#ep. progeny
dr-futbol-blog · 3 months
Sanctuary, Pt. 4
Now. The Ancients. Let's do an excursus on them real quick.
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There appears to be a strong sexual attraction between the Ancients, and to a lesser extent the people who hold the ATA gene. They feel drawn to each other and can feel this pull emanating from one another upon close proximity.
We are shown several times that Sheppard can feel the Ancients, he can recognize them based on their physical presence alone. Ancients and those still carrying the gene are instantly and powerfully attracted to him. He could also recognize that the replicators were not Ancients despite for all intents and purposes looking like them just based on their physical presence (they didn't feel "Ancient-y" to him). Ditto being able to clock the wraith among the Ancients in the virtual environment of Aurora (S02E09), because "There's something very odd about her." Even McKay with his artificial ATA gene can feel them:
McKay: I know I'm not normally Mr. Sensitive, but you've got to believe me when I say there is something about her. I know it's intangible, but I can feel it--*
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This actually makes sense from an evolutionary stand-point.
There are "Four Great Races" in the SG universe. We know nothing of the Furlings. The Nox, given their reverence for nature, probably are DTF but because their life-spans are lengthened, it probably happens rarely. It would make sense for them to have mating cycles to keep their population under control but we have no information about this. Then there are Asgard. We know that they they evolved beyond sexual reproduction, actually becoming incapable of reproducing sexually. This lead to the destruction of their race through progressive attrition of their gene pool. And then there are the Ancients, the Alterans.
We know that the Ancients also evolved beyond their physical forms to beings of pure energy. But this didn't happen over night. It didn't happen in one generation.
In the episode Epiphany (S02E12), we meet people that are close to Ascension, close to evolving beyond their physical forms. They are not Ancients but as "those who came after", they are close enough. These people not only had and enjoyed sex but it seems like sex was one of the only pastimes that even slightly interested them beyond meditation anymore.
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I'll argue later that Sheppard felt attraction toward both Avrid ("Then shouldn't he be the one bringing me breakfast?") and his sister Teer ("The woman teaching me how to meditate was… very attractive"), although he seems to not actively pursue women in general. Like he tells Teer, he never sees these things coming, with women. Sheppard most definitely had sex with both of them.
Now, this makes sense. If, as a species, your pursuit is to evolve into beings of pure energy and discard your physical bodies but this cannot be done in a single generation, there needs to be a strong sexual pull between members of this species. Otherwise they would, like the Asgard, die out for lack of sexual reproduction before reaching that goal. They need to feel sexual attraction toward each other, and it has to be pronounced to override their disinclination toward earthly pursuits.
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There's a phenomenon called Genetic Sexual Attraction that exists in humans. It's an intense sexual attraction felt between people that are genetically close to one another (like siblings) that have not undergone the reverse sexual imprinting that usually takes place when peers are raised in close proximity. This reverse sexual imprinting can happen between children that are not genetically related to one another if they are raised together, and it seems to be missing between siblings that have been raised in separation. It's an unfortunate side-product of an assortative mating strategy in humans.
It would make sense for the Ancients to have evolved something of this nature to ascertain the survival of their species, which would keep members of the species too genetically close to one another from reproducing but to generally drive the people of their species to have a strong sexual attraction toward one another. This attraction would have to be strong enough to force them to mate and produce offspring despite a mental disinclination toward carnal pursuits.
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The Ancients, whom we know dabbled in genetic manipulation, may even have reinforced this through scientific means, given that they were losing the war against wraith due to their diminishing numbers, being out-reproduced by the wraith. Further, the Alterans had also evolved to a state of physical beauty that humans frequently describe as "perfect". This beauty, this attractiveness, also contributes to the assortative mating strategy.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, of course, but it could maybe be argued that the people carrying the ATA gene also do seem to be more attractive than average humans. Somehow even Joe Spencer of Citizen Joe had married a woman way beyond his pay-grade (and also, I'm not saying O'Neill was attracted to him but it's interesting that they cast Dan Castellaneta, the voice of Homer Simpson, as the guy with the Ancient connection to O'Neill).
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We see several examples of strong sexual attraction between Ancients. Janus, we learn, had many lovers (there's an argument to be made that they were women and men).
Jackson: Several of Janus' peers suspected he had a "bastion of unfettered thought and experimentation" or -- as one of his lovers put it... McKay: He had lovers? Jackson: "...an isle of solitude within the city walls."
Orlin wanted Samantha Carter so badly that he was willing to give up his ascension. He wasn't in love with her in some pure platonic way, he wanted her.
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People with the ATA gene seem to have somewhat of a lessened version of this. When McKay's body was occupied by someone that didn't consider Carson Beckett his best friend, she wanted him so badly that she basically sexually assaulted him (and once she was no longer in McKay's body, this attraction seems to have vanished).
Not saying McKay wants Beckett by any means, but that this genetic resonance exists between their bodies after he received the gene therapy. I'm also not saying that Sheppard wanted to bone Beckett, but he sure was drawn directly to Beckett in the Antarctic base, following the sound of his voice. And then there's Gen. O'Neill with his "if you can't give me a yes by the time we reach McMurdo, I don't even want you!" who has chemistry with everyone.
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And finally, there's Sheppard and his "what is it with you and ascended women?" (and men, my guy), who attracted to himself both Arvid and Teer but also both Mara and Tavius, and even Harmony and her sisters (who possessed a diminishing ATA gene). These are all people who barely knew him but definitely wanted to bone him right at the offset.
Because he has an exceptionally strong ATA gene. Strongest we've seen in a human. It's not mere main character syndrome that these people are instantly attracted to him, and this would also explain this instant connection between him and Chaya Sar, especially from her side as she had not felt this kind of connection for 10,000 years. There are just way too many examples of this same exact thing for it to be a coincidence.**
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So where does this leave Sheppard and McKay? Was Sheppard attracted to McKay before he got the ATA gene through gene therapy? It's impossible to say. Before he got the gene, we mainly see McKay being drawn toward Sheppard. We might be able to make a case for McKay having been attracted to Sheppard from the outset. Also the fact that Beckett is his best friend might suggest that he is drawn to people that carry the gene, although again, it might just be because they are attractive by design.
But as soon as the gene is activated in McKay, Sheppard is more and more pulled toward him. Sheppard physically gravitates toward him, and although McKay is wearing a personal shield at the time, Sheppard is comfortable being in his presence, touching him, manhandling him as soon as McKay has had the gene therapy. It's not proof but it is enough to speculate.
Would it matter if Sheppard's initial attraction would have been motivated by this? After all, that's not what sparked his interest in Rodney.
The thing is, all of this is just sexual attraction. It's a biological imperative. It's incentive, it's not fate.
Love is so much more than simple physical attraction and even by this time, we have seen what ever it is that exists between Sheppard and McKay develop into something much deeper than mere attraction, a mere physical pull. It may have started as attraction but it was through their deeds and sacrifices that the two of them started falling for the other. It was through getting to know one another, the good and the bad, through sharing experiences, of joy and fear and humour and anger, that they've started forging a genuine bond between them. And this is the lesson that the episode is building toward. We get to learn what it is that Sheppard so desperately needs. And we get to learn who he can find it in.
Continued in Pt. 5
.* So let's assume for a moment that you're a Kinsey (5-)6. You've never felt genuine sexual attraction to the opposite sex. Performed it, yes, but not felt it spontaneously. Then you come across a member of the opposite sex you have every reason to dislike for personal, interpersonal, philosophical, ethical, religious, and other reasons. But you feel a strong sexual desire toward her, all out of the blue. That would be confusing to you. You wouldn't even know what to do with it. It would probably make you kind of nauseous. It would feel wrong. Yes, Rodney is clearly jealous, but it's not the only thing that is going on there. He hates her, literally, with a passion, from first sight.
.** So, like. McKay actually kind of does have a reason to worry about Sheppard and his sister given how he has historically fared with siblings but, like. As long as she doesn't have the gene therapy, you're fine.
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queensaule · 3 months
I have seen speculation around the meanings behind Mae and Osha's names, and as a mythology nerd I would like to submit:
Oshun: Yoruba river goddess of life, fertility, love, and sensuality. In some myths she was the creator of humankind. She maintains spiritual balance and protects humanity. Unlike most of the Yoruba gods (orishas), she is most human-like,
Maia: Greek and Roman goddess who is the namesake of the month of May. In Greek mythology she was the mother of Hermes. She was more revered by the Romans, who saw her as the embodiment of growth and fertility, Spring, and closely associated with Terra (Mother Earth). She was also associated with Vulcan, perhaps because they both represented aspects of warmth.
So they're both sort of life-giving fertility goddesses!
Which makes sense for the children of a coven of all-female witches.
We did learn that they have longer, more formal names in ep. 3. Verosha reminds me of Jerusha or Yerusha, a Hebrew name having to do with ownership, possession, and inheritance. There's an aspect of the transfer of property, but also of being someone's heir, of taking over an estate.
Mae-ho I don't have a good association for, other than expanding on the Maia connection. The Romans linked her name to the Latin word for ancestors, maiores, which comes from maior/major- greater. Makes sense that the goddess of growth and fertility would also be associated with ancestors.
The link here is, of course, about the connection between people and their ancestors and/or progeny. About passing things down. They were made as the future of this coven, the heirs to Mother Aniseya's power. I also have a theory that, knowingly or unknowingly, this coven is keeping alive some ancient Sith practices. OR that Plagueis will learn "unnatural" powers from them.
Of course the coven also has some Nightsister energy too; maybe back in the ancient times there was kind of a dark side milieu that these witches and the Nightsisters both descended from, or one is an offshoot of the other, and the Sith were in there too. How do the Great Mothers of Peridea fit into all this? Much to think about!
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cornus27florida · 9 months
Do you suppose King Jack ever tried to send photos of his kids to his parents in Camouflage Kingdom? Or do they simply not bother?
The Fun Thing about Camouflage Kingdom in the canon is.. A kingdom that truly looks that can't be easily find LMAO
On the day of the island's Ceramics Festival, a 20-year-old Leelathae was going out to feed stray vermin on the island. Meanwhile, the then-Prince Jack of the Pastel Kingdom was on a mission to return a relic. However, he had taken a wrong turn, and was getting close to the Braided Island.  -> return relic to the camouflage kingdom - but he gets lost and somehow stumbled to Leelathae
Do you suppose King Jack ever tried to send photos of his kids to his parents in Camouflage Kingdom? Hmm maybe? Jack has tedency to send portraits randomly and freely, with the ultimate example is the whole incident of our CPC with real CPC as Jack truly sent Gwen's portrait to the real CPC which make our CPC in panic if they're exposed somehow. For reason behing Jack to send photos of his kids are uncertain but I think as Jack is kind-hearted person, he won't send it with malice (like for example: all of the Pastel kids excluding Gwen are the standard of beauty and literally show what "the alchemy of beauty" wish for : birds, flowers, sparkle thus making Jack sent a revenge note like "Look at your grandchildren, they are the embodiment of your idealism")
Why I say this? Because based on newest free ep we know that Jack never care about his parents obsession as quote:
Mother, Father... I admit that I never really understood your obsession with judging appearances. But now that I look closely,... I think I finally see what you mean now. So for once, I shall partake and urge you, Mother... that it's time you looked in the mirror yourself. ...Because I've never seen you look so hideous -> this means, even if Jack knows about the treasure of his kingdom - he will never obsessed with it unlike his parents and 'family' and he truly believes all of his kids are beautiful espc Gwennie Pie as the carbon copy of his wife
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Or do they simply not bother? -> who "they"??? Jack, and his family together with Lilyth? Or Helena-Jesse and those POS of the 'royal family' that deep rooted with eugenics?
I am not sure about this so please give reply or anything about what you mean.. I prefer for sentence to be clear and not ambiguous for referring anything - as I am the most active wiki editor for the CPC fandom lmao. Reference, and who are characters that being referred for - very important
The Kingdom's self-claimed treasure based on Helena and Jesse is "the alchemy of beauty". An eugenics idealism to keep 'breeding' one heir of them to another with the most beautiful spouse they're could thinking so their progeny will be more beautiful. When the previous rulers (before Jack's) finds the spouse choice of their crown prince sole heir is someone that they're deem as ugly - they're try the hardest to breaks the relationship of Leelathae (Lilyth)/Jack. -> the nutshell of Lilyth's Diary content
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allmyandroids · 1 year
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Nigel Fenway [Brent Spiner] - Threshold Ep. 9 'Progeny'
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itskillerheels · 8 months
[Part 1] My thoughts on Last Twilight (01x10-11)
Spoilers for eps 10-11, obviously!!
Hi guys, just finished watching ep 11, and to be CLEAR, I’m not here to complain about the ending- it’s one of the aspects that I actually quite agree with, but I do have some thoughts about the last few episodes, specifically eps 10-11.
Maybe it’s just me, or I just lack a nuanced perspective in watching dramas, but in my opinion, there are a couple of things that seem… off in terms of pacing and development.
1. Day’s Mom + Night + The Surgery
Throughout episode 10, Day’s mom was reticent and disapproved of Day’s relationship with Mhok, as evidenced by her barring her son from seeing his boyfriend, confiscating his phone and changing the wi-fi password, etc. Aside from this, she says lines such as:
“I’m losing him no matter what I choose to do. At least I feel more comfortable knowing he’s inside his room.”
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(Not her best moment HA)
From what I saw, the mom was acting as a mom should do— being protective of her son, worrying for his future, as well as the struggle that many parents go through, to let go of their children and see them as adults.
These are the underlying reasons for her behavior, and although we, as viewers, understood her motives and motivations, we also understood that Day being blind should not remove his right to autonomy. [This post by @befuddledcinnamonroll here, explains it well.]
Although he is blind, this does not mean that he is somehow unable to function as a human being, nor is he unable to live life and pursue his dreams and ambitions. Day is a person with his hopes and dreams, and his blindness does not define these intrinsic things that make up his humanity.
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If at episode 9, Day had embraced his blindness, and accepted the reality of his situation, his mother remains to be at the same point that he was at in episode 1- she is grieving.
She grieves her son’s future, the image of her son that she had built in her head, which that thereupon been shattered with the accident that led to his condition. Day was her Mirror - he was ambitious, successful, self-assured, and even overly cocksure. With him being so similar to her, it made sense why she had a bias towards him. He was the “golden child”, while Night was the “villain” because he was the “good-for-nothing” son that mirrored his father. They all had defined roles in the family dynamic, which then dramatically shifted when Day became blind. Suddenly, Day couldn’t be the successful or self-assured one. He couldn’t be the golden child and Night had to step up, ultimately breeding resentment between the parties. [ @btwinlines makes a really good analysis of this here.]
With the shift in dynamics, Day resented Night for seemingly “taking what was his” aka occupying the role that he once had. He resented Night as he believed that Night relishes in the spotlight, now that he has the opportunity. And aside from Day, the mother also resents Night, blaming him for the accident because she also feels like she has lost something, as a mother— the once bright future of her favored progeny.
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Throughout the show, Day grows past his resentment as he adapts and embraces his reality, but this is a growth that is not similarly reflected in his mother. While Night and Day were able to reconcile, what episode 10 failed to address (which I had hoped would be addressed in episode 11), was how she, too, had to face the reality that her son’s blindness did not take him away from her. He is still him, the same Day with the same personality and soul. Although he would not be able to accomplish the things that he initially set out to do in his life, his blindness doesn’t make him less of a person. Keeping him caged in his room and prohibiting him from contacting people outside of the house is choking the progress that her son had made from episodes 1-9, and she must see that Day has the capacity to be independent and NEEDS his independence to be a fully realized being. She needs to see that her son is not without agency now that he is disabled.
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And I had thought that this is where the surgery would come in. C’mon, no one actually thought it would work, right?
Ok so. With the surgery as a plot device, what could have been done is to create a catalyst— casting a glimmer of hope in what the mother believes to be a hopeless situation, and then forcing her to realize and accept the reality, like what her son had already done. In my head, it would all be slow, a depiction of the last 3 stages of grief— bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
Bargaining— the surgery is a representation of this stage, as the mom holds on to the hope that her son can be “cured” and all the previous familial dynamics of the past can return to “normal”.
Depression— the surgery fails, all hope is gone, and the mother will be left to pick up the pieces— Day’s devastation at the failed surgery and her own devastation as all doors to the past are now closed, all opportunities exhausted. Maybe this will bring out tension in the family, and maybe the mother would take initiative to repair her relationship with BOTH of her sons, making mistakes along the way.
Acceptance— the mother accepts all that I have highlighted above (Day is STILL Day, and he needs independence to live a fulfilling life as a fully realized person, Night should not be a villain in her eyes, and that change is necessary for her family to stay together).
But that is not what happened at all.
Instead of addressing the prior concerns of the previous episode, after Day’s surgery became an opportunity, it’s like the mom did an abrupt 180? She is suddenly accepting of Mhok (like… wow… didn’t see that coming) her issues with Night are never addressed beyond the beef stew scene in episode 10, and… all her previous controlling behaviors just… vanish… *poof* magic. And to top it all off, A TIMESKIP, OF ALL THINGS.
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Change takes time. It’s not like the mom can just flick a switch and then immediately change her viewpoints, address her internalized resentments and just be “fixed” herself, just like how all the problems in the family dynamic can’t just be fixed with one shared beef stew at a Christmas dinner. These are deeply rooted concerns, all planted before the show had even begun, even before Day’s blindness.
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Episode 11 had the perfect catalyst, a catalyst that would throw a wrench in the tenuous peace previously established that Christmas day, a catalyst that could have triggered a forceful, painful, organic growth in the lives of the characters, one that would have them take a step back and say,
“Man. We need to change things.”
Everything is not fine. The room is on fire, and we can’t continue to stay in this room.
Just… imagine how beautiful the contrast would have been. A calm before the storm, a truce on Christmas, immediately followed by a crack in the glass, a break in the fabric. And a reminder that change is painful, and the last stage of grief, acceptance, is crucial for any permanent state of change.
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And that’s not what happened. It feels… hollow, somehow.
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Nine People Tag
Rules: Get tagged, answer the questions, then tag nine people you wanna get to know better
Thanks for taggin me @sender-paulson!
Last song: Forgive Me Friend (feat. Swedish Jam Factory) by Smith & Theill
Last movie: Brokeback Mountain which I watched as research for a fanfic so I could accurately have a character quote the movie while the other was oblivious because I'm so incredibly lame lmao and I didn't even like it. Like, it was a good film. Beautifully shot. The locations <333 But I didn't like either of the main characters as people. I had my tissue box in hand and I didn't even need it. I let the hype get to me I guess.
Currently watching: Parks and Rec still. Getting close to the end. Ron just had his baby and I think we have one ep left before we have to put in a new disc.
Currently reading: Nothing :( I just finished Network Effect (murderbot diaries #1) and now I'm supposed to be writing. Next I'm wondering if I should jump to the next book in the series (yet to be purchased) or read something I already own. Our Hideous Progeny by C.E. McGill looks really good but Sanderson mystery book #3 is on its way to my door and I haven't read #2 yet. Basically my options are limitless and require dedicated consideration.
Currently craving: idk I'm pretty content at the moment. Maybe a cold water, or maybe a month of exile to a remote cabin in the woods with only my laptop and music library and any nearby woodland creatures for company. Or maybe not. I'd miss my cats :/
Last thing I looked up for writing purposes: "Underpass" in the Urban Setting Thesaurus
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Tagging: @cljordan-imperium @lucianinsanity @parknerandirondad @shipskicksandgiggles @out--of--ordinary
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lovevalley45 · 1 year
i feel bad bc progeny is like the ep that i go back to the least often but it has my favorite exchange in which stein thinks the woman ray was fucking died n jax had to explain what ghosting was
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deadlynedly · 1 year
my favorite thing about the finale is that the interactions between lestat and claudia throughout are constantly mirroring the chess game from the end of ep 6.
i think it’s best displayed in the scene where they’re playing Debussy on the piano together, and claudia broaches the subject of the grand ball. it’s the first time (at least that i remember) where lestat shows deference to his second progeny, by demanding louis turn the page while he and claudia finish the piece.
by the time she brings up the ball, he’s sold. she knows he values his survival above all else, but she also knows how much he craves attention and scandal.
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metalpurgatorymedia · 10 months
Progeny of Sun - Throne of Desolation Album Review
To say there’s been much anticipation and intrigue behind the debut album of Finnish blackened death metal act Progeny of Sun would be an understatement.  Formed in 2017 by the core duo of Niko Aromaa and Jaakko Hautamäki, the band has released a multitude of singles and EPs since their inception, recruiting three new members to flesh out the ensemble along the way as well Upcoming debut album…
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polyrecsdaily · 1 year
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dr-futbol-blog · 3 months
Sanctuary, Pt. 17
Sheppard asks McKay what "the hell" he's talking about, and he still doesn't sound angry or even annoyed at him. He sounds like he accepts what McKay is saying even though he doesn't understand what that is; he sounds honestly confused.
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If Sheppard is annoyed at anything here, it's the fact that McKay seems to be ignoring him now, talking directly to her like he's not there, like he's not hearing him because he's so focused on her. And McKay does sound impassioned. There is such desperate yearning in his voice as he pleads for her to give them the truth: "I just don't understand the act. I mean, you must know we'd give just about anything to talk to you, to learn from you. I mean, what is it? What, are you… checking us out?"
McKay may just have told him that there's a real live Ancient sitting next to him but Sheppard's attention is not entirely on her. Yes, he's watching her, does not know what he's looking at. She's not who he thought her to be. But his attention is on McKay. McKay's attention may be entirely on her, but his sure isn't. Without any conscious thought, his head is following the sound of his voice.
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She admits that it's true: "I am what you call an "Ancient"… And it is also true that I can never offer your people sanctuary… But you are wrong as to why I came here."
Sheppard is not happy to hear that she cannot give them sanctuary and it appears as though she had never even intended to do so. While both Weir and McKay himself are surprised that he was actually right about this, it doesn't surprise Sheppard. As stated before, it was never that he didn't believe McKay or trust his judgement. Even here, he seems to accept McKay's reading of the situation as is, even when he doesn't fully understand it.
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He just doesn't know what to make of it.
While Chaya admits that she is an Ancient, she also says explicitly that she thinks McKay is wrong--about why she came. And it's only then that Sheppard engages her. For the past several moments he had only been talking to McKay but it's, again, his need to defend McKay that gets him to return his attention to her. He asks her why, then. If McKay is wrong, which he usually is not and very obviously hadn't been wrong about her at all here, why then had she come.
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Note Sheppard's surprise at her answer. What ever he had thought her motivation had been to come to Atlantis, despite trying very hard to charm her to get her to help them, to grant them sanctuary on her planet, having the hots for him was not among those reasons. He is genuinely baffled by this. Note also that he says "This was never about, uh..." She has just confessed that she came to Atlantis for John, to get closer to him. What ever Sheppard thought that she had come for, that was not it. It was clearly something else. He thought that she had come for some other reason.
And while Sheppard seems initially surprised by this, it quickly turns to bewilderment. If she had such a wrong idea of what he had intended, he feels like he owes her an explanation and possibly an apology. He had not been meaning to lead her on, and sure, in retrospect it all looks really suspect, but his own motivations had been pure and noble to start with. He had people to save, people to keep safe, people he had personally endangered and to whom he owed sanctuary that he had convinced himself they could get from her. But, like. McKay might think he's Kirk all day long but romancing the alien priestess, let alone an Ancient, had never been the goal, merely a means to an end.
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He feels like he needs to explain this to her, owes her an explanation for his behaviour.
Notice how, when Sheppard asks whether they can have a moment to themselves, he's asking McKay. Not Weir. Not the room in general. He is asking McKay whether he is okay with him spending a moment alone with her to explain himself.
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He looks at McKay with his finger up in the air, looks to the side (possibly recalling a specific memory), then looks back at McKay apparently having had his entire body turned toward him during this, and only then turns back to the rest of the room. The entire question, "Could we just have a moment to ourselves here?" was spoken to McKay.
That's really interesting.
Why does he want or need McKay's permission to talk to her in private? Why is McKay apparently ready to get up from his seat and leave them alone immediately upon being asked by him? It also does not appear as though he was in on the chorus of "No!" from Weir and Teyla. Sheppard, giving him his full attention like that, pleading him. McKay would have done just about anything Sheppard asked for like that. That, Sheppard looking at him, giving him his attention, acknowledging the connection between them, that's all he wanted.
Most people will assume that Sheppard wanted a moment alone with her so that they could discuss their feelings. It seems like that's what the people gathered around the table thought, as well. But that's probably the last thing Sheppard had actually intended to talk about. He's not good at talking about feelings even if it was something he wanted to do and considering the hysterical reaction he had to the topic ("I can feel it..") the previous evening, we can safely conclude that feelings--whether hers or his own--were not what he had in mind to discuss.
The thing is, John Sheppard doesn't like the Ancients. I mean, he really doesn't like them. In Tao of Rodney (S03E14), he tells us how he really feels about them:
Sheppard: Look, we all agree the Ancients were pretty screwed up. Weir: We do? Sheppard: All the ones I met were arrogant and condescending, and not for good reason. They made giant mistakes and never fixed them.
All the ones he has met. This very much includes Chaya Sar. In fact, she's the first Ancient he ever did meet.
Note also that he is contrasting this to Rodney. McKay is arrogant and condescending, but for a reason (by this time, Sheppard actually knows that it's for reasons; note also that while he absolutely acknowledges that McKay is arrogant [in The Shrine (S05E06): "I know that sounds... arrogant, is that right?" -- "Yeah, that works."], it doesn't make him love McKay any less. It's just a facet of who he is). McKay has also made giant mistakes--huge, honking mistakes that Sheppard has been there to witness real close--but he has always tried to fix them when he's messed up. Always. Not only that but McKay has had to fix many mistakes made by the Ancients, and he has always gone in to fix them with everything he's got. Sheppard contrasts the Ancients with McKay here, and he would choose McKay every day of the week.
Sheppard doesn't like the Ancients. He also doesn't really care about them, as we learn in the The Return (S03E10):
Woolsey: From their point of view, Doctor McKay, they're being extremely generous. Keep in mind that when they left Atlantis, we were basically a hunter-gatherer species. McKay: Well, did you remind them that if we hadn't hunted and gathered them out of the void between galaxies, they would still be stuck there? Sheppard: We should have left them out there.
Sheppard really doesn't like the Ancients. One could even say that he holds some animosity toward them, as seen in Progeny (S03E05):
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It's kind of like he holds every Ancient personally responsible for everything that has happened in Pegasus for the past 10,000 years, and is ready to throw hands about that. They had the power and technology to do something about it and instead they chose to run away, abandon every human under their protection.
McKay is the one that admires the Ancients, who wants to learn about them and from them, who's looking at them for answers. It's McKay that is desperately wanting to connect with her, here. Not because he's attracted to her but because he thinks that she's the key to protecting them, keeping them safe. Keeping Sheppard safe.
McKay makes to get up as Sheppard asks for a moment but sits back down at the emphatic no from the women. Chaya stands up instead, intending to leave.
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Even as she goes, Sheppard does not watch her leave. When she leaves, he actually turns to look at McKay, they exchange a glance. Then he gives Weir a look that says he's still blaming her for all of this.
What's also interesting is that when Sheppard follows her out of the meeting room, what he actually says to her is him continuing to argue McKay's case for him: "Come on, Chaya! You and your people were the reason we came here in the first place." He went after her not to speak to her about his feelings but to tell her why McKay is right. His tone is also not someone pleading for the light of their life to stay but he actually sounds combative as he takes after her.
And the way Sheppard walks after her, he was prepared to argue. He was going after her to have words. But he doesn't have time to argue it with her as she faints, and he catches her.
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But McKay doesn't know this. As Sheppard leaves, he seems to need to touch something. He holds out his hand, pauses for a moment, and then presses it against his laptop. His trusted laptop, the thing that has been closest to him most of his adult life. But that's not what he wanted to be touching, clearly. He watches Sheppard go, just like Sheppard watched him go back on the planet. Sheppard asked him to have a moment alone with her, and that's what he is going let him have.
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It seems that Chaya is sensing that the wraith are preparing to attack Proculus. Again, I'll draw your attention to the fact that Sheppard's reaction to a beautiful woman fainting in his arms is not concern or even worry, it's anger:
Sheppard: What the hell was that? Chaya: They're coming for them. I should have never left them. Sheppard: What's going on? Chaya: I'm sorry, John.
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He's loud enough to have alerted the others still in the meeting room who come out to see what's going on.
Touch has been important in this episode as we've seen many things communicated through it, possibly even used as a plot point. Whether Sheppard was mind-controlled out in the balcony or being seduced by natural wiles, as he interpreted it later in his mission report, this is the only time he touches Chaya out of his own volition:
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It is not a friendly touch. He is very angry with her, demanding answers. This touch is meant to keep her from leaving, which is what she so obviously purports to do. Out there, Sheppard told her that he wasn't going anywhere because it's what he longed to hear. But it seems now that she never had any intention of staying. She says to herself, "I should have never left them!" emphasizing the fact that leaving and staying are central concepts for this episode--for Sheppard's character in general.
She turns into a being of pure energy, takes control of their gate and leaves. This time he watches her leave, they all do.
He tells Weir that he's taking a jumper to find out what happened, and takes off. He doesn't ask McKay or Teyla to accompany him. They don't offer. They all assume that there's some unfinished business there that he needs to take care of alone.
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But McKay watches him leave. Takes a few steps after him. He wants to go. He doesn't offer because Sheppard just told him, and specifically him, that he needed a moment alone with her. But he very much wants to go with Sheppard. To be there for him. To be there with him.
Concluded in Pt. 18
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bettsfic · 5 years
i’ve been seeing a lot of posts on my dash about the witcher and it looked pretty interesting to me, but when i went on netflix the description was really vague and unhelpful. in attempt to not accidentally spoil myself by looking on the web, would you mind telling me a little about it?
first of all, to watch the witcher you need to replace your expectation of “good” with “totally unhinged.”
the show is about henry cavill in extremely tight clothing, carrying around a broadsword, facing moral dilemmas, fighting monsters, and having sex. he takes a potion before every fight (which isn’t explained) and no one in the story ages (which also isn’t explained) so people’s parents and grandparents look the same age as their progeny. 
the witcher is not a monster of the week show, nor does it have a coherent ongoing arc. it is not told in chronological order. most of the things that happen are unrelated to everything else that happens. the timeline might happen over weeks, decades, or centuries, and none of that is explained. lore is told in fits and bursts and makes no sense at all. the first episode is absolutely useless and you should not judge the rest of the season based on it, but it has a great sword fight and geralt (that’s henry cavill in extremely tight clothing) talks lovingly to his horse. that’s it. that’s the show.
what is important to know is that the season is adapted from short stories set before the events of the book series. so it’s not season 1 as much as season 0, which is why it feels like nothing is connected or makes sense. it’s a primer to what i’m assuming the next season will be (and i think/hope the fandom will really take off). 
everyone seems to have boners for everyone else. most of the characters are women and they are all absolutely feral. the showrunner is a woman, and most of the eps are written and directed by women. it’s like watching a really wild fanfic come to life. what i love about it is that it’s just so fucking weird. every expectation i had going into it was shattered, and even the moments that were cheesy or boring or cringey or dumb i found somewhat endearing. now that i’m done watching it, i kind of want to watch it again, which is something i rarely do. after every episode i thought, “i really don’t like this, and i don’t want to watch anymore.” and after every episode, i clicked play on the next. 
if you like hot beefy men who are deeply misunderstood as being the bad guy but are actually good-aligned, you’ll like the witcher. if you like complicated, all-powerful, borderline-evil female characters who are greedy and heartless and have ample room for growth, you’ll like the witcher. if you like isolated men who are chased by endearing comedic relief sidekicks, you’ll like the witcher. if you like stories in which seemingly self-centered men are made to become paternal toward helpless beings, you will like the witcher. if you want to ship everyone with everyone else and be totally overwhelmed by attractive people doing attractive things, you will like the witcher. if you like catchy bops that will be stuck in your head for 87 years, you’ll like the witcher.
the only way you will not like the witcher is if you’re expecting it to be good.
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dilfmobius · 7 years
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pocketcosmic · 3 years
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So these two shots seem to go together. What's Ego doing at Dairy Queen late at night? Is it part of T'Challa's episode, and he's come down to Terra personally to find his progeny? Maybe that's T'Challa's final showdown, protecting the planet from Ego by finally returning home to face him?
(Ego is of course, a celestial, and can have any appearance, so this isn't impossible. He just needs to be shown in Kurt Russel form so the audience can remember who he is, and then spend the rest of the episode shifted into T'Chaka, or some other form.)
Or maybe it's a different ep. Peter hasn't appeared in the previews yet, maybe Scott is Ego's son? Or does this scene lead to Scotty ending up as a head in a jar?
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lostinwoods · 4 years
A comment on youtube for the recent Hyh ep. was.
'Rin is the queen. She got the hottest demon on land and his babies!'
And the most morally challenging thing of it all is the comment has 680+ likes and over 30 replies hooting about the 'feats Rin has achieved' and replies saying 'I wish I was Rin' or 'This is how you could be like Rin'...and blah...blah...blah...
Is this the society we are living in rn?
If y'all think taking away a 14yr old's choice of living a free teenage life and subjecting her to a harsh reality of losing her kids the second she gives birth. Then yes, Rin is the f**kng queen, she is the queen of misfortune and the victim of social misogyny and teen pregnancy!
Never knew that the idea of being f**ked by your father figure and having his kids was the mood these days!
Then there was second comment with over 400 likes and 30 replies,
'My heart melted at how Rin gave birth before Kagome!'
Is it really something you want happening to your fav ship, shippers? A 14yr kid having to go through the pain of labour before a 22yr woman does. On what scale is that fine? Rin ending up pregnant before Kagome or SessRin getting an imaginative upper hand over InuKag just coz they shat out their progenies faster?
Was it even a race?
The most offensive shit I have seen till date in SessRin shipper fandom!
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lovevalley45 · 5 years
zari: “bet you thought time travel would be seeing woodstock, saving shakespeare, and having ethical debates while standing over baby hitler”
so with 5x07 we’ve covered them all right?
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