#enstars hell hole
eiimeixi · 2 months
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fhis is what happens when you drag gour friend down rhe enstars rabbit hole with you
(i know you're reading rhis prince.......)
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proseka culture is moving back to the hell hole that is enstars bc i'm still salty (i'm the guy who accidently lost my pjsk acc. yes i'm still salty about it. i was saving for the pandemonium set and colourfest akikoha DAMNIT-)
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natsmagi · 6 months
(cw suggestive? not really but)
thoughts on natsume with nipple piercings? and natsume with piercings in general... like why did enstars canonically said that she likes piercings yet only has her earlobes pierced it's not faaaaiiiirrr
in a way tho i kinda get natsume on the whole "likes piercings but only has 1 hole pierced on each earlobe" thing Bc me too (though i have plans on hopefully changing that this summer)
so as someone whos in a bit of a similar boat i just like to think that natsume thinks piercings are hot as hell (correct) and is dyingggg to get more but either hasnt had time or is taking her idol image into heavy consideration. That said i am 100% of the belief that the SECOND natsume starts finally getting piercings she would be swarmed with them
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Altered - Angels and Devils 3
Author: Akira
Characters: Hiyori, Nagisa, Tsumugi, Rei, Shu, Natsume
Translator: Mika Enstars
EN Proofer: PitXRoxas
"If the angel and devil are chatting amicabLY, that'd just be a boRE, wouldn't iT?"
Season: Winter
Location: SS Finals Live Stage
⚠️ This is an import from a unproofed Twitter Livetweet!
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Hiyori: Yaho yaho! ♪ Are you doing well, Five Eccentrics~?
As you can see, somehow, someone like me is in low spirits! What horrible weather!
Nagisa: …Fufu. It's nice to see Five Eccentrics appear to be happily smiling and getting along, as usual.
…No, I used the wrong expression. I'm envious, rather.
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Tsumugi: It's hell over here comparatively, isn't it…
It's like a bed of needles. Having been the leader of fine, it sure was like that every day… It's nostalgic to remember.
Rei: Boisterous since the moment you step on out huh? I'd say you're as much so as us Five Eccentrics.
Well, not in terms of trouble-making, you're not.
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Tsumugi: Ah, Rei-kun, please help me! The two from Eden who were originally in fine, they may appear peaceful, but they're always in this horrid mood~!
Hiyori: What reason is there to even be in a good mood?
I had no intention of being in the position of playing the role of an angel who exterminates the bad guys again.
Nagisa: …Perhaps this is once again our destiny.
…Fufu, compared to Hiyori-kun, I'm having a relatively good time.
…I'd overheard Sakuma-kun's words earlier, and I wanted to express my shared feelings accordingly.
Hiyori: To laugh at the fate of the story of the Five Eccentrics and us fine?
Tsumugi: That's the set-up.
Hiyori: But, honestly… I don't feel comfortable, it's like stepping into dirt with your bare feet, where you don't want anyone to touch you.
Shu: Heheh. Afraid, are you?
Hiyori: Excuse me?
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Shu: What a pity, isn't it. The past up until now where you triumphed over us had become historical fact. You had found peace in winning and then running away, with that flimsy glory of yours.
But now that you're on a big stage with nowhere to run, you'll have to face us, and be forcefully made aware of just how small and weak you all are.
If you don't like that, if that makes you afraid, then run away if you insist. Losing dogs are losing dogs until the very end, hole yourself up in that private heaven of yours with your bones in your mouths.
Hiyori: Ahaha, check this out, Nagisa-kun! The losing dogs are calling US losing dogs! Isn't that interesting?
Natsume: Shu-niisan, you've gotten better at provoking otheRS.
Tsumugi: He's had a lot of run-ins with society, hasn't he?
Natsume: You speak as if you weren't one of thoSE…
Shu-niisan would piss others off naturally in the paST, much like yOU, Senpai, but now I can tell he's provoking on purpoSE.
I suppose being defeated and humiliated so many timES, Shu-niisan has polished himself up after days of biding his tiME.
AlthouGH, that's the case for all of us Five Eccentrics. While you have been able to live peacefully on the side of the victOR, we've had to endure a great number of troublES.
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Tsumugi: But I'm pretty sure I've shared the same environment as you, as a member of Switch…
Natsume-kun, why do you refuse to acknowledge that, and instead act like a stranger to it? It's lonely, Natsume-kun.
Natsume: If we act like we get along weLL, we'll confuse the audienCE, you knOW.
Tsumugi: You have a point… Even though the story has to be set to be the culmination between villains and the allies of justice with a showdown.
Natsume: YuP. It is meticulousLY, excessiveLY, and overtly staged to be that wAY.
If the angel and devil are chatting amicabLY, that'd just be a boRE, wouldn't iT?
Tsumugi: I'm not much of a fan of that composition, though.
Not a single one of us now believes we were of pure righteousness, and you guys as evil to be destroyed.
And here we are being forced into such roles. I don't feel comfortable.
Natsume: HaH, you crack me uP. I'm sure if it were during the war two years aGO, you’d want to play that very roLE—You guys of fine.
Tsumugi: Well, I can't argue with you on that…
It's true that we donned masks as emissaries of justice and vanquished you, whom we named to be evil. We acted accordingly to a plot spun by someone else.
Natsume: It's the fact you obscure who it is by saying “someone else” there that bothers mE, Senpai.
Tsumugi: Does it~? And I'm even trying to behave in a way that makes others as little uncomfortable as possible…
Natsume: You're a natural at saying things in a way that makes others uncomfortable. That bad habit of yours shows every now and thEN, Senpai.
AnywaYS, needless to sAY, that mastermind in question behind the conflict of the past was who we call the “Emperor”—Tenshouin Eichi.
At least everyone here is aware of iT.
Tsumugi: You should be calling him Tenshouin-“senpai”. Since he's older than you.
Natsume: If that's the only thing that concerns you heRE, people will think you're a psychopaTH. Your priorities are ALWAYS way out of ordER.
Tsumugi: But it's important. It doesn't bother me, but when I think about your future…
Natsume: MhM. I know you mean no maliCE, Senpai.
But that's why it's all so puzzliNG. We were just discussing this earliER, but who on earth is behind all of thIS?
This fuss called “OO” that's going on right now is based off a proposal that I once put my all into creatiNG.
Tsumugi: Ah, is that so?
Natsume: YeaH. You probably had no idEA, Senpai, since you didn't read the original proposal before you burnt in that bonfiRE.
Tsumugi: Ah, from back then… But if that's the case, then that's strange.
The plan should have been burnt to ashes, shouldn't it?
Nobody should've been able to know what it was about, essentially. If OO appears to be a recreation of it, how could they have gotten that information?
I don't think it could have been a coincidence. Hm~, what a mystery…
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rhetus · 5 months
back in the enstars hole after watchinf the livestream. my life is hell
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mayoiayasep · 2 years
if i were to start an arahokke agenda would anyone be interested in joining
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yandere-daze · 2 years
I fell in the Valkyrie hole because of my friend brainrotting and Miwaku Geki
There's a reason why I've played it nearly 200 times total on JP and EN, and that's exactly why I'm doomed when it comes to Yandere Valkyrie ajshdb
-Cospro anon
Funnily enough, I also got introduced to enstars by a friend that is a ValkyrieP and loves Shu but the song that actually got me was Koyoi tsuki no yakata ni te and Mika's graceful spin djdjd Fell in love at first sight right there!
I've also played Miwaku geki more than 200 times but that's because for the euthanasia event it was my highest scoring song so I spammed it while going for Ritsu. For the longest time I wasn't able to listen to it because I was always reminded of that hell of a grind sjsjs
There's no doubt that they're very happy that you appreciate their art this much though! It means you're a person of great taste!
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Ok listen... I didn't want to be be this obsessed... I knew this man would make me... I always ALWAYS love this kind of character and I didn't want to go down that rabbit hole right now... But this blog... THIS DAMN BLOG!!!! WHY MUST YOU BE LIKE THIS YOU'RE THE ONE THAT AFTER ALL THE TIME I SPENT RESISTING THIS INEVITABILITY GRABBED ME BY MY THROAT AND STRAIGHT UP DRAGGED ME TO THE DEEPEST PIT OF LOVING SHU HELL THAT I WAS DESTINED TO FALL INTO SINCE THE VERY FIRST TIME I HEARD HIM UTTER A SINGLE WORD
Anyway thank you for your service your blog is a true blessing. I might not have been into enstars for long but this man has my whole heart and more.
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maddiethebull · 5 years
May I request a scrnario with leviathan with an s/o who's a closet otaku (like she rlly tries hard to hide it from him lmao) and how would he react when he manages to discover her otome/male idol merch (like enstars, tsukiuta or a Idolish7 lololol) hidden in some part of her room/closet
Levi (Obey Me!) - Prompt - Being with a secret otaku MC
Sorry that this took fucking forever, I had my Mid terms which was a ride and a half, but heres the story. I used the power of my own weeb knowledge to write this, hope you love it!! Thank you for making a request
You, Satan, and Asmo were sitting in the living room watching The Real Housewives of Devildom when you all heard an ear shattering seemingly female scream. Asmo jumped like a baby into your arms while Satan, who was off in his own world reading a detective novel since you got so caught up in the show that you weren’t even looking at your Spells notes anymore, looked up and straight to the source. It came from your room. The biggest problem was that you guys had no idea where Lucifer fucked off to so you couldn’t ask him to go check it out. 
Asmo quivered in your arms, saying, “M-MC, go check it out.”
“WHAT? Me? You want me to check it out?” You? The weakest of the bunch??
Satan spoke up, “why don’t we all go check it out, that way we’ll have MC with us to make sure she’s okay and have two demons to protect her.”
Reluctantly, you and Asmo got up to follow Satan’s lead.
-Five hours ago-
Levi was so far ahead of you in Mario Kart : Journey into Devildom ™ that he passed the finish line nearly a minute before you. 
“Hah, normie!!” he said. 
You had been not only defeated, but defeated so badly that you silently declared Mario your arch enemy. You looked to Levi, 
“Hey, that level was really hard, okay?” you said with puppy dog eyes, hoping to avoid his taunts about your gaming abilities. 
“Nahhhh it wasn’t you’re just such a normie that you couldn’t finish it in first place like me.” He said it with a taunting smile and a sly look in those orange eyes. 
You decided to repay his taunts; you stood up and then kneeled, your hand on your heart, 
“Forgive me, your weeb highness.”
You grabbed his hand, you were going to kiss it to really drive the whole weeb highness joke in but he tugged away immediately. He was blushing the color of a fuji apple. He put his wrist over his mouth and avoided eye contact, he was slightly embarrassed from your joke, but it was you grabbing his hand that sent the flush to his cheeks. Of course, he would never admit that to you, so he said, 
“H-hey, you don’t have to make fun of me.”
“You just called me a normie, Levi,” you said, looking up at him with a beaming smile. 
He blushed more, “G-get up MC, it’s w-weird l-looking at you like that.” In a desperate attempt to hide his blushing cheeks, he wasn’t even looking at you now. This is why you loved teasing him back, he would always become so flustered when you teased him back and seeing him blush was the cutest thing you could ever imagine.  No matter how much Levi called you a normie or made fun of you for being bad with the video game controller, you never turned down a chance to give him a taste of his own medicine. He didn’t even know the best part. You were totally an otaku! Just like him – well, maybe not just like him, you left your room much more than him and another tiny detail is that you had gone to the ends of the earth to hide your otaku side from everyone you came into contact with. 
“Hah,” Levi laughed, “when you were being all butthurt about being a normie, you sounded like Suki from My Heartless Father Threw Me Out At Birth But It’s Fine Because He Died and Left Me With A Fortune But My Angry Mother Tried To Kill Me But I Killed Someone, Who Is It? When her heartless father threw-”
“I understand Levi.”
Realizing that maybe the name was a little too forth-giving to the plot, he tried a different reference just so he could see you not understand it. 
“Okay what about this one, you sound like SHEba at the final battle when she gave a speech to the dog-humanoid overlord.”
“Pfft, no I didn’t, she was way more worked up okay. And that was the same day that she found out her father was the villain so that’s two people betraying poor SHEba. Also, what was with the ending, was that a set up for a sequel or something? I think that a sequel would be dragging it on too much just like when ‘Did She Do It?’ came out after ‘Do What I Say! : Should We Have A Courtship?’”
Levi was looking at you, mouth hanging open, “Uhhh MC, you’ve seen ‘Bone Catcher: The Planet of the Dogs’? AND ‘Do What I Say!’????”
“Oh, uh, no, not really, only a little bit of it. Just some snippets because you were talking about it so I watched like five minutes, not really my thing………”
“ASDFGHJKL only this meme can describe how I’m feeling.” It was a deep fried meme written in ancient devildom language over the picture of what seemed to be a demonic pikachu with its mouth open. 
You sigh, “Levi I can’t read that.”
“Hm, maybe a NORMIE (lolololol)  like you shouldn’t read it!”
You laughed, “okay, Levi.” 
To this he smiled, you didn’t know why but he smiled nonetheless. In truth, he was just happy that he could have a conversation with you like this. You were the only person he’d ever met that went to such lengths to hang out with him, I mean Satan sometimes came around to watch dramas and Mammon came around to ask for money, but you didn’t want that. You wanted to hole up with him, hear his voice, see his smile, play the games you weren’t accustomed to. You just wanted to be with him and that was the most profound realization that came upon Levi after you two first began hanging out like this. You were his first best friend and his first romantic interest that wasn’t 2D, so it was a big deal when you came to hang out in his room.
He didn’t want you to leave so he spoke,
“So, wanna play another game so you can lose?”
“Very funny,” you said, giving him a smirk.
“For reals though, I have this new game and it’s a two player.”
You stretched your arms out as you stood up from where you were sitting on the ground, “maybe tomorrow, I have a big test coming up in Spells class and I really need to study for it.”
He looked down to the controller that was still in one of his hands, “oh, okay, just do your normie studying but tomorrow you have to be here to play it with me, like blood oath promise me.”
“I feel like a blood oath is a little too serious for this situation, pinky promise,” you said holding out your pinky.
He couldn’t help but blush at the thought of touching your hand again. 
“Pffft, w-what a lame normie thing to do, l-let’s do a pinky promise t-then.” 
“Okay,” you linked your pinkies together and looked into his eyes that were surrounded by a rose color that crept up to his entire face, “I pinky promise you that I will be here tomorrow so I can be your player two.” 
He blushed even harder, “okay, w-whatever.” And you were on your way out, but just before you opened the door, “oh, by the way, I lost my headphones at R.A.D., can I borrow some earbuds for tonight?”
“Hmph, okay but JUST for tonight, the premiere of Generic Anime Name is gonna be on Devflix tomorrow morning and I can’t miss watching that.”
And with that, you were off to study in your room until Asmo yanked the headphones from your ears,
“Hey MC, guess what show is on?”
“Asmo I’m trying to study,” you put Levi’s headphones in your pocket as to avoid further ear pulling. 
“But it’s ‘The Real Housewives of Devildom!’ Remember how you promised me last week that you would watch the new episode with me?”
“Asmo, not now, I need to study for this test
“MCCCC, you SAID you woulddddd you prommmisssed”
“Ugh fine but only if we bring Satan along to help me study during commercials.”
Meanwhile notification beeped on Levi’s D.D.D.,
“As a present we’ll be releasing the premiere of Generic Anime Name a little early for our loving fans
Levi rushed to your room and walked right in, not bothering to knock. It was a good thing you weren’t there because you would’ve punched him in the face if another person had come in while you were studying. He wondered for a second where you had gone, but that wasn’t the issue at hand, he HAD to find his headphones. He rummaged through almost your entire room. ‘Where would they be?’ ‘Maybe she dropped them and kicked them under the bed?’ So, he went looking under your bed and found tons upon tons of anime and otome merch. He saw a body pillow of Gavyn from Mr. Passion: Monarch’s Decision and that’s when he lost all composure and let out a scream. About five minutes of digging through your stacks of posters and T-shirts and yet another body pillow, the door was nearly busted open by you, Asmo, and Satan. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He was hurt, really hurt you could tell because he didn’t even have the strength to call you a normie. He figured you didn’t tell him because you didn’t think he was cool enough or hot enough like Gavyn. Maybe you even didn’t like him at all. 
“Uhhhhh, I’m going to leave now, bye,”Asmo said, sprinting out of the awkward situation and Satan soon followed seeing that there wasn’t some ghost wandering about in your room. 
“Are we friends?” This caught you off guard, why the hell would he think you weren’t friends? He was your best friend and at the same time your biggest crush. 
“Of course, Levi, we’re friends,” your head hung low, you felt slightly ashamed of hiding this side of you from him. 
“Then why did you hide all of this from me?”
“Because I was scared of how you would react. In the human world, there was a guy I used to really like, he was my only friend at the time, but when I showed him these things, he stopped talking to me; he wouldn’t even look at me in the hallways. I felt so alone. He thought it was weird and childish and- and he said I was creepy. I just-” tears began rolling from your eyes from remembering this and realizing that Levi was nothing like that guy. Levi, even though he didn’t show it much, actually cared about you and he was even into some of the same things you were but you were just too damn scared of something like that happening again.
You choked back your tears, “I just didn’t want to lose you.” 
He stood up and walked over to you, “MC, you don’t need to hide from me… I would never stop talking to you, even if you were into stuff I didn’t like. I just like being around you and having a friend to play video games with and watch anime with and you listen to me talk about Ruri-chan and- and,” his voice shook. Now both of you were crying as he pulled you in for a hug, you were both such softies that you couldn’t help but get worked up over your emotions. Neither of you wanted to lose the other, and Levi didn’t want you to feel like you needed to hide any part of you from him because, after all, you were his player two. 
“Y-you should never leave your player two behind,” he said with his face buried in the crook of your neck. Lucifer gave a passing look in your room when he got back to see that you were alright but saw two emotional weebs crying and hugging instead. 
“MC, Levi, I beg of you, whatever it is that you’re doing, just finish and go to sleep.”
You and Levi separated but instead of going to his room, Levi stayed with you to watch that new anime premiere episode. You shared the headphones even after you nodded off to bed and Levi was just sat next to you, listening to whatever was on his computer while smiling gently at you, studying your features as you lay peacefully asleep. Finally around five in the morning you were both asleep as Levi unconsciously held you close, in his arms, never wanting to let go of his Player Two.
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trashcanuwu · 6 years
An enstars meme because I'm deep into the idol hell hole xdd
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bdb-cinereus-blog · 8 years
Black Mark (Sayuri/Sakutaro, Post-Motive)
What did you do when the lives of dozens of people were threatened? Well, that was easy. Capitalism, of course. What else? Sayuri had some fruitful explorations and while becoming a nyehcoin millionare was their dream, right now the money was burning a hole in their pocket. And so, off to the machine they went. Gaia willing, they’d get something that might actually help them out.
They stared at their balance, debating to themself. It wouldn’t hurt to save a little for a metaphorical rainy day, would it? And so, after a few moments of weighing their options, they swiped their card.
Account Information: “Inside here seems to be a slip of paper with ”“Account Information!!!”“ written on it at the top in uncoordinated handwriting. There seem to be usernames and passwords for Lineplay, Flightrising, Love Live, and Enstars on here, which you could feasibly use to hack into someone’s account. At the top, in messy scrawl, you can make out a kanji: 密.”
Huh. That was odd. Well, now they could steal someone’s internet dragons. The heist of the century. Their name would go down in the history books. With a shrug, they moved onto the next….
….what the hell was this. It was kind of cute, but it was-- were they reading this right? They squinted at the label, scanning over it a few more times. Apparently, yes. They’d better handle this carefully...but, onto the next.
Newspaper Clipping: It looks like someone cut a piece out of a newspaper from a number of years ago. The clipping contains an obituary for a young girl named Mie Hōshō, although her cause of death is not stated.
They blinked. That was….interesting. It also quite clearly wasn’t for them, and they had a very good idea of who it was for. Biting their lip, they looked around, shoved the clipping into their pocket and the other two items into their bag, and wandered off. He was pretty distinctive, so they figured it wouldn’t be too much of a challenge to find him. Sure enough, there was a certain someone in a fox mask.
“Um, hey there! I’m sorry if this is sudden, but like, you know that weird machine that you can spend money on and get stuff? I...think I got something of yours from it by accident or something, and I...thought you should have it?”
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yandere-daze · 2 years
i have no clue what twisted wonderland is but you pulled me in with enstars and now have me reading.. descendants??? anyways i love it
Muahaha my master plan is working!! 😌😏 Dragging all of my followers into every fandom I get into djdje Enstars is one hell of a game to say the least so I hope you have fun with it and it's crazy characters!
I actually don't think I heard of descendants and it seems to also be some kind of Disney ip? Not quite sure
In case you were looking for an actual explanation, twisted Wonderland is a mobile game by Disney that got an English version not too long ago. You magically get teleported into a magical school for villains as a magic-less person and get to know the different characters there who are all very good looking and most of them were inspired by different Disney villains.
The main story is structured into different chapters where you deal with one dorm and it's story line at a time and it's honestly really interesting to read! There's also event stories from time to time!
If you want to play the game and it's not available in your region then you can either download qooapp and get the game there or if you're on an apple product you'll have to look up a guide how to set up a Japanese appstore.
Alternatively you can also find English translations on YouTube if you want to read the story. I can only recommend it, it's a rabbit hole I'm not going to get out of very soon djdhdhe
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tetsurovs · 7 years
its like 3 am but i was in the enstars tag n saw an edit for u so i was like dam better wish steph a happy birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHANIE!!!! DANCING QUEEN YOUNG AND SWEET ONLY SEVENTEEN
BITHC U SHOULD BE SLEEPING WTF ITS A SCHOOL NIGHT JFCCC,, but thank you so much ilysmMM!!! JFSDKHfjsdafl SO GLAD I MET U THROUGH THIS HELL HOLE :’))) (update: i just found out that dancing queen young and sweet only seventeen were lyrics)
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