends and bitter enemies await as you invade Earth alongside a Mothership full of alien friends! Blast, beam, and bite your way through an endless swarm of enemies as you and up to three of your fellow hominids cause mayhem with a huge arsenal of weapons, mutations, and acrobatic maneuvers.
Oh, Let Me Tell You More If You Want
Abduct intel from your enemies to sabotage their plans, observe the oddities of human life, blow up bosses, and mutate into a variety of powerful Alien forms in order to take down the not-so-secret Agents that are dead set on ruining your day.
Up to Four Players Online or Offline
Up to four-player local and online cooperative play.
Help MOTHERSHIP invade the Earth, facing down all new enemies and bosses.
Three Difficulty Levels
Friendly (200% health), Normal (100% health), and Insane (40% health).
Difficulty level is set per-player. One player can be on Friendly and one player on Insane, no problem!
Master Alien acrobatics at your own pace—flipping, diving, grenade jumping, head riding, down-shooting, dodging, and tossing enemies
Mix and Match Modifiers
Unlock and equip tons of unique weapons, boosts and cosmetics.
Level up and mutate your Alien to utilize even more new mechanics like super speed, healing, and flight!
Destroy the Enemy HQ!
Determine your own gameplay path with a non-linear level experience.
Invade randomly-assembled neighborhoods from hundreds of hand-crafted city blocks.
Alien Hominid HD
Alien Hominid HD, the award-winning 2D side-scroller from The Behemoth, is now available for modern platforms! With hand-drawn graphics, excitingly fast gameplay, and the humor that started it all, loading up this title is like traveling decades back in time, with improved visuals and the same hardcore gaming experience. Navigate your surroundings by jumping, dodging attacks, grabbing agents, and digging underground! Use your trusted blaster to shoot at anything in your path and hurl grenades towards your enemies for epic explosions! Catch agents off guard with your knife in close-up combat, or chomp their heads off if that’s more your style. Whether you’re playing solo or two-player local cooperative play, Alien Hominid HD is back with the three classic difficulty options:
Easy – Seven lives and continues, with two shields from weapon pickups.
Normal – Five lives and continues, with one shield from weapon pickups.
INSANE – Three lives and continues, one hit kills.
Tired of chomping heads? All of the original mini games are here for any aliens wanting a quick break, including:
201 levels of PDA Games
Super Soviet Missile Mastar
All You Can Eat
Neutron Ball
Pinata Fiesta
Challenge Mode
And that’s not all—the game is complete with Steam achievements, in addition to weekly and monthly leaderboards for all three difficulties! Come back to the game that started it all for The Behemoth while crossing your fingers and hoping you remember those pesky boss patterns…
Watch The Behemoth Roadmap trailer announcing the PlayStation version below.
The Behemoth Roadmap
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kafus · 7 months
okay well i guess i didn’t need my alarms cause i can’t seem to sleep more lmao. it’s 5 am
soooo pokemon presents in a little less than 4 hrs huh? realistically i’m expecting something either johto or unova related and since they’re apparently lighting up NYC today, which is not usual for pokemon day, i’m kind of leaning unova. i have mixed feelings about this since as much as i actually did enjoy my time with BDSP, i was dually disappointed by them and i’m still sad that sinnoh isn’t going to get the HGSS or ORAS treatment ever - if unova remakes were to be of a similar caliber of bdsp, i’d rather them just not exist at all frankly. nostalgia bias and my immense love for sinnoh aside, i think the unova games, especially bw2, are some of the best games in the entire franchise, and if they are remade, or get bw3 sequels, or whatever, i want them to be GOOD. lets not spit on the legacy of gen 5 now!! but. i remain cautiously optimistic. i’m not a super cynical pokemon fan and like i said i did enjoy bdsp despite everything. also a legends kyurem or whatever would be awesome btw i wanna see the og dragon lol. johto would also be cool but i’m having a lot less thoughts on it for some reason. i’m sure if they announce anything johto ayano will have incredibly passionate thoughts about it
now i’m not really one for predictions, the above talk is maybe the most obvious outcome since they usually do remakes mid-gen. instead i’ll just talk about some things i would WANT even if they’re a pipe dream and i don’t necessarily expect them:
a new PMD. not an explorers remake, a new PMD with a fresh story and everything. we haven’t had a proper new PMD story since 2015 and i MISS IT. i’d also enjoy explorers remakes but frankly i want a new game the most and i wanna play as sprigatito SOBS THE PALDEA STARTERS WOULD BE SO GOOD FOR PMD
gen 3 on NSO with full online capabilities and also connectivity to NSO ports of colosseum and gale of darkness. i 100% do not think this is happening but it would blow me away if it did. the amount of gen 3 that so many people were never able to experience as children, especially me… could finally be done online!!! it’d be cool if they removed all the dumb trading restrictions too but unlikely. (as an aside if they released gen 1/2 VC again with stadium compatibility that’d be epic but i somehow expect that even less)
some sort of new stadium-type game with home compatibility that provides single player trials similar to that of the old gen battle frontiers. i just REALLY really miss old singleplayer battle challenges. i want a new one to spend a bazillion years on making wacky teams and winning w them. i enjoy VGC but sometimes that singleplayer experience hits different
i really am a spinoff enjoyer. surprise me with something new! that isn’t a mobile game with gacha elements! just a whole new standalone pokemon idea. no idea what genre just excite me
MAKE A COMFY FRIENDS SPRIGATITO PLUSH OR SO HELP ME GOD (this is barely related to the presents im just thinking about it i want one soo bad 😭)
and those r all my thoughts i think. these presentations r always a treat because i wake up early and watch them with my friends. i probably won’t be liveposting it on tumblr bc i will be lost in the sauce of discord w the besties. i’ll provide my thoughts later though!
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yuwumeniji · 2 years
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If we went on a date, where would we go?
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
EXTRA NOTES: this is the most delusional i'll ever be and then i'll crawl into a hole and disintegrate into dust ♡
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
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GENERAL ; setting the stage
Established relationship with the luxiem members (albiet the beginning of one)
first dates !!! fluff !!!
i only know what romance is via otome game, i've never been on a date myself lmao
who proofread lmao (def not me)
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
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Classic bookstore/coffee date
what can i say? he's a classy guy
he stayed up all night planning what to do for a date and even called vox of all people for what to do on a first date
"NO! I'm not inviting them to my house on the first date - that's too... ris- hey, I know you're laughing at me!"
he figured that the date wouldn't be enjoyable if he couldn't take you someplace that he also enjoyed, so he settled with an article of top 10 dating spots in your city; thankfully, it included a cafe bookstore that ike is a regular at.
he takes you to his favourite rustic/vintage styled cafe and even gives you his Top 10 List Of Coffees He Would Die For
bonus if the cafe was also a book-lover's heaven ; those bookstore/cafes are so neat (i don't know the actual name for those lmao)
the date ends nicely - a pleasant time together just chatting and drinking coffee together, giving each other book recommendations (ike says it's good insight for a novel that he'd like to dedicate to you at one point) and so on. you both decided to go on another date to find more cafes like this together.
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A thrilling amusement park/arcade date !!!
It's like having to walk a dog with a leash except the dog is luca running around the park grounds and pointing excitedly at different roller coasters
"C'mon Y/N! It'll be fine ! Look, I'll even hold your hand at the big drop, can we pleeease go on that one?"
Backtracking into the night prior, luca is the type to call everyone he knows so that way he could hype himself up for tomorrow
and to ask for fashion advice - it's surprising to hear something like this from luca, the man of fashion himself
also he just wanted to share with everyone that he finally scored a date with someone he likes
luca takes you to many different rides - thriller rides, fun rides, rides he's never been on, you name it!
luckily for you, the amusement park also had a small arcade too - luca took it upon himself to win you every prize imaginable even if some of the things he did made him look silly
the date ends off at a romantic ferris wheel ride because vox told him it'll be romantic AND he's seen it in anime before (of course anime would be correct, they are very accurate with the love-story telling for sure!)
the date is a success! luca scored another date - perhaps next time, things will be a little more calmer.
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the ever so classic movie date - but he's the one who suggests to watch a horror movie (even though you do know he's a little cowardly at times, you follow along with his plan)
it was either vox or luca who actually suggested the horror movie - much to mysta's dismay, but !! he's willing to do so for you !!
"a horror movie? are you sure?"
mysta would like to think he's THE shit, the smoothest person on earth who is about to woo YOU
date plan (brought to you by mysta): suggest horror film for your first date with him, watches you get scared and comforts you while putting on a brave face so that way he would look cool and epic in your eyes, fall in love (SUCCESS)
he could've suggested a rom-com, but he wanted to seem so alpha sigma male and not some beta male (cue the eye roll) in your eyes that he completely forgets to pick a movie that was enjoyable for the both of you
he also fails to realize his own fears and instead cowers behind you while watching the scary movie together (bonus points if he is legitimately hiding his face in the crook of your neck or something so he doesn't watch the film lmao)
after leaving the theater, he starts becoming sulky and pouty about looking cowardly in front of you that it literally takes your entire being and a half to practice self control - whatever you do, don't tease him !!! he's trying his best !!! even though he's so cute and all ;;;
you can believe that he instantly started jumping for joy when you suggested to watch a movie together again
SUCCESS! i hope
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a trip to the aquarium is to die for when going on a date with shu
shu instantly thought of bringing you to an aquarium after winning tickets for 2 at a local supermarket for one of their events
the night before the date, shu spent time watching different aquatic documentaries so he could impress you with his knowledge of the fish in the aquariums (yes he watched wild kratz yes it was to impress you)
nerdge shu (REAL) - while you both are touring around the aquarium, he starts to tell you random facts about the fish you see
"oh yeah? that's a clownfish.... best well known for their role in finding nemo..."
lots of photos !!! the cutest couple aquarium photos to ever exist !!!
the walks under the tunnel area felt a bit too romantic - walking hand in hand with shu, watching him ramble off about the sharks that swam peacefully and the lighting.
dear god the lighting
surprisingly enough, the blue and green hues of the aquatic tanks made shu's whole appearance feel otherworldly ; if you can disregard the flames that follow him around ever-so often. it was mesmerizing (he knows you were staring and he's a little glad that the aquarium lights were able to hide his flustered face)
the date ends off well ; shu had a blast and you gained the important knowledge that he truly is a nerd even though he denies it - well, at least he is your nerd.
best believe from now on, every anniversary or important event will be celebrated at the local aquarium.
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an art museum and dinner date, how fancy
another very classy man who had to call everyone he knows because ' holy shit this is THE Y/N he's taking on a date with and his heart is about to combust '
yes we're back with the wiki-how articles on how to impress your date on the first ever date; shu was the one who sent him a link and he thought maaybe it's good for a little light reading
"Shu... you're a genius! they would love this!"
"Vox, it's just a wiki-how article, you don't have to take it to hea-"
he eventually settles on a nearby art museum as they were having an event for an artist you once mentioned - perfect!
that definitely displays that he was listening to your conversations with him and he remembers - how sentimental!
as for dinner, he decided to show off his culinary prowess and impress you with a restaurant quality dinner created by yours truly!
he's about to become the man of sex the man who is going to sweep you off your feet!
well at least that's what he hoped.
the art museum was boring - the two of you only toured around the small exhibit and left quickly THEN went to a fast food chain of all places before you could try vox's cuisine.
it made him pouty on the way home that the date didn't go according to plan, but you noticed how much effort he made in order to make it fun for you, and to be honest - knowing this was a lot better than the actual date itself.
so the date ends off surprisingly well - a little kiss on the cheek for goodbye and another scheduled date where the two of you get to laze around all day is set; vox couldn't be anymore happier than that.
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akihabaradivision · 3 months
Criss's Thoughts on Obihiro Division
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Hisoka Tetsumasu
"Hisoka-san's ranch? Oh, it's definitely on my list of places to explore! I mean, with all the history he has, there's got to be some kind of supernatural energy there, right? Horses are such spiritual creatures too; they have this wise look, like they've seen things we can't even imagine. I haven't had the chance to sneak onto the ranch yet, but believe me, it's tempting. I've heard stories about places where animals live being crossroads for spirits, and I'm curious if Hisoka-san's ranch is one of those places."
"I wouldn't be surprised if there were spirits lingering around, maybe even watching over the horses. It would be fascinating to investigate and see if there's any truth to the tales. Plus, I think it would be pretty cool to meet Hisoka-san in person. Despite his past, I bet he has some interesting stories to tell. And who knows? Maybe the spirits are drawn to the place because of him. It's all speculation at this point, but I’m eager to find out more. Ghosts or no ghosts, Hisoka's ranch is definitely a place where the veil between worlds feels thin."
Daiki Kamiyama
"Daiki-kun's superhero antics are totally cool! I mean, who doesn't love a bit of mystery and adventure under the cover of night? We've bumped into each other a few times while I'm out on my paranormal investigations, and let me tell you, it's always a blast when he's around. His enthusiasm for superheroes and doing good is just infectious. I think it's awesome that he's trying to make a difference, even in his own unique way."
"We've explored a couple of spooky spots together, and Daiki-kun's bravery really shines through. It's like he's in his element, you know? I can't help but admire his dedication to his hero persona. Sure, it might be a little risky, but life's too short to not chase after what you believe in. Plus, having a 'superhero' by your side when you're chasing ghosts? That's just epic! I'd say we make a pretty great team when it comes to exploring the unknown!"
Jack Verrill
"Jack-san is like a character straight out of a manga! The stoic butler with a mysterious air about him—it's just like something you'd read in a story, and I find it pretty amusing! Whenever I'm hanging out with Daiki-kun and Jack-san is there, I can't resist teasing him a bit. I’ll sometimes just throw out a classic line like, 'The butler did it!' when we're talking about mysteries. He usually just gives me this look that's a mix of exasperation and amusement, which only makes it funnier!"
"Honestly, I think Jack-san's presence adds a whole layer of intrigue to any situation. He's got this vibe that he knows more than he lets on, and I respect that. It's clear he cares a lot about Daiki-kun, and his dedication to his role is something you don’t see every day. But I do wonder what secrets he's keeping. With someone like him, you just know there's a wealth of stories behind those quiet eyes. Maybe one day, he'll share some of them with us. Until then, I'll keep enjoying the mystery that is Jack-san, the enigmatic butler. Because, after all, he is just... one hell of a butler." Criss giggles to herself.
Veiled Vanguard
"I like these guys! They're an interesting bunch! I've hung out with them a few times, and it's always an adventure! Hisoka-san's ranch has this mysterious vibe that's just so captivating, and Daiki-kun's enthusiasm for heroics is super contagious. Even Jack-san, with his stoic butler act, has a certain charm. They're like characters from the paranormal fanfics online come to life, and I love that!"
"When it comes to facing them in the Division Rap Battle, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit torn. On one hand, it's going to be epic. But on the other, I've gotten to know them, and they’re not just opponents; they're friends too. It's going to be tough to go against them, but that's the nature of the game, right? We all want to win, but more than that, we want to share our stories, our music, and our hearts. So, no matter what happens, I'll give it my all and hope that our friendship can withstand the competition."
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evilrat-sabre · 8 months
Welsknight Season 7, EP 1 and 2 a Rat's report
So I started watching Wels season 7 again for reasons™ and decided I should take notes, not only of what he does, but about things I observe around the server, so here is my trying to understand my own notes and sharing with y'all. Idk if I will do it again, but I had fun doing this.
Note: I did it again! NEXT
INSANE "Starter" House! | Hermitcraft 7 - Ep. 1
27:04 length, posted 23 may 2020. Watched 30 January 2023.
Wels starts the video referring to it as Season 6, he says that he just had a nap, and he is ready to go work in "projects"
He finds it weird that no one is online Cub enters the world and gets weirded out with Wels being on the word Wels talks with Cub in the nether hub -Wels calls Cub a vex and this makes me unreasonable happy -Wels refers to season 7 as "the future" He goes through a suspicious diamond portal and ends in Hermitcraft season 7
At season 7 Cub gives him some of Scar's crystals, He grabs two:
"Courage of the lion" and a "A gift of love", because I quote -Love is all you need-
Some time observation notes:
Grass and mycelium mix in the Shopping District, this is before the war.
I see a Mumbo for mayor map, I am still not sure what point in the mayoral election this is.
It's before the nether update: The button is alive.
I probably should mention he builds his starter base, it has a lovely colour pallet.
This is where my episode one notes ends, but I went a little bonkers with episode two notes,
Mines & Landscapes | Hermitcraft 7 - Ep. 2
26:15 length, posted 27 may 2020. Watched 30 January 2023.
He starts mining and talking about the burnout he was going through, apparently he took a 8 months break of minecraft, started streaming and swapped to a more general gaming content creation.
Personal note: This reminded me why I started watching Wels to begin with; the man was receiving awful comments, because of his lack of minecraft posting. I was new to the fandom and hadn't ever watched him before, when I got here he was already going with his now very familiar cycle of posting minecraft and vanishing for some time, maybe posting another game and maybe posting nothing for months. I will not lie, I started watching him of pure spite to the awful people that felt like it was a acceptable comportment to go to this guy's comment section and talk shit about how if he wasn't going to post he should get kicked out Hermitcraft. I said it at that time and I will always repeat: You are aren't entitled NOTHING, Wels and honestly any other youtuber, by default owns you nothing, and being a little hater will only ostracize you from other people from this community. aNYWAY; I got hooked in his Binding of Isaac series, and to today he is my favorite youtuber, and his videos -Minecraft or not- bring me great joy. Okay back to my report.
*Spams clicks his bed when the sun starts to go downs* "Bdubs isn't online, someone gotta fill up" Sir, just admit you have a sleeping problem /j
*Insert epic wither skeleton killing montage here*
The button is dead. Wels comment at seeing it dead: "The Gift machine is broken, good thing I didn't spend a long time camping, I could be hurt"
Wels starts going through the mayoral candidates and starts reasoning why he wouldn't vote to some of them
Mumbo: "I can't in good conscious support Mumbo, because I don't need a spoon" (Personal note: I was so amused I anoted the time stamp 07:15) Scar: Scar offered cats for everyone if he wins and I quote Wels "I don't even like cats" (Personal note: Even your favs can do wrong; sometimes living in denial and turning a blind eye for things is a good thing to do /hj) Doc: "I don't know, where I will even begin" (Personal note: "this green man was occupied having a child", Its a good start of a explanation and "He is a menace and a threat to society" is also a very reasonable one. Joe: "He isn't running for mayor" (Personal note: Yeah, he was running for something even better, the whole Dog catcher thing, may be one of the best things I ever saw in minecraft. "Create a problem that only you can solve, so now you hold political power over your fellow friends and coworkers") So this leaves Wels with two good option False and Stress, he can't really decide so he leaves his concrete vote in both of them. (Rat's reaction : Yesss, vote in our queens, oh brave knight!)
10/10 he would book again
Why is he killing the wither with a axe?? (I know why, but let me fins him weird)
He is doing his starter base interior; I am having House flipper flashbacks, at least it isn't grey.
No one sells feathers, Wels commits murder of the poultry category.
He send letters to his close neighbors, it starts with "Hidey-ho neighbor-" and I am smiling wide and losing my marbles.
Every neighbor receives two blue flowers, with exception of Jevin who receives two yellow ones (Persona note: I find this funny, because Jevin is the only one I am aware that blue is his favorite color)
Some time and world observation notes:
Barge was updated from Ep 1 to 2, Wels complimented it.
I just saw Grumbot- Oh god the shopping district was so ugly. (My actual live reaction)
This is the end of my report for now. God I am nostalgic, Season 7 was the season I got into Hermitcraft, and it fills me with joy seeing if from the pov of my favorite youtuber.
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solaireverie · 7 months
tagged by @oscar-fastri 🫶
1. Who or what got you into F1?
my family! i come from one of those european motorsport legacy families where we've followed the sport from day one. both my parents are enthusiasts and i grew up watching f1.
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
the first f1 driver i supported would either be sebastian vettel or lewis hamilton. seb is retired now, but i'm still a lewis girlie through and through. i think my opinions have changed a lot, especially when they switch teams, but in my heart i'm still that kid screaming my heart out as my favorite driver drives past.
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
max verstappen 🦁 if you'd asked me before feb 1st i'd have included lewis but i'm still reeling from the news
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
hear me out: oscar and fernando. it may be unconventional, but i feel like it'd be epic. it'll probably never happen but the vibes would be incredible omg.
but secretly i'll always want to see seb and lewis in the same team 😭
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite driver?
oh. ohhhh boy.
my mum's favorites are lewis and mick, my dad's are max and pierre, my brother is lecfosi through and through, and my sister is a lando fan. my extended family supports various assorted drivers that i honestly don't bother to keep track of 🤭
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
barcelona 2016 and interlagos 2021 are the ones that come to mind. yes, there are others that have been "better" for my faves, but max's first win (ft. brocedes public divorce proceedings) and lewis' insane comeback hold such special places in my heart.
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
i'm legally obliged to say circuit paul ricard and silverstone, but zandvoort, spa, and suzuka also hold special places in my heart.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
i've been lucky enough to go to quite a few 😜 there's a picture of three-week-old me at the 2005 barcelona grand prix that i keep on my desk lmao
i think my most notable experience is that the cars are a lot louder and faster than they seem online. my favorite gp experience would probably be silverstone but spa and interlagos are really cool too!!
btw monaco is a tourist trap. it's kind of boring and honestly it's more of a social event than a race, so if you want to experience the more technical side of f1, it's better to go to another gp
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
my lawyer (my cat) has advised me not to comment on this
(yes but mostly in passing)
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
w11 😌 you will never be forgotten, although rocky (rb19) comes close to stealing my heart
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
meeeeeeh. if i really had to choose it would either be heikki or pastor maldonado but nope, no favorites.
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
"i don't apologise for winning" - sebastian vettel
"enjoy the butterflies" - daniel ricciardo
"no regrets, just memories" - daniel ricciardo
"still i rise" - lewis hamilton
not a quote but i really like the il predestinato nickname for charles :)
tagging @papayatifosi @formulahuh @matchnightt @lorarri @presdestigatto @renarots <33 and anyone else who wants to do this!
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crusherthedoctor · 8 months
Sonic fans really think dark and edgy is quality?
The fandom's collective need to treat the Pontaff games as the worst thing to happen to the series, and the desire for Maria's death to "elevate" the movies, should make that obvious.
Because for every fan that actually tries to explain their gripes with the former, there are fifty more who mindlessly hate on them just because they can't stand Sonic not being edgy. The zombot arc is considered Peak Sonic because everyone is suffering, failing, and crying 24/7. '06 is retconned as a secret masterpiece because Sonic doesn't say Baldy McNosehair. Eggman as the final boss is considered problematic because giant purple testicles are supposedly more epic and raise the stakes. SA2 is frequently called the greatest in the series, even by those who have never played it, because it's dark, therefore it's good.
Of course, this is something of a problem with media perception in general. Even outside of Sonic, phrases like "comedic", "child-friendly", etc are often said with negative, patronizing connotations, as though anything that isn't 100% intense serious business is instant sanitized slop that could never possibly have anything compelling going for it. Even people who are willing to defend breezier works often feel the compulsion to mention how "simple" they are by comparison. Or how they're "just" a lighthearted romp. Or that "sure, it won't be winning any awards anytime soon, but..."
Or going back to Sonic, notice how when fans talk about the transition from Genesis to Adventure, they often tend to emphasize the latter era as significantly darker and thus deeper... as if CD's visual storytelling and Eggman starting a forest fire never existed.
Lighter works still require effort to pull off. Comedic media still requires effort to pull off. This online tendency to dismiss or downplay such works not because of their individual quality, but because they have a backwards concept of what maturity is, has always been a pet peeve of mine. It's also why I don't give that much leeway to anything that's praised solely because of how dark it is.
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brd6147 · 8 months
i am in love with so so many video games and it makes me so so sad when i gush about them and nobody knows what i am talking about... there is an alarmingly low amount of online appreciation for these games, even though the opinions i do find are usually absolutely glowing !! so,like, play these THREE super underrated indie gems pretty please. maybe youve heard of one or all of them, but it cant hurt to hear more !!!
chicory: a colorful tale !! its a relaxing and heartwarming top-down adventure across a world (full of cute animal people) that lost all of its color, and needs you to fill it back in !! its all about art, friendship, self-worth and self-discovery, accompanied by hundreds of fully colorable screens, fun painting-based puzzles, and a rich, lovable world with incredible characters and dialogue !! $20 on consoles and pc
tunic !! its a classic-zelda-like delve into a (genuinely and deeply) mysterious ruined world, complete with its own MULTIPLE conlangs and many, many mind-bending twists !! the greatest treasure (aside from the immaculately crafted vibe) is the very knowledge of how the game is played !! best experienced blind. $30 on consoles and pc
cobalt core !! its a sci-fi strategy deckbuilder "roguelite" that has you in a mysterious timeloop, fighting spaceship battles with a super charming animal crew, all with their own fun dialogue and dynamics with each other !! highly replayable, with simply learned and engaging gameplay that focuses on movement and positioning, and rewards each win with a glimpse into one of your crew's pasts !! $20 on nintendo switch and pc
all three of these games also have some awesome incredible epic original soundtracks !! only more reason to play them !!
and even if you dont totally want to play them after reading this, at least check them out !! i cant do each game enough justice with just one paragraph per !! trust me theyre worth it
thank you have a good day
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