#pls help Midori
oldmidori · 2 days
i think they put drugs in charisma house music, i keep trying to stop listening but i cant keep myself from restarting the playlist, this has been All Day
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songsofadelaide · 9 months
more dad megumi pls 😭 i read your previous one and i loved it! would really appreciate more😭 maybe megumi with a daughter???
The way I have the perfect prompt for this— inspired by my uncle and his daughter, my baby cousin. 😆
shadows as one. | shadows three.
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cw: female reader, future fic, established marriage, fluff, slice of life, child oc (fushiguro midori), papa!megumi encouraging his daughter's craft — they always say that every daughter is bound to be a papa's girl one way or another... Midori was no different.
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~ 20XX
It's always the quiet that's more worrisome.
You could leave Midori playing by herself in your living room while you cleaned up the rest of your house and you're sure she's fine as long as you could hear her babbling to herself and her toys.
It's the silence you were more concerned about. When her soft laughter dies out and you can't help but drop whatever it was you were holding and run to where you left her.
A wave of relief washed over you when you saw your husband seated on one of your daughter's princess chairs, his slender hand stretched out to her while she meticulously (yet still sloppily) painted his nails a shocking bright blue.
"I didn't hear you come in, sweetheart," you started before eventually sighing to yourself.
Megumi raised his left index finger to his lips. "No sudden comments, please. You might interrupt the technician."
"Yah yah!" Your little girl enthusiastically responded to her father's statement as though in agreement with him. They did always get along better, which kind of made you a little jealous. Then again, they always say that every daughter is bound to be a papa's girl one way or another... Midori was no different, especially since she looked just like him, too.
You recognised the little toy makeup box as one of the Christmas presents your daughter received— from Nobara, no doubt— and upon further inspection, you saw how your husband's eyelids were powdered with the same non-toxic shocking blue eyeshadow that stood out against his pale complexion and dark eyelashes.
"I-I want to go next! Mi-chaaan! Do mama's nails, too!" You exclaimed before getting down on your knees before your child, to which Megumi replied with a quirked eyebrow.
"Did you book an appointment with the technician?" he asked, though you could tell he was trying to hold back his laughter from the way his lips quivered. Midori lightly tapped his cheeks before breaking out into a tender laugh. "O-Okay, Mi-chan. Would you like to do mama's makeup this time?"
"Hmm... Yah!" She nodded with a smile before taking your larger hand in her own and pointed at the several bottles of children's washable nail polish. "Dis one or dis?"
"The blue one, please! So that I match with papa!"
Megumi slowly rose from his seat and gently grabbed the cleaning rag on your shoulder, a warm smile on his lips that seemed to extend further because of how the pink lipstick was drawn. "Make sure to tip generously, sweetheart. She's the best makeup artist in town, after all."
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✦ Thank you for requesting! Nothing makes me happier than writing a request I know I can work with. 🍹 You can read more about requesting here
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pls can u write ANYTHING for a pretty boy x gn! reader? no one writes 4 him n im so desperate u don't understand 😭
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In all honesty, I can agree with this. The lack of Intersection Pretty Boy fics just makes me- GGGGGGGGG
Also, sorry for the long wait!! Honestly, I had to rack my small brain for some prompts that would make a good scenario so- Ehe..??? HOW MANY YEARS??? THIS IS THE LONGEST I THINK THAT A BLOG HAS RELEASED ITS FIRST POST AND I'M HONESTLY SO SORRY I PROMISE I'LL DO MY BEST WITH THE OTHERS IT WOULDN'T BE A YEAR LONG WAIT I SWEAR--
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Within the Fog
The town of Nanchou-Shi was eccentric in its own right. With the obsession of the townsfolk over intersection fortune telling and the rumors of the ghost that haunts the town's tradition, the Intersection Pretty Boy. Though intersection fortune telling was something that people mostly do in search of that one seed of hope, the circulating cases proved otherwise. If not, it proved to be more dangerous than helpful.
In truth, the strange problem of the town seemed to have beckoned a morbid curiosity within you. The fact that these unfortunate souls met their ends when all they wanted was hope for their romantic struggles was a tragedy in its own right. Yet not only were they caused by random strangers that happened to pass by, but the most intriguing part was that the victims would often talk of a beautiful boy in black wearing red lipstick. He was an unknown entity that piqued the fear and interest of many.
With the mystery of the Intersection Pretty Boy's origin and identity, all fingers are pointed at your unfortunate friend, Fukata Ryusuke, claiming he was the Intersection Pretty Boy. But doubt would always wrap your mind in its shadowy cloak as you think of the connection between the Intersection Pretty Boy and Ryusuke. He never wore earrings, nor had you seen him owning red lipstick. Yet the tension of his posture and the sweat trailing down his face roused your suspicion.
As usual, the rumors regarding Intersection Fortune telling had been one of the school's favorite topics to gossip about, and your piercing gaze with the worried glances of Midori was of no help as Ryusuke struggled through the day.
Through the classroom window, it was easy to know that it was another gloomy day in Nanchou-Shi. Though the school had sheltered the students from the fog, they couldn't stay in school for long. But it was a thought that barely reached their restless minds, for what drowns their caution was the overpowering curiosity and temptation of Intersection Fortunetelling. Ryusuke never seemed to do it for the sake of his struggles, but it seemed more of a responsibility for him, one that seemed to come at the price of his well-being. As the fog hung in the air, he'd walk through the town, passing through intersections and giving advice. As days went by, curiosity crept from behind, slowly engulfing your mind as the image of what remained of your friend, Ryusuke, would occasionally flash within your mind. How thin he had become, how dull his eyes would come. He seemed like a dead man walking.
Your thoughts continued to dive deep into the intriguing mystery of Nanchou-Shi. But with the chilling hush of the wind, you were dragged back into reality, your view obscured by the overwhelming fog. "Tsk… Lost. I shouldn't have spaced out like that." Frustration clung from the back of your head as you internally scolded yourself. Helpless, you tried to navigate through the fog, wishing for something to enter your line of sight, perhaps a wall or a sign. And so, your wish came true as gray walls entered your line of sight, concealed by a veil of fog. Towards the wall, you walked. Mind running through memories to see if this wall was a puzzle piece to a place you've walked past at some point. But to no avail, your thoughts froze as your fingers made contact with the sharp turn of the wall.
You were at an intersection.
Cold realization struck as you froze in your spot. It felt like the wall was absorbing your hand, refusing to let you escape. The silent atmosphere of Nanchou-Shi felt more ominous as your eyes darted around the fog, paranoia creeping in like a silent predator. Was that figure walking towards you just a figment of your imagination? A hallucination? A tall, slim figure walked through the fog, seemingly unaffected by the heavy fog. It wasn't in a hurry like a businessman running late for work or a daydreaming student idly walking from school with their bag in hand or shoulder. The figure strolled casually, the rhythmic clack of their footsteps growing nearer and louder.
Paranoia turned to panic as your silently wary mind exploded into a flurry of thoughts. Whether you believed in the tales of the Black-Clothed ghost or thought it was just an elaborate cover for someone's crimes, you knew the outcome was inevitably grim.
The fog soon made way for the figure, revealing an otherworldly beauty. Eyes devoid of life, red-stained lips curved in a small yet mysterious smile, he wore no other color than black. The fog didn't seem like an entity of its own, but rather, it was akin to a veil that lovingly embraced him.
And as your eyes found him, it felt as if your heart froze. It was a contrast to your mind running in a storm of frenzy. Yet like the calmness in a storm's eye, one thought echoed in your mind like a voice lost within a looming cave.
With sudden courage, you ran from the intersection. Your beating heart echoed in your ears as the heaving of your breath grazed past your auditory senses. Yet none of those seemed to drown the echoing footsteps of the Intersection Pretty Boy. The image of the tall ghost was carved in your mind as you ran through the streets of Nanchou-Shi, using every turn to your advantage. But no matter how many turns you took, the chill that clung to your back didn't fade.
With the doubtful reassurance of your mind, you finally slowed your pace as you leaned on a lamp post for support, catching your breath. As you looked up, your eyes met the all-too-familiar gaze of Ryusuke. His confused gaze set upon you as he approached you with caution. "(Y/n)..?" The sickly-looking boy gazed at you, cold sweat trailing down his cheek as he took in your disheveled appearance. With the haunting image of the Intersection Pretty Boy flashing in your mind, you chuckled as you smiled at Ryusuke. Finally, in the presence of a familiar face, the veil of caution and fear slowly slipped from your mind, leaving only a tiny stain of vigilance within your mind.
"Ryusuke! " A sigh of relief escaped from your lips which curled into a smile that Ryusuke reciprocated with an uneasy smile, shoving his hands in the pocket of his uniform slacks. The fragile smile on his face dropped, unease flooding through his eyes as he looked at you as he spoke. "I didn't expect that I'd see you here…" With his hands still in his pocket, he walked past you. The Black-Clothed Ghost loomed over you, and he stood with his back straight. Ryusuke, though he hid his hands in his pocket, walked with a slouched back and heavy shoulders.
"… The fog's heavy. You should go home." He said as he looked at you over his shoulder. Unlike the ghost, who seemed at home in the fog, Ryusuke seemed like a fearful prey within the heavy fog. As his figure disappeared into the heavy fog, you struggled to take in your surroundings through the heaviness of the fog. Relief flooded over you the moment you recognized the streets.
You were finally near your home.
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Finally, inside the safety of your home, you hurried towards the privacy of your room and into the comfort of your bed. After your eventful walk back home, you were too tired to get back up from your bed to change out of your uniform. The softness of the bed was just too comforting for you to leave as your eyes shut, slipping into your dreams.
Opening your eyes, you found yourself on the cold streets of Nanchou-Shi. Upon noticing the familiar fog surrounding you, your eyes widened as you sat up and looked around. Echoes of steady footsteps reached your ears, sending your blood running cold as you turned your head to see the all-too-familiar silhouette of a looming figure.
As the silhouette grew nearer and nearer, your mind began to yell at you to run. But as you tried to stand and run, you couldn't. Your body felt as if it was frozen, glued in place. Why? You couldn't move your own body, and he was nearing you. His eyes were an empty void of lifeless white. With his red-stained smile, you could feel his gaze on you.
At last, you managed to stand to your feet, taking your steps back, away from him. Set on running away from him, you finally turned away and ran deeper into the endless fog. You couldn't tell where you were going. Your mind plagued with fear as the sounds of his footsteps didn't seem to disappear the more you tried to run from him.
It only seemed as if your attempt was futile. Wordlessly, he appeared from within the fog and walked past you. Each time he opened those red-colored lips, you ran faster, not wanting to hear any words coming out of his mouth. The more you ran, the more it seemed like you were in a desolate town. You expected to run into someone, perhaps Ryusuke, but there was no one except the Black-Clothed Ghost.
Feeling your heart hammer through your ribs as you ran deeper within the fog, breathing felt heavy as your body gave out. You didn't know how long you were running, and the more you ran, the more pointless it seemed. Countless turns and intersections greeted you, and it only seemed like you were running in circles. No matter how many turns you took, he's always there.
Leaning on a wall as you tried to catch your breath, you lifted your head to find the heartless ghost walking past you with an eerie smile. As you watched him walk past an intersection, a sigh escaped your lips. The momentary relief washed over you as you thanked your luck that you stopped on the length of the walls and not its corners.
Resting your head against the wall behind you, you closed your eyes in hopes of waking up. This was a dream, you were sure of it…
… And you woke up. Not on the streets, and most certainly not on your bed. Turning your head to look over your shoulder, you found yourself leaning against a person's leg. Standing with the back facing you, you let your eyes wander upwards only to find him again. His hands hidden in his pockets, his lithe figure loomed over you who remained on the ground.
Turning his head, he looked over his shoulder. Though his eyes were empty, you felt his gaze at you, felt him staring at you with the seemingly amused smile still on his red-stained lips.
And as his red lips parted, his voice rung to your ears, his words echoing in your mind.
"Never return."
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liaximagines · 8 months
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🩵Dating Shin has few benefits. If he's working at a convenience store he miiiight get you some veryyy special discounts!! If you're having a problem with your device he'll help you for sure! Someone's talking shit about you? He'll call them out in verbal and every computer language he knows.(lil shinnie will TRY to protect u from old greendori man LOL)
🩵In YTTS he said that hugs aren't his thing. But hear me out, once this man discovers HOW AMAZING it feels to be held by YOU he'll melt on the spot. Congrats hun u made him a clingy ahh btch. Only behind closed doors tho! No way Tsukimi will cling to you in public nuh uh that's too pathetic for Shinnie. Mentioning public display of afection, Shin is quite ok with it! He won't be all lovey dovey ofc (he'd get embarassed) but that doesn't mean he won't touch you at all. He'd LOVEE to hold your hand!! Also cheek kisses and quick lip pecks>> Do that and he'll be a happy boy.
🩵Don't expect a lot of dates from this dude..He's tight on money, it'd be hard asf to take you out with the little money he has. BUT! If he ever has extra money after paying the rent he'll make sure to take you somewhere affordable or buy you something small but sweet. Buuut if the two of you move in together dates should be a more often thing. Both of you are paying the rent=cheaper&more money left for shinnie. Then he'll tryyyy to spoil you a little! ^^
🩵If you two live together expect cuddlessss! I'd say Shin is a switch when it comes to cuddling. He can be the big spoon but doesn't mind being the small one as well. He loves laying his head on your chest and lap too! He dgaf about the size. Pillow is pillow. Oh but ehh at night he might still your sheets as an accident.. But that's okie just kick his ass in the morning :3
🩵Pleaseeee remind this dude to take good care of himselff. Before he was dating you, ngl his selfcare was kinda..bad? Yk he was pretty down after Midori stuff etc. But now he has you! He's doing wayyy better now ofc but it's good to remind him anyway. He'll most likely return the gesture in your way. Oh! And I BEG..PLS TELL HIM TO SOMETIMES STRAIGHTEN HIS BACK!! Yk his posture is poor due all the time spent in front of the computer and his weak body built but we don't want old pops Shin to yap how his back hurts. Shoulder massages from you will make him melt fr.
🩵Soo yeah I think pookie Shin is a pretty sweet bf. I feel like your relationship is the type "you fell first, he fell harder". Protect the heart that he gave you. Be there for him he'll be there for you. Trust him he'll trust you. As your relationship develops he'll probably open up about Sou and stuff. Just don't hurt him <3
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omfg im so so sorry for not posting😭 i was planning to do this request after christmas but my head was empty asf.. writers block fr BUT I THINK ITS OVER YAY. forgive my terrible grammar🫶 TAKE CARE LUVSS
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sucantslay · 7 months
Come here TetoraP, pspspst, i got something to tell ya.
Have you ever noticed that Tetora tends to take a nap when he's stressed? And sometimes (most of the time ) it because he accidentally overworks himself ( also gets stressed after that ).
It happens both in the new "Leap into The Future" scout and the old story from the "Intersecting MotorShow" event.
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This is the very beginning of the Leap into the Future scout. Which is very cute.
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And the "nap" is kinda long...Mostly because he didn't give his body a rest on time so it just suffered until it went for a complete shutdown.
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In both scout story and event, we also learn that little Tetora, even how happy he looks on the outside, is a rock head. He never let people know about the fact that he got stressed out.
Hiding it from Midori and Shinobu until he gets knocked out by stress then did they start to realize that something is wrong with him.
He still relied on Chiaki A LOT, even after Chiaki graduated. To him, Chiaki always knows what to do, but he's not.
Yes, that not true, Chiaki in both of this scout and event story is also a little messed up. He wanna help but doesn't really want to "go all out" because he knew that this is more of a Tetora "personal" problem than the one he can interfere with.
I don't know if Chiaki got any advice from Madara, but Chiaki did mention Madara in the event story and the fact that he finally understands raising a kid is not to help them with everything.
Like how they said: "Teach them how to catch a fish, not just to give them the fish itself." or they won't be able to catch the fish next time when you aren't around.
Tetora needs advice, yes, but not in a whole construction map or anything detail, he just needs people to understand him, tell him that you have to be brave, because you is a hero at heart Tetora!
So pls talk to Midori and Shinobu more about the problem you are facing, they're very, very worried about you, Tetora.
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WUDAFUG??? *Yer' frien' Q-Taro needs help right about now!!!!!*
( @ask-them-and-stuff and @gin-ibushi-is-here PLS HELP ME!!!!!!)
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Alice: “Sara Chidouin! Wake up please!!”
Midori: “Miss Sara can’t hear you….”
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aureiki · 1 year
shaking u. pls tell us more abt the yuzuru shuffle, their theme has interested me
smiles wide smiles widely at you. gladly.
ive alw dreamed about more steampunk themed sets in enstars .. so this exists yeah .. I think their shuffle song would be karakuri pierrot-esque ..
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story wise essentially just a dig into yuzuru's character and self reflection . how he feels about himself as an individual, as yuzuru fushimi and not the himemiya family's butler. it also involves jun (somehow) but I'm not too big into his character I'll make sure to give his stories a read sometime to get an idea :]
midoyuzu too bc im weak and likes to self indulge wehh. but it's also seen as platonic or romantic, again it doesn't matter. I'd assume it's midori kinda helping yuzuru feel like himself and how he can do and be much more #?£ since midori sees him as yuzuru/a great artist and not. the butler everyone knows/sees him as?
anyways as a shuffle unit- they're meant to perform at those really fancy halls (big ballroom type of thing) and I'd like to think only tsukasa + yuzuru would be used to those type of performances so the other three r just blinks 'what' and they stay over at a wealthy hotel to try and get used to everything. they break things. nazuna gets hit with a pipe. rabits juniors barge into the hotel room unannounced in fear and worry. yeah basically! there's more but I don't feel like elaborating that might be too spoilery :3
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koihanwrites · 2 years
What would Ensemble Stars characters do when they're in a Haunted house ♪
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Hello! This is a Halloween Enstars special headcanon post so enjoy reading ★
Headcanons! ✧
Fluff ✧
Keep in mind that this are only my opinions! ✧
Warnings: None!
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The one who will scream at any sounds:
Characters: Tori Himemiya, Mayoi Ayase, Subaru Akehoshi, Makoto Yuuki, Midori Takamine, Hajime Shoyo, Shinobu Sengoku, Hiyori Tomoe, Niki Shiina, Mitsuru Tenma, Leo Tsukinaga, Sora Harukawa,Tsumugi Aoba.
i can imagine them screaming or running for their life whenever they hear a sound.
some of them would cry to be honest...
i can imagine Mayoi sulking in the corner-
if they are really scared they would jump into someone's arms or hold someone's hand, so they could feel safe.
i can imagine Midori, Tori, Mitsuru, Hajime, and Leo doing that.
if they jumped into someone's arms they would say "sorry" for a hundred times to the unlucky person they jumped into.
for god's sake, someone pls comfort this people since i can imagine them quitting.
once they reach the end (if they're brave enough to continue) of the haunted house, they would run towards the exit with teary eyes.
someone please buy ice-cream or any desserts to stop this people from crying.
i can imagine some of the characters traumatized from the haunted house experience...
" I will never go to a haunted house ever again! "
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The one who will comfort the others but they're honestly scared too:
Characters: Yuzuru Fushimi, Mao Isara, Chiaki Morisawa, Kanata Shinkai, Tatsumi Kazehaya, Hiiro Amagi, Tsukasa Suou, Mika Kagehira, Hinata Aoi, Yuta Aoi, HiMERU, Adonis Otogari, Tomoya Mashiro, Nazuna Nito, Jun Sazanami, Arashi Narukami, Kuro Kiryu, Madara Mikejima.
if i'm going to be honest rn, i picked the characters here to be the most empathetic and honestly the kindest ones.
they would comfort them by saying encouraging words, holding their hand, hugging them if someone get scared, and etc.
though, they are scared too but they will put on a brave face so that the others know that there is someone strong and willing to help them.
but i can see someone of the characters would fail at making a brave face when they saw a ghost in front of them..
i can imagine the twins aka Hinata and Yuta comforting each other through out the most scary moment.
i can imagine too Nazuna and Tomoya hugging each other when they're scared.
once they finally reached the exit of the haunted house, they would let out a big sigh of relief and check on the others or praising them that they finished the haunted house experience.
i can see Chiaki, Arashi, Adonis, and Madara praising the scarred ones ☆
"Come on! you can do this! stay close to me and I'll protect you from the ghosts!"
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The one who will comfort themselves or try to stop themselves from screaming:
Characters: Tetora Nagumo, Kaoru Hakaze, Koga Oogami, Souma Kanzaki, Izumi Sena, Kohaku Oukawa.
i can see all of them comforting themselves even if they got jumpscared.
they would try to say encouraging words to themselves
"you can do this" "just don't get too scared ok?" "what if i screamed the loudest??" "god how am i going to stop myself from flinching" "dang! that almost made me heart stop beating"
i know the last 3 aren't encouraging words but i can see that they will start to panic from worrying too much.
i can see Izumi, Kohaku, and Koga acting like tsunderes when someone is asking them if they're scared.
if they let a scream escape from their mouths they would immediately cover it and start panicking inside.
they would try to make a brave face (unfortunately failed) throughout the haunted house experience.
once they reach the exit of the haunted house they would let out a big sigh of relief and maybe pass out??
"What will happen if they all saw me being a scaredy cat..??"
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The one who are only a bit scared and won't scream at any jumpscares:
Characters: Eichi Tenshouin, Hokuto Hidaka, Nagisa Ran, Shu Itsuki, Keito Hasumi.
tbh i choose some of the characters here who are like the bravest ones.
they would actually enjoy the haunted house experience???
well maybe some characters would find it a bit boring..
when the mascots tried to scare of jumpscare them, they would just look at the mascot and say
"nice costume you have there"
and walk away like nothing happened
Shu would examine the mascots outfit and would say the costumes flaws and mistakes since he has a great fashion sense so..
they would find the other's screams entertaining than the mascots
once they reach the end of the haunted house they would only smile to themselves and look at other people who almost pass out because of how scary the haunted house is.
the owner/manager of the haunted house would improve the mascots outfit to make it look more scarier and intimidating because of their comment earlier..
I'm really sorry if this one doesn't make sense or its too ooc-
"Nice costume you have there" *continues to walk like nothing happened*
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The one who will laugh at other's screams and actually enjoys the haunted house experience:
Characters: Natsume Sakasaki, Wataru Hibiki, Ibara Saegusa, Rinne Amagi, Ritsu Sakuma, Rei Sakuma.
since Ritsu and Rei are vampires they would really enjoy the haunted house experience.
i can imagine them enjoying themselves by laughing at others' screams of horror.
except for Ritsu who is smiling throughout the whole haunted house.
others might found their laugh scarier than the jumpscares tbh..
they would tease others of how scared they are
i can see them running around the haunted house with excited smiles on their face (except Ritsu who is busy teasing others)
honestly they would make the mood light up a bit or make it even worse...
once they are in the exit of the haunted house they would want to go back for another round
i might think they're the only ones who actually enjoyed the haunted house experience ☆
"That was fun! shall we go again for another round?"
The end..... ✩
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novemberhope · 2 months
one of each for neri pls - always no 1
for niara - gluttony 5 and greed 6
for azura - wrath 6 and 7
for ginny - pride 3 and 4
for ellaria - sloth 6 for midori - envy 3 & lust 8
thanks for always sending in questions when i post an ask game btw!
hehe my please, thanks for sending me some! the game those refer to can be found here
NERI what could your muse eat all the time without ever getting tired of it?
defintely seafood
what does your muse collect, if anything?
does your muse like to get revenge on those they feel have wronged them?
that's not really her style, so no
does your muse believe they are the best at everything, even if that belief is unwarranted?
no, actually, it's the opposite - especially at the beginning she has rather low self-esteem and is often worried about not doing things the right way. This gets better over time but I can't see her every thinking she's the best at everything.
on what day(s) does your muse feel most lazy? at a specific time of day, or all day?
usually, Neri doesn't feel lazy. Probably when it's really hot outside and she, as a mermaid, doesn't like the heat that much. She then might start feeling tired but it's nothing a swim in the ocean couldn't help against.
does your muse get jealous easily, or does it take a lot for them to feel it?
she's not really a jealous person - the situation would have to be really "in your face" for her to get jealous and then she'd rather feel sad.
is your muse sexually active? if so, how often do they have sex? how many partners do they typically have at one time? if not, why not?
she will be a some point, when she's with Zoro. Neri grew up in a large community of merfolk and is used to having more partners than one, so she herself would be open to that kind of relationship. For now, I can see her and Zoro being 'just them' since I think Zoro would rather not sure and/or might need some time to get used to other forms of relationships.
does your muse go back for seconds? thirds? fourths?
she's got an healthy appetite, so if she likes the food, a second helping is something she would absolutely ask for. Thirds or fourths, probably not.
does your muse have good savings habits? how much do they currently have saved up?
idk how much she has saved up but I see her loving to spend her money on herself or her friends, buying pretty clothes or accessoires or buying stuff at gift shops.
does your muse believe that violence can solve some problems? or are they more a "violence is never the answer" type? somewhere in-between?
Azura definitely thinks violence can solve some problems and she acts on it. She can be diplomatic when the situation calls for it but she can also be pretty impatient and ruthless and is, kinda, a villain (at first glance). So she's definitely solves problems with violence.
does your muse destroy things for fun, or to let off steam?
nope, she's impatient, yes, and gets easily annoyed, but she doesn't have a temper.
does your muse accept responsibility for their actions when they have done something wrong?
not at first, but it's something she's finally started to learn during her time with the Revolutionary Army. She even goes as far as apologizing now.
is your muse comfortable with apologizing to others?
again, not really. But it's also something she's been learning recently.
does your muse put on real clothes every day, or only if they have to go out?
Ellaria always wears "real clothes" and very nice ones that that.
does your muse compare themselves to others often? if so, how does it affect them?
It's an unfortunate habit of hers and she then tries to get better and stronger and won't rest until she's reached the other person's level. Unfortunately that's not good for her in the long run.
how does your muse feel about one-night-stands?
it's not for her. Relationships in general are not on her agenda and anything with the potential of turning messy? No way she's risking that. Also, she's surrounded by marines most of the time, and sleeping with colleagues is a no-go...
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stargazer-balladeer · 2 years
I THINK IT'S FUNNY HOW I GOT MAYOI'S SANRIO CARD BEFORE I GOT NIKI'S- (and on my 16th pull too!!! I got Mayoi pretty early AND I got Haruka's bday card on ProSekaEN without too much trouble too o.o My gacha luck is going to everyone EXCEPT Cyno qwq)
NICEE CONGRATS 👏👏👏 LMAO NIKI WAS PLAYING HARD-TO-GET — i can relate with mika 🥹🥹 bb’s 4* in midori’s dollhouse gacha came home after 50 pulls help-
Prosekai keeps giving me kanade >:(( like yeah i like her but do i really need THREE separate 4* cards of KANADE??? PLS- KASNSHSGS
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dreamychuu · 2 years
//spoiler for the ring a bell story
Some lines or idk something that make me chuckle or concern
1. Eichi when anzu haven't gave up about the marriage theme idea
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2. The realest fact
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3. Leo on a breakdown , berubah jadi "jikaa kau bertemu aku begini" (barking literary)
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4. Leo Barks and being protective to his sister but then realize what they actually meant
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6. Leo calling himself anzu's daddy and that he doesn't approved for her to get married (I chuckled)
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7. Leo the most unashamed person ever
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9. Midori pls stay safe...
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THATS ALL FOR NOW i'l make part 2 (soon maybe)
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trashcanuwu · 6 years
An enstars meme because I'm deep into the idol hell hole xdd
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mnaple · 4 years
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i feel like midori having the nickname seaweed makes this scene in ytts have some def foreshadowing/meaning but its. so hard to decipher
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sapphirestuff · 3 years
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Sweet Valentine!
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Synopsis: In which as tradition, you gave them your homemade chocolates for this sweet day!
Characters: Joe Tazuna, Keiji Shinogi, Shin Tsukimi
Tags: valentines day!au, drabbles, yttd boys, fluff, mentions of sou hiyori
A/n: writing for the yttd community, there are hardly some crumbs here n im here to provide, OH and i had a lot of fun writing shin's, everything turns fun when there's midori🖐️ ok pls i rlly love shin's part im re-reading it so many times lol
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With Joe's cheerful, bright aura, you're struggle to even just seeing his smile is understandable. But you decided to appreciate him for it, that's what led you to try to do those cliche high school girl things to their high school crush.
And so, there you are, box in hand behind your back, you watch as Sara and Ryoko left the both of you alone for some privacy. It became a little awkward until you speak up, shoving the box in front of him.
He looked at it, full of surprise, processing what just happened, until he realize you were giving him a valentine chocolate, his face painted with that toothy smile again. "Thank you, y/n!! Oh my god, I can't believe I actually get some..!" And oh wow did that smile just painted the atmosphere better.
Once the deed is done, you went your separate ways, "Let's meet each other up someday! Just the two of us!!" he said as he catches up to his friends, giving you a wink and thumbs up.
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Mr. Policeman is quite busy, so Keiji kinda dismiss today as a normal day, he has duties after all, it's not like anyone would just suddenly gift him chocolates to begin with. Or so he thought.
Jobs are tiresome for real, hardly had enough time to catch a breath, watching all those criminals, claiming justice, things like that. He never really thought you would left something for him until one of his co workers tell him that you were searching for him, he found a pretty wrapped box with a cute letter that motivate him on his friendly policeman duties.
"Guess a break doesn't hurt, I gotta call y/n too."
Cheesy stuff like valentines never really amaze Shin, mostly because he has no time to think about those kind of stuff, or that he just doesn't have that someone to celebrate it with lol.
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And you're on a mission to change that! Unfortunately, as soon as you approach him, he was with his creepy friend, you guess right, it's Sou, clinging to Shin like some mother on her child's first day at school.
"Hiyori, I told you I have a meeting with y/n-" "Aww, just for a little bit? They haven't arrived yet, why the patience?" The thing Hiyori didn't know that Shin is trying to get rid of him for being creepy, and that he didn't want that guy to mess with you, poor guy.
You decided to help Shin, making clear of your presence. "Ekhem, excuse me sirs..." "Ah, y/n! Thank god you're here..!" when Shin said that, Sou gave him a glare, 'Thank god?'
Later, he gives up, and decides to leave the both of you alone for a while, giving you a bow and walk away from you. Time for business.
"I got something for you, haha..." You handed the beanie man your gift. Once he notice your intentions, red blushes painted his cheeks, surprised, awkward expression, he feels bad receiving it, but you insist either way. Shin was internally broke, good job.
From afar, Sou creeps the both of you, sneaking at Shin's happy expression and decide to tease him about it later.
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room-of-lies · 2 years
vivi's vampires + werewolves YTTD au for cool ppl <3
before we get into the character specifics, I'm gonna lay out the "mechanics" of this au, long read ahead! (character stuff at the bottom I prommy <3)
also thanks to beloved jpeg @pidgeon-peas for the help and ideas :D (also for all ur cool bat breeds for the vamps <3)
-werewolves can be based on any canid (for funsies)
-werewolves who were born as such usually are in control of their wolf side at a young age, those who can’t are usually outliers
-can be both bipedal and quadrupedal (but younger/newer werewolves can usually only manage quadped)
-massively vary in size (younger tend to be smaller)
-werewolves are more likely born as such, but there are cases of them being turned
-silver has more like an allergic reaction instead of it being lethal
-werewolves typically get along well with each other, even if on opposing packs
-vampires in this au can be a mix of whatever vampiric tropes that have been established, they can vary on weaknesses, ability to become a bat, ect think of it as its on a sliding scale to bram stoker's dracula to wwdits
-recently turned vamps or vamps who just don't have that great control over their powers often let certain aspects of their powers occur, such as bat ears or unconsciously floating
-vampires can also survive without blood, but would have to take on a heavy fruit diet. Fruit vamps also do not get the same vampiric abilities as blood vamps, fruit vamps take more from the mind power side of vampires, such as surface level mind reading and levitation. There is often a rivalry between both sides. Blood vamps take on more psychical abilities, such as strength, particularly jaw strength.
-A particularly well fed blood vampire can also become a bat beast, a large, monstrous bat-like creature, similar to a werewolf. This form can only be achieved if the vamp as eaten enough to sustain its form, as well as have the competence over their vampiric powers to control it and not lose themselves while transformed. This is another point of contention between fruit and blood vamps, fruit vamps believing it to be no better than a werewolf.
-Vamps are often work at/are high ranking managers at blood banks due to it being dangerous to feed off of humans directly.
-fruit vampires have little to no issues regarding sunlight, while blood vampires have to be careful, those with bat beast forms are particularly venerable -a fun little design thing also: vampires have different bat form breeds
The cast!
Werewoofs: reko (dire wolf), anzu (australian shepherd), q-taro (rottweiler), joe (roughcollie), ryoko, hayasaka (greyhound), gin (chow chow), kugie Vampires: sara, kai, nao, mishima, shin, hiyori, meister, kurumada, keiji, mai, hinako, ranmaru, kanna, gin (again)
extra character info!
Reko and Alice's relationship is quite good in this au. Due to an incident involving Hiyori, he is shunned from most covens. The explanation most often given is because he has a werewolf as a sister.
Sara is a vampire prince in this au! She's the next in line in a long running family of vampires. Her family leans toward the more gothic vampire aesthetic. She also so happens to befriend a bunch of werewolves! (Joe, ryoko, anzu, kugie) (also ranmaru but he's not a werewoof)
Reko mentors younger werewolves <3 joe, ryoko, gin and anzu are in her pack, which quickly expands at the arrival of sara, kugie and ranmaru
Miester, Midori and Mishima are all coven leaders (I will go into specifics another time <3) Midori runs a blood bank, shin works at it (shin also faints at the sight of blood)
if you have any questions pls feel free to ask, I have a lotta useless fun stuff in this au I can't fit under one post and would love to talk abt it more <3
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fate-mental-illness · 3 years
Rambling because i love YTTD and especially the dummies, sorry if it sounds messy
(I really want their characters to be shown in the last chapters, wanna understand who they were before the incident and them signing the consent form)
Their characters are extremely tragic, having died and being brought back to life just to suffer even harder?? They give characters like Ranmaru and Mai a hope to live and be happy just to crush it in front of them. Sara and the others try their best to build trust with the dummies and declare they will bring them back but its just impossible in the end, they give them so much hope, go out of their way to help and motivate them just for it to be another trick of midoris, they get executed painfully just like before and thats what really pains me
All of them wanna live really badly, they want to escape, they wanna find happiness and live the life it was taken from them, seeing them panic over their coffin being chosen is just hard to read.
I know some see the dummies as just dolls and yeah they are dead already but even Saras group mentions how human they are inside, they are extremely tragic characters, that after being fed hope by their recently made allies, just end up being executed again. Even tho they all support Sara and the others by saying to save Gin, they still are afraid, they still wanna live, they dont wanna die again.
Anyway, the fate of the dummies is just super depressing and i love them sm and pls show more of them even after their deaths plssse
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